#this is kinda like how does Bill = William but not at all actually
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ostriches-because-i-said-so · 5 months ago
So, Audrey and Aubrey... What dumbass parent switched up their d's and b's and created a new name??? More importantly which name came first! This is like the, "Which came first the ostrich or the egg?" but with names!!!
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elliesappetite · 6 months ago
Doctor Williams is in the house (Inspired by Grey's Anatomy) - Prologue
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Doctor Ellie Williams x surgical intern reader
Rating: 17+ (Age Gap - Ellie is 38, Reader is 28)
Summary: you slept with Ellie Williams after a night out. You're a surgical intern, what could possibly go wrong? (Doctor AU)
a/n: hello!! it's been a while but i've been so busy that i just haven't had time to sit down and write! But i'm here now! Also i'm no doctor so there will be inaccuracies but i'm trying to make it accurate!!
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The game. They say either a person has what it takes to play, or they don't. My mother was one of the greats. Me, on the other hand...I'm kinda screwed.
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It feels like just yesterday when you were buried under a mountain of textbooks, your nights filled with tears and sleeplessness, all in pursuit of passing the board certification exam. All those gruelling hours have finally paid off.
Now, here you are at the bar, surrounded by your old friends Jess, Micah, and Lily, celebrating your new role as a surgical intern at St. David’s North Austin Medical Center in Austin, Texas.
“I still can’t believe you’re actually a surgeon!” Micah exclaims with a grin, giving you a playful punch on the arm. You chuckle, shaking your head. “And I can’t believe you’re back from the big city of Seattle, man we missed you.” Jess adds, you give her a smile in return.
“I’m not a surgeon yet, just a surgical intern. I still have a year to go before I’m official,” you correct Micah as the man just shrugs. “Still, that’s really impressive. I don’t think I could ever be a surgeon.”
“Yeah, because you’re not exactly known for your brains, Micah,” Lily teases, taking a sip of her beer. “She’s smarter than all of us put together.”
“I’m not that dumb,” Micah protests, but his voice trails off as Jess speaks up.
“You know what we should do? We should get you laid.” Jess’s suggestion raises an eyebrow. “And why should I do that?” you ask, nursing your half-finished vodka-cranberry.
“You haven’t been with anyone since Esther dumped you for that guy, what was his name? Denver?” Jess teases. “Dallas,” you correct her with a raised eyebrow. “Right, Dallas. Who does that?”
Rolling your eyes, you watch Lily chime in, “I think I need to find someone too. Ever since the whole mess with my parents, I definitely need to get out there.” She starts scanning the bar for potential matches.
As the trio continues their banter, you let your gaze wander around the room. Among the diverse crowd, your eyes settle on a striking woman sitting alone at the bar. Her beauty is captivating, as well as wanting to sit on her face-  as she looks back from the cricket game on the TV, her eyes meet yours.
She gestures for you to join her, patting the seat next to her. With a quick excuse to your friends, you make your way over and sit beside her, immediately drawn to the intoxicating scent of her cologne.
“Howdy,” she says, her voice low and inviting.
“Hi there,” you respond, enchanted by her slight southern accent.
“I noticed you with your friends,” she leans forward, resting her elbows on the bar.
“Oh, yeah?” you lean closer. “Yeah.” She takes a sip of her drink. “I didn’t want to interrupt a pretty girl like you while you were with your friends.” You blush at the compliment. “Pretty girl,” she called you.
The conversation flows effortlessly, and before you know it, you’re completely absorbed in her presence, losing track of time.
“How about you come back with me?” you ask, your newfound confidence perhaps fueled by the alcohol or just by her allure.
She finishes her drink, places a twenty-dollar bill on the bar for both of your tabs, and smiles. “Sure, pretty girl, lead the way.”
You both stand up, grabbing your things and heading toward the exit. As you glance back, your friends give you thumbs up, and Micah winks at you.
The night unfolds in a blur of excitement. You barely remember getting to your place, but the passionate encounter you shared is etched vividly in your mind—it was nothing short of heavenly.
If only you knew what the future would hold.
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You wake up on the couch and pull a blanket off the half-naked woman on the floor, wrapping it around yourself. As you glance at her sleeping form, you nudge her with a pillow, causing her to grunt and stir. She lifts up your bra, confused.
“This…is…?” she mumbles.
You grab it with a sarcastic smile. “Humiliating on so many levels. You have to go.”
Sitting up and adjusting her crooked sports bra, she flirts, “Why don’t you just come back down here, and we’ll pick up where we left off?”
You scoff softly and head toward the kitchen. “No, seriously. You have to go. I’m late, which is definitely not how you want to start your first day of work, so…”
The woman looks around, puzzled. “So, ah, you actually live here?”
“Not exactly.”
You sigh, pouring yourself a coffee. “Yes. Kind of.”
She dresses in the clothes from last night. “Oh. It’s nice. A bit dusty. Odd, but nice. So how do you kind of live here?”
You walk past her, retrieving your underwear and bra. “I moved here two weeks ago from Seattle. It was my mother’s house. I’m selling it.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
You turn, confused. “For what?”
“You said ‘was.’”
You shake your head. “My mother’s not dead. She’s— You know what, we don’t have to do the whole thing.”
She crosses her arms with a smirk. “Oh. We can do anything you want—”
“No,” you cut her off. “Not the thing. No exchanging details or pretending to care. Look, I’m going upstairs to shower. When I come back down, you won’t be here, so, um, goodbye…um…”
You realize you don’t know her name.
“Ellie,” she replies. You shake her hand. “Ellie. Right.” You introduce yourself, and she repeats your name.
“Nice name,” Ellie says. “Yeah. Thanks.” Ellie moves closer, and you back away. “Mm-hmm.”
“Nice meeting you, pretty girl.” “Bye, Ellie.” You smile and flee for the stairs.
Ellie stands there, watching your retreating figure, wondering what she’s gotten herself into.
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The hospital looms large and intimidating. You used to know every corner of this place when your mother, now retired, was a doctor here.
Now, it’s your turn to fill those big shoes.
You slip into a room full of other interns—some nervous, some confident. It feels like stepping into a lion’s den. As you take it all in, you hear a voice. Dr. Isaac Dixon.
"Each of you comes here with hope, eager to join the game. Just a month ago, you were in med school, learning from doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as surgical residents will be both the best and the worst of your lives. You will be pushed to your limits. Look around. Say hello to your competition."
The interns exchange glances, sizing up the others who are all here to fight for the same goal.
"Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you."
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Like I said. I’m screwed.
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fazgoo-connoiseur-1987 · 10 months ago
do you. have headcanons on bill’s whole god-henry thing.
Okay okay okay
The whole idea comes from that one line in the Silver Eyes (you know the one) but I do really really like how it interesects with Henry's role in the plot and themes
Henry does make life, and William is deeply in awe and jealous of this ability.
Up until the 70s it was just a regular type of envy/repect- if particularly pronounced. Bill does a lot of the coding for the animatronics and he chose coding because it's the area Henry is weakest in and he wanted to feel better than him. But obviously Henry physically creates the structure of the robots- Bill thinks this is really impressive.
Then the Springlock accident happens around 77'. I've talked about this extensively before but, basically, Henry had to pry the suit off of Bill and Bill got really weird about it- particuarly he felt like one of Henry's machines.
So Bill makes this subconcious connection between his own being and the animatronics Henry creates and he filters this through his rasied-Catholic-brain and comes to the conclusion that Henry is literal actual God from the Bible.
Now Bill's relationship with religion is complicated as a baseline and you mix in his waring feelings about Henry and it gets weirder.
God is real and I love him but he does not love me back.
This makes the worship/resentment ping-ponging he does more extreme. This also worsens over time as he spends more time away from Henry. He turns into a memory in Bill's brain and gets boiled down to these extremes as the memory distorts.
When he sees him again in 2023 in Faz-Frights these muddled, violent feelings manifest in wanting to kill him- as they do for Bill.
Henry guarding him in the afterlife doesn't really resolve this issue at all it kinda makes it worse- Henry finally being the one to actually kill him didn't help either.
So yeah he spends literally all eternity still being really fucking weird about his buisness partner.
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hexbimbo · 7 months ago
DBD HC’s | Childfree Survivors
(A/N: awhile back, I headcanoned that most survivors didn’t have kids but a handful of them were childfree. This is kinda a follow up to that.)
Happy reading!
Jake Park
Struggles with children. Doesn’t hate them but being around a crying kid makes his blood sugar spike.
Plus, ain’t no way he can raise a baby in the woods.
Really enjoys his freedom to move around as he pleases. Knows having a kid would limit that option.
Also fears putting pressure on the kid like his father did to him.
Would be emotionally distant from the kid. I mean, he’s emotionally distant from everyone but he has enough common sense to not do that to a kid.
Ace Visconti
C’mon, it’s obvious
Having a kid in tow kinda puts a damper on his sleek and cool gambling persona.
Actually enjoys kids! A crying girl in front of him? Gets on her level and cheers her up with a silly story. Parent struggling to grab something from a purse while holding a baby? No worries, he’ll hold the babe, you do your thing.
But knows a permanent kid would kinda put his life off the rails. Despises the idea of bringing a kid into the world if he didn’t truly want it.
A few pregnancy scares convinced him to get the snip-snip.
Like the others, knows his lifestyle would affect the kid. Would never truly be involved in his child’s life outside of an occasional birthday card with a fiver.
Bill “William” Overbeck
Kinda just never had them and was cool with it.
Doesn’t have grandkids, but everyone’s his grandkid. You feel me?
Maybe had a high-school sweetheart he would’ve married but the war kinda killed that interest.
Neutral with kids. Doesn’t hate em, doesn’t love em. Sees them as mini adults and should be treated as such.
Silently judges parenting. You’re letting your kid climb that??? Why are you on your phones, your baby is crying for a change!
As he got older, people would tell him all the time that he’d regret not having them. Who would take care of him? Himself, ya moron.
Jeff Johansen
Growing up in an environment with parents destined for divorce, Jeff grew weary to the idea of marriage and raising a kid by default.
The idea of being responsible for an impressionable life makes him nervous as hell. Also knows the life he’s carved out for himself would never be kid friendly enough.
An amazing Uncle! He’s the relative your parents make you feel like you should pity until you realize how freaking cool their life is.
Def a Dog Dad with car stickers like: “My son’s a Great Dane” or “Proud Dog Dad.”
Jane Romero
Similar to Jeff, knows that any kids she’d have would be neglected in one form or another.
Also enjoys her lifestyle far too much to give it up for a kid. Win-win.
Had segments talking about her childfree lifestyle and talks about the stigma against it.
Loves kids though! Will never charge a kid for autograph. Gets down on their level and holds a conversation with them.
Élodie Rakoto
After what happened to her parents, vowed to never put another kid in that position.
Emotionally distances herself from all kids. Can’t really understand them or has the patience to deal with them in a healthy manor.
Neutral with kids. Not pleased when she sees a baby board the plane but gets that it has the same right to travel like her.
Her job means she’s always moving. That would never be fair to the kid.
Used to always taking care of herself. Would probably never marry either.
Yun-Jin Lee
Member of the 4B movement (TLDR: No marriage, no kids)
Def the type who files a formal complaint when she hears a crying kid.
She did not work this hard to be a wife and have all the parenting duties put on her.
Lowkey hired a maid to do all her cleaning because she could splurge for that luxury.
Far too fashionable for a kid. Knows all her clothing would get thrown up on, sneezed on, or grabbed and torn.
Has CRAZY expectations if she ever had kids. Would always be silent, never move, eat what she put out.
Ada Wong
Does this really need an explanation
Doesn’t fit into her job, her life, blah blah blah. Biologically, doesn’t want her DNA spreading out more than it has too. Also doesn’t want to “change” her body.
Enjoys really lavish things. A nice stain bed, high quality food. Can you imagine having to convince a kid that caviar is delicious?
Any kid of hers would have a target on their back. Ain’t happening, she’s not that not selfish.
Younger her probably was apathetic towards kids but older her is much more gentle and understanding.
Alan Wake
It’s honestly for the best. He’d never be mentally ready to care for a kid. He drinks too much, he’s angry all the time, and fears he’d accidentally lay a hand on the kid.
Super awkward around kids. Tries to get on their level but can’t.
He and Alice used to get invasive questions from reporters and talk show hosts.
Enjoys the life he and Alice made for themselves. Being able to go anywhere they want, eat what they want, pop a bottle just because.
Thank you for reading!
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cherry-pop-elf · 11 months ago
I saw you say that you like Raver/Scenecore music, and it has me wondering if you have any thoughts for George and Fred (or even just the rest of the Weasleys too) for what sort of music they'd like?
Ooooo!!! Good ask good ask! I love music so much, and even studying piano right now! My final recital song is even Wizard Wheezes! ((My special interest is Weasleys, what can I say?)) So this is a super amazing and awesome ask! Thank you so much anon! I love love love love music!!!!!
Types Of Music The Weasley Siblings Listen To
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William ‘Bill’
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Bill is very much a Rock person. You’ll hear him listening to Ghost, Three Day Grace, My Chemical Romance, the classics like that. Just different types of Rock in general. Pop Rock, Rock and Roll, etc. Even go as far as to play an electric guitar. How did he manage to? I mean, magic. Who says you need to plug it in anywhere, when you can just produce magic itself to work it? Loves Alternative Rock Music. Favorite song? Gotta go with a classic like Mary On A Cross
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Of course he loves punk, and alternative, but he did mellow out a bit when he finally settled into his job. Playing softer music for the new born dragons made him come to love softer songs. Like jazz, country, and folk. So to kinda wrap it all together, he’s a Taylor Swift fan. He’s not a swiftie, but he does enjoy her music. He also loves to play guitar, many kinds, and even knows how to play the flute. Thanks to Hagrid. Playing the guitar, or flute, for the baby dragons is a passion time he wouldn’t trade for anything. Favorite song? 100% Taylor’s ‘No Body No Crime’ for sure
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100% is the type to believe in the Mozart Theory. He listens to classical musics constantly. Such a nerd. Genuinely though, he does enjoy it. It helps him study and focus. So if you were to introduce him to the genre of lofi? He really would like it. Soft wordless music to play in the background, as he works. So he would be such a Stan for The Lofi Girl, if he was to say if he has a favorite anything
Fred And George
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Big Band, Jazz, Swing, Techno Swing, they LOVE that high energy bop music. I mean, look at what their literal shops theme song is ((Fun fact, as I am writing this I am ACTUALLY playing Wizard Wheezes on the piano right now, for a recital!)) They gotta love that high energy music. Love it love it love it. Fred and George go nuts for Fully Dressed With Out A Smile. They also will break into Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better if given the chance. They especially loved singing that with Ginny, while growing up
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He was invested in Rock, of course. The side effects of being a younger sibling to a big family, but Hermione helped him explore other interests as well. Helped him be more brave in what he liked. He does love Rock styles, but Pop Rock was more his branch. Pop just has a more fun energy to it. Different from his day to day life. Helps him stand out a little as well, since Bill is more into the alternative/emo/goth aesthetic types or Rock. One Republics ‘Run’ speaks to him a lot. Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but he also really likes Sk8ter Boy. Because it makes him think of Hermione. Shhhhh
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Musicals. She just can’t pick a genere. Growing up with six brothers gave her a love of different types of music. So if you ask her what she likes, she will say musicals. Musicals have so many types and moods. It’s perfect for whenever you don’t know what to listen do. In a romantic mood? High energy? Even depressive gothic? There’s a musical for it. She’s learned to keep her mind open, and invest in different interests. Her favorite song really depends on the mood she’s in, or vibe. But if you had to twist her arm, it’s gonna be that classic Merry Poppins Step In Time. It reminds her of her brothers, whenever they had to do spring cleaning together. If she’s sad, that song will ALWAYS make her feel better. If not? Clearly a imposter!
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Bonus: Belladonna
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Fun fact about me! I am currently learning piano! I just love music so much. Piano is also good for me health wise, because I have dexterity issues because of my muscle spasms. I’m practicing a recital song, and it’s Wizard Wheezes. Which I’ll perform as my final. I hope to post it on tumblr in the future. As for music I like? Scene/Ravecore and Techno Swing. I guess I just love high energy songs with electric vibes. Ironic, given I have chronic fatigue. Along with, ya know, trapped in a wheelchair. Slay. Thank you again anon! I love music so much, and I am forever grateful I have hearing to enjoy it. A really great ask!!!
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miralax-gatorade · 1 year ago
I know I ask this a lot but it's because I really like your Michael but can we hear More about him?
Youre "charlie likes horror movies and michael Does Not" has fixed my months long procrastination on how to deal with Michaels relationship with horror, so heres that:
Michael liked horror movies well enough when he was younger, but hated them as he got older. I don't think he hates horror as a genre; i actually think he would like the modern horror genre because a lot of it is focused on family tragedy, and he would find that relatable. (tho i think its funny because that subgenre was largely inspired by fnaf.)
He hates gore and body horror played for shock value, since hes lived a lot of those horrors himself, and it can trigger his ptsd. but i also think a more deeply rooted hate of those types of films comes from a lot of the villians being queer-coded, mentally ill, physically deformed, etc. which are all labels that apply to him and a lot of the people in his life. The heros are never as fucked up or as complicated as he is, or his friends are, or his father is
bit of a side tangent, but "queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, etc villain vs queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, etc hero" is like my favorite dynamic. Bill Cipher vs the Pines, Megatron vs Optimus (TFP specifically), William Afton vs Michael and/or Henry just to name a few
Though i think that Mike would really love the kinda cheesy childish horror. Jump scares, tacky halloween decorations, haunted houses, and zombies especially. The Haunted Mansion ride at Disney and The Nightmare Before Christmas? He LOVES that shit. He likes startling people and being startled. Its kind of a form of affection he locked away after the bite, but came back after getting Ev's forgiveness and learning he doesnt have to hate himself and never have fun for the rest of his life.
Hed probably have this really goofy high pitched screech followed by nervous, slightly crazed laughter whenever hes snuck up on/tickled from behind/jumpscared/generally not expecting something. He's got Henry, Charlie, Evan, and Jeremy constantly trying to get him to do the Goofy Screech. fun family vibes.
He likes messing with the weird cryptid hunters whenever they ask around town about him. like "hello are you aware of the utah purple man" "yeah man im pretty fucking aware of him"
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redfoxdude07 · 8 months ago
Golden Freddy, The Vengeful Spirit of a Kidnapped Child (a long and kinda uncomplicated theory)
Midnight Motorist is an interesting topic.
Considering how all of the Minigames in 6 are focused on a character's origin story, the fact that we were given a minigame that makes literally no sense, lore wise, for any character there, says something, especially when UCN was originally supposed to be part of 6 as a DLC.
If we take that into account, then we can assume whoever Midnight Motorist is about is the one in control of the whole UCN operation since that would have no clear explanation otherwise within that game, which was supposed to be the final part of that chapter.
Now, I know someone is going to be like, "But William is the Orange Guy!" And all I have to say is when was William ever implied to be an alcoholic? Not to mention how William randomly being orange makes no sense in the context of his character. Based on what the other universes tell us about him, William was always crazy and murderous, so him changing color isn't a metaphor for him losing it. Him being Orange does nothing but overcomplicate a relatively simple narrative you could make here, and if his car being purple is supposed to mean something, it's probably supposed to be an intentional red hearing, one the in universe police fell for, as the suspect for the MCI was arrested. Orange Guy having the same car as William, is seemingly telling us that he's the one people THINK is responsible.
The person who ran off is a he, so we can rule out any female characters we know. Coincidentally (or maybe not), the vengeful spirit is also a he. While his voice actor is feminine presenting, it's not unusual for AFAB people to do little kid voices, as their voices are typically higher pitched.
With the introduction of the Tales books in more recent years, along with the implications from SL, we know Afton most likely set up the whole Fnaf 4 situation at some point in the past. Whether or not we play that simulation is an entirely unrelated conversation I don't want to have. The most likely person to go through these experiences was Mike, but him being the vengeful spirit seems kind of stupid, especially since we just ruled out William being Orange man, so who else do we have?
We have the kid from the Tales books currently going through the simulation, but he wasn't killed by William, so he's ruled out. Cassidy could have been an interesting conversation if we actually knew who that name fully belonged to, even if it was the ghost you're probably thinking of, their pronouns are She/Her so she's out.
That just leaves one option that makes total sense, Andrew.
Now I know people who think the books are parallels are going to disagree at first, but hear me out. If Cassidy isn't the Golden Freddy kid, who is? Andrew is implied to be in the Golden Freddy suit in Frights, so it's probably him based on deductive reasoning.
We see him actively torturing William in Frights. He uses He/Him. He was murdered by William in some way that was unique from his other victims.
He fits the bill perfectly.
Even if you don't believe the Frights stories are in the game universe, we still don't have 100% confirmation on if Golden Freddy IS Cassidy, so we literally don't have another option here + with all this extra lore Andrew has, even if he's not in the games, someone similar definitely is.
Also, something interesting I haven't seen brought up before is that in the Fnaf 2 minigame, 'Give Gifts, Give LIfe', Golden Freddy is never given a gift, he's left alone on the ground, no mask to wear. Charlie never got to give him his gift, and based on what Frights tells us about ghosts, something tells me that would leave him confused and afraid.
So here's my basic theory:
Andrew grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father. One day, he went to Freddy's and loved every second of it. It was his safe place, and he'd sneak out often to go there. One night, Spring Bonnie shows up at his window and becons him to come outside. Andrew breaks his window because his family locks him in, wanting him to stop sneaking off to Freddy's, and runs off with Bonnie, unaware he's going to suffer a terrible fate.
William shoves him into the nightmare chambers, testing early prototype versions of the funtime animatronics on him until William realizes he doesn't need him anymore.
William, being the sick bastard he is, springlocks Andrew inside Fredbear, killing him. Later on, when the missing children's incident happens, Andrew's family finally realizes he's not coming back, and if Andrew went to Freddy's when this all happened, he's probably one of those missing kids now. So he's finally reported missing at the same time Gabriel and Jeremy probably are, leading to the case of 3 from the fnaf 1 newspaper.
Andrew's father (Orange Guy) gets arrested for the MCI, as someone spotted a purple car similar to his speeding away from Charlie's murder. That paired with his constant abuse of his son and being an awful person in general just made him a walking red flag, one perfect for William to frame.
Charlie gave gifts to the other children, the gift of understanding that they're dead, the gift of being aware, all except for one. Andrew was stuck in a limbo like state. He was scared and alone, living in his memories of Freddy's, stuck in the past. It took him a while to realize what happened, but eventually, he became aware, on his happiest day. The kids all worked together to gift him his cake, his memories of his death fixed together and allowing him complete understanding.
While the other kids all got endoskeletons that functioned perfectly, Andrew was stuck with a busted down yellow bear, limp and alone. He doesn't remember much of what William did to him, but he knows he hurt him. William hurt him BAD. So much so that he feels he suffered worse than the others have...
Leading him to be angry...
Vengeful even...
Andrew is the Vengeful Spirit, Golden Freddy, and an MCI kid all at once.
He's literally the answer to all of the questions...
Thank you for reading, I hope this made a somewhat amount of sense. I personally think this is a pretty solid explanation that fills out some confusing things in the narrative. Basically, I'm just trying to tie the loose plot lines together, and I feel like this actually makes perfect sense. This feels like the story Scott was trying to tell imo. I was also very tired writing this, if that wasn't obvious.
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coldretard · 4 months ago
Thank fuck the election is over soon
And thank fuck we have off next Monday
11/11 make a wish day wish for work off you got it dude
And also thank fuck for the lil Read MORE options because these walls of text are about to get more frequent I guess lol
I can’t make someone want to hang out with me so I just don’t lol you wanna stare at me then yay you wanna stare at screens then BET lol I can too
Granted I don’t have a weird cyber video chat room thing to interact with so i ramble at tumblr but
I mean I washed my clothes I made breakfast and dinner I did the things I was supposed to do lol and then he’ll get offended when I reject his penis offering later like bitch iiiii again don’t like feeling like I have a child so im not gonna be tryna touch penis lol he don’t be remembering shit like bud you gotta get off Obamacare lol that shoulda been done months ago lol I can’t write in your PCP name because I don’t know it and I can’t bring the papers to your HR lol so like you have to fucking do it. 😑 child behavior like no wonder I do not want kids lol already got a manchild
So if you type in all caps your phone (or my phone lol) doesn’t be correcting the mf spelling errors?
that’s fun
im not yelling by the way lol
I miss Robin Williams
Mrs Doubtfire hits different as an adult
Like as a kid when they’re at dinner at the end and he’s changing back and forth for his business dinner and his family dinner and you’re like holy shit that’s intense and he forgot he had lipstick on cause of all the switching around …
But as an adult you’re like oh he’s just shit faced lol
So basically I melted (warped, really) the side of one of my 5 gallon jug water bottle things and it was empty so it doesn’t matter that much but I hate plastic despite how useful
Water in and of itself doesn’t really “leach” plastic but our salvia does - it can break it down and then we got it in us lol
Yo Neal Brennan is silly he said all brown people or black people or indigenous people can pray to their ancestors and all us white people should never lol and he is kinda right
I am not saying I started trauma flexing but I think I was the first person to be like “why can’t i brag about an abortion the same we people brag about pregnancy” I used to have a hefty liberal mindset lol i mean i do still kinda think a fetus can’t exist without you so you’re kind of a host so like.. not murder to the degree murdering a thing that actually exists yet just the potential lol but you can’t give someone the ingredients for a cake and say happy birthday lol i mean you can but WORK has to be done before it’s a real thing so like
Anyway the military kills strangers and men fight tooth and nail to defend the right to kill people who are in their homes without their consent or knowledge or whatever so I think women should be able to kill someone in their body without their consent or knowledge or whatever lol bill burr and louis ck takes on the issue but they are both right
And if you pretend to care about climate change guess what / it is preferred if you don’t make more carbon footprints lol
And another thing lol just from a logistics standpoint … the people who are like “don’t kill babies” are generally religious and republican and white …. It’s mostly brown/black people doing abortion and ALL are mostly democrats so like why do you want them to not?? More competition later? You love the colored babies but not once they’re adults? I don’t get it lol just again bc logistically you want less of those types anyway and this has been helping that so like
I am sleepy
He has stopped cackling lol i will rest my head and see how it goes
Unions are good? Or nah?
NATO is bad and nato kinda feels like a union 😂
I’m not saying smart things it’s okay I don’t have to say smart things all the time
I don’t even have to say true things lol im not speaking directly to anyone and therefore I ain’t really lying
The sky is green and grass is blue and shoes go on your hands
Oh no did we die
Not yet
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that-darn-clown · 9 months ago
hello i come to you bearing gifts (my rambles about the Security Breach era of the Rewrite)
so, a few important things to note:
the Glamrocks, at least, in their canon form, don't exist. they do have Equivalents, though
Malhare (Glitchy Rabbit Boy) DOES exist..but he's a lot less powerful. he's more a rogue computer program (that's also a small piece of Afton's soul/conscience) that can only manipulate electronics. what he does to Vanny is less outright mind control and more along the lines of him manipulating a Very fucked up and traumatized young woman and then asking her "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna go APESHIT?" and her answer being yes.
Vanny and her father have much larger roles in the lore. specifically, they are related to one of William's '87 victims (the Toy Bonnie kid, Terrence, specifically). Vanny is the kid's niece, and her father was his older brother.
Vanny and her father's last name is Warren. that's a fun Easter Egg that i'll let you find out yourself ;]
WHO'S READY FOR GEN 2 AFTON AND EMILY KIDS?? (Cameron, Gregory, and Cassie)
things are Very different. Mike and Sammy decided to do a small reboot of the franchise, just for nostalgia's sake and to give the local kids a place to hang out. the animatronics are quite different, but they're like. rebooted versions of the OG animatronics + just regular Blackjack (the lone survivor of Henry's attempt to finally end everything. yes, he's still sentient).
all of the games are rather different. Help Wanted (original) is more like a collection of smaller Fazbear-Related games (that, in the lore, was used as a way to connect the old Fazbear brand with the reboot) that the player can choose to play through (with Malhare being inside a Tomogatchi-type game of sorts) and having two major protagonists (Summer/Tape Girl and Vanny's father, Bill. although he sucks). Security Breach now Actually has five "nights" (days that Greg spends at the new restaurant mostly on his own; the player would have to complete various tasks to get through the "nights" and be able to leave). Ruin is just Cassie exploring an abandoned Freddy's building (specifically the Fnaf 2 building) and unknowingly being led towards Vanny by Malhare mimicking her friend's voice (Gregory). she doesn't die, thank God. haven't figured Help Wanted 2 out just yet, but it involves Mike's older son, Cameron, having A Bad Time (maybe it'll be similar to a Fnaf 4 situation, where nothing's real and it's a nightmare/dream, except it's lore related stuff and paranormal in nature. i'm also keeping the whole theme of "What Makes You So Special?" because it still fits with the personality i have for Cam: a child with popular parent(s) who just tries to keep out of the spotlight. Cam doesn't know why he's getting involved with the Paranormal Shit out of nowhere, nor why it's happening in his dreams).
Vanny is a copycat killer, but she was kinda still manipulated by Malhare. y'know; a mix of canon and what i think would be a cool idea.
so now: A Brief Plot Summary Of The Games!
Help Wanted: Summer tries dealing with the paranormal Glitch Hare on her computer while trying to figure out why he's here. We also learn, apparently, that William is MARGINALLY (note the word choice here) a better father than Vanessa's father.
Security Breach: Charlie would like to relax and enjoy her afterlife, but apparently William's trying to kill his grandson so she's having to team up with a sentient robot fox to keep this gremlin from dying. How does she team up with the fox? By possessing the other robots for brief periods of time to warn and give advice to her nephew (? in a sense) to keep him from dying.
Ruin: Cassie just wants to explore an abandoned building, William's still pissed that Vanny didn't kill his grandson so now he's trying to get her to kill an Emily child (this would only end even Worse for him because Sammy WILL go ballistic if his daughter dies), and Charlie has to help her niece NOT get killed (the mask this time around is a Puppet Halloween Mask that Charlie can possess at will, and she speaks to Cassie while she wears the mask).
Help Wanted 2: Autistic preteen who also deals with selective mutism has The Worst Fucking Time while dreaming, and does not understand why the spirits of dead kids (and his dead grandfather, who is currently being tortured in hell) are so desperate to want to speak to him as he sleeps.
Random Animatronic: What makes you so special?
Cameron, stressed the fuck out and trying to do things:
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like. this kid doesn't know what's happening. for reference: Cam is around 11-12. Gregory and Cassie are closer to 6-8.
Ough sb is one of my favorite eras for the rewrite, I remember when we were at ren Faire and you explained some of the plot to me!! Anyways. My beloveds as always, sweet bebbies
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kimaratomoya · 2 years ago
*Casually Materialises*
No one asked for this but I don't care.
Characters that I fucking love from Fazbear Frights that I see barely anyone talking about because they didn't read past books 1-5 usually. Or they forget about them. Because that happens.
Spoilers if you haven't read the books ig??
1. Toby Billings
My beloved boy
He's so depressed lmao
Definitely got some shit going wrong
But we love him
And he deserves better that being tormented by a fucking shadow rabbit
Literally has no mother
She fucking left ✌️
But he has a brother (who is a dick)
And a dad (who supports the brother)
Bestie I hope ur ok
2. Jeremiah (I don't he has a last name, if he does, I forgot it and I refuse to check the wiki out of spite)
Also depressed probably
Needs therapy
Parker was so mean to him what the heck.
He was just vibin
And trying to finish his fucking job
And this bitch put spicy shit in his chips
Also Glitchtrap kinda makes him have to find Hope and Parker's disembodied pieces
So that's rude
3. Hudson
Why are all of these people depressed
But yeah he has actual PTSD
Poor guy
Literally was trying to just leave his past behind him BC he couldn't deal with it
And just wanted to exist in peace
I have a lot of hatred towards William.
4. Colton
Surprisingly, not depressed
Just a moron
I love his stupid little brain
He legit broke into a place to fix a game to get tickets for a game when he literally could've just stolen the game
You little dumb dumb
5. Sam
Broski does film????
I do film!!!!!
Also I find him goofy
And Nole definitely spent way too long on the first 3 pages describing how he sits and stuff
I have no idea what his skin tone is because everyone keeps changing it and I am just gonna stick with like the original one I know for him lmao
He's so swag
(probably fruity ✨💅)
Does anyone want 5 (or more) characters I despise for dumb little reasons?
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project1939 · 1 year ago
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100 Films of 1952 
Film number 95: Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick 
Release date: April 12th, 1952. 
Studio: Paramount 
Genre: Musical 
Director: Claude Binyon 
Producer: William Pearlberg, George Seaton 
Actors: Alan Young, Dinah Shore, Robert Merrill, Adele Jergens 
Plot Summary: Josie is a country girl who dreams of selling her farm and living in the city. She also wants to marry her neighbor Aaron, but he loves the country and never wants to leave. When some big city guests arrive, Josie is dazzled, but all is not what it seems. Suddenly they announce they want to buy her farm... 
My Rating (out of five stars): **½  
During Project 1952 I saw an ad for this film in a magazine, and I thought, “WTF? Is that actually real?!” Indeed it is. Unfortunately, the film lived up to my worst stereotypical expectations for a story about “country folk versus city folk.” The “country folk” were ridiculously idealized and the city folk were ridiculously villainized. 
The Good: 
Dinah Shore. She was easily the most charismatic and enjoyable actor in the movie. I really like her singing voice as well- it reminds me a lot of Doris Day’s. 
The Technicolor. As usual, I stan Technicolor. The print of the film I saw was quite poor, but even so, the color was luscious. 
There was a lot of music. This is a musical that barely takes a breath to stop singing, which was a big plus for me.   
The costumes were gorgeous. The film takes place in the early 1900s- it looked very Edwardian- and the period costumes were beautiful, colorful, and fun. (Ooh, I just discovered that Edith Head was the designer here, so that makes sense!)
The Bad: 
The cast overall was kinda blah. Aside from Shore, no one else really pulled me in. Alan Young was cute as Aaron but not terribly interesting. 
The music was not the most memorable. None of the songs were bad, but they certainly weren’t bangers. The only one I can remember after having just finished the film is the opening “Chores” number. 
The characters were very one dimensional with little to no depth. 
It was way too simplified in terms of country vs city. The country folk lived in a paradise of harmony and simplicity- they were all good people who loved going to church and dancing on the weekends. The city folk were cynical snobs, con men, criminals, and bawdy chorus girls. I know it’s just a comedy, but it was incredibly annoying and insulting. Especially as someone who has lived large portions of my life in both the city and the country. 
I got bored more than once with the story and had a hard time staying focused. Once Josie went to the city things kind of fell apart for me. 
Here’s an example from the opening song of the insipid “country vs city” stuff: “The country girls are natural folk, they like to laugh and like to joke. City girls are learning to smoke behind the parlor doors.” 
Oh, and yet again we get more jokes about men slapping their women around. During a fight, a guy says to his fiancé, “Oh my sweetheart, how I look forward to marrying you and being arrested for wife-beating!” Facepalm. 
And why does the guy get his name in the title when the woman is the main protagonist? Yes, yes, I know, “Aaron Slick” and “Punkin Crick” rhyme, but it could easily have been “Josie Slick from Punkin Crick,” couldn’t it? I just thought it was weird that she didn’t get first billing in her own film. (But not terribly surprising in some ways!) 
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theconfusedartist · 2 years ago
I was gonna respond to the reblogs with the tags on the post, but I wanted this reblog to be the one I use going forward bc. The meta. Juicy. Didn’t wanna leave it behind, it’s soooo good. The William drag, how his terrible legacy is continued in the further games, how even with thinking about his situation his actions have altered Desmond in a way that can’t be forgiven (not that he actually gives a sincere apology). Ideas on how the assassins operate. Just. Mwah!
Sooooo tags!
#yeah he didn’t like waste his life. he was living the life he wanted to live#which was a normal one
#yeah!!#and ok. but isnt his totally neutral outfit the perfect costume.#as well as hiding in nyc among millioms of people. being a bartender. a profession as far from being an#adsassin ad possible 
#I love Desmond#bro deserved sm better#assassin’s creed#desmond miles#reblog 
#THIS#ppl need to appreciate Desmond more#i miss the present day assassins 
#desmond miles#asscreed#william miles#bill is an ASS  #Poor Desmond#Bill was most certainly not a good dad
#all of this#yeeesss  #yes he is
#Assassin's Creed#Desmond Miles#Yeah#Even the game (cough Shaun cough) treats Desmond like he just...#Let his training waste for who knows how long?#Except no - he clearly made use of it#honestly with wjat little we know about hia life between Farm and being caught#I would almost say that Desmond just... Used his talents as a dai/informant would? 
#the lack of understanding and acknowledgement of these facts breaks my heart like#desmond is good#both a good person and a good assassin before the animus#and i get game mechanic reasons like it has to make sense for the player to learn alongside the pc#but desmond is so so much more than his ancestor's memories and think it's very ironic#that we as fans do this to him just like the narrative does#assassins creed 
#all of this#yeeesss#<previous tags#yes indeed#and this will be meta#but theres nothing wrong with wanting a normal life#not becoming a superstar#or an astrophysicist#or a doctor#doesnt make a person “lazy” or “dumb”
In conclusion, BAMF Desmond is truly canon  (not a tag but I wanted it to be here too)
#I HAVEN BEEN FUCKING SAYING!!!!!#screaming off the rooftops even!!#assassin's creed 
#POINTING AT THIS#he's smart and skilled as hell!!! william is just a dick#assassin's creed#desmond miles 
#I really really don’t like Bill#I’d like to punch his teeth in for how he treated Desmond#Assassin‘s Creed#Desmond Mile 
#yeah i have. problems with Bills character#kinda. my take is capital C complicated#but also my frame of reference is only up to AC3#but like. he was a bad mentor and worse father#i could do my own break down analysis interpretation but thats too much effort rn#it boils down to the fact he prioritise the shit out of the Assassin's as a Brotherhood#and the Assassin's as a cause#and not the Assassin's as people#and Desmond suffered most from that mentality bc while other Assassin's would have had family to turn to#Des was left with nothing#no support at all#and like. i get it#Bill. the world was literally going to end#but you can multitask. you dont have to be a complete dickhead to get things done#i could go on. but i wont. (please do)
#assassin's creed#he succeeded at escaping master assassins at 16#desmond defence squad 
Ok, to all the people talking about how shit Bill was YESSSSS fuck that guy! That’s why he dies in the rewrite! I’m sorry but why did the game open up with Desmond telling his own story in the Ezio trilogy after all the time we spent with him in game only for Bill to basically open up AC3 shit talking Desmond? Like? It was already kinda weird how the game downplayed the shit out of Desmond (their MAIN CHARACTER) but then?? They go the extra mile and show that Bill, the man that Desmond talks about having a bad experience with, not only shit talking him but then treating him like shit in game, physically and verbally abusing him and no one else ever addressing it. Not the game, not the characters, not the narrative, no one ever says shit about the fact that Desmond is actually being abused and it just. Gets brushed under the rug.
And then! Desmond saves Bill and this still doesn’t change anything! Not how Bill treats him, how the game should’ve been forced to acknowledge that Desmond is a master assassin (even if they wanted to invalidate him, they should’ve put some respect on his name and skills but no), or the fact that the Templars that once were stringing him along and Desmond feared being captured for the Templars to be getting cut down. So much goes on, in the actual game, to prove that Desmond is a BAMF but instead of it having a turning point in the story where the narrative is forced to acknowledge his skills, they just keep on going. Then Desmond dies and it’s Bill that carries the story.
....Bill. Really? Shaun and Rebecca are in the later games but then in Mirage it’s looking like he’ll be the one in animus? What has changed for Bill as a character or the assassins? Nothing. NOTHING! I don’t like that man or what he does to the Assassin Order, I’m just. Hm. He can be the one that doesn’t return to the series.
Also, as other people have mentioned, wanting to be a normal person isn’t wasting your life away. I mean! Ezio’s whole story accumulated to the point where he laid down his blades because he was tired of bloodshed, Altair traps himself in the library hoping that someone would eventually track down all the keys, finally getting to rest. These are the two best assassins in the history of assassins and they chose to either rest or live a normal life. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get away from bloodshed. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to live around people normally, and the fact that Desmond literally escaped from a compound that survived the Purge with master assassins is just never brought up. But when it’s phrased like ‘Desmond escaped a top secret, high security assassin base with Master assassins and the Mentor of the Assassin Order at 16 years old and managed to escape and evade the Templars and Assassins for nearly 10 years’, suddenly it doesn’t sound like some flight of fancy that the game tries to make it seem.
It’s an act of conviction and determination to choose how he wants to live his life (which is also why I write that Desmond takes care of Elijah bc wtf Ubisoft, Desmond would never leave behind a child that would possibly be vulnerable to the Assassins and Templars, fuck off with that) and he made sure that he stayed free! He stayed out of their clutches until Abstergo used their incredibly vast resources to track him down, and even then, they sent in their best agent Daniel Cross because they knew to send the best to bring him in.
This is stuff that I didn’t make up, this is just in the game text, but the game just???? Refuses to show that it’s impressive and does it’s damndest to make it seem like Desmond is whiny (because he wanted breaks from a machine literally destroying his sanity and wanted to be treated with respect) naive (because how dare he choose his own life, when that is literally the most important things that Assassins fight for), and only being worth something once he got into the animus (which is fucked up that Desmond losing his mind and being used as a tool is ‘better’ than fighting to make his own choices about his life). The game narrative paints Desmond with a less than impressive brush when they have an incredibly interesting character that was also so selfless that he chose to die in order to save the world, and even then! He’s shown to the audience getting cut the fuck open like his story didn’t fucking matter! Like he didn’t matter! AGH!
Sorry, that particular thing about the autopsy is great when I incorporate it into the ProtoCreed rewrite, but in canon they left Desmond behind without burying him or anything to be scavenged and have his body disrespected by Templars that then use his DNA for video games. Like that is so fucked up to do to your main character and then never mention him until a literal decade later, like what the actual fuck. Glad he’s back as the Reader, because it gave me hope for Desmond’s story and fueled me to start writing the ProtoCreed AU but like holy shit bro.
Anyways, I love everyone’s tags and it always made me smile when I saw this post getting y’alls opinions in the tags and reblogs. Thank y’all!
y'know something that annoys me about assassins creed?
they always make it seem like desmond wasted his life away after he left the farm to become a bartender, that he wasn't fit to be an assassin until he was training in the animus, and that he didn't have any ambition (as said by William in the AC3 remastered opening)
but like. none of that is true. at all
I mean I was just looking at the wiki to see Desmonds accomplishments and bio and apparently it was Daniel Cross that brought him into Abstergo. which. kinda puts Desmond skills in perspective
Daniel Cross was considered the most successful Templar member and, before Desmond, had a really great track record with his missions. Save for the ones that involved PoEs
they had to send him in to get Desmond
also Desmond managed to stay hidden from the assassins AND templars for 9 going on 10 years, since he was kidnapped on like August 30 brought in for the animus September 1, and the only reason he got taken in was due to them getting his fingerprints from the DMV
like. That sounds stupid but think about it. If he was going to the DMV he had to have an entire false identity in order to use a license, bc you need proof of birth, SSN, and multiple legal documents
he just. had that made on the run. Like that actually takes skill or connections or both to be able to effectively be in the system without being found with fake legal papers
And he DID have ambition: he wanted to live normally. Yeah its not some big dream or anything but he managed to stay hidden from two secret shadowy organizations that is all over the world in order to make it happen. that's determination and he only got caught due to his fingerprints being matched
and he easily fights off the abstergo agents in the opening of the first game. I'm not saying that Desmond was near as good as Ezio or Altaïr or Connor at this point, but he can clearly defend himself very well. at the end of AC2 he has no qualms with killing, he just does so with the hidden blade.
look, all I'm saying is, at the very least Desmond had to he quite skilled even before he started using the animus
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foreverinpanicmode · 2 years ago
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that i one hundred precent believe in and will forever protect.
let's start off with the fact that as a child he most certainly was one of the smallest. in his first year, he most definitely was four feet and two inches or something like that.
he didn't hit puberty until he was thirteen, he believed it was purely evolution and that he just simply grew overnight. however, if you had asked anyone else? they'd tell you that merlin took pity on him.
percy is afraid of failure. much like little hermione granger, percy fears that if he doesn't do well in anything he does that he'll be thrown out of school or rejected consistently by his peers.
he's a straight 'o' student, which is nothing new... except he's only a straight 'o' student because one time his brother fred told him that he was gonna grow up to be the stupidest person ever to exist ( out of anger of course.. fred was like five at the time and percy had blabbed to mummy ). and percy just had to prove his brother wrong.
percy absolutely loves music, and not classical music like most of the classic typical nerds either, but he enjoys listening to the weird sisters, and the hobgoblins. he's also a huge fan of a muggle band called coldplay.
percy is actually a very good cook and can cook just about anything you ask for, his mother began teach him when he was young and the hobby just kinda stuck around. he frequently cooked when his mother and father would leave for short periods of time and couldn't make it back in time to cook dinners.
percy hates nicknames, he only tolerates them from his family because he generally doesn't have a say in anything at all. he doesn't mind his friends giving him one but generally he just likes going by his name or at least the shortened version of it.
he loves cats. he would absolutely adore having a cat of his own, he's jealous of those around him because they get to be with a cat who loves and adores them on a daily basis while he gets a shitty owl who is on his last legs and can barely keep itself upright while flying.
percy was once a prankster like his younger twin brothers, he would go around playing pranks on his family and the family friends but after fred said those words to him once, he decided to put pranking aside and focus on school.
percy is an amazing writer and attempts to write his own novel about what it's like being a wizard in a family of seven wizards and not having a single space to just be alone in without someone needing something from him.
he never wanted to become a ministry worker, but several people made insults towards him about his career choice, so he chose something more attainable and easier to achieve.
percy is a lover at heart, but because of the way his peers reacted to love, he became the quiet lover who does things behind closed doors and prefers no pda out in public. but he isn't opposed to a kiss on the cheek or a peck on the lips here or there.
percy adores animals. any animal, domestic or non-domestic. he gets it from his brother charlie who spent a good chunk of his own childhood learning all he can about magical creatures and how ti care for them. percy actually had aspirations to become a magizoologist when he was very young but chose a very different path ( as seen above ).
percy and his parents have an odd relationship, while they both love all of their children the same, they tend to overlook him due to him being the middle child and the smartest out of the seven. arthur was the one who got him into the possibility of being a ministry worker as that would definitely pay the bills and help make life a bit easier for the future. while molly attempted to show percy every ounce of love she had for her children.
percy weasley despises his siblings on various different levels. he tolerates william and ron purely because they are the less chaotic of the bunch ( minus the seven years ron attended school). he loves charlie to pieces because charlie is the only one who ever truly cared or even bothered to take his thoughts into consideration. but charlie does get overbearing sometimes and tends to helicopter percy when they were children, which travels well into their teen and young adult years. william is just... too aloof for percy to follow through with, he never knows what he's doing or what he'll be doing. ginny and ron are constantly screaming at each other which makes studying or just relaxing to be very hard and stressful. fred and george are the bane of percy's existence, constantly pranking him every chance they got and never ever considered the consequences of their actions. they always belittled him and told him to calm down when he was simply just explaining how they should be careful. he loves how open-minded and carefree they are, plus they're rather smart and have a knack for charms and stuff.
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doctopus · 2 years ago
Evil Dead Book Bible
Why did they never make a book bible with really cool info!! please!!!
if they did make one this is what I think it should have:
i would have it so brandy, pablo, ash, and kelly are all commenting through the book bible
**Chapter 1: The Evil Dead** • Some actual pages from the book shown in the movie
• The Cabin • Couple pages on baby ash and kelly/pablo/brandy all commenting on how innocent he looks • Mostly knowby scribblings, notes, the actual translation he does •A joke somewhere from Kelly about how Ruby really claimed to be a knowby when she's too hot to be one •A page on knowby & henrietta, some AVED stuff could be used here • Cheryl & Ash commentary • A page on Scotty & Shelly, at least 2 pages for Cheryl & Linda • Cheryl's drawings of some of the characters (Brandy asking about her aunt she never knew) • Chet's page is crossed out and Ash explains why he wasn't there in the first place and is somehow still oblivious that Chet was dating Cheryl • Ash really explains why they went to the cabin all together in the first place and why the FUCK he brought his sister along. please bro. i need to know what was your thought process. • Ash explains his haircut & fashion choices. Brandy/Kelly/Pablo all shit on him for it. Brandy kind of defends the blue shirt but will shit on his hair.
•Delta gets 2 pages and it’s just Sam & Bruce commentary. I hope bruce draws swords going into the Delta because that’s how he feels about it.
• Sam shows his storyboard idea where the ugly necklace saved Ash with the power of love. And conveniently placed sunlight. 
**Chapter 2: Evil Dead 2** • Linda 2 pages • Commentary from Ash & Annie • Two pages on Annie Knowby • One page for Bobby Joe & Ed (Ash jokes about how quickly ed turned deadite) • Deadite Henrietta • Ash's hand • Chainsaw diagram, really in depth and shit for cosplay • Next page is really bad scribbles on how ash attached his hand to the chainsaw and commentary from ash (Pablo: I still don't get how this works.) • Dancing Deadite Linda (Kelly: She still sounds kinda hot ngl)
**Chapter 3: Army of Darkness** • S-Mart 2 pages and ash explains how he got the job in the first place
• Castle Kandar diagram • Ash & Arthur commentary • Pages on wizard, arthur, henry, blacksmith (Brandy: Was that guy actually a wizard or just a really old dude with a beard who read more books? Ash: I’m not sure, actually.) • 2 pages on Sheila (Kelly: Damn, she's hot too! I hate to say it, but you have really good taste in women.) • Ash's boomstick dialogue line with brandy/pablo/kelly all making fun of it • Tiny Deadite Ashes (Kelly: I wish you kept one, it would've been hilarious) • Evil Ash (Pablo: Man, that's one badass dude. Uh, second to you, Ash.) • Skeleton Army (Ash: I'll give 'em this, they had a really cool band playing during that fight it was pretty sweet)
• Ash’s trunk (Pablo: Damn, you really prepare for a trip through space and time.) • Two pages of the future Ash ending, the pages look like they were jammed in there. Maybe Sam & Bruce commentary? • Two pages of deleted scenes, especially the pillar one
**Chapter 4: Evil Dead (2013)**
• Mia & David commentary
• Pages on Mia, David • Minor pages on Eric, Olivia, Natalie
• Explanation of their family cabin and photos of them as kids
• Page inked in blood, maybe by the dad from the beginning of the movie explaining how the book got in the basement in the first place
• Deadite Mia 2 pages
• I would add more but this isn’t one of my fave EDs oops feel free to add any ideas though
**Chapter 5: Ash vs. Evil Dead**
• Commentary from all the Ghostbeaters • Pages dedicated to Pablo, Kelly, Old Ash (scribbled in by Kelly), and Brandy
• Two pages for Bill (Baal) and Ruby separately
• Two pages for the sexy Ashy Slashy puppet
• Two pages for poor Amanda
• Dad Williams pages, Chet, Candy Barr (need to see more of the drunken Ash in vegas okay), Cougie, Eligos, El Brujo, Kelly’s parents, Linda & her family, any other relevant characters in AVED. I still feel bad for the poor book dude in season 1 too so maybe pls include him.
• Eli, two pages for that bastard. And maybe Ash can explain where his love for bearded dragons came from since he did have one at home before
• Pics of Ash’s horny 80s teen room at his old house
• Pics of Ash’s trailer, also horny 80s teen room
• Value Stop (Could make it canon that S-mart change its name to Value Stop or have it so Ash has some ominous backstory as to why he’s banned from working in an S-mart ever again)
• Brandy’s prom
• The Dark Ones
• Baby Ash (Ash: They really like making handsome clones...)
• That weird limbo death world, include Knowby’s face from ED2 to tie it together
• Ashy Slashy Hardware store
• Actually, give me a news article published right after Ash returned from the cabin ranting about deadites and explain how “Ashy Slashy” was born
**Chapter 6: Evil Dead Rise**
• Don’t know shit yet so lmao
**Chapter 7: Video Games & Comics **
• Evil Dead: The Game (2022)
• Evil Dead Commodore 64 (Ash: Look at those sexy pixels!) 
• Evil Dead: Hail to the King
•  Evil Dead: Fistful of Boomstick   
• Maybe just a couple pages listing some of the other games and minor commentary, when they released, who published it, etc
• Marvel Zombies (Pablo: Wait, you met Spider-man? Ash: No! I mean, *I* did but another *me* did. Or something like that.)
• Reanimator (Ash’s funny commentary on Herbert West) (Brandy: Wait, you met the mad scientist head guy? Ash: Yup! He gives great head. Ha! I’ve been waiting forever for that one.)
• Army of Darkness Comics (Kelly: I’m calling bullshit. There’s no god damn way you met Freddy Krueger AND Xena. Fuck you.) (Ash: I did!) 
**Chapter 8: Behind the Scenes**
• I need all of the storyboardssss
• Any BTS pictures of cast and crew
• I loved Bruce’s drawings of the torture devices Sam made during the movies I want more in here
• Maybe an actual explanation from Sam as to why he wants the piss colored car in all of his movies
• List of actors, actresses across media (A joke about how many different Ash’s bruce played)
**Chapter 9: The Future (pls animated show)**
• Photos of fandom, conventions
• Hail to the Deadites movie pics shown
• Merchandise
Feel free to add any ideas at the bottom or let me know how much this sucks or rules LMAOO
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years ago
Investigating Patient 46 (Part 2 - Figuring Out the Specifics)
For anyone confused about why I’m going on a investigative tangent about Patient 46, here’s Part 1. Same disclaimer as last time: As much as I’d love to die on this hill, I have to got remain realistic and say that there’s a huge chance that I’m going to be wrong when Ruin comes out. Or when Tales from the Pizzaplex finally covers Vanny/Vanessa, if we get that far.
In case you don’t want/have time to read Part 1 (or the link isn’t working for some reason), however, here’s a recap. In Part 1, I used process of elimination to rule out some of Patient 46’s most popular suspects. I’m going to try to do the same here with “diagnosing” 46 and her circumstances/situation, but I bet this’ll lean more towards speculative stuff this time.
All right, so I’ve narrowed the patient down to Vanny/Vanessa’s “darker Hyde”. While this does free up some concerns about Gregory or Elizabeth, now we have new questions.
*Is Vanessa an Afton we missed somehow?
*Was the custody case even real in the first place or was it made up?
*If it is real, then who is the one with the dad named Bill? Is the dad even named Bill, or is that a red herring?
Let’s start off with the one that can actually get a more clear answer: Is Vanessa just some forgotten Afton kid who got the short end of the backstory stick, since we’ve already eliminated Elizabeth in Part 1?
Well, in one of the Scrapped AR Emails, Vanessa is listed as 23 years old with her birthday being in September. The emails would’ve probably also come out in late 2020 - early 2021, which means her birth year in the AR game would’ve been 1997. The William we know, as far as the FNAF general timeline is concerned, should’ve already had his death by springlocks several years prior.
Also, as Fuhnaff pointed out in his own huge theory about Luis and such, Steel Wool might’ve pushed the date that Security Breach and AR take place a bit more into the future. If this masquerade Easter egg is any indication, then Vanessa should still be 23 but with a birth year of 2012 this time. Which definitely rules out William being “Bill” entirely, since we’ve crossed off Elizabeth being involved in Part 1… Which also means Vanessa’s last name initial is a red herring and she’s something like “Vanessa Adams” or “Vanessa Atkinson”.
This leads to the inevitable question of “So, was the custody case even real in the first place?”
What I’m about to say is more of a story-writing nitpick, but here goes.
If it was completely made up, then why even have the characters bring it up in the first place?? It’d be kinda pointless to leave that detail in for people to find out, only to go “oh it was only a ploy lol”. I understand and even like the whole idea of Vanessa’s using it as a way to say that Glitchtrap’s mind controlling her. But there’s one gaping issue with that.
Both Patient 46 and Vanessa are rolling with the whole tragic backstory thing. The last therapist even points that out when confronting Patient 46 in the last tape.
“…it won't change the fact that none of what you said in your file about your parents was true. The truth is, you had great parents, a great childhood. Why did you lie?…”
Patient 46 had it on the therapists’ record that she had a tragic past, but that was a load of malarkey. And how would the last therapist know this?
…Why don't we talk about the research I did in your past, shall we? Some therapists think they should only focus on information they get from their clients but, some therapists, like me, think it's helpful to find out about clients from other sources…”
Which most likely means that this woman dug through court case records to verify 46/Vanny’s claims. Maybe even talking to family members close to Vanny/Vanessa to really double-check, if patient confidentiality’s not a thing for Fazbear Entertainment.
So, with this information, we can deduce that Vanessa never had that backstory in the first place but someone must’ve. If this court case is real, then who does this story belong to? And who exactly is “Bill”, anyway?
Well… We haven’t really touched on Glitchtrap/William himself yet. Let’s build up some proof that he can even hijack or communicate with Vanessa at all— Vanny aside.
We already know that Vanessa can talk to Glitchtrap through her introduction in Help Wanted’s Curse of Dreadbear DLC, that one early Security Breach trailer with Glitchtrap’s “when I first found you”, that “stay the course” convo hidden in a line of code (can’t remember where it’s from off the top of my head sorry), and some deleted Vanessa dialogue from Security Breach itself. We also know that Vanessa is dealing with this struggle of following Glitchtrap‘s orders in FNAF AR’s December 2nd email, forcing Glitchtrap to look up “how to induce self-compliance” while in her body. In that same email, it’s reported by Luis that Vanessa looked up “help”.
The other emails— both scrapped and released— assist in confirming that Vanessa is starting to gain a second “personality” of sorts. Though, to be clear, it’s most likely Glitchtrap finishing the job he set out to do in Help Wanted: Escape through someone and wreck havoc on Fazbear’s yet again.
Going back to the CDs themselves, pay attention next time to how Vanessa talks in her CDs. A few times, she sounds very… off. Dazed and cold, almost as if she were mind-controlled. The FNAF wiki transcripts of these CDs even marks most of times as her talking “faintly”. So one could infer that she’s even being prompted (or even getting hijacked for a sec) to answer some questions ‘properly’.
Now that we’ve established Glitchtrap/William as a suspect, let’s get to the main topic: If he’s the one with the backstory, then who’s “Bill”? Isn’t “Bill” short for William? How could “Bill” be William’s Dad if they share the same name?
There’s two loopholes to that idea:
(1) The William we’ve been following is actually Bill Afton Jr., but he changed his name later in life. It’d be a weird twist, sure, but at least it’d clarify why we’ve never heard William being called “Bill” beforehand. Not even in the original book trilogy or Fazbear Frights, iirc.
(2) Considering that Vanessa mutters something after “Your dad’s name was Bill?” in CD 3, it could be that William/Glitchtrap was trying to argue that this dad’s name wasn’t actually Bill. Why didn’t he repeat himself or let Vanessa correct the mistake/red herring she made on her (and/or 46’s) file? No idea.
All of this speculative evidence points to this: William “Purple Guy” Afton/Glitchtrap, after so many years of dodging his childhood past, finally has to confront it thanks to Vanessa’s search history literally crying out for help. It’s a struggle involving many missing therapists, but at least William— or at least an AI variant of him?— admits to something the Silver Eyes’ own Calton presumed:
“…Before him stood someone who had spent much of his life fighting like a cornered rat that he had taken on the mantle of bitter sadism as an integral part of himself. He would strike out against others and revel in their pain, feeling righteously that the world owed him his cruel pleasures.”
Maybe not an exact one-to-one, given how much the trilogy and game Aftons differ, but one thing remains true: William had a rough childhood. Or at least a rough enough life to make the man snap as soon as tragedy struck again.
By the way, I’m not the first to come up with this conclusion. @partnersatfazbear and @hunting-at-least-69-witches brought this side of the story to my attention a while ago. All I’m doing is trying my best “Who Shot Mr. Burns?”/Clue-level deductive reasoning to see how to come to that idea with context clues and such.
Oh and uh… Sorry if I didn’t really answer the “Bill” question. I don’t think I can definitively answer that until something gets confirmed, which is a pain.
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queen-of-voltronian · 2 years ago
Omg thanks for the tag @mothmanavenue!!
named after anyone?
I am actually! I'm named after a little girl my mom used to watch in her lifeguarding summer job back when she was a teen/young adult. And my middle name is the same as both my mother's and grandmother's!
2. last time you cried?
shit bro I cried last night. the ending "who tells your story" song to Hamilton always gets me right in the feels.
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm often?
I do use it quite often with my coworkers in my retail job lol. (Retail work really does live up to its reputation sometimes, but luckily the coworkers on my shift are great!)
5. what's the first thing you notice about people?
ooh this is a good one. What DO I notice first about people? Hmm...I would say probably their expressions - like whether they seem sad or happy or tired, etc. And then I start thinking of oh WHY do they look like that and coming up with little scenarios sometimes, or simply hoping that their day improves if they look under the weather and hoping their day stays the same if they look joyful!
6. color of your eyes?
Blue! Though sometimes they look more blueish-gray depending on lighting/what I'm wearing.
7. scary movie or happy ending?
Oh happy endings, all the way. I'm not a big fan of scary movies lol
8. any special talents?
you know the song that they play for horse races/chases—the William Tell Overture? I know how to snap/clap out the rhythm of about 10 seconds of that song (specifically the part running from about 0:14 - 0:26 of this video). It’s kinda hard to describe without seeing it, but it’s different from regular just plain clapping in that you use a mix of snapping your fingers and clapping the side of your cupped hand to get the right sounds. You can also get the tempo to be way faster than just regular clapping/snapping lol. Kinda dumb and silly, and I don't know if I'd really call it a "special" talent, but it's still kinda fun and charming all the same!
9. where were you born?
In the US of A, specifically California lol.
10. hobbies?
Reading and writing has always been a love affair of mine, and I really like doing a lot of arts&crafts type stuff. Years ago, I made one of my high school friends a book safe version of the story book from the tv show Once Upon A Time, and it's still one of the most favorite things I've ever made lol. Other than that, I want to start getting into digital art, though I haven't had the time i'd like to really sink my teeth into it yet.
11. pets?
I have one dog and one cat!
12. sports?
Oh I'm a tennis player all the way. My grandma was a real big tennis enthusiast, and she taught me and my siblings how to play and love the game! I don't play as much anymore now that I have work and bills and adult life getting in the way, but I still love it with a passion.
13. height?
I'm a shorty. I'll be generous and call myself 5ft 1in/155cms, but I'm usually one of, if not the shortest person in any room I walk into. Multiple of my taller friends throughout the years have joked that I'm the perfect arm rest for them lol
14. favorite subject?
I actually don't know if I could confine myself to just one. I always liked all of my subjects in school, because I always really like learning new things. Though I've always found history especially fascinating (particularly ancient history like Greek and Roman and Egyptian), and art/photography always held a special place in my heart. Funnily enough, English was one of my least favorite (I did not like writing essays (and FUCK fucking timed essays they can die in hell as I spit on them I hate them with a passion) even though I loved reading the books/class discussions about symbolism and analyisis of texts).
15. dream job?
I used to really want to be a teacher, but now I'm thinking I'd really like to be an editor! I've found that I really love discussing stories and the mechanics of how storytelling works, and I like the idea of working to make new stories the best they can be
no pressure tagging @vexednperplexed @k1ance-a-lot @badsongpetey, and anyone else who wants to join!
Thank you @blobfish-whisperer for the tag :)
Sorry for the late reply, been very busy and haven't had very stable internet
1. Named after anyone?
No i dont guess so??
2. Last time you cried?
A few months ago i think but i got pretty close with me graduating
3. Do you have any kids?
Nooo to young and i dont plan on having any either :)
4. Do you use sarcasm alot?
Yes very much so
5. Whats the first thing you notice abt people?
Uhh idk really since i dont meet new people alot
6. Color of your eyes?
Blue 💙
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Ive been meaning to watch more horror movies but i dont :) I always enjoy a happy ending though
8. Any special talents?
Uhhh im double jointed in my fingers and elbow i guess/think??
9. Where were you born?
Tennessee, USA (unfortunately)
10. Hobbies?
Uhhh gaming and band i guess?
11. Pets?
2 dogs :)
12. Sports?
Uhh no im not very active but would band count?
13. Height
Its a secret (:
14. Favorite subject?
Social studies bc my teacher was awesome and the class was decently easy
15. Dream job?
Twitch gaming streamer
Some friends and mutuals :) @fourteensmallchildren @pikamiii @mikubinderthomasjefferson @autisticlancemcclain
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