#this is definitely not directed at someone specific
beforetimes · 2 days
telepathy kink is always talked about but i loveee the way erik's relationship with charles' mutation is dependant on how much he trusts charles + how willing he would be to submit to charles should he ever use it. like in first class charles spends time flicking in and out of erik's head no issue because erik trusts charles and also when charles was in erik's head, he brought out a piece of happiness that erik no longer thought he had. so he's more willing to submit to charles' telepathy. and he puts the helmet on because he's more vulnerable directly after killing the man who was such a direct source of violence in his life and realizing that it wasn't enough—which probably shook erik to his core, because his whole life he's been hunting this one guy just to find that it's not over yet?
and then in days of future past, erik once again goes back to saying 'i don't have my helmet i couldn't disobey you if i wanted' which some people read as a taunt, some people read as him not accepting charles' mutation (which like? i don't think erik has ever not accepted him, but whatever) but i personally read it as erik once more trying to find his footing with charles after a decade apart.
anyway now that i talked about canon stuff i think specifically in the context of a sexual relationship, the telepathy stuff would be a way for erik to give up control over the situation and put his full trust in charles. which is important because a) erik is someone who thrives on being in control and finds it very important because so much of his agency was robbed of him and choosing to submit to a higher power than his own is something that insinuates a great deal of trust in the other party and b) charles is the only one who he could do this with because charles proved that he had the capacity to invade erik's mind and know him wholly and didn't take advantage of that and has shown time and time again he will help erik no matter what.
its also the fact that erik repeatedly implies that charles' telepathy will be used to control him when its a much more surface-level/baseline understanding that telepathy is the reading of minds rather than outright taking control of them. it's even in the definition of telepathy. but knowing charles can take control of him and constantly inviting him to (in an assumed sexual context, in this case) highlights how erik sort of longs to have responsibility for his actions taken away from him. which again can only be done by charles. not just because of his powers but because so many of his actions have directly hurt charles and he's the only one who can both metaphorically and physically relieve him of the culpability behind the consequences of what he's done when in complete control of himself. so again erik is someone who wants to relieve himself of his overly-controlling nature, his responsibilities, be completely vulnerable to someone who's seen him at his worst and loved him anyway.
and the only way erik can be all these things at once is by being under charles' control. (under the control of someone stronger than erik who has proven he will never hurt him with the power charles can exert over him).
so like sexually yes it's fun to say haha erik telepathy kink but also i think it is something much more tender which encapsulates the fact that erik is only this vulnerable with someone he has so much trust in and that person can only ever be charles because its only around charles he can truly be wholly himself. and so submissive erik is real to me #tbh
hope this makes sense i am kind of just rambling
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tennessoui · 2 days
38 for the Ask for OTPs
thank you so much for sending this one in! :D
[from this list of otp questions]
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla?
this feels like the age old question lmao is obi-wan a prude or is he a slut and is anakin a no sex before marriage kinda guy or did he sleep around
honestly i love all combinations of answers to that question and i really don't have a preference when it comes to regular, canon obikin
i guess for this specific one about what kind of sex they prefer, i tend to sort obi-wan into being a bit more vanilla with anakin - not because he doesn't have the experience or desire for rougher sex, but because i'm definitely in a huge phase of loving the guilt and shame and angsty emotions obi-wan could have when bedding his former padawan. tying him up or spanking him (hurting him??) on top of taking his innocence would be far too much! meanwhile, anakin wanting everything his master can give him and also everything his master would allow him to take feels pretty on brand - not necessarily in a dark or violent way but certainly in a 'more more more more please more' sort of way which leads me to think of anakin as being more experimental than obi-wan:
"Master, I love what we've been doing," Anakin declares, dropping down onto Obi-Wan's lap and effectively pushing the datapaad out of his way. "Really, I do."
"Oh?" Obi-Wan's tone screams disinterest, but his hands find their way to Anakin's hips all the same. "I didn't realize it was time for my annual review."
Anakin scowls. After about a year of being something more with Obi-Wan, he's realize that, all told--he quite likes him when he's so breathless from kisses that he doesn't have the wherewithal for sardonic quips.
Well, he likes him in all his different forms and variations, of course. Even at his most snarky, he's still Obi-Wan Kenobi and so still someone Anakin loves with his entire being.
"In bed," Anakin adds. "I love what we've been doing in bed. I really do."
Obi-Wan blinks. "Well. Good then, I suppose."
"But I was wondering," Anakin says quickly, before Obi-Wan can steer the conversation in some other direction. "If we were ever going to, you know."
Obi-Wan blinks again. "Going to...." he asks with a furrow of his eyebrows.
"Turn the lights on," Anakin finishes. Now they're both blushing. This is by far both the silliest and most important conversation they've ever had.
"Oh," Obi-Wan says. His eyes have become fixed on a point over Anakin's shoulder. "Is that very important to you?" "Well, it's just that I was talking to Vos, mostly by accident, and we started talking about you, the only thing we really have in common--"
"You're both Jedi masters, you've both raised padawans, you both enjoy romantic literature, you're both incredible pains in my ass--" Obi-Wan begins to list, eyes flashing flinty.
"Exactly," Anakin interrupts. "We were talking about pains in your ass, you know, and he mentioned that he once ran into you at a...a kink club. In the lower levels. And it made me realize that, you know. When we have sex, we don't even turn the lights on usually, and I thought maybe that's just how you were, but not if you went to--to sex clubs as a senior padawan!"
He says all of this quite fast and it's only when he's finished that he realizes he's breathing hard and that his eyes are a bit wet.
"So if it's not you, then it's--it's me," he adds. "Like maybe you don't--actually want me."
Obi-Wan blinks and then his hand is on Anakin's chin, tilting it up to meet his eyes. "Of course it's you," he says. "Of course everything I do and feel for you is different from everything I've ever done and felt in the past. It's incomparable."
Anakin's eyebrows knit together. That's quite a nice thing to hear, but it does little to address his present concerns. "But what if I want the lights on?" he asks, letting his hands rest on Obi-Wan's shoulders. "And like. To tie you up some time. Or to be spanked or something."
Obi-Wan hums and his hand moves to stroke down his hair, tuck a curl behind his ear. "Then let's compromise. What if we start with the lamp on and progress up to the overhead light, hm?"
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addithegaycowboy · 2 months
I just wanna make out with a boy, skin on skin no specific distinctions between roles, no such thing as who's on top or who's submitting, just pure need, trying to feel as much of each other as possible, desperately grabbing each other and trying to pull the other closer between messy kisses and whispers of "I love you" over and over.
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canisalbus · 1 year
How do you find pose references for all those gorgeous and cute and aaaaaaa drawings. H o w. Where. (<-from someone struggling to draw characters interacting)
(if you don't use references, take it as a compliment to your godly anatomy and posing skills)
I don't really use references for poses that much. I'm not sure how to explain this without sounding weird but when I'm about to draw something, I visualize it in my mind, and when it's character art I sort of see them as 3D models that can be posed and rotated. And I just sort of try to replicate that on paper, sometimes it's easy and sometimes it doesn't work out at all (a good reminder that when you browse someone's art, you usually only see the pieces that the artist is at least passably proud of, not the piles of failed projects that went nowhere).
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sarabyfleetwoodmacmp3 · 3 months
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Jen what do you think about the Louis ban on UK and US radio stations?
I think it demonstrates a singularly spectacular lack of reading comprehension and/or curiosity about current music played on UK and US radio stations
#even with a hella detailed view into the specifics around Louis that came out last week#the way someone's gonna read that as a ban??#so i guess we can just say anyone beyond the current top 20 artists/songs played ad nauseum on any radio station across the land is banned#nobody's banning people--your fave's not the flave#i challenge thee to listen to 8 hrs of radio on UK or US airwaves and jot down what you hear#do it for a full week#see if you can see the pattern lol#this reminds me of that article i saw linked on twitter#about the musical mush pervading most music providing platforms#that and the fact that the 'test' described in that louis piece are nothing new--same vibes (same test!) for 20+ years#it's only getting worse with actual algorithms taking out the guesswork but yes this is the music landscape#it's just a funny-ass way to frame it#almost as if people don't understand the actual definition of the word banned#if you want to keep it in the one direction realm#niall's about to be banned#zayn's banned#harry was banned for a fair bit#i highly doubt louis's going to change what he's doing to chase radio 1#and so!#he's not!#if it makes people feel more heroic to say their fave is banned well...join the club of successful artists currently banned#yet still producing incredible music and touring etc#rakin' in tons of cash#idk man i'm totally happy with my faves being 'banned' off radio 1#but i also know it's the world's stupidest false flag of a statement to make lmaoooooooo#i'm a big fan of this struggling indie artist--her name's beyonce#haven't heard of her? well that's because she's currently banned from radio play on UK and US radio stations
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fredersen · 1 year
this site is becoming exhausting for me, i’m so tired of post after post of people being fucking outraged at every single little thing in the world and i feel like it’s starting to infect me with a negative outlook on life. it’s fun to be a hater sometimes but some of you are taking it way too far
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cartridgeconverter · 8 months
Do you guys think it was a coincidence that every bad/commonly disliked Roman emperor was considered a sexual or societal deviant, in addition to being paranoid, violent, or insane? Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Commodus, and, of course, Elagabalus all fall under this category. Of course a young emperor, especially those born and raised in luxury, is going to be unusually indulgent as well as bloodthirsty. But considering many Roman historians’ habit of labeling everyone they didn’t like as a pervert, I don’t have too much faith in this claim!
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steampunkedparm · 8 months
bluh 7.30 rn and i need to go to bed but how can i go to sleep when i just had that experience at the bus stop fhfjfh
#you think people are weird only at night?#WRONG#6am dude was being a fucken weirdo and. larping??? as someoen of indigenous american descendant???#like he was veing a fucken racist charicature and claiming the he was the creator and some cheif and speaking in what sounded like a very??#butchered?? spanish???#i could be wrong yk like my knowledge of languages isnt as expansive as i maybe want to be#he was also rmabling about the bible too??#and something about how we tell our true ages is wrong???#indont remember what he fully said this was over and hour ago now but like???#also rambled about how his true eye colour is on a different spectrum???#and then when i got on the bus he apparently was getting on the same one as me#and usually yk i look up briefly if someoen walks past me just as a general see if their approaching me specifically#bc it happens sometimes someone needs help#motherfucker looked at me and said something in what was probably actually a vastly incorrect indigenous american language#no idea what he said but he was definitely trying to get my attention like he was at the bust stop when he very loudly said good morning to#me (i just nodded at him lol. i just got off of work im not in the mood to interact unless someone needs directions)#(i ignored him when he spoke to me on the bus lol dont worry)#BUT THEN THIS FUCKER SITS IN THE BACK AND STARTS. LIKE STOMPING AND CHANTING AND JUST. BEING A STUPID FUCKING RACIST CHARICYATURE AGAIN#AND THEN#AND FUCKEN THEN DEAR GODS THIS DUDE#has the gall to start pestering some poor sap who happened to sit too close to him about jow the cdc is bullshit and how he himself is the#cheif of medicine or what have you of the state i live in#i just??#gods i need a drink after this morning dude#i dont normally mind if someone is being loud and disruptive#i tune it out and its bound to happen takin public transportation. its kinda whatever. thats their business#but this shit took the fucken cake dude what the fuck#anywyas good morning lol i guess#tldr i had the displeasure of dealing with a freakazoid racist at the bus stop this morning after work
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asaxophony · 7 months
Legitimately confusing to still see artists and ppl recommending glaze/nightshade and acting like it's the end all be all when how effective both are is still kind of eeeeeh?
Glaze also tends to chew up and compress your images to the point ppl have to go back in and put filters over it. There also seems to be a really large misunderstanding on how Glaze functions, especially on this site.
Glaze changes a specific range of the art ran through it to be read by diffusion as a different style. Generally it's changing pixels and code within the image so ultimately it does end up changing the image, often adding visual noise in the form of swirls or giving it a crunchy compressed look. Depending on how far you run the art through Glaze it can come out looking like a badly compressed jpeg. Glaze does this using the same sort of AI tech. The end result occasionally needs to be run through filters to get it too not look shit. The ultimate goal of Glaze is if someone is training directly from your art, and it's all been ran through Glaze the person won't be able to get a solid style from it, so the images trained off of it will be off from your specific style and not able to replicate it believably. It does not prevent img2img.
Generally Glaze's adversal noise is now robust enough to not be easily edited or taken out by the ai bros, this definitely was not the case on its release. So definitely use it but just keep in mind how it functions and weigh the pros and cons of like it crunching art, and any art posted on the web has a chance of being scraped.
I've seen some arguments basically being like well its the equivalent of crunching you art down into shitty jpegs, no one is going to train off of something that looks like shit which is I think definitely like yeah art has the downside of ot having to be visually vlear and good looking g for it to function so you can ultimately only change it so much before it deviates too much from the artists original intent and vision.
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luvsavos · 11 months
so not only does genki canonly exist in the reboot but it seems strongly implied that he and doc ketchum worked together at some point??? i do not like that concept At All!
#mar.txt#saints row#professor genki#doc ketchum#<- does he even have a tag ik he doesn't even have a wiki page#saints row 2022#genuinely baffled that ive seen quite literally ZERO mention ANYWHERE that a) he does in fact show up in murder circus (well not HIM him#but someone dressed as him and he's talked about + afterwards kev mentions that definitely wasn't the real him because he's immortal,so#apparently immortal in his case not only means unaging but also straight up unable to die)#and b) there's. so many things referencing him on boot hill?? a TON of cat heads that appear to quite obviously be stylized genki,that#appear to have been painted over a different colour than pink,booths that say smthn like 'the doc and professor show',and on the main#hidden history thingy (which i ALSO couldn't find a SINGLE guide for/barely any mention of on google ANYWHERE) that has doc's face painted#on it saying smthn like 'doc says hello' there's a little sign tacked on that says 'genki lives!!!' which. ??????#i wonder if they worked together and doc tried to fuck him over at some point,possibly by killing him#which obviously did not work#anyways. murder circus is fun so is the reboot and i'm baffled at how so few people seem to have put the (imo quite obvious when you see#them) pieces together that the reboot likely IS in fact a direct tie to the reboot ending of gat out of hell#anyways im completely normal about saints row and genki can't you tell i definitely didn't stay up way past my bedtime specifically to#grind out murder circus so i could see genki (he's got some nice Drip™️ btw it looks kind of marshall-inspired)#i'm going to be slowly going ever more slightly insane over pondering wtf the connection between he and doc ketchum is
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flimsy-roost · 1 year
the copies of Unmasking Autism got delivered a week ago to every member of my immediate family, the "aha!" moments regarding other close family members have already begun
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medicinemane · 6 months
You know, capitalism is another one of those words that sadly is like problematic in that it's functionally useless because people just toss it out and then everyone gets so hung up debating the meaning of the word capitalism that the whole point is lost
That's why I don't ever really use it. It doesn't really matter if it's capitalism or if it's cronyism or... whatever, I think it's bad when companies make record profits while prices go up up up
I think there's probably an issue and it probably needs to be solved (and I'm afraid you can't convince me less regulation is a magic bullet)
I like currency and exchanging currency because it seems like a good way of moving goods and labor around, but I also strongly support welfare and think that any group of more than 50 people is probably starting to get corrupt
Don't trust the government, but sure as hell don't trust corps...
I don't know, my original point is that sadly capitalism gets tossed around too much to mean anything anymore... but I just see too many argumentative people online so I'm tossing out my stances to avoid getting side tracked debating what I mean
What I really really mean is just fucking say what you're saying and don't bother saying capitalism cause you'll just make people argue and miss your point
#this is about me reblogging a post the mentions the word capitalism#and I sometimes do that and have people get in and argue about if something is or isn't capitalism#and it's like yeah mate and honestly I hear you; I'm not sure that it fully 100% fits here and if it does it's so broad it's meaningless#but like... read the bit before they said capitalism and have a think on that instead#like let's focus on the description of the situation and how we feel about that description more than a single definition#I honestly don't really care what things are called half as much as the actions being taken and how effective they're likely to be#don't really care if something's called hatemurderdeathism if it's making things better with no policies I hate#obviously there's some things where I'd be like 'hmm... let's not call it that; cause that implies some specific bad stuff'#but like broad strokes shit... capitalism socialism libertarian... what the fuck ever...#is there a strong social net while people are free to trade goods and services?#then I probably am mostly for this plan#fight about the name but leave me out of it#...that's another big part of why I don't call myself anything#takes too long trying to explain your definitions and get people to agree that it doesn't actually mean fascist murder#(cause whatever label you run under I bet I've seen someone call it a fascist murder)#nah; I'm not any this or that group... given up on that a long time ago#I'm just a stupid idiot with various ideas I'd like to talk with people to see how we can move the needle more in that direction#like the less people starving and being homeless direction#and the more worthwhile and productive work and less busy pointless work for megacorps direction#which I think means a shift to more small businesses... which is actually part of why I'm for a UBI#pretty sure I know at least one person on here with a business idea (and knowing them it's a good one)#but they just lack the financial stability to start the business#so I actually want a UBI cause I think it would be good for the economy#never gonna say I can't be stupid or wrong; but that is one of my motives#...whatever... none of this matters; really ought to hurry up and die but I procrastinate that as hard as everything else
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technicolorxsn · 11 months
the other day I was forced to realize none of my friends listen to the stuff I do </3
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kurzuha · 27 days
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PAIRING shy nerd!sunghoon x confident fem!reader | wc: 1.5k
WARNINGS vague smut, miniskirt agenda (duh), sunghoon is a perv and he got it bad, dom!sunghoon
However, one aspect that stands out on this particular day is the sugary rock between the lips he loves so much. God, Sunghoon practically busts at the sight.
NOTES hi first post kinda nervy
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PARK SUNGHOON has the hots for you.
It has only been a few months since he’s known of you. And it’s not enough time to build the courage to approach you.
What can he say?
You look unfathomable. Something so unreachable. Especially for someone like him.
He sits far across the room as the professor rambles on, stealing glances, wondering if you’ll notice him one day. It was hard to keep his mind at bay, to prevent walking up to you. He knew that he would ramble and mess it all up. Or stutter while attempting to acquaint himself with you.
He realized that admiring from afar was the best solution to the issue at hand. And it proved to be a good one.
That is, until it became unbearable. More specifically, sinful. And today is one where it seems God is testing him.
You return to the classroom and Sunghoon automatically straightens his posture– his doodling on the notebook gone astray.
You’re sporting the same mini skirt he loves so much and those legs are perfectly on display for everyone to see. It’s definitely not because they’re so short your panties practically peek out without having to look under.
He doesn’t know how you do it. How you claim attention to any room you walk in. Heads automatically turn in your direction the second you step foot into it. But you play dumb, acting as if the people in the room don’t automatically moan at the sight of you.
And whether it’s the perfect posture or the pearly smile you showcase, you’re far out of reach for the quiet, stereotypical glasses-wearing nerd, whose favorite class is calculus. And it’s most definitely because you’re in this class too.
However, one aspect that stands out on this particular day is the sugary rock between the lips he loves so much.
God, Sunghoon practically busts at the sight.
The glassy ball between your lips that you occasionally run your tongue along has him losing all composure. You’re innocently conversing with your classmate beside you, innocently grazing the tip of the red lollipop against your bottom lip, and innocently putting it back into your mouth in one motion. Your cheeks hollow, and he salivates at you sucking on the sticky candy. He knows he’s far away, yet believes his eyesight couldn’t be any clearer.
His leg starts to mindlessly shake once scenarios run wild, and one point he makes clear to himself is that the flavor is strawberry. It fits you perfectly, he thinks. The strawberry lollipop tints your lips a fitting scarlet shade, the gloss resembling honey as you continue to edge him beyond belief with the repetition of your ministrations.
But as he continues to gawk from across the room, your orbs shoot directly into his.
It’s so sudden that he moves to deter from your glare at all costs and reverts back to random doodling. Sweat dribbles down alongside his temple because your sharp eyes contain purpose behind them, and he prays that the purpose isn’t him.
You’re definitely going to call him out for being a creep if anything.
But a tap on his shoulder forces him to address the siren in heels behind him, and as he turns, Sunghoon can hardly meet your inviting eyes.
And just like taking a breath, your syrupy voice addresses him for the first time. He wonders if you feel an ounce of what he’s feeling at the moment.
Surely not, because you act as if you’ve known him your whole life.
“Hey Hoonie, can I talk to you for a second?” you infer with your hands pressed against the edge of his desk. And it’s proving impossible to look straight into your eyes, even more at your tits pressed together, spilling out of your top.
“Shoot,” he mentally applauses himself for a collective response.
“I need a tutor,” you frown, and all he thinks about is how your face would look when you cum.
“I’m on the verge of failing, and I know you’re about to check off a hundred percent in the class.”
“Yeah o-of course. I have to make sure my schedule’s open first.”
“Great! My place or your place?” you bat your lashes innocently.
Sunghoon swears if you do one more thing, he’ll cum in his pants right then and there. There’s not much more he can take. “Anywhere is fine. I gotta go though. We can discuss the details in class tomorrow.”
You’re giggling at his shyness, quick to follow his scurrying around the desk. “Or we can keep talking since I like talking to you so much.”
You’ve got him staring like a deer in headlights, “You do?”
“Do you?” you inquire while also wondering when he’ll drop the shy act.
An opportunity like this most likely won’t ever happen again. And the countless times Jake has called him a pussy for not shooting his shot only motivates him that much more. “Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to?”
“Maybe because I enjoy hearing answers I like,” you raise a brow at his sudden confidence, but your interest is showcased through the closing proximity between the two of you with each word that escapes your throat.
Sunghoon notices the glint of surprise in your eyes when you realize he wasn’t going to cower backwards.
His thoughts, on the other hand, were the complete opposite of his cowardly actions. In fact, he wonders how’d you react if he kissed you until your lips were bruised. Or if you liked it if he wrapped his entire hand full of your hair and tugged ‘til his heart’s content.
But in the end, your answer has him speechless, and you fully grin at that. “Let me know the answer to mine when you get the chance.”
You’re turning around to leave the shaky boy alone, but something catches your wrist.
“Tomorrow. Eight p.m., my place,” he’s breathing pattern quickens and he thickly gulps as he awaits your response.
And you giggle at his eagerness. “Can’t wait.”
And that’s how you ended up at his place the following night. Sunghoon had successfully helped complete a total of five questions before your hand slithered up his thigh and the subject of derivatives flew out the window.
To be honest, he doesn’t care he gave in so fast.
He’s so easy. So easy for you.
And you knew that. You took advantage of how he averted your gaze at all costs, yet you could still feel the heat of his stare when you looked away. Usually preferring men who are more dominant and masculine in and out of the bedroom, you took this as a challenge to stray out of your comfort zone.
You couldn’t lie though, Sunghoon’s awkward mannerisms are awfully cute. A bonus was he wasn’t hard on the eyes either. Your friends often scolded you for wanting to pursue him, but you ignored their incessant warnings.
And when you made due of your promise, you were surprised at how he was able to get a few words out.
What was even more surprising was the night that followed.
“Fuck—mnph!” your moans are muffled into the pillow as Sunghoon plows into your sopping cunt from behind. His palm envelops the entirety of your nape, pushing your head harder with each thrust. Your entire spine buzzes with pleasure, and his fingers digging into your neck only heighten the feeling.
“This is for underestimating me,” he seethes. You wish you were facing him to see his darkened persona.
“I w-w,” you barely get out.
“You what?” his hoarse voice mixes with a groan at your velvety walls sucking him like a vice.
“I-I wish I c-could take a pict-ture,” Sunghoon’s fingers press deeper with each word that escapes your throat, and you giggle. You’d never imagine the loser in class could get you pussy drunk.
“Go ahead,” he seethes before pulling out and flipping you over to your back.
“Wha-” you can’t even finish the word before he’s roughly thrusting into your pussy in one motion and continuing with the same pace.
“Hoon! Fuck,” you’re under his spell while the bed frame rhythmically knocks against the wall.
“I should take a picture of you like this,” he turns your slack jaw so you are able to look at him.
He chuckles once his eyes make contact with your hooded ones. “With drool and tears decorating your face while I use you as a cock-sleeve.”
Your fists ball as the drag of his cock overwhelms you. “So full,” you moan, and he rewards your comment with another harsh snap of his hips.
“Remember,” Sunghoon sets your calves against his shoulder and leans down against your ear. It feels unworldly, his cock pushing deeper and rougher into your cervix.
“Remember who makes you feel this way,” he whispers.
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yzzart · 10 months
Love your Tom blyth fics an unhealthy amount!!! I’m picturing reader and Tom being all lovey dovey at the premiers but playing it off as really good bestfriends UNTIL she goes to kiss him on the cheek and in instinct he turns his head to kiss her on the lips so they just say fuck it and hard launch there and then x
"An unplanned situation."
pairing: tom blyth x actress!reader
summary: a small gesture, with a sweet intention, revealed a promising secret.
word count: 1.359!
notes: i started this request in the morning and only had the opportunity to finish it a few minutes ago, forgive me for that, anon! — i hope you like it and of course, feel free to share ideas with me!
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"Y/N, look here!"
Another request, among others, screams and countless flashes, was directed to you; being, theoretically, almost impossible to identify who had demanded your image. — There were so many voices mixing, not to mention the music in the background, but, you tried your best to pay attention to most of the cameras.
However, it wasn't anything you weren't used to; something that has already been normalized in your life.— And during the premiere of The ballad of songbirds and snake it was no different, and it was splendid; simply perfect. — Not to mention, the feeling of gratitude that grew in your chest.
Cameras and cell phones captured your every movement, your poses and the way your perfectly chosen dress was valued and highlighted on your body. — And how it matched the color palette of the film. — Everything was being recorded, at the exact moment, posted and commented on all social networks.
You had the opportunity to meet, talk and take photos with some of the cast. — It was so pleasant, the company and unity that everyone developed during the filming of the film was inexplicable and so adorable; you were grateful to have worked with so many talented people. — There were some people who were absent, until now, in your eyes, but you would definitely meet them again on the carpet.
And, of course, your eyes roamed the decorated room, matching the elements of the film, and crowded in search of a specific person. — It wasn't exaggerated words to say that you were starting to feel uncomfortable because he was missed; and the cameras recorded it. — Silent questions, which would be written, formed in the minds of the presenters and photographers.
Your boyfriend had yet to appear on the red carpet; perhaps he is giving a quick and curious interview or greeting someone. — That's what was going on in your head.
You and Tom had a secret relationship, ever since you met behind the scenes, in front of the world and all the cameras that may exist in it; something that was so risky and at the same time adventurous. — And that, as incredible as it might seem, you knew how to disguise it in front of your fans; even though they gradually became suspicious with comments, interactions and behind-the-scenes photos.
They were either smart or you and Tom were too far over the line. — This question was not important or essential for the moment. — And you considered each other best friends for interviews or responses to comments; you tried your best.
And so, Rachel sent countless screenshots of tweets, which talked about or mentioned the relationship between you and Tom, to you. — It's impossible to deny how funny it was.
Persisting in continuing to look for him and for a few seconds, your eyes meet his blue and so charming irises. — Its shade of blue was a magnificent and beautiful combination; something you would never get tired of admiring. —And there was no other thing, or anyone, that could take his eyes off you.
As if the only thing that mattered at that moment was you. — And everything around him simply disappeared.
"There you are!" — Tom walked towards you, easily as there weren't so many people on the carpet, and an enthusiastic smile forming on his lips; also accompanied by cameras and intense flashes. — "And so beautiful!"
Holding a part of your long and dazzling dress so as not to hinder your steps, you met him, and without wasting any time, hugged him. — A common gesture, and not so different or strange, for the spectators; so, you thought. — Tom's arms went around your waist, holding your protectively for a little while, while your arms positioned themselves around his neck.
Tom's fragrance, which you liked so much, filled your nose; it felt so good, and you felt your eyes weaken, contaminated by it. — And the british man was aware of that.
"You look perfect, always." — The older man distanced himself, just a little, and brought his face closer to your ear, wanting only you to hear. — "The most beautiful woman that has ever crossed my eyes." — The lenses probably captured a reddish pigmentation on your cheeks and it was not part of your makeup.
You placed one of your hands on his chest, and looking directly into his eyes; that shone at you, and it wasn't just because of the influence of the lights in your direction. — Tom's gaze was sincere, and passionate, intensely fascinating you. — He conveyed what he felt most with just his eyes.
And that was one of the facts about him that you were passionate about and recognized very well.
"Oh, shut up!" — Raising your hand and resting it a little away from your mouth, you laughed a little embarrassed and looked back at the cameras; remembering that they remained there and you knew that later you would see your interaction with Tom on some social media.
Again, a thing and situation you were used to.
"Look at that camera!" — A voice mingled among others, which requested the same request, asking you to take some photos together; something that would feed news, fans and press.
At no point, minute or second, did you and Tom remain distant or apart from each other; always a few steps close, hugging each other for photos and certain looks, completely indiscreet. — Even during brief interviews, as Blyth mentioned you or your character's work, you were silently watching. — One of the interviewers even commented on how cute she thought it was.
Tom's hand was on your waist, holding and almost covering you, making a quick caress in a few seconds and one of your hands was still resting on his chest; and you continued, of course, to be the focus of the cameras.
Quickly, with the intention of changing your pose and trying something new and also to take advantage of the fact that Blyth's face was almost close to yours, you decide to place your pigmented lips on his cheeks. — Such a cute and friendly gesture, and so common. —But, automatically and hastily, Tom turned his face away at the same time, without having in mind what you were, in fact, planning. — God, it was a shock; an absurd and completely intense shock.
For the first time that night, in that place and on those cameras, your lips touched Tom's lips. — It was very quick, good and surprising; and that definitely left a cold, freezing air in your belly accompanied by a desperate feeling in your mind. — Rumor has it that smoke was coming out of his head. — It was a peck, a quick and simple kiss.
When you separated, hurriedly, your eyes met Tom's once again; who were a little wide-eyed, expressing surprise. — Looking for something to say or do, just like you. — And you watched his lips curve into an almost smile, as if he was trapping him.
Shouts of enthusiasm and some possible whistles echoed throughout the immense place, along with some looks and expressions of surprise at what had happened. — And some people were worried if they had recorded the exact moment, of course. — Your fans were probably commenting frantically about what happened.
You really didn't know what to do but at no point did you move away from your boyfriend — now, official to the public — and keep your hand on his chest; as if it were, in fact, planned.
"A nice way to reveal it, huh?" — Tom laughed, relaxed and without a feeling of discomfort or uneasiness, he still had his hand on your waist; and he still squeezed you, then leaving you with another caress. — "I think." — He didn't look at the cameras, his orbits focused only on you.
They have always focused on you, regardless of what is actually happening; and that will never change.
"A nice way to reveal." — You repeated your words, but, as an affirmation and certainty; maybe, seeing how relieved Tom was, and not showing some kind of distress, your chest calmed down and you felt safe.
And soon, you and Tom became one of the most talked about topics on social media.
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