#this is my haram thing
atimefordragons · 4 months
if it is true that Joost punched someone from the zionist's delegation, I will use all my votes for Netherlands.
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roses-and-elixir · 13 days
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randomravager · 2 months
mother taught me how to spend money freely, father taught me how to spend money tightly, and I taught myself how to be an anxious wreck about those two sides yippee!
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p2ii · 11 months
I hate when you feel like shit but are still expected to fulfil (non compulsory) religious obligations but when you try to be like 'hey please not today I feel like shit' the only answer you get is. 'well this stuff Is supposed to relax you and make you feel better/at peace so do it anyway' so all you can do is bite your tongue 'cause if you even so much as implied that doing them dosnt actually make you feel better and not everyone is the same and you can't force someone to find peace in something you'd basically be outing yourself.
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boimgfrog · 1 year
sims 4 please give us better hijabs and head coverings I'm begginggggggg
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
does anyone have an analysis of why andrew tate has been embraced by so many muslim dudes and sheikhs and etc
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navramanan · 2 years
Always crazy to see what some muslims consider being "strict" just cuz they dont follow the rule
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damneddunya · 1 year
Oh God, I'm so confused
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sotruebritney · 2 years
bts fans suck but their gay fan fictions did turn my homophobic cousin into an ally i'll give them that
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kavehater · 15 days
People for some reason always like to tell me that it’s nobody’s responsibility to “save me” which is so fucking stupid to tell me because where have I ever implied that ?! It’s so unfair to hear that because clearly you don’t know shit abt me if you say that. But why am I the only one who gets to hear that ?! Maybe for once I’d like to be saved maybe it’s not a sin to want that, and I think that it is peoples responsibilities to do better but no. The reason it doesn’t happen is because I’m simply not worth it.
#dora daily#I’m overstimulated every day now#death is a far simpler fate than dealing with this#I’m what people would call useless. I don’t understand why I need a use and why anyone needs a use#but I digress#my head is either about to explode on its own or I’ll bash it on the wall on my own accord#nfieeowlskslalak#the day I find peace is the day my existence is erased and my mum never had me#this is why abortions need to remain legal I don’t consent to this shitty existence thanks and no I have to deal with the consequences#now*#the classic rhetoric people like to spew ‘oh ur parents ur mother how would they react’ ‘ur friends etc what about them?!’#I’m proud to say I’m so useless that I make no splash in anyone’s life and frankly I would be replaced (and am already being replaced)#instantly. I wish a lot of things but one thing I’ve wished since as long as I can remember is to not be dispensable. yet life has a way of#working through means to spite me and make me suffer#I am dispensable to everyone. to everyone on here and to everyone irl. why I’ll never truly understand. maybe because the things I talk#about are annoying and my service personality is replaceable with others and my real personality idek what that is but I bet it sucks#I am replaceable to even dahlia so like#what do I do now ?#I wish krilling urself was halal#but since when did I care for halal and haram anyways I can’t even pray properly anymore#I give up.#I have no hope for the future. I should’ve went through with kms at eighteen a few days shy of nineteen#I should’ve overdosed that one time I was planning to I should’ve went through with it#I’m so fucking stupid
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solarismp3 · 8 months
Y’know I feel like when ppl are overly religious it’s cuz they have something to hide
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elumish · 7 months
In the wake of what's going on in the world, I see a lot of rhetoric that basically boils down to the idea that everyone has a responsibility to watch every bad thing that's going on in the world all the time. That awareness itself is a responsibility that everyone has always.
I'm not going to say that people do or don't have a responsibility to be aware of things, but I want to talk about how to take care of yourself and others while doing so.
For some context, I spent close to a year and a half reading about every terrorist attack in the world as part of my work on the Global Terrorism Database. It was 2015/2016, so this was the height of ISIS/Daesh, it was a major time for Boko Haram, and it was when there was a lot of political violence that we weren't sure how to classify in places like Yemen, Crimea, and Libya (stuff the GTD didn't know how to classify had all of is information recorded, and then it went into purgatory until someone above my paygrade decided what to do with it). What this means is that I was spending 10-20 hours a week reading about hundreds or thousands of attacks a month and, in my case, recording infomation about the type of attack and the type of weapon. Much of my life was reading terrible things.
Limit what you do in isolation. One of the worst changes for me during that time, mental health-wise (even though it was great for my commute) was when I went from working in-person to working remotely. With other people, there are ways to diffuse the pain. A burden shared is a burden halved and all that. That may mean talking about it, or joking about it, or finding some other way to engage with it that isn't just reading about the most horrible things in the world and then stewing in your own thoughts about them.
Find something to do that's totally unrelated. I highly recommend finding something to do with your hands, if you can (knitting, Lego, cooking, whatever), but regardless of what it is, you should have some time when you entirely switch away to something different. During a fair amount of my time with the GTD, I was also doing my undergrad thesis about terrorism on TV, so a huge amount of my life was about terrorism in some way. The only other thing I watched was Great British Bake Off, and I would just rewatch the episodes, over and over.
Be compassionate about how you share information and with whom. Use trigger warnings, and consider using consistent tagging on places like Tumblr so people can blacklist it if they need to. Also consider whether it's appropriate or necessary to share photos of bodies or other results of horrible violence. What is it accomplishing, to show that? Can that goal be accomplished other ways that don't require the equivalent of jumpscares of unexpected photos of dead or brutalized people? Are you just showing it because you think that everyone should have to see it? If you are showing it, are there ways to mitigate against harm it may do?
Do what you can to avoid an echo chamber. Sometimes, when everyone around you is upset or angry about the same thing, it just amplifies itself, and you all get angrier and more upset in perpetuity without accomplishing anything.
Work towards action. Watching terrible things happen for the sake of saying that you haven't looked away isn't as meaningful as taking action in some way. Write to your Congressperson. Donate. Do whatever is appropriate for the thing you want to stop. But penance via watching terrible things happen doesn't accomplish anything.
Recognize compassion fatigue and do what you can to mitigate it. If you spend long enough doing this, you start to lose context, and you start to become less able to have compassion about things. If you're reading about attacks with dozens or hundreds of deaths regularly, five can start to not seem like that many. If you're reading only about the worst suffering in the world, "lesser" suffering of those around you can start to seem unimportant and petty. Do what you can to mitigate that.
Be kind to yourself. You do nobody any good if you burn out. Look away, if you need to. Take a break. Do things so you can enjoy life, because otherwise you are just another person suffering in the world. Other people's pain isn't a hair shirt for you to wear.
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bitterkarella · 7 months
Midnight Pals: Desert Planet 2
Frank Herbert: hey man Fitz James O'Brien: hey Herbert: so uh Herbert: you got any more of that Herbert: special stuff? O'Brien: maybe O'Brien: why don't you sit down and play some mariokart with me for a while
[later, at space coven] Frank Herbert: [manic, nose running] so there's a special drug that makes you hallucinate so hard you can fold space Herbert: its made out of worm shit and it will turn you into a salamander
Herbert: also they have to use the space cocaine to fly cuz computers are haram Herbert: hey is anyone eating this san pedro cactus? Jules Verne: what? no Herbert: anyone mind if i…?
Verne: you know, frank, people usually process that before they eat it Verne: you know to get at the Herbert: [chomping san pedro cactus] yeah the mesaline i know Verne: maybe take the spines out at least Herbert: no no the stabbing gets it into your system faster
Herbert: everyone wants to own this drug Herbert: cuz whoever controls the spice Herbert: controls the universe Herbert: shit, that's pretty good Herbert: quick, someone hand me a pencil, i gotta write that one down
Jules Verne: alright hot shot Verne: so you say whoever controls the spice controls the universe Verne: well answer me this Verne: this spice Verne: does it flow? Herbert: [desperately patting pockets] for the love of christ someone hand me a pencil!!
Herbert: so like everyone is fighting over arrakis Herbert: to get the spice, you know Robert Heinlein: yeah! Yeah!!! fighting!!! yeah! Herbert: that's right Herbert: POLITICAL fighting Heinlein: Herbert: ooo there's so much intrigue Heinlein:
David Lynch: the dark in the deep, the eyes in the snail Herbert: really? a movie of my book? Lynch: the dark in the deep Herbert: oh yeah it's called dune
Herbert: you know, arrakis, dune, desert planet Herbert: and here's the important thing-- Lynch: the eyes in the snail Herbert: exactly! Herbert: NOT A DROP of water Herbert: NOTADROP!!!
Lynch: the dark in the deep the eyes in the snail Herbert: thanks for all coming to this screening of lynch's dune movie Herbert: i'm sure you'll all- Jules Verne: SHOW US THE WORM! Robert Heinlein: WE WANT THE WORM! HG Wells: WORM! WORM! WORM!
Herbert: everyone just wants to see the worm Herbert: maybe they'll be more tuned in to my vision over at midnight society [at midnight society] Poe: WE WANT WORM! King: GIVE US WORM! Lovecraft: WHERE'S THE WORM? Barker: SHOW WORM, COWARD! Koontz: [banging pot] WORM! WORM! WORM!
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adambja · 1 year
Basically I am gonna be direct I am always direct in everything
basically I am gonna do the silva method 2 yes I entered the void state before it was somehow by the help of myself (my subconscious mind) and @rosellesworkshop she really helped me a lot
And..... the first void state story is here
I didn't post anything about what I manifested but basically I typed everything on my google notes and I put an affirmation "I have everything on my void list" and I affirmed in my void state it was pretty easy but such a vivid experience it's so special so peaceful to me but at the same time it was just normal because that peaceful vibe I have been always feeling it my whole life because of my self-concept
what I manifested I can literally say everything but it's almost a lot of things it would take me 2 hours to say it all but gonna make it simple because someone messaged me here asking if it's life-altering?
Yes entering the void state and manifesting in general is life-altering but it isn't that special like it's normal you have been manifesting everything your whole life based on your thoughts your imagination and your feelings also I felt that I am worthy of entering it and manifesting thru it because i just want it and why wouldn't I be worthy of it? No damn reason so yeah I deserve all my manifestations and I deserve to feel good about myself my worth is literally the whole universe with all the people and everything in it
Let me make it so clear
I am gonna do something like getting the limiting beliefs I saw here + the ones I didn't have out and flip it
Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde doesn't stop me from entering my void state / Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde doesn't stop me from waking up in my void state / Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde can't stop me IT CAN'T
religions doesn't stop me from entering my void state/ religions doesn't stop me from waking up in my void state / religions can't stop me (in fact everything about LOA in every damn religion but people can't simplify every word to understand it fully in every book of the three religions I read QURAN I read THE BIBLE I even read THE TORAH) - I am not religious at all HEY DEAR MUSLIMS Law Of Assumptions isn't haram and Law Of Assumptions isn't shirk at all it's about changing yourselves which is the self which is halal in Islam as their god says it all in here so Dear Muslims wake up and realize your own religion and understand (not just read) your own book I am not even Muslim and I know more than y'all HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR FELLOW MUSLIMS IN THE DARK when it's actually all there in YOUR QURAN anyways NOW Hey Dear Christians lets get to the bible it's all in here and FINALLY Hey Dear Jewish People almost every part of the torah is full of self-concept Jewish people will understand what I mean and the answer about LOA is here
the void state is real it's me not the void state isn't a place outside of me
Everything/everyone outside of me isn't real everything/everyone is defined by me
My subconscious mind is always helping me and loving me
Nothing from my new self-concept can be deleted damaged destroyed erased or removed or even gone because i did anything wrong when actually nothing is wrong or right it can't be deleted damaged destroyed erased or removed or even gone
Everything lasts forever btw but you don't have to attach to it or control it just let it be what you want
Time isn't real every process is instant in every reality such as entering the void is already instant for me
Just let every thought go you don't have to even do anything to it or flip it just let it be breathe then after a while think ABOUT the reason you have that thought
I am in control of what version I am and of who I am and of what I want to experience and of how I want to experience it!
Assume success as it happened period
I am ALREADY CALM AND COMFORTABLE I JUST live and trust my own subconscious because I know it's just giving me what I want why? I already reprogrammed it to do it I already know it listens to me I already know it loves me too I already know it is me WHO DECIDES ALL THIS! MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IS A PART OF ME NOT ANOTHER PART of something that's away from me
Everything i want is meant for me why would i even think about it In the first place?? Because it's already mine
LET IT GO it's easier
I assume that i already got it
i assume that my void state is already mine I can do what I want with it THE VOID IS MINE ITS ME I AM MINE EVERYTHING I WANT IS MINE EVERYONE I WANT IS MINE NO ONE CAN STOP ME
Nothing is actually hard it's MY choice to CHOOSE MY OWN DESTINY AND I CHOSE THAT EVERYTHING IS EASY
The void state isn't hard the void state is easy
The void state isn't your imagination at all it's just you with a deeper sense of self aka it's a deep mediative state
My subconscious mind always accepts everything I want instantly
my subconscious is always listening until i die and my subconscious always makes everything I think of and say or affirm as true
My subconscious mind doesn't have an opinion of me
My subconscious mind is just like a bitch who gives me what I want instantly no matter what and my subconscious mind is so smart my subconscious mind always has a way of making things happen magically period
My conscious mind is full of my good affirmations and my perfect self-concept and just like a bitch AS MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND
My feelings are stable and I feel safe everywhere with everyone and within myself
The void state is for everyone not for a specific amount of people or like a chosen people it's for everyone
The void state is life-altering
I am the god of my reality forever
I don't have to control anything outside of me i am in control of myself and that's enough because it's all me nothing exists outside of me
Delusional?? I call it imaginative and the imagination is the core of the reality I always love living in my imagination
I am not gaslighting myself - I am not even lying to myself I feel like I am saying the truth to myself because my subconscious always accepts everything I say and think about as true I don't even have to worry about anything!
spirituality doesn't matter calmness and breathing and focusing on nothing and the self matters more than anything
The old story is old let it go the new story is actually who i am so I would call it my current story
My chakras are already aligned and open my chakras can't be blocked or closed
I am already aligned and ready for everything I want
I am already what I want to be instantly
I am love my heart chakra is open I feel love
My desired reality is already mine
I always claim everything as mine because it is mine and my subconscious mind always makes it as true and I am fearless and I know so well I already have it inside of me in my imagination and outside too aka (everything I want is already mine)
There isn't anything such as blockages lmfao bruh I already don't have blockages period
Law of assumptions is assuming that the thing i want is already here with me and I already got it also assuming i already have that perfect self-concept i already have everything I want I already entered my void state instantly easily and effortlessly the same thing with everything you already have your sp or whatever you want
I just focus on controlling what is inside of me and as a result the outside already changed as my thoughts changed and my feelings changed
I can and I always enter my void state/wake up in my void state in any room in any house in any place and at anytime even if it's after midnight I am always able to do what I want because I want to do it
My body is already ready to wake up in my void state / My body is already ready to enter my void state - My mind is already ready to wake up in my void state / My mind is already ready to enter my void state
I don't give anyone my energy or my power and my energy is mine and my power is mine and no one can take my power/my energy from me finally I can't give anyone my energy or my power
I can't give anyone my own self-concept because they don't deserve it it's mine and I deserve it more than anyone because I worked for it I affirmed for it I listened to tapes for it so it's mine no body deserves it even if I love them they don't deserve my self-concept
I always focus on myself and helping myself only I don't have to help others at all helping others isn't my purpose in life forever in every reality helping others isn't good if it takes my time away
Everytime I talk about any manifestation of mine that it already happened to anyone it already happened and it was instant no matter what and telling anyone my manifestations can't stop my manifestations from happening because it already happened and because that's what I want period and my manifestations can't be damaged and my manifestation can't be destroyed and my manifestations are already protected by me and my smart subconscious mind
To understand #46 better WATCH THIS
What is the lesson from #46? Don't be like Cher when she let Tai have her moment and that made cher feel unwanted and unpopular LISTEN STAND UP GIRLS AND GUYS REMEMBER WHO TF ARE YOU YOU MADE THIS THING/PERSON/WHATEVER THAT BIG YOU CAN MAKE THING/PERSON/WHATEVER NOTHING AGAIN IT'S A CHOICE! DON'T EVEN PUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS NO ONE DESERVES WHAT YOU HAVE BUT YOU PERIOD YES HELP THEM YES GUIDE THEM BUT NEVER LET IT BE ON YOU! cause they are nothing but assumptions in your subconscious mind period!
I guess I said everything but another question think with me
If you can memorize that memory from your far past how can't you enter your void?? Ofc you can
Assume that you entered it everytime you slept all those years since you were born but you were just unaware now you are aware of it period and wake up there I tried it many times after manifesting my void list it's simple, easy also i understand and realize that my subconscious mind is always listening until i die and my subconscious always makes everything I think of and say or affirm as true and basically use the breathing that @gorgeouslypink put as a technique which is Wim Hof technique it's A M A Z I N G
So I am gonna try the silva method because I made another void list to manifest it thru my void state again but I just wanna try another way to enter and I always wake up in my void state everyday btw because it was written in my first void list it's all for fun now nothing else
Read "my void doc" by @rosellesworkshop
Read this and this by @gorgeouslypink
It might seem so simple and that's seriously it
That's the void state it's simple as hell but some people here and on Twitter just complicate it because of their own feelings and this brings us back to 1.how you breathe daily and 2.your self-concept add to those two things 3.emotional intelligence which is basically choosing your own feelings period!
Have fun with the silva method I bet it already works because everything always works for me instantly!
I know thanked u a lot but thank you again Rosie and everyone @rosellesworkshop @gorgeouslypink @littlemissprettyprincess @angelria111 @voidbaby111 y'all are amazing seriously everything y'all posted helped me in my journey generally
also seeing success stories from @voidsuccess @voidsuccessarchive was very helpful to me I defined all the points ABOUT what did those people who entered or woke up in the void state have and I started defining it as me and as WHO I AM NOW! And I Just Said "That's Me Now" and that's was a change of state inside of me you can check law of states too ;)
Happy pride month to the LGBTQ+ - Y'all are loved
And y'all have a great day/night depends on y'all's time zones GOODBYE!!
Update: I already entered using it too it was too easy I entered while doing it 😭😭
Also like I already wake up in my void state everytime I nap/sleep so basically it was too simple and easy for me
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catinafigtree · 4 months
Hi, do you have any tips on how to be comfortable being a Muslim while being queer?
I've been trying to do that for a very long time, focusing on my faith in Allah, but it's a bit hard and I always get demotivated randomly :(
Hey! Salam! Sorry for the kind of late response, moving houses has been hectic. This will be a long response (sorry), so I will put it under the cut.
I want to preface this by saying every queer person is different. I don't know the specifics of your identity so I am going to cover both sexual queerness and gender queerness.
My biggest obstacle in nurturing my relationship with Allah was believing that the way I am was haram, and even that I was cursed by Allah. I no longer believe this, but it was a long road.
I don't believe that homosexuality is haram. The common claim that the story of Lut is about homosexuality is full of holes and inconsistencies and it's largely based on the Christian religious tradition, even if the grammar of the Qur'an doesn't align with the Christian tradition (eg. the Qur'an uses the word "banaat" for Prophet Lut's (as) daughters. Bannat is plural, meaning 3 or more daughters, and in the traditional telling Lut (as) has 2 daughters).
Here is a really good study by Nahida Nisa:
I recommend reading all of Nahida's things because she's an amazing writer.
And a video from Dr. Shehnaz Haqaani's (PhD, Islamic Studies) podcast "What The Patriarchy":
and you can find her blog here
These articles from the blog, Lamp of Islam are also pretty good. He is a hardcore Qur'anist with some strange opinions, so peruse his blog with caution.
Letting go of the belief that the way I am was haram and that Allah had cursed me was the most critical part of fixing my iman and overall nurturing my relationship with Allah.
Also, it doesn't make any sense that The All-Merciful, Allah would make someone with an innate attraction to the same gender and then forbid them from "acting on it".
The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa salam) never punished anyone for homosexuality, after his death, his companions debated whether or not to punish homosexuals and they could not come to a conclusion.
The Qur'an seems to acknowledge the differences between sex and gender. For example, the word for 'man' in the Qur'an is rijal and the word for 'male' is dhukran. And the word for 'woman' is nisa, but the word for 'female' is untsa. You can read Lamp of Islam's article on the meanings of these words here.
There also may be a vague reference to intersex and/or gender non-conforming people in verse 42:50.
There are also some hadith that seem to imply that gender non-conforming people were accepted around Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alayhi wa salam). Prophet Muhammad's (Salla Allahu alayhi wa salam) wife Umm Salama (Radi Allahu anha) had a seemingly close friend who was then called a 'mukhanath', named Hit, who was described as a 'male who exhibited effeminate traits' was was welcome into the private women's section of the Prophet's (Salla Allahu alayhi wa salam) home. Today this person might have been a gay man (who displayed effeminate traits by accepting the "woman's role" (🙄) in relationships), or, more likely IMO, this person would be considered a trans woman today.
Hit was punished by the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa salam), but not for their sexuality/gender expression, they were punished for describing a woman's body to a man, which was possible because they were allowed into both men's and women's spaces. The punishment of Hit is often used as 'evidence' to support homophobia and transphobia, but they neglect to mention the specific reason that Hit was punished.
You can read more about queerness in Islamic history here.
The link above takes you to Muslims For Progressive Values, they also offer marriage services for queer Muslims and interfaith couples, specifically for Muslim women seeking to marry non-Muslim men.
Here is a link to MPV's video series, but massive trigger warning for the comment section.
And a second MPV video series.
And another article from MPV.
More Tips
As I said, learning about LGBTQ Islamic History helped me a lot.
Keep your relationship with Allah between you and Him. Only share it with people who you 100% trust, because religion is extremely personal.
Find your people. Whether online or in-person, a community of people like you is important.
Know that Allah knows you, your identity, and the way you feel. Ultimately, Allah is your creator and we will only return to him. And we, as queer people KNOW that this is the way we were created. Nobody can tell you that who you are is false because they have no way to know that.
Block. Block. Block. Block. Block anyone who is being a problem, who might become a problem in the future. Block them all. Block Islamophobic queers, block queerphobic Muslims. Protect your peace and your relationship with Allah at all costs.
Here are people that I block quickly: anyone who has outwardly queerphobic or Islamophobic things posted on their page. Salafis and Wahabis. The black flag freaks: those with black flags in their user names/bios. I block people for the comments they leave all the time. Generally, I don't wait for them to do something, I block them on sight.
You mentioned that you struggle with low imaan sometimes. It's important to know that fluctuations of imaan are normal and completely natural. But I'm assuming since you've sent this ask, you always come back, which is what's important.
Here is another video from Dr. Shehnaz Haqaani's (PhD Islamic Studies) Podcast for Muslims who struggle to practice.
And a TikTok from @/soundous.boualam:
My biggest tip for building faith is to start slow.
Pray one prayer a day at first, and wait until that prayer is deeply ingrained into your habits, then add another. I recommend starting with Isha before bed. Don't try to do everything at once. You'll burn yourself out.
Build up the fard actions. Your prayers, primarily.
If you can take on more, add in the dhikr after prayer (subhanallah 33x, alhamdullilah 33x, and allahu akbar 34x). Or add dhikr in throughout your day. I use an app called Azkar that I set to send notifications to remind me to do various worship activities.
When I braid my hair I say alhamdullilah every time I cross a piece over another.
If you can, it might also help to put a poster or picture on your wall with your favorite Qur'an verse, hadith, or Islamic quote on your wall, or make your screensaver a reminder to remember Allah.
You can also buy or make a beaded tasbih bracelet, sometimes having something on your wrist can make it easier to remember.
I also like to spend 20-30 minutes every morning after Fajr to just spend time with Allah, talk to Him, and read the Qur'an.
But also remember that you don't only get rewarded for outright acts of worship. You get rewarded for caring for your body, taking a nap when you're tired, eating food, drinking water, caring for pets, and spending time with family. All of that stuff is worship.
Be easy with yourself. Allah does not want hardship for you (2:185).
And I'll leave you with a Qur'an verse.
It was We Who created man, and We know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him that [his] jugular vein. (50:16)
I hope this helps you some. I love you. Allah loves you. May Allah bless you with peace, imaan, and His abundant guidance and mercy, Allahumma Ameen.
You can ask questions in the comments or in asks if you want.
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