#this is not the wierdest thing I’ve made
gotsnoonetotalkto · 2 years
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unsprouted-seed · 2 years
sometimes the stupidest things keep you going. Literally the dumbest wierdest things.
There’s a game I’ve been excited for since before it was even announced, cos I had an inkling it would happen, years before it did. It got announced years ago and then got delayed and then delayed again and again. And I got more and more sick in the meantime, and life went downhill more and more. And honestly there have been times when I’ve genuinely stuck around just because I’m excited for this game. Dumb as heck I know. But the thing is... it goes live in 25 hours. And I... partly I can’t believe I made it. And partly I’m SO paranoid that I’m going to die between now and then... like I’ve had it in my mind for so long it’s like... gotten weird. Brains are so strange....
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I don't know how many people are aware of this phenomenon, but i've found the wierdest lyrics videos i've ever seen. The thing is the lyrics are just made up of ao3 fanfic titles and it's a trip to watch them. Like not even the fact that these titles exist, no. It's about fandoms and crossovers, because next to the title that's the only other thing you know about the fic with the ratings.
Like I get really intrested when I see Supernatural and Naruto crossovers. I personally am not in either of those fandoms, but I'd love to meet the person who thought "Yes, these two fandoms need a crossover" and then wrote it.
Like you'd think "Who would read that?" and I think that too, but I want to meet the person just so I can congratulate them on their willpower. Like I've been making this very own magical world in my head for months, my friends have shown their intrest and I still don't have the willpower. But this person, this person does and I want to congratulate them on it.
Also just the people who search those titles, pick them out, and edit them into the video are awesome. Like, thank you! You're doing a service I didn't know I needed and that others might not want to do. I love you for it. It made me feel like I'm lurking at three a.m. when it's really just six p.m. and I love that feeling.
And to the people reading this to the end, thanks for listening to me rant.
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banditthewriter · 4 years
I'm bored and curious as always so......21,23,33,44,54,58, and 61 Pretty Pretty Please! I love you tons!! 😘💙💙💙💙
I love curiosity so thank you haha. Love yooou! 
21: Wierdest tumblr drama you’ve been a part of or stumbled across. Uh, I don’t think I’ve really been a part of tumblr drama besides the hate that I get sent sometimes haha. Hmm. Oh! There was the time in my old blog where people thought that my girlfriend was making me up and that my blog was fake. That was weird.
23: What is something you collect? Broken hearts? Hahah no, um. I collect Valentine’s stuffed animals. That’s about the only thing I can think of.
33: Hit “shuffle” on your media player and tell me your favorite lyric from the song that comes up. Oh god. Not even sorry. Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio.  Death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away I'm livin' life, do or die, what can I say I'm twenty-three now, but will I live to see twenty-four The way things are going I don't know
44: What’s making you happiest recently? :) Well as you know things have been rough lately but my nephews have been facetiming me every day and telling me corny jokes. 
54: What is your favorite curse word? That’s like asking a parent who their favorite kid is. I love them all equally.
58: What is a skill you have that people probably don’t know about? Is there anything about me that you people don’t already know? Haha. Hmmm. I can fold a fitted sheet correctly? Haha
61: What was the last big fight you had with someone about? I’ve been having a fight with a friend for the last few months about some decisions she’s made and my original reaction to the news. The problem with me is that I’m pretty brutally honest so I’m not going to sugar coat when I’m asked for my opinion. She didn’t appreciate it and I don’t appreciate her passive aggression on social media.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Raj Koothrappali Prompts
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1 “Doesn't anyone have a rod of resurrection? Because if you've got one, I need it bad. Get in here with your rod and give it to me.” “Okay, you need to say these things in your head before you say them out loud.”
2 “Oh man, first monster I see I'm gonna sneak up behind him, whip out my wand and shoot my magic all over his ass!” “Do you hear yourself when you say these things?”
3 “Shut your ass!”
4 “NAME, that's my water.” “Oh, dear Lord!” “That's not your water.” “I know.”
5 “Cute is for bunnies. I want to be something with sex appeal. Like a labradoodle.”
6 “Can I bring guys:girls here?” “You? Sure. Bring as many as you want.” “Okay, deal.” “Just not against their will.”
7 “It's amazing what liquor does to guilt.”
8 “I haven't cried this hard since Toy Story 3.”
9 “If anyone cares, I still have to pee.”
10 “Red is angry, yellow is frightened, green is jealous and blue is depressed. Perhaps we can assign a color to lonely.” “Nothing rhymes with orange. Its probably lonely.”
11 “Incredible. You managed to screw up the screw up.”
12 “Oh, you're so arrogant. If you were a super hero your name would be Captain Arrogant. And do you know what your super power would be? Arrogance.”
13 “So, what's up with you guys?” “We're just saying all the things we love about each other.” “Oh, like you and I did at couple's therapy?”
14 “When I moved to PLACE I was pretty lonely, but when I met NAME my life changed because we could be lonely together.”
15 “Can we at least rent the car from Enterprise?” [nobody reacts] “Oh, screw you! That's funny!”
16 “Would you please take that stupid hat off?” “No, I want to blend in.” “To what? Toy Story?”
17 “You always do this, you know, ditch me for a man/woman you don't have a shot with.” “I totally had a shot.” “With a man/woman you were chasing in a park. That's not a shot, that's a felony.”
18 “Last night I had a dream we got so rich from the app, you and I bought matching side by side mansions, but there was a secret tunnel connecting your front yard to my back yard. What do you think that means?”
19 “You heard me, I forbidded it.” “Forbidded it?” “Forbayded it?”
20 “You told NAME we hooked up?” “Well, in my defense, I tell everybody.”
21 “I don't need this. I'm quitting the band!” “Fine, I quit, too!” “Then get out of my house!” “With pleasure!” [door slams] [person a sighs] “NAME, wait!” “What took you so long?”
22 “Enough chit chat. How do we know you are who you say you are?” “Why would I lie?” “Okay, you got me there.”
23 “You can't ruin a friendship with sex. That's like ruining ice cream with chocolate sprinkles.”
24 “NAME 1, you're on rolls, cranberries and making sure NAME 2 stays away from the marshmallows.” [To NAME 2] “That's right, I see you.”
25 “If I saw you out with another man/woman, I'd be pretty upset.” “Thank you. Not just for being upset, but for believing that could happen.”
26 “Well, uh, to paraphrase Shakespeare, "It's better to have loved and lost than to stay home every night and download increasingly shameful pornography."
27 “I couldn't find you guys, so I bought six new friends! Sadly, three of them are dead.”
28 “Who died and made you the king/queen of moments?”
29 “Sorry I flipped out on you. I think it's just hormones.” “I think you were mean before you were pregnant, but it's fine.”
30 “It wasn't a pajama party. It was just a couple of bros hanging out, giggling, eating cookie dough and watching Princess Bride.” “Please stop talking.” “As you wish.”
31 “Wow, NAME, you were not lying about him/her.” “I told you he/she exists!”
32 “I don't think I can walk right now.”
33 “My, my. The plot - like my gravy - thickens.”
34 “There's also a time to stop eating so many jelly beans. And it's when you're ten!”
35 “Thank you for forgiving me.” “It's okay. At some point we were bound to have our first fight.” “Well, it almost happened when you called my Apple Pie crust doughy. But the truth is, you were right and I was just angry at myself.”
36 “So how many tattoos?” “One on my shoulder. One not on my shoulder. And one really not on my shoulder.” “It's been a long time since I've seen a guy’s/girl's really not his/her shoulder.”
37 “You aren't scared, are you?” “Of ghosts, no. Of you, little bit.”
38 “I promise I'll be on my best behavior.” “You better be. No jokes about how close I am with my dog. Or the truth about how close I am with my dog.”
39 [person c walks into the kitchen where Person a and Person b are preparing dinner] “You need any help?” “Yeah, can you reach that gravy boat up there?” “Sure.” “Great, that makes one of you.”
40 “Boy, I'm so hungry today. I wonder why.” “Because you had sex the other night?” “You know what, that might be it. By the way, it isn't like riding a bike. I fell off a few times.”
41 “I wish I had a friend like me.”
42 “Maybe that's what this whole thing's about. You're not mad at me, you're mad at yourself.” “No, I'm mad at you. I hate myself, but I'm mad at you.”
43 “NAME, this is not a big deal. It's a little white lie, everyone does it.” “Not me, I'm a 100% honest in all of my relationships.” “And how single are you right now?” “Eating-cake-on-the-toilet single.”
44 “So, uh, we're meeting for coffee like two adults. Everybody's happy. Easy peasy.” “Are you gonna tell NAME?” “Yeah, of course. We have no secrets.” “When are you gonna tell NAME?” “He/She lied about the cream cheese! He/She ate the whole thing! I saw him/her!”
45 “If it makes you feel better, you're not the wierdest guy/girl I've met off the Internet.” “Well, give me a chance. You don't even know me.”
46 “I wonder what the non-pathetic people are doing tonight.”
47 “Boy, all this standing's making me tired. Good thing I brought my collapsible stick chair.” “Not the stick chair. You look like an idiot on that thing.” “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but chairs on sticks are comfy.”
48 “What's wrong with people? Why don't they stop?” “Maybe we're better off. What if we were to get in a car with a crazy person?” “Look at us, NAME. We're the crazy people!”
49 “Not my best first date, but not my worst either.”
50 “I'm kinda seeing someone.” “I think I know the answer to this, but just to be clear. It's not me, right?”
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closetededgy · 5 years
Oxenfree spoilers
God I’m loving oxenfree, I went in completely blind and I certainly wasn’t expecting the game I ended up playing, it’s wonderful, you start off with just a normal set of interesting things some people some tension, the main character is a girl named alex which probably is one of the gender euphoria causing thing I’ve ever experienced in a video game since I literally use the name Alex with people that don’t know I’m trans, and I can relate to her so much. That’s a personal tangent I know but it was important to me as a review of the game.
But then the wierd shit starts happening and at first I’m thinking it’s one of those aesthetic based puzzle games and then. Boom. Bad things happened, now personally when wierd things and voices ask me questions, I prefer to stay fairly polite, you know is leave possible? Yes leave possible. I’ll ask questions but I won’t antagonise because who knows what kind of control they have and at first they seem to have barely any, they can lock and unlock doors (I went to Clarissa first don’t know what happens if you go ren first) but then. You play a game and you realise that they have a lot more control over things than you might have first realised; the hangman game drew itself and I knew the stakes were a lot higher than some wierd enlistment, it became a horror game all of a sudden. Now I don’t know if the results of the game ever even mattered knowing what I know about things now, but at the time I felt pretty guilty because I got a question wrong, and Clarissa was fine, then she died, then she died again, then she was fine, then she wasn’t. This is also the first point you start to experience just how fucky things can be like time loops that only you remember, someone that sounds like you giving you fucked up advice through a mirror.
Then I went for ren, and of course multiple odd things happened on that trek, we found Nona but Nona had already found Ư̔̍̐̾̍͌̾ͦ̃̇͝͠͞҉̲̪͕̥̼̘̳̻̮ͅS̭̺̯̯̺̭̦̱̬͓͖͚̞̲͚̳̺̼̎ͤ̄̌̃ͣͩ͒̍̆̓̽ͨͭ̽̈́ͧ͌̚̕͝ͅ. And of course that wasn’t the freakiest thing even, and then we run into ren and experience the second “possession” and then we meet back up at the tower and my god, suddenly they have told you that they can’t hurt us but not why, my working theory was that they were like children literally playing a game we can’t comprehend, they couldn’t hurt us either because nothing they did could be permanent or because they would never break such fun toys. But we have a plan even if the boys are being dumbasses. I take jonas down to the town and get the “key” now I had been expecting a wierd radio with way more stations to show up eventually with the wal doors all over the place, I was not expecting to be told that the history of the island was a complete sham. But then we saw Clarissa again. And you do what you do with people who are “possessed”. You tune.
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All of a sudden perspective shifts, the rules aren’t static and you realise you were never in control. You just hadn’t realised it yet. You have to accept it.
You continue on to the mansion and there’s Clarissa, somehow making it past the wal door and gate, I don’t even question it of course that’s certainly not the wierdest thing all night, and I don’t blame Clarissa for anything, she has about as much control as me, maybe less.
Then it happens, you get the key to the boat and all is revealed. I completed the scavenger hunt twice actually because my game crashed the first time, so while I messed up the first question the first game and Nona got a little fucked up, the second time I passed with flying colours, not much seemed to change with that except Nona wasn’t quite as pissed after it happened. But now you have it, they can’t hurt us, because they need us, we’re not toys, were as valuable to them as the boat was to us, we’d never destroy the boat to get the keys, wed buy time to find the keys. And they’re doing the same, trying to break our spirits and confuse us so we won’t be able to take back control, and here’s where you realise, it’s not even kind of hopeless, you will win, they basically guaranteed it. No longer do you have to be scared of them, no longer do you have to fear consequences, you will win. They will lose. Because they were wrong. They made a mistake
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It was always a game. They just hadn’t figured it out yet. And guess what. This isn’t chess, it’s tic tac toe, and the way to guarentee the opponent never wins tic tac toe, is to be willing to never win the game. And that’s exactly the kind of passive agressive bullshit kind of person I am. They told me the rules and I wasn’t scared anymore, everything they said after, everything they taunted made me laugh. “Claudia is too far gone give us her and you all can leave” hah bite me. Ren died. Bite me. You’ll die. Bite me. You can’t win, because I’m willing to lose. Then it was the end. And somehow I won, even though I was willing to lose. But then it came, the realisation it wasn’t the end, it couldn’t be, because they weren’t willing to lose, and as long as they weren’t willing to lose, it couldn’t end. That was all the control they had. They said it was a struggle, that eventually I would tire of it. They still haven’t realised, no telling how many times it’s happened so far and they still don’t get it. It’s not a struggle it’s a game. And it’s a game where we have no option but to lose, but they have an extra option, and that’s where we truly win, they think that Alex’s will will break. They don’t realise that they have an easier out than Alex, they will leave. One day. But I won’t.
God, im loving oxenfree, I went in completely blind....
Wait. Haven’t I
Done this
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hi i think my bedroom might be about to blow away so thats fun, why don't you tell me about the best food you've ever eaten, the wierdest dream you've ever had, and when the last time you danced was
Blow away??? Are you in the midst of a bad storm?? do try and stay safe and warm please!!!
Best food I've ever eaten-Ugh its gotta be this vegan peanut butter ice cream I got last night its the BEST THING like wow
Weirdest dream-It was a couple weeks ago. I had a nightmare that I lived in a town where nobody stayed out after dark or ever made any noise outside, because something terrible was there. It was faceless and when it killed you it took your hands. In the end of the dream I was surrounded by portraits of everyone it had killed, and in the paintings they were faceless with their hands over where their mouth should be. And the thing leaned forward, and it had this long black hair and these sharp nails and at the last second I saw its face and it was terrifying and I woke up screaming.
Also once I had a dream i was being chased through a train by a 50 foot snowman
last time i danced-Earlier today!! I had a dance rehearsal and it was lovely, i love that dance and everyone in it
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Do you read and believe your horoscope?  Nope.
Do you have rules for naming your future children? I don’t want to have kids. 
Why do you think we keep having food recalls? *shrug* Probably from things getting overlooked or mistakes are made that went unnoticed.
Do food recalls prevent you from eating certain items for long periods? Yes.
Is a hair dryer a necessity for you?  No, I don’t use one. 
Which actor, in your opinion, played the best Batman? I liked Christian Bale and Ben Affleck. 
Would you stop and ask for directions if you were lost? I’d use Google Maps on my phone first, but if that didn’t work right for whatever reason then I’d stop and ask. That has happened. 
If you were atop a tall building, would you throw stuff at people below?  No! That can end up killing somebody or causing serious injury. Besides, throwing stuff at people is a shitty thing to do in general.
Do you melt when you see gorgeous eyes?  No, but they are definitely nice to look at. If Simon rejected you at AI tryouts, would you tell him off? I wouldn’t even try out cause I know I can’t sing. 
Do you believe we really landed on the moon?  Yes. And yes, I’m very familiar with the conspiracy theory surrounding that.
Would you drive “The Shaggin’ Wagon” from Dumb & Dumber? Haha that was one ugly car.
If a spaceship landed on your front lawn, what would be your 1st reaction? Uh, I’d be terrified and freaking out to say the least.
Have you ever TURNED DOWN an invite to a wedding? Why? No.
Do you believe people should get married in a church? Get married wherever you want.
Have you stuck your hand up a vending machine to try and get something out? No.
Mail letters at the post office or place them in your mailbox for pick-up? We usually just drop stuff off at the post office.
Ever filled out magazine subscription cards for someone else as a joke?  No.. that would be dumb.
What items would you NOT buy from a rummage sale? Is that the same as a garage sale? I don’t go to any.
If there’s a food drive, do you start searching for stuff YOU wouldn’t eat?  I’d grab some of whatever we had.
Does the news depress you? More so now then ever. I really limit the news I read and watch these days. I want to be aware and informed, but I can’t handle too much. It’s hard with the 24/7 coverage, though. It’s literally everywhere.
Name a movie everyone else thought was funny, but you couldn’t stand: I don’t get the appeal of movies like The Hangover, American Pie, Pineapple Express, Step Brothers...
Do you think sets of kitchen utensils should include sporks?  I wouldn’t mind having one.
Does the mall you go to have an arcade? Do you go in there?  It actually does. I went once a few years ago with a friend.
What topping do you HATE on pizzas? A shorter list would be what I do like on my pizza, which is: ricotta and feta cheese, garlic, spinach, and crumbled meatballs. I don’t like anything else.
What is your favorite Little Debbie snack?  I loveddd oatmeal cream pies when I was younger. I used to eat those all the time. I like their snack cakes, donuts, and Swiss Rolls, too.
Got any interesting wigs? I don’t have any wigs..
You need to go to the bathroom. Finish this first or get up and go? I’d likely just finish this unless I really had to go.
Can you resist temptation? Not when it comes to these mini brownies I’ve been into. They’re so damn good.
Do people underestimate your intelligence? I think some people might give me more credit because they hear I have a BA in psych. Don’t let that fool ya, though. If someone doesn’t think I’m very intelligent, well then they’d be right.  Would a credit card get you into trouble? I have a few and yes, ha. :X The past couple Christmases really got me. And just the Starbucks or food purchases here and there that quickly add up.
Truth or dare? Truth.
What Mario game was your least favorite, and why? I love Mario Bros!
Have you ever been snowed in? Once. We were on our way home, which was a 12 hour drive, and along the way we got caught in the middle of a bad snow storm and the roads weren’t safe, so we had to stop off to stay in a nearby hotel.
What do you like in your omelettes? Cheese, spinach, maybe some green olives. 
Which is more annoying: sequels or prequels?  I’ve enjoyed many sequels and prequels, but there have also been some really bad ones. 
Do you use rechargeable batteries? Well, when it comes to stuff like my phone and laptop.
Describe the chair you’re sitting in. Is it comfy? I’m sitting on my comfy bed.
Do you like to drink Jell-o as you’re making it?  I don’t like Jell-O. 
What do/did you normally get detentions for? I never got detention. 
Which That 70’s Show character would you like to kick it with? It’s weird cause when the show originally ran I liked it, but then seeing some of it again when I was older just didn’t hit the same. 
Does your alarm clock actually awaken you? Not always right away and then when it does I often keep hitting snooze. I also have to set several alarms. Ever think you might have seen a UFO? No.
Does playing games in 2-D bother you because you now play mostly 3-D games? Not necessarily. Depends on the game.
Tell the wierdest name of a town/city you’ve ever heard: lol this makes me think of the town Mianus that I only know of because of Jackass. Johnny Knoxville went around to different places in that town and was like, “there’s a [insert place here] in Mianus.” Haha.
Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have a cell phone? Hmm. No, I don’t think so. What would you do if you thought someone was following you? Well that’s terrifying. A friend and I had that happen once, actually. We were at the grocery store and this guy seemed to be following us, but I tried to brush it off at first until I looked back at one point and he had a very creepy grin on his face and proceeded to speed up when we did. We ended up going up to the manager and telling him what was going on and he knew right away who we were talking about and told us that guy wasn’t even supposed to be in the store. They asked him to leave again and he did, but my friend and I were scared to leave because we had walked there. We ended up calling another friend to pick us up. 
Say a superhero like Spiderman saved you. Would you fall in love? I don’t know, certainly not right then and there. I’d definitely be intrigued and want to know who my masked hero was, though!
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ixa193 · 5 years
I KNOW i’ve made this post before but my favorite thing in the pokemon anime is when they make the WIERDEST visuals for the biting moves because they don’t want pokemon fights getting too violent. Look at  t h i s
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I’m queer????
This is it my coming out as asexual. I am an 18 year old Christian girl and I’ve always felt different. I never played by the normal rules of my religion or acted like the other girls. I started to like a guy and I never thought of sex when it came to fantasizing about us together. Everyone of my friends has asked me “don’t you ever wonder what that dick be like” and I honestly would say no. My friends thought it was weird I was still a virgin and I cut some people of because of them always trying to get me laid or have us watch porn together. When I was 16 years old I saw my first cock and it was not with my consent. This guy who i thought was my friend cornered me and tried to rape me. I bite him screamed and ran. I didn’t stop running when my closest friend who came with me to the party we were at shouted for me to stop. I ran into the woods and cried, vomited, and I called my friend after an hour of having my first ever panic attack. She and her boyfriend made there way down to find me and take me home. I never told anyone until I was diagnosed with chronic depression and anxiety disorders. I came clean to my therapist and she swore to secrecy. When I was seventeen another friend of mine came out as gay. He spent the night at my house and he said we should watch some funny porn so I laughed and said “why the hell not” and that was the first time I saw cum. I immediately ran to the bathroom and vomited. I never thought I could hate something so much but I thought it was the nastiest thing ever. Then my friend asked me if i was lesbian. "no" i thought. "I dont really like anything" I said like it was the wierdest thing ever. “ oh so your ace then.” He said. I had never heard of that before and we talked all night about. And that is how I came out as ace to myself. I still haven’t gotten the guts to tell my parents. But this is me.
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themishapofreality · 7 years
The Wierdest Dreams I've Ever Had...and that says a lot.
If my dreams are any insight into my current state of mind...I'm totally screwed. At least Meghan (strawburry17) was being a lovely and supportive friend...she was kinda the only one. Though I may have been getting it on with Ben Platt at the end of my dream, at least the vibe going on between us made it seem like it would happen, lol. But everyone else was attacking me and trying to get me to face reality and deal with my fucked up emotions which I swear were worse in the dream than in reality. But like at one point in my dreams I went into a store to buy beer and apparently it was at some liquor/doctors office because the cashier gave me a paper for a prescription for Citalopram and some other stuff which freaked me the f out not just because it's an antidepressant and I felt I didn't need it but because I've taken that one in the past and it didn't go over well for me. Then there was the whole people in my program going behind my back to tell others what they knew about me (which in reality is nothing) to try and get others to force me to get help. I also had this magic ability at one point which when I had my "orb" meant I could use it to do certain things - PS: this is where Meghan came in because she also had this ability. Then nearer the beginning of my dreams last night Logan Paul & Brenden were also there. And I was trying to hit up this guy I had once talked to on my phone but then we were on a ship and it went under water into a cave and then came back up into this secret serenity where I like lived with a bunch of people or something. This was part of the first cluster of dreams I remember. Basically every time I woke up this morning I fell back asleep into a weirder dream. So while I want to go back to sleep I'm almost terrified as to which level of weirdness this dream could reach.
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wickedchrissy · 7 years
For The Just Made Up Ask Thing: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 43, 44, 49, 55, 56, 60, 62, 63, 66, 69, 74, 75. I Love You And I ) (ope Somefin Good ) (appens To You Soon
For whatever reason I never got the notification for this so I’ll just do it now haha
Lots of good stuff has been happening to me! And I hope you’re feeling better hun
1. Are you a side, back, or front sleeper? I fall asleep on my side but end up on my back usually
2. When you hum random music what song is it? like the theme song to mario or some shit
5: How did you fall into the tumblr hellpit? my friend in highschool made me one a week before midterms and guess who didn’t want to do midterms
6: What fan interest of yours would you least prefer to explain in your workplace? My Little Pony. While I’m no longer a fan, I still enjoyed the show for a few good seasons before the fandom ruined it. Would rather not be seen as a brony to coworkers
7: What fan interest or yours would you most enjoy explaining in your workplace? Harry Potter. In fact I actually got a ton of my coworkers to sort themselves on pottermore
8: Last song you listened to? Lucky Strike–Maroon 5
9: Weirdest thing on your dash today? THIS
17: What type of mad science will you Show Them All with? (ex: mad chemical engineer, mad library scientist, mad linguist). Which of your creations will probably turn on you? okay this question confuses me lmao. I guess I’m a mad punner? and I’d bet one about a lightswitch ;D
18: Favorite cheesy trope? I’m a sucker for soulmate stuff or friends to lovers. mostly because I believe in it haha
19: Favorite trope nobody writes enough of? FWB tropes (I’m sinful)
21: Wierdest tumblr drama you’ve been a part of or stumbled across. God dude idek. so much drama. I don’t really care.
23: What is something you collect? fortunes from fortune cookies :)
25: The last game you played is crossed with the zombie apocalypse and now going down outside your window. How boned are you? well the last game I played was Zelda: Twilight Princess so I guess I’m a wolf so not bad actually?
28: Your icon is now the voice of your inner therapist. How is this gonna go? Dude Lance as my inner therapist? he is such a good person and loves to help other people out and use humor aw damn it’ll be great!!
29: Name a kink you only like hypothetically. Threesomes. Sounds super awesome but now that I’ve found someone I love adding anyone else to the picture just seems wrong. Or even just unsatisfying? Why would I want to add a foreign body into an already perfect dynamic?
30: Name a kink you find bewildering. “Daddy”
31: You have acquired: a mouse, a lizard, a rabbit, a spider, a domestic fox. Name them! Who gets to sleep on the bed? Snickers. Reptar. Flopsy. Alice. Vulpix. and the fox and the rabbit. hopefully they don’t eat each other lmao
36: What meme gets on your nerves? Any memes about shootings. Please draw a line.
37: Showers or baths? I always shower but god a bath sounds lovely
43: Shuffle up a random song on your media player. Now tell me what ship/story goes with it. I got I.M. SIN by Five Finger Death Punch and lmao I can only think of Keith
44: What’s making you happiest recently? :) my boyfriend!!
49: Tell me a really obscure fact you know. it’s illegal to tie giraffes to poles in certain parts of California
55: Favorite food for every color of the rainbow. interesting. Red-strawberries. Orange-um oranges lmao. Yellow–pasta!. Green–peas. Blue–this has to be blueberries right? like you’re kidding. Purple-there’s definitely no purple food, fuck you. Pink–shrimp
56: If you were a poltergeist where would you haunt and what would be your preferred style of prank? I’d haunt my old college dorms and steal people’s food right after they cooked it mwahaha
60: Dragons, dinosaurs, or aliens? DRAGONS
62: Insult the asker of this question creatively. Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries.
63: In an ideal world, what would you like done with your body after you die? I’d like to made into a tree!! :)
66: What are the three traits you value the most in others? Consideration, Compassion, Appreciation
69: Answer number 60 like it was a “fuck, marry, kill” rhetorical. now THAT is a good question haha. Um if it can be dragon/dinosaur/alien of my choosing then I’ll fuck the alien (*cough allura cough*), marry a dragon (probably from Dragon Tales), and kill the dinosaur cause it’s already dead
74: If you were a superhero, what would be your one weakness? literally just children. like I’m so bad. bring a kid into the picture and I’ll do anything.
75: Describe a weird encounter you had with a bug. So my older sister has arachnophobia, went downstairs once and just screamed and ran back up. Figuring it would be a little house spider my little sister goes down stairs to kill it, screamed and went back up. So me, with no fear of spiders, went down and, to my surprise, saw a spider the size of my hand and like an inch thick. No way was I putting my hand near that thing. So I ran upstairs to grab the vacuum, actually scared for once. I held up the hose like my sword and the vacuum as my shield as my sisters cowered behind me. After a deep breath I dove and sucked up the spider in one fell swoop! For a moment I was relieved until my younger sister just mutters “what if crawls out…” so now I finally start screaming, run upstairs and put the vacuum out on the deck, slam the door, and wait for my dad to get home. The end.
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3, 11, 16 for the fic writers meme
3. What is your absolute favourite kind of fic to write?
That is in constant change. Right now I am split between writing some more sub!Ivar imagines or just writing something really really fluffy, like a second part to Little voices. I guess I like writing fics/imagines that have a little of several things.
11. Wierdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing?
I think that would be the gunplay in Syndikat. It just felt like a couple of extra steps from all the stuff that has happened between Ivar and Ylva. The fact that I came up with it in the middle of the night while having a high fever and not being really present only made it feel more...dirty.
16. Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write?
A little bit of both. I usually have a general idea of what I want to happen and then make up the details as I write. It has happened a few times that I’ve made a snap decision and made a big change that will affect the general idea right before posting. The engagement was one of those things. It feels pretty good being able to make such quick changes because I am a very organized person and this method of writing lets me loosen up a bit.
Thank you for the ask ^^
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pureblessedtarot · 4 years
Faced with the 22 cards of the D.O. and deciding to start the process of some kind of write up, I wasn’t clear on which order to go. I figured, so what? It’s a divination tool so just pull… that worked well up to a point then at some point, the cards seemed to naturally line themselves up. Down to the last 4 and I found myself faced with a dilemma. The last 2 cards, have very firmly decided where they sit, the two before the last two… somewhat annoyingly are were swimming around each other and I had two stories simultaneously drafting themselves in my mind… which way would they land?
Driving normaly clears my head and by the end of a round, I can get home and write straight to page… this morning, nope… the jostling continued… Oh well! Maybe I should think of something else? I decided to catch up on Killing Eve, I’m somewhere in series 3 and have made several attempts to get up to speed but I keep getting hijacked by sleep… I’m scrolling through iPlayer trying to recall where I got to… Snapshots of images, familiar? Hmmm… Until oh ok, I’ve seen upto a third of the third episode, let’s pickup from there… And then I realised oh! OK! Now I know which card is next but hey you can pause as I’m going to watch the 2/3 of the episode and oh… also episode 4 as Villanelle is such a moreish psychopath…
Flicking through images made it clear that Memory Swell was next on  my D.O. list.
This image was the wierdest one to work… Norns fed through instructions…
First I had to find a lazy susan… and long story short…
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Lazy Susan out in the field would get put into a spin… a finger poised to blindfold land where on the wheel of fortune we’d go…
Later it became a card… Don’t ask me exactly how as it’s something I’m never going to be able to recreate…
I’m just laughing a little as someone recently infected me with an eye worm and so now the Norns I used to see have sank to the bottom to be replaced by Queen Jellyfish… Though…Hmmm… Looking at the very strange cycle of the immortal jellyfish… maybe the 3 norns are 3 stages of that cycle and the weaving of threads of fate is the waving of barbed tentacles… Maybe? Stranger things happen…
The names of the Norns are :
Urd – What once was
Verdandi – What is coming into being
Skuld – What shall be
Over simplisticly (IMHO) this often laid out as past, present, future…
When I asked Norms about time… they told me, it’s not linear not circular nor even a spiral… they told me it was a torus… A doughnut shaped entity, where you can be everywhere and nowhere at all once…
Time is Schrodinger’s doughnut??? (Don’t judge me! That just popped to mind and I’ve not thought it through but it amuses me…) I’m still working on this… it may take a few more lifetimes.
I said before that the project began when I asked C to Charon and she told me to bring 2 coins… Things began before that…
Decemeber 2014 and I’ve talked C into coming to an event with me, which on the surface level, was the worst non-event I’ve ever attended… There’s a good story about that but it’s not for today… Sitting in a freezing cold and empty venue, we decided that we’d paid considerably over the odds and the sensible thing may be to cut our losses and duck out to find somewhere more fun… but then we thought maybe a better thing would be to seize the chance to toss ideas around without interruption… We ended the day with two scraps of paper… Not knowing what we’d begun…
#gallery-0-12 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-12 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-12 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-12 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Urd – What once was
Verdandi – What is coming into being
Skuld – What shall be
No, not in this story, not right here, not right now…
What shall be is now…
What is coming into being… That’s the ‘past’… our ideas sketched to page…
What once was… That’s the ‘future’ as the Old Gods return to breathe again…
Will it stay like that? I doubt it very much… Memory Swell… Memories’ well… Memory’s well… Memory… a pouring of revisionist history? Who knows? ‘The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense’ who said that? I don’t know… I do know I’m happy where I am…
Riding the cusp between imagination and reality ~ Me 🙂 
      Memory Swell Faced with the 22 cards of the D.O. and deciding to start the process of some kind of write up, I wasn't clear on which order to go.
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lalka-laski · 4 years
Do you read and believe your horoscope? I find astrology interesting but I don’t invest too much belief in it. But reading my horoscope is fun and I actually do find it beneficial and revealing, just maybe not in the intended way.
Do you have rules for naming your future children? Well I’ve had one future daughter’s name planned since I was little, as well as a list of other potentials. And now Glenn and I have a few ideas between us. My only “rules” are:  -No names of exes (this ruled out Sarah, a name I’ve always loved) -No alliteration (this ruled out Rachel, another favorite)
Why do you think we keep having food recalls? Things being overlooked, I guess? 
Do food recalls prevent you from eating certain items for long periods? I have to be honest that I don’t pay much attention. If I die from eating some bad lettuce, then that’s how I go. 
Is a hair dryer a necessity for you? Yeah. I’m actually waiting for my hair to air-dry a little bit right now before I hit it with the dryer. 
Which actor, in your opinion, played the best Batman? I’ve only ever seen Christian Bale
Would you stop and ask for directions if you were lost? I’d use Googlemaps first. 
If you were atop a tall building, would you throw stuff at people below? I’m not trying to kill someone... 
Do you melt when you see gorgeous eyes? Not particularly.  If Simon rejected you at AI tryouts, would you tell him off? I’d say “you right” and leave.
Do you believe we really landed on the moon? Of course. That’s one of the most bizarre, and most unreasonable conspiracy theories. 
Would you drive “The Shaggin’ Wagon” from Dumb & Dumber? 100%
If a spaceship landed on your front lawn, what would be your 1st reaction? Lose my fucking mind. Actually no, in this state of affairs I would probably just accept it. 
Have you ever TURNED DOWN an invite to a wedding? Why? Unfortunately yes. It was a travel conflict. 
Do you believe people should get married in a church? What kind of ignorant dummy would say think that? Get married wherever you feel like! (And invite me, I LOVE weddings)
Have you stuck your hand up a vending machine to try and get something out? Mhm 
Mail letters at the post office or place them in your mailbox for pick-up? Place them in the mailbox
Ever filled out magazine subscription cards for someone else as a joke? That would be dumb 
What items would you NOT buy from a rummage sale? I have a hard time buying used things of any kind. 
If there’s a food drive, do you start searching for stuff YOU wouldn’t eat? I do
Does the news depress you? Yes. I cry anytime it’s on and Glenn rushes to turn it off before I see too much. 
Name a movie everyone else thought was funny, but you couldn’t stand: I don’t like stoner/bro humor so I never liked movies like Pineapple Express, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, American Pie
Do you think sets of kitchen utensils should include sporks? I have no use for sporks
Does the mall you go to have an arcade? Do you go in there? Nope. Not anymore. 
What topping do you HATE on pizzas? I really don’t care for toppings of any kind on a pizza. Plain cheese is the way to go. 
What is your favorite Little Debbie snack? OATMEAL CREME PIES ARE MY BIGGEST WEAKNESS
Got any interesting wigs? I don’t have any wigs..
Can you resist temptation? It’s not my strength
Do people underestimate your intelligence? Yeah, kind of. I’m blonde and a little flaky, but I’m more booksmart than people realize.  Would a credit card get you into trouble? I have one and I try to be responsible with it. But in my current financial situation I might have no other choice.
Truth or dare? Truth, always
What Mario game was your least favorite, and why? I only know the original/regular Mario and Mariokart. 
Have you ever been snowed in? I live in Rochester, NY. That’s a regular occurrence.
What do you like in your omelettes? Spinach, broccoli and feta
Which is more annoying: sequels or prequels? I usually don’t care about prequels, so I’ll go with that.
Do you use rechargeable batteries? Nope
Describe the chair you’re sitting in. Is it comfy? I’m laying on my couch. This has been my permanent position for the past week.
Do you like to drink Jell-o as you’re making it? I’ve never made Jell-o before I don’t think. Not even for Jell-o shots, which is surprising for me.
What do/did you normally get detentions for? I never got detention.
Which That 70’s Show character would you like to kick it with? I don’t really watch that show.
Does your alarm clock actually awaken you? Yep. Although I haven’t used one of those in a loooong while. Ever think you might have seen a UFO? As a kid
Does playing games in 2-D bother you because you now play mostly 3-D games? I don’t play any games.
Tell the wierdest name of a town/city you’ve ever heard:
Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have a cell phone? Not in this day & age. Wait no actually, my grandparents.  What would you do if you thought someone was following you? Call my dad
Say a superhero like Spiderman saved you. Would you fall in love? Uhh.. I guess?
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The wierdest thing I've noticed is that in the 14 years I was with my ex, I was always uncomfortable with him seeing by body. He was so quick to remind me that he loved my body, but I was never comfortable.
Now I'm not even 3 months with someone new and I've never felt more comfortable lying naked in front of him on the bed. With my ex I would try to push my boobs up, suck my stomach in, anything to appear "better." Maybe it's because my new person is older, I feel older, I feel more free to embrace my older body, my "adult" body. I'm not trying to hide it because this is all he has known and he eats it up as is.
As I am a day away from my 1 yr anniversary abroad, this is just one of thousands of thoughts bouncing around my head on how I have changed. How I have grown. Leaving was the best decision I've ever made.
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