#this is actually smth im genuinely curious about
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floorpancakes · 2 years ago
ok ok i finally found something worth polling
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ccaptain · 4 months ago
As much as it seems intentional to copy another facet of Kaeya Alberich, the infamous chocoholic of Mondstadt, "Kaeya"s passion for chocolate is born out of coincidence and is an integral part of defining his character.
The story behind how he came to taste chocolate for the first time upon having his old self burned away lays with Siobhan, and it's a rather simple one: as it was sitting in front of the TV of its room, motionless and without an avatar to call his yet, she brought it a bowl of chocolate ice cream. It was the first dessert it tasted after the process of becoming a being, and it loved the taste. I'm talking about the black silhouette that it was perking up so visibly after being rewired by that sweet treat that it ripped a small laughter out of Siobhan and a "that good, buddy?". This became their new bonding method, to spend time together simply watching tv dramas and shows while sitting on the couch, fishing chocolate ice cream out of a tub with a spoon each. It's how they bonded again after the sweet boy of the reverie was erased from history. They just kept sharing chocolate ice cream of many varieties while the newly born being was trying to tell her what it had learned for the day- but cocoa was the base of it.
No thing that he likes is a simple affair, each of his preferences is strongly connected to a memory- which is kind of ironic, for a being that's supposed to alter history itself.
For "Kaeya", the taste of chocolate reminds him of Siobhan, of home, of familiar company and of much simpler times. He seeks out anything with chocolate in it to find the taste again and again, hoping that it sticks this time. Hoping that the warm feeling doesn't go away some time after it melted in his mouth.
It never sticks for long, but that's to be expected. He's happy for that brief time regardless.
On a lighter note, kissing him must be a pretty sweet affair. Pun intended, as there's always the taste of sweet cocoa somewhere in the decision to smooch him. He consumes it so often that it's way more pratical for him to have adopted Kaeya Alberich's method of freezing some bits to bring with himself, consuming them on the go or offering some to his traveling partners.
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angeltism · 1 year ago
[ who want me joke here ]
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mintjeru · 2 years ago
once in a blue moon a popular artist will follow me and every time i'm ???
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sparrowlucero · 3 months ago
i enjoy ur bird abode thoughts! I was a genuine enjoyer of the show when it was airing, I’m no die hard fan though and love to see ppls personal takes on the overall story/plot. Im curious if you also would agree or have any thoughts on the impacts The Mouse’s cancellation had on the shows ability to be more than it was? srry im not super eloquent with my words, but basically ur response to that ask got me wondering if part of the reason the show like genuinely wasnt all that ground breaking or unique in the end plot wise (other than the villain faces consequences in the end ig) as far as YA/Teen animation goes, was because of The Mouse’s inability to let the writers flesh out the show before gutting it? i have a negative bias toward The Mouse franchise and obviously dont know anything about how writing a show under the eyes of a franchise that big would work, its just smth that rattles around in my head and wanna know what u think!
Well to an extent, but I think it's much more the effect the studio had on how the owl house started out as rather than it not getting a full season at the end - It didn't escape my noticed that the show was initially announced as being a "horror comedy" when it doesn't really seem like either, especially by the second season, and yeah, the original pitch bible is obviously aiming for that much more than the show proper is as it goes along (and is honestly seems quite a bit more funny, weird, and dark, with an overarching plotline about a giant bug being used to religiously suppress people, eda able to cure her curse by killing luz, and one of the major characters being a teen boy awoken from a sleeping curse who ends up being a weird little bigot because he's from the 13th century, among other things)
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(side note, i just noticed they actually specifically describe the thing i assumed the show was gonna be about here. huh.) but ultimately the bulk of the show that was actually made seems very influenced by a writing team that was genuinely interested in making a tropey YA fantasy story rather than just being mandated to. I mean even in what aired you can see the show sort of settle in ways that feel less like studio interference and more like, you know, art students creating their ideal fantasy show, like how King is clearly Eda's roommate who's funny because he looks like and sounds like a little dog despite being an adult man at the beginning but by the end they've made him her adopted sad backstory son who's explicitly a child. While I think a third season would have made the show as it existed better, because they clearly didn't get to finish the plot they wanted to (frankly to the point where some major aspects of the show are a bit confusing, I'm still not sure what a grimwalker is), I don't really fault the show for that but also don't think that hypothetical season (which pretty clearly would have been mostly about the magic school teens going to normal school) would suddenly flip around into something that I personally found interesting and subversive. Nor should it, really; again, it being Queernorm Harry Potter thing is clearly the intended appeal of the show, it's not really a flaw but just not a genre I'm personally interested in when compared to what I initially expected the show to be.
HOWEVER I will say they robbed little weird girls of their representation and that can't be forgiven
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kj-beastboy · 6 months ago
I can not believe im asking you this but I saw a post about flug having eggs or something? Is that like mpreg? I kinda know what it means bc I've seen sans au x sans au before. But whats with the eggs? Im not offending you its just idk that much in mpreg and i also don't draw any of it. (This is not to offend anyone im just curious.)(also love how you draw flug Hes my favorite character.)
Haha yeah it kinda is! I made a few arts this year where Flug takes care of eggs.
Don't worry you're just curious, that's cool💛 I don't feel offended
there's no other thing I get as many requests for as for mpreg with Flug so I feel like it's a good time to say:
I know it's called mpreg in fandom terms, but I for one don't even think of it as that inherently suggestive trope; I genuinely just think it's cute and silly. pregnancy is a beautiful thing in my eyes, and not a kink for me personally. there's no issue with it, but I'm saying that's just not my motivation. I headcanon Flug is a transman who still wishes for an own baby, like me. it's kinda coping for me to draw Flug going thru smth I wish for irl as well. I relate to him bc he's taken on such a good parent role for 505
this reasoning is gonna be super rare, most people who enjoy/draw this explicitly do NOT want children irl. idk why others draw it tbh... but this is just me.
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so the reason I usually always choose eggs is bc I mostly draw the paperhat ship... and since Black Hat seems to have more reptile or insect features I figured his offspring would probably grow in eggs instead of live. he's basically an alien, right
you can canonly have Black Hat's offspring! in the old orientation video on youtube "Los casos perdidos del futuro" exactly at minute 7, Demencia hints to the fact that by drinking his saliva you can have his spawn.
they never actually showed anyone doing that but I'm just assuming they'll come in eggs.
his spawn does not look like this^, Alan has drawn it in a livestream; it's just an eldritch clump of eyes, teeth and tentacles on the floor. in reality Black Hat is the only one of his species and he's unable to create another independent sentient creature like him.
so I drew what I imagine them looking like if he could (a lot of people asked for that anyway)
Thank you for loving my art💜
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crushedsweets · 1 year ago
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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apopcornkernel · 1 year ago
some thoughts on jason, post-reread of teen titans #29
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the curious thing is that geoff johns writes jason wanting to be remembered, memorialized with the other dead titans—he throws tim into donna's statue, yells, where's MY statue? so i wonder—have i been wrong all this time? would he have actually appreciated bruce's horrific glass case?
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another thing. if jason, according to this issue, knows that batman didn't arbitrarily "replace" him, so to speak, then why did he go to all that effort to beat tim up? ... in the comic he says smth about tim being nowhere near good enough to be robin/to measure up to jason's robin... perhaps he was lying to himself and Did feel resentment for the replacement despite his statements to the contrary. and jason notably keeps children away from his gig but perhaps he reasoned with himself that tim was trained by batman ans he could take it. perhaps he just wanted to have an excuse to vent his frustration and anger and grief onto the boy even if he knew it was wrong, even if it went against his moral code. or perhaps (see panel) he was even pulling a leslie and hoped the beatdown would also decommission tim and get him out of the vigilante lifestyle? EDITED TO ADD: im feeling more of the first explanation tbh. i talked about it with a friend and its really so easy to forget how young jason is. i think he was genuinely just very upset and deliberately took it out on tim despite knowing it wasn't exactly tim's fault. hey maybe some selfish part of him wanted bruce to never move on. maybe some part of him recognizes tim as a driving factor for it and resents tim ror that. girl idk. i don't even want to say that this comic is ooc or not because revived jason media is all so wildly varying in characterization so once again this is a reminder that i am simply Working Within The Confines Of The Text
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of course, it could always be mischaracterization/shaky writing of character motivation. but i think there's merit in looking at complicated comics and examining the messy dynamics, especially since this issue has been more or less accepted as unmissable canon.
speaking of complicated comics, i actually also have thoughts on dick and jason's dynamic based on how they were written in nightwing: brothers in blood. remind me to crosspost from my private twt acc!
one last thing: i actually love that jason is aware of bruce's "spiral into darkness" and STILL continues to enact his plan. it's the whole false equivalence of "bruce kills the joker == bruce loves me", "bruce doesn't kill the joker == bruce doesn't love me", or at least not enough. he's refusing to accept bruce's grief as penance. jason has already named his price, and he will not recant it. he will accept nothing less than the death of the joker 😋😋😋
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trevination · 3 months ago
I'm curious for marlie have you talked about how they got together? Or shared like a first kiss etc?? I'm actually so curious!
AHHH YESS!! well i havent posted about it but we've tapped about it on discord and AHHH its so important to me omg
okay so. they pine after each other for a WHILE. charlie has always known he's gay so he's just like "i wanna kiss this man so bad" but micah's just casually thinking "it feels like the sun has been brought into my life" and just. Not. realizing he likes him. charlie keeps trying to like hint to micah that he likes him and very casually flirt and show he's interested in him but micah is not fucking catching the hints, even as he's realizing he likes charlie romantically (and micah isn't like. scared or ashamed to be gay honestly he's like "that makes sense" but he knows how awful his life would be if people found out and he cant do that to his family). eventually, charlie's thinking like "oh maybe i've been reading this the wrong way" and he starts like pulling away from micah because he's trying not to hurt himself even more. and micah's just like "????? what? what happened did i do smth"
like u also need to know they are just casually So domestic and gay. like micah gets home from work in the evening and charlie is playing with rosie and messing with the twins and helping them with homework and making dinner. charlie spends Much more time at micah's house than his own (bc his grandparents are neglectful assholes who don't give a fuck abt him) and like. the number of times charlie has fallen asleep on micah on the couch or the times micah has tucked charlie in when he crashes at his house. and charlie subconsciously referring to the foster house as 'home' and charlie being the only person micah could ever be open with... ohh my god they make me sick
BUT back on topic. charlie isnt even being super distant, he's just not being as affectionate but its so abnormal micah's like "wtf" and confronts him, not wanting to lose the one person he has, the one thing in like he's so selfishly wanted. charlie is stuttering a bunch and trying to figure out what to say, because he cant tell anymore if micah likes him romantically but he's saying all this stuff about how he doesn't wanna lose charlie, and charlie stutters through telling him he likes him and-- as charlie's trying to explain, micah just realizes "I rlly love him" and charlie's stuttering comes to a pause as he's trying to figure out what to say and micah just... kisses him.
i imagine it's both of their first kisses, maybbeeee charlie kissed someone once in like middle school? but it's the first time there's ever been an actual emotional connection for either of them. sparks just fly. micah has never had someone to be so open with, weak around, and charlie has never had someone who genuinely Wanted him, who cared about him so personally. it's just. they don't even need to say anything. they just kiss each other and hug and lay down on the couch (this would def be nighttime when rosie and the twins (micah's siblings) are asleep) and just cuddle and kiss and giggle into each others faces . its so sweet and fluffy and charlie 100% cries
then. they wake up in the morning in each others arms and continue their morning routine. make breakfast, wake up the kids, charlie walks them to school then walks to the highschool, micah drives off for work, and they see each other again that evening.
sorry im yapping sm they make me SO SICK THEYRE SO !!!!!! EVERYTHINGG OH MY GODDD <33333 honestly most of what we think about them is. so fucking angsty like idk how much I've talked about charlie's jumping by the socs or what happens after charlie goes to college but... ugh. they mean so much to me they make me sickkkk
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shivroy · 1 year ago
i'm curious abt hibs' relationship with greg... has that been smth you've thought abt??
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sometimes the two most overpaid and tall men at waystar are sent to go get a single cup of starbucks coffee for CEO tom wambsgans. i think theyd feign a sort of haughty jovial civility as greg babbles about the state of the company (mostly as a way of casually, insistently asserting his genuine degree of influence) and hibs leans in to see if he can catch any hint of interestingly biased gossip in what he considers to be intellectual drivel. they do not discuss how greg is & has been fucking tom (but hibernian persistently refuses to talk about any of the men his dad sees) and at actual family gathering events they avoid each other entirely. they both consider the other to be a complete idiot
im not going to mention greg in the shiv pov fic about hibs because i think it is a shiv move to just not fucking include him at all in any of the personal history she's recounting
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hdusa · 11 months ago
geuine question but have you ever been in like proper fandom like not as a creator within it like in lifesteal but as someone who interacts and lurks w ur interests (so getting interested in fandom discussions like character analysis or smth lik that..) asking bc im genuinely curious on whether or not this may also have influences in how you make your stuff in storytelling or whatever (in the sense that artists get inspo from their fixations a lot so your own interets do smth within that vein)
well I’m really into one piece as more of a lurker than anything but I’ve reblogged quite a bit of stuff recently just cuz I love it and it’s funny or cool.
I used to a lurk in a ton of DSMP streams as well, I started out as a YouTube frog but then started watching all of Tommy’s vods starting at their election arc. It was super cool and I stuck with it up until like the big final battle with the endgame type moment. By then I’d already been streaming like Hypixel and stuff for a few months maybe so idk if that counts.
lastly I was super into undertale in 2015 and I spoke about this on stream but I had an amino account and use to engage with people all the time. I think I was super into that one like I watched all kinds of shitposts and stuff and I might’ve even had my own text posts despite none of them being funny or interesting. I even made videos of my own about undertale with like animated fights they were actually pretty cool and well made for someone who was like 11 or so. But yeah funny little fandom guy that’s me!
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kroosluvr · 6 months ago
i'm genuinely curious I WANT YOU to outline how the shu/ake/sumi romance/and-or/situationship would unfurl in a post-p5r reality (where akechi lives, of course). what are the bullet points for what would happen between them. would they have a falling out. are they doomed. would they be horrible at communicating. would they finally be good at it. which pairing comes together first, if any at all. or would all 3 pairings happen at the same time at the same pace. or are they all in a limbo, not romantic nor platonic but a secret third thing.
OMG HI. HIIIII ok so. i havent actually thought about it that much (SURPRISING I KNOW) because i honestly suck ass at timelines (in regards to canon. tennis au on the other hand...) BUT I WILL DO MY BEST a lot of this is loose too.... im totally up for most anything but this is how i see it most of hte time heheeh (TY FOR THE ASK I LOVE THINKIJGN ABT THESE 3.)
this is .. kinda.. long.. ahem
pre-p5r: sumire is acquainted with goro thru her dad's show: they're not friends, but she's talked with him more than her sister. so when goro meets 'kasumi' at the cafe something strikes him as odd but it doesn't quite register: like ehhhh well why should i care / maybe my memory is just wrong / not worth my time
during p5r: 'kasumi' has a crush on akira, a kind of on-the-surface adoration of "wow i think you're really cool and we get along well!" nothing that's super advanced on or anything, and akira doesn't see her as anything beyond friends anyway.
she drops the crush upon reverting back to sumire, and it builds slowly over the course of 3rd sem but is also never really actualized - like she likes him ok whatever but then what..??
3rd sem (long winter au): long winter barebones: maruki's idealized world starts like on christmas or smth (havent thought this out TOO much LOL) and royaltrio-centric part of 3rd sem lasts for quite a while, at least 3 weeks-1 month. how does this work w the timeline i have no idea. BUT it leads to tense moments like spending new years together with the idealized thieves and trying to stay upbeat during all that, all the attempts and failures at breaking them out of it, and a LOT of tension during this time.
they argue and fight and are irritated with each other a lot of the time (goro the most vocal abt it obviously, sumire kind of drawing back into herself, and akira doing his best to stay optimistic. i think when akira starts to lose his spark is when the others r like oh we gotta make up for that slack and they finally up their game a bit) and yeah even sumire argues with akira and with goro and etc. im figuring this out PROMSIE ill come up w stuff and draw comic/write fic for it...
also 1/9 sumire fight is probably the beginning moment when goro starts to respect sumire more/see her more as a friend/comrade than a teammate. bc she almost kills joker and then him LMAO really giving them a run for their money... and also he really sees the pain she feels at being herself and resonates with it, either unconsciously or consciously
also upon seeing her Past broadcasted on maruki live television:tm: he makes the connection and is like oh so that's what happened. so all this time she was just masquerading as someone else. hmmm
anyway they're all very fragile and scared and sad during 3rd sem so they stick to eachother closely bc they're all they got to lean on. i think they have a lot of skinship during this time? handholding hugs leaning on each other sleeping in the same room (they hang out at leblanc A LOT bc 1) they're kind of afraid of being alone during this time 2) they're afraid of the OTHERS being alone during this time 3) leblanc is "untouched", compared to other parts of maruki's reality. can u imagine if even goro's apartment suddenly became nice overnight LMAO) but its like no feelings attached, just pure comfort kinda thing
kissing could also happen during this time but also no feelings attached, purely Why the hell not etc sort of vibe.
also goro and sumire get on first name basis during this time. this comic i drew w goro dying in my head which is Why he initiates first-name basis, but we can operate off the idea that he thought he'd die but somehow magically didnt. YAY!
but they have impeccable communication w each other and are very honest with their feelings. (goro avoids talking about his past tho. so maybe not THAT honest.) but they all achieve a really strong understanding of each other to survive maruki's winter wonderland...
i do think they develop feelings for each other during this time but they're all confused whether it's feelings of like comfort/security with each other or like romance/yay. so like nightmare situationship basically. so they all individually decide to hold on to this happiness while it lasts bc they sure as hell know it won't last (when have any of them been able to keep good things)
3rd sem: the thieves join yay! i think they'd notice that the 3 of them have become very close-knit (bouncing off eachother insanely well in battle, talk to eachother casually, and are generally pretty affectionate with each other. weird but ok! at least they (akira goro.) aren't trying to kill each other all the time.
this is also nice for sumire bc she had those 3-4 weeks to kinda Figure herself (sumire) out btwn akira and goro so she's less like down in the dumps about not being 'kasumi' anymore and more secure in herself and stuff like that. yay!
they beat maruki and stuff. YAY!
post-p5r: akira moves back to his hometown for 3rd year of highschool and college, goro is who-knows-where (i imagine he gets back on his feet of his own making and then goes abroad for school somehow. idk just seems like smth he'd do esp since i think he'd avoid everyone during this time) and sumire stays at shujin for 2-3rd year, then probably goes to a uni in japan but goes abroad for 1-2 yrs (gymnastics and etc.)
the "goro doesn't die and reunites with akira/sumi" timeline
goro, walking into leblanc on 2/4 or whatever: hi guys i didn't die actually
sumire: haha why would u silly? lol
the end.
i think they do go to separate universities though and theyre like damn wait i miss those guys but they go thru school and keep pretty decent contact w each other and see each other during vacations and stuff when they can and then when they come back to tokyo it's like no time has passed btwn them and they just pick up where 3rd sem left off but like better and happier and more peaceful. YAY!
i haven't really thought of how they "CONFESS" or whatever but i think all of them just feel (TWINGE OF JEALOUSY) at the idea of any of them dating someone else so theyre like ok well thats that i guess. we're a thing now (they refuse to use any other terms like that i think. For a while at least. until maybe one of the thieves etc gets engaged/married and then theyre like ok we can grow up about this. but basically they're just A Thing and Offlimits:tm: and etc.)
COMMUNICATION IS GOOD HERE!!!! i think for sh/uakes/umi i prefer them becoming a Thing at once rather than 1 couple happening first (esp since i like the idea of "none of them rlly understand romance and stuff so they just say 'fuck it' and become Thing" like thats kinda funny asf to me.)
i also feel like to anyone else they just seem like a group of besties until u see exchanged kisses or hugs or interlocked arms/hands and ur like wait....? hm. well idk. (bc they don't either. no one has any idea)
the "goro doesn't die and avoids them" timeline
also in my head sumire doesn't endeavor for the olympics/world stage/international fame and just kinda sticks around national rankings while she still figures herself out (in this timeline. also probably true for the other one but shrug IT CLD GO EITHER WAY I THINK)
somewhat relevant is my shsm fic where i elaborate on sumire's emotions more during this time (especially while thinking goro's dead). <- actually this is pretty recommended cele sumire reading bc this basically totally encapsulates how i see her. the first oneshot is 6k words tho ITS A MOUTHFUL.. SORRY
she and akira drift farrrr apart. she feels extremely guilty and also bitter and frustrated about goro's death and the fact that akira didn't tell her (or goro, in fact.) and he feels guilty and sad about it too, that he should have done something? anything? for him or for her, and he couldn't figure it out and now its over. so now the two of them r grappling w this and trying to overcome it and forget each other even tho the memories during 3rd sem, although painful and haunting, still were sweet and nice and they don't want to forget but they HAVE TO MOVE ON... RIGHT....
meanwhile goro's probably thinking like "damn i miss those guys." but they also think he's dead so hes also like "this is stupid i have to move on(?) Or whatever." ok imma be honest i didnt really think THAT much into goro's thinking during this time (YET.) bc i think he'd be floundering a LOT with everything during his life and being kinda just miserable.
also during this time they try to date other people and it all is miserable and falls apart and also they havent forgotten about the other two so theyre like fuck.
akira - 25~, sumire - 24~, goro - 26~, eventually goro moves back to tokyo and kinda just goes about his life hoping he'll see them again. or maybe find out what they were up to and finally get some closure. wow he does! they kinda all go back to tokyo at the same time wow shocker soulmate things IM JOKINGGGG but they all kinda hold that sentimentality of ok so much time has passed maybe i'll feel better about this place now. and then when they run into each other again its like no time has passed at all. HAPPY ENDING YAY!
communication is less good in this timeline now they're healing from the "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" stuff. so thats a whole nother can of worms. probably ironically in this universe they try to actualyl figure out how this whole romance thing works so they can label each other as partners and be like OK DONT RUN OFF AGAIN. ANY OF U!!! DO NOT!!!!
ok this shit is so long im so sorry. HI. SDGSHKJFHJKDSHG THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE ASK IM BAWLING i really havent thought much of post-3rd sem stuff as u can tell........... but i WILL ipromise.
edit: LAST ADDENDUM im very passionate abt shsm being nightmare situationship. guys who never got together but got divorced 50 times. sh/uake fits into this category as well i think. i can also kinda see ak/esumi like that but ironically i feel like they'd have the most stable situationship out of the 3 individual ships..... idk.. need to let it all cook in my head a bit more BUT VERY PASSIONATE ABT THE SHSM THING.
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yuukei-yikes · 3 months ago
would seto ever like bring it up to kano or smth if he accidentally found out abt kanoshin ? or would he just like . awkwardly ignore it
oh he would be SO conflicted about it. he knows kano, he would have to approach him with Maximum Caution. he Knows he will freak out to know he knows. but freak out kano style (open eyes really wide in surprise then activate deceiving and acting all over it and cool) and he doesn't know shintaro as well but shintaro has made it abundantly clear he's a complete drama queen who screams abt literally everything soooo... also he's not supposed to know, it was an accident!! he can't just tell them he knows a secret they're clearly not ready to tell!! if its a SECRET they probably have a good reason to hide it (again... he knows kano!!! kano would feel so invaded!!) (but didn't he HATE shintaro...?) (seto is suddenly super curious) (is he considering telling kano he knows because he doesn't want to "lie" about knowing or because he's letting the curiosity get the best of him?) (is he selfish? IS HE A BAD PERSON????) <- seto thought process i think
i think there are various choices.
1. most likely to me, but also the most boring: he doesn't say anything. it comes out on its own, whether bc it all goes to shit or it happens normally, and admits he already knew then. i personally like a scenario where kano and shintaro have a situationship breakup (you KNOW they'd have one of those painful break ups without dating first) and seto catches on on kano being really upset. he stays with him and talks until kano mumbles what actually happened. kano being like im not even sure what it was. idk i think... seto is The person kano can be the most vulnerable with (for kido, its seto too. something something middle children as mediators blah blah)
2. he tells kano he knows, something like i just want you to know i KNOW but that doesn't mean we have to talk about it if you dont want to. and whether kano actually talks about it with him or not depends on how tormented kano is at that moment (very tormented: doesn't talk. not so tormented: talks)
3. the funniest one. he tells someone else abt this conflict he's having abt what he should do. who does he tell? the person that in his eyes can do no wrong and he trusts most in his life. mary. should've been kido, who would genuinely really keep the secret and give good advice. but he tells mary. and mary of course accidentally lets it spill EVERYWHERE and everyone finds out through gossip. bad hypothetical move, seto
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spideyhexx · 4 months ago
bull run review hot off the press!
okay, so, it was a lot of fun. i'm not really sure how to get into this but it is definitely a finance movie. there was a lot of business jargon that took some getting used to, but it was also pretty fast paced so it all just sort of glossed over really needing to know what they were talking about. (and as the director/writer said after the film, it really isn't necessary to understand the technicalities).
the next big thing i need to mention is the editing. holy sound effects batman! there's a lot of cutting to stock-esce footage and sound effect over sound effect and sometimes absurd editing and cutting. but besides being a little jarred in the beginning not knowing what i was getting into i think it really worked for what they were trying to show here.
i just can't tell you how wonderful it is to see tom on a giant screen again, i missed this. having tom talk to you for an hour and a half was glorious! gah his voice ☺️🥰 it was very ferris bueller-esce in that way. also he says fuck quite a bit in this film and that was a wonderful treat haha
but it wasn't just bobby (tom's character) who i liked, i grew to really generally enjoy the other characters in the movie. tom has a lot of funny moments of like jim from the office looks to the camera or through his 4th wall breaking, but there are also some really funny moments from all the characters
side note: my fav side character was farouk played by ashwin gore. so keep an eye out for him, he was hilarious. (also the actor showed up to the screening in-character and it was genuinely one of the funniest things ever. he did a song where he mentioned "where is tom blyth" and the little audience waved flashlights.)
anyways, i think there's also a lot of good fic potential for this character, i really want to explore MORE with him. especially since this was more of a fast paced comedy and not like a character exploratory piece
OH ALSO, i really wish they had kept the og title "discussion materials" especially bc it is mentioned in the film several times and i think it would've been a neater bow than bull run.
(sorry this was so long lol)
yeah it seemed like smth that would be fast paced and glad to hear you don't need to really dwell on the jargon, that's honestly how im feeling reading the book like it's littered with so much jargon but you don't necessarily need to know what it all means
interesting about the editing??? that sounds like it fits the vibe though, im very curious!
thank you for confirming he says fuck a lot, that's actually vital AND SEEING HIM ON THE BIG SCREEN AGH im so happy you got to see it anon!!!!
WHERE IS TOM BLYTH ARE YOU KIDDING GHUFGHUKJG thats so silly i love that, will def be watching for that character too
jim from the office comparison best thing you could have said dear god
and interesting about the title!!! I think bull run honestly works better cause it's quick and punchy so I get why they would change it, but from what you said, I get you
FIC POTENTIAL IS GREAT yk we will explore bobby, I will even if only four of us are writing him lmao
ANON THANK YOU AGAIN I HOPE IT WAS A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE i really need this movie soon I am so excited
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erabu-san · 1 year ago
hello! im new here, so my apologies if you have already mentioned things im about to ask. also i don't mean to offend you, just curious
you ship cynilou if im not wrong. do you ship them bc you don't think nilou is underage and cyno isn't or do you ship them knowing it but not finding it a problem? why do you like them as a pair? and what's your opinion on hainilou/haikaveh/cynonari?
Hello ! (First i apologize for my english again hahaha write a lot again)
For me Nilou is a young adult 19 to 23 yrs old. (A bit like Tighnari haha)
I love them as pair because Nilou is like a fresh air for Cyno imo ?? I started to ship them when I learn Cyno's point of view about art, but also how he understands Nilou's passion (in Sumeru society/Akademiya era when art wasn't the best thing).
At first there are their dynamics, cute at the surface : sunshine x unexpressive, sun x moon
Then we learn more ! Cyno can sense Nilou's enthousiasm about dancing. And he understands Nilou pretty well :
Cyno about Nilou : "...It has become integral of her being." // Nilou's Hobbies : "My life is dance or dance is my life ... [....] Anyway, I'll just keep on dancing."
Cyno about Nilou : "I hope she will always be able to use the art she loves to bring happiness to other people." // About Nilou Dance and Wisdom : "... You don't have to understand what you're seeing to enjoy watching it. If I can use my movements to demonstrate the beauty and meaning of dance, then I'm happy."
I would also add that it is pretty cute from Cyno saying that she brings happiness while dancing because Cyno also watched Nilou's performance (in Kaveh's trailer for example). It means that it makes him happy haha !
Nilou (about Cyno) said she doesn't like interacting with people from Akademiya because they don't see art in a kindly way. But by her tone, she was positively surprise to learn that Cyno plays TCG ! There is a parallel between Art and TCG. What a coincidence because Cyno consider TCG like a form of art ! (For Cyno TCG is an art but for other it is just a card game... Nilou's could also understands Cyno's passion, and his point of view about art). Nilou's even did a buffet for Cyno (archon quest, return the post of General Mahamatra).
They were a cute interaction of them i dont remember well but- Nilou's asking Cyno to be more happy. Cyno answered by it is not question of being happy, and he has to work but she asked him to try to smile like her or smth like that and he said he would try. But that was so cute bahaha my cylou's heart was pretty happy 😭 and it is also cute because when you talk to Cyno after this scene when they enjoying all their meal, he said that buffet wasn't bad at all (he was a bit worried before) wHILE MAKING THIS FACE ????
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LOOK AT HIM ALL SMILY ENJOYING MEALS WITH NEW FRIENDS HE MADE DURING THE WHOLE ADVENTURE 😢😢😢 And then after Sumeru Archon quest, we can see Cyno being more relaxed, rest, playing more and all. Like.. he is a bit a more accessible ?? I love the idea that, he really tried to be happy like Nilou recommended.
Nilou gives a lot of positive for Cyno, but it is also reciprocate.
In the archon quest, bro showing his biggest green flag : he is SUPPORTIVE. Telling to Nilou's to have more confidence on herself because he knows she has the capacity ! When you read Nilou's voiceline/do her quest, you can easily notice that Nilou is a bit stressed and is not sure about herself. And it is only HC but Cyno understanding how passionate Nilou is, how dedicated she is on her dance, is actually important !
I love seeing Nilou as independant woman (i just love independant woman). I am sure Cyno (also busy as he is) would respect it, but he would also be there for her because this man is caring (he would also assists to all her dance show). Nilou has also positive impact on Cyno, and might help him to improve his social life. Oh gosh I am sure she would gently and genuinely smile and listen Cyno rambling about his hyperfixation bahaha like during the event 😭😭💕
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Why I love them as pair, it is because Cyno is my actual comfort character. And him being happy makes me happy ! Cyno can call Cyrus Lisa Tighnari Collei (my HC but Faruzan too) as family, he can call Kaveh Alhaitham Candace Dehya Faruzan Traveler and more as friends, and Nilou as lover sounds romantic in my ears.
About hainilou, it is cute but not appealing for me, I am neutral about it. (If i can add... all Nilou's ship are adorable. Wlw and mlw. Live laugh love Nilou!!!)
About Haikaveh, I enjoy the ship ! (My favorite flavor of haikaveh is a one-sided love alhaitham have for kaveh. Bitter-sweet, miscomprehension, sometime wholesome and funny moments, slow burn)
The romantic ship between Tighnari and Cyno makes me uncomfortable. I would be grateful if people could respect this when I said "don't tag my post as ship". (Thank you for those who are doing it !)
But them being friends/bro-mate is an actual comfort and it helps me to sleep well everyday ! That's why I prefer to use tighnari&cyno than ship name when I am talking about them
Hope it answers your question !! Have a nice day anon, don't forget to drink water ! 💕💕💕
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crguang · 6 months ago
haven’t read kafka’s voice lines in a minute, but I just reread them, and like I need to know more. like her being a devil hunter. why were there devils on her planet in the first place, was it bc of the stellar on or just like smth else. why’d she become one. and it was always interesting to me that it seems like she kind of didn’t like her home planet, obviously she could be lying. ig she wasn’t that close to her family and she probably didn’t have friends bc she’s a loser and isn’t good at connecting w people. And I’m curious abt where and when she started saying "When making friends with someone, keep the right distance, in order to maintain a long-lasting relationship." and firefly thinks she doesn’t believe that? if Kafka didn’t care abt anyone on her home planet ig that would make sense? idk hsjjghsh I’m not coherent enough but I need more Kafka. I do wonder abt how people who can’t feel fear yk survive and all, but idk. Her sea voice like is also interesting like why was that such a personal place?
Also my fighter between the two kafcats os probably the happy one bc she’s just so cute…I want to a symphony a few days ago and I couldn’t stop thinking abt Kafka, like violin=kafka for me. She def would liked it, trust me. On a side note, do u think she’d be concert master? it’s like the best (violin I think) player and everyone tunes to them bc, and they usually get all the violin solos.
and I’m gonna have to clear out some stuff bc I don’t have enough storage for ptn…don’t ask. I know I’ll like it bc women, ugh I should just get more storage.
less than 24 hours til the banners come out im actually terrified, but umm we’ll see. And I have a quiz ig but you def got me covered fr (didn’t know you take comp too)
now that ive read AND listened to her voice lines i find it curious that she seems to have a bit of nostalgia in her tone when talking about the destruction of her planet. like you can tell whenever she has a smile on her face as she says certain lines and she’s always so playful (spent a whole hour just listening to her yesterday im ill) but this line was one of the serious-ish ones. she could be acting all mysterious on purpose but i guess we won’t know until more info comes out…. i really wonder if she had friends or something before because she says she rarely ever saw the same person twice due to her work.
THE SEA VOICE LINE. HELLO. WAS NO ONE GOING TO TELL ME HOW EXCITED SHE GETS?! THE CUTE EMPHASIS ON “fiercest”?!?!?! YOU ALLLLL FAILED ME. she speaks so genuinely as if reminiscing that place then she composes herself after a pause… wow. my baby. she’s so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i also go violin = kafka and omgg going to a symphony sounds so nice i hope u had a great time. straight up unbiased thoughts i think she would get the solos because she seems really rigorous in her practice of the violin despite having a very unstable job. she doesn’t strike me as the type to go for easy to play pieces either, especially when you consider what kind of music she’d like. so she’d work for that solo!!
hope your pulls went well i thought i was gonna be devastated if she came at hard pity but turns out im too happy that shes home at all🥹
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