#this is about leela and narvin
Sure there’s the inherent tragedy of ‘in a kinder universe they would have been okay’
But what about ‘in a kinder universe they would have been strangers’
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alyona11 · 5 months
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He is now claimed as “her Narvin”, folks
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i-am-become-a-name · 5 months
"Narvin, by picking up the sextant you risked your life. Your only life."
"Of course, and I'd do it all over again. Leela, I- I-"
"I know. I also know you want to ask me a question, and you know my answer - I cannot."
"I think I've known all along."
"If it was not this way, I would come with you. But Romana only lives while I serve. While we are apart... you are no longer alone, Narvin. "
"No. No, I'm not. None of us are. "
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georgiacooked · 9 months
🎭 for any of the Gallifrey characters
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
(Sticking to characters I haven't written for in the series for obvious reasons, but oh man the Headcanons I could write for my boy the General.)
Narvin has lost so much in the process of becoming the man he is today, but something even he's not entirely comes to terms with his most intangible loss: his ability to lie.
As a former member of the CIA, lies and falsehoods should have remained second nature in his new role of Renegade Timelord. But with newfound courage comes newfound honesty. Something about the horrors of war have stripped them all away.
Narvin can really only lie in the moment now, and only ever small lies. His honest truth- what he thinks of the coming horrors, how little he truly believes he can impact the future of Gallifrey, the full scope of what they stand to lose- bubbles to the surface like boiling oil, threatening to spill over and destroy everything he clings to on his travels across the stars.
Romana considers lies a necessity both evil and kind. She must lie to protect her people, she must lie to protect those she loves. She lies to herself so she can keep going, even in the face of everything she's lost, and she must lie as a weapon to fend off the universe. Such is the role of President.
Leela is fundamentally incapable of lies. She may dip her toe into the weaponised diplomacy of Gallifrey from time to time, but it sits uncomfortable on her skin, like tar. Hers is an honesty wielded with brute force, another link in her armour against a planet she both loves and despises. A reminder that she is, despite everything, despite the years behind and ahead, always Leela.
Everything. Anything. Brax hasn't paused to take a breath or speak the truth since the day he was born (loomed?) Even his stark honesty is woven with all the little things he won't ever say outright, all the thoughts and observations held tight by his other selves. Brax is a hoarder of lies. He considers it one of his best qualities.
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trailmixtime · 1 year
literally can't stop thinking about "you're thinking with your hearts and not your head" bc. it's such a DELICIOUS role reversal. narvin always being the level-headed one and thinking things through before acting n trying to get leela to act rationally rather than emotionally. and now SHE'S the level-headed one trying to get HIM to act rationally rather than emotionally. just. frothing at the mouth about it ;-;
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Easy Way Out
Gallifrey was quiet, and lovely, and terrible. Maybe that was true in every reality.
The tall red grass swayed around her knees and the cool breeze ruffled her hair.
“It will be my honor to kill you for my President,” said Lord Burner. “And it will be fun, don’t you think? The one person I’d never get a chance to otherwise.”
“Fine,” said Romana.
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raspberry-gloaming · 7 months
People be like "oh cartoon characters have hardly any outfits" but you know who is really out in the trenches? Characters on the CD covers of 2000s-era audio drama who exist only in their outift from tv show in the 70s with an uber strong colour overlay filter.
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pixel3603 · 1 year
gimme gimme narvin/leela opinion!
No joke my favourite (well, maybe tied with Leela/Narvin/Romana) ship in Doctor who.
That is literally my favourite companion and favourite character in Doctor who (or ever really) and an AMAZING enemies to begrudging allies to friends to friends (spicy) and I genuinely find them so interesting. They are two sides of the same coin and truly care about each other SO MUCH.
The writers present it fantastically through show don’t tell and the way Seán Carlsen and Louise Jameson perform the characters really adds another dimension to them. Fio Trethewey (who is on here so hi if you’re seeing this!) wrote them fantastically in first days of phaidon and it really demonstrates the growth they’ve had together well. They (especially Narvin) could not have developed as they did without eachother. I point you to the door scene in 6.1 extermination, any scene between them in FDOP. S6 in general is such an amazing season for Narvin, his development really shines.
I have zero objections to this ship apart from it becoming like,, canon canon y’know? I think it would loose a lot of what makes it special if there was to be one big romantic ‘we’re together now!’ moment. 1000/10 never want to part from them 💕💕
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theladyofspaceandtime · 7 months
Why yes, I am going to listen to Gallifrey Series 4.1 Reborn once again for the millionth time because I am Braxmana trash and this episode is responsible for starting it all.
I mean, I wonder if Gary Hopkins must have known what he was starting...
"And if I had a white charger, Romana, it would be my privilege to carry you off into the sunset..."
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theladyjojogrant · 1 year
I’ve avoided spoilers like the plague so I know nothing about the general opinions of War Room 2 but HECK I really liked that first episode
Reaction highlights (pretty much all my reactions whoops):
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pwhlboston21 · 1 year
I’ve been in such a shit place lately but I finally hit the energy to finish the new Gallifrey box set and it made me FEEL THINGS! I’m completely back in a Gallifrey especially Leela/Narvin mood now and it’s making life that little bit easier which is always great
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Never not thinking about leela being one of the smartest and most competent people in a room full of time lords who think she’s useless because she’s human
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alyona11 · 8 months
War Room I: The First Days of Phaidon animatic!
And it’s finally done! It took me about a month to finish (I think? I started it at some point, then I forgot about it, then remembered again) and for the past couple of weeks this was all I was doing art-wise after work. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!
@fiotrethewey ‘s The First Days of Phaidon is one of my fave audios featuring Leela and Narvin and planning their acting in this scene was very entertaining. It’s so surreal to watch the final result :3
Also I got to test ToonSquid and Procreate Dreams along the way so maybe I can give you some impressions if you’re interested 🤔
I would also appreciate it so much if you take 1,5 minutes of your time and watch it and if you enjoyed it like/comment/share it. The fandom is really small and algorithms hate videos making it REALLY hard to get responses for a pretty exhausting work that goes along with making a big project. Your support means a lot to me and also gives my demotivated brain a carrot to motivate it to do more stuff like this :3
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i-am-become-a-name · 1 year
when Leela's voice gets very slightly deeper while complimenting or showing any kind of affection for Narvin
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tea-earl-grey · 6 months
me, pacing around my house: I have so many thoughts about Time Lord perceptions of family versus friendship. I need to write a fic about it sooooo badly.
me, looking at my ao3 page: oh huh I did write an over 80k fic about this. oh huh, all the themes I'm thinking about are there... what a coincidence.
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gotyouanyway · 7 months
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