#this is gonna save lives
bishy437 · 8 months
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he won
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samglyph · 4 months
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Mermay….mermay…. Merlinmay….
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aturnoftheearth · 1 year
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im a simple guy! i think about puppy Barnaby. i promptly explode into bloody heart-shaped confetti
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chaos0pikachu · 3 months
I was scrolling through twitter reactions to the newest chapter of One Piece and all the zoro fanboys were creaming themselves like he's the goat, pouring honey on him, he's yonko level and then one stan was like "luffy's got nothing on zoro he'd get bodied in a second" and I swear it was like a swarm of bees on this man all these zoro stans flew upon this dude like locusts saying the same variation of "what are you talking about zoro would suck luffy's dick anytime any place" "how fucking dare you that's his captain bro" these dudes are just one tumblr blog away from writing 10k fanfic on ao3 bet we just gotta open their third eye y'all
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andy-clutterbuck · 7 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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tiktaaliker · 4 months
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because I was thinking about this again, here's a little collection of blaseball screenshots without context.
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bonkalore · 3 months
My joints are literally being held together with tape so I can function.
I haven't been able to get an official diagnosis yet, but I'm really thinking I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I just need to know which kind...
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mendellyill · 1 year
Just saw a post about zevrans torturers in the fade being dalish elves that made me think about this.
I was listening to zevrans dialogue with the warden and other companions and zevran truly doesn't identify with or as basically any of the groups he could conceivably be a part of. He's left the crows so he's no longer a crow, he was rejected by the dalish and is not really a "true elf", he can't go back to being a kid in the brothel (last place he felt unconditional love). He's never had a lover which wasn't a contract or he didn't kill. He's just very dissociated from himself and everyone around him.
The only thing he consistently identifies as is being worth 7 gold coins. He says it to the warden more than once. He says it to some of the companions. My guys got 1 thing defining his self worth and it's that the crows bought him for 7 gold coins. And what does the warden give him to increase affinity? Gold bars. The warden is saying "You are worth so much more than what the crows paid for" in a quite literal sense. I'm emotional about the pixel man again.
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spacedace · 2 years
Continuation/blurb/snippet from this writing prompt.
It took less than a week to get custody of the Fenton children.
Oswald expected that it wouldn’t take long with his connections, but even that turn around is faster than what he expected. He'd anticipated pulling strings, greasing palms, maybe making some threats, but before he can even think of getting things moving to do so the paperwork is signed and a social worker is calling him to sort out the travel arrangements for the kids.
It's all done local, the judge, CPS, the witnesses and lawyers, each and every one calling the town home. Each and every one pushing the case through at a speed that Oswald didn't think was possible even in the most crooked of situations. He smelled conspiracy, but not - surprisingly - a malicious one.
Amity wasn't the smallest place in the world, but it was small enough. And the Fentons were public figures, though not in the way that Jack and Maddie Fenton obviously thought they were. How long had the people of Amity been watching things go wrong for the kids? How long had they been trying - in their own, limited ability - to help? Long enough to get desperate, seemed to be the answer.
The only resistance Oswald can find as he reviewed all the information he could get ahold of, was from the Mayor - Jazz and Danny's godfather, somehow more crooked than even Gotham's elected officials as far as Oswald could tell - and the Dr's. Fenton themselves.
The Mayor was summarily denied any influence of the case by the judge on the grounds of the long standing and publicly recorded ugliness of Master's relationship with Danny - which was something else Oswald was going to have to figure out. Along with all the…ghost stuff.
Oswald wasn't sure what to make of the ghost stuff.
Honestly he was leaving it for his people to figure out and wrangle into a reasonable explanation to report to him later. It was…something, a big something, and not - as he'd originally suspected upon initial cursory research into the town - a tourist gimmick or an overly high meta population. A later problem, provided he had to co tend with it at all once the children were officially in his custody in Gotham.
The biggest issue had been the kid's parents. Or really, the biggest issue had been the shady government agency backing the kids' parents.
The Fentons were the Ghost Investigation Ward's pet mad scientists. Creating weapons and genocidal plans - against ghosts - and generally tormenting the towns' living inhabitants just as much as the undead ones. The GIW had been protecting Jack and Maddie from any repercussions of their recklessness, and were willing to butt in on an unexpected custody battle in order to keep their maniacal golden geese happily working away.
From what Oswald had heard, a representative of the GIW had shown up to convince the judge to dismiss the case, but the judge had been faster. By the time the men in all white appeared - garish and tacky in their ill fitted, bulky suits - it had been too late of course. The judge had apparently anticipated their impending appearance and had made their ruling and had everything filed tidily late the night before. Courts did not typically stay running til three in the morning, but apparently an exception had been made.
There were a great many things wrong with Amity Park - wrong in a lot of ways they were in Gotham, wrong in ways they weren't - but the people that called the place home seemed to have come to a decision on one thing: the Fenton children were not safe, and unknown or not they were trusting Oswald to get them out of there.
It was strange and a little overwhelming, for an entire population that did not know him to see him as some kind of hope. Some kind of hero.
There were many, many things wrong in Amity Park.
He tried to assure himself when everything was said and done and the kids were packed and on their way that it wasn't his problem. He was officially Jazz and Danny's guardian, in a city half a country away that even with his - nominally- cleaned up act he held a great deal of power over. He was nearly untouchable within Gotham's shadow, and no one from some half-mad town was going to be able to do anything to change that.
He made preparations though, just in case. He hadn’t gotten where he was by being stupid. The Bat could use something to chew on that wasn't one of Oswald's entirely legitimate business ventures anyway. An ethically suspect government agency that was likely to come sticking their noses in Gotham's business sooner than later would do just nicely for that, and might even earn him some kind of grace from Gotham's brooding knight without getting him in hot water with any of the city's criminal element.
All that was left at that point was actually meeting the kids in person.
His kids.
He ignored the strange, bittersweet ache that touched his heart at that. It was, after all, entirely a means of improving his reputation in the city. The kids mean an end. He'd take care of him the same he did all his people, but not any more than that.
It was just business.
If he reminded himself enough, it might even be true one day.
He suspected though, as he laid eyes on them for the first time - shadow eyed and leery, haunted in a way that ghosts couldn't manage and looking not much at all like Oswald outside the fear and the pain he did his best to forget from his own upbringing - that the point of not caring had been passed the minute he'd gotten that first call.
Apologies if Penguin is out of character, all I know about him is what I vaguely remember from TAS, what I’ve absorbed from fandom and what I tried to put together from a wiki lol.
I did this instead of sleeping last night because I couldn’t get the initial idea out of my head (which slightly defeats the purpose of making it a writing prompt so that I could just read everyone else’s wonderful thoughts and writings on the idea instead of getting side tracked from my other writing projects - again lol - but oh well).
I don’t know if I’ll write anymore, and as with everything else I post this is open for anyone who is interested to run with.
Tag time!
@phoenixdemonqueen @justgray15777 @gin2212 @blankliferain @meira-3919 @lexdamo @hallowsden @derpygirl64 @thewondersoflebanon @amercurio @vythika96 @my-perfect-storybook-love @apointlessbox
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communistkenobi · 11 months
is this not going to lead to increased violent resistance in countries whose governments are participating in genocide? if people see that calling your reps and voting won’t stop your own government from openly supporting and sponsoring genocide then what other conclusions are people going to come to? This comes directly after watching millions die from a global pandemic because our governments refused to do anything. it felt like we’d been building to an explosion of violence even before October 7 with all the massive increases in right wing organised violence as well as the reams of labour strikes, but that seems quaint now. Palestine appears to hold global popular support. in one protest last week in london alone there was 100k people demonstrating in support of Palestine. Where is that energy going to go? It’s not going to drive people to the polls
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crowsgrudge · 1 year
fionna's world being represented by a dandelion makes so much sense ... they're weeds. yet people make wishes through them, changing their whole meaning from something meant to be destroyed to something hopeful.
dandelions are also resilient and it makes sense that something associated with them would. you know. perservere despite the destruction caused by the scarab.
but ultimately i think what REALLY made me tear up over this is that dandelions are really boring plants. when you're a kid you blow on them and make your wish but they're not eyecatching or anything but still, fionna's final wish was for her old world to still exist as it was when she left it (> plain and simple. boring even).
like the moment she realized she would lose her friends, and that her friends might forget each other if the world got its magic back, she immediately decided she didn't want it and I think that ties back to the dandelion metaphor so well... like, do you really need magic to be real to find it everywhere? or can you turn something boring into something magical?
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cherryys · 2 months
whats so tragic about itafushi right now is that megumi fought tooth and nail so that yuuji wouldn't have to die or sacrifice himself. He saved him from execution because he doesn't want him to die. he never told him that eating the fingers was a trigger because he didn't want yuuji to blame himself. he told yuuji to share the burden so that he wouldn't be crushed under the weight of the guilt. he gave him a new purpose to fight so that he wouldn't hesitate on his decision to live. he even planned new rules in CG just so yuuji wouldn't have to kill anyone. and he knew when yuuji was planning to sacrifice himself and wanted to stop him because he knew yuuji deserved more than that.
and now yuuji will have to do the exact thing megumi's been trying to prevent the entire series just to save him. even though megumi told him to just give up and kill him.
megumi fought for a life where yuuji won't need to sacrifice himself or feel guilty for living, and yuuji is fighting for a life where megumi is saved. and the worst part is they'll never see eye to eye because they think they don't deserve that sort of kindness.
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liam-summers · 10 months
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AtS 2.22 | BtVS 5.22
"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me."
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ca-d · 11 months
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Harmony Grove // Salem, MA 🖤
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om0000 · 2 months
woy s3 prediction hater n peepers break up n hater pulls up to the star nomad lookibg like this
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