#this is literally just because of that one photo of cam
m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 month
i really want ian gallagher to listen to david bowie. i don’t even know if he would i just desperately need him to
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latenightdaydreams · 2 months
How do we feel about a smut with pornstar reader & pornstar Konig? Like- their comments in their vids/twts/etc. always saying to collab w/ eachother and after awhile, they finally do 👀
(Also sorry if I already sent this- I forgot if I did😭)
You didn't! I love the idea of being shipped with Pornstar!König. The Austrian with a monster cock🤤
Pornstar!König x Pornstar!Reader (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, p in v, oral
3.1k word count
König is famous in the adult film world. During lock down he downloaded Only Fans and ended up making his own account. His striking blue eyes, hidden face mystery, and 6’10 280 lb frame of solid muscles weren’t the only reasons he became so famous; he also has a 10-inch cock the size of most women’s forearms.
You, on the other hand, are a cam girl turned OF girl. You are known by your fan base never being scared of a challenge. You use toys that make people's jaws drop. Your body being strikingly stunning along with a beautiful face and kinky appetite for sex, you blew up quickly on the platform.
Because of the material you make, your fans instantly made you aware of another content creator, König. After about the 100th comment, you decide to go on your X account and check out his page. Instantly you notice the mask covering his face and his blue eyes. His bio gives his height and weight, your jaw drops. You continue to scroll and see a photo he’s recently posted. He’s wearing gray sweatpants with no shirt. His body is stunning, but your eyes drop to the outline of his erection in his pants, his dick literally hanging down his leg. You smirk now, understanding why the fans think you two should film together. You go ahead and give him a follow.
◅  ◃      ▹  ▻
König has also seen the comments. After the first one he instantly looked you up. His eyes shot open when he saw the photo of toys on your profile. Scrolling down a few posts he sees you, and wow. You’re wearing a pink lace thong with your breast fully exposed. You have a sweet smile on your face and you’re standing in a field of wildflowers. You look ethereal. He instantly took notice of you, but contrary to his online persona, he is very socially awkward. He has no idea how to reach out to you, or any girl; that’s why he only posts solo. Then while he is scrolling looking at his feed, he gets a notification. You just followed him.
He quickly sits up and smiles. He clicks your profile and begins to look at all the photos you’ve posted again. His heart rate is picking up, he doesn’t know if he should message you or wait. That’s when your phone chimed and he got the notification that you messaged him.
> “Hey! I’m sure you know of me from your comments 😂, but I’m y/n!”
He reads your message probably ten times before getting the courage to respond to you.
> “Hey, ja, I know you. It’s nice to finally talk.”
He hits send quickly and waits for you to respond. He can feel his heart rate picking up. He hopes that you’re messaging him to make content together. He can feel his excitement rising as his leg bounces waiting for your next message.
You sit feeling nervous yourself as you look down at your phone. He responded so quickly it didn’t give you time to think of a smooth way to ask about a collab. You’ve only ever filmed solo or with women, never a man.
> “I was wondering if you’d be interested in maybe getting together? I see you mostly do solo, so please feel no pressure. I just figured the fans would love it.”
König stands and punches the air like his favorite sports team had just won the big game. Now he just has to act smoothly and not ruin this.
> “I’d love to.”
Both of you do a little celebration dance, feeling excited about the possibility of filming together. You both continue to message back and forth and work out how you’d both meet on account of him being based in Austria, but you both work something out.
◅  ◃      ▹  ▻
One week later you post on your social media accounts a photo of a plane at the airport. The comments explode with assumptions and more tagging of König. During the next few hours, you continue to post your travels while König doesn’t post at all.
That is until he posts a photo of a small feminine hand in his and then you post a bathroom mirror selfie with a man’s large arm around your waist. You sit with König in your Airbnb on the living room sofa, both giggling as people begin to realize the collab is about to happen.
König paid for you to fly to him, picked you up at the airport, and paid for your Airbnb. You knew König was 6’10, but seeing him in person actually blew you away. Plus, he is so sweet. In person, his face remains covered by the mask. You have questions, but you leave it alone.
Your first day together you spend the day going over health, boundaries, safe words, and any questions you might have for each other. Once everything is settled, you both plan to film the next day to allow you to get some rest.
◅  ◃      ▹  ▻
König wakes up early and works out the day of filming. He eats a light breakfast and takes a long shower to help with his nerves. He is excited to have sex with a woman that he knows is very capable of taking someone his size instead of having only the tip of his cock in someone. Getting dressed in sweats and a black shirt, he makes his way to you.
You are currently sitting on the floor in front of a full-length mirror to do your makeup. You just do a light natural look for today. You’re wearing a black silk robe over your nude body with two sets of lingerie set out, waiting to get König’s opinion.
A knock at the door, you jump up and rush to the front door. Smiling, you let König inside and motion for him to follow you to the main bedroom.
“Okay, so I have two options for today and I wanted your input.”
He follows you to see a large king size bed with white lush looking comforters and he feels his nerves spike again. He sees one black lingerie set and then a light pink one that looks like the one from the first photo he ever saw of you.
“Pink, it will look great with your skin tone.” König says looking at you with a soft smile behind his mask.
You grab pink and go to the connected bathroom to get dressed.
König walks around the room and sets up the ring lights and cameras for different angles. He stands looking around and waiting for you. Slowly he takes his shoes off when the bathroom door opens and he gets to see you. He’s seen you naked online, but in person you looked even more perfect. He stands and just looks at you for a while before speaking.
“You look lovely.”
“Thank you,” you can’t help but to find his Austrian accent attractive. “Thanks for setting up too.”
“Oh, it’s not a problem.” König reaches for the hem of his shirt and pulls it off.
Your eyes go over his body and smirk at how attractive he looks. You notice his erection forming as you walk to the bed.
“Do you want to film everything? Like role play and all?” You ask in a soft voice, the tension in the air heavy as you’re both ready now.
“Uh, let's film it all. I’d rather have more to edit from.” And also, because he’d want to watch these moments with you later.
◅  ◃      ▹  ▻
König lifts his mask slightly, the first time his audience will be seeing his sharp jawline and his thin soft lips. His lips meet yours in a tender first kiss as his hands begin to roam over your body. His hand squeezes your breast gently as your lips part and your tongues caress each other’s.
You move your hand down his chest, feeling the small amount of chest hair the covers his chest. His muscles twitch lightly at your touch. His penis now fully erect in his pants as he tastes your lips and feels the touch of your soft skin.
He moves his hands behind your back and begins to unhook your bra. Slipping the straps off your shoulders slowly before pulling it away from your body. He breaks the kiss and gently leans you back on the bed. His lips kiss all over your breasts until he finds one of your nipples. He licks in slow circles around it before closing his lips and sucking lightly. Opening his mouth again he begins to flick his tongue.
You let out a soft moan as your hand reaches for the back of his head, pressing him against you, the fabric of his mask soft. His other hand goes down to your thighs and begins to gently move up them, caressing the soft skin on the inside of your thighs.
He pulls away from your breasts and whispers to you, “Is it okay if I touch?”
“Yeah,” you smile at him asking for consent.
His hand grabs your leg and moves it to where the camera can see everything, He moves the thin fabric of your thong aside and begins to rub his thick fingers between your folds. You’re already wet when he touches you and that excites him knowing you’re so turned on. He moves his lips back to yours as he gently rubs your clit. Small moans leaving your lips, muffled into his. He eventually slips one finger down and pushes it gently into you. He feels the texture of your walls and feels how tight you are. He can only think about shoving himself deep inside of you, but he wants you to get off first.
He moves his kisses from your lips back down to your breast before kissing down your stomach. He moves your leg a little more as he rests his head on your thigh, he kisses your clit before flicking his tongue. Your legs jerk and you sit up to look down at him eating you out. He can���t get over how good you smell and taste. He is surprised you aren’t selling your panties; men would pay big money for this.
“Oh, fuck König,” you moan caressing the side of his face.
König slips in another finger as picks up his pace, as he continues to lick your clit. Hearing you moan his name means that he is on the right path to get you to orgasm for him. Your hand grasps the fabric of his mask, making him smirk before he switches to begin just sucking your clit. Your legs tremble as you drop your head back and lay back down. The sound of your wet cunt gets louder as you cum on his fingers. He keeps going for a while before pulling back.
You lie there panting before you giggle and sit up, “Your tongue is amazing.”
He chuckles and goes in to kiss you, making you taste your sweet pussy on your own lips. You move your hands to his chest before moving down to his cock, pulling back you pull at the waistband of his sweatpants. His heart rate began to pick up. The videos of you deep throating your toys comes into his mind and he gets excited. Lifting his ass, König helps you pull his sweats off of him, boxers as well.
Seeing his cock spring free makes you smile; his cock is as big as some of your toys. König leans back to support himself on his elbows to allow you room but he still wants to watch.
Grasping his dick at the base, you stroke it lightly as you lick the back of his tip. König’s breathing heavy as his blue eyes watch with anticipation. You move your hand and lick from the base all the way up his shaft, back and forth and a few times before finally wrapping your lips around the head of his cock. You begin to suck on the tip and move your head in a fast motion making König moan out. He reaches down and moves some of your hair out of your face.
“Ah, ja, just like that.” His voice shakes as you keep going.
Finally, you lower your head down the length of his shaft. Your full lips wrapping tightly around him as you take his ten inches inch by inch down your throat. König watches in amazement as he has never had a woman be able to take more than half his cock into their throat. He takes a sharp breath before letting a small moan out.
You feel a bit of pride being able to take someone like him, to make him moan like that. You look up at his eyes as you continue to suck his cock.
“Is this okay?” König asks as his hand moves to the back of your head.
“Mmhhmm,” you respond without stopping.
His hand gently guides you motion as the other one is behind him supporting himself. He lets himself enjoy the pleasure of your skills. Gently lifting your face with one hand he brings your lips to his, lifting his mask and kissing you. He wants you fully now.
Pushing your body back without breaking the kiss, his hands caress your body. You both agreed on no condom but to us the pull out method and since both of you are clean. Slowly pulling away from your soft lips he looks down at you and removes your thong, tossing it to the side.
“Are you ready, Schatz?”
“I am.”
Grabbing you by your hips he drags you forward. He is such a massive man that he can easily move you. You giggle as he does and he responds with a chuckle of his own.
“Your voice is so sweet.” He tells you as he grasps your thigh as pulls one leg back for the camera view again. He rubs himself back and forth over your folds before he begins to push himself into you. His eyes watch your face to watch for pain or discomfort, yet he sees nothing but bliss.
König pushes himself as far in as your tight cunt will take at first. You moan out, grabbing his arm and the bed sheets. Your sweet pussy welcomes him with a warm wet hug and he pushes in more, a moan leaving his lips as you take him.
“You’re so tight, Schatz.” König speaks with a voice dripping with lust. His hips begin to thrust harder into you, letting his desire take over.
Your lips hug his fat cock as he pumps it into you leaving your creamy cum on his cock. He pulls out and stands to grab one of the cameras. He comes back and points it to your pussy as he slides his cock back into you, recording the way your tight cunt can easily stretch for him.
“Look at that beautiful pussy, you truly take cock so well. So fucking tight.” He picked up his pace, holding the camera in place as you reached down and put your own leg back. Your fingers digging into your own flesh as you moan out his name.
“Please König, fuck me.” You look into his eyes begging for him to get you off again.
König returns the gaze as he fucks you harder. The phone picking up the sounds your pussy is making and both of your moans.
“That’s it, cum for me, good girl.”
Your eyes flutter back as your body tenses, your cunt tightening around his cock. He puts the phone down and fucks you through your orgasm letting the other cameras pick it up. His body leaning into yours as your hands move to his back and begin to drag your nails along his pale skin.
“Good girl,” he whispers to you as he lifts his mask slightly to kiss you all over your neck and face. His hands grasp your body tightly as he continues to thrust into you. His balls begin to tighten and he feels the temptation of just cumming deep inside of you, but he can’t.
Quickly König pulls out and grabs the phone again to record. “Come here,” he grabs your hand to pull you up and sits at the edge of the bed. He points the camera down at you as you scoot closer to his cock.
Moving your pillowy lips up and down his cock, sucking as you do. You begin to lick your own wet from his cock.
“Suck it Liebling,” his voice breathy.
You move your mouth to wrap around his cock again. König grabs your hair in his hand to hold your head steady as he begins to buck his hops forward, face fucking you gently. You look up at him, not breaking eye contact as he looks down at you. He moves his 10-inch cock deeper and deeper as he fucks faster. Your eyes begin to water as you close your eyes.
“Open, look at me. Please.” König moans.
Once your eyes open and you look back up at him, he presses your head all the way down. His cock outline is visible in your throat. You gargle on his cock before he pulls it out and begins to jerk off quickly. You open your mouth and hold your breast up waiting for his load.
He cums on you, letting out loud grunts of pleasure as he does. His milky white seed shoots some on your breast, your mouth, but most on your face. He smiles at how beautiful you look covered in him. You play with it a little for the camera before he stops recording.
You both relax on the bed and pant, relaxing. König looks over to you and gestures for you to come snuggle with him. The other two cameras picked up the sweet moment.
◅  ◃      ▹  ▻
The video blows up on both of your pages. Fans ecstatic to see you get dominated by König’s monster cock finally. The chemistry you both had radiating through the camera adding to the passion. People requesting more and starting to ship the two of you.
You have 5 more days in Austria and König is excited to spend those few days with you. He’s at home, late at night, watching the clips of him snuggling you after sex. A small smile on his face as he watches it over and over. He didn’t want to, but he caught feelings. He wonders if you feel the same.
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mixtape-racha · 9 months
should i stay or should i go | hwang hyunjin
who knew the quiet girl in the back of the algebra classroom, and the campus's golden boy would have so much in common? // minors dni, 18+
words: 4.3k // warnings: camboy!hyunjin x camgirl!reader, dom!hyunjin, oral (f. recieving), tiny hint to orgasm control, protected piv, "sir" and "princess", recorded sex, illusions to aftercare, reader is kind of a brat and teases hyunjin at first, hinted multiple rounds, slight degradation but mostly praise
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“g’night, guys. dream of me!” hyunjin grinned, biting his lip as he leaned forward to turn off his livestream camera.
he felt sticky, and messy, but god did it feel good. he worked quickly to find his wipes and clean the cum off of his torso before it dried, before pulling out his favorite lounge pants and a baggy shirt.
sure, cam work was often frowned upon, but why shouldn’t he get paid for allowing others to view his pleasure? why shouldn’t he indulge himself in the compliments of strangers on twitter who oh-so loyally reminded him how beautiful he was under every lewd or nude he posted?
in fact, he didn’t understand why people wouldn’t want that for themselves.
of course, it also helped that he was surrounded by many followers and mutuals who were even more attractive than him, making many online friends who enjoyed their sexuality just as much as he did.
speaking of which, he needed to reply to a dm from his favorite mutual. she was gorgeous in every sense of the word - and her personality even more so. they’d began talked after she praised him under one of his only cumshot videos on the app, and instantly bonded from there. it was her who had introduced him to the camming site she used, hyunjin having instantly made an account - at first, to watch his new friend’s streams, but eventually starting his own.
his most recent conversations with his friend - who used the online alias of “jae” - was about their many, many requests from their followers for a collab. either for a twitter post, or a stream, it seemed their fans weren’t too fussed. they entertained the idea, and were currently in the process of figuring out if it was actually a good idea for them.
he was more than keen - jae’s body was gorgeous, and he’d rubbed one out to her twitter posts more than once. and - although he’d never admit it - he was a frequent viewer of her streams. that was where jae and himself differed though. she was too caught up in keeping her viewers occupied, that she hadn’t had a chance to watch one of his streams, and he never showed his face in twitter posts. 
so, in short, she didn’t know what he looked like. and neither did he truly know what she looked like, because she’s never done a face reveal on twitter or on a stream. he was only fortunate enough to have endless content of her gorgeous tits and pretty pussy to indulge in when he needed it.
a week later, and it was almost time. hyunjin and jae had agreed to meet at a bar near his campus, to see how their dynamic went. the agreement was that if either party felt uncomfortable, they would go no further and call the idea off. if they both felt comfortable, well…. jae would take hyunjin back to her apartment. they’d see how things went there, take a few photos for twitter and maybe if they both wanted.
then - all things successful - the following weekend, they’d do a joint stream, streaming live on both their accounts simultaneously for maximum viewers. that was his idea, a whim decision that he was surprised jae agreed too.
hyunjin dressed in his nicest semi-casual outfit before grabbing all the essentials in his bag - wallet, keys, charger, airpods, phone - before grabbing a bottle of lube and some condoms. just to be on the safe side, he told himself. he didn’t know why he was so nervous, this was literally part of his job. and he’d been talking to jae for months now. he had no reason to be scared.
that was until he got to the bar and had every reason to be scared. sitting in a booth in the corner, exactly where jae had told him she was sitting, was you. y/n l/n, the pretty girl in the back of his algebra class. there was no way, right? he cautiously approached the table, hands shaking slightly. oh god, was it really someone he knew on the other end of the phone that entire time?
“jae?” he asked, wincing at the way his voice broke, and his heart thumping when your head whipped up. you looked like a deer caught in headlights as you realized who was stood in front of you, and instantly you both worried that this was a bad idea.
“oh my god… hyunjin?” but what surprised him most was the way you broke into a grin. “thank god, i was so worried it was actually going to be a creepy old man catfishing me… come! come sit!”
were you always so bubbly? hyunjin had always known who you were, but this was so different to the quiet girl in the back of the algebra class, one airpod in at all times, glasses donning her face and never talking. he was almost whiplashed - he’d really misjudged you.
“so… i mean, know that we’ve known each other previously, do you still want to do this? if not, no harm done, and i promise i won’t tell anyone if you don’t tell anyone about me.” you asked softly, picking up on hyunjin’s hesitance - not that it was hard, he wore all his emotions on his sleeve.
“no! no, i still want to do this.. i guess i’m just.. surprised? i never expected jae to be someone i knew.”
you grinned at that, reaching out to grab his hand across the table comfortingly.
“i get it. i didn’t expect you to be someone i knew, either. but honestly, this works really well for me. you’re hot, and i feel more comfortable knowing you’re not a complete stranger.”
he flushed at your words, but hoped you couldn’t tell under the dim lights of the bar.
“do you wanna get a couple of drinks before we head back to mine? maybe some shots, just to ease the nerves? my teat.” you smiled, pulling out your purse as hyunjin shook his head rapidly.
“no, no i can pay for my drinks!”
“hyunjin,” you laughed. “its fine. got a big tip last night, nearly $600 dollars from a private stream. my treat.” you insisted, taking his drink order before wandering over to the bar.
he couldn't help the way he watched your ass as you walked, the tight skirt doing nothing to help his already raging boner. if he’d known you were so confident, he would’ve made a move on you sooner. in all honesty, hyunjin had always had an eye for you - you were so, so pretty. the whole nerdy thing you had going on really turned him on too - you seemed so innocent, and it played into his whole corruption fantasy. but knowing now that it wasn’t true - that you were secretly a freak? it was a whole new level of turned-on. if he could, he would’ve ravished you in the toilet cubicles of the bar, but he was more classy than that. maybe next time.
before he could realize the implications of his thoughts, you came back over, passing him his drink before sipping on yours as you took a seat.
“so i was thinking we could cover the basics here? safe words, hard limits, that sort of thing? it seemed too impersonal to do over messages, you know?”
god, he didn’t think he could get more attracted to you. he barely could keep track of your conversation, only spaced-in enough to cover the most important topics. his cock throbbed in his jeans when you leaned over the table towards him, tits squeezing together perfectly under your tiny shirt. the skirt you wore hugged your hips in a way that had hyunjin trying not to drool, and your thighs looked so, so biteable in contrast to the material adorning them.
he was so out of it, he couldn’t even trace the moment that you’d left the bar to go back to your apartment, not until you pushed him against the back of the door and asked him to kiss you with big doe eyes.
and how could he refuse? when you looked up at him like he was the only god you could ever submit to? when you begged so nicely? when your hands tightened on his shirt in anticipation?
he gripped your jaw, pulling your face up to meet his as he kissed you in a flurry of clashing teeth and spit. he wanted to be gentle, to be careful with you, but he couldn’t help himself. he needed you so bad, and it was like his body was acting on its own accord.
like when he flipped your positions, so you were the one pressed against the door. a moan left your lips and went tumbling into his at the way our back hit the door, and he felt himself throb at how pretty you sounded. he was quick to hoist one of your legs over his hip, pressing his body against your as much as he could.
as his tongue entered your mouth, battling yours for dominance which you inevitably surrendered to him, he grabbed a fistful of your ass, the feel of your skin making him groan against you.
he was quick to pull away from your mouth with a pop, smirking as you whined before attaching his plump lips to your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin. you keened, back arching against the door and pushing your tits against him perfectly. he tapped your ass harshly, before lifting at your other leg, hinting for you to jump as he wrapped your legs around his waist, effectively trapping you against the door.
the display of strength had you clenching around nothing, hands tugging at his hair as you panted and whined into the darkness of your apartment.
“bedroom, hyun. take me to my bedroom.” you whimpered as he bit down on your jugular, rocking your hips against him. “last door on the right.”
he grunted in response, carrying you across the expanse of your apartment, kicking open your bedroom door when he reached it. he was fast to kick it shut behind him, dropping you onto the bed once close enough and looking down at you with eyes so blown-out with lust he looked feral.
you felt small under his gaze, embarrassment flushing across you in a way it hadn’t in a long time. cam work and your nsfw twitter had built a whole new confidence in you - you felt like femme fatale, someone who could have boys falling to their knees to worship the ground she walked on, only to have hyunjin blow it all away within moments. you couldn’t remember the last time you’d wanted someone this bad, and you were damned sure you were going to make him give you what you wanted.
your hand slipped down to your skirt, lifting the material as you slipped your panties to the side, looking up at him with doe eyes as your finger circled your clit. you were so wet it was unreal, and he could’ve sworn you were about to start dripping all over the bed below you.
“gonna fuck me now, hyunie? gonna make me feel good like you promised so many times on twitter? need you so bad, need you to fill me up.” your words drawled out slightly slurred, the visual of his cock jumping beneath his jeans making you involuntarily clench around nothing. but oh, it made something in your mind click, smirking as you enticed him even more with your teasing.
“why don’t we stream it, yeah? then everyone can see what a fucking slut you are for me?”
he growled in response, lunging forward to push your thighs apart as far as they could, his eyes fixed on your cunt, slick dripping out of your greedy hole.
“oh, i’m a slut, hmm? well then, we don’t we show your viewers how quickly you’re going to cream on my cock, yeah? make them watch as you beg me to cum inside of you, have my cum dripping out of you as a reminder of how bad you want me?”
you were so caught off guard at the change of demeanor that he showed, you didn’t even realize that he’d floated over to your computer, which had your streaming site booted up in the background in case of an impromptu stream - just like now, you supposed.
turning back to you, his face had relaxed and his eyes showed concern.
“are you sure about this, what about if they accidentally see your face?” your heart warmed at his worry, shaking your head in response.
“i don’t care. collab stream with you and face reveal? two birds with one stone, just need you to hurry up and fuck me.”
at your words, his face hardened again, and he smirked, typing in the title for the stream and turning it on. instantly, pings from your computer informed you that people were joining, and it had you more turned on - if that were even possible.
‘face reveal + a special guest: surprise lovelies xoxo ~ jaecums // callmehhj’
“gonna let me ravish you now, then? let sir turn you into a brainless cumdump on his cock?”
your eyes fluttered, threatening to roll to the back of your head as hyunjin approached you once more, biting your lip as you nodded, whining out a yes.
“come on, princess. you gotta use your words for me, yeah? how else will i know what my slutty girl wants?” he asked, faux sympathy dripping from his voice as he knelt on the end of the bed, long fingers circling your hole.
“please, sir, please, need you, need you to fuck me so bad, sir, please-!”
your words were cut off as he removed himself from the bed, kneeling on the floor and pulling you towards him by your thighs. your legs hung over his shoulders, ass perched on the edge of the bed as he kissed softly up your thighs.
“gotta let me hear those pretty moans as i eat you out first, though. gonna make you cum on my face before my cock even goes near you.”
you keened as he pushed his face against your core, nose swiping against your clit as he flattened his tongue against you.  “oh, fuck–!”
he hummed in appreciation, the vibrations making your hips buck against him as he messily made out with your clit, spit and arousal dripping down onto his chin. your hands laced their way through hyunjin’s long hair, grip tightening every time he decided to tease you by dipping his tongue into your hole.
his fingers were digging into your skin deliciously, and you were sure you’d have marks left behind to remind you that this wasn’t just a fever dream. your moans were bouncing off the walls, and even then you could hear the messy slurping of hyunjin gathering all of your arousal that he could into his mouth.
he was like a man starved between your legs, and it had your stomach tightening unbelievably fast. there was no way– you’d never come this fast, especially from oral. was hyunjin superhuman? you couldn’t believe that you were already feeling a coil tightening and a warm tingling spreading up through your body already.
your hands threaded further through his hair, hips bucking wildly as you tugged his face deeper into your core. “oh, shit– oh fuck, sir, m’gonna cum–!” you cried, toes curling as you tried to fend off your building release. “please! pleasepleaseplease-!” your words came out slurred, and hyunjin smirked to himself between your legs as he pulled away from your swollen clit with a pop.
he quickly replaced his lips with his fingers, rubbing delicate figure-eights on your bud while he looked up at you with faux doe eyes. “gonna cum, yeah? you gonna cum for me, baby?”
but it wasn’t enough for you as tears sprung behind your eyes, digging the heels of your feet into his shoulders. “please, sir-! please, let me cum for you, please!”
hyunjin’s eyes widened slightly before his face hardened once more and his fingers sped up on your clit. he began pressing kisses to your thighs, biting and sucking at the plush skin.
“go on, princess. cum for me. cum all over sir’s face, yeah?”
and as soon as the words left his mouth, he pushed his nose against your bud, tongue lapping at your hole and the coil in your stomach snapped. you keened, back arching as your juices flooded hyunjin’s mouth, him moaning against your core in appreciation.
he stayed nestled between your thighs until your legs started twitching in overstimulation and you began pushing his head away. but god, he’d never get over the way you tasted. it was official - he’d never be able to give any other girl oral because it would never be as perfect as the way your thighs wrapped around his head. he was a goner.
hauling himself onto his feet, hyunjin wrapped an arm around your back to pull you to meet him halfway in a sloppy kiss, the taste of your slick falling from his mouth to yours.  you moaned against his lips, hands falling to grip onto him any way you could before realizing he was still fully dressed. you sharply pulled away from the kiss, brows furrowed and lower lips falling out in a pout.
“take it off,” you grumbled, pulling at the material of his shirt, frown only deepening when he chuckled at you. but you could forgive him for that, you could forgive him for anything - especially when he looked that fucking good. planes of muscled, honey skin exposed to you, and you wanted nothing more than to pin him down and cover him in bites and bruises. however, you didn’t think he’d let you get away with that, so you let your hands fall to his belt, quickly undoing it in hopes he’d get the hint.
as he began removing the offending items, you slipped your skirt and top off, leaving you in just a lacy bra, to which hyunjin grinned. “so desperate for me, huh? wasn’t enough that i made you cum once, was it? my greedy girl.”
“need you inside me, please,” you whimpered, reaching out to pull him towards you. “need you to fuck me, sir, come on.”
he leaned down to plant a kiss on your head, before stepping away to retrieve a condom from his wallet. it was in that moment of silence that you could truly appreciate how many pings were coming from your computer, an indication of how much people were enjoying the stream. you were kind of excited to see how many tips you got, and were curious to see if hyunjin would easily accept half of whatever you made - he seemed like the type of guy to refuse, but you could be just as stubborn.
when he came back, he had put the condom on his length, and you nearly drooled seeing it up close. his dick was…. well, gorgeous. there was no other way to put it, and you knew damn well that you were going to be screaming with pleasure faster than you ever had.
“gonna fuck you so full of me, yeah? let everyone see what a dirty bitch you really are.”
he clambered on top of you, kneeling with one hand next to your hip and the other on his length to guide it against your hole. he’d barely put the tip in before you moaned, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at how fucked out you were.
“calm down, love. let me at least get inside you before you go all brainless.”
but you couldn’t help the way you writhed and keened as he pushed ever-so-slowly further into you, not stopping until he was sheathed inside you, his public bone resting against your plush thighs.
he had his lower lip tucked between his teeth to stop himself from drowning out your pretty whimpers, but also to ground himself - you felt so warm and tight, it took everything in him not to nut straight away. he couldn’t. you deserved to squirt all over him before he even considered finishing.
you reached for his arm, fingers coming to grip the muscle as he began to shallowly thrust, the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls making your head fall back as you let out a contented sigh. you didn’t think you’d ever felt so full in your life, and it was heavenly. every vein on his cock, every twitch, the way his tip stretched you out so perfectly for the rest of him. oh yeah, you could die happy now.
your legs wrapped around his waist, locking him against you as he rocked his hips, not wanting to overwhelm you and pound into you how he wanted. his eyes bored into your skin, making you blush at the way he held such affection for you in his pretty eyes. it was freeing, and overwhelming, and heartwarming all at once.
once you’d been reasonably adjusted to his size, he pulled his hips back as far as your grip would allow him, leaving just the tip inside, before thrusting forward against such force it sent your body back up the bed at least an inch. you cried out, clenching on him as drool began pooling at your lips from your want— no, your need for him to ruin you.
“please, sir,” you slurred, fingers gripping at his skin as tight as the heat in your body would let you. “fuck me properly, please. wanna make a mess, wanna make you cum.”
he then growled at your words, hips speeding up almost instantly. your body rocked in its spot on the bed, tits bouncing with the pure force he was driving into you at.
the room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping, and if you strained your ears you could hear the squelching noise your pussy made as your arousal dripped out, coating the sheets beneath you.
you knew you’d get a noise complaint from your neighbor if you kept squealing the way you were, but you couldn’t help it. especially not when hyunjin bit down on your neck, tongue rubbing over the sensitive skin, making you let out an almost animalistic howl.
it felt like he was hitting the deepest parts of you, and you couldn’t get enough of it. the way his hair swayed, the way sweat was dripping down his forehead, the way he looked at you like he wanted nothing more than to tie you down and use you as his own personal sex toy. even the way he moaned when you clenched around him, god you were obsessed.
you felt a fire building in your abdomen as he leant back on his knees, eyes trained on watching his cock glide in and out of you, and you held your legs up to your chest to give him a better view. at that, he threw his head back and let out a heavenly groan, causing you to clench around him once again.
you snaked a hand down to your clit, rubbing it furiously as the leg it was holding fell into place naturally on hyunjin’s shoulder. you were so aching close, so close you could feel your walls begging for it, but you just needed a final push.
hooking your foot around his neck, you pushed hyunjin towards you, instantly grabbing his lips with your own. it was messy, and disgusting, but you loved it. all drool, and teeth clashing, tongues wrapped around each other like that's how they’d always been.
the new angle allowed hyunjin to reach ever deeper - hitting the deepest parts of you that you didn’t even know where possible. he reached a hand up to tweak at your nipple, and you whined into his mouth as it sent you hurling into an orgasm, back arching to push your chests together.
the way you clamped down on him sent him head-first into his own release, his hips stuttering as you felt each throb of his cock as he filled the condom. you were both breathing heavily, almost panting as he pulled away from this kiss, thrusting shallowly a few more times to ride you both through your release.
your chest was heaving, and you felt like you’d ascended. all floaty and gooey, head sinking into the pillow beneath it as your eyes fluttered closed in pure bliss. hyunjin peppered a few soft kisses across your cheeks as he carefully pulled out, rubbing your hips comfortingly when you winced.
“good?” he asked quietly, so quiet that your computer wouldn’t pick it up, and you nodded without opening your eyes.
“so good.”
you felt him crawl backwards and leave the bed, opening your bleary eyes to follow his figure around the room. you couldn’t bring yourself to move just yet, though. you thought all your bones had disappeared and you’d sink straight back into the bed if you tried.
once he’d come back to the bed from ending the stream and tossing the used condom in the bin, he scooped you into his arms and planted a soft kiss on your temple.
“you’re staying tonight, right?” you asked softly, nuzzling your head against him. “don’t think i can let you go after that.” exhaustion flooded your voice and he chuckled.
“course i am, silly. but we gotta get you showered, okay? then i can order in some food and we can watch a movie or something, yeah?”
you nodded softly.
“join me in the shower?”
“oh, i don’t think that’s a good idea, princess. you’re shattered.”
“please, jinnie,” you pleaded, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. “need you to cum down my throat before anything else, and sharing a shower means saving water, after all.”
he laughed at your enthusiasm, and nodded, agreeing.
“okay. okay, whatever you want. but then - food and sleep, okay?” he grinned, scooping you up in his arms to carry you to the bathroom.
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taglist: join taglists here @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @taeriffic @mits-vi @chanssmiles @5kayzee @queen-klarissa @torixx80 @fawnpeaks @bangtanmix73 @savluvsmingi @boi-bi-ahaha @skz-streamer @demetrisscarf @4evrglow @manj1ro @linocvpid @alextheweeb7 @chans-american-slave @unsweetenedpeatea @carpioassists @bangtancultsposts @reiheis @happilydeepestwonderland @leemidnightmoon @saintminaa @@hyunjinswifeee @watariisbestboy@hwangrimi @cherry-edibles @ivyisnotokay @yevene @puckmaidens
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Nerdy Natasha Hcs pt.2
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warnings: masturbation, blowjobs, edging, I don't even know
pairings: intersex Natasha x fem reader
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. Nerdy Natasha who: Always brings you to a museum as a date. She always says it will be fun for both of you (she just wants to go and see old artifacts.) The whole time you guys are at the museum, you stare and smile, and she drags you along to something cool that she found.
. Nerdy Natasha who Gets so shy when you hold her hand in the Hallways. Her head would always be down as a blush coated her face. You would tell her she's adorable and kiss her as you enter class.
. Nerdy Natasha who: Will always sneak behind you and embrace herself in you. Her strong arms would wrap around your waist as she tucked her head between your neck while you cooked breakfast for the two of you.
. Nerdy Natasha who: Will go to the Lego store at the mall and buy one of those Lego flower sets and two Lego people that look like you two. She would build the flowers in 30 minutes and drive over to your house as fast as she could, sprinting out of her car just to give you your gift. She couldn't even talk because she was out of breath.
. Nerdy Natasha who: Comes up to you and gives you a hug as she wraps her head down on your shoulder if she had a bad day. You would be scratching her head and telling her it's gonna be okay. She would also be bending down so much because of the height difference.
. Nerdy Natasha who: Can't stop talking about you to her family at dinner. Yelena gets super annoyed whenever Natasha goes on a tangent about how great you are and how she would never date anyone else. But Alexi and Melina are super invested in her life. A huge smile always plaster their faces when she talks about you.
. Nerdy Natasha who will always take photos of you with a Polaroid camera and hang those photos up on the wall. You always tell her to take them down because you don't think you look that good, and she will literally talk for hours about how you are the most beautiful girl in the world and how you are the one thing she could stare at for days.
. Nerdy Natasha who Loves it t when you sketch random drawings on her arm. you would carefully move your pen over her skin and veins while the teacher discusses a new project due in the next few weeks.
. Nerdy Natasha who will literally do anything you ask her. You need her to tie your shoe because it's not tight enough? She's kneeling in the middle of the dirty sidewalk tying your shoe. You're craving something that's not in your pantry? She's jogging to the nearest store to get you the food that you want.
. Nerdy Natasha who would always let you fix her eyebrows for her. She would lie on her space-themed bed as you lay on top of her, carefully plucking the out-of-place eyebrows with a tweezer. She would always complain about how bad it hurt too.
"Oww, y/n, be gentle. I can feel that you know that, right?"
"Stop it, Natasha; I know that didn't hurt. You're just being a big crybaby right now."
. Nerdy Natasha who will carry your bridal style to her car if it had been raining the previous day and you want to keep your new heels neat.
. Nerdy Natasha who Would be on one of those kiss cam videos at her school. She would be so shy because she was being recorded and would only give you a small peck on the lips. Everyone found it adorable, though.
. Nerdy Natasha who loves doing skincare with you. You would always have her sit on a chair as you put moisturizers and serums on her face. After a while, though, she would always complain about being unable to see because her glasses would be off.
"Y/nnn, are you almost done? I can't see, and my optome-"
"My gosh, Nat, do you ever stop whining?"
. Nerdy Natasha who loves to do movie marathons with you. And it will be the stupidest movie, too. They would have bad CGI and a bad soundtrack. After a while, you wouldn't mind because Natasha was having the time of her life.
. Nerdy Natasha who loves to go on Ikea dates with you. She would always point out a cute bedframe or couch that she liked and rant about how she's gonna put that in the house that the two of you will buy when you are done with high school and college.
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. Nerdy Natasha who sitting in her desk chair with her arms tied behind the head of the seat while you used a Fleshlight to get her off. She would be begging you to ride her so she could feel your pussy around her.
. Nerdy Natasha who would have the biggest mommy kink ever.
"Please let me make you feel good, Mommy, please."
. Nerdy Natasha who would wake up in the middle of the night with the biggest hard-on ever. She would reach over to her nightstand to get her glasses and look down at her boxers. She would be so scared to wake you up and tell you what happened she would quietly lay back down and hump your ass till she came. You obviously woke up after the first few minutes because of her loud breathing and whining. You didn't help her either. You just pretended to be asleep.
. Nerdy Natasha, who is almost on the verge of tears while you suck her off under her desk while she's studying for an upcoming exam. You whispered in her ear that she needed a 'little break'. Next thing she knows, her cock is stuffed in your mouth.
. Nerdy Natasha who gets caught watching porn by you, She's so embarrassed. She wasn't jerking off or anything to it (she was hard though) she had a pen and notebook by her side with a couple of notes written down on the white sheet of paper.
"Y/n! You said you weren't going to be home this early!" She yelled out to you, frantically shutting her laptop.
"Nat, baby. I could've helped you learn some of that stuff, you know that, right honey?"
. Nerdy Natasha who stays having dark hickeys on her neck. Yelena thinks it's the funniest thing in the world while Melina and Alexei are yelling at her once more. She would let you make a heart with hickeys on her back
. Nerdy Natasha who Sends you a picture of her lying on her bed with a hard-on. She would text you about how desperate she is to be inside you and that you must come home soon.
. Nerdy Natasha who would always be so mesmerized by your boobs. You don't think she's actually ever seen anyone else's before. She would be so scared to touch them too. You would lead her hand to your chest so she could feel them.
. Nerdy Natasha who always gets edged by you.
. Nerdy Natasha who will have a shopping basket online filled with different kinds of sex toys that she would never tell you about. You would go on her computer to look at the notes for a class and instead find the website she was looking at with a shopping bag full of toys.
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adoresol · 6 months
how do u think jungwon would be as a bf? sfw and nsfw maybe?
SFW: dates with him are often planned, we've seen how he likes to go to different places and i believe that would extend into his relationship. whether it be at build a bear (and he'd definitely make one to resemble you), or a kitten cafe (definitely risking his allergies but if it gets you to smile, he won't mind). he loves going to places with you, and he'll often take photos of you to set as his wallpaper.
— he absolutely loves kisses so much <3 he likes to greet you with a hug and a kiss on your forehead, or if you're greeting him he loves receiving a kiss right on his lips. whenever you shower jungwon with kisses, his face will flush red and his dimples will poke out of his cheeks because of your affection. he's easily flustered when it comes to you
— jungwon is a protective boyfriend who knows his boundaries and wouldn't want you to cross them. he can have his petty moments but at the end of the day, he will always communicate maturely because of how much you mean to him. in general, he keeps you close to him so ward off any creeps and weirdos. if he knows someone is bothering you, he won't hesitate to step in no matter how light or extreme the situation might be
— as previously mentioned, jungwon is very mature and he's big on communication. he's understanding and listens to your needs and wants as well. he's not the type to raise his voice or lash out, he can make remarks when he's disappointed or upset about something. but he will always apologize for his immaturities and mistakes while also wanting you to understand how he felt, the way he understands your side as well.
— he LOVES video calls so bad like he just wants to see your cute and pretty face. if you're the type to just show a part of your face or not at all, he'd literally be all up in the cam like "where's my pretty baby?" until you show yourself. texts you throughout the day no matter how busy he is, on the rare occasions where he goes mia it's because he's found sleeping and a photo def gets sent to you from one of the members of him sleeping
— jungwon is someone who's love languages i believe would be words of affirmation and physical touch. he loves to praise you in any way he can, making sure that he reassures you of any insecurities and make you feel so, so loved. besides kisses, he loves when you hug him from behind while he's washing dishes or grabbing something from the fridge. he loves holding you on his lap with his head resting on your shoulder. he loves when your hands are holding his, etc.
— being with jungwon would feel very comforting, his presence never fails to make you feel at ease. he's your shoulder to cry on but he wants to be able to rely on his partner as well, he's a young leader and he tends to have his own doubts as well. he's someone who doesn't want to burden someone else so someone who is able to know him and understand him is so important to him.
NSFW — i'd say he has a solid sex drive, it's not too high and it's not too low (unless he's super busy </3 but he makes up for it so much) jungwon knows you miss him and he pays for it, orgasm after orgasm, he never denies making you feel good. he loves it when you get needy for him, and never minds it. whenever he's playing games, he lets you ride him, your arms draped around his neck as you take in his length. he'd be steadily holding you with one arm wrapped around your waist as the other held the controller. honestly, he'd lose focus once you go faster, his hand flying to lift up your shirt and play with your nipples.
he doesn't enjoy phone or video sex as much, but he knows how needy you get when he's gone so he pulls himself aside to help you cum over the phone. “baby misses me, hm? can't last a few hours without me, can you?” and when he's on tour it's literal hell but anyway.. jungwon loves whenever you send him pictures of your boobs, wishing that he could touch them and lick them all over. he'd get super desperate but he's much better at retaining himself until he actually gets to see you again.
jungwon's favorite positions are missionary, cowgirl, and reverse cowgirl. he loves missionary for the sole person of being able to look at your facial expressions, being able to press kisses onto your neck and tits. whenever you're riding him, he loves to feel your nipples brush up against his bare chest, watching as they bounce up and down. his mouth wrapped around your tit while his fingers play with your nipple. he loves hearing you whine and moan, it turns him on so much. it's his goal to hear you grow louder and louder over time. he loves reverse cowgirl when your back is pressed up against his chest, his hands flying to your chest and thrusting up into you.
jungwon loves praising, with a lil dumbification kink. he'd constantly tell you how good you are, taking him so well and how you're making him feel so good. he wants you to cum over and over again until you are completely spent. “baby's all fucked out, isn't she?” as he thrusts into you, a smirk painted onto his lips at how messy you look. he also loves eating you out with so much passion, he basically makes out with your pussy. he absolutely loves getting head, he's not the type to fuck your face but he likes to guide the pace while you suck him off, and he'd moan so loud at the feeling.
whereas jungwon as a sub is him wanting to make you feel good, he wants to hear praises coming from your lips at how good he's eating you out or how well he's fucking you. he loves when you tug on his hair when he's going down on you or scratch his back as he fucks into you. whenever you're the one taking care of him, he'd be so whiny and fidgety. he loves whenever you give him a handjob or a blowjob, wants to cum all over your hand and watch as you lick it up from his chest. or to see his cum splattered all over his chest and lick his own cum off of your tits <3
links: one, two, three
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
Creepypasta/MH - Taking a Break With Them
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Tim/Masky
Jeff the Killer
I doubt he'd remind you to take breaks
The closest he'll get to this is when he needs a break himself and decides to coerce invite you to join him
He likes to unwind with high-energy activities
Literally just chases animals in the woods sometimes
He's crazy fast, too, so he might even catch them
When he's done he'll feel quite restored
Unlike you, probably
"Ah, that was so refreshing!"
"I almost got lost like, five times! How are you that fast?"
On the rare occasion that he wants to do something more chill, or if he lets you pick what to do on your break, it's probably because he just got back from something more high-energy
He's game for most things when this happens
Movie? Sure. Painting nails? He'll take black or red. Just eating a bag of Cheetos in silence? Why not.
The only thing he refuses to do regardless of his exhaustion is take a bath
He HATES baths..... He finds them to be boring and a misuse of time
Plus he doesn't really notice smells (good or bad) anymore, so "nice" soaps are sort of wasted on him
Nina the Killer
Her way of making sure you take breaks is to invite you to take one with her
Even if she doesn't need one, if she thinks you need a rest, she'll step in to help out
Self-care is her go-to
Face masks, manicures/pedicures, hair brushing, makeup...
All while watching the most horrific splatterpunk movie you've ever seen in your life
She thinks it's cute if you get scared or grossed out
Meanwhile she's just smiling broadly to herself while she watches the gore scenes intently
She'll take a lot of pictures of you both as well
"Smile for the cam, Y/n!"
"Ack, no! I look like the green goblin with this mask on!"
"Aww, no you don't! Come on, show off your nails, too!"
She'll treasure those photos forever
Once your masks are off and your nails are dry, you guys entangle your limbs as you cuddle on the couch
If it's late at night, you'll probably end up falling asleep together
If this happens, Nina is definitely sneaking a few more pictures of you sleeping
Though she's not the best about taking breaks herself, when she does take a break it's really nice
She'll come and find you first, asking if you need a break too
She won't force you if you say no
But if you say yes, she'll find a quiet spot for you guys to sit together
She'll get some snacks and drinks and art supplies
While she sets up, you get to pick the music
She won't want to talk while she takes a break, so you'll be needing that music unless you like silence
You'll just sit together for a long time, each of you engulfed in whatever you're doing
She'll offer you supplies, but if you don't want to do art, she doesn't care
You can really do whatever you want as long as it's quiet
And no work allowed!! If it's break time, she doesn't even want you to think about work
If she notices you getting distracted, looking at the door or the clock or something, she'll glare at you until you get back to relaxing
"Hey. Get back to your thing."
"But my deadline..."
"No! Relaxation time. Now relax."
Once you both finish your leisurely activity, she'll let you get back to work if you really need to
Though she'd also just like to sit in silence together, maybe holding hands while you look out the window
Just prolonging your time together as long as you can
Jane the Killer
Likes to go on walks to take a break
She might not always invite you if she needs one, but will force you to come along if she thinks you need one
Prefers nature walks, but walking through the city is fine too
She likes to window shop when she does go on city walks
Might end up buying a little something as a treat
“Those croissants smell pretty good… should we go get a couple?”
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t ask.”
When she goes on nature walks, she packs snacks
She'll walk slowly, but when she finds a nice spot she'll stop and break out the snacks
Also likes to engage in conversation while she walks
Just idle things, nothing too deep or serious
This is supposed to be a break; she doesn't want to be working her brain harder than she needs to
Might play some music when you guys find your resting spot
If it’s really nice out, she might sprawl out and take a little nap
Eyeless Jack
His breaks are more quiet
Not just in the sense that they’re relaxed, but he’s very subtle in discerning when a “break” begins
Like, he’ll just stand up and walk away without a word
You can choose to follow him if you want (he’d appreciate it)
He likes to make hot drinks when he’s trying to unwind
Even if he doesn’t like such things anymore, he finds the process of preparing them to be very relaxing
He’ll be overjoyed if you’re there to drink whatever he makes
Helps him feel less wasteful; or at least not obligated to try and drink it
It’s actually remarkably tasty
If nothing else, you might follow him to go on a break just to get the delicious drink
He doesn’t talk much, he enjoys the silence
Will hold your hand, gently brushing his thumb over your knuckles while you sit together
If you want to tell him about your day or something else non-consequential, he’ll listen
Just as long as it’s not a topic that reminds him of work/responsibilities
Won’t offer much in terms of responses though
He struggles to recognize when he needs a break
Usually he just pushes on until he crashes
When he does crash, he’ll just do absolutely nothing for several hours
Not sleeping, not watching TV, literally just collapsed on a chair, staring at the floor/ceiling
Will appreciate cuddles if you find him like that
Don’t expect him to talk though
Honestly you’ll have to be the one to initiate breaks
He likes to go on walks or do something calming to help unwind
Even domestic tasks are calming to him in comparison to his usual work, so you guys might just end up doing a chore together
Folding clothes, doing the dishes, something like that
And of course you’ve got music playing
Or you’re talking about some mundane topic
Exciting topics aren’t very relaxing, so you stick to comfy small talk
“Did you see the sign in front of the diner? They’re open till midnight now.”
“Hm. I wonder why. Maybe they’re trying to compete with the McDonalds across the street.”
It’s sort of a hassle to make sure he takes breaks, but once you get him on one, he’s usually rather pleasant and will thank you when it’s over
But if he’s too stressed about his work he’ll flat out refuse to give it up for one second
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Thank you for reading!! Have a good one superstars <33
(divider by saradika)
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oysters-aint-for-me · 2 years
ATTENTION i have some EXTREMTLY important news about Fat Bears
you guys know about fat bear week, right? every year, after the local brown bears have beefed up on salmon over the summer, katmai national park in alaska hosts Fat Bear Week—not the most scientific competition, where viewers just vote on which bear LOOKS fattest (because really, how are they gonna weigh them) but it’s hella fun anyway. the bears have great names. 32 chunk, 747 (aka Bear Force One), Otis, the Grazer Gang (vicious mama Grazer and her two equally vicious cubs), etc.
so by now, the bears have come out of hibernation, and we’re seeing our old faves, grazer and otis and chunk, etc. BUT also the best part of the bears coming back is getting to see the new “coys”—cubs of the year. usually mama bears have one or two cubs at a time. sometimes three.
guys. this year one of the bears has FOUR coys. FOUR. that’s pretty fucking rare and it’s the cutest fucking thing in the world and it’s the only thing keeping me fucking sane right now
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if you wanna watch the bears live (very amusing highly recommend) then visit explore dot org! they have tons of nature/wildlife cams aside from the fat bears (but the fat bears are the best)
(middle photo was taken by a park ranger—general disclaimer, don’t bother or approach bears if you see any in the wild!)
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
daylight - mat barzal
mat barzal x f!reader
warnings: swearing
in which they fuck around with fans
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liked by gracieabrams and 87,293 others
barzal97: champagne problems
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fan1: fuck me
fan2: give us a warning sheesh
fan3: my post notifs are on and i still fell to the floor in maccies
fan4: i just died dead rip me
fan5: the lyrics of that song though...
fan6: and the ring on the necklace??? it's literally y/n's
fan7: but she's got a boyfriend
fan6: not unless mat has anything to say abt it i'd assume
liked by barzal97
fan8: they make me so sad
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liked by barzal97, dannyramirez and 5,852 others
ynofficial: lover, you should've come over
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fan9: so we all thinking the same thing rn?
fan10:' 'will i ever see your sweet return?' and 'maybe i'm just too young to keep love from going wrong' is so them-coded
fan11: barzal97
comments on this post have been limited
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liked by haileesteinfeld and 96,854 others
barzal97: if the whole world was watching, i'd still dance with you
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fan12: stop that's the pic from when she got in the car before awards night last year
fan13: he was looking right at her i remember it
fan14: it shouldn't be fair that he posts the hottest photos of him desperately in love and pining for y/n at the same time, it's an inner conflict
fan15: ynofficial ynofficial ynofficial
fan16: ynofficial ynofficial ynofficial
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liked by shityoushouldcareabout and 4,245 others
ynofficial: and wonder about the only soul who can tell which smile i'm faking, and the heart i know i'm breaking is my own
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fan17: grow a pair already
fan19: barzal97
fan20: barzal97
fan21: y'all are acting like he won't have her post notifs on
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liked by ross_lynch and 103,286 others
barzal97: i knew i'd wish you would've changed your mind
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fan22: the significance of those photos have me bawling my eyes out
fan23: what happened?
fan22: on the left he got asked in a post-game interview how he felt when his gf was put on the kiss cam with another guy and on the right, in that video you could hear him say 'i need to check with the missus because i think this one's coming home with me'
fan24: ynofficial
fan25: mat, you brought out the cardigan voice notes. i'm unwell
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liked by barzal97 and 452,268 others
ynbarzalofficial: hi guys. it's come to our attention lately that there's been a lot of speculation in the media about our relationship, so we just wanted to pop in and clear some things up. first of all, mat and i have been together for eight years now, which was something we did not choose to disclose to the public immediately -- the irony is that that privacy backfired on us, because no, we did not break up; i do not have a boyfriend -- he is in fact my brother's friend and was helping us out with our new house. secondly...we may have been fucking around with you all and purposefully posting all those angsty cringey stuff to our accounts because we thought it was funny (and i am sorry about that), and that (big shocker)(take a deep breath) we have been married very happily for three years. third: watch this space for a surprise soon.
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liked by ynofficialbarzal, nhl and 629,266 others
barzal97: it was all my idea, and i have to say it went quite well; we got the privacy to enjoy our relationship without worrying about the pressures of the media. i can finally say that i am a very VERY happily married man. gosh i love my wife. that feels so good to say. and you wouldn't have a complete playlist of our relationship without the final song: daylight by taylor swift (and because we love it so much, add cowboy like me on there too). i can't wait to spend forever with you ynofficialbarzal and i'm so excited for the future. it feels so weird saying you're my wife on social media after we've been married for years already.
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liked by ninanow, jhughes and 726,285 others
barzal97: i was told to tag ninanow for this. i forgot to mention earlier (silly me) that we also have two kids! one of each and another on the way!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! anyway, see you all in 2 years. i like leaving everything in shambles and ynofficialbarzal and myself will be watching twitter with a glass of wine (me) and a mocktail (yn)
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nickneedsablog · 2 years
part two of my headcannons for the batfam
bruce likes golf
like really really likes golf
when he was younger he really wanted to be a detective, he guess he kinda is one if you thought about it in a roundabout way
dick is a health nut
like multiple protein shakes a day, avoids junk food for the most part, he really likes rice cakes, etc etc
but he always has junk food for when his brothers are over at his apartment
jason gets addicted to things really easily so he tries to stay away from things like drugs, alcohol, and excessive amount of caffeine and sugar
instead of one giant streak of white, i think jason would have something more along the lines of pre-mature graying
(i think that can happen when you're under excessive amount of stress for long time, don't quote me on that)
he has scars from trying to give himself piercings as a teen
he also has like three tiny stick and poke tattoos (also from when he was a teen)
all his electronics are from way back when. like he has a box tv, a landline, and even an iphone 4(no one really knows how it still works)
the only games tim has on his photo are games like sudoku, crosswords, and puzzles
he also only watches hours long youtube videos, things like 'i spent 1000 days in hardcore minecraft' or any video essay as long as it something he's interested in
tim also likes to read fanfics
mostly ship fics of red robin and superboy because he thinks it's funny to send them to kon
he always wears socks, even to bed
when he was ten or so he had a youtube gaming channel but the audio and quality are so bad you can't really tell it's him(they're bad because he literally just looked up 'headphones with mic' and 'web cam for youtube' and chose the first options
damian is a sticky ipad kid
like he watches channels specifically made for kids
not like cocomelon but like the really weird ones that made videos about spiderman and elsa having kids
he won't admit it but he loves kids movies
like inside out and toy story 3 make him cry every time he watches them
and finally the main 5 that i talk about(bruce, dick, jason, tim, and damian) plus alfred all have matching family bracelets
it started out as just the batbros having them but they eventually convinced bruce and alfred to wear them too
the colors are: blue for dick, dark red for jay, bright red for tim, and green for damian
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gatalentan · 1 year
i'll say one thing the very format of abbott elementary excels at is those emotional gut punch scenes because the cinematography really highlights how invasive we are being on these peoples' lives and does such a good job at making you feel like you really should not be seeing this and are intruding, which only amplifies the emotions of everything.
like one of the shots of the janine/ayesha fight we can see they're literally filming from inside a car like a fucking stalker - you can see the window frame. or when melissa calls joe and we can see they're literally filming from a distance through a crack in the door. the handheld cams shake like crazy cause they're peeping on this private moment from so far away on a really long zoom. it's weird and claustrophobic and uncomfortable and we Should Not Be Here.
its so simple but it works so well because it's in such stark contrast to something like the confessionals which are so fixed and perfectly framed and lit and Telling You A Thing and the teachers can control their image. The private scenes hit like a goddamn truck because we're getting the characters totally unfiltered from being aware of the cameras, with no persona at all. It's the only time we get to see them being Off instead of On. it's like taking a pic of yourself vs being in the background of a stranger's photo, just quietly living your life with no mask. and i love it tbh
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steadfastsaturnsrings · 6 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
No one tagged me but I saw @captain-hen do this and I thought it would be fun!
Top 5 characters:
Evan Buckley (911)
Eddie Diaz (911)
Bobby Nash (911)
Christopher Diaz (911)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Top 5 4 fandoms:
Stranger things
5 seconds of summer
Top 5 4 OTPs:
Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz (911)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak (IT)
Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris (IT)
Shoutout to some new friends:
I joined tumblr early this year and there are too many people to count! :)
@thewolvesof1998 thank you so much for being my first 911 mutual and really helping me feel welcome in the fandom and also always tagging me in stuff and always being supportive of my writing! You’re fics are also so so amazing! I am so happy to call you my friend 💕💕
@pirrusstuff you are so lovely! I love everything you taught me about día de Los muertos! I love all of our conversations and seeing photos of your food and dogs. They are so cute. You always make me smile and you’re just such a lovely friend 💕💕
@aspecbuddie you are so awesome! I love talking to you about fanfic ideas and 911 and just about anything! You always brighten my day and I love talking to you through my day. You are an amazing friend 💕💕
@lover-of-mine Anna, you truly are phenomenal. Your gifs are gorgeous and heartbreaking in the best way possible. I love reading all of your speculations and theories about 911 and all of your insights. Our conversations are something I always treasure and they really help me appreciate 911 in a deeper way. I am happy to call you my friend 💕💕
@housewifebuck Cam, you are so awesome! I love all of your gifsets, I literally reblog nearly every one :) Your shop and job that you do are truly so inspiring. I love freaking out about 911 in the DMs with you. You are so awesome and I am glad to call you my friend 💕💕
@theotherbuckley I was so happy when we started talking because I LOVE your writing so much! It is soooo good! I love talking with you about fanfic and just 911 in general and anything and everything. I am glad to call you my friend 💕💕
@jamespearce9-1-1 You are so cool! I love talking about fanfic with you and learning all about NZ! I love your writing and you are a really cool and genuine guy. I love that you are so passionate about your job. I am glad to call you my friend 💕💕
Shoutout to some old friends
@msasterisk and @lildreamer32 you two are awesome and are always so supportive of me and my writing. You guys are so phenomenal and I am grateful to be able to call you two my friends 💕💕💕
Favorite creation(s) you posted this year:
my sole edit that I made (here) and my flickers of fate fanfic (here)
Favorite creation someone else posted this year:
I love so many creations I saw, please go check out my 12 days of fandom and all the honorable mentions. But it I had to pick just one, it would be this by @olisgifs (I explain why in the post :) )
People who brightened your year:
Once again there are too many people to count!
@hippolotamus for all the support on my writing and helping me navigate tumblr and being so friendly
@theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming for always sending me asks in ask games
@bucksbackwardcap for your gorgeous artwork and also sending me asks in ask games
@daffi-990 for being such a friendly and kind mutual and being so supportive of me and my writing :)
@buckaroosheart @wikiangela @exhuastedpigeon @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @liabegins @eightpackdiaz @malewifediaz @aroeddiediaz @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @cm1031sr @weewootruck @butraura @bucksbirthmark @elgascreamslikehell
@911hiatus and @epicbuddieficrecs for reblogging a couple of my fanfics thank you so much 🥹
Anyone who left me a note on my little Christmas tree, All My followers, everyone who has interacted with my posts and anyone else I forgot to mention (if I forgot you please just let me know and I will add you :) )
Anyone else you want to mention:
Special shout-out to the lovely @ronordmann for not only making me such beautiful covers but also being so patient and kind with me as I navigate being a fanfic writer and requesting things. Your work is phenomenal and I want to thank you again for taking the time to make me such gorgeous covers and for being patient and kind with me too as we discussed ideas for requests 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I wanted to thank @monsterrae1 for always being so supportive of my writing and navigating tumblr. And I wanted to give you a special shout-out because I really treasured our conversation about día de Los muertos. I learned so much and it was so cool. I am so grateful to be able to call you my friend 💕💕
@harringrove-cafe: I want to give you a special shoutout! Your idea is so so cute and spreads so much positivity. I appreciate all of the effort you put into running the cafe and it really makes me smile and always brightens my day. You really have thought of everything for it from the volunteering to the themed days. It must take a lot of work to do all of that and I want to personally express my gratitude for all the effort you put into it. You are seen by me :) I am so glad I found the cafe. It is so special and wholesome 💕💕💕💕💕
5 of Your Favorite Authors This Year:
@thewolvesof1998 all of their fics are good but I love their Morse code fic in particular and their dog tags fics as well
@jesuisici33 I am so excited for her heart fic
@theotherbuckley the way she writes Buck heals my soul ❤️
@aroeddiediaz I am super excited for her Martian AU!
@chaoticgremlinwholikescheese for your fanfic the bridge
5 9 of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year:
@lover-of-mine for all of your beautiful gifsets and edits
@housewifebuck for all of your beautiful gifsets and edits and your art too!
@gloomy-prince for your trans Eddie AU I love it so much
@try-set-me-on-fire your fanart is always so lovely
@ronordmann for your beautiful covers!
@loserboygator for all of your cool edits
@ashleyloob I love your OC art!
@bucksbackwardcap I love your art it is so beautiful
@harringrove-cafe for all of your fanart and work you put into running the harringrove cafe!
3 things you’re looking forward to in 2024
Finishing my fanfic there may not be meaning (so find one and seize it) snippets here!
911 season 7
Taking the new year as a fresh start :)
Everyone mentioned in the post and anyone else who wants to play :)
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jikookuntold · 6 months
Sorry but don't you think it was already for Jikookers the moment JK's video was leaked ?
Saw many explanations and excuses saying it's made up, set up, fake etc. But really? There was no original source of video to prove it was edited. We can clearly see it's him in his apartment and bam running around him. It was filmed in Feb from his hairstyle, when bam was still with him. I saw some of big Jikokkers here having a relieved sigh when he said he don't have a gf now but He only said he don't have a gf in September. Tbh enough time to casually date and breakup with a girl.. which I've always thought his dating pattern is. So technically he wasn't lying either. And didn't he said he don't feel like wanting anyone and just want to concentrate on work for now? Doesn't that mean he don't have any partner but will have a gf in future ? In short not only he denied he had gf at the moment but also anyone special in his life. I don't think 'homophobic country' excuses applies as they literally enlisted together infront of everyone in the same country's military.
Also saw someone saying it can be a friend. But think.. who hugs some random girl in their apartment when their partner is not present there? Imagine spotting your bf hugging some random woman like that in apartment when they are alone at night. Doesn't make sense right ?
Another category of jikookers was going with 'open relationship' explanation but still not accepting Jikook is not romantically involved and everything was just them reading it wrong. Because if anyone listened to things Jimin said its clear af he only want to be in exclusive relationship.. maybe JK too but he was not even available for a serious relationship then.
Only a small percentage of Jikookers accepted its real and he has a gf irl or atleast not dating Jimin.
When i see Jikookers trying to deny it and find every excuses, it sounds like taekookers who still think Taennie was fake and army who think it's fake videos and pics.
But even worse for taekookers because one was seen holding his gf's hand in Paris while another was hugging his gf in his apartment all while choosing songs only about fucking women 😭 ik he said its not about his real life but only he chose songs like that. Others wrote their own songs but Tae's songs weren't autobiographical either and none of them were about fucking women or hetero sex. If it was rhythm he liked them they could've wrote some meaningful or even funny lyrics but nope all were about sex with women. If that doesn't tell about JK's sexuality and interests idk what will, 3D's choreo was fucking gross too. He's naturally drawn to what he likes. Tkkrs survive by lying and living in delusional world denying reality.. now jikookers also doing the same thing imo 🤷‍♀️ so idk why you have to make taekookers understand their ship is not real when Jikook isn't real too and 90% chance JK is straight af.
First of all, there is no reason for me to believe that blurry video posted on a chinese platform is Jungkook. Look for yourself, where is his lip piercing? Or the scar on his cheek? Or the mole under his lip? Huh? 😼
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Wonder why that sasaeng who was spying for hours on a perfect angle on his window to catch him with the girl, didn't use a better cam instead of a toaster so their faces don't look like bread loafs? Even a normal phone has a better camera. Why in the other photos they leaked of him alone in his house the quality is good and the angle is completely different? When they explain this, I can agree that this ghost-face is JK. Otherwise it's just someone with bangs backhugging a giant pregnant lady wearing a night gown behind an open window on a breezy night.
About your mental gymnastic, in the listening party, fans were leaving comments asking "do you have a girlfriend?" And his answer was addressing that repetitive question, not the video. And don't give me this category of jikookers that percentage of jikookers thing. I don't care about anyone else's opinion, they can have their own, I have mine.
Don't you dare to compare that thing with Taennie. Taennie had 10 different HD photos leaked together and many obvious clues and hints proving the photos and the relationship was real, and even biggest and the most reliable media sources like Rolling Stone, BBC, Billboard, Dispatch, JTBC, etc wrote articles about them dating and being spotted together. JK didn't even wait for two days to react to that nonsense, but Tae was totally silent about it for almost two years. On the contrary, he started it all with following Jennie on IG, and then fueled it with more hints and wearing matching jewelry. Kmedia said they have been separated for months, so he could come up and say "I don't have a girlfriend" just like his dongsaeng but he didn't 🤷‍♀
Did you know Ricky Martin, George Michael, Freddie Mercury and many other queer singers for decades sang songs about having sex with women? Some was even their own lyrics while they were gay af lol. And you say Tae is gayer than JK because he didn't sing about having sex with women 😹
And how Jikook enlisting together has anything to do with this at all? Who said anything about homophobic country? Do guys deny having girlfriend in a homophobic country? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Did Jikook went to apply for buddy system and say "Sir, we are gay and in love, we can't stand being separated, please let us enlist together 😃🏳‍🌈" Nope.
The military of this homophobic country made this system available for close friends and relatives between the ages 18 and 28 to minimize the mental and physical traumas of mandatory service, and they are not going to ask them if they are having sex.
We always said Jikook can't live without each other, but it was people like you who come up with things like "they can't stand each other" "they only look close on cameras" "they don't care about each other" "they have different and separated lives" "they broke up" 🤡 Now that it is proved that Jikook is the closest and the most inseparable duo in BTS you are still brave on your shit? 💩
And since that video is your last straw I made this edit for you, I hope you like it 😻
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g-xix · 10 months
Dating + Cat Dad HC's  | King Kenny
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Getting the first pet -He lives with his friend and you semi-permanently live there (you have your own flat) -You and his friend agreed to surprise him with a little kitty for his birthday -Vlogged getting the cat that morning -Got so many little treats and climbing frames and stuff for little guy -Came home when Kenny was groggily waking up -Snuck the cat into friend's room and watched as the cat began gently pawing at mattress + smacking the duvet corner around -Waited for rest of Kenny's friends to arrive at flat (birthday lunch was happening at his flat) -At the end of lunch you and friend got the cat out. -AJ, Chunkz and Sharky were surprised but laughed and smiled as they saw Kenny react -Kenny had his hands over his mouth and was "Oh!"-ing in surprise -Heart absolutely melted at the sight of the little guy -As soon as you handed Kenny the pet he was so soft with him -Gently stroked cat's head like he was fragile china -Baby talking to the cat and acting like nobody else was there -Niko loves and always wanted a cat as well and was a mixture of sad, surprised and happy for Kenny as it reminded him of litte Reng -Kenny said he'll call it Samurai -Everyone laughed at the name bc the cat looked anything BUT aggressive -Over the next few days Kenny ignores EVERYONE but Samurai -Litr comes home from training and finds Samurai before greeting you or anyone else -Samurai prefers your company because he's used to you working from home and seeing your more -Samurai literally follows + walks after people -You want privacy from Samurai when you're using the bathroom or whatevs but feel bad closing the door on his little face -Whatever Kenny does he tries to have Samurai near him though -When sat watching a film, he's got your legs across his lap and Samurai resting on your shins so he can stroke him -While sat editing with you in his lap on the gaming chair, Samurai is besides the keyboard smacking a mouse across the desk -Kenny realised early on that Samurai loved sitting at his desk and hitting the mouse -So Kenny bought Samurai his own cheap mouse to play with -We all know Kenny has a rly loud explosive sort of laugh -Like, he laughs like he's been holding it in since 17461BC -Every time he lets out one of those laughs, Samurai does a little jump and rapidly spins around to see Kenny whilst he laughs -Every time Samurai reacts Kenny just laughs more -Kenny would be SUCH a proud cat dad asw -Takes mountains of photos & videos of Samurai just doing little things or sitting somewhere unconventional -Always shows his cat pictures to his friends excitedly saying "Look at what my cat did!" -Kenny spoils that mf with toys as well -Goes to pet shop every so often just to see if they have something new that Samurai might like -At one point was even considering adopting another cat so Samurai would have a friend -You stopped him because you knew that you'd be the one feeding, cleaning and caring for that cat whilst Kenny was working -Big Gibber and JJ also have cats though, and one night just before bed, Kenny let it slip that they'd all sorta been talking about their cats together... -Kenny had said they could both come 'round tomorrow so all their cats could "meet". -Next morning at the ass-crack of dawn, JJ was knocking at your door, and you could hear his bald ass cat meowing from outside too.   -Let him in (and Gib an hour later) and you have breakfast + pet Samurai whilst Kenny and JJ avidly talk about their cats and all their little quirks. -Whilst you're petting Samurai, you have Buu trying to climb up the island stool next to you -Wallace (Gib's cat) is a bit older and just finds purchase on the sofa and goes to sleep/smacks the other cats when they get too close -Kenny's proper happy to see all the cats together though -Every single cat jumps whenever Kenny laughs. Also whenever JJ laughs they all jump before meowing frustratedly at the sheer MAGNITUDE of their laughs -For some reason Niko also came at one point despite not having a cat. -Niko just wanted to play and watch all the cats tbh, he doesn't really care if he doesn't have a cat to bring to the meetup -That night once Buu and Wallace were gone, Kenny couldn't get a smile off of his face bc he feels like a proud dad having introduced his cat to the "community" -Cute HC but Kenny's so protective over everyone he cares about -Like, when he called you once and heard you with a stuffy voice and sneezing, he Uber-ed his way to your house with noodle and a much of medicine -Told you to lie your ass down and rest whilst he did all your house-jobs -It was just a three-day cold or whatever, but Kenny still didn't want you overworking yourself when you were sick -Same vibe- when Samurai first got ill, Kenny dropped EEEEVERYTHING to look after his guy. -Literally got Samurai a whole new blanket just to swaddle him up so Samurai didn't get any colder -Kenny's a constant mix of dying-from-cuteness and concerned for Samurai whenever he hears him sneeze -Carries Samurai around with him everywhere when he's sick- swaddles him up like a baby and j carries him wherever Kenny goes -In the lead up to a fight, Samurai got ill and you were on work abroad, so Kenny took Samurai to camp -Put Samurai in the cup-holder, outer section of the backpack (iykyk) -Sent you a video of all the tough muscly guys at camp passing Samurai around, cooing and stroking his head when he first showed Samurai -Kenny puts his backpack + Samurai on the bench and tells whoever's resting there to make sure Samurai is all good -Whenever Kenny gets rest break, he goes and sips water to the side with Samurai on his lap, just talking nonsense to himself and the cat whilst he's recovering -Coming home and seeing Kenny tryna bathe/wash Samurai would be so funny asw -Samurai HATES baths with like, a BURNING passion, and Kenny hates getting splashed by the water -Kenny's shirtless and complaining at the cat to just " 'low it and let me scrub you!" whilst Samurai is meowing unhappily and dodging his hands in the tub -You're laughing and filming clips from the doorway before eventually giving a helping hand -Kenny's mood brightens again at the end though as he takes pictures of his cat, now skinny as all his fur sticks to his body post-bath -I reckon Kenny uses proper cute little names for Samurai other than his acc name as well though -Namely either calls his cat "big guy" or "little guy" -Samurai's very small but for some reason there's some irony in Kenny saying "Oi big guy come here", before bicep-curling Samurai -Yeah, also uses Samurai like a dumbell sometimes? -Samurai seems to enjoy it so you have no problem, but it is j kinda funny seeing Kenny curling Samurai sometimes -Also Kenny does air-jail with Samurai -If Samurai's too hyper or starts trying to bat the mouse from the computer when Kenny's using it, Kenny will put Samurai up in air-jail and type one-handed instead. -Therefore in conclusion:
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i dont know if this will be odd but i hope its understandable! could i request if the bachelorettes found out their wife has gotten pregnant, maybe after tries w artificial insemination? i dont know if it makes sense feel free to ignore and i know you kostly do for bachelors ><
I love the bachelorettes I just feel like I do a bad job writing for them 🥲 I will try though! Also I’m so excited for when Julie and cam update us on the numbers today pls someone understand who I’m talking about because these TikTok lesbians deserve the world, lemme know if y’all want the labour and birth!
She’s always wanted kids but she’s never wanted to be pregnant so when you guys decide to do artificial insemination she’s so excited
Never misses a single appointment, by your side the whole time, helps with all the shots to make sure your eggs are mature
When you guys finally get a positive pregnancy test after three failed rounds she’s so excited, sobbing happy tears
She’s holding your hair back when you puke, getting all your cravings for you, rubbing your back
Hope you don’t wanna go mining for the next nine months, or do much strenuous work at all
All but takes over the really hard farm work, she doesn’t want you to push yourself to hard
Has a whole nursery theme picked out already, loves buying baby clothes and toys and books
She’s so excited to have a little family with you 💜
She’s thrilled when you bring up starting a family, she loves kids and would love to have her own
After lots of discussion and saving up making sure the farm has steady income you come to the conclusion that you would carry your first child and she would carry your second
Y’all get really lucky and only have to go through one round before you get pregnant, she’s there every step of the way to support you
She gets a little nervous about all the needles you have to take but she helps you with them regardless
Loves cooking healthy meals for you while your pregnant
Sews you some very cute maternity clothes, absolutely cry’s a little while she does because that’s her baby in your tummy!!
Lots of purples and blues in your baby’s wardrobe, tons of stuffed animals in a cute gem theme toybox
She’s always got a hand on your bump when your snuggling so she can feel the movements
Similar to Abigail she’s always wanted at-least one kid but does not want to be pregnant, labour does not appeal to her
She’s thrilled when you tell her you want to carry the baby though
It takes two rounds for y’all to get pregnant, she’s thrilled to see those two lines on that test
Holding out her actual excitement until you get the blood test done at Harvey’s clinic though
Try’s not to cry when it’s confirmed that your pregnant but literally can’t help it, she’s emotional
Constantly taking pictures of you throughout, wants to make a photo album of how beautiful you look while carrying her child
Holds your hair back for you when you puke, comforts you when you get sad that none of your clothes fit anymore
“Awe sweetheart your carrying our child, your growing a whole life, that’s more then worth your jeans not fitting right. Your still as beautiful as ever and we’ll get you some real cute maternity wear”
Holds true to that promise, she loves shopping and absolutely loved buying a whole new wardrobe for her lovely wife (and so many baby clothes as well, cannot stop herself Theyer just so tiny and cute)
Loves feeling the baby move, cries at basically every appointment because you get to hear the heartbeat
Has the ultrasound images on the fridge and in her little photo album
She’s probably the one who brought up the idea of having children
You both want to be pregnant at some point so you decide you’ll go first and then a year later she’ll have the second child
It took a while to get pregnant for y’all, around five rounds total, she’s been your rock just has you have been hers throughout
So excited and then extremely nervous
Constantly hovering, making sure your not overdoing it on the farm, making sure your eating proper meals and good nutritional food
Will one hundred percent go out at three am in search of that one limited edition berry flavour ice cream you woke up and decided you absolutely needed
Loves baby shopping with you, probably has way to many onesies put in the cart, along with toys
Will make little teddy bear carvings to put on the bookshelves in your baby’s bedroom
Loves being the big spoon at night so she can wrap her arms around your growing tummy and cradle both you and your unborn child
Knows so much about pregnancy and ivf or insemination
Does not want to be pregnant but is thrilled that you want to be
Another lucky situation where you only had to go through one round before you became pregnant
Tells you all the fun facts about pregnancy that you may not know and may not want to know
Holds your hair back for you and puts a cold cloth against your forehead when you having morning sickness
Constantly going to the saloon to get whatever meal your craving from there
Tells you all the fun facts about baby’s growth week to week
Has one of those pregnancy Calendars that tells you things like “week 15 baby is the size of a cabbage”
She also doesn’t let you overdo it on the farm, lots of little breaks through the day
Constantly asking Harvey about what she can do to be more supportive
Asks her mom for advice as well, probably buys you the biggest pregnancy pillow she can find
She loves kids, and she loves teaching them too as seen with jas and Vincent so she’s thrilled when you tell her you want to start a family with her
You guys decide you’ll carry the baby and after a few rounds you fall pregnant
She’s very excited but also very nervous, she’s never really had a good example for a parent
She asks robin and Jody a lot of questions about being a parent
Does her best to support you while your pregnant, she feels bad every time you throw up, rubs your back soothingly and helps you wash your face and brush your teeth after
Tried to cook once but almost set the kitchen on fire so quickly gave that up, you teach her a few simple meals (that are mostly cold dishes)
Loves to shop for the baby, being finally financially stable she doesn’t feel as bad spending a bit extra on the tiny human your growing
Also goes to the saloon to pick up whatever your craving
Has a lot of anxiety about weather or not she’ll be a good mom but you assure her you wouldn’t want a baby with anyone else
Jas and Vincent are honorary big siblings to this tiny human and are very excited for when the baby is born, Vincent asked you to name the baby after him and was very sad when you very politely declined
Sonogram pictures are all over the fridge, she loves looking at them
Panics when you start crying for no reason, pregnancy hormones are a bitch
Asks Harvey so many questions but he’s very patient and will listen and explain as much as he can
She sobbed the first time she felt the baby move
You also sobbed
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dtupdates-archive · 11 months
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♡—DREAM replied to a post and a comment on Reddit! A transcript of the long comment is under the cut.
"So many people in this thread are just being ridiculous or saying things that are completely factually wrong. Like you are so pessimistic and hate twitter so much that you feel the need to disagree on everything. Like you can hate twitter and still recognize when a twitter take is right or not criticize everything I do on twitter.
Me asking the fandom to not comment about “body doubles” wearing the mask for required promotional content while I’m literally recovering for surgery, because it takes away from the content, is totally ridiculously okay. Especially given the fact I told them that would be the case in the first place, and far less people would comment on it in the first place. I’m not “policing” anyone, I’m asking and explaining why, as I have done tons in the past because it works because my fans respect me and I respect them (very generally lol). People say it all the time when it’s me under the mask that it’s not because of X or Y or Z and sometimes even those reasonings make me a little uncomfortable, especially in times when it is me.
Or speculating that George or Nick or Ken or whoever is under the mask.
People saying stuff about TikTok stats being terrible and that it’s trash content and not because of fans. First of all, no one’s blaming fans for anything, and it wasn’t even about past content it was seeing everyone comment “Ken” (when it’s not even Ken) on my TikTok and me realizing that would be confusing and could impact views, that’s just how I am, I analyze everything.
And anyone saying “TikTok views are trash because trash content” are just morons. My TikTok views are high, and I’ve uploaded more in the past months than I have like times 30 in the past years. Yea I’ve posted shit ones as well, that comes with trying to post more and more frequently. I’ve gained more followers recently than in years. Some of what I’ve uploaded is high effort skit content, others low quality memes or whatever. But I’m uploading what is fun and unique to me and that’s it and you can not watch it if you don’t like it.
For those complaining so much about the mask, literally just step back and realize how ridiculous you’re being?? Of my last 12 TikTok’s, 6 of them featured the mask. a few of them my face, a few of them Minecraft/normal content I’d make. Most the mask ones were just making fun of me wearing it in public lol. I post snaps in the mask, and also not in the mask. For those saying it makes my music impersonal, I’ve promoted on different platforms in the mask and out of the mask, for that reason lots of the UIEUD music video wasn’t in the mask since that was such an emotional piece. For my tour I plan to have plenty of show elements where I’m wearing the mask, and lots of singing and stuff where I’m not. At TwitchCon Paris I was in and out of the mask, at the boxing event I was in and out of the mask, I take fan photos without the mask. Like you’re far over exaggerating, and you’re forgetting I WAS A FACELESS CREATOR, I made 100% of my content without showing my face, AND I said I didn’t plan on showing my face all the time after, said I wouldn’t do face-cam streams, etc. If your complaint is that you’d rather see no person than me in the mask, then you’re just trying to look for something to complain about.
You could say “well now that we’ve seen your face we just realize that we’re missing out on seeing your face in that TikTok or post or whatever and it’s annoying” that’s totally valid, but have you ever thought that maybe you wouldn’t see that post at all if it wasn’t for the mask? I’m fairly confident, but I’m still very conscious of my looks and being judged by hundreds of millions of people makes me double take about putting just anything out on to the internet. “Oh I have a bad hair day, usually wouldn’t record, oh fuck it throw on the mask”
I’m not obligated to make content with my face in it, and I ALWAYS SAID I WASNT GOING TO, but I’ve actually grown a healthier relationship with how I look and the internet, so I do plan on showing myself more than I originally said. That being said, I love the mask, it’s great for me, and it’s always been my brand so get off your high horse about “dreams an idiot everyone hates it!”, when that’s just YOU being parasocial and not even recognizing it. I am enjoying what I’m doing and amplifying things that make me enjoy it, and I like the mask. I don’t owe anyone content of my face, but there will be plenty. I plan on making public appearances showing my face, making TikTok’s showing my face (as I have), posting pictures showing my face (as I have), and lots more. But only when and where I want to, and not because you think it’s stupid to wear the mask, but because I want to.
It’s fine to not like the fact that I wear the mask and express that you’d rather see that TikTok or post as my face, but just try and remember that I was faceless, and hardly planned on posting my face after the face reveal. There was years were I never showed myself, months where I was caught up in everything and showed myself so much, months where I JUST wore the mask, and now we’re slowly moving to a middle ground. Coming to terms with what I enjoy the most and is the best for me overall. Jesus reading this thread was exhausting so many just patently false things out of anger. I get it I haven’t communicated here much with this side, here’s a comment rip me apart"
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saltedriceball · 8 days
How I imagine the Mystreet characters
Because they’re block-shaped in the show, but my 12 yr old ass imagined them as real people. 🕺
* I mainly kept up with Aphmau when I was 10-12 years old, I fully stopped watching after Mystreet 5 *
* I didn’t watch MCD 🙊 *
*this is mostly PDH (my fav, I was 12)*
It’s just Jess.
Kawaii Chan
Like average height
5’4” ish
Thick thighs save lives
Whole wardrobe is baby pink and white
Idk grown me thinks she was a cam girl (in Mystreet, not Phoenix Drop ✋)
And she made bank too
She’s not very athletic, but she’s just like blessed proportion-wise
Pale, but not as much as portrayed
Idk I always thought she’d actually be Japanese since she uses Japanese terms
Pin straight hair she curls only at the bottom
Like ribbon
Quite tall
Muscular but in like a
~she’s a runner she’s a track star~
Type of way
She just looks athletic
Flat though
Paler than KC
Her hair is wavy-curly naturally
She kinda lets it just flow or it’s in a ponytail
Quite chubby
Idk how anyone watched that show and thought
*man who despises the outdoors, hates exercise, and enjoys sweet things*
“Must be tall and skinny”
The fan art I viewed in middle school legit surprised me.
He was definitely super duper skinny in high school
Adolescent metabolism and all
He is definitely like 5’8”
He is very pale
Does indeed burn almost immediately in the sun
Has an emo boy hair cut
Like Anthony from Smosh way back in the day
He also has piercings: lip, ears (multiple), septum, eyebrow)
Also has tattoos
Freckled, especially on his body
He has random scars from injuries growing up
Inflicted by his brothers
Mostly Garroth
But also quite chubby
Just kinda in the middle
Like 6’
Overall just a big guy
Just looks like he gives good hugs
He also has a beard
Not a big floofy one
But it’s there
He looks very Northern European idk
Has a lot of arm hair, and it’s very blond
So you don’t see it until up close
Also pale
And very freckled
Also wears a watch
And his outfit is the most average outfit for a man
Khaki shorts, a white tee, a plaid button up unbuttoned, a watch, and sneakers
This outfit could be spotted on an elementary schooler’s spring picture day
Or on my literal father 👨🏻
His hair is quite curly
Not in a spiral curl, but more of a wavy-curly way
This man is brown imo
Very tall
Like 6’3”
Super skinny
To where he looks even taller than he is
Just built like that ya know
His hair is a pony tail as an adult
But it was in a Superman sort of curly situation in high achool
I get the vibe he likes being outside
Doesn’t work out, but loves a good hotgirlwalk
A little more like the common fan art of 2016
Tall, but only like 5’10”
Absolute beefcake of a guy
But also like has some body fat
He is not rock hard, but you can see his muscles
I imagine he has thick thighs
Fat ass too
But that’s just how his body fat distributes, so like yeah he has visible abs
Idk that’s all I’ve got
There was enough consistent fanart in my atmosphere at the time that that’s how I imagine him
Never thought too hard about him
His hair is definitely curly
More than Garroths
He has especially big eyes
He’s like lean muscular
Just very average white guy
Like 5’11”
Looks young for his age
Absolute 2014 tumblr girly
Owns something with galaxy print
Very thin
With tig ole bitties
Wears thigh high socks, mini skirts, and tank tops with sweaters
Has the swoopy bangs of the era
Poses in up angle selfies like 🙂
So her head looks like a raindrop in the photo
Edits her ig photos to look more aesthetic
Girl next door
Well done, natural make up
Straightened hair
Smiling a lot
Even if it’s fake
Idk her character that well
Never thought too hard about it
But she’s like supermodel pretty
I only remember high school him
But he was like
Young guy skinny
Like you could see he had arm muscles in a tank top
In an old 5SOS type of way
His head is actually boxy shaped
Like 5’11”
Never thought too hard about adult Ein
Her hair is dyed with spells
It’s styled well, in a Jessica rabbit hairstyle
It’s curled
Body shaped like a coke bottle
Hourglass for days
She’s just hot
Hi why was this cast so white washed
His hair is not naturally black
It’s like medium brown
It’s also straight but he gets it permed
Wears eyeliner
Lots of bracelets and piercings
Tall guy like 6’1”
She spends a lot of money dying her hair that color
Tall like 5’10”
Her dress is floor length
And loose
Could command a room
Barbie doll
Hi Ken
Built like an upside down isosceles triangle
Back muscles for days
Looks like he could do triathlons in Ancient Greece
Like 6’5”
This man is good to look at
Michi but pink
The most golden retriever man you could imagine
Like 6’3”
Athletic muscular
The most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen
Tall like 5’11”
Long legs
Don’t know don’t care
Miscellaneous really
Wasn’t in the show enough
Nick Bean dyed pink
Drake Bell in his Drake and Josh era precisely
No more no less
Except he always has a scarf even if it’s hot out
Aphmau, tall
Button nose
A really petite lady
Her hair is black but with gray sprinkled in
The most smiley lady you ever did see
Mother gothel if you breathed life back into her
Forgot about him for a sec
Ok gears turning
Very calm energy
Idk he wasn’t that relevant for me
Also in the 2014 tumblr girly category
But a little more Bethany Mota with it
A little less galaxy print
A little more Jennxpenn vibes
Wears hella eyeliner
Her outfit is black cutoff jean shorts, an oversized shirt so you can see her white tank top underneath
Her hair is naturally that light
Wears converse only
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