#is there a strong social net while people are free to trade goods and services?
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medicinemane · 10 months ago
You know, capitalism is another one of those words that sadly is like problematic in that it's functionally useless because people just toss it out and then everyone gets so hung up debating the meaning of the word capitalism that the whole point is lost
That's why I don't ever really use it. It doesn't really matter if it's capitalism or if it's cronyism or... whatever, I think it's bad when companies make record profits while prices go up up up
I think there's probably an issue and it probably needs to be solved (and I'm afraid you can't convince me less regulation is a magic bullet)
I like currency and exchanging currency because it seems like a good way of moving goods and labor around, but I also strongly support welfare and think that any group of more than 50 people is probably starting to get corrupt
Don't trust the government, but sure as hell don't trust corps...
I don't know, my original point is that sadly capitalism gets tossed around too much to mean anything anymore... but I just see too many argumentative people online so I'm tossing out my stances to avoid getting side tracked debating what I mean
What I really really mean is just fucking say what you're saying and don't bother saying capitalism cause you'll just make people argue and miss your point
#this is about me reblogging a post the mentions the word capitalism#and I sometimes do that and have people get in and argue about if something is or isn't capitalism#and it's like yeah mate and honestly I hear you; I'm not sure that it fully 100% fits here and if it does it's so broad it's meaningless#but like... read the bit before they said capitalism and have a think on that instead#like let's focus on the description of the situation and how we feel about that description more than a single definition#I honestly don't really care what things are called half as much as the actions being taken and how effective they're likely to be#don't really care if something's called hatemurderdeathism if it's making things better with no policies I hate#obviously there's some things where I'd be like 'hmm... let's not call it that; cause that implies some specific bad stuff'#but like broad strokes shit... capitalism socialism libertarian... what the fuck ever...#is there a strong social net while people are free to trade goods and services?#then I probably am mostly for this plan#fight about the name but leave me out of it#...that's another big part of why I don't call myself anything#takes too long trying to explain your definitions and get people to agree that it doesn't actually mean fascist murder#(cause whatever label you run under I bet I've seen someone call it a fascist murder)#nah; I'm not any this or that group... given up on that a long time ago#I'm just a stupid idiot with various ideas I'd like to talk with people to see how we can move the needle more in that direction#like the less people starving and being homeless direction#and the more worthwhile and productive work and less busy pointless work for megacorps direction#which I think means a shift to more small businesses... which is actually part of why I'm for a UBI#pretty sure I know at least one person on here with a business idea (and knowing them it's a good one)#but they just lack the financial stability to start the business#so I actually want a UBI cause I think it would be good for the economy#never gonna say I can't be stupid or wrong; but that is one of my motives#...whatever... none of this matters; really ought to hurry up and die but I procrastinate that as hard as everything else
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kendrixtermina · 3 years ago
Edelgard and “meritocracy” - an essay
In this essay I wish to adress the common argument that “meritocracy bad, therefore edelgard bad” & the logical leaps therein.
Before we begin, I’d like to stress that she doesn’t even use the word “meritocracy” & they’re not even looking at it’s modern definition but reacting to the way it has been used as a fighting word to denigrate the poor specificically in the post reagan modern USA & then assuming Edelgard means the exact same thing by that without bothering to examine what she actually says & in what context.
Modern capitalism & the way it uses rhetoric of merit as an excuse is bad & with its reduction of human value to their moneymaking ability, definitely inherently ableist, I agree totally.
But 3H does NOT take place in the modern world. Progress is always relative to what came before. It*s progress away from entrenched problems.
It’s a total failure to even imagine a world different from the sucky one we live in - that’s exactly what tolkien meant  by that saying that if we’re prisoners we have a duty to escape.
Edelgard doesn’t live in a capitalist society nor is she bringing about capitalism (if anything Claude’s the one talking of free trade & giving the merchants what they want, though he is almost certainly playing them much like the church)
And the main component of capitalism - factory owners, rich elites who owns large swathes of companies or real estate - is nowhere to be found.
In our world that cropped up because industrialization made owning factories, offices, trade etc. more lucrative that just owning the land, so factory owners replaced landed lords, essentially promising the peasants freedom if they helped them overthrow the kings but granting them only in a limited manner - the flawed inequal democracies that resulted were a compromise between peasants and factory owners.
But by and large the nobles are very much in the same niche as the factory owners today - they own the land and get special trade privileges (the means of production), they often abuse the populace with impunity, the peasants are very poor.
Edelgard cracks down on corruption & special trade privileges even during the timeskip.
And like the rich of our world, they have a self-mythology propaganda justification based on merit. Yes, there is the “by the grace of god” argument, too, but crests give you extra fighting power, and if you look at the Ferdinand support for example you do see that Fodlan’s nobles - especially the adrestian ones - see themselves as a honed elite that is trained from birth & therefore better at ruling.
Not quite the same argument a modern billionaire uses - who is very invested in convincing you that they didn’t get their power and wealth by their birth - but a myth nonetheless.
Edelgard’s not bringing “meritocracy” as in brutal competition opposed to caring social safety nets, but as opposed to unearned privilege.
If you wanted to compare that to any kind of sociohistorical context, you might look at Napoleon’s peasant liberation or the implementation of civil service examinations in ancient China.
That wasn’t an all good thing - In the same way that Europe is very impacted by the legacy of rome both good & bad (there are persisting bad attitudes toward war, authority and agriculture for example), east asia still has a lot of education obsession causing pressure & unhealthy work habits to this day.
But if you compared ancient china before the reforms to ancient China after it definitely got better, by ancient china standards.
We couldn’t expect the people back then to come up with all advances up to our exact modern values at once (not can we be sure how much of our values will stand the test of time)
Considering that Fodlan’s ideal of merit is basically what Lorenz, Ingrid and Ferdinand are embodying for their respective countries, and that she stocks her inner circle with very different leaders, it is no stretch to say that she wants to shake up the social ideas of what even counts as merit, to make ppl value other things that crest power or elite upbringing, the same way we might say today that hey, cleaners are valuable actually.
Edelgard is basically doing her world’s equivalent of taxing the billionaires - reducing the power of what the overprivilieged class happens to be, & it’s obvious from her talk of how she despises inequality that she would hardly be for rule of factory owners.
When Edelgard says that she wants to make Fodlan more merit-based, that has to be taken in the context that she lives in a world where your birth determines everything, incompetent nobles can be as lazy as they want, and no one cares how competent you are if you lack a crest, title or both.
If she looked at our world, she would quickly see through the propaganda that it is supposedly “merit based” and object to how wealth and national origin obviously dictate wealth & opportunity while talented people go to waste in sweatshops.
Now of course there have been arguments even against “perfect” meritocracy - one is the devaluation of working class jobs.
To this one could answer that this is more a flaw in how merit is conceived. Historically there have been societies that exahlted blue collar work, artisans or farming.
The second argument, however, is not so easy to get rid of: That is devalues people who can’t just go & produce like machines, especially the unemployed, the sick, the mentally ill, the disabled…
But at this point we’ve got to lean back & get our definitions straight, & make it clear what we even mean by “meritocracy” -
Because if we’re just talking about the basic idea that competency should be rewarded, I don’t think too many people disagree with that. We might see a problem with valueing the competency of a doctor or lawyers dispropottionally over the competency of a cleaner or a bricklayer, but we all, by and large, want the people who prepare our goods and services to be competent. Maybe we wouldn’t exalt it over all over qualities, but most of us admire skill.
Of course the problem with the political rhetoric of “meritocracy” is that it goes beyond just rewarding skill, first with the afore mentioned rewarding of only some skills, but mostly with the reversion or overemphasis of the above: Saying that skill is the only thing that matters (to the exclusion of any inheent human value) & that those who don’t have it are worthless.
First I want to throw out the thought that this is a product of the production/profit orientation of capitalism, but one could of course imagine, as many sci fi authors have done, a non-capitalistic society that is still obsessed with merit at the exclusion of those who are not oriented towards productivity & care more about fun & relationships than producing, or those who can’t produce because they are sick or disabled.
So now we must ask ourselves the question: Which of those views does Edelgard actually hold?
Cause I want you to notice that they’re not the same. “Skill should be rewarded & jobs should be done by competent people”  is not the same position as “Skill is the ONLY thing that matters and if you don’t have it you are worthless”
In one position, skill is a good quality, in the other, it's a prerequisite to worth.
Most of us here probably agree that skill is admirable (we like and reblog pretty fanarts), but not that the unskilled are worthless.
Looking at her superficially I could perhaps see how someone might suspect her of the latter -  She gravitates to & surrounds herself with skilled intelligent people and she’s obscenely superpowered.
It’s an misunderstanding that Dimitri makes in-universe, he accuses her of “only benefitting the strong”
But note that her answer to that is that she wants to empower the weak to no longer be weak & decide their own lives, instead of accepting charity. (Contrast with how Dimitri romanticizes abyss, for example, even as Claude points out that locking the poor underground is hardly help.)
Of course she can say many things, as rulers often give florid speeches.
But let’s have a look at what she actually thinks. How does edelgard actually act towards people who struggle or aren’t productivity oriented?
This is one of her lecture questions from part I:
“When one professor lectures many students, some will inevitably have trouble keeping up, while others will get too far ahead in their studies. I wonder how this problem might be solved…”
Her favorite answer is “lectures should be optional”.
Which part of that sounds like a bell curve type eugenicist “only skill & intelligence counts” kind of person? She wants the struggling students to be taken proper care of, not just the good ones.
Look at the speeches she gives to Petra & Lysithea about not giving up on themselves & wanting them to move forward from an empowered mindset. Look at how she tells Lysithea to take it easy & not overtax her body. (Not "don't whine & keep working")
Look at Bernadetta - very much an ‘unproductive’ individual with great struggles & limitation. Does Edelgard dismiss her as a weakling? Not at all. Not even in the C support. She makes sure to stress her good qualities when introducing  her, makes an effort to be more patient so as not to scare her, & they become good friends.
Look at the Linhardt support - at first she mistakes his behavior for youthful lazyness (He’s 16 after all) & wants to get him to apply himself, but when she realizes that he just has different priorities, she respects that, & works to get him the exact sort of position that he wants. No “suck it up!” or dismissing such a different lifestyle. Nor does she chide him for hating fighting at any point.
Edelgard does everything in her power to accomodate people so they can do their best. She sees the value even in strange unsocial people that society would dismiss. She found a job for someone like Jeritza & helped him, she doesn’t hesitate to make Dorothea a general or Manuela the prime minister no matter what people say or if they don’t act like typical politicians.
Also, when she talks about choosing her sucessor, she wants them to be brilliant/competent yes, but also kind and 'an outsider' (ie, impartial) - hardly a PoV of "if you are skilled you can do whatever you want and if you aren't no other quality matters". She's prizing kindness & objectivity just as highly, something which is absolutely reflected throughout all her actions & behaviors towards others.
She doesn't devalue living quietly & low key without making waves - in fact, that is her dream life, which she deems superior to achievement and ambition, which are to her just tools to archieve good aims.
She couldn’t be further from having a narrow definition of what a “valuable” person is, she is all ABOUT empowering people to take control of their own lives, no pity-driven charity, no paternalism, none of that. This is one of my favorite traits about her, so I can’t help but get mad when people accuse her of being the exact opposite.
But maybe the biggest argument is abyss. This is where the genuine underclass lives, poor, struggling, traumatized, refugees etc.
Edelgard isn’t as vocal during Cindered Shadows as Claude - she can’t blow her cover & just isn’t as expressive personality wise. But she’s the one who makes everybody swear to take care of Abyss no matter who wins.
And her route is the one where, instead of telling you that they lost people, Hapi tells you that they’ve all been pretty much fine over the timeskip.
If you want to help the struggling & the poor and those who don't have "conventional" skills, you should back edelgard.
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lonelylife31 · 4 years ago
CEMEX: Globalization “The CEMEX Way”.
Where is this happening? In which country?     Describe the business environment of the places mentioned in the case.
The case is based, on a Mexican company called "Cementos de Mexico" for the acronym "CEMEX". It's a cement company which opened in 1982 and across 15 years’ operating they are located in a lot of countries like Spain, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, Philippines, US and, in 2007 Australia. It is happening in Mexico all this process of internationalization where they apply a strategy called CEMEX way, which is based that you need to apply more advance management techniques to do things better.
In the 25 years leading up to the Rinker deal, CEMEX had evolved from a small, privately-owned, cement-focused Mexican company of 6,500 employees and $275 million in revenue to a publicly-traded, global leader of 65,000 employees with a presence in 50 countries and $21.7 billion in annual revenue in 2007. (Lessard, 2009)
  When did it happen? Mention what was going on in     the world at that particular time.
In those years of internationalization CEMEX at first started to export their goods, in this case, cement. They realized that it was business and, they were impacting a big market so, they decided to go further, go beyond what they wanted to do.
Well before its first significant step toward international expansion in 1992, CEMEX had developed a set of core competencies that would shape its later trajectory including strong operational capabilities based on engineering and IT, and a culture of transparency. It also had mastered the art of acquisition and integration within Mexico, having grown though acquisitions over the years. Between 1987 and 1989 alone, the company spent $1 billion in order to solidify its position at home. (Lessard, 2009)
It is well - known that the globalization arrives in Mexico in 1994 where the country decided to be part of the World Trade Organization giving space to the Free Trade Agreement, between Canada and the United States. Offer to Mexico an excellent opportunity to watch at their national companies’ talent and, starting to create alliances with the members of WTO.
What is the overall business situation? Describe     it at length. 
In its financial report, the company indicated that net sales in the first quarter of 2020 reached USD 3,085 million, a figure similar to USD 3,094 million in the same period a year ago.
However, the executive added, the company responded "quickly to this health crisis, focusing on three priorities": health and safety of employees and suppliers, customer support, and measures to protect the future of the company.
In addition, senior managers have voluntarily ceded part of their salary, and capital expenditures, operating expenses, production levels and inventory are being "suspended or reduced" in order to improve cash. (Infobae, 2020)
Due to COVID - 19, a lot of companies did not expect close through a long time and, begin their operations months later. Nevertheless, when CEMEX started its operations, it seems truly beneficial for them because compared to last year, they achieve a better utility for the company.
Like all the companies in the country, unfortunately, at the beginning of the lockdown, most of them close or even fail because of the situation of the country. In this case, CEMEX showed weak in the first months, but with good planning and handling means, they got their utility like one of the best. It varies with the other countries, most of them the per cent increase compared to last year but in another decrease.
The presence of these companies and the way they are working offering jobs it is nice to see it because in a country like Mexico where the pandemic hit harder, the fact that the economy needs to reactivate for the economic growth is such a task that the government and transnational companies that contribute to GDP must handle.
Thanks to this company who opened their operations, they could get better in the profits with a good balance between the countries where they are set.
Define the problem and list all the variables     that affect it, explaining why?
Amid a sharp drop in the construction sector and the decrease in infrastructure works in Mexico, Cemex's net sales at the end of 2019 registered a 3% decline, consolidating $ 13.13 billion.
In its annual results report, the cement company reported that last year it registered an 11% decrease in its operating cash flow (Ebitda, by its figures in English), while the net profit of the controlling party fell 73%. (Expansión, 2020)
Lower     public investment in infrastructure. In Mexico, on this new government,     the money which must invest in public infrastructure it is not well     administrated. Most of the money is like a gift for social causes for the     vulnerable society in Mexico however, this thing generates conflict     between companies and the GDP will be affected because there is no     economic growth and this cause that the company reduce their operations     with a cost opportunity.
Construction     permit suspensions in Mexico City. Talking about the government too, they     are the pillar of CEMEX's operations because their works must be allowed     by them. If the government refuse to permit them, they will be no capacity     to start their operations because there is legal stuff that they must     follow.
Investment.     CEMEX planned to invest in the company for a better resolution and to     generate profits for them and give to the other companies located in the     foreign market for a better profit increase. Remember that without     investment, we can keep advancing with our company and started to the part     of innovation, knowing that they are a transnational company.
Who else is involved? Mention all the people,     companies and institutions that are involved in the whole situation,     explaining the existing connections between them.
Government. In general terms, the permission, and     the way the government are administrated for the leaders.
Provide comprehensive quality road services associated with the operation, conservation, administration, modernization and exploitation of roads and toll bridges as a concessionaire and contract service provider, which facilitate the movement of goods and people safely, comfortably, quickly and economically. , in an efficient, competitive and sustainable way with a framework of transparency and accountability, to contribute to the expansion and integration of the national network of roads and toll bridges, forming a human team that finds its motivation in self-improvement and the spirit of service. (CAPUFE, 2020)
The relation between CAPUFE and CEMEX is the part of permission too, however, in this case, is that this is the client potential where CEMEX lend its services and being stopped by this organism can be a problem.
Entering the world of business with CEMEX
Before we talk about CEMEX's company, let us have a review of the most successful business in Latin America. It is well - known that a company, is defined by its profits and influence in the market, how these companies use the innovation to be better every day and the way they grow through the years. Good administration is another factor of success.
Now, what is CEMEX?
A company focused on creating sustainable value by providing industry-leading products and solutions to satisfy the construction needs of our customers around the world. We strive to make the future better for our customers, our shareholders, and our communities by becoming the world's most efficient and innovative building materials company. (CEMEX, 2020) Strategically positioned across the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Their business environment is very complex; however, these are the most important factors in the company.
Business + Financial
Create value for our shareholders through a forward-looking growth strategy and disciplined fund allocation. Our vertically integrated portfolio of cement, aggregates, and ready-mix concrete—tailored to each market’s needs—provides us with the opportunity to manage our assets as one integrated business rather than as distinct businesses, further improving our operational efficiency and profitability.
CEMEX, remark that they adapt to the market needs and, in this way, they are creating value. There are a thousand of companies who dedicate to the same industry as CEMEX, but they are making the difference with the financial strategies because there is financial information for investors, so,  they can decide if the company is profitable.
Relationship with costumers.
They are very close to their customers, adapting the product like in the business strategy they can be allowed to bring quality products and services for their needs on construction.
Sustainable Development.
Nowadays, companies have to implement sustainable development because the planet is changing through the years and the industries must be aware of the impact they are creating on the ecosystem doing social and environments actions to decrease the problems that the world are facing up the past few years.
This goes handle with sustainable solutions because innovation allows us to be better, to improve what we have and offer it to the market by being different from competence. CEMEX is creating a cement that cannot harm the environment with laboratory investigations and tests.
Operational Efficiency
CEMEX constantly seek to improve our performance as an efficient, agile, and innovative company by identifying, sharing, and implementing best practices across our global network of plants and facilities.
They constantly create and develop methodologies that serve as the framework for our daily tasks.
Corporate Governance + Ethics
CEMEX committed to abide by the laws and regulations of every jurisdiction in which we operate. Nonetheless, we recognize that our strict adherence to the law is not enough to run a global organization. Beyond compliance, our commitment—to ourselves, our investors, and to all of our stakeholders—is to manage CEMEX with integrity. Everything we do rests on this foundation.
These are the essence of their business environment on the company we know that CEMEX is an international company set in a lot of countries creating agreements to be there. Their first step of international trade was the export of the cement when in 1985, Mexico entered the NAFTA and, CEMEX took advantage of it to starting look forward to entering on new foreign markets.
The way CEMEX could enter the foreign markets was by the acquisition way, where they bought firms to set the industry in those countries. There is a thing called "CEMEX Way" which refers to the strategy that they used and still using nowadays to set on a foreign market. The CEMEX way composes in these guidelines:
Efficiently manage the global knowledge base;
Identify and disseminate best practices;
Standardize     business processes;
Implement key information and Internet-based     technologies;
Foster     innovation.
International CEMEX’s Presence:
USA, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Guyana, Egypt, UAE, Philippines.
Construction sector in Mexico.
According to the construction sector’s economic research centre (Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector de la Construcción, CEESCO), the sector represents the fourth-largest value-added activity in the country. Ranked behind manufacturing, commerce and real estate services, it constitutes roughly 8% of GDP.
Construction is also the country’s second-largest source of employment, after agriculture, accounting for 15.7% of the workforce and creating 6m direct jobs. Moreover, CEESCO reports that the industry is closely linked with many other areas of the Mexican economy. For every 100 pesos spent on construction, 45 pesos goes towards purchasing goods and services from 176 of the economy’s other 262 productive branches. (Oxford Business Group, 2018)
As we can watch, the construction company is a fundamental part of the GDP in Mexico. The investment of infrastructure in the country is decreasing. However, the construction companies are open to the private and public sector it depends on their clients and who they will work too.
CEMEX in Mexico has 11 cement plants and mills and 95 land distribution centres with 8 marine terminals.
Every industry in the world is defined by its elements of primary, secondary and, the tertiary sector, which give us an image about what is their specialization and the process they make to be part of one of these sectors.
Primary activities of CEMEX:
Extracts raw materials from the land or at sea. The process of extracting mineral deposits must fit in with the government’s Regional Minerals Plan. This specifies how much material needs to be extracted to ensure a fair balance across the country.
Secondary activities:
Heating clay and chalk fuses the raw materials together. The resulting materials are ground to powder as cement. The cement plants need permits from the industry regulator, the Environment Agency. CEMEX also produces ready mixed concrete, asphalt and concrete products in specialist plants. These require planning permission from local authorities and are also regulated by the Environment Agency.
Tertiary activities:
Distributes raw materials and finished goods to customers for the construction of houses, schools, hospitals, bridges, offices and transport links:
Aggregates provide the base for all types of     construction products.
Cement is sold in bulk to make ready mixed     concrete and concrete products and in bags to builders’ merchants for     individuals to buy.
Ready mixed concrete and concrete products are     sold to residential, commercial, and public contractors. (Finantial Chronicles, 2020)
Culture and diversity:
Diversity is a relevant component of our Human Rights Policy, we support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights principles, as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. CEMEX people are free to express their opinions, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives, and we support equal opportunity and treatment for all men and women. No individual should experience discrimination, marginalization or have their talents or contributions excluded because of conscious or unconscious bias. CEMEX’s commitment is to look for ways to provide all our employees with equal opportunities to pursue and advance in their professional and personal careers. (CEMEX, 2020)
Diversity and inclusion are aspects with a degree of importance nowadays because it is very clear that in some countries when you are going to apply for a job, you can be judged by the way you look, talk, gender, nationality, health, etcetera. In the 21st Century, those aspects started to decrease in companies, because that is a discrimination manner to our integrity as humans.
Like professional, we must be judged by our knowledge, experience, mentality, and personality, I mean, the things inside us not outside us like a physical way.
The United Nations Organization created 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Which are implemented in companies for help the most important problems in the world, for example, no poverty, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, life on land, life below water, etcetera. CEMEX apply these goals on its company join to the cause. The CEMEX SDGs are quality education, gender equality, reducing inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, and partnership for the goals.
This is the current situation of CEMEX around the world:
One     of the leaders in each of our core businesses: cement, ready-mix concrete,     and aggregates
Strategically     positioned across the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, the Middle     East and Asia
Trade     relationships in 102 nations and one of the world’s top traders of cement     and clinker
More     than 40,000 employees worldwide
Not too bad for a company who's been in the market a long time ago and keep generating incomes around the world. Now, let's go for the most important case in this story, the numbers, one of the special things that investors like to check out. How well did CEMEX be a year ago?
Numbers say a lot about the company knowing that there are a lot of factors that made the company successful and attractive to investors, countries, and the stock exchange. Let's see CEMEX' sells through the years.
 The graphic is an imbalance of the last 5 years but for the numbers on the last board is not too bad for the company.  
For a big company, these numbers are not bad, and we can watch that they maintain the financial system. Companies that can maintain like this are a few, CEMEX has been doing an amazing work through the years.
Like all the companies in the world, they must have policies that allow us to understand a better work environment and ethic of the company. This is a part where we realize how problems are solved and the way they deal with it too. These are a few that we found on their website so by the titles we can have a vision about the content of it.
Anti     – corruption.
Anti     – money laundering
Code     of Ethics.
We realized that CEMEX is a huge company with an international presence in more than 30 countries they use sustainability for being a good industry that won't harm the environment.  Their social projects are helping a per cent of Mexicans that are founded in a vulnerable situation. The expansion strategy is something that we can talk too.
Most of the Mexican companies should learn of CEMEX they handled a strategy that worked well on them now they are one of the companies who represent the country, is a part of the GPD and they contribute to the economic growth of Mexico.
We should move on and keep innovating our products or services to be at the same time equal or even better than the competence and raise the name of Mexico higher. Let us work together, let's make a better country, help your people, consume local things and, we will see how our companies keep growing to decrease the unemployment rate. It is up to you if you want to make a change in our environment. Where is this happening? In which country?     Describe the business environment of the places mentioned in the case. The case is based, on a Mexican company called "Cementos de Mexico" for the acronym "CEMEX". It's a cement company which opened in 1982 and across 15 years’ operating they are located in a lot of countries like Spain, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, Philippines, US and, in 2007 Australia. It is happening in Mexico all this process of internationalization where they apply a strategy called CEMEX way, which is based that you need to apply more advance management techniques to do things better.In the 25 years leading up to the Rinker deal, CEMEX had evolved from a small, privately-owned, cement-focused Mexican company of 6,500 employees and $275 million in revenue to a publicly-traded, global leader of 65,000 employees with a presence in 50 countries and $21.7 billion in annual revenue in 2007. (Lessard, 2009)  When did it happen? Mention what was going on in     the world at that particular time. In those years of internationalization CEMEX at first started to export their goods, in this case, cement. They realized that it was business and, they were impacting a big market so, they decided to go further, go beyond what they wanted to do.Well before its first significant step toward international expansion in 1992, CEMEX had developed a set of core competencies that would shape its later trajectory including strong operational capabilities based on engineering and IT, and a culture of transparency. It also had mastered the art of acquisition and integration within Mexico, having grown though acquisitions over the years. Between 1987 and 1989 alone, the company spent $1 billion in order to solidify its position at home. (Lessard, 2009)It is well - known that the globalization arrives in Mexico in 1994 where the country decided to be part of the World Trade Organization giving space to the Free Trade Agreement, between Canada and the United States. Offer to Mexico an excellent opportunity to watch at their national companies’ talent and, starting to create alliances with the members of WTO. What is the overall business situation? Describe     it at length.  In its financial report, the company indicated that net sales in the first quarter of 2020 reached USD 3,085 million, a figure similar to USD 3,094 million in the same period a year ago.However, the executive added, the company responded "quickly to this health crisis, focusing on three priorities": health and safety of employees and suppliers, customer support, and measures to protect the future of the company.In addition, senior managers have voluntarily ceded part of their salary, and capital expenditures, operating expenses, production levels and inventory are being "suspended or reduced" in order to improve cash. (Infobae, 2020)Due to COVID - 19, a lot of companies did not expect close through a long time and, begin their operations months later. Nevertheless, when CEMEX started its operations, it seems truly beneficial for them because compared to last year, they achieve a better utility for the company. Like all the companies in the country, unfortunately, at the beginning of the lockdown, most of them close or even fail because of the situation of the country. In this case, CEMEX showed weak in the first months, but with good planning and handling means, they got their utility like one of the best. It varies with the other countries, most of them the per cent increase compared to last year but in another decrease.The presence of these companies and the way they are working offering jobs it is nice to see it because in a country like Mexico where the pandemic hit harder, the fact that the economy needs to reactivate for the economic growth is such a task that the government and transnational companies that contribute to GDP must handle.Thanks to this company who opened their operations, they could get better in the profits with a good balance between the countries where they are set. Define the problem and list all the variables     that affect it, explaining why? Amid a sharp drop in the construction sector and the decrease in infrastructure works in Mexico, Cemex's net sales at the end of 2019 registered a 3% decline, consolidating $ 13.13 billion.In its annual results report, the cement company reported that last year it registered an 11% decrease in its operating cash flow (Ebitda, by its figures in English), while the net profit of the controlling party fell 73%. (Expansión, 2020) Lower     public investment in infrastructure. In Mexico, on this new government,     the money which must invest in public infrastructure it is not well     administrated. Most of the money is like a gift for social causes for the     vulnerable society in Mexico however, this thing generates conflict     between companies and the GDP will be affected because there is no     economic growth and this cause that the company reduce their operations     with a cost opportunity. Construction     permit suspensions in Mexico City. Talking about the government too, they     are the pillar of CEMEX's operations because their works must be allowed     by them. If the government refuse to permit them, they will be no capacity     to start their operations because there is legal stuff that they must     follow. Investment.     CEMEX planned to invest in the company for a better resolution and to     generate profits for them and give to the other companies located in the     foreign market for a better profit increase. Remember that without     investment, we can keep advancing with our company and started to the part     of innovation, knowing that they are a transnational company. Who else is involved? Mention all the people,     companies and institutions that are involved in the whole situation,     explaining the existing connections between them. Government. In general terms, the permission, and     the way the government are administrated for the leaders.   Capufe. Provide comprehensive quality road services associated with the operation, conservation, administration, modernization and exploitation of roads and toll bridges as a concessionaire and contract service provider, which facilitate the movement of goods and people safely, comfortably, quickly and economically. , in an efficient, competitive and sustainable way with a framework of transparency and accountability, to contribute to the expansion and integration of the national network of roads and toll bridges, forming a human team that finds its motivation in self-improvement and the spirit of service. (CAPUFE, 2020)The relation between CAPUFE and CEMEX is the part of permission too, however, in this case, is that this is the client potential where CEMEX lend its services and being stopped by this organism can be a problem.Entering the world of business with CEMEXBefore we talk about CEMEX's company, let us have a review of the most successful business in Latin America. It is well - known that a company, is defined by its profits and influence in the market, how these companies use the innovation to be better every day and the way they grow through the years. Good administration is another factor of success.Now, what is CEMEX? A company focused on creating sustainable value by providing industry-leading products and solutions to satisfy the construction needs of our customers around the world. We strive to make the future better for our customers, our shareholders, and our communities by becoming the world's most efficient and innovative building materials company. (CEMEX, 2020) Strategically positioned across the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.Their business environment is very complex; however, these are the most important factors in the company. Business + Financial Create value for our shareholders through a forward-looking growth strategy and disciplined fund allocation. Our vertically integrated portfolio of cement, aggregates, and ready-mix concrete—tailored to each market’s needs—provides us with the opportunity to manage our assets as one integrated business rather than as distinct businesses, further improving our operational efficiency and profitability.CEMEX, remark that they adapt to the market needs and, in this way, they are creating value. There are a thousand of companies who dedicate to the same industry as CEMEX, but they are making the difference with the financial strategies because there is financial information for investors, so,  they can decide if the company is profitable.Relationship with costumers.They are very close to their customers, adapting the product like in the business strategy they can be allowed to bring quality products and services for their needs on construction.Sustainable Development.Nowadays, companies have to implement sustainable development because the planet is changing through the years and the industries must be aware of the impact they are creating on the ecosystem doing social and environments actions to decrease the problems that the world are facing up the past few years.InnovationThis goes handle with sustainable solutions because innovation allows us to be better, to improve what we have and offer it to the market by being different from competence. CEMEX is creating a cement that cannot harm the environment with laboratory investigations and tests.Operational EfficiencyCEMEX constantly seek to improve our performance as an efficient, agile, and innovative company by identifying, sharing, and implementing best practices across our global network of plants and facilities.They constantly create and develop methodologies that serve as the framework for our daily tasks.Corporate Governance + EthicsCEMEX committed to abide by the laws and regulations of every jurisdiction in which we operate. Nonetheless, we recognize that our strict adherence to the law is not enough to run a global organization. Beyond compliance, our commitment—to ourselves, our investors, and to all of our stakeholders—is to manage CEMEX with integrity. Everything we do rests on this foundation.These are the essence of their business environment on the company we know that CEMEX is an international company set in a lot of countries creating agreements to be there. Their first step of international trade was the export of the cement when in 1985, Mexico entered the NAFTA and, CEMEX took advantage of it to starting look forward to entering on new foreign markets.The way CEMEX could enter the foreign markets was by the acquisition way, where they bought firms to set the industry in those countries. There is a thing called "CEMEX Way" which refers to the strategy that they used and still using nowadays to set on a foreign market. The CEMEX way composes in these guidelines: Efficiently manage the global knowledge base; Identify and disseminate best practices; Standardize     business processes; Implement key information and Internet-based     technologies; Foster     innovation. International CEMEX’s Presence:USA, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Guyana, Egypt, UAE, Philippines. Construction sector in Mexico.According to the construction sector’s economic research centre (Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector de la Construcción, CEESCO), the sector represents the fourth-largest value-added activity in the country. Ranked behind manufacturing, commerce and real estate services, it constitutes roughly 8% of GDP.Construction is also the country’s second-largest source of employment, after agriculture, accounting for 15.7% of the workforce and creating 6m direct jobs. Moreover, CEESCO reports that the industry is closely linked with many other areas of the Mexican economy. For every 100 pesos spent on construction, 45 pesos goes towards purchasing goods and services from 176 of the economy’s other 262 productive branches. (Oxford Business Group, 2018)As we can watch, the construction company is a fundamental part of the GDP in Mexico. The investment of infrastructure in the country is decreasing. However, the construction companies are open to the private and public sector it depends on their clients and who they will work too.CEMEX in Mexico has 11 cement plants and mills and 95 land distribution centres with 8 marine terminals.Every industry in the world is defined by its elements of primary, secondary and, the tertiary sector, which give us an image about what is their specialization and the process they make to be part of one of these sectors.Primary activities of CEMEX:Extracts raw materials from the land or at sea. The process of extracting mineral deposits must fit in with the government’s Regional Minerals Plan. This specifies how much material needs to be extracted to ensure a fair balance across the country.Secondary activities:Heating clay and chalk fuses the raw materials together. The resulting materials are ground to powder as cement. The cement plants need permits from the industry regulator, the Environment Agency. CEMEX also produces ready mixed concrete, asphalt and concrete products in specialist plants. These require planning permission from local authorities and are also regulated by the Environment Agency.Tertiary activities:Distributes raw materials and finished goods to customers for the construction of houses, schools, hospitals, bridges, offices and transport links: Aggregates provide the base for all types of     construction products. Cement is sold in bulk to make ready mixed     concrete and concrete products and in bags to builders’ merchants for     individuals to buy. Ready mixed concrete and concrete products are     sold to residential, commercial, and public contractors. (Finantial Chronicles, 2020) Culture and diversity:Diversity is a relevant component of our Human Rights Policy, we support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights principles, as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. CEMEX people are free to express their opinions, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives, and we support equal opportunity and treatment for all men and women. No individual should experience discrimination, marginalization or have their talents or contributions excluded because of conscious or unconscious bias. CEMEX’s commitment is to look for ways to provide all our employees with equal opportunities to pursue and advance in their professional and personal careers. (CEMEX, 2020)Diversity and inclusion are aspects with a degree of importance nowadays because it is very clear that in some countries when you are going to apply for a job, you can be judged by the way you look, talk, gender, nationality, health, etcetera. In the 21st Century, those aspects started to decrease in companies, because that is a discrimination manner to our integrity as humans. Like professional, we must be judged by our knowledge, experience, mentality, and personality, I mean, the things inside us not outside us like a physical way.The United Nations Organization created 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Which are implemented in companies for help the most important problems in the world, for example, no poverty, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, life on land, life below water, etcetera. CEMEX apply these goals on its company join to the cause. The CEMEX SDGs are quality education, gender equality, reducing inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, and partnership for the goals.This is the current situation of CEMEX around the world: One     of the leaders in each of our core businesses: cement, ready-mix concrete,     and aggregates Strategically     positioned across the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, the Middle     East and Asia Trade     relationships in 102 nations and one of the world’s top traders of cement     and clinker More     than 40,000 employees worldwide Not too bad for a company who's been in the market a long time ago and keep generating incomes around the world. Now, let's go for the most important case in this story, the numbers, one of the special things that investors like to check out. How well did CEMEX be a year ago?
Numbers say a lot about the company knowing that there are a lot of factors that made the company successful and attractive to investors, countries, and the stock exchange. Let's see CEMEX' sells through the years.     The graphic is an imbalance of the last 5 years but for the numbers on the last board is not too bad for the company.  For a big company, these numbers are not bad, and we can watch that they maintain the financial system. Companies that can maintain like this are a few, CEMEX has been doing an amazing work through the years.Like all the companies in the world, they must have policies that allow us to understand a better work environment and ethic of the company. This is a part where we realize how problems are solved and the way they deal with it too. These are a few that we found on their website so by the titles we can have a vision about the content of it. Anti     – corruption. Anti     – money laundering Code     of Ethics. We realized that CEMEX is a huge company with an international presence in more than 30 countries they use sustainability for being a good industry that won't harm the environment.  Their social projects are helping a per cent of Mexicans that are founded in a vulnerable situation. The expansion strategy is something that we can talk too.Most of the Mexican companies should learn of CEMEX they handled a strategy that worked well on them now they are one of the companies who represent the country, is a part of the GPD and they contribute to the economic growth of Mexico.We should move on and keep innovating our products or services to be at the same time equal or even better than the competence and raise the name of Mexico higher. Let us work together, let's make a better country, help your people, consume local things and, we will see how our companies keep growing to decrease the unemployment rate. It is up to you if you want to make a change in our environment.
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years ago
Meet billionaire Expense Ackman, who made billions off coronavirus crash
REUTERS/Richard Brian.
Billionaire hedge-fund supervisor Bill Ackman made $2.6 billion off a questionable bet that the coronavirus would crash the stock market last month.
Ackman was accused of making inflammatory remarks throughout an appearance on CNBC with the intent of moving the markets to increase his earnings however denied it in a press release
Ackman, worth $ 1.6 billion, has a history of making controversial bets.
While most of the world saw their nest eggs decimated as the stock exchange entered into a free-fall over coronavirus worries last month, one hedge-fund supervisor was raking in billions.
Costs Ackman, the chief executive of Pershing Square Capital, made $2.6 billion off a $27 million bet that the pandemic would tank the marketplace. Ackman has a history of controversial bets that earned him a $ 1.6 billion fortune and an examination by the New York District Attorney’s Office.
A representative of Ackman at Pershing Square Capital did not right away respond to Service Expert’s request for comment on Ackman’s profession, net worth, residential or commercial property holdings, or domesticity.
Keep checking out to find out more about Costs Ackman.
William Ackman, 53, was born and raised in a wealthy suburban area outside of New york city City.
Bill Ackman.
Reuters/ Allen Fredrickson.
Ackman was raised in Chappaqua, the wealthy New york city suburb of north of New york city City, according to The Daily Mail Chappaqua is likewise home to Costs and Hillary Clinton, Ben Stiller, and Vanessa Williams, according to The Daily Mail
Ackman’s father, Lawrence Ackman, owned an industrial real-estate financing company, according to The Minneapolis Star Tribune His mom, Ronnie Posner Ackman, serves on the board of New York’s Lincoln Center, according to The New York Times
Ackman made a bachelor’s degree and MBA from Harvard, according to Forbes Quickly after graduating in 1992, Ackman established an effective investment company with a former schoolmate called Gotham Partners at age 26, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. The company achieved success however Ackman chose to wind it down in 2002, mentioning a series of lawsuits.
In 2003, Ackman was investigated by the New york city State Attorney General Of The United States over Gotham’s trading practices.
Costs Ackman.
No charges were ever submitted, Ackman said the extremely publicized investigation was difficult on his household.
” Individuals look at you amusing,” Ackman told The Minneapolis Star Tribune of the occurrence in2008
Ackman went on to found Pershing Square Capital Management with $54 million in 2004.
The cash was a mix of funds from his individual fortune and a loan from Leucadia National, according to The Minneapolis Star Tribune The firm was a near-instant success. In one of its finest years, 2014, Perishing Square posted 40%returns compared to the S&P 500’s 13%gain the exact same year, according to Investopedia
Pershing Square has large stakes in Chipotle Mexican Grill, Starbucks, and Hamburger King owner Restaurant Brands International Inc., Bloomberg reported. The value of its overall possessions tops $6.5 billion, according to Forbes
In a 2014 interview with Bloomberg, Ackman stated his guidelines for investing are to be bold, do the opposite of what everyone else is doing, and do lots of research study.
A Wendy’s junk food dining establishment is seen in Los Angeles, California U.S. November 7,2017
Ackman’s hedge fund made the majority of its money by purchasing stakes in big corporations, lobbying management to make changes to increase its stock rate, and after that quickly unloading their shares at an earnings, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported in2008 Pershing Square purchased a large stake in fast-food burger chain The Wendy’s Company in 2004, pushed it to offer off its effective Canadian subsidiary Tim Hortons, and went on to cash out its financial investment at a profit, according to Investopedia
” His video game is to increase the stock and go out– quick,” Howard Davidowitz, then-chairman of a New york city investment banking and consulting company, told The Minneapolis Star Tribune of Ackman in 2008.
However Ackman is extensively thought about to be an activist financier, according to Markets Insider.
” What we provide for a living, purchasing stakes in business and working to make them better, more effective, more efficient, I think it’s excellent for the shareholders, I believe it’s terrific for the workers,” Ackman told Bloomberg “I think I can do some great with that, and it’s likewise extremely rewarding. I like my day job.”
Pershing Square’s success made Ackman a billionaire. He first appeared on Forbes’ billionaire’s list in 2013.
Source: Markets Expert
Ackman’s strong bets have made Pershing Square a lot of cash– but they have likewise cost the hedge fund billions too.
Bill Ackman.
Ackman’s 2012 short versus multilevel marketing supplement maker Herbalife was one of the most prominent mistakes of his career, according to Investopedia Ackman wager $1 billion that the company would fail, while fellow billionaire investor Carl Icahn made a long-lasting financial investment in the business, Organisation Insider formerly reported. Ackman publicly implicated Herbalife of being a pyramid plan whose stock cost was bound to hit absolutely no, according to The Wall Street Journal
Icahn and Ackman entered into a public battle over the business’s prospects that was called “the hedge fund equivalent of Stalingrad” by The Journal, with Icahn eventually emerging victorious. Ackman lost hundreds of countless dollars on Herbalife, Business Insider reported.
Ackman likewise made a questionable investment in near-bankrupt drugmaker Valeant Pharmaceuticals that led to a contentious Senate hearing over Valeant’s practice of purchasing existing drugs and offering them at inflated prices in 2016, Service Expert reported at the time. Valeant has since been renamed Bausch Health
Pershing Square also lost money on bets on now-defunct bookseller Border’s Group and big-box merchant Target Corporation, according to Investopedia The losses put the hedge fund into what Bloomberg called a “three-year losing streak” in 2019, prior to Ackman’s bet against the stock exchange.
Ackman’s hedge fund made billions of dollars when coronavirus fears sunk the stock exchange in March.
Costs Ackman (left).
Pershing Square invested $27 million in credit security on investment-grade and high-yield bond indexes earlier in 2020, when the market was widely perceived to be healthy, according to Markets Expert
Ackman has considering that used the revenues to strengthen Pershing Square’s financial investments in Berkshire Hathaway, Hilton, Lowe’s, Dining Establishment Brands International, Starbucks and Agilent, Markets Insider reported.
Ackman was implicated of actively sinking the marketplace to increase his profits.
Costs Ackman.
Ackman made an look on CNBC on March 18, declaring that “hell is coming” since of the outbreak, after tweeting comparable beliefs previously in the day. Ackman’s remarks sent the already unpredictable market down, triggering allegations from various news outlets and on social media that Ackman went on television with the intent of making his bet versus the marketplace more profitable, Forbes reported.
Markets plunged so dramatically that the market struck a so-called circuit breaker, stopping trading for 15 minutes, Markets Expert reported.
The billionaire defended himself in a declaration to Pershing Square financiers, writing that “By Wednesday, March 18 th at 12: 30 p.m., when I appeared on CNBC, we had actually currently sold a little over half of the notional amount of our CDS, realizing a gain of more than $1.3 billion, with the unrealized part of our hedge having a market value at that time of $1.3 billion for an overall of $2.6 billion,” Ackman wrote in a news release “Importantly, our hedge had currently settled prior to my going on CNBC.”
Ackman also ruffled plumes by safeguarding a fellow hedge-fund manager who has been connected to Bernie Madoff.
Ezra Merkin privately invested his customer’s cash with Bernie Madoff, losing billions after the Ponzi plan was exposed, according to Bloomberg Merkin was investigated by the New york city Attorney General Of The United States as a potential coconspirator of Madoff’s however settled his case in 2012.
” I’ve known him for 15 years,” Ackman stated. “I believe he’s a truthful individual, a smart person, an interesting individual, a smart financier. People don’t want to hear that since if you invested with Ascot you lost all your cash.”
Fellow hedge fund supervisor Michael Steinhardt of Steinhardt, Fine, Berkowitz & Co. likewise publicly defended Merkin, according to The Street
Ackman credited his new household for motivating his earnings.
Bill Ackman and Neri Oxman go to The New York Stem Cell Structure Gala And Science Fair at Jazz at Lincoln Center on October 7, 2019 in New York City City.
” Possibly it has something to do with being liked and getting married?” Ackman stated of his successes at an investor conference in April 2019, Bloomberg reported.
Ackman and his partner, retired Israeli Flying force lieutenant and MIT teacher Neri Oxman(who is best known for being a reported ex-girlfriend of Brad Pitt), invited a child in the spring of 2019, according to Bloomberg
The couple got together in 2017, after being introduced by both Ackman’s previous teacher and a college good friend following a contentious divorce from his very first spouse, landscape architect Karen Ann Herskovitz, according to Page 6
Ackman and Herskovitz have a “civil, however not warm, relationship,” an unnamed source informed Page 6 in2017 The former couple share three daughters, according to Page Six
Ackman promised to give a minimum of half of his fortune to charity.
Ackman has given more than $400 million in grants to organizations focusing on cancer research, education, economic advancement, and social justice, according to his structure’s site
Ackman and his wife also offered $26 million to Harvard in 2014, according to Philanthropy News Digest
He spent a big portion of the rest of his money on an extensive portfolio of luxury realty.
The Upper West Side of Manhattan.
Ackman bought a $225 million penthouse in the neighborhood, The Wall Street Journal reported in2018 Ackman also owns two other systems in another luxury pre-war building on Manhattan’s Upper West Side that cost nearly $221 million combined, The Journal reported.
They also own a six-acre estate in the Hamptons.
An aerial view of beachfront mansions in Bridgehampton, New York. Ackman’s house not visualized.
Ackman bought the properties, which are located in the town of Bridgehampton, for $235 million in August 2015, according to The Real Deal
The combined value of Ackman’s real-estate portfolio is more than $165 million, according to The Daily Mail
In his spare time, Ackman is a passionate tennis player.
Ackman has actually been playing considering that youth, according to Forbes
Ackman also has an interest in politics.
Costs Ackman.
We now have a business owner as president,” Vanity Fair reported Ackman said.
Ackman hasn’t always been a fan of Trump. In 2016, Ackman penned an essay in The Financial Times asking Bloomberg LP CEO and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg to run for president.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/meet-billionaire-expense-ackman-who-made-billions-off-coronavirus-crash/
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patriotsnet · 3 years ago
Are Republicans Or Democrats Better For Small Business
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-republicans-or-democrats-better-for-small-business/
Are Republicans Or Democrats Better For Small Business
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Small Business And Government Regulations
AOC Blasts Republicans Who Blame Democrats for Holding Up Small Business Aid
Democratic views on small business revolve around the theory that, while government cannot guarantee the success of a small business, it can implement the conditions that support hiring of new workers through providing tax relief and increasing the availability of Small Business Administration resources.
During the Obama administration, President Obama cut taxes for small businesses no less than eighteen times. Also at President Obamas direction, the Small Business Administration administered more than 70,000 loans for businesses, offering those businesses with the much needed capital to invest and grow.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that was signed into law by President Obama states that business that hire previously unemployed workers are eligible for tax cuts and can write off the purchase of new equipment. Most of the small businesses are eligible under the Affordable Care Act for tax credits to offset the insurance costs for their employees. Democrats are fighting to defend the progress made and ensure that the new president Donald Trump cannot disrespect the American small businesses.
Virginia Republicans Have Been Warning Democratic Control Was Bad For Business Cnbc Disagrees
By: Graham Moomaw and Ned Oliver– July 13, 2021 6:33 pm
The sun rises over the Virginia Capitol.
After Democrats took control of the General Assembly in 2020, a common refrain emerged among Republicans who opposed legislation that raised the minimum wage and added new anti-discrimination protections for employees.
The Democrat majority has done much to diminish Virginias reputation for being Americas best state for business, said Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment, R-James City, as Democrats first legislative session in power in more than two decades came to a close, invoking a ranking bestowed annually by the cable news network CNBC.
Two years later, it looks like at least some of those Democratic priorities actually helped the states business reputation.
For the second time in a row, Virginia was named the best state for business , which this year began factoring things like anti-discrimination laws and voting rights protections into its rankings under the heading of inclusivity.
Our economy in the Commonwealth of Virginia is roaring, Gov. Ralph Northam said during a victory-lap news conference in Norfolk on Tuesday. Its why companies of all sizes are choosing to call our commonwealth home. Virginia is proving that when you treat people right, its good for everyone and its also good for business.
Youngkins campaign downplayed the CNBC ranking Tuesday, arguing the state is underperforming in key metrics like cost of living and cost of doing business.
Committee Republicans Send Letter To Biden Pelosi Slamming Democrats’ Tax Hike Proposals On Small Businesses
WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, all House Small Business Committee Republicans – led by Ranking Member Luetkemeyer – sent a letter to President Biden and Speaker Pelosi highlighting the negative impacts the Democrats’ tax hike proposals would have on small businesses. As Democrats prepare to take historic steps to recklessly push forward trillions of dollars in spending paid for by small businesses across the country, Committee Republicans are standing up for Main Street USA. Small businesses are focused on recovering from the economic effects of the…
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Small Business And Taxes
Trump has supported significant cut on the income tax on all companies to 15 percent. Business groups also want to see partners, sole proprietors and corporate shareholders whose business income is reported on their personal returns benefit from these changes.
While the party has gotten a great deal of pushback because these policies would benefit big business, what many fail to realize is how essential these policies are to the survival of small businesses.
Staying Afloat During Covid
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Brianna Knight, a 31-year-old Fresno resident with clients across the state, was one of the fortunate ones. Her holistic skincare business has done well during the pandemic.
The state grants helped, but so did her overplanning six months ahead at some points. Before the pandemic, Knight also launched a clinical skincare line, enabling her to package at-home facial kits for her clients once COVID-19 hit.;
Despite staying afloat, Knight said she is undecided how she will vote on the recall. She said she needs to research the candidates more, and wants to see how the next phase of the pandemic goes.
I definitely think that we need new leadership, but I dont know if right now is the time, she said. And I only say that because right now California is in the purple and we do foresee a possible shutdown again. So transitioning leadership right now sometimes it gets worse.;
Knight said she wantsnew leadership because of the way the pandemic was handled, including shutting down businesses that state leaders deemed non-essential.
I do corrective skincare, so acne, so even in a pandemic, those clients are still dealing with an issue, she said. I think that what they considered wasnt as important was important to a lot of people, and we werent recognized.
I definitely think that we need new leadership, but I dont know if right now is the time.
Brianna Knight, business owner from fresno
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History Of The Republican Party
The Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long-time stance in favor of abolition of slavery. They were a small third-party who nominated John C. Freemont for President in 1856. In 1860 they became an established political party when their nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Lincolns Presidency throughout the war, including his policies to end slavery for good helped solidify the Republican Party as a major force in American politics. The elephant was chosen as their symbol in 1874 based on a cartoon in Harpers Weekly that depicted the new party as an elephant.
Regulating The Economy Democratic Style
The Democratic Party is generally considered more willing to intervene in the economy, subscribing to the belief that government power is needed to regulate businesses that ignore social interests in the pursuit of earning a return for shareholders. This intervention can come in the form of regulation or taxation to support social programs. Opponents often describe the Democratic approach to governing as “tax and spend.”
Recommended Reading: Who Raises More Money Democrats Or Republicans
Left Wing And Right Wing Politics
Politics is said to be split in half and you either have left or right political views. Left-wing politics is typically associated with progressive ideas and equality. Democrats are viewed as left-wingers. Right-wing politics values tradition, equity, and survival of the fittest. Republicans are viewed as right-wingers.;
Left-wing beliefs are liberal in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role of the government. Examples of an expanded role for the government include entitlement programs such as social security and Medicare, Medicaid, universal healthcare, food stamps, free public education, unemployment benefits, strong environmental laws, and other regulations on industries.
Right Wing
Right-wingers believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role and especially the power of the government is minimized. Right-wing ideology would favor market-based solutions to the issues that these government programs aim to tackle. For example, encouraging a freer marketplace for healthcare, driven by consumer choice to drive down costs. Or privately held retirement accounts like 401 plans instead of government-guaranteed Social Security.
Study: Republicans Are 24 Percent More Likely Than Democrats To Be Business Owners
Lou Dobbs: NYC is a very difficult environment for any small business owner
According to the Small Business Administration, there are about 28 million small business owners in this country and approximately 22 million of them are self-employed or non-employer firms. The rest of these small firms are employing more than 120 million people. Thats a pretty big voting bloc of small business owners and their employees.
Thats probably good news for Republicans.
According to;a survey;recently released by data research firm Infogroup, most small business owners vote Republican.
The company merged voter registration data from critical swing states with its proprietary database to come up with a combined pool of 5;million businesses and consumers that were asked questions about their party affiliation and other topics.
Of those surveyed, 24 percent of business owners were more likely to be Republican than Democrat. Republicans are way more likely to be presidents, vice-presidents and finance executives than Democrats and the hot industries for Republicans appear to be real estate, financial services and wholesale trade.
The study also found that Republicans tend to have stronger financial indicators than Democrats, such as higher household income, home value, net worth and likelihood to invest. They are also much more likely than Democrats to have a home office, purchase small business insurance, fly more frequently and invest more often in real estate.
For someone in marketing, sure. But what if youre a presidential candidate?
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Politics And Small Business
“The immediate shift in forward-looking sentiment that small business owners reported following the election reveals how deeply politics has become embedded in the public’s assessment of the economy, and in particular how divided the country is,” said Laura Wronski, research science manager at SurveyMonkey. “We’ve seen evidence of that every quarter, with Republican small business owners consistently reporting a higher degree of confidence than Democrats, but the election of Joe Biden is the first opportunity we’ve had to see whether that would flip if presidential power changed parties and it did dramatically.”
Among Republican respondents, the small business confidence index score fell from 57 in the third quarter to 42; among Democrats, confidence jumped from 46 to 58. The lowest previous confidence reading from Republican business owners was in Q2 2020, at 54.
We’ve seen evidence of that every quarter, with Republican small business owners consistently reporting a higher degree of confidence than Democrats, but the election of Joe Biden is the first opportunity we’ve had to see whether that would flip if presidential power changed parties and it did dramatically.Laura Wronski, SurveyMonkey research science manager
Histories Of The Parties
The Democratic party started in 1828 as anti-federalist sentiments began to form. The Republican party formed a few decades later, in 1854, with the formation of the party to stopping slavery, which they viewed to be unconstitutional.
The difference between a democrat and a republican has changed many, many times throughout history. Democrats used to be considered more conservative, while the republican party fought for more progressive ideas. These ideals have switched over time.
Recommended Reading: Where Are Republicans On The Political Spectrum
How Republicans And Democrats Compare As Small Business Owners
COSTA MESA, Calif.A new analysis shows that Republicans make up the largest percentage of U.S. small business owners, and that they have the highest average business loan balances and lowest delinquency rates.
With the presidential election less than a year away, Experian looked at the financial and demographic characteristics of small business owners by political affiliation. The report found that approximately 35% of all small business owners identify as Republican, while 29.4% identify as Democrat and 15.8% identify as Independent.
Small businesses are a major area of interest for a number of political campaigns and justifiably so, given their positive impact on employment rates and importance to local economies, said Pete Bolin, director of consulting and analytics for Experian business information services. Gaining insight into the characteristics of specific segments of the small business owner population enables government officials, lenders and business professionals to better understand them and take appropriate action to help these small firms grow.
Crisis On Top Of Crisis
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Thousands of small business owners across California are still trying to survive a pandemic now in its fourth surge. Even with the reopening, some restaurants and other service establishments are having trouble hiring workers or are having to pay more and offer perks.;
Then, there are businesses that also have to deal with wildfires and drought.
Data from San Francisco-based software company Womply showed that the deadly 2018 Camp Fire resulted in 13% of local businesses near the fire shutting down permanently, while in 2019, 6.6% of businesses closed after the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County.;
In 2020, California experienced its most destructive fire season in history, with 4.2 million acres burned. In 2021 so far, it isnt much better. The still-burning Dixie Fire is already the second largest in state history, having blackened more than 600,000 acres in Butte, Plumas, Lassen and Tehama counties.;;;;;
Meanwhile, California is in the grip of its worst drought since 2015. This week, Newsom raised the prospect of mandatory water conservation statewide.
John Kabateck, California director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, said;opinions on the recall vary among its members, but many are too busy dealing with bigger concerns. Among them: finding qualified employees, meeting payroll and readying for a huge spike in their unemployment insurance taxes.
So hes willing to give Newsom the benefit of the doubt.
Recommended Reading: What Republicans Are Running For Governor In Nevada
Obamacares Impact On Small Business
Opponents of the Affordable Care Act argue that the ACA has forced small business owners to pay a lot of money they dont have, that the rising cost of medical insurance and the associated fees has forced companies to lay off workers or to halt expansion plans, and that the tax incentives offered to small businesses isnt guaranteed and its too complicated.
Proponents of the ACA argue that the tax incentives are a great help, and assist them in the added costs of the health insurance premiums. They state that the majority of the expense falls with big businesses, not small businesses. They also argue that many small businesses will fall into the category of under 50 employees, and therefore will not be impacted by the act anyways, aside from the supposed lowering of healthcare costs that it offers.
What Is At Stake For Small Businesses In The 2020 Election
This combination of pictures created on October 22, 2020 shows US President Donald Trump … and Democratic Presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden during the final presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 22, 2020.
Tomorrow, voting concludes in one of the most contentious elections of our lives, but its just another chapter in the wild story that has been 2020. Weve had a pandemic, heightened racial tensions and a faltering economy.;A client told me last week that he feels like the world around him is on fire. And with Covid-19 infections coming back with a vengeance, stimulus talks at a standstill and an unpredictable election, things are set to only get more tumultuous.
You may be election-exhausted by now. You may be one of the 92 million Americans who have already voted.;But no matter who wins on Tuesday , its important ;to understand whats at stake for small business owners tomorrow and in weeks and months to come.
More Stimulus
But now, as CARES impact fades, we are still far from full recovery. The recent rise in coronavirus cases, new lockdown orders looming, 12.6 million workers on unemployment and eight million American pushed into poverty all jeopardize continued recovery in the fourth quarter. ;;
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Clinton Vs Trump: Who’s Better For Your Small Business
AP 1-/10/2016
At 7 a.m. local time on Nov. 8, 2016, polls will open for the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election to determine the 45th president. Regardless of your political party or if youre voting for Clinton or Trump, its one of the most important elections in the countrys history.
Thefirst of four presidential debates took place on Sept. 26, and both candidates expressed that this election is about getting the economy working for average Americans again and that means small business owners. According to the Small Business Administration , small businesses provide 55 percent of all jobs and 66 percent of all net jobs since the 1970s. The problem is that recent data from the National Federation of Independent Business found that political uncertainty is at an all-time high because neither candidate is speaking in detail to issues that small business owners care about.
This post will take a look at what Clinton and Trump have said about small businesses, whether their proposed plans help or hurt and what they could do differently. The best way to remedy political uncertainty is to know what the candidates stand for and what proposed policies and beliefs mean in the long run.
Hillary Clinton Wants to Be theSmall Business President
Sounds Great, But is it Too Good to be True?
Where Does Trump Stand With Small Businesses?
His Real Stance Is Still Up For Debate
Have a Voice and Vote
Democrats Raise Red Flags On Gop Small Business Plan As Biden Weighs In
Republicans join Democrats to advance $1tn infrastructure bill
When it comes to some of the broad strokes in the small business plan, Republicans and Democrats appear to be close to agreement.
07/28/2020 04:56 PM EDT
Link Copied
Democrats are gearing up to push for changes to a small business aid plan pitched by Republicans as part of the latest economic relief package, as former Vice President Joe Biden called for major new investments in firms owned by people of color.
While the small business rescue plan released by Senate Republicans Monday included bipartisan priorities including a second round of forgivable government loans Democrats are targeting what they say are key omissions.
Among them, according to sources familiar with the matter, is the absence of new funding for the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, which offers direct aid to employers. Democrats also say there is insufficient support for Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions, which focus lending on populations lacking access to traditional banks.
Democrats may also try to bar executive branch officials and members of Congress from obtaining government-backed business loans. The bill proposed by Republicans only requires the officials to disclose their status when applying.
President Donald Trump and Melania Trump have tested positive for Covid-19.
The latest news in employment, labor and immigration politics and policy.
Recommended Reading: Which Presidents Were Democrats And Republicans
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livingcorner · 3 years ago
How to become your own boss – with €10,000, or less, behind you@|how to start a garden maintenance business@|https://www.independent.ie/incoming/ff665/38124509.ece/AUTOCROP/w1240h700/page6_gardening.jpg@|21
There may not be a better time to set up a business than right now – thanks to the economic boom and recent improvements in social welfare benefits for the self-employed. You don’t always need a lot of cash behind you to start a business. It can cost as little as a few hundred to a few thousand euro to set up a small business – though startup costs can run to several thousand or more, depending on what exactly you establish.
o be able to start a business without much cash behind you, you must usually be setting yourself up as a sole trader or self-employed individual who does not require a business premises. It shouldn’t cost too much to set up a business that provides a local or personal service such as window cleaning, house cleaning, hairdressing, make-up services, or personal fitness training. “To set up a business that offers one of these services, you don’t usually require a lot of money behind you,” said Oisín Geoghegan, head of enterprise in the local enterprise office (LEO) in Fingal. “It mainly comes down to the skills of the job, the tools of the job, and your ability to provide the service. It costs anything from a few hundred euro and upwards to set up a basic business.”
If you have anything from a few thousand to up to €10,000 behind you though, what businesses could you set up?
Coffee stall
It should be possible to set up a coffee stall in a farmers’ market for around €10,000, according to Bobby Kerr, the founder and ex-chairman of the Insomnia coffee chain and a Newstalk presenter.
“Whatever your first business is, it should be set up cheaply,” said Kerr. “If I were setting up a coffee stall in a farmer’s market today, I’d be looking for second-hand equipment and for people to lend me stuff. So get a second-hand coffee machine – or else rent one out. Renting a machine will give you a safety net if the business doesn’t work out.”
Some of the main overheads with a coffee stall include a coffee machine, coffee counter, signage, ingredients for producing the coffee, utensils, cups and condiments, insurance and rent.
“A good coffee machine would cost between €3,000 and €4,000, a counter would cost about €2,000 and you can expect to pay about €1,000 for signage,” said Kerr. “You’d also have the cost of opening stock – such as cups and so on. If you’re setting up a coffee stall in a farmers’ market, €10,000 would be a reasonable budget to work to.”
The cost of renting a space in a farmers’ market varies hugely, depending on the market. It could cost a couple of hundred euro or more a month to rent a space for a hot food stall in a large farmers’ market. For example, it costs either €260 or €300 a month plus Vat to sell hot food from a stall in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s county council markets – depending on whether or not you need electricity. It can be much cheaper to rent a space in a rural farmers’ market, particularly if it’s a small market. It’s important to negotiate the best rent you can for your stall.
It’s also vital that you present your stall well so that it attracts customers. “Produce something which is high-quality – and which stands out from the crowd,” said Kerr. “Make sure your stall looks different and better than other coffee stalls. Your two biggest challenges when starting out in business are keeping costs down – and getting the sales. The other stuff will sort itself out.”
Remember you must register with the Health Service Executive – so ensure that your stall meets health and safety standards. You may also need to get a trading licence.
Food producer
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Should you wish to set up a business producing and selling your own food, you’d need anything from €5,000 to €10,000 and upwards behind you to get the basic business running.
“The food production sector has quite low barriers to entry as a lot of people can start to produce food from home,” said Geoghegan. Some of the main costs you’ll face if producing food at home include the cost of making the food – and ensuring you meet health and safety requirements when doing so; and the cost of equipment, insurance and marketing. Packaging is also important. “Consumers won’t buy your product unless it looks good,” said Geoghegan. “Packaging alone could cost €5,000 and upwards – that’s a big cost for a food producer. There are, however, cost-effective designers of packaging and people who will help you to get your packaging right. If you want to become a significant food producer, you will typically have to sell through retailers – and you could struggle to get your product on the shelves so you need to have the packaging that will attract consumers to buy it.”
When initially starting out as a food producer, one of the cheapest ways to sell your food would be through a country or farmer’s market. Consider taking the Food Starter programme (a programme run by LEOs in conjunction with Bord Bia) if you want to set up a food business.
Dragons’ Den star Gavin Duffy believes gardening could be a good opportunity for someone who wishes to set up a business with low entry barriers and low set-up costs.
“A generation or two ago, there was always someone going around houses and offering to mow the lawn,” said Duffy, who is also managing director of Gavin Duffy & Associates. “These people are not as prevalent today. So there’s more demand for gardening maintenance and landscaping services.”
You could set up a basic gardening business for less than €1,000 – depending on the type of equipment and tools you need. A good lawnmower could cost a couple of hundred euro and upwards. However, a good ride-on mower – invaluable if living in rural areas – could set you back €4,000 or more, though you could rent one. Getting public liability insurance would be wise.
Due to the seasonal nature of gardening, you would need to make most of your money over the spring and summer. “If you get into grass-cutting, don’t overlook the value of putting up a sign with your mobile number on it when you’re on a job,” said Duffy. This should win you more customers.
Appliance fixer
There’s huge demand for people who can fix domestic appliances (such as washing machines, dishwashers and fridges), according to Duffy. To set up such a business, you would need around €5,000 behind you, Duffy believes. You’d also need the skills to fix domestic appliances -and you may need to specialise in certain brands. Ideally draw from your experience – you may have worked with a domestic appliance firm and built up the know-how to fix such appliances.
Get your pricing right. “You’d need to charge a minimum call-out rate – of no less than €60 – if you go into this line of business,” said Duffy.
Property upkeep
Duffy believes there is a gap in the market for a business which regularly maintains properties. Such a company would line up the tradespeople needed for property maintenance, such as painting, plumbing, electrical work and household repairs. “Some people have had great success when setting up such businesses online,” said Duffy. “You should be able to set up a business like that for less than €10,000.”
You would need to build up a bank of 10 or 12 very good tradespeople, advised Duffy. You would then secure jobs for them – and take a cut of the money earned by the tradespeople for those jobs. It would be important to establish a strong online presence and to market your business well. “If you have a budget of €10,000 to set up a business, set aside €3,000 of that for marketing,” said Duffy.
You’re likely to be surprised at the demand for tradespeople if you set up such a business well. “There’s huge demand for good quality trades people – such as plumbers and electricians – at the moment as our country isn’t producing enough of them,” said Geoghegan. Once you’ve decided on the business you want to set up, remember that getting it off the ground is just the beginning of your journey.
“It’s very easy to set up a business but making it long-term viable and profitable is a different thing,” said Geoghegan.
So get ready for a lot of hard work if you’re about to become your own boss.
Survival tips for your startup
Be frugal
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“Be as frugal as you can be in the early days of the business,” said coffee entrepreneur Bobby Kerr. “Your prospects of survival are best if you keep costs down and do it cheaply.”
Avoid renting
Avoid renting a business premises if you can, as rental costs are often huge. You could easily pay €10,000 a year to rent a small office in or near Dublin city – and multiple times that for a larger office.
“If considering renting an office, ask yourself do you really need one,” said Oisín Geoghegan of Fingal’s local enterprise office. “If you can work from home, that will be an immediate saving [to your business], as you won’t have to pay rent. If you are looking to present your business professionally, there are ways to do that without paying huge rental costs.”
You can usually rent an office or hot desk in your local enterprise centre for a fraction of the cost of renting elsewhere. By doing so, you should also be able to book low-cost or free meeting rooms in the centre.
Should you wish to have a business address and post box, you may be able to arrange one through your local enterprise centre. It could cost a couple of hundred euro a year or less to get a business post box through your local centre.
Rent for a small office could cost a few hundred euro a month while a hot desk could cost €50 a week though costs will vary, depending on the enterprise centre.
In the Balbriggan Enterprise and Training Centre in north Dublin, it costs €311 a month (including Vat and rates) to rent a small office suitable for four people. In the Drinan enterprise centre in north Dublin, it costs €475 a month (including Vat and rates) to rent its smallest office.
Tackle insurance
Be ready to tackle insurance. “A lot of small pop-up shops and casual stalls will struggle to get a quote from an insurer,” said Neil McDonnell, CEO of Isme.
As insurance costs for small businesses could run into tens of thousands – and in some cases, hundreds of thousands – a year, many small businesses have been forced to close.
When setting up a small retail business, you may be able to get a basic insurance package (known as a small package policy) from €500 a year – plus the 5pc Government levy, according to Sven Spollen-Behrens, director of the Small Firms Association.
Such packages are often sold by brokers. A tradesman who is starting out could get basic insurance (covering employer’s and public liability insurance) for from €1,000 a year – plus the Government levy, according to Spollen-Behrens.
“The challenges that small business face is where the cost of their insurance premium increases if a claim is brought against them,” said Spollen-Behrens. “Premiums normally increase as a result of a claim.” Your premium could even surge if your business has never had a claim taken against it. [external_footer]
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-become-your-own-boss-with-e10000-or-less-behind-youhow-to-start-a-garden-maintenance-businesshttps-www-independent-ie-incoming-ff665-38124509-ece-autocrop-w1240h700-page6_garden/
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tweetie-voice · 3 years ago
#5 - 10 Minutes Early Morning News - June 25, 2021
All right, let's do one twenty boys, the online social media vocalizer. It is june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. The independent best online sex toy stores for shameless shopping at home take things up in a bedroom with a discreet package from one of these online boutiques inde, one hundred com press, one for more info pres to for next tweet, kelsey, chapman inde, one hundred june twenty third, as the late musical genius next per provoco to or george michael once, crew and sex natural sex is good. Not everybody does it, but everybody should we couldn't agree more. Sometimes you need a little help and get in there, though, and so we are, and so we saw it out some incredible online sex toy boutiques that offer the best ashes and toys close accessories furniture and whatever else you may need to get the job done. 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Sexy beasts, a remake of a british show, has singles dressed up in heavy prosthetics for blind dates. Nordica press one to read more press to for next weed all right s. Media reports, depending on where you live. Your market may be increasingly challenging for home buyers due to low housing inventory in high demand, risks. Medico television strangles singles, dressed up bass creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts. Given the popularity of the mass singer, we can ascertain that dowers enjoy watching people dressed up in strange costumes and given the general state of reality television over the past two decades. We can also conclude that people enjoy watching people go on bizarre dates. Netlik has endeavored to combine these two irrefutable tenants and one convenient package. Thus we have sexy beasts in which elaborate prosthetic laden singles meet for a night of non judge, mental romance at least that's how they're touting it take a look at the trailer which features dolphins, demons, cannon, scarecrows in six bow vines and handful on categorization trailer. Now on net flix to this trella's credit, it inspires a bevy of different thoughts and feelings. First, despite understandable inclinations, it's not exactly accurate to refer to this as a furry dating show. This thing was in question: aren't dressing up as such, based on a sexual proclivity toward customary at least not so far as the show's premise would have is to believe. Instead, the idea is that people dressed up and extremely ornate disguises would only be able to judge one another on personality. Of course, sexty beasts trailer only advertise contestants with body topes that highly wood traditionally priorities. All people we see are thin and when shown out of the heavy prosthetics traditionally attractive. So, are we really to believe that sexy beasts is subverting the traditional superficiality, or is it just both literally and figuratively dressing it up as something else granted? This isn't necessarily to deny the entertainment value in the central concept. Perhaps it will be fun to watch a space, alien trade nervous, small talk over cosmos with the ground hog, though the idea may be new to some viewers. Sexy beasts is based on a light named british series. The reality dating show ran for just over six months in two thousand and fourteen on bbc three a year later, the american network and you need lawrence a likewise short live. The rebot, however, net flix's take seems to have up the production value, which is half the fun sexy beasts from base to babe season. One episode two on ae sexy beast will hit the streaming service in july, twenty one, it's six, forty four pm june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one c nb reports. Big tech is under fire. Six anti trust bills hit the house floor to day, follow the lake to listen to c n b, c's fast money, podcast, listen to the at c nc fast monty podcast, here c, that cx fer sh threw three nine qid associated press like apodes, good toity, a customer who ordered a couple of chili dogs fried pickled ships and drinks at a new hampshire restaurant left a big tip, sixteen tousand dollars. I want you to have it. You guys were card. The customer said giz moto, amazon, trashes millions of products a year at just one warehouse reports, say press on to read more press to. For next week, one former employee of the dumb from mine warehouse told it v, there's no romor reason to what gets destroyed. I commerce, tin amazon, destroys millions of items a year, e commerce, sin amazon, destroys millions of items a year at just one of his fulfillment centers in the united kingdom. According to an i tv report, published on monday footage take it inside the company's warehouse in dumb for line. Scotland shows boxes mark destroyed, filled with everything from smart tv laptops, strongs, hair dryers top of the range headphones computer, jazz books, glore thousands of seal face mass account lest other products i tivy reported. The items consists of those that have damaged packaging were never so har where we turned by a buyers and virtually any of it could have been donated to a chaville organization or another useful purpose. I tv track trucks camera in the good schedule for the struction and found that, while some of them headed towards recycling facilities, other products were traced, the land fills which amazon denies and the ultimate destination for the goods destruction to be tail. Goods is a phenomenon by no means limited to amazon according to don't cha. Well, there are no european joining wide estimates of goods burn trash recycled, otherwise the supposed to be cheer. The estimates that do not exist vary widely, as companies and generally not required to discloses how much is wasted. The french government estimated that some six hundred and eighty nine million in goods were destroyed in two thousand and fourteen wow, the german government estimated the toil at abound. Fay point two: four billion in two thon ten. Those figures are generally considered to be wild on the rest, o its don't show well reported that return products comprise an overly tiny amount of destroyed merchandise in the you and other reasons they are wasted, include damager, blemish packaging over production, mis, labeling up selenes coin desk peter the back crypto ic change. Bullish is reportedly in talk to do public vis back merger. The peter thiel back, think changes. Bullish is reportedly discussing the possibility of going public via aspect merger condeca, the daily based forbes colba band medical marijuana use, even in states where it is legal trip, dot. A l, foward sst upper g, lower v, h, theh, bs news. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up should poly mexican grill recently hipe menu costs as much as four percent nationwide to cover higher wages. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up c bs, newsom massanello. It is exactly the same mechanism of easy money for march two thousand and twenty that caused both dash big point and houses to rise, but housen can fall approximately twenty five, a d, forty percent after the glut, but hash sank, b, tc fellow at michael un, the score sailor hat the logical apparatus of of the messin carinto inject the will low crade cognac. If you have a bread credit score, a may feel like a red mark. Follows you wherever you go working to prove your credit is a worthwhile go because the better you credit, the better, the rates you receiving all the lone like mortgages, allalone's and credit cards, but how long have to wait to ye change? That's not an exact answer to that. As each person, finance situation is unique and complex in general, depending where you're, starting from how you manai finance, as it could take anywhere for a month to as much as ten years. Here's what they consider when it comes to. How long am i take a scene improvement in your score? Starting out, it may be easier to improve your credit score by doing things like opening a credit card and paying it off responsibly. Mark gets insider reports. Big coin is worth the zero and there is no evidence that block chain is useful technology. Black swan author, not seen tale, says isabel lee june twenty third, two thousand and twenty one black swan author, nosin talem double down on his criticism against a big coin. This time saying the cryptic currency is worth exactly zero and that there is no evidence that block chain is a useful technology. In a recent six page, drap paper, titled bit coin curvin season, bubbled talula, that for key arguments against the cryptic currency which he promoted to is seven hundred forty two thousand twitter followers. First, the author said that, in spite of the hype, big coin failed to satisfy the notion of currency without government. In fact he said big coin prove to not even be a currency at all. The total failure of big coin i becoming a currency has been masked by the inflation of the currency value, generating paper profits for large enough. A number of people to enter the discourse well ahead of its utility, he said, and to am second criticism, said big coin can neither be your short nor long term store of value. He used the famous chucks the position of gold versus bid coin, which he said was poor comparison to illustrate his point. Gold and other precious metals are largely maintenance, free, do not the great over historical horizon and do not require maintenance to refresh their physical properties. Over time he said, cryptic currencies require a sustained the amount of interest in them. His final two points argue that big coin is not a reliable inflation. Hedge contribute some analyst views and it's not a safe haven for investments where they meant to protect against government, tiran or other catastrophes, not even remotely. He said siding the march two thousand and twenty market panic when big coin sank lower than the stock market, as well as the recent ransom payments follow in the colonial pipeline suber attack, which authorities were able to track government structures and computational power will remain stronger than those of distributed operators who, while this trusting one another, can fall prey to simple hopes. He added taleb has been a vocal critic of big coin, but the paper also slam the underlying tecknadel big coin for lines. On the author pointed to what it sees as a lack of utility of block chain technology, there is no evidence that we are getting a great technology unless great technology doesn't mean useful. He continued and we have done at the time of writing. In spite of all the fan, fair, still close to nothing with the blonde chain. In april talamo c, n b c, that big coin is an open pansy scheme in a failed currency reported by markets insider june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. Six. Fifty nine p m depictions of the roman emperor, nero as notorious are based on a partisan source narrative. A curator, the british museum said anything you think you know what, but nero is based on manipulation in lives and a two thousand years old. 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opticien2-0 · 3 years ago
More shoppers venture out to stores as Covid-19 restrictions end in England
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There's now no legal obligation for Covid-19 restrictions, but many retailers are keeping them. Image: Shutterstock
More shoppers ventured out to the shops as Covid restrictions stopped being legally enforceable – but numbers are not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels, and also fell short of forecasts.
  Many retailers are still keeping restrictions in place, and studies suggest that confidence is low that the current freedoms will last.
  Shoppers returning in-store and research online
The number of people going to UK shops rose by 12.7% over the course of yesterday, to 5pm, compared to the same day last week, according to Springboard figures. The sharpest rise was in the morning, when footfall by 11am was 17% up on the previous year before falling later in the day. Over the course of the day, high streets (+14.7%) saw the biggest improvement, perhaps thanks to sunny weather, followed by shopping centres (+13.6%) and retail parks (+7.3%).
  But visitor numbers were still almost a quarter (-24.9%) down compared to the same day in pre-pandemic 2019. And they were also down compared to the Springboard forecast (+19.7%). Visitor numbers had been expected to be well ahead thanks to the start of the summer holidays and the decision by many to stay in this country this year. Making the forecast, Diane Wehrle, insights director at Springboard, said: “Despite the removal of covid restrictions, the recently increased infection rate is likely to make some shoppers more cautious about venturing out into what could be busy shopping environments. Additionally, many workers have not yet returned to their offices and are unlikely to do so full time, which particularly impacts larger towns and cities the volumes of footfall are greatest.”
  The figures come as some retailers report evidence of excitement online, ahead of hospitality openings. Online retail brand PrettyLittleThing says it has seen a strong increase in searches for ‘going out’ dresses, which rose by 21% in the past week – with searches for halter neck (+223%) and body con (+100%) rising quickly.
  Safety measures still in place
Despite the arrival of ‘freedom day’, many retailers have kept safety measures in place. At Sainsbury’s, customers and staff are still asked to wear a face covering. This is in response to feedback from both customers and staff that showed the majority want to keep face masks in place. Screens that divide self-service checkouts and checkout queues will gradually be removed in England, but will tay in place between checkout staff and the customers they are serving.
  Simon Roberts, Sainsbury’s chief executive, says: “As we respond to the recent change in government guidance, we know that safety is still top of mind for many of our colleagues and customers. Our colleagues’ safety is vital and many of our colleagues would feel more comfortable if those who can wear face coverings continue to wear them. We’ve listened closely to our customers too and they are telling us the same. We’re asking everyone to be considerate and, while we understand wearing a face covering will now be a personal choice, we want to ensure we best support and protect each other in the weeks and months ahead.”
  Shoppers remain cautious: studies
Most UK adults are yet to be convinced that shopping will return to pre-pandemic levels, with four in five not confident in the government’s ability to prevent another lockdown, research suggests.
  Personal finance website NerdWallet questioned 2,000 UK adults and found that 74% of respondents lack confidence that the UK economy will fully recover from the damage caused by the pandemic. The same percentage say they are not ‘reasonably confident’ that consumer spending will return to where it was in 2019, while only one in five feels ‘reasonably confident’ that the government can prevent another lockdown this year.
  That said, 42% are planning to increase their spending from current levels by the end of this year, and 43% will continue to spend as the are now – although 54% are not reasonably confident of a regular income stream until the end of this year. Some 85% believe that UK adults should take their own steps to help support the UK economy on the way out of lockdown, including wearing face masks (57%), holidaying in the UK (44%) and spending at local pubs and restaurants (39%). Just over a quarter (29%) say there’s a responsibility to shop at businesses that have been hard hit by the pandemic.
  Jason Tavaria, chief executive of locker delivery company InPost, says that many would not be feeling overjoyed on ‘freedom day’. “The prospect of returning to the high street against the backdrop of a surge in Covid cases across the UK, will feel more like a gamble than a celebration,” he says. “And without the social distancing safety net in place, nor a requirement to wear a mask, many shoppers will feel it’s just not worth the risk of rushing back to shop in person – especially those who are at risk and those who aren’t double vaccinated.
  “The reality is that many consumers will feel more comfortable shopping online. Retailers need to continue to be empathetic to these very real concerns about Covid and use all the tools at their disposal to give customers both choice and convenience as restrictions disappear. Out-of-home options such as lockers are a practical route to helping deliver a secure, safe and contact-free experience. Instead of having to wait around in queues, customers are able to pick up or return their goods on their own watch, and from a location that suits them. We are currently in a very sensitive situation and retailers must prioritise the safety of customers above all else.”
  Meanwhile, a fifth (20%) of small and medium-sized retailers had hoped that yesterday would be the biggest trading day since Christmas, with 43% of SMEs still worried about what the future would bring, according to a Business of Change report from PayPal. The report questioned more than 1,000 SMEs and found 63% believe the impact of the pandemic has permanently changed the way consumers spend on the high street. Two in five (40%) ay they think shoppers will now mostly buy online, and believe high street spending will never recover to pre-pandemic levels. Even with all restrictions lifted, 60% believe online shopping will win. That’s encouraged 73% of British SMEs to learn new digital skills, especially around social media marketing (21%), ecommerce (16%) and taking digital payments (11%).
  Ben Ramsden, head of SME at PayPal, says: “The past year and a half has been one of the most challenging periods for UK small businesses which has demanded a complete rethink for most day-to-day operations. Business owners have shown incredible resilience and learnt a range of new digital skills, which will now be crucial in powering their recovery. We will continue to support entrepreneurs as ecommerce opportunities grow so that they can keep pace as customer experience and needs evolve.”
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wheelyfine · 4 years ago
How to buy your dream luxury car? read this guide — Wheelyfine
All starts from a dream for everyone
Dreaming about luxury cars means achieving independence in your life; that is, you will be able to be free; no matter if it’s a second-hand luxury car, you won’t be depending on anyone, especially in the financial sphere. This is a dream with a positive meaning of achieving financial independence. You are likely to receive an unexpected amount of money or a promotion and salary increase.
How and why one falls in love with luxury cars
When we talk about today’s generation picking pre-owned luxury cars, there can be many reasons. Photos on Instagram, selfies, applications for filming themselves, and live streaming of short films on the net widely relayed on social networks seem to have more and more impact on the luxury customer’s purchasing decisions.
Also, the car is a status symbol. The car gives us a sense of self-esteem, and a beautiful car can make us feel more important than we are. With a car, you can show that you are doing well.
Luxury Cars, whether they are second-hand luxury cars, also create a social distinction; in a neighborhood with many expensive houses, you can still see many large, new, or expensive cars, and often several cars are in the driveway. In a neighborhood with flats and affordable terraced houses, there are mainly smaller cars and middle-class cars. Yet there is also sometimes an expensive or striking copy of someone who wants to compensate for his inferiority feeling with a nice car.
Is it worth buying your dream luxury car?
Anything that makes you happy and feels good is worth doing. Similarly, when you buy a dream luxury car, it will give you immense pleasure and a feeling of satisfaction that you have achieved your goals, and you are going in the right direction.
Depending upon your lifestyle and choice, buying a used luxury car model is always a wise option keeping the depreciation factor in mind. Also, there are many other factors while considering a luxury car. E.g., the maintenance and repair costs of even a second-hand Mercedes is way more than a regular one, but nothing should come in between you and your dream. Thus, you should never forget if you go for your dream luxury car, get it, and consider the above thoughts in mind.
So from where you should start for it?
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Why not think once for a used luxury car
At first, enthusiasm takes over. Who doesn’t prefer to drive a two-year BMW 3 series second hand or Mercedes-Benz under warranty, rather than a Honda Civic or Corolla, for the same price? Or how about replacing a new Hyundai iX35 with a three-year-old Range Rover Evoque?
Before rushing to the used car market, calm down. Very calm. Before, you need to be aware of this information so that your dream does not turn into a nightmare.
Despite similar purchase prices, the cost of maintaining the premium model is much higher than that of a volume branded vehicle. Remember that the car depreciates, the price of parts does not. Going for a used luxury model can be a suitable choice for you.
The benefit of buying a used luxury car over a new one
If you have the dream of acquiring a supercar, it can be a 2nd hand BMW, one of those that pulls eyes wherever it goes; the used models can be an excellent idea. It is possible to do exciting deals with more attractive prices.
Good prices
For those who buy used models, this is a positive aspect. After all, you can buy a practically new car for a price well below that practiced by the stores. When we talk about luxury models, this difference is even more relevant — imagine savings of more than R $ 50 thousand compared to the zero vehicle.
Savings in taxes
In addition to paying less on pre-owned luxury cars, the owner takes advantage of great savings, too, concerning a new vehicle’s rates. It is not necessary, for example, to pay for registration or the issuance of documents. In some cases, you can take advantage of promotions that guarantee the payment of IPVA and other fees.
People in India preparing to buy used luxury car
According to the various reports, used expensive cars in India began to be sold 5% better than in 2019. A total of 2,143 cars were sold in the secondary sector in 12 months.
The leader in the luxury aftermarket was previously the second-hand Mercedes-Benz Maybach S-Class. But last year, it lost the lead to British Bentley, which sold 742 cars. This is approximately 35% of the market. The Indians were resold, at the same time, in the amount of 655 vehicles. The third place was taken by Audi, which sold the 3rd most cars among the buyers of the secondary Indian market.
Earlier, the market for new luxury cars in even Russia sank by 15%, and the Krasnodar Territory was among the top three in terms of sales of expensive cars. The Indian market, on the other hand, shows consistent growth in the sale of used luxury cars.
Minimum & maximum budget required to buy a used luxury car
Before you begin any of the steps involved in buying a used car, you need to determine your budget. Obvious? Not completely.
Many buyers already made the mistake of looking for (and unfortunately buying) a car, whether it be a used Porsche, the price of which consumed all their savings. It has never been a successful purchase. And in a short time, he began to be accompanied by concealed anger. On himself. Ask yourself one simple question: what can I do? And don’t cheat! There will still be time to pursue bigger goals or buy a dream car.
We can assure you that it will only be bad with such thinking. If not immediately, then after a short while, nervous glances into your wallet and unforeseen expenses in your account will begin.
Do basic research on your dream luxury car brand & model to buy
When it comes to luxury cars, enthusiasts’ imagination is always aroused. This category of cars combines incredible charm, thanks to the skilled hands of the world’s best designers, with breathtaking performance. Always find out which are the best luxury cars on the market and why the Indian market for these cars has undergone a drastic slowdown in recent years.
If you have always dreamed of owning a luxury car, but your bank account quickly brought you back to the harsh reality, the alternative to consider for such a purchase is the used luxury car market.
Have an excellent previous credit report for your finance
If your goal is to buy a vehicle but don’t want to tap into your savings, the car loan is the perfect solution for you. A car purchase loan allows you to pay your car, new or used, in installments: let’s see how they work and how to find the best loan for your needs.
When you apply for a loan, they most often check your credit score, which includes all your previous loan payments and is enough for them to know about you.
If you pay your bills or installments on time, you demonstrate good payment behavior and are most likely to have a good credit score.
Research about various finances options & lower interest rates
Many dealers also offer supposedly cheap car financing, a so-called zero percent financing. With this, you pay off the vehicle in monthly installments without any interest being charged. In this case, however, a cash discount is excluded, and therefore this type of car financing with credit is often more expensive than paying in cash.
Besides, there is usually no statutory right of withdrawal for car financing without interest — research about all the banks with the best lowest interest rates.
Make a list of dealerships from your city/outside the city
The most reliable and proven way to find official dealers for Audi second-hand is to inspect the websites of car manufacturers and find sections about them: “where to buy,” “dealers,” “salons,” etc. it is always wise to make a list of the authorized dealers nearby with good ratings.
You should obtain a list of the official dealers of those brands whose models you are considering. It should be borne in mind that already at this stage, some brands, together with the selected models, may be excluded from our list. For example, there is no single official if you want to buy a pre-owned range rover Evoque, so some difficulties may arise when buying this brand’s car.
The number of dealers depends, first of all, on the size of your settlement. In large cities, several salons with the same brand can be located, and in small cities, many representatives may simply be absent.
Thorough research about the final dealership
Most people, when buying a used car, pay attention to the geographical location of the salon. And this is no coincidence. You will have to come here several times. When choosing a dealer, and thus pay attention their
Warranty and service. Until the moment of the transaction, all managers are extremely helpful, but after that, they are not eager to help the client. If there are reviews on the Internet indicating such a trend in a particular salon, it is better not to contact him.
Additional services. A useful thing, but only if they are not enforced. Additional services include insurance, transaction support, assistance in paperwork.
Checking the dealer on the official website of the manufacturer. Everything is simple. Go to the official website of the car of the selected brand, study it carefully, and then find your city.
Contact the dealer and negotiate price is must
When you choose a second-hand luxury car, it’s better to negotiate. Used car dealers will be willing to make some trade-offs to sell the cars they own. Of course, we will not be able to get a 50% discount on the price regardless of the information we have about the car sold. A “common sense” negotiation is mutually beneficial but must be supported by strong and serious arguments.
Also read: How to negotiate like a pro with the used luxury car dealers while buying
Age-specific wear marks or fine scratches are common for an SH car. However, certain details may reduce the price in favor of the buyer. Here we can mention, for example, the lack of a set of winter tires, the pronounced wear of some elements (steering wheel, derailleur, window controls, etc.), pads, used brake discs, etc. which can help you get the best deal on your chosen BMW second-hand price.
Take a nearby expert luxury car mechanic with you
It is not necessary to be attached to the chosen salon. Visit several, where you can see the model you like in the required configuration. It is recommended to “walk” over the body with an expert local mechanic. You can also bring a thickness gauge device with you or ask the manager — you must give it.
The thickness gauge will show if the body has been damaged in any way. This check is especially relevant when buying a used car. Also, the expert mechanic will help determine whether he is broken or not. For any hidden damage, you can ask the seller for a discount.
Control your emotion while buying a used luxury car
When shopping for second-hand luxury cars, don’t allow your feelings to let you pay higher. If they do, you could come to be paying extra to an automobile than you should.
If you allow your feelings to get satisfactory while shopping for a dream car. You should know there might be troubles with the automobile. However, You had effectively negotiated for your dream automobile for only $2,500, and that’s all that mattered.
Post buying used luxury car points
Maintaining a pre-owned luxury car can be a tough task. Various factors affect and make it tough to maintain your car. Although different technologies like anti-corrosion treatment and handling techniques are to blame, a vehicle’s body also needs proper maintenance.
Regular washing, removing difficult contaminants (e.g., dried insects, dust from brake pads, resin, asphalt particles), and securing the car is a recipe for a used car’s long service life.
Maintenance of used luxury cars
Many faults in a used car do not show visible symptoms from the very beginning. Some of them will not be visible until the diagnostic station. Damage to tires, brake hoses, and suspension components is severe and can be like a delayed bomb.
Also, check out the step-by-step guide on how to maintain your used luxury car.
In addition to the annual technical inspections that can help you maintain a high-end car like Audi a4 second hand, it is worth ensuring that the car — especially used — also has additional inspections, e.g., during fluid replacement or tire changes. This is a low cost and significantly increases the safety and durability of the used car.
Cost of maintaining the used luxury cars
A luxury car used for being a bargain is attractive, but it can turn the dream into a nightmare when the person realizes the cost of replacing components that need to be replaced regularly or on the first hit”. Thus before you finalize the car, always check the cost of car maintenance and make a physical inspection to understand the condition and cost better.
Luxury brands with lower maintenance
Toyota is, in a way, the most inexpensive manufacturer. Scion and Lexus, the second and 3rd most inexpensive brands, are each subsidiary of Toyota. Together, all 3 are the 10 lowest common maintenance cost cars. Most brands, along with Ford and Dodge, are withinside the center of the pack.
While luxurious motors require the maximum luxurious upkeep, many finance cars are quite high. Kia, an entry-stage brand, surprises with upkeep charges. Cars like even second-hand Mercedes have a high maintenance cost.
The service duration period for used luxury cars
The recommended service duration is mostly 1 year or 10000km. If there is the slightest doubt about the car’s maintenance history, an immediate oil change is required, all filters, and change all fluids (including brake fluid!) after purchase. It is worth noting the service date; thus, the document can be the new “service book” of your pre-owned luxury car so that you can adjust future service tasks according to the maintenance schedule provided by the manufacturer.
Follow the above guide entirely and enjoy yourself with your dream car
This article’s purpose is not to make enthusiasts liven up to the luxury model’s dream but to get to know the details and issues that the owners must know to enjoy your “toy” better.
Thank You for spending your time reading this article.
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patriotsnet · 3 years ago
Are Republicans Or Democrats Better For Small Business
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-republicans-or-democrats-better-for-small-business/
Are Republicans Or Democrats Better For Small Business
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Small Business And Government Regulations
AOC Blasts Republicans Who Blame Democrats for Holding Up Small Business Aid
Democratic views on small business revolve around the theory that, while government cannot guarantee the success of a small business, it can implement the conditions that support hiring of new workers through providing tax relief and increasing the availability of Small Business Administration resources.
During the Obama administration, President Obama cut taxes for small businesses no less than eighteen times. Also at President Obamas direction, the Small Business Administration administered more than 70,000 loans for businesses, offering those businesses with the much needed capital to invest and grow.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that was signed into law by President Obama states that business that hire previously unemployed workers are eligible for tax cuts and can write off the purchase of new equipment. Most of the small businesses are eligible under the Affordable Care Act for tax credits to offset the insurance costs for their employees. Democrats are fighting to defend the progress made and ensure that the new president Donald Trump cannot disrespect the American small businesses.
Virginia Republicans Have Been Warning Democratic Control Was Bad For Business Cnbc Disagrees
By: Graham Moomaw and Ned Oliver– July 13, 2021 6:33 pm
The sun rises over the Virginia Capitol.
After Democrats took control of the General Assembly in 2020, a common refrain emerged among Republicans who opposed legislation that raised the minimum wage and added new anti-discrimination protections for employees.
The Democrat majority has done much to diminish Virginias reputation for being Americas best state for business, said Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment, R-James City, as Democrats first legislative session in power in more than two decades came to a close, invoking a ranking bestowed annually by the cable news network CNBC.
Two years later, it looks like at least some of those Democratic priorities actually helped the states business reputation.
For the second time in a row, Virginia was named the best state for business , which this year began factoring things like anti-discrimination laws and voting rights protections into its rankings under the heading of inclusivity.
Our economy in the Commonwealth of Virginia is roaring, Gov. Ralph Northam said during a victory-lap news conference in Norfolk on Tuesday. Its why companies of all sizes are choosing to call our commonwealth home. Virginia is proving that when you treat people right, its good for everyone and its also good for business.
Youngkins campaign downplayed the CNBC ranking Tuesday, arguing the state is underperforming in key metrics like cost of living and cost of doing business.
Committee Republicans Send Letter To Biden Pelosi Slamming Democrats’ Tax Hike Proposals On Small Businesses
WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, all House Small Business Committee Republicans – led by Ranking Member Luetkemeyer – sent a letter to President Biden and Speaker Pelosi highlighting the negative impacts the Democrats’ tax hike proposals would have on small businesses. As Democrats prepare to take historic steps to recklessly push forward trillions of dollars in spending paid for by small businesses across the country, Committee Republicans are standing up for Main Street USA. Small businesses are focused on recovering from the economic effects of the…
Also Check: Why Do Republicans Hate John Mccain
Small Business And Taxes
Trump has supported significant cut on the income tax on all companies to 15 percent. Business groups also want to see partners, sole proprietors and corporate shareholders whose business income is reported on their personal returns benefit from these changes.
While the party has gotten a great deal of pushback because these policies would benefit big business, what many fail to realize is how essential these policies are to the survival of small businesses.
Staying Afloat During Covid
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Brianna Knight, a 31-year-old Fresno resident with clients across the state, was one of the fortunate ones. Her holistic skincare business has done well during the pandemic.
The state grants helped, but so did her overplanning six months ahead at some points. Before the pandemic, Knight also launched a clinical skincare line, enabling her to package at-home facial kits for her clients once COVID-19 hit.;
Despite staying afloat, Knight said she is undecided how she will vote on the recall. She said she needs to research the candidates more, and wants to see how the next phase of the pandemic goes.
I definitely think that we need new leadership, but I dont know if right now is the time, she said. And I only say that because right now California is in the purple and we do foresee a possible shutdown again. So transitioning leadership right now sometimes it gets worse.;
Knight said she wantsnew leadership because of the way the pandemic was handled, including shutting down businesses that state leaders deemed non-essential.
I do corrective skincare, so acne, so even in a pandemic, those clients are still dealing with an issue, she said. I think that what they considered wasnt as important was important to a lot of people, and we werent recognized.
I definitely think that we need new leadership, but I dont know if right now is the time.
Brianna Knight, business owner from fresno
Also Check: Are There Any Republicans Running For President Other Than Trump
History Of The Republican Party
The Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long-time stance in favor of abolition of slavery. They were a small third-party who nominated John C. Freemont for President in 1856. In 1860 they became an established political party when their nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Lincolns Presidency throughout the war, including his policies to end slavery for good helped solidify the Republican Party as a major force in American politics. The elephant was chosen as their symbol in 1874 based on a cartoon in Harpers Weekly that depicted the new party as an elephant.
Regulating The Economy Democratic Style
The Democratic Party is generally considered more willing to intervene in the economy, subscribing to the belief that government power is needed to regulate businesses that ignore social interests in the pursuit of earning a return for shareholders. This intervention can come in the form of regulation or taxation to support social programs. Opponents often describe the Democratic approach to governing as “tax and spend.”
Recommended Reading: Who Raises More Money Democrats Or Republicans
Left Wing And Right Wing Politics
Politics is said to be split in half and you either have left or right political views. Left-wing politics is typically associated with progressive ideas and equality. Democrats are viewed as left-wingers. Right-wing politics values tradition, equity, and survival of the fittest. Republicans are viewed as right-wingers.;
Left-wing beliefs are liberal in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role of the government. Examples of an expanded role for the government include entitlement programs such as social security and Medicare, Medicaid, universal healthcare, food stamps, free public education, unemployment benefits, strong environmental laws, and other regulations on industries.
Right Wing
Right-wingers believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role and especially the power of the government is minimized. Right-wing ideology would favor market-based solutions to the issues that these government programs aim to tackle. For example, encouraging a freer marketplace for healthcare, driven by consumer choice to drive down costs. Or privately held retirement accounts like 401 plans instead of government-guaranteed Social Security.
Study: Republicans Are 24 Percent More Likely Than Democrats To Be Business Owners
Lou Dobbs: NYC is a very difficult environment for any small business owner
According to the Small Business Administration, there are about 28 million small business owners in this country and approximately 22 million of them are self-employed or non-employer firms. The rest of these small firms are employing more than 120 million people. Thats a pretty big voting bloc of small business owners and their employees.
Thats probably good news for Republicans.
According to;a survey;recently released by data research firm Infogroup, most small business owners vote Republican.
The company merged voter registration data from critical swing states with its proprietary database to come up with a combined pool of 5;million businesses and consumers that were asked questions about their party affiliation and other topics.
Of those surveyed, 24 percent of business owners were more likely to be Republican than Democrat. Republicans are way more likely to be presidents, vice-presidents and finance executives than Democrats and the hot industries for Republicans appear to be real estate, financial services and wholesale trade.
The study also found that Republicans tend to have stronger financial indicators than Democrats, such as higher household income, home value, net worth and likelihood to invest. They are also much more likely than Democrats to have a home office, purchase small business insurance, fly more frequently and invest more often in real estate.
For someone in marketing, sure. But what if youre a presidential candidate?
Read Also: Who Controls The House Of Representatives Republicans Or Democrats
Politics And Small Business
“The immediate shift in forward-looking sentiment that small business owners reported following the election reveals how deeply politics has become embedded in the public’s assessment of the economy, and in particular how divided the country is,” said Laura Wronski, research science manager at SurveyMonkey. “We’ve seen evidence of that every quarter, with Republican small business owners consistently reporting a higher degree of confidence than Democrats, but the election of Joe Biden is the first opportunity we’ve had to see whether that would flip if presidential power changed parties and it did dramatically.”
Among Republican respondents, the small business confidence index score fell from 57 in the third quarter to 42; among Democrats, confidence jumped from 46 to 58. The lowest previous confidence reading from Republican business owners was in Q2 2020, at 54.
We’ve seen evidence of that every quarter, with Republican small business owners consistently reporting a higher degree of confidence than Democrats, but the election of Joe Biden is the first opportunity we’ve had to see whether that would flip if presidential power changed parties and it did dramatically.Laura Wronski, SurveyMonkey research science manager
Histories Of The Parties
The Democratic party started in 1828 as anti-federalist sentiments began to form. The Republican party formed a few decades later, in 1854, with the formation of the party to stopping slavery, which they viewed to be unconstitutional.
The difference between a democrat and a republican has changed many, many times throughout history. Democrats used to be considered more conservative, while the republican party fought for more progressive ideas. These ideals have switched over time.
Recommended Reading: Where Are Republicans On The Political Spectrum
How Republicans And Democrats Compare As Small Business Owners
COSTA MESA, Calif.A new analysis shows that Republicans make up the largest percentage of U.S. small business owners, and that they have the highest average business loan balances and lowest delinquency rates.
With the presidential election less than a year away, Experian looked at the financial and demographic characteristics of small business owners by political affiliation. The report found that approximately 35% of all small business owners identify as Republican, while 29.4% identify as Democrat and 15.8% identify as Independent.
Small businesses are a major area of interest for a number of political campaigns and justifiably so, given their positive impact on employment rates and importance to local economies, said Pete Bolin, director of consulting and analytics for Experian business information services. Gaining insight into the characteristics of specific segments of the small business owner population enables government officials, lenders and business professionals to better understand them and take appropriate action to help these small firms grow.
Crisis On Top Of Crisis
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Thousands of small business owners across California are still trying to survive a pandemic now in its fourth surge. Even with the reopening, some restaurants and other service establishments are having trouble hiring workers or are having to pay more and offer perks.;
Then, there are businesses that also have to deal with wildfires and drought.
Data from San Francisco-based software company Womply showed that the deadly 2018 Camp Fire resulted in 13% of local businesses near the fire shutting down permanently, while in 2019, 6.6% of businesses closed after the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County.;
In 2020, California experienced its most destructive fire season in history, with 4.2 million acres burned. In 2021 so far, it isnt much better. The still-burning Dixie Fire is already the second largest in state history, having blackened more than 600,000 acres in Butte, Plumas, Lassen and Tehama counties.;;;;;
Meanwhile, California is in the grip of its worst drought since 2015. This week, Newsom raised the prospect of mandatory water conservation statewide.
John Kabateck, California director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, said;opinions on the recall vary among its members, but many are too busy dealing with bigger concerns. Among them: finding qualified employees, meeting payroll and readying for a huge spike in their unemployment insurance taxes.
So hes willing to give Newsom the benefit of the doubt.
Recommended Reading: What Republicans Are Running For Governor In Nevada
Obamacares Impact On Small Business
Opponents of the Affordable Care Act argue that the ACA has forced small business owners to pay a lot of money they dont have, that the rising cost of medical insurance and the associated fees has forced companies to lay off workers or to halt expansion plans, and that the tax incentives offered to small businesses isnt guaranteed and its too complicated.
Proponents of the ACA argue that the tax incentives are a great help, and assist them in the added costs of the health insurance premiums. They state that the majority of the expense falls with big businesses, not small businesses. They also argue that many small businesses will fall into the category of under 50 employees, and therefore will not be impacted by the act anyways, aside from the supposed lowering of healthcare costs that it offers.
What Is At Stake For Small Businesses In The 2020 Election
This combination of pictures created on October 22, 2020 shows US President Donald Trump … and Democratic Presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden during the final presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 22, 2020.
Tomorrow, voting concludes in one of the most contentious elections of our lives, but its just another chapter in the wild story that has been 2020. Weve had a pandemic, heightened racial tensions and a faltering economy.;A client told me last week that he feels like the world around him is on fire. And with Covid-19 infections coming back with a vengeance, stimulus talks at a standstill and an unpredictable election, things are set to only get more tumultuous.
You may be election-exhausted by now. You may be one of the 92 million Americans who have already voted.;But no matter who wins on Tuesday , its important ;to understand whats at stake for small business owners tomorrow and in weeks and months to come.
More Stimulus
But now, as CARES impact fades, we are still far from full recovery. The recent rise in coronavirus cases, new lockdown orders looming, 12.6 million workers on unemployment and eight million American pushed into poverty all jeopardize continued recovery in the fourth quarter. ;;
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Clinton Vs Trump: Who’s Better For Your Small Business
AP 1-/10/2016
At 7 a.m. local time on Nov. 8, 2016, polls will open for the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election to determine the 45th president. Regardless of your political party or if youre voting for Clinton or Trump, its one of the most important elections in the countrys history.
Thefirst of four presidential debates took place on Sept. 26, and both candidates expressed that this election is about getting the economy working for average Americans again and that means small business owners. According to the Small Business Administration , small businesses provide 55 percent of all jobs and 66 percent of all net jobs since the 1970s. The problem is that recent data from the National Federation of Independent Business found that political uncertainty is at an all-time high because neither candidate is speaking in detail to issues that small business owners care about.
This post will take a look at what Clinton and Trump have said about small businesses, whether their proposed plans help or hurt and what they could do differently. The best way to remedy political uncertainty is to know what the candidates stand for and what proposed policies and beliefs mean in the long run.
Hillary Clinton Wants to Be theSmall Business President
Sounds Great, But is it Too Good to be True?
Where Does Trump Stand With Small Businesses?
His Real Stance Is Still Up For Debate
Have a Voice and Vote
Democrats Raise Red Flags On Gop Small Business Plan As Biden Weighs In
Republicans join Democrats to advance $1tn infrastructure bill
When it comes to some of the broad strokes in the small business plan, Republicans and Democrats appear to be close to agreement.
07/28/2020 04:56 PM EDT
Link Copied
Democrats are gearing up to push for changes to a small business aid plan pitched by Republicans as part of the latest economic relief package, as former Vice President Joe Biden called for major new investments in firms owned by people of color.
While the small business rescue plan released by Senate Republicans Monday included bipartisan priorities including a second round of forgivable government loans Democrats are targeting what they say are key omissions.
Among them, according to sources familiar with the matter, is the absence of new funding for the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, which offers direct aid to employers. Democrats also say there is insufficient support for Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions, which focus lending on populations lacking access to traditional banks.
Democrats may also try to bar executive branch officials and members of Congress from obtaining government-backed business loans. The bill proposed by Republicans only requires the officials to disclose their status when applying.
President Donald Trump and Melania Trump have tested positive for Covid-19.
The latest news in employment, labor and immigration politics and policy.
Recommended Reading: Which Presidents Were Democrats And Republicans
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idlewildmike · 4 years ago
Alphabetical, so no preference shown.
has as it’s core economic agenda corporate governance reform, environmental protection, support for organized labor, maintenance and expansion of social programs, affordable college tuition, universal health care, equal opportunity, and consumer protection;
advocates for campaign finance reform, LGBT rights, criminal justice and immigration reform, stricter gun laws, abortion rights, and the legalization of marijuana;
has as some of its key issues combating terrorism while preserving human rights, expanding access to health care, labor rights, and environmental protection;
supports the unalienable rights of the individual and the fundamental ideals such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and the separation of church and state, right to due process and equality under the law;
believes government should proactively address and support issues such as same-sex marriage, reproductive and other women's rights, voting rights for all adult citizens, civil rights, environmental justice and government protection of the right to an adequate standard of living;
believes that national social services such as equal educational opportunities, access to health care and transportation infrastructure are intended to meet the responsibility to promote the general welfare of all citizens as established by the United States Constitution;
economically, opposes cuts to the social safety net and supports a role for government in reducing inequality, providing education, ensuring access to healthcare, regulating economic activity and protecting the natural environment;
combines ideas of civil liberty and equality with support for social justice and a mixed economy;
strongly endorses public spending on programs such as education, health care and welfare;
believes that government is to supportively address social issues, like economic inequality (wealth and income), voting rights for minorities, affirmative action, reproductive and other women's rights, and support for LGBT rights and immigration reform;
believes that government is expected to proactively address economic and social issues such as poverty, health care, education and the climate, using government intervention;
believes that government is to emphasize the rights and autonomy of the individual;
believes that government is to take supportive stances on socio-cultural issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage;
believes in progressive moral and social values and stances on socio-cultural issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.
believes in respect for American traditions, republicanism, limited government, support for Christian values, moral universalism, pro-business, opposition to trade unions, strong national defense, free trade, anti-communism, pro-individualism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from the perceived threats posed by communism, socialism, and moral relativism;
believes civil liberties are guarantees and freedoms that government commit not to abridge, either by legislation or judicial interpretation, without due process;
believes civil liberties include the freedom of conscience, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, the right to security and liberty, freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the right to equal treatment under the law and due process, the right to a fair trial, the right to life, the right to own property, the right to defend oneself, and the right to bodily integrity;
believes in limiting government in size and scope, and in a balance between national government and states' rights;
tends to favor strong action in areas it believes to be within government's legitimate jurisdiction, particularly national defense and law enforcement;
opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, and civil unions, and defines marriage as only between one man and one woman;
favors Christian prayer in public schools and government funding for private Christian schools;
advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom;
advocates for laissez-faire economics (i.e. economic freedom and deregulation);
favors small government, laissez-faire economy, low income and corporate taxes, limited regulation, and free enterprise;
sees traditional social values as threatened by secularism;
supports prayer in public schools, opposes abortion, and objects to both same-sex marriage and civil unions for same-sex couples;
supports a unilateral foreign policy, and a strong military;
tends to be anti-ideological and anti-philosophical;
believes that the inherited wisdom of the ages may be a better guide than apparently rational individual judgment;
strongly supports traditional codes of conduct, especially those it feels are threatened by social change and modernization, for example, opposition to the use of female soldiers in combat;
believes in conducting society as prescribed by a religious authority or code, which translates into hard-line stances on moral issues, such as opposition to abortion and homosexuality;
asserts that "America is a Christian nation" and calls for laws that enforce Christian morality;
supports limited government, low taxes, low spending, and a balanced budget, arguing that low taxes produce more jobs and wealth for everyone;
argues that competition in the free market is more effective than the regulation of industry, making exceptions in the case of trusts or monopolies;
accepts some social spending programs not specifically delineated in the Constitution, but views wider social liberalism as an impetus for increased spending on these programs;
opposes communism, which is seen not only as an enemy of the traditional order, but also the enemy of Western freedom and democracy;
defends traditional social norms and Judeo-Christian values;
strongly identifies with American nationalism and patriotism, often denouncing anti-war protesters and supporting the police and the military;
holds that military institutions embody core values such as honor, duty, courage, loyalty, and a willingness on the part of the individual to make sacrifices for the good of the country;
advocates restraint of progressive taxation and expenditure;
argues that debt is a device to corrupt politics;
argues that big spending ruins the morals of the people, and that a national debt creates a dangerous class of speculators;
advocates low taxes, reduced government spending, minimal government debt, deregulation, free trade, privatization and tax cuts;
advocates the avoidance of deficit spending, the reduction of overall government spending and national debt while ensuring balanced budgets;
is against the government expanding beyond its means through debt, but chooses debt over tax increases.
- Compiled by Michael Keith Cooper
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Social Media Video Marketing
Is this viral yet? Do you find it popular however?
Even while traveling viral will not be the objective of your marketing with video plan (in no way ever previously! ), the idea of again has seemed to took away from this holiday season, exploded even…
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Entrepreneurs, we have been ability to hear lots of statistics like these: 5 billion movies are observed on YouTube each day, 1200Percent much more explains to you are provided by friendly video than copy and pictures joined together, video recordings upon a obtaining sites increase conversion rates by 80Percent and 80% of individuals remember a youtube video advertisement they provide viewed via the internet up to now thirty days.
If that’s the case then you best get to grips with the best practices for ensuring your Social Media Video Marketing campaigns smash your objectives and propel your social media forward, Eek…Well. Below we uncover some of our beloved ideas to help you produce inspiring, compelling and actionable on line videos.
1. Middle Your Video footage To the Storyline, Not The Sale made
There is a heap of product sales clutter on the net this really is attempt to frustrating and repelling your clients. Never permit your model be that gentleman - in lieu, your training video has to be centred all around the report instead of the sale made. Recollect: similar principles that request for articles advertising apply for marketing with video - focus on the importance you are offering on your shoppers.
Make best use of the emotive force of videos by appealing to your consumers’ needs and hidden wants. Terrified you will relinquish brings using this method? You could set up a strategic and relevant phone to motion next to a tracked Link at the conclusion of your training video (just be sure it fits into your present article).
Bring Warby Parker’s ‘How Eyeglasses are Made’ footage, an amazing example of storytelling it focuses on the beginnings from the branding, their culture, people and ethos to present their eyeglasses.
2. Help make your Online video media Attribute the right 10 A few moments Ever in your life
A single fifth of your respective audiences will click away coming from a video in just 10 mere seconds or less. Fairly short and to the point - that’s precisely what the video professionals are promoting. Our recommendation? Get directly to the grit for the story and maintain targets coming from the outset (while in the very first 5 to 10 mere seconds).
You could try sparking your audience’s interest by asking them questions and making use of teasers to hook their care instantaneously.
Your videos will want to instantaneously impart its value and answer that “why must i relax and watch it? ” challenge that can be for your audience’s spirit. Because it will inspire them to act or because it will teach them something new, should they watch it because it will make them laugh?
3. Use Humour inside your Training video. End Currently being So Tedious!
According to Tim Washer, Social Media Manager at Cisco "Often in the corporate world, people get nervous about comedy and say it doesn’t belong here. If you can make it work, but if it might help you get a point across efficiently and economically, why wouldn’t you try it and see? ”
So, what do your audience want instead? They want to have a good laugh, they need to come to feel enlightened, they would like to be pulled from their bland 9 to 5's and tend to forget regarding realities.
Finished effectively, a brandname can obtain the achievements from utilizing humour into their footage information. Bring Snickers by way of example.
"Caption writing grows your ability “to fall into what John Cleese calls the open manner, at which you’re lively and getting wonderful and stress-free not worried,” Tim remains. "The greater number of you can obtain into the start approach, the more often often you will realise you are discovering fresh new hints overall locations in your life.
The takeaway the following is to not ever experience constrained by what is vanished in the past within your trade and don’t endeavor to imitate your competitor’s rigid develop and yawnsome script. Feature prominently and take a risk on being strange.
4. Optimise Your Movie for Search engine marketing - Label it
You will find techniques will keep your video tutorials get located less complicated in search engines. The very first thing you should do to derive the maximum Search engine marketing valuation through your online video media (when you publish your online video for any giving sites) is almost always to web host it yourself domain name.
It’s also important that allows embedding on the online video media as this will assist enhance the chance of attaining inbound promoting and advertising web links. Oh and do not forget to avail of online video sitemaps - within this awesome paper Google and bing explains how to produce a footage sitemap without any problem.
In relation to video recording for Search engine marketing, descriptions are pretty much everything. Why? Actually, product descriptions help Google’s hunt spiders to create feeling of your video tutorial and know very well what the information consists of.
So, ensure that your videos are tagged with relevant keywords and fully explained with fleshed out descriptions and unique titles. Continue this rule as their intended purpose: It has a purpose - Google needs you to fill it out to help you rank if it has a box.
5. Inform your clients with Video recording & Substantiate Oneself
Did you know 65Percent of the crowd are visible individuals? The single most strong ways you need to use for online video marketing is to always teach your target audience. Education comes in many forms. That is and the great thing. For example, you possibly can train your clients ways to use your products or services and gives useful the best way to maximize it. Or set up a webinar to highlight your trade information, job your model like a thinking commander, add value to your consumers’ resides and gather sales opportunities in the act.
Video also provide friendly substantiation for your product or service. When making training video successes concentrate on the report of your own customers as well as successes he/she reached by using your product or service/support. This great topic design from Copyblogger can help you establish awesome and human-focused video footage and put together testimonies.
Just take Upwork’s series of video that exhibits their task in giving you expert natural talent to vendors of all sizes upon a world wide level.
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tweetie-voice · 3 years ago
Episode #3 - 20 Minute Breaking Evening News - Twitter Tantrum - June 23, 2021
All right, let's do one twenty boys, the online social media vocalizer. It is june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. The independent best online sex toy stores for shameless shopping at home take things up in a bedroom with a discreet package from one of these online boutiques inde, one hundred com press, one for more info pres to for next tweet, kelsey, chapman inde, one hundred june twenty third, as the late musical genius next per provoco to or george michael once, crew and sex natural sex is good. Not everybody does it, but everybody should we couldn't agree more. Sometimes you need a little help and get in there, though, and so we are, and so we saw it out some incredible online sex toy boutiques that offer the best ashes and toys close accessories furniture and whatever else you may need to get the job done. Maybe you're looking for something as simple as a wan vibrator or something as complex is a lattis ball gown for your next bdsha, either way, you'll find what you needed. One of these online stores keep reading to find you new faber way to shop for everything. Sex and let the fun begin, spat rum, boutique best, educationally queer friendly spectrum boutique describes itself as a sex, positive toy store that has a no nonsense, approach of sexuality and sexual education. We first became aware of the store via owner and dil. Do dutch is zoe le gones raucus instar several years ago, a place where she posted stream hilarious entertaining moving, and i was informative content frequently related to sexual health and the questions about him. An you are afraid to ask based in detroit, spectrum has been around to two thousand and fifteen and caters to all identities with equal enthusiasm, toys and tools are separated into gender categories, thus making it a queer friendly store where you can feel free to experiment with which, whatever catches, your fancy. All products are: a hundred percent body safe and carefully selected bazil, we erself so you're, always getting an educated stamp of approval on your purchase bone is shipping in the? U s is free on orders over ninety nine as adam and eve best budget toys and launch right at him, and he as i go to for many and one that's heavily gendered in a bit. More old fashioned by today's standards is still a great place to find a deal in basics like bud, plugs and lacy laundry found in in thousand nine hundred and seventy one making it fifty years old, adam and eve have always dane to provide a clear, far and supporter service, even excepting one hundred percent. No questions ask and return tom is with don know when they don't work out for the buyer. The category was easy to browse and offer hundreds of a product opinions, and it's generally easy to find. Only some sort of discount on a single product is in cose release her email news letters and sponsored influences so you're rarely pay full price for something you're buying just for the fun of it a great product for any first time or is it adam and eve magic, massage de logs? It's not quite as powerful there's a much beloved named brand magic one, but against the job done a far at last, as she price sack perfite just start in to experiment, there's also babe land love, honey, purple, passion forward, slash d v, eight good vives over king goop, any one hundred com, nartist dating with masks, is well different. Singles dress up as creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts dash nartist net flix is new reality dating program. Sexy beasts, a remake of a british show, has singles dressed up in heavy prosthetics for blind dates. Nordica press one to read more press to for next weed all right s. Media reports, depending on where you live. Your market may be increasingly challenging for home buyers due to low housing inventory in high demand, risks. Medico television strangles singles, dressed up bass creatures for blind dates on sexy beasts. Given the popularity of the mass singer, we can ascertain that dowers enjoy watching people dressed up in strange costumes and given the general state of reality television over the past two decades. We can also conclude that people enjoy watching people go on bizarre dates. Netlik has endeavored to combine these two irrefutable tenants and one convenient package. Thus we have sexy beasts in which elaborate prosthetic laden singles meet for a night of non judge, mental romance at least that's how they're touting it take a look at the trailer which features dolphins, demons, cannon, scarecrows in six bow vines and handful on categorization trailer. Now on net flix to this trella's credit, it inspires a bevy of different thoughts and feelings. First, despite understandable inclinations, it's not exactly accurate to refer to this as a furry dating show. This thing was in question: aren't dressing up as such, based on a sexual proclivity toward customary at least not so far as the show's premise would have is to believe. Instead, the idea is that people dressed up and extremely ornate disguises would only be able to judge one another on personality. Of course, sexty beasts trailer only advertise contestants with body topes that highly wood traditionally priorities. All people we see are thin and when shown out of the heavy prosthetics traditionally attractive. So, are we really to believe that sexy beasts is subverting the traditional superficiality, or is it just both literally and figuratively dressing it up as something else granted? This isn't necessarily to deny the entertainment value in the central concept. Perhaps it will be fun to watch a space, alien trade nervous, small talk over cosmos with the ground hog, though the idea may be new to some viewers. Sexy beasts is based on a light named british series. The reality dating show ran for just over six months in two thousand and fourteen on bbc three a year later, the american network and you need lawrence a likewise short live. The rebot, however, net flix's take seems to have up the production value, which is half the fun sexy beasts from base to babe season. One episode two on ae sexy beast will hit the streaming service in july, twenty one, it's six, forty four pm june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one c nb reports. Big tech is under fire. Six anti trust bills hit the house floor to day, follow the lake to listen to c n b, c's fast money, podcast, listen to the at c nc fast monty podcast, here c, that cx fer sh threw three nine qid associated press like apodes, good toity, a customer who ordered a couple of chili dogs fried pickled ships and drinks at a new hampshire restaurant left a big tip, sixteen tousand dollars. I want you to have it. You guys were card. The customer said giz moto, amazon, trashes millions of products a year at just one warehouse reports, say press on to read more press to. For next week, one former employee of the dumb from mine warehouse told it v, there's no romor reason to what gets destroyed. I commerce, tin amazon, destroys millions of items a year, e commerce, sin amazon, destroys millions of items a year at just one of his fulfillment centers in the united kingdom. According to an i tv report, published on monday footage take it inside the company's warehouse in dumb for line. Scotland shows boxes mark destroyed, filled with everything from smart tv laptops, strongs, hair dryers top of the range headphones computer, jazz books, glore thousands of seal face mass account lest other products i tivy reported. The items consists of those that have damaged packaging were never so har where we turned by a buyers and virtually any of it could have been donated to a chaville organization or another useful purpose. I tv track trucks camera in the good schedule for the struction and found that, while some of them headed towards recycling facilities, other products were traced, the land fills which amazon denies and the ultimate destination for the goods destruction to be tail. Goods is a phenomenon by no means limited to amazon according to don't cha. Well, there are no european joining wide estimates of goods burn trash recycled, otherwise the supposed to be cheer. The estimates that do not exist vary widely, as companies and generally not required to discloses how much is wasted. The french government estimated that some six hundred and eighty nine million in goods were destroyed in two thousand and fourteen wow, the german government estimated the toil at abound. Fay point two: four billion in two thon ten. Those figures are generally considered to be wild on the rest, o its don't show well reported that return products comprise an overly tiny amount of destroyed merchandise in the you and other reasons they are wasted, include damager, blemish packaging over production, mis, labeling up selenes coin desk peter the back crypto ic change. Bullish is reportedly in talk to do public vis back merger. The peter thiel back, think changes. Bullish is reportedly discussing the possibility of going public via aspect merger condeca, the daily based forbes colba band medical marijuana use, even in states where it is legal trip, dot. A l, foward sst upper g, lower v, h, theh, bs news. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up should poly mexican grill recently hipe menu costs as much as four percent nationwide to cover higher wages. Restaurant prices are rising across the us, as inflation edges up c bs, newsom massanello. It is exactly the same mechanism of easy money for march two thousand and twenty that caused both dash big point and houses to rise, but housen can fall approximately twenty five, a d, forty percent after the glut, but hash sank, b, tc fellow at michael un, the score sailor hat the logical apparatus of of the messin carinto inject the will low crade cognac. If you have a bread credit score, a may feel like a red mark. Follows you wherever you go working to prove your credit is a worthwhile go because the better you credit, the better, the rates you receiving all the lone like mortgages, allalone's and credit cards, but how long have to wait to ye change? That's not an exact answer to that. As each person, finance situation is unique and complex in general, depending where you're, starting from how you manai finance, as it could take anywhere for a month to as much as ten years. Here's what they consider when it comes to. How long am i take a scene improvement in your score? Starting out, it may be easier to improve your credit score by doing things like opening a credit card and paying it off responsibly. Mark gets insider reports. Big coin is worth the zero and there is no evidence that block chain is useful technology. Black swan author, not seen tale, says isabel lee june twenty third, two thousand and twenty one black swan author, nosin talem double down on his criticism against a big coin. This time saying the cryptic currency is worth exactly zero and that there is no evidence that block chain is a useful technology. In a recent six page, drap paper, titled bit coin curvin season, bubbled talula, that for key arguments against the cryptic currency which he promoted to is seven hundred forty two thousand twitter followers. First, the author said that, in spite of the hype, big coin failed to satisfy the notion of currency without government. In fact he said big coin prove to not even be a currency at all. The total failure of big coin i becoming a currency has been masked by the inflation of the currency value, generating paper profits for large enough. A number of people to enter the discourse well ahead of its utility, he said, and to am second criticism, said big coin can neither be your short nor long term store of value. He used the famous chucks the position of gold versus bid coin, which he said was poor comparison to illustrate his point. Gold and other precious metals are largely maintenance, free, do not the great over historical horizon and do not require maintenance to refresh their physical properties. Over time he said, cryptic currencies require a sustained the amount of interest in them. His final two points argue that big coin is not a reliable inflation. Hedge contribute some analyst views and it's not a safe haven for investments where they meant to protect against government, tiran or other catastrophes, not even remotely. He said siding the march two thousand and twenty market panic when big coin sank lower than the stock market, as well as the recent ransom payments follow in the colonial pipeline suber attack, which authorities were able to track government structures and computational power will remain stronger than those of distributed operators who, while this trusting one another, can fall prey to simple hopes. He added taleb has been a vocal critic of big coin, but the paper also slam the underlying tecknadel big coin for lines. On the author pointed to what it sees as a lack of utility of block chain technology, there is no evidence that we are getting a great technology unless great technology doesn't mean useful. He continued and we have done at the time of writing. In spite of all the fan, fair, still close to nothing with the blonde chain. In april talamo c, n b c, that big coin is an open pansy scheme in a failed currency reported by markets insider june, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one. Six. Fifty nine p m depictions of the roman emperor, nero as notorious are based on a partisan source narrative. A curator, the british museum said anything you think you know what, but nero is based on manipulation in lives and a two thousand years old. How nasty was nero really a show at the british mersem portrays him as the victim of a roman smear campaign, heart dat, new york com press, one to continue further press to to go to next sweet continue further, the new yorker reports, how nasty was nero, really c n reports patrol she roti scotto stepping down according to a sit familiar with the decision mark in the ladies, changing the border agencies, leadership structure, mataba by an announce as erotylus policy that would give no lewis to gun dealers who fail to comply with federal law. Their license to cell would be revoked in a first offense of fence offence, but an anti crime effort takes on law breaking gun dealers. President joe budden is announcing you effen syston zing president joe bines, announcing new epic system, a rising national tide president joe bin. As an noting new efforts, summarizing national tide of iling crimes, administration officials, ap usom, leela miller staff, rider los angeles times, com june. Twenty third, two thousand and twenty one chaos you rotten tuesday, night and b news reports and at least one person was arrested after school board, share brede shevardino ed. The public comment portion of the meeting following numerous disruptions, pronoun polishes debate, at least the chaos said virginia school board meeting. One person was arrested at the tuesday's meeting, the loudon county sheriff so i've said another was issue to trespassing summons and be com. The associated press reports, a bipartisan group of us senators meeting privately as reach a tentative framework on an infrastructure deal. According to a person familiar with the negotiations, president jo biden has invited the senator to the white house on thursday, the biggest factor in parent child estrangement reports. The economist is the rise of individualism in america. How many american children have cut contact with their parents? A young feel of riser suggested a surprisingly common economist c b s news, puerto rico's governor calls lack of state o geographic discrimination. The hill cows run loose through los angeles suburbo, their escaping slaughter house good for them. The new york talyor, the white house had wednesday that the us would send three million doses of johnson and johnson's vaccine thursday to brazil. The shipman is part er, president biden, a pledge to deliver eight, a million doses overseas by the end of june forge reports. This bill gates back, starts new partnership to ames to prevent prenames for s reports this bill gates back start us new partnership and to prevent pandemic in food crops tribe. The al forward, slash capital y l e one, six f, three, the documents are shameless and her rising and you reek of desperation. At page eighty eight rights, the insanity of trumps campaign to overturn the election recently released emails really help the skeltthe pressure campaign on the justice department, the atlantic in time. It's a dangerous world out there for your devices. Apis is your. I phone is facing an excentral threat from congress. The company makes its case against sidelong, as congress considers forcing the issue incom. This was twitter voice, signing off eleven thirteen pmta
0 notes
digital-success · 5 years ago
How Person Earn Upto 50 lacs per month?
I've had the opportunity to work with nearly a dozen high-growth entrepreneurs and world-class experts since I began freelancing just over a year ago.
Because I have done such an excellent job of defining my quality propositions, positioning myself as an expert in my profession, and bringing my content in front of new target markets, I now have a waiting list of 3–6 months for new freelance clients.
It certainly did not happen overnight, though. My rapid success in the freelancing environment is the result of a lot of strategic positioning, hard work hours, and good timing.
If you're prepared to be serious about freelancing and increasing your self-employed profits here's my top twelve tips to earn more in your first year.
And don't forget to download the free book of Skillcrush, The Ultimate Going Freelance Guide.
Tips to learn the tech skills you need to get started, tactics to embrace "the freelance mentality," and tips to create a "career safety net" before you leave your day job. Here's the reference.
Best Freelancer Tips to Earn Upto 50 Lacs!
   Choose a Niche
If you're new to freelancing, you may be willing to take on any paid work that you can get your hands on. But as you get further into your self-employed career, you will need to start to be more realistic about the types of work you do and the clients you take on.
You may think: How can the freelance work That help me make MORE money get picky?
Since you become an expert in a particular field if you specialize, and experts will pay more for their specialized services.
I don't think it's worth thinking twice about the age-old debate about whether you should be a specialist or a generalist when you begin your freelance career.
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If you were your customer and you wanted someone to improve your email marketing to get people to sign up, write advertisements to persuade people to buy, or just update your obsolete website, you'd just recruit someone who's a jack of all businesses, Would you like to recruit someone who is a king of all trades, or someone who is a pro to do one thing and do it well? Every time I pick the specialist.
And when it comes to my own experience, choosing to specialize with my freelance business as a content marketing consultant — as opposed to being a general digital hire marketer — was the only best choice I made.
Because over the past few years I have built my reputation with customers as a talented content marketer. Committing to content marketing posts on different social media platforms regularly, I've been able to rise to the top of my niche in a relatively short time. This is one of my favorite takeaways on CreativeLive from becoming a professional freelancer.
   Get Clear on Your Service Offerings
One major decision you need to make in your freelance career early is what you are doing and what you are not doing.
The more precise you can be about what you're selling, the better. It will not only help you market yourself, but it will also allow you to monitor how potential customers view you and give you the opportunity to continue to build your portfolio in the direction you want to move in.
If you want to concentrate on becoming a much sought-after, highly paid developer of Ruby on Rails, then you should not even entertain contract offers to modify WordPress themes or model the user experience for an upcoming project.
While the short-term benefits of steady work are enticing (and sometimes necessary), taking on tasks that do not take you closer to your ultimate goal of becoming the best in your field will only confuse you and impede significant progress.
   Create a High Quality Portfolio Site
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This goes without saying that creating an impressive portfolio page of your own is one of the best ways to demonstrate your technical skills. If you want to be taken seriously as a professional freelancer, you will need the following website:
Showcases your expertise.
It highlights past experiences of significance.
Shows who you are.
Includes your contact information so you can be easily found by potential customers.
And, if you don't have a lot of work experience to show you know your stuff, a great portfolio can really help you out. (Read more here: How to Get Hired With No Experience in Tech.)
Your portfolio's purpose is to educate, spark interest, and persuade potential customers to choose you for their technical needs. That's why it's worth spending time in determining what's on your list and how it's shown — before you start looking for new ventures.
Start including a reference to the page inside your email signature and on your social profiles when your portfolio site is done.
Some of the Extra tips for Earning Money: -
    Be seen on social media and heard
You don't need to post on social media about your entire life, but as a digital marketer, it helps to have a presence on all social media platforms and has a strong track record. Create a network of reliable contacts, especially in the same field with other freelancers. Create a profile on LinkedIn shows your expertise and previous experience. It'll help you get the perfect start!
     Blog to show your skills
The best way to let your work speak for itself is if you want others to appreciate your work. You'll be able to attract the kind of customers you're looking for with the right blog material. On several other marketing sites, you can even customize and promote your blog to highlight the value of your work.
      Develop a plan for digital media
For your clients, you need to build an active digital media strategy. The plan should include suggestions on how to show their products, what platforms and how often such posts should be posted, and their marketing budget. If the plan is well planned and implemented, there's not much to think about your customers.
“As you see my info how a normal person earns money up to 50 lacs. It’s a great opportunity also for you to follow the tips and earn 50 lacs.”
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criticalrationalism · 5 years ago
Plague of the 14th century (from Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World)
In 1331, chroniclers recorded that 90 percent of the people of Hopei Province died. By 1351, China had reportedly lost between one-half and two-thirds of its population to the plague. The country had included some 123 million inhabitants at the beginning of the thirteenth century, but by the end of the fourteenth century the population dropped to as low as 65 million. 
China functioned as the manufacturing center of the Mongol World System, and as the goods poured out of China, the disease followed, seemingly spreading in all directions at once. Archaeological evidence of graves near trading posts indicates that by 1338 the plague crossed from China over the Tian Shan Mountains and wiped out a Christian trading community near lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan. The plague was an epidemic of commerce. The same Mongol roads and caravans that knitted together the Eurasian world of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries moved more than mere silk and spices. The roads and way stations set up by the Mongols for merchants also served as the inadvertent transfer points for the fleas and, thereby, for the disease itself. With the luxurious fabrics, exotic flavors, and opulent jewels, the caravans brought the fleas that spread the plague from one camp to another, one village to another, one city to another, and one continent to another. If plague destroyed only a single, crucial station in a mountain pass or blocked one route through the desert, it potentially isolated a large region within the vast empire. 
Plague reached the capital of the Golden Horde at Sarai on the lower Volga in 1345. At this time, Yanibeg, the Kipchak khan, was preparing to lay siege to the Crimean port of Kaffa (modern-day Feodosija in Ukraine), a trading post established by merchants from Genoa primarily for the export of Russian slaves to Egypt. The Mongols had sometimes cooperated with the Italian slave merchants and at other times tried to suppress their trade. The Mongol authorities had closed the trading post and expelled the Genovese on several occasions, but each time they would eventually relent and allow them to return. To protect themselves from further Mongol threats and to safeguard their transit in slaves, the Genoese built a strong protective wall around their city and a second inner wall to protect the heart of the trading post. 
When plague broke out in the Mongol army, it forced Yanibeg to lift the siege and retreat, but the disease readily spread from the Mongol camp to the adjacent port. According to a single European report, Yanibeg had the bodies of plague victims catapulted over the walls and into the city, and though the Genovese tried to dispose of the bodies by throwing them in the sea, the disease erupted. Though often repeated, the story was not based on eyewitness accounts; the only known source for it comes from the papers of a lawyer, Gabriele de Mussis, who worked near Genoa in the town of Piacenza. He claimed, in turn, to have heard the story from some sailors. Since the dead bodies could not breathe on their intended targets and spread the disease in the common manner, they would have needed to carry living fleas to infect the city. The story seems doubtful, not because the Mongols were unwilling to spread the disease in that manner, but because it probably would not have been a strategy likely to succeed. 
With or without human intention, the disease was already spreading and would continue to do so. When the Genovese and other refugees fled the port by boat, they took the disease with them to Constantinople, from where it easily spread to Cairo in Egypt and to Messina in Sicily. If the city was the ideal home for the plague, the closed environment of the ship was the ideal incubator, a place where humans, rats, and fleas could mix intimately without the noxious presence of horses or fire, the two things that fleas most avoid. Freed from the comparatively slow movement on the trading route, where the disease had to wait for precisely the right cart or cargo of goods, the plague spread with the speed of the wind in the sails. In 1348, it ravaged the cities of Italy, and by June of that year entered England. By the winter of 1350, the plague had crossed the North Atlantic from the Faeroe Islands on through Iceland and reached Greenland. It may have killed 60 percent of the settlers of Iceland, and the plague was probably the single most important factor in the final extinction of the struggling Viking colony in Greenland. 
In the sixty years from 1340 until 1400, according to some estimates, the population of Africa declined from 80 million to 68 million inhabitants, and Asia from 238 million to 201 million. The total world population—including the Americas, where the plague did not strike for another two centuries—fell from approximately 450 million to between 350 and 375 million inhabitants, a net loss of at least 75 million, or more than a million people a year for the remainder of the fourteenth century. As more evidence accumulates, scholarly research continues to push the losses higher. The population of Europe declined from around 75 million to 52 million. With a death toll of around 25 million the loss in the European continent alone was roughly the same as the total worldwide toll of AIDS in the twentieth century. For Europe in the fourteenth century, however, the figure represented between a third and one-half of the total population. By comparison, in the tremendous destruction of World War II in Europe, Great Britain lost less than 1 percent of its population, and France, the scene of much fighting, lost 1.5 percent of its population. German losses reached 9.1 percent. Widespread famine pushed the World War II death rates in Poland and Ukraine toward 19 percent, but even these remained well below the rates for the plague in the fourteenth century. 
The plague left some areas completely depopulated, while a few cities survived virtually unscathed. One of the few effective measures was taken by the city of Milan. As soon as plague broke out in a house, officials raced to seal up the entire house with everyone—sick and well, friends and servants—sealed inside. Other cities tried less effective means, such as the ringing of bells or the banning of the ringing of bells. Whether it erupted in a particular community or not, the epidemic permanently changed life in every region of the continent. The plague effectively destroyed the social order that had dominated Europe since the fall of Rome, leaving the continent in dangerous disorder. The disease brought down urban dwellers more readily and thereby destroyed the educated class and the skilled craftsmen. Inside and outside the cities, the closed and polluted environments of monasteries and convents provided an ideal opportunity for the disease to kill everyone, a tragedy from which European monasticism in particular, and the Roman Catholic church in general, never recovered. Dense villages faced a similar danger, as did the residents cooped up inside castles and manorial estates. 
The social impact of the plague was best recorded in Florence, where it erupted in 1348, in the writings of Giovanni Boccaccio, one of many to lose numerous family members and close friends. In his Decameron, ten young noble ladies and ten men flee the plague and find refuge in a country estate, passing the time by telling tales. In the world described by Boccaccio, husband deserted wife, mother abandoned child just to escape the plague. So many died that priests had no time to offer services and diggers could not accommodate the bodies, which were then tossed into group graves or left for dogs and pigs to eat. The “venerable authority of laws, human and divine, was abased and all but totally dissolved.” Officials were “unable to execute any office; whereby every man was free to do what was right in his own eyes.” 
Without understanding the disease’s true cause or methods of transmission, people still quickly recognized its close association with commerce and the movement of people in and out of cities. The writings of Boccaccio, Petrarch, and others of the time show the two primary reactions to the disease were to abandon the city, if possible, or at least to close the city to outsiders. Either response immediately halted trade, communication, and transportation. Local authorities throughout Europe enacted plague laws to limit its spread and control popular reaction. In 1348, the small city of Pistoia in Tuscany barred entry of people from infected areas, banned the importation of any type of used textiles, and forbade the sale of fruit or the slaughtering of animals that might cause the smell of death, which they suspected as contributing to the spread of the disease. Similarly, they forbade the tanning trade, and without it the commerce in leather goods ceased. Citizens returning from other places could only bring a small amount of baggage equivalent to about thirty pounds. No one could send a gift to the home of a person who had died of the plague or go there to visit, and no one was allowed to buy new clothing. 
Diplomatic delegations and letters ceased to flow. Without the Mongol transportation system, the Catholic church lost touch with its missions in China. Frightened people everywhere blamed foreigners for bringing the disease, further threatening international commerce. In Europe, the Christians once again turned on the Jews, who had a close association with commerce and with the east, from whence the plague came. Some Jews were shut up in their homes and burned; others were taken out and tortured on the rack until they confessed their crimes. Despite a papal bull from Pope Clement VI in July 1348 protecting the Jews and ordering the Christians to stop their persecutions, the campaign against them escalated. On Valentine’s Day in 1349, the authorities of Strasbourg herded two thousand Jews to the Jewish cemetery outside of the city to begin a mass burning. Some Jews were allowed to save themselves by confessing their crimes and converting to Christianity, and some children were forcefully converted. More than a thousand perished over the six days that it took to burn them all, and the city outlawed the presence of any Jew in the city. City after city picked up the practice of publicly burning Jews to thwart the epidemic. According to the boasts of one chronicler, between November 1348 and September 1349, all the Jews between Cologne and Austria had been burned. In the Christian parts of Spain, the people initiated similar persecutions against the resident Muslim minority, driving many of them to seek refuge in Granada and Morocco. 
The plague not only isolated Europe, but it also cut off the Mongols in Persia and Russia from China and Mongolia. The Mongol rulers in Persia could no longer procure the goods from the lands and workshops they owned in China. The Golden Family in China could not get its goods from Russia or Persia. With each group cut off from the other, the interlocking system of ownership collapsed. The plague had devastated the country, demoralized the living, and, by cutting off trade and tribute, deprived the Mongol Golden Family of its primary source of support. For nearly a century, the Mongols had exploited their mutual material interests to overcome the political fault lines dividing them. Even while sacrificing political unity, they had maintained a unified cultural and commercial empire. With the onslaught of plague, the center could not hold, and the complex system collapsed. The Mongol Empire depended on the quick and constant movement of people, goods, and information throughout its massive empire. Without those connections, there was no empire. 
As foreign conquerors, the Mongols had been tolerated by their subjects, who often outnumbered the Mongols by as much as a thousand to one, because they continued to produce a tremendous flow of trade goods long after the strength of their army had dissipated. In the plague’s aftermath, with neither trade nor the likelihood of military reinforcement from other Mongols, each branch of the Golden Family of Genghis Khan had to fend for itself in an increasingly volatile environment that might easily turn hostile. Deprived of their two advantages of military strength and commercial lucre, the Mongols in Russia, central Asia, Persia, and the Middle East searched for new modes of power and legitimacy by intermarrying with their subjects and consciously becoming more like them in language, religion, and culture. Mongol authorities purged the remaining elements of shamanism, Buddhism, and Christianity from their families and strengthened their commitment to Islam, which was the primary religion of their subjects, or, in the case of the Golden Horde in Russia, the religion of the Turkic army that helped keep the family in power.
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invokus · 6 years ago
Info analytics and strategic program in social media
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There is a rising need for integrating of social media advertising strategy template is not only recent communication and technology techniques into creating effective information for social media, but recent business practices and penetration as well. The tie-in concerning return on investment and the analytics attributes is also an important element. Web 2 . 0 platforms are filled with experience, knowledge, and connections, in addition to professionals must be able to know the way search engine optimization (SEO) works in business, connections, and personal opportunities. In conjunction with social media, SEO can help often the professional and business distinguish where the conversations are promising, what the networks look like, and exactly key words users are searching for on the net. Identifying the key terms that happen to be necessary to follow and hear in the digital media landscaping also applies to social media mainly because, essentially, all of these channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc . ) are databases filled with facts that can connect to valuable information.
With SEO, your function as a social media professional may empower you with information that will allow you to promote, employ, and analyze the data to discover what does and does not work. Many programs allow students to fully make use of Google Analytics to get a simple and advanced understanding of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION for social and electronic digital media purposes, and it could be a good program to explore to help you add this skill in your résumé.
In addition to understanding being attentive and SEO, be aware of the precise tools used to listen to, screen, and engage with others on-line for personal branding functions. Some of the tools used to examine reputation online include the next:
Talkwalker: This program allows consumers (and brands) to sign up regarding mentions and analytics relevant to what others are saying concerning them online. Talkwalker provides a free search option in addition to a quick search option (paid however affordable) for individuals to monitor their own online presence. Mention: Much like Talkwalker, this program has various pricing options and crucial features. BrandsEye: This program much more focused on the corporate mentions with regard to companies, but can also take a look at external data for you to assess. BrandYourself: This service enables you to determine what sites (websites, social networking profiles, etc . ) ought to be the first to come up on Google to assist you make the best first impression on the internet. Klear: This is a good tool with regard to analyzing certain platforms (e. g., Facebook, Twitter, as well as Instagram). You can look to observe how you are doing on each platform, what their overall engagement is like, and others in the same region as you are doing online. Hootsuite: Any social media management device (including Hootsuite as well as TweetDeck and Sprout Social) may be used not only to evaluate what you are spreading on your own platforms, but also to find out who is talking about your brand name, your business, and even yourself.
Customer support specialist.
Many times, social media may be the first place people go once they have an issue, question, or even inquiry related to their daily activities. Social media professionals should understand how to solve problems, tackle concerns, and listen to exactly what others are saying to take advantage of possibilities and minimize challenges prior to they escalate into economic crisis situations. Understand that you are the actual storefront of the brand, and for probably the most part, you will provide the very first exchange or opportunity for people to communicate with the brand. You must be the brand’s face in addition to respond in the brand’s words, depending, of course , on the software in question. Along with customer service, you will find a time and place to deal with delighted customers and audience associates, and then there are times when you have to manage people who are not fans within your brand (e. g., trolls). These individuals want to spark gifle and criticize your bank account to generate a flame war using your brand while trying to get 15 mins of fame online. More often than not, social care practices are generally recommended for brands for you to follow, but at occasionally, personality and creativity get play when responding on the web. Wendy’s embraced its “snarky” voice on its Bebo account in 2017, for instance , winning praise from other pros and news outlets (Marks, 2017).
Experience and readiness to learn in social media.
So as to work in social media, you ought to be able to effectively keep up with typically the trends, people, brands, firms, and media and discover the current cases and cases people are sharing in the discipline. Make sure you are able to confidently explore some of these current issues along with trends with your future recruiters or colleagues. However , is considered essential to know not only precisely what these are, but how they effect the overall field as well as the local community and brand you are dealing with. One way to keep up with the increasing expectations and trends within the field is with effective checking of trade publications, information outlets, blogs, social media influencers, and others.
You have to be hungry for facts, not waiting for someone to give food to you what you need to know. Taking a good initiative and seeking out this article help you in more ways than you can see right now. Spending at least 15 minutes each day to read and consume content material or even listen to a podcasting about a given subject will certainly transform you into a college student of the industry. Learning is not just required but expected with regard to strong social media professionals. Something to note, though, is that no person is an expert in a single platform on social media because it is constantly changing, so know what you can bring to the table either being a generalist (who covers a rapid overview of social media at the macro level) or as a specialized (who focuses on one or more distinct areas of social media at the mini level).
One main approach to gain experience is by way of internships. Getting hands-on expertise in social media will allow you to process what you are learning in the classroom, but additionally help you develop your online collection of work to share with your own community and use with regard to future applications. However , internships are not the only way to get encounter in social media. Volunteering your own expertise and time to assist a non-profit with a task or campaign, help the school-sponsored organization or group manage its social media initiatives, or consult with small businesses in your town will allow you to get some real-world encounter while also making a distinction in people’s lives. In addition to this point, keep in mind that with experience arrives managing your own brand on the internet, which raises the next place.
Other ways to continue your social websites education is through documentation programs. Many different brands present these services and chances, and they can be listed on your own résumé as continued training. For example , Hootsuite offers numerous training programs on their platforms (Hootsuite Academy), and also advanced strategies and instructions (Hootsuite Social Media Marketing and Hootsuite Advanced Social Media Strategy). Additionally , specific platforms and models offer their own programs, for instance Google with Google Statistics and Facebook with Fb Blueprint. Microsoft also has software for its services. While that they range in topics and costs, these programs are available to help you users enhance their perception of social media and future mastering opportunities.
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