#this is like the third new project i just started tho
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 1 year ago
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i started another pair of patch pants
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austinsastrology8991 · 2 years ago
Uranus and why your life is a ShiT ShoW > URANUS IN Yer HOUSe <
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Uranus in the FIrst - You are the most unpredictable little fuck-head that everyone loves. They always change > there clothes, there direction in life > their hair colour. they thrive in change unless you try to change them, they are the ones changing and dont you dare change them, thats all they have left ;( Uranus in the Second. - Crazy self esteem issues. these people think they are the greatest then the worst person, also same applies to their income because they dont think they are worth much, until they invest into bitcoin and think they will be the next warren buffet. honestly the only thing stable about you is the perception of your value changing. But they love change, something to look forward to i guess Uranus in the Third your brain and communication skills are kinda fucky you know that dont you. you always know how to say something shocking, and extremely good at changing the subject of a conversation, like you dont have to say much, but what you do say just made everyone go huh what the fuck you say? its amusing tho we appreciate you Uranus in the F4urth - Emotionally avoidant, dependent, and attached personalities. They cant make their mind up on how they feel, so they experiemnt with every feeling to see if they vibe with that. mum was probably very unpredictable, and they wanna be like her. they just trying their best to forgive her <3 Uranus in the Fifth - Okay this one is the genius. This one people actually think your onto something when your showing off because you break free of every social convention, and archetype, but in the most perfect way. everyone believes your special, and you can change the vibe of a room like dat Uranus in the Sixth - what a fkn mess your life is. I had this one friend who would have 10 different drinks in his room and he would drink each one sparingly (they were all warm too). he had some serious health issues, and lets not get into his mental health okay. but yall have crazy lives and you make it that way Uranus in the Seventh - Im not a player i just fuck a lot. they choose their partners based off how interesting they are, if you can satiate their curiosity you got em. but if your boring or not worth figuring out yeah g-bye. also they just come off strange so everyone is extremely curious. they get projected on a lot but they dont mind its a good way to find out something interesting lol Uranus in the Eighth - Freaks who will do anything.... and im not just talking about sex, if they want something they'll find any way to get it. masters of attainment, even if its probably not healthy for them, they don't care if they want it they get it. then the object of their fixation changes as soon as they do get it. they are like obsessed with 'progress' but its hard to call it that sometimes Uranus in the Ninth - Clever minds who are always skipping segments of a speech, or a video to find the juicy parts. They have very quick minds that are so easily bored, but if you talk to them, they'll never not have something interesting to talk about. also when change does occur its a LOt Uranus in the Tenth - why are yalll like this. just baffling people like they know how to make an entrance and when everyone starts loooking at them, they decide to make fun of everyone by doing something a lil bit too shocking, almosst making fun of you for looking at them. gets off on shocking ya Uranus in the Eleventh - They wanna change the world, but not in a way that is practical. until it is. They have a million friends because they have a knack for understanding people, but when you ask what they want or what scares them. it just makes you rethink why your even friends with them in the first place. 12 - your crazy. and its endearing but everyone is this close to calling the cops on you or locking you up in a psyche ward. maybe tone down your retardation. we all got something going on but you take it to a whole new level.
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harukyuu2 · 2 months ago
!! its embarrassing...
📜That was the favourite phrase of your boyfriend, Akito Shinonome, everytime you tried to show him affection on public...
× -> Fluff, Hurt with comfort?? if you think about it, Akito's first girlfriend! Small revision but it could have errors, neutral reader
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You never thought you could bring yourself to get tired of two simple words, if it wasnt for your recent boyfriend repeating it like his life depends on it. The first time you heard it was when you tried to give Akito a goodbye kiss on the cheek after spending some time at his place working on a school project. His sister, named Ena, camed home earlier than usual it seems and started teasing him non-stop for being so close to you. He grumbled a bit and asked you to leave because he was worried about you walking home late at night, but also because he couldnt stand his sister close to you two. That’s when you leaned in, but he dodged it, glancing around nervously, probably worried Ena was nearby. You asked him what was wrong, and after some grumbling and hesitation, he finally mumbled it with a slight blush: "Its embarrassing..." You let it slide the first time, and the second time, and the third time, and...yeah, you let it slide a lot. Everything that had to do with public affection its embarrassing for him. A little quick kiss on the cheek? Its embarrassing. Grabbing his hand? Its embarrassing. (And you will see him blushing furiously while frowning- but he isnt really mad!!) Everything that involved affection on public started to be avoided with those two words, and you were getting tired. It was one of those days where you really got tired of it. You were so excited when he agreed to grab a meal with you at a café after school! You totally understood that Akito’s schedule was super tight with his practices, school, and part-time job, but you still loved and supported him. That excitement, however, quickly faded into mild annoyance when Akito dodged your kiss, trying to play it off like he didn’t notice your intention just because Toya and An were passing by. You just sighed and kept walking with him, saying nothing but with a clear frown on your face that talked enough by itself. Akito noticed your annoyance, heck- he always noticed. But you have to understand him too! for some reason people always have to appear when you decide to kiss him. Dont misinterpret it tho! he loves those kisses- its just too annoying and embarrassing having to deal with someone teasing words. He loves you, lots. He thinks you have a lot of patience with him, and he cant help but feel slightly guilty for the way he has been acting on public with you. Maybe today, even if its embarrassing, he could try to make an exception... Just for you. With that said, you two were already sitted on a table in a new café that called Akito's attention for their pancakes and he wasnt liking your silence at all. He sighs trying to call your attention from the parfait, but since you just glanced at him taking a bite of it to hide your no will to talk, an idea pops on his head and he talks instead of asking you whats wrong (He clearly knows whats wrong) "Hey, i never tried that flavour on a parfait- you wouldnt mind giving me a bite, right?" - Akito ask casually, leaning slowly knowing you wouldnt deny him. You grumbled slightly since you were mad, but honestly, he was so cute that you couldn’t stay upset. As you picked up a piece of the parfait with your fork, ready to feed him, you were caught off guard. Suddenly, two hands cupped your cheeks, and he gave you a quick but intentional kiss. The shock of the moment left you frozen, so you didn’t notice the small lick he gave his lips afterward—not just to taste the sweetness of the parfait, but of your lips too. He hummed softly, turning to look out the window beside him slowly, trying to hide the slight blush on his face as he rested his chin on his hand. "Yeah...it tastes sweet i might ask you for another bite tomorrow." - Akito said with a small laugh, catching the big, shaky grin spreading across your face from the corner of his eye. Maybe Akito was getting better at handling embarrassing situations—especially if it meant seeing you completely lose your composure over something as small as a kiss. Wait... did he just think a kiss wasn’t a big deal?
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leoruby-draws · 3 months ago
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I did a whole bunch of drawings for Jason's team two weeks back, so now its time to concentrate on Steph's team! Here we've got 4 new characters for her team, with a couple extra tomorrow as well. Lets go into to them, one by one.
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First up is the lantern for the group, more specifically a Violet Lantern apprentice aka Miri Riam! Her reasons for coming to earth is unknown at the moment but they seem to have some connection to Carol Ferris. Carol's also a Violet Lantern and Hal's(Green Lantern) on-and-off girlfriend and occasional antagonist. Perhaps Miri was sent to become Carol's apprentice? I've got more info on whats happening there, but thats for later.
As for why Miri was chosen for the group, I knew I wanted some kind of Lantern for the team, but couldn't find a green lantern that was both in Steph's age group and have fun interactions with them. But then I thought, does it have to be a green lantern? I had a red lantern for Jason's group after all. I looked around and found Miri! I don't know her exact age but I knew she was a young adult, so I'm just gonna have her be around Steph's age group.
The Violet Lanterns Corps are very ...enthusiastic about the power of love and Miri's no exception. She wants everyone to know the joy of Love, she's honestly kinda annoying about it. I remember this one GL issue where she was destroying a city just to get Kyle and Soranik to resolve their love troubles. That pretty much became the basis for how I'm writing Miri's personality. Like I said above, I'll get more into Miri at a later time.
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Next is Maxine Hunkel aka Cyclone, granddaughter of Ma Hunkel aka the golden age Red Tornado! I already posted a drawing of her a while back, I thought she'd make a fun fit for the team. She's has such high energy and so much enthusiasm I couldn't help but find her utterly endearing. I think at a later point she'll end up joining the JSA but for now she's just having fun with this team.
Btw I thought that maybe her grandmother, Ma Hunkel, could fit a similar role that the other Red Tornado did for Young Justice, helping out a young hero team. Just a way to emphasize how Steph and Tim's teams can serve as foils to each other.
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Next up is the archer of the group, Mia Dearden aka Speedy II. Tho she should probably have a different name due to Roy still being Speedy atm. Maybe Speedette? Ehhh, gotta workshop that.
Anyways here's Mia and Steph meeting as civilians, with Mia showing off her bow. Mia seems to be in some sort of school uniform, perhaps Oliver is sponsoring her to go to a fancy academy? Her backstory is similar to canon, with Oliver saving her from bad people. I'm not sure if her story should be exactly the same as canon, since Mia is 10 but terrible things like that do happen in real life to young children. But I don't know if a goofy au like mine is the best place to show that. But for now lets just say Mia is currently trying to heal and become a hero like Green Arrow.
I imagine Steph and Mia get along really well, they just get each other in a lot of ways. Steph can see Mia might be hurting inside and wants to cheer her up, hopefully with all of Mia's new friends she can.
Last up is Jaime Reyes aka Blue Beetle III. Unfortunately I haven't drawn him all that much so no individual drawing for him, tho I do like him.
As for why Jaime, I remember liking him in the YJ cartoon and found him pretty likeable in the comics as well. But I've always like the spiderman hero archetype anyways, which Jaime fits really well (I mean, it was done on purpose). Static and Sideways also fit the archetype and are in the team as well. Arguably you can say add Steph to this too, probably more than Tim in my personal opinion.
Another reason I wanted to add Jaime is that he and Steph almost became teammates in canon, in a failed Young Justice project. What could have been huh. Third reason is more silly tho, if Barbara and Ted Kord start to date in this au, imagine how grossed out Steph and Jaime will be lmao.
So there's four new teammates for the team, but! I've got a couple extra for tomorrow! And later on I hope to finally post some more doodles of these characters (some of them are real old, more than a year old). Especially Miri, she turned out to be such a fun character, and I've always liked the all the lantern corps. Here's a bonus doodle of them btw (with bonus unmasked Sideways):
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So many new members, well, hope you liked all that!
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ranwan-love · 5 months ago
Pick a Card: A reality check you need.
Trying to give you a reality check as your blunt bestfriend....
Buy me coffee:
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Pile one
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Friends?? How is your friend circle?? Are you happy with them? Are they really nice people who knows the balance of give and take?? Do they support you even behind your back or just empty words on your face??? How do you feel after spending time with them???? Babe there are some questions you need to ask yourself and these are few of those.
You know what true nature of our soul is stability. It's not high vibration, low vibration or any vibration at all it's completely shunya. Don't confuse this with staying the way you are or not growing because you are at peace whatsoever but it's rather being at peace. Peace brings stability or anything that brings you peace leads to stability. Like walking out of your comfort zone brings peace or resting when needed.
Like let me explain
we are at frequency A; we attract everything of similar frequency. Eventually the space gets filled you can't attract more or if you forcefully try to attract or manifest, same frequency material will come to you in different ways or facade? And you might even feel exhausted or in endless loop.
you increase your frequency; like by doing your inner work, accepting your casualties, improving them and stay in this period for some time. When it becomes new normal to you, your frequencies shift and you attract better new things. This is kinda what I mean with stability and peace. I am sorry if I am not able to explain it well lol. But at same time if you start playing victim or self pity your vibration goes down and you attract same frequency people and things in life!!! So like I don't know if you gonna accept it or not but the friends or people around you are direct reflection of you. So stop resonating with these part of yourself, clean the space and focus on parts of yourself that you want to resonate with.
So now ask yourself if your friend or family don't bring you peace are they right for you? If not, why they are here and to what extent? On what parts they are reflecting on you.
Pile Two
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Parents+protection??? Okay does your parents need protection or you need protection from them or maybe protection from yourself as you have mastered there voice in your head which is always there to hurt you.
I don't know why I suddenly thought of Palestine so I am setting intention for them too that they are safe. And if there's some other issues like parents having bad health or just you having tricky relationship with them. I hope it heals too.
You know what this pile at first gave me two type of energies one who love their parents or just hate them but after few minutes I realised no it's rather specific. It's pretty much love and hate relationship. It's like you love them alot but things they do, say or project on you ruins you completely. You might be living under same rooftop which turns out to be really toxic and takes quite a toll on you. At same time you can't hate them completely because you see how much they are working for you.
So I want to say it's ok. Things make way more sense from your perspective intead of some third party who will ask you to cut off them.
Instead try accepting, forgiving and drawing boundaries. I guess it kinda sounds stupid but let me try to explain
Accept that there's a part of them which cares for you even tho their actions says otherwise. Like even there words like wish you were never born, you should die, you would eat us alive anything. They don't mean it. But you would say hey they mean it because it sounded so genuine when they said it! So listen it's there ego self who said it, ego who have been tormented, went through pain, trauma,experience of there own. Try to imagine there higher selfs they definitely hate this behaviour too. Like does there higher self hate you same way, do they wish for you to die? It's just they project there pain on you and it somehow relieves them. You know why because that's all they can do! You have a chance to escape, you have freedom. They never did. Be it your mom or dad! So this is all they could!, so there words hold no value other than just pain.
genuineness you felt in those words was pain they were feeling. It sometimes also comes from a place that my kid is different what if society doesn't appreciate it, worst case hurt him/her? Because that's what happened to them. So while trying to protect you from so called society they become something worse or you can say became the society they were scared of!
So forgive them! Everytime they argue stay quiet, don't give unnecessary reaction,observe where the pain is coming from. You will be able to generate empathy without getting hurt.
Third draw boundaries! Now you accepted and forgave them but that doesn't mean now this is enough so draw boundaries! Start with subtle ones and than eventually increase them. Create space for yourself.
Pile Three
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Okay so how does it feel to be your biggest enemy? Does it feel good? Are you enjoying it? Just a genuine question are you sadist or masochist? Maybe both??? Like is it enough or are you going to do it more?? Do what??
Like okay bud! I know you had harsh life, traumatic childhood even whole of teenage but does that mean you gonna keep self pitying yourself? Do you think a prince will come?? Your twin flame will come or perhaps jungkook will come??
It's wierd to explain but it's more like you don't play victim but self pity alot!! It also takes away power in really quiet way.
Let me try explaining with example. Imagine you have set of bad experiences, where you barely survived and reached here. You definitely observe how strong you were or how much you have grown. You analyse that thing so well to point you have realisation that you were not a victim but a warrior. But than you self pity like oww man why me why such harsh experience didn't i deserve better, i was a kid too. Would I be better if things were different??
You just keep reliving the moment and the pain.
At this point you just like pain? I think you watch way too many kdrama where main character is shown so powerful because she goes through so much. So you have made this belief
"pain=growth/greatness". The pain or experience you were given they might have been source of transformation or growth but you reliving those experiences in your head is not. You are just patting your ego that you are next chosen one or something. Babe even if you are chosen one , if you stay stuck in your head, procrastinating what you need to do, ignoring your body needs you won't be able to fulfill your purpose of chosen one. So do some grounding and practical work. Like if you are doing everything and still things are not working it's simply because you are stuck in this mental cycle.
I don't know if this will go along the above message but just accept whatever happened,happened.
You already learnt from it, If some message is important it will come as direct clear sentence in your head. Best of luck.
*you might be poet or writing poems might help you release this self pity or pain inducing habbit!
Thanks alot!!! 💚
Please please let me know if it resonated with you.
It will help me develope confidence as I am really new to doing readings for other people. It was always limited to myself or my really close people. So your opinions would matter alot.
Thanks alot once again
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 years ago
Sister's Best Friend -P.G
I have been dreaming a lot of doing Latina!Reader, I am a bit afraid tho, because I don't know if you guys will like this. I made this with a Venezuelan!Reader in mind, since there aren't a lot of fics of venezuelans!reader, I always see mexican, argentinian, colombian, brazilian (american and european as well) and I wanted to give this a try.
It isn't too much tho, I just put reader a nationality and played with her accent, maybe in the future go in deeper with Gavi's reaction of having a Latina girlfriend. Hope you guys like it! I would appreciate if you leave some feedback!
This is a bit shitty
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Summary: You're Aurora's best friend and Gavi is crazy for you
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It all had started when Aurora invited you over at her house for a college project. It wasn't the first time Aurora invited you over. But it was the first time Gavi was around.
Gavi was crazy to meet you mostly because nine out of ten times, his sister and parents were talking about you and stories the fourth of you had shared. Gavi's not gonna lie, he felt desplazed for a bit.
You having inside jokes with his family, made him want to get to know you and see what's the fuss about. He was confused, he knew and get along with all of his sister's friends. You must have been someone knew.
And you were.
Aurora confirmed his suspicion when he suddenly asked who you were.
"She's the new girl on college I talked about" She replied "Se nota que me escuchas cuando hablo" (It shows you do listen to me when I speak) Aurora complained
"Ajá... ¿Y?" Gavi rolled his eyes a bit ignoring his sister statement "¿Qué más?"
"She's new here, in general. She comes from Venezuela, moved in ten months ago, she has been my friend ever since I met her, she's so cool, Pablito. You'll like her"
"Yeah? Sure" Gavi raised his eyebrows and walked away
And that's how we came into the meeting day. You were laughing with Belén, Aurora's mother about a funny anecdote it happened to you while younger back home.
"Y naguará, no" You covered your face with your hands while Aurora and her mom laughed "I can't..." You were blushing of embarassement a bit when you heard footsteps
"Mamá, que-" Gavi had came in, just in a Barcelona shorts and a white shirt, his phone in his hand as he stared at you with wide eyes
You shut your mouth, looking at the boy as well with a light smile on, meanwhile his face was covered with a frown
"Hi" You had said shyly waving and Gavi swore he had never heard something more angelic than your voice
"Pablito!" Aurora exclaimed coming over to you and hug you "She's Y/N Y/L/N. My new best friend!" She squeezed you making you smile and hug her back "Y/N/N, this is my lil bro, Pablo"
"Un placer" You said extending your hand to him
He quickly got a hold of himself, grabbing your hand and stepping forward to give you two kisses on each cheek, his other hand rested lightly on your waist
"Igualmente" (Likewise) He had said with a smirk "Aurora doesn't stop talking about you, I'm happy I finally got to met the amazing Y/N" You blushed
"Thank you. I can say the same thing, you know... I think I already knew you before meeting you" He laughed
"Sólo le dije como te orinaste los pantalones en tercer grado" (I just told her how you peed your pants in third grade)
"Sabemos que jamás hice tal cosa... No en tercer grado por lo menos" (We know I never did such a thing... Not in third grade at least) He said making the three of you laugh
"In second grade too, right?"
"Oh c'mon, girl. Leave your brother alone and let's go do the project. I feel like it's going to be demasiado largo para nuestro gusto, so ¡vamonos!" You grabbed her shoulders and pushed her into her room
"¡Y/N!" Pablo called you before you could dissapear from the room
"What?" You turned around
"You like Doritos?" You nod several times "I'll take you some in a few" He smiled and you smiled back at him
"Gracias" You said softly
"There are no Doritos for me?" Aurora asked in disbelief
"There are" He said "But you have to look them for yourself, I won't bring you anything" Pablo replied as if it was the most obvious thing ever causing you to laugh
"Why?!" She asked as you pushed her onto her room
"Because she's pretty!" He said from downstairs as you stood there impressed and Aurora laughed at your shocked expression
And that was the beggining of you and Gavi.
You couldn't lie, el chamo was truly beautiful, he always took up on making you laugh and chatting with you about anything. Mostly of your life, he wanted to get to know you and everytime you tried to bring the convo onto him, he'd answer your questions but eventually turn it around to you, ending into telling him stories from your time in Venezuela, what you did as little and going as far to ask for your Uni stuffs even if he doesn't understand anything about Statistics
"La malta con una empanada de carne mechada y con salsa de ajo es lo mejor de la vida... Y ni hablemos de la arepa con suero" (Malta with a shredded meat empanada and garlic sauce is the best thing in life... And let's not talk about the arepa with whey) You always tell him making a smile appear on his face
He has been spending every time possible off with you, he even stole your phone number from Aurora's phone, winning a smack from his sister and watching you give a little pinch on Aurora's arm
"¡Ow, bruja!"
"Let him" You had said smiling
Because yes, you were also gone for your best's friend's brother, but you couldn't help it. It has been four months since you've met Pablo and they were the best four months ever.
Aurora often liked to make fun of the two of you, obviously into each other but not making any move. Instead of being mad, she definitely liked the idea of you dating her little brother.
You ignore her comments, even tho he gave you the impression, you didn't know if he liked you back. And you weren't going to make things awkward in between the two and currently three of you because of that.
You were chatting with Aurora and some of Pablo friends like Pedri, Ansu, they have came from training and all decided to spend a nice evening and also two of Pablo's childhood friends, meanwhile you were studying and chatting around with Aurora.
You laughed at something Ansu had said
"¿Qué? Mano, ¿Que webona' es esa, ah? La coña 'ta burda e' loca, 'sie carajo" (What? Bro, what the hell is that, eh? The girl is out of this world, fucking hell) You reply shaking your head
"For real, Y/N!"
"Pero explica bien la vaina, que fue lo que pasó. Pasito a pasito" (But you've got to explain yourself properly, everything that happened. Step by step)
"¿Suave, suavecito?" One of Pablo's friends, Diego, chimmed getting a smile out of you
"Well, I didn't say it with that purpose but it does go well" The guys laughed.
As Ansu started telling once more from the beggining his story with this girl, you felt an arm wrap around you waist and the other under your knees.
You turned your head to the side and looked to find Pablo, lifting you from your spot that was next to his, to pull you right next to him, without any kind of space. He also grabbed the chair and pulled it closer to him.
"Why?" That's all you asked softly
"You were too far away" Pablo replied audible enough for the two of you, you blushed and leaned a bit into him.
You kept on listening Ansu, the guys sharing your statement and telling him it was the best if he left her.
"Y/N/N" Aurora called for you "Go and bring us some snacks?"
"This isn't my house" You replied.
"Of course it is! Just go inside and grab some snacks for us to eat"
"Why don't you just go?" You ask "I'm way too comfortable here"
"You're younger!" She exclaims as you roll your eyes, standing up
"I'll come with you" Pablo said "I can help you with the drinks"
Both of you entered the house, you went to grab the snacks as Pablo grabbed a Coca-Cola and a few vases, when his phone dinged.
"Aurora asks if you can do the bread and Nutella thing" He asks as you sigh
"Tú hermana jode mucho a veces" (Your sister is annoying sometimes) You said making Gavi laugh.
You went to look for the bread and the Nutella, cutting them and filling them up with the cacao. You were done with your job but you filled a spoon full of Nutella
"¿Quieres?" (Want some?) You offered him a light smile as he shook his head
"Cómelo tú" He smiled putting the Nutella away and helping you clean the little utensils you used.
Once you were done, you washed the spoon and faced Gavi only for him to laugh a little
"Please don't tell me I have chocolate all over my face" You begged covering your mouth with your hand
"Only here" He pointed at his lips the place
"Here?" He shook his head "Here?" He shook his head once more "Here?" He shook his head "Ajá, ¿Y en dónde es la vaina pues?" (And where's the thing then?) You ask making him laugh
"Can I?" You nod watching him step closer to you, he lifted one of his hand in your cheek lightly, caressing it with his thumb, your eyes locked with his.
His other hand came up to your face as well with this one, he swept his thumb over your bottom lip "Done" He whispered licking his thumb quickly.
But none of you bothered to move away from the other, instead you keep leaning in "Can I?" Pablo asked once more this time with different meaning.
You smiled and nodding soon you feel his lips locking yours in a kiss.
"You taste like cacao" He whispered above your lips and pecking them several times, you laughed looking down at the floor but felt how Gavi's hands lifted your head making you look at him once more "I loved that"
You smiled, this time leaning up to kiss him wrapping your arms around his torso
"You don't know how much I wanted to do this ever since I met you" He whispered once more in between kisses
"Glad to know feeling was mutual" You giggled
"Go out on a date with me?" Kiss "Please"
"Joder, claro que sí" You kissed him once more
"¡Ay, Ave María purísima!" You heard someone say instantly separating from each other. Aurora was standing there with a big smile on "First kissing picture, I love it!" She said excited "Took you long guys!" She said coming over and grabbing the Coca-Cola, the bread and the snacks. "Leave you guys alone to keep doing your thing" she winked
"That was awkward" You murmur feeling Pablo smile and nod
"So.... When are you free?"
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n0vazsq · 3 months ago
Fame | Matt Sturniolo x Reader
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pairing . . . matt sturniolo x small!creator!reader
summary . . . When Matt Sturniolo suddenly follows you on instagram, you message him to try to get him to answer your questions
request . . . yes!!
word count . . . 1.2k+
warnings . . . none!
faceclaim . . . N/A
alexavia yaps . . . the moodboard is so bad im sorry like i tried making it good but it was shitty asl </3 anyhow i hope you guys like this and tysm for reading!! also idk how matt talks bc i never watched the sturniolo triplets so i hope this is accuracte!!
taglist . . . @barcapix ,, @f1lover55 ,, @ilovebarcaaa ,, @httpsdana (lmk if you want to join the taglist!)
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. . . It started with a follow.
You were sitting cross legged on your bed, scrolling through your phone while mentally debating if you should edit your latest vlog or leave it for later. Procrastination had won the battle, again, so there you were, mindlessly switching between TikTok and Instagram. The notifications were nothing new, a few likes here, a couple of DMs there. Nothing that really grabbed your attention.
Until you saw it.
matthew.sturniolo has followed you.
You blinked, feeling your heart skip a beat. Then, as if the words might change if you stared long enough, you double checked. Yup. Matt Sturniolo, the Matt Sturniolo, was now following you.
You weren’t delusional. You knew who he was. One third of the Sturniolo Triplets, someone you’d seen all over your For You page with his hilarious jokes and presence.
You were still growing as an influencer and had been gaining some attraction lately, but you were far from being 'big'. That’s what made it all the more surreal. Why would he follow you?
You stared at his name for a solid minute, thumb hovering over the DM button.
"No, no, no," you muttered to yourself. "Don’t be weird. Just act normal. He probably hit follow by accident."
Still, your curiosity got the better of you. Before you knew it, you tapped on his profile, scrolling through his posts. That familiar mix of car photos, group pictures with his brothers, and some other photos that showed his softer side.
You’d always found him cute, but seeing that little blue checkmark next to his name on your notification tab? Yeah, that hit different.
You told yourself you wouldn’t message him.
But then you absolutely did.
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You: hey! random question but did you mean to follow me or was that an accident?
As soon as you sent it, you tossed your phone onto the bed, face buried in your hands. Why did you have to say anything? You could feel the secondhand embarrassment creeping in even though he hadn’t replied yet.
But when you picked your phone up ten minutes later, expecting radio silence, you saw the little notification that made your breath hitch.
matthew.sturniolo has replied.
You opened the message with slightly shaky fingers.
Matt: nah it wasn’t an accident. your content popped up on my fyp a couple times. you’re really funny, i thought i’d follow. also cute
Your jaw dropped. You read his message three times just to make sure your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you.
You: wait, what??? you’ve seen my stuff??
Matt: yeah! you’re growing fast tho, i’m not surprised you’re showing up more
You grinned so hard your cheeks hurt. Matt Sturniolo had actually seen your content. You’d have to call your best friend later and freak out properly, but for now, you tried to play it cool.
You: okay that’s insane, tysm!! sorry for thinking you hit follow by accident
Matt: it's alright
Matt: i mean i could unfollow if that’s what you want
You: don’t you dare
And just like that, the floodgates opened.
What started as one random message turned into a back and forth that stretched out across the day. Matt was funny and easy to talk to, the kind of person who made conversation feel natural.
At first, you just talked about random stuff like your videos, his upcoming projects, what it was like being an influencer. But as the days passed, your messages grew longer and the topics deeper.
Late night conversations about favorite childhood memories, life goals, and stupid inside jokes you’d developed over time.
Matt: you ever get those nights where you’re just sitting there like ‘what am i even doing with my life?’
You: literally me at 2am every other day. glad i’m not alone.
Matt: nah you’re good. you’re actually killing it
You: oh wow, matthew sturniolo complimenting me? screenshotting for proof
Matt: yeah yeah, chill before i take it back
You laughed into your pillow more often than you cared to admit. He was quick to tease but always managed to make you feel seen.
And yeah, maybe there was something there, a little bit of extra charm in the way he typed. Nothing over the top, but enough to make your stomach flutter.
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It was about a month later when he dropped the question.
Matt: not to sound weird or anything but i feel like i’ve known you forever lmao. wanna meet up sometime? get coffee or something?
You froze mid scroll. Meet up? As in, in person? You reread the message, pulse racing. What was he thinking? What were you thinking? You tried to play it cool, but the butterflies in your stomach had other plans.
You: i’d like that!!
Matt: bet. are you around LA this weekend?
Lucky for you, you were. Your brain was already going into overdrive as you mentally planned an outfit, tried to figure out what you’d say, and convinced yourself not to freak out.
Saturday came faster than you expected. The moment you saw him waiting outside the coffee shop, dressed in jeans, a hoodie, and a baseball cap, your nerves evaporated just a little. He spotted you almost immediately, his face lighting up with a smile.
"You made it," he said as you approached.
"Did you think I was gonna bail?" you teased, earning a laugh from him.
"No, you don’t seem like the type."
The conversation flowed just as easily in person as it had online. Over coffee, you found yourself forgetting the 'Matt Sturniolo' everyone knew from the internet. He was just Matt, a little quieter than his brothers, funny, and ridiculously easy to be around.
He asked about your family, your goals, and what inspired you to start creating content. You asked him about growing up in the spotlight, what his brothers were really like behind the scenes, and whether he ever got tired of the constant attention.
"Sometimes," he admitted, swirling his drink with his straw. "But it’s worth it when I get to meet beautiful people like you."
Your face flushed, and you had to look away to hide your smile.
The meetup turned into something more. Days turned into weeks, and suddenly, Matt had become a constant in your life. Whether it was late night FaceTimes, sending each other playlists, or just tagging each other in memes, there was a bond between you two that neither of you could ignore.
"You’re my favorite distraction," Matt joked one night while you were on the phone.
"Is that your way of saying I’m annoying?" you shot back.
"Nah," he said softly. "It’s my way of saying you’re kinda special."
And in that moment, you knew.
What started with a follow had become so much more. Matt wasn’t just someone you looked up to anymore; he was someone you could count on, someone who made you laugh, and someone who saw you for exactly who you were.
Your career was growing, sure, but so was something else, something you hadn’t expected. And as Matt sent you another late night message that simply said "goodnight, talk to you tomorrow?" you realized you wouldn’t have it any other way.
And immediately after that, you two made it official.
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liked by matthew.sturniolo, christophersturniolo and 14k others
yourusername him>>>>
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acatwithstockings · 3 months ago
[movie script stuffs!] I have questions!! not many because it's 1am right now but I'm formulating more, did they do anything with the four horsemen of the apocalypse? anything at all? or did they just look Death in the eyes, sigh and tell him they didn't have the time or budget or care about him? I need to know!! (also just any random snippets you obsess over or think about would be so so lovely, hope you have the most wonderful day/night!! :] ❤)
Nope, they made an appearance at Satan's side, said their hello, Death got to spin a little globe around and were promptly vanished by Adam after saving Aziraphale and Crowley while giving his "I am not doing it and you are not my dad" speech. However one interesting note, and a bit of speculation on my part is; Pollution is described as "A white thing dripping with ooze" which does not contradict the book description or anything BUT seeing how in the book Pollution uses he/him pronouns, being described as unmemorable while implying ambiguousness and how in the script gender specific language is used for the other horseman, I believe this could already have been the appearance of explicit nonbinary Pollution. But again that's just speculation and over analysis of language on my part.
As for snippets, got a good selection of them tbh. Every part of that atrocity either triggers my pattern recognition for how it tries to fit pieces of the source into new ways that don't quite fit or because, and again I can't stress enough how much the greater fandom will probably hate me for saying this, there are glimpses of things that will carry over in to the TV show and you can't unsee them once you realize it. If those stem from the script that had been written before and that we don't have access to, if it even still exists, or are just because of the author's subconscious, remains an open question.
However if I had to choose for the heck of it, the price for living rent free in my head would go to Crowley pretend flirting in the mirror, because it's just such a strange thing to pack in there and absolutely 100% absurd while also beautifully dorky.
Followed second by Anathema trying to hide her dagger from Adam behind her back, contemplating her life's choice and to bring herself to do what needs to be done (in her mind). It's beautifully dramatic and would have been a good scene under different circumstances. But also just the thought that she was absolutely ready to murk a child and only got qualms bc it turned out to be a child she liked.
And finally third, the one where Aziraphale just feels something is off with Crowley (got summoned into hell) and starts to run. It's so absurd and out of left field. And the imagery is just funny idk.
Honorable mention goes definitely to Aziraphale and Crowley having a walk on the beach, with Aziraphale taking to paddling on the water's edge. While it rains. And they have black and white umbrellas. Got ruined by Crowley idly kicking in Aziraphale's sand projection tho.
Hope you are having a wonderful day as well ♥️ and tank you for supporting my insanity pfff
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sphaxcca · 9 months ago
My Candy Love New Gen ep. 4 Review
Here I am after finishing the last episode of MCL New Gen ready to give my honest and unasked opinion about it. Fasten your seatbelts cause we are about to start and i'm not gonna be gentle
So the episode opens with Elenda who's basically trying to drag us so bad to the Cosey Bear because apparently Castiel was serving there ( No judgement toward Elenda, i wanted to see my husband too). Unfortunately for me and her, he already had left when we showed up to the Cafe. >3>.
Seeing Lynn animated was so cute and a little bit nostalgic but nothing compared to the GASP I emitted when she started talking to Thomas and he told her he was in love with her. GEEEEZ, now i get why that kid was a pain in the ass and RUINED my pic-nic date with Tomato head, THE DOTS CONNECTED. Btw it was a very cute scene and a tribute to Iris that I hope she will show up in Thomas' route.
Moving on, inspired by Thomas' love confession, everybody starts talking about their love life (expected since the episode's name is hearts looking for love). And this is where things went horribly cringe and outrageous: Ofc i'm not talking about Elenda and Devon ( It was cute to know that she had a crush on Devon and, about him, a little peak to where the story is possibly going to lead - a busy man that works his ass off so bad for Devenementiel and has no time to date)or Amanda but about ROY and BRUNE.
Hoooooly shit, the chill of second hand embarassment that I got just by reading the interractions between these two was undescribable I swear( Elenda became basically my guide spirit: her reaction was the same i had. ). Everything was so outofcontext and nonsense that I'm actually wondering why Beemov decided it was a great idea to give space to something so....childish? I mean, we're talking about (almost) 30yo people.. and they got together because they were...desperate??????? - "Yeah with my exes things weren't doing good so we decided to date even tho we don't talk, don't touch and fell uncomfortable with each other" - COOOME ON, BFR, you guys ok? Also, I really hope that we're gonna discover something deeper about Roy (or that he's going to get a development at least) that makes him more that what i can pick up and feel from him right now: childish Gymrat fixed on pool that give us nothing. I'm genuine deluded about the way they handled this.
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Moving on to JASON PART. He basically shows up when we're still talking sitted by the table. I was obviously expecting the part where he was going to be pointed out as a "womanizer" but what I DID NOT EXPECT was the reaction he had when he overhears our conversation: I felt him being sarcastic as usual but at the end i felt he was kinda....hurt??? idk if you get what i mean, he literally said he had REASONS why he doesn't want to be in full term relationship and this opens my mind to an INFINITE AMOUNT OF THEORIES
Connected to what I've read on some theories here, someone said it's because of the condition ( or the pathology) that made his hair go white...
This is a really good point but I genuine think about something else that is connected to this and the SHOCK NUMBER 2: Why Devenementiel hates Jason so much?
Apparently our "proud and superior" man with an incredible fragile ego had PLAGIARIZED the project the would have helped Devon to found Devenementiel and, because of that, he was fired and disqualified by the contest. So...first things first: PIECE OF SHIT. Secondly, I genuine would have never thought about him doing something like this and that's the reason why i don't think he did it because he wanted to but perphaps he WAS PUSHED to do so.
Another theorie said that probably he was helped by a third person that played dirty and suggested him the same project Devon did
And I have to admit that this is something very likely, but stil don't really convince me too much.
We can clearly see that Jason has a lot of money, A LOT, and by the way he has so much money i'm assuming he comes from a family that at least has the same amount of capital he has now. We got told that he was basically working as an employer (if i remember correctly) so why trying to steal something from others if you are satisfied and don't need a job? perhaps because you NEED that first place to REDEEM yourself and PROVE someone wrong at least so that.. THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. That's where his family and the white hair make their part: A Dad Ceo that basically disgraced his Son because he couldn't follow or keep up with the family business or - he wasn't good enough- for the role ( and that's why the white hair, because of the stress) . Another thing that might prove this is the fact that Devon told us that he had "private investors" and...i mean, if you're broke, i don't think you can find them just by snapping your fingers and make them appear in front of you, especially when you get fired and disqualified in a competition. He could have use the "family" name and hi charisma to persuade the investors to help him found Goldreamz. And THIS leads me to the last point: Why no long term relationship? Because his family has to end with him and he's scared of the consequences that a partner can have in his life. This reminded me so much Simon from Bridgerton btw. So yeah...I might be wrong (99%) but i want to think that he's a piece of shit just because he's hurt.
His special scene was normal i guess, i love the way my candy was looking at the instagram photos be like - "i'm just studying the enemy...not doing something wrong..maybe".
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In the end i decided to try for the Thomas illustration and nothing to complain about, the scene was genuine one of the most cute one in the game so fare and the ilusstration 10/10 chef's kiss and handshake by the president.
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katalyist · 2 years ago
This is my third time trying to explain my theory about Grian being a Watcher even before Evo so please someone stay with me.
We are all familiar with the «He was never meant to be there, he was only meant to watch» phrase (that didn't change my brain chemistry at all) right? Now, someone has always being... Odd about it, maybe the fact that is was the answer of «Why are you so sent on Grian?» that Martyn said. Everyone just kinda agree that it was refered to the life series, but what if the answer is that Grian wasn't supposed to be there even before? In Evo.
Because Evo Grian marks almost all the things of a watcher since... Day one? First, well, he was the admin so he had the power around the server, he was supposed to keep track of changing the versions (so he must have had a little bit of knowledge that the Watchers weren't that dangerous to let them participate in the changes of versions).
Second of all, he was very isolated from the rest of the members since the beginning, he was the one that lived further away from everybody else in a version where you couldn't run, there wasn't minecarts or horses or a way to get there quickly.
Third, he wanted to have access to everything. With the station to go from spawn to his base and the secret tunnels under it that were supposed to connect with everybody base (he abandoned the project pretty quickly but that isn't the point tho).
He has always been a prankster, but he hasn't never been the one that does the easy pranks, no, Grian send BigB to a journey with riddles and rhymes only to getting back to his base to activate a tnt trap. He make a treasure hunt with no treasure at the end (well technically it was but if you picked it, it would activate a trap). He trap his secret tunnels when they were compromised and told people to send comments to the other people on the smp tricking them to go see (poor Jimmy). And that isn't counting his multiple 'just tnt it' pranks. Also, he liked messing with people when they were streaming, when he could watch them.
He also didn't wanted to obey the Watchers, twisting their rules and breaking them, didn't the listeners say something about the Watchers thinking they are above everyone else? That they don't have to give explanations?
And one of the things that just scream Watcher behavior it's how he made a entire escape room for Taurtis to complete, with everything you could think, riddles, mind tests, rooms with puzzles... Just because he could and he wanted, just for his enjoyment.
If that isn't a Watcher thing at this point I don't know what it is! And it could explain in the Evo lore why he was so calm to go with the Watchers after defeating the dragon, he was even excited to have the opportunity to watch what all his friend were gonna do even if he wasn't there anymore.
So yeah, part of my theory says that he is a Watcher from the beginning, if he knew or not that's a different history. The important part is that:
He stayed. He is there.
Grian is a player (or at least pretending to be one) like the others, he participates like everyone else, the rules apply to him too. He wants the rules to apply to him he wants to be like everybody, even if that means pain, break promises, break friendships, even if it means that he is only surviving.
But his constant effort to connect, to stay present is not something that beggings in life series, as you might have noticed, it started in Evo. His nature competing with what he really wanted for the control.
Using the same examples to his Watcher behavior:
He isolate himself to almost inmediatly trying to find a way for people to visit. And when he finished most part of his base structure he abandoned it, he say something like "I want to be more close to spawn, I feel like I have no idea to what is happening there" and went there to build Evo town.
Most of the time he gave people something in return after a prank/situation that he feel unfair, when the property police blew up on accident he build a new one, and he always apologiezed.
After the Watchers punished him once he didn't break the rules and he warned Taurtis about not doing it. Even when he always found ways to twisted or steal from them.
In the game that he made Taurtis play it was a prize at the end: A cake, dumb, but a prize that seem fair and that he knew Taurtis was gonna like, and he didn't lie.
So maybe when They took him back he was excited at first, new things, to see, to learn, to explote. Maybe things he forgot completely.
But then there was the rules, watch but not participate, watch and create but never involve yourself with the players. Maybe They had the hope that teaching him again there ways was gonna make him stay, but we know Grian, he gets bored quickly.
So he escaped and now we are in the life series. I'm not gonna extend to much here, I reblog someone else talking about how Grian is making an effort to stay there instead of going back and the implications that it has about The Watchers moving everything just to make him miserable.
But why? Why they want him back? Why is he so important to them that he can't be replaced or forgotten to live like a player?
And here I add the popular theory/headcanon of Grian being the first player to become a Watcher. Because that makes him important to them, it makes him a success, something to study, to see how far he can go.
But he isn't cooperating with them, the worst of their character: Watchers always want to do things their way.
In conclusion: Grian as always been a Watcher and the Evo SMP proves it. How this impacts everything else? I don't know!
Thank you for reading, this is my third time writing this because i don't know where the drafts are (if you haven't notice I'm quite new to this Tumblr thing) and i lost two of my rants there.
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atomarium · 1 year ago
Now for real tho, how did You manage the iterator cube in the first place, I think My computer would explode just being near half the polygons
Have a 3d scug as a treat tho
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The question can be interpreted in three ways.
just... Pain...I have an old 7th gen Intel i7, 16 gigs of ram, and RTX 3060. The thing is. When It comes to meshes, or hard surfaces (the polygons) blender is actually very good at handling a lot of them. But guess what blender does NOT like. Clouds, textures and displacments. I did the details in the cube first, and then sufferd through the pain and lag of clouds and textures.
Render times don't increase with polygons. This many poligons render a 1080p image in 40 seconds. You just have to be smart about hiding stuff you don't need when editing.
I can send you the model. It's really not a huge problem.
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Creating detail kind of technical:
well it is indeed hand made. It doesn't take long if you blender very aggressively with energetic music. The first wall took me, ~30-40 hours. The second is barely visible so just a copy of that with modifications. I premade greebles and assets that I have later scatterd. You can see I reused a lot of stuff. In the project I am currently working on it will be different. But in this one, I tried to follow the doctrine of hiding the flatness of the cube. So it doesn't look like a cube with stuff on it, with fairly decent results. Made some holes some structures etc.. The plugins that I used mostly are discombulator, blenders inbuilt panel gen. And we'll uh. That's Pretty much it. Made a geonodes modifier, for the pipes. So it's easier, so that's a thing.
And the rest is just me trying to be creative and stuff.
The "how do I come up where goes what"
I domnt funkin know.
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I'm an engineer. And that means I solve pracital problems. Such as, will this pipe going from here to here make sense? Or does it make sense to make this thing here if there is another nearby? I can barely be called an artist, or creative for that matter. I can't draw like at all,I just get anxiety when I try, I can't make anything that is alive in blender. Like genuenly anything.(including scugs :<). I am pretty darn new to blender with barely even 1 k hours. I looked at references of Cappins (the creator of the original 3d model found in OE.) Model, I got some inspiration from there.
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Here is his model.
And here is mine ( low quality because I don't have the original on my phone)
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You can defenetly see the similarities. I took inspiration from a lot of the stuff on Cappins model. Unfortunately I for some reason never figured out that iterator cube is not a cube. It's a uh... Pancake shaped cube. What I also like a lot about Cappins model, is that it's very very well balanced. Perhaps some technical details are questionable but at that scale that can be ignored. I later talked with him. And he explained me the meaning of primary secondary and tertiary detail. Wich is actually very useful. Go google it if you draw or model. As for my model. I'm happy that people like it but I'm not happy how not canon it is compared to other iterators. Perhaps, it's an older model of an iterator. It took me nearly a third of the time cappin took to make his, that explains the quality difference. And we'll he had to start from scratch.
I hope that answers all the questions, otherwise ask again. It's not like I'm gonna go anywhere.
(also pls gimme de scug model if it's okay)
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atla-suki · 1 year ago
sokka’s treatment in lok was astonishing tbh but i’m actually glad he was dead by the time the series started bc toph being a cop??? aang being an awful dad???? they would’ve ruined him and suki’s characters lbr.
as far as any possible kids go idk we didn’t meet suyin till book 4 we barely saw izumi i think they just didn’t want to make the new series be a atla reunion plus lok was only meant to be one season so they were making that shit up as they went along lmao. and back in 2012-14?? they didn’t know themselves what happened to sukka lmao.
sokka and suki are definitely the type to break up bc of long distance but then find their way back to each other a few years later especially as they settle into their roles in life.
while bryke definitely neglect suki and sokka to some capacity also they do have a soft spot for suki after bringing her back. many don’t consider her to be team avatar but they’ve stated they do so idk ! she shows up a lot in the comics which have obv been created post-lok and it’s been said that they’ll utilise it’s plots and characters in shall see in future projects (crane fish town becoming republic city maybe??? where suki currently is working?? and sokka later lives!!)
i’m p sure suki will be in it at some capacity anyway and that there’ll stick with jennie as she’s one of the few asian og va’s. she’s doing a lot of work atm for avatar studios.
also random but i literally found out today that it’s not bryke-confirmed that mai and zuko end up together. it was a comment on a panel by the old comic writer. it’s not technically canon. izumi is the spit of mai anyway but hmm! interesting!!
btw btw suyin’s father was def a sandbending outlaw who toph had a secret relationship with that couldn’t be public bc of her role as police chief x
oo big ask ok let me break this up into different paragraphs …
fist point - one thing i will admit about lok is that it fell short in incorporating the original characters into the new series in an interesting way with enough verisimilitude (realistic-ness) that it didn’t feel like they were just throwing a popular character into an episode for the sake of it. such as the whole ‘aang is a bad dad’ thing because they under-utilised him as a mentor figure to korra and instead focused on his supposed favourite son (i have thoughts on this re. aang NOT being a ‘Bad’ dad but i will make another post on it if u are interested (or have i alr made one? i’ll make another one.))
i have to agree that they would’ve probably done something shitty to sokka or suki if they were included. especially with the entire first season of lok being about bender/non-bender equality… i can just imagine they’d make sokka say something dumb about the equalist movement being 100% Bad instead of him actually supporting some of their completely valid arguments. idk. i’m sad there’s no sukka but at the same time…. quit while ur ahead yk.
second point - sukka long distance relationship is so real ESPECIALLY during their first few years together. i can see them just kinda calling it off because of commitment issues due to their work, etc. but not ever really losing feelings. they’d be endgame tho🥰
i can absolutely see suki being in upcoming projects! especially since she and the other kyoshi warriors expanded their reach across the nations - it would be hard to ignore them completely if we’re assuming they’re including comic canon into the universe. i hope jenny returns!!
third point - yeah! how crazy that maiko as izumi’s parents isn’t canon confirmed… though she’s so clearly mai’s daughter. i wonder if mai’s role will be expanded in upcoming projects / if she’ll be featured more. hmmm.
fourth - would honestly prefer this to the theory sokka is her father lol. it kinda baffles me that TOPH became a cop.. not bc she opposes authority - there’s something different about enforcing it than there is having to follow it. i can see toph in authoritative positions, and she fits them well. but i think it baffles me moreso because why would toph even work as a COP? isn’t that boring as hell for her?? go do something awesome like probending or professional underground fighting (adult blind bandit anyone?? this would make a good fic) or literally just construction idk i feel like toph isn’t a Hard Worker type that would want to be stuck in such a rigid career.
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esoteric-terror · 7 months ago
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Two sides of the same coin
idk. i think theres a Lot of room for these two to be interesting together under the cut is how i would make them interesting To Me/partial avos rewrite, assume everything i dont mention is the same
about a year and a half ago @/cheecats posted this and i like this idea! it started making its rounds in my brain again and in my brain it Shifted, just a tad, and now we are here w this! thus we begin my madman rambling
prior to avos, rowanclaw is not a frequent character, he mostly just shows up to be mean and xenophobic, im p sure he shows up in night whispers as a good parent to his kids but for the sake of this im gonna ignore it and double down on the meanness, so for the rest of this im characterizing him as selfish, stubborn, mean, and someone who doesnt like being held accountable. do those traits sound familiar? they should, because im also describing onestar
we come to rowanclaw becoming leader, i want them to be Scarily similar, i need them to clash badly and be explosive because of said clash
they definitely differ tho! its just internally instead of externally. the biggest difference is that onestar is full of shame, regret, and self hatred. he knows that he shouldnt have ever met the kittypets. he knows he shouldnt have turned down darktail and because of him several kits died because he was a coward. he HATES that tallstar just had to make him deputy because that led to mudclaws death and him inevitably cutting off firestar. and he deeply regrets how he treated his old friend but he cant do much now as firestars dead! and he knows deep in his heart hes letting tallstar down. but if he drops the tough independent guy facade now and show how scared and regretful he actually is could lead to windclan being chased off again.
rowanstar on the other hand, is just Mean because thats all hes been surrounded by, 2 evil leaders, another who had a questionable history, and no shortage of clanmates who are just complete assholes. he doesnt have to prove shit to anyone in his clan, but he has everything to prove to the other clans as a new leader. hes not gonna be soft to them, fuck that! shadowclan can stand on its own w no help they got their shit down and everyone else needs to know that.
rowanstars cowardice isnt really recognized until after the kin shows up. he claims that he let them stay because theyre clearly strong. but hed never admit part of the reason he let them stay is because after bramblestar informed him that the rogues fought off onestar and his patrol that ultimately took one of onestars lives and killed furzepelt, he got scared to tell them no in case he met a similar fate.
in this hypothetical rewrite id switch the order of onestars and rowanstars deaths, so rowanstar dies at the end of the third book and onestar dies at the end of the fifth. because of that the circumstances around rowans death is changed a bit
so in some confrontation with the rogues, with rowan, tawnypelt, and tigerheart on one side with the kin on the other, tawnypelt ends up dying protecting rowanstar, because he let her take the killing blow. this is the first time hes shown visible terror, and because he didnt want to admit, even to himself, that this fight was his fault, and that because he was a coward and couldnt say no, he lost his mate, who was nothing but loyal to him.
skip to the end of shattered sky. theres another confrontation with the rogues. in this rowanstar doesnt step down! he still cant accept and doesnt want to admit that he was a coward, so he says the reason this happened was because he was too kind to his clan and to the rogues. the he gets killed.
this throws shadowclan under full control of the kin, and naturally this news spreads to windclan. and onestar is terrified out of his mind.
after a lot of projecting onto rowanstar, onestar realizes something: if he cant admit his faults, if he cant get over his pride, he will end up shamefully dying like rowanstar. and he recognizes that while he cant change the past, he can make the future better.
and so he tells everyone that darktail is his son and he steps down as leader. and in a way its freeing, this secret thats been eating him alive for years is now out in the open. he never knew darktail became this monster, onewhisker acknowledges that if it werent for his bad decisions as a young warrior, darktail wouldve never turned out this way, and he was gonna fix everything.
and then the battle that kills both of them happens the same as it does in canon, just later in the arc
ALL OF THIS TO SAY: rowan and one could have an interesting dynamic and it could be a cool parallel and i think if the erins tapped into that id like avos a lot more
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aversiteespabilas · 2 months ago
Do you know how I can get out of an artistic block? I've been like this for two months
Oh boy, I've been there too, I get you. I don't have a definitive solution for this, but I think the nature of art block can be very different for different people at different times, so a good first step would be to try and do some introspection on what exactly you're feeling whenever you think of doing art. However, here are some things that tend to work for me:
Take this time of inactivity to really look at and enjoy other people's art. Sometimes your artistic journey will just include breaks, and that's okay. It doesn't mean you aren't learning, though. If you really enjoy someone else's work, take this time to study it, make sense of it, try to discover what exactly you enjoy so much about it and why. Maybe think of ways you could emulate that yourself. I often find that the coolest looking art starts with the simplest shapes. Try to imagine which tiny little steps the artist could have taken to achieve that look. This gets my art cogs turning every time.
When I'm feeling frustrated about my own ability, feeling like I'm not good enough, sometimes I'll just make a point of drawing something that's complete garbage. Like the ugliest scribbles ever. Go "I'm gonna draw something SO HIDEOUS". I do that until I start to just have fun with the act of scribbling itself, not the result. If you feel comfortable and happy holding your pen, you're on the right track. You don't need to do anything else. You don't need to show it to anyone, you don't need to post it, you don't even need to keep it. It's just your time of Hold Pen, and you've been doing art. Congratulations!
Sometimes I get this feeling that there's a particular piece I'm scared of doing, normally because I feel it's too difficult or I don't have the "required skill level" to do it, even though the ideas are overflowing and my mind's eye is working full speed and my fingers are itching to create; the worst part of it is when this fear gets me to freeze up, like I just can't do anything. Well, I've recently found the secret for this one, and it's not pretty. You just gotta do it. Seriously, if you think it's fear or insecurity holding yourself back, then you just really need to grab yourself by the collar, slam yourself on the desk and get yourself working. It's gonna feel awful at first, it's gonna feel like a task, maybe even boring, and like what you're doing is pointless, but by then you'll be doing it. That's the truth of self care, most of the time it involves doing things you reeeeaaally don't feel like doing. If the alternative to doing art is just sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, then remember: the time will pass anyways, might as well just do it.
This one may not always work, but if it's a broad motivation/excitement issue, I often find that making art gifts for my friends/loved ones helps a lot. First, it's a gift, it's free and unprompted, so there's no real pressure for it to be a masterpiece or anything. Second, you're setting a clear objective for yourself that you can get excited about, and third, you're sure to get a validation boost from it! In my experience, collaborating with a friend on a larger art project has kept my motivation cycle going strong. Run from the lonely artist archetype, it's your biggest enemy. Art likes friends!
Otherwise, there are various ways you could try and hype yourself up. I am a very calculating person so I get really motivated when things are planned and organized in lists. Since I started noting down my ideas in a To Draw list, I always have something to do, I'm never out of exciting ideas and art block very rarely rears its ugly head. For some people it may be the opposite tho! I know for a fact many people find lists and schedules to be draining for their creativity, so find out what would make you most excited! Maybe trying new brushes or materials is your jam! Maybe your current hyperfixation or fandom can offer motivation. You need your art process to work for you, not against you, but in order to do that, you need to understand what exactly is it that makes your brain most excited. It's self-discovery baybee!
I hope some of these work for you! At the very least, it can't hurt to try. Good luck, soldier!
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clunelover · 2 months ago
Christmas recap!
Christmas ended up going quite well! We did presents at 11-ish, and my brother in law was able to womp the food together in a little over an hour, so we had lunch at 1:30. He brought all pots and pans and utensils with him - my sister was like "he’s packing up things like measuring cups and the potato ricer even though I keep telling him you have those things" but it ended up being really smart cause then he didn’t have to search for these things or yell questions to me (and then he took them home with him to wash!)
Thanks to the couch I bought (third couch in this room! Unexpectedly very needed sofa bed for post op!) we were able to comfortably sit all 11 people in the living room - I was in my recliner chair and my dad always brings his own chair due to back issues and everyone else fit on couches…idk why I am explaining where everyone sat lol, but I was VERY pleased with my planning and having gotten the couch just in time and seeing everyone in the room which I wouldn’t have assumed would ever fit that many! It was a very deep satisfaction much like seeing Jeremy use and love the snowblower I got.
In between the presents and eating, I excused myself to butt-scoot up the stairs to my bedroom so I could lay down and elevate my leg more (somewhat genuine need) and recover from overstimulation (more genuine). People ended up coming up to visit me - first my other sister who was in from out of state, and her girlfriend, to give me the rundown on all the family shiz they were experiencing as part of staying in an Airbnb with stepmom (her mom) and our dad. OH did I even post here that my dad and stepmom, who is in fact my ex-stepmom cause they’ve been divorced for like 10 years, ARE BACK TOGETHER?? Well, they are, that’s a whole other post tho. So anyway, then after sister and gf left, stepdad and dad came up and chatted about surgery, and then it was time to eat…and I actually found that it was nice having those little visits - a couple people visiting me and sitting next to me in bed is kind of my ideal scenario honestly!
All the present stuff went well, people seemed to like the things I got them and I was very glad I thought to get BIL a present - the way we do things, my local sister and I always get each other things but we don’t necessarily always get our respective brothers in law something unless particularly moved or there’s something really perfect to get…and vice versa, like BIL is an artist and years ago he gave me prayer candles with stickers of "saints" that he drew himself, specifically Mark and Jez from Peep Show, and they’re amazing and perfect and one of my most prized items in living room display, but then he went a long time not getting me anything and that’s totally fine and I didn’t even think about it til the next time he got me something, which was some little notebooks and a retro four color pen last year. Anyway, I was thinking in light of him taking on all the cooking I ought to make more of an effort. They have a little tiki bar in their basement and my sister said he’s been getting really into making tiki drinks, so he could use esoteric ingredients or a cool mug. I looked up where to get good tiki mugs and omg, turns out Trader Vic’s sells glassware among other tiki bar accoutrements, so I got him an original coconut mug and a "suffering bastard" mug which I had to get cause of the name, and so he and my sister were both super pumped about that.
I’m also gratified that I overheard E talking to their BFF comparing notes on the best things they got, and E was saying that the noise canceling headphones I picked for them were their best present. Victory! I do get a lot of satisfaction from giving a good gift.
The best thing I got is that I finished knitting that scarf a couple days before Christmas, but my sanity is now very reliant on knitting and I needed to start a new project, so I told Jeremy I knew my sister was probably getting me some knitting stuff but I couldn’t wait, I needed him to run to the yarn store and get me some circular needles, and some specific colors of yarn IMMEDIATELY. I told him his gift to me, since he said he hadn’t gotten my anything yet, could be to go through the process of texting me pictures of yarns so I could pick the ones I wanted. So he did that and now I’m pretty close to finishing my first ever shawl, which I’m so pumped about cause I think it looks genuinely cool and I also never would’ve thought I could manage knitting with circular needles. But I learned! And I had to do a garter tab cast on which took three YouTube videos and maybe ten attempts (picking up stitches was very confusing to me!) but I got that too!
Oh and my other best thing was the ramp Jeremy and my stepdad built over the steps into the house so that I can more easily get out of the house and take walks with my knee scooter. Can’t go far before I get tired and uncomfortable, but getting some air every day has been big for the sanity game as well.
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Pictures of shawl progress - that last pic isn’t even current, I’m almost done with pink and then it’s going to have yellow although I’m tempted to just repeat the first green idk - and then me walking, that’s our yard with the Bluey inflatable.
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radellama · 3 months ago
any three numbers you didn't get and still wanna do for end of year, it's just a really good ask meme
This IS a really good ask meme>:)
5. TV show of the year?
Tie between Leverage and Lower Decks!
Leverage was a great rec from a mutual when I was really fucking bored and needed something new and good to watch after my trip to hospital, and I've really enjoyed what I've watched so far. Also, it's been pretty fun seeing how many Star Trek actors make cameos haha. I'm part way through the third season I think, I've been slowly watching >:)
AND LOWER DECKS FOR A SHOW THAT'S UPDATING THIS YEAR!!! I'm really sad that this will be the last season, and not all of the eps this season have been hard hitters for me, but the ones that have hit hit hard!!! I'm going to enjoy rewatching the entire show next year, I bet.
8. Game of the year?
Fear and Hunger! If I wasn't able to squeeze this in right before my internal cut off date for my goty writing, it would've been power wash simulator lmao.... But Funger has been such an interesting play, and truly the concentrated indie hit I needed to make this year's gaming experience a bit better. I jokingly explain to people that it's a yucky scary game, but those are two points I really like about it. I will be writing about it and you'll see it in this year's write up so I'll do the full gush then, but this is just what I needed, I think!
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
I don't really do concrete resolutions, and this year there was a lot of shit thrown at me that was out of my control, BUT....... I did really wanna make progress on Abe and Orc, make more indie games and make a video essay.
- I have plotted and planned more for Abe and Orc, and now I really just need to do my intense plot stitching strat and get off my bum to start writing and making concept designs and references, but I'm happy with the work I've made for them this year!
- I did attempt to work more on indie games a couple of times this year, with one great success... A lot of projects fell through this year to varying circumstances. That's ok tho, learnt a lot and had fun while it lasted, and hopefully next year will go a bit better.
Send some end of year asks
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