#this is apropos. anyway
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revvethasmythh · 2 months ago
can i be honest with you guys. i see a lot of people make the hazelnut torte recipe and 9/10 people don't whip their ganache before icing the cake even though it literally clearly right there tells you to whip the ganache in the recipe and a little part of me withers away and dies every time i see it applied as a glaze instead
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corviiids · 8 months ago
i think ive been so enamoured with tragedy and unhappy endings recently because it's so common for us to take comfort in the idea that we're okay because we will be okay, you know, the whole "it'll be okay in the end and if it's not okay it's not the end" type thing, this desire to put our faith in things turning out eventually, and that's why people sometimes get upset if something doesn't have a happy ending that gives them closure. but i honestly think there's something equally or even more comforting in having to cope with the fact that in reality the happy ending can't always be counted on. in trying to accept that fact, you're sort of forced to find your comfort and meaning elsewhere, which is what tragedy is asking you to do. if you know a story is going to end badly, can you still invest in it? can you survive it for as long as you're asked to? because then you have to concede that the things that happen and the lessons you learn during the story still are meaningful and fulfilling even if they don't culminate. if the story is unfinished and the threads are loose and you don't get closure, can you still find a way to let this frustrating and unfinished experience mean something to you? you kind of have to. can you be okay with it if you aren't able to believe that things will be okay in the end? without looking forward, can you be okay right now
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mamawasatesttube · 26 days ago
hmmm... halfbaked thought percolating in my mind but i gotta say. sometimes i do get kinda skeeved out when people do genderfluid tim wrt timkon while leaving kon as just a generic cis guy. like obviously i love timkon and i love trans tims!!! but sometimes i just go are we sure we're not just slapping on a trans label in order to put the shorter, physically weaker, (and often drawn paler) guy in a dress so he can be The Girl in the relationship? like are we sure this is actually about being trans and not just about gender roles again? and like obviously i cant say every single genderfluid tim wrt timkon post is doing this specifically but it does sometimes make me go eeehhhh... (a lot of the way fandom treats trans guys in general as women lite™ is this same way tbh.) sigh...
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love-is-a-pearl · 1 year ago
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Ash's birthday being 1 day after trans visibiliy day is a funny coincidence
Also, bonus:
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lurkingshan · 4 months ago
Vague posts are lame for a number of reasons, but the main reason to avoid promoting them is they are a form of misinformation. They nearly always begin with a strawman argument. It's a way for people to "win" an argument by setting up their opposition as so obviously wrong that it's easy to knock them down, but most are rooted in a ridiculously simplified, exaggerated, or even patently untrue claim about something others said. I've seen entire supposed discourses invented whole cloth by a vague post that does not connect back to anything real that actually happened. People who are responding to something in good faith will show you where it came from.
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whenyoulosesmallmind · 1 year ago
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Nicklas Bäckström & the Washington Capitals (+ nickeovi) ― Immortality, Clare Harner | insp.
credits: x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x.
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swordmaid · 2 months ago
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thalia would like hats I think
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devilsskettle · 4 months ago
i think everybody should think about how much of a privilege driving is before they judge people who don’t drive for being immature or whatever. like do you not realize that not everyone had a high school with driver’s ed or parents/older relatives who could teach them, not everyone had time to learn when they were younger, not everyone can afford a car and car insurance and any repairs that a car might need, not everyone lives in a place that is drivable anyway, and not everyone has good vision or a healthy enough brain and/or body to drive. and nobody needs to explain to you why they don’t drive! all you need to know is that the can’t, don’t want to, or it doesn’t make sense for them at this current time in their lives. fuck off!!!!! the response to inadequate public transportation isn’t that everyone should drive instead!!!!!! also everybody complains about bad drivers but people are incentivized to drive regardless of their actual driving ability because it’s shameful not to drive even if it’s a personal choice. and like maybe some people are just not self aware about their own driving abilities but some people just don’t understand that they are in control of a large machine that is dangerous if they don’t operate it properly and they have to be more responsible for the people they’re putting at risk because they don’t care enough to pay attention or follow the rules of the road or keep their tempers under control while they’re behind the wheel. anyway not everyone can or should drive, that’s all
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
I'm hearing that big roe boys aren't in demand and shipping them isn't as popular or desirable. As a result you may or may not see this blog turn slowly from an Old Elezen appreciation blog to a His Big Fat Roe appreciation blog. Roe man titty appreciation. Big roe hand appreciation. Chonky, muscular, veiny, hairy, bald. You know just furious appreciation. Just a heads-up so in case it's not your thing you may want to unfollow. I'll wait.
meanwhile have some roe titties courtesy of @fyrstyrm who gave me free reign with his body for better or worse.
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ilovedthestars · 10 months ago
here's the thing. yes, some pieces of art are "better" than others. there are many criteria you can measure that with--technical skill, creativity, clarity, conceptual depth, successful execution of the artist's intentions, etc., and i do think it's useful to clarify which ones you're using as a measuring stick. but like, of course you can evaluate art. of course you can be critical (in the "art critic" sense) of art. (among other things, that's one of the most important ways to get better at making art yourself.)
however. when it comes down to evaluating what gets to count as art. what art even gets to have a seat at the table. i will go to bat for the thing that isn't as "good" every single time.
you can say you think a piece of art is bad. you can say you think it lacked technical skill, or clarity, or conceptual depth, and you consider those important elements of a successful work. i might even agree with you. but if you think that means it doesn't matter, someone is going to die on this hill and it isn't going to be me
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revvethasmythh · 5 months ago
this is apropos of nothing because i've never even played the solas romance, but him just telling the inquisitor that vallaslin are slave markings and immediately offering to remove them has always been so funny to me because i just imagine hearing that would have ME like. what even are your sources, bro. "it came to me in a dream" doesn't count what are your actual fucking sources on this, this is kind of seriously impactful and i'd like A LITTLE BIT of proof before i let you do tattoo removal on my face, is all
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yeahivegotanaccount · 5 months ago
In an example of RP really twisting the perception/elevating the game, my first SH run I went in as starving and penniless curious (nosy) sneak (keen eye+street smart). So the fact that Stella in quick succession
1. Have shown where the food is
2. Treated the MC
3. And then offered to dick around in the woods
was a triple-hit combo that made my MC incredibly loyal to her. And due to my keen eyes kids were safely evacuated which means that instead of *abandoning* *teens* in favor of getting help for a passed out rando, she saw both cousins knocked out and correctly evaluated that she can't carry them.
So due to pecularities of that run and my dubious reading comprehension she ended up as an MVP.
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cctinsleybaxter · 1 year ago
Few things more mortifying than someone 'complimenting' you on a physical feature of your human body they 'know most people don't find attractive'; either they're a self-absorbed weirdo who takes all their social cues from YA fantasy protagonists (bad) or it's deliberate negging in order to get close to you (worse)
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oldmanpusspuss · 11 months ago
I'm trying to bridge the gap between me and my oasis mutuals
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daughterofhecata · 10 months ago
Warum sammeln wir Bill trivia 👀
...weil ihr mir den "shandrews but make it henry/bill" Floh ins Ohr gesetzt habt und ich versuche, ein Gefühl für Bill zu kriegen, bevor ich potenziell etwas damit mache.
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derpoprime · 1 month ago
turns out my brother is not aroace
this is a shock to me personally. i finally got the motherfucker to spill at least 5 women he felt an attraction to, so, in no order:
- rosalina
- pink diamond
- raven
- starfire
- flame princess
bonus: enderwomen, if they ever make that a thing
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