#jaytim fic
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yasmindifference · 5 months ago
Tim is only halfway through his explanation of the case he's been working when Bruce sighs and says, "I'll bring Hood in."
He's so astonished by this idiocy that it genuinely takes him a few seconds to recover; he has to run to catch up. Then, since he's running anyway, he uses his momentum to slide into place a few steps ahead, blocking Batman's path.
In the Cave, that's more symbolic than anything--there's plenty of room to go around him--and B respects that much, at least. He stops in his tracks.
"No, you won't," Tim says very clearly.
Batman frowns. "Red Robin."
"Batman," he returns, and Batman's frown deepens.
He's wearing the cowl now, having pulled it on as he walked--steeling himself for what he's decided he has to do. Shutting Bruce away so his paternal affection doesn't slow him down.
As usual, he's being a complete moron. World's Greatest Detective, Tim's ass.
"Red Robin," Batman says again, "your attachment to Red Hood--"
"--has nothing to do with this," Tim interrupts. "Jason didn't do it."
His pointed use of Jason's actual name goes unacknowledged; Batman sets his shoulders to loom and doubles down.
"The victim profile is clearly in line with Hood's usual targets," he says. "The victim's own victims were children, specifically children from Crime Alley, and his crimes against them were exactly the kind that Hood punishes the most severely. You can't deny that."
He's using the Batman growl and still looming over Tim...why, Tim's not exactly sure. It's not like he ever backed down from this kind of display even when he was a literal child facing down a Batman half-mad with grief. As an adult and a vigilante in his own right, who's been facing down the city's, world's, and occasionally galaxy's worst for nearly a decade...Batman is barely going to make him blink.
So he meets the eerie white lenses of the cowl straight on when he says, "No, I can't deny any of that. But Jason still didn't do it."
"You're being unrealistic," Batman says sharply. "Basing your conclusion on emotion instead of fact."
"No, that would be you," Tim corrects, just as sharp. "You're blinded by your issues with Jason's way of doing things. If you were actually thinking straight--"
"Hood makes a habit of targeting rapists, pedophiles, and anyone who breaks his so-called 'rules' in the territory he claims as his." Batman looms harder. "All three apply to the victim. What evidence do you have to support his innocence?"
"The fact that this isn't how Jason works."
Batman's face blanks out, scowl wiped away as he forcefully suppresses his reaction to Tim's words.
"Hood has never agreed with the no-kill rule," he says, "and despite our truce, he never committed to not using lethal force. It was only a matter of time before he crossed the line again, and this is precisely how he likes to 'punish' those he deems guilty."
Tim has to take a second to deliberately calm himself before he can trust his voice. His hands ache for how tightly he's fisted them.
"No," he says, once he's sure his voice won't shake with the anger trembling in his fists. "No, it isn't."
"It's true that Jason isn't opposed to lethal force," he says over Batman. "It's also true that he particularly targets people who break his rules and/or prey on children. But not like this!"
If he were anyone but Batman, Tim would say Bruce falters.
Tim doesn't hesitate.
"Yes, Jason is willing to kill," he says. "Yes, he'll even make it hurt if the crime is bad enough. But his goal isn't to punish anyone--it's to protect people."
Batman's flat expression--what little Tim can see of it beyond the cowl, at least--says he doesn't appreciate the difference.
Tim tries again. "Jason doesn't kill because he enjoys it, he kills because he thinks it's the only way to stop the worst of the worst. That's why he goes after the people the system can't or won't contain."
Still, Batman is unmoved. Tim gets to the point.
"Our victim was tortured over the course of several hours," he says again. It was one of the first lines in his little presentation on the case, and should have immediately disqualified Jason as a potential perpetrator. "I estimate at least twelve hours passed between the infliction of the first wound and his death, which was the result of a combination of shock and blood loss."
"You said that already," Batman says, unamused.
"Yes, and you should've known that it ruled out Jason!" Tim snaps. "If Jason had done this, he might have, have kneecapped the guy first, or shot him in the gut, or something, because yes, he'd have wanted to make him hurt. But the death still would have been measured in minutes, because at the end of the day, Jason's main priority is to end suffering, not cause it."
For a long, tense moment, Batman stares at him. Tim's trembling with emotion--not just anger that Batman is doubting him, but fear at what Batman might do to Jason if Tim can't stop him.
For all of Bruce's talk about Jason crossing lines...when it comes to Jason, Bruce tends to cross plenty himself.
Finally, Batman (and he is still so very Batman) says, "I wish I could believe that, but I can't."
"Then believe in me," Tim says, seizing the opening at once. "Just give me a day or two, okay? I'll find the real killer and prove that Jason didn't do this."
After either a few seconds or a lifetime, Batman finally--finally--backs down.
"You have a week," he says, and turns away. "And if you're wrong..."
Tim isn't about to humor that ominous trailing off. "I'm not. You'll see."
"I hope so," Bruce says quietly.
Prompt #12 was one character standing up for the other! Good choice! ♡♡
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noxioustoxins · 6 months ago
Food for Thought - JayTim - Batman
Jason just finished making pasta, a meal full of carbs and protein, with only enough sauce to make all the ingredients stick together, just the way Tim liked it. He wouldn’t eat it otherwise. He added some extra sauce to his bowl and left the kitchen.
“Any progress?” Jason asked, sitting next to Tim on the couch, mouth full of pasta and fork dripping with his properly sauced food.
Tim’s eyes flickered over, before almost immediately returning to the computer
“The budget is almost illegible. It’s definitely on purpose but I don’t have proof of which shareholder is responsible for it.”
Tim has been chasing a shareholder through botched paperwork for a few weeks. It was a string of issues that they were not used to. Most situations they came up against could be dealt with through well-placed violence, but this was a game of cat and mouse. Which if it were an actual game, Tim might have enjoyed. But as it stands, he has a shareholder stealing money from the company and botching projects for insurance scams. The difficulty Tim was running into, the reason the investigation has been going on so long, has been because corporate scum bags fight in paper work and contracts. So, Tim has had to dig his way through red tape, new and old contracts, current budget meeting and previous budget meetings, all to match up numbers that claim to have been lost in the shuffle.
There have been a few of his ‘board of old men’, Tim’s words, that he had cleared. Each cleared shareholder lightened the load, but sniffing out one specific pompous asshole at Wayne Enterprises was taking its time; and a toll on Tim. He hasn’t been able to take time to patrol as Red Robin, and his team have had to manage a few cases without him at the helm because of the near quadrupled amount of paperwork he’s had his nose in lately. It was making him antsy, his mind had been busy, but Jason could feel Tim’s body aching to move. The way he shifted constantly lately, or got up just to walk around, the lessened patrols were definitely getting to him. When he had been able to go out, he wasn’t even working on investigations, and had taken to the role of simply beating assholes senseless.
But Tim wouldn’t let anyone help. His pride wouldn’t let him.
“So, no progress?” Jason said through another mouth full of sloppy, wet pasta.
“Not in this specific file yet,” Tim sighed, “but I was able to eliminate one more suspect today.”
Tim began chewing on his thumb nail, eyes still glued to his computer screen.
“Well,” Jason grunted as he stood up, “you have like, three extra jobs at WE now, so no one can blame you for it taking time.”
“I blame me,” Tim grumbled, “I have to wait for every new edition of every new contract and every new budget, and then having studied those, I have to wait for the board meeting, which I then spend most of that time trying to catch someone slipping, but these guys lie, cheat, and steal through their whole lives. It just feels like the progress is so slow its non-existent.” Tim pulled the laptop into his lap, slouched against the couch and scrolled through another page of gibberish on his computer that seemed to make sense to him.
“Of course it does. You’re climbing a wall of old man greed with bricks made out of million-dollar budgets and legal jargon.” Jason spoke up louder, so his voice could be heard from the kitchen.
He made his way back to the living room, taking a bite of pasta with not enough sauce, before sitting back down and staring intensely at the computer. Tim looked over at him as he entered.
“Wait.” Jason said, grabbing the computer off Tim’s lap, and putting the pasta where the laptop had been.
“What?” Tim said, leaning in. Jason held up his hand to pause Tim, and scanned the document on the computer.
“Nothing.” Jason said, looking over at Tim, then at the bowl, and back at Tim with a smile.
It was boring, and Jason had to reread every line twice for any of them to make sense. Beside him, Tim took a bite of too dry pasta.
Tim looked down at the bowl of pasta, made with just enough sauce for everything to stick together and extra parmesan cheese, just the way he liked it.
Tim’s glare meant nothing, as it was followed by an eye roll and a small smile. Jason closed the laptop, and Tim moved closer, another forkful of pasta in his mouth, once again reminded that, yes, he did need to eat.
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galkyrie · 10 days ago
Chapter 24 of The Fates' Design is up now!
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debilsposts · 4 months ago
So I'm writing this shitty silly little jaytim fic and thought hey, I'll share it on tumblr. I will try to update it regularly since it's pretty much finished and just sitting in my google doc. Anyway, mind the tags; things will get angsty.
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n1ightw1ng · 1 year ago
jaytim | ch. 1/3 | rated E | no warnings | only one bed, fake dating, pining, eventual smut Jason and Tim work an undercover op in Florence. Jason learns just how attractive Tim is at about the same time he learns how fucked up he is.
“You're not much of an art guy, right?” 
Tim shrugged. “Not the kind they usually put in museums.” 
“Oh, yeah? What kind of art is that?” Jason stepped around a sculpture, following the intricately carved snout of a rearing horse, the woman on its back draped, curved, incomprehensibly lifelike. Tim muttered something he didn't quite hear. “What's that?”
“Star Trek.”
“There is so a Star Trek museum.”
Tim pursed his lips. “There are a few.”
“And you've been to all of them.”
“Ha,” Jason slapped his shoulder, “take me to one sometime. I gotta see this art.” 
Tim followed him through the claustrophobic rooms, the walls strange, dark shades of red. “Don't be a dick. Up the stairs and to the left.” They entered a room which, at the center back, displayed Judith Slaying Holofernes. 
��Arterial spray. Nice.”
Tim stood a few feet away, his arms crossed. “You wouldn't really go to a Star Trek museum.”
“For you, baby bird, I'd sit through the set tour.” He meant for it to sound mostly like a joke, but it landed too squarely on honest, and the both of them went quiet. 
After a minute, Tim said, “it's only in New York. I'll hold you to that.”
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bi-bats · 2 years ago
Tim snatches Jason’s helmet from him and treats him to a taste of his own medicine, standing on his tiptoes to reach up and push it onto Jason’s head. “Get on the bike, sweetheart,” Tim throws back in his face.
And fuck, is he glad that Tim didn’t say that last bit until the helmet was over his head, because whatever Jason’s face just did can’t have been normal.
He’s so surprised he can’t even think of anything to say. He just stands there blinking like a fucking idiot under his helmet as Tim’s eyes crinkle in the corners, the way they do whenever he’s winning.
“Oh, look at that, you’re blushing down to your neck,” Tim says, and Jason doesn’t need to be able to see his mouth, he can hear the grin on Tim's lips.
Day 2's fic for Jaytimweek is up! If you've seen the snippets about Tim's beloved mochaccino in the jaytim tag, this is the fic those are from!
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yaderyngoch · 2 years ago
I made a comment a while ago about a JayTim Tailor AU, and then the brainworms wouldn't stop so now I've actually written it.
Disclaimer that I'm super new to the fandom so this is my first time writing for it, and I also written one little fanfic in the past 3 years for a different fandom so I am Rusty and they're probably very OOC lol.
Tailor’s shops, Tim had found, were rather soothing places. Quiet and smelling faintly of amber and cedar. His chosen shop was an octagonal room lined with built-in shelves and racks of suits and armoires of darkly stained mahogany. A table in the centre of the room housed a swatch book of different types of wool and lining silks that Tim liked to flip through just to feel the delicately woven fabrics.
On one side of the shop window, there was a mannequin dressed in a half-finished suit, one side left without the facing so onlookers could see the canvas and careful stitching that gave the suit its structure. On the other there was an old treadle sewing machine, though Tim doubted it was still functional. Nevertheless it helped add to the timeless sort of atmosphere of the shop, something that felt so far removed from all the computers and cold artificial displays Tim usually worked with.
He’d been coming to this tailor for a few years now. Bruce had recommended him, and Tim had been coming ever since. There was something calming about the familiarity. Coming in and greeting the salesman who recommended a few suits for him to try on, settling on one that he thought looked best before the salesperson called the tailor out to him. It was always the same tailor, an elderly man with small, quick hands and soft eyes by the name of Lucius Fox.
Tim waited for him now, dressed in a neat blue suit the salesperson had chosen off the rack for Tim. The shop did offer entirely bespoke suits, but Tim had always found that to be much more elaborate than he felt he needed. As long as he looked neat and presentable, it worked for him.
He flipped through that fabric swatch book, tracing fingertips along the pinked edges of soft blue wool and reading the sticker on the back of the previous swatch as though he had any idea what any of it meant. Camel hair, it said. Tim didn’t think the fur of a camel would be particularly soft or good for suitmaking but evidently he was wrong.
“Mr. Drake?” Called a voice from the door to the tailor’s workshop itself, a voice lower and smoother than Tim had been expecting.
Tim looked up to see a man walking towards him, tall and broad with a streak of white through dark hair, a ruler and chalk in one hand and a pincushion secured to the other wrist with a band of black elastic. He’d forgone the jacket of his three-piece suit, the sleeves of his dress shirt neatly rolled up to his elbows, a tape measure draped around his neck. The suit was fitted just enough to display a figure far sturdier than Tim would’ve expected for a tailor, just hints of a broad chest and arms that filled out the sleeves far better than most.
His face was just as chiselled, with sharp green eyes that seemed to shimmer with amusement, the corner of his mouth turning up just slightly.
It took Tim far too long to realise he’d been staring, and he quite quickly flicked his eyes back down to the book before him, feeling warmth rise on his cheeks. “Yes, that’s- uhm.” He cleared his throat. “That’s me.” He looked back up at the Tailor. “Sorry, I just was expecting someone… else.”
The Tailor smiled in something between understanding and amusement. “Yes, Mr. Fox is out for the week so he’s left me to handle the shop. I’ll be taking care of you today.” The blush rose higher on Tim’s cheeks, and if he didn’t know better he’d assume the Tailor was doing that on purpose, with that honeyed voice of his and those smoothly spoken words. “My name is Jason.”
“Tim,” he answered, picking at the band of his watch.
“A pleasure to meet you, Tim,” answered Jason, and Tim was almost irritated at how well such a simple and common name rolled off Jason’s tongue. Jason gestured towards the pedestal in front of the three-way mirror, a platform just a little bit above the ground that made fittings easier, evidently. “Stand up there and face the mirror,” said Jason, tone polite and professional despite the command.
Tim nodded, trying not to follow Jason’s order too quickly and trying even harder not to fidget. He’d gotten better at it over the years. At his first fitting, Mr. Fox had smacked him upside the head with a ruler and told him to sit still. Now though, he had a feeling he’d find it just as difficult to behave as he had back then.
Jason came to stand close behind Tim, and it was with another small amount of irritation that Tim noticed even atop the pedestal, Jason was still slightly taller than him. “Tell me a little more about how you like your suits to fit.” His voice was softer now that they stood closer together, a gentle sound rather close to Tim’s ear. Tim couldn’t tell if he could feel the body heat radiating off of Jason, or if it was his own body that was warming up.
“Well… I’m not really sure I have much of a preference. Mr. Fox just fixed whatever he thought looked bad.” Tim wasn’t particularly meticulous when it came to fashion.
Jason hummed in understanding, stepping back just slightly to sweep his eyes over Tim, analysing the way the suit fit him with a careful, sharp stare. “Well, Mr. Fox is very good at what he does, but between you and I? He's also ancient and tends to prefer older, boxier styles, which I don’t think particularly suit you.” Tim felt rather like a blank canvas, where Jason could see the vision of the finished piece and Tim couldn’t. “You have a much narrower waist than most of the men I see. I think you’d look far better in something that showed that off a little more.”
Tim tugged at the hem of the jacket, trying to see what it was that Jason saw, but as far as he was concerned a suit was a suit and as long as it fit he wasn’t sure the cut of it made much of a difference. It was something to wear to a formal event and want to take off as soon as he got home. As far as he knew, the one he had on already fit fairly well for the most part.
“Here, I’ll show you what I mean and you can see what you think,” Jason continued, stepping closer to Tim again, standing right behind him so that in the mirror he could see his own silhouette overshadowed by Jason’s. Jason stroked gentle fingers up Tim’s spine, a featherlight touch to smooth out the wrinkle at the base of his neck. Tim suppressed a shiver as Jason leaned in close to place a pin to mark where the extra fabric near the collar needed to be taken in.
“Generally, off the rack suits were designed to fit men with far worse posture than you,” Jason explained, moving on to pin the sides of the suit. He sounded… appreciative, nearly praising despite the aforementioned posture making more work for him.
Tim could definitely feel his body heat now, attention narrowed down to where he could feel the delicate brush of skilled fingers along his waist, sliding a pin through the fabric with ease and precision Tim wouldn’t have associated with larger, stronger hands, far less wrinkled than Mr. Fox.
Tim could feel the warmth of Jason’s breath, could see him leaning in close in the reflection of the mirror. Now that Jason wasn’t looking at Tim’s face, Tim couldn’t help but stare at Jason’s, at the piercing, intense gaze, careful and precise in his work. He was much younger than Tim assumed most tailors were, likely only a few years older than Tim himself.
Jason moved to the other side, momentarily placing a hand on Tim’s waist to pull away the fabric needed. Tim wondered what he was thinking, so focused and diligent, fingers so much more skilled than Tim would’ve expected. It was an art, really, and there was beauty in simply watching the way Jason worked, in feeling each gentle brush of fingertips along the fabric, light and delicate and telling of so much skill in those hands. Some part within Tim desperately wanted to ask for more, for a taste of what those feathery sweeping touches promised.
“How does that feel?” Tim snapped his eyes away from Jason’s face and back to his own reflection, reminded quite quickly that Jason was a professional only doing his job and Tim desperately needed to get it together. Jason was reminding Tim that he desperately needed a few things.
“Uh… what?” Tim asked, feeling suddenly rather silly and realising he hadn’t been paying any attention at all to any of the things he was supposed to be paying attention to.
Fortunately, instead of the irritation Tim had been expecting, Jason simply laughed, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. “The suit. Does it feel too tight? Too loose?” Oh- right. That was why Tim was here.
He looked at his silhouette in the mirror again, this time actually looking at himself instead of at Jason, and found he quite immediately knew what Jason had been talking about before. More than just fitting him better, Tim felt like he looked more… like himself. Not someone putting on a costume to go play the character of some high-society heir. He looked… really good, and good in a way he hadn’t expected to see in himself.
“Well?” Jason asked, smirk tugging at his lips again. “You seem quite easy to leave speechless, but I would appreciate at least some feedback.”
“Oh- sorry. It feels good. Thank you,” Tim answered, looking back at Jason in time to see his satisfied smile.
“Good,” said Jason, stepping closer again. “Now for the sleeves, I think they’re a little long for you, hmm?”
Tim nodded, knowing at least that much needed to be fixed. The hem of the sleeve was barely above his knuckles. Jason leaned in, left shoulder brushing Tim’s right as he slid one hand past Tim’s hip, one hand on either side of Tim’s.
Tim’s breath hitched, trying to calm the way his heart raced at their proximity. He knew this was part of the fitting, that this was the easiest way for a tailor to roll up his sleeve. Mr. Fox had done it too, but when Jason touched him, it was… different. No- Jason was just doing his job. He was a professional, Tim shouldn’t be thinking these things.
Jason’s index finger brushed Tim’s palm as he started to roll the sleeve up, tucking the excess fabric inward so it looked more like what the finished product might be. He slid two fingers beneath the sleeve to help smooth out the folded edge, the backs of them brushing along the sensitive skin of Tim’s wrist. Tim would be surprised if Jason couldn’t feel his racing heartbeat like this, but if he did, he didn’t say anything of it, simply curling his fingers and bringing them down slightly to bring the sleeve down just a little.
“How’s that?” Jason asked, voice hardly above a whisper now that he was practically speaking in Tim’s ear, their faces only a few inches apart. He slid his fingers out of the sleeve, pulling away again so Tim could examine the length for himself.
“Yeah,” Tim answered breathlessly. “Yeah, I like that.” He realised now that Jason had pulled away, he very nearly felt cold. But at least the distance gave Tim room to catch his breath and chase away those creeping thoughts.
Then, Jason stepped in front of Tim, between him and the mirror, and Tim’s heart stuttered in his chest. Tim had nearly forgotten about how Tailors marked the second sleeve, and he was swiftly reminded when Jason dropped to his knees in front of him.
Tim immediately held his breath, staring directly forward and absolutely refusing to look down.
“You know, I can’t do this if you don’t relax,” Jason teased. It was then that Tim realised he’d balled his hands into fists, and then that he knew that Jason definitely knew what he was doing. He released the breath he’d been holding, unclenching his fists and relaxing his arms at his sides.
Jason hummed in satisfaction, and Tim felt that gentle brush of warm fingers against his own as Jason held the ruler up to measure the new length of the sleeve from the tip of his thumb, sliding a pin into place before repeating the process with the other sleeve. Tim was trying not to tremble, trying to ignore what he could see of Jason in his peripheral vision, trying not to wonder what it might be like if he used that tape measure for something other than its intended purpose.
Finally, Jason stood again, face so close to Tim’s that Tim could make out the different shades of green and blue in his eyes.
“Wonderful,” he said. “Now, if you’d please remove the jacket, it’s time to mark the pants.”
Tim was going to die in this tailor’s shop.
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lovetimdrake · 2 years ago
Snippet Sunday
Just a little Jaytim one shot I'm currently working on (and WILL post), enjoy this snippet!!
"I want you," Tim answered, like it was that easy. He watched the way Jason's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, saw the hickey he'd left peeking out beneath the armor. "It should feel wrong. It is." "We could stop," Jason offered. He was still all over him. Even if they stopped, they'd find a way to do it again. "We couldn't," Tim whispered, quieter, as if someone could listen in on them. He found that he wouldn't care if it happened, as long as Jason kept looking at him like this. "I don't want to, either," he added, licking his lips, and Jason's eyes fell on them, staying there. Then, Jason's lips were brushing his. "You said it's a bad idea."
"I did." Tim's eyes were fluttering closed, and he reached down to grip his jacket, pulling him closer. "But I quite like bad ideas."
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batsnacks · 2 years ago
Your writing gets me through my tough days. I've reread Bite The Lightning ATLEAST 10 times i love it so much. I was wondering do you take prompts? I'd love to see you write virgin Tim who thinks Jason is making fun of him for being a virgin when he isn't ;v; please ignore this if you don't take prompts i'm sorry!!
Hi!!! Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm beyond flattered that my writing means so much to you ;___; I've never taken a prompt before! But I did actually end up writing something for this because I loved the concept for it, then I went kind of wild and turned it into a series. The first part fits this prompt pretty well and the second part is in the works. So far the second part of the series is like 10k HAHA and I'm nowhere near done with it OTL
Anyway, here you go! https://archiveofourown.org/works/47768545
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yasmindifference · 5 months ago
wow why is it so big... ._. ... and jaytim pls :3
It's been snowing for three days straight, and Gotham has subsided into eerie silence.
That doesn't mean Jason's not patrolling, of course; it just means his patrols are a lot quieter than usual. It also means he's fucking freezing by the end of it, extra layers be damned.
On the bright side, the weather does make an excellent excuse for an extended stay at Tim's place. Someone's gotta make sure the spleenless wonder doesn't get taken out by a stray breeze, and who better than Jason?
That's his reasoning and he's sticking to it...not that anyone's asking. The Bats are too cold to even notice where Jason's spending the night, much less bother him about the whys.
And Tim, to his ever-pleasant surprise, never questions Jason's reason for showing up. He'll just pass him an extra plate of his dinner, or scoot over to make room for him on the couch, or enlist his help for whatever case he's working on, all without hesitation.
Or, like tonight--when Jason finds him already in bed--he lifts his (many) blankets in silent invitation.
A silent invitation that, after a quick change, Jason's more than happy to accept.
Snow is still falling outside the (one-way) glass that makes up two walls of Tim's penthouse suite, but inside it's toasty warm. Warm enough that Jason eschews the shirt he left here a while ago (freshly laundered since) in favor of just the sweatpants he's fairly certain he didn't. They don't look familiar, even though they're very much his size and stacked right next to his shirt on top of Tim's dresser.
Did Tim buy sweatpants specifically for him?
Jason's not gonna question it--too afraid the answer's no--but it's a nice thought.
He slides into bed next to Tim and is immediately pinned down when Tim eels on top of him and latches on tight.
"You're cold," he says with an unhappy little noise...but he very noticeably doesn't loosen his grip at all.
Jason rolls his eyes. "Yeah, it's like ten below, if you hadn't noticed."
"Mm." Tim somehow manages to hug him tighter. "You're the last one in tonight. Even Bruce called it early."
Jason slips his hands under Tim's shirt to warm them against his back. It'd take a better man than him not to enjoy how Tim squirms against him in response.
"Did Bruce call it, or did he get dragged?" he asks idly.
"There may have been force involved," Tim acknowledges.
That said, he yawns and tucks his face in the curve of Jason's neck.
"You made me wait forever," he adds grumpily.
Not that Jason would admit it (and good thing no one's here to call him on it), but that warms him more than the blankets and Tim's body heat combined.
Tim was waiting for him. Jason didn't find him buried in a pile of blankets reading on his tablet after a long patrol because he couldn't sleep, he found him like this because Tim was staying awake until he got here.
He keeps thinking this thing of theirs is uncertain, but...it's not, really. Every time he turns around, Tim's showing him, again and again, how welcome he is.
Maybe he really doesn't need an excuse.
So he doesn't bother coming up with one before he kisses Tim's hair--and, as usual, Tim doesn't ask. He just smiles into Jason's neck and kisses it in return.
"Night," he murmurs.
"Goodnight," Jason says, and with Tim on top of him--Tim trusting him--Tim wanting him--it really is.
Prompt #4 was snuggling beneath the covers! Well chosen! ♡♡
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noxioustoxins · 3 months ago
have a little snippet of something I'm writing but can't seem to figure out
_____ JayTim_____
Jason had seen Tim in many different suits, and most of the time he couldn’t tell you the difference between one or the other, or why Tim had decided on that particular suit for that moment. He had once said that a suit and a tux were different and Jason had just walked away. This was all information that seemed to benefit Tim but to Jason, a hood rat to Red Hood, he really didn’t care. Whatever he was wearing, Tim looked good, suit, tux, whatever. The jacket, dress shirt, and trouser combo was as good as his everyday attire, despite it being as much of a costume as his vigilante wear.
However, Jason had not seen Tim in a crop top, short shorts, and fishnets before.
And he still looked good. Great even.
Tim was lean, muscular, due to the nature of their night time activities, but he never seemed to gain the size that Jason had. It made him nimble and sly in a fight, moves which apparently translated very well to the dance floor of a loud and crowded club.
Sweat glistened down Tim’s arms, causing the neon flashing lights to shine like body glitter, highlighting Tim’s sharp nose and high cheekbones. He moved freely, slick movements that had no forethought, and yet were so controlled Tim must have known where every molecule in his body was as they thrummed to the beat of an unintelligible bass line.
“Tim?” Jason hoped his voice cut through the pounding music, “What are you doing here?”
Tim raised his eyebrows, his lips curled into a sarcastic smirk. Jason rolled his eyes.
“You’re leaving.” Jason said, his lips so close to Tim’s ear they grazed the round slopes of his outer ear.
“No, I’m not.” Tim shouted back, pulling back to look Jason in the eye.
They were close. A bump from the crowd could push them together into a kiss if they were any less stable. Tim’s lips were so close, his breath fast on Jason’s mouth, a reminder of the lapse in judgment and restraint which caused Tim such anguish. Jason’s grip on his arm tightened and pull him into Jason’s warm chest.
“You look like a whore!” Jason felt the rasp of his throat more than he heard it, and hoped Tim took it for anger, though Jason knew that wasn’t its origin.
Tim whipped his head around, ripping his arm out of Jason’s grip, “Maybe I am a whore!” he screamed back. He turned back around and made his way deeper into the crowd, closer to the stage, and like a Robin in the night, he slipped away.
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galkyrie · 7 months ago
Chapter 7 of A Pearl is up! Here is a quick preview:
"Tim still hadn't surfaced, the water undisturbed but for the rippling out from the falls. Jason could feel eyes on him anyway and had to fight down a shudder, carefully lowering himself into the dark pool.
This feeling– the notable sense that he was prey in the lair of a particularly interested predator– always made his heart pound, the mere brush of a fin against his calf enough to send gooseflesh rippling across his skin.
Tim was making him wait tonight, nothing but the sense of being watched to accompany him as he swam out to the center of the pool. He tread water lazily, drinking in the afternoon sun while he awaited his love.
The first touch was a careful one, the narrowest part of Tim's tail delicately wrapping around his ankle. It sent a shudder through him, sent his eyes scanning for the breach in the water's surface.
He didn't have to wait much longer until Tim was there, emerging right in front of him with a small smile. Hands circled his waist and he paused his treading, trusting the man to hold him up."
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debilsposts · 4 months ago
@rt-nique Hi I wrote a thing It came out too long so I had to split it in 3 😵‍💫 Hope it's readable
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n1ightw1ng · 11 months ago
jaytim | ch. 2/3 | rated E | no warnings | only one bed, fake dating, pining, eventual smut Jason and Tim work an undercover op in Florence. Jason learns just how attractive Tim is at about the same time he learns how fucked up he is.
The only thing that could clear his head was a tap-cold shower. Washed and mostly-dressed, he grabbed the pack of smokes from the desk— his smokes, not their “gift”—when Tim said, “Jay. Wait.”
He turned to find Tim hesitating at his shoulder, chewing his lip. “Don’t smoke.”
“Tim…” you said you could work, he wanted to say, was about to say, but Tim knew that already. So, he said, “Why?”
“Because.” And then, Tim leaned up on his toes and kissed him. It was a peck, but it was. “I want to do that.”
“Oh,” Jason said eloquently, and then stared at him. Tim was searching, fidgeting, and all he could think was yes, anything you ask, anything.
“Jay. Say something. Or kiss me again.”
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bi-bats · 1 year ago
trick or treat!! 3-sentence fic or wip sneak peak? (up to u!)
For YOU I have a snippet of the one shot I'm working on that was like. supposed to be a drabble for the prompt you sent me and has gotten. long. lmao.
also it's going to be a fic with smut in it and I haven't even gotten to the smut yet and it's already 2.5k words lmao
~ ✨ ~
“Do you… well… I mean… I could give you a massage?”
Jason blinks at him.
“Did… I’m sorry. Did you just say you could give me a massage?”  
Tim’s face burns furiously hot. What does he say, no? 
Well. He kind of wants to say no, actually. Maybe he can just gaslight his way out of this one—
No, no. Jason heard. 
He tries to say yes, but it tilts up into a question at the end. 
Jason blinks at him, and Tim’s skin feels too tight. The material of the couch is suddenly itchy on the back of his arms, but the heat on his face distracts him from it. Mostly.
There’s a stutter in Tim’s breathing, the slightest hitch between in and out, right after Jason answers. It’s unnoticeable.
If you aren’t a bat.
Jason raises an eyebrow, because of course he fucking noticed.
Tim can’t just sit there while Jason looks at him like that, so he moves. 
He shifts forward on the couch, scooting an inch or two closer and waving his hands in what he hopes is a gesture indicating ‘turn around so I can rub your shoulders’ and not ‘I have no idea what to do with my hands right now this is so awkward why did I offer this oh my god’. 
He’s probably fine. The gesture for that would have had more flapping. 
It still takes Jason a second to get in gear. He shrugs, tilting his head to the side in a way that says something like ‘eh, why not’, which isn’t exactly what Tim had been hoping for when offering to touch a guy he’s had a crush on since he knew what crushes were, but he’s letting Tim do it, so it’s better than rejecting—
Jason slides his shirt off in a smooth motion, reaching over the back of his head to grab the neck of it and tug it off. 
It’s like one of those fucking thirst trap reels on Instagram.
Tim was just watching him move over on the couch while his thoughts went on a little spiral, and then Jason reached for the back of his shirt, and bam.
The lights drop, the music starts, the speed slows down, and Tim can see every ripple in the muscles of Jason’s forearm, every inch of skin revealing as he lifts the shirt, every angle of the dips in his spine, every scar, every scab, every damn freckle — for god’s sake, he can even see about a half an inch of elastic above the top of his pants. 
It’s red. 
Of course it’s red. 
Tim takes a deep breath, trying to disguise it by shifting closer to Jason, who’s sitting with his back to Tim, his arms threaded through the shirt in his lap. 
He can do this. He can do this. 
It’s just a massage. 
“Come on, Timbo. Let’s see what those scrawny fingers got.” 
Tim lets out an exasperated scoff, and Jason’s shoulders shake two or three times as he chuckles. 
He considers digging an elbow into Jason’s spine, just to be an asshole, but he has a better plan. 
He’s going to wow him. It’s going to be the best damn massage in his life. 
Scrawny fingers, Tim grumbles in his head as he places his hand down on Jason’s left shoulder. 
Immediately, Jason flinches and lets out a noise of surprise, and Tim flinches back because he’s surprised.
Great start.
“Jesus fuck, your fingers are like ice!” 
“Sorry, sorry,” Tim mutters, even though he isn’t, not really. Still, he rubs his hands together quickly, just a few times to get some of the cold out of them. 
He puts his hands back on Jason’s shoulders, and Jason stiffens, but he doesn’t flinch away this time. 
Okay. Good. 
Tim starts applying pressure, rubbing up and down the muscles, and after a few moments, it’s easier to shift into a more clinical headspace, even with the warmth of his skin seeping through Tim’s fingers. 
“Where is it bothering you?” he asks. 
“Oh, uh. By my spine. And…” Jason pauses for a moment while Tim’s palm digs into the meat of his shoulder, and when he resumes speaking, his voice is a little higher. “…my neck.” 
Tim nods, letting his palm dig in again. He wishes he had lotion or something. Jason’s skin drags against his every time he moves his hand, and it’s uncomfortable. Also, Jason’s skin is warm, flushing pink under the area he’s been rubbing, and… a little bit up his neck, too actually. The tips of his ears are pink, Tim realizes as he works his way up to the crook of Jason’s neck. 
He digs his thumb into the muscle right by the top of Jason’s shoulder, and he’s just starting to lose himself in it when he hears a breathy noise, almost like… 
No. No, Tim’s making shit up. Jason did not audibly moan. Tim is putting things where he wants them to be, because that’s what he wants.
On the next roll of his palm, Jason says, “Ngh, Christ, Tim.”
With Tim’s hand frozen on his shoulder, he can feel the way Jason tenses, has a front row seat to the burst of color across his neck.
Thank god they’re in Jason’s apartment. In Jason’s living room. With Jason’s cameras recording. He doesn’t have to memorize the way that sounded coming out of Jason’s mouth.
No, he can go hack into his files and save it as a clip and then back it up on three separate servers, and then also a hard drive, and maybe also on a USB in a lockbox buried in the woods somewhere, because he doesn’t think he can live another moment of his life without having access to the way his name sounded coming out of Jason’s mouth. 
“Sorry,” Jason mutters, and he sounds… meek? It’s weird, but Tim doesn’t think he’s ever heard Jason sound shy. 
“No worries,” Tim says, feeling like he’s regained some ground. 
“You can… make noise,” Tim adds. 
Immediately, he feels like he’s lost that ground. 
Jason clears his throat a little. “No, it’s — it’s fine, I’m good. You can, uh. Keep going.” 
A grin tugs across his mouth as he resumes his massage, listening to the way Jason’s breathing is getting heavier. 
“I thought my fingers were scrawny?”
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yaderyngoch · 2 years ago
For anyone who missed the JayTim Tailor AU I posted a while ago, it's now also on Ao3!
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