yukiyee-akian · 1 day
Yandere Batfam & Neglected Reader Prt. 2
Okay, so I didn't realize how much building I was gonna do around (Y/n's) social life so this chapter is honestly about knowing (y/n). Anyways, the next chapter will be from the batfam's pov and focus more on the yandere bits! Hope you enjoy this chapter tho!
Tag List!: @sitepathos @ferakillia @uknowimdumb @shycreatorreview @niggrrooo @dhanyasri @cantfindmelol @space1crow @earth-to-mee @rosecentury @yuyuzi-ling @simpingfor-wakasa @bat1212 @sheepintherain @person-from-daaaa-voidddd @resident-cryptid @cupids-pretty-boy @danni1323
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The change started slowly on a normal evening, an evening like every other. It was a football season game day, the big match between the Gotham City High Bats and the Gotham Prep Knights. For the rich prep kids, this was nothing more than another game, but for your school, this game was everything. This would help your school get the recognition and funding it deserves, and allow some students to be scouted and rewarded for their talent.
Not only that, but Gotham Prep always, every season goes to state, beating out all the other public schools in the city. They haven’t lost a game since the early 80s so there was a lot riding on this game. 
Your role, funnily enough, was representing the school as one of the Gotham City High school cheerleaders. Turns out that the gymnastics classes you took before were actually useful for purposes other than trying to impress Dick. You surprisingly took to cheerleading like a fish to water, liking the competitiveness and sense of belonging that came from joining the team. 
Anyways, you, the cheer team, and the football team were on a bus headed towards the bigger, better Gotham Prep football field. The bus was loud with music and schoolmates hyping each other up for the big game. Ethan, a friend of yours on the football team was nervously shaking his leg and squeezing his helmet so hard you thought it would crack.
Both you and your friend Arya noticed.
“Ethan, the game hasn’t even started yet and I already see a crack forming on your helmet.” You said jokingly, a gentle arm on his shoulder.
He startled, “Jesus Christ (Y/n) warn a guy next time.” Ethan spoke, offering a nervous smile.
“You need to stop freaking out bro. When you do, it freaks out the others on the team.” Arya gently said.
“I know, I know but— but there’s just a lot riding on this game. For a lot of us, this is our only way to get out of Gotham, and if we screw up the finals, we’ll be stuck here forever.” Ethan said solemnly, looking around at all his teammates.
“Well then good thing you guys aren’t gonna lose. Y’all have spent two years training to make this comeback, to make sure that Gotham City High finally gets this win. I promise you’ve worked harder than those assholes at Gotham Prep, so just go out there and put your training to use. Don’t let your nerves get to you, you have no reason to.” You calmly said.
“Yeah—yeah, we have trained harder, haven't we? Yeah, you’re right! We've just gotta go out there and play like we've practiced.” Ethan exclaimed, as if suddenly realizing why he should have confidence in himself and his team.
“Exactly!” Arya said, matching his enthusiasm and hitting Ethan playfully on the shoulder. 
The rest of the bus ride to the stadium was louder than ever, the coach and other teammates taking turns to hype up the more nervous members, to get them confident for the field. Everything was about normal once everyone made it to the stadium. The band was set up, and people were flooding the bleachers. It wasn’t until the last ten minutes before the game when normalcy died.
“Hey (Y/n), isn’t that your family?” A girl, Maya, says.
Lo’ and behold, Bruce Wayne and his entire gaggle of children were sitting on the home side of the bleachers, sporting Gotham Prep t-shirts. 
“What—oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. What the hell are they doing here, they don’t even like football like that!?” You shout in frustration.
It was then when you remembered a conversation Dick, Bruce, and Damian had at the dinner table. Something about how it would help Damian out if he started going to school events and games, getting him acclimated to what being a normal teenager was like. That was all fine and dandy, but you didn't think the entire damn family was going to show up. Oh, the gossip columns are gonna have a field day with this. You could already imagine the headlines, “Bruce Wayne openly isolates daughter (Y/n) Wayne” or even, “The Wayne Family once again publicly shows dislike for daughter (Y/n) Wayne.”
You rolled your eyes at the thought, you had bigger things to worry about right now.
“Are you good (Y/n)?” Arya questions softly. 
She was one of the only people who you spoke your sorrows to, one of the only people who actually knows of just how lonely you were. Of course everyone knew that Bruce Wayne and his family didn't really like you very much– thank you Vicky vale– but nobody but Arya and Ethan really understood the crux of your situation. 
“Yeah, I'm all good bro, don't worry about it. Just focus on the game.” You said dismissively. It didn't bother you anymore, sure it hurt a little bit, but this was expected.
“Alright, its time to shake hands with the other team, everyone line up!” the football Coach, Coach Daniels, all but yelled.
You sighed, moving to the front of the line for the cheerleaders; you were team captain after all. Both the football teams and cheerleaders made their way to the center of the field where they met. You looked back at the rest of your team, you all knew that this was going to be an unpleasant interaction, it always was. The Gotham Prep cheer captain walked up to you, disdain and poorly concealed disgust on her face. You all quickly shook hands, trying to get this exhausting ordeal done and over with, but of course the other captain had to open her mouth.
“You lower end city girls sure have your own sense of style.” Darla, which was basically code for calling you and your team sluts. Wow, how original.
“You should see what’s underneath the jacket.” You replied, giving her a sharp smile.
She floundered, clearly expecting her insult to rile you and your team up. 
“Ugh, as expected of Bruce Wayne’s biggest embarrassment. You sad Daddy doesn't like you? Or maybe she’s just glad she gets to mooch off of him before he ends up disowning her.” Another girl pipes up, drawing mind grating giggles from the rest of their team. You recognized her, she was the daughter of some hot-shot CEO.
You just tiredly look back at your team, a few of them getting angry on your behalf while others looked to you in concern. 
“What, not going to say anything?” The other captain haughtily questioned. 
“I mean, what exactly is the response you’re expecting? Yeah, Bruce Wayne doesn't like me, but at least I didn't have to buy my way into the cheer team or have my daddy pay to make sure I wasn't held back.” You stated boredly.
She was silent in shock, right before the anger came bursting through.
“You whore! I’m going to fuck you up, take you to court and sue you!” She shrieked.
“You’re going to sue me? You mean sue Bruce Wayne?” You snorted, “Like that’ll ever happen. And bitch, you couldn’t fight if your life depended on it, so next time you threaten me remember–I can and will beat the ever-loving shit outta you.”
That must have sparked some fear in her because she just turned around and led her team back to their side of the field. You’re sure others noticed your altercation, obviously having no idea what was being said, but it was clear to both sides of the field that nothing good was said. You’re ready to turn back to your side when you accidentally make eye contact with Tim. The cold, calculating look in his eyes has you shifting in discomfort, you quickly look away as the cheer team and football players head back to their respective sides.
The players took their place onto the field while your team got into formation.
“Aright guys, this’s the big one! Give it all you got, just like we practiced!” You yelled.
Just like that, the whistle blew signaling that the game started. 
By the time you reach half time, Gotham Prep is fifteen points ahead of Gotham High. Your school does its low budget halftime performance which pales in comparison to the extravagant Gotham Prep performance. Your side of the stadium grows louder, louder in support of the football team. Before you know it, the boys are lining up for the second half of the game. Thankfully, Gotham High shoots up in points, the score now becoming 34 to 29. The issue is, the game is starting to come to an end with only two minutes on the clock. The crowd is loud, but everyone knows it'll be damn near impossible for Gotham High to win now. The only way to win would be to score a touch-down, which would bring Gotham High to 35 points.
It isn't until the 36 second mark when Ethan sees an opening and makes a run for it with the ball. The crowd is booming, your own voice adding to the mix of cheers and shouts. 
“Come on Ethan! Come on!” You yell, voice undoubtedly hoarse.
There's 5 seconds on the clock when Ethan dives over an opposing player and rolls into the other team's touchdown zone. The score board changes, the numbers now showcasing 34 to 35. Gotham City High with 35. Everyone goes crazy. You and Arya are holding each other jumping up and down. Holy shit, yall won! The football team was celebrating on the field, as they’re announced as the winners, a big trophy being handed into Ethan and his team's hands. And by tradition, you, Arya and the coach go grab the large gatorade barrel and proceed to soak the football team with it. There are yelps and laughs but everyone knows what it means, it means “you’ve won”. You and Arya run up to Ethan launching into him, uncaring of the gatorade now soaking your uniforms. 
It was a good day, a happy day. Everyone started loading up into the buses, starving for the victory dinner at Taco Bell. You honestly, truly forget that the Bats were even here. Shit hits the fan however, when you're in the middle of messing up a chalupa and Bruce Wayne and the rest of his brood walk in, making awkward eye contact with you. You promptly proceed to choke, Arya hitting your back to get you to stop. You do, but holy shit was that embarrassing. Also, what in the ever-loving fuck were they doing here!? 
Before you could voice your utter disbelief, another familiar face barrels into your table. Oh great.
“Hey ladies, how’d you like the game? Betcha I looked good on the field.” The voice of Adrien, a freshman player on the team, made itself known. 
He even made it a point to flex his arm muscles, hoping to impress you and Arya. You both just looked at each other before bursting out laughing. This poor freshman has been trying to get with y'all all year, despite you and Arya being sophomores. His god-awful attempts at flirting were absolutely adorable and downright hilarious. 
“Guys please don't laugh, I promise I have better pick up lines.” he begs, his demeanor that of a kicked puppy.
“I'm sorry man, you're just too adorable, we can't take you seriously.” Arya says amused.
“Why don't you go talk to one of the freshman cheerleaders? I'm sure I heard Hiba and Darla talking about how good you did on the field.” You pipped in.
“No way! Are you serious!? Oh-uh, gotta blast ladies! See ‘ya around!” Adrien stutters, excitedly scrambling off to go find the girls you mentioned.
You and Arya broke off again into a fit of laughter.
“Were you guys teasing Adrien again?” Comes a lighthearted scold from Ethan.
“Not anymore than usual. Plus, I think we finally got him to pursue girls in his own grade.” You responded, a smug smile on your face.
Ethan just chuckled before sitting down with you and Arya. You all talked and laughed some more, your mood only being slightly soured by the Wayne family’s presence at the table across from yours. You did your best to avoid their not-so-casual glances in your direction. Why they were here is a can of worms you had to marinate on later. But for now, you'd just enjoy the rest of your night.
It didn't take long before everyone started getting ready to leave. Some students had their parents come pick them up, probably to go celebrate the school's victory with their families, whilst everyone else was getting ready to load back up into the buses and head to the school where parents would be waiting for their kids. You, however, would be biking back to the manor on your own. Sure both Arya’s and Ethan’s parents had offered you a ride, but you had declined. There was no need for them to go out of their way for you, especially when they should be spending their time celebrating with their children. You’d honestly just ruin the mood with your shitty circumstances.
So as you threw away the last of your trash and started walking to leave the restaurant, you were not expecting to be stopped, let alone stopped by Bruce Wayne. You froze, not knowing what to do. What did he want?
“(Y/n),” He started, voice lacking any tell-tale emotions, “no need to get on the bus, you’ll be riding home with us.”
You noticed immediately how he didn't really give you a choice, just an order meant to be followed. You swallowed nervously, you did not, under any circumstances want to be in a car with any of them.
“There's no need for that Bruce, I–um actually left my bike back at the school and I can't just leave it there so…yeah. I’ll–I'll see you back at the manor.” You said nervously. You weren't used to talking to him and to be quite frank he scared you.
Bruce of course took note of the fact you had not called him “dad” or “father” and had called home, “the manor” instead. This is when Dick decided to chime in.
“What, you're not going to bike all the way back home, are you?” Dick jested sarcastically.
“Uh, yeah? It's how I get back home everyday.” You mention abashed. Did they seriously not even know how you got home? Whatever, you’re too tired for this.
Bruce and Dick glance at each other, their shared look holding a meaning you couldn't understand.
“Well, it doesn't matter. You’ll just ride home with us from now on.” Dick stated, faux cheer in his voice. 
“Wha–what? Hold up, I can’t just leave without my bike! It’s gonna get stolen or–”
“We’ll get a new one, now stop fussin' and get a move on,” Jason grumbles, cutting you off.
You just sigh in defeat. Why the hell are they doing this? Why now? In the end, your questions don't matter as you get marched over to the waiting Rolce Royce Limo. That was when Arya and Ethan noticed you walking away from the bus, not even noticing the Waynes in their hurry to catch up to you.
“Hey (Y/n), why are ‘ya–oh.” Arya yells out before going silent after noticing the intimidating figure of Bruce Wayne and the even more intimidating figure of Jason Todd.
“Oh, hey guys. So–uh, I actually have a ride back to the manor now so I'm all good.” You say awkwardly.
“That's–that's great! But, what about your bike bro?” Ethan questions worriedly, the awkward and almost tense energy affecting him.
“I'm just going to pray and hope that it's still there when I come back for it tomorrow.”You answer tiredly.
“Damn, well, get home safe and get some sleep. We’ll see you soon girl.” Arya says, hugging you.
You hug her back.
“You too guys, get home safe. And Ethan, good job on the field bro, we’re all super proud of you.” You voice, a small smile on your face while you give him a hug.
“Thanks (Y/n), couldn't have done it without y’all hyping me up.” He says.
“Alright, alright no more sappy, corny lines. Now get on the bus before Coach Daniels pops another blood vessel.” You joke.
“Shit, I didn't even realize that was him yelling! Ethan, we gotta go! See ya (Y/n).” Arya exclaims, practically dragging Ethan to the bus with her.
You wave at them, your smile slowly disappearing as you realize you're about to have the worst fifteen minutes of your life on this car ride. The staring you were trying to ignore when talking to your friends was more prevalent now, making you anxious as you entered the car, squirming and fiddling uncomfortably in your seat as everyone else piled in.
You internally sighed as you heard the door shut and the car engine start. Perhaps it’d be better if you drank acid and died instead, but alas, it was too late for any of that. 
You’d just do your best to stay quiet and avoid the eyes boring into your very being.
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yukiyee-akian · 5 days
The Crown (100 followers special!)
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Alpha! Rival king x alpha king m! reader
content warnings: bitching, reader gets turned into an omega against his will, noncon turned heavy dubcon, reader isn’t in the right of mind, breeding, dirty talk, degradation, cream pie, knotting, overstimulation, pwp, belly bulge
note: kinda went ham writing this wtf lmfao, anyways enjoy!
The tension in the room was palpable. As the one who wore the crown, your duty was just as heavy as the ornate gems that emboldened it. You were a young and green alpha, barely an adult at the ripe age of 18. Hastily made king, as your many brothers in line and father fell in the decades long battle against the opposing kingdom, your choice didn’t matter. The country needed someone to govern as soon as possible and you as the sole remaining heir was responsible. The whispers and scrutiny of the court didn’t help much either, the weight of responsibility of your decisions over the people and the waging war kept you awake at night, cold sweat dripping from your temples as you could almost hear the cries of your fellow soldiers perishing in battle.
Which took you into the present moment, where a heated debate was taking place of the next action that should be taken for the strife between your country and the rival nation. You sat in the heavy, intricately carved throne that seemed to press down on you, both a symbol of your power and a reminder of the immense responsibility you bore. The room was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting long, uneasy shadows on the stone walls. Around you, the advisors were gathered, their voices a murmur of concern and debate. “Thousand of soldiers have fallen in battle, we can’t take any more losses!” One of the advisors, his name you couldn’t really remember, argued fiercely with a hint of urgency. “The enemy is approaching closer day by day and the people are starving, we must surrender now to avoid total destruction!”
“Surrender?! That would cut off all means of escape! And you can’t possibly guarantee under the rule of the enemy’s rule, our people will be able to live peacefully!” Another advisor shot back, her voice sharp with defiance. Shifting uneasily on the throne, you felt the weight of their expectations bearing down on you. The advisors’ voices clashed, each presenting their case with unwavering conviction. Maps and documents spread out on the table before you seemed to blur as you struggled to focus on the conflicting arguments. Finally, you spoke, fingers drumming nervously on the table as you tried keep a steady tone amid the clamour. “How are you sure that surrender is the only viable option we have to take?” Your voice strained as you fidgeted restlessly.
The first advisor spoke, his gaze was intense, filled with concern. “The enemy’s forces are overwhelming. Continuing to resist will only lead to greater devastation. Surrender is the most rational choice to save lives.”The other advisor leaned closer, her eyes filled with determination. “We have not explored every diplomatic avenue. Surrender might be seen as defeat, but if we negotiate from a position of strength, we could secure better terms.” The room fell into a tense silence as every gaze fell upon you, the choice to surrender or negotiate hung heavily in the air.
However, you chose neither. “I have heard your concerns and arguments,” you began, your voice filled with unusual resolve. “We will not surrender.” Gasps echoed throughout the room as the disapproving gazes began pouring in but you pushed on. “As your king, no matter the outcome in this long war, we will push to the end. If we must fall, let it be with the knowledge that we fought to the last breath for our sovereignty and our principles. We will defend our country with all that we have, even if it means facing doom.” You were exhausted, the war taken its toll on you and you just wanted it to end. “Your majesty! You don’t understand, we-“ “Silence! This is an order from your king. I will now retire to my chambers.” Leaving no room for argument, you slipped away to the privacy and peace of your quarters, away from the shouts and protests of your counsel.
Chucking the heavy crown aside, you sank in your chair with a deep sigh. The flickering candlelight illuminating your weary face, an expression now often seen ever since you took on the role of king a few months ago. Absentmindedly tracing the patterns of the chair, the advisors arguments burst through your mind, doubt and despair both trapping you. God, not even having a moment to yourself was possible in the castle. You seriously needed a break from all the chaos, so you decided to slip out under the cover of night from the castle to the nearby forest, at the very edge of the country’s borders to seek some time to yourself.
As leaves crunched under your every step, the moon cast a gentle silvery glow over your cloaked form. The leaves in the tree branches rustled softly from the occasional breeze, the peace and quiet bringing about a pleasant atmosphere as you trekked through the woods. Arriving at a small clearing where a babbling creek lay, you finally let out an exhale you had been holding. Under the canopy of the stars, and no one around to constantly screech the phrase “Your Majesty!”, the sense of freedom you felt was truly unmatched. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to at least let out your worries, there wasn’t anyone around anyways… “Damn those old farts, it’s not like I even wanted to be king! I can literally see the court eyeing me like a piece of meat every time they argue about the war like I’m some kind of idiot! God, sometimes I wish I was just some simple commoner!” Fueled by your sudden rage, words rushed out your mouth, the confusion and rage you had held in for so long finally let out.
Oh. That actually felt…good. Unfortunately before you could continue, a voice interrupted you, “Your Majesty, are you okay…?” Whipping your head around, you were greeted at a sight of a golden-haired man donned in a commoner’s garb, standing there awkwardly at the entrance of the clearing. Caught off guard, you stumbled over your words, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “Well, I …uh…! Sorry, you had to see that… that was pretty embarrassing of me haha…” You rubbed your neck sheepishly, mortified that one of your subjects had seen you so vulnerable. There was a heavy pause as your words hung in the air. The man’s expression softened, and he stepped forward, his tone empathetic. "Your Majesty, we all have our burdens. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your troubles. If you don’t mind sharing some of your problems with this humble subject, I would be happy to listen.”
The man’s unexpected understanding and calm demeanor helped ground you. Word after word, you shared about how you feel, the weight of the crown and its decisions, and the man patiently listened. Hours passed and you learnt the man’s name was Leo and he was an alpha. “Leo, thanks so much for listening to me.” You smiled shyly at him. “Not to mention, you’re really handsome too, I bet a girl or two would be interested in a guy who is as caring and good looking as you. Well too bad, I’m a male, an alpha and the king at that. Alphas can’t really be together.” You joked, failing to catch a brief piercing look that flashed in his eyes before he reverted back to his gentle expression at what you said. “No problem, Your Majesty, the pleasure is all mine.” He bowed. “I am glad you were able to feel better, but I must go. See you around.” Waving at him, you watched as he left the clearing. Weird, you never saw his face before in the servants of the castle…why did he say see you around? Oh well, you brushed it off as you headed back to the castle, it didn’t really matter.
As you approached the castle, you were greeted by the sight of the once-grand fortress, now a dark silhouette against the burning sky, that was surrounded by enemy forces. Smoke billowed from the battlements, and the air was thick with the acrid scent of battle. Panic and despair filled you, as their king where had you been? Shirking your responsibilities and leaving your own subjects vulnerable! Your heart sank as you rushed into the fray of battle where the throne room lay, as multiple corpses of your former subjects lay there, a stifling numbness filled you. Gritting your teeth, you decided to fight to the end and honour your words as their king. Brandishing your sword, you swung at the enemy soldiers, desperately seeking revenge for your fallen subjects. Unfortunately, resistance was futile at this point, most of your soldiers were dead. The enemy soldiers recognised you as the king and immediately incapacitated you. Just before you passed out, you swore you could see a familiar smile on someone approaching you.
“—— needs to be done.” “That’s not——!” You jolt awake to the sharp, discordant murmur of voices. Groggy and disoriented, you struggle to make sense of your surroundings around you. The invasion! Wide awake, you opened your eyes to see the familiar throne room and your wrists bound together as you sat on the throne. Enemy soldiers surrounded the hall as a golden-haired man in regal attire seemed to be having a conversation with someone. Wait. No way. Was it- “Leo!” You blurted out involuntarily. Noticing that you were awake, the man gestured for the other person and the soldiers to leave as he walked in your direction. As he came closer, his cerulean eyes met your shocked gaze, there was no mistaking it. He was Leo, the man you had confided in hours ago.
The kind expression on his face you had seen was now replaced with a taunting smirk, a sharp contrast to his former soothing demeanour. A wave of disbelief washed over you, leaving you momentarily paralysed. Tilting your chin up with his hand, he smiled evilly. “Oh, you naive thing. (Name), you were just pouring your heart out to me as your subjects were ruthlessly slaughtered…you truly are a great king…” An almost psychotic giggle left him as he sneered at you. “I was honestly surprised. I thought you were be more well, less stupid. It’s almost adorable really! To not even do your research about the very king that you were at war with, your innocence was so cute.” Disdain was evident in his tone as he made cruel jab after cruel jab at you.
“Just kill me.” You snarled at him, a fierce defiance radiating as you bared your fangs at him. However, your words seemed to take on the opposite effect of what you wanted as he only cooed at you mockingly. “Now, now, I can’t possibly do that. You were so cute in trusting me, I can’t possibly let you go now!” He grinned with malicious intent, his thoughts unpredictable as you glared at him. “The elders at home have been bothering me about getting a wife lately, and you seem to like me after our first meeting so why not make you my bitch.” He beamed malevolently, making sure to enunciate every word clearly.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Bitch? Well, you certainly didn’t like that as you let out a guttural growl at that suggestion, your pride as an alpha rising up. “Quiet.” Leo shushed you almost as you were a disobedient child. Grabbing you with almost inhuman strength, you flailed as he hoisted you on his lap with your back facing him. Terror quickly set in as he began sniffing your nape where your scent gland was, his canines lightly grazing it. One bite and it was over. You wouldn’t be an alpha anymore and instead be bound to the very man that slaughtered your people. In a fit of fear, you began frantically struggling as you pleaded with him. “Leo! Please don’t-!” However, it was to no avail as he snorted back with a snarky “No.” He sunk his teeth into your gland, biting down with as much force he could humanly muster. The harsh pain ripping a pained whine from your throat as you scrambled at the air to grip onto anything to ground you. An intense heat began to envelop you, further intensifying your discomfort.
The bite took immediate effect, heat rushing through your veins as you felt your body beginning to change. Agony shot through you as the forced change to your secondary gender was initiated, a relentless wave of pain that refused to ebb. Your once sharp canines that served to give a mating bite shrunk along with your cock, turning into an omega’s tiny cock. Your unused hole began to leak runny slick through your pants, a sign that the bitching had been successful and your first heat as an omega was about to begin. Weakly twitching against Leo, your muscles felt like stone as all your strength was sapped from you. Satisfied with his work, Leo hummed as he licked the bite in satisfaction.
As the pain shifted to an insatiable need to be filled, you unconsciously grinded against the huge tent forming in his pants, seeking reprise from the unfamiliar heat you felt, your slick wetting his crotch. You whimpered, your newly turned body eager to be filled and fucked. Turning you around to face him, Leo tore off your pants impatiently, eager to see the results of his bitching. “Fuck, your dick has really turned into an omega’s useless cock!” He jeered as he thumbed at the slit at the head of your dick, pearly pre-cum forming at the tip. “F-fuck you…” You spat back, struggling to regain your senses in your lust hazed state. He smirked back, his fingers dextrously rubbing your cock in response. “S-stop!” You cried out, the rim of your eyes red. The humiliation of being bitched and getting jerked off was too much. Coupled with the fact you were a virgin, the pleasure immediately began to fill your frayed nerves. With your senses heightened by your heat, you came almost seconds after, the knot in your stomach tightening and breaking as you dirtied your shirt with a loud moan.
Hands moving away from your weeping cock, he spread your rim dripping with slick open. “It’s like a waterfall…” Muttering, he wet his fingers with your slick before slipping in a finger. The calluses on his finger served as delicious stimulation as they rubbed against your sensitive walls, trying to find your prostrate. Biting your lips, you tried to hold your moans in, not letting him have any satisfaction. Your attempts at resistance were once again futile as he quickly found your prostrate and began to abuse it relentlessly, slipping in another finger. Once again, you felt the familiar singsong of ecstasy rush through you as the pressure in your stomach tightened. “Gh! Ngh—no! D-don’t wanna cum again!” You sobbed as he mercilessly grinded away at your prostrate, crying out as cum shot out from your dick for the second time.
His fingers pulled out as he shared a kiss with you, hot tongue twisting and dominating your mouth. Caught up in the kiss, you didn’t notice him freeing his cock which was now circling your hole. The sudden intrusion had you gasping and pulling away as the blunt head of his cock slipped out from your movements. He grunted at you, annoyed as his cock throbbed impatiently. You shook your head at him desperately as your throat was too dry to form words. A sudden gentle expression formed on his face, “Okay, then if you don’t want it, I won’t force it.” He smiled, almost saint-like. You should have felt joy at what he said but only disappointment filled you. Why did you feel disappointed?! The growing emptiness in you made you restless as your instincts cried at you to make your mated alpha put his dick in you deep and knot you.
Conflicted, you stared at him blankly. “Tell me, do you want it or not?” He chuckled carefree, almost as if his cock wasn’t rock hard in front of you. The intense need to be filled overwhelmed your senses, you needed to be bred. Desperation and horniness got the better of you as you as you nodded your head, hole clenching in response. “Use your words.” He scowled in displeasure. Eager to please your alpha, you tossed aside your pride and shame as you uttered a low yes. In a split second, you felt his monstrous cock stretch you open and then white. You had squirted all over him just from penetration. Your mouth gaped as your eyes glazed over, the repeated orgasms leaving you twitching around the fat dick driving into you. “Shit.” He huffed, smug, and gripped your waist as he bounced you up and down his fat dick. “Ah! Ah- ugh!” Whimpers bubbled from your throat as you swore you saw stars from how hard he was thrusting into you, your prostrate kissed again and again. Watching your flesh ripple as his hips snapped against yours, Leo spurred on, your cries exciting him further.
Indescribable satisfaction filled you as he grinded his hips into you, making sure to go deep and bully your sensitive innards, making you pulse around his cock uncontrollably. “You like that, huh.” He growled, voice dropping an octave as he began relentlessly pounding, determined to sate his desire. It didn’t help that he had an incredibly strong stamina, making you orgasm multiple times, your voice too hoarse to even cry out. “Gonna wife you up, put my kids in you.” He groaned, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as the brutal pace of his cock began to stutter and slow down as the base of his dick began to swell. He was going to knot you. Roughly shoving his swelling knot in your hole, the burn and friction against your insides made you mewl in pleasure.
You attempted to move Leo’s hands away, but when that didn’t work, you tried to crawl off the dick destroying your insides. Tears fell from your eyes, your little cock not being able to keep up with the pleasure continuing to wrack his body. He felt you trying to pull away and grabbed you by the base of your throat, pulling his ass flush against his thighs. Leo continued to obliterate your hole, his other hand reaching down to wrap around the tiny dick. He jerked you in time with his thrusts, licking around the scent gland. 
“Don’t run from it. Take it like a good little wife.”
Finally, the moment came. The mast of his swollen knot locked you both together as he sheathed himself in to the hilt. You slurred incoherently as he began stuffing you full of his cum, a small bulge forming on your stomach. In a rare moment of reprieve, he gently placed his hands against your distending stomach as waves of cum were pumped into you. Trapped in a tight bear hug, your yowls of ecstasy drowned out his moans as you both came together. Barely conscious from the rough fucking you just had, your head lolled to the side on his shoulder.
Breathing in his scent as your hole hugged his cock, you swore you were going to kill him. A small hoarse “fuck you” left your lips before you drifted off to sleep, eliciting an amused laugh from him.
note: well that was it haha, Leo’s a bitch lol 💀. Tried a more descriptive writing style this time, hope u enjoyed the fic :)
Reblogs are appreciated! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
check out part 2 !
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yukiyee-akian · 5 days
You can't possibly just come here just for fun and leave everyone be once you're bored right?
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Credit 🥂 (Ares, Loki, Hades by Starlxxd)
[ GN Reader but stuck with them instead of the the mystics ]
Hades = Gaslighting
The underworld may be damp but with your pressence alone, the underworld seems to be the best place Hades could ever find
Sure, 'Mistress/Lover of Olympians', but how about changing it into 'Mistress/Master of the Underworld' now?
See? Cerberus will be upset if you leave the underworld for well, the Mystics, Mortals or just play around with the other Olympians
Don't worry, Hades has made sure that Cerberus will always be there to block the way out either by having them roll around begging for your attention or just, making you ride them (hey, you have always enjoyed riding them at full speed)
"It's fun riding them right? Faster, boys!"
And you being the dense, naive one will not realize Hades' true intentions at all
You'll be sat on a throne just like him, well, except of sitting on each other's respective throne, Hades will sit on the floor with his head resting on your lap
You are his sunshine in this damp world, you are his fresh air in this damp world, you are his sweet flower in this damp world
Now now, where are you going to? Hm? Leave? You are going to leave the underworld to see Zeus again? How about a game with Cerberus and him?
Surely that King of the Gods is not worth your time so better spend it wisely on the King of the Underworld instead, hm?
"Mmh, how about a trip in the Underworld?"
"But I've explored all the places here?"
"Nuh uh, there's still more love~ come on"
Yeah he definitely did not just create something for this
If the pom is effective, he'll trick you into eating it when you are drunk from the alcohol he made you drink
If not then he'll just have to find another way to trap you here
Koei : God, if Yang Jian is the one who's gon escort you back then he'll 100% go feral once you leave lmaoo
Honestly idk much about him but he'll just be a persistent one
Will do few tricks to trick you into staying
Ah, you've seen that one? Fine how about this one? And this one?
Mmh, have you ever seen this? It's one of his many weapons. Ah, you have? How about this? And this?
"Let's play this game, shall we?"
"But we've been playing this for the whole week, Loki"
"Ah... how about this game then, here's how.."
He'll do whatever it takes to make you stay with him
Angy baby who'll bite everyone if you tell him you are going to leave
He just turns into a ticking bomb, someone greeted him and they'll have to hear him curses non stop
What do you mean by you are bored? Is he not enough as a companion for you to kill your boredom?
The mystics? Phah! Screw them, you are coming with him to this banquet
You just nod along while tailing him behind, completely oblivious with his attempts in not letting you leave
How about you join him to this one war? It'll be a nice change of scenery for you no? You won't be bored watching him fight, he promises
"Ares, I just wanna go see Hundun and have a tea with him-"
"Hmph, that ugly arrogant four-handed monster? If you want a companion for your tea party then you can just have me!"
If he won then he'll puff himself with pride and boast non stop on your face, making you sing praises to him while tending him
If he lost then you'll also still sing praises for him, just gotta make sure your wordings won't hurt him. Also since you'll give him extra special treatment whenever he lost, he won't sulk that long
You? And Aphrodite? He'll choose you over her silly
Remember how easily flustered he is when you just approached him without warning? Yeah he's still the same
"Let's ride together into the battlefield hm? Just... don't leave"
Well, it's really rare for him to be this soft considering how he just started another war to distract you
Zeus will have to give him a few words again after this
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yukiyee-akian · 5 days
I want one of those scenes in a dude bro film where “tomboy” chick has to wear a dress to go undercover or whatever, but instead of the guys drooling as she walks down the stairs, they’re like “k. U need to stop. Go put the cargo pants back on. You look super uncomfortable and awkward in that. Brutus, you go be the fake prostitute.”
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yukiyee-akian · 5 days
MaleSub Yandere!
(Except you are also a male Yandere)
•You meet when you are both younger. Still in college. At the time, MSub was blackout drunk, so he didn’t fully remember you. But you remembered him.
•At first it was simple. Learning his routine, finding his socials. Then it became deeper. More in depth. Watching him sleep, stealing his clothes from the shared dorm laundry room, hacking into the student dorm files and forcing his roommate to move out.
•After that, is when he notices you for the first time. Once his old roommate mysteriously left, you were put in. He could see that you were obsessed. It was obvious. So he showed off.
•One night, you wake up in the middle of the night to whimpering. Your eyes go to MSubs side of the room and see the moving blankets. Up, down, up, down- Jesus. You can hear him whimper and whine. Then you hear “[Name]~” being moaned in a soft, needing, desperate tone. You stay still watching the sweaty body writhe under the blankets. Once MSub finally finishes he leaves the blanket on, a wet spot on the area where he finished.
•He caught you sucking the spot the next day- “gods [Name] such a bitc-” He is pounced on.
•Usually you are reserved but the moment you hear his teasing tone you tackle him onto your bed. Well… he should’ve been good.
• “Ah-Ah-Ah~” MSub moans loudly. You pound into him relentlessly. Not caring for his feelings(you don’t know that he loves the feeling of being helpless). “My Bitch. Cmon- beg- beg me to cum~” You grunt out. “Pluh-please, Faster- ah~.” All MSub can let out is whines for more and more.
•After you are done, you lick him clean and cuddle close to him. “Now you can never fucking leave me.” You hiss into his ear. Yet you miss his obsessive evil smile. Finally, finally he has you~.
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yukiyee-akian · 5 days
Image I saw on TikTok but with some AC characters I love (especially underrated ones)
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yukiyee-akian · 7 days
Idk if the writers intended it or not but the amount of cognitive dissonance between what Haytham says and what he does is so telling of the kind of person he was raised to be. Birch succeeded in making him talk like a Templar, but his actions contradict pretty much everything Haytham claims to stand for. It's as if the brainwashing ran deep enough to make Haytham lack self-awareness but not enough to completely destroy what Edward was able to teach him before he died. Connor points it out verbatim right before they meet up with Washington too. "You've talked a great deal but you've shown me nothing."
Haytham says he wants order but he's just about as chaotic as his father was when he was younger. He says Connor's talks of "freedom" and "free will" are nonsense but literally every time we see him aside from the opening sequences, he's going off on his own, doing God-knows-what without telling any of the other Templars, he drops everything on the spot to go camping with his girlfriend, hell he even murdered a Templar Grandmaster for personal revenge (when revenge has been the driving force between many of the protagonists we've had so far like Ezio, Connor, Arno, Bayek, heck even Kassandra to some degree, while the Templars claim to be above this kind of stuff). He went against Lee's plans to have Connor executed because he felt like it. (The line in his journal is literally "I won't let my son die today.") He says he wants purpose and direction and yet never has a plan for whatever he's doing. He's exactly like Edward on that front, essentially bullshitting his way through everything and hoping it all works out (and it often doesn't). That man has never had purpose or direction in his entire life, and the moment someone tries to tell him what to do, he actively chooses to do the opposite because he doesn't follow orders (and if he does, it's on his own terms).
When Haytham realized he didn't hold the key to the Precursor site, he chose to drop it altogether, because he knew too many would have to die for the cause and it wasn't worth it. Do you mean to tell me people like Vidic, the Borgias, Germain, heck even Torres (who's by far the most reasonable Grandmaster we've encountered in the series besides François de la Serre, maybe) went to impossible lengths to get to the Observatory — do you think any of these men would've just... stopped ? Because more people would have to die ? (The answer is no. William Johnson was willing to commit mass murder just to buy the land the site was on — which by the way Haytham had no idea about (the mass murder part, I mean) until after the fact and he was very angry about it.)
Which is also pretty telling about how involved he is in all of this. He didn't know about what Johnson was planning because he couldn't even be bothered to hold yearly meetings for like 15 years.
In his journal, you can see how he progressively starts to despise every Templar he's working with. He endorses Lee out loud but his thoughts about the guy are that he's "too British to be a good representative for the American people" and he's actually pretty pessimistic about his chances to supplant Washington. He doesn't even believe in what he says about Lee, like, ever (which is why I say it really looks like he's endorsing Lee as an act of sabotage because it really feels like it sometimes.) His Templar kill count is also higher than Connor's — Juan Vedomir, the unnamed mercenary with a West Country accent, Edward Braddock, John Harrison, Reginald Birch, Benjamin Church and Nicholas Biddle (although the game never showed it, the fact that Church and Biddle died only days apart while both in the Caribbean means that Haytham was with Connor on the Aquila when he killed Biddle, so he's at least complicit in his murder.)
Haytham says he's a man with Templar ideals and an Assassin background but to me it feels like the opposite. He's a man with a Templar background and Assassin ideals, but the grooming started so young that even killing Birch couldn't undo the damage that man had done. I think Haytham realized that by the end and that's why he let Connor kill him.
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yukiyee-akian · 7 days
batfam x un lector assassin(?
No sé, me imagino al pobre teniendo que escapar no solo de Abstergo y los templarios, sino que ahora de la batfam también porque por alguna razón o de alguna forma se obsesionaron con él, ya sea de forma romántica (excepto Damian) o platónica.
Solo pensamientos aleatorios.
No romantizar el comportamiento yandere en la vida real porfavor.
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yukiyee-akian · 7 days
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A quick sketch I did.
Idea: https://pin.it/1XMngfyFZ
Connor x selfship 🫣
My character (Magdalena) is a pirate girl from South America.
I'm ashamed to publish this, but I'm encouraged because I have too many ideas to draw from canon x selfship (With Jacob, Bayek and Miguel O'Hara).
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yukiyee-akian · 7 days
Okay, but listen to me...
This image of Connor + The painting of "The Fallen Angel"
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And as a result we have this drawing I made:
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yukiyee-akian · 7 days
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you have selected the masterlist. . . !
access to all archives is granted. . . !
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟏: Dick Grayson
one file was downloaded
➥ I think he knows.
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟐: Bruce Wayne
one file was downloaded
➥ Secrets | eng/esp. ( ft. Diana and Clark )
➥ Work from home.
𝐀𝐑����𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟑: Damian Wayne
six files was downloaded
➥ older | eng/esp.
➥ young
➥ the sound of silence
➥ good girl
➥ animals
➥ nsfw drabble | 1
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟒: Hal Jordan
five files was downloaded
➥ dbf
➥ blushing ( fluff )
➥ hate fuck ( ft: Kyle Rayner )
➥ worst behavior ( ft: Kyle Rayner )
➥ bittersweet ( ft. barry allen )
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟓: Kyle Rayner
three files was downloaded
➥ hate fuck ( ft: Hal Jordan )
➥ worst behavior ( ft. Hal Jordan )
➥ missed me, babe? ( fluff and smut )
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟔: Tim Drake
two files was downloaded
➥ best friend | eng/esp
➥ lips red enough to kill a bird
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟕: Jason Todd
the files will be downloaded soon
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟖: Roy Harper
the files will be downloaded soon
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝐎𝟗: Wally West
one file was downloaded
➥ a lesson or two
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝟏𝟎: Barry Allen
two files was downloaded
➥ ex for a reason
➥ bittersweet ( ft. hal jordan )
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 #𝐎𝟏𝟏: Marvel and Invincible
the files: "Wade Wilson", "Peter Parker" and "Mark Grayson" will be downloaded soon.
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yukiyee-akian · 10 days
Un grupo de readers de diferentes universos comiendo tranquilamente por el cumpleaños de uno de ellos.
— El puré de papa está para chuparse los dedos!
— Eu, soy yo o huele a quemado?
— Alguien trajo más pan? Esto definitivamente no va a alcanzar, el de la dimensión [] se lo va a comer todo!
— EN MI DEFENSA... No, de hecho no tengo excusa, simplemente me gusta el pan.
— Si llega a faltar que él vaya a comprar después y listo...
— Yo solo espero que el pollo esté bien 😔...
*se escucha un ruido de ventana siendo destruida*
Todos: *Birthday music stops*
La YanBatfam que vino a buscar a su lector viendo cómo pareciese que se multiplicó:
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Esto es cringe pero me encanta lmao
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yukiyee-akian · 10 days
Tim: hey Jason wanna hear a secret?
Jason: sure
Tim: I don't drink coffee all the time like you guys think I do
Jason: what? your lying
Tim: no, I pretend I do so when Bruce or Alfred tell me I cant have anymore I just drink energy drinks
Jason: Then what were you drinking this morning?
Tim: iced tea in my coffee cup
Jason: but why are you telling me this?
Tim: because no one will ever believe you
Jason: you monster..
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yukiyee-akian · 11 days
Can you do platonic yandere atsv headcanons with a non-spider reader?
Sure! I’ll be a bit rusty since I haven’t seen it in a while; everything will be separate since it wasn’t specific! I’m also sorry that Pav’s part is a bit short, I don’t write him good 😭
Yandere!ATSV x Non-Spider! Reader
Synopsis: Miles, Gwen, Hobie, Peter, Pavitr, and Miguel all become fond over you in different scenarios, but in each dimension you seem to stuck them with delusion and Yandere feeling.
Pairing & Cw: Plationic (HC’s)» Yandere behavior, kidnapping, stalking, obsessive behavior, controlling, perennial power abuse, murder tendencies/thoughs
Now playing: New Person, Same Old Mistakes by Tame Impala
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MILES MORALES: Miles morales. Earth 1610B. Miles sees you as a friend, as Rio and Jeff see you as another child. Miles was so close to you, as you were a close friend to him, meeting him in school, although you were the 2nd person, who knows his identity in his world he trusts you with it. Miles would be extremely protective as you can’t protect yourself in his eyes, he hates when you hang out with other guys, or girls, anyone for that matter, he doesn’t want his best friend to leave him, he doesn’t want them to be taken from his grasp. He already lost Gwen and his uncle, he won’t lose another person he cares about. Even if he has to keep you hidden.
GWEN STACY: Gwen Stacy. Earth-616, you and Gwen were childhood friends since both of your parents worked in the first responder field, Gwen loved you. She thought of you as such a close and dear friend, she wanted to keep you close to her at all times, since you aren’t a spider-person she can’t help but feel the need to protect you. Her father George, feels you belong to the family, he isn’t Yandere but he feels a close connection to you, feeling you were supposed to be his child. Gwen will make sure nothing ever happens to you.
HOBIE BROWN: Hobie brown. Earth-138, Hobie and you were close siblings, as time grew and you found out he was spider-man you two became even closer, you would help him stitch up his suit or add patches to his jacket, you thought the spike Mohawk was hilarious, he kept it as it always made you laugh and smile, he hated it when you would go out with friends, he just wanted to hang out with you, play games, explore, watch movies or go out, he just hope you don’t find someone..he can’t stand the thought of losing his sibling to some selfish asshole.
PETER B. PARKER: Peter B. Parker. Earth-616. Being born to Spider-Man was crazy. Peter would bring you onto adventures and you even met Miguel O’Hera who loved you as his own daughter. Peter and you would always get in trouble once “Mom” Gwen, heard about him taking you on another adventure, Peter B. Grew in insane attachment, waking to keep you, always clingy and rough-housing with you, earning the giggles he adores, he wanted to make sure his flesh and blood was safe, and he will do anything for you. Anything.
PAVITR PRABHAKAR: Pavitr Prabhakar, Earth-50101, a friend of his, being a friend since middle school you and him were inseparable, he loved that you were so supportive of him being Spider-Man, he loved you as a person since you were always helping others, not caring that you didn’t have any powers, you were intelligent, and hilarious, he enjoyed you, but he couldn’t bare to see you leave him, leave him for another friend or even a significant other..
MIGUEL O’HERA: Miguel O’Hera. Earth-928, Miguel saw you one day, saw that you were an abandoned child, he couldn’t bare it, he took you in and made you his own, keeping you hidden from the world and spider society, Miguel was a great dad. Until he wasn’t, being a rebellious teenager with him is hard, he would gaslight you into believing you were given to him since you killed your own mother, Miguel always felt bad after fighting, and by making it up to you he would let you hang out with Lila, you hope sometime in the future he would allow you to have actual friends. But Miguel would never allow that, not what happened with Gabriella.
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yukiyee-akian · 13 days
batfam x un lector assassin(?
No sé, me imagino al pobre teniendo que escapar no solo de Abstergo y los templarios, sino que ahora de la batfam también porque por alguna razón o de alguna forma se obsesionaron con él, ya sea de forma romántica (excepto Damian) o platónica.
Solo pensamientos aleatorios.
No romantizar el comportamiento yandere en la vida real porfavor.
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yukiyee-akian · 22 days
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My Valentine
details: yandere!husband x AFAB!reader | Mentions of female genitalia, detailed sexual scenes, breeding,
note: I forgot where I got the image.
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Despite the questionable setup and job description of your current job, your husband did not question it and even supported your endeavors. He cook your breakfast on the dot and even prepared your lunch and some snacks.
The warm touch of his soft lips against yours as soon as he sees you, somehow made you guilty of what you're getting yourself into. Truth be told, you haven't told him about the entire truth about your job. Only that you work as an agent.
You let him make an assumption about your job. Perhaps you'll never be able to tell him all about your job.
"Are you sure you still want to work there?" he asked while resting his firm hands on your hips. "I can support us both. We can even start our family and live comfortably."
You smiled as you cup his cheeks. "Val..."
He sighed before pulling away. "I don't really get why you're doing this," he said before meeting your gaze. "It's been two years since we've been married, you even begged me to let you enjoy for awhile before starting our family."
"Val, it's not that! I just..." you sighed. "I want to have my own money. I can't rely on you everytime. It... It doesn't feel right."
You looked up and feared what you've seen. His jaw clenched while his hold on your hips tightened.
"Was it my mother?"
Your brows furrowed. "What, no!"
"My grandma? My sister?" He closed the gap between you two. "Who was it, huh? Who influenced your decisions this time?"
You removed his hands from your body before taking one step away from him.
"Let's... just talk later." You tiptoed to reach his cheek before grabbing your packed lunch.
Maybe it's time to submit your two-week notice.
Your husband, Valentin, could get clingy at times. He'll tightly wrap his arms around your body, never missing the chance to feel the warmth of your skin.
It starts with gentle caresses against your skin, then the next thing you knew, you're being screwed and under his mercy for the next hours.
His honeyed voice that you love to hear turns to something deeper as he whispers the nastiest threats you've ever heard from him.
"Gonna make you a mommy... hngg... gonna be round and full..." He buries his face against the crook of your neck as he sensually grind his thick cock against your tight and creaming pussy.
"Pleasepleaseplease... make me cum... wanna cum..." you begged as you claw the arm that's been keeping you in place. "Val... Val... please... cumming..."
"Ah-ah... such a naughty girl." He took a deep breath against your neck before ramming his cock against your tightening pussy. "You don't get to treat me like a toy. I'm not a fucking dildo. You hear that?"
"M'srry... cumming please... please..."
"You're cumming, hm? You're gonna take my cum? All of it? Hm?"
You frantically nodded as you match his movements. It didn't take long until his cum painted your insides.
He nozzles his face against your skin. Peppering kisses against your neck, nipping it at times.
"We're gonna start our family soon..." he whispered while lazily grinding his dick inside you. "You, me, and our baby."
You chuckled. "We've talked about this before, Val..." The sheets rustled as you turn to face him.
"I still want to work. You know, to save up a bit." You pushed yourself up and looked into his eyes. "I also want to spoil them."
"You can spoil them with my card. What's mine is yours too, you know?" He responded while pulling you close to him. "We can have just one child. We'll take care of them. Raise them well..."
"Val... at least give me some time to think about it." You slowly run your finger against his chest down to his abs before barely touching the tip of his erect cock. "Besides... don't you want us to have some more time together?"
You slowly grind your moist pussy against him before he pulled you down with him. He aligned his cock and swiftly penetrated your pussy.
He doesn't hate the idea of getting you all to himself, but still. Your feelings might change once you learn more about him. He's not gonna have that. You're his for eternity, even if that meant having to share you with your child.
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yukiyee-akian · 1 month
batfam x un lector assassin(?
No sé, me imagino al pobre teniendo que escapar no solo de Abstergo y los templarios, sino que ahora de la batfam también porque por alguna razón o de alguna forma se obsesionaron con él, ya sea de forma romántica (excepto Damian) o platónica.
Solo pensamientos aleatorios.
No romantizar el comportamiento yandere en la vida real porfavor.
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