#this is not a *misunderstood frank* post
variousqueerthings · 2 years
omfg “ferret face” comes from frank’s brother and he spilled it to hawkeye and trapper while really drunk and sad only for them to start using it too, rip frank 
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Trope De Sept Masterlist
Hi friends! In celebration of me hitting a major follower milestone, I'm going to be posting 17 new fics in September inspired by common tropes. (It has to be 17 because dix-sept in french is 17 and it's Trope de/dix Sept. Get it? Huh? No? Just me?)
First one will go up September 1st and I'm hoping to post the rest every M, T, Th, F and a few sporadic ones sprinkled in there. Please only interact with fics labeled SMUT if you are 18+ and have your age listed on your blog, or I will block you. Read all warnings in the individual fics. Schedule subject to change.
All work is my own. I currently only post on Tumblr. Please do not repost anywhere else or translate without my consent.
My Main Masterlist
Trope de Sept Masterlist
Fake Dating (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Proposal Gone Wrong (Sam Wilson x Reader)
The Morning After (Frank Castle x Reader) SMUT
Hallmark Special (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Song Fic (Bucky Barnes x Reader) SMUT
Misunderstood Breakup (Frank Castle x Reader)
Bodyguard AU (Billy Russo x Reader) SMUT
Enemies to Lovers (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Sleeping Love Confession (Loki x Reader)
One Bed (Steve Rogers x Reader) SMUT
Soulmate AU (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Sex Pollen (Bucky Barnes x Reader x Frank Castle) SMUT
The Snap (Frank Castle x Matt Murdock)
Secret (Frank Castle x Reader)
Crossover (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Five Things Fic (Frank Castle x Reader)
Car Sex (Matt Murdock x Reader) SMUT
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poppitron360 · 4 months
I’d like to dive deeper into my thoughts on Caleo, bc they have been taking up most of my brainpower rn:
I get where Rick was going with it. I really do. They started off hating each other, Calypso thinking Leo was really annoying and just generally being like “why is this tiny human talking to me?”, but then they grew closer, realised they misunderstood each other, and bonded over common ground. It’s sweet. But the thing is, Rick? You’ve already got a character that did all that with Leo in the previous book!
And his name is Frank.
1. You’ve already set up that dynamic! Why not spend more time focusing on fleshing out that existing arc instead of creating a new one?
2. There’s SO MUCH more potential with angst- Frank being afraid of Leo bc of his fire, Leo being afraid of Frank because he’s twice his size and could easily crush his tiny body under his foot. Leo’s had to learn to survive on his brains and quick-wits in order to protect himself from bullies, and instantly gets defensive when he sees Frank. Frank is very insecure and sensitive, so immediately falls victim to Leo’s jokes. It takes a while for both of them to take those walls down, put aside their differences, and learn to trust each other.
3. It’s just hilarious how got-off-on-the-wrong-foot they were. A reminder that when Frank first met Leo, Leo had just destroyed half of New Rome. They both immediately judged each other completely based on looks- like it’s seriously funny how much you could compare these two to “Pride and Prejudice”. Also, the awkward misunderstanding that was the whole Sammy thing-
4. But they also have a lot more in common that Leo and Calypso ever did- similar trauma with losing their moms, and actually Leo is just as afraid of fire as Frank is. Both are incredibly insecure, and they both feel like they don’t belong among the other Seven.
5. You’ve also got that fun opposites-attract thing- Frank is big and muscular, Leo is built like a twig. Frank is big soft pookie bear, Leo is an absolute menace to society. Frank can turn into animals, Leo is a machines guy. Frank is Roman, Leo is Greek. You get the idea. They were written to juxtapose each other beautifully. They are the Yin to each other’s Yang.
6. They get so much more time together to establish a meaningful relationship. Their arc carries over three books, and we get to form connections as a reader to BOTH Leo AND Frank separately beforehand, so the payoff is a lot more satisfying. It takes time for them to open up to each other, and when they do it feels like they earned it. Calypso and Leo got a couple of chapters, that’s it.
It doesn’t have to be romantic! Leo can heal his trauma with friends and found family, learning to love and accept himself, learning that he doesn’t actually need the attention of a hot girl to be valid. He can find his place among his brethren with the help of all his friends, even Frank- the most unlikely of friends.
I wish Rick had put more effort into fleshing out the platonic relationships instead of just conforming to romance-centric ideals of “love fixes everything!” It’s lazy, and boring, and has been done to death. Platonic friendships make up 95% of our relationships, yet they are SERIOUSLY underrepresented in media. I’m calling for more interesting platonic dynamics. Leo and Frank could’ve been so much more, if Rick had actually taken the time to build on their relationship, and focused less on “Leo Needs a Girlfriend”!
So, when I say “Everything Caleo did, Valzhang could do better”- THAT is what I meant.
Also, Jason is so much better for Leo than Calypso, but that’s a whole other post.
[Edit: And I have made that post! You can find it here]
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On The Topic Of Eddie.
First of all, he’s completely fucked. He’s screwed. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again: I’ve never seen a character more doomed by the narrative. 
Second, Eddie’s halloween costume was Frankenstein’s Monster. And pray tell, what was the Monster’s whole thing? That he’s betrayed by his own creator, rejected / attacked by the town, deeply misunderstood & interpreted as a violent beast despite being well-read and helpful/benevolent. There are some interesting ties there - especially with the Misunderstood Despite Being Well-Read (switch out violent beast with forgetful klutz and it’s a perfect fit). That, plus Eddie’s description of “...brought back from the dead… by the scientist… stitches… a deathly pallor… a bit of a moral conundrum…”
Take that and add it to how Eddie resembles the “night” side of the clocks (this will be expanded upon with Sally in a different post), and how @/theneighborhoodwatch once pointed out that the color purple is only shown in relation to Eddie & may represent secrets, how in livestream trivia it was implied that Eddie doesn’t sleep at night as he is a “busy guy”, and how Sally’s “monster” only comes out at night and likely isn’t a monster at all - she is dramatic, an embellisher, and said to present things that she herself doesn’t know / is uncertain of As Fact, or at least present them as if she knows exactly what she’s talking about (even when she doesn’t and knows it). 
Another tidbit that I may have mentioned but I’ll bring it up again: Eddie’s eyelashes match the scalloped trim under Home’s windows. Three round curves. 
As an additional tally in the “Eddie is soooo fucked <3” scoreboard, Eddie is the mailman in a story where one of the first things we knew to be actually happening was the WHRP receiving letters of Welcome Home media (now I’m not saying Eddie sent them, certainly not. He may or may not have had a hand in helping with the delivery, but what I mean with this is how it ties in symbolically/abstractly/thematically.) That plus the red envelope, the general unfolding delivery theme… Eddie even has a holiday explicitly associated with him - Mail-In Time Day. 
Then there’s the fact that Eddie tends to express Knowledge and a more worldly disposition, in a way. Despite Frank being mentioned as the neighborhood “intellectual”, and he is so with facts, Eddie seems to have a deeper well of… let’s say cultural know-how. Pair that with how his bio is the only one to say/imply that he comes from elsewhere, that he’s been Around. Everyone else came from their family or don’t have a stated before, but Eddie? He was strongly implied to have delivered to a lot of different places - this is made into a running gag, but we all know a running gag for the Show has deeper implications and meanings. 
And the fact that his genuine knowledge as well as his past are consistently dismissed and/or played off for laughs…
A while back - this is related I swear - there was an ask Clown answered where they talked about some of his notes on Eddie. The first part that I want to point out is how apparently Eddie is a good source for information (specifically How-To), but despite being talkative he doesn’t share unless prodded for it. This directly relates to the above points. 
Then there’s the one I really want to talk about - how Clown says that “He [Eddie] has a great deal of precision for someone who presents themselves as a semi-clumsy busybody!” 
That single line made me insane, personally. First, the wording. The choice of saying presents themselves as instead of something like for someone who is. There’s an obvious discrepancy between his precision and clumsiness. Now I don’t doubt that he may be a tad accident-prone, but what if Eddie is dialing up the clumsy nature to disarm his Neighbors / craft a specific reputation for himself / give himself leeway in other areas. 
On one hand, this is suspicious as fuck.
On the other hand, this is so adhd of him. 
One of the things rarely mentioned about it is how sometimes we adhders will play up our more “useless” traits in order to create a bit of a social safety net. Admittedly, I will sometimes play up my forgetfulness so that a) if i do forget things (truth more often than not), people aren’t surprised. b) when i remember things, people are pleasantly surprised. I mean, if people start thinking we’re competent then they’ll start Expecting things from us, which is never a good thing! 
And another thing that relates to it that that ask said - Clown says in it that Eddie is slow to anger, but he gets frustrated more easily. Which is fascinating and very relatable. They also said that he can’t talk about it without wandering too far, which - if the post is viable - has… implications. 
Anyway I am very confident that Eddie is in fact adhd. List of reasons (refer to the wiki trivia Eddie Dear section for sources):
He’s forgetful
He gets so involved with a task and cannot break away until it’s finished, thus often making him late
He’s particular
He has a watch - likely to help him keep track of time, implying that he has difficulty with the concept (time blindness!) 
He is very talkative and rambley 
& seems to have slight difficulty with picking up on social cues telling him when to / when not to speak
He’s slow to anger but more easily frustrated 
Beyond all of this I don’t have much to add that I haven’t already talked about in a previous post! I’m sure even so I’ve restated some (or a lot of) things - it Happens! 
In conclusion: bbg is so screwed & also adhd <3
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amber-jinx · 3 months
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Me again (:
Your posts always make me feel better, particularly the ones on Rachel. I need it due to the recent loss of a family member which is why I haven’t been around as much. That said, thank you for being so positive and supportive. ❤️
A question that has been lingering in my mind is why do you think Rachel is hated so much in the fandom? She was flawed, but I seriously doubt she was this monster that others make her out to be. To some degree, I can relate to her. Not on the daddy issues per se, but more so of being misunderstood.
Hey! Apologies for the delay in answering, really hope you're healing up well. And your GIFs are always so goofy they bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for your kind words-- they remind me that my posts about Rachel aren't meaningless 🧡
Now getting to this very valid question-- why is Rachel, & by extension, any flawed character without a crystal clear definition like her, hated on so much??
1. Because she is ambiguous. Rachel is viewed in the 3rd person perspective-- either Max's or Chloe's; We never got to know what Rachel was actually thinking, how she felt and what lead to her decisions. All that we've seen in the game are after-the-fact and through varying third perspectives talking about the Rachel Amber, without actually knowing 100% who she really is.
This leaves room for the truth to be bent so severely that people barely scratch the surface of Rachel, and are basically blaming & hating on someone that is not her.
I bet if we got to play her version of the story from the start & experience all the mess from her pov, some players might just choose to hide from Chloe in order to protect her before anything comes to fruition, which can be very much justified in her position imo. Who knows? We could very much be jumping for Jeffersht's trap of an opportunity to get cash so that we can leave town with Chloe. It's all about the context & the framing.
2. As mentioned before by other bloggers, some fans focus too much on Chloe & her narrative that they judge Rachel solely based on Chloe's very biased narrative. I've noticed that quite a lot who appreciate/like Rachel played BTS first without much impression of who this girl is, which offers a very different experience as compared to playing the OG then BTS.
Chloe's outburst after finding out about Rachel's involvement with Frank (the words she used, "lied" "betrayed" etc) left such a deep impression in people's minds that after years of having played the game, continued to influence their perspectives.
Instead of taking account into other details where Rachel cared more for Chloe & was always prioritising her over Frank, and particularly due to the lack of major evidence of her being loyal to Chloe (which is mostly present in the unseen/untold, besides Joyce's remark that they were "joint in the head" and "chloe could never piss Rachel off"), folks now have a magnified impression that all Rachel ever did that's worth noting is her "betrayal", is her supposed plan on leaving Chloe without telling her, which could very well not be the case, but is kinda made harder to argue given Chloe's rage & us not knowing Rachel's side of the story (aka, in her defense), especially with her missing/out of the picture.
Therefore it's so easy for many to simply jump on the Rachel hate train in their almost blindsighted sympathy for Chloe. They might also:
- ignore that Rachel's a victim & instead assume 100% autonomy in her choices, when she was under influence & potential coersion / "it's too late to back out now" state
- ignore her age & circumstances, judge her like a grown mature adult who has good parents to guide her & wise friends to consult with
3. Inspired by your earlier comment! Most people who played the OG did it when they were pretty young & immature without much life experiences -- & so judged with their idealistic expectations, perhaps from the comfort of their homes/lives.
It can be hard to change your own views that's been set from so long ago. Takes some effort to replay the game, re-examine the evidence & admit to oneself that they were probably wrong. Understandable, I've been through the same.
And I've also seen those who have gone through their own messes, met their own supposed "Rachel Amber" irl and proceeded to project the toxicity & hurt they've experienced onto this teenage video game character, when in fact they're not 100% Chloe Price and the other, not a Rachel Amber and more of a subjective projection.
This isn't fair for the character, but then again like I've said, there's a thousand Rachels in a thousands eyes. We just have to keep in mind that whoever they're hating on is not the same as the character we adore 🤍
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Thanks for this! I gotta try finding all your asks & make a master list at some point xD they're so good they can form a thread on their own 🌛 psst I am customising a Rachel plush, will see how well it goes & if more can be put out for orders. Unconfirmed stuff, more of a bonus if you've read this far ;)
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arcadiabaytornado · 9 months
Who are your top 10 misunderstood characters from Life is Strange and Telltale’s The Walking Dead and why?
Kate (LIS) - Kate isn't misunderstood the same way Rachel and Chloe are, but I do think she's often portrayed as much more feeble then she actually is. For example: Kate stands for herself plenty in game. If you tell her to wait for more proof, she'll send Max this text. "Max. Sorry to have bothered you by asking for your advice. I guess I shouldn't do anything but let people enjoy my video all over the world." She'll also bluntly confront Max if you don't intervene when David's in her face. Don't get me wrong, Kate IS an utter sweetheart, but she's not a doormat either. She has a bit of a bite on multiple occasions.
Max (LIS) - Max is similar to Kate for me. I think she's often portrayed as much more feebly then she is. Some people treat her like she's a ...well...doe but she has a very strong bite to her! I mean, she's back with Chloe for 48 hours at most and she pulls a gun on Frank and maybe pulls the trigger. Also, if you don't side with Chloe for a choice, Max is very sassy about Chloe's objections. Chloe will say something like: "If you only you told David it was your joint," and Max will go "Oh, sorry, I was to busy saving your life. 🙄" Max is a very strong character, so I'm shocked that a lot of people see her as being super delicate. She's the furthest thing from a doormat.
More Undercut
Rachel (LIS) - Rachel deserves better. I can't even really get into this fully on this post because I want to keep my reasons shortish (well...short for me) but for a very quick and not detailed recap of my thoughts. 1. We don't even know if she cheated on Chloe, so, no, she's not the devil for sleeping with Frank. 2. Rachel is manipulative to a certain degree, but there's no indicator that she was an evil serpent women who only spoke in lies and manipulation. 3. There's plenty of in game evidence that she cared about Chloe. We can argue all day about whether she was ever in love with Chloe or not, but there's more than enough to back up that she at least cared for her.
Chloe - I'm going to make short points with her like I did with Rachel because this another topic I could make a full rant about. 1. She is mean, but some people really exaggerate the extent of it. 2. She's not evil for being mad that her best friend who ghosted her figured out how to work a phone when Kate called. 3. She's not a bitch for not liking her Step Father who is abusive to her. 4. She's not terrible for having a tense relationship with her Mother, who made it very clear that David is more than important than her. 5. Women are allowed to be flawed.
Ryan (LIS TC) - I will defend Ryan until the day I die. I know it isn't his best moment if he doesn't believe Alex at the end...but of course he doesn't believe Alex in all the endings?? Jed is his FATHER. A father he's close with and has been told his entire life is a hero. Then Alex (rightfully) bursts in and pops his bubble, and in the moment, he doesn't handle that well unless there's a lot of confirmation that his loving father is actually a hidden monster. And yes, I know that Steph backs up Alex no matter what...but Jed isn't her Dad, and she isn't as connected to the town, or it's stories, as deeply as Ryan is. She loses way less if Alex is telling the truth, while Alex's (rightful) honesty destroys what's left of Ryan's family after he already lost his Mother.
Violet (TWDG) - I've always thought it was weird how upset people got when Vi betrayed Clem in the cells. First off...Clem betrayed her first?? Vi spent the entire game defending Clem when no one else would. When AJ killed Marlon she stood in front of them with a cleaver to protect them from the other kids. When everyone voted to kick Clem and AJ out, she was the one shouting from the rooftops that it was unfair. When Clem and AJ came back, she was the one who insured that they could stay. And yet, when Clem saw her in danger, she chose not to save her. It's not shocking that she feels so upset, but it did shock me how fans reacted to it, and I'm someone who saved and romanced Louis! I mean...how unfair is a betrayal really if they stab you with the same knife you stuck in their back?
Louis (TWDG) - It's crazy how much of Ryan's paragraph I could apply to Louis. Of course he gets mad when Clem's murder toddler, who has never been taught restraint, puts a bullet in his best friends head. Marlon had given up. The gun was no longer in his hands. Clem had it handled peacefully, and then the situation ended with a bullet. I totally understand why he was mad, and I even understand why he wanted them to leave and not come back. He was mourning, and his pain is made even worse if you had Clem appeal to him because he helped disarm Marlon and that led to his death. So, in other words, I think his rage in episode 2 is very understandable. Plus, he moves on from his anger and apologizes for kicking them out in...Episode 2. The same episode the anger starts.
Sarah (TWDG) - People complain about her being a burden so much, but honestly that's Carlos's fault. She never really got a chance to be a survivor in the apocalypse because she was sheltered non-stop, and there's multiple moments that imply that she could have made it if things were different. I don't FULLY blame Carlos for sheltering her since I understand wanting your child to grow up in peace instead of surrounded by horror...but he really screwed her over. I think people should be way harsher on him than her. Sarah was doing her best. Carlos was not.
Ben (TWDG) - In the same manner as Sarah, people often complain that he's a burden. And...he kinda is, but also he's also literally sixteen years old. He makes bad choices because he's naive, not because he's malicious. Also, I know he indirectly got Duck and Katjaa killed, but the bandits were threatening to kill EVERYONE in the group if he didn't slip medicine to them. What Ben did got Katjaa and Duck killed, but who's to say the bandits wouldn't have kept their word and killed the entire group if he had refused. He was put in a no win situation, and honestly I just so much pity for him. I'm glad my Lee looks out for him.
Jane (TWDG) - Jane is...weird because she is a bad person but also some people act like she never cared about Clem and had entirely selfish motivations. She cared about Clem enough to teach her how to survive, which is something she never bothered to do with Sarah, even though she needed a mentor much more than Clem. And for as much as I disagree with her of philosophy of "never trust anyone, people are bad," I do think she was genuinely trying to help and giving what she thought was good advice. She also comes back and saves the group during the shoot out for Clem's sake, which proves that her motivations aren't entirely selfish...just mostly.
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hrodvitnon · 5 months
Thanks for hearing me out there, I really needed all of that. I think your blog (as well as other tumblr blogs in general like kaiju-krew) help keep me sane while witnessing all sorts of really dumb takes from the fandom, especially from the likes of Twitter and Reddit. The worst takes I've seen so far are the ones that claim that unlike Kong, if Godzilla ever encounters another one of his kind, he would kill them just for disrupting his nap and/or harm a baby of his kind because he's a reptile and something something "alphas in nature kill offspring that isn't their own to prevent competition" and junk like that.
It just really sucks to see them humanize Kong (and in many cases, turn him into a literal saint) while at the same time, reducing Godzilla to just a dumb animal when they're both intelligent and sympathetic but flawed individuals.
Also your comparisons of MV Godzilla to Doomguy and cats is very on-point. All three of them may look and act prickly at first, but there's more to them than just that and if you actually take your time to look past that and get to know them better while respecting their space, they're actually not bad at all. And in the case of both Godzilla and cats, it's kind of like intruding into an introvert's personal space and acting constantly annoying to them, and then getting mad and calling them a jerk once they show signs of wanting you to leave them alone.
(About Matt Frank's post, I took another look at it and he deleted the initial post, probably because of all the backlash he got from it since he misunderstood MV Godzilla's character hard. And in case you're curious on what the post said, it's something on the lines of something like "It's great that MV Godzilla is just an aggro jerkface in the whole movie (GxK) for NO reason at all and I'm all for it").
(That said, his follow-up replies to that are still there and they're still not the best takes. Here they are, for anyone who doesn't have access to that hellish site.)
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Yeeeep, this is why I stay as much as possible away from the Twitter and especially the fandom side of Reddit; in fact, there are very specific reasons I would venture into those lawless depths: Check if anyone else has run into a game bug I've encountered and any workarounds for it, or fun gifs I just happened to spy on a Google Image search.
And you know, maybe it's because I just woke up, but to those who demonize Godzilla, I'm about to do something fuckin' hilarious with my power as a fic writer with my own canon at my fingertips. Check this shit out: In an AbraxasVerse take of GxK, when Godzilla is napping in the Colosseum and the authorities are like "what the fuck do we do," who rolls up but THE ACTUAL POPE to welcome the giant napping Nukasaurus Rex and be like "This is a beast of god who protects our world. I talked about this the last time he saved us, did you not listen to my sermon last Mass? For shame. Let the noble beast rest. Amen." Not in those exact words, but yeah.
Oh yeah, @thebeastunleashed showed the the tweets on Discord. Matt, I respect ya as a phenomenal kaiju artist and you're entitled to which Goji's your favorite and also your opinion, but sometimes it's okay to be wrong. (Incidentally, my favorite Godzillas are Heisei and MonsterVerse so I happen to prefer a Godzilla with a soft side.)
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So Frank was able to come over? Did he like 9 to 5?
(I’m assuming this from the tags of the previous post, apologies if I misunderstood)
Yes he was! Frank thought it was nice, catchy even, but if you ask me I think he was more happy to see Eddie smiling
They're in their own world on the couch rn, Frank's telling Eddie about his day and what all Eddie missed. and judging Kent on his mail delivering lol (he did alright)
,,,Eddie needed this.
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Happy Anniversary 'Astro B.O.Y.D.'
More of me on my bullshit. Well, I did say that I'd be reposting my older analysis posts (from my defunct blog) about my favorite DuckTales episode 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' in honor of May 2, 2023 being its third anniversary. Over the past few days, I've been doing just that, finishing up with this one.
I just want to focus on the greatest scene in the whole series, which even gives Della reuniting with her kids a run for its money...
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I can't talk enough about how INCREDIBLE the emotion is here. The way Gyro just fell to his knees when he embraced Boyd. How tightly he embraced him. How tight his eyes are closed, as though he's struggling to hold back tears (and it was totally a missed opportunity for him to have tears here; that would have been the icing on the cake). The lighting, deliberately done to really highlight the significance of the moment. And the pure sentiment in his face- it's so amazing just how flipping much they were able to convey in that single expression:
Emotional/mental exhaustion.
Overwhelming relief that in learning the truth about both their pasts, he'd all-at-once been freed from twenty years' worth of demons.
Paternal relief that this poor, innocent child's been freed from Akita's enslavement and corruption
Paternal pride that Boyd was able to break free of Akita's programming.
Remorse and grief that Boyd's suffered as much as him, if not worse (losing his child-like innocence to a power-hungry madman twice, being lost and alone for so many years as he's been reprogrammed by countless ignorant people who probably never cared about him and only saw him as a machine to be used and abandoned as they saw fit- heck, his second-to-last owner Mark Beaks found him at the dump- never being free to live his own life and make his own choices, and always being misunderstood and feared as a dangerous, evil robot by everyone). And for being so blind to his former mentor's treachery all those years ago, blind to the fact that it should have been obvious all along that Akita overwrote Boyd's 'real boy' programming and turned him evil. And for all the wasted years Gyro spent embittered and cynical, the best in him destroyed by Akita, blaming both himself and poor Boyd.
A deep, heartfelt apology.
A promise to always be there for him from then on and to do better by him.
And of course, love (and I honestly believe at this moment he realized that he truly saw Boyd as his son, that they were a family, how much they were part of each other, and how much they absolutely needed each other).
Gyro and Boyd. Both always so wildly misunderstood, both always suffered for what Akita did to them.
Boyd was Gyro's first sentient creation, but not the first to go evil (and I've said it before, but I so believe Gyro's history of inventions turning evil ever since the Tokyolk incident was really a psychological effect of his own deep insecurities from both Akita making him feel like a worthless failure during his internship and leaving him to think the original Tokyolk incident was his fault). The third season of the show was about "Legacy", according to Frank and Matt, and I believe that this episode was about Gyro's legacy. That he learned he's more than just the dangerous, mad scientist and failure he and so many others believed him to be, that he's truly capable of creating amazing things... and Boyd is his legacy, his greatest creation, his son, his 'first-born'.
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(Again, look at the use of lighting, highlighting the sentimental moment! And I LOVE that Gyro was clearly not embarrassed to show even more public affection here!)
I like to see these scenes as the foundation of their future relationship, and a future of change, healing, and moving on for both of them together (including Gyro learning to become a better, happier person- and I totally believe Boyd immediately forgave him, which would help Gyro learn to forgive himself and learn to be the family Boyd deserves).
I have other posts analyzing stuff from this episode, but I'll save those for later. Actually, I plan to make a pinned post linking to all my 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' posts.
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Random Risk E. Rat Notes before I go scrolling my dash at last
-The gang all singing together in the opening, I am kissing them on the lips
-The timing of that opening felt off though, the pacing/timing of the whole episode felt a little off.
-Dennis vaguely mentioning the noises in there, no I am not gonna blow this out of proportion and daydream overstimulation scenarios, I'm not, I'm not (that's a lie).
-Kinda dog-coded Frank again with the water, can't wait to read the essays on that.
-I find it really interesting they decided to team up Dee and Frank once again this season, though I'm too tired to formulate thoughts on why, I just... it's interesting. There's something there... something.
-Charden kicking the wall together, they're so stupid (affectionate) <3
-You can do whatever you want, the parents not around, I wonder if Mac's parents would just like dump him there so they wouldn't have to deal with him for the day and he'd end up in that timeout room a lot because he was angry, he needed a way to let out his anger... the fake gun he wanted to get with the tickets, oh guns again this season, I've got thoughts now for another post, don't mind me, very unrelated.
-I find it interesting the different levels of awareness, how they're all still stuck in the past because it's what they always knew, but on some level can understand why things had to change, especially when confronted with something they recognize as bad that say Frank still doesn't, yet they still cling to it because that's how it's been done, tradition, legacy, they don't actually want what what was there, the punishment? the guilt? even the rat boobs, but they want to cling on to it because they fear change, because if it changed, that means it was wrong, like how it changed from Frank's day, and then they have to face that their childhood memories of this one safe haven were not all roses, so they try to force the past back into the present to prove it was better then... and things go horribly wrong, because some things are better left in the past... seen through rose coloured glasses, but what happens when they do come to the surface, when they see it in new context, just like the whole show lately slowly becoming more tragic in hindsight with each passing detail. This episode reminds me of Big Mo in a way.
-Partly on that above note, for real, Charlie and Dennis sound so unenthusiastic/uninterested in those rat boobs, like an ace and a gay man looking at them just because they think they should, they think that's how it's supposed to be.
-Mac in the feelings room saying he's angry, and he feels misunderstood, unheard, just in this instance or in general, throughout? (Unheard, as he's not supposed to speak.) Misunderstood as our perception of him and his actions this season may not be as it seems. I also find it interesting he's separated from the gang again... And he still feels the need to be punished and feel shameful... maybe he thinks he doesn't deserve that relationship with Donald or Dennis, or... idk, just... much to think about. That theme of denial... needing to deny and look back to cope. To believe his parents still loved him, feeling guilty and being punished is what kids are supposed to go through and he’s not allergic to nuts and Dennis isn’t Johnny. (Also, off topic, Mac with his lil juice box, adorable.)
-Sending Dennis to the Feelings Centre immediately btw
-"I don't 100% understand what satire means." Dee, voice of Reddit today.
-In my mind, Dennis took the ear plugs :) noise sensitive dennis real to me
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baronessblixen · 24 days
i have so many mixed feelings about the post modern prometheus because the aesthetic is incredible and it had great potential for an episode (also the dance scene ofc!) but in Frankenstein the monster was misunderstood and feared by everyone because he looked threatening, when in reality he didn’t understand how the world worked and it made him a victim. Here the guy is sexually taking advantage of women from what I understood and at the end acts like he’s the victim who is misunderstood, like.. you know xD am I the only one feeling that ?
I have mixed feelings about it too. In many ways it's exactly like "Small Potatoes". It's not just that he thinks he's the misunderstood victim, we're all supposed to feel empathy for him.
There have been several posts exploring this, as far as I know. You're definitely not alone. It has even been brought up with Frank Spotnitz and he said they wouldn't make the episode like this anymore. Or was he talking about "Small Potatoes"? Same difference, to be honest.
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Where We Begin and End [Misunderstood Breakup Trope]
Pairing: Frank Castle x Reader
Trope de Sept Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Misunderstood Breakup situation 1. One person thinks the other one has broken up with them due to a misunderstanding "Frank comes home injured and it shakes you to your core, the next morning he’s gone and you think he’s left you"
Warnings: Angst into a happy ending. No gender or pronouns specified for reader. No use of y/n. Established relationship. Nicknames sweetheart and baby. Blood/description of a bullet injury and the repair of it. 
WC: 2,033
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
Your fingers trembled as you worked, the silver tweezers dropped from your shaking hand and fell into the porcelain sink under you with a clang. 
‘Shit” you mumbled under your breath and retrieved them, the metal tool threatening to fall from your slippery, blood-covered hand again.
“S’ alright sweetheart, take your time.” Frank said softly
Usually his reassurance in a dire situation calmed you. But tonight there was an edge to his voice that had your fragile nerves teetering on an already thin tightrope.
You went back to the task in front of you, hesitantly plunging the tweezers into the flesh of his lower back, attempting to remove the bullet that had ricocheted and lodged itself there.
Repairing Frank after a long night out wasn’t an unusual occurrence for you. The sight of his blood didn’t typically phase you, having spent countless nights tending to his wounds as an act of love. But tonight, the injury in question had you fearing for Frank's life. 
You were by no means a medical professional, but you knew enough basic anatomy to know this bullet was dangerously too close to his spinal column and one wrong move by either of you could at best leave him with permanent nerve damage and at worst paralyze or even kill him.
“Almost got it.” You weren’t sure who you were trying to reassure more, him or yourself.
The dulled copper end of the bullet finally poked through amongst the crimson flooding the hole and the marred skin around it. You pulled it out, sighing in relief and releasing a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
Frank, always so stoic and calm, faced away from you sitting on the edge of the bathtub, elbows on his knees. His nostrils flared and his lip twitched, as the pain threatened to creep past the barrier against it he had plenty of practice building up. You were too busy threading the needle to stitch the hole closed that you hadn’t noticed his subtle signs of weakness.
Getting the bullet out was the hard part and an invisible weight lifted off your shoulders knowing if your mediocre medical repair hadn’t gone awry yet, it probably wasn’t going to from this point forward.
Your skin felt damp. God, how had you not noticed until now? You were sweating buckets from nerves and knew there was some of his blood on your face as well. Probably from unconsciously trying to wipe the sweat from your brow as you worked. Oh wait. There were also tears there. When did you start crying?
The silent air between the two of you felt heavier than a led balloon as you stitched the wound, neither of you daring to speak as you wiped the area down with an alcohol swab. 
“Okay um…” you sniffled, not wanting to let the flood gates fully open until you were out of the room 
“I cleaned up the blood surrounding it pretty good, so try not to get it too wet in the shower.” You finally commented, your work finished. 
Frank nodded his head. Typically a man of few words, especially after coming home from a job, he remained unnervingly quiet as you disposed of the bandage wrappers and gauze in the small plastic trash can under the sink. 
He leaned forward as if to speak, but decided against it, and instead turned on the spigot in front of him, letting the warm water splash against his feet. 
Avoiding his gaze, you washed your hands in the sink. The water ran down the drain in a river of scarlet, then a rusty orange, then eventually clear, the colors increasingly blurring in your vision as more tears filled your eyes. 
A soft thump behind you jolted you upright, adrenaline still buzzing and anticipating whatever might happen next. You relaxed a little again as you realized it was just Frank removing his jeans and tossing them on the floor as he changed the knob from the lower faucet to the shower head and stepped in to clean himself of the blood and grime of the evening. 
You never ask about what happened. No matter how severe the injuries he comes home with are, you never want to know. But tonight shook you so to your core, you can’t help but be curious. 
How did he make such a large miscalculation? Was it because he was getting old? Too distracted by his home life with you? Why had his bullet-proof vest not done a better job at protecting such a sensitive area? Your brain swirled with a million questions. 
He grunted in pain from behind the shower curtain and it made you jump once again. As the hot water hit the plethora of other wounds he came home with tonight, he knew you were still uneasy behind the shower curtain. 
“S’ okay baby. Really.” he reassured again
You proceeded into the bedroom, pacing in circles and not knowing what to really do with yourself, still unable to let yourself fully cry. 
A few minutes later, Frank emerged in a cloud of steam, a towel slung low on his waist. 
“You should be resting sweetheart.”
“Wanted to make sure you were okay before I laid down.”
“C’mon, I’ll lay with you.”
Gingerly, Frank laid on his stomach, not wanting to irritate the wound by sleeping on it. You curled into his side, resting your head on his shoulder, no longer able to hold the levee against your tears. They ran down your face in streams, soaking his shoulder and your pillow case.
“Pl.. please Frank. I can’t. I can’t do this anymore. I’m not asking you to change who you are but I can’t keep loving someone who constantly puts themself in a position where I could lose them. I can’t lose you Frank.”
“Sweetheart, you know this is what I do though. You know it’s dangerous. It’s just part of the job.”
“Don’t make me go through what you went through with Maria.”
Frank didn’t respond, only rolled on to his side to pull you against his chest and comfort you with his calloused fingers running soft lines against your skin until exhaustion finally won out and you fell asleep.
The pounding headache was the first thing you noticed in the morning. The heaviness of your eyelids as you attempted to open them was the second. 
You reached out for Frank, but your hand only met empty space and crumpled sheets.Not unusual for him to be up before you.
A dull ache radiated through your body as you slowly rolled out of bed. Frank was nowhere to be found in the kitchen, not making coffee as you suspected he might be.
“Frankie?” you called out, voice still small and croaky with sleepiness
But there was no answer.
You looked at the front door. Frank’s boots, coat, and keys were gone. He always let you know when he was going out and when he’d be back. You checked your phone. No text. 
Everything else seemed to be in place in your apartment but the feelings from last night still gnawed a pit into your stomach.
You remembered how scared you were and how you’d begged and cried until you fell asleep.
You’d asked Frank to do the impossible, something you’d never ask him, to give up being the Punisher. 
And he seemed he’d made his decision. He was gone. Walking out of the life you’d built together like it was nothing.
Getting ready for work was a chore you struggled through. Any sane person would take the day off after everything you’d been through in the last 6ish hours. But you needed the normalcy and the distraction, not wanting to sit around the apartment wallowing, waiting for something to happen that you knew wouldn’t - Frank coming home from wherever he’d gone.
You grabbed his hoodie from the hook in the entryway on your way out. You always wore it on days he was away, when you were missing him extra badly. God, how sick it was that the thing you were grieving was also the only thing you knew would bring you even a little bit of comfort.
You spent most of the day just sitting at your desk, staring at your computer, not really getting any work done. 
“God you look awful.” your coworker Kate commented when she popped her head into your office around lunchtime
“Frank and I, um… we broke up.”
“Jesus. I’m sorry. What happened?”
“We… something happened last night and when I woke up this morning he was gone.”
“Wait? Did you guys actually have a conversation about breaking up?”
“Well no but…”
“Did he take any of his stuff with him? You know like someone leaving would?”
“Well no but…”
“Did you, ya know, text or call him to see where he is?”
“Kate. Look. I just know Frank and after what happened, I just know this is it. He’s gone.”
Kate took pity on you and offered to take you to lunch to take your mind off of it. As you exited the office and walked to your favorite Thai place on the corner, you decided to take her advice and text him, knowing that you wouldn’t get one back.
Frank. I’m worried about you after what happened last night. Please just let me know you’re okay.
You must have checked your phone 30 times at the restaurant, with no notification of him texting you back showing up.
The walk back to the office was silent, Kate giving up on inventing one sided conversations to keep your mind off things.
A bouquet of peonies sat on your desk when you got back, as well as a pair of dirty combat boots attached to a very tired looking Marine, appearing as though he could use a nap, lounging in your office chair with his legs crossed and up on your desk. 
“Hey sweetheart. You know your office needs better security?” he said casually as if he was just commenting on the weather and hadn’t just walked out of your life mere hours before
“You’re here.”
“But you left.”
“Yeah. Sorry to run out so quick this morning, but something came up.”
“But you didn’t text me back. Let me know. You always let me know.”
Frank sat upright, removing his feet one at a time from your desk and walking across the room to stand in front of you. He reached into his back pocket and held up his cell phone between you. The device, cracked across the screen and smashed in the one corner, looked entirely useless between his calloused fingers.
“What do you think the bullet ricochet off of?”
You weren’t sure if it was a chuckle or a sob that escaped your mouth, but it finally broke your resolve and you threw yourself into his arms.
“It was in my back pocket and the bullet hit it and it flew up between my back and my vest. Was gonna get a new one today, but Madani yakked my ear off all morning.”
“Last night had me pretty spooked too. I didn’t sleep. Thinkin too much about what you said. You were right. My biggest fear is you getting hurt, losin you like I lost them. Didn’t even stop to think that losin me might hurt you too. But you remindin me how it felt when I lost my family… made me realize what you go through with me and all my bullshit.”
“So why were you with Dinah?”
“Remember when I told Madani I’d start working for the CIA when hell froze over? Well guess the devil better buy a coat…”
“Pfft I’ll let Matt know next time we see him… God, you scared me Frank. I thought you left me. That we were done. When I didn’t hear from you and you weren’t home. After last night…”
“You ain’t getting rid of me that easy.”
“That so, big guy?”
“Yeah gonna go be a CIA man. Wear a suit and work in an office and shit.”
“You look good in a suit, Frank.”
“Think I look like a dork”
“But you’re my dork?”
“Damn right baby.”
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siena-sevenwits · 9 months
Jan 6 - Day 7 - Fortnight in Books
Most memorable character:
How can I pick? A few that come to mind:
Eugenides, Costis, and Attolia (Queen's Thief series) - Eugenides is such a strange and fantastic trickster archetype who's full of mercy. Costis is one of the the most endearing pov characters I've run across. Attolia is made unforgettable by her story, and I will never forget scene on the stairs, or the dance and the stolen hairpins.
Harriet Vane (Gaudy Night) She takes my breath away with how real and complex she is, how subtle and effective her arc. I would be so intimidated by her in real life but would wish to heaven I wasn't.
Will Hardy (Wayfarer) I couldn't help but like him, a country boy in 1820's London for the very first time, with, um, superpowers.
Iphigeneia and Achilles (Iphigeneia in Aulis) This girl becomes the epitome of courage and strength over the course of her play, and her parallel arc with Achilles is INCREDIBLE.
Schmendrick and Molly Grue (The Last Unicorn - reread) I love them. I love them so dearly. Schmendrick I project on, and Molly is real.
Ratty and Toad (The Wind in the Willows - reread) Toad was one of my childhood favourites, and I find I still love him. But this reread really gave me an appreciation for Ratty, the courageous poet full of imagination but also love for the ordinary, common sense but also the ability to hear what the wind is saying in the willows, and who does not fear Pan.
Lucy and L*ckwood (censoring so Meri can still see this post if she wants to - I don't think it's an issue in this case.) These kids are homemakers in the truest sense of the word. (But someone should probably get them some help!)
Kate Sutton (The Perilous Gard) I want to be her.
Piranesi (Piranesi - reread) I'll never forget him. Never. Welcoming the albatross with arms open like a cross.
Janner and Kalmar Igiby (The Wingfeather Saga) These boys made me sob with the truth of their story.
Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Treason) Especially for the sake of his conversations with Watson, his south Irish accent and expressive voice, the revelation that he taught maths at a "university of the Jesuitical persuasion on the continent," and the scene in the coffeeshop. Oh, and raiding the dark room. Oh, the consternation Watson feels when he realizes that Moriarty is just naturally a more congenial person to get along with than Holmes is.
Larry, Mother, and Spiro (The Corfu Trilogy) As these are fictionalized versions of real people, I'd best be careful to be respectful in how I talk of them. But oh, gosh, the fun.
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) What a shame her inner life is so misunderstood by the general pop culture.
Helene Hanff and Frank Doel (84 Charing Cross Road) Again, real people, and not even fictionalized in this case. But i loved both dearly.
Most annoying character:
Captain Creech (The Corfu Trilogy) Hands down. Eventually I skipped every passage he was in and refused to read it. This character was portrayed in a horrid manner, and I greatly hope he was not based on a real person. He existed in story only to be disgusting, and I was clearly expected to be charmed by him, or find everyone's reactions to him funny, or something. Ugh.
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indecisive-dizzy · 10 months
Do you have any more Eddie dear headcanons you wanna share?
Im sorry for being annoying about him, I don’t get to talk about welcome home a lot so when I do I get really excited :>
No you're so good! I will always take the opportunity to talk about my favorite goober :D
First, Eddie sews! Can't remember how canon this is, I could be tricking myself haha. But I think Eddie has so many little hobbies and sewing is one of them!
He makes all sorts of things: New ties, shirts, dresses, etc! For himself and for his friends!
He and Poppy make sweaters and scarves for everyone together during winter :)
I also like to think he's made Frank a bowtie and/or vest as a gift,, sigh what a loving husband
Speaking of Frank, Eddie uses so many pet names for his husband. Darling, love, sweetie/sweetheart, sugar, puddin', bug, honey/hun, pumpkin. just so many southern petnames
Another hobby of his is obviously crafts, but he really likes origami! It's fun/relaxing and keeps his hands busy when things are slow. Also he can make gifts! A win win!
cough is also helps with his fine motor skills, hand eye coordination struggle is real cough
This man is so autistic adhd to me. His forgetfulness and clumsiness is all part of it. As someone with audhd I can't walk anywhere without getting a bruise from running into things lol. So I'm projecting a bit haha
Mail is his hyperfixation. Eddie can tell you everything and anything about mail/postal history, including stamps. Point to a stamp in his collection he can tell you the year it was made, where, and who. Plus anything else he may know about it.
He loves thriller novels and dramas. And sappy romance novels. He's probably read Frankenstein and Dracula a bunch of times. And he would absolutely read Twilight. Dunno if he'd like it, but he would read it lol
my gen z youth is showing,, idk when vhs was the most common/around but Eddie would have a vhs collection. He'd have the og Frankenstein on vhs and would treasure it. Again, my time is off so just pretend
Also if it's not obvious, Frankenstein is his favorite classic monster story. He feels for the Monster bc Eddie thinks he's so misunderstood. Honestly he probably relates a bit. Also makes a banger costume lol
Eddie would do drag more if he had the time, I think. (Also if the times were more accepting cough-) He likes to feel pretty!
cough I have so many he/she Eddie thoughts but that's another post for another day
Very uncomfortable around bugs/insects but has come to terms with butterflies after spending so much time with Frank.
Similar note, Eddie would never hurt a bug (on purpose) he just calls Frank to safely relocate it. He may not like them, but he meant it when he said he'd never hurt a fly!
Oh I could keep going but I fear I'll dive into au territory lol. I have a habit of updating technology/times/etc with fandoms that take place before the 2000s yikes
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monarch-boo · 2 months
Wheee rant time I'll write a calmer more condensed version of this later since its gonna be real important to get in people's heads before / by the time DRDR is out, but this keeps making me upset to think about so I'm gonna be a little bitchy first.
Anyway jesus fucking christ Paul is NOT a fucking incel it's so STUPID that people somehow interpret that.
I fucking hate how the interpretation came about to because its LITERALLY just
"hurr dhburr metalhead stereotype nerd stereotype and the people he snapped at happen to be women (and also Frank but let's just totally ignore that he thinks Frank is there to bully him too ehhh WHATEVER)"
That's literally it. Like what else is there for that assumption to work? And like I emphasized, it completely ignores Frank's role in the whole situation.
I don't even get why it happens either! Lots of the other bosses throughout the game have basically everybody fully understanding the stories and nuances of who they are and why they behave how they do, I've even seen some people do analysis videos and posts, like ___ Explained shit.
Why not Paul? Do I have to make one? I almost wanna make one, I'll fucking pore through everything of him in the game, hold people's hands through the opening cutscene and play all the voice clips that demonstrate further what's actually happening and read out like a whole fucking essay with fucking Speakonia because I don't wanna record my actual voice, maybe I WILL fucking do it one day but I'll at least wait until DRDR incase there's new lines (there is the random dialogue drops survivors can give during escorts, we saw in that one Natalie screenshot- I wonder if there's anything besides prestige point hints and if so if there's anything interesting Paul will say).
Like I'm genuinely fucking scared of how many brand new players coming in for DRDR are gonna get him wrong because of some surface level kneejerk reaction shit nobody will actually think and listen to the things he says or bother to do any real character analysis. I might actually stick to No Commentary playthroughs for a while if I wanna watch other people play because the commentated ones make me nervous now.
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Please Capcom I am on my knees begging DRDR to make this somehow even more obvious and harder to misinterpret by adding new ingame boss/escort lines or making the existing ones more frequent because almost nobody hears the other lines that convey his character more because the game barely ever fucking plays them.
His existing OG DR1 voice lines have some absolute gold in them characterization wise but OG DR1 largely shunts them in favor of HERE'S A PRESENT FOR YA, YOU GO BOOM NOW times infinity. The fact that they often go so unheard that they don't quell the surface level conclusions sucks so much, make the other ones play more in DRDR and maybe even record some whole new ones that are even more obvious.
I mean, jeez, to people who actually pay attention and think for more than a second just that opening cutscene gives you all the info you really need to interpret him and his whole deal correctly, but APPARENTLY that isn't enough for like 80-90% of the playerbase so I hope DRDR has something, anything, to drive the point home even further, y'know?
I'm so tired. I hate how one of my biggest comfort characters is also like one of the most misunderstood and incorrectly-interpreted characters of the whole fucking franchise.
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calekinnieplus · 1 year
It is time to sleep and also time to recount what I've read today. I have read quite a bit today as well. 6 ½ hours. Not bad, right? Heh. I've reached chapter 673 and my reading app says I've read 48% of the novel. Very encouraging! ...or not. I won't be able to finish it this month, it seems. Pity. Either way, it's recap time!
The best news first! Sequence 5!! Our boy is a Nimblewright Master! He's a powerhouse! After all that hard work, we see results! He's on the threshold of demigod, oh wow. It's actually insane. And the corresponding abilities are also terrifying. On the surface they're scary, but used by our sharp, experienced Klein, I can't help but feel pity for his enemies.
Next, what also intrigued me was the appearance of Queen Mystic, Bernadette! Really didn't expect her to have had a hand in Gehrman Sparrow's fake identity. And all the other stuff was also surprising. Like, in no way would I have connected new Tarot Club member, The Hermit, Admiral of Stars Cattleya's teacher and mentor with the only other transmigrator Emperor Roselle's daughter, Bernadette. It just seems to be a part of two different stories. And she figured out who Hero Bandit Dark Emperor was, too! She's quite smart. I like her
The third thing I wanted to talk about was the whole night and dream world that happened in the... Sonia Sea, I believe? I can't remember the actual name. Where the mermaids are. Anyway, that whole thing is so... mysterious and historical, to some extent, my gut says we might return here later. Like, the similarities between this "world" and the Forsaken Land of the Gods make me raise an eyebrow, ya know?
But honestly, idk if it's because I'm unfamiliar with Chinese novels or if that's just the way LOTM is, but my predictions don't really seem to work 8 out of 10 times lol. It's great, it keeps me on my toes lmao
Fourth thing! Derrick’s exploration into Afternoon Town! We actually learned about another King of Angels and some snippets that could be clues to the downfall of the Kingdom of Silver. Like, initially when we got into it, I was more impatient to get back to Klein’s storyline, but then shit went down, and I got completely sucked in lmao. Like?? I commend Derrick’s bravery and knowledge to deal with that situation properly. The fact that he's also not as naive as before is also very enjoyable for me. It doesn't make my heart wince in discomfort when I realize he made a decision that could have horrible consequences later. It's not his fault. His circumstances are shitty, yet he's still a ray of sunshine. But! I gotta say, I'm so proud of the fact that he's learning from his mistakes. He's so lovely. I hope the City of Silver will get out of their miserable situation.
Moving on, I gotta talk a lil bit about unlucky Anderson! Honestly, the fact that he survived his ordeal would make him the luckiest of his crew, I suppose. His personality is so funny tho lmao. Whenever Klein’s Gehrman persona is paired up with a chatty person, I am thoroughly entertained hehe. The dynamic is just hilarious! Also, I gotta admit, at first I was as sus of Anderson as Klein was lol. He really had to start off the interaction with a joke that could be horribly misunderstood, huh? Poor guy lmao
Hmmm what else... oh yeah! Frank Lee! Funnily enough, right before his introduction, I saw a post about him and something about milk, with comments being like "I can never look at milk the same way again" and I was so confused. Until the milk scene. BAHAHAH he's so INSANE, what a madlad. And they call GEHRMAN crazy. Like, if it was just some crazy thoughts, sure. A lot of people have crazy thoughts. But that crazy f*cker is actively experimenting, on a boat in the middle of the sea, with his crewmembers as... test subjects to some degree?? I did Not expect him to be like That, LMAO
Well. A lot of unexpected things happen in this novel, I noticed.
And uhhhh yeah, this seems like most of what I wanted to chat about.
Side note, I was scrolling on tiktok and stumbled on a slideshow with the last scene from volume 1, the one where after Klein... "woke up" (revived), he automatically headed to Daffodil Street - home. But unable to go back there, he went and bought a ticket to Backlund. While waiting, he was struck with the need to see his siblings one last time, realizing that's the reason he took a ticket for such a late time. And there he went, stealing a glance at the people he cares about. Seeing them grieve him. After watching on helplessly, he got an idea. The siblings saw a clown running towards them, with colorful face paint. He had a Chrysanthemum, which represented happiness. All they saw... was a happy smile, an exaggerated smile, a ridiculous smile...
Yeah. *cough* until next time!
Praise the Fool!
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