#this is basically what happens every time i go to work. in spirit at least
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care to spoil any interesting dialogue Haku has when you reach higher affinity levels? Would love to know!
Haku's so. . .normal, it's kinda cute? Lol. But yeah I'm pretty down for that! I wanted to share one of these things but held my tongue lolol but since you're asking here're some of the ones that were more interesting or otherwise appealing to me!
I've amended this post to be all of Haku's home screen lines. Enjoy!
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Oh, finally here, huh? I'm not really ready for you yet though... Ha ha. Wait over there for me, would you?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Oh, looks like you've got a letter. If you don't open it soon, I might sneak a peek."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"How's the search for clues about your curse going? Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you ever want to talk, I'm happy to listen."
"Most people in Hotarubi have something they put their heart and soul into. That doesn't really work for me though. I lose interest in things way too easily."
"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you've gotten yourself mixed up in something again."
this is a very funny one to have him say when i use the sinostra casino as my home screen bg
"Haha. Don't expect too much from me. Ghouls are just glorified street magicians, really. Let's keep it light, huh?"
'glorified street magicians' is a hell of a way to describe. . .a lot of the stigmas we've got going here lmao
"Boo! Ha ha, didn't think you'd get that scared. I was just getting rid of the shadow imp that was sticking to your back... I'm kidding! There was nothing there, I promise."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"...So, how about we take a walk? This dorm's seen better days, so it's tough work checking all the places that need repairs."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You've adjusted to life at Darkwick pretty well, haven't you? Not that anomalies and missions are something you'd want to get used to..."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Today doesn't really work for me... I'm going to be getting back to the dorm pretty late, so can we do tomorrow instead?"
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"...Hate to be the one to tell you this, but there's something untoward lingering behind you. Don't look! Hah, I was just kidding. It was just a little dust, see?"
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Twilight has been a lot quieter than usual today... I hope that's not a bad sign."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Subaru's just too nice. Keeping all the eccentrics in Hotarubi in check's gotta be rough."
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Everyone here comes from different backgrounds and has different gifts. There's no reason you should feel out of place."
'we're all unique, including the most ordinary among us.' good lesson!
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Looks we're going to make it through today without any disasters. At least I hope so."
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What are you doing out here? You shouldn't walk around at night with your guard down. Don't come crying to me if you get possessed by a fox spirit, you hear?"
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Your parents ever tell you ghosts would get you if you don't go to bed? For some reason Zenji's the only one who gets spooked when I say that..."
after the reveal that zenji is a ghost this is so funny actually I LOVE THAT ZENJI IS A GHOST WHO'S AFRAID OF GHOSTS AND THE DARK.
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"All these geniuses and their lectures are giving me heartburn. Wouldn't mind hearing the woes of someone long-suffering instead every once in a while."
(this sounds cruel but from what i can tell in Japanese he says he'd rather hear stories about hard workers/people who struggled from the bottom than prodigies. Basically he's more interested in, y'know, ordinary folks than people who're really special.)
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"That video I took of Zenji today? I'm just going to do some quick editing and post it. I don't know why he doesn't just focus on content that's more his style..."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I saw Tohma a little while ago. Been a while since we last had a real chat. Sounds like he's got his hands full, as always."
so i initially left this one out of this post because i didn't think much of it but. . .the way Haku regards Tohma is so much more casual than Tohma regards Haku in retrospect, it seems. To Haku, Tohma's just the usual hard worker. Someone he'd actually enjoy having a conversation with. But Tohma speaks to Haku almost as if with suspicion or disdain. . .then again he speaks kind of coldly to Jin too. Maybe that's just how he is with people he kind of knows or views as more on his level. Or it's something more sinister. Who knows.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"Mornin'. You've got a sleep mark on your face. Yeah, right there. Good to know you got a good night's rest."
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"You haven't collected all the papers that were supposed to be submitted by today's deadline yet? Who are you waiting on? Got it. I'll go get them for you."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I don't mean to scare you, but... be careful with your right leg. Especially when you're in the main building."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Getting cold feet when you try to jump into the deep end is just proof you're a normal human being. We're the crazy ones."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Can't sleep? In that case, let's go for a little walk. There's actually something I want to talk to you about."
pretty high affinity to be having chats on night walks. . .i wonder what he wanted to talk about.
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Just having someone you care about at your side is all you really need... Ha ha. That was a little out of character, huh? My bad."
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh, you're awake. I was just about to make some tea to wake myself up. Want some?"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"It's not very often I get to kick back like this in the middle of the day. Maybe I'll take a nap."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"None of us wanted to become like this. Living an ordinary life, and dying an ordinary death— why go after more than that?"
He just wants to be normal. And he can't. It's kinda tragic lol
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"(Yawn) Oh, didn't see you there. Haha... Guess I've been letting my sleep debt build up. I'm going to bed."
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Being cursed really sucks, huh? You can't help but ask yourself, "Why me?" all the time, even when you know it's a question with no answer."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I know I'm being selfish— but sometimes, I wish you'd just forget about me..."
WHY. . .ARE YOU THE SUS ONE AND YOU FEEL BAD THAT YOU'LL BETRAY THEM? DO YOU JUST FEEL LIKE YOU'RE TOO LUCKY HAVING HAD FALLEN FOR SOMEONE NORMAL WHEN YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT NORMAL ANYMORE? DO YOU FEEL LIKE THE PC DESERVES SOMEONE NORMAL AND TO BE ABLE TO GO BACK TO A NORMAL LIFE BUT BEING WITH YOU GUARANTEES THEY WON'T? WHY DO YOU WANT THEM TO FORGET YOU. . .he's so interesting to me simply because of how much he tries to keep himself apart from his being a ghoul(and, y'know, seeing spirits and shit--) so he can try and just be any other guy. . .and he can't lol his surroundings, who and what he is, he can't go back to being normal! It's a charming way to have a boy next door sort of personality i think lol
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"I've been noticing more birds in the garden lately. Is that a bush warbler? A white-eye, maybe? A lot going on during spring in Hotarubi."
Boy knows his birbs.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Heading into another nice, warm afternoon. Maybe I should take a nap...? Oops, nearly forgot I promised Zenji I'd film him."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Must be nice being a ghost—no hayfever, and no hangovers. Spring really is the embodiment of human weakness."
How drunk did you get last night buddy. . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"My family home is pretty famous in our area for its cherry blossoms... When I was a kid, my friends and I used to go exploring through them at night."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"It's so humid... Days like this make me miss Frostheim..."
He's former Frostheim! Maybe that's why he and Tohma seem to have some history. There's also Jin's friend who left that Tohma helped to switch houses. . .but Haku was a second year then so would he have needed it?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Today, I've got to go round and check the stalls for the festival Hotarubi is holding— wouldn't want any dangerous charlatans sneaking their way in."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Zenji's off roaming around somewhere again... People are more sensitive this time year, so I wish he'd just stay put..."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"You're not going to wear a yukata? Eh, I just thought it'd be cute to see. That's the kind of thing guys think about, don't know what else to tell you."
It reads like he's a little disappointed the girl he's into friends with isn't gonna wear something he thinks is cute lol
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"They say fall is the season of the arts, but I'm a really mediocre flute player. I'm about as uncultured as you can get."
funny thing for an ex-frostheimer to say.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"You can hear the biwa, right? He's been going for three hours now. People are going to start getting pissed off, so I'll go tell him to stop soon."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Nightfall can catch you unaware this time of year. It'll be dark soon, so let me know when you're planning to head home. I'll walk you back to the cathedral."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"It's a stunner of a night. Maybe I'll grab a drink and do a little moon gazing."
don't drink too much you're trying to quit smoking, the solution isn't to replace it with another addiction--
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"You'll catch a cold dressed like that. It's already pretty chilly out there, you know... Here, take my coat."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Winter rain really chills you to the bone. Sorry, walking through the garden must be rough for you this time of year. Come a little closer."
I'm a bit of a sucker for huddling together in the cold lol
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It's cold again today. Now that I think of it, Subaru said he wanted to make hotpot with everyone. Guess I'll go grab some things and make it happen."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Your hands hurt because of the cold? Let me see. Oh yeah, your fingertips are all red. Here, stick them in my pockets."
Is that your flute in your pocket or are you completely unaffected by the cold
His birthday: (July 26th)
"Wait, you got me a birthday present? You're so conscientious. Oh, I didn't mean it in a bad way. Thanks, I appreciate it."
Your birthday:
"Hey, come over here a sec. Here. It's nothing special, but I got you a something. Today's your birthday, right?"
why is this worded like he's asking you to come into a shady alley in secret to give you a birthday gift lmao
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I know it's a cliché, but I hope this year's a good one for you."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Whoa, chocolate? I didn't think you'd give them to me too. Guess I better think of something good to get you in return."
White Day: (March 14th)
"Here, for the chocolate you got me last month. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I got the ones I remember you said were good."
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"A bunch of spirits have been following you around all day, are you okay? Psych, just kidding. Seriously, I was joking, I swear."
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Looks like you've had your fair share of tricks today. I'll narrow down your options and just make it a treat, then."
Christmas: (December 25th)
"You look like you're having fun. Do you have a present for me, Little Miss Santa? Haha, I'm just kidding. Here you go. Merry Christmas."
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...Hey, you alive? Not much point me just standing here waiting around. Guess I'll take off."
(13 affinity and above)
"I know I look like a slacker, but I do have stuff to do. Guess I'll nap till she gets back."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Hey there, stranger. Everyone's missed you, you know. ...Even I was starting to get a little worried."
Those're the ones that're most interesting to me I think! 'u' there are some that aren't up there though, like some of the ones that show him being responsible and worrying about his teammates haha. Hope you don't mind my little commentary here and there!
A while later and I've amended this post to include all of the home screen voicelines, not just the ones that appealed to me most in that moment! Haku's interesting in how. . .normal he is. Aside from the seeing spirits and things anyway lmao. He's just a casual flirt who wants to escape the abnormality that his becoming a ghoul got him. I feel like his lines don't really reveal anything about him. . .but also 19 in particular feels. . .a little lonely? Maybe because of how he had to leave Frostheim, he doesn't really feel as connected to the Hotarubi ghouls yet, compared to how he was with Jin before? Or, if he is the spy, he feels like all of his relationships are fake. . .and man that 'I wish you'd just forget about me' line is sad but also SO SUSPICIOUS. WHO SAYS THAT IF THEY DON'T PLAN ON LEAVING YOU OR STABBING YOU IN THE BACK.
#tokyo debunker#haku kusanagi#tokyo debunker spoilers#datamining cw#danie yells answers#danie yells with anons#danie yells at tokyo debunker#haku's a sweetheart. just a genuinely good dude.
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If I had a penny for every time a Belmont got startled by a fox...

So, @aquilaofarkham pointed this out on BlueSky, and is totally right about it (they made the screenshots to, thanks for allowing me to use them!). Why I clocked this scene in Nocturne as well - I actually did not draw the comparison to the Trevor season 3 scene. But yes, that is indeed...
If I got a penny for every time a Belmont got startled by a fox, I would have two pennies, which is not a lot, but it is weird it happened twice.
And you know what that means, right?
As some people might know: Since season 1 of Nocturne was out, I am very very certain of one thing. And that thing is, that the Belmont bloodline also goes back to a god.
In S1 of Nocturne when Annette talks about her own divine bloodline, she says a lot of people do have a divine ancestor, but the knowledge got lost. And to me this instantly read as: "Actually, by the way, the Belmonts totally have a divine ancestor as well!"
And I have been riddling since then, who it could be.
So, what if the fox is a representation of that ancestor?
Yes. This does mean I get to talk mythology again.
So, foxes. In early European folklore the fox is basically equivalent to coyote in North American folklore. Especially in Germany and France Reynard or Reinecken shows up a lot as a trickster spirit in the form of a fox. While there are some theories on Reynard somewhat going back to an actual deity, we kinda don't know about that for sure, because we have absolutely no textual evidence for it, and it mostly goes back to the fact that throughout the area in early medieval times the depiction of Reynard as a trickster is very very consistent - and also lines up with more eastern depictions of fox adjacant deities. Since we know that those are connected through Indo-European culture group it is not so weird to assume that there might have been a fox trickster deity, though if there was, we do not know their name.
But the good news is: The Belmonts are French in origin, and we do know from Trevor that they had contact to indigenous European people (aka the Celts). So, the highest likelihood for a divine ancestor is definitely a Celtic god or goddess.
Now, if we talk about Celtic deities we obviously run into the problem: Outside the Gaelic culture we know Jack Shit. Because fuck the fucking Romans and fuck the Christians even more, who very thoroughly erased most stuff about those religions. My anthropology heart does not spend three hours a day crying about this fact at all!!!!
Of course, we know the Celtic cultures were related, so there is a high likelihood that at least some of the deities from the Gaelic culture will also show up in the Gaulic culture, but we do not know for certain.
Which on the bright side also means, that my guess is about as good as whatever the writers might come up with. Hooray!
So, my first guess is Adsagsona. A goddess about whom we know exactly nothing. We know she was a goddess of magic, who was invoked in spells. And we have the suspicion she was maybe linked to foxes. Maybe. Because the thing is, we do have one written evidence of her being invoked, and some artifacts from the same area she was invoked in that might be related to her and the practice of magic. Which is not a lot. Cool bit about that, of course: It would totally give a writer freedom to make up whatever about this.
Next guess would be Arduinna. She was a forest goddess who got merged with Diana when the Romans colonized what is France today. She definitely got depicted a lot with forest animals, and definitely also was connected to the hunt (which works well with the Belmonts), though the preferred animal for her to be paired with was either the deer or the boar. Which, I would guess, makes sense, because people hunted those more for food than they would hunt foxes.
A bit more vague would be the god Cunomaglus. Because he is British, not Gallic, though definitely he is a hunting god, and while his main animal was the dog, he definitely got also depicted with foxes. No doubt about that bit. xD
Next up would be a probably related god to Cunomaglus: Nodens. Again, British. Again, hunting. Again, the main animal are gods. I would not know about him being depicted with foxes, but given he has a lot of overlap with Cunomaglus I would also not be surprised. Bonus points, because I know there is fandom-overlap between GDT's Hellboy movies and Castlevania: Nuada is based on the Irish equivalent to Nodens, and draws a lot of influence from the Brittanic god.
If we go a bit more wild, we could also make a guess for Ceres, though that one would be a bit weird. Ceres is of course a Roman Goddess, but Romans were also in France forever, so it is not impossible. Ceres is heavily associated with foxes, though mainly in the sense that foxes are sacrificed for her. But there is a fox association.
There is also with the Roman gods a very loose association with both Dionysus and Diana. But Diana usually gets depicted with dogs and stags, and for Dionysus there is exactly one myth linking him to foxes. So... Eh.
Lastly... I will just leave here that Diana's Slavic equivalent, Devana, actually gets depicted as a fox more than once. But Slavic culture is kinda on the other end of Europe. So it is possible, but also... Eh. It is a far bit away. But then again, the Belmonts lived in today's Romania for a long while, so it is not impossible, I guess.
And that's it. For today at least.
But I wanted to get this off my chest.
#castlevania#castlevania netflix#castlevania nocturne#castlevania meta#fan theory#speculation#celtic mythology#roman mythology#slavic mythology#european history#trevor belmont#juste belmont
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An anon who was rereading Anyone asked me what would have happened if Izuku didn't like eggs and how you tell a supervillain you don't like what he made and that you want something. I have bravely tried to answer said ask but Tumblr laughed at my pain, so here is it, on a new post.
When confronted with the super villain Izuku had accidentally broken out of the most secured prison in the country, a man who had basically walked out of said prison as soon as he hadn’t been restrained anymore, Izuku did the only thing any rational person would do.
He ran like hell. No shoes, no plan, nothing except Full Cowl roaring in his veins and he fled.
At least, he tried to.
Strong tendrils stopped him dead, then hands picked him up by his shoulders and suddenly, his feet weren't touching the ground and he was forcibly brought to the kitchen table.
''No, no, no,'' All for One said with the tone one would employ with a disobedient pet or a very young child. ''Your breakfast is going to get cold and we have so much to talk about. Sit. Enjoy the eggs. If you don't like them, I can make something else.''
And he dropped him on his chair, before putting the plate in front of him. Then, he sat at the other end of the table, facing Izuku, his own plate in front of him and he started to eat. Slowly, his manners perfect, while Izuku was dying of sheer stress over there.
Then, he looked at Izuku. Then at Izuku's plate.
''You're not eating?''
Izuku looked at the man who had literally reduced people to paste last night and then at his plate of eggs and bacon, then back at the lunatic who was probably going to skin him alive soon enough. He needed to do something, to get the time to find a way out of this mess.
Now, any reasonable human being would have eaten a bit of eggs and bacon – well, eaten the bacon in Izuku’s case – but he had just woken up, was in a pre-caffeinated state and truly, Izuku had never claimed to have the slightest working relationship with sanity.
“I don’t like eggs,” he blurted out.
The supervillain, the very same man who had literally gone through a prison riot of fellow villains like he was running through wet paper, was startled so badly by those four words that he dropped his fork.
“What do you mean, you don’t like eggs???” he asked like this was a ludicrous notion, like everyone’s favorite breakfast should be eggs and bacon.
“Never liked them,” Izuku lied, by pure spirit of contradiction, far more developed than for most people, for it had been left with quite the amount of room after the disappearance of all his survival instinct.
And it was indeed a lie because, once upon a time, it had been his favorite comfort food, but when he had been a kid, during one of those weeks where his mom was gone and the neighbor supposed to watch over him was busy forgetting his existence, he had gorged himself on it at every meal until he had gotten so sick of it that he had been unable to eat them ever again.
All for One watched him with something that went beyond annoyance, it was the patented look of someone who knew one was messing with him and the words “You’re a goddamn liar” were probably fighting to be left out but he had no proof that Izuku was bullshitting him and if even if he somehow had a lie-detecting-quirk, Izuku would keep denying it because he probably wasn’t making it out alive anyway so why deprive himself of the chance of annoying his would-be-killer?
And actually, why wait?
“I prefer waffles,” Izuku informed him because, after all, All for One had offered him to make him something else.
All for One stared at him without saying anything, probably thinking about all the ways he could have killed Izuku back when they were in Tartarus. Meanwhile, Izuku gave the illusion to be staring back at him when he was actually thinking about the fact the window made a faster exit but All for One would have the time to catch him before he landed seven floors lower while the door offered him more options.
All for One eventually abandoned his plate and started to rummage through the cupboards, going straight to the place where Izuku and his mom usually put the baking ingredients. Either everyone organized their kitchen the same way, or All for One had broken in so many homes that he was just a pro at using any kitchen he found himself into.
“Do you have flour?” the lunatic called out. “I can’t find it.”
Izuku had already flowed out of his chair and was making his way to the door by walking backwards, trying to radiate nonchalance and not the need to RUN AWAY WITHOUT LOOKING BACK.
“Try the highest shelves,” Izuku helpfully suggested, his hand on the doorknob.
It was where his mom put the heaviest pots and pans they usually didn’t use, since everyone in this household needed to climb a chair to access it. With a little luck, they would all fall on All for One.
Izuku left the apartment, not even bothering to fully close the door behind him, and he ran. He was in his pajamas, had found his sneakers by the door and they were still in his hands as he booked it out of his neighborhood as fast as Full Cowl could carry him and he didn’t stop until his building wasn’t in sight anymore. Then, he stopped on a bench, the couple flirting on it deciding they could do that somewhere else when they saw him approaching, and he put his sneakers on, took a deep breath, and decided to run some more, still in the opposite direction of where Todoroki was living, and then, he would figure out a plan.
Unfortunately, liquid shadows chose this moment to appear right in front of him, revealing All for One, who was holding a bag from Waffle Palace in one of his hands.
“I didn’t find any flour or sugar so I just ordered in.”
Some people would have screamed or been startled but Izuku had already ripped the bench from the ground and thrown it at All for One. The villain batted it away with his empty hand but it didn’t matter because Izuku was already half way through the park, or at least until black tendrils grabbed him and yanked him back.
“Your waffles are going to get cold,” All for One sternly informed him before grabbing him by the back of his shirt and he warped again, this time with Izuku under his arm.
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OK, I know we got a few Star Wars crossover AUs here already, but like
What if Desmond gets reborn into Star Wars as a Zabrak? Specifically a female Dathomirian Zabrak. I say female cause the female Dathomirian's learn force stuff while the males are little more then slaves and do not learn force stuff- they're more warriors though.
Let's have Desmond be younger the Obi-wan but Older then Anakin here.
Desmond was old enough to have remembered his time in Dathomir, learning the very basics of Nightsister's magic and culture before, for some reason or another, he was taken off planet, and not long later, gets taken in by the Jedi due to his force Sensitivity. So about older then 3 but younger then 6 cause, if I remember, 6 years old is the oldest they may take a child in or af least the species' equivalent to 6.
I mention Desmond learning basic Nightsister magic cause, among the things Nightsister's are able to do, they can conjure up spirits of ancestors and other night sister's and such. And with Desmond being Desmond, despite only being taught basics, let's say he's oddly adept in spirit conjuring without even needing the Ichor Dathomir has. Meaning, Desmond summons his ancestors from his previous life, and their presence in general would cause confusion and chaos among the Nightsister even, maybe warrant Desmond being sent away? Unsure how or why he's away from Dathomir.
Least to say, the Jedi having to deal with a child born with Dark Side influences with their clearly Force Ghost they can summon- which, none of them can even understand them but can see the fact they are a good influence and, very reluctantly, do not do anything about Desmond's ancestors as he calls them.
Just- The Force pushing Desmond to interfere with the future events of the galaxy, first being him befriending Obi-Wan around the time Obi-wan is still new to being a Padawan and Desmond's on his way to obtaining his first lightsaber. Maybe they meet at the Archives cause Altair insisted Desmond to read as much stuff as he can.
We might have to mess up the timeline a bit but the reason Desmond was pushed out of the clan could be because the current Mother, Talzin, realized that Desmond is too rigid in certain ways.
They have no qualms with a sister who prefers to be called ‘he’. He was more gifted than most and, whatever he lacked, he makes up through sheer willpower and guile.
His moral compass isn’t black and white but there are certain aspects to it that do appear… impregnable.
It’s because of Desmond’s moral compass that the mother knew he would never agree to siding with Darth Sidius.
In fact, Desmond would absolutely lead them to a civil war if he learns of what Darth Sidius had done just to stop the clan from assisting the Sith Lord and then he’d definitely try to kill Darth Sidius himself.
Talzin knew the child enough to know that he would destroy the stability she was preserving if he remained with them.
Desmond was also one of her most precious students. An orphan she had taken in and nurtured, answered every questions and trained personally.
She cannot kill him even if she knew that it was better than he died here, before he could reach greater magic than she herself could.
So she banishes him, made up some pathetic excuse.
And he didn’t call her out to it.
He didn’t try to plead his innocence.
It was unnerving.
The child knew that he was being banished by the one person that raised him as her own.
And it was like he was expecting it.
That wasn’t right.
It was like…
He didn’t know it was going to happen but, now that it did, he wasn’t surprised by it.
As if it was a given that his mother would leave him.
They sent him in a merchant ship that would tell him about each planet they’d visit and he can leave at any time.
If he wanted to, he can work for the merchant ship and learn the trades.
Talzin believed that he would do well, whatever he turned out to be.
So when she heard of a nightsister wearing the robes of a Jedi…
When she saw a hologram of Desmond, older and composed…
Melding the Force and their magic fluently to destroy all who stand before him with the calmness of a Jedi and the merciless of a Nightsister.
She knew…
It was only a matter of time before he returned to them…
To pass judgment upon the people who abandoned him.
#you wanted to focus on obiwan friendship#obiwan is pretty much desmond's moral compass XD#my hands decided#oh outside pov about how much the nightsisters fucked up#hahahaha#man desmond being in phantom menace would be so wacked#obiwan: desmond no#quigon: desmond maybe#desmond: desmond yes!#if you guys want more star wars crossover check the tag#fic idea: star wars#fic idea: assassin's creed#teecup writes/has a plot#ask and answer#desmond miles#assassin's creed
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Hello, here is a dragon as peace offerings.

Now that I’ve offered a sacrifice and I won’t be shot for getting into the spirit a day too early, I want to ask:
Do you think Killer and Color would celebrate Giftmas, or would they avoid the holiday because it reminds them of what they’ve lost too much? Do you think there would be any holiday they would be enthusiastic about?
I personally think Killer would love April fools.
Aw thank you! It’s adorable. Here ya go!
I think they wouldn’t rush themselves into celebrating just because others are, especially if they don’t have the means.
I do think they’d at least get eachother gifts on Giftmas. I like to think that during Killer’s captivity under with Nightmare, Color would send him pictures and videos of certain things—like a Giftmas tree, the sound of something going on but all Killer can focus on is the sound of Color’s laughter, the sound of rain because it helps Color sleep and maybe it’ll help Killer too, but really it only helps Killer sleep because it reminds him of Color.
It’s easier for Killer to dream a good dream when the rain is going, and sometimes he even dreams of Color and for now they’re together even though theyre likely universes apart at that moment. He can’t afford to keep all the pictures and videos in case Nightmare finds it, so he tries to commit the sounds of rain and colors sweet laughter and soothing words and the colors of Giftmas lights—a poor mockery of colors burning flame—into memory.
doesn’t often work but he tries his best.
despite all their planning, when the day finally came they could safely celebrate Giftmas together, they didn’t really know what to do. bittersweet memories and feelings. remember when it took me 15 hours to reply to your message because nightmare called me and you went to sleep praying i wouldn’t be dead in the morning or that I wouldn’t be bleeding out again this time, checking your phone and scrounging the news to see if maybe something happened immediately when you woke up.
they told eachother the things they’d like to get for eachother, not really possible at the moment when money is tight and has to go to ensuring their basic needs are met first. they spend their first giftmas alone together with the cats, watching a movie curled up on their bed and cuddling and just trying to not invite the painful memories into the room. the cats gets extra attention and treats.
they’ll get there eventually.
I do think they like Halloween though. Killer tries to rope color into April Fool’s but somehow always winds up teaming up with Epic and Mecha to cause ultra chaos. he makes it a goal to mostly make every prank for color harmless and funny because he loves seeing and hearing that man laugh. he loves knowing he’s the reason why color is happy and feeling.
#howlsasks#averageimp#utmv#sans au#sans aus#cw trafficking#cw abuse implied#color spectrum duo#cookiecutter duo#color sans#killer sans#killer!sans#colour sans#color!sans#othertale sans#othertale#epic sans#epic!sans#mecha sans#mecha!sans#abyss team#utmv headcanons#killertale#undertale something new#undertalesomethingnew#something new sans#something new au#killertale sans#undertale au#undertale aus
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Fluffmas Day 5: Mistletoe w/Shigiraki Tomura˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Word count: 1.6k, Gender-neutral reader
The Christmas season had returned to the league once more as everyone settled in. Twice making duplicates to speed the process up, Kurogiri makes sure the hideout stays warm- or at least as warm as it can be with the cracks and broken eating units.
Toga was going over to everyone with decorations in hand, urging everyone to do their part. Shigaraki groaned as he’s dragged around in his usual hoodie and skinny jeans, his expression already making clear he’s not exactly in the Christmas spirit.
“Why are we doing this?” He grumpily inquires.
Toga giggles as she grasps him by the shoulders, forcing him to stand in front of the totally not impromptu tree. “Oh c’mon! Just a little holiday decorating isn’t gonna kill you” He shoves her hands off of him, crossing his arms.
“Decorating is stupid, we’re all adults here, what kind of loser wastes time on that?”
Toga rolls her eyes, “Oh no need to be a Grinch, it's just fun to do every now and then!”
He rolls his eyes as he takes another look at the tree, “Yeah, for dorks….” he mutters under his breath.
Toga hands him a box of ornaments to hang up, “There ya go, just a little bit of decorating” she grins with a giggle.
As you walk into the room, Toga gasps, handing you a box. “Y/N! Here here! We’ve gotta set up hehe” You take the box from her- or rather from her shoving it toward you. You thank her before peeking inside. Shigaraki lets out a small eye roll as his only reaction before continuing to untangle his set of lights.
You open the box pulling out different assortments of lights and tinsel, finally pulling out a small mistletoe with a hook attached to the top of it. You glance at it curiously.
Shigaraki stops fiddling with his lights as he notices the mistletoe in your hand, instantly a confused look appears on his face as he raises a brow. “The hell is that?”
You look between him and the leaves, “A mistletoe i think” You glance around, trying to find the perfect spot to place it.
“The hell is a mistletoe?” His raspy voice perks up. You whip your head to meet him as you chuckle, “You don't know what a…a mistletoe is?”
The silence that follows is enough to be an answer. You clear your throat, “Oh..oh um well- basically you hang it up and whoever the two people that walk under it have to…kiss.”
His eyes widen slightly as a grimace meets his face. “Ew, kiss?!”
You nod, now glancing at the ceiling thoughtfully. Shigaraki watches you look around to hang the mistletoe up as the realization starts to hit him, his face feeling a bit warm. “Y-you’re actually gonna hang it up?”
“Yep” is the only thing you give him as you stick a thumbtack into the wall, hang the mistletoe up and look back on your work. It was in a fairly good area, just near the corridor to your designated rooms.
Shigaraki gulped a bit, now that the mistletoe was up, and he was suddenly aware of its meaning, a small shiver went down his spine at the idea of what could happen if he got you under there… no no! He didn't care about that and he certainly didn't care about you.
Time flies by between decorating and cleaning. Shigaraki glances up at the mistletoe once in a while, the nervous feeling starting to grow a bit more as he continues to place up the Christmas decorations with you and Twice, his arms starting to ache slightly.
He finishes placing up the last little Christmas tree ornament before taking a step back and looking around at the decorations, a faint bit of satisfaction to be seen on his face before he turns back to you. “We’re done, at least now I don’t have to be reminded of Christmas for another 11 months”
You chuckle softly and nod. “Very true, but I guess this isn't too bad.” You pick up the empty boxes, pointing to a couple more. “Could you help me move those to the closet?”
Shiagaraki takes the cue and nods, “Sure whatever..”
The two of you walked down the corridor, bringing the boxes to the closet a couple at a time, stacking them and shutting the door. It didn't take long before the two of you were walking down the corridor in silence, entering the main lounge once more.
As you walk in, the sound of togas squeals can be heard. The small bit of anxiety growing within Shigaraki as Toga’s exclamation makes him look in her direction “What…?”
Toga giggles with a knowing smirk on her face, “You’re under the mistletoe ya dummy!”
You raise your brows, looking up at the taunting bundle of leaves. “Huh, i think i fell into my own trap..”
Shigaraki lets out a small ‘Tch’ as he glares at the ornament. “Well… y’didnt exactly fall for a trap, just kinda fell into a holiday cliche”
You look at Toga curiously, “But uh… I just put it up, yeah? So- so we don't gotta haha…right?”
Toga shakes her head, her smirk widening as she crosses her arms “No no, the mistletoe is a very strict ruler, if two people are under it… someone’s gotta kiss”
Shigaraki’s face starts turning a brighter shade of pink as he realizes what Toga was impling, he stutters out a small protest. “I-I mean that’s just a stupid holiday rule, we don’t gotta follow it!”
You nod along, agreeing with Shigaraki for once, “Yeah, it's just a picky tradition, eh?”
Toga nods, but her smirk doesn’t go away for a second, ”Not exactly picky, if two people are trapped below the mistletoe, someone’s gotta get their smooch on!”
The thought crosses your mind faintly…kissing Tomura?! Under the mistletoe?! In front of the league no less and surrounded by pretty lights and the smell of cheap gingerbread candles…
‘What's one peck?’
Toga’s smirk widens a bit more as she looks at you and shigaraki, her eyes switching back and forth between you both like she was watching some kind of tennis match. “C’mon, just a quick lil kiss, it’s no big deal!”
You sigh, finally giving in, leaning up and pecking Tomura on the cheek, the roughness of his skin meeting your plush lips. “There”
Dhigaraki’s face immediately turns a dark red as you quickly steal a kiss from his cheek, surprise was an understatement to the expression on his face. He lets out a small stutter as he reaches up to unconsciously touch the spot where you pecked him, a look of shock and disbelief in his eyes.
Toga lets out a small exaggerated gasp as she dramatically feigns falling back onto a couch. “O-oh my! The two love birds finally did it! I knew I should’ve placed that mistletoe up months ago!!”
You shake your head at her antics, feeling your own face fume up. You quickly evade the situation by walking off and seeing what everyone else needed help with, hands clenched to your side.
Shigaraki watches as you walk away from the mistletoe, a bit of relief to be seen, he then turns in Toga’s direction and gives her a small glare while his cheeks remain flushed “You did that on purpose didn’t you…?”
Toga grins widely as she nods, “Oh absolutely, I’ve been hoping that mistletoe would get to do its job for weeks now!”
He groans in annoyance as he crosses his arms, letting out a small mutter under his breath. “You’re so damn annoying…”
Toga chuckles and bounces off, leaving Tomura with his thoughts. Those thoughts that swirled throughout him as the night went on, finding him lost in a circle as he sat on the couch, hands fidgeting.
He decided to start scrolling through his phone as he waited for everyone to head off to their respective rooms for the night, a small yawn escaping him as he glanced up and saw the last person beside him in the room.
“Man… finally, everyone can go to bed and just shut up for the night…”
You hum in agreement, slowly making your way toward the corridor with a yawn, unknowingly passing through the mistletoe once more. Shigaraki watches you walk under the mistletoe as the realization hits him like a punch in the gut, he quickly gets up off the couch and looks in your direction. “Hey… wait a second!”
Shigaraki catches up to you, looking up at the mistletoe, an embarrassed look on his face as he motions to it. “W-we’re both under the mistletoe now… that whole silly rule…”
You quirk a brow, “Did you run over here just to get another kiss?”
Shigaraki’s face immediately warmed, looking away and quickly shaking his head in denial. “W-what? Of course not, that’s stupid! I just don’t like things being unfinished…”
You look at him, unimpressed, “Uh huh…”
He crosses his arms and looks away slightly. “Oh you’re just as bad as Toga! Everyone’s making such a big deal out of this holiday kiss crap…”
You take advantage of this moment, reaching forward and capturing his lips for a split second in a peck before pulling away, both of your hearts racing within one another's chest.
He freezes in place the second you place your hands on his wrists, but a small shiver goes down his spine as you lean up to gently kiss his lips, a small gasp escaping him as you pull back, his face an entire deep red as his heart races.
“There you go, Shigi” You mumble, smiling softly before retreating to your room.
He remains frozen for a second, his knees starting to feel slightly weak as his heart raced in his chest. He watches as you retreat into your room, letting out a shaky exhale as he tries to slow down his heart, “F-Fuck me… I’m screwed…”
{Taglist: @staygoldsquatchling02}
#drabble#cute#my hero acadamy#my hero acedamia#one shot#reader insert#fluff#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#fluffmas#tomura shigiraki x reader#mha tomura#flufftober#shigaraki tomura#tomura shiragaki#bnha tomura#tomura x reader#tomura shigaraki#shimura tenko#tenko shimura#shigaraki tenko#mha tenko#bnha tenko#bnha fanart#bnha#bnha x reader#mha#boku no hero acedamia#mha fanart#mha x reader
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Plausibility of Different Toxic Workplace Yuri in the Inquisitorius: a Very Serious Report
there are seven known female members of the Inquisitorius across star wars canon, not counting the unnamed inquisitor mentioned in Ghosts of Dathomir, and the unidentified inquisitors of unknown gender mentioned in Savage Spirits and Crimson Climb. they are summed up in a previous post, and include:
the Second Sister (Trilla Suduri)
the Third Sister (Reva Sevander)
the Fourth Sister (Lyn Rakish)
the Seventh Sister
the Ninth Sister (Masana Tide)
the Thirteenth Sister (Iskat Akaris)
and Barriss Offee, for a limited time frame.
that gives us 21 potential pairings. i have examined them all based on their time in the organization, the likelihood of having met before joining, their appearances together and their personalities. let's take a look.
2 x 3
Second and Third Sisters have a somewhat similar personality and role in their main media. they have never interacted to our knowledge. Trilla dies just five years into her tenure, while Reva joins at an unknown date after the organization's founding. she would be 17 at the time of Trilla's death, and may not have even been a member at that point. they may well have met before Order 66, as Trilla's master was a Seeker and they both worked with younglings (and were captured while trying to protect a group from clone troopers), but obviously no relationship happened there.
PROBABILITY: LOW for timeline reasons
TOXICITY: EXTREMELY HIGH. what if you were a teenager full of rage and i was reminded both of myself just a few years ago and of the children i failed to rescue every time i looked at you 😳
2 x 4
Second and Fourth Sisters were concurrent members for around five years, and may have known each other or been peers before (i don't quite believe they were, as Lyn's dynamic with Barriss Offee seems to go against that). we have never seen them interact but there is no reason to believe they haven't, as they were present in the headquarters at the same time for at least a while; inquisitors are often sent on missions in pairs or teams, and there aren't that many of them.
PROBABILITY AND TOXICITY: MODERATE. Lyn was very much not over Barriss leaving her for basically the whole time these two knew each other. Trilla the inquisitor is not one for socializing but who's to say she never needed to blow off some steam.
2 x 7
Second and Seventh Sister were both inquisitors for the first five years of the organization's existence, and both were likely broken by torture. we've seen them together once, standing around in disinterest while their colleagues toast with shitty local alcohol, shortly before Trilla's death. they may well have met before becoming inquisitors but both are keen to forget their pasts.
PROBABILITY AND TOXICITY: MODERATE. neither is particularly sociable, and Seventh especially is difficult to get along with. they have a lot in common but not the good parts, is what i'm saying.
2 x 9

Second and Ninth Sister were concurrently members for five years, and were sent together on a mission to Bracca in Jedi: Fallen Order. while they get separated (forever) seeing it through, it isn't the only time we've seen them cooperating. they were both broken by torture and have quite a bit in common, though they picked different coping strategies. they almost certainly didn't know each other before Order 66 (Cere, Trilla's master, didn't know Masana).
PROBABILITY: MODERATE to HIGH. by which i mean that we've seen them comfortably work together in canon, which automatically puts them to the top of amicable inquisitor relationships. Trilla is very closed off, but Masana might have more success getting her to open up than most.
TOXICITY: MODERATE. neither is dealing with their extreme trauma in a particularly healthy way so putting them together is. hmmm.
2 x 13
we know Trilla and Iskat have interacted at Inquisitorius HQ, and they die in quick succession five years after joining. we have Iskat's POV attesting they hadn't met before Order 66, and that she was never in anything resembling a relationship. new recruit Iskat is desperate for friends but is put off by Trilla's hostility during training, and gets a boyfriend relatively soon after, whom she keeps until they die.
PROBABILITY: LOW. Iskat is not successful trying to get close to Trilla in canon and gets a long-term inquisitor boyfriend instead.
TOXICITY: HIGH. Iskat was famously a voluntary recruit, while Trilla had to be dragged in kicking and screaming, broken by torture and betrayal. she makes it clear she wants nothing to do with Iskat, or anyone for that matter. timeline-wise any relationship Iskat could have with her would involve a lot of jealousy and borderline cheating on Tualon.
2 x Barriss
Barriss spends a short time with the Inquisitorius, seemingly in a different facility entirely from their HQ. it is possible Trilla is currently there getting tortured but that isn't exactly conductive to a relationship. Barriss doesn't appear to meet any inquisitors apart from those shown in Tales of the Empire (the Grand Inquisitor, Lyn, guy killed later by Ahsoka, other guy killed later by Ahsoka) before deserting. they might have met back as Jedi but nothing suggests that.
PROBABILITY AND TOXICITY: LOW. there is no real space for them to interact in canon.
3 x 4
we don't know how much Third and Fourth Sister's time with the Inquisitorius overlaps, but we have seen them working together. Reva has a lot of friction with Fifth Brother and the Grand Inquisitor in those scenes, but is chill with Fourth Sister. it has been almost ten years since Barriss left by that point, shortly before Reva leaves, and a couple years before Lyn follows them both.
PROBABILITY: MODERATE. Reva is extremely focused on her mission but then again, there is downtime during transportation and such. Lyn is there, much more approachable than others present, and pining for Barris.
TOXICITY: MODERATE to HIGH. Reva goes from the lowest-status coworker to Lyn's boss to presumed dead traitor over a couple days, which is also the only period we can be sure they spent together.
3 x 7
we have no idea whether these two ever interacted. they don't have that much in common compared to some other pairings but i don't see anything making it impossible for them to hatefuck at some point 🤷♀️
3 x 9
we don't know when Reva joined up exactly, but they both left the Inquisitorius around the same time (well, Reva left. Masana got decapitated). their missions had some small overlap so it isn't out of the question that they would have cooperated off-screen. i think Reva would have reminded Masana of Trilla, who she used to work with quite well. they both have complex relationships to Darth Vader (Reva wants to murder him to death for killing her family, while Masana was mutilated by him several times over and copes via humor).
PROBABILITY: MODERATE. you can't tell me Masana wouldn't be up for it, while Reva seems much more likely to fool around with someone who also lost so much to Vader.
TOXICITY: MODERATE because inquisitor Reva absolutely cannot have a healthy relationship but also there isn't much about Masana making it worse.
3 x 13
similar to Trilla, it's doubtful Reva ever set foot in the Inquisitorius before Iskat's death. if she did, she would have been 17 at most when Iskat dies, and Iskat would have spent the entire time having her evil romance with Tualon. Iskat also joined the organization willingly and always felt Order 66 was completely justified, so i can't imagine Reva would be chill with her.
PROBABILITY: LOW for both timeline and general compatibility reasons.
TOXICITY: EXTREMELY HIGH. Iskat juggling her possessive broken jedi boyfriend who halfheartedly tried to kill her and this teen who very much wants to end her life. someone would die and it wouldn't take long.
3 x Barriss
one of only two pairings on the list i'm practically completely positive couldn't have met while inquisitors. they both deserted though, so maybe they'll meet up eventually...?
4 x 7
they served the Inquisitorius concurrently for around 16 years but we never saw them interacting, or heard of them working together. they don't have much in common personality-wise, other than being capable and dedicated enough to keep their jobs (and lives) that long in this rather intense work environment. however, while Seventh is quick to piss off her colleagues, Lyn is generally level-headed and willing to work with others. maybe opposites attract?
PROBABILITY: MODERATE. their other coworkers drop like flies and their dating pool is pretty limited otherwise due to their careers. also they're both green-yellow?
TOXICITY: MODERATE. you can't have a non-toxic relationship involving Seventh tbh
4 x 9
ten years working together. we haven't seen any notable interactions between them but i don't see why they couldn't have become work buddies at some point, since they're the more pleasant to work with inquisitors around. similar to Reva and Masana, their missions around 10 years post-Order 66 overlap a bit, so they might have cooperated.
PROBABILITY: MODERATE. neither of them is seething with hatred 24/7 or completely isolating themselves, and their other colleagues keep leaving or dying. what's a girl to do but fuck that huge alien gal?
TOXICITY: LOW. i don't really see why they couldn't have a fling. being colleagues is like the most questionable thing they have going on.
4 x 13
Iskat tried to become friends with Lyn, got brushed off, and soon afterwards got reunited with Tualon, who became her hobby until they died 5 years later. they decidedly didn't know each other back before Order 66. i suppose they have a bit in common in being willing recruits, and that Lyn might become more receptive to Iskat wanting companionship once she gets over Barriss (or the wound becomes less fresh, i guess).
PROBABILITY: LOW. they missed their shot.
TOXICITY: MODERATE because of Tualon's existence, Lyn pining over Barriss, plus their first impressions not being great.
4 x Barriss
they knew each other before Order 66, and Barriss spent most of her inquisitor time under Lyn's wing in some way. Lyn clearly feels strongly about Barriss leaving her, for quite some time. there isn't much space for yuri shenanigans before Barriss leaves but plenty after their reunion.

PROBABILITY: PRETTY LOW if we're concerned only with true workplace yuri, since Barriss was still very much getting her bearings and then left right away. you can't prove it didn't happen though.
TOXICITY: HIGH. your heartbroken almost-ex gets you out of jail after a government coup, recruits you into a weird culty organization, becomes your boss, tries to get you to kill civilians, you throw her of a cliff. regardless where we imagine the kissing happened it's pretty weird.
7 x 9
they have 10 years of working for the Inquisitorius, and have been on missions together before. also one of those missions involved going undercover at a casino and gambling on company time. Seventh wore a dress. that's practically a date innit
PROBABILITY: HIGH. both are snarky gals coping with their extreme trauma through having irreverent fun on the job. what's more fun than putting your mouthy coworker in her place?
TOXICITY: MODERATE mostly because Seventh is involved.
7 x 13
they've been thoroughly introduced to each other shortly after Iskat's recruitment and it didn't go well for either one. Iskat keeps well clear of Seventh afterwards for both life preservation purposes and general ease of life. she also has a thrilling pseudo-romance with her somewhat murdery boyfriend Tualon, so i don't imagine she's likely to seek out Seventh for thrills.
PROBABILITY: LOW. they hate each other but not in a sexy way, and both have better outlets.
TOXICITY: EXTREMELY HIGH. murder murder murder.
7 x Barriss
even at her most morally questionable i don't think Barriss would ever be drawn to Seventh Sister. they well may have met as Jedi, since it is suggested Mirialans stick together at least somewhat during the prequel era. it is very doubtful they met while Barriss was with the Inquisitorius, however.
PROBABILITY: LOW for timeline and compatibility reasons.
TOXICITY: HIGH. what if you found the timid healer-turned-terrorst girl in a hallway, all alone and wide-eyed in her new evil uniform, and decided to show her the wonders of the dark side...
9 x 13
they know each other for five years, and Masana essentially becomes Iskat's closest companion showing her the ropes in the Inquisitorius, until she reunites with Tualon. they talk pretty freely and Iskat considers Masana a "lively sparring partner". they didn't know each other before being recruited. Iskat had done so voluntarily, Masana not so much but has accepted her role by the time they meet.
PROBABILITY AND TOXICITY: MODERATE. i'd envision it as part of Iskat's self-realization arc. there is a parallel between Masana and Tualon's recruitment, and maybe Masana could do as him and make the most of it. that doesn't mean she'd forget, though.
9 x Barriss
there is very little probability they ever met, as inquisitors or otherwise. i think Barriss would find Masana intimidating at best, and Masana "it would be fun to bring you in, watch you crack like the rest of us" Tide would probably have thoughts about Barriss' recruitment.
PROBABILITY: LOW for timeline and compatibility reasons.
TOXICITY: HIGH. let Masana show this pipsqueak just what she signed up for.
13 x Barriss
Barriss is long gone by the time Iskat properly joins the Inquisitorius, and Iskat's story rules out them having a fling either as jedi or afterwards.
#feedback appreciated!#inquisitorius#trilla suduri#reva sevander#lyn rakish#seventh sister#masana tide#iskat akaris#barriss offee#star wars inquisitors
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A more fleshed out idea of how I would have ended the Lenector story in the most balanced way I can think of.
Lenore is Hector's prisoner, as per canon. He still treats her as nothing happened, like a good friend, but Lenore is sulking and angry and not even bothering to keep up the façade like Hector used to do in her position. It's unfair, after she treated him as her only confidant, and she couldn't care less, that's what the traitor gets. Hector thinks he should be happy, to have reversed the roles on her... but he isn't. Unlike Lenore, power over another person doesn't satisfy him. He can't help but see her as a depressed animal in a cage... much like he used to be.
He wanted to protect her, he really did, but only now he's seeing how much hurt he caused her. Much like she said she meant to do with the ring, although to this day he doesn't know if it was a lie or the truth. There is no joy in inflicting her the same fate she inflicted upon him, even if it comes from a place of well-meaning and not selfishness. He has seen what that kind of "eye for an eye" mentality brings to the world, and he wants none of it.
So, he finally takes a decision for himself, and repays the one debt he has with her. He helps her flee from the castle. He is, for the first time, showing empathy to a person and not an animal.
(I don't even think Isaac needs to be kept in the dark. Lenore on her own is harmless, nothing like Carmilla who became a danger to the world. Hector and Lenore are dangerous tools in the wrong hands, but they lack the ambition that makes them solid threats, as they are mostly concerned with feeling safe. If Isaac truly wants to do good to everyone, he has no reason to keep Lenore as a prisoner, not even to force her to work for him. Same for Hector, since the two might have "forgiven" each other, but they have no relationship whatsoever. Perhaps him heeding Hector's request could show more how compassionate he has truly grown.)
Lenore is confused as to why, and Hector more or less explains that he couldn't bear watching her drinking herself into a stupor. Lenore snaps, and yells at him that he has no right to feeling sorry for her after what he has done, after going behind her back, after ruining her life... and is promptly shot down by Hector flashing his mutilated hand. Every ounce of ire Lenore directs at Hector is actually directed at herself, and they both know it. She is deeply regretting everything she did for the sake of people that didn't even respect her, she is just too proud to apologize. And her pride, her insecurity, her need to be the one in control, was what prevented her from truly being the good person she wanted to be. The very reason Hector wasn't happy with her despite her best efforts, and destroyed her life.
She really thought something so paltry as a slave ring would tame the human spirit. She really thought humans, like vampires, would care more about safety than freedom. For a diplomat who set herself to bridge humankind and vampirekind, she let her basic instincts get the better of her.
"Why didn't you just kill me back then?" she yells, attacks, it feels so good to blame Hector rather than herself. "At least I wouldn't have known how little I matter to you!"
"I'm no longer that child," Hector responds. "I'm no longer the boy who believes to have the right to punish others. Besides, shouldn't you know the desire to spare someone's life no matter what?"
They had never breached that subject again, not after Lenore dismissed it in a fit of denial. It still weighs on her. He can no longer care.
"All this time," Hector says at last, "I expected an apology, but I think I don't need it anymore. As much as I don't need you anymore. I'm grateful for your efforts to protect me from your sisters' ire, so now I'll use them to live for myself. I'm sorry it had to be this way."
He holds no grudges anymore, and he has genuinely come to appreciate the real Lenore behind her masks and the way she took care of him during the previous six weeks, when the world would have chewed him and spit him out; but at the same time, he can't bear staying with her. She makes him too sad. It reminds him of how low he allowed himself to be brought for the sake of some scraps of love. She reminds him too much of a version of him he doesn't want to be. There are too many conflicting feelings in him. He can't help but think that, in another life, the two could have been genuine friends, if not more... but not this one. Too much baggage, too much shared misery. He is done with it. No more will he seek safety and love in other people, as if he wasn't strong enough. He deserves better.
Lenore doesn't know what to think anymore. She wants to die so badly, she is almost tempted to not hide herself from the sun: she can't concieve her existence as nothing more than a black hole, unworthy of living. She is nothing more than a disgusting monster doomed to spread misery to the world, she thinks, and she should die like one. She has nothing left, no allies, no home, and the one person she fell in love with is pulling away from her, and she can't bear being abandoned, and she completely understands why he's doing so. At the same time, however... Hector too has nothing left, and yet he wants to live. After everything he went through, after himself desiring death at Isaac's hand, he wants to experience real life, not survival like he has done since he was born. Lenore pretended to praise his strength when she was manipulating him, but now she has come to genuinely admire that trait. Can she, a vampire used to nothing but comfort, be as strong as a human being?
She wants to ask Hector if he thinks she's a good person. A glance at his mutilated hand answers her more than any word could. Lenore, all this time, had no idea what being "good" meant, she was only good at putting up a façade of gentleness, and she thought it was enough. All this time, she behaved like a vampire pretending to be human... so now, she will learn from the best human she has ever met. The best person. The only one who saw her as a person as well, behind her masks, behind her usefulness.
Even if Hector is now walking towards the dawn, with nothing but his resolution. For the first time, he will live for him, for himself.
They will never meet again, but in a twisted way, they gave each other what they needed to grow.
#netflix castlevania#netflixvania thoughts#netflixvania#not tagging the main tag#lenector#lenore thoughts#lenore castlevania#also not tagging hector because i don't want to use the same tag as game hector and i can't think of an alternative#this is really the fairest i could be#it doesn't fix all the issues of the storyline such as hector's contradicting plan or the ring straight up not working#but there you go. this is how i would have done things without punishing any of them unfairly#see just treat the sympathetic villain like a sympathetic villain and the victim as someone capable of growing#toxic ships are valid and toxic unhealthy dynamics fascinate me so! that's why i can't stop thinking about this story and its potential#also i couldn't help inserting some of the themes of the cod mangas#like associating humanity with strength and will to live#... and i think in the process i kinda turned lenore into game isaac whoops
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Hi! I saw you did Riddler finding out he had a teenage daughter he never knew about and meeting her so can you do it with all the Scarecrow's too? I dunno the limit to how many charachters can be in a post so just take your time and thank you!
Hell ya Jon being a dad!
Scarecrows with a teenage daughter
Tw:death,fear toxin
A man already dealing with quite the past Jonathan crane was of the opinion nothing could surprise him at this point
Oh boy how wrong he was
williamina was the result of a relationship long since dead that he never considered becoming a variable in the future
Mina only being 16 was told repeatedly to avoid any possible contact with her father after the Halloween incident.
Just like her dear old dad,she was quite the rebellious one
Jonathan can’t exactly ignore the resemblance especially the look from the eyes
Turns out with mom mostly being rather on the negligent side Mina needed someone to be there with her during the big years of her life
Jonathan starts finding out he has some rather ingrained parenting instincts
His old teaching habits really come back to him!
Teaching such a young mind his years of well earned knowledge really invigorates his spirit
He certainly doesn’t intend to turn the little prodigy into a lab rat. He’s the master of fear but he’s not a heartless monster
He’s definitely one of those dad’s who sits down and has heart to hearts with his kids over something like tea.
“Come have seat a young one,tell me what clings to your soul.”
He more than anyone knows the kind of someone so young around someone like him needs to be checked on here and there.
She’s definitely going to inherit her father’s more theatrical side let’s be honest with ourselves here.
She’s getting taught every little bit of chemistry he knows,both out of a way to expand his child’s intelligence but also to keep her safe.
Mina helps him when his leg acts up. According to her it’s the least she can do for him
He greatly appreciates it though he’s not always vocal about it
Very similar to Arkham Jon btas jon is a man who is surprised by such a thing
He was never a ladies man, his previous partners be dammed but that certainly won’t stop him from being apart of Jenna’s life
Especially when Jenna reaches out actually wanting to meet her old man
15 and yet very clingy of her old man,understandable seeing as she doesn’t exactly have a lot of people to turn to
Is definitely the kinda dad who enacts curfew because he’s so damm worried about where his daughter is
Overprotective as hell
“No jenna I don’t want you on the streets after 8! I may be the master of feet but I know Gotham.”
Helping this girl with her homework constantly.
Doesn’t exactly want her involved with his criminal work directly,last thing he wants her is going to Arkham
Kids don’t belong in a place like that
Edward and jervis easily become her “uncles” Incase something happens to her hold man
Jenna has giggle at one of his master of fear rants
He was grumpy for hours after it
Let’s be completely honest here,this man is the most likely to end up accidentally getting bun in the oven,risk is his territory.
The fact he’s even surprised when Lilith shows up to the office of one dr Jonathan crane is a joke in itself.
He doesn’t initially think she’s telling the truth.
Gets corrected almost immediately when he recognizes her mothers name and really takes a good look at the kid
A little apprehensive about even having a kid around.
His general customers are indeed kids around her age range
Lilith however for good or bad inherited daddy’s charisma and charm
He doesn’t immediately tell her about his……….culinary behaviors
Would probably never forgive himself if something happened to her
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t slowly put together whats going on
“You scare people……with drugs?” “I’m providing a service kiddo! Why I’m basically paying for your college education!”
Girl is gonna get spoiled with the amount of drug money he’s pulling in.
Miss autumn ATTEMPTS to help Jonathan navigate the turmoil that comes with one so young
Extremely “your parent is your best friend” relationship
Movie nights are a weekly tradition
Year one

He certainly hasn’t had a lot if healthy relationships in his existence
It wasn’t long ago he went on that hunt to find his own father,Vera was just another who had too.
Genuinely a guilt ridden soul when he finds out.
He may not have known about her but that still doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel like a fool
It’s not out of obligation by blood he takes Vera in but more so because he understands what it’s like to be alone at such a young age .
Definitely a relationship based upon slowly warming up to one another
He’s definitely the over protective type always making sure she isn’t bullied
Lord forbid if they’re ever were they’d be dead within an hour of finding out
Absolutely fosters an adoration for reading
#batman#batman rouges#asks#headcanon#arkhamverse#batman the animated series#batman arkham series#arkham scarecrow#btas scarecrow#btaa scarecrow#year one scarecrow#batman the audio adventures
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“With all our focus on memory and the promise, this “trilogy” is a trilogy on perspective. Memory and perspective are deeply entwined because memories aren’t an exact recall. They’re coloured by how we feel, context around them, and they’re different every time we remember. The first two episodes show memories impacted by a combination of external influence and internal biases: aka, the major things getting in the way of Catra and Adora’s communication and pushing them farther apart. Catra and Adora’s whole conflict, and the catalyst for the whole story, is based on a difference in perspective. In this spirit, of course the one thing I do wish we’d gotten more of is Adora’s point of view to see her inner journey go from “I mean you are kind of disrespectful” and “you never protected me!” to “Shadow Weaver hurt us, I haven’t forgotten that”…
But it still works.
It’s fitting that this all leads to ‘Corridors’, where we see our first flashback without outside influence, and that’s where things start to change for the better. Where instead of distorted half truths, it’s just a simple honest reflection that opens a path forward. From ‘Promise’ to ‘Corridors’ we get the bookends of the beginning and end of Catra’s proper villain arc. And both include shots of her looking into a mirror. First disoriented in ‘Promise’ and then more soberly in ‘Corridors’.
So having gone over all these similarities - do I think the “trilogy” is intentional? I don’t know but probably not. What it is I think is a mark of good writing. I think the amount of parallels, callbacks and symmetry between these episodes is a testament to solid writing instincts when writing significant episodes and the story’s arc. So me pointing this out is less a “Aha, they all planned this from the start” and more of a huge amount of praise to the care, attention and understanding put into the story. And the byproduct of this kind of understanding are these fun patterns and artistic harmony which make the story all the more immersive, fun to watch and fun to think about.”
I attest to all of this, including the assumption that it probably wasn’t intended because TV show making just doesn’t work that way. At least it never used to work that way. Maybe more so recently - where they map out a full season’s worth of narrative and characterization content in a TV show right from the beginning - due to the show creators’ anxiety of cancellation and they want to make sure they’re not just wasting their time, energy and money so map it all out beginning to end.
But otherwise… no, a TV show is basically treated like a living being and so things can change at any moment throughout both the writing and production processes. So yes, I would just say this particular show creator had a very good grasp on what it was that he wanted from the story that these 3 episodes do seem like a trilogy.
It is the mark of very good writing that there is this many parallels, callbacks and symmetry in episodes.
It’s passionate, careful and conscientious writing. I could (probably have) pointed out many in Xena too because that show also was treated like a living being where they just let the show basically write itself by paying attention to how certain aspects with the narrative and characterization played out and… of course the audience’s reception from it. With the exception of Joss Whedon I can’t think of any truly great writer that doesn’t let things happen naturally and isn’t a control freak about absolutely everything.
Odds are Stevenson had a vision of what he wanted for the trajectory of the show but just allowed nature to take its course and wrote to whatever felt most right.
TV shows that are treated like living beings are the very best kind in my opinion. She-Ra is no exception to that.
#she-ra and the princesses of power#promise#remember#corridors#catradora#adora#aimee carrero#catra#aj michalka#memory#perspective#parallels#callbacks#symmetry#she-ra’s internal trilogy#five by five takes
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Hey Jasper! Hope you're keeping well :)
I'm Fern, he/him pronouns, no specific deck preference
So a bit of background before I get to the question... In 2024 I underwent two initiations to a Witch Mother and Witch Father, and had been quite rigourously prompted to do so despite my mere mortal mind protesting the timing. Yess I trust their far-seeing eyes and I knew this wouldn't be easy and I AM very excited... but I am currently going through major flare ups and there's crazy external life circumstances that will not chill for at least another 6 months. The main problem with this is that I'm super exhausted, and I've tried taking micro-breaks and then I've tried every divination method I can think of to get answers, but communication is just super blocked and I struggle to do even the most basic thing/reading/meditation. HOWEVER I have been given a psychopompic task that I can only put off for so long. I feel so honoured to be given the opportunity to help this spirit cross entirely, but I just don't know *how* to do it. My own research isn't very helpful (though I could go deeper, I know), and I don't know what it is that my Initiators themselves want me to do. I don't know if that's [how to help them pass] a question you can answer, and if not, could you perhaps do a reading on what my other steps should be? As in, are there preliminary actions to take, is there someone/something I should consult somehow, maybe even how to get rid of this blockage?
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Hello there, Fern! First thing's first, I happen to be friends with a person skilled with psychopomp work here on Tumblr - @stagkingswife! She's one of the most skilled individuals I know who's actually, you know, talked about this work.
As for the reading, I went for a "word of advice" style reading with the Radiant Wilds Tarot by Nat Girsberger. It has given you the Seven of Swords shadowed.
If you want to see change, you need to be the change first - transform yourself, and you will transform the world. You've gotta start by changing things about yourself. It seems like falling back on the old stuff you've done isn't working, so you need to put that aside and focus on new stuff instead. It's hard work to learn new things, of course, but it will be so much cooler and potentially easier once you accept the fact that things need to change. You don't have to destroy the old - this isn't the Tower card, after all - but you do need to quit falling back to the same old thing when you're unsure. The purpose of initiation, in many cases, is to have your being split open and reformed to pursue magic in a new way.
I wish you the best going forward! If you feel so inclined, please feel free to send feedback in my ask box, leave feedback in a reblog of this reading, and/or reblog my reading guidelines!
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hello neutual (new mutual). the idea of your MMJ -> Niigo genreswap is eating at my brain . I'm incredibly interested
;; hello neutual!!!!
;; is this an invitation to infodump? im taking this as an invitation to infodump :3
;; more more jump! the anonymous music circle who's members hide away from the public.
;; jist of everything is that minori "rinrin" starts composing to improve her abilities in idol auditions (don't question it), then (in order) airi "riri" gets roped in as the mv maker, then shizuku "rook" as the artist and after a whole lotta plot and sekai shenanigans, haruka "ruka" as the lyricist.
;; their personalities and whatnot are mostly the same. minori is super energetic and hopeful, for all except three hours of the day where she's the opposite (luckily she's usually asleep), haruka is haruka except sleep deprived and the guilt complex is worse, talking to airi is a 50/50 on whether she'll glare at you or walk away and shizuku... we'll get to that.
;; their sekai is the fairytale sekai and it's basically a massive forest, except for the one massive clearing that has a stage. except the stage is not in good condition..
;; each vocaloid is based off of a different fairytale thing. miku (princess) and luka (witch) are their starting vocaloids, but (in order) rin (some sorta forest spirit-esque thing) shows up in colour of myself, meiko (mythical creature tamer) shows up in you deserve it! break time!, kaito (royalty) shows up for worldwide wander and len (also some sorta forest spirit-esque thing) shows up at some other point that i haven't decided.
;; the order of events is slightly shuffled, only because colour of myself needs to be first. because colour of myself is the "shizuku quit your job" event. did i mention that she didn't quit during the main story? yeah she never gets the push she needs to quit and stays there. -> because the cloverdamned turning point quote is haruai
;; which leads back to the "and shizuku... we'll get to that." comment. yeah she's not doing well. she's been balancing work and these meetings (one of which she enjoys and finds comfort in. hint: it isn't the one involving her groupmates who hate her) so she's stressed, dealing with perfectionism and all that.
;; at some point in colour of myself, minori gets really sick and shizuku is very iffy about it. (her and rin were witness to minori starting her "sekai research", part one of which was to eat plants in the sekai. something bad happened.) that's the most random fact anyway continuing on
;; minori solves her problems in every event by getting a whole lot of sugar in her system, acting like 'normal' then sugar crashing at about four am. which is when she sleeps for three hours or just cries for no discernable reason. then she repeats this at seven am.
;; group relationship wise is funny because. minori is more chill about being in a group with the other three (having worked out their identities way before they all worked out each others and having time to process that).
;; so minoharu is along the lines of "ruka-chan responds to my kindness with trust issues. what do i do"
;; minoai is airi daring minori to do dumb stuff and minori doing it then airi getting incredibly concerned as she injures herself in more and more unhinged ways
;; and minoshizu is "[says anything]" "yeah, same".
;; haruai are attempting to murder each other at any given point. i would be joking but one of their first interactions (that ive written) in sekai is: "oh are you not gonna say hello to your groupmate momoi?" "go fuck yourself." "id rather not."
;; harushizu are looking at each other's situations and going "at least mine isn't that bad". <- they are both bad in different ways
;; shizuai is shizuai. airi is the main encourager for shizuku getting out of cheerful*days and shizuku is the number one fan of airi.
;; all of them are clingy, in very different ways. minori just needs to be able to hear them over call or see them and she's happy. shizuku will just grab onto people (airi or minori usually). airi and haruka act like they aren't clingy but panic if they haven't heard anything from one of their groupmates in a day.
;; this au is where the minoshizu part of this fic came from!
#project sekai#minori hanasato#haruka kiritani#airi momoi#shizuku hinomori#im so sorry this went on for so long#this au is silly and thats all i'll say#oh and yes. in meiko's first appearance in you deserve it! break time! she has (magic) penguins with her#cloverclub
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My Many Thoughts and Theories for the Fire Spirit Update, described at length
I don’t usually post or even create analysis/theory stuff like this but I’ve been speculating on how the plot of the Fire Spirit Update for Kingdoms is going to go for years and with not only us finally getting more material to work with in 2024 (see, the wind archer update) but ALSO us getting confirmation that Fire Spirit will be arriving in April, I feel like it’s time for me to finally articulate my thoughts on this as clearly* as I can in preparation. so here that is.
(*this may still end up kinda rambly. I’m not good at this kind of thing and this took over 2 hours to type)
the first thing I want to talk about is the leaked title screen for the update (it’s gonna be a bit blurry, these aren’t my photos but they’re the best we have)

there is a LOT in this image and I think they had to upscale it for the live event so not everything is super clear BUT . I want to bring focus to 2 specific parts of it
number 1). the middle . while it could be teasing something else, I’m personally of the belief that it’s the ultimate cookie in there. it would make sense, after all, because Wind Archer’s update revolved around him finding out about that project and @/everyone-ing the rest of the elemental guardians about it. this update will definitely at least MENTION the ending to the Wind, Piercer of Darkness update, if it doesn’t just pick up where that left off, but from fire spirit’s perspective like I believe it will, so. that being the ultimate cookie would check out and tie the updates together
number 2) the cookie opposing fire spirit. we have no clue who they are at the moment (they do look like a dessert paradise cookie, but I can’t think of a reason why they’d go to the dragon’s valley or that fire spirit would go to the dessert paradise), I’m actually more curious about what’s in their hands/wings

It’s blurry and not TOO clear, but I’m like. 85% sure that’s reflecting Fire Spirit. The colours are painfully similar and in the same place as they are on FS’ design. this feels like a pattern recognition test. while I thought it was a crystal at first and that’s definitely still an option, it looks too much like a mirror for me to dismiss that possibility. Regardless, it’s absolutely reflecting FS’ and so that leads me to wonder why?
Well. Fire Spirit REALLY needs a character arc in his update. Like desperately. Not because he’s lacking depth, I think he has plenty even in what little we’ve seen of him in kingdoms, but because of how he’s currently acting. See: the Sherbet Update
yes that is the entirety of the fire spirit cutscene in that update. I have it saved onto my phone . shush.
regardless, watching how he acts in this makes it PAINFULLY clear to me why he needs a character arc. It has been confirmed by the director that both Fire Spirit and Millennial Tree will be participating in the fight against Dark Enchantress Cookie, and so if FS is going to be there he needs to actually want to be. Which he… doesn’t give a clear answer on.
In his interaction with Sherbet, he’s dismissive of the problem and dodges the question about the Dragon’s Valley’s dwindling power (something that was later confirmed to for reals be happening in the Pitaya Dragon update, if I recall correctly) by turning to insults and just straight up fucking leaving. He’s also shown the be rather egoistical and neglectful of his duties (asking who cares about the Life Energy, something that’s LITERALLY HIS JOB TO WATCH OVER). Every other legendary who talks to Sherbet does agree there is something happening, but Fire Spirit doesn’t actually acknowledge it (despite definitely knowing about it and maybe even worrying about it, as seen by his actions). I’m summing it up basically here because I have a lot of specific thoughts on it but this post isn’t about this cutscene okay I have other things to talk about
While this behaviour DOES make him an interesting character, it won’t do for someone who’d apparently be fighting alongside the ancients and the like. He can’t just stay alone and wilfully ignorant (or too prideful to admit) of the obvious issues. Also he needs to stop bullying kids.
There’s definitely going to be a character arc for Fire Spirit where he, dare I say, gets his shit together and starts actually doing his job actively, but the real question is how it’s going to be done. It cant be too subtle either, because we only really have this update to swing Fire Spirit over to the Ancient’s side and we likely wont get a second part to it given the fact we have 5 other confirmed huge updates for 2025 (aka tje Hollyberry and the White Lily beast yeast chapters + Millennial Tree) and then the Dark Enchantress update for Jan2026. Put simply, it has to be something drastic. A wake up call.
There’s two ways I see this going.
a) This Mystery Cookie with a Red Gem is a more heroic character, and there’s a more peaceful resolution to this and Fire Spirit has to genuinely do some self reflection, much to his initial antagonistic dismay.
b) Our Mystery Cookie is not on our side, and they directly threaten either the Dragon’s Valley or Fire Spirit himself.
I, personally, believe option B to be the more interesting and compelling of the ideas we have. And more likely too, given what we’ve seen. The issue is finding out WHAT they’d do to threaten Fire Spirit.
While threatening the valley itself is definitely possible, and would lead into an easier way to make FS’ reevaluate his “just survive first and worry about how we’ll fix the bigger issue at hand first” attitude we see him have in Ovenbreak (something that his Kingdom iteration would likely share) and make him actually protect the Valley he’s supposed to be the Guardian of, it’s also harder to make worse because Fire Spirit doesn’t often show interest in the citizens of the Valley (I don’t keep up a lot with the Dragon updates, but iirc he’s barely mentioned in them as an option) and even remarks in the Flames of Longing event that he didn’t know how deep the Valley really was. It wouldn’t be impossible to create something for this, or even just threaten the valley and have this work, but I really think they’ll need to make it intense to work. Why? Because of the other big scene in the leak.

This fucking image. I need you to know that this fucking image has been burnt into my brain. It’s haunting me. It’s why I had to write all these thoughts down as coherently as I could.
It’s INTENSE. It’s very clearly Fire Spirit, the staff with his bead is obviously visible, if the raging flames weren’t a dead giveaway. But he looks PISSED, like he’s actually for reals taking this situation entirely seriously, and that terrifies me.
Even in the Flames of Longing Event, he’s still rather lighthearted. Still prideful, and maybe a bit scatterbrained to have somehow lost his staff against a tiger he can literally tame with one flick of his hand, but he’s still rather relaxed about the entire situation. He obviously WANTS his staff back, and is quite frantically looking for it, but it’s absolutely nothing intense like this.
It’s obvious he’s pissed, and to me it feels more likely that it’s due to a threat to himself. While narratively I feel as though it’d be better as a threat to something separate, after all I remind you that he needs to do that self reflection, but we’ve never seen Fire Spirit like this in regards to the Dragon’s Valley before. It’s been in shifty spots before, and we get no commentary from him about it aside from the remarks about its dwindling power. It would make sense from a character perspective to have it be a threat against Fire Spirit.
My initial idea was that the Mystery Cookie perhaps stole the Dragon’s Bead, aka the source of FS’ power. And while I could see that working, it would certainly be a decent threat, I am. Curious as to how it would work. Because it’s always sort of come off in the manner that Fire Spirit can retreat into the Orb?

This is how we see him for the majority of the Flame of Longing event. He’s the bead. The bead is STILL IN THE STAFF but like. Orb Spirit seems to take the form of the bead . So. I’m still not really sure how it works. Regardless, I do think it’s an option and really the only one we have a clue about that wouldn’t be all speculation on my end. We see this cookie (who looks weirdly like Pilot Cookie to me for some reason???) next to Fire Spirit in the load screen, after all.

Perhaps they could help him out, similar to Habanero, while he’s Orb. I think that, if Kingdoms wants to lean more into the Fire Spirit lore we already know from Ovenbreak, this will be how the update goes. How he does his self reflection I have no clue, it’s possible he sees the threat to his livelihood and decides that, yeah maybe he sjould go sort this. It would be significantly less interesting and wouldn’t make as much narrative sense to me at least, but it sure is An Option and a safer call compared to my other ideas.
This bit is just speculation, but I like the idea of it. More compelling to me is forcing Fire Spirit to reflect, perhaps through that weird kinda mirror. Perhaps we’ll even see a Lord of Ash cameo here, but I think it’s very possible that Fire Spirit’s ego will end up landing him in a losing position against this Cookie. While this usually doesn’t stop him, as he is tactical on top of his pride, it’s a road I could definitely see happening if the mystery cookie is smart enough (perhaps playing weak, making fire spirit purposefully underestimate them). This could even result in Fire Spirit losing his powers temporarily.
If this route was taken, it would give a really good chance of fire spirit having to forcibly think about his behaviour and actions, and make him then gain the upper hand. His pride would also explain the enraged vibe he has in that leak. While I find this highly compelling, I don’t think there’s too much canon evidence for this except for the fact that Kingdoms seems to 1) get a kick out of torturing characters and having them rise from their suffering more ready to fight than before and 2) has a significantly more intense vibe. On top of that, it’s really good at giving even morally fucked up characters a lot of nuance and development, so it would be really interesting to see them do the same to Fire Spirit because im sure they could do him so much justice.
And this is JUST what I’ve come up with for a more villainous view of our mystery cookie. I personally find that more compelling but a heroic view of them (therefore having Fire Spirit fight against a force that only really wants him to understand) is an option I’d be down to see explored. We still have over a month until the update, possibly around a month and a half depending on how long the March Update is (although I do not see it being too long), and more may be revealed. But, this is what I’ve put together so far.
Some bonus notes that are less lore related so I put them down here.
I think that, while Pitaya has like a 50/50 chance to show up in this update (COUGH COUGH. ETERNAL SUGAR IN MAY), we’ll probably at LEAST get a Wind Archer cameo. Prior to the leaks, I actually thought it was going to be a fight between the two of them to make Fire Spirit join our side but now I’m obviously less sure. He’ll either appear at the end or just show up as a main character.
I have a slight feeling that the Mystery Cookie is somehow related to Eternal Sugar? Honestly it’s entirely speculation on my end but I think it could be a neat way to tie the updates together AND also have more fun beast stuff. but that’s just a little idea of mine
There’s a good chance that it’ll either be an event based story or, if devsis hates me, a special episode. I really don’t want it to be a special episode. Please.
I have seriously considered that maybe Fire Spirit would join Dark Enchantress’ side but I couldn’t make myself believe it. It’s not impossible but it’s highly implausible to me.
REGARDING GAMEPLAY. I, in 2021/2022, really genuinely thought he’d be a charge. Looking at his ovenbreak skill, it would make so much sense. But now, in 2025, I am begging for him to PLEASE GOD NOT BE A CHARGE COOKIE. WE HAVE 6 SUPER EPIC+ CHARGE COOKIES. I WISH I WAS KIDDING. *SIX*. I’m now leaning more towards Ambush for him . It would also make sense . Just not another charge :(
I’m generally just. So glad the update will finally be here soon. I’ve been waiting for years and while it’s been a bit of a painful wait at times, it’s been a thing to look forward to and I think with CRK’s current budget this will truly be the best it can be. I’ve had literal dreams about this update man. Just don’t ask how much money I’m saving to whale on fire spirit okay that’s between me and god
that is. about all I have to say. please remember that this is my evaluation of the characters and the lore and that you may disagree but that’s okay. I am. not the most experienced at character analysis but I like to think I know Fire Spirit well. There’s so much potential with his character and given how this is confirmed to be a big update, not like wind archer’s teeny one I’m so sorry windy bbg, I really wanna see how it plays out. devsis do not fuck this up for me. please .
if you read until the end of this??? 1) I’m surprised 2) tysm for listening to my thoughts! o7 o7
#piplup plaps#fire spirit cookie#idk how else to tag this LOL#LONG POST#SERIOUSLY HOW DID I TALK THIS LONG LMAO#this was supposed to be a video and I might still make it one but video editing hard and on top of that I don’t know how I’d do it#bc I’d like it to be voiced but I don’t feel comfortable sharing my voice but I also don’t know where to find a text to speech#let’s hope the curse doesn’t hate me for posting this publicly! enjoy chat
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Can i get more passage of time/music development yapping ☹️☹️☹️??? I give you official permission to yap the most you can im so interested
warning beneath the cut SCARY WALL OF TEXT WARNING 😱
decided to divide it into colored parts if you dont gaf about certain elements 😭
second warning all of this is unedited rambling so some points might contradict each other or just plain not make sense.
okay so for CONTEXTTTTT
i have diagnosed OCD, and like, roughly since the end of last year and the beginning of this one, the 'obsession' part of OCD that was negatively affecting me, was the concept of time. how fleeting it was. how it's basically unescapable ALL THINGS MUST PASS (get out of my head george harrison) that shit proper cold dead SCARED ME MAN. sleepless & haunting me in my dreams type shi. sometimes it still does. i try not to think about it too much
to cope, i found great comfort in the 70s-80s since at the time i was and still am hyperfixated on david bowie and that was sort of his prime (love his 90s-00s work tho.) i was also starting to think of how much parallels and similar experiences i have to previous generations and how it's not ALL that bad after all so far. i can still walk to a record store and roller skate if i really wanted to, or go to a diner.
okey here's where the life changing stuff happens. i decided i'd listen to pink floyd's the dark side of the moon. then TIME CAME ON. ohhhh god oh gosh golly god i was bawling and everything the whole song spoke to me on a molecular level. then i found out about DB's song also called time, and i ALSO crode to that. i was like. wow. i'm not alone on this feeling of utter desperation and helplessness as eventually all things Must Pass. (GEORGE HARRSION GTFO)
i used to be bitchy on how i whined i was part of the 'wrong generation.' i thought i was alone, but virtually everyone of almost every era has thought this. somebody who lived my dream life wished they had what i have now.
that's when i started to lowkey realize the parallels and oneness of human experience. i could go to a club in the 70s, and (granted the infrastructure and music remains similar) i could today. nothing would change on how i perceive events. there is no color filter on the past. unless you got huge TVs and stuff all over your house, you could walk around, and think it's the 80s. AND IT'S BASICALLY THE 80s. the way your parents or any other gen Xer saw the world with their *eyes* (not counting the changes in buildings and stuff) is the same as you today pretty much.
i already really enjoy subcultures, and particularly how they evolve and adapt. the indomitable human spirit prevails no matter how gentrified or 'banned' things become. nowadays i feel like there is No Youth Subcultures. at least, none that will pass the test of time and be memorable enough to be remembered in the books. nobody's gonna go to their child and proudly say: "when i was your age, i was a chav" or something. and i credit this to the lack of creativity allowed in the wider music industry.
HEAR ME OUT this is because 90% of youth subcultures had everything to do with music. and now, everything must be palatable. to be clear there's nothing inherently wrong with that type of music, but to me it speaks no soul. it has no risks. contemporary pop music is very much formulaic and this is because now more than ever entertainment (this also applies to movies btw) is more of an investment than passion. I WILL SPECIFY.
music production is so vastly different genre to genre, and we're not letting it flourish because of how much short form content is valued nowadays. LET ME COOK.
tiktoks are formulaic. algorithms are formulaic. WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. there must be an instant hook or rift in music if you want to 'go viral' as a musician. digitized fame doesn't mean SHIT (to me), since clearly monthly listeners don't equate real world fans. album sales are being replaced with streams, and because of how ASS spotify treats its artists, newer, less established acts need to GET ON THE GRIND INSTANTLY to earn Coin. that means that to be smart and work with the exploitative system they're given, they have to make albums filled with 1 minute 30 second songs. so you can technically give them the most amount of streams possible. i feel with this formulaic approach, you can't get 6 minute long gutwrenching guitar pieces. no more 4 minute drum solos, hell avant garde experimental works were 2 people shout their names out at each other for 20 minutes. THERE ARE NO MORE FRANK ZAPPAS.
i'm not going to be one of those sad assholes who claim there's 'no more good rock music' and how it'll never be the same. as corny as this is, the next beatles or nirvana could be right under our noses and we'll NEVER know because of how fame is distributed. it sucks to see a small band beg on tiktok for streams to kickstart their career. but this is what we gotta work with. if we want subcultures to be created and thrive, we gotta go looking underground again, except unlike in the past it's a kajillion times easier now AND everything gets gentrified in 2 tiktok weeks. but this is evolution. MUSIC EVOLUTION
the end honk shoo honk shoo (it's midnight)
#asks#ignore how i capitalize my words like greg heffley lmfao#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING THIS AARGHHH I'VE BEEN FREED#btw. not saying these issues in the industry are new. but i feel personally now its tenfold#also due to the power of Time pink floyd i timemaxx and sit finished exams doing nothing for 20 mins imagining the drum solo#i also have a shorter rise of hip hop vs rise of rock rant that i shall one day maybe voice.#if anyone wants me to specify on anyting please don't be afraid to ask!!#The Most Gen Z Post Ever#btw wanted to mention this NOT ALL pop music bruh. some contemporary pop musicians releasing creative bangers..... just not most of them
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get to know your moots!
thank you @almostempty for tagging me! I love this!
what's the origin of your blog title?: I suck at coming up with cool sounding usernames and mostly come up with super weird shit, but for this one I had some friends help me out! And I LOVE the vibe of it.
favorite fandoms: atm I guess the Pedro fandom, Stranger Things- now that I think about it I'm not even sure how many fandoms I'm really in?
OTP(s) + shipname: think the only real ship that isn't self insert fan fiction is Jopper lol. Omg I love them so much.
favorite color: blue, but also black when it's about clothing
favorite game: my ALL time favorite: Destiny, because it's been living in my head ever since it came in 2014 and I got to try it on a friend's ps4, this game is my Roman Empire
song stuck in your head: omg there's always a rotation of like 5 stuck in my head, but currently it's All I Need by Radiohead
weirdest habit/trait?: telling people where they might know actors from, and recognizing one specific dub actor in several productions
hobbies: drawing, writing, video games, music, going to concerts, yapping
if you work, what's your profession?: I'm a student!
if you could have any job you wish what would it be?: working in video game development! Like as a character designer
something you're good at: procrastinating, making a funny comment here and there, seeming like I have no interest in anything that is happening around me
something you're bad at: responding to people in time, time management, standing up for myself
something you love: my pookies, cats, dogs, warm sunny days
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: odd niche fan fictions that I randomly read about people I never expected there to be fan fiction off
something you hate: overly extrovert people that you can't take anywhere without them knowing every second person they see and being besties with everyone
something you collect: stickers, Pokémon cards, merchandise bought at concerts
something you forget: time, texting people back and then it turns into months of them being left on delivered
what's your love language?: touch and buying stuff that I think they will giggle about
favorite movie/show: movies I grew up with like Spirit or Blues Brothers, but newer stuff?? Don't know. Maybe the Joker movie. Friends and The Last of Us if talking about shows
favorite food: pasta and pizza, pretty basic
favorite animal: CATS. Also love dogs and horses, but omg, cats.
are you musical?: I like to imagine I could make some ambient music if I had the equipment for it. And
favorite subject at school?: English, specifically the high school years because my teacher was the weirdest and funniest dude and every book he read with us left a permanent mark on my soul (1984 is one of them!)
least favorite subject?: probably Chemistry and Physics. My teachers were good, I just didn't understand shit at some point.
what's your best character trait?: I like to think I'm easy to talk to and I'm not high maintenance. Like we don't talk in weeks because we were busy? No hard feelings.
what's your worst character trait?: ghosting people if I feel like I don't vibe with them anymore and easily forgetting about them
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be?: changing the time from pm to am
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet?: my past self
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!): there's so many fics by people I love that I just haven't found the time to read yet :(( but some old classics for me are Cup of Sugar and For Science by @strang3lov3 (listen, I know these are on your shame master list, but I love them so much) and Fixed Up by @the-ginger-hedge-witch
no pressure tags: @strang3lov3 @umnitsa @bitchesuntitled @beefrobeefcal @noxturnalnymph @heartfairy
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Yesterday night I shifted successfully!
(first post on Tumblr ever please forgive me for anything weird I say, I don't like posting on social media)
TW excessive language (sorry) and slight inauguration mention
(also unorganized thoughts)
The night of the unfortunate inauguration n stuff- oh boy was that a shit show. Thankfully, I was successful!! This post is to help at least a few people shift, so if im successful in helping one person then I'm satisfied. Also cause of all the shit happening in the world I felt obligated to help in some way, leave an somewhat of an impact before I go. And I'm leaving this reality too once I finish my shadow work lole (to like... Help me leave behind this type of reality forever n stuff, like help me move on from the bad shit that happened there), anyways here's how I did it!
I finally sat my ass down and did a method that worked for me, and it was so incredibly easy like damn??? I struggle with focus but this was surprisingly easy wow. the transition was so casual as well, like it felt natural but I could also tell that there was a chunk of time that passed. (Hard to describe) Honestly not sure what the differences are, but this proved to me 100% that I am a master reality shifter and that I'm not stuck whatsoever zamn- and I've been doing this for almost four years, with only a handful of short shifts. yippeeee-
I basically made my own subliminal in my void reality and put like almost 90 affirmations in it lol (rip my storage, I used capcut btw but you can use anything!), and with the help of my spirit guides through tarot and determination to leave that awful reality, I fuckin did it!!! Oh and also a bunch of intention setting too, and I noticed that when I started getting tired during my method that it was working. But not everyone will get a sign, that was just me.
I used the rain method and I knew that it would work for me because I used my intuition to find out exactly what method would work for me. If you want to find out what works for you the same way I did, I suggest building up your intuition by listening to subliminals and/or asking tarot cards (if you have them) what type of method suits you. I asked my intuition in my head this (once I was confident enough that it was really my intuition, like getting confirmation from my spirit guides) and got that answer and found the exact method it was referring to- now not everyone has to use a method, I just asked what method would successfully shift me 100% of the time and that's what I got. I also suggest not going overboard (speaking from personal experience, trying to find out every single little thing about it can make you a bit obsessive IN MY EXPERIENCE only mine you may be different-), and find balance when using your intuition for your Drs. I can give at least one example of what I got from one of my drs that I found out though!
The reason I'm going into a lot of detail is because I've been in like the same/similar position you were, like a lot of successful shifters say this but it's true. I was really really lost when it came to my shifting journey for a long time and would constantly be looking for different methods or routines or something to get me out/escape. Which is understandable, because just look at the type of reality we are in lol. It wasn't until I let go and trusted the process that I fully did it. For me it really is was all about trusting myself to do conscious shifting, though I'm only one person who happened to shift.
You will shift/enter the life of your dreams no matter what, keep knowing this and even if it's just a "small" thing to help you on your journey, it is important. (If I knew how to italicize words on here I would lolol) It's a small yet important step that will lead you to where you need to go, hell even if it doesn't help at least you tried something and progressed in a way. Also taking care of myself outside of shifting in small ways helped too. Sorry if this is kinda convoluted, I wanna bring some encouragement to you fellow shifters lol. Dont overthink it! Or fuck, do it if it makes the process easier, I don't know you! Only you know you and what you can handle and do in the moment. You are your own teacher, is something a tarot reader told me which I think is important to let you know.
I won't be able to answer questions because I'm working on leaving but! I wish you all luck on your journeys, and I'll be hoping that you do it soon as well :-) I shared my experience so I'm satisfied. also please don't ask me to shift for you- you can do it! go see your people and taste the yummy foods in your Drs! (Also I will not be sharing my subliminal I made as it is personalized to me and myself only) I will be leaving after I'm done with my shadow work, which could take awhile lol. Thank you for all the shifters who inspired me to shift, I'm so incredibly grateful to become aware of this innate ability that everyone has. im just a trans masc guy who happened to shift successfully yippeeee, if I did it you can and will too
Thank you very much for reading if you read the whole thing lol
The rain method I used!:
oh shit I found out how to italicize now haha
trans rights 🏳️⚧️ and free palestine 🇵🇸
#permashifting#shifting community#reality shifting#shifting antis dni#shifting success#shifting#shiftblr
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