#this is for future me and anon if they so wish
the-pen-pot · 2 days
If there's one thing that I've alway found funny about bbc merlin, is how Camelot is treated like, it's the only place on earth. As in, Dragons and magical beings lived only and exclusively there. In or near Camelot. It always made me wish for Merlin to find himself far far far away from Camelot and all the other canon kingdoms, be it because of a magical mishap or kidnapping. A Merlin so lost and so far away from home, that he's forced to accept his own magic and that not everyone is out to kill him/arthur. Where he finds there are more than goblins, unicorns, dragons, druids and curses. Where he learns and accept and meets more. New magics, new people, new cultures. A long long journey, outside of Albion. BEFORE Arthur's death (so really, canon divergence) How he comes back and when.. dunno xD. But still- it's a thought that hasn't left me alone in all those years. Anyway, I'm saying this to you because of Hiraeth- that fic comes close, and i love it, even if it's a Merlin from a modern future. So yeah, thank you! (And if anyone knows a fic like that, share pls!)
Hey anon! I know what you mean. The scope of BBC Merlin is pretty much limited to the environs of Camelot. I'm glad that Hiraeth comes close to expanding those horizons!
As for fics like the one you wish for, I don't know any exactly the same, but We Can Always Run by kairennart (Personaje) and queerofthedagger is an excellent read that does talk about them getting out of Camelot and magic in other places.
Give it a try, if you've not already!
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I used to be pro Pali, too.. sort of.
I live in a Muslim country, and our government tends to lean towards radical Islam.. as a general rule our population tends to be really, really antisemitic. I myself have always admired Jewish ppl but since we have exactly one (1) synagogue in our country it's really hard to learn about the culture (from a verified source).
There wasn't much news here about Oct 7, but I remember right after October 8th there was a TON of misinformation.. stuff like, oh no how could Israel do this unprovoked... hamas is a small resistance fighter group, they dont have rockets; they treat their hostages really well! Actually Oct 7 wasn't a big deal and nobody got *seriously* hurt.. that kind of thing.
As you know they were throwing the words genocide and apartheid around and. I remember feeling... shock, and disbelief. Even then something didn't feel right.
But then there was this flood of all these gory videos of ppl, kids, injured.. everyone was sharing them, everywhere. My country is both Very Muslim and Very Anti Colonialism so it was... THE topic. Everyone had an opinion. and so I went... I don't agree with Palestinians being killed.. I guess that makes me pro Palestine?
But that didn't last very long because people started being really antisemitic... Well, I don't have to name examples, I'm sure you know. I quickly became disillusioned with the movement, and the fact that my own ancestors were similarly treated when we were kicked out of our own homeland is part of that... The lack of compassion, the black and white thinking, the callousness was disgusting. Still is.
Now I'd say I'm anti-war in general. I'm anti ANY people being shot/bombed/kidnapped. I'm sick of all the world governments equally, but I care a lot about the people living under them. In an effort to combat antisemitism I have started pushing back and rebutting people's antisemitic rhetoric wherever I could, in person and online here and there- it's hard though. I just wish there was a way to do it without being shut down & labelled every which way the minute I open my mouth about it. Though, again, I guess you can relate.
Anyway I'm telling you this to hopefully explain that.. idk. If even I, someone living in a country steeped in anti Jew propaganda with very few Jewish citizens, can wake up and realise this is fucked up, maybe there's hope for people in other countries. Idk. It made more sense in my head.
I'm really sorry you and Jewish people in general have been through this, again, and I'm really sorry we, the supposedly progressive goyim, have let you down. I don't know if there's really any way to make up for this, but I hope you know that we will make an effort to do better in the future.
I hope you do find peace and safety again in your lifetimes.
I don’t have anything else to add to this anon, thanks for reaching out. You’ve said this more eloquently and powerfully than I could. I hope you stay safe and healthy!
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since I saw your post of frank going butterfly hunting with their skirt, it got me wondering..what if eddie too had a skirt!
I imagine frank got him into the whole flowy dress ordeal. probably wears one when going through his mail shift or while working on the garden with frank.
oh my gosh...matching skirts!
considering that apparently Eddie has done drag, i imagine that its probably the other way around!!
i gotta a little lost in the sauce w/ these and forgot what the rest of the ask said besides "FranklyDear in skirts" oopsies <3
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
WOOO YOUR REQUESTS ARE BACK OPEN !! first of all, HII welcome back, how are you doing? are you doing alright? i hope you are !!! >> p.s, this is the same anon who requested tall husband!reader nd 141 <33 i'll be 🦗 anon from now on!!
i've come back with another (awfully long 😔) rq !! if that's fine....,,!!
okay so i absolutely adore m!readers, and i have another one for that, so the idea is kind of like,, reader is a bit older/the same age as [char], and he's transmasc! though, he didn't have time to transition in his earlier years- he's just recently started t. what do you think price, nikolai, alejandro, nd rudy's initial reactions are to him like being so giddy to start transitioning and just reactions to him changing his body in general? :)
sorry this is disgustingly long again, & feel free to delete this ask if you feel pressured at all <3
— sincerely, 🦗
Hey there! I'm actually doing better than I did yesterday, thank you :D And don't worry about sending in long requests, I don't mind it one bit! In fact, it helps me get a better feeling for what to write :> And don't worry, I was looking forward to writing this! This was probably my most anticipated request in a long time!
Price, Alejandro, Rodolfo and Nikolai with a Transmasc!S/O
Price: He knows that trans people exist. He’s supportive of them, but that doesn’t mean he understands what they’re going through. He’s never really had a phase where he explored his gender, he’s always felt comfortable being a man. However, he’s very understanding. As soon as you come up to him and tell him you’re finally getting your shots or your gel, he’s overjoyed. Yes, you’ve always been his boyfriend, ever since you came out to him, but you’re finally getting to go on the journey of getting HRT? He smiles along with you and gives you a big hug when you can barely sit still from glee. However, that joy doesn’t compare to actually watching you transition. You’re slowly growing a beard, your voice is getting deeper, your fat distribution is changing. He’s there to celebrate every step of it with you. If you’re alright with it, then he’d like to take a picture of you every once in a while so you can watch how far you’ve come yourself. However, he will sometimes make you go on a jog with him. Might force you to go to the gym with him as well since he can imagine working out could make you feel even manlier. Since he’s on deployment for months at a time, he always finds it to be a treat whenever he gets home. After all, he gets to see you transition so much in all this time. In order to celebrate all these milestones he will take you out on a lot of dates, with him paying, of course. You’re his most ideal man, you need to know just how loved you are. Lots of praise too, you’ve come so far, you’ve gone through so much, you’re so very strong. You’ve gone through things Price can’t even imagine. He’s definitely extremely supportive of you.
Alejandro: He’s never considered himself anything but a man either, but he loves trans people. In fact, I like to imagine that he’d actively stand up for them if someone is being a dick towards them. Alejandro is a well respected man who can make just about anyone shut up, he will not tolerate any bigotry. So, as soon as you come out to him, he gets a big smile on his face and immediately starts calling you his boyfriend. And, once you go on T, he’s just as happy as you are. You’ve had to live in such an uncomfortable body all this time, finally you get to feel like yourself. He’ll help you with your testosterone as well, if you let him, of course. Every time he delivers your shot to you or rubs the gel in he gives you a hug afterwards, shaking a bit with excitement, always raving about how happy he is for you. Sometimes he jokes about how hormones can also be exchanged through making out, but you don’t have to kiss him if you don’t want to. Again, it’s just a joke. You’re his handsome man and if anyone ever dared to disrespect or misgender you then they’ll end up with a black eye. As mentioned above, he does not tolerate bigotry in the slightest. Sometimes he’ll run his thumb over your beard and tell you just how gorgeous of a man you are, and how happy he is to have you with him. On your dysphoric days he’ll remind you that you’re the most wonderful man to have ever existed. Trans is just an adjective, you are a man, you’ve always been one. Sits you on his lap, wraps a blanket around you and lists all the traits that make you a man. And even if he can’t make the dysphoria go away, he’ll still stay with you and cuddle you until you feel better.
Rodolfo: I think there was a time in Rodolfo’s life where he thought he was better off as a woman, but that phase didn’t last too long, a year at most. He didn’t go through with anything either, but he knows what dysphoria feels like to some degree. Ergo he’ll never be a bigot towards trans people. He respects them quite a lot, being misgendered and referred to by the wrong name feels so disheartening, having to go through all of that for such a long time is horrible. So he feels a bit bad when you come out to him, thinking that he’s referred to you by the wrong name and pronouns for such a long time. He apologizes for that as well. Of course, he wishes you all the best and will support you through whatever you wanna do. In fact, if you wanna get surgery then he offers to split the costs with you, he just loves you that much. Once you tell him you’ve finally gotten the prescription for testosterone he’s ecstatic. On the outside he may seem calm, but on the inside he’s a bit disarrayed from the happiness he feels for you. He picks you up and spins you around because he’s just that giddy. Will also help you administer your shots or help you apply your gel, if you’re comfortable with that. He’s very observant, so after a few weeks he’ll tell you how you’re slowly starting to change. Like Price, he’ll invite you to do workouts with him so you can become stronger. However, he also offers to learn about other things with you. Is not above teaching you how to ride a motorcycle either, if you don’t already know. Riding one always makes him feel very masculine. As soon as you grow your first stubble, he’ll cradle your face in his hands before squeezing you so tight, you’d think he wanted to break a rib or two. Praises you so much when he sees you slowly change, he just loves you so so dearly.
Nikolai: Not trans himself, has never had a phase either, but if he likes you then he’ll actually pay for your surgery. He actually paid for Gaz’ top surgery because he’s like a son to him and wanted him to be well. You’re Nikolai’s boyfriend, so naturally he’ll pay for anything you might need. Top surgery, bottom surgery, testosterone, doesn’t matter, you’ll get it from him because he wants to be a supportive boyfriend. He’s a very observant man, so he likely had a hunch you were a trans man before you even told him. While he may not have said anything, he wasn’t particularly surprised when you told him. Asked you for your preferred name and pronouns and hasn’t referred to you as anything else since. He didn’t make a big deal out of it. Has threatened bigots before, though. When you told him you finally got to be on T, after all those years, he was happy. Again, he didn’t make too big of a deal out of it, but he told you how proud he was of you. Like Alejandro, he also joked about making out with you, though. Nothing serious, if you didn’t want it to be, however. Will also point out the small differences as soon as he notices them. As you change more and more, he subconsciously becomes more touchy with you. You’re just such a sweet man, he can’t help it. No real reason, just watching you become more and more content with yourself makes his heart flutter too, so he falls in love with you even more than he did before. If you want to, you’re more than welcome to wear his clothes too, regardless of whether they’re too big on you or not. Nikolai is a very tall guy, so there’s a good chance they are. As a joke, he teaches you the sacred art of grilling in summer. You’ll be able to make the meanest burgers around.
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napping-sapphic · 4 months
Rate nap arrangements? I'll start:
Big spoon: excellent. I am grabbing you so tightly sorry. 10/10
Little spoon:👁👁 Someone Is Behind Me. Also, wtf do I do with my arms. kinda hurts my shitty shoulders. 3/10
Head on her chest: I am so comfy cozy :3 but also worried about crushing her. 9/10
Her head on my chest: yay comfy cozy have a kissy on the forehead also No Harm Shall Befall You. I Would Fight God To Allow You This Comfort Forever. Who said that. 100/10
What are your most notable/favorite ones and how do you rate them?
I feel like i’m about to disappoint yall so bad but to be completely honest my favorite way to nap is alone🙃😭
Most of these positions or just being trapped in any one position for too long in general would cause the devil himself to try and sneak into my bones and kill me via joint pain so it makes that kind of thing a little complicated😅
I also don’t like being touched unless i’m really very close to and comfortable with the person so i honestly haven’t done much pair napping and it usually ends up being the other person falling asleep on me while i just sorta stay awake🤷‍♀️ in those cases it’s usually:
8/10 mentally i appreciate so much that they trust me enough to do that
But also
2/10 physically oof ouch ow
Idk though will have to find more people capable of jumping my ridiculously high emotional hurdles to help me find better nap positions🤔
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five-star-stay · 2 months
jisung probably doesnt WANT solo activitues. we know he struggles with social issues
I hate this ask actually. If you follow me, i hope you unfollow. I won't block because I want you to read this.
Han has said he'd work on an ost if given the chance.(in his live stream about 13)
Han has expressed interest in fashion while chan has explicitly stated in an interview that ALL members even ones that haven't gotten the chance to attend fashion shows yet are very into the idea of it and would love a chance like that. (In their vogue(?)interview for met gala)
Han shot his portion of WKorea magazine solo as did the other members from what we can tell by the behind the scenes videos so he is fully capable of doing it.
Han was a guest on lmj two years ago (his last solo schedule) and he was very happy about the opportunity. Proving he can do it. And you know something? Skz official twt account never said anything about han's appearance on that show. He was requested to be on show by stays when lmj asked which idol they wanted to see.
Han JUST performed in front of like 60k people at I-Days Milan.
Even when he went on hiatus, he never stopped performing and doing shows or schedules that you think he's not interested in or capable of doing. The only thing he took a break from afaik were fansigns. Which since then he's continued regularly. So I really hope you reconsider and see the blatant mismanagement for what it is.
Han literally makes his skz records with producers he has to approach himself because they get no company help for skz records at all, and he's always doing it with someone new. So do not tell me he will turn down doing an ost.
It's quite obvious that he's not being given the same opportunities and exposure by the management that others get to varying degrees.
Instead of thinking "Maybe he doesn't want to do it." And assuming "He can't do it because of xyz." Why don't we look at the facts I laid out: Han is talented, interested and waiting for opportunities in different areas and yet he hasn't gotten any solo ones since 2022.
Once again, find me 1 instance where han explicitly said he doesn't want to do the things others are doing before you say that he doesn't want it. Stop running defense for jype, a lot of ex jype idols have complained about it's mismanagement.
Of course I'm upset that skz are at their peak and han still gets paid dust in terms of exposure. I hate that you guys call yourself stays, but don't actually believe in han at all and are fine with no opportunities being given to him because of your preconceived notions about the capabilities of people with anxiety or mental health issues. Why does he need to prove himself every time before people support him? For the longest time people said han won't be able to manage a solo magazine shoot that's why he's not getting it. But he shot alone in WKorea for balmain and his cover version sold out multiple times from multiple stores even after multiple restocks. He performed his solo "don't say" performance in their Japanese dome tour night after night in front of thousands and he did it with ease. So just stop. If you don't care that he doesn't get anything say that and don't say that he's the reason why he isn't getting anything because han is always trying his best, and he rarely gets rewarded for it.
The following hanpop lyrics come to mind tbh.
Wanna fly high the older I get
It all keeps slipping away.
No lie thought my life would be full of starlight
For now, no more dreams, everything gets shut down
Even if it'll all burn up in the end I want to see it with my own eyes
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cowboyhorsegirl · 11 months
Steve and Tony during their “trying to be better friends and teammates” phase post A1, can’t agree on a show to watch together as a bonding activity. They have their preferred shows (in Steve’s case he’s going by summaries and vibes but he still has opinions) but they can’t agree on any of the preferred ones so they end up watching Supernatural, a show neither has on their fav list, at Clint’s rec cus he thinks it will take them all 15 seasons to become friends
They have just finished Season one, who they feeling?
the real question is which one of them becomes so smitten with Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles that they start anonymously posting on reddit about how wet they are for him and which one finds the anonymous reddit post?
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hart-on-my-sleeve · 4 months
Can't say too many details, but yeah!! I ended up watching some wrestling matches with him for an hour and was chatting with him on and off throughout the day~
It's the third event that I've been lucky enough to see him at. 🥴🥰
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sensacetionalshady · 5 months
The post you tagged with talking about drawing the mirror scene in solitary confinement is months old at this point and i am so very late to the party but I'm reading solitary confinement and as soon as i get time to draw, it's over for everyone. Your writing makes me want to draw. I can almost perfectly clearly see the scenes you describe and I think that's really really neat. I hope you never have to pay taxes
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I honestly completely forgot about drawing that because I pivoted to drawing the hand scene, but if/when you draw it, please tag me!!! I would love to see how you handle it :D
you have no idea how ecstatic I am to hear that my writing makes you wanna draw and that you can see my scenes clearly. the highest compliment in the world holy shit
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skellydun · 2 years
I don't mean for this question to come across as rude or weird, but since you're genuinely pretty open with people, I thought I'd get your opinion! I'm new to Youtube/creating video content and I'm struggling a bit with the concept of not getting views or essentially failing to gain subscribers? When you came back to Youtube you mentioned that you changed your style of content and lost a lot of subscribers...I'm essentially asking how do you stay in high spirits and motivated when that happens?
i'm so happy you decided to create your own content! i'd love to subscribe and support your channel if you told me the name!! (that goes for anybody reading this too!) to answer your question I really kind of can't? a couple thousand people are still subscribed to me which is wonderful and i'm very lucky but i won't be angry if they unsubscribe because my content isn't what they like y'know? i record myself playing let's plays because it makes me less scared to talk to someone while wandering through a haunted house. the people who comment are obviously so kind and i read the few that i get but outside of that i don't really pay attention to the views. it's fantastic that we get to share this together but i'd still do it if no one clicked on the videos! i think if you find something that brings you joy and makes you want to create then you should pursue it even if you're the only one who sees it. share it with your friends first and have them share it with their circle and so on for a start! i'm sorry i can't really help you but I think if you're genuinely enjoying yourself then the subs will come. just be patient and continue making what you love :^)
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edenorisshitposting · 8 months
HOW FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL CAN YOU BE?!?!?! You are also a terrorist apologist! If you don’t think Israel is also being terrorist by bombing and killing innocents and children then you lost your mind! They’re doing it on fucking purpose too! Israel is LITERALLY BEING PUT ON TRIAL FOR WAR CRIMES BY THE ICJ! WTF is wrong with you?!?!?! Are you really THAT deep into the propaganda? As a Palestinian I say FUCK YOU. If you don’t speak out against what the IDF is doing then YOU ARE LYING when you say you want the best for us!
Oh that's what you meant. Alright, I'll clarify.
I am in fact, Not A Fan of when Palestinian children die. I don't think Israeli soldiers killing children is A Good Thing. I also recognise the israeli army is doing what they can to minimize civilian casualties, I also recognise it's not always enough. I also also recognise It's difficult to reduce civilian casualties when fighting an enemy that intentionally hides among them as a means of using them as a shield. I also also also recognise Israel cannot afford to just let it slide, as Hamas has proven themselves to be an existential threat to Israelis and Jews worldwide.
I don't have a good solution to the problem. Sorry, the world is complicated like that.
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darlingvhs · 9 months
ik it's been a while since you made that post abt irl friends and i just wanted to say something-
i am a person like you who never had irl friends
often due to living w abusive/not good family you get fucked up bad and wo friends and not knowing some stuff that you don't even know you're supposed to know
just hold on there for a while cause i promise irl friends take time but they do come
and when they come they're lovely and everything you could hope for
one of my friends puts up w my possessiveness and is equally possessive of me
on my birthday the other wrote me a very long message despite me not talking to them for 3 weeks cause of academics
you remind me so much of myself
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chelseasdagger · 9 months
AAAAAAA IT'S HERE!!! I reread the previous two chapters last week because I couldn't wait! And the chapters are getting better and better! I was smiling so hard through the whole first part! The way Frank is with her... A DREAM
And the dancing scene?! At first it sounded like my worst nightmare - dancing and crowded space, but later I wanted to somehow jump into this scene and lived it...
And then the handjob? The way you describe it... I'm — gosh... I truly I'm lost for words... just 🫠🫠
I'm surprised that I can put together any sentences after reading it... it truly melted my brain! I finished reading it and just started giggling! Like there were no thoughts in my head! I don't know how I will survive the next chapter... anyway I really enjoyed it!!! 😊♥️
- 👽
oh my gosh sweetheart!! i cannot tell you how much this means to me 🥺🥺🥺 i’m having an off kind of night, and this just made me feel so much better!
i’m so glad to hear the chapters are getting progressively better! i often fear it’s the other way around, so this means a lot to hear :’)
the dancing scene is a bit of a nightmare for me too 😅 but i often try to write what i would do in a situation and i think if i was with him of all people and nobody else knew me? i’d like to think i’d try and dance haha
the handjob! i’m so glad what i was trying to say came across the right way! i had originally jotted down some notes of things i wanted to include in the final draft and reading those alone made my stomach flip 🙈 glad that i’m not the only one who melted a bit haha. and YES!! the happy trail!! it was in the notes, but then i forgot about it in the final draft. i remembered you liked it though, so i had to sneak it back in 🥰
i’m so honored to hear that you giggled after reading it! i truly wrote this for the inexperienced girlies, or the girlies who wished their first experiences could’ve been given by him. if i can make someone happy or a little melty, then i’ve done my job!! thank you SO so much for the feedback, this truly means the world to me 🩵
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
if it's any solace to anon yaluza games do go on sale quite frequently...i got y7 for like 10 bucks on steam
you usually have to wait a couple months after the initial drop, and i mean For Sure there are people who do that but...... id rec prev anon to stay off'a tumblr for a while once the game comes out if that's their plan
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enniewritesathing · 1 year
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alilpuppyboy · 2 years
Uhh hhey hi hi I just wanted to say its always so neat to swing by and like,,, see how much fun you have with this blog. It earnestly makes me want to try and make one myself and my partners have been teasing me so massively about wanting to be a cute little puppy for so many people but like!!!! Dude you make it look like you're having so much fun, we love your blog and think you're the cutest thing♡
Wow holy shit oh my god /pos this made me so fucking shy and stimmy and happy this may have made my evening??? Djsbzjwjdn I am. Ah!!
Firstly: I am so very glad you enjoy being here!! I am aware I have been quiet for a while now, and that's largely just due to a severe decrease in sexual drive? My specific brand if asexuality means my sexual drive and interest kinda fluctuates a whole bunch and it's kinda 50/50 on what will get me going, so I haven't been.....indulging, I suppose, in any particular fantasies. HOWEVER. I am so extremely glad you enjoy the vibes and me being a lil goofy a lil silly a lil horny, especially about being a puppy!! That's so nice to hear that's all I want just to have good vibes and for people to have fun
Second: DO IT. Genuinely just do it, it's so fun and such a good experience for the most part. The best part for me is lovely anons like yourself sending me stuff like that, it's so so so nice and delightful and exciting!! And it's a bonus if your partners are into it and can (playfully, enjoyably) use it against you or to help encourage and support your desires, sexual or otherwise! If you do go for it I am more than fine with you dropping by and saying hi again so I can take a look at a fellow pup (if you would be comfortable of course!! No pressure at all I know some strangers can be Spooky when you know they're lurking/interacting).
Third: I'M SO GLAD YOUR PARTNERS ARE ALSO ENJOYING MY SILLY BLOG IT'S SO WILD THIS IS A THING YOU GUYS KINDA DO TOGETHER?? aisjendjwjs You're so so so sweet for this for real thank you so much I'm just a lil guy and this made me so soft and happy YOU'RE cute this was such a nice message to get tonight bloody hell thank you!!
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