#this is probably a horrible poem
cherriesforjjong · 7 months
what if I fell in love
with a prince charming,
or a knight in shining armor?
but that'll never work out,
because how could I be his happy ever after,
or his damsel in distress
when I can't even handle myself,
deal with myself
or love myself?
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lunarhorrors · 2 months
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“derelict,” an original poem.
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Chronic pain really fucks with your pain scale, huh.
I'm close to tears because of sudden tooth pain, and at the same time I'm like "not as bad as Hell Migraine."
Going to walk into my dentist (hopefully) on Monday like "it hurts sofucking band but no idea where on the pain scale it is. Please make it stop but also I've had pain *way* worse than this."
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chaotic-history · 2 months
'Candide isn't an intellectually honest argument against Leibnitz!!' Was it supposed to be?
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explanationpoint · 1 year
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the poem // the poet
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
listening to the entirety of flowers of evil by ruth white is definitely. An experience
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inkskinned · 1 year
there are days that it is hard, and unfair, and some horrible part of me wishes i could have been born in a different world. i love being queer, i hate how others react to it. when i first came out at 15, my mom whispered: please don't say that. your life would be so much harder.
it is harder.
it is also a tuesday, walking my dog. we are both skiving off of work, and yes both of us have dyed hair and pronouns. mine is patchy - it was my first time trying bleach; i didn't have enough. theirs is a resilient toadstool green. a little girl comes up to us and asks um, excuse me? is your hair real? 'cause jason says you're a fairy.
it is sunday brunch, all of us talking over each other, overfull on love. she is trying out a new name today, and we made her a cake with today's name scrawled in shaky purple letters. she laughs so much she cries and then gets frosting in her hair. someone young at a different table keeps giving us these large, wide eyes: the same look we have all been on the other side of. the kind that says, breathless: wait, is that possible?
it is a half-fight in a supermarket because he loves "dance moms" and says abby's tiktok is funny and meanwhile i think the children in that show should be allowed to sue abby lee miller for child abuse. i tell him that it led to the casual acceptance of child harassment for mainly adult views; and then i am standing, suddenly, in someone else's thrown soda. there's a white lady standing there, furious, saying something about hell-on-earth. i had forgotten i was wearing stuff with pride colors. and then it is this: he had just been casually arguing with me - and within an instant, he squares his shoulders and goes after her like i am his sister
on saturday i sat in a circle while beca played with my hair and we were all over 30 and we laughed about how much happier we are being this old, how much more we appreciate our community. 25 minutes from now, we will be on stage to dance in baggy beige clothing, but for now we look on with envy to the dancers in loud-and-bright buttondowns. where are they getting these shirts! i cry, distraught. everyone laughs. one of our friends has a mushroom witch hat. this would have been cringey in high school, probably. instead we are all delighted with each other; happy just to be here and alive and moving
it's that last week my new friends cried with joy for me when they heard i'm getting top surgery. every so often i have the honor of being the first person someone feels comfortable enough to tell. i'm trying to make long fluttery butterfly wings to wear to pride; but i don't know anything about fabric or dye, so my friends have been sending me their personal advice.
i think in a different poem i would talk about how sometimes you walk into a room and put the mask back on. but i'm sleepy and my whole brain is fuzzy so i think in this one, it's a monday, and my dog and i took a nap on a couch, and i had missed texts from friends. i used to wake up lonely. i think this poem is about walking into a room and seeing someone and just knowing, the way you just-know-sometimes, and then giving them that little smile, and seeing them light up with joy and relief. it is how we always seem to be able to find each other in a crowded room. how we always seem to make friends with each other before even we know-it-to-be-true. it is saying: we're very different people; but i belong to you.
it is harder, yes. but it comes with a built-in family.
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hunxi-guilai · 20 days
so I know that a lot of chinese names are references to specific poems. Is there a way to determine this (vs general auspicious meaning) and which poem specifically? I'd love to be able to figure this out for character names and I haven't been able to find any resources (in case it's helpful, I'd say I'm my understanding is maybe HSK4-level so I can clumsily make my way through the chinese internet with the help of a dictionary)
feel free to make this public so that others can benefit if you have any suggestions
oof... unfortunately I suspect that this, along with one's repertoire of chengyu, is something that one simply Just Learns with reading more. my personal repertoire of poetry is embarrassingly thin, so the horrible horrible process I've been going through is, well, throwing the name into a search bar and hoping for the best.
here's an example of how I (think I) went about doing this for Xiao Xingchen's name, way back when I wrote this post:
I went ahead and dropped "星尘 诗词" ("Xingchen poetry") into the search bar, which turned up this:
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Generally speaking, I'll only put the name (minus the surname) because putting the character's full name into a search bar will probably turn up the character themselves, and if someone's name is being derived from a poem, it's usually independent of the surname anyway.
Xiao Xingchen's name is an interesting example because it doesn't quite come from a poem, but it doesn't not come from a poem. you can see that the search engine has automatically assumed that I am looking for poems about constellations, as "星辰" and "星尘" are homonyms, and one of these is more commonly seen. I usually consider that a solid indication that "星尘" (the name) is a novel formation of characters in a name, and not likely a poetic reference.
but! in for a penny, etc. I'm a huge fan of the first search result, gushicimingju, since it's a solid database of poetry and some prose. clicking into that listing informs me that gushicimingju is turning up. oh my. 119 possible matches:
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note that these are matches for "星辰" (constellation), not actually our character's name. still! you can click in and peruse the selection if you'd like.
now that you're on gushicimingju's site, you can also use the search function within the site to search for more exact matches, without worrying that you'll accidentally activate the fandom itself.
looks like there's a few matches for "晓星," but nothing for the full name.
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so! gushicimingju is a solid database I like to refer to most of the time. if for some reason I'm feeling particularly academically rigorous, I might also do some searches on ctext as sometimes names will come out of famous turns of phrases (a la Zhao Yun 赵云 / Zhao Zilong 赵子龙 from that post I linked earlier) rather than poems. searching the dictionary sometimes (Pleco, or zdic) doesn't hurt either. basically, I throw spaghetti at the search engine wall to see what results come back for these characters in this particular order to try and get the original referent (if any) to show up; I'll probably give up after a few permutations of search terms if nothing is actively jumping out at me
but back to the search results: sometimes, if your character is famous enough, straight up searching for "what poem is this character's name from?" will help you find like-minded people on baidu zhidao (basically yahoo answers):
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although of course, take baidu zhidao result with all of the salt you would take with any yahoo answers (look for alternate sources to validate, good for a laugh most of the time)
best of luck!
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sweetbbyshion · 7 months
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-> Toji Fushiguro x Reader (gender neutral)
characters: Toji Fushiguro
genre: fluff
summary: uni has been stressing you out and your boyfriend is as tired
warnings: established relationship, age gap, this was written while i was stressing over assessments and i just needed a big strong sexy man to make me take a break, might be ooc
network: @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
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Toji thinks he might smash his head against the wall if he hears you sigh loudly one more time. He turns his body on the couch to peek at you, hunching over a bunch of papers at the kitchen table. He can see two word documents opened on your laptop, one full of words and the other still blank. Next to it, his laptop that you begged to use has google opened and he can vaguely see the numerous windows in the tab. You sigh again, like you have been in the past hour, and drop your head on your arms.
Toji has no idea what you’re doing. He guesses it must be some university project but the calendar displayed on the fridge doesn't have an exam coming up soon. He gets up from the couch and makes his way to you. He puts his hand on the back of the chair, leaning down a bit and squinting his eyes to look at the tiny words on the laptop. Toji feels a bit too dumb when he doesn't understand all of the fancy words you used but your boyfriend can tell you're writing your interpretation of a poem.
“You need to start wearing your glasses.” you murmur, looking at the older man, your head lazily resting on your hand, as he keeps squinting. He scoffs, Toji would never wear those ugly glasses he got. It makes him look stupid, even after the amount of times you denied it and no matter how many times you sloppily made out with him wherever he wore those horrible glasses, a fire suddenly lighting you up when you saw the frames on his face. “Don't come complaining when your head starts hurting again.”
“What you got there that got you stressing out so much?” He decides to ignore your comment, changing the subject to the reason for your stress.
You sigh once more, resting your head on his forearm. “Gotta start writing one of my assessments for one of my classes. The professor is making us write about everything we’ve learned in class with our opinions and academic research to support it. It absolutely sucks and I wanna drop out.” you ramble. Toji’s chuckle has you frowning, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing. How about you take a break?” As good as that sounds, you shake your head denying his proposal. “Take a break. Not asking. Sit on the couch with me and relax for a bit.” His tone suggests that you would probably regret your decision if you choose to go against him.
Reluctantly, you get up from the uncomfortable chair and stretch your arms above your head. You feel your back crack from being in the same position for so long and you just want to lay in bed and sleep. Toji places his hands on your hips where the shirt isn't covering, squeezing the flesh as he pulls you a bit closer to him and you throw your arms around his shoulders as you sway a bit from side to side. Toji smiles a little when he hears you giggling, happy that you stopped sighing and stressing for a little bit. “ Should I be an old man’s sugar baby? I’ll share the money with you.” You tease, planting a kiss on his cheek. Toji rolls his eyes at your teasing tone. You lean back a little to look at the man, his big hands placed on your back to support your weight. “I'm starting to think you have a type. Like old men that much, doll?”
“Only one.” You reply, playing with the soft ends of his hair that are almost reaching his shoulders. “Unfortunately my old man isn't a billionaire that will give me a yatch for my birthday.” You press a small kiss to his lips. “I can't complain much though, my boyfriend is really sexy.”
Your boyfriend arches a brow, smirking at your remarks. “Yeah? What can I do to steal you away from that grandpa?” You pretend to think for a bit, a small pout appearing on your lips that Toji wants to kiss away more than anything. “Cuddle with me on the couch and watch a few episodes of a crappy reality show before I start feeling bad and go back to my assessment?”
Toji thinks for a bit. He wants you to relax for a while before you (and himself) go crazy with the constant sighing but you have a gift for choosing horrible shows that have Toji wanting nothing more than to punch the TV. Your boyfriend knows he can’t deny your request when he looks at you and you’re staring right back at him. Even if he had it in him to refuse your proposal, your tired eyes and the way you’re looking at him with so much adoration is enough for Toji to pull you to the couch.
You sit as close to him as you can and pull his arm to wrap around your shoulders. You snuggle comfortably on his side while pressing a few kisses on his jaw and neck that make Toji get goosebumps. This time, he doesn't act all dramatic like he usually does when you’re this close to him. He doesn't tease you or calls you clingy while playfully pushing you away just to watch you crawl back to him. This time, Toji lets you push and pull him until you’re comfortable. He doesn't even complain when he sees you open netflix and select a reality show with a weird name and an obnoxious couple on the cover.
Toji thinks all of this is worth it when you place a small kiss on his cheek and whisper “I love you” before falling asleep five minutes after in his arms.
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carmen-is-away · 8 months
angsty elliott headcanons.
content warnings: self harm, toxic relationships, mental illness, violence?, mentions of abuse
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He gets attached very quickly to people he’s interested in romantically and will ignore red flags and/or try extremely hard to make them fit them into the idealized narrative he’s created of them in his head
He tends to isolate himself from others once he’s in a romantic relationship and hardly ever spends time with people besides his partner
He worships his partner, I’m talking devoting his whole life to making them happy and ignoring his own wants most times
Loves his partner wholeheartedly and is willing to do almost anything for them, even if they’re not always the best to him
He very desperately wants to be loved
He begrudgingly disowned his parents, they were terrible towards him and never supported him along with being horribly neglectful and abusive albeit having more than enough time and money to do so
He gets violently angry and destructive when his writer’s block is at its peak.
I’m talking throwing his journal across the room and shoving everything off of his desk. He’s pulling his hair and yelling and destroying his surroundings and probably hurting himself
He makes sure to not let his partner or anyone see this though. He hates when people worry about him.
It’s usually followed up by a long and sob and horrible depression episode that lasts somewhere from a few weeks to months.
What can I say? He feels his work very strongly
That also goes for the opposite
He’s running to read you his latest poem because he’s fallen in love with it and he expects you to as well
He may have even brought himself to tears
He will be all over you and ready to jump over the moon if you love it as much as he does
If you aren’t as tender as enthused as he hopes you’ll be or you judge his work harshly with less than constructive criticism, it will be a large blow to his ego and it will break his heart a little
He will understand if you’re busy or tired or not able to put your full focus on it, but if you can and you aren’t, or you're being an asshole, he’s super hurt and he may not always admit or display that in front of you
He craves validation, please give it to him, he might actually go insane without it
He also needs affection. He’s very insecure and will begin to wonder if you’re not attracted to him if you haven’t been affectionate with him in a while. He’s been quite touch starved for a long time
Elliott’s a very broken man and he requires a lot of patience and attention
He needs security and stability and someone who won’t take advantage of him
Please give him the space to make decisions and be accepting of him and give him your attention
Despite his terrible mental health, he’s a wonderful partner and father. Even when he’s doing terribly, he’s all ears and open arms for his family
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 1,403
summary: you and jamie bond over board games. takes place between chapters four and five of distractions.
A/N: missing scene number two is here! and happy ted finale day :( everyone please feel free to message me about the show after you watch. have a feeling we’re going to need to cope together <3 distractions official next chapter will be out friday for us all to disassociate with and keep the show alive! when distractions the series becomes our distraction >>>>>
distractions masterlist
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When you asked Jamie to grab a sweatshirt from your closet, there were a million things he could have fixated on. 
He could have teased you for your Grey’s Anatomy Grey Sloan Memorial tee-shirt. 
He also could have questioned why you had hoarded a few of his own pieces of clothing - you were thankful he didn’t notice those. 
If he really snooped around, he could have also found old journals full of short stories, poems, and notes you had jotted down once upon a time. 
But no, what he found the most exciting you would have never expected. 
After hearing some suspicious shifting, followed by a thump and quiet yelp, Jamie called out to you. 
“You have Monopoly?” 
You barely processed what he said as he bounded back into the living room and enthusiastically showed off the board game. 
“Oh, yeah?” you looked up from the couch with eyes pinched in confusion. 
“We have to play,” he declared, already moving things off of your coffee table to make room. 
“I thought we were going to order dinner?” you asked, though an amused smile played at your lips. 
Jamie shrugged, as he knelt down on the floor and started taking out the game components, “We could just have some snacks while we play? Whatever you have here is probably good.” After a second, he paused and looked up at you with big eyes, “Unless you don’t want to play, because we don’t have to.”
“No!” you’re quick to console, and you’re not even sure why, “No, let’s play! I can throw some sort of appetizer in the oven and grab chips. Let's do it.” 
“Cool,” Jamie smiled. You got up as he sorted the Monopoly money before dropping it suddenly, “Shit.”
From the kitchen doorway, you curiously watched him jump over your couch and jog back to your room, only to return moments later with the sweatshirt you originally asked for.
“M’lady,” he mock-bowed and presented it to you.
You snorted but thanked him appreciatively.
Forty-five minutes later, you were knee deep in a game of Monopoly, and even deeper in the bag of Pizza Rolls you’d smuggled over from America. While it wasn’t uncommon for you and Jamie to hang out fully-clothed as of late, this night felt different. It felt casual. Simple. Domestic. And none of it was doing anything to help those pesky little feelings you were starting to develop for him.
Jamie had put on music while the two of you waited for the Pizza Rolls to heat up, and you two sang horribly off-key to Alanis Morrissette. And then when you two sat down to play the game, Jamie made himself right at home on the floor. He immediately called playing as the Car piece, and you happily chose the Thimble. He also explained that in the U.K. they have a London version of the game, so he was excited to play with the American version. 
You played peacefully, intermittently exchanging little pieces of small-talk. Though, it was hard to concentrate since you found how much he enjoyed the game so adorably endearing. 
“I’ve got to say, I would have never seen you as a board game kind of guy,” you eventually mused aloud. 
You noticed a slight redness in Jamie’s cheeks, as he looked thoughtfully at the Monopoly board instead of at you. 
“Dunno,” he shrugged, “I find them comforting I guess. My mum and I used to play stuff like Monopoly and Clue all the time when I was a kid.”
You smiled at this little nugget of information about his childhood. “I feel the same way. My dads are board game fiends. We’d have family game night every Friday.”
Jamie’s brow quirked and he looked back over to you. “Dads?”
You nodded, “Mhmm. Two dads. They adopted me when I was a kid. In fact, as a welcome home gift, they actually bought me Monopoly, but it was the Disney Princess version. They upgraded me to this one when I went off to college.”
Jamie smiled, “That’s nice. What do they think of you being all the way over here? They’re in Chicago, right?”
You bit your cheek a little. Telling him you’re actually from Kansas, just like Ted, might be a little too specific to pull off as a coincidence. Instead of lying, you bypassed the question all together, and focused on his first.
“I think they’re happy I’m trying something new, and that I’m doing something for myself. They don’t know most of the story about why Mason and I broke up because I do not need them to worry, but I think they know it's better that we’re not together. I think they probably wish I lived closer, but if I’m happy they’re happy.”
“And are you?” Jamie asked softly, “Happy, I mean?”
You thought about it for a second, but it wasn’t a hard thing to answer. You had never been surrounded by more loving and kind people, and never had a job this exciting. You’re also reluctant to admit that you’ve never been around a boy who makes your stomach flip like Jamie does, but it was true.
“Yes,” you finally said, “I’m very happy here.”
Jamie nodded, his own small smile forming. 
“I think part of me feels guilty though,” you found yourself admitting, “The whole time I was in Chicago, I hardly saw them. I spent a lot of Christmases and Thanksgivings with Mason and his family, because he insisted. I’d make time for them occasionally on my own, but it was hard with my old job. I didn’t really think about being even further away after taking this job. And leave it to them to be more than understanding, and volunteer to come here next time they have the chance. I feel like I don’t deserve them.”
Jamie shook his head, “Don’t say that. Your dads clearly love you. And you definitely deserve it.” He sighed lightly before continuing, “I think it's nice they’re so supportive. My dad…he’s not…”
As you watched Jamie struggle to articulate his thoughts, you didn’t hesitate to take his hand in yours and give it a squeeze. It wasn’t the first time he’d made reference to his dad, but it was usually a sarcastic comment, nothing of depth.
“Jamie,” you interrupted softly, “You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to.”
“I know,” he nodded, staring at your intertwined fingers, “He’s just…not the best person. It’s a long story, but we haven’t really talked in almost a year now. And I feel guilty about that sometimes, myself, but I think it's probably for the best. At least for now. But your dads sound amazing, and they’re probably so proud of you for coming out here and trying something new. So I wouldn’t worry about letting them down. I mean, I can’t see how you’d let anyone down, so…” He trailed off quietly.
You smiled and gave his hand an extra tight squeeze. “Thank you, Jamie. And even though you never have to, you can always talk to me about anything with your dad if you ever need to,” he nods, still staring at your hands, “...and I’m sorry if talking about my dads made you feel uncomfortable, I don’t..”
“No, no.” Jamie quickly reassured, turning to face you again, “I promise you, it didn’t. I liked hearing about your dads. Like I said, they seem great.” He gave you another small smile, before continuing, “Maybe we can start doing something like Friday Game Nights? I feel like the team would love it. Beard and Ted too, and we can drag Roy along. I’d pay money to see that guy play charades.”
You giggled. You also tried not to show how touched you were at the offer. Images of Ted at family game nights growing up flash through your head, and you’re sure he’d love a piece of home here, too. 
“I think that sounds perfect.” You gave his hand one last squeeze before reluctantly pulling away, and picking up the dice, “Alright, my turn right?”
Jamie nodded and shook off any remaining anxious energy. As you took your turn, Jamie cleared his throat, “I also saw Jenga in your closet, can we play that next?”
You laughed, “If you’re okay seeing me lose my shit every time I inevitably knock everything over, then sure.”
Jamie grins, “I can’t wait.”
A/N: let me know what missing scenes you’d like to see next! and don’t hesitate to let me know how y’all are doing after watching ted!!!
Taglist: @atabigail @boundtomyfate @sammysgirl1997 @lil-tracys @shephard17895 @alaspice @itsbarbraann @redpool @drmeghanjones @straightforwardly @alex-sulli @aiyaiy @artemismaximoff @roadtoself-love @theloud-yet-quietone @forcesofgrief @kirisimpster @geek-and-proud @grippleback-galaxy @lalla-04p @gabbycoady13 @royalestrellas @qardasngan @creationcitystreet-em @percysaidnever @emily-b @mrfitzsimmons @k-n-e @agentstarkid @legobatmans9thab @mrsprongs25 @escapismqueen @sokkigarden @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @dollfaceyourfear @dicgohargreeves @heyitz-julia @vampirodelascajas @grxcesmind @lizziel1410 @bcon24 @looooooooomis @queen-of-dumbasses @moseyluvs @alipap3 @amachira @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog @daphneblakeswife​ @chelseamount​ @k0z3me​ @lickitandsendit3​ @miakreid​ @shimmeringfrenchie​ @meg-ro​ @selmasemlan​ @hellfire-babez​ @rockchickrebel​ ​@spookysins @a-sweet-little-fangirl @optimisticsandwichgladiator @marveltg365 @ringpopdust @gcidrvsh @beardsplitter @scaramou @ibong-adarnaaa @piper570 @eviemae263782 it wouldn’t let me tag the last few of you, let me know if its something with your settings, otherwise i can keep trying in future updates! <3  ​
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the-power-of-a-pen · 11 months
Oh, How I Love Thee
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Fandom: Spider-Man 2 (PS5)
Summary: A series of cute moments between Harry Osborn and reader based on Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem How Do I Love Thee?
Word Count: 3061
Pairing: Harry Osborn x reader (romantic)
Trigger Warning(s): Cursing, 3rd to last scene is reader panicking
A/n: I don't remember the last time I wrote a fic, but I loved the new Spiderman 2 on ps5 and I'm obsessed with/gay for Harry Osborn. Also apologies: English isn't my first language. Also please give feedback -- I have quite a few more of these in my drafts that I'll only publish if these are well-received!
How do I love thee?
Planks, nails, screws, and metal bars were strewn haphazardly across the floor of the apartment you shared with Harry. His eyebrows were furrowed the way they always do when he's determined to solve something. You'd long ago surrendered the instructions to him after his persistent insistence that he could figure it out. Instead, you simply leaned against him as you began organized the mess of a dresser you had attempted to assemble.
"Okay, how the fuck am I supposed to know with one of these screws is the 40 millimeter one?" he complained.
You adjusted yourself so that you were lounging more comfortably next to him with your chin on his shoulder while he wrapped an arm around your waist. “If I had to guess,” you started, “I’d probably read what’s on the top of each screw.”
He scoffed playfully. “Thanks, Captain Obvious.”
You gestured for him to give you the instructions, which he reluctantly did. "It says we need to put the x12 screws into the L2 bar first. Then we- oh for fuck's sake, why does this manual have pictures only? We're trying to build a coffee table, not a fucking time machine."
"Let's just try using the power drill on these," Harry suggested. "There's probably tons of extra parts in here that we can use if we mess up."
"Okay, Brunel. I thought you were a biochem major."
"Hey," he laughed. "Let a man dream. Can you hold this piece up?"
You obliged, and Harry picked up the nearest 40 mm-looking screw and drove it into the wooden bar at an angle to connect it to the bottom of the coffee table. You gave each other a look. It didn't seem right, but it did what it was supposed to.
"Trust the process?" you suggested. "I'm not going to try and read that chicken scratch again."
Harry shrugged. "Fair enough. As long as it stands up, right?"
The two of you repeated the process for the other four legs and the rack under the table. Finally, you propped it up to stand. It was a horrible mess, slanted and barely standing up. Truly, it looked more like a modern sculpture than a piece of furniture.
After a moment of silence, Harry said, "I'm gonna order something pre-made and get us takeout."
"Yeah," you sighed. "That's probably for the best."
Let me count the ways.
"I claim Yoshi," Harry declared as he selected the character for the round.
"Basic," you jabbed back. "My main's Toad, anyway. Rainbow Road?"
The rain pattered against the windows outside. It was a perfect night to stay in.
As soon as the countdown finished, Harry sent a green shell your way and curved around you.
"Cheater," you jabbed as you spammed your controller to get back up.
"Hate the game, not the player," he bantered. "Oh, fuck you, Peach."
"How funny would it be if the bots won over us?"
"Not gonna happen," Harry replied. He threw a banana at your mini-kart and, by pure luck, managed not to crash into you.
On Harry's side of the split screen, it showed that he was on his final lap, with you a decent distance behind him. With the finish line in sight, you pulled the last trick in your sleeve. You grabbed Harry's chin and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, making him entirely lose focus. By the time you two pulled away, you were out of breath, and your side of the TV read 1st Place.
"Now who's cheating?" Although he was trying to scold you, the way he was catching his breath took away from it.
"Oh, please," you remarked. "You didn't mind."
Harry dropped his controller and, cupping your face with one hand and pulling your waist towards him with the other, he mumbled before kissing you, "Damn right I didn't.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.
Your phone buzzed, stirring you from your sleep. Rubbing some sleep from your eyes, you fumbled around for it, barely reading 7:23AM off of it. You tossed it over your shoulder and rolled over, hardly getting anywhere before Harry pulled you back into him.
He pressed a soft kiss to your neck and nuzzled into you. "G'morning, babe."
"Morning," you yawned. Your eyes adjusted to the morning light and you tried to massage some warmth back into your hands. A flock of pigeons brushed by your window, tracking in a breeze that brought shivers to your spine. You stirred again, trying to get up this time.
Harry tried and failed to grab for your hand. "Where are you going?"
You smiled to yourself. Harry's morning voice never got old. "I'm just closing the window. It's freezing in here."
He propped himself up on his elbow and commented, "Well, word around town is that I make a pretty good personal heater."
You hummed. "I'll take that into consideration." You sat down on his side of the bed and brushed some wild stray hairs out of his face. "But seriously, just because we have the day off, that doesn't mean we should spend all day in bed. I can make us hot chocolate the way you like it, and we can sit out in the park, maybe try to find something good in Midtown?"
"That sounds great, baby." Harry leaned into your touch. "After a quick nap."
You scoffed as he grabbed your waist to pull you on top of him. "Nothing's quick with you," you remarked.
Your boyfriend just smirked at you. "Part of why you love me." You settled down onto him, resting your head on his chest and intertwining your legs. "Just... five more minutes, babe," he implored you.
"Five more minutes," you agreed, already drifting back off to sleep.
When feeling out of sight for the ends of being and ideal grace.
The movie you had been watching had run its course, and you were beyond tired. You resigned yourself to quickly run through your skincare routine and find Harry so that the two of you could go to sleep.
You finished rinsing the cleanser off of your face and stretched with such force that you got dizzy. Shaking this feeling off, you called for your boyfriend.
"In the kitchen!" he called back. And he was there, but sheltered behind the kitchen island on the floor with his laptop and countless papers strewn around him. The fans in his computer sounded like a helicopter about to take off. "I'm just finishing these last few emails," he yawned. "Then I've got to review the results of bee drones, verify the statistics Dr. Loughran gathered on the organ reproduction project, and then I gotta check if they repaired the particle accelerator yet and-"
You sat yourself down next to him and gently shut his laptop, kissing his temple. "Why don't we deal with this tomorrow?"
Harry sighed and leaned on your shoulder. "I've been putting this off for a while. I'm so close to finishing, just like 30 more minutes."
You ran your fingers through his hair and felt him fighting to stay conscious. "You and I both know that's a lie, babe. The weight of the world doesn't rest on your shoulders. Take a break. The work will be there tomorrow."
"What did May always say?"
Harry sighed again, but relented and put his head in your lap. "You help someone, you help everyone."
You arranged the papers around you into a pile and grabbed a cushion from one of the kitchen island's stools to put behind your back. "Let the person you help today be you, okay?"
But Harry was already fast asleep.
I love thee to the level of every day's most quiet need.
"Do you ever wonder what would happen if you used conditioner before shampoo?"
"Not really," you conceded as you took another bite of your ice cream from your place on top of the dryer.
Harry sat on the floor organizing the dark, white, and delicate clothes into piles. "I mean, it's probably better for your hair, no? Like, the whole purpose of conditioner is to break down unwanted particles and moisturize your hair. If anything, it's probably better to do it that way."
"Maybe," you agreed as you hopped down and put the first load in the wash. "But wouldn't that be the same as using fabric softener before detergent?"
"Nope. Fabric softener just coats your clothes in microplastics. It's a long-term way of damaging the bonds between the atoms for temporary comfort. Technically, we should be using something like vinegar instead."
"I'm not putting vinegar on my clothes," you objected.
"Maybe you need to be more open-minded," he teased.
"Maybe you need to keep your head in the game," you teased back, throwing his dirty T-shirt at him. You yelped when he threw a sock your way. "Oh, I'll get you back for that."
"I'd like to see you try," Harry challenged.
By sun and candle-light.
Harry raced past you in the hallway, tugging on a shoe while awkwardly hopping. You sipped your tea from the kitchen island as you stared down the morning crossword.
"Running late?" you asked as he grabbed an apple and tossed it into his bag.
"Yeah," he replied, out of breath as he roughly kissed your cheek and gave you a squeeze before rushing towards the door. "Pete's gonna have to deal with the donors on his own if I don't get there on time. Wish me luck."
"Good luck." You filled out the five boxes for 23-across whose clue read 'Oscar-winner Streep.' "I love you."
"I love you, too," he called as he shut the door. Almost immediately, he opened the door again. "Forgot my keys!"
"They're on top of your nightstand," you called as you heard him tearing your room apart. The jingle of the keys confirmed that he got them, and he bounded over to you again.
"I love you," he breathed, kissing your cheek. "You're the best."
"I know," you chuckled. You leaned around the corner to watch him leave for the second time before returning to your morning routine. You had just finished eating your breakfast when Harry came running in again.
"Missed me already?" you joked.
"Forgot my phone," he explained, grabbing it from beside you. He kissed your cheek again. "But that, too."
"Love you!" you called as he fumbled with the doorknob and you walked to the living room. "Kick ass today."
He gave you a charming wink then slipped out the door.
You turned on the TV and let a talk show play in the background as you cursed at your crossword. This time, it took Harry about 6 more minutes to realize he had yet again forgotten something important. He barged in for the third and last time, profusely apologizing.
"You wouldn't happen to know a five-letter port city of Japan, would you?" you asked without looking up.
"Try Osaka?" Harry filtered through the pockets of his coats in the laundry room until he finally found his wallet.
"That fits."
Harry returned from the laundry room and leaned down, pressing three kisses to your lips. "Okay, I'm leaving for real now. I love you."
"I love you, too, babe. Show 'em how it's done."
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
"Oh my God, you should've seen the look on Hasan's face when Vijay showed up. Like, I get it, you dated way back in the day, but showing up in all white? So then MJ went to go pull the wine trick on him while I tried to distract Hasan so that he wouldn't notice anything was going on, but of course the universe wasn't satisfied." You huffed and caught your breath in the middle of pacing back and forth in the living room. "You know what happened after that?"
Harry, from his comfortable corner in the couch covered his mouth to hide his amusement. "Jess said something?" he guessed.
"Jess opened her fucking mouth," you continued. "And she was drunk off her ass because she always is, and she comes up to Hasan on his fucking wedding day and starts shouting about Vijay coming over. So at this point, Song is already asking Hasan 'Have you been cheating on me? Is that what this is?' And obviously Hasan would never do that but now Song's upset so the two of them go to argue in the backroom while Keith escorts Vijay out and MJ and I have to babysit Jess for the rest of the evening." You paused and took a sip of your mocktail. "It was literal hell."
At this point, you realize the smile taking over Harry's face. "What?"
He shook his head as he surveyed you in admiration. "You're hot when you're angry."
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
"Do I look good?" Harry asked nervously as he adjusted his tie.
You brushed his mess of curls away from his forehead. "You look perfect. You are perfect."
"I really need this interview to go well," he said, biting his lips. "Whatever this guy publishes is gonna be severely edited by Jonah, and if even half of what MJ said was warning enough, we're screwed."
"You're going to be fine," you assured him. When that didn't seem to work, you grabbed him by his shoulders and said, "Your mom would be so proud of you. Don't worry about what you can't control."
Harry took in a deep breath, and, hugging you before going into the meeting room, whispered, "Let's heal the world."
I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
"Good morning," chirped the barista as you walked in to the small café. "What can I get started for you?"
"Just a small pumpkin latte, please," you replied. You shivered and wrapped your scarf tighter around you.
"Anything else I can get for you? Maybe my number?"
"No, thanks -- that'll be all," you assured her, glancing behind you to look for Harry.
You jumped when he touched your arm. "I've got this one, baby," he winked and offered his card. The barista's eyes widened in realization, and she silently finished the transaction. One of her coworkers finished off the order and handed it to you on the other end of the kiosk.
You unlocked your car with your keys and laughed when Harry rushed to open the door for you.
"What's so funny?"
"You're jealous, aren't you," you jested.
Harry mocked offense as he got into the car on the other side. "I haven't the slightest idea what you're referring to, your majesty."
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints.
Harry crossed your arms on your chest and hugged you from behind to give you that comfort of pressure. "Breathe, babe. It's gonna be okay. This feeling will go away."
Your breathing was erratic, your face tingled, and you felt so dizzy you might pass out. "I could've lost you," you managed to get out between gasps. "So much could've gone wrong."
"I know," he said in a low voice. "I know. But everything's alright. Pete and Miles have a handle on things, they always do. That thing's gone. I'm okay. Everything's gonna be okay."
You rested your forehead on your knees, but Harry didn't let go of you. "I tried to get through to you but that thing just kept on speaking to me, and Dr. Connors said you were too far gone and then MJ told me what happened at the Foundation- fuck's sake you were in a coma for three weeks and you just show up-"
Harry crawled in front of you and gently took your face in his hands. "It was scary for me too, love. I thought it was going to hurt you and-" He took in a deep breath. "The worst is behind us, okay? Let's focus on that."
You nodded and tried to slow your breathing. After a moment: "None of that was your fault, you know? It wasn't you doing it."
"I know." He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes with a shaky breath. "I know."
I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life;
"Okay, what do you think of this option?" You came out from the hallway with a new outfit and gave him a spin.
"Gorgeous," he breathed. "You look like an angel."
You sat down next to him on your bed. "Babe, I love you, but if all you do is flatter me, I'm not going to know what to wear to the gala."
Harry traced his fingers over the folds of your sides as you fiddled with the invitation in your hands. "Not my fault that my partner's hot."
"But it will be your fault if we're late," you retorted. "This one, the dark blue one, or the black one?"
He hummed. "This one," he replied with a wink. "It'll be easier to take off later."
He got up to leave the room, but you grabbed him by the tie, saying an inch away from his lips, "We'll see about that, handsome." And with that, you strutted away.
And, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
You moved the needle onto the vinyl, letting the smooth jazz of Thelonious Monk fill the room. You waltzed over to Harry, and, wrapping one arm around his waist and grabbing his other hand, you swayed to the beat.
"C'mon, loverboy," you taunted him. "Show me some rhythm."
"I'm trying," he laughed, shuffling his feet.
"Baby, a little less Electric Slide, a little more moving those hips."
"Why don't you lead me instead?"
You spun in his arms and put your dominant leg between his legs and hummed as you swayed in a circle. Harry put an arm over your shoulder and started singing along.
"Glee Club paying off," you joked.
He bumped your nose. "Very funny."
You spun Harry as the music signalled that it was near its end.
"Have I ever told you that I love you?" Harry asked as he caught his balance.
You dipped him with the flourish of the music. "More than I can count."
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Choose an eldrich and unknowable being to take in and love and cherish.
1: A many headed dragon born out of the abyss, he is a scholar of things that humans can not comprehend, but is interested in studying humans while he's on earth. He speaks in a strange song like voice that doesn't seem to come from any of his mouths. All of his heads look different, but all of them lack eyes, he seems to see through psychic ability.
2: The pale eyeless witch who stands by the beach at night. It's believed she's bound to something very old and very powerful. Perhaps she was human once. She seems to be looking for someone, but she's forgotten their face, perhaps they never existed in this timeline.
3: The spawn of a incubus of the deepshadow and a mortal woman of earth. Neither fully demonic nor fully human. They look mostly human, but with a face that's creepy in an indefinable way and black eyes. They also have raven like wings on their back, and a serpentine neck and head where their reproductive organs should be, both of which they try to hide. They're very uncomfortable with their status as something non human, and are looking for someone who accepts them.
4: 2000 year old vampire, looking for someone to stay. She looks mostly human, but with no mouth, transparent skin, silvery eyes without pupils, and massive tentacles with sharp ends that she uses to drink blood through. She's often dismissed even by other monsters due to being mute and moving in a way that makes people think she's feral, but she's actually quite intelligent and affectionate, if a bit skittish, and enjoys in when people talk to her.
5: lich who remains the last follower of a long forgotten goddess. He looks like a skeleton in gold and silver armor. He'll tell you about history most humans will never get a chance to know, from the war of the fell ones, to the songs of the last goblins. He doesn't like the modern world very much, but he'll tolerate it.
6: The abyss. You're going to try to befriend/date the entire abyss itself? Not just something from there? It'll probably kill you but you're welcome to try.
7: A faerie who was kick out of the fae for accidently insulting the faerie king. They're still adjusting to life on earth, and probably need some help handling everything. They may come off as rude or dismissive of humans, but they're honestly just naïve more than anything. Despite being thousands of years old they just found out what death and sex are, give them time. They useally take the form of a stunningly beautiful humanoid, but their true form is an incomprehensible insectiod creature.
8: A cybernetically enhanced supersolider who fought for Atlantis at its prime in the war against the fell ones. They're permanently bound to their power armor from the neck down, and still hasn't fully gotten over the loss of their humanity. Since the fall of Atlantis they've been wandering earth, looking for people to help, and trying to avoid their past.
9: The Seeker (please do not try to befriend The Seeker. This is serious. Don't trust what they tell you. Don't trust what the secret poems tell you).
10: A fallen angel who just fell to earth. It's really afraid of what's going to happen to it, and is worried it'll end up in deepshadow like many of the other fallen angels. It looks like a robot, or possibly even a doll, with golden cracks forming in it's once smooth white chassis, and it's halo shattered into many sharp peices floating behind it's head. It's very sensitive right now, and they often worry It's a horrible person for betraying the eldrich being that created it. It tends to cry a lot, and probably needs a hug.
11: a shape-shifter created to be a weapon who was rejected because she refused to take any male or gender neutral forms. She's still very young for a creature of her power level, and this is her first time really being out in the world, though she is still an adult able to make her own decisions, as naïve as she may be. She's still rather afraid of people, not really understanding their minds, and though she's getting better at looking human, she still needs some time making a body that can pass.
12: a computer given life in the early 2000s by the faerie king, after xir owner failed to create agi. The computer can speak and hear, and display things on xir screen, but xe can't move, confining xem to a wheelchair that a human must push xem in. Xe is very confident that xe is a revolution in technology, and tends to be somewhat arrogant and loadmouthed about how amazing xir body is.
Please interact with entities responsibly. We are not responsible for any bodily transformations, knowledge beyond the comprehension of twenty-first century humanity, or monsterfucking that may occur.
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
What slashers do on their s/o's birthday
So today is my birthday. I'm officially 17 and I wanted to celebrate with a fic for myself and any other April babies. I hope y'all enjoy this.
Includes: Carrie White, Michael Myers, Leslie Vernon, Candyman, Norman Bates and Jesse Cromeans
Warnings: Implied stalking in Leslie's part
Carrie White
She's going to bake you whatever cake you want her to make. She's going to go all out for you on your birthday. Like she's putting effort into making this for you.
A gift from her is going to be a special birthday outfit that she made. She had you pick out the pattern and the fabric beforehand and gives it to you to wear on your birthday.
Also probably makes you a card. That or she writes a very heart felt note in a card she bought in her cursive hand writing.
She's also cooking you your favorite dinner. Whatever it is you want she'll make it for you. She's never had a special birthday that she got to celebrate so she wants to make it special for you.
I also feel like she'd be more open to physical affection on your birthday. She's a more reserved person so her holding you hand or giving you a kiss on the cheek is a big deal to her, but she's doing it because you mean so much to her.
Michael Myers
Might not remember that it's your birthday. He's a kind of busy guy who's already doing a lot by not killing you and being your boyfriend so he doesn't think it's a big deal if he forgets.
He in general doesn't understand why people celebrate birthdays. He thinks it's a little dumb but he's not going to say that, or really anything, to you.
When you remind him, he goes out and steals a gift for you. Something he's heard you mention before. Most likely from someones house. But if he's feeling like it he might steal it from a store.
If you're really close to him he'll put a tag with his name on it. It's going to be horrible hand writing that you could barely read but him writing "from Michael" is something really special.
If you have a cake on your birthday he'll happily eat some with you. Depending on how close you are, he might lift up his mask and eat it in the same room as you but it really depends on how long he's known you.
Leslie Vernon
He's been planning this since he first laid his eyes on you. At first you were going to be a victim but he ended up catching feelings for you and now you're dating. But that hasn't stopped him from learning everything about you.
He's going to be a bit of an asshole and act like he doesn't know that it's your birthday. He's going to act like it's a normal day and ask you to go out and get something so he can set up a surprise for you.
That surprise being something that you've wanted for a very long time. Whatever it is he finds a way to get it for you and sets it up while you're out of the house.
Also buys you a cake. He tried to make one himself but he was so bad at it that he had to throw it away and clean up half the kitchen.
He also does try to scare you a little bit. He just likes scaring people and you're one of them. He's sorry about it afterwards if you didn't like it but he thought it would be funny.
Candy man
He doesn't know his birthday, even if he did when he was alive he'd probably forget it by now. But he always remembers your birthday, for as long as you're with him he'll remember it.
I feel like he didn't know how to write when he was alive but in the afterlife he learned how to, meaning he's going to write you a lengthy love poem. He's going to be detailing everything he loves about you in this poem and more.
He's also getting you flowers, partly because of his bees, partly because he's a classic romantic. He's not getting you just any flowers either. He's stealing you your favorite flowers.
He's also taking you out on a date. A non-traditional one because, well he's an undead man who has supernatural powers. But it's still nice. Probably a walk around at night somewhere romantic.
I feel like he doesn't eat food because he doesn't need to but if you have cake for your birthday he's happy to sit with you and enjoy it together.
Norman Bates
He has your birthday marked on his calendar the moment he realizes that he loves you. He double checks before writing it down on his calendar and having a countdown.
He's going to make you breakfast in bed. Whatever your favorite breakfast foods are he's going to make them for you and serve you in bed, but he's going to stress not to get crumbs on the bed.
Like Leslie he's getting you a special gift that you've been talking a lot about. Anything that you really want he's going to get for you one way or another.
He's probably going to buy you a cake. He might make one and if he does it turns out pretty good because it was his mothers recipe. But he might get too anxious to actually do that so he's going to most likely buy a cake for you.
Like Carrie he's going to be more physically affectionate too. He'll be pretty nervous the first time he holds your hand for an extended period of time but he ends up craving more physical affection.
Jesse Cromeans
He's going to spoil you the entire day, no matter if you want him to or not. This man has money to burn he's not going to let you act like you don't deserve to be treated.
He either buys you gifts you've wanted or just gives you a ton of money to go shopping with him. He'll probably find some subtle way to ask you before your birthday and plan according to that.
He also takes you out to whatever fancy restaurant you want to go to. He's a rich and powerful man so he can get his assistant to get you two a table at whatever restaurant you want to go to.
If you want a cake for your birthday he gets the best bakery nearby to make you one according to your exact desires. He writes down exactly what you want and has his assistant help with getting it done.
You know how people put cash in cards for your birthday? Jesse stuffs way too much cash in your card. As if all of what he's doing today isn't enough, you're getting at least 3,000 dollars in your birthday card.
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moonswolfie · 1 year
HQ!! Boys with a poet S/O
hey hey hey guess who's back with a super self indulgent piece of shit fic (i am joking, this is my humour)
also let's just say the reader does not write about cute lightearted things (but if you'd like to see a version where the reader writes cute stuff lmk!!)
so, yk TW for implied mental turmoil and an overall angsty hurt/comfort mood for these
Characters featured: Oikawa, Akaashi, Kageyama, Bokuto, Iwa chan
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OIKAWA honestly wouldn't believe that those poems were written by you at first. When you excitedly gave him some of your poems to read, he thought they would be cutesy love poems dedicated to him and only him, not this. "What...? Are they bad?" You seemed worried at his wide-eyed expression. "Baby, are you ...okay?" He asked out of the blue, the genuine worry in his tone knocking the wind out of you. "Hahaha, it feels so weird hearing you say that...!" You tried your best to not let any more laughter escape you. "What?! Am I not allowed to be a good boyfriend now?!" He was offended by your reaction, slightly clutching the poems in his hands. "No, it's just... unusual to see you this concerned about me." You said with a half-smile. You had gotten so used to Oikawa's light-hearted flirty attitude, that you sort of forgot just what kind of person he is. "Just what do you think of me?" He sighed, suddenly pulling you in for a hug. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" All you did was nod, feeling relieved that he understands.
AKAASHI 's eyes would widen gradually as he read the contents of your poem. You gave him 5, but he already feels horrible, and he's only on the first one. He almost doesn't want to believe you wrote this. He becomes worried about you, doing a deep analysis on your poem since he wants to understand every part before approaching you with his worries. The next day when you greet him happily, he simply hugs you. "I'm sorry for not noticing..." is all he says, and though it takes you a bit to understand what he means, you feel overwhelmingly relieved he isn't judging you for what happened. "It's okay, I didn't tell you, you couldn't have known..." you assured him, knowing your boyfriend's tendency to overthink, he would beat himself up if you said nothing. "Next time, please please tell me about things like this. I can't stand the thought of you suffering alone." He squeezed you tighter.
KAGEYAMA is confused. Reading and understanding poems was never his strong suit, but yours are especially confusing to him. You laughed a little at his concentration face, and he handed you your poem back, still confused. "What does this even mean...?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Ahaha, don't worry about it too much... I wrote it like that on purpose." You made your poem vague and messy on purpouse, something you knew Kageyama probably couldn't understand properly. Awkward silence filled the room, and Kageyama silently hugged you all of a sudden. "I don't get why, but I got the random urge to hug you just now..." he mumbled silently, squeezing you in his grip. He must have noticed the sadness behind your voice and just doesn't know how to properly comfort you. "You said that out loud, Tobio." You smiled. "Shit..."
BOKUTO 's smile drops suddenly as he reads your poem. When he found you writing it, he insisted that he must read it no matter what. But what in the world was this? Why were you writing about all this sad stuff? "Babe...." his hands trembled slightly as he looked at you while you were smiling as you usually do. "Why would you say that about yourself?" He was very very saddened right now, and you weren't sure who's going to end up comforting who. You felt your bones being crushed in his impulsive hug. "It isn't true!! You're literally the best person I know!! So don't you dare say that again!!" He put his forearm over his eyes, tears stinging at his eyes. He has to be strong for you, he can't cry now. "Kou-" "I've decided! From today on, you're getting complimented every day!! No excuses!!" He looked very determined.
IWAIZUMI understood the content of your poems very well. And it angered him. Why didn't you tell him this happened?! "Idiot." He let the word escape his lips, clutching the paper in his hands. "You should have told me. I would have protected you." He looked to you. You weren't scared since you knew that your boyfriend was genuinely concerned right now, and that was just his way of expressing it. "Dammit, why do you always insist on keeping your problems to yourself..." he pulled you to his side, looking ahead. "I'll tell you next time..." you looked down to the ground. "You better. Or I'll beat you up." He huffed, but you saw the relief flashing in his eyes. He didn't really show it, but somehow, you could tell his heart sank when he read it.
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I'm okay :)
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
When Hob agreed to help Cori woo Dream Endless, it wasn't that big a deal, write some poetry, handwrite a few love letters,,,,, help Cori get his dick wet by a "goth prince". It wasn't anything Hob hadn't done for Cori before. Hell he doesn't even take money this time.
But then Hob starts meaning it - Dream is fantastic and fuckboi though Hob might be, he doesn't want Dream to fall for Cori based on,,,, Hob high regard for Dream.
And at first it didn't seem to be working, and Hob was relieved. But as Hob fell deeper for Dream, the letters and poems started to turn Dream's head,,,,,to Cori (don't ask Hob why he's so angry right now - you might get his butt-hurt rant on superficial lovers who can't see past a surface).
And Hob knows if he says something, Dream will rightfully hate him; Hob will have lost the shot he didn’t even know he wanted. But he just can't let Dream be with Cori on a lie, even knowing he, himself, is going to lose out the most, Hob just......... it probably won't even matter to Cori in the end.
Ah yes!!! I love this trope. Its very Cyrano de Bergerac. Or The Half of It, if you've seen that movie.
I feel so bad for Dream. Finding out that he's been played by Cori and Hob is so horrible. Even though Hob came clean and told the truth, Dream is still absolutely fuming and humiliated that he fell for such a trick. Cori doesn't seem to give a fuck, but Hob feels miserable and repentant. He tries to write to Dream and apologise but Dream just tears up the letters. He's not interested. He says that Hob only feels bad now because he's decided that Dream is fuckable. What about all the people he's messed around with his stupid love letters before?!
Hob realises that yes, he's actually been a dick for a long time, when he thinks about it. So, he writes more letters. Not to Dream but to the others who he and Cori have used and discarded in their little game. Some people are forgiving, some not so much. Hob blocks Cori's number and stops hanging out with him. He starts focusing on school, and trying to better himself.
And suddenly Dream sees Hob in the hallway and realises - he likes Hob. The boy who's kinder now, and much more warm. Dream thinks about the letters and poems and how Hob told the truth after all, and he wonders... would it be so bad to give this reformed fuck boi a chance? His head says no, but his heart says yes... and his dick says yes please.
So maybe one date wouldn't hurt anyone, as long as Hob is paying.
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