#this is real biased
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kiwi · 26 days ago
as a former escape room host i highly recommend doing an escape room as a first date. its a great way to learn how ppl react under pressure and how well they collaborate with you right off the bat. also more than once ive seen people enter an escape room as a couple and exit broken up LOL its a fantastic litmus test
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baristabomb · 9 months ago
...weird amount of dunmeshi fans have been saying being a caretaker in a relationship is the worst thing ever..marcille must want to killl everyone soo bad because doing things for people suuuucks sooo muchh
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it's an act of love, not just a job i promise. we all want someone who's willing to take care of us in some way, just like how senshi shows care for others by cooking for them :'|
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cubbyhole-for-flea-bee · 1 month ago
Once the theatre monkey discovers angsty broadway musicals its all over y'all
or: I got a new personal project I'm workin' on! I'm at the first pass on the animatic rn! I forgot that 'generate matte' is a thing you can do in SB Pro for a whole hour!! I'm suffering!!!
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muun-jai · 2 years ago
I know Satan is like, an angry terrifying being in nightbringer like SATAN the avatar of wrath !
BUT anytime i go on my home screen and he's like
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whitechocolateanti · 2 months ago
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natural habitat
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royalarchivist · 2 years ago
Luzu: Yeah, you know, I told people that I would happily make some dictionaries so that you guys have expressions to use, like you can have a book in your inventory that you open to have like basic Spanish stuff, I'm gonna mess his one, like his -
Phil: Oh yes, please.
Luzu: - book up, and I'm gonna make all like, have no meaning.
Phil: Please give him like, a - a silly book, a - give him a silly one.
Luzu: Yeah. How do I pronounce his name, Wilbur, or Wilb? Or Wil?
Phil: You got it right the first time! Yup, it's Wilbur.
Luzu: Oh yeah? Alright.
Phil: Yup yup! Or just Wil. Either - either works.
Luzu: I wanna have to find a way to, yeah, have a cold revenge. Like, he - he may be laughing today, and, "heehee, haha!" we did like this small joke, and in 20 days I'm gonna destroy everything that he loves in this server.
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solitaryschizoid · 1 year ago
Why is it so hard for neurotypicals to understand that it's not safe to be formally diagnosed with a personality disorder when they literally paint us as abusers and evil monsters at every possible chance they get?
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bathroom-sand · 8 months ago
the public response to neil gaiman being accused by several women of sexual assault is exactly why victims often struggle to come forward. like how is anyone gonna give the benefit of the doubt to a guy claiming one of his victims has “false memories” as if that isn’t the type of stupid ass rebuttal only a science fiction writer could come up with. 20 year olds don’t create false memories, neil, that’s pseudo science.
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justaboutsnapped · 18 days ago
tumblr whites who haven’t listened to a lick of rap before not like us talking about a hugely influential black rapper who weaves politically poignant narratives about his own lived experience as a black person in america, systematic racism, etc: haha he’s so quirky he’s so petty he’s like a trickster god an old god a fae god oooooh he’s a dragon slayer get it cause drake-
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princessofxianle · 1 month ago
idk if its just me, but ive been seeing a handful of jokes and takes over the months implying how "awful" of a father Feng Xin is...
which was funny at first, but then i think about what actually happened
Jian Lan literally told him 800y ago to get lost and never come back. So he did.
Feng Xin never found out about CuoCuo until when Jian Lan returns in the present timeline. I don't understand how he can be a bad dad when he literally had no way of knowing he even was a dad?
A justification ive seen is how terribly he treated CuoCuo and Jian Lan after the reveal. But thats also confusing. Yes, he has a moment of "WTF" after finding out he has an actual child, but wouldnt anyone? Like its prob been 800 years since he's even had sex with a woman, I can see how world-changing that bit of information can be.
But after that, he always offers to provide for them. Because Feng Xin is a "good" god (and imo, 800y ago he was a good man too). JL and CC are the ones who decline his repeated offers. And then he lets them leave.
I see nothing but the utmost compassion and respect in that man and everything he does. If he had the opportunity to raise a child I think he would not only dedicate a large part of himself to that child and/or family but also want to. He might not be great at it, but he'd learn.
This kind of compassion is also reflected in the way he treats Xie Lian too, being his loyal dog bodyguard and all. He's always trying to protect him. It's ingrained into him so much that we see 800y later the habit still hasnt been broken.
Feng Xin can only feel with his whole heart. So i really do think it would make him at least a halfway decent father given the chance.
...but i digress
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lavender-twilight23 · 2 months ago
Erik Lehnsherr takes a hilarious amount of joy walking around and interrupting the X-Men doing things only to hit them with a surprisingly deep bit of advice or some shit then walk off like a bamf
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Like my man literally rolls up, INSULTS Hank, then strolls off
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And he did this soon before he was going to try and leave the CIA base. So he must’ve just been like “I’m leaving soon and stealing some files but oh wait lemmie go fuck some shit up real fast brb”
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Whyyyy is he walking like that?????
Such a confident bitch ass strut
My man knows he’s hot and walks like it
Charles has impeccable taste
(Wait wtf after writing ‘taste’, my keyboard on my iPhone suggested the tongue emoji as the next option, like whattttt)
Gifs made by me in Canva 🎬
Goddammit I love writing these oddly specific X-men rambles 🤣🤣
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quotidianish · 10 months ago
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Wolf and snake lore goes hard
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rustedleopard · 3 months ago
Chujin's opinion of Starlo is that he is an immature loudmouth who only grew physically beyond middle/high school. He's a reckless moron that has no regard for the fact that he is poisoning the minds of monsterkind with his admiration for human culture. He thinks that Starlo's desire to bring a slice of the Underground is a waste of time and that if Starlo REALLY wanted to help monsterkind's situation, he'd try to figure out methods to escape the Underground instead of finding escapism in a pale imitation of the Surface. He is unable to conceive why Starlo even likes humans except out of some twisted, Stockholm Syndrome-esque fawning over monsterkinds' captors.
(Deep deep deep deep deep down, Chujin knows that Starlo is a kind person who doesn't have bad intentions. And, he can begrudgingly admit that if the Wild East prevents some monsters from falling into despair, (which is a death sentence for a monster,) then it does some good. But you'd basically have to dislocate his shoulder from twisting his arm so hard if you want Chujin to admit this.)
Starlo's opinion of Chujin is that he is some above-it-all asshole. He insists that he remained civil and respectful of Chujin ever since Chujin and Ceroba started dating and he started to get tangentially involved in Starlo's life, yet all Chujin's done is scoff at him for following his dreams. Chujin must think he's soooooooo great being some smarty-pants scientist instead of a nobody farmer/sheriff like he is and that's why he looks down on Starlo, what a snob! And as for Chujin's belief that all humans are evil? Greatly exaggerated! If humans were such wicked things, why would the westerns they make show such relatable concepts like justice and freedom and how cool revolvers are? Starlo's just trying to inject some fun into the Underground and distract everyone from how dire things are getting and Chujin has a massive stick up his ass about it.
(Deep deep deep deep deep down, Starlo knows that Chujin is a kind person who only wants the best for everyone. Chujin is beloved by Ceroba and the Sunnyside family and other residents of the Underground for a reason. The fact that he's such an admirable person drives him a bit nuts, because Starlo knows that he would never be able to measure up to him. It's no wonder that Ceroba fell for him so quickly. How could he ever compare? And as for Chujin's opinion on humans? While he strongly disagrees with Chujin's outright hatred, he does recognize that some humans can be dangerous.)
I would say that Chujin and Starlo would bitch at each other like two Southern belles backhand complimenting each other, except I feel like Starlo lacks the subtlety to be able to dish out those sorts of insults, let alone pick up on them. Instead, they'd try to be silent in each other's presence out of respect for Ceroba. It's a........... very tense silence, to say the least....
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justaprototyp3 · 13 days ago
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happy (kind of late) valentines day! Heres protolamp dancing!! or atleast trying,??
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boyrobott · 2 months ago
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controversial opinion probably but the portrayal of astro as embittered, disillusioned and cynical due to his suffering in hamegg's circus is a really fantastic direction for his character actually. it's such a human response.
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throesofincreasingwonder · 6 months ago
Hm. Actually, quick awareness check bc I'm wondering if this is just a symptom of being a musical theatre dyke in 2015:
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