Gabriel Oschonsong
86 posts
OC blog + writing + gpose dump. Occasionally NSFW.Sage, Bard, Friend. 40 something year old Elezen. Full-time seneschal to Lady Yuuko (really adoptive dad) & the House of Beans.You'll mostly find short comics and Anamnesis/Ktisis/Brio poses, with silly slice of life or pure fluff, until I get better at it.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
eukrasiancrisis · 2 months ago
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eukrasiancrisis · 4 months ago
okay but… putting flower crowns on dicks seemed to fool tumblr? no flagging so far and… dicks look unironically cute with flower crowns?? laughing rn but if flower crowns work I'm going to keep using them to "censor" from now on. Sorry if they take away from the drama a little but they're really pretty and apparently do the trick
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eukrasiancrisis · 4 months ago
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Sorry, I really tried, but if I do any more blurring, cropping and censoring, you'll just be presented with a curated collection of intense eyes and lovely shoes..
Milder and less fun version to be posted later.
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eukrasiancrisis · 4 months ago
Storm Blue - Pt.3
> Part1 || Part2 <
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🔞────── · ⋆ ୨୧ ⋆ · ──────🔞
(This time censored with flower crowns, how's that tumblr 8D)
Captain Llymlaen?: [panting] Ye don't lie to family,
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Captain Llymlaen?: [panting] Ye don't cast strange spells in strange tongues on family, Gabriel?: Mnn.
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Captain Llymlaen?: [panting] 'n ye don't put our friend in harm's way either— hngh— Ye listening?
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Gabriel?: [sigh] No lying‿.· No spells‿︵. No tricks .•
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Gabriel?: And as for your friend,
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Gabriel?: As I've said before, he is in my care.
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Gabriel?: You mean more to me than you know, my wolf of the sea. And so does your pup. And so does he.
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Gabriel?: As long as I draw breath, so too will he, if only because—[pant] I would not have you mourn your beloved—
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Fyrstyrm: As long as ye draw breath… Ye said ye were his trunk 'n he was yer branch. Tell me… Someone cuts ye down, wot happens to him?
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Fyrstyrm: Wot then?
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Gabriel?: Hahhh— hahh— You know— how a tree works, vhenan. Fyrstyrm: ...aye.
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Fyrstyrm: ...Sweet dreams, Stowaway.
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eukrasiancrisis · 4 months ago
Storm Blue - Pt.2
>Part 1<
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Goose: Come forth, loyal subject! Present your glamour before our Navigator! Papamahi: Aye, that he may deem ye worthy o' his blessins n grant ye winds in yer sails wheresoever ye go. Captain Llymlaen?: Let's ave a look at ye, then.
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Captain Llymlaen?: Hm… aye, ye wear our color well enough, keen as ye seem on hidin' it under blander things…
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Captain Llymlaen?: And if I were to lift yer guise, subject, would I see me familiar blue in those eyes? Or have ye hidden it away too?
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Goose: Wait, what? Eye color counts too? that ain't fair, cap! Papamahi: Yer eyes are blue too, love... Goose: Oh, right. So are Wyse's, right? Hey Wyse, show me your pretty stormy eyes! Wyse: Come again, dear?
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Captain Llymlaen?: Ye like wot ye see, Stowaway? Gabriel?: …
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Captain Llymlaen?: Aye, figured it was you. Flatterin' as it is seein' ye keeled over, m'fraid you weren't invited. Close friends 'n crew only. And ye haven't exactly made an effort to play nice with any o' me mates now, have ye? Gabriel?: I-
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Captain Llymlaen?: New rules, friend. If yer going to be stowin' yerself away among me crew, ye best learn yer manners 'round 'em.
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Captain Llymlaen?: They may look a sorry bunch, but I'd give me life fer any of 'em, 'n if ye'll have me, ye'd do well to remember that.
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Captain Llymlaen?: Am I makin' meself clear? Gabriel?: Yes. Captain Llymlaen?: That's a lad. Gabriel?: So may I?
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Captain Llymlaen?: May ye wot? Gabriel?: Have you. Captain Llymlaen?: Er— Ah, now? Gabriel?: Now. Captain Llymlaen?: Seven hells… Gabriel?: If you have further terms to discuss, I’m listening.
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Captain Llymlaen?: [sigh]…Goose. Goose: Aye, Cap'n Llymlaen!
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Captain Llymlaen?: Take over. Back in a spell.
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #31: Haunted
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #30: Cave
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Here. I feel you much more strongly, wraith.
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You linger here so often the very stone is laden with your despair. I am truly sorry, but your presence is not wanted here.
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No soul is meant to carry so much for so long. I-If you allow me, I can help you relinquish your burdens back unto the Mother. It is past time she welcomed you back.
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No objections? ...Then I shall begin.
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Hamin mala souver'inan, ma falon Banal'ras ma ghilana mal dirn'an Falon’Din enasal enaste
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[gasp!] I— I cannot…
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[pant] You are no ordinary wraith, are you? I am so sorry, my friend, but it seems a power beyond me would have you bear your burdens a little while longer…
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #29: Surprise
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The theme was Storm Blue and the judge was Captain Llymlaen and Gabriel was not alright.
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
I wanted to save Gabriel's .pos and load it onto Amalthea to save time... and she ended up doing her personal impression of Gabriel??
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First of all, I did not pose Gabriel's expression..? It was his default straight face so no expression shouldve been included in the .pos..? where did this expression come from?? and why is this cat mocking my elezen
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #28: Duty
- Though it is my sworn duty to defend this nation with my life... I'm not quite certain I share the same ambitions as its people.
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- Does that mean I'm fighting on the wrong side or simply for the wrong reasons?
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- You know, a famed bard once said that the duty of youth is simply to challenge corruption. A valid enough reason to fight regardless which side you find yourself on, no? - And what's become of that bard? Has he won the war on corruption?
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- ...Forgive my indiscretion, sir Oschonsong. I'm aware of the bard's nobl- - A more pertinent question than what’s become of the bard, Lady Oaks, is what would become of our realm were its defenders to remain content with their swords as their only weapon, - Yes, of course >< - And what further corruption would take hold had a brave few not chosen to voice their dissent in song. - I know. - Pray have faith in your own inner voice if not in theirs as to which battles to fight, Thea. - Right.
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*It's a Kurt Cobain quote. Anyway, your voice matters, your vote matters, your art matters etc.
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #27: Companion
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Been an honor watching your back, @fyrstyrm ♥
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #26: Comfort
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Fun with Westlaketea's poseable blanket and as always my ultimate comfort @fyrstyrm
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #25: Lucky
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With @fyrstyrm & @pocketyoukai
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #24: Keepsake
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- You have my thanks, friend. Without your help I might very well have been lying in its place. I thank the sunless sea that it will feed my brethren instead.
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- Pray allow me to return the favor! If you help me carry it back to the fort, I will make you a stew you will remember for the rest of your days!
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- You owe me nothing. I was simply passing by. And your brothers will be here soon to help, so I will take my leave of you.
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- Wait! That stone you wear around your neck...
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...That is an amethyst heartstone, is it not?
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- ... - ...Who are you, friend? I have never seen your face in these woods, yet your companions seem familiar with my scent. You are no Blessed, yet you wear our colors and your heartstone is cut in the same form as my fa-
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- It's you... You're that boy!
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- I'm sorry. - A Blessed leader gave you that heartstone, did he not?? You were the boy my father sheltered from the Children all those years ago!
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- I'm so sorry. - The boy he died protecting when they came!
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- There was nothing I could do, Runar- - You lived!
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- But I swore an oath since to watch over you and the Blessed and on your father's heartstone I will never break it. - We'd feared the Children had taken you, or worse! - You... harbor no contempt for me? - Contempt?! Bwahah!
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- Do you think I hold such little regard for my father's decisions? He took you in as one of us, and chose to defend you like he would any son of his! How could I ever see you as anything but a brother?
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- Watch over us if you must, but pray do it not out of remorse, but out of kinship.
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #23: Sleepy
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
Elftober #22: Reverent
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He had always revered knowledge, but there was folly in his devotion to the Scholar that only the Wanderer helped him see. There was so much to be learned if he but humbled himself to walk through it: Knowledge is professed. Wisdom is whispered. In every heart where fractals were mapped of the same ravages that have become this star, that yet beat in defiance as she did. In boisterous reunions under the glow of an aetheryte, and in deafening silence over unmarked graves. In the boom of dragon wings eclipsing the heavens and the cooing of a sonless mother cradling a motherless son. In the taste of his lover on his tongue he welcomed so, and the warmth of his friends’ blood through his fumbling, helpless hands. There was a knowing that came to him only in reverie. There was so, so much to hear, so much yet to feel and so many ways to think, if only he humbled himself and walked.
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eukrasiancrisis · 5 months ago
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I must do what now? HOW MANY TIMES? Will these cursed nightmares never end...
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