#pls I’m so bi
i dont know if this will be odd but i hope its understandable! could i request if the bachelorettes found out their wife has gotten pregnant, maybe after tries w artificial insemination? i dont know if it makes sense feel free to ignore and i know you kostly do for bachelors ><
I love the bachelorettes I just feel like I do a bad job writing for them 🥲 I will try though! Also I’m so excited for when Julie and cam update us on the numbers today pls someone understand who I’m talking about because these TikTok lesbians deserve the world, lemme know if y’all want the labour and birth!
She’s always wanted kids but she’s never wanted to be pregnant so when you guys decide to do artificial insemination she’s so excited
Never misses a single appointment, by your side the whole time, helps with all the shots to make sure your eggs are mature
When you guys finally get a positive pregnancy test after three failed rounds she’s so excited, sobbing happy tears
She’s holding your hair back when you puke, getting all your cravings for you, rubbing your back
Hope you don’t wanna go mining for the next nine months, or do much strenuous work at all
All but takes over the really hard farm work, she doesn’t want you to push yourself to hard
Has a whole nursery theme picked out already, loves buying baby clothes and toys and books
She’s so excited to have a little family with you 💜
She’s thrilled when you bring up starting a family, she loves kids and would love to have her own
After lots of discussion and saving up making sure the farm has steady income you come to the conclusion that you would carry your first child and she would carry your second
Y’all get really lucky and only have to go through one round before you get pregnant, she’s there every step of the way to support you
She gets a little nervous about all the needles you have to take but she helps you with them regardless
Loves cooking healthy meals for you while your pregnant
Sews you some very cute maternity clothes, absolutely cry’s a little while she does because that’s her baby in your tummy!!
Lots of purples and blues in your baby’s wardrobe, tons of stuffed animals in a cute gem theme toybox
She’s always got a hand on your bump when your snuggling so she can feel the movements
Similar to Abigail she’s always wanted at-least one kid but does not want to be pregnant, labour does not appeal to her
She’s thrilled when you tell her you want to carry the baby though
It takes two rounds for y’all to get pregnant, she’s thrilled to see those two lines on that test
Holding out her actual excitement until you get the blood test done at Harvey’s clinic though
Try’s not to cry when it’s confirmed that your pregnant but literally can’t help it, she’s emotional
Constantly taking pictures of you throughout, wants to make a photo album of how beautiful you look while carrying her child
Holds your hair back for you when you puke, comforts you when you get sad that none of your clothes fit anymore
“Awe sweetheart your carrying our child, your growing a whole life, that’s more then worth your jeans not fitting right. Your still as beautiful as ever and we’ll get you some real cute maternity wear”
Holds true to that promise, she loves shopping and absolutely loved buying a whole new wardrobe for her lovely wife (and so many baby clothes as well, cannot stop herself Theyer just so tiny and cute)
Loves feeling the baby move, cries at basically every appointment because you get to hear the heartbeat
Has the ultrasound images on the fridge and in her little photo album
She’s probably the one who brought up the idea of having children
You both want to be pregnant at some point so you decide you’ll go first and then a year later she’ll have the second child
It took a while to get pregnant for y’all, around five rounds total, she’s been your rock just has you have been hers throughout
So excited and then extremely nervous
Constantly hovering, making sure your not overdoing it on the farm, making sure your eating proper meals and good nutritional food
Will one hundred percent go out at three am in search of that one limited edition berry flavour ice cream you woke up and decided you absolutely needed
Loves baby shopping with you, probably has way to many onesies put in the cart, along with toys
Will make little teddy bear carvings to put on the bookshelves in your baby’s bedroom
Loves being the big spoon at night so she can wrap her arms around your growing tummy and cradle both you and your unborn child
Knows so much about pregnancy and ivf or insemination
Does not want to be pregnant but is thrilled that you want to be
Another lucky situation where you only had to go through one round before you became pregnant
Tells you all the fun facts about pregnancy that you may not know and may not want to know
Holds your hair back for you and puts a cold cloth against your forehead when you having morning sickness
Constantly going to the saloon to get whatever meal your craving from there
Tells you all the fun facts about baby’s growth week to week
Has one of those pregnancy Calendars that tells you things like “week 15 baby is the size of a cabbage”
She also doesn’t let you overdo it on the farm, lots of little breaks through the day
Constantly asking Harvey about what she can do to be more supportive
Asks her mom for advice as well, probably buys you the biggest pregnancy pillow she can find
She loves kids, and she loves teaching them too as seen with jas and Vincent so she’s thrilled when you tell her you want to start a family with her
You guys decide you’ll carry the baby and after a few rounds you fall pregnant
She’s very excited but also very nervous, she’s never really had a good example for a parent
She asks robin and Jody a lot of questions about being a parent
Does her best to support you while your pregnant, she feels bad every time you throw up, rubs your back soothingly and helps you wash your face and brush your teeth after
Tried to cook once but almost set the kitchen on fire so quickly gave that up, you teach her a few simple meals (that are mostly cold dishes)
Loves to shop for the baby, being finally financially stable she doesn’t feel as bad spending a bit extra on the tiny human your growing
Also goes to the saloon to pick up whatever your craving
Has a lot of anxiety about weather or not she’ll be a good mom but you assure her you wouldn’t want a baby with anyone else
Jas and Vincent are honorary big siblings to this tiny human and are very excited for when the baby is born, Vincent asked you to name the baby after him and was very sad when you very politely declined
Sonogram pictures are all over the fridge, she loves looking at them
Panics when you start crying for no reason, pregnancy hormones are a bitch
Asks Harvey so many questions but he’s very patient and will listen and explain as much as he can
She sobbed the first time she felt the baby move
You also sobbed
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femboycharles · 2 months
me: I don’t like to speculate abt the drivers sexuality, it’s nothing to do with me
also me: the bisexual vibes from max are STAGGERING
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renecdote · 6 months
I’m gonna need Tommy to put his hand on Buck’s cheek at least one (1) time for the tenderness but also for ex-girlfriend parallel reasons
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skeletal-butterflyy · 4 months
Can’t wait for my apocalyptic lesbians!
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alicent and sansa with your bright red hair you are my enemy
stop trying to be ygritte you both could never
you have brown and auburn hair respectively with a side of some pretty misogynistic crazy fans who hate the hot dragon ladies
rhaenyra and dany you will both forever be famous
and stop stealing the winter roses rip my boy jon your symbolism is too cool too pretty so thieves are snatching it up bc for some reason little birds just aren’t good enough so a pretty flower is needed as well
i know this beef has long passed but almost every sansa fanart has a winter rose in it while i think i’ve only ever seen one fanart with jon holding some winter roses. the thieves have cleared my boy out and forced him into something so disturbing so gross so horrid so nasty and called it jonsa
they tried replacing satin with sansa it’s horrible
jonsatin is the real jonsa
it’s the truth
i’m a bi jon truther
i genuinely do not know what the point of this post is
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pensivebathtub · 1 year
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some richjer since it’s summertime ☀️ :-)
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oofskiesis · 4 months
Celebrating Pride in a Time of Genocide
it’s finally pride month of 2024 in the US!! but there is a lot of things going on in the world right now so i wanted to say some things because i think they should be said 🤷‍♂️
heartbreaking things are happening in the world right now. genocides our government is funding are happening in Palestine, Sudan, and Congo. and we need to keep talking and thinking about these people. they deserve to live and what is happening is disgusting.
but recently, i’ve noticed a trend (at least in my circles) of queer people feeling ashamed or guilty about celebrating pride in the midst of these horrific events. and that is a completely valid feeling, if you pause celebrations in honor of those suffering that is so beautiful and you keep doing that. but also don’t feel bad if you continue to celebrate.
pride at its core isn’t a celebration in terms of “yippee all the bad stuff is over now, let’s get smashed in public!!” because all the bad stuff isn’t over, trans lives are being threatened more and more every day, homophobia still runs rampant, even within our own communities discriminatory actions are prevalent. but in a way that’s what pride is for. at its core pride is about hope for a better future, a future where we can be out and proud, every single one of us. it’s a month where we can pretend like we are all one big queer happy family.
but this years pride is going to and should look a little different. make room for the queer Palestinians that can’t celebrate anymore, make room for the lives they could have led if not cut short by greed and hatred. don’t stop talking about Palestine, Congo, or Sudan. but don’t stop celebrating queerness either. pride is about ending hatred, something that the entire world needs right now.
so go to protests in support of Palestine, and do so with your LGBTQ+ flag on your cheek and your favorite pair of rainbow socks. go to pride parades with a ‘free Palestine 🇵🇸’ shirt on and give some of the money you would’ve spent on some rainbow washed corporations pride merch to a family in need in Gaza.
and do it all with Pride!
Happy Pride Month!!
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buddiesmutslut · 6 months
I’m being so ffr rn, if the show runners definitively show that Buddie is not going to happen?
I’m probably not going to be watching anymore.
I mean it when I say that they’re literally the sole reason I watched this show in the first place. I saw a billion TikTok edits of them & was like “Idek these characters I need to watch this show and see what’s going on over there.”
And like, it’s a fun show, I’m not saying it isn’t, but first responder shows are a dime a dozen. There are other shows that have queer characters and found family and wild adventures. Granted, they don’t have Buck & his bi arc, but I’d still read fanfics to get my Evan Buckley fix lol.
I don’t need them right now, I’m so down for the slow burn, will-they-won’t-they & the pining & the yearning & the build up and the GOOD foundation. I want to see Eddie figuring himself out and dealing with his repression and figuring out he’s queer (& Demi, pls God. I hope if I just say it enough, I can will it into existence somehow) before anything happens with the two of them, but if they take definitive steps to have one of them like, marry someone else or something, I think I’m gonna head out. Find me on ao3 for the rest of my days lol.
#911 abc#buddie#demisexual eddie diaz#also pls don’t come at me with “you don’t care about bi representation”. he’s already bi#he’s always been bi & I’ve loved watching him on this journey#but his & Eddie’s relationship is literally the only reason I started this show in the first place#and again if they find good LI’s & bring them more into focus#the time spent on the Buddie relationship will decrease. that’s just how tv & time limits work#and if my favorite relationship on the show goes away then why would I continue watching it religiously?#also I know I’m a bitch & would therefore hate any person they brought in to be the HEA for them & that’s not fun for anyone#not that I would bully the actor/actress bc im not an ASSHOLE#eddie diaz#evan buckley#I literally watched Booth & Bones take like 9 seasons to get together I am IN IT with a slow burn#unless they do what they did last season & shoehorn 2 LI’s in at the last second on the last episode then I guess I wouldn’t have a choice#Tim would’ve pulled a fast one on me#also I will watch literally anything else Oliver Stark is in SNOOKUMS I love you so much. come home the kids miss you 😂#& probably Lou also bc he’s so freaking cute irl I wanna die#with his curly hair and his silly faces and his muscles and his wanting to be held in the dark#LOU BABY ILL HOLD YOU IF THE POWER GOES OUT#I have spent too much of my life & time & energy to get 0 payout and it’s honestly unsustainable but that’s a whole different problem
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
queer prom tonight at a local venue, very excited!
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milkpansa · 1 year
guys this is going to sound really heavy? insane? but. first of all going on a hiatus. i’ll put the rest in the tags because idk. it feels really weird doing this but also unfortunately it is very very necessary at this point.
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lesbiansanemi · 8 months
I should be getting paid to deal with this bullshit
#fandom lesbophobia and misogyny tied in with the PETTIEST discord drama blown so far out of proportion. dawg…#‘pls explain idk how we were lesbophobic uwu’#idk you attacked a bunch of sapphics and said they were transphobic and biphobic which then spiraled into spreading rumors about them being#abusive and alcoholics and calling them slurs#because they made ‘I hate men’ jokes and didn’t like your dumbass m/f ships and headcanoned a character a lesbian lmfao#also because one of them was supposedly transphobic on a VC but the apparent victim doesn’t even remember it like LMFAO?????#which is crazy considering most of them are not cis and are also bi themselves lmfao#which I EXPLAINED#but it’s still ‘idk how we were lesbophobic a day misogynistic pls explain’#I’m killing myself this is so stupid#like do you think I’m dumb. do you think I’m stupid#this is batshit#this is why I don’t do fandom discord servers yall are insaaaaaane#idk what’s worse#if this was done knowingly and we’re just playing dumb#or if we actually ARE this dumb and don’t think any of this was rooted in lesbophobia#which had been perpetuated SO hard in the more standard fandom lesbophobia and misogyny ways#not to mention the transmisogyny but I won’t get into that…. lmao#anyways#every day I wake up to more DMs and I want to SCREAM#I just wanna peacefully go into work and live my life man it is NOT my job to coddle you#because you got caught being shitty lmfao#fuck off#kaz rambles
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teddytheartist · 2 years
Istg parkner is gonna end with my existence they’re all that’s good on this earth
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featherfur · 9 months
A lot of times in fandom I find myself looking at lesbian ships and I’m like
Are they really lesbians or are these two women just the only ones left not paired off and y’all are allergic to aro/ace characters and believe that bi people in m/f relationships are still basically straight?
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shitslikethis · 3 months
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nobody speak to me for the next two weeks please or i fear institutionalization will be my summer vacay………i-.
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mishtershpock · 5 months
#okay i’m gonna try to keep this short and sweet. 30 tag maximum you are my nemesis lol#my main issue here is not necessarily that the karaoke and other bach party scenes have likely been cut#it’s more that they’re clearly buddie baiting for engagement#journalists were watching the episode as early as saturday. which means the ep was ready by at least this time last week#so they knew that the scenes had been cut. and they chose to continue including it in promotion and interviews#i KNOW that logically the reason they chose those scenes to cut was because they’re less important. and we’d already seen them#they technically already gave us the clips in the promo videos. right? so bye bye#but that’s bullshit. sorry#they used buddie best friendism content as a way to promote the ep and increase hype#and then they just pull it out from under us the day before it airs#this is a madney episode. madney are getting married. buddie having fun is not the most important thing here. i get it#so why did they not promote something else? you’re telling me there was NOTHING ELSE they could’ve used?#nothing else from the episode that was free of big spoilers? at all???#it’s madney’s episode but they chose to promote one clip of buddie talking to maddie. one of chim crawling. and the bach party stuff#they must know that people would focus on the bach party. buddie is beloved buck and eddie are beloved#what were they expecting??#they used buddie as a pairing as bait. not queer bait and not even ship bait i suppose as there was nothing ‘shippy’ shown#but they baited buddie content. that’s literally what’s happened#i would be more understanding if this wasn’t a regular occurrence. it’s normal sure. shows do this all the time with fan faves#but also it is a false reflection of the episode. even journalists are saying the episode is not what they expected from the promo#it honestly feels like they’ve made fools of us. maybe the episode will air and it’ll be better than expected#but i don’t have much hope not much hope for buddie. not much hope for madney getting what they deserve. ZERO hope for eddie’s 7b storyline#frankly i’m expecting b/t to be the main chat after this ep. which is……. anyway#i’m not really liking s7 so far and i feel gaslit when people say it’s great lol#IN MY OPINION it is choppy and too fast and a little ooc and doesn’t make a lot of sense#they didn’t even green light bi!buck until episode. what. 2/3??#so presumably had to change everything from then on#i know that’s partly down to limited episode numbers but… 3 eps for the cruise (unnecessary) but 1 for madney wedding? ok#sigh. if anyone’s read this far pls don’t come for me ok. these are just my opinions#we’re all entitled to them. i’m sad for madney and i’m sad for buddie best friendism and i’m sad for s7 as a whole right now
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stark-life-is-good · 7 months
Ok so I am so so happy I was able to get tickets to Taylor’s Eras tour in Melbourne show and I was having a fab time with my friends singing and dancing along. I did not expect for Vigilante Shit to have me in a chokehold. I was so chill and happy and offft ma’am I am in public I did not need to be that thirsty in front of other people lol. It’s been a few days now and that song still has a chokehold on my life 😱😱😱
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