#this is cute and we all need a lil wholesome fluff so thank you for enabling me!!!
bi-bats · 1 year
When in doubt go for the classic bonding over various breakfast foods :D ☕️🥞🧇🥯🥐🧋🥤
Thank you for the writing prompt!!! I took some liberties with the definition of "bonding," but this gave me a cute idea for a one shot so I still think y'all will like it!!! Here we go, fic after the cut:
Tim hides his smile under the lip of his mug as Jason presses a kiss to his forehead. He peeks at the bagel being placed in front of him— toasted perfectly and with exactly the right amount of cream cheese. As Jason pulls his hand away, Tim puts down his mug and reaches for his forearm, pulls it to his chest. Jason tilts into it, leaning his warmth against Tim. 
This thing between them is new. Not the touching itself, but the tenderness behind it. The way he just expects Jason to be on his couch when he gets home from work or stumbles in after his patrol, covered in grime and smelling like Gotham. The way he stays the night as often as he reasonably can. The way whenever he’s within an inch of him, Tim seems to be reaching for him. The way Jason seems to be less than an inch away from him an awful lot of the time.
Tim stares at his bagel and tries to think of when he actually taught Jason how to make it the right way. Maybe he just learned through osmosis. Just absorbed it from spending so many breakfasts together that he knows exactly where to turn the toaster oven knob between light and medium to get it that exact shade of brown Tim prefers. 
His thumb rubs a track over the skin of Jason’s forearm as he thinks about exactly what’s going on between them, and the exact way they haven’t talked about it. 
He’s almost brought it up a few times, but he doesn’t know how Jason feels about labels. How that conversation is going to go. And it isn’t all that important what they call this, really, as long as Jason is on his couch or in his bed or within his reach.
He’s only pulled out of his reverie when he feels Jason tuck his face into the curve of his neck, feels the pull of lips that mean he’s hiding a smile there. 
“Are you feeding me breakfast, or are you going to let me go? I’m starving.” 
A soft laugh falls out of Tim, and the sound is an echo of the blissful feeling that’s occupied his ribs for weeks. He nuzzles into Jason’s hold, humming like he’s thinking about it. “I don’t know, you’re pretty warm.”
“Well, you’re starting to look pretty tasty.” Jason’s voice is muffled and a little rough the way it always is in the morning, and he can feel the vibration of it rippling along his throat. 
“Starting to? Haven’t you had enough of me yet?” The questions aren’t laced with anxiety the way they might have been weeks ago, before Jason did things like wake Tim up with coffee and breakfast. The questions are easy and light, because he knows the answer, even if he doesn’t know what to call this thing between them.
“Mmm, I don’t know,” Jason answers anyways, because he thinks he still has to pretend he isn’t going soft. He lets out a put-upon sigh, his breath hot and tickling on Tim’s skin. “Well, I am a zombie, so I guess it makes sense. Brains. Flesh,” he teases, tilting his head in. He lets out a playful, undead noise and lightly bites down on the skin of Tim’s neck.
A giddy laugh pushes out of his mouth as he squirms away, just lightly enough that he isn’t really going anywhere. Jason’s teeth release after a moment of them giggling together, and when he starts to pull away, Tim lets him go.
“Eat your breakfast, Zombie Boy,” he instructs.
“Guh,” Jason deadpans, turning to grab his plate as Tim snickers. When he sits down, he tangles their ankles together under the table and piles a bite of eggs onto his fork.
As Tim goes to pick up his coffee mug, his eyes meet Jason’s. There’s a soft, warm thing in them that’s sweeter than the sugary mocha he was about to sip, and his heart does a little flip as he thinks about how absolutely perfect things are-
And then the window behind him slams open.
There’s a noise like a body tumbling to the floor, a sigh he hears every time that particular body tumbles through his window—
And Jason freezes, the panic slamming down in his eyes as they go wide, and Tim knows his eyes are mirroring the expression. Tim thinks maybe Jason is trying to communicate something as they watch each other panic. He wonders if he should be trying to communicate something back, but it’s not like they can telepathically come up with a believable excuse as to why Jason is at his breakfast table, not wearing a shirt because Tim is wearing his shirt, and since Jason isn’t wearing his shirt you can see about fifty hickies in various states of fading-
“Ugh. Mornin’, guys,” Dick interrupt the silence.
And then Jason’s eyes aren’t on him anymore, they’re on Dick, tracking his every movement like he isn’t sure if he should run or pull a gun on him.
But Dick doesn’t say anything else, he just strides over to Tim’s kitchen and pulls out a box of cereal from the cabinet. Jason’s eyes are flicking between the two of them, still panicked, as Dick opens his fridge and sniffs the milk, makes a disgusted noise, then replaces the cap and puts it back in the fridge. He ends up just grabbing the box and going to sit at the head of the table, noisily digging pieces of cereal out of the bag with his fingers.
“Good morning,” Dick repeats pointedly, because no one actually answered him. Tim forgives Jason for looking like he’s leaning more towards option B, because he’s starting to think that shooting him isn’t the worst idea he’s ever heard.
“Good morning, Dick.” Tim says, in what is probably a more pleasant tone than warranted. He’s being incredibly patient. “Get out,” he says in the same pleasant tone.
A disappointed look flashes in Dick’s eyes as he purses his lips. “Don’t be rude, Timmy.” 
“I’m rude? You didn’t even knock!” Tim says, his patience starting to fail him. 
“I did, actually,” Dick starts, a knowing, antagonistic little smirk starting to pull at his lips, and Tim’s starting to actively wish Jason would pull out a gun or two. At least a knife. But he doesn’t, so nothing stops him from adding, “But you lovebirds looked a little busy.” 
Tim’s eyes flick to Jason involuntarily, the word love seeming to detach from the rest of the sentence and suck all of the air out of the room. 
Jason looks terrified. 
But it’s not the kind of terrified Tim expects, not the kind that screams TOO SOON in neon, flashing lights. 
Tim forces his eyes back to Dick. He shoves the question, “Why are you here?” through his gritted teeth. 
“I wanted breakfast.” He shrugs, but it’s obvious that’s not what he wanted. However, he has something far more interesting in front of him than whatever he came for, and he clearly isn’t going to be distracted. “The more important question is: what’s going on between you two?” 
He pops another piece of sugary cereal into his mouth, his gaze locked on Tim. The smug grin on his face makes Tim consider grabbing one of Jason’s guns himself, and in the following moments, he treats himself to several violent, bloody fantasies that end in Dick begging for mercy.
Then there’s a clatter that pulls Tim’s gaze away, and his eyes instinctively lock onto the source: Jason’s fork has fallen out of his hand and onto his plate, a bit of egg scattering across the table in front of it. 
“We’re dating,” Jason says, like he’s just realizing it. 
And again, it leaves Tim pleasantly surprised to find that he doesn’t look scared of that.
“We are?”
Dick sucks a breath through his teeth like that was the wrong thing to say, but a smile is spreading across Jason’s lips, because he didn’t ask it like he was being forced into it. He asked it like he couldn’t believe it. Like he’s won a prize.
“Yeah, we are,” Jason confirms, giving him a warm, crooked smile. Then he drops his eyes to the table and grabs a napkin to wipe up the egg, his tone light as he continues, “I mean, unless you don’t want to-”
“No! I want to-” Tim realizes his interruption was just a little too eager, and color bursts across his cheeks. Jason’s eyes flicker back to him and he looks pleased, smug, and Tim realizes what he just did. “Oh, fuck you,” he huffs, even though he finds he isn’t all that upset about it. 
Amusement glitters in Jason’s eyes as he starts, “I mean, last night-” 
And those are all of the words he gets out before Dick drops the cereal box on the table and clamps his hands over his ears, letting out a loud, panicked noise to cover whatever Jason was about to say. 
“Okay! Don’t need to hear that!” Dick says, his hands still over his ears. Jason snickers at him and picks his fork back up, apparently deciding to go back to his breakfast.
“That’s what you get for interrupting me and my boyfriend,” Tim tells him, because he knows Dick can hear him even with his hands covering his ears. Besides, he wants to see how the word tastes. And he wants to see the look on Jason’s face when he says it. 
It’s his new favorite word, he decides. Jason’s eyes flash back up, and the heat in them hits him like a bullet. Suddenly, all he can think about is how very far away Jason is.
“Hey, Dick, I think you should leave.” Tim can’t look away from the warm look on Jason’s face. Dick needs to get out of the vicinity as soon as humanly possible, because in about 10 seconds, this is not going to be rated E for everyone.
“Fine. But I’m taking the cereal,” Dick groans, pushing away from the table and grabbing the box.
Two hours later, when Jason throws away the forgotten breakfast from earlier and starts over, Tim decides he’s glad neither of them shot Dick. 
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imaginespazzi · 5 months
Nivi – hey bestie, you’ve done it again – I wasn’t sure it could get more heartbreaking than the last one and yet!
As always, the writing is- well, it’s everything.
The parallels between high school them and college them was immaculate, and I so wish Paige could have fulfilled her dream of kissing Azzi under the confetti, but alas, maybe in another universe 😉
I loved the little exchange about UConn and California, and how that possibility was always there but Paige could just never accept it.
P and UConn winning the natty this year – it had to happen in at least one universe, so thank you for letting it happen in this one.
Side note: Drew and Paige interactions are always top tier, and very much the type of momentary fluff that I needed to break up the sadness while reading.
Side note 2: I love that I don’t even need to imagine what Azzi wearing Paige’s jersey would look like, but I’m glad ucla au Paige got to experience it too 🥹
The celebration with the team was so cute and of course it would be KK that basically helps break the ice (and her lil innocent “you should bring her around more often” 🥺). Also, all the little moments Az got with everyone else in the team was so wholesome, and ofc queen Nika being a loveable menace who’s always just looking out for her twin.
Side note 3: I love love love the two piggyback moments haha, just because that’s so pazzi core to me idk, I feel like there’s been a lot of photos where Azzi is piggybacking Paige irl, like that’s very much their thing so I adored seeing it incorporated here. But then, the ending. I knew it was coming, but it certainly did not make it hurt any less when we got there. “Fuck,” Paige’s voice is still wracked with sleep, “I thought you left.” “That’s more your style,” Azzi says – this was particularly heartbreaking, but I can’t really blame Azzi, even if P is trying so hard to make things right.
Overall, I may or may not have been tearing up throughout the entire chapter, and it somehow hit me even harder the second time I read through it? I think that’s just testament to your writing tbh.
Thoughts on what’s next:
Do things finally start getting better? It can’t get any worse, can it? (famous last words) 😅
I did wonder actually, whether you’d have them win or lose the natty, only because if they did win which obviously they did here (thank you), could that maybe change P’s mind at all on declaring or not?
I’m guessing she obviously sticks to her og decision and stays, and so I’m super intrigued on what might come next for them.
Like will they try going back to being just friends? Even though they’ve already tried and failed and knowing that would never be enough for Paige. But can they really not be in each other’s lives??
Will they try seeing other people again??
Summer’s coming up in the timeline and they’ve never spent an entire summer apart, so what will they do this summer? 😔 Or will we have a big time jump?
So many questions, and only you have the answers, Nivi.
Favourite lines/quotes:
The moon shines against Azzi’s face and Paige thinks that so much has changed, but Azzi’s still that kind of beautiful
“Do you know what my answer would have been?” “Yeah,” Azzi says softly, squeezing her hands, “yeah I do.”
Alternate lyrics that came to mind while reading:
Talk about our future like we had a clue. Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you.
In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises, be us against the world.
Oh, and in honour of your love for Taylor, a Taylor lyric that came to mind was specifically this:
And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home - mainly from the perspective of Paige getting almost everything she’s ever wanted, except the thing she wants most.
PS: I don’t really listen to Taylor’s music much anymore (nothing negative, just a shift in my music tastes these past couple of years!), but if there’s anything you think I should definitely give a listen to from her latest album, let me know!
As always, thank you for all you do for us. Have a wonderful weekend 💗
Much love, -🙋‍♀️
Hi bestie, one thing about me is that I will find a way to make it worse! 🤪
Thank you my sweets, it always means the world <3
I'm glad you caught that because I wanted to hint at the idea that it wasn't just a random decision of Azzi's part to choose UCLA and that she'd always been considering it.
If I can add Drew and Paige interactions, best believe I will find a way to do it. That's another relationship that's so precious to me.
Shoutout to the one anon who asked for Azzi to wear Paige's jersey in the universe as well because I took that and ran with it so I hope they liked it, because I liked their idea (come say hi!)
The team scene was one my favorites to write honestly, especially just in general KK is so fun to write because she's so fun and I need my chaotic family (Paige-Azzi-KK-Ice) to be a thing in every universe.
YES the piggybacks are just so Pazzi-core and I know this is an au but I like to take things from what we already know about them and just tweak it to keep some semblance of realism. Also piggyback are just really cute and Paige seems like the kind to beg literally anyone to carry her anyways
Things will get better because I actually don't know if they can get worse (actually they probably could but it might be hard to come back from lol) but things getting better is gonna take a lot
See if Paige changes her mind and declares, things become easy for them with her going to LA and I'm not in the business of making things easy for them lol
You think I have the answer to these question but truly what I write is just as much a mystery of where my inspiration will take to me as it is to you. So we'll see but we're on the ascent upwards, so no more other people lol!
As for Taylor, the new album's pretty good babes if you wanna go listen! Lowkey a lot of the songs work pretty well with this fic lmao. But my favorites are loml and Fortnight I think.
Always love your detailed takes on the new parts and just seeing you in my inbox always makes me smile <3
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
spin cycle 18 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: drabble series, slow burn, idiots to lovers, fluff, lil bit of angst, eventual smut
summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.
rating: 18+ for eventual smut
word count: less than 500
warnings: Swearing! Roomie is scary when she’s angry and it’s kind of hot! Primal reactions to anger :D.
notes: Happy Monday! Ah, I love this chapter. I love roomie. I love all of our sweet little nugs so much. I hope all yall had a good weekend! After writing and posting Sodium Vapor this last weekend I’m a bit wiped out emotionally; I’ve never had a writing experience like that. It’s nice to be able to lean on this series as a pick-me-up! It just gets the week off to a nice start. Happy reading!
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Jungkook isn’t quite sure how Namjoon always seems to pick girls with scary tempers, but he does. Luckily, Jungkook’s had a lot of practice placating people with scary tempers; after all, Namjoon has one himself. Without a second thought, he’s got the broken glass cleaned up and safely disposed of, the spilled wine wiped up, and he’s pouring a new glass for Roomie. As he’s handing it to her, her expression clears up and she looks at him as if it’s the first time she’s seen him.
“Jungkook, right?”
“Yes,” he replies. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Namjoon talks about you all the time.” He pauses, breaking her intense eye contact to glance around the kitchen. “Um, is there anything I can help with? I do all the cooking at our place so I’m not useless in the kitchen like he is.”
Roomie follows his eyes as she takes a sip of her wine. “No, everything’s under control for now, thank you.”
“Oh, okay. Please let me know if I can help at all.”
“Well, you can start by being gentle with my best friend.”
Jungkook’s heart drops to his toes. Okay, your roommate knows about him. That’s … that’s good right? But does that mean that she knows about a few weeks ago?
“I’m … fuck, I—“
“Slow down, big guy, I’m not mad. And she’s not either. We both know you were trying to be a good friend to Namjoon. She’s heart sore from a bad breakup last year. She’s felt unlovable since. I hope you’ll be kind to her still, even if you don’t want to go out.”
“I do want to go out with her though,” he says quietly. “I don’t know what it is but—“ How does he express his attraction without sounding like a total caveman?
“I get it, she’s super fucking cute and you recovering emo boys always love nerdy girls. I love it for you, to be honest. It’s disgusting, but it’s cute. Almost wholesome. But she was my Nerd Girl first so—“
“If I break her heart, you’ll break me?”
“Oh Jungkook, that’s adorable. I won’t break you. I will fucking destroy you.”
It’s like a ripple passes through space and time at the same time she speaks the words, and Jungkook feels it in the tingle that trickles down his spine. The power this woman emanates is terrifying.
The strangest thing is that suddenly, Namjoon appears in the doorway. “Hey babe, is everything okay?”
Jungkook wants to die. His own roommate is so smitten with yours that the scary energy is basically a mating call. And Namjoon, for all his brains and brawn, is absolutely powerless to resist it. He’s never seen him so smitten. She seems like she thrives off taking care of people, and well, Namjoon needs someone to patch him up from time to time.
Jungkook excuses himself as Roomie beckons the large man for a hug, and goes to look for you.
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Thank you for reading! Drop me an ask and tell me what you think. Find me in various places at my carrd :)
©miscelunaaa 2022. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work.Thank you.
posted: 5.2.2022
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝚗𝚌𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚢, 𝚎𝚡𝚑𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜/𝚘
a/n: hiiiii so i decided to make this a 2in1 reaction; basically i just put together 2 of my requests that were *in my opinion* closely related. hope y’all don’t mind and enjoy!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
requested by annonies: ‘Hey.. could you please do nct dream reaction to s/o having high fever and just wants cuddls? 🥺 like how would they take care of them.. make it fluffy please.’ & ‘nct dream reaction to their s/o being EXTREMELY tired and then like ummmmm cuddling and stuff maybe?? *uwuing in the distance*’
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Mark Lee
okay but just imagine this (๑◕︵◕๑)
cuddle sessions when you’re both stretched thin and overworked
even though we all know he isn’t big on skinship i think he would throw all reticence out the window when it’s crystal clear that you both NEED each other ꒰๑˃͈꒳˂͈๑꒱ノ*゙̥
so you just crawl under the bankets into his arms and you both just lay together in silence just enjoying each other’s presence
bonus points if he runs his hand through your hair and you trace shapes with the pads of your fingers on his skin (´,,•ω•,,)♡
it would probaby take a couple of lazy kisses and if you’re really really soft he might just hum some song lowly in your ear
just a lil heads up:
you ain’t getting out of his arms ‘til next morning so better hope you peed beforehand and have a bottle of water in reach (ಠ‿↼)
the only thing that would make him get up without a second thought?
if you’re feverish because of your exhaustion
his worry wouldn’t allow him to settle down until he’s 110% sure he made everything in his power to keep you comfortable 
“cold towels, water, painkillers just in case, is there anything i’m forgetting? babe, should i make you some tea-”
“mark, you know what would make me feel SO much better?”
“huh?” 「(゚<゚)゙??
you don’t have to say that twice, your man is tucking you into his side in an instant flash ain’t got nothing on mark, he’s a man on a mission
he’ll try to stay awake long enough to make sure you’ve fallen asleep properly since he knows your fever won’t go away without proper rest
might hover over you the next morning too!! ( ≧Д≦)
Huang Renjun
this boy would FRET like CONSTANTLY
especially if you develop a fever 
he keeps piling up a lot of stuff in your room, anything he deems would be potentially helpful at some point is surrounding your bed
“jun, why tf is a cactus on my nightstand?” Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
“what if haechan walks through the door?”
“... understandable” ¯\_( ◉ 3 ◉ )_/¯
your room looks like a deposit at this point and you’ve tried to drag him to bed more times than you can count
but he’s restless ༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽
until your frustration topples over and you’re on the verge of tears as you ask him for ✨cuddles ✨
he might actually feel bad for not joining you earlier so he’s gonna be EXTRA soft with you enjoy it while you can
he’s gonna pepper kisses all over you as he encases you in his lil arms and nuzzles his face into the crown of your head (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
he’s ready to offer free massages or head scratches!!!! LIMITED OFFER DON’T MISS OUT!!!
also he’s ready for literally anything
fever? medicine and wet towels nearby. thirst? 4 bottles of water AND gatorade. hunger? your favourite take out is waiting. any intruders? cactus is right by his hand. cuddles? CUDDLES!!!!! (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
i think he’ll probably stay up even after you fell asleep, reading about how exhaustion affects one’s body and how to help i just think he’s a really wholesome person despite his all ‘don’t talk to him he angy’ character
but he’s still SO attentive to you!!
he’s down to anything that would make you feel better and if that means 20 hours of non stop cuddling so be it (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Lee Jeno
i think he’d be REALLY clingy with you even in normal circumstances kind of like how he’s with mark ya know
so your affected well-being will just give him an extra reason to evolve to his ULTIMATE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL AFFECTION◝( ′ㅂ`)و ̑̑
he won’t let you lift A FINGER
my man is cuddling you even while standing up (灬 ♡ ω ♡ 灬)
he’s also going to insist on carrying you anywhere even if it’s just from the bed to the bathroom this boi is strong you have no excuse to shy away from him he won’t let you
you have no chance at escaping him btw his arms are made of iron when it comes to cuddles good luck prying them off you
and even though he’s clearly focusing on your requested cuddles, he’ll ask you from time to time if you need anything, how you’re feeling, if you’re comfortable
lowkey uses the excuse of checking your temperature to give you endless forehead kithes cuz he can (*^∀゚)ъ
he also becomes kind of hyperaware of every little move you make
you shiver? he’s cocooning you in yet another blanket. you’re becoming restless? he adjusts your cuddling position until you’re fully comfortable.
NOTHING gets past him ┌༼ σ ‸ σ ༽┐
idk why but i have a hunch that jeno sleeps like a rock
so if he happens to fall asleep too and you need to get up? pfft yeah sure better call for a crane to lift you up from the bed  ૮( ᵒ̌ૢꇴᵒ̌ૢ )ა。
he’s also going to be EXTREMELY cranky if anyone dares interrupt your extended cuddle session this is strictly ‘only y/n and jeno time’
he might also entertain you with a few pictures of his cats if you’re feeling soft or ugly pictures of his members if you need a good laugh
would totally recommend leaving yourself in jeno’s care!! ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
Lee Haechan
he would LIVE for your cuddle sessions (●♡∀♡))
despite that, he WOULDN’T STAND you being uncomfortable for a single second if he can do something against that
i think he’s the type of person who wouldn’t leave even the smallest of papercuts untreated when it comes to his partner so exhaustion? fever? yeah no. frickin. way. ┐(;Ծ⌓Ծ;)┌
and after he’s absolutely sure he has everything you might need nearby and put a cold cloth on your forehead and made sure you were hydrated and well fed
he finally climbs into bed with you and just SMOTHERS the shite outta you i’m not even kidding ꒰๑*´ᗜ`*꒱*›◡‹꒱꒱
he’s full on *leech mode*, kisses and nuzzles and gentle caresses
and best part of the package? this man is a walking spotify premium!!
you get to choose whatever song you want and switch with no ads and he has no complaints since his payment is already made in cuddles
you thought this was the end of it?? SIKE
also an entertainment king!!  ୧༼✿ ͡◕ д ◕͡ ༽୨
we all know he probably has shit on all of the members and he’s not shy to do some harmless story telling to put you in a good mood
so just imagine and try coming up with anything better
sleepy you engulfed in the sunshine himself’s arms, tightly cradled against him with his soothing honey voice murmuring and humming to you and only you ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
his protective side might surface too btw
no one is allowed near you and if someone somehow managed to bother you? oh hell naw  🙃
now they’re on hyuck’s black list good luck mate
his babie gets the royalty treatment in those times guaranteed
Na Jaemin
he’s a doting boyfriend either way i think we can all agree on that
but you clinging to him and asking for cuddles? you not feeling well?
yeah not on his watch mother hen in action part the sea (ノ・ェ・)ノ
i don’t think he’d panic tho, his only struggle would be postponing the cuddles you’re asking for while he prepares something to eat and a tea and fluffs up the pillows and blankets he’s gathered (oꆤ︵ꆤo)
but once he’s done?
yeah you’re bundled in a mountain of softness and most importantly? our cuddle bug jaemin (♡ >ω< ♡)
he’ll keep you propped up against his chest while he feeds you himself, proper care is something unskippable in his agenda
but after that any cuddling position is FREE REAL ESTATE!!
anything his baby wants, his baby gets ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
but for the sake of his mental stability he’d prefer to be in a position from where he can see you
boi is too worried to let you out of his sight so he’s aiming to be the big spoon or facing you directly 三 ( ◜◡‾)っ)⁰▿⁰)
he’ll help you fall asleep in any way he can
he’ll caress your back, your arms, he’ll softly massage your neck and shoulders, he has a playlist ready for sleepy moods
he is PREPARED ٩(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
he checks your temperature every so often and he grumbles with a pout if it doesn’t seem to be going down
but if it comes down to it he won’t hesitate to ask someone to bring some medicine and if your exhaustion and/or fever doesn’t relent he’ll insist on getting checked by a doctor
it would break his heart to see you so weak and no ammount of cuddles could repair it until he sees you up and healthy again (◕⌓◕;)
but he’ll do all the pampering in the world so don’t worry
Zhong Chenle
i think he would hesitate at first but only because he’s kinda scared he’ll only make it worse and he WOULDN’T want that ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
eventually i guess he’d step out to call his mum for help before he pulls some bull like ‘let’s do some math it’s gonna be fun’ and you lose your shit like no thanks fam i wanna live (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
he’ll listen RELIGIOUSLY to his mum’s advice 
makes you some chamomile exactly how you like it, probably pulls together something small to eat but won’t force you
what he will force you to take is some medicine you ain’t dying on his watch (๑・`▱´・๑)
and most importantly... DAEGAL CUDDLES!!!! imagine getting to cuddle every nctzen’s bias
he might get *a little* jelly tho if you pay too much attention to her tho
so he makes up some dumb excuse about dog hair aggravating your fever or some dubious other reason why you have to let go of his puppy and cuddle HIM!! ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
he’ll do that cute thing where he leans his forehead against yours to check your temperature he has to be extra until the end
and before you go to sleep he’ll  try to prod at you to tell him what caused you to be so exhausted that you developed a fever might nag at you too about how unheathy it is to let it get to that point
he just wants to help okay? baby is worried in his own way ( •́ ∧ •̀ )
if there’s ANYTHING he can do to help consider it done by the time you wake up he’ll ALWAYS go an extra mile for you
and chenle wants to make sure you are aware of that and can lean on him so it never gets to this point again
but for the time being... it’s cuddles and relaxation time!! ✧(๑✪д✪)۶
better believe he’s already preparing a spa day for both of you to enjoy like the  ✨spicy ✨ bitches you are
Park Jisung
his heartbeat accelerates
and unfortunately it’s not because he’s flustered shame (#゚ロ゚#)
his only thought when he sees you with bag under your eyes and a cold wet cloth on your forehead is ‘shit, they’re dying wait no censor the first part i can’t get my mouth washed with soap but... poop, they’re dying’
ONE step away from calling for an ambulance or morgue in his mind
he SWEARS he’ll let you teach him how to ride a bycicle as long as you get out of this safe and sound (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
he’s a bit of a mess, but he’s your cute mess
it would take *quite* a bit of reassurance that you’re going to be fine after a good night’s sleep and some jisung time for him to somewhat relax
his cheeks will flush once he curls himself around your form no matter how many times you’ve cuddled before
but once you sigh blissfully once he wraps his arms around you, it’s game over for him ε=(。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
he MELTS against you
he’ll caress your head and gently scratch your scalp, lays kisses on your cheeks/forehead/crown of your head
but he will also fret every time you toss and turn or you make any sound that seems ‘distressed’ to him
we all know he can sleep anywhere under a frickin carpet so he won’t have any problems adjusting to whatever works for you since all that matters to him atm is that you’re comfortable (♡ >ω< ♡)
he just wants you to get better faster
he’ll talk to you in a hushed voice, encouraging and praising you and assuring you that once you’re all better he’ll help you with whatever you need and EVERYTHING will be well in the end ٩(ó。ò۶ ♡)
he’s a senstitive person so he just wants to be there for you in any shape and form he can be
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krysphycookiez · 3 years
Hi it‘s me again. I have another request. What about izty‘s reaction. Reader is their gf and is really quiet and intriverted so they do cute stuff to get reader to talk or smile and maybe a kiss at the end.🤩
Thank you☺️
itzy | smile for me
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synopsis: you’re quiet and a bit of an introvert, so your girlfriend makes an effort to bring out the sunshine in you
genre: fluff, headcanons
pairing: itzy x fem!reader
tw: none, just get ready for chaotic fluff
a/n: hi again! thanks for the request i appreciate it! i how this one isn’t too whack, i really tried qwq, anyways i hope you enjoy!
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poor baby is already a bit shy on her own
but hey, that’s what made you guys click together anyways so it was all coolio for a bit
once you and yeji start dating for about a month or two, she’s gonna try to be a bit more “bold” around you
pda is not something that occurs quite often between the two of you, as she just prefers to hug you or hold your hands
so when she starts showing affection by showering you with kisses and cuddles you were in shock
but not complaining though, who would deny a cuddle fest from the queen herself
once you two start getting comfortable with affection, you’d start talking more!
since you’re a shy bean and she’s also a bit like you, you two would do small little dates on the past
but now yeji is confident enough to bring you to nicer places like an amusement park or a restaurant
eventually you’d start opening up even more! and you’d laugh a lot more too and polar bear girl melts every-time she hears you laugh
she loves you and you love her
both of you are a wholesome couple, and even though things were a bit stale at first things got better
although you still have tendencies to be awkward, you’ve managed to open up even more to those around you
and it’s enough to make your girlfriend smile
“hey baby?” your sweet partner pipes up, causing you to turn your head to lock your eyes with her beautiful polar bear shaped ones. “yes? so you need anything?” you asked, giving her a small smile, making her chuckle
“nothing, i just wanted to see you smile,” yeji admits truthfully, to which you blush at. she makes her way towards you and pulls you into a tight hug, and a hug you return quickly. she gently kisses your forehead and locks her loving gaze with you.
“you know i love you right? i’m glad you’re opening up more,” she states, and you smile just grows from her sweet words. you lean your head onto her chest, her soothing heartbeat calming you down. “yeah... i love you so much, sweetheart,”
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omg she thinks your so adorable when you first meet like
how can someone be so kawaii and innocent-looking?????
getting back on track she loves you so much, but ngl she was a bit dense at first about your crush towards her
this is lia we are talking about, how can no one love this amazing woman
when you two started dating she would shower you with love and affection because of how cute you were towards her
“hon how do you manage to make everything you do look so adorable i swear this is why i love you so much,”
she loves karaoke nights with you too
and you also got an amazing voice so she definitely gets all hype about it
but since you’re so shy you don’t sing that much so she catches you singing a lot in the shower then you think you’re alone
she also debates if she should join you in the shower or not
she flirts with you a lot too just to see your cute lil flustered face and fawn over it
“awwww you’re so cute when you’re blushing~”
“babbyyyyy i missed you!” lia exclaimed as she jumped into your arms, making you topple a bit. since you’re a bit taller than her she likes to jumó to you for hugs
she peppered small kisses all over your face, making you giggle a bit. “what’s happened, lia? you’re suddenly so happy??” you asked while you chuckled. she pecked your lips and gave you a bright smile
“nothing happened, i’m just happy to see the most beautiful girl in the world,”
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another shy girl, she’s actually the most shy out of all of itzy
ryujin would definitely try to flirt with you and then fail miserably before you got into your relationship
the other members would tease her for making her crush so obvious
that would result in a punch or two
when you guys would start dating she’d be such a complete sweetheart around you
she’d start to open up more but then over your adorable personality
she still tries to flirt but most of it is just cheesy pick-up lines
“omg that was so weird please forget i said that okay—“
the one time you said something remotely confident to her is when you complimented her on her dancing and rapping
she thought you were genuinely flirting with her so she got very embarrassed and stuttered a lot
yuna would never let her live that moment down lemme tell ya
she’d also give you tulips and roses cause she’s just so sweet to you, also she prefers giving you affection in private cause she’s still kinda shy
overall 10/10 wholesome gf, you should also kiss her on the forehead
“ryujin?? what are you looking at?” you asked her with that little innocent look on your face. you saw your girlfriend shift her way towards you on the couch and put a hand on your cheek. “just admiring the most amazing and wonderful woman i’ve ever met,” she said with a sly grin.
you blinked your eyes innocently, trying to process what she just said, which resulted in her gigging and patting your head. “you’re so adorable, y/n,” she commented while you puffed your cheeks in embarrassment and frustration.
“no i’m not.”
“awww but your areee~”
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omg we are moving onto one of the best girls
she’s such an energetic and amazing pup you’d be so close with her before you guys dated
almost like sisters even, she just loves to hang out with you
so naturally, it’s very easy for her to get you on your fun and cheery side
boba dates, park dates, she’d take you to any fun and outgoing place to get you in a very bright mood
and then BOOM! just like that she manages to make you all energetic and playful
then you go back to being a shy bean and that just makes her heart explode with cuteness
your wholesomeness overload is too much for her and she’ll constantly remind you on how cute and adorable you are
constantly hugging you from behind and peppering kisses all over your face when she gets the chance
that is until she kisses your lips is what makes her heart go boom boom
you’re such a flustered and stuttering mess she’s overjoyed
also uh- chaotic ness with the other members of itzy is multiples ten times more when you’re around
overall, amazing gf, you won’t regret it
you had just gotten home from a tired day at work, wanting nothing more than to snuggle up into the warm and fluffy sheets next to your amazing girlfriend.
when you entered the room, you quickly set down your belongings and got properly changed before slipping under the sheets next to your partner. it wasn’t long before you felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around you, making you smile in content. “hi baby... i missed you...” chaeryeong muffled sleepily while nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck, making you giggle at her.
“yeah... i missed you too...” you said to her before cuddling up next to her, letting your sleepiness drift you away into a blissful rest.
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ohhhhh now moving onto the savage maknae of the bundle
she’s such a little shit around you lemme tell ya
constantly teasing you as a way to show her affection or playing with your hair, she’s all over the place
however when she’s more calm, she likes to take you out to coffee dates
something about the taste of the energetic bitterness, plus having it with you makes her feel at peace
you’re the mediator in the pair
when she’s all worked up and hyper you manage to calm her down after a few weeks/months of being together with her
and it’s honestly adorable and funny to see you two interact
“y/nnnn~ can we get these cookies please???”
“…. you just had frosted sugar cookies no.”
you’re like the mom and she’s the little baby it’s so cute, the other members love your guy’s dynamic
give her tons of love she will give you the cutest reactions
whether it’s returning the gesture or just giggling adorably it’s so wholesome
yuna is an amazing girlfriend, she’s so hyper like a baby puppy and you’re just the chill partner
“baaaaabeeeee i wanna go ouuuuuuuut~~”
“ahhh yuna, you’re being clingy as always,”
“i can’t help it! you’re so cute..” your lovable partner said as she wrapped her slender arms around your shoulders, throwing herself into your embrace for a warm hug, to which you gladly returned.
“ahhh, i love you so much,” you said as you pressed a kiss on her forehead, making yuna giggle. “i love you too, y/n,”
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effervescentslut · 4 years
how you meet | edward cullen
A/N: wowowow after being on Tumblr for 6+ years I would have NEVER imagined my first published writing to this site being Twilight dnvjdfjaskdlmfkl enjoy!! requests are open :)) I will write for Twilight (mainly the Olympic Coven, except Jasper romantically), Star Wars, and Harry Potter
Pairing: Edward Cullen x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: Reader gets unsolicited attention from teenage boys, swear words
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when you moved to forks after spring break because of your dad’s work, you’re unanimously nicknamed new girl™ by all of forks high school’s students
and consequently, you’re the new eye candy for your male peers
Forks boys are, well . . . neanderthals douchebags
the ones you’ve met are egotistical, super immature, and super HORNY
. . . you decide to keep your distance
you get smooshed into ap u.s. history
apush, baby, apush HAAAAA
the teacher points you to an empty seat next to some pale blonde dude
he gives off weird kid energy at first but then he politely speaks to you
“i’m jasper. welcome to forks” and gives you an acknowledging nod
his eyes are topaz!!!?? woooooooah that’s so cool is that like a genetic defect or smth??
aaaaand your teacher immediately assigns a PROJECT
a fuckin civil war project
you swear you see jasper’s pupils dilate
you hear a chuckle from behind you
and when you turn around you see a pale dude w a dark brown buzzcut and some blonde girl smirking beside him
you later find out that those are his siblings
his fuckin goofy ass siblings
anyways a few weeks pass
you pop in at your dad’s job @ forks hospital and see him chatting w a fellow physician
yet another pale dude with blonde hair 
you approach them and your dad embraces you in a hug
“heeeeyyyy sweet pea! how’s it goin’!” 
the doctor he was talking to looks at you fondly
“hello, i’m carlisle cullen” and offers you his hand to shake, which you do
“y/n, carlisle was just inviting us to his house later tonight for some dinner”
dr. hotpants puts his hands in his pockets and humbly grins
“my son jasper tells me you’re his classmate”
oh god he’s one of those pta dads, isn’t he??
“oh, yeah, he’s my partner in history”
he smiles, “that’s wonderful. my wife esme and i would love to have you both over as our guests. it’s not often we have company for dinner. and i’m sure the rest of my children would love to meet you, y/n”
jesus christ how many kids does this guy have?? he looks THIRTY
don’t worry, in the car your dad tells you they’re all adopted lmfao
✰✰later that night✰✰
their house is HUGE jesus fuckin christ
alice knows (well they all know) about you because of jasper
IMMEDIATELY loves you!!
“hi! i’m alice!!!”
i’m EVAPORATING. i’m YODELLING. it’s fine :-)
you thought you weren’t gonna make any pals in forks bc of the weird horny teenage specimens but here we are ;-;
alice envelopes you into a tight hug and you, in shock, grasp her arms to acknowledge this affection
your dad’s chillin near carlisle and esme and he’s silently chuckling
oh . . . they all have black eyes now?? must be the weather
or the fluorescence
you wave at jasper, rosalie, and emmett
you notice the last sibling
he’s very handsome
to you, everything about him was attractive
his soft hair contrasted against his hardened facial features
you could tell he was socially reserved when it comes to new acquaintances, just like you
he physically isolates himself from his family once you and your dad arrived
he was standing alone near a corner away from everyone else
you make eye contact with him and his mental barrier breaks down
he loses his cool
his face contorts
his lips twist into puckered lines
he claps his hand over his mouth and vacates the room immediately, running up the stairs
everyone notices his sudden departure
his family is shocked but tbh not really
✰✰✰ eddy boy is a lil shy around girls sometimes ✰✰✰
carlisle breaks the impending doom of silence
“i apologize for edward leaving us so abruptly. he hasn’t been feeling well as of late; please excuse his absence. . .”
you awkwardly pretend like that never happened
you feel it in your gut that your presence disturbed him
and not only did you disturb him
but you disturbed him so bad that he had to leave
for why?? you don’t know
you then realize that everyone else in the room knows he left bc of you
. . . anyway you all sit down at the table but you and your dad are the only ones who have plates
your dad notices this too
“hey, aren’t you guys gonna eat too?”
esme grins warmly at him
“oh, don’t worry about us. we just wanted to welcome you to town!”
uhhh, ok ma’am
alice talks to you for almost the entire time you were eating ;-; i love her
you’re also talking to jasper, cracking some apush jokes
you, jasper, emmett, and rosalie talk shit about your classmates and teacher
“why the fuck -- *carlisle glares at emmett* -- heck did mr. whatshisface give us a project RIGHT AFTER BREAK???!!”
“and he paired y/n and jasper!! they’re civil war  n e r d s!! they’re gonna get the best grade” rosalie chimes in
“not if we--”
alice  ❀politely❀  tells them to stfu
you giggle
bonding with your new pals <33
allllllright so it’s a few days later
you’re walking home from school
it’s drizzling, as always, but you know that it’s gonna rain harder if you don’t get home fast enough
and some asshole
some persistent prick from your class
keeps flirting with you
he’s talking about how he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of you since you came to forks
he’s insisting he has your phone number, that he’s gonna take you out on dates. . .
you hate it
you’re so uncomfortable but you can’t really do anything about it
s u d d e n l y
a car pulls up beside where you and the guy are walking on the sidewalk and screeches to a stop
the window is rolled down and you see a familiar face
it’s edward cullen
with one hand on the wheel, he looks at both of you and clenches his jaw
“get in”
even though he was undeniably weird a few weeks ago, you concede
you never got to speak to him, but you knew that edward was trustworthy
you practically launch yourself into his silver volvo c30™
he shoots a stone-cold glare to the jackass on the sidewalk and drives away
honestly, it wouldn’t take much for anyone (not just a mind-reading vampire) to know how uncomfortable you are after what just happened with that guy
your body language is tense
your arms are crossed tightly
your body is pointed towards the passenger window as your knees touch the door
tears are welling up in your eyes
it would be mere seconds until you fully broke down
you’re embarrassed, to say the least
you’re embarrassed that you were put in a vulnerable situation, like a damsel in distress
and of all people, the handsome and mysterious guy--
the handsome and mysterious guy you began crushing on
--who feels seemingly indifferent towards you swept you off your feet and helped you when you needed someone
that made things even more embarrassing
and the tears started streaming down your heated cheeks
edward immediately sensed your unease (hmm wonder why, but also who wouldn’t sense it???)
he’s pissed. 
absolutely livid
that asshole had a  d e a t h w i s h
he knew you didn’t want to address your unsolicited encounter, so . . .
*awkwardly clears throat* “are you enjoying the weather?”
you choked
you did not expect him to ask that
nor did you expect him to talk at. all.
you smile through your tears and laugh
you can’t help but laugh
he’s just so awkward and cute
his half-baked plan of indirectly distracting you definitely worked
you started to excitedly talk about the rain and how much you love gloomy, cloudy days
. . . and then the elephant in the room
the inevitable first impression from a few days ago
“i’m sorry for my behavior from our first meeting. i wasn’t feeling well, and i wouldn’t have wanted for you or your father to be affected by my illness”
you’re a little skeptical at first
buuuuut you give him the benefit of the doubt and dismiss his apology
“that’s okay. it’s allergy season, anyway. i’m glad you’re feeling better”
you have no idea how bad i wanted to make a spanish flu joke right there
a small, soft smile lifts the corners of his lips “i’m edward cullen”
you look at him and return the smile
t h e  t e a s i n g  e n e r g y
“i’m y/n”
the car approaches your house after time seems to have flown by
your dad looks at you both as he walks to his car to go to work
he waves at edward
edward smiles and waves back at him as he enters the car
you gratefully thank edward for the ride, careful not to dwell on the prior circumstances
as you open the passenger door, edward grabs your wrist
!!he grabs your wrist!!
he insists on being your ride to and from school from now on
you object and exit the car
b u t
edward smirks, leaning towards the open door
“i’ll see you in the morning, y/n” 
your jaw drops
and then he closes the door and speeds off
you watch him drive away and your heartbeat becomes arrhythmic 
a garden of butterflies is unleashed in your stomach
blood rushes to your cheeks once more
you smile to yourself before heading inside
secretly anticipating tomorrow morning :’)
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thereaderstea · 4 years
G´day tor-mon, how are you<3? Recommend me your favourite bts!jungkook x reader fics! so I guess its not an au?(no smut✋🚫)
Merry meet, nonnie! I am well, busy and a little stressed because I had a power outage yesterday, but well nonetheless ☺️ I hope you are merry in the holidays (if you celebrate) and are happy and healthy 😄🖤💜
asdfghjkl, my favorite JJK x Reader fics? I have to choose? 😰 *has an existential crisis*
Alright, after some deep reflection, an existential crisis, and fighting the urge to devour these fics again (you have a mission, tor-mon!), I present to you my current favorite JJK fics (this list is only bound to grow). These fics have made me feel so intensely and I think about these fics a lot (an unhealthy amount, probably). I sorted them by genre: fluff to angst to yandere.
tor-mon’s Favorite JJK x Reader Fics
Sugar and Coffee by @jimlingss​  ➵Fluff, Angst, Slice of Life | slice of life au |  pâtisserie school au | enemies to friends to lovers au | Slice of Life series | 23 ch series | 100.5k ➵You are quite the pâtisserie chef, or at least on your way to becoming one, but there’s that one person who always has to complain, Jeon Jungkook.  ➵A masterpiece, honestly. I remember cracking up so hard over their competitions, the banter, and dynamics, but nothing beats that one day after the dream... I don’t want to spoil! but I do want to warn that there is a wet dream (not too graphic and it’s not a lot, I promise) somewhere in there, but honestly, it’s so hilarious.
Chess of Ice by Jimlingss​ | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 | 3 ➵Fluff, a lil bit of Angst | sports au | curling au | trilogy | 42.8k ➵Jeon Jungkook is a rising star, that is, until he falls. Now he’s picking up another sport, curling. ➵I love a good team dynamic and the characters in this are everything 🙌🏻
Date in a Box by Jimlingss​  ➵Fluff | Service Series | oneshot | 9.7k (Jimlingss’s summary: ) ➵If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here.  ➵I love the entire Service Series because the concepts are so much fun and they’re hilarious and I love the service descriptions, aka the commercials XD
I Will Not Lose! by Jimlingss​ ➵Fluff | magic au | oneshot | 6.2k (Jimlingss’s summary: ) ➵A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you. ➵It’s fluffy and cute, and it’s got that hint of enemies to lovers, especially with how competitive the mc gets over this bet. And the ending! asdfghjkl ^.^ 
midas by @gukyi​  ➵Fluff, (light) Angst, Comedy | enemies to lovers au | ceo au| magical realism au | oneshot | 32k (gukyi’s summary: ) ➵jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want. (or,) ➵you become Jungkook’s magical babysitter ➵I really love this concept! This fic is what got me looking into magical realism as an entire genre. But also, who doesn’t love a good enemies to lovers? and from the master of enemies to lovers 🙌🏻
ice prince by gukyi | The Reader’s Tea Review   ➵Fluff, (very light) Angst | figure skating au | enemies to lovers au | oneshot | 22k ➵Your ice skating partner just had to break his leg right before a big competition and “of all people on this godforsaken Earth, you’ve been re-paired up with Jeon Jungkook, Ice Prince.” ➵an axel-lent enemies to lovers :D I love it so much! And I really love Tae and mc’s friendship and all those icebreaker questions ☺️
if i told you by gukyi​  ➵Fluff, (light) Angst, Comedy | friends to lovers au | college au | oneshot | 22k ➵Jeon Jungkook is a broke college student, so to pay off his debt, he sells himself as the perfect boyfriend. If only you weren’t a broke college student either, then maybe you could buy yourself a date with Jungkook. ➵The mc is so not what I expected, (no spoilers!) all I will say is that I really love how supportive she is. I also love how close they are and this Jungkook is too fluffy and cute! ^.^
a moonlight melody by gukyi​ | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 ➵Fluff, Soft Angst | fake dating au | orchestra au | vacation au | duology | 50k ➵Your best friend has pranked you too many times and you’ve done nothing about it, because you, quite frankly, suck at pranking. As such, Jungkook ➵This is so soft and magical and sweet and soft ☺️ and did I mention soft? but also all those memes! There is so much good and wholesome and hilarious dynamics in here! This is the kind of fic that makes me wish I had a big friend group to do crazy stuff like this (but I hear you have to leave your house and, like, socialize??)
Down With The Ship by @tatastaetae | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 | 3 ➵Fluff, Angst | pirate au | trilogy | 25.4k ➵ You board a ship to escape forced love; but you join a pirate crew to fall into the arms of your only true and constant love: the sea. (or, tatastaetae’s summary: ) ➵Captain Jeon Jungkook; a beautiful mess of blood and gold. His greatest treasure, may also be his greatest downfall. ➵Very very fluffy! I love the adventure and the antics and I still want to know what’s in that soup, Jin! But that ending, holy heck, I didn’t see it coming and I just malfunctioned and stared at my wall in shock for who knows how long, and I just love tatastaetae’s fluffy writing which always somehow wrecks my soul! ^.^
His Name by @jimlingss ➵Angst | multiple personality au | 8 part series | 52.4k ➵Jeon Jungkook has multiple personalities and gaps in his memory. It’s your job to treat him and perhaps help him remember his past... ➵This is the first bts fic I ever read (a special thanks to Nani for reccing it ☺️) and so it holds a special place in my black heart, especially because I sobbed so hard at 3 in the morning and my mind was stuck on this for days
Gravity by @donewithjeon | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | ‘90s au | oneshot | 29k ➵Time can bring you together, but Time can also push you apart; will you and Jungkook be able to fight the distance and Time to stay together, or were you always meant to only share this descent to earth for just a moment, always meant to eventually drift apart? ➵I am a wimp when it comes to Time, but does that stop me from reading fics that exploit that weakness? nope! That last train scene destroyed my heart and that entire ending, the acceptance, stabbed me in the heart, for good measure.
written on the sky by @inktae​ | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | apocalyptic au? | end of the world au | ‘seeking a friend at the end of the world’ au | oneshot | 22k ➵The 60-mile-wide asteroid was supposed to slip by Earth, but it’s a little late to change its course or do anything about it except to prepare for the end. So while you’re waiting for the end, find a friend, someone to hold a hand with at the end of the world. ➵I was sobbing before the fic even finished. The odd thing is that you know the end, but knowing doesn’t prepare you for the feels. 
below thunder showers by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵ Angst, lil bits of Fluff | sci-fi au | oneshot | 30k ➵ Yoongi leads Earth, while you lead a withered space station. You go to Earth to settle the tensions that have been brewing between Earth and the space station, and Jeon Jungkook, a broken soldier who holds a deep love for the rain, is there to deliver you. ➵we stan a fellow pluviophile ✊🏻 I am so conflicted over this Min Yoongi >.< but Jungkook is so soft and he really didn’t deserve to live this way :(
first light by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | hotarubi no mori e au | 24.8k (inktae’s synopsis: ) ➵“Have you ever felt like the world is too loud sometimes?” “No. For me it’s always quiet.” ➵This fic wrecked me and made me so conflicted >.< I can never forget this fluffy, masked boy who lives in the woods and silence...
the swirling way of stars by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, Fluff | fantasy au | oneshot | 19k ➵You’re tasked with showing Jeon Jungkook what it’s like to live a completely normal life. ➵It’s just falling in love with life itself, the simple things, and it’s written so magically...how can you not fall in love?
the train of lost souls by inktae | The Reader’s Tea Review ➵Angst, lil bits of Fluff | fantasy au | oneshot | 13.6k ➵You have two options when you step on the train: you can live but forget your life, and everyone in your life will forget you, or you can move on and keep your memories for the rest of time. But, how can you choose when part of your soul rests on this train, and the other part longs for someone just out of reach... ➵Once again, I’m a wimp with Time, and the choices really get me thinking...
Pen Pal by @chinkbihh​  ➵Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Final 1/2 | Final 2/2 ➵Angst, Horror? | yandere au | murder and crime au | pen pal au | trilogy | 127.3k ➵Warnings: mental disorders (agoraphobia?), yandere, murder (stabbing)  ➵You sign up to receive a pen pal and are paired up with an inmate, jungkook. You just wanted to talk to someone who could understand what it’s like to be removed from society, but you just may be getting more than you asked for... ➵I love a good yandere fic, there’s something about a yandere’s demented psychology that calls to me, and it’s always so interesting to see how one yandere differs from another, especially in different scenarios. But please please please read and be mindful of the warnings in case it just doesn’t vibe with you.
Quarter Quell by chinkbihh ➵Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | +more  ➵Angst, Horror? | yandere au | hunger games au | ongoing ➵You have resigned to your fate as a tribute in the next hunger games when someone from District Two takes an interest in you...a bit too much of an interest, you’d say. ➵I am a little hesitant to rec this because it isn’t finished, but the premise is exciting and I am really amped for the next chapter in this fic, heck yeah! I mean, heck, a yandere hunger games au? let’s go! But please please please read the warnings in case it just doesn’t vibe with you
Bonus rec!
I haven’t read this fic, but my friend, Nani, rec’d it to me the other day, and it sounds so exciting :D so I’ll let her tell you about it:
Fan Identity by @tteokggukk​  ➵Fluff, Crack, Angst | enemies to lovers au | social media au | 37 ch series   ➵Influencer!JK is whipped for influencer!reader. Both don’t know they’re interacting with each other on their secret fan accounts. You’re rooting for the two long before they properly meet. But the best part? You’re rooting for their pseudos, Blair Witch and Seagull, as well. ➵I laugh, I pause, I gasp. The conflict between the two mc’s hurt. Honestly, it made the story worth the read.
Can I also...🥺...may I suggest:
10 Series by @deepdarkdelights | The Reader’s Tea Reviews 1 | 2 | 3 | The Reader’s Tea Analysis ➵10 Seconds | 10 Days | 10 Years ➵Horror? | yandere au | Bouquet Series | 10 Series | trilogy | 29.2k ➵You’re just a college student returning home from a late night out trying to finish up your ungodly college work...but “All it took was ten seconds” and well, now, you’re his. ➵How can I not include my favorite yandere writer, the master of yandere, herself? 🥺 I’m only hesitant because you requested no smut and I respect that, but if you are alright with a small smut scene (I promise there’s not too much) or even just skimming/skipping over it, I would highly recommend this series 🙌🏻 The smut scene is in the final installment (10 Years). It’s an all-time favorite from an all-time favorite writer. But please please please read the warnings in case it just doesn’t vibe with you.
Happy reading, carissima! I hope at least one of these fics will become your favorite, too ☺️ Let me know what you think as well after you’ve given the authors some love ☺️
Well met!
your fellow reading monster,
tor-mon 🖤
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himbo-kuto · 4 years
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i saw this screencap from the manga and knew IMMEDIATELY that i would have to write a lil headcanon of aone and his turtle. he is literally the most precious person who deserves the whole entire world.
i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it!
genre: fluff, wholesomeness, a whole baked bean, college!au pairing: aone x gn!reader word count: 2k warning: language
okay so you ended up being roommates with aone, futakuchi, and mai when you ended up transferring colleges last minute and needed housing
you saw that they had an empty spot and with time not being on your side, you decided to take the opportunity!! apt 205 squad!!
at first you kind of felt left out since they all knew each other from date tech but you soon warmed up to futakuchi since you had a few classes with him and mai because well-- you guys shared a room
HOWEVER!! one person you couldn’t seem to get close to was a man by the name of takanobu aone-- lemme tell u sumn about this Baked Bean
whenever you tried to interact with him, all he would do is 👁 👄 👁  or just Grunt in response
you were a bit discouraged because you thought he didn’t like you so you shied away from talking to him again :(
but futakuchi was quick to ensure you that was just his way of communicating and that he was actually really engaged in the conversation 
“oh yeah, he’s a great listener-- i talk to him for hours and he just sits and listens”
“ok futakuchi-san, but have you considered that you talk Too much for your own good?”
he gave you the finger for that one
but omg the first time aone Spoke to you????? rocked ur mf world-- what the Heck!!
you were in the mood to bake some cookies and were looking for the big mixing bowls but you just remembered that futakuchi used it to try and make a baking soda volcano 
why??? who knows but all you do know is that he put it ALL the way on the top shelf-- and for what????
but u know-- bein dumb as dirt u tried to use a swivel chair to try and reach for them
and of course it was all the way in the back like wtf curse these tall men-- 
and so you got on your tippy toes and right as you were about to reach it, Of Course the chair decided to turn 
and u were 🤏🏼 this close to eating shit but thanks to the one-- the only-- tol angel baby aone, he stopped the chair dead in its tracks just in time for you to regain your balance
“are you okay?”
you were so shook (one from almost breaking your face and two-- AONE JUST SPOKE AND SAVED YOU!!!) 
at first you just stood there blinking down at him with the bowls in your arms like hinata season 4, episode 15 - 15:37
he held up his arms to you and you blushed so hard because was he really about to carry you down????
but before your mind had anytime to roam, he pointed to the bowls and you realized with your real eyes that you were not the one to whom he was referring to 
it wasn’t long until you got over your initial iron wall with aone (…. 😏)  and he actually ended up being someone you hung out with on a regular basis
mai was always out studying for her practicals in the library while futakuchi… well.. who even knows what the heck that man is up to..
but ANYWAYS!! you guys would hang out mostly in the living room to watch TV, do homework and eat meals-- he always helped you with your math homework and you helped him with his architecture models!! 
you didn’t really know what he liked to watch but he didn’t seem to oppose whatever you had on-- however, you Did notice that whenever you put on volleyball he stared very intensely at the TV only stopping when commercials came on
aone Always ate your home cooked meals without fail
literally such a sweet and appreciative boy as opposed to futakuchi who would complain but one time aone gave him That Look™️ and he shut right the fuck up
that day forward futakuchi ate all your meals like a good boy
aone has also become very protective of you-- in high school, he may have locked onto the aces of the other teams, but in college he locked onto his close friends to make sure they were safe
one time you guys got onto a cramped bus to go grocery shopping and all it took was this creepo man to just Look at you the wrong way for aone to stand right in front of you and shoot this man a death glare that said “if you even think about touching her i’ll put you into the ground” 
but know this ladies, gents and my non-binary friends, we MOST DEFINITELY sit next to aone on the bus and engage in the best of conversations because tHATS WHAT THIS MAN DESERVES!!!!!!!!! 
not to mention all the times he has saved you due to your clumsiness and overall single brain cell fueled activities 
one fateful day you were sitting in the living room as you saw aone come home with a whole bag of groceries
he didn’t put them into the communal fridge so you were a bit confused as to why he took them straight into his room
you weren’t one to just bust in there to try and find out so later when you guys were eating dinner you asked him what he bought at the store
he listed off a bunch of produce and then said that they were for his turtle!!!!
you were all !!?!?!??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 TURTLE?????? WHERE??? HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN HERE??? CAN I SEE THEM?
he goes on to tell you that he’s had the turtle ever since they all moved in!! but it never came up in conversation so you never knew until now
him and futakuchi rescued the turtle but when they tried to let them go, they didn’t go anywhere so they kept them!! 
so after dinner you both quickly washed the dishes, and he brought you into their room to show you his turtle
you were honestly a bit nervous going into their room-- like what were you to expect??? was it going to be messy?? stinky?? clean??? were there any secrets????
but to your surprise it was fairly clean and simple-- even futakuchi’s side (which you assumed was aone’s doing)
you looked around his room to find all these old pictures of date tech on the wall, many of them with futakuchi and mai
there was even a photo of all the third years clinging to aone like koalas on a tree and though his expression was faint, you could tell that he was happy
it warmed your heart to see that he got along with his teammates and held these memories close to him-- they accepted him for who he was and that was more than enough for you
he also had plethora of architecture books on his shelves which made you wonder why he picked that major in the first place
but you shrugged it off as you looked over to his desk
there was a table next to it with an enclosure and a cute little turtle sunbathing underneath a lamp inside
you scurried over to the tank, getting down on your knees to get eye level with the animal while you slowly brought your face to the glass  
the turtle was half curled into its shell, looking up at you as he gave you a slow blink
you could’ve sworn you felt your heart explode and melt all at once in that Exact moment
you looked up at aone with 🥺 eyes before looking back to reptile to see them poking their head out to fully greet you 
you squealed internally as you wiggled your finger as your salutations
“do they have a name?” 🥺 
“ichigo-desu...” (strawberry)
you thought your heart exploded before?????????????
oh bitch you felt like you were about to go into full blown cARDIAC ARREST MY G O D!!!!!!
“did futakuchi name them?”
“no i did…”
you literally hunched over, and leaned onto the desk for support as your heart was filled with his soft boy energy because there was no wAY!!! DID AONE JUST NAME THIS TURTLE ICHHHIGOOOO BITCHHH AHHH
but lowkey aone was also being filled with your soft energy and got all blushy-- but thank god you were too occupied by his turtle to notice
“do you want to feed him a strawberry? it’s his dinner time too”
you could not have said yes faster to this man 
he went into his personal fridge and there you saw all the groceries he had earlier that day!! he pulled out a single strawberry before handing it over to you
he walked over to the tank and cautiously pulled out ichigo before placing them on the ground
HOWEVERRRRRR!! what came next you didn’t expect at all
he walked around so that he was behind you, gingerly reached for your hand and guided you to hold the strawberry out for ichigo 
ichigo craned their neck in the sight of the fruit and started chowing down
and by God you hoped that aone could not hear your loud ass heartbeat and see your red ass face-- (you were surprised that ichigo wasn’t going after you since your face might as well have been a strawberry)
you two sat in a comfortable silence as you watched the little reptile enjoy his dinner 
as ichigo drew closer to the leafy bit, you wanted to ask aone if he was allowed to eat that part 
so you turned your head to the side to speak but immediately closed your mouth as aone’s face was only centimeters away from yours 
you thought you were red back then???? bitch buckle up cause we’re reaching a new LEVEL of red
at that moment you were no think, no thought, head EMPTY as you just stared at his profile 
all of his features were strong... the bridge of his nose, his jawline, his expression-- he himself was a strong man and you just wondered how all this soft, fluffy, wholesomeness was packed into this 192cm man
and just as you relaxed into this position
at first he’s so absorbed into his own conversation that he doesn’t even notice you guys in that position
but when he does??? it’s like those moments in animes where you’re all chibitized and you just have circle eyes and a blank expression o_o
you IMMEDIATELY come to your senses, releasing the rest of the strawberry and aone’s hand
if you could peace fade in this moment, you would’ve definitely flashed futakuchi a duces
but alas, you could not..
so you scrambled to your feet-- but not before thanking aone for letting you meet his turtle-- and RAN out TF of that room heart a BEEATTINN
from that day on, you visited aone and his turtle a lot more-- even going so far as buying things for ichigo!!
“hey aone-san, did ichigo like the squash i cooked?”
“hey aone-san, does ichigo like the new hide?”
“look aone-san! he can’t grip onto the cherry tomato!! it keeps rolling around!”
many of your conversations went along like that and he always appreciated the amount of effort you put into them
he wasn’t a man of many words but did his best to make sure you knew that he was listening and engaged
at one point mai and futakuchi said that “he has spoken more words to you in these past few months than he has with us in 3 years”
you were surprised but also flattered by the fact that aone was comfortable enough to open up and have conversation with you 
although it was a bit of a rough patch in the beginning, you were glad that you became a part of the 205 squad! it was you, aone, futakuchi, mai and ichigo against the world!!
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
first dates with the haikyuu guys [hcs]
pairings: iwaizumi hajime; miya osamu; ushijima wakatoshi x fem reader
genre: fluff, humor
warning(s): n/a
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date outfit: lil button up shirt with a funky print, dark wash jeans, some white or black vans
very sweet first date with a very sweet boy
will 100% meet you at your house bc he’s a ~ gentleman ~
compliments your outfit
schedules a lunch date with you so y'all can spend the rest of the day together if you’re both free
just wants to spend time with you
is the type of guy to suggest getting takeout somewhere and having a lil picnic in the park under the cherry blossoms
oikawa thinks he’s a sap, but iwaizumi fires shots by mentioning, “well look who’s going on a date out of the two of us”
boom, roasted
after eating together into the park, y'all end up taking a lil stroll through the city
is very much the “we’ll just see where this road takes us” kinda guy
y'all probs find a cute lil dessert cafe to have a bite
oikawa’s bugging him for a photo of you two on a date together so iwaizumi takes a cute but dad-level selfie with you lol
oikawa approves
so does the rest of the aobajohsai team lmao word spreads fast
is 100% that guy who will text you after the date to say he had a good time
overall, a very sweet and wholesome first date :)
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date outfit: black tee, black jeans, white socks + black vans or doc martens (is basically how I dressed hirugami but opposite color palette lol)
knows all the good food spots
no need to eat the morning of your date since you’ll be eatin good n plentiful with him
is 100% the type to take you downtown to get some top notch street food from a variety of different stalls
just tell him what vibe you’re feeling and he’ll build you a whole ass menu with hand picked selections
will refrain from eating until you take cute pics of your food and of him
sorry my heart flipped a lil
like imagine him with a lil soft smile holding up handfuls of food by his face 🥺 make it his contact pic on your phone he deserves it
he puts a video of the stalls on his instagram story and suddenly the inarizaki team chat is blowing up (thanks to atsumu) bc you were in it for a brief moment at the end
has to explain why you now have follow requests on instagram from a few of the guys (even suna lmfao y'all know he hangs out in the chats and doesn’t comment sometimes but stays up to date with the tea)
if he vibes with you, he’s already talking about where you two can go eat next time
y'all are definitely hangin out around the city afterwards, walking off your food babies lol
probs end up at a cute, old-school arcade playing games like street fighter or pacman on those classic machines
overall, a very aesthetically-pleasing and fun date that was filling but left you hungry for more time with him!!
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dad date outfit: white tee, medium wash jeans, sneakers (brings a jacket)
is a very straightforward date type of guy
lunch and a movie. boom. there you have it.
is at your dorm room/house at exactly the time he said he would be
no hate, we love a punctual guy who plans in this house
speaking of, he spent the previous night compiling a list of good food spots on yelp with tendou’s help
y'all definitely end up at a cute lil animal cafe
can you imagine him at a cat cafe? I can and it’s making me soft
he’d just be sitting there all casually, having a serious convo with you whilst petting a small cat in his lap that’s slowly falling asleep (brb my heart’s exploding)
will stay awake during the entire movie with that intense focus of his
meanwhile, you’re kinda knocking out
adjusts his arm to keep you comfy when you rest your head on it in your sleep
still has a good time even tho you’re snoozin
will take a longer route back to the dorms so he can spend more time with you
if you didn’t bring a jacket and it’s a lil chilly, he’ll lend you his
gives him more of a reason to hang out with you again since he’ll let you hold onto it so he can see you again
this is a trick that tendou taught him LOL
overall, a v basic but nice first date in which you learn he’s not that scary and is cute with animals
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Summary: When your first Christmas with Suga turns into a bit of a sweet mess.
Pairing: Koshi Sugawara x gn!reader
Word count: 3.4k
Genre: fluff
A/N: god help me i wrote this on INSTINCT, dropped EVERYTHING for this baby. Also happy holidays my lil melodies!!
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"Asahi please stop freaking out."
Sugawara says through the phone as he hears complains and whines from Asahi, panicking where he misplaced Suga's gift for Y/N. He strictly ordered Asahi to hide his present for you knowing it's all you've been talking about for months. Next thing he knows, Asahi calls him completely frantic acting like he's completely destroyed their friendship.
Suga laughs as he hears random sounds from objects assuming Asahi was carelessly running through his house finding the beautifully wrapped gift. Meanwhile he was preparing all the ingredients needed for these extremely adorable Christmas inspired cupcakes that he and Y/N found. He was looking at the list of the things needed before setting everything on the kitchen counter.
"Asahi you're the tidiest person I know."
"Asahi! Please. It's too early and when you find it please just come over and bring it to me. Y/Ns got work from that cafe so we have time. I'll call you back okay? I'll just bake." He says before hanging up the phone, leaving a very stressed Asahi, feeling like there was a baring weight on his shoulders as he finds the gift.
Meanwhile Koshi has his tongue poking out as he figures out what the woman on the video just said. As he mixes the ingredients together, he can't help but smile when he realizes how important it was for the two of you.
As mentioned, it was your first Christmas together and this man was not going to pass up on the opportunity to show you how much you mean to him. You've got this lovesick fool wrapped around your finger, completely struck by your beauty and characteristics. You felt the exact same, feeling as if the gods gave you one of their prized possessions. How could you even deny the butterflies that surround you when he holds your hand, or even when he takes your bag on the way home.
Everything about him was already a gift from the heavens.
So here he was, completely forgetting what a budget meant, buying you the object you've been endlessly fangirling about it, even if you joked that you accepted him with a little bow wrapped around his head. Though he was willing to do it just to hear your laugh, he'd rather choose spoiling you instead. You can possibly imagine the way he looked, so confident swinging the little paper bag in his hands as he walked as if he won a lottery. He also bought you another gift that you didn't even request for. He just wanted to see the way your eyes would shine when you receive it.
As for you, you also forgot about your initial plan of spending less than what you expected. You didn't really settle on one thing, you had the cute idea of putting all the things he loved in a box along with all your photos together and with some heart warming letter you knew he would love. He loved the way you would stick notes on his favorite snacks and giving it to him when he was off to practice, or even the way he changed his alarm to you continuously telling him if he doesn't wake up he gets less hugs.
You figured that he adored your little acts of love instead of buying him a shirt or a sweater so you figured it benefitted your time preparation for his present. Also maybe buying everything that reminded him of you wasn't a brilliant idea.
It took you several days of torturing yourself from spilling the secret. You can never hide anything from your boyfriend- I mean how can you? One glance from his soft eyes was enough for you to surrender any information you've got so Daichi had to physically clasp his hand over your mouth just because he didn't trust that you have the ability to keep the secret to yourself. You thanked him knowing it was difficult to do especially when all you wanna do is ramble on how you found this plushie that you got him.
So when the universe put you two together, its absolutely the same for him.
He had to physically beg for Asahi to hide it from you knowing he was to be the least suspected one to just blurt out a secret. The con is Asahi was at the top for being anxious and being too caring. Though he deeply wished he picked Daichi, he figured he was practically a bridge for you two so he disregarded the idea. Seeing Asahi all worked up about the gift was quite humorous to Suga.
"Suga- honey do you know what that means?"
"Yes what is it darling?"
"We'll have our first Christmas together!" You exclaim, clapping your hands with a smile on your face as he chuckles draping an arm on your shoulder. He kisses the side of your head as you automatically lean into his touch.
"And I'm excited for everything, hun." He says with his heart jumping in glee at the idea of being under theChristmas lights with you, imagining you two snuggled up talking for hours just embracing the warmth of each other.
"Even New Years!"
Sugawara smiles as he reminisces the precious memories you two have made in the short amount of time. It amazes him how a person was able to consume his thoughts on a daily, how every second with you felt like he wanted it to last for a lifetime. You overwhelm his heart with so much adoration and he can't help but feel as if he was given a slice of heaven whenever he's around you.
"You do know Y/N likes you right?" Daichi asks as he sets the vice captains heart on fire with what he just said. Suga let's out a nervous giggle before waving his hand back and forth as an act of denial. Daichi laughs at his gestures, examining the pink tinted cheeks of his fellow teammate.
"C'mon, Suga."
"I-it's not like Y/N likes me back the way I do!" Daichi lets out another laugh as he runs a hand through his locks. Sugawara wipes the sweat from his forehead, finding it challenging to think about them having mutual feelings for each other. His mind can't focus on the probability of you two dating since he figured he'd feel as if he was on cloud nine if that were to happen. Another heat wave rushes to his cheeks as he shakes his head no.
"Koshi!" A voice shouts, making him yelp..his confession.
".. oh no."
He remembers how he wanted to faint that day, definitely disappointed he confessed to her opposite to what he had in mind. He wanted it to be in a calm place, only them with possibly a scenery in front of them but instead he got a funny confession, yelping like a girl before declaring his love in hopes what surprised him was Daichi but was faced with Y/N instead. In the eyes if the universe, it seemed too funny yet wholesome while Sugawara thinks it's too clumsy and could've been way better.
So with the disaster of a confession, he made it up to you by bringing you along on fantastic dates. Sugawara developing a habit of picking random things that you had on that date whether it'd be a tissue that you drew on a smiley face with, or the receipt of what you ordered that day. It was such a cute habit seeing him pick them up and just shoving it in his bag, he'll pretend he hid nothing but later on you saw a little box under his bed filled with the objects with dates on each of them.
"Koshi what's this?" You ask shaking the box in your hands as his eyes widen running to you and softly taking it away from your hands. He chuckles nervously, arms waving around you as if he was protecting it with his life. You laugh at his actions before attacking him from behind hugging him, trying to stop him from moving any farther. Suga let's out a war cry, desperate to not give into your embrace.
He trips as he walks, making you follow behind him, falling the same way he did. You fall to the floor laughing at the stupidity of you two. You were facing him as you take in the way his laughter was the best thing you've ever heard. He had his eyes closed with his smile brighter than the sun as his chuckle echoes through the room. You let your hand rest on his cheek before leaning in and kissing his temple. This quickly had the young man turn his head to you with flustered cheeks and sleepish smile.
"Seems like you're incredibly in love with me."
"What's so wrong with that?"
Before he could land a peck on your forehead, you grab the box from his hand earning a gasp of betrayal from your boyfriend as you quickly jog to a corner opening the box, and what was in this so called treasure chest was filled with random objects. As you take in the tissue in your hands, you see his handwriting on it with the date of your recent date. You smile as he comes behind you wrapping arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder.
"You know you're too cute for me, Suga. You're gonna make me have a heart attack with this."
"At least I can you were drop dead in love with me."
"Okay now- that wasn't cute."
This automatically carries a smile on your lips as you give the last customer their drink. Seems like everyone was affected by the chilly holiday feels since there were no customers that pissed you off like usual. Everyone was rushing to spend time with their families at home. Your family along with Suga's were spending the holiday together, happily welcoming the boy into your family. Although you found it funny when Suga acted so nervous when he was invited to spend it with them.
So as promised, your boss insisted everyone to go home early making you take your time in cleaning up.
"Asahi! You made it happy holidays!" Suga softly pats the ace's shoulder giving him a smile. Asahi does the same, setting down your gift on the table. Asahi takes a seat on the couch admiring the way the room was filled with decorations, with polaroids clipped with fairy lights, even a tiny Christmas tree in the corner borrowed from your parents.
"Seriously thank you for bringing it over, where did you find it?" Asahi chuckles as he removes his scarf.
"It was in my drawer all along. I thought I hid it in my cabinet so that's why I panicked." Suga shakes his head in amusement.
"I'd like to stay but my moms making me buy something from the store." Asahi says standing up. He hands Sugawara a box that was wrapped neatly with a gold ribbon at the middle. Suga's eyebrows were raised in confusion as he sees the little tag that said "To: Suga, From: Daichi and Asahi", he then smiles before handing a present to him as well. They both bid a thank you to each other before Asahi leaves.
As Suga leaves your present on the counter so he can continue cleaning up the mess he made from baking.
That's when he heard a knock to the door as he takes a peak in the little hole seeing his lovely lover standing in the doorway. Then he realizes that his present for you was just laying around and the kitchen was still pretty much a disaster. So he dashes as fast as he could.
You were replying to messages from Kiyoko and Yachi and he simply thanks the world that it was sparing him time.
And with such speed, comes with great responsibility. He accidentally knocks down the flour on the counter, where the tiny box was placed making it covered in flour making him puff in annoyance. With the dust making its way to his nostrils, this unfortunate makes him sneeze making the whip of air carry the flour residue land on his face, giving his face a powder like finish, along with his hair. This absolutely had him at complete shock as he hears the door open.
"Suga honey! Oh- what the hell happened." You say with a slight giggle as you snap a picture of your beloved boyfriend covered in flour. Looking back at the photo, you laugh even more, him swiftly hiding the flour covered box in his hands shoving it in his pockets.
"Y/N! Ah- I'm so sorry." He says before you set down your bag and remove your shoes as you set the cookies from the cafe on the counter. You take in how he looks with a frown on his plump lips as you smile softly before going over to him, your finger landing on the flour as your fingers swipe across your face joining him in the little flour art on either of your faces. He chuckles as his flour covered hands land on your cheek.
"How do you make it look so cute, sugar?" He asks as he gives a slight squish to your cheeks. You roll your eyes at his words as he places a delicate peck on your forehead.
"Are you sure it's really okay? I could clean this up all by myself you go ahead and take a shower!" He says but even if you insisted on helping him he disagrees.
"Nope nope, I did this, it's my responsibility. Now shoo!" He says pushing your back to go on ahead and shower, the habit he's been doing to Kageyama and Nishinoya. You giggle at his actions before finally giving in to his demands.
During your well spent shower you hear a scream from the outside. You immediately grab your towel, wiping away the water in your eyes and wrapping it around your figure, frantically opening the door.
"Y/N wait no I'm fine!"
You look up to see smoke coming from the oven with your boyfriend in his adorable apron with matching mittens fanning his hands as he quickly brings out the tray of burnt cookies as you both lock eyes now both widening at the same time at the sight of you.
"Oh! Wait! Look away!"
Suga covers his eyes as he tries to stumble around the room trying to move around the counter. Thankfully, he screamed when you were finished showering so you grabbed the clothes you had from the room to help the poor boy, changing while he had his eyes covered. You still had your hair dripping wet but you immediately remove the hands from his face, revealing a very red Suga.
"Koshi, love. What happened?"
"I'm sorry! I can't believe I just messed up everything for our..first Christmas." Sugawara slides down on the floor feeling like he's lost all the time to make up for everything. Y/N sits beside him taking his had and leaning it your shoulder while your hands rummage through his hair, comforting him.
"Love, you didn't ruin it. I promise you that. If its any consolation, I think you look absolutely cute in your outfit." Sugawara lifts his head off your shoulder with a pout to his lips. You giggle at the sight of him before gently placing a peck on his pretty lips.
"And a frown doesn't suit it." You say before he chuckles bringing you into his arms, a move to hide his face. You laugh as he practically hugs you even tighter.
"Should we even bother to taste the cookies?"
"Oh please no I don't wanna go to the hospital on Christmas."
"Okay now gift giving time!"
Suga tugs on your hand underneath the table as you look at him, as he turns his head to the side signalling for the two of you to leave the table for a while. You excused yourselves. Suga leads you into the empty room as he excitedly sits down on the bed, and you followed his actions.
"So what are you up to, mysterious man?" You ask as Sugawara pulls out a tiny box from his pockets. Your eyebrows were raised, confused at the tiny little thing. He then goes behind you pushing back your hair as you feel a cold material hit your neck. Your fingers grazes over the thin material as you feel an circle charm on it that felt like there was distinct design from the texture. You close your eyes with a smile, already loving how he was so delicate. Once he locks it, you immediately hop off the bed rushing to the nearest mirror as your eyes set upon the dainty piece.
It was a gold necklace with a small disc charm in the middle with a letter S along with engravings of your favorite flower at the bottom. You gasp at how it was able to emit such beautiful details of the flowers. He wraps his arms behind you, resting his head on yours as light bounces off the mirror from where his finger was. Curious, you turned to him as you take a hold of each hand, then finding him wearing a ring with your initial with the same flower esque design on your necklace. It was placed in his ring finger and you covered your face, speechless at everything.
Suga takes this a sign that you were absolutely bewildered by his gift and he smiles as he pulls you into his arms.
"You're absolutely god-sent, it's unfair at this point." You say as he chuckles, he pulls away to see you pouting as he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, letting his hand rest on your cheek like usual making you rest your cheeks weight on his hand.
"I know this isn't our only Christmas, we've got so many to go through. I just wanted us to start off strong with this. At least, even without a holiday or special occasion, we'll always feel like the other is around. Especially, it kinda looks like I'm married to you so what else can I complain about?"
You slap his chest jokingly feeling like the waterworks were coming to meet you. He pats your hair as he lets his eyes linger on you, setting your heart on fire with the way his eyes made you feel so safe and loved.
You wipe your eyes as you make your way to the cabinet, grabbing the present and handing it to him shyly. He remains silent as he opens the box to be greeted by his favorite snacks, an adorable plushie sprayed with your perfume, along with scattered letters and photographs of you two. He takes in one of the notes that his eyes landed on.
"My little ray of sunshine! Out of all the things I could say, you've left me speechless everytime. It's just pure luck that I managed to pull an angel like you. I genuinely hope you like this and not scold me for spending too much but how can I when I'm too in love with you? Merry Christmas, my love - Y/N."
He shouts in glee taking you by surprise as he basically tackles you on the bed, hugging you for the hundredth time today as he repeatedly kept saying thank you. You laugh, finally feeling relieved that he loved your gift. He sits up like a little kid reading every note that touched his hand and his eyes sparkle everytime. It surely was a sight that could make it feel like Christmas everyday. He hugs the plushie with all his love as you snap a photo of them, admiring the way his cheeks looked squished against the softness of the toy.
"Merry Christmas, honey." You say, curled up in his chest.
"Merry Christmas too, love."
He looks at you and he hums in happiness at the sight of the both of you, welcome in each others arms and nothing but endless smiles and laughter.
"I'm so in love with you."
"Good, believe it or not but I love you more."
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mannatea · 3 years
gilbert... no, gustave.... 👀
patricia is hte death knight? mmmmaybe? hmmmmm
love that fleche the spy is still just hanging around
loved killing my old pals my old chums
annette went up and crit the shit out of edelgard though so that was cool
dimitri u got le stabbed because u are le dumb
oh cool
“they all died and left me behind” yeah and this man will too. it’s cause ur mediocre
“fuck off boi nobody died for you” lol
i’m like -_- about rodrigue because honestly like...kiiinda assumed he’d kick the bucket since he wasn’t fully recruitable to my knowledge and uhhh dimitri had to slow down his feral slobbering or i was gonna have to put him down myself, so. love it when characters die to calm down other characters that’s super fun. almost as fun as when they die to motivate them. /sarcasm
look at that, the man took a nap
his almost complete switch of personality is unsettling af
anyway everyone all “but what about rhea” i mean i get it but like...it’s been five years. what’s another couple months at this rate lol
oh hey felix called dimitri by name whoa wild
felix doesn’t seem that torn up about his dad’s death
i guess he
died like a true knight
fINALLY sylvain is like, “i don’t know if i can forget the stuff dimitri did tho” cause like jfc was nobody gonna say that?? 
even felix is like surprisingly nice, though kinda pissed at the idea of people knowing that he feels that his dad woulda been glad to die if he could see how much it helped dimitri. bet that stings a bit, eh lad?
oh god so many supports...
catherine x dimitri C = “look at that young maiden wielding a giant lance! how adorable!” “i was thrown off by your haircut!” please tell me it was a bowl cut. but seriously that was a nice lil support
dedue x dimitri B = hhhhh goddamn this is the good stuff this is the delicious lord/vassal shit we love to see
ashe x dimitri B = it’s okay, good to see ashe’s heart being acknowledged as pure, especially by dimitri
mercedes x dimitri B = “teach me to sew!” lol ok i’d think this was cute but it’s mostly like...kinda eh to me. he’ll be a king he won’t need to know how to mend anything. i feel like this is just fluff without much thought in it, even if it’s pretty wholesome.
ingrid x dimitri B = “glenn truly loved you” damn boi right out the gate. also yikes at the shit ingrid is saying... i bet she’d have loved chatting it up with her former future father-in-law because they both really out there like “he died a true knight” i mean whatever brings you peace but JEEZ... stay away from felix. at least dimitri also thinks it’s fucked up LOL. but then ingrid immediately contradicts what rodrigue said when he died which is “glenn gave his life for you” HAHAHA geez. this conversation is mega cringe. finally though, ingrid is the one who is kinda messed up. honey ur living in a fantasy land even though you scolded ashe already that legends aren’t reality. :U
flayn x dimitri C = “there were a few suspiciously crunchy bits here and there” god it’s true then...dimitri doesn’t give a shit what he eats he has NO bar for food quality. son...do you not have tastebuds. this was cute tho. feels REAL fuckin weird after the timeskip tho.
dimitri x sylvain B = DIMITRI HIDING IN SYLVAIN’S ROOM LOL. okay sure. “it’s a what” “does she have a dagger, dimitri” “nobody’s ever accused you of being funny” goddamn sylvain i didn’t give you permission to bully dimitri but i guess it’s fair.
speaking of daggers are we gonna loot that from edelgard’s corpse later? that’d be fucked up
annette x dimitri B = okay but i want to hear the stories about how they were as littles
dimitri x gilbert c = was okay, not really that exciting if i’m being honest.
dimitri x felix B = that was weird, but thanks for the free sword lmfaoooo. i feel like this is at least going somewhere
annette x gilbert C = gOD okay they’re just gonna come right out and tell us gilbert has been pretending all this time he didn’t know her like WTF that’s so upsetting. “yet i am no father” cool now shut up and accept grace. “APOLOGIZE TO MOTHER” yeah seriously. gilbert, you’re an idiot.
god the sheer amount of supports is just overwhelming. and like. frustrating. just the tIME it takes to get through them. LOL
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hufflautia · 3 years
YOU DID NOT HAVE TO LEAVE MY POOR LIL SLYTH WITH A SHATTERING HEART BUT I think it could be important (for readers) for him to realise that he needs to tell her about the goddamn kiss. ALSO WHY ALCOHOL GOTTA BE LIKE THAT THEY FINALLY KISS AND HUFF'S braincells were just like: (ʘᴗʘ✿)✨nonchalant✨ ughhHHh. Also the eggs lmaoooo and ravenclaw being an omnipotent and Slytherin being 😌clueless 😌 is typical house canon. UHM CAN WE ALSO TALK ABOUT SLYTHERIN AND THAT QUIDDITCH MATCH I SCREAMED that was so funny but also aDORableee piece of info THANKS FOR THAT. The double tuck!!!! Ma'am!!! That was SUPER CUTE and I can TOTALLY imagine Hufflepuff doing that and looking absolutely adorable. Although I did know about the b99 reference here I couldn't help thinking about huff as this lead character from this Korean drama, Extraodinary You. She does the double tuck thing too when she is thinking about the male lead and I imagined just that here and AGSGDKDL IT'S ADORABLE. Here's how the FL from the drama does it:
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It's cute how Nicholas doesn't have much character yet and Slytherin still gets jealous like,,,, he cannot stand the thought his Huff being with anyone else that's so adorable. Also how he slept better knowing that she was by his side? Can I pls die? I knowww you intended to make this an angsty chapter but there are so many fluff elements that I absolutely enjoyed experiencing as I read. THANK YOU FOR A GREAT CHAPTER and I cannot wait for the next!!! OH ANDDD BEST OF LUCK WITH COLLEGE, YOU 💝
I alsooo happen to make some (really bad) memes:
Ravenclaw and Slytherin's conversation:
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Hehe hope they made you smile. Have a great dayyyy 💖🦸
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firstly, that gif from the Korean drama you talked about is 10/10. its so very cute, now i lowkey wanna wtch the show👀👀thank you so much for taking the time to send this beautiful wholesome majestic ask with all the memes and stuff, i cherish your every being. i hope u have the loveliest of days <3333
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palettepainter · 3 years
I’ve got post vaccine (moderna gang) shivers so I need to express fluff headcanons to spread good vibes
When Ecto was planning to propose, he had to keep it so hush hush because Higari can easily find things out. He didn’t tell anyone but higaris mother and his own parents. He was very happy that Higari was actually surprised with the proposal. Higari wears the rings on a necklace- his quirk doesn’t exactly make wedding rings easy to find.
As much as Higari prefers being a support hero, search and rescue jobs that go smoothly it’s very rewarding. He often checks up on those he’s managed to rescue, keeps in touch with some too. There’s this lovely older woman who he rescued from a crumbling retirement home who sends him baked goods every holiday. He visits her every month for tea.
When Ecto is sick, Higari cares for him easily. Even when Ecto acts like he isn’t sick. He’ll make him soup, make sure he’s resting, cold compress on his forehead. As stubborn as he is, ecto appreciates it.
Higaris favorite memory with his dad is digging around in the yard with him. Since they had the same quirks, it worked out. He showed him how to carve tunnels without the ground crumbling, or just played around in the dirt. There’s a picture of Higari when he was three, covered in dirt with his head peaking out of a hole. His dad was grinning, sitting near by like he was cheering him on. Sometimes, especially on days where thinking about his dad is hard, he’ll tell Ecto stories.
As someone who also got shivers after getting a vaccine I know the feeling, how you’re doing well!
Ecto proposing, Yes! I love the idea of Ecto proposing to Higari, and his rugged flirting smirking self just crumbles in the face of Ecto holding a ring to him. Ecto’s eyes are so full of love and he has such a soft grin on his face that Higari can’t help but tearing up, he tries to think of something flirty to say back, but he just can’t. He’s overwhelmed - probably ended up tackling Ecto in a hug with a big kiss, which threw Ecto off guard, thinking at first maybe he’d overwhelmed Higari when he started crying.
Higari wearing is around his neck, also yes. Higari’s wedding ring is the only thing that he will spend careful hours cleaning and polishing at the end of each day to make sure it stays in good condition, wears is around UA proudly - though I imagine for interviews outside of UA or when he’s called out for hero work he leaves it at home in a special box on his dresser or safely tucks it away in a drawer in the design studio, as much as he loves wearing the rink around his neck he dreads the thought of loosing it in a rescue, or having some nosy reports pester him for answers if they catch sight of it. 
With Higari’s gear I’m a firm believer he’d be a great rescue hero in say like natural disasters or if a building collapsed. With his giant robotic suit and his know how on construction he could easily map a safe route to evacuate citizens from an unstable building, or quickly find a way to clean up after a land slide. Need to move a giant tree? No problem he’ll move it no prob. Citizen can’t move because they’re leg hurts? He can carry em out to safety. Kids they rescued are bored while they’re waiting for parents to pick them up? Higari tolerates them clambering about on his hero suit like it’s a jungle gym
Anything with Higari caring for Ecto or vise versa is so wholesome! In my NGAU I imagine Higari prolly knows all the tricks to help when someone is sick, he grew up in a big house with tones of little siblings, as kids they got sick a lot with how often they played in the garden and mud, they’ve all got very strong immune systems so it’s rare Higari or his siblings get sick - but Higari still knows all the tricks to help nursing someone back to health. He remembers to give Ecto some medicine, make him some soup, hot water bottle if he’d cold, flannel if he’s too hot and plenty of liquids. A teenie tiny part of Ecto might even enjoy all the attention, appreciating Higari’s concern. Too bad Higari is too stubborn to actually treat himself when he’s sick, with how little he gets sick he doesn’t take it all that seriously - thankfully Ecto is a patient man with many clones, so is willing to drag Higari back to bed if needed XD
And the last one with his dad...
Anon: Are you trying to make me cry-
In my NGAU Powerloader’s dad was all over him, spoiled Higari so so much. Spent many lazy afternoons slacking off work when the missus wasn’t looking to play around with Higari (bragged for like a week straight that he got his quirk, proud dad moment). Higari’s mother came out into the garden to see how the boys where doing, she finds her husband and toddler son covered head to toe in dirt and mud. She gets angry at them, insisting the two need a bath if they want to have dinner. Toddler Higari hated baths from the day he was born apparently, and it’s only until dear old papa gives him a bath is he willing to get clean. His dad puts bubbles in Higari’s hair, and Higari splashes bubbles onto his dads beard, who then makes a silly face to make Higari laugh. Too bad only one hour after tea the two got dirty again-
The first time Higari used his quirk was when he was outside with his dad. His dad was working on fixing up the shed, Higari sitting in a small play pen outside with some toys while his dad stood close by, able to work while also keeping an eye on Higari. Higari, bored of playing with his building blocks, begins to drag his little hands at the ground, and before he knows it he’s tunneling his way to freedome beyond the bounds of his baby playpen. This kind of scneario probably ensued:
Kaigo (PL’s dad): Phew *picks up tool box and turns around* Alright sweetpea, time to go back insi- *freezes when he sees the playpen is empty, and no baby in sight* W-WHAT?! *drops tool box, and rapidly looks around* Uh- H-Higari?! Sweetpea?! Where’d you go?? Come to dad, this isn’t funny! *rushes around a bit*
Higari: *tunnles his way up to the surface in his mothers flowerbed, a small pile of dirt with a flower sticking out the top sitting on his head*
Kaigo: *searching in the bushes* H-Higari?! Higari! Where are you?! *mumbles* Shit I took my eyes off him for two minutes! Where the hell could he-
Higari: BAPA!
Kaigo: *jumps and whirls around*..*heaves and sigh and rushes over* Oh thank god! *scoops him into his arms for a hug* You stupid lil’ ankle biter! Don’t you ever do that again! *holds him out at arms length* How in the world did you even get out??
Higari: *sneezes from the dirt, making the flower fall off his head*
Kaigo:..Wait. Did..D-Did you, DIG your way out?!
Higari: *incoherent baby noises*
Kaigo;...Ooooh you are in SO much trouble young man, you know how many years off my life you just took? Huh?...*scowls as Higari giggles* Oh so you think this is FUNNY?-
Higari: *grabs his nose* BA!
Kaigo:............*sighs* You’re damn lucky you’re cute, you know that?...Uh, how about we DON’T tell your Ma about this, okay?
Ever since then his dad had to watch him like a hawk, one minute Higari was sitting playing with his toys, the next he was trying to dig his way to the other side of the world. When he was old enough his dad did give him some lessons in how to dig safely so the ground wouldn’t become unstable. I imagine Higari may have madea  few tunnels as a kid that where too close to the surface, and his very unsuspecting mum and dad would just sink into the ground collapsing an old tunnel Higari made. And Higari having pictures?? YES. His mum probably has a whole stash of pictures of Higari as a baby playing outside with his dad and her. Including the embarrassing photos, the kind of photos Higari would never want Ecto to see, but his mum showed him anyway. 
Now I wanna write angst with Powerloader and his dad aaaaa-
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I just read your fluffy headcannons with Toye and they are p e r f e c t. Made me realise how much I needed this and I was hoping if you could do one with Ron Speirs. 😔✊
anon, im incredibly happy that you think my Toye hcs were perfect- i also totally get you, anon. we all need some soft speirs hcs in our lives and i will do exactly that! 😩👌💞💕
btw im incredibly sorry that i took so long to write these hcs but hopefully you enjoy them!
Taglist: @floydtab, @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi, @noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @hufflepuffpancakes​, @hihosilvers​, @rayleighshughes
shoutout to my wifey @floydtab for helping me on these hcs, this probably wouldn’t have existed without you- you gave me so much inspo i love you ma’am 💞💕
Fluffy/General Ronald Speirs HCs
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Let’s get one thing clear here- Ron is a cold bitch but is ACTUALLY a big softie.
Only for you anyway, but no one else except you two need to know that-
Like Ron will subtly do things to impress you, and you’re just like, 'You dont have to do that I love you too fucking much already, stop tryna make me fall for you again-'
But you always appreciate it anyways because you know that this boy just wants the best for you-
Ron is straightforward and makes it his daily goal to make you happy-
If you’ve had a bad day, Ron will literally go and get your favorite food/drink/thing to immediately make you feel better, and it works 100% of the time.
Aaah- This man lowkey cares a lot in the relationship and he’s just but a bit worried and is self conscious.
But you just tell him that he's enough and that you'll love him no matter what.
After that he'll just immediately hug you and you would press kisses on his jawline while softly rubbing his back to reassure him that you’re there.
Soft declarations of love are always said and done between the two of you and you knew that you couldn’t live without it.
It was practically essential at this point and you’d never ever get tired of Ron saying ‘I love you’.
Ron is also very protective of you but he’s embarrassed to admit it.
The amount of times he almost yeeted someone because they either made you mad/uncomfortable have been endless.
Like they better HOPE that Speirs doesn’t find their address-
Ron isn’t really big on PDA but he will not hesitate to wrap an arm around your waist, and even sometimes he’ll sit you on his lap while he nuzzles his face on the side of your neck.
It’s just a personal preference of Ron’s and he just doesn’t want people to exactly see something that is intimate, you feel?
Even though he prefers to keep your relationship private, he would always softly call you endearing terms in your ear in public.
He prefers to love you in private, and he thinks that it feels more special that way.
Ron acts the complete opposite when you two are alone or behind closed doors. He’s extremely passionate and every single touch light yet intense.
Ron cannot keep his hands off you and he cherishes every moment he shares with you. 
He just loves the fact that you feel so right in his hold, like you two were always meant to be.
He loves everything about you and wouldn’t change a single thing about yourself, I promise you that.
Ron is also a MAJOR worrywart, like if he even heard you whisper ‘ow’, you better bet that he’s going to ZOOM his ass to you.
He also doesn’t express his worries verbally- oh no- his actions speak for him. He’ll hold you in his arms and will ACTUALLY kiss the area where you hurt yourself.
Ron just wants you to be alright and will fret over you even if it’s just a papercut.
Ron is also very discreet about your relationship and God forbid anyone from seeing him being soft towards you. (And God help them even more if they decide to bring it up.)
Ron constantly thinks how amazing you are while you’re right next to him with your hands in his.
He’s always extremely happy around you and he absolutely loves playing with your hair and it’s so cute.
Soft forehead kisses for this man are a must and he can’t help but smile when you press your lips softly against his skin.
Ron is definitely an athletic man and he adores swimming.
There have been countless times where Ron would take you to a lake just so he can swim with you.
When you’re done changing Ron will scoop you up and just straight up jump into the water.
Cue the WHOLESOME AS FUCK experience, thank you very much.
It’s always serene and the air is always filled with laughs as you and Ron splash each other endlessly.
Kisses are always pressed against your wet cheek whenever you two go swimming 
You’d also cradle his face in your hands as you’d stare lovingly into his eyes.
But you’d always finish swimming before him though and you’d admire him as he’d do laps.
Like Ron’s so beautiful, look at that man, he’s so fucking out of this world- 
He might or might not have been trying to impress you by doing laps, but that's a secret we'll never know-
When you’re finally dry, Ron comes up behind you as he just got out of the water and hugs you, causing you to be wet all over again.
Ron also has a special spot in his heart that is reserved for playgrounds. Like when he’s walking with you and he spots one his eyes LIGHT up and you don’t need words to tell what he was thinking.
Ron loves pushing you on the swings and your laugh and smile just keep him GOIN-
He’ll also wrap his arms around your waist as he’s behind you when you’re sliding on the slides-
The childlike wonder in Ron comes out whenever he sees a playground and that’s one of Ron’s many quirks that you loved-
Like literally the main reason he likes going to playgrounds more now is so he can just see your joyful expressions and sweet laugh-
Okokok, Ron Speirs might seem like a cat, but please believe me when I say that he adores dogs!
You could see the absolute love in his eyes when he sees Trigger and you just had the most perfect idea on what to get him for Christmas.
You fell in love with a little Bernese Mountain Dog puppy (please, please, please search them up- they’re adorable) and your plan was set in motion.
You immediately knew that Ron would love him too.
The lil pup was a pure fluffball of sunshine and this boy was bound to bring lots of joy during the holidays-
When you presented the tiny bundle of fluff to Ron, you could see waves of euphoria emitting off of him-
You knew that Ron was already a man of a few words but he was just rendered speechless (in a good way, of course) when his eyes laid upon the Bernese puppy.
“Ron- What?”
“His name is going to be Milo.”
You have caught Ron multiple times with Milo on his lap and it’s fucking adorable.
Ron would also fall asleep with Milo in his arms and you swore you were going to take a picture of that and frame it-
Milo’s energetic and bouncy personality somehow complimented Ron’s steady and calm one.
 It’s a beautiful dynamic and it just works in the best way possible.
Okokok I’ve rambled enough, but have I mentioned how caring and amazing Ron is? Yeah? Well screw it, here’s more-
Ron is a little spoon half of the time but he’ll never admit it like the stubborn cutie that he is-
You love holding him in your arms and he loves it all the same too!
But Ron is such a good fucking boyfriend, it’s making me ascend-
When you’d fall asleep in your desk while doing work, Ron would ALWAYS carry you back to your shared bedroom and lay you down gently on the bed.
Ron will get on the bed and he’d be the big spoon as he’d crawl into bed with you. 
But then you’d turn to face him in your sleep and you’d instinctively pull him closer and your cheek would be resting on chest 
Oml- I can’t the scene is too goddamn wholesome-
Buuuut if you fall asleep on the couch, Ron would bring a nice fluffy blanket to cover you and he’d sit next to you and he’d fall asleep while making sure you were ok-
You never liked waking up or mornings before, but mornings with Ron? Oh yeah, you were DOWN for that-
Ron’s fluffy tousled hair in the morning is GOLDEN and when you’d push it back to reveal his sleepy but hella handsome face, it’s fucking over I swear-
Ron also feels the same when he wakes up next to you and he genuinely thinks that it’s like waking up to an angel-
But Ron’s husky voice when he wakes up is 😩👌💕, is there anymore to say???
You’d two would just stay in bed cuddling with Milo by your side during the few hours of the morning and you couldn’t ask for anything better.
Ron was known and cemented as a hardened, scary, and stern soldier, but you didn’t mind one bit. 
Because to you... Ron was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to your life, and you couldn’t care less as to what other people thought of him. 💞
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oooooh i’m probably deceased by now, so boo- but the afterlife can wait im proud of writing these hcs!
i hope you enjoyed these hcs lovely anon and i also hope that it was good enough!
but thank you for reading, everybody, i appreciate it so much- 💞💞😩
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forestwater87 · 4 years
Hey! It's the one who wanted fanfiction writing advice and how to sorta join the fandom. So, I am currently writing a werewolf! au for Gwenvid, and I was wondering if I could ask you something (well, multiple somethings lol)? One, what are things you would like to see in a Gwenvid fic? Two, do you have any advice for writing a good first chapter? Mine is kind of short and not too good, but yours are super good. Three, how would Gwen react to becoming a werewolf? Scared or excited? Thanks!
Oooh, fun! I don’t know if I’m the best authority on this, but I think I have a couple followers who might also have some good insights. Let’s see . . .
Things I personally go feral for in Gwenvid fics:
That UST. Pining, longing, yearning -- whatever you wanna call it, all those little glances at each other then looking away when they get caught staring, getting distracted by a brush of skin against theirs or the other one looking amazing just out of nowhere, standing too close without realizing it and then awkwardly coughing and backing away . . . all of it. These two goobers in love with each other and completely oblivious is just . . . idk, it’s obviously personal preference, but that will-they-won’t-they dance is one of my favorite things about pre-established-relationship Gwenvid, and something I never get tired of. (Also, just saying: werewolf transformations have the distinct side effect of the werewolf waking up partially or completely naked in the forest. It’s a scenario ripe for awkward and/or hilarious situations.)
If they’re in an established relationship already, it’s all about those little domestic things. I mean, there can be domestic things even before they’re dating, because they live together for like 3-4 months out of the year so they have a routine going, but things like one of them keeping the light on for the other without thinking, making coffee/tea and leaving everything laid out just the way the other one likes it, communicating (or even arguing) with just a look, all the casual lil touches of two people so comfortable with each other that it’s automatic at this point. It’s an essential part of fluff that I sometimes feel is overlooked in favor of more dramatic hurt/comfort (which is also excellent, to be clear).
BANTER! It’s not so much a canon thing as a fanon one, but the artist formerly known as Ciphernetics basically established flirty teasing and back-and-forth as a staple of Gwenvid’s charm in their earth-shatteringly beautiful fanfiction (that I can’t link because tumblr softblocks posts with links, but if you look at my blog for like 10 seconds you’ll be able to figure out what I’m talking about), and I think everyone’s writing, including my own, needs more banter. They’re so different, after all; why not have them butt heads in a fun way?
Please please please don’t do NSFW if you’re uncomfortable with it, but there is nowhere near enough of it in Gwenvid-land. Just because we’re wholesome doesn’t mean we can’t also be kinky! (Oh man, I just realized I have no idea how old you are. Uhhhh if you’re not an adult just skip this one on by! Or if you are an adult and this ain’t it. It’s like it wasn’t ever here! Poof! I should probably just delete this, but maybe it’ll awaken a spark of inspiration in someone. Lord knows I haven’t been driving the smut train for a while, so I’m just hoping someone else will do my job for me. Plus Gwen would want me to include this suggestion, especially if there are werewolves involved.)
You know, there’s not a lot of action-hero Gwenvid out there, is there? Most of it’s relationship melodrama and domestic fluff, which I love -- obviously, I write it literally all the time -- but with a werewolf AU you have the opportunity for gratuitous violence, and both David and Gwen have proven they can kick a whole lot of ass and deal out (or take) a lot of pain. If you need two people fighting monsters -- or fighting as monsters -- you could do a lot worse than those two. It’d be a fun change of pace that’d work well with their character dynamic.
Writing a first chapter:
I don’t have a ton of advice here that isn’t pretty common, but the biggest thing is to start in the middle of action. This can range in terms of drama: a camp activity going horribly wrong, a nightmare, maybe even David discovering Gwen’s a werewolf. Your story doesn’t have to go in chronological order, after all, so if you have to backtrack in later scenes or chapters that’s not a bad thing in the slightest! 
It’s much better to start with a really exciting, gripping situation and then backfill in the information that matters than starting off with all that boring worldbuilding and exposition. Don’t get me wrong, that worldbuilding and exposition are necessary, but they’re also like . . . I dunno, salt. It’s essential to the recipe, but no one would say it’s their favorite part of a meal, and having to eat a whole pile of it before they get to the good stuff wouldn’t be enjoyable at all. It’s better sprinkled throughout to add flavor to your story as needed.
I like that metaphor! It’s kinda cliche, but I think it still gets the job done.
So yeah, start with something exciting and know it’s okay for your readers to go, “wait, what the fuck’s going on?” That’s kind of a great thing, actually; it establishes mystery and introduces higher stakes, and just gets your readers going. It’s also more fun to write, which is good! (For example, I just read a really great book call The Chill, which opened with a woman tying a bag over her head, weighting herself down with chains, and throwing herself into a river to “join the work.” Who is this person? What work? Did she know she was going to die -- it definitely doesn’t feel like a suicide, but what else did she think was going to happen?? I’m instantly on board, even if the next few scenes were focused on establishing exposition and actually kinda boring. It’s all about that hook.)
To be fair: I don’t do this all that often in my own fics. For every “starting the story with a botched assassination attempt,” we have “starting the story with waking up.” It’s important to have a first chapter that matches and sets the tone of your story; if it’s going to be a rip-roaring action/horror adventure, you’re going to want to start things off with all that stuff I mentioned before. If you’re writing cute fluff, there’s nothing wrong with your in media res chapter opening being an adorable fluffy scene. Compelling doesn’t have to mean scary or action-packed, but more serve as a teaser for what the rest of the story is going to bring. I’ve been leaning on action or thriller stuff because a werewolf AU implies some level of creature-feature monster spookiness, but any tone works as the start of a fic, as long as it’s not “here’s a laundry list of the universe’s rules,” because that’s boring and you can weave that into the rest of your story later. 
As for your other comment, short isn’t bad at all; in fact, if you want to make your first chapter a really short, compelling scene, that can be a great way to draw people in. But I also am a proponent of writing until it’s done, and couldn’t stick to a page or word count to save my life. My chapters are all over the place, and sometimes I’ll randomly chop them up if I feel like it’s going too long but usually I don’t bother. The more you write, the more you develop a feel for when the story, chapter, or scene needs to end, but as you’re starting out you might wanna snag a beta to help you find that stopping place.
Wow, this is long! Awkward! Sorry about that! I’ll make this last one short:
Gwen the werewolf:
I can’t imagine any universe in which she isn’t psyched as hell. I think she desperately wants to be more special and important than she is, and having a sexy monster superpower would only be a good thing to her, regardless of whatever its drawbacks may be. She might get tired of certain aspects of being a werewolf as the honeymoon phase wears off, but in the beginning I think she’d be excited and maybe even relieved.
Anyway, I hope that helps! It’s a lot of rambling, but I imagine you’re used to that by now. :)
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lilliagradiewrites · 4 years
baby pogue (part 1) pogue life
Series Summary: Lily Routledge is John B’s fourteen year old little sister, making her a pogue by default. After Big John’s death, John B is left responsible for his sister’s safety and well being. he enlists the help of the pogues to keep himself from cracking under the pressure. A rising freshman, Lily finds herself to be mature and independent. John B, on the other hand, sees her as the exact opposite. A young girl wanting to be grown -up like her brother’s friends, and an older brother begging the girl to not grow up too fast. A collection of stories from the life of Lily Routledge: the littlest pogue.
A/N: I’m so hyped to begin this new series!! Each part of this series will be a little different. Some will be longer like a classic fic, and others will be simply headcanons. These don’t need to be read in order!! Each is a separate story, just with the same characters. This will have a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff, but will overall just be a cute and wholesome collection of stories:) Iw ill create a masterlist once I upload more parts! I hope somebody enjoys this series :)))
Part Summary: Lily learns that pogue life isn’t as easy and carefree as she thought. (kind of an introduction type beat)
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of death, dirty jokes/sexual innuendos, swearing, mentions of weed and underage drinking. (pretty much what’s in the actual show lol)
(i did not proof read so i apologize for any mistypes or spelling mistakes! if you see one don’t be afraid to point it out!)
let’s do it!
     Lily Routledge didn’t mind the pogues. Not at all. In fact, she loved them. Each and every one. She cared about each one of them in different and complex ways, but she loved them all nonetheless. 
     First, there was the unofficial leader of the group: John B. Lily’s older brother. Of course she loved him. She loved John B more than she loved anybody or anything else on this planet. They’d been through hell and back two times over, but had still managed to make it through. though they fought like cats and dogs, Lily would take a bullet for her brother, and she knew he wouldn’t hesitate to do the same.
     Then there was JJ Maybank. John B’s right hand man since third grade. Jj had also been through hell and back, but on his own. Lily had been made aware of his “home situation” since she was little. The blond would come over, beaten, bleeding, and bruised. When she asked questions, “home situation” was the only answer she received. As Lily grew older, she deciphered the what the statement meant by herself. Over the years, she had come to love JJ like a brother, and thought he was one of the strongest people she’d ever met.
     Pope Heyward. At this point, his name spoke for itself. Known as the poster boy for success in the cut, Lily knew Pope’s name before she knew him. Being Heyward’s son was helpful of course, but Pope had created a name for himself. He was polite, well-raised, respectful, responsible. He was astonishingly intelligent, and always did wonderfully in school. So, Lily couldn’t help but be surprised when Heyward’s boy joined the pogues. 
     Next comes Kiara. Where to begin? Kie was a kook, no doubt, but had the heart of a pogue. While most girls of her age and class had a soft spot for designer dresses and high heeled shoes, Kie’s soft spot was for baby sea turtles and the environment. Lily was endlessly grateful for Kiara. Not having a mother figure in her life was difficult, and it was wonderful for Lily when Kie swooped in like the older sister Lily had never had. Kiara had taught the youngest routledge everything she knew about boys, life, and being a female. Lily felt as if she could never repay Kie for her help.
     Finally, there was Sarah. Sarah was the kook princess, known throughout the whole island for her stunning good looks and rich parents. Somehow, she and John B had fallen in love, beginning Sarah’s journey with the pogues. At first, Lily hated the blonde. But only because Kiara hated her, and Lily was faithful to Kie no matter what. When Kiara learned to tolerate her, so did Lily. The three girls became quite close, and the two older girls fought to make sure Lily was included. 
     Lily didn’t even realize she was also considered a pogue until Kie told her that she was.
    “I am?”
     Kiara rolled her eyes and smiled. “Of course you are! Not only are you John B’s little sister, you’re our friend.”
     Lily had attempted to act as if this proclamation didn’t affect her, but it did. A pink crept into her cheeks and she couldn’t hold back a smile. Kiara had noticed and grinned right back.
     Lily had grown up with the pogues. When her father was taken from her, she felt as if she had been blessed with a group of loving older siblings as a form of compensation. She looked up to the group with admiration and slight jealousy. They could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. John B and JJ hardly went to school, even though John B made Lily go. Kiara’s parents trusted her wholeheartedly, meaning she could spend the night wherever without prior plans, and could go wherever she felt like going. Sarah’s parents had their own issues, and couldn’t be bothered with worrying about what their daughter did. Pope’s father was a lot more strict, but Pope seemed to get away with everything anyway. 
     They were young and wild and free. Lily longed to be like them. Whenever they went out to the marsh on the HMS pogue, and Lily had to stay home and study, she reminded herself there was only a few more years before she could join them. Be them. Truly be a pogue.
     She expressed these thoughts to her brother over a dinner of 79 cent ramen one night. John B furrowed his brows at what his little sister had said.
     “Is that really what you think? You think we do nothing? All day long, we drink and smoke and hang out on the boat? That’s what you think?”
    Lily simply nodded, shoveling nooddles into her hungry mouth. John B shook his head and set down his fork. By this, Lily could tell she was in for a lecture.
     “No, Lily. That’s not what we do. Me and JJ don’t go to school anymore because we can’t afford it. We have to work. In order to stay alive. If i went to school, we’d starve. We’re so damn lucky we own this house, and have our own water source. We’re damn lucky Uncle T pays our phone bill. If he didn’t, we’d have gone completely broke months ago. I work so hard, every day, and can barely pay our electricity bill. I can barely feed us. It’s not fucking fair. These kooks own million dollar houses, with three vacation homes in other states, and they can’t pay me enough to feed my little sister. 
     And Kie? her parents care. She’s had to prove herself trustworthy. And Kie works her ass off constantly at The Wreck. She’s come crying to me so many times, worrying about the resturant being understaffed. But they can’t afford any more staff. She’s struggling too.
     And don’t even get me started on Pope. His dad works him to the bone almost every day. Delivering shit across the island, and then coming home and studying for his merit scholarship for hours. Heyward is constantly on that kid’s ass. He’s going through it.
     And, yeah, Sarah’s life may seem perfect. But it’s not. It’s far from it. Sure, she doesn’t have any financial struggles like the rest of us do. But her Dad’s a dickhead who hasn’t paid any attention to her for years. Her older brothers’ a drug addict and a violent asshole. Her stepmom’s a bitch. Her life may be easier, but it sure as hell isn’t easy. 
     We’re all fucked up, Lily. In astronomical ways. We drink and smoke and go out on the pogue to take some of the edge off of life. We do that shit because we’d break down if we didn’t. I make you go to school to keep you safe. You’re smart, Lils. Smart like Pope. You could get a scholarship or something. You could make it out of here. I don’t want this life for you. You deserve better. But you have to work hard, okay?”
     By the end of his rant, John B was crying. Lily moved over to him and hugged him as he sobbed into her shoulder. After a few moments, John B pulled away. “I don’t let you do shit with me and my friends because I love you too much to let you in on the shitshow that is our lives.” 
     Lily nods. They finish their food in silence. Eventually, John B announces he’s going to his room for the rest of the night. The siblings said their goodnights and i-love-yous before retreating into their rooms.
     That night, Lily sat in her bed and cried. Everything she’d thought was a lie. How could she not have seen how they were struggling? She wished she could help, but knew that she couldn’t.
     Being a pogue wasn’t perfect. Not at all. They may not have money, or good parents. But they had each other. Always,without fail, they had each other.
   That, Lily decided, was enough.
A/N: There’s the end! This ended up being much longer than I anticipated and I kind of don’t like the way it turned out. It’ll get better I promise!!!! Thank you for reading it, if you did. If you could reblog i will be so thankful <3 more parts are coming soon! I hope somebody actually liked this haha. Please drop feedback/tips/words of advice in my asks, anon or not! I welcome all comments, whether criticism or praise :) 
WAIT! Before you go I just wanted to remind you that you are so so so loved. Never forget that. You are beautiful and incredible in every way. Please never let anyone tell you otherwise. You are unstoppable. And you are loved <3
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