#this is meant to be two sides same coin LOL
melodic-haze · 2 months
I NEED to both Feixiao & Yukong feral atp...may or may not in heat as well 😈 (the sun is killing me btw, no joke I'm out her dehydrating at the beach 😭)
I HOPE THE SUN DIDN'T MURDER YOU EARLIER 😭😭😭 tbh even though I'm outside I feel like I'm gonna die from heat exposure idk 💀
FUCKING FEIXIAO AND YUKONG WHILE THEY'RE IN HEAT IS FUCKING INSANE THOUGH.......like call me Chappell Roan cuz I'm saying good luck babe no matter how fit you are or how much stamina you have bc one foxian would be. More than enough to make a dent no matter what, just imagine TWO OF THEM??? AND TWO OF THE MOST PHYSICALLY FIT ONES TOO LOL SAY BYE TO YOUR FUCKING PELVIS❗️❗️❗️ They don't gaf what organs you have dude they're draining you dry
They're probably two sides of the same coin too—Feixiao would happily go through her heat if it meant getting fucked silly by you while Yukong would try her best to not be all desperate bc she needs to be hashtag practical and a working girlboss, not acting like some cheap whore :(((( she ends up giving in anyway LMAO
Tbh having no dick wouldn't even be an issue cuz there's probably some sorta miracle pill made where it gives you one for a limited amount of time. And they suck you dry in every hole they have bc thry're DETERMINED to come out of the whole thing pregnant 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ cuz why would you do smth if you don't have any driving passion to go the whole mile huh
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stayteezdreams · 2 months
More Or Less Than Friends
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Plot: You and Seungmin aren't quite friends, but you're not not friends. Feelings neither of you are sure about linger under the surface. Everything changes one night when you fall asleep at his apartment.
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Gn!Reader
A/n: Prologue and Continuation of this scenario post. Section involving reader falling asleep in dorm is a slightly edited/extended version of the Scenario post drabble. A/n #2: I haaate how this ended but my brain decided to give up on me when I was almost done lol. I hope you like it anyways!
Requested By: Anon; I also just wanted to write it as well.
Warnings: Nothing I can think of :)
Words: 4,382
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You had been Felix's friend for a few years before you met the others. It didn't take long before you became great friends with all of them, often spending time with them.
Well, most of them.
For some reason, unbeknownst to you, you and Seungmin never grew very close.
You could have conversations, and hang out, but never alone. It wasn't on purpose, there was just always someone else there. And it's not like he made you uncomfortable, it was the opposite actually.
You felt comfortable around him, you thought he was funny, cute and kind. He even made jokes with or about you sometimes, and it never felt rude. As if it was a gently way of getting closer to you. Though the distance never seemed to lessen between you.
After some deep thought, you were fairly sure you had a crush on him, or at least you would if you knew more about him. You wanted to be closer to him, but could never find the right moments. The two of you were never alone together, and even if you ended up beside each other, you never gave the other all of your attention. Through nerves or awkwardness you weren't really sure.
You didn't feel as though you had the right to call him a friend, and calling him and acquaintance seemed too cold. So, he was just Seungmin, the guy who had a place in your heart you couldn't quite understand.
Seungmin, though never showing it, felt exactly the same about you.
Ever since you became friends with everyone, he felt drawn to you, but always remained distant. Your presence almost comforted him, and he enjoyed seeing you. But he never showed it, barely even ever acknowledging you other than brief conversation or jokes, and he wasn't sure why.
Was he shy around you? Maybe. Did something about you make him uncomfortable? No, that's not it. He was comfortable around you, more so than he showed. He liked you. But he wasn't sure in what way.
There were times he would purposefully sit beside you, or walk near you, hoping maybe something would naturally bring you together after that. But any time the two of you almost started talking, or getting to know one another, something got in the middle. As if it wasn't meant to be.
Seungmin didn't understand what you were to him, but he wanted to figure it out.
So, he started to pay a bit more attention to you, focusing on the things you mentioned you liked and disliked. The more he did, the more he realized you two had in common. How had he not known you had the same favorite music, and shows, and books? Similar hobbies, or thoughts on the world. With every new fact he learned, the more he realized you were practically the different side of the same coin.
Was this why you never got close, yet were always comfortable around each other? You were akin to one another in more ways than he expected, was this why everyone said opposites attract? The more similar you are the more distance existed between you?
No matter how much Seungmin thought about it, the less it made sense. In his mind, he felt the two of you should be friends, maybe even best-friends, or more, yet you were....nothing? Not friends, not strangers, not even acquaintances really. You were an enigma in his life, that he truly wanted to figure out.
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On days like this, what you wanted was to smile and laugh. So, you often made use of your friends for a distraction.
Your legs were heavy with the exhaustion of the day as you walked down the hall towards the boys apartments.
Knocking on Felix's apartment, you waited, but heard no answer. Pouting you pulled out your phone and texted Felix asking if he was home. Leaning against the wall, you let out a soft sigh after a few minutes. Trying the other apartment next door, and also receiving no reply you stood in the hall for a minute wondering what to do. The last thing you wanted was to head back to your own apartment. Your roommate was the last person you wanted to see.
You had no issues with each other, but she was overwhelming, especially on days like today. When nothing seemed to work out or make sense and all you wanted was to relax.
Rummaging through your bag you pulled out the spare key Felix had given you. You hesitated to go in, wondering if it might annoy them. I mean, they all said you could have it, even Seungmin gave a nod of agreement when Felix offered the key. You were at their apartments more often than not anymore anyways.
Sending the group chat a message warning them you were there, you made your way inside. You called out to see if there was indeed no one home. The apartment was silent and you made your way to the couch.
Flipping on the television you laid your head back and stared up at the ceiling. The day running through your mind again, only causing your heart to race with annoyance and stress all over again.
Groaning you looked around the apartment. Why did they all have to be gone today of all days?
Your eyes caught on a blanket on the edge of the couch. You recognized it as Seungmin's. Gently grabbing it and pulling it to you, you found yourself bringing it to your face. It smelled like Seungmin, a scent you had picked up on whenever he walked past, or sat beside you. As your heart fluttered you came back to your senses, looking around the apartment as if you might get caught. Your face was hot as you gently ran your hands over the soft fabric.
Lying down on the couch, and pulling the blanket over you. you stared at the television, not really watching, just zoning out. Having to wake up a few hours early to go to work today, your exhaustion was palpable. Slowly, you began drifting to sleep, forgetting you were trying to wait up for the boys.
When Seungmin came back from practice, the last thing he was expecting when he walked into the apartment was a guest.
His eyes landed on your familiar pair of shoes and he rose his brow in surprise, his heart palpitating. He knew he was the first one home as the others had more things to do at the studio before heading home as well.
You came and went as you please, and though Seungmin sometimes made comments as if it annoyed him, or making fun of the fact you basically live here to the others. He always liked when you were around, especially more so recently as his fondness and desire to know you grew.
Walking into the apartment, his eyes found you immediately. Seungmin seemed to forget how to breath as he saw your slumbering figure on the couch. As he watched you in silence, he was unaware of the fond smile that stretched across his face.
Softly and quietly, Seungmin set his stuff down before walking over to you. Kneeling down in front of the couch he noticed his blanket draped over your legs and his heart skipped a beat. Grabbing it, he gently adjusted the blanket so it covered more of you.
As he stared at you, he wondered why you came to the apartment when it was empty, and he couldn't help but worry something bad had happened. Wondering if the others knew you were here, he pulled out his phone, noticing a few texts to the group chat. Opening it, he saw your messages from almost an hour ago.
He felt guilty that you went unnoticed and received no replies. The way you spoke in the group chat was slightly off, making him assume he was correct. Something did happen.
Looking back at your slumbering face he let out a soft sigh. In moments like this, where Seungmin was looking at you, often when you didn't realize it, he always felt that same sense of regret. He regretted never getting closer to you.
He couldn't even call himself your friend without doubting it. But he desperately wanted to be more than whatever he was to you.
He really did admire you, he liked your presence, and your company. But he didn't acknowledge it enough. And he often wondered now, what things would be like between you if he did.
Would there be a chance to be more?
Seungmin sat on the floor by the couch for a while, keeping you company even if you weren't aware of his presence.
Suddenly hearing the sound of the others at the end of the building hall, Seungmin felt a sense of panic. He didn't want their loud voices and to wake you.
Without really thinking, he found himself scooping you gently into his arms and carrying you to his room.
Setting you down on his bed, you mumbled a bit as you readjusted. He stared at you with wide eyes for a moment before he let out a soft sigh, glad you had not fully woken.
Quickly going back out and grabbing your things from the living room as the others were unlocking the door, he escaped to his room before they entered.
Why was he being so secretive about your presence? They would eventually see your texts and wonder where you were, right? All he had to say is you were sleeping and tell them to be quiet.
Looking at you once more, now cuddling up to one of his pillows, he admitted to himself it was selfish. A selfish need to be the only one to see you like this.
As the apartment quieted down, the others escaping to their rooms, Seungmin gently settled on the bed beside you, sitting up against the headboard as he scrolled on his phone. Every once and a while he would steal a glance at you, checking to see if you were still asleep.
Eventually some of the others replied to your messages, asking when you went home. Seungmin wasn't sure if he should tell them you were asleep in his room or not. Should he just wait? Leaning his head back against the headboard as he thought about it, he fell victim to sleep before he knew it.
When you finally found yourself waking, you were confused to find yourself in a bed. Looking around in confusion, your heart jolted as you saw Seungmin beside you. His head leaned to the side as he slept.
Looking around again, you realized you were in Seungmin's room. You had never been in here before, but it was easy to see it was his, even if he wasn't beside you.
Why would he bring you in here? Had the others come back, was that why? So you didn't get woken up?
Your heart raced at the thoughts passing through your mind. Looking back over at him, you admired his sleeping face as butterflies swirled through your stomach.
Deciding he must be uncomfortable, you gently shook his shoulder, causing him to wake up. As his eyes met yours he sat upright, suddenly nervous. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, nor had he thought far enough ahead to know what to say when you woke up.
"Ah, you're awake."
You nodded as you sat up, "Did you bring me in here?"
Seungmin swallowed nervously as he nodded. "You seemed to be pretty tired and when the others came back I didn't want them to wake you."
You smiled at him and his heart flipped.
"Thank you."
"Did something happen today?"
Your heart skipped at the question. Was it obvious? You bit your lips lightly and nodded as you picked at the blanket still draped over you, "Long day."
He nodded softly, watching you. As you noticed how dark it appeared outside you sat up. "Oh... I should probably go, it looks like its pretty late."
Seungmin realized you were right, you had both slept until after sunset. He shook his head softly, speaking before really thinking.
"Its too late, you should just stay the night."
You stared at him for a second as your heart raced. "Stay...here?" He nodded silently. You added on shyly, "Would that....be okay?"
He nodded again before clearing his throat softly. "I wouldn't feel right letting you go home this late by yourself."
After a moments contemplation, you nodded. "If you're okay with it, I am."
He replied quickly, almost too quickly. "I am."
"Do you want me to sleep on the floor?"
He let out a soft laugh, "No, just stay there. The bed's big enough."
The air was a little tense as the two of you settled back into the bed. You were hyper-aware of how close Seungmin was now, you were back to back, but still close. And as nervous as this made you, you still felt yourself giving into sleep again.
Seungmin's heart was beating unevenly as he lied still beside you. He was filled with a mixture of giddiness, anxiety and disbelief. How had you gone to distant friends of sorts, to sleeping in the same bed?
The silence hung in the air until you both drifted to sleep. Both of you feeling that something had changed between you suddenly. You weren't sure what yet, but you were excited to find out.
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As the soft morning light peaked through the windows, you kept your eyes closed as you embraced the comfort around you. Recalling where you were, your heart raced a little as you slowly opened your eyes.
Your heart jolted as you realized you and Seungmin were now facing each other, faces only a few inches apart. His hand was gently gripped your sleeve, as if he wanted to keep you close.
You swallowed nervously as you stared at him. You had the overwhelming desire to trace your fingers along his face as he slumbered peacefully. You took a few minutes to admire him, noticing every mark and spot on his features you hadn't before.
After some time, you realized how it might seem if the others woke up and you were here. That might not be a conversation Seungmin would want to have to deal with. Plus, would things be awkward between you if he woke up and found himself latching onto you?
Slowly, and gently, you pried your sleeve from his grip and climbed out of his bed. As he moved and mumbled a few times you froze, fearing he would wake up and find you practically straddling him as you tried to get out of the bed.
Finally managing to get out of the bed without waking him, you grabbed a sticky note and pen off of is desk and wrote on it, before sticking it to the pillow beside Seungmin.
You didn't want to linger in case things got awkward, but you did want him to know how grateful you were of his kindness. Sparing one more glance at him, your heart fluttered as you grabbed your things and silently left the apartment. As you left, you knew Seungmin was going to occupy your thoughts a lot more now.
Seungmin stretched as he woke up, before he suddenly remembered your presence. His eyes shot open as he looked beside him, seeing just an empty bed. Sitting up, he felt a sense of disappointment at your absence, before his eyes spotted the sticky note.
Picking it up, he read it over a few times, a small smile growing on his face.
'I wasn't sure if I should stay or not, but I didn't want things to be awkward with the others if they saw me here still. Thank you for letting me stay and being so nice to me, after the day I had I appreciated it more than you know. I'll see you later Seungmin. - Y/n'
Looking back to wear you had been laying, he recalled waking in the middle of the night to find you facing him, the moonlight from outside illuminating you in an almost ethereal light. He couldn't stop himself from gently tracing your features with his fingers, barely brushing your skin as not to wake you. He watched you for some time, before eventually falling asleep again.
Lying back down with a sigh, he pulled the blanket you had been using over him, your scent filling his nose as he did. Pulling it closer, he inhaled the scent and felt butterflies in his stomach.
He understood now, he did have feelings for you. You weren't friends, perhaps because the feeling that had gone unnoticed stopped him. But he wanted to be closer to you now, to explore the possiblities of what you could be.
Reading over your note again he decided he would do better, do more to get closer to you.
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Before you knew what to say to the others, Felix had texted you asking if you were doing alright. Seungmin had told them that you had fallen asleep at their apartment, and that he let you sleep in his room so you were disturbed by the others.
You could tell he had not told them you stayed the night, or that he had carried you to his room himself. Things you wondered if he kept a secret to spare you from possible teasing, or if he wanted it just between the two of you.
The next time you saw Seungmin was when you were invited over to their place for game-night a few days later. When you arrived, Seungmin answered the door. And instead of his usual soft smile in greeting, he grinned at you, taking your bag from you as you slipped off your shoes.
His behavior towards you was more open and bright, and obvious to not just you, but the others. He asked you if you wanted a drink, before leaving to get you one before you could even answer. You looked over and saw the guys watching in amusement as they looked at you with a questioning gaze.
You shrugged your shoulders, as your heart fluttered, wondering if he really did feel the change between you that night like you had. Maybe you hadn't imagined it at all.
Throughout the night, you and the others were confused, yet intrigued by Seungmin's behavior towards you. He sat beside you, talking to you more often and open than he ever had. He brought you food and offered you a blanket, his blanket, when he thought you might get cold.
When he went to the bathroom Han turned towards you and began interrogating you. "Are you guys dating?"
"What?" You asked startled, "No!"
"I think he wants to though." Hyunjin added with a smirk making you throw a piece of popcorn at him.
Your eyes met Felix's and he smiled brightly before he leaned closer and spoke to you, "I always thought he had a crush on you and now I know he does."
You shush them before you sat back on the couch, ignoring their teasing gazes as Seungmin came back into the room. As he sat beside you, he grabbed the blanket on you and moved to cover himself as well, covered the two of you at the same time, side by side. Your heart jolted as butterflies filled your stomach.
When it came time for you to go home, you felt nervous as Seungmin lingered by the door as you slid on your shoes. You had said goodbye to the others and grabbed your bag. Seeing Seungmin slip on his jacket you rose your brow in question. Was he going out?
He met your eyes. "I'm gonna walk you home." His tone came out as though it was obvious what he was going to do.
"O-oh, okay." You smiled, your chest fluttering anxiously.
The two of you were silent until you walked out of the apartment and made your way down the familiar street you walked dozens of times.
Seungmin inhaled the cool breeze as he walked beside you, his arm almost brushing yours as he kept very little distance between the two of you.
"Thank you for walking me home. You didn't have too, but I appreciate it." You said softly and Seungmin nodded with a smile.
"I don't have too, but I want too." He said softly, his tone almost shy.
Your eyes met for a moment before you both quickly looked away. Silence lingered between you for a few moments as you saw Seungmin steal a few quick glances at you.
Slowly, you started talking, awkward small talk turning into casual comfortable conversation. Your steps slowed as you got closer, absent-mindedly wanting your walk to last as long as you could make it.
When you finally reached your apartment, you turned to Seungmin with a kind smile. "Thanks again for walking me home. Be careful on your way back."
He nodded with a smile, "I will."
As you started to turn and walk away Seungmin quickly spoke up. "Wait!"
Turning back to him he swallowed nervously as he fidgeted. "I was wondering if you were free tomorrow."
Your heart jolted as you bit the inside of your lip and nodded. "I am."
"Its smoothie day." He noted on and you realized what he meant.
Once every other week you and a few of the others would go get smoothies at a shop you all fell in love with a couple years ago.
Seungmin rarely went, so it was a pleasant surprise he was going this time. But underneath that, there was a mild disappointment. For a moment, you thought he may be asking you on a date.
You felt a soft disappointment in your chest as you nodded, "Right! I almost forgot" You chuckled softly. "I'll be there."
He nodded "Good." As he took a a few steps back, he motioned for you to head inside as he smiled, "Goodnight."
You smiled and waved softly in return, "Goodnight Seungmin."
As you headed inside, you felt an odd mixture of emotion. Excitement, bewilderment, bashfulness, all of it making you finally truly acknowledge something you had only allowed yourself momentary thoughts of. You definitely, had feelings for Seungmin.
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You hoped the others wouldn't notice or point out how you seemed to dress up a little bit more today. You accepted your feelings for Seungmin had grown, though you weren't sure what to do about it.
Though his changed behavior towards you made you think he felt the same, you still feared maybe he had just finally accepted you as a friend. So you didn't want to get your hopes up too much.
As you approached the familiar smoothie spot, your phone buzzed. Reading the message from Felix you furrowed your brow in confusion.
'Enjoy your smoothies ;)'
'Okay, so Felix isn't coming, but what's with the winky face?' You wondered as you headed inside.
Looking around, your heart fluttered as you spotted Seungmin waiting nearby at a table. Looking around more, you saw none of the others, and suddenly realized what Felix's text meant. Did they all stand you up so you'd be alone together?
Swallowing nervously you walked over to him, your stomach filling with butterflies.
Looking up, Seungmin smiled before standing up quickly and pulling a chair out for you.
You smiled in thanks as you sat down. "No one else is coming?" You asked casually, trying not to show your nervousness.
Seungmin sat down and shook his head, appearing a bit nervous as well. "I actually asked them not to come."
"Oh?" Your heart jolted as your eyes widened a bit.
He met your eyes and smiled softly, obviously nervous now. "I kind of hoped we could make this a date...if you're okay with that."
You were silent for a brief moment as you processed what he said. unable to resist smiling you nodded, "I'm okay with it."
Seungmin studied you for a second before he grinned, relief washing over him. "Good. I- I really wanted to get closer to you, I mean I have for a while, but since...since that night you fell asleep at the apartment, I uh- I feel like..." He struggled to get out what he wanted to say as he let out a soft breath.
"Something changed?"
He met your eyes, a bit startled that you understood what he was trying to say. He nodded mutely and you smiled, "I felt it too."
You smiled softly at each other for a moment before you let out a soft chuckle. "It's kind of weird right?"
He chucked as he ran his hands nervously over his legs and nodded. "Yeah. I've never really knew where we stood."
You nodded, "Right? I wasn't sure if we were friends or what, but..."
You tried to search for the right words, "But, I always felt comfortable around you, and wanted to be friends we just never seemed to get there."
He nodded in agreement. "That's how I felt too."
You both chuckled as you both understood you had more in common than you thought.
Seungmin started, slowly. "I think... I've been attracted to you since we met. I just didn't recognize it completely. And that stopped me from really getting closer to you even though I wanted too. But that night, I finally realized just how much I want to be around you."
Your heart was pounding as he spoke, your neck and face warm. "So now, we're...what?"
He thought for a second before chuckled, "I don't really know how to label it."
You resisted giggling as you hummed, "We don't have to label anything yet, but I do like where we are headed."
He nodded slowly, "Me too."
Slowly moving his chair closer to you, he cautiously moved his hands to intertwine with yours.
"So how about we start here? We are more or less than friends, with intentions to be more."
Your eyes moved from your intertwined hands to his eyes as you smiled brightly. "How poetic." You giggled, "I like it."
He squeezed your hand softly as he grinned at you, finally relieved knowing where he wanted to go with you, and how to start.
xx End xx
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@otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669, @tinyelfperson,
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Stray Kids Taglist:
 @laylasbunbunny, @skz1-4-3, @prettymiye0n, @thunderous-wolf, @thedistractedwriter,
@briqnne, @dinossaurz, @staytiny2000, @msauthor, @vnessalau,
@dancinglikebutterflywings, @3rachasninja
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thehappynewzo · 4 months
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I just want to give a heads up that I am no professional astrologer.. although it's funny cuz you see most users saying this here and their predictions seem pretty professional in the end no? Lol. Anyways, as I was saying, please don't plagiarise my content..but wait, no, I don't really have a problem actually cause astrology is astrology and if you wanna use it for your posts, fine...feel free to...I have no issue so please widen your knowledge and share it with others. Okay, I think it's best i begin now.
Also, I'll be talking about stuff that are meant only for adult eyes lol😂 so dear minor watching, i understand how curiosity fuels your engine but please don't interact with this, otherwise curiosity will also begin to kill minors along with cats.😂😂
If something here does not relate with your experience, please keep in mind that astrology is an insanely vast but such a beautiful topic so this varies based on other aspects and placements too.
☀️Sun in the 8th house🏠 -
•The sun person makes the house persons insecurities and past wounds exposed due the sun persons brightness, because of this it seems like the sun person hurts the house person unintentionally.
•The house person gets triggered a lot with certain actions of the sun person but keep in mind, the sun person has no intention of triggering the house person.
•These are the triggers that's developed because of the house persons past and it gets exposed to the sun's light.
•No matter how much the house person tries to stop those triggers, it won't stop in the beginning of the connection.
•The sun person might want to explore the house persons deepest parts that they hide from the world and as the dynamic gets closer to eachother in the connection, the sun persons heat either worsens the wounds or helps heal the house person heal them.
•The sun person pays a lot of attention to the house persons deepest wounds and desires.
•They notice every little detail of the house persons insecurities but you'll be happy to know that the sun person usually finds brightness in all your darkest parts.
•The house person will be someone who provides them a shadey place to relax from their own ego and shine. A place for them to dig deeper than surface level.
•The house person gets obsessed completely with their entire soul towards the sun person. It's usually possible that the house person felt an instant pull to the sun person on their first meeting.
•Here, usually along with the above points, manifests in such a way where the sun person wants the house person to be as open and comfortable with them as possible but the house person is too afraid to expose their sensitive hidden parts to the sun person.
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8th house synastry -
•i feel, according to my studies and observations that whatever planet sits in the 8th house becomes like a two sided coin or a opposite sort of thinking here most of the time.
•Usually the planet person thinks and feels some way about the house person but the house person feels like the planet person thinks the complete opposite of what the planet person actually thinks (lol I hope it made sense) and vice versa.
•It's like both the house person and the planet person may have similar feelings about eachother (planets depend as it can change this) but they both think that the other doesn't feel the same way about them.
• EX: VENUS in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) love eachothers beauty and insecurities of eachother but they are insecure that the other person does not like it or will not like it sooner or later.
ANOTHER EX: SUN in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) wants the other to open up to them but they think the other person does not want to or will not support them or understand them. Both of them want to open up abt their insecurities but they both are afraid and hence take a long time to open up but in the beginning are closed off.
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Btw, I'll be making a list of Eros in the houses and signs in synastry soon.
Eros (433) in 3rd house : Firstly, Eros is your turn ons. The Eros person is turned on / finds the house person voice very attractive. Also the house persons hands, how the house person speaks and their mind.
Eros (433) in 7th house : The Eros person is turned on / finds the house persons feminity attractive. Even the house persons ass lol. If the house person is a woman, then the Eros person finds her feminine body very beautiful.
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Kiss (8267) in the 4rth house :
•the house person can be comforted easily by the kisses of the kiss person.
•the kiss person's kisses feels like home for the house person.
•soft loving kisses.
•slow comforting kisses.
•The kiss person can love to kiss the house person's chest.
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Kiss (8267) in the 9th house :
• the house person gets very hyped up and excited when the kiss person kisses them.
•the house person feels protected and safe everytime the kiss person kisses them.
•since this is Jupiter's house, the house person may want more and more of the kiss person's kisses. They may also get a lot of kisses from the kiss person. The kiss person may have the urge to kiss the house person whenever they're around around them since Jupiter expands whatever he touches. This holds true if the house person's Jupiter is in conjunct with the kiss persons kiss Asteroid.
•the kiss person can give the house person kisses out of nowhere too.
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Vesta (4) is an asteroid that indicates what our soul is most devoted towards, where you're most dedicated, where you invest a lot of your energy. The conjunctions can make this asteroid very prominent in synastry.
= If you want to know if you are going to invest a lot of energy in a connection, check if Vesta conjuncts any of your inner planets, especially big 3 (ascendant, sun, moon) and ESPECIALLY JUPITER.
= Which planet Vesta conjuncts indicates the kind of dedication or the areas in which you or the other person is dedicated towards in the connection.
•Vesta conjunct Jupiter = Vesta person is dedication to guide and protect the Jupiter person.
•This conjunction makes the Vesta person extremely, I mean superly duperly extremely excessively devote all the energy they have in them towards the Jupiter person.
•The Vesta person surrenders and devotes themselves to Jupiter person as if the Jupiter person were a god.
•Vesta conjunct Venus = the Vesta person has a romantic dedication towards the Venus person.
•The Vesta person is very much dedicated to showing the Venus person their love.
•This is a 100% loyalty placement in any romantic relationship. Other aspects matter too though but this tops the loyalty placement among many other.
• The Vesta person is usually the one very loyal in this connection but the Venus person loves the dedication that the Vesta person has towards them and this becomes the Venus person's fuel for loving the vesta person in return.
•The Vesta person is devoted romantically towards the Venus person.
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• Vesta conjunct Sun = the Vesta person has an overall dedication towards the sun person.
• This literally means that the Vesta person is dedicated to the sun persons soul.
This time I'll give an example of Vesta seated in _______ house.
• Vesta seated in the 8th house = The Vesta person has such a deep leveled soul digging devotion towards the house person, especially if Vesta conjuncts any planet here (esp. big 3).
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Yay! Special asteroid mention time!!
Vesta ☌ child (4580) -
The Asteroid Child is youthfulness, where your inner child never dies, where you feel a little lost, where you feel like a child.
•The Vesta persons devotion is aimed at making the child person feel like a child.
•The Vesta person invests HUGE amounts of their energy just to make the child person laugh like a child, smile like a child and feel like a child.
•The Vesta person is also devoted to make the child person's inner child never die, to keep their inner child alive.
•The child person can make the Vesta person feel lost at times.
•The child person is lost when it comes to the Vesta persons devotion towards them, especially if Vesta is also ☌ (conjunct) Sun/Jupiter.
•The child person wonders why the Vesta person is so devoted towards them.
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That's all for today my dear readers with amazingly curious minds. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post today and I hope I made somebody smile! Let me know in the comments if anything resonated and if you'd like me to cover anything in astrology!! Love you all so much ! Bye bye for now! Take care, be happy and healthy!😊❤️
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Asteroids mentioned above : 433,8267,4,4580
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distort-opia · 4 months
Tort can I bother with something? Like, I don't know how you feel about people asking your opinion about batman stuff a lot but I since you have read much more comics and for a longer time I always think "well, she must know more about it" 😂 I hope it's not annoying.
So the ask in question is: what's the difference between Joker and Riddler? And not the thing they two had about the difference between a joke and a riddle but in batman's perspective, kinda? What Joker have that Riddler don't? Because this pattern of Batman being "nicer" (as nice batman can be with a criminal lol) with Joker and hating (I don't if he hates him but anyways) Riddler keeps repeating in a lot of media now. It was in the comics with Tom King, in the movie with Batman 2022 and we have the games and books with Batman: Arkham knight and Batman: Arkham knight: The Riddler's Gambit. What's the difference they have to batman? It's especially ironic since also in a lot of media they kinda of two side of a coin (don't know if this sentence apply to these two. What I meant now it's the joke vs riddle thing now jajaja. People sometimes mistake a joke for a riddle and vise versa. So it's like people thinking they're the "same", when actually, there is a difference between a joke and a riddle.) (and when I say "people" I'm talking actually about the people in the DC universe not people actually people)
Hey! I don't mind the question, no worries. I'll say this though, it is a bit of a funny ask because I've had this sort of discussion with people before, and I hope I'm able to find the posts, because it's still funny to me. Here's one of them, with a lot of comic recs and everything. Essentially, how are Joker and Riddler different to Batman in the comics? Bruce is obsessed with Joker, but Riddler... pisses him off.
As you mention yourself, Riddler pisses Bruce off so badly Tom King wrote two comics in which he attempts to kill Edward (The War of Jokes and Riddles, Batman: One Bad Day -- The Riddler). He's similarly peeved with Riddler in the Arkhamverse, especially after Edward tries to fill the vacuum left behind by Joker's death and replace him. And well, I'm not gonna delve into The Batman (2022) because the Riddler of that movie is much different to the comics version... as is Barry Keoghan's Joker. I'm not a fan of the way Matt Reeves took these characters and then mixed their backstories around because he wanted to "put his own spin" on them or come up with a "novel approach". Riddler in The Batman (2022) is quite different to the comics version, so I feel any discussion of dynamics within that movieverse has to be its own thing, and acknowledged as such. I'll put the rest of the answer under the cut though, because things have gotten long enough as it is.
In comics, Joker and Riddler are obviously different individuals, although they've got similarities too. Sometimes writers don't know how to write Riddler well and kind of have him as this bad copy of Joker (because how different are riddles and jokes, right). But the two characters have different goals, different backstories, different dynamics with Batman. Bruce is obsessed with Joker for many reasons: he sees himself in him, he projects onto him, he feels guilty for his existence and also relies on it. Joker is a villain Batman had a direct hand in creating. Joker is Batman's equal and the one to actually want all his anger and his violence. Joker is about making the world realize that it's all a big joke, that nothing matters, which is his ultimate point. He likes fighting Batman and getting beat up... while that's not really Edward's case, who isn't really portrayed as a masochist:
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Batman (2016) #32
Meanwhile, Joker:
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #61
Edward's much more focused on intellect-- that's the facet of Batman's psyche that he, as a Rogue, is meant to address. He's meant to challenge Batman's detective brain, his high IQ. One could say Edward is just as obsessed with Batman as Joker is, but it's a different flavor: while attention-seeking is a big component for both of them, it's much more pervasive for Edward. And that's one of the reasons Bruce is so annoyed with him; the fact that he chooses to get people killed over his selfish need to prove he's the smartest guy in the room. That's what probably activates Bruce's mean streak with Edward more than with the others too-- the need for attention and validation, mixed with fear of him. Because the thing is, Bruce requires things to make sense almost pathologically. So many times, the question he poses to individuals wreaking destruction is "What is the point of this?". And he can understand them, when there's a grander purpose he can even remotely relate to, no matter how dark and twisted. He's related to Poison Ivy, to Joker, to Ra's al Ghul... he even gets Scarecrow, because he knows what it's like to be obsessed with fear and the goal of conquering it. Or maybe it's not accurate to say he doesn't get Edward, because he can relate to having a compulsion, but it's that Edward's compulsion is uncontrolled and about himself. I literally just said that Bruce needs things to make sense, and Edward needs answers, so clearly they're similar in that. But Bruce puts his own in the service of something bigger than himself (in his mind), while what Edward is doing is simply indulging his compulsive need to assert intellectual dominance and get attention, making Batman the target of it and getting people killed along the way.
As to the difference between a joke and a riddle... sigh. I fully think Tom King brought that up in The War of Jokes and Riddles as something that sounds cool, but not something that actually means anything:
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Batman (2016) #32
If it does mean something, to me this is more Joker saying "Do you know what the difference between me and Edward is?"... which is connected to the abstract difference between jokes and riddles too, in a sense. What does a joke want? A joke wants to make people laugh. But what does a riddle want? A riddle wants to be solved. A joke is about the laugh it gets; a joke, ultimately, is an attempt to connect with other people. But a riddle is an intellectual pursuit centred around the answer hidden within; a riddle needs someone to make the effort and chase it and solve it, unlike a joke which is the one to make the effort. A riddle is about itself. In my opinion, Joker is saying that he saved Batman from killing someone and destroying himself, because Joker needs someone to make laugh... he needs an audience for the jokes he's trying to tell, and that audience is Batman. Riddler isn't the same; Riddler needs someone to solve him.
Anyway, can't say I'm an expert on the dynamics between Batman and Riddler, this is just my personal opinion. But I hope this helped with understanding the differences a bit more! Or maybe don't take it from me, take it from Joker's own pep-talk to Edward in Death of the Family:
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youremyheaven · 1 year
The Pisces Heart of Cinderella 👸🐭👗👠🏰
Claire Nakti had made a video about UBP's connection to Cinderella. While I wholeheartedly think its bs to reduce one entire nakshatra's legacy down to them marrying rich, I do think the connection to Cinderella was right. HOWEVER, I have a different take on it.
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Cinderella is not merely a story about a poor girl who marries a Prince. Cinderella is a good person stuck in a really unfortunate circumstance. She is mistreated by her own family ("step-family" but receiving step-treatment is a common theme in the lives of many UBP folks) Despite it all, Cinderella is a hard worker, kind, gentle and imaginative. Its really hard to not give into bitterness when you're in a such a position but Cinderella? She's a sweetheart. She puts her head down and does the work without complaint. And soon enough she's rewarded for it. The Fairy Godmother is the embodiment of her good karma; what goes up has to come down and eventually your goodness and sincerity will be recognized. We have to take into consideration the time and place in which Cinderella was written, which is hundreds of years ago. Marriage was the only way out for women and in many parts of the world, it still is.
In this context, Cinderella going to the Ball was her receiving an opportunity to transform her life. We can come up with many "feminist" alternatives where Cinderella is a dressmaker or a boss babe or whatever but its pointless to apply 21st century morality to a fairy tale. Think of it as an allegory. The Prince here represents good fortune and Pisces is the final rashi/sign and represents the culmination of all good things. Cinderella has worked her whole life for this, this is her turning point. She gets to marry into royalty and live in a castle. This of course can be taken literally as we've seen many UBP women marry into wealth but it is also a metaphor; if you work hard enough (not just actual labour but also spiritual/karmic work) you will achieve breakthrough. In order to break out of cycles, we must put the work in. And Pisces/12h is all about breaking patterns and coming out of the cycle. The close association with butterflies should say enough. The butterfly endures the pain of transformation and breaks out of the cocoon in order to emerge as her true self.
Remember that Revati is the birth nakshatra of Saturn.
The themes of karma, justice and fair-play are very evident in Revati nakshatra (which is the birth of Saturn) as well as UBP (which is a Saturnian nakshatra).
These are the two naks that lie entirely within Pisces rashi so they're what I refer to when I speak of Pisces. (0-3 degrees of Purva bhadrapada will also be included)
Cinderella wasn't chosen at random. It wasn't sheer luck. She was wearing glass slippers that her Fairy Godmother gave her. Those were specifically made for her. Going with the earlier metaphor of the Fairy being the embodiment of karma, the slipper represents the rewards that Cinderella has earned. Even when she walks away from the Ball, the trace of her karmic footprint (literally lol) remains there. What is meant for you cannot miss you. And eventually, Cinderella gets her due.
Cinderella is a deeply Saturnian story and Pisces rashi itself has both Saturn & Jupiter influence, representing two sides to the same coin and the Wheel of Fortune. The sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the largest, most expansive planet associated with luck and abundance. Meanwhile, UBP nakshatra is ruled by Saturn and Revati nakshatra is the birth nakshatra of Saturn. Vedic mythology and astrology is full of paradoxes and contradictions, representing the duality yet singularity of human existence. Therefore it's only fitting that the concluding nakshatra that literally means "wealth" would be the one under which Saturn, planet of discipline, karma & limitations would be born.
One cannot exist without the other. Jupiter mahadasha is followed by Saturn mahadasha and even though Jupiter is known as the giver, Jupiter's blessings are more short term, it is Saturn that gives long lasting success and good fortune because Saturn only rewards the worthy.
The theme of going from rags to riches is present in the lives of many Pisces natives.
Another nakshatra that has similar themes is Punarvasu.
Now I'll mention some Cinderella adaptations and the actresses who played Cinderella (Claire already covered many in her video so I'll try to include less common examples)
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I had to start with the OG 1950 animated Disney film. It stars Ilene Woods as Cinderella
Ilene has a very interesting chart that makes her the perfect choice for Cinderella.
She is Bharani Sun, UBP Moon, Mercury in Rohini, (exalted) Venus in Revati (atmakaraka) Mars in Punarvasu, Ketu in Vishaka and Ashlesha Rising
All of these naks connect to different aspects of the story and emphasize a lot of common themes.
Bharani, as I'd explained in my post about Venus naks is strongly associated with karma and is presided by Lord Yama, God of Death, time, karma, justice and punishment. Bharani is a very transformative nakshatra and I'll go so far as to say that being in the company of a Bharani native triggers transformation/karma in others as well.
Rohini & Mrigashira are also strongly associated with fairy tales (I'll make a separate post about them in the future) and themes of running away, seeking a new home, being a misfit/outsider in your own house etc are common Rohini themes.
Punarvasu literally means "return of the light". Jupiter can give but he also takes. All Jupiter naks have themes of both gain and loss. Especially with Punarvasu natives, I think there is often a tendency to take their initial success/prosperity for granted/take it too seriously/have their head in the clouds, so they lose it and then re-gain what they lost or even more in the future, thus making a "return to light". Rags to riches is a common theme for these natives.
Vishaka nakshatra is known for having many enemies and for having many haters. They often find themselves in an environment where they're an outcast in some way. Being misunderstood is a HUGE theme.
Ashlesha, as I'd explained in my post about the nak often manifests as dysfunctional relationship with their mother and for receiving step-daughterly treatment at home. Obviously this is a major element of Cinderella's story as well.
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Lua de Cristal, the 1990 Brazilian adaptation of Cinderella stars Xuxa as Cinderella.
She has UBP sun & stellium (mercury and jupiter) Bharani Moon along with Pushya Mars & Rising
Pushya is considered the most auspicious nakshatra and known for being a "wealth giving" nakshatra but as a Saturn ruled nak, these natives often undergo a lot of trials and tribulations.
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First Love (1939) is based on Cinderella and stars Deanna Durbin as the protagonist.
She has Jyeshta Sun, Anuradha Mercury & Venus with Ketu & Rising in Revati
Jyeshta is a nakshatra associated with unluckiness and poverty. It is generally considered an inauspicious nakshatra but as Claire's research has shown its the birth nakshatra of numerous billionaires, nodding to the paradoxical nature of Vedic astrology/mythology.
Any woman who plays Cinderella is going to have heavy Saturnian energy and Deanna is no different with that double Anuradha; which is also the height of Saturnian restriction.
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the gender swapped 1960 adaptation titled Cinderfella stars Jerry Lewis as Fella.
He has Purvabhadrapada Sun (2 degrees Pisces), Mercury in Revati, Rahu and Rising in Punarvasu
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This 2012 Russian adaptation of Cinderella stars Kristina Asmus as the titular character.
She has UBP Moon, Revati Mercury (atmakaraka) Venus in Rohini and Jupiter in Bharani
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Mary Pickford starred as Cinderella in one the earliest screen adaptations in 1914.
She has Revati Sun atmakaraka, Venus in Rohini, Jupiter in UBP and Ketu in Vishaka
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If the Shoe Fits (1990) stars Jennifer Grey as Cinderella. She has UBP Sun & Moon with Ketu in Purvabhadrapada (0 degree pisces)
Korean Dramas are notorious for playing with the Cinderella trope so here are a few Kdrama examples:
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The Last Empress stars Jang Na-ra (UBP sun conjunct mars) as a Cinderella esque character.
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Secret Garden stars Ha Ji Won who is Revati Moon, Punarvasu mercury atmakaraka, Venus in Ashlesha and Ketu in UBP
She also played a similar role in Empress Ki
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My Secret Romance stars Song Ji Eun who has Bharani Sun & Mercury, Venus in UBP, Ketu in Ashlesha.
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Something About 1% stars Jeon So-min who is Revati Sun
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Master's Sun stars Gong Hyo Jin who is Revati Sun, Vishaka Moon
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I'm Not A Robot stars Chae Soo bin who is Punarvasu Sun, Pushya Moon with Ketu in Bharani
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Here's Drew Barrymore (Punarvasu Moon) in Ever After which is a Cinderella adaptation devoid of magic.
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The stepmom is played by Punarvasu Sun Anjelica Huston
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The "good" stepsister who is instrumental to the turning point of the plot and who ensures justice is served is played by Melanie Lynskey who is Bharani Moon with a Revati stellium
Claire recently made a video about Punarvasu where she said there is a theme of losing something, repenting and gaining it again. The contrast between opposites, light vs dark, beauty vs ugliness etc is a big theme in this nak. I think this movie does a great job of representing Punarvasu.
The good and the evil are both played by Punarvasu natives. This is crucial because Punarvasu is all about cycles. By the end of the movie we see the good person aka Cinderella rewarded for her goodness and the evil stepmother punished for her cruelty. Punarvasu means return to light and this also means nobody goes unpunished.
Its even more poignant that the person most crucial to ensuring that justice is served is played by a Bharani Moon native (Bharani IS karma itself tbh) and that she herself is neglected by her mother and treated like an outsider.
Lastly, it's interesting af to me that in almost every adaptation of this story, right from the very beginning to now, Pisces natives are cast as Cinderella along with a group of certain naks recurring again and again.
Here's Revati Moon Cardi B recreating a Cinderella inspired look for Harper's Bazaar
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i hope i could add a little more nuance to the pisces connection to cinderella<33 hope you enjoyed it<33
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waltricia · 6 months
Happy Polin Day!! 💛 I accidentally wrote an essay about the lighting in this two second clip. I guess I found my Roman Empire.
Nicola said in an interview that the theme of the first season was passion, the second was longing, and the third is romance, and I fully agree and believe her because everything about this clip SCREAMS romance.
As perfect as they are, I have to put aside costume, hair, and makeup, and just praise the lighting right now bc it really deserves to be discussed.
Anyone who has ever read a romance novel knows that when the leading man looks at the leading lady ~lustily~, his expression darkens and he has a devilish glint in his eye, while she has a soft, open expression and stars in her eyes. That is EXACTLY what they achieved by angling a single soft fill light on Luke from below, while having him kinda backlit/ side lit by the key light (the moonlight), and angling that harder accent light on Nicola from above and back, while having the full key light on her from the front.
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In classic horror cinematography, characters are lit from below because it casts sinister shadows on their faces. Hell scenes often have characters lit by fire from below (because obviously). This kind of lighting is also great for portraying lust (see Kanthony in the library, season 2 ep 4, both scenes). Lustiness and the devil go hand in hand (because religion lol), and that’s why this slightly sinister lighting looks so good here.
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Colin is every bit the romantic hero, and the way the lighting portrays that is subtle, but intentional. His eyes are shadowed and he has that glint. No doubt he’s about to do something bold and scandalous. Just the way Colin is approaching Pen pretty clearly indicates his intentions, but I really like that you can also derive those intentions from the lighting because it evokes such freakin classic romantic imagery.
And in the same perfectly subtle way, she is also classically lit, but representing the other side of the coin. As he’s lit from hell, she’s lit from heaven. The yellow (😉) light on her has an angelic effect. It’s also a soft spotlight, like how they would light Old Hollywood starlets.
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When you combine that light with the key light (the moonlight) that fills her face and makes her eyes sparkle, you really see her, and she is meant to be worshipped. That’s what Colin is seeing. And, obviously, being seen terrifies our wallflower. Which just adds another layer to the significance of Colin’s lighting because not only does the lighting tell us what’s he’s about to do (😘), it also makes sense to have him in the devilish lighting because she’s scared. But it’s the good kind of scary of course.
And what’s so god damn beautiful about the whole thing, is that the opposition that I’m seeing between the lighting of Colin and Pen in this moment exists so harmoniously with the equivalence that I also see between the characters. The feeling of connection between them is stronger than it’s ever been. And I’m guessing she’s literally on some kind of platform, like a doorstep or something, because their lines of sight are more level with each other. So the contrast between Colin and Pen itself contrasts with the closeness between them.
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I just love how wonderfully complex that is. I am so impressed.
And that’s just the lighting y’all.
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stellae-de-baphometis · 7 months
Deity Fusions And Syncretism Within The Daemonic Pantheon: A Mini Post
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I only just remembered to make a post about this now (ADHD sucks sometimes lol), so here I am finally getting around to writing about it.
Full post under the cut. ↓
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It was only a few months ago that I pondered the phenomenon of the syncretic fusions of daemons. Prior to this, I surprisingly hadn't even considered it at all.
If you're a Pagan, you may be familiar with the concept of syncretism; Linking or combining different deities into the identity or "body" of a singular entity. This was a very common practice in ancient Egyptian religion, with the most notable example being Amun-Ra, a fusion of the two gods Amun and Ra.
When it comes to practices such as Daemonolatry and Theistic Satanism/Luciferianism, I definitely feel that this phenomenon can apply to the daemonic divine too. For example, there are some practitioners who believe Lucifer and Satan to be separate entities distinct from one another, whereas others may believe they are one and the same. Everyone has their own personal gnosis, after all.
But what about the possibility of Lucifer and Satan being two distinct entities that have the ability to merge into one singular entity? They would syncretise to become Lucifer-Satan (a.k.a. Satan-Lucifer). Or if you view them to be a singular being, perhaps Lucifer and Satan are just the names for two sides of the same coin; Maybe as a daemon of two-fold aspects, perhaps.
Personally, I believe that all daemons can either stand alone as an individual entity, or can be fused with one another to become a syncretised singular daemon.
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The term "Satan" was originally a title that simply meant "accuser" or "adversary". Overtime however, the word "Satan" eventually became a personification and/or daemon known as "The Devil".
The title "Satan" has also been applied to several other daemons, such as: Lucifer, Belzebuth, Belial, Mephistopheles, Azazel, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Abaddon, Behemoth, and Baphomet. Given that the title "Satan" can refer to many daemons, it's not impossible for them to fuse and manifest as a unified entity, whether it's of your UPG, or if it's simply how they want to appear to you.
I experienced Satan-Baphomet as a fusion daemon at the beginning of my Daemonolatry path, because my UPG at the time was that they were synonymous with one another, and simply just two different names for the same entity. Overtime my gnosis changed, and I began to view them as two distinct entities; And thus, they began to appear to me as such.
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Idk I just thought this would be an interesting thing to write about lol. I hope you find this as interesting as I do! 💜
~ Ave Satanas ~
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moongothic · 6 months
Seen quite a few people comment how they believe it's more likely the Dragodile Divorce happened due to ideological differences rather than because Dragon was too straight to stay with Crocodile, and. Like I did suggest that (or at least tried to) in my Crocodad Giga Thesis (really I should've been more clear about it in my essay so I wouldn't be writing this now lol), but like yes, Dragon and Crocodile absolutely have drastically different beliefs on How One Overthrows The World Government. And that absolutely could have contributed to the two separating and/or Crocodile deciding to go his own way instead of becoming a proper Revolutionary
Because like, as I tried to imply in the essay (but failed to deliver); if Crocodile's goal had always been to get Pluton so he could just nuke Marijoa off the face of the earth by himself and end it all in one go, then Crocodile and his way of thinking could work as this, like... contrasting opposite to how Dragon believes things should be done. Some fans (unfairly imo) call Dragon a "fraud" because over the past 20+ years he has only attacked Marijoa and the WG directly just once, and even when he did, instead of doing something to stop their corrupt reign for good... the Revs destroyed... the Tenryuubito's... food storage..? Like. Sure, that'll bother them for a little while, get their panties in a good twist etc, but in the end they're just going to demand more tributes and more free food. The Revolutionary Army may be successfully inspiring more people and more countries to rebel against the World Government's corrupt rule, but the Tenryuubito are still in power and will continue to be in power for a long time. And that's kind of how Crocodile would greatly complement Dragon within the narrative. Dragon being arguably "too soft" with his slow, methodical way of overthrowing the WG, while Crocodile would just kill them all without mercy, even if it meant hurting innocent people in the process. The two would act as the opposite sides of the same coin, the different extremes of the same spectrum. Crocodile would become like a response to the complaints people have against Dragon.
And yeah, the two having such wildly different ideological views could VERY EASILY contribute to a divorce, for sure.
My thing is that... If (and this is an if) Crocodile is meant to go a character arc and grow as a person, if we're meant to see him as a sympathetic character at all and maybe even feel bad for him... It'll be much harder to write that if the Dragodile Divorce happened only because of the two having ideological differences. Like who's going to feel bad for Crocodile if the two got divorced because Crocodile wanted to mass murder people and Dragon wasn't okay with it? That's not a tragedy, that's not a situation where we as the readers would feel for Crocodile and want to root for him. That's not something that would give a character unprocessed emotional trauma to heal from and overcome. He'd just be a villian who'd need to have his beliefs changed.
Where as, if The Divorce was caused by Dragon and Crocodile no longer being compatible due to Dragon being straight while Crocodile transed his gender... Even in the most respectful of scenarios that is a heartbreaking situation, a painful thing to go through. That is a tragedy without bad guys, a story where you could feel bad for Crocodile and want to root for him. That is a situation that would give him trauma to heal from.
And that's kind of why I so strongly believe in Crocodile's transition being a more important, contributing factor in The Divorce. Again, this does absolutely depend on what Crocodile's actual role in the story is going to be and whether or not he's even meant to go through a character arc at all. Like if he's not going to be that important and if he isn't meant to go through an arc then sure, Crocodile's transition doesn't have to matter one fucking bit. But if he is meant to go through an arc, if we are meant to feel bad for him and find outselves rooting for him eventually... From a writing perspective, that'll be far easier to do if we can find ourselves sympathizing with him even just a little bit.
Also like. Yes, you can have queer characters who are just queer for the sake of being queer, their queerness does not have to be an important aspect in them or a huge plotpoint in their story at all. Crocodile could be queer just for the sake of being queer. Because that's what it's like being queer, you just are what you are. At the same time, from a writing perspective. What would even be the point of making him queer if it didn't matter to his character at all and have an impact on his character?
Also while Crocodile and Dragon clearly have very different beliefs on how the WG should be dealt with right now, we don't really know when Crocodile came to his beliefs. Like for all we know Crocodile could've formed his worldview years after the divorce. Hell, based on the way he spoke to Vivi about her ideals, and how we know he spent over a decade in utter emotional solitude, his current worldview could have been partially born from resentment towards Dragon (and his ideals) that's been simmering away over the years.
All of this to say; yes I think the two's beliefs could have been a contributing factor in The Divorce, but from a writing perspective (and based on the direction I personally want to see the story go), I find it far more likely if Crocodile's transition was the main cause, one way or another.
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destiel-wings · 6 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your thoughts on angel x buffy? :)
Hii i don't mind, thank you for asking 😊
So, I used to love bangel sooooo much when i first watched the show. I was 100% into it, (with a crush for Boreanaz too) and i cried so much for them in s2 and when Angel left the show in s3. And I truly, sincerely, unironically hated Spike too (I thought he was a great character but i just loved hating him, you know? Lol). When we saw Spike's dream of kissing Buffy I swear i felt nauseous.
... and then they aired Fool for love.
By the end of that episode I was left in utter existential crisis in front of my tv because i felt my whole world shift. There was a part of me that still liked Angel and Buffy, but there was also this new part that wanted her to be with Spike now.
So anyway, that's when i decided to switch teams and i became team spuffy, and for as much as i had been obsessed with bangel before, it was nothing compared to how deep i was caught into the Buffy and Spike relationship. I never looked back. They were just much more complex and real and compelling. And it made me reevaluate Angel and her relationship with him too. Angel never really knew Buffy, always treated her like a child, and let's be honest--and that's something that hit me only years later when I got older--she was a child when they were together. He was spying on her and falling in love with her when she was just fifteen years old and he was a 240-year-old vampire who had been sired at like 26 years old, and they got together when she was 16/17 and he broke up with her when she turned 18... I don't think that's something the writers did intentionally of course, because (as everything else in buffy) it's just meant to be taken as a metaphor for the ideals and struggles and the intensity of drama of a girl's first love, but it still comes off as icky.
And before anyone comes at me, I know spuffy isn't healthy either, but that's kinda the point and the appeal. First of all, it's fiction and a metaphor, and secondly, it's about two broken people that are supposed to be mortal enemies but are actually two sides of the same coin, so different and yet so much the same, who can understand each other as a whole, light and darkness, in a way that no one else ever could, who yes, hurt each other along the way, but whose love saved them from the deepest darkness, ultimately bringing them into the light.
This is what spuffy is to me, and this is why i think it's not only the superior ship, but one of the best ships of all time (thee best, until i saw destiel, now they're sharing the podium).
So anyway, to get back to your question, the moment i became obsessed with Buffy and Spike (and i have been ever since 2005, lmao, they've been my first real obsession, alongside btvs, until spn and destiel) Angel sort of became the enemy 😅. And I hated him so so so so so much when he appeared in 7x21 and kissed Buffy (pure fanservice, but okay) and brought the medallion that ultimately killed Spike. So i spent years very maturely holding my vendetta against Angel (like, rooting for every demon that fought against him when I watched Angel, lmaoo). In most recent years, I've (sort of) made my peace with the character, after rewatching Angel. I mean he's still the enemy (of course, duh!! Who am i if not eternally petty??) but i appreciate him in his own show.
So i don't ship Angel and Buffy anymore, but I can understand why someone would (as i myself used to), and more importantly, i respect other people's right to ship them.
If we're joking, I'm going to insult Angel and keep saying he's the enemy. But on a mature serious note, I think Buffy and Angel were a great first love (for Buffy), but they were supposed to be just that, the impossible teenage girl's dream of a first love, eternal but doomed to end and break your heart.
I think Angel was much more well paired with Cordelia (which is something I'd never think I'd say), and i found myself shipping them so much when I rewatched the show. It felt so much more mature and profound than what we saw with Buffy and Angel (and that's probably due to the fact that we got slow burn for them - as we did for Buffy and Spike- and could actually see the feelings growing, while Buffy crushed on Angel in the pilot and she was madly in love (as teenagers do) in 0.5 seconds for no apparent reason than the fact that he was hot and mysterious.
So when I say the kiss in btvs 7x21 makes zero sense, I'm not just talking about spuffy, but also about cangel. I feel like both characters parted ways and lived on in their own shows to grow and become their own persons, developing other relationships that were more adult and meaningful, and that kiss was just disrespectful for both (but anyways, it doesn't change anything).
I have so many thoughts about all this honestly, and I hope I haven't gone too much off the tangent with my reply, but i couldn't just give you a simple reply because that would've had to be something like "angel is the enemy and i don't like bangel" but as you can see my thoughts are a little more complex than that 😅
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forcebookish · 11 months
topmew scenes seem "off" or "unnerving" for three reasons: y'all were looking for a flaw so you wouldn't have to have complicated feelings about their breakup lol, you cherry-pick scenes to find fault in like when top literally got dumped or they were fighting, and finally because mew is afraid to fall in love.
mew is expecting to be let down, mew is looking for a flaw, mew is holding himself back. he's controlling himself and the relationship, he's not controlling top. for the most part, mew keeps it playful and flirty because anything deeper terrifies him. he's afraid of his own feelings. he's afraid to be "so into" top: snoop his ig, check his messages, want him all for himself, to be heartbroken, listen to ink waruntorn's music and cry alone in his room every day. that's not to say that he fell in love on accident (they were dating omg what do u think the point of dating is), he was just more cautious.
and anyone who has "pointed out" that they're "unromantic" have very obvious ulterior motives: discredit forcebook's chemistry and make themself look smarter than the writers. because it's simply not true. they are tender, they are thoughtful of each other's feelings, they have fun together, and they enjoy each other's presence. topmew have a romance, it's just a different kind of romance than your typical BL. they have a normal relationship where both of them bring in their own baggage and they fall in love because and in spite of it.
the point is that they're just boyfriends. i understand that it's different from other BLs, because they're based on real people. whoever heard of a BL where the main character meets the love of his life through a friend and they just start dating right away? no one. but in real life? it's as common as the cold. it's not meant to be more complicated than that - it's the intertwined friendships between all the other characters that make it complicated.
it's literally spelled out for us that the series is about three couples with completely differently defined relationships that progress differently, and that love and heartbreak are two sides of the same coin. mew himself tells you that in the first episode. that's it. p'jojo himself has said there's no moral to the story. no one's "trying to say something" more than tell the story of these dumb boys falling in love and fucking up and trying to work through their relationships. it's about what you do when those complications arise: do you choose love or hate?
come on, it's really not that deep!!!
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bthump · 2 months
I’ve been rereading Griffith’s dungeon monologue and I just realized that, given how the cobblestone path panels are framed, it seems to me that Griffith (at least in the beginning) chose the kingdom as his dream because it represented the highest summit he could aspire to (“it was the brightest thing I had ever seen”), as in there was literally nothing beyond it. Like, he talks about “small victories” and “the small battles we fought”, and it looks like nothing was enough for little Griffith because, in the end, no game would last forever, and the cruel realities of life would go on (“the back alley of brothels and taverns where the sun never shines”). Even the “spoils” they managed to gather end up becoming mere junk when the playtime is over (the fact that we are shown a wooden knight as a primary example of this also ties in neatly with the dead boy’s broken toy and Griffith wondering if his death was “the end of the dream” in Casca’s memory). I feel that Griffith, even as a child, might have been already strongly attuned to the vulnerability and general shittiness of living in the Berserk world (with his whole not being able to live “for no reason at all”, maybe some early trauma), which could only be overcome (ie repressed) by pursuing something he subconsciously thought was impossible to achieve, so that the dream would never end and fear and despair wouldn’t take over again. This is more of a personal interpretation, but I’d argue that the fact that as a human he embodied hope/despair simultaneously as extremes and two sides of the same coin is what really qualified him as “humanity’s desired”: the kid who had nothing/lived in an absurd and oppressive world found a purpose that would give meaning to his entire existence, only to fall back into despair because he couldn’t emotionally reconcile his all-encompassing dream with the meaningless trail of death it left behind (which wasn’t so much his fault as the result of the real-world political/military game he had to play) and his wholly mundane love for another guy lol. That’s why I don’t get why so many fans think he’s a textbook psychopath: he embodies such a wide range of human experiences and contradictions, and I do think that’s why he was ultimately “chosen”, not because he was always particularly evil or some similar bs.
Sorry, this got so long and rambly… I wanted to share because I love your blog and also really value your opinion!
Thank you!
Yeah I think that's a pretty solid take on Griffith. Miura actually suggested in an interview that he could have been abused as a child (like pre Gennon) and I think that would fit the themes of the story very well. And in any case his dream does definitely seem to be framed as a reaction to being a homeless starving kid.
And it's interesting to think of the dream as something that subconsciously is meant to have no end for him, so it can always be a future goal. It's very believable for Griffith imo. And yeah totally agree that he's in no way a psychopath and in many ways is the most "human" character, which is yk basically the point of the monsters and demons in Berserk.
Thanks for the ask, this was interesting to read!
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nhlclover · 1 year
betty | quinn hughes
summary: you break up with your boyfriend following a fight, but you contemplate giving him a second chance.
request: yes / no
warnings: (kind of?) cheating, angst, bad boyfriend behaviour
a/n: based on ‘betty’ by taylor swift. i was doing way too much world-building for a blurb lol.
word count: 1.9k
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The lake was my happy place. 100%.
I have been coming here every summer since I was born with my family. My cousins and I would spend all day in the water or going into town and going to the movies. In the winter, I would yearn for the lake and all that comes with it. Another amazing thing that came with the summer and the lake was Quinn.
I met Quinn one day when he and his brothers stumbled upon me and my cousins by the tire swing at Sellers Point. We became fast friends, all of us being around the same age. We hung out every day that summer and every summer after. They were my best friends, the Hughes brothers. But Quinn…there was something different about Quinn. He was someone you could never get enough of. Every little thing he did had me entranced.
I thought about him all winter and looked forward to him every summer.
Every summer, from the one we met when we were 14 to now, our families have poked at the idea that Quinn and I are destined to be together. That we are two sides of the same coin. Quinn and I would always say that we didn’t see each other like that, but I knew that wasn’t true.
I would sneak glances at him whenever possible, I would get butterflies whenever he would laugh at my jokes, and cared a little too much about what he thought of me. I always wondered if Quinn was also lying when he said he didn’t see me like that.
When the Canucks missed the playoffs this year, that allowed Quinn to come to the lake slightly earlier than his brothers. This left Quinn and me alone at the lake, spending a lot of time together. Somewhere along the way, I got bold enough and admitted my feelings for him. To my surprise, he shared them.
We spent the whole summer together, experiencing first dates and first kisses. Even though we were having firsts of all kinds, it felt like Quinn and I had been dating for years. We were so comfortable with one another and wanted to spend as much time together as possible, even if that meant hanging out in each other's room while you did chores.
Quinn was wrapped in my blue patchwork quilt on my bed, while I put clothes away into my armoire. When I put my last sweatshirt away, I turned back to Quinn who was looking back at me, a slightly sad look on his face. I climb on my bed and crawl to him.
“What’s with the frown?” I ask him softly as he lifts the quilt for me to crawl under.
“I’m just thinking.” He says.
“Bout what?”
“Just… the end of the summer.” He says quickly. “But I don’t want to think about it.”
I furrow my brows. “What do you mean, Quinn?”
“I mean, I’m going back to Vancouver, you’re going back to work in Detroit. I don’t want us to end.”
I sit up out of his embrace and look at him. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean, we’re gonna be living in two different countries, y/n, I don’t see how we can even work.” He explains.
“So you’re just fine with us ending? Just like that? Without even trying?” I ask.
Quinn sits up, placing his hands on my waist. “Babe, c’mon.”
“No.” I shake my head climbing out of my bed. “I don’t understand. At the end of the summer, you’re just going to say bye and that’s it? You’re not even going to try and make us work?”
He sighs, putting his head in his hands. “I didn’t want to think about it but… let’s be real here. I’m in a new city almost every week, you’re going to start working full time. You can’t tell me you didn’t think about this when we started dating.”
I scoff. “No Quinn, I didn’t. I’m sorry I didn’t think about how we would break up because you can’t do long distance.”
“No. You knew you were going to break up with me, so what the fuck was this all for? This whole summer? If you knew we were going to end why did you even bother? This was just for shits and giggles for you?”
Quinn climbs out of my bed, still wearing his board shorts as we were on the boat earlier today. He stops in front of me, examining my face. He opens his mouth to speak but I do before he can.
“No, just go. I don’t want to look at you anymore.” I wave him away, opening my bedroom door, indicating he should leave.
“Y/n, come on. Let’s talk.” He objects.
“No! This is what you wanted all along, right?” I look into his eyes. They show nothing but remorse but I can’t find it in me to let him stay right now.
He looks as though he wants to say something but doesn’t. He gives me a soft kiss on the forehead before walking out of my bedroom. I hear him say a quick goodbye to my parents, who offer for him to stay for dinner, but he politely declines. When I hear the front door shut, I retire to my bed, wrapping myself in my quilt. Quinn’s scent is still lingering on the blanket. The tears begin to fall and don’t stop until I fall asleep.
The rest of the week is filled with rare days inside, not finding the energy to go outdoors. All I want to do is lie in bed and distract myself with reality shows. My parents take notice and let me sulk for a few days before deciding they’d had enough and forced me to go to the pier with my cousin.
Inez and I spent some time perusing the shops before we sit down at the Honey Duke diner for lunch.
“How are you?” She asks me when we’ve sat down and ordered our food.
I let out a dry laugh. “Not great.”
She sighs and eyes me. “Listen, I know this is something you probably don’t want to hear but I think this is something you should know.”
I roll my eyes. The one thing my cousin is known for is gossiping. I normally don’t take much of what she says seriously because often times what she tells me is just a rumour.
“So yesterday I was hanging out with Michael, and Michael was telling me that a few days ago Quinn was out for a run when Augustine, y’know the girl that just moved into the Russell’s old place? Well she pulled up next to him as he was on his way home and was like ‘Quinn, get in, let’s go for a drive’ and he did. And one thing led to another and apparently they slept together.”
I didn’t want to believe what she was saying but the story made my face heat up and a nervous, nauseous feeling arises in my stomach. “Why should I believe what Michael told you?” I challenge her.
“Because it happened just outside of his house! He saw him get in her car.” Inez says. “And he ran into her the next day at the grocery store and she told him they had sex.”
My stomach churns as I picture my boyfriend in bed with another girl. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. We’re broken up, he is free to do whatever he wants.” I say, putting on a front.
“Girl, you’re allowed to be hurt.” Inez says, grabbing my hand that was resting on the table to comfort me. “What he did was super shitty. You just need to try and forget about him.”
I smile and nod at her. However misguided she may be when it comes to spreading rumours, she truly wants nothing but the best for the people closest to her in life.
“Listen, parents are leaving the lake early this year, how about we throw an end-of-summer party?” Inez suggests.
“That’s going to be a pain in the ass to clean in the morning,” I say.
“But it’ll be fun in the evening.” She smirks.
I reluctantly agree and Inez immediately goes into planning mode. She planned the party for a week later, spreading the word to the others in the area. When the night of the party rolled around, the family lake house was packed with people.
Despite being at a party, and drinking with my close friends, a despondent feeling was hovering over me. The end of the summer was upon us and in a few days I was going back to Detroit. The same feeling I get at the end of every summer rolls right back in, a feeling of sadness sitting passenger seat of my emotions.
I excuse myself from the conversation I was having with my neighbour, slipping out back and down to the garden my mum keeps. A small path is configured through the plants using cobblestone, moss growing through the cracks. I bend down, smelling a bundle of dahlias my mum had planted, inhaling the slightly bitter scent.
I stand up, whipping my head to the left where Quinn is standing. My despondent feelings about summer ending are replaced by despondent feelings brought on by Quinn.
“Go fuck yourself.” I say, almost coming out automatically.
“I had a feeling you would say that.” He says. “But please hear me out.”
I deliberate with myself whether or not I should hear him out or not. The downcast look on his face, accompanied by a tired demeanour forced me to give in. I sit down on the bench, leaving room for Quinn to sit as well. He sits down but doesn’t speak right away, so I do.
“Inez told me.” I say. “It’s true, isn’t it?”
I don’t even need to be specific. Quinn’s head bows down and I feel my heart break a little bit.
“Please,” He starts, placing a hand on my knee. “Trust me when I say it was just a summer thing. It didn’t mean anything. I was sad and she was there. I thought I had lost you forever cause I’d been an idiot. And then I was an idiot some more. I fucked up I know that.”
His voice is breaking as tears start to fall from my eyes. Every part of me wants to just take him back but I still feel hurt by our argument about long distance.
“And I know I was dumb about dealing with long distance but I was so scared about losing you that I just figured I would end it before long distance.”
I let out a dry laugh at Quinn’s way of dealing with it.
“If you’re willing, I want to try long-distance.” Quinn says.
My eyes snap up to his. Truly all I want is to try long distance but I’m not sure how I can when I’m not confident that this is what Quinn wants. As if he senses my uncertainty, he takes my hands into his.
“Y/n, all I want is to be with you. I’m willing to do whatever, I don’t care, I’ll fly you to Vancouver every weekend, I’ll come see you when we play in Detroit, I’ll-”
I cut off Quinn’s rambling by pressing my lips to his. He melts into me, his calloused hands finding me, one going to the back of my head and the other wrapping around my back. When we break apart I pull Quinn into my arms, just wanting to hold him.
“Please make this work.” I whisper.
“It’s all I want.” He whispers back.
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twocakesinacup · 10 months
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Hello, my Godmode brain sickness has developed even more. Lore dump below the break. I wanted to draw Saint and Enot in their true divine forms in my AU.
Saint and Enot are two sides of the same coin, spirits created by the Void since the dawn of time in order to facilitate its desire for a ceaseless drip of prime souls. The Void granted them power over life and death, the ability to create and destroy worlds as they see fit. Enot is the spirit of life, creation, and chaos. She uses her powers to remake the world and 'seed' it with creatures, with the end goal being that these creatures will develop over time and once intelligent start to work towards ascension. In this AU if a creature dies, its soul is reincarnated in another creature until it eventually reaches its own balance, and once it's at that point it no longer comes back, and its soul joins the void. What happens after that, even Saint and Enot do not know. The void is mysterious even to them.
Once the predominate species has reached enough attunement, they start to feel the call of the void. It's an itch they can't ignore, this feeling that they *need* to karmatically balance themselves to ascend. Slowly they start to pass, and eventually nothing remains of their species save for a few chance stragglers. This is where Saint comes in. Saint is the spirit of death, decay, and time. His job is to remove any lingering creatures that are meant to pass on, as well as cleaning up the world for the next species. He usually achieves this via snow and cold, though sometimes directly intervenes for more stubborn creatures (iterators) and cleaning up those who were punished by the void and turned into echos for attempting to ascend without being ready.
Now being these powerful spirits, I found it a bit silly that they look like slugcats. These are actually their mortal avatars, which they inhabit most of the time for simplicities sake as they roam the world. Their job actually has a lot of freetime, as they only need to directly act to create/destroy the current great cycle. Wandering the world is a fun way for them to pass time, though that's usually Enot who wants to do it as she's excitable and full of energy. Saint just wants to go back to their home and sleep lol. These forms are mostly for them when they need to use their full power, or when the void summons them to commune. Most of the time they just mimic a body of a predominant species, such as the slugcats or the ancients in the past. I wanted their 'spirit forms' to look like mystical creatures responsible for life and death, the kind of thing that would be a legend spoken around campfires or sung in halls.
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elainarcheronstotebag · 4 months
Something i love that i don’t see people talk about is how each archeron sister represents a stress response.
Feyre fights. Literally and metaphorically. For so long Feyre was fighting against the odds of her and her family’s survival. While also going against societal norms of basically being a woman. She was the (albeit forced) breadwinner, and doing traditionally “masculine” tasks. Feyre didn’t abide by gender norms, and instead carved her own place in a world that she was never even meant to be in. But she also fights for her family, not just in terms of survival but by forgiving them and wanting relationships with them despite all the hardships she endured alone.
Nesta flees. Nesta and Feyre are said to literally be two sides of the same coin. Anytime something happens Nesta runs, once again literally and metaphorically. Their father gets beat up soon after their mother dies, she immediately grabs Elain and runs and hides in the room. Same with how she kept away from her sisters while in Velaris as she was coping unhealthily. Also, how Nesta refused to accept help when offered it, and was literally forced into rehab basically. The stairs literally stopped Nesta from running away. Nesta also is very emotionally unavailable throughout most of the series, she’s cold and distant because it’s the only way she feels she can protect herself.
Elain fawns. (Lol get it?) whereas both of her sisters had a hard time in society, it can be said that Elain thrived in it. Within less than a year of reentering high society, after her family had been shunned out might I add, she was able to secure a marriage to the future Lord of their region?? Just beauty and kindness isn’t enough for a match like that, that took at least some cunning and wit that was definitely wasted in the human lands. Elain perfectly adapted to human society, just as she later had to adapt to the Night Court. To secure her safety or whatever, Elain knows how to conform and modify herself for whatever world she gets thrown into, despite the constant change of expectations she finds herself in.
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lostinvasileios · 3 months
Hi!I have a little question.What does "soul spoused/soul spouse" mean? I've seen in some of your posts mentioning about this term and I'm curious about what could possibly mean.Thank you!
Aaaah!! I've been tempted to make an entire post dedicated to this, actually. Thanks for sending in the ask, bee!! -`♡´-
Alright!! So! I'm going to be honest here, I've never looked up the definition online. I never even really saw any other practitioner really using the term for them and their deities, even if they were involved rather more intimately than just worship. And I don't really plan to investigate it, since I've found out what it means for me.
I don't think I came up with it, I don't coin it really. But, I started to use the phrase a bit early in my practice. When I first met my soul/higher self.
I didn't think the term "godspouse" really fit me when describing my beloved deities. Like Asmodeus, or Aphrodite. Godspouse felt too... Mmm... Plain? It didn't make me feel... Good inside, to refer to myself as that. Especially with the growing disliking for that term on social media when I got on the witchy side of things.
However, since I learned that these deities were intertwined with my soul self, I began to absentmindedly just call them a "soul spouse" since... They're married to my higher self. I feel them within my core. My soul.
It sounds much more romantical in my opinion. More... Meaningful. I typically see "godspouse" as something that'll stay for a life or so, or maybe until the spoused person in question lives are over and they move on to merge with their higher self or something like that. Simply - it doesn't seem exactly... Permanent, in my head.
Soul spouse, however, from what I have learned - means that it shall not end. It is a bond for eternity. Beyond time and our planet. Can it end? Yes, if the souls choose to sever their ties. But it is unlikely. It is sacred thing, something so precious that I fail to have the proper vocabulary to really describe the value of it.
Dionysus, for example, chose my soul before it was truly set into motion, if that makes sense. While still being built and weaved together by my creators. Same with a lot of my spouses.
Think of the red string from TGCF, if you know what that means. (In TGCF, in summary, Hua Cheng is tied to Xie Lian, keeping them together and basically meaning they shall never be apart from one another regardless of how much time has passed, if one is still experiencing mortality, ect.)
Zeus and Hera are a good example for this, too. They both went through so much with each other, yet stayed. Remained in love. Remained... Together. Because they're soul spoused. They were meant to love each other. Now, I don't know much about their relationship because I've personally never worked with either of them, (I've only spoken to them a few minimal times on separate occasions) but, I can feel their love for one another whenever I ask about it. How Zeus takes in a breath before saying so genuinely "... I love my wife." in such a deliciously smitten tone. (I'm yapping, I know.)
Soul spouses can be a plethora of different things at the same time, too. They are unlimited creatures, and their love stretches farther than one label or two. The god of the sun itself is spoused to me, for example. He helped in creating my soul, a major part of my soul self. He acts as both a lover, and a father for me. Mars also put his pieces into my soul, and yet acts as only a father and a mentor. Yeshua did not put pieces into my soul, yet is a father and lover as well. I could go on, lol.
These roles can also change through lives, I believe. Let's say, in this life, I am a very devoted lover for Hypnos, yet in another, he may take on a different role for me. Overall, he is still a soul spouse of mine. And I am still a beloved of his. Does this make sense? I feel like I spent more time gushing than explaining for some reason, haha.
One thing in particular, is that a lot of people think if you're spoused to multiple deities, your life has to completely revolve around them. Which, ends up scaring off people from thinking they are spoused to deities in any capacity. Or as many as they may be. However... It... It truly isn't demanding. If you like, by all means you can set up an altar for each of them or whatever, include them in daily tarot, worship all of them, and so on. It's your practice, you're free to do just that.
But, I, like many others, simply don't have the time, the energy, and ect to do that. Especially since I'm finding out new spouses pretty often as I continue my journey. (My soul self is a man whore, but I digress/j)
The thing is, these deities spoused your soul or you spoused them or - something like that before you were in this life, most likely. And will continue to be spoused to you long after. They don't expect to all be worshiped, to all be given all of your spoons and kisses. Because your soul self does that. Your soul self can give them kisses. Affection, attention. And - importantly - deities aren't... Commanding. They aren't toxic. At least to their spouses. They won't go "oh you're spending so much time with __ you must not love me" or whatever. That's just - not... Them. Unless it's banter and you two do that, then, sure. Whatever works for you and them. I've had my fair share of spouses giving playful pouts when I haven't blown them a kiss in a while.
In my experience, they won't demand the finest wines or a ritual to "make it up" to them if you've been busy. They'll just... Come around you. Cuddle. Hold your hand. Read a book while you do your own thing. Simply just exist around you. Remind you that they love you, and that they're here for you. Always. It's a lot more... Nice than people make it out to be. A lot more accommodatable. A lot more - right for you. They're your spouses, not your bosses.
Soooo... Did that help? Haha- aaah- I'm sorry, lol. I genuinely don't know if I got the message across here or really if I have a singular message to give. I was kind of messy?? I hope it was still a bit digestible regardless. Anyway, I hope this helped somewhat!! Thanks for reading this far if you did 💗 Here's a cookie & some honey as a reward. Remember this is all just my UPG and experience with it. 🍪🍯
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otonymous · 2 years
Memento (DC Jason Todd - NSFW) - Kinktober 2022
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(First posted on Pa*t*reon (pls see link in pinned post)! - early access Oct 6/22)
Kinktober 2022 Prompt #2: Lingerie
Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language and mature themes - reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings include: super mild knife play (no blood involved!), a faint whiff of hate sex (in that love and hate are two sides of the same coin in this particular instance lol), jealousy, one-night stands, rough intercourse, brief mention of masturbation, size kink, angst.
Word Count: ~2500 words
Author's Note:
Hello lovelies!
This second Kinktober fic was inspired by an Ask sent in by @yelenabelovasbathwater, who requested the following:
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This was supposed to be an exercise in writing about lingerie.  As with most things Jason Todd related, it turned into angst.  I hope y'all enjoy the read anyways LOL! 🙈😂
-XOXO, Otonny 💕
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“Why did you come here?”
Why indeed, you ask yourself, feet suddenly leaden and rooted to the concrete floor, unable to tear your gaze away from the back of Jason’s head.
Dark and low, the sound of his voice is an echo in your mind, the words a warning percolating through layers of your consciousness, meaning gradually taking root:
To take one step closer would be foolish.  
But you had long since passed the point of no return, seeking out the flame at the risk of immolating yourself in his fire.
You could admit it now.  Had dug down deep into the brittle earth of your honest truth and recognized that regardless of what had happened in the past or had yet to happen in the future, as long as you were alive, the spark of him would live forever within the cradle of your heart.  For better or for worse.
And so, you came to face him: Jason Peter Todd.
Not in an act of bravery nor a show of bravado.  Jason was no charity case and the last thing you wanted to do was fix him.
There was no fixing…this.
“I don’t need your thanks, if that’s what you’re trying to do.”
Shifting in his chair, Jason speaks, not bothering to look up from the open book in his hand — a copy of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights as dog-eared and worn as the other books sprouting up in stacks from the floor around the cavernous space of his hideout.
“I-I’m not here for that.  Though I am very grateful for what you did, helping my brother out when he was cornered by those thugs—”
“Tell him to stay away from dark alleys at night, yeah?  Next time around, he may not be so lucky.”
You nod, stopping short when you realize Jason wouldn’t have seen it with his back still turned to you.
“So why are you here then?” he asks again, the sharp edge in his tone almost painful in your ears.
“I’m here…to say goodbye.  I’m leaving Gotham.”
Jason’s hand stiffens, crinkling the pages of his book.  “What about Dick?”
“Dick knows.”
“So that’s it, then.  So easy for you, isn’t it?  To just pick up and leave whenever you feel like it, not giving two shits about who gets hurt in the process?”
Finally…finally…Jason turns to face you, the book clattering to the floor as he rises to stand. 
You had forgotten.  
Forgotten how tall Jason was, rising easily two heads above the top of your own.  You had forgotten about the broad stretch of his shoulders beneath his tactical jacket, its tall collar stiff around a neck thick with muscle and sinew, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down with each strained swallow.
His large hands curl into fists now, the same shape they made when he ran long fingers through your hair to caress and pull that night a lifetime ago.
“This isn’t easy for me, either.  I loved Dick—"
“Yeah, like the way you loved me, right?  One night and one night only?  Or was that a mistake too?”
Words of hurt fall like rain upon your head as you stand there, watching Jason’s fists tremble with anger, rage…and the unfathomable depths of secret pain.
And for a moment, you wondered whether you should’ve turned your back to leave, whether it was better to let sleeping dogs lie if it meant you could avoid further muddying up waters best left undisturbed. And you might have done so…had you not looked into his eyes:
Whereas Dick Grayson’s had always been the azure shelter of a midsummer’s sky, Jason’s were dark like the colour of a tempestuous storm:
Impetuous, emotional…and honest.
Jason Todd was used to living life in hiding: secret identities maintained under a mask, cloaked beneath a red hood.  But here, now — standing face to face and breath to breath — he could not hide from you.  Nor did he try,  the glaze of moisture settling over his eyes telling you that for all the waves of anger rising off his body and squaring his jaw, Jason was…
And so you decide that this time, you would not run away.  Like Jason, you were done with hiding, of lying to yourself and those around you.  Thus, gathering your courage, you do the very thing you came here to do:
Be honest.  With Jason, and your own heart.
“Jason, you were never a mistake.  The only mistake I made…was being too scared to love you.  I’ve wronged you.  I’ve wronged Dick. And I’ve done myself no favours by thinking I could fool myself into loving someone else when my heart has always belonged…to you.
“So I’ve come here today to apologize.  I’m sorry for hurting you and your brother.  I know it’s little consolation, but I hope that in my leaving, the two of you can find a modicum of peace.”
“Like hell I will.”
Time seems to slow in the instant Jason moves, rushing at you and overpowering in the tidal wave frame of his body — all bulging muscles and calloused hands demanding as they angle your face to meet his.
His kiss is a punishing sting, bruising and urgent as lips meet, gnash upon teeth.  He doesn’t care about strangling your moans with probing swipes of his tongue, and you pay no mind to the taste of blood mingling with saliva, yours and his.  And when your legs begin to shake from breathlessness, Jason only deepens the kiss, wrapping strong arms around your waist to hold you in place because Jason Todd wasn’t done with you yet. 
It was far from over.
There is a fire in his eyes, burning dangerously wild and reckless in deep blue to remind you of the exact reason why you had chosen Dick in the first place, why you had to avoid Jason all this time:
It was an act of self-preservation.
Because this - this - was inevitable: the chemistry that drew the two of you together so naturally like opposing poles of a magnet, the bond binding and irreversible.  Electric.  To fall for Jason was a death sentence; you’d be helpless against the irresistible force of attraction, falling into him entirely until you ceased to know the limits of where he ended and you began.
And the thought scared you.
That enticing lull of losing yourself completely in another, of loving someone so deeply that to be without them would mean the end of the world.
No one person should have so much power over another, you had thought.  
And so, you left.  Slipped out of Jason’s arms as he slept and forced yourself to abandon the encompassing warmth of his body.  Fought off the soreness between your legs that reminded you too much of what heaven had tasted like as you told yourself, over and over again, that you’d be content with knowing Jason Todd intimately just once.
It wasn’t a one-night stand.  For you, it had never been.  Rather, it was the granting of a glimpse into a secret paradise.  At a price you didn’t think you could afford to pay. 
You were a fool.
You know that now.
The wisdom of your true heart reveals itself in the tears streaming down your face, in your fingers that hunger for the touch of him, wrapping hard around dark strands of silken hair to pull him closer and closer until he is groaning into your mouth, anchoring himself with teeth that sink into the cushion of your lower lip — relentless in its need. 
“I hate you,” Jason says, brows furrowed in frustration as he lays the grimaced confession at the corners of your kiss-swollen lips.  “I hate you so much for what you’ve done.  To me.  To Dick.  But most of all, I hate that I can’t stop loving you.”
Yes.  Yes, my love.  Love me, hate me.  But whatever you do, don’t forget about me.
Because I will never forget you.
Jason pulls away as if stunned, the stroke of white hair that grew from the crown of his head falling into his eyes and yet, it failed to mask the surprise on his face, as if he had somehow heard your innermost thoughts though you had said nothing at all.
“I won’t forget.” 
Jason tells you, low voice solemn in such a way that left absolutely no room for doubt.
Rough hands grip onto the collar of your blouse, a single rip sending tiny buttons scattering across the concrete floor like a broken strand of pearls.  And you are left exposed beneath the spotlight of Jason’s gaze, his fingertips tracing down bare skin to the small of your back while his eyes traverse the landscape of your body: neck…shoulders…collarbones…until finally coming to rest on the curved peaks of your breasts.
Sheer mesh leaving little to the imagination and dyed in a hue that matched his own colours.  Enticing in its simplicity; thin straps tracing a starburst along your shoulder blades and a teasing second-skin that begged for removal in the most savage of ways: torn by hungry teeth or ripped to shreds in impatient hands.
And yet, that wasn’t what stirred Jason Todd most of all.
His shock came from recognition; the fact that you had worn this bra the first and only time you had spent the night together.  That he kept the vision of you wearing this perfectly preserved in his mind, calling upon it whenever he faltered in strength of will and discipline — hot water beading on his skin in the shower as he reached down to grasp his engorged cock, stroking hard and fast until your name left his lips in a groan, Jason swearing that this time would be the absolute last he would ever think about you as he watched his seed circle down the drain.
To see it again, now, was torture; a punishment that he longed to endure, couldn’t help but self-inflict.  
And he hated himself for it.
So he unsheathes the blade from the holster strapped to his muscular thigh,  dying inside in the best of ways to hear you gasp at the touch of cool, smooth metal against your skin when he slides the tip beneath the strap at your shoulder and—
—cuts, Jason stopping only when your bra had been stripped clean away, the memento falling to your feet in shreds, leaving you shaking not from fear but the violence of your utter attraction to this man before you.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” 
Jason whispers, certain and resigned in the prophecy that slips past his lips as he bends to kiss your nipples, tongue painting warm, wet swathes about greedy mouthfuls of flesh.
And the feeling…the feeling…
…defies description; could not be put into words for all the books that topple from their neatly stacked piles to collapse into a mess of open pages on the ground when Jason climbs above you, pulling free of each article of clothing that would cage his bare skin from the touch of yours.
His naked body is exactly as you remembered it; aside from a few new scars and bruises, it was perfection all the same.  Bulky muscles shaping wide shoulders and thickening biceps and triceps, Jason is defined all the way from broad chest to the six-pack running down his torso.
You trace the midline of his abdomen, fingertip smoothing down to where his hands worked to unbuckle the belt at his tapered waist.  He struggles to smother a groan at your touch, head falling back to accentuate the bulge of the Adam’s apple in his throat when you reach into his pants to feel him:
Hard flesh engorged with heat, so large it was impossible to wrap your hand around him.
And as you began to stroke, twisting your wrist as you worked your grip up and down Jason’s length, stopping now and then to savour the weight of his balls in the cup of your palm, you remember:
How incredible it had felt to have him in you; Jason’s gaze refusing to relinquish its hold on your own as his hips drove their pendulum swing, fierce and relentless as both Red Hood’s friends and foes knew him to be.
That night, when Jason took you for the very first time, there was neither anger nor rage to be found.  Just pure, overflowing passion whose unfiltered source ultimately gave rise to every other emotion because Jason Todd was a man who felt deeply. He did not do things in halves because he didn’t know how to, and so he loved like he hated: with the entirety of his being.  And right here, right now, you began to tremble, wondering — anticipating — what would become of you, someone who he loved and hated in equal measure.
Without warning, he enters, pulling your crimson thong aside as he slides in to the hilt.  Jason seals his mouth over yours, swallowing every breathless gasp before he pulls away just to watch your eyes water from the sheer intensity of pleasure, gaze caressing over your face.
With Dick, intimacy had tended towards the gentle and leisurely; lovemaking that was sensual, meant to be savoured, not rushed.  But Jason…
…Jason fucked.
Movements orchestrated like his life — and yours — depended on it. Rough, intense.  Frenzied and wild.  Kisses peppered across your face to soothe the stretch of his sizeable cock, the decadent ache of him driving fast and deep into you before slowing to a churning grind, just to witness your eyes rolling to the back of your head, to hear your body speak to him in arousal wet and smeared between the desperate press of you and him.
Jason fucked you like an animal, fuelled by all the broken memories: a night of paradise forever lost, the bitter remembrances of your time with Dick and the ugly jealousy that could find no outlet other than his fists beating on the faces of Gotham’s criminal trash.  Jason never spoke a word about this to anyone, knowing that the day would come when he would tell you everything himself and so he does:
That he lived on your every last breath with each bruising kiss.
That you were the colour in his world when he holds you so tightly you could feel the pounding of his red, red heart in your chest.
That forever and a day wasn’t too long to wait for you with each punishing thrust.
Because for Jason Todd, you would always be the only person he loved, a memento in flesh and blood of the time he had truly understood what it meant to be…
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Thank you so much for reading and hope y'all enjoyed it!  Much love to each and every one of you! 💕 For more juicy reads, please check out my P*a*t*re-on page (please see link in pinned post)!
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"Memento" is copyright 2022 Otonymous, all rights reserved.
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