#this is about Kai green btw
Reminder for the class: A literal warlord with superpowers trying to purposefully crush someone's skull is not the same as an ordinary human stepping on a superpowered alien.
Thank you and good day.
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colesstar · 11 months
The preeminent has never looked better
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clockwork-krow · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot about Kai and Morro again, and specifically their parallels (dangerous thing, I know) and I just really wanted to ramble about what I've taken to calling the inferno of destiny parallel.
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As a beginner ninja, both Morro and Kai dealt with arrogance, recklessness, and anger. We see this in how Morro took extremely dangerous risks to get Wu to save him, with how he assumed he was to be the green ninja when Wu told him he believed Morro was to wear green, and how Morro reacted when the weapons didn't react to him (ripping off the sliding door). We see this in how younger Kai jumps into situations without a genuine plan, how he gets angry and often (literally) explodes with fire when something frustrates him, and how he kind of defaults to the coolest person on the team/the hot one/the center of attention/etc when that's just really the immature persona he's thrown up to try and be the best.
Both Morro and Kai want to be the best at what they can do, and when they heard about a chance to be even better than their original concepts of the best (becoming the Green Ninja), both of them jumped at it.
Morro trained so hard he ended up hurting the kids he was training against and worrying Wu
Kai tried so hard to be the green ninja he ended up placing unnecessary strain on his relationships and even went so far as to risk letting people get hurt/die because he was prioritizing what he thought might get him closer to being the Green Ninja (a competitive line of thinking that Kai's been known to buy into in addition to his constant needs to try to be the best in the situation before he matures) (btw I'm talking about him originally trying to get the fang blade instead of. yknow. the CHILD about to burn lol.)
So, where do we see the shift from heroic to villanous in these two suspiciously similar characters? Well, it's when both of them are placed in an inferno scenario where they have to choose between pursuing their perceived destiny and their true destiny; hence, the inferno of destiny parallel.
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When Morro searches so long to try and find a way to become the Legendary Green Ninja and rewrite destiny, he eventually finds himself in the Caves of Despair. We don't have the details of what happened, but we see the ninja try to escape Morro's fate in season 5 episode 7 titled "The Crooked Path". Here we see them encounter geysers that are releasing poisonous gases at an alarming rate, and they also spray boiling water/steam out in addition to rising the temperature to an unbearable level in the cave. It's reasonable to assume that Morro experienced a cave-in due to the caves' lack of structural integrity (also experienced by the ninja)* and then was killed either from burns from the hot steam and/or due to inhaling too much of the dangerous gasses.
The point of Morro's inferno: Morro couldn't accept the fact that he was not destined to be the Green Ninja, so he wasn't willing to turn away from his perceived destiny to save his own life. He wouldn't leave the cave because he couldn't let go of the fact that his perceived destiny wasn't his true destiny.
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When Kai trains and practices to become the Green Ninja, making rash decisions (like jumping down for the Fang Blade again) and reckless choices that hurt his relationships (like barricading himself into a room to fight Garmadon for… literally no reason other than his desire to be the Green Ninja), he eventually finds himself in a similar inferno: The Fire Temple. An ancient temple constructed inside a volcano that once held the Sword of Fire, this is where the fourth and final Fang Blade is located and where the ninja must fight against Pythor and the other Serpentine generals for it. The volcano begins to erupt and collapse in on itself, and Kai ends up with a choice: save young Lloyd from his inevitable death in the erupting volcano, or try to reach the Fang Blade before it ends up in the hands of Pythor. This is the critical moment* for Kai, as he has to choose between his percieved destiny (becoming the Green Ninja and getting the Fang Blade) or his true destiny (protecting Lloyd in the hopes of saving both of their lives). In the end, he chooses to give up the thing he'd been working towards for most likely months now to try and be the best in the favor of saving a kid that used to be a massive pain in the ass (no offense, little Lloyd).
The point of Kai's inferno: Kai gave up his perceived destiny in the end, and only then was he able to unlock his True Potential in addition to being able to escape the Fire Temple safely with Lloyd and himself still alive. He was able to save himself and Lloyd because he gave up something that had felt like such a core part of his being, that he believed was his destiny, even though it turned out not to be.
He even says this himself to Sensei Wu: "I knew when I had to make a choice. I wanted the Fangblade so badly, to prove I was good enough to become the Green Ninja. But then I figured it out. All of my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the Green Ninja. It was… to protect him." (s1e10, titled "The Green Ninja")
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Kai and Morro both experience infernos that threaten their lives and rely on their ability to relinquish their percieved goals in favor of the objectively best choice in the moment. Morro was unable to give up what he truly believed was his destiny, and he ended up dead and sent to the Cursed Realm as a result. Kai was able to give up what he had been working towards for so long, and was able to save his life and Lloyd's life (especially entertaining when you remember that Kai had to give up trying to be the Green Ninja to… save the Green Ninja, lmao)
The critical moment I noted with a * for both Kai and Morro is that this point is the moment where each of them have to decide what's more important to them: what they believe is their destiny, or what would save their life. Morro tried to push through to his "destiny" and became too hurt or sick from the fumes to escape, and eventually died there. Kai gave up his "destiny" and just barely managed to escape with his life and Lloyd's.
So yes, I love the inferno of destiny parallel quite a bit! All three of these characters are very near and dear to my heart and they're rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken lmao
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cursingtoji · 1 year
Hii! For the 3k event (congrats btw!! 🥳) can i request Toji with prompt 3 and 15? I guess it would be reader getting drunk and confessing because Toji doesn't get drunk. Thank you so much! ❤️
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 + 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ┊ realizing you want more than you should have with the sorcerer killer ┊ The Clichés ™
note: Thank you for joining Kay <3 I was so excited for a Toji request hehe this turned out a bit angsty but oh well guess i just have too many emotions for him
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Tonight you and your fellow sorcerers are celebrating, you aren’t sure what since you just arrived from a week long mission but you accepted the invitation and met them at an izakaya for drinks and food.
Alcohol kept coming and since you were sharing the bill you keep drinking too until everyone decided it was enough, but as soon as everyone was drunk enough to drop formalities and talk about their personal life you began to plot an excuse to go home.
Apparently Utahime got engaged over the weekend and she was super excited about the wedding, she asked everyone if they would bring a plus one and who they were.
“What about you? Are you seeing anyone?” you knew this moment was coming but your drunk brain couldn’t think fast enough.
“Well… it’s complicated, but don’t worry about me, I’ll bring one of Yaga’s puppets as my date” you successfully dodged the question and made everyone laugh.
The bill came when the place was about to close, when it was time to get up you realized you might have had too many drinks.
“Bye bye, take care” you said your goodbyes to each other and took your path back home, which gladly was not too far.
“Hey sexy lady, need some company?” after a few minutes you heard a man but when you turned around there was no one there. You tried to raise your senses in order to feel the cursed energy around you but there wasn’t any. Maybe it was a car or bike that passed by you?
“Pathetic” you murmured to yourself.
The second you resumed your path and walked past an alley you got pulled, your instincts made you raise your elbow to hit the aggressor on the face but he stopped it with his hand, a very familiar hand.
“God, Toji, what the fuuuck, you almost gave me a heart attack” you whispered drunkly and allowed your body to relax.
Toji chuckled with his face on your neck, his warm breath giving you goosebumps. The hand on your elbow moved all the way down your arm to hold your hand and he gave it a soft kiss.
“Couldn’t resist” he kissed it again, you dropped your head backwards meeting his strong chest. The alley was dark but you could still see his handsome features shadowed by the yellow street lamp “You’re drunk as a skunk, sweetheart, I can’t believe your friends let you go home by yourself like that. What a bunch of hypocrites” he squeezed your waist with his other hand and you felt his lips on your ear, “Should I kill them all?” your eyes widened and your head turned to meet his dangerous green eyes.
“Don’t be ridiculous, they don’t have any obligation with me. I’m an inden— inpe— independent woman.”
“I can see how you were independently about to crash onto the pavement, why did’ya drink so much?” he sounded concerned, you couldn’t face him when he got serious like that.
In fact you started to chug more after Utahime began babbling about her fiancé, you wanted to talk about Toji like that, but you had two huge problems.
The first one was the man himself.
You couldn’t just drop in a conversation among sorcerers you were in relationship with the infamous sorcerer killer.
Besides, there was no relationship.
You and Toji met during a mission months ago, you had the same goal and would be easy to partner up, but no one could know you made a deal with him, you made that extremely clear, that’s the kind of thing that would destroy your career, that if not get you a death sentence.
And you still ended up in bed with him that same night and many others ever since.
Toji often showed up unannounced at your place in the middle of the night and was gone by the morning, sometimes there was no sex, he ate what was in your fridge and you two talked about whatever except the sorcerer world.
“Cat got your tongue?” he took your chin and moved your head to face him.
“Meow” you replied and began to laugh alone.
“Gosh, kid. Let’s take you home” with an arm around your waist he guided you.
“Home….” you laughed again.
“What? Don’t you wanna go home?”
“Yeah but—“ you hiccuped “the way you said it— sounded like you were saying it’s our home” Toji got quiet as he stopped by your door and his hand moved from your waist to your ass, “Toji~ not here…”
“Relax, you horny” he got the keys from your back pocket and opened the door.
You went straight to your couch and let your body fall on the soft cushions, realizing how everything seemed to be spinning.
“Here” he handed you a glass of water you haven’t even heard him getting, “Sit up” he ordered but you could only raise an arm for him to take and pull you up, “So what was that about?” he sat where you were previously laid at, so when you finished your cup of water you laid down again this time on his lap on top of a cushion he placed for your head.
“What was what about?” you looked up, his arms were spread on the back of the couch, from your angle he looked so big…
“The drinking, never seen you so off after going out.”
“You creep, do you always watch me when I’m out drinking?” you poked his abdomen but it was hard as a rock.
“Not always, I have stuff to do too” he poked your tummy back.
You allowed a few seconds of silent before admitting “Marriage.”
“We were talking about marriage, some of them are married, one is getting married in the fall, she wanted to know if we would bring a plus one” you traced the pecks of his abdomen through his shirt, not wanting look at him.
“What did’ya tell her?” Toji sounded serious.
“I… I don’t remember” he snorted.
“Is that why you got so hammered?” he flicked your forehead and you made a whiny sound.
“No… the drinks were cheap, okay?” you raised a bit too fast and he raised with you to hold you from stumbling down.
You hated how much you loved being held by him. In order to shut the spiral of thoughts in your head you got on your tip toes and threw your arms around his massive shoulders kissing him, Toji leaned slightly to pick you up by your ass making you to envelop his waist with your legs.
“You taste like sake” you murmured.
“That’s you, dumbass” he bit your cheek and moved to your bedroom still holding you while you kissed his neck, “For someone that gets fucked every other night you are very horny.”
“It’s been 6… 6? 7! 7 days since I last saw you, so shut up” you watched as Toji pulled his shirt.
“Aw you were counting the days to see me? How cute” he undid the buttons of your jeans, pulling it down your legs then holding them again massaging your calves.
A comfortable silence settled on your bedroom, Toji hasn’t moved, he was indeed just massaging your legs sitting on the edge of your bed.
“Toji?” you called.
“Is that a really long foreplay or you have no intention to take off my panties?” you moved your feet to his crotch, you could feel he was hard but he held your feet with a groan.
“I ain’t fucking you tonight.”
“What?” you sat on the bed pulling your legs to yourself, “Why not?” you whined like you were being denied your favourite food.
“Come on, sweetheart, we’ve been over this already.”
“Just cause I’m drunk? Now you have morals?” the question came out harshly than it sounded on your head, you could see (hazily so) Toji frowning over it, “Sorry, that’s not what—“
“I should leave.”
“No!” you held his arm and moved to sit on his lap, he stared at your with an expression you couldn’t read.
With your side lamp on and nothing but the sound of your breathing you began to overthink about your situationship.
Toji sighed and lifted his hand to hold your neck but didn’t move to kiss you, he just stayed there almost touching noses. You cursed yourself for falling in the first place, then you cursed him for giving you all the reasons to fall.
“Why you gotta make this so hard?” you let it out in a whisper, he looked deep in your eyes with those gorgeous green fucking orbs.
“Whatcha sayin’?” he digged.
You considered yourself a careful person, always thinking things through and considering the risks.
Yet Toji (added to the alcohol in your blood) made you forget everything and become ridiculously impulsive with your words.
“I like you, that’s what I’m saying” you announced a little bit annoyed, “…and i hate you too” you whispered the last part, feeling the burn of upcoming tears in your eyes.
You felt pathetic, after having heard your coworkers talk about their loved ones there you were: tearing up on the lap of a man you knew had no intentions to have a serious relationship with you, not to mention a long list of crimes against your kind.
“Oh darling” he cooed holding you face, “I’m not worth your affection, you know that” your heart broke at the sentence, you weren’t sure what you wanted to hear, but it wasn’t that.
“Asshole” you murmured staring at his lips. He gave you a peck, then another then one that had a salted taste of the single tear that ran down.
“You’re not even going to remember saying that tomorrow” he slithered back to lay down with you.
“Doesn’t mean it’s not true” his arm held you close, the warmth of his body worked like a charm to make you drowsy, your eyes were heavy and your body got more and more relaxed, you thought you heard him saying something but sleep got to you first, wishing he would still be there in the morning for a change.
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Look Kai’s angst to me isn’t “he had to raise his sister bc his parents went missing”.
To me, Kai’s angst is: without his parents he felt unsupported and he “lost his way” to quote the show. Feeling resentful and internalising their disappearance as some act of spite against him, which is why he feels the need to prove himself (trying to be a better blacksmith than his dad in the pilots, wanting to be the green ninja), and boost his ego; he’s coping with the abandonment.
However this is very self focused meaning he doesn’t spend the amount care people think he does towards Nya. He doesn’t fucking raise her. And btw I’m not saying he neglects her bc I don’t think you can neglect someone if you don’t have to fulfil that duty in the first place. She’s not a little baby in need of fatherly love from her brother who is like 2 years older than her. And yeah I think Kai probably should’ve paid more attention to her a little bit but that’s it. And the fact that he didn’t is interesting for both of them.
It’s like people ignore Nya’s constant theming of being independent and being left out. She always feels that she’s falling behind in s1, which is why she eventually decides to do her own thing. Her own true potential is about trying to be perfect because she’s got her own high standards due to feeling like she’s not good enough because she was abandoned and then afterwards she was only seen as “the girl ninja”.
Also every time Kai and Nya talk about their relationship in their childhood they always mention how they were equals in raising eachother and that Nya was independent and that Nya helped and supported Kai.
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elderwisp · 1 month
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Outfit Breakdown:
Here's a look into everyone's outfits and makeup! I might break down these scenes in the future as some of them will be incredibly relevant to certain arcs.
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✩ Starting with Dan, I wanted to go with a really laidback attire. Dan is seen in a pair of vans, a cropped tank top and loosely styled hair. However! Since she is hosting, she threw on a tie and some slacks to look presentable. Meanwhile with the the makeup, I opted for a 60s style eyeshadow and eyeliner combo, I felt like it brought a lot of attention to the eyes, something I'm sure Ares could appreciate. As for Kai, I kept the green color scheme as I resonate that color with him. His cross is seen loosely around the neck with a nice button up opened just enough to show his chest. As for his makeup, there was some flecks of blue and green sparkles as well as two lines of blue and green intertwined. That was more of a symbolism of him and Atlas being two threads connected. After his evening with Alex, the colors blend to a teal until finally he rubs it all off before his conversation with Taryn.
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✩ Gum and Syx's hair colors feel complimentary to one another as one is pastel pink while the other is a pastel blue. Gum really speaks through her clothing as she feels most confident in alternative attire. Meanwhile, Syx dresses in much more pastel clothing, she really likes to show off her fit figure. Gabriel (looks v pretty here btw) came in a comfortable streetwear attire. He likes to save a lot of the flashier outfits for gigs and bar hoping but is typically seen in casual yet stylish clothing. Ares on the other hand came in a very sleek outfit as well as some chromatic eyeshadow to match. Too bad those pockets didn't hold a lighter in there.
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✩ BOOF! I opted for warmer colors for Icarus, picking a comfy leather jacket and some broken in jeans. I wanted it to feel down to earth and inviting. Meanwhile for Frances, there were a lot of textures in their clothing as well as sparkles reminiscent of tears on their eyes. Their whole scene in this arc did not go as planned, originally there was supposed to be a misunderstanding and while at the time it worked (their kiss at the arcade wasn't cannon at that point) the more I read it, I was like this doesn't suit them in the state that they're in. I love the way things played out, the more it sat with me, the more bittersweet things felt and I just knew I made the right choice. Icarus throughout the scene tried to help ground Frances in the present whereas Frances felt incredibly overwhelmed by the distress of it all. So I really wanted to reflect that through their clothing.
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✩ Ah, hello Rowan. There's a lot of symbolism to Rowan's attire. I'll probably touch base on it more in the future but some key items! He has not kept up with bleaching his hair that stark white he's normally seen with. His charcoal eyeshadow with the two lines intensified his eyes while his clothes had a bit of a mesmerizing patter to it. He understands how to use his appearance to pull people in. Meanwhile, Atlas's was what I like to call fashionably disheveled, his eyes covered in messily applied eyeshadow and glitter. His shirt had pins as if it was barely holding together the seams, sorta reminiscent of his mental state. Seeing Rowan definitely added to that. We probably won't see Atlas for a while as I'm sure he has plenty to think about. Putting the two together, they're incredibly similar with the pallets and patterns chosen. If Taryn and Atlas are two separate, parallel lines, Rowan and Atlas are two people sitting on the opposite side of the same line.
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blackterrae · 1 year
Ideas for Black!Reader Fic
I am going to try my hand again at writing. And I wanted to share some people and fandoms that I love. If you don’t know these shows/actors/franchises/movies/streamers I’m putting you on! For the following:
Princess Bride
Alice In Borderland
Johnny Depp- All his characters
Napoleon Dynamite
Cameron Monaghan- I know that there are fics out there but it’s only always his Jerome/Jeremiah roles never just him or Cal Kestis
Anthony Carrigan- I loved Anothy as Victor Zsasz
Paul Dano- There are Riddler fics but not as many for his other roles
The Entire Cast of Hawaii Five-0 (2010) - Don’t even get me started on how good this show is! And the cast looks amazing!
Chicago Med/Fire/PD- These shows have so much potential for fanfic storylines!
The Game (2006)- Has great potential for slow burns and fluffs.
Star Wars franchise (1977-present) - I know I said Cal Kestis but there are also other characters like Anakin, Luke, Obi Wan,Boba Fett (etc.)
NCIS franchise- I honestly love this franchise and it’s characters!
Any/All Sports Men- Jude Bellingham,Lewis Hamilton,LaMelo Ball,Allen Iverson(etc.)
Berleezy - He’s handsome and he’s funny!
Coryxkenshin- I literally love him and his videos!
Albert Aretz (Flamingo)- Look … he may be the epitome of mediocre white man but I like what I like!
AMP- Duke Dennis, Kai Cenat, Agent 00, ChrisNxtDoor,Davis, and Fanum ( all I gotta say is love a black man from infinity to infinity🗣️)
Beta Squad- A British YouTube/ streamer group!
SOMEBROS- Berleezy, Rico, ,PG, Joe (etc.)
WWE- come on now, do I even need to explain!!!
Four Brothers- All the cast but Garrett Hedland in particular!
Peacemaker - Don’t get me wrong I love Adrian Chase but I want to see just as much Peacemaker x black!reader fics because 2 words… JOHN CENA
MAWS- New animated Superman show! Love!
Smallville - The entire cast is hot! Tbh I fell hard for Tom Welling when I was younger when he was in Cheaper By The Dozen. Plus they literally whitewashed Vixen. COME ON! Vixen is a black female hero btw. She was also with Jon (Green Lantern) at one point.
Justice League/Justice League Unlimited (2001 and 2004)- I mean I literally can’t find any Jon Stewart x black!reader fics and he was with a BLACK WOMAN!
Warner Bros Franchise (minus the looney tunes & space jam)- There are lots of popular franchises that this company has from Fast & Furious to The Matrix!
Peaky Blinders- Saw a Tommy shelby x arms dealer black!female reader fic on my previous account but even then I couldn’t find it again on that account. So it’s gone with the wind. And the cast (i.e the actors and other characters they’ve portrayed). Example: Cillian Murphy as Johnathan Crane.
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The Bear
FBI (All)
The good doctor
Tiktokers: Vinnie hacker
Blue Bloods
Will Poulter- I haven’t really seen any Adam Warlock fics
Stranger Things
Cruel Intentions
Dave Lizewski
Eddie Redmayne
Macgyver (2016)
Fresh Prince of Belair
Guardians of the galaxy- Explanation? Do I really need one?
On My Block
Descendants (characters will be the actors age in real life.duh)- Love Boo-boo Stewart & Mitchell Hope!
Matt Rife
Joey Bragg (Liv &Maddie) - What can I say I love dorks!
The Boys- Haven’t seen that many fics about the characters and a black reader
Once Upon A Time- I love dark fairytales sometimes because they remind me that not every story has a happy ending and you have to learn from them. But this series is good for any theme really.
Walker Texas Ranger (1993)
Top Gun
Nicolas Galitzine
Magcon: Whether you saw their vines on YouTube or vine, you know who they are
Dolan Twins
Mission Impossible
Euphoria- Entire show has great storylines with the potential of drama in fics
Shameless- Especially Carl Gallagher and Lip Gallagher
Creed- Michael B Jordan need I say more
Keanu Reeves- There are very few fics about Keanu but I’ve seen a few of his John Wick x black!reader fics (chef’s kiss) but never see any of The Matrix Fics!Also Ted (Bill & Ted)
River Phoenix
Batman Beyond
Rider Strong
Danny Gonzalez
Timothée Chalamet
New York Undercover
Past-Present Singers & Rappers/ Groups -Bow Wow, Tupac, Lil Baby, Nelly, Omarion, Prince, Michael Jackson, Jon B,Usher, Central Cee, Måneskin, New Edition, BTS, James, PRETTYMUCH Bay, Daniel Caesar, October London, Steve Lacey, Artemas, YUNGBLUD, Andy Biersack,Eduardo Vega(etc.)
Anime(Any kind!)- Would love to see other shows, I know hunterxhunter,aot,one piece (etc.)
Bridgerton- There is very little Bridgerton stories catered around a black reader.
Marvel- Now that’s not to say that there aren’t any in fact there are many but I never see (Tobey Maguire Spider-Man stories and it seems like everyone tends to focus on the famous Marvel characters like The Avengers but not on other aspects like X-men or better yet, heroes that haven’t even gotten their own movie but are just as amazing like Squadron Supreme , it’s equivalent to DCU’s Justice League.
Secret Invasion- Not gonna lie , I’m feening for Gravik.😳
DCEU- Another franchise that pushes its other characters to the side. For example, Hush (Thomas Elliot) is literally the epitome of Bruce Wayne gone bad!
Ross Lynch- There are so many roles that Ross did so well in Like Teen Beach Movie or Sabrina.
Highschool Musical Franchise (2006- present ) I’m not just talking about HSMTS (2019), I mean even further back than that. I don’t see any Troy Bolton x black!reader and that’s crazy. I also can’t find any Zac Efron x black!reader
Interview with a Vampire (1994) and (2022)
Austin Butler- He did well in his role as Elvis!
Vikings - There are a good amount but still!
Saved By The Bell
The Goldbergs
Parks & Recreation
The Outsiders
Heart of Stone
New York Undercover (1994)
Addams Family
The Real Bros of Simi Valley (2017)
Think Like A Man (2012)
One on One (2001)
Scorpion (2014)
The King of Queens (1998)
G.I. Joe Franchise
Beware the Batman (2013)
Any and all Asian Idols/Actors
Seal Team
Mortal Combat
Bill and Ted
Detroit: Become Human
Will Trent
Tokyo Vice
Growing Pains
Graceful Family (Kdrama)[Any Asian Drama shows or movies would be great as well]
The Regime
Batman: The animated series
The Sympathizer
The Invitation
Hunger Games
Saved By the Bell
Eve (2003)
Rodrick Heffley
Jury Duty
Scoot Pilgrim vs the world
21 Jump Street
If anyone needs ideas for these franchises/movies/shows/actors , then holla at me! I got you!
Also add more to the list if anything that you would like to see comes to mind.
Also tag black writers who you want to see this!
@sheabuttahwrites @shinsouscatpisssmell @cocoamoonmalfoy @heathenarmyimagines @cinewhore @cocoamoonmalfoy @stxxllaaa @glitterjuju @lilvampirina @breanime @blackmissfrizzle @afro-hispwriter @stargirlfics @lavenderursa @clydesducktape @pettyprocrastination @theblvckvenus @plantvenuss @punani @n-slayaaaaa @infernalodie @halfofmysoulsblog @iridecsense @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @supremethunda @thekrazykeke @canumoveurseatup-no @hiatuswhore @avintagekiss24 @ohcaptains @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @xsapphirescrollsx @sunflowertuliplily @bakarilennox @batfamily14 @ramp-it-up @blackreaders-assemble @royallyprincesslilly @funnyexel @blackterrae @slashisms @artemisthewh0re @shelbydelrey @toocriticalharlow @v-era-18 @vampsired @queenimmadolla @sinnerlillith @greengoblinswifey @apocalypse-shuffle
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ghostwiththeemost · 17 days
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Hey babes~ seems ya found my blog! Welcome to my humble abode. You may be asking “who is this SEXY SEXY man?” Well I’ll tell ya! I’m Behjdbbdnf… Beejkbngd… Bug wine. 🪲🧃. Use the emojis babe. I can’t type my own fucking name apparently. How fucked up is THAT?! Ugh, anyway… Let’s get onto the real shit. I’m the boss bitch here, you should hire me to get some shitty humans out of your beloved home. Or, call me up to fuck. Either works.
Alright, alright. People put their info and shit so I’ll do just that. I’m 🪲🧃, but ya can call me “sexy” or “handsome” or “sweets” or “pretty boy” or anything ;)~ Kay, moving on! I’m the ghost with the most, the biggest dick in town babe. He/him, but I can also be your/yours~ ;) I don’t care for labels, I’m a sexual beast. You wanna talk? Talk. You wanna flirt? Flirt. Send nudes? Eeeehhhh… Probably not, sorry sweetheart. I’d totally say yes, but that’d get me banned.
Anything else? Yeah, a lot actually. Ask me about shit. I’m over 600 years old, I’ve seen a lot, done a lot, witnessed a lot, I’m the fuckin best. I mean look at me, I’m the coolest ghost in town! ;)~ Also the best dick. DEFINITELY the best dick.
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Well well well! Quite Fancy seeing you back here! Yet ANOTHER wonderful roleplay blog, and even a BETTER character?!?!??!?!1 WOAHHHHH! Wowie!
Hi! I'm the wonderful mod behind this obnoxious green ghoul of a man, and I hope you can stay a bit, have a seat, chat a bit! Learn a bit, see some tags behind this wonderful super duper cool page, yakknow how it is!
The name's Dew! Dewey if you wanna be fancy, but nah, I'm just a guy on the internet here to write for his funny bug man. No formalities needed. The pronouns are HE/SHE! I'm Genderfluid and Gay!
Kay, mini bits of info here... I'm an adult! So that being said I'm going to keep a boundary on certain aspects such as some forms of nsfw and SOME ships. Mostly I don't care? I'd just prefer if you were to tell me or have your age in bio before deciding to imply nsfw ROLEPLAYS. Flirting or nsfw anons I don't really care about, it's bound to happen, but you get it. also beetlebabes dni you all SUUUUUCKKKK.
Let's see... I have some other accounts. @candycoffinss , @photographerstanheight , @screamingqueenxoxo ... Other stuff, we'll see what I reveal.
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Right, right... Tags and extra info... |🪲| ~ 𝑴𝑶𝑫 𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑲𝑺! - This is me talking!! >:] |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹𝑺! - Replies to asks, you know how it is. |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑱’𝑺 𝑽𝑰𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑺! - call for interacts maybe?? |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑲𝑺! - Random yapping he does, reblogs... etc. |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬𝑺 𝑯𝑨𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺! - Interactions Yeaaaaa
|🪲🔞| ~ 𝑺𝑼𝑮𝑮𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑬! - yea some things will be suggestive labeled just in case pleeease be cautious tyyy beetlejuice can be a menace.
ALRIGHT! FINAL BIT OF INFO!!!!! This writing of beetlejuice is a mix of everything, but I'm mainly leaning toward Justin Collette's version of Beetlejuice. He's still Beetlejuice of course, but keep in mind he won't be much like Alex Brightman if you're looking for an adaptation of him! (...There will be crumbs tho. Pathetic meow meow...) ANYWAY! Yeah, Just wanted to throw that out there, I didn't know if people would want my head for it LMAOOOO but YEAH!!! I'm free w any interactions btw. other fandoms, other blogs, movie characters, musical characters, do it !! >:] ok I think that's it... until I decide to go bonkers again. thanks for reading if you got this far! smooches ur forehead /p
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zalrb · 2 months
I’m going through your fanfics and master lists again and it’s immeasurably entertaining and accurate
One thing I noticed is that a few days ago, there were some asks you answered about Elena’s appearance being overhyped and I SO AGREE. Elena is pretty sure, but the show made it seem like she was this head turning knockout, which was really unrealistic and odd because Elena was pretty/beautiful in a simple girl next door way. It wasn’t like when I looked at some shots of Bonnie and would think wow she’s so striking and gorgeous, and a big part of Elena’s looks was that she had the best makeup and clothes.
It’s seriously unreal how Elena herself seemed to have no insecurities about herself, when having people like Rebekah or Bonnie around who were more striking/obviously beautiful, and how people always seemed to be insecure about her only and not the other way around.
Have you hinted at this in your fanfics ? I’ve recently binged a lot of them, and in the bonkai regency series (so perfect BTW) and Elena is called the beautiful sister and when king Kai comes to a ball, Bonnie herself says “ This will not be easy, Elena. Alas, everyone notices you.”
Thank you! So, for that Bonkai series, I was definitely playing with the way the show treated Elena and framed Elena and treated Bonnie and framed Bonnie because Bonkai is modelled after Anne and Henry (the more fictionalized Anne and Henry as opposed to the historical) and a part of that was making Elena kind of Mary Boleyn-esque in that she was first sort of presented as the one to make Henry fall in love wit herh because she was seen as the pretty sister and I thought that idea of Alaric and Damon presenting Elena to Kai worked well because in the TVD-verse everyone just loves Elena
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and all Elena really has to do is show up
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and Bonnie sort of being behind the scenes to make sure that Elena gets noticed by Kai is like how in the show Bonnie is the one who actually does all of the work and the way Alaric and Damon treat her was supposed to mirror how the other characters feel entitled to her labour so a scene like this
“For the king to notice Elena as you very well know. His appetite for beautiful women is no secret and Elena captivates men with ease, it’s frankly almost frightening. With the right circumstances, she would be able to have the King’s ear, which would aid in the elevation of this family.”
            “You and father seem to have this all figured out, I don’t understand why I must return to court as well.”
            “Elena is the beautiful sister, you are the cunning one. It is not enough for her to win the King’s attention, she needs to retain it. We would have you help her in this respect.”  
 “Is my duty to be a madam then. To aid in the whoring of my sister’s dignity.”
Damon took a hold of Bonnie’s wrist and forcefully brought her to him. “Your duty is to elevate this family, Bonnie.”
is kind of like a mirror to this
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so Bonnie saying that line: “ This will not be easy, Elena. Alas, everyone notices you.” is basically her role, it's what Alaric and Damon and society effectively made her role, it was kind of partnered with this sentiment
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but because it's a Bonkai fic and a Bonnie-centric fic, I also wanted to call attention to how there is an inflated sense of beauty and/or interest in Elena and Kai being the one to indicate that when they have their dance because Bonnie keeps pushing Elena on him because that's her role and he's basically like, who gives a fuck about Elena?
“Yes. Elena,” said Bonnie. “I’m sure you’ve noticed her, she’s like the sun.”
“I’ve seen no sun in this court, only the lustrous beauty of the moon.”
Bonnie grinned, trying to find humble words. “I’m sure the sun will rise soon enough in court. I’ve been told it’s only natural that the sun outshines the moon.”
She and Malachai glided toward one another, the noses of their masks nearly touching, his blue eyes piercing into her green ones as they twirled in a tight circle. Bonnie held her breath; she would surely lose herself in his gaze, shivers erupted all along her body, along her arms and back, along her legs and breasts, his stare touched every part of her body. “But is it not true, Lady Bonnie, that the moon eclipses the sun?”
and he in fact calls her more beautiful and more intriguing hence the eclipse line.
And because I am anti-Bamon but do find the Somergraham chemistry palpable and intriguing by itself, the way that Damon acts with Bonnie in the fic is this idea of possessiveness and jealousy and wanting her all to himself,
 “Yes,” said Damon quietly. “The King is in love with you.”
           Bonnie looked up at him and seeing the subtle rage in his eyes, glanced away.
She opened it slightly but Damon blocked her before she could leave. “What is this about?” he whispered. “You’re not … you’re not falling in love with him are you?”
Damon glared down at her and Bonnie narrowed her eyes in regard; the expression on his face was the same one Lorenzo had whenever she told him of a man who came courting except there wasn’t sorrow beneath Damon’s jealousy like with Lorenzo, there was only venom. He’d chosen both, to hate her and to love her and his indecision irritated Bonnie as it made her life more difficult.
which I took from the way that the Somergraham chemistry and Bamon narrative kind of confused a lot of readings of scenes in season 7 especially.
And then there's Enzo who is just lost in love with her and wants her to experience the maddening way he loves her so she can understand just how consuming his love for her is
Lorenzo clenched his hair, his mouth opening and closing. “Is it so easy for you to cut ties with me?”
            “Is that a question you would like me to answer?”
            He stared at her for a few moments, his eyes wild and anguished, and then rushed forward and kissed her hard on the mouth. After a beat Bonnie raised her hands to put them on the sides of his head.
            “One day, Bonnie Bennett,” said Lorenzo between kisses. “One day I hope you will fall madly in love. I hope a man will consume your every thought, your every waking breath so you can suffer this torture.”
            Bonnie guided Lorenzo’s head to her neck. “Unlikely,” she said.
and then you have Kai who will rip an entire kingdom apart for her
         “Are you saying that binding your name to mine will sully yours?”
                “I am saying that people will talk!”
                “Then l will cut out their tongues!” he roared.
                Bonnie’s lips parted as Malachai strode over to her. He placed his hands on either side of her face, piercing his eyes into hers. “I will strike down anyone who dares to speak out against you!”
                She trembled slightly at the earnest fury in Malachai’s voice. He meant it. Every word.
meanwhile there's Elena who really has only captured Stefan's eye so despite the dialogue of how beautiful Elena is and how everyone wants her, in reality with this fic, it's Bonnie who everyone wants.
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ninjamelissajulien · 11 months
*shatters my knuckles* Alright fam les ninja go
Here is my thesis on why Kai would never, in any alternate timeline, ever betray his family for power.
Example 1: Season 1 ep 6, the Snake King-
When Nya crashed into the sand and Kai was the first one to find her, Nya instantly reacted in a defensive way before giving in to her identity being revealed. Kai's reaction: surprised, yet supportive.
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Kai is stunned to see the warrior and engineer that Nya had become. He even put his pride aside when he brought up the Green Ninja bet. He desperately wanted to be the Green Ninja, but seeing the look of fear on his sister's face he knew he could never do that to her. Kai kept that secret, albeit badly, a secret. Kai is protective of his family. When he sees Zane on his hands and knees after learning the truth, his immediate reaction is concern. During the Entirety of the Royal Blacksmiths- Kai, never once, made fun of Cole or his father. He was curious about the Blade Cup trophy. He was always ready to do the dances. He knew that Jay was two beats off. Kai was determined to keep Cole comfortable.
Example 2: Season 1 Ep 10-
Kind of an obvious example, but Kai chose Lloyd over power. Kai was willing to lose his own life to get the fang blade, blinded by that determination to prove himself. He knew that the others were getting out of the volcano- he just didn't care about himself. Then. He heard Lloyd. Kai immediately stiffened. He never reached back towards the blade. He looked, yes, but he knew that he could not let a child die because of him. Kai used his body to protect Lloyd. He was not going to let Lloyd get hurt.
Example 3: Season 2 ep 26-
Lloyd was injured. He could barely walk without support. Jay, Cole, Nya, and Zane had all succumbed to the Dark Matter. It was just Kai and Lloyd. If he wanted to prove himself, he easily could've pushed Lloyd to the side or even used him as a shield. But, as Kai said-
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Kai's whole true potential and identity is around protection. He's spent his whole life protecting Nya. Then it was protecting his brothers. Protecting Lloyd. By the time season 4 rolls around, that jealousy/envy should've been gone. Seeing that Lloyd was the true Green Ninja, yet he kept getting kidnapped multiple times (lmao), that he constantly had to be protected, that Kai's true power was fire-
I don't know, it never sat right with me that Kai would still say "I should've been the Green Ninja." It's like Skybound being like hey jay still has self-doubt about his relationship to Nya even though his whole true potential was about him seeing that "you are the best you" lmao lets have him lie to Nya's face and force her back into a relationship that she clearly did not want.
BTW: this is not denouncing Aus or things like that. just my dumb opinion lmao. Anyways stan Kai Ninjago or else
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jaybirdss · 2 years
idk if i can do amother one but i will bc i can (idk about that but ill pretend i do if jot) and i have nothing to do in my life except dreaming about plastic figures
SO uhh idk suddenly all ideas disappeared from my head
like YKK i love having a bit of contact with smn because it brings me comfort and im very touch starved💔 also bcs hugs and kisses are superior😋😋🦶
I speed ran this bitch now, i was on a ROLL. Thank you for requesting, it definitely kick-started my passion for writing for these lovely guys ❤️🫶🏻
No warnings, besides a bit of angsty lloyd, but that’s always suspected. Gender neutral reader!
Kai is the man with a plan when it comes to physical touch. He will always match your energy to the best of his ability!
He’s always open for it. Wether it be your arm wrapped around his or blatantly laying on top of him. He’s okay with all of it and rarely gets overwhelmed with what you feel like is smothering.
He specifically really enjoys the hugs you give him, where you’re nuzzled into his shoulder and your arms are wrapped tightly around him. he admired the security it brings him and makes him feel so dorky. For him, he enjoys picking you up just to hold you dramatically. Or smothering your face in kisses.
It surprises him at first, not expecting you to feel the same way as him with things such as physical touch. But once he understands, he craves it and gets all dramatic over it.
He will never be satisfied until you are basically crawling into his skin (not really).
But without your touch, he gets all upset, looking like a kicked puppy and he WILL in fact whine to you about how you aren’t close enough to him. And if he doesn’t get his way, by golly, there’s gonna be a fire.
Everything you do will always send him back, no matter how long you’ve been together. He is crushing on you so hard and will let you know every minute of the day.
Touch was something that was always fairly new to Lloyd.
He never received much as a child, when it was received, it wasn’t very positive affection.
When you started expressing your love for physical touch, you noticed all the small things he seemed to do because if it.
At first, he’d flinch when you moved a little too quick or anything. Physically tense up when you’d wrap your arms around him so suddenly. And he couldn’t bring himself to tell you that he enjoyed your affection, but didn’t know how to receive it.
Slowly but surely through your reassurance, he loosened up and started to learn that this was positive attention, and it’s something that he would eventually look forward to!
He was no longer startled with your big hugs, sudden kisses amongst his face, and other acts of affection you were so happy to give. It became routine, and now he’d be fairly upset if you were to lack in your affection department.
In all, Lloyd is a broken child who just needs to be reconnected with himself sometimes. He soon learns from you that he can relax and enjoy this. He isn’t just the green ninja, he’s Lloyd. Little Lloyd Garmadon who loves his hugs and kisses from his lover. And he’s slowly starting to thank you for healing his inner child.
Much like Lloyd, Morro never really received affection growing up. Nor could he receive it when he was, well, dead.
But soon enough, with many changes, forgiveness, and a physical form. He was able to receive such things, things you were over the moon about!
He’s fairly awkward with affection, and it’s just something so foreign to him that it’s hard to become so used to it like you are.
He doesn’t despise it, by any means, in all honesty it makes him feel all warm to see you so joyous about wanting to show him affection. But at first, he was in severe denial about it all. He’d reject your advances, and even had gotten a bit aggressive with it. Which he now apologizes for, and he’ll do his best to express his admiration for it when he can, in time. It takes long to heal from what he once had been.
The boy grew quite fond of you early on, and admired how you tried to express your affections to him even when he was a ghost. When he finally received his human form again, you wrapped your arms around him so tightly, he could barely breathe. (Which was also new to him once more).
Though he enjoys the affection, it can get overwhelming sometimes. When his frustrations get the better of him, he will express that he just can’t be touched in that moment. That he’ll return later on to apologize and attempt to hug and kiss you as you do him.
And it’ll get you every time! No matter how fussy he was, or how upset he had made you. His apologies feel so thorough and thoughtful that you can forget what you were mad about so easily. Morro deserves the world and more, and that’s what you’re gonna give him.
Benthomaar was someone who would always let his curiosity get the better of him. And from a young age, he was always curious. About things that matter, things that don’t matter. Things that don’t hold much importance to him, and things that he holds closely to him.
Currently, He was curious as to how you’re so enthusiastic and happy to express affection to someone such as him. Of course, he does his best to understand you and your sweet advances towards him.
He’d get caught up in thinking too harshly of himself, wondering if he deserved your attention. His skin surely wasn’t the softest to cuddle into or kiss, nor was he that understanding of how life was like above the surface like many like you. But all of that made you the curious one. Curious as to how this cinnamon roll was kept from you all your life.
Bentho was such a joy to know and be around, and it made you so happy to hug and kiss him so sweetly. Even though you knew he wasn’t sure if he deserved all of it. Or any of it, in fact.
But in time, he learned that it was something he deserved. Comfort, that is. He seemed to break through his barricade of awkwardness and denial and thoroughly enjoyed what you expressed to him.
He never finds it overwhelming, and if he did, he wouldn’t ever tell you in fear that it would upset you. You’re a treasure to him, and how you express your love and admiration will always leave him in awe of how great you are. He adores you too much to be bothered by anything more.
Tag List: @holycrimin @kazuhacumslut @marmalade-matcha @yukinarengoku
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sciencelings-arts · 7 months
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I think she should get to go full vigilante mode, as a treat
Maskless and my random thoughts under the cut
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Btw her mask is based off of the dark version of phoenix from pl vs pw because I’m so mad that they’ve never canonically met. They’re both named after mythical birds, he’s super into that whole thing of finding the most powerful people and revealing the truth about corruption and she’d appreciate that. They should both go into crime after he gets disbarred. She’d make a wonderful sister for Trucy. Their colors are the same, red-pink and blue and their quirky special abilities are both bright green and they both live to annoy Edgeworth.
I also wanted her mask to be very Robin-y, especially since her outfit is still pretty colorful and sparkly despite the whole sneaky thief thing she’s got going on. I also think it’s funny to base her off of another acrobatic vigilante who is named after a bird.
Little thief’s display gets transferred into her masks visor bc I thought that would be cool. It also gives me a reason to add a little green glow to her eyes.
Anyway I’m writing a fic where I can fuck around with the dark age of the law and get Kay and Phoenix (and Ema) to team up because the law system is so messed up and cops suck so the best way to get justice is through crime. Idk I just have a lot of thoughts about what the world was like at that time and I think that Kay and Phoenix would be hilarious as a duo. Without Edgeworth there to display Common Sense™️ they can get info the most insane situations. Its great.
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yangtaros · 2 years
jeno x female reader fluff
soulmates start to feel dizzy when they’re apart for too long until they kiss
part 1 part 2 part 3
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being best friends with giselle had its perks. she invited you to come along with her to see nct 127 at olympic stadium. you weren’t very familiar with kpop but since you were in korea visiting giselle you thought why not.
“what should I wear” you asked giselle on facetime.
“i would say wear neon green but since you’re going to be with us black is best so we can avoid a bit of commotion”
“got it” you took out black jeans and a black shirt.
“we’re leaving soon i’ll text u when we’re at your hotel. gps said we’re 7 minutes away”
“k see you”
you get ready quickly not realizing how close they were to your hotel.
you get in the van with tinted windows and see two other faces. you recognize them.
“ jeno and renjun are going to the concert too so they rode with us. this is my friend y/n guys!”
they waved at you, “i’m renjun. do you like korea so far?”
“hi and i do i’ve actually been here before one other time when her and i were teenagers”
“was giselle the same when she was younger? i’m jeno by the way”
you laughed, “i’d say so”
“have you ever been to an nct concert before?” he asked you.
“i have not actually”
“you’re in for a wild ride”
“now i’m excited”
when you guys walked into the stadium you went through the back entrance, you were all given lightsticks.
“what is this?”
“it’s like lights for each fan to have and they control it” karina responded.
“wow what a great explanation” jeno said sarcastically. “stick by me i’ll show you when the concert starts”
“got it”
you had to admit jeno was cute.
“here’s your seats” one of the staff lead you to the chairs, it was a good view. giselle sat on your left and before karina could sit on your right she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“um can i sit here” he whispered to her.
she instantly understood him, “sure” she giggled and then sat next to giselle to tell her what just happened.
as jeno sat down next to you giselle looked over you to look at him. she gave him an “im watching you” face. he acted like he didn’t see it.
jeno made some more small talk with you, “how long are you staying”
“i’ll be here for another week”
“oh really? i could show you around if you’d like”
you looked at him, “like just us?”
“if you want to”
“that would be nice”
“get home safe ladies and gentlemen” you say to your friends and your new friends.
“are you sure you don’t want me to walk you to your room?” jeno asks
“i’m sure! it’s not a long walk, thanks though!” you smile.
“text us once you’re in your room”
“kay” you say to giselle while waving
once you got to your room you texted. you then received a text from jeno, you swapped numbers with him.
j:hey y/n i guess we can decide a day to hang out later
j:if you want
j:it’s jeno btw
y/n:yeah i could tell hahaha
y/n: what days are you available?
j:i can’t do tomorrow but i can the day after
y/n:okay see you then!!!
j:i already know where i’m gonna take you
y/n:well don’t get me too excited jeno
y/n:i think i danced too much at the concert i feel really tired
j:same i just got to my dorm and i feel like i’m about to pass out on the bed
y/n:well you should sleep then, goodnight jeno
j:true goodnight y/n!
comment if you want to be on the taglist 💜
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cyanightmars · 10 months
Oooooh I wanna make a comic about Morro discovering his true potential so bad
But brain small and smooth and can’t think of what his obstacle to overcome could be
Like yeah obviously, it would be learning that he wasn’t meant to be the green ninja and he won’t be able to get that title, and that’s okay! But it’s very similar to what Kai’s potential was (which btw side note, after seeing other people share their interpretation and thoughts on Kai, I too like to believe that the true meaning behind his potential is “I am enough, and I won’t be seen as any less if I don’t become the green ninja”), and I really want to tie in to how he could’ve still had a good life if only he hadn’t been so hellbent on finding the realm crystal
So maybe it could be something like “I am imperfect, I am broken, I have been hurt by others and I too have hurt others, but longing for something that I cannot achieve will not fix me or anything else; I took for granted what I had, I left the one person who truly cared about me, I sought out what I thought would fill the cracks that have formed throughout the years, but it only broke me further. I cannot change my past, I cannot go back to what I had, nor can I go back to who I was. But I can try and build a better future for myself. Despite all the pain, anger, fear and loss, I can still rebuild myself, and perhaps someday, these old scars will fade, and I will feel a little more human. Despite it all, I can still heal.”
Maybe idk, I’d love to hear what everyone else has to say <3
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run2min · 9 months
Hi, i was wondering if you could do a 8turn headcanon about cuddling with them!
btw i love your writing so much omgg
𝐚/𝐧: I hope you like this! Thank you I'm glad you like my writing <3
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Fem!reader but only for Haemin <3
𝐁𝐟! 𝟖𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍 𝐗 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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He was sat on his bed with you, texting someone on his phone.
"Mmm?" His eyes stayed glued to his mobile
"Yah? Myungho"
His eyes lazily met yours, "Yes sweetheart"
You placed a kiss onto his lips and looked him in the eye
"What do you want angel?"
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull yourself onto his lap.
"Wah, you love me so much huh?"
You let out a huff and shoved his shoulder lightly
"You were ignoring me!"
He rubbed circles on your back and placed a kiss on your cheek
"Sorry baby, I love you,"
“Y/nnie, I found this new blanket at the store you should come try it with me”
Jaeyun walked into your room with a canvas bag in his hand, he dumped it onto the floor, removing the blanket before slumping down onto your bed.
"Come here baby,"
You walked toward him and sat down next to him, as he wrapped his hand around your shoulder.
He pulled the blanket over the two of you as you nuzzled into his chest
You stayed there peacefully for a while before you finally broke the silence
Jaeyun let out a sleepy groan
"I have homework"
You walked into your apartment and slumped down next to Minho on your sitter
"Hey baby, you okay?"
You let out a huff as you felt Minho's arm sneak around your shoulder and lightly pull you into him
"This girl in my class was being horrible today and we got into an argument,"
He would sit and listen to your story while pulling you closer, all the while chiming in with,
“You totally won that argument baby”
“she said what to you?”
You and Yoon sat on the floor of your campus green house, in complete silence
You both hated each other yet the stupid weather had decided to turn on a thunderstorm when you were mid-way through your herbology lesson.
You let out a shiver and caught Yoonsung looking at you from the corner of your eye
"Quit it Yoonsung,"
"What did I do?"
"Your staring"
He let out a grumbled, "whatever"
Another shiver travelled down your spine as you shifted in your place.
"are you cold?"
"obviously, It's fucking freezing Yoonsung,"
"god, alright, calm down I don't control the weather,"
"I didn't say that you did, your so annoying,"
He let out a grunt and passed you his jacket,
"Thank you," you mumbled
Yoonsung placed his bag behind his head as he slowly layed down
You slowly turned to him and nodded slightly.
"Are you still cold?"
You nodded again, eyeing him suspiciously
"Do you want to share body heat, it works?"
You rolled your eyes at the boys comment and shifted in your seat
"I'm being serious, if you want to freeze to death, be my guest!"
You turned around sharply and let out a huff
You shifted over towards him as he placed his arm around your waist, slightly nuzzling his face into your neck,
"I told you it works,"
you suppose he was right, the burning sensation on your cheeks did warm you up.
Your date for the dance had cancelled on you last minute, so you were sat in your apartment, alone, as usual
The ringtone of your phone ripped through the silence
"Hello Seungheon, you alright?"
"I heard that Kai cancelled, he's here already,"
"He- he said he was sick,"
"Oh my god, what an asshole!"
You slumped further into your seat, letting a sigh leave your mouth
"You know what, are you still home?"
"Yeah, why? Don't leave, please, I want you to have a good night!"
"No I won't, my friend's date didn't turn up, I'm gonna send him over, trust me okay?"
"Ugh, fine, this better not be one of your schemes!"
"I promise, I'll see you soon I love you!"
"Bye Heonnie!"
You got changed into some silky pyjamas and made a cup of hot chocolate for yourself
You were mid-way through an episode of a love so beautiful (a comfort show of yours) when a knock at your door interrupted your watch
"Hi, I'm Haemin, your Y/n, right?"
"Yeah, thanks for coming! You want a drink?"
The boy stepped into your apartment, pulling his jacket off of his shoulders, hanging it behind your door
He slumped down onto your couch, leaning his head back against the chair.
You sat next to him, passing him his mug of tea
"So, what happened with you?"
He explained that he hated school dances, that "everything is so cliche, the dates, the drama, it's so unnecessary! To get my friends off my back I told them I had a date, then said that she was ill today."
You laughed at his minor outburst, crossing your legs on your couch before placing your mug down on your sideboard
"I was meant to go with this boy I really liked but he turned me down last minute, he told me that he was sick but Heon said that he saw him at the dance with some other girl,"
"Wow, that's low! How could someone turn you down? You're so pretty!"
You looked at him shocked, "Thank you!"
"Why so shocked, with a face like yours, I'd of thought people tell you that your pretty 24/7, am I right, pretty girl?"
A blush crept it's way onto your cheeks and you turned away from him
You felt Haemin's hand make it way to your waist and pull you onto his lap
"You don't get complemented often? That's not right! Your, angelic,"
He knew exactly what he was doing
You placed your face in the crook of his neck, hiding your face which was now a vibrant red,
The boy played with your hair, telling you how you deserved better, how Kai should be on his knees begging for forgiveness, as he sent you into a lullified slumber.
It was 2 AM and Kyungmin had called you at least 10 times in the last 5 minutes
Begrudgingly you answered the phone, "I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO TALK!"
A sniffling noise made it back through the phone, "Please baby, just talk to me I can explain everything,"
You had plans to go out with Kyungmin earlier that day but he stood you up, sending you a quick message 'I'm with Minho, sorry it's an emergancy call u l8tr'
You had called Minho, just to check if everything was okay but he replied "I'm fine, I haven't seen Kyungmin since yesterday morning, sorry."
You were quick to send Kyungmin a long message and leave him on read for the next 3 hours
And that brings you to now!
"Listen, I can't tell you were I was, It'll ruin it you just have to trust me!"
"Are you joking? Tell me now Kyungmin!"
"I don't want to ruin it, please"
"No, Tell me"
"Fine, I had an appointment,"
"An appointment? What with another girl?"
"No, it's not like that! It was with a jeweller, I was getting you a promise ring,"
"I forgot about it and I couldn't reschedule, I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't be sorry, can you let me in though?"
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, quickly opening it you were met with a red eyed, open armed Kyungmin
Rushing into his embrace, he led you both towards your bed, falling peacefully onto it
He cradled your body and whispered, "I'm sorry I lied,"
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"
It had been a long day.
Both You and Gyu were extremely tired from studying all day.
"Baby its been hours I'm tired please can we finish up?"
Yungyu threw a pillow in your direction at a failed attempt to get your attention.
"Ya Yungyu. I'm busy! Just let me finish this please. It won't take that long!"
The boy let out a sigh and let his body flop onto the bed that sat in the corner of your room.
5 minutes had past but to the waiting Yungyu it had felt like an eternity.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Are you done yet? I miss you!"
"How can you miss me when I'm right here? Be patient Yungyu!"
"How would you like it if I just sat and played video games with Min when you were over?"
"I wouldn't like it at all"
"Because Video games serve no educational purposes. Studying does now let me finish Yungyu!"
The boy let out an exaggerated sigh and slumped dramatically onto the floor.
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
The boy let out a sigh ever so often but they went unnoticed
The boys eyes lit up and he arose to his feet.
You stood up and he pulled you into a warm embrace
"You're so dramatic Yungyu!" You laughed into his shoulder
Yungyu fell backwards onto your bed and tightened his hold on you.
"I'll take more breaks next time okay?"
"You better.
You were nervous to say the least.
Meeting the parents of your boyfriend was always a nerve wracking task but especially when one of them was your proffesor.
"Hello Mrs Lee" you spoke, leaning into a deep bow
The Woman, surprisingly, brought you up to stand with her hand telling you there is no need to bow!
"Hello! It's so nice to properly meet you! Seungheon speaks about you a lot but I never really speak to you in lesson, you're just so well behaved,"
You grin at the woman, what a relief, she ushers you into the sitting room and shouts your boyfriend down stairs.
As his face emerged from the stairwell you saw a smile take over his face.
He pulled you into a hug and exclaimed that you looked so beautiful!
"She is just so lovely Seungheon. And so polite!"
You smile at the boy as he silently thanks you for making his mom smile.
"You two go upstairs I'll call you down later okay? Your father's running late but you can just meet him at dinner!"
As you entered his room he pulled you straight onto his bed, thanking you for being kind to his mom and reassuring you that his father will love you!
Overall the night was a success!
𝐚/𝐧: Sorry it took so long :( Seungheon's mother represents asian moms as a whole.... NOT my mom threatened my boyfriend saying she'd sell him to Teke Teke (ifykyk) if he ever dared upseat me. He hasn't tho and it's been nearly a year so clearly it works!
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @m1ssluvyoobot @warm-oatmi1k @watamotee33 @gfksn
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otachiriot · 1 year
Non-Human Ninjago headcannons:
Where I tell you how I don't headcannon any of them as human and here is why.
Lloyd deserves to have dragon/oni features, so he definitely has claws, horns, tail, and dragon-like eyes. He also subconsciously shapeshifts his eyes to be green [they are red] and he cries fire. The oni features are more dominant.
Kai and Nya don't really have any non-human headcannons. But I like to think they are pure elements in human form now, especially after Kai in the volcano, and Nya merging with the sea. They can turn into their element, travel through them, and when pissed off shift into elemental forms.
Cole is part oni. He shouldn't have survived March of the Oni, that is all. His superstrength is some mutation of destruction with his element. I also think Cole has really tough oni skin that makes him pretty hard to beat up.
Zane is a liteterally robot, but I'll give you some headcannons about it. If he didn't have the ice element he would overheat and break down in hours. He takes 3-4 hours to recharge, and weekly maintenance is mandatory. Zane has too many fine parts and bits that can break easily otherwise.
JAY HOWEVER is still part fangpyre. He deserves to have fangs and weird little snake eyes and a lisp. This means Jay has poor vision but can navigate through smell just like I headcannon serpentine to. SENSITIVE hearing.
Here me out. Morro is part dragon, makes the destiny and ghost duos even MORE chaotic. It is also why I think they are very in tune with their element, and why Morro can understand and communicate with it. Anyways, dragon eyes, claws, and tail.
Also I can't be convinced that Wu doesn't shapeshift to look more human. I know he has a dragon/oni form under there he's just a crazy old [and kind of racist] fart. He does have whiskers under that beard though. Secretly also cries fire.
Anyways, Garmadon deserves dragon features. Just a little. He has whiskers, scales and a tail.
I include these headcannons in all the fics I write btw,, anyway thanks for reading :]
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