#this is not a shitpost; I'm serious
foxoftheasterisk · 1 month
so there's this problem where people use "girl" to refer to adult women all the time
the reason, of course, being that "girl" is casual in a way "woman" will never be
it doesn't happen with guys because. there's the word "guy" for them.
we need to repopularize the word "gal"
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
cut open a package of bacon while making food tonight, and then paused to take a pic because I realized the way I open bacon is probably not normal
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is it just me? does anyone else do this?
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anyone else have multiple traumatic memories associated specifically with holidays/family vacations? because that is a topic I never see discussed in all the So You Had A Shitty Childhood, Now What? self-help books i've been reading. but for me, it was a significant thing. and the more i think about it the more it seems like this would be an (unfortunately) common experience. would be grateful to hear if this matches other peoples' experiences...
#not a shitpost#serious post#ask to tag#tw trauma#cptsd#c-ptsd#and if so we should TALK about it#because it means there are a whole group of survivors out there whose mental health regularly worsens during holidays#like i know i am most certainly not the only person who feels an undefined Dread hanging over christmas/my birthday/july 4 etc#bc too many shitty things happened during those times and now my brain is hypervigilant bc traditionally these are the Danger Times#and this seems like it would be particularly common for survivors of abusive/dysfunctional households (aka most people with c-ptsd)#because holidays/vacations typically mean 1) the whole family is together/being forced to interact#2) and undergoing external stressors e.g. travel/relatives aka 'outsiders' visiting/routines & coping mechanisms being interrupted etc#3) there is social pressure for this to be a Fun Family Bonding Experience which only highlights the cracks in the foundation#and exposes the common Everything Is Fine/We Are A Happy Family lie#4) the cognitive dissonance of feeling tired/anxious/stressed/afraid during a time when you are 'supposed' to be Making Good Memories#and then everyone is angry/tired/anxious/triggered and things boil over and something or someone goes Very Wrong#weird that i'm posting this in october when halloween is...sort of the ONLY holiday i have only good and happy feelings towards#i got lucky there#also i have positive feelings towards Labor Day but that's for socialist reasons
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blackkatdraws2 · 5 months
Happy 4/27, Stanley!! [Blank Scripts AU/shitpost]
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hrokkall · 7 months
not a ship & late request sorryyy but could i shoot my shot n request some valentines p03 for the p03 likers 👉👈
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I'll do you one better. Here's a set of scrybe valentines for all your scrybe valentine needs. Perfect for loved* ones. Or hated ones.
*I'm not liable if you, like the scrybes, have to file divorce papers after gifting one of these to someone.
Bonus sort of usable one. Sort of.
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For people with good taste.
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thegreatgremlingang · 4 months
broke: Jiang fengmian thirsted after cangse sanren and took in wei ying bc he was cangse sanren's child
woke: Jiang fengmian was literally just good friends with cangse sanren
BESPOKE: Jiang fengmian and cangse sanren formed the Wei Changze simp club so they could collectively thirst after wei changze and jiang fengmian took in wei ying bc he was WEI CHANGZE (and his homie cangse sanren)'s child
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Okay so what if next episode Sam tragically disappears, lena insists he just got fired and there's a forth voice in the computer
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essektheylyss · 11 months
I'm just thinking about those family secrets and drama that people don't tell the kids about because kids can blurt things out in mixed company even with the best intentions, that you only learn when your mom says something offhand about "And that's why your cousin lived with us for a year," while you're helping in the kitchen at 11pm the night before a holiday and it recontextualizes a whole bunch of stuff from when you were nine and things didn't quite add up but also you were having a great time having sleepovers with your cousin, but also this context raises a LOT of other questions.
So in that regard, it is so funny to wonder like, how much Luc actually knows about Essek. Has he actually met him? I presume he has, but in that case, was he in disguise? Does Luc know him by an alias? Is Essek one of those family members who shows up to events very intermittently and no one really talks about? For that matter, how much does he know about Caleb's history?
I'm just imagining him hearing the "Shadowhand" comment in the Archive and not knowing who the fuck this geezer is talking about let alone why his godfather's being threatened until Aunt Jester says, "And he's going to hurt Essek," and putting a lot of things together that also raises more questions than it answers like
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possessable · 1 month
I think Iselda needs to meet the nailmasters and then realize that Sly's kids are actually these giant badasses that he trained to be masters of the nail and not tiny flies like she was imagining.
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gynoidgearhead · 7 months
tradwife is a neogender for mostly cis people. change my mind
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mushroompoisoning · 6 months
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hey mechs fandom! guess who's back
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ariadne-mouse · 5 months
Alert: this is a very stupid post and not to be taken seriously.
So when it was revealed the first attack on Keyleth was Ludinus trying to test drawing out Vax, folks were pointing out that Ludinus would have had to stay up to date on Vox Machina romances in order to have the information to make that plan, which is very funny. I posit an additional hypothetical: if the preliminary attack had accidentally been fatal for Keyleth herself (I say accidentally because Ludinus would want to wait to execute the plan in full later, so wouldn't have killed her then) then Ludinus would have lost his bait and would have to figure out another way to draw out Vax.
And you know what that means. Matchmaking. Get the sad bird man to fall in love again so he can threaten the new person. Ludinus using every iota of his skill in manipulation and patience and influencing of events to set up Situations, and he needs it because as a celestial champion Vax is not just walking around into your average coffee shop. He becomes the king of tropes. He reads trash romance to get ideas and runs into Caleb at a naughty book store in Rexxentrum and it's very awkward for both of them. With centuries of experience and villainy, HOW has it come to this-
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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samexebin · 11 months
I think my dream career would be lying under the reactor of a spaceship and rapidly splicing cables with my teeth while we're narrowly escaping a pirate's harpoon by juicing the engine so hard we rip the launcher out of the other ship's frame but I don't think that exists yet so I have to settle for esoteric wizard languages that make light and sound. also there would be a greasy girl there with me who's the ship's munitions expert and she teaches me more about the guns on the ship and I convince her to stick her hand into the shield generator. she's mostly there for tumblr notes but we're in love regardless
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[insert detailed post about the many parallels between Octo Expansion & Side Order here]
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hrokkall · 1 year
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Egg n cheese
Original post [x]
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