#this is all I have
dirtgrubber · 6 months
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i literally can’t stop
my favorite scene from the latest chapter of “Of Saints and Sinners” by @morningstarwrites
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lgalacticjayl · 8 months
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Image based on tango's ep
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dontletmewaittoolong · 3 months
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george harrison worst fit compilation
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yudol-skorbi · 4 months
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i remembered i have scanner 👍
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nominote · 5 months
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callairo · 1 year
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squeezes her
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lazorbeanz · 6 months
His sunshine whom he must protecc at all costs ☀️💛
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tippytopdays · 5 days
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While y'all wait would you like uhhhhhhhhhhh Rockstar AU Prince?
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kingdomvel · 4 months
okAY it's been long enough
Obikin AU heavily inspired by Furiosa. Introducing Palpatine as Immortan Palps, who kidnaps Anakin and keeps him with his wives, even when he is a boy and can't give him children because he has an unhealthy and creepy obsession with him. No one except from him and the wives know that he is there, and when others come in Anakin (still young) keeps himself far and has his hair long (he is not allowed to cut it) so the others assume he is a girl. But Anakin manages to escape and cuts his hair off, and no one really knows they are looking for a boy and Palpatine doesn't say (because it's different than keeping the wives for reproduction, the others could use it against him), so Anakin goes unnoticed when he stays as a mechanic in the Citadel.
He has a new opportunity to escape for good when the new War Rig is built and he hides in it. The War Rig is driven by Praetorian Obi-Wan, and after they encounter problems on the road and only the two of them survive by working together, Obi-Wan promises to teach Anakin everything he needs to know about the road...
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teeth2go · 1 month
Here's my Miku contribution
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my wonderful friend showed me lot of amazing mikus from artists around the world, so I thought I'd add my own redneck girl.
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colorisbyshe · 7 months
that post isn't written well at all but i just feel so disheartened by people rushing to contextualize the present horrors as a future historical moment. like you already want to move past it.
it doesn't matter now but it will matter to someone, some day.
what a horrible, unempathetic way to view the world. to attempt to remove yourself from the moment and decide we should all act as unfeeling, objective witnesses to things we should be working to prevent.
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miniscule-meow · 2 months
Hi, I'm alive. Fighting burn out with a stick (and losing) but I'm alive.
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clamsjams · 11 months
pacmanduo talked to each other today it’s a good day for me
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razzmothazz · 7 months
nene[BLUSHING]: i-i ... kyahh!!.. k-kill yourself !!! s...so l-loud!!!! [SAID VERY SHYLY]
tsukasa: HA H-
nene: youre so fucking loud i hope rui makes you get shot out of the canon again and you break your neck in front of the entire audience and they all laugh at you honestly just shut the fuck up you zesty crusty son of a bitch youre not special
tsukasa: what the fuck nene
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decomposingfungi · 1 year
me: *appears behind robb stark and grabs something from the air* i got your eldest daughter syndrome! *runs away*
robb stark: *unsheathes his sword* give that back! *starts chasing me* THAT WAS A GIFT FROM MY MOTHER!
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mitchmarner · 1 year
justin holl is no longer a leaf. war is over. we are free.
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