#this is annoying
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eponastory · 8 months ago
Well, I guess I'm going to have to address this now...
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Since Blackbullet99 seems to have a hard-on for Zutara shippers who call it like it is.
Well, blackbullet99 can fuck off.
I'm not even going to get into why two American men decided to write a character like this, but it is what it is.
Bryke is the person responsible for the shitty writing that doesn't really address the trauma of a fictional character that I genuinely can't stand because he is one foot into Gary Stu territory and is a McGuffin at best.
Does this mean I hate Kataang? Not really. My problem is with Bryke and their stupidity about Westernizing South Asian Culture and how they wrote Aang. I'm not South Asian, but I do have some friends that are, and I'm very protective over them and their beliefs. I will admit when I'm being stupid and apologize for misunderstanding. Clearly, it is something that is blatantly going on with blackbullet here.
So in light of that, this reblog was discussing something about Aang's character being (hold on brain fart)... more or less unaccountable for any of his actions.
Here's the deal. I don't downplay actual real world genocide. I condemn it, my ancestors were victims of colonization and at the same time genocide on one side and the other were the colonizers. It's horrible. I am a student of history and I know things about genocide and war that most wouldn't believe happened. But here we are. It's bloody, it's inhumane.
But for a fictional character that is written by two white men from America... it's hard for me to empathize with that. I don't know how anyone can look at that and say oh yeah... they know! When they don't.
As a writer, I understand that we use real world events to inspire our work. But, here is the thing, we write what we know. I can not possibly know what it's like to survive a genocide and be able to write about it from that perspective. I have sympathy and I love those that have witnessed it first hand. But this is beyond my comprehension. I do my best to make things realistic in my writing by reading first hand accounts, but Bryke... sweet Godzilla... they know nothing.
So there. My defense against someone who thinks they are morally superior.
And they can still fuck off.
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alwayspeachysims · 2 months ago
is anyone having trouble with simsfileshare lately ? the download times are insane even though my internet is completely fine.
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scapelamb · 8 months ago
Maybe an opinion that's gonna get me mauled to death but....
Every time someone calls a 30-45 year old character a "hag" I die inside. That's not a hag that's a middle aged adult
Don't be afraid of saying you like adults, ik you don't actually like wrinkly old people and that's ok. Even if you did, you wouldn't be "quirky" because of it you would just have a taste
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twopoppies · 9 days ago
Heyy Ginaa, I know there's no solid evidence that Louis was at any of these shows, but when I read this post... I mean, Harry was super extra and intentional with everything he did during those shows (like not singing Louis' solo in IFCF, looking all lovey-dovey towards the VIP box, kissing the peace ring, singing still the one, etc.), so it's hard to believe Louis wasn’t at least at one of those shows... By the way, was any of that debunked?
You know, I don't have an umbrella tag for the times Louis might have been at Harry's shows. I might have something buried in 2018 LARRY MOMENTS or 2018 LARRY RECEIPTS, but I think you might be better off checking out a blog like @daisiesonafield-blog or @hoovesandfloorpaws because their tags are more organized than mine.
Anyone else have some good tags for this anon?
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cervidae-demon · 1 year ago
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So with that I will have to remind everyone here to
I thought it was basic unspoken RP Tumblr rules but apparently not! I do not care if you think it's beautifully written (thank you for the compliment by the way, I'm very proud of how my english improved those last few years) but it's just rude to reblog threads you're not a part of!
It's like going to complete strangers while they talk to each other and either start to join in on the conversation without being asked to or, in that case, just... stare blankly at them.
You can enjoy the threads and read them all you want, I do not mind, or else I would roleplay in private only, but please, again, for the love of all the gods, do NOT reblog threads you are not a part of!
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puppygirl-seraphim · 3 months ago
Experiencing psychosis is great! I love hearing footsteps and movement from the person directly behind me staring at me reaching out for me touching me
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violent138 · 3 months ago
As I write part of this massive paper that's due for me, I'm realizing my worst trait as a scientist is a tendency to overreport the findings of one/a few papers.
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sisterdaniells · 3 months ago
bots are showing up again??? 🙃
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addicted2coke-theothercoke · 9 months ago
Readers on tiktok and Instagram have apparently never witnessed (and also can't imagine):
A deep and gutteral sound(grow)
A devilish smile(smirk)
A titled head(cocked)
Someone from their eyes in frustration??
And a lot of others but I accidently lost the post I'm pulling these real examples from
I think the biggest issue is that the people making these comments just immensely lack imagination. I've hardly seen anyone smirk, but even as a kid I understood what it meant for a character to be smirking, it's a clearly defined word used in a self explanatory concept, there's no reason people can't get what it means and are so thrown off by it, and yet it happens
You've probably never felt the pull of g forces, will you find your disbelief broken if you read a book about fighter jets?
You probably don't have a secret handshake, will you find the characters to be stereotypical if they do?
Do you cringe when people use words you've never used and behave in ways you've never believed??
It just drives me nuts people who read books, from a young age, and reportedly love books, struggle so much that children grasp once they have the words explained
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komotionlessqueenmm · 1 year ago
Anyone else having an issue with editing posts with images or gifs attached to them? Because for the past few weeks I have been having this problem. It doesn't happen with all of them, but a lot of them. And because of that I can't work on drafts with pics and gifs... This is really annoying. Especially with posts I've got in my drafts, that I've previously worked on and can no longer continue to work on... So if I write something out, then add the pic and gif for that post, and save it. Only to realize I goofed something, and I'm then unable fix my goof... (҂-̀_-́)
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that-scorpio · 1 year ago
I hateeeeeee a “without me” kind of dude…..
Me : I’m in bed
Him : Without me….
Sir YES!
My bills get paid without you right!?!?!?!?
I literally just spoke about this on my podcast 😂
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sassysnowperson · 5 months ago
I can't remember if I took my morning dose of ADHD meds, so I don't know if I'm having a bad, medicated morning or a frankly pretty productive unmedicated morning
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alwayspeachysims · 4 months ago
Currently trying to work on a save file i'm planning and everytime i try to save my progress it gets stuck on loading for what seems like infinity :(
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lesbiansanemi · 18 days ago
I have my psych testing tomorrow and apparently it’s supposed to winter storm fuckkkkk me
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wormlikesstuff · 23 days ago
I have taken to playing the game and was so pleased my first time I spent hours on it, so I’ve started a second play through on Expanded Mode. I named it AmberClan, the camp is in the Cavern, and we’re starting in Newleaf.
I love Warriors (despite having only read up to Power of Three) and seeing as I could download this game I went for it and here we are; inspired enough to make another post on Tumblr and very excited to see if it further inspires me!
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Here we have Cranestar, her deputy Flinttooth, the medicine cat Storkmask, warriors Shrewswirl, Puddletimber, and Yellowflake, the only apprentice Thistlepaw, the elder Tricklefall, and the two kits Ratkit and Needlekit! I’m too tired of writing about their traits to do it again (I have somehow managed to lose my first draft), but perhaps I’ll do showcase posts of some of them later should they become important enough? Regardless, it’s time to talk about the other clans.
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Currently AmberClan is viewed as mellow. PloverClan is also mellow, SootClan and RattleClan are logical, and scarily, FernClan is bloodthirsty! My biggest debate so far with them is if I want to try for a pacifist and peaceful angle by befriending them all, or if I want to aim for something more combative. If I do, should I then target FernClan, or become their ally and make enemies of the other three clans? Time will tell, I suppose. Perhaps I’ll find myself with a particularly violent leader in the future…
More exploration of this new mode has revealed to me the prey count in the patrol menu! 😧 Frightening. I am very ready to fail miserably at meeting these requirements. Current prey is at 60 and needed prey is 20.0. Further research shows the nutrition counter in the cat list (an enabled setting allows to see the actual number, but otherwise it just says the status). Very interesting.
I’m not sure if the founding clan leader’s leadership ceremony is the default or if there are different ways it can go, but I’ll be able to check by the end of the week. I also notice that none of the founders have conditions, which would be interesting to start out with but I don’t mind the absence.
Just noticed that Puddletimber’s status says “Makes note of Thistlepaw’s journey as an apprentice” which I find very curious since Yellowflake is actually his mentor, but it’s probably nothing.
I just found the clearing button as well! All of this is overwhelming already and I haven’t even started the main game, but I’ve set the feeding tactic to less nutrition first. I’ll be sure to make use of all of them at some point, surely! There’s also a ration button, probably helpful during the winters or if something else were to happen. This freshkill pile log looks interesting too, can’t wait to figure out how it works! The medicine den has additions as well and I’m honestly excited to play this mode now. More stuff to do! The leader’s den is the same as in classic.
That’s basically all I have at the moment! Except, I have one question that may never be answered; why in the world does it say “DebugClan” at the top of the screen when everything else says AmberClan? 😵
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