#this is a consistent headcanon of mine for jane
cherrytreegrove · 4 months
My Creepypasta Headcanons
These might get me some hate but idc, y’all have your own opinions and these are mine. Luv y’all <3
Jeff isn’t the uncontrollable psychopath that some sides of the fandom depict him as, he’s more tired and bored, kinda just like ‘meh’. He’s like a burned out teenager. BEN is similar, that’s why they get along,( he might also sell drugs on the side.)
I also headcanon that it hurts when Jeff smiles because of his cut smile, so he doesn’t smile often. (And laughing hurts like hell)
Slender is a father figure (fight me). He cares enough to feed them and makes sure their hygiene is good, and gives them their own rooms. When it comes to conflict between pastas, he kinda couldn’t give two shits, as long as no one is killing each other and shit is getting done
Lazari, Sally, and lifeless Lucy get along. They have little tea parties together, they also talk shit, and play dress up together.
Slender has a file system, with color, and no one knows what the colors mean.
Sully is kinda just a demon that lives in Liu’s body.
EJ isn’t allowed to cook (he once tried to feed everyone organs) not that some of them don’t eat organs, just that some of them would like actual food.
BEN can control whether he’s a transparent ghost or a physical being
The Mansion is an actual mansion, it isn’t in perfect condition but enough to live in (they do live in the underworld) it’s clean enough.
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The mansion has a movie marathon every Friday. Weather it’s horror movies, comedies, etc
Everyone’s rooms are kinda just doors to a pocket dimension.
When BEN gets pissy, he turns off/ glitches all electronics in the mansion.
Jane has attempted to kill Jeff multiple times, but they’re immortal, so now she just does it to annoy him.
Slender has a chore chart, it consists of cleaning the living room, kitchen, picking up smiles poop, cleaning grinny’s litter box, doing laundry, etc (they all take turns)
Toby isn’t the ‘MASKY!! WAFFLES!!’ of the fandom, he’s (again like Jeff) tired. He’s kinda annoyed by the hyperactive pastas; LJ
The slender brothers visit for holidays (Offender doesn’t exist to me)
Everyone has a human disguise, to find their victims.
Yes, there is a war between Zalgo’s minions and the Slender-Alliance
Angel cuts everyone hair (except Jeff, no one touches his hair)
Riku wakes everyone up, picks up their clothes, and clean after everyone (even though Slender has told her she doesn’t have to)
Angel and Hope are everyone’s sugar mamas.
Hope has the biggest closet.
No one can keep secrets from Zuri, she’s too smart.
Kyoka’s Aromatic & Acesexual
Luna, Jane, Masky, and Hoodie are everyone’s bodyguards.
Everyone has a curtain partner for group missions.
The Angel gang don’t live in the slender mansion, they live in the old Russian castle
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Kyoka doesn’t belong to Angel, she’s slender’s proxy.
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icepoptroll · 2 months
what are some little features/appearance headcanons u have for the rtc gang? like as an example i like to imagine noel as someone with lots of beauty marks or ricky to be someone with an oval face shape
u draw all of them so uniquely THEM its incredible and i need to know the inner workings of ur brain when u draw and add details to all of them /pos /pos /pos
Lol thank you for this lovely ask!!!
To tell you the truth I never really sat down and thought about, "ok!! Here are the features I think everyone would have!!" It's more so like, when I made my choir design I just sort of let everything come to me organically. For some of them I heavily referenced the actors in the 2016 version but for others I just sort of did my own thing. For the most part I can't really accurately describe to you what I was going for other than creating organic shapes and playing with colors and trying my best to keep them consistent from drawing to drawing (but keeping my characters on-model is something I need to practice at). Mind you, I'm a hobbyist when it comes to art. I never got to go to art school, I wanted to once upon a time, but it just wasn't in the cards for me. I turned out to be really good at taking care of people so I went to school for nursing instead and now I work full time as a home health LPN. I mostly do art cause it's fun and makes me happy but I would say my art skills are still far from professional.
When it comes to some things that did specifically come to mind, though, I can tell you this:
1. My Mischa has piercings in his left eyebrow and his septum, as well as stretched earlobes. He also has several tattoos. I'm a fan of nu metal groups like Korn and I feel like he would be too and so I had to dip into this aesthetic.
2. I imagine Noel with a really expressive face which probably came about because of his horrified gasps when Karnak exposed his working at Taco Bell, and also his mischievous smirk in the nativity pageant scene. These kill me dead every time. I also feel he has these bright, beautiful honey/amber eyes.
3. Ricky. . . . . My beloved. I'm convinced he has curly hair and some big-ass ears lol. His face shape is what I can only describe as angular yet ovular. He's a petite guy. Olive green/Hazelish eyes. Very soft, clear skin.
4. Connie has dimples, for sure, and soft, sweet features. I went for more rounded shapes with her.
5. Ocean. . . . She smol. And pale. And covered in freckles. I sort of referenced Tiffany Tatreau's face for her but tweaked certain lines and shapes. My background is mostly Irish so I love to emphasize those features in Ocean. I give her a cooler, pinker skin tone like mine.
6. Penny has an ovular face shape. I always picture her with tan skin and dark hair with bright green eyes (obviously cause of the Savannah scene). I also feel like she'd be quite tall. I translate a lot of Penny's features onto Jane even tho I know her head was just plucked off of Dolly lol
But yeah other than this I sort of just go with whatever shapes, lines and colors tickle my brain and then try my best to keep replicating them. I'm really glad you enjoy my designs for them!!
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flaretheidiot · 1 year
Y’know what? Screw it, I’mma finally post art here.
Here’s a line up of all my RTC + Legoland kid designs!!
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I love them all dearly. Tall Penny/Jane, my beloved.
Headcanons under the cut!
Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg
-Demisexual Omniromantic (female preference)
-Undiagnosed Autism + ADHD
-Constantly stims (her lil dances)
-Picks at skin or chews on nails when anxious
-Sleeps over at Constance’s so often that she has her own toothbrush there
-Learned social cues from reality TV
-Love-hate besties with Noel
-Sibling dynamic with Mischa
-Her parents legitimately suck I’m sorry
-Started eating lunch in the choir room with Constance and Ricky after almost biting Tammy in the cafeteria close to the events of Legoland
-No filter, says everything she thinks without realising if it might be rude
-(If all brought back) Is genuinely trying to be a better person, with the choirs’ help
-Love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
Noel Gruber
-Gay (canon)
-New Wave Cinema is his special interest
-Food problems (texture, taste, ect) make him rather picky
-Despises the smell of taco meat, but Taco Bell was the only place that hired him
-High metabolism
-Dad left Uranium after divorcing his mom when he was 5
-HARD pining for Mischa
-Writes nihilistic love poems in his free time (shows them to Mischa, Ezra and very occasionally Constance)
-Great at reading and using body language, but can exaggerate his facial expressions
-Has one very pampered ragdoll cat named Lola, whom Penny has practically fallen in love with
-Had a gut feeling/desire for Talia to be a catfish, and was low-key terrified for his life when he actually met her
-Started eating in the choir room soon after Ocean and Constance when a bully shoved his face into a plate of gooey mashed potatoes and triggered a meltdown
-Love language is quality time, words of affirmation and physical touch
-Loves physical pressure, owns a weighted blanket (sometimes uses Mischa tho)
Mischa Bachinski
-He/him (Trans man)
-Physically strongest of the kids (Jane/Penny is, surprisingly, a close second)
-Struggles with keeping his weight consistent
-His foster parents are pretty rich since their family owned the mines before they shut down, but they don’t share the wealth with him
-Will wear his binder for way too long if left unchecked
-Stealth, only Constance knew he was trans pre-accident
-Can get VERY dysphoric on his period
-Never brushes his hair
-Security guard at the mall’s movie theatre
-Regular at Blackwood Café
-The only choir member with his own car, carpools with Noel to the mall
-Is a lovesick puppy for Talia, but developing a thing for Noel (my man has two hands)
-He and Talia are a T4T couple
-Began eating in the choir room as soon as he found out that the others were
-Unspoken kinship with Ricky pre-accident, and low-key besties with Constance
-Does his own filming/editing for his YT music videos, though Talia sometimes helps polish things up
-(If they’re all brought back) he and the rest of the choir make music videos for all of their songs and post them to his YT channel, and they get pretty popular though a lot of people hate on Ocean for her song and Penny had to keep her face hidden because of her reputation
-Love language is words of affirmation and gift giving
Constance Eleanor Blackwood
-She/they (Trans Demigirl)
-Gets very caught up in what others think of her
-Almost photographic memory
-Is the mom friend
-Has had to physically hold Ocean back from clawing Tammy’s hair out multiple times
-Transitioned at so young that almost everyone forgets that she’s trans, even Ocean or her own parents (the carney was okay with it, to her relief, but still a dick)
-The best baker of the kids, sometimes works as a waitress at the Blackwood Café in her free time
-They and her family live in an apartment above the café
-Has three younger brothers, two being twins at 6, and her baby brother being 2
-Sometimes babies Ezra out of habit
-Allowed to drive their parents’ minivan
-Played soccer as a kid, but quit
-Love language is gift giving and acts of service
-Penguin pebbles
Ricky Potts
-He/she/they (Transmasc Genderfluid)
-ADHD + Autism
-Uses a Text-To-Speech app on his phone to communicate
-Mental echolalia
-Still needs crutches in the afterlife, but can move around more without getting worn out and has more strength to lift themself up
-He and Jane/Penny are platonic soulmates
-Read Warrior Cats as a kid
-Has seen CATS the Musical
-Savannah was her deadname, but he still liked it as a name and decided to save it for a character
-Has made characters based on all the other kids, usually with permission with the exception of Tammy, who he made into a villain
-Bonds with Ezra over their love for wrestling and shared creativity, occasionally joins in with his puppet shows
-Was the first to start eating in the choir room since she kept getting unintentionally pushed around in the cafeteria
-Love language is quality time and acts of service
-Infodumps and parallel plays
Jane Doe
-She/they/it/doll (Nonbinary)
-Bipolar Disorder + Autism
-Struggles with tone, body language and forming connections
-Once asked if she could call Karnak “Dad” (he didn’t respond)
-Very similar to Penny, but more doll like in mannerisms
-Has brief memory sparks of important things in her life, but can’t recall details (remembered that they had a brother in TBOJD, its love for animals during her catchphrase, ect)
-Love language is physical touch, quality time and acts of service
-Penguin pebbles and parallel plays
Penny Lamb
-She/they/it (Nonbinary)
-Lesbian (in denial, Johnny was comphet x100)
-Bipolar Disorder (canon) + Autistic
-Also struggles with tone, body language and connections
-Easily overwhelmed by loud noises and flashing lights
-Semi-verbal, Ricky taught her how to use TTS on them and Ezra’s shared cellphone
-Writes 7UP what-ifs with Tammy
-(If all brought back) stole Virgil from the fair and keeps him in a nice big cage in their dorm after thoroughly researching rat care
-Ezra bought the doll (Dolly) for her with leftover drug money after they finished community service and it became a comfort item
-Likes to count Ocean, Ricky, Constance and/or Tammy’s freckles
-Was the first to die in the accident, having stood up in a panic while the rollercoaster was flying through the air because Dolly flew out of their hands and getting her head caught on some overhead track
-Had a HUGE growth spurt during puberty, was 6’0 during the events of Legoland
-(If all brought back) the others invited her to eat in the choir room with them after seeing it getting bullied on her way to the cafeteria
-Love language is physical touch, quality time and acts of service
-Penguin pebbles, parallel plays and infodumps
Ezra Lamb
-He/they (Nonbinary)
-ADHD (canon)
-Late puberty
-St. Cassian sent the Lamb siblings two girl uniforms for whatever reason, and they used Ezra’s to custom make what he wears now
-Noel, Mischa and Ricky are like older brothers to him
-Verbal echolalia
-If Penny’s there, they are never far away
-Their monkey puppet is his comfort item
-No personal space
-Forced to hang out with Tammy due to her being Penny’s “best friend” and plays some twisted-ass pranks on her (he also briefly stole her car once, but didn’t get very far)
-Has given Ocean death threats
-Gets piggybacks from Penny all the time
-(If all brought back) eats with Penny and the others in the choir room, no one could stop him even if they tried
-Annoying little shit/aff
-Love language is acts of service and gift giving
Tammy Edwards
-Lesbian (very much in denial, a lot of Catholic Guilt™️)
-Undiagnosed Autism, but is unaware (Penny and Constance have their suspicions)
-Wears braces
-Deeply in love with Penny, but even deeper in comphet
-Lowkey scared of Ezra, but tolerates him because they’re her best friend’s little brother
-Academic rivals with Ocean, will most likely throw hands if left in a room together for too long
-Father is a pastor, mother is absent
-Was gifted her dad’s old convertible for her sixteenth birthday, but she doesn’t know how to drive yet (she has failed her driver’s test many-a-times)
-Her dad is close with Mischa’s foster parents, but she generally tries to avoid Mischa
-Doesn’t have cable TV, watched low-quality niche religious cartoons growing up
-Hates velcro with all of her being
-Stims with her hands
-Was babysitting Ezra at the fair while Penny hung with the choir, and witnessed the accident
-(If all brought back) Penny invited her to eat in the choir room with her and the others, and she accepted, much to Ocean’s dismay (they glared at each other the entire time, and the only reason they didn’t lunge at one another is because Penny was there)
-Love language is gift giving, quality time and words of affirmation
-Penguin pebbles
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tmmyhug · 3 months
Any batfam headcanons you’d like to share?
Here’s some of mine:
-All of the batfamily (including Alfred) is Neurospicy™️ in some form. Steph has adhd, tim has ocd/adhd, etc etc. Jason has extremely unmedicated add.
-After reading Pride & Prejudice for the first time (Jason’s, he stole it for a bit) Damian decided to read the rest of Jane Austin’s work and fell down a rabbit hole, eventually reading Jane Eyre (criticizing Jane the entire time) and the Secret Garden (which is his favorite because of similarities between him and Mary, the mc of the book)
-Jason keeps protein bars and Fruit snacks on him for the kiddos round crime alley (they love him)
-Harley + Steph get along extremely well, especially when it comes to being silly
-Monopoly is banned from game nights, along with Scrabble, Clue/Cluedo and Settlers of Catan due to Tim being outrageously good at them and beating everyone no matter what disadvantages that are placed on him. (Jason always flips, stabs or shoots the game board when he plays Monopoly. On Damian’s first game night, He accidentally shot Dick in the foot once because of it going through the table.)
-As a follow up, Life is not. Tim always loses at Life and no one knows how.
-Damian is overly competitive at all games and he *will* try to rule lawyer every game he plays. (Because of this Jason, Steph, Selena and Harley like to cheat in various ways. Harley plays it like a kid would be playing chess— ie. making shit up on the spot and calling it apart of the game. Selena straight steals cards/pieces when no one is looking then gaslights everyone about it. Steph finds loopholes in every rule to an exact science. Jason just does what he wants.)
-Cass and Jason play FPS’ together. Mainly Fortnite, Apex and even Valorant. They always win with clutches that make everyone on the other team mad.
-Tim and Riddler are surprisingly on good terms, with Edward sending Tim puzzle box prototypes on occasion. (Edward also has a side gig where he actually designs, produces and manufactures these boxes. It’s how he gets most of the money for elaborate traps. Can’t be doing bank robbing on a consistent basis when most of the other rogues are taking most of his opportunities!)
-Jason really loves throwing stars, he just never gets the chance to use them.
hmmm i imagine tim as one of those kids who’s always carrying a rubiks cube around school and absentmindedly doing/undoing it so fast his fingers blur
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lore-gore · 11 months
Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay
Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay.
Jane Doe: Taken by me
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg: Taken by @democracyrockzz
Noel Gruber: Taken by @astral--horrorshow
Constance Blackwood: Taken by @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @thenicestgirlintown
Mischa Bachinski: Taken by @parasolyaa
Ricky Potts: Taken by @krowsselfindulgy (@spacingbachelorette)
This will be the main trigger warning for the beginning of every scene:
Tw: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, internalized queerphobia, horny teens being horny teens
This will also be in the tags.
Any other trigger warnings should be added to reblogs as well as tags.
The concept is basically if Karnak died before ressurecting anyone. So it's just them doing silly shenanigans as ghosts, singing songs we think they would sing, and probably a bit of angst. It will mainly act as a follow up to the 2016 bootleg version, with yannick's edits of course. (If you headcanon a different performance of your song for your character that's fine.)
We will also create character sheets consisting of name, gender, pronouns, age, sexuality, sign, birthday, favorite ride, appearance, personality, backstory, and "the most _ in town." (Mine is the only one without a sign, birthday, and favorite ride. If you forget, don't worry, I can edit it in.)
It's how you imagine the characters, with a mix of headcanons and canon.
The uniforms are the same as the 2016 ones but without the plaid.
How they wear their uniform and how they accessorize is up to you.
You can interpret the characters however you'd like, but make sure to stay faithful to their base character traits. (Things like Noel being gay and Misha being Ukrainian. Also Ricky using MOBILITY AIDS THANK YOU.)
Be as descriptive as possible. (See mine and my friends character sheets for examples!)
Also me and friends are high school students, so please only other high school students!
No NSFW roleplay. Talking about sex is fine, but no actual sex scenes! I'd prefer SFW blogs too.
Characters having crushes on other characters is allowed, but it might not be reciprocated. (Me and @democracyrockzz are pretty much planning to do perfectdolls.)
Every thread will be a scene. When you want to start a new scene, make a new thread. Give a synopsis of what the scene will be about, as well as the location in the fair.
New Scene
Synopsis: The choir plays a board game.
@democracyrockz reblogged
Ocean: Guys look what I found!
(Ocean emerges with a board game)
Noel's roleplayer reblogged
Noel: Oh god, no.
It will be a public thread so people who aren't in the roleplay can still enjoy it.
No racist, sexist, ableist, saneist, colorist, binarist, pigmentist, homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, panphobic, acephobic, arophobic, enbyphobic, queerphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, fatphobic, misogynistic, transmisogynistic, body shaming, "pro-life", transid, "MAPS", pro contact para, TERF, anti semitic, anti neopronouns, anti xenogenders, anti mspec, anti BLM, anti feminist, or incel blogs.
Toxic behavior will not be tolerated. Hate comments will be deleted.
To claim your character, simply comment who you want to play or DM me.
Afterwords, write your character sheet. Take your time, the person playing Noel won't be ready for a little while so don't be rushed. (I'm getting ahead of time.) Make sure to tag me too.
Also let me know what to add to the main tw. If you plan on having your character bring a sensitive topic up, I need to add it.
I will then put your character sheet in the pinned post of my side blog @mystery-contestant. Make sure to follow it!
If you want to make changes to your already posted character sheet, edit the original post and send me a message letting me know!
You will know the roleplay has started as I will announce it on my side blog. I will be starting off the first "scene."
Also if there's something you think should be a main tw let me know!
We will be starting this summer!
Jane's character sheet!
Ocean's Character sheet!
Ricky's Character sheet!
Constance's Character sheet!
Breakdown of edits!
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breakingblorbos · 5 months
Pinned Post/Blog Info!
Hiya!! Welcome to my BrBa & BCS focused blog! 👋🏼😊 The primary purpose of this pinned post is to give some info about me, my blog, and what you can expect to find on it. Everything below the cut is not required reading to follow or interact; merely just additional info if you are interested, or if you want to make requests. The only thing I require you to read is the following disclaimer:
This is an 18+ blog ran by an adult. You will find NSFT art/fic, dark and potentially upsetting themes, as is common for the BrBa/BCS universe. And I make very thirsty comments & posts about my blorbos, so just keep that in mind. However!! I am not going to restrict anyone from following/interacting with my blog. Use your own discretion and awareness. That's your responsibility, not mine. Anything that needs a content warning will be tagged appropriately, of course.
🌌About Me!🪐
Basic info - You can call me either Orion or Riley! I'm 25, neurodivergent, trans masc & nonbinary, and bisexual. Pronouns are he/him and they/them. I do also live in New Mexico (born and raised babyy!), which makes the shows that much more special to me!! I'm very friendly and open, but also very shy, so I tend to not reach out to folks even when I want to talk to them (which, honestly, is most of y'all. Oops.) If you ever do feel compelled to chat with me, please don't hesitate! I'm super excited to talk about BrBa/BCS with literally anybody!
I'm a writer, but I struggle hard with getting anything actually published on here or AO3. I try to write but it's not nearly consistent enough to ever expect anything from me. I'm working towards getting better at this! My main hurdle to overcome is my perfectionism and my fear of rejection (RSD).
I have a lot of interests, being autistic, so the only important one to list here is obviously Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You can certainly ask about my other interests, and I'll be happy to tell you more! I like to keep my special interests all separate on their own dedicated blogs, so that was the main motivation behind creating this one. Which leads me to the next section:
☣️About This Blog!⚗️
Most of the content is gonna be reblogs from others: fanart, fics, writings, memes, shitposts, etc. I myself am not an artist and cannot contribute with art even though I wish I could, but I may sometimes write little drabbles, oneshots, and universe willing, fic chapters for my ships/blorbos (more info on that below ↓). If you want to see something in particular, you're more than welcome to submit a request! I think I have a lot more motivation to write when I get specifically asked to write something, perhaps?
My main blorbos: (red shows the character currently occupying my braincell the most rn)
🥊Tuco Salamanca
🐍Nacho Varga (and by extension, Vaas Montenegro. I simply love MM.)
💀Marco & Leonel Salamanca
❤️‍🩹Jesse Pinkman
🎭Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
Of course, I adore all the characters (except Walt ofc) and they're all very special to me!! But these seven men listed above have an absolute chokehold on my brain at any given time lmao, so they will be featured prominently in this blog.
My fave ships:
Default ship is character x reader
Vaacho (Vaas x Nacho)
Lacho (Nacho x Lalo)
Beef Sandwich (Nacho x Twins) I fucking love this ship name holy shit
Tucho (Tuco x Nacho)
McWexler (Kim x Jimmy)
Jesse x Jane
Jesse x Andrea
Jesse x happiness (this is a joke, but also not. Man deserves it.)
My asks are always open for questions, requests, or really anything! I love sending/receiving asks and interacting with this fandom! If you're interested in requesting a writing from me, first read this list of what I will and won't write before you submit your request:
Yes, no problem!
Vast majority of ships
Reader Inserts
Gender Swaps
Toxic Relationship
Most Kinks & Fetishes
Please ask first!
Fandom Crossovers (mostly just to ensure I know the fandom)
Consensual Noncon (depends on character)
No, I will not!
In/ce/st Ships (i.e. twincest, cousins)
Explicit content involving underage characters
Ageplay (calling a character daddy doesn't count lol)
Extreme Kinks, such as s/ca/t, v/or/e, n/ecr/o, etc.
Keep in mind that I reserve the right to deny your request for any reason, including no reason at all! 9 times out of 10 this won't be necessary, but if you're rude or demanding non-jokingly, I won't write for you! Just be chill and it'll be Saul Goodman! :)
Also I don't have a Masterlist to link here, because I've never posted anything ever! It's all just vibing in my Google Docs while I polish and tweak until the end of time! Fun! :D /s
So, yeah, I suppose that's the long and the short of it. I didn't expect for this to be so long, but I have a tendency to just keep adding details to things! Good for writing; not great for writing a blog intro. I'll edit as needed over time, though. Thanks for reading if you got this far! Seriously, props to you. Here's a cookie mwah 🤲🏼🍪
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amusewithaview · 7 years
Drunk-Dialing Wormholes (MCU/Tolkien crossover)
A/N: This is for @uru-viel who recently Did a Very Cool Thing.
As a general rule, Darcy was against drunk!science.
She was, in fact, usually the voice of reason that shouted down the drunk!science.  Darcy, as a general rule, tended to prefer drunk!dancing or drunk!marathons (preferably of B-level slasher films).  Darcy did not think that drunk and science should be in the same hemisphere, let alone the same lab.  The closest she had ever come to drunk!science was when she attempted to figure out the tip at Waffle House at 3:00AM on Thursday night.
Everyone made interesting decisions in college.
Today, she was making an exception to her general rule.  Today was a day for exceptions and skirting of rules and ignoring of guidelines.  Today was the day of Jane and Thor’s break-up.  Darcy would call it ‘the big break-up’ but, truth be told, the relationship ended with more of a whimper than a bang.  There was long distance and then there was long distance, she was honestly impressed that they’d managed to maintain the flame for the length of time that they did.
Just for the day, she was bending the rules.
“Wine and science,” Jane said, the lower half of her spine undulating side to side as if her core muscles had forgotten how to work.  “Wine and science,” she repeated, “is a marvelous combination.”
“I think there’s more wine than science.  And not enough whine.”
“I hate that I can hear the spelling change,” Jane muttered.
“You know me so well.”
“Too well.”
“Wounded,” Darcy said.  “I am hurt.”
“You are drunk,” Jane said, reaching over and gently pushing on her shoulder.
She obligingly swayed, tipping so far she almost unseated herself on the stool.  “I’m the drunk half of this drunk!science experiment,” she said sagely.  “Now go bring some more science into the party so I can bring more wine.”
“I...don’t think that’s how it works.”
“We gotta keep it equal!  Even!  Ish!”
Jane pondered that for a moment, then nodded and shrugged.  “I had... I had a thing I was going to do, with that - that-”
“The other thing?”
Darcy pulled a face.  “Now I’m sad, because I think I know which things you mean.  We spend... a lot of time together.  Maybe too much.”
Jane shot her a mournful look, “If we weren’t platonic besties-”
“We’d be the bestest girlfriends,” Darcy finished, holding out her fist for a bump.
Jane bumped back solemnly.  “In another life.”
“One without Thor.”
“Or Ian,” she added.
“Ugh,” Darcy said, grimacing.  “Don’t remind me.”
“Sorry, sorry... I’ll just,” she gestured vaguely towards the Bridge machine.  “I’ll just bring the science level up enough that we can open another bottle of wine.”
“I’ll need wine and whine if we’re talking about Ian.”
Jane poked at the machine, “I had an inkling the other day, but it was a weird one.  I think my inkling was on the right track.”
“Did you write it down?”
“I didn’t want to waste the ink if I was wrong.”
“Cute,” Darcy said.  “Maybe I should introduce you to Sam, he likes puns.”
“No men, not for at least... three months.  Mourning period.”
“Fair.  So...the inkling.  Need paper?”
“Nah, no paper.  Just a few adjustments, like-” Jane wrenched at the machine, turning it a quarter to the left and then hitting a few buttons out of Darcy’s line of sight.  “There, that might do it.”
She shrugged.  “The inkling was vague and now wine.  ‘Might’ is as good as it’s going to get tonight.”
“You want I should press the red button?”
Jane pursed her lips.  “Uh...maybe we should wait until tomorrow?”
Darcy gave her an exaggeratedly patient look.  “Jane.  Janey.  What is tonight?”
“Drunk!science night.”
“This night comes but once a relationship!”
“True, okay.  Push the button.”
Darcy swayed over, one hand clutching her wine glass, and slung her other arm over Jane’s shoulder.  She leaned in, pulling Jane along with her, until her hand could flatten over the big red button.  She locked eyes with the older woman and waggled her eyebrows until Jane started giggling, then and only then did she push the button.
It was difficult to say who was more surprised when it worked: Darcy or Jane.  But one moment they were cheerfully tipsy-slash-drunk in the lab and the next moment they were stumbling forward into a forest.
“This isn’t where I parked the bar,” Darcy said.
“Oh my god,” Jane breathed.  “It worked!”
“Your inkling worked.”
“It worked!”
“I can’t believe-”
“You didn’t write down the inkling.”
“Well, no.”
“So nobody knows where we are and, unless they’re like, as smart and specialized as you, odds are they won’t figure out how we got here.”
Darcy squeezed her eyes tightly shut for a moment.  “I’m too tipsy for this,” she muttered.  “Okay, so, here’s what we do.  We walk until we find people-”
“Sentient beings, preferably ones we can communicate with, and then we ask them for help.  Your machine can only move people through space, right?  Not time and dimensions?”
“Theoretically, yes.”
“Well, ok then.”
“But if I’m wrong?”
“Panic, pain, the whole nine yards.  But first!  Optimism!”
“Fueled by wine.”
“That’s the best kind of optimism!”
Wine-fuelled optimism only got them about fifty feet further into the trees.  The forest was dark, slightly dank, and quiet enough to impress upon the women the need for both speed and silence.  The light, shaded by the overhanging branches and leaves, was dim enough to be confused with dusk.  The weather was just warm enough that they were comfortable, but both wondered how that might change once true night fell.
“It’s too quiet,” Darcy muttered.
“Don’t say that, you’ll freak me out.”
“Join me in my freak-out.  The water’s fine.”
“Ha ha,” Jane muttered, carefully clambering over a massive downed tree.
There was no clear pathway, but the trees were too large to grow too close together and they provided enough shade that the space between them largely empty of sun-craving foliage.  There were mushrooms and shrubs, unrecognizable to either woman, but those were easy to navigate.  It was, after all, very simple to travel through a forest when you have no clear destination.
Being neither accustomed to camping nor even remotely acquainted with woodcraft, both of them were utterly surprised to find themselves suddenly surrounded by people with bows and arrows and skin that glowed faintly in the dim forest’s light.
“Definitely not in Kansas anymore,” Darcy muttered.
One of the people stepped forward, lowering his bow.  He said something in a smooth language that seemed entirely comprised of L’s and R’s.  At their obvious incomprehension, he switched to something with more glottal stops.  Seeing their continued confusion, he scowled, stepping even closer, and studied them intently.
Darcy watched as his eyes skimmed over her and then stuttered to an obvious halt on Jane.  She barely kept herself from rolling her eyes.  Jane, for some reason unfathomable but utterly amusing, seemed to attract a certain type.  That type was blonds, usually affluent blonds, but it was true regardless of placement on the gender spectrum.  Darcy did not understand it, but after several years of friendship, including many nights at varying bars and/or restaurants, she felt quite comfortable making the broad, sweeping generalization that her friend was blond-nip.
He said something soft and quietly awed, then slowly slid his bow into a sheath on his back.  He reached out a hand to Jane and-
Jane reached back.
Darcy watched with wide eyes as her friend accepted the hand and allowed herself to be drawn closer to the stranger.  “Uh...what’s going on?”
“I...have no idea,” Jane said, never taking her eyes off of their new friend.  “But I’m strangely okay with it.  Can’t tell if that’s the wine talking or leftover thrill of success from the science.”
“Maybe both.”
“Probably both,” she agreed.  “But he’s...”
“Holy shit, he’s an elf!” Darcy squeaked as the stranger tilted his head to listen to them, long blond hair sweeping to one side to reveal a very pointy ear.
“He’s perfect,” Jane breathed.  There were stars in her eyes as she looked at him, and considering the woman’s hobbies, degrees, and life-long obsession, that was saying something.
It was, honestly, kind of adorable.  The strange man and Jane were just... standing there.  Gazing into one another’s eyes.  After a minute or so, another one of the strangers (elves!) sheathed their bow and glided over to the trio.  This one was a redhead and looked female, assuming that the elves subscribed to anything approaching human gender ideas.  The ginger elf said something to the blond in that first liquid-silver language, it sounded soft and curious.
The blond responded, sounding just as breathless as Jane.
Ginger elf made a face like she was having too many emotions to convey.  She turned smartly towards Darcy and made a broad gesture, obviously beckoning her closer.
“Hi, I have no idea what you’re saying but I’m totally not a threat,” Darcy said as she obeyed the unspoken command.
Ginger elf tilted her head to one side, looking amused.  She turned to the rest of the elves and said something hard and quick, head tilting to the left of where Darcy and Jane had been walking.  The others melted back into the foliage, though Darcy assumed that they were still there, and the elf turned back to her with a raised eyebrow as if to say, ‘Well?  You coming?’
“Well,” Darcy muttered, gamely following the elves and Jane, “we found sentient beings, now we just gotta work on the communication bits.”
It felt like hours later that they reached something approaching civilization.  In this case, ‘civilization’ came in the form of a fortress whose walls were made of living trees.  Darcy gave them props for sustainability and their obvious support of the environment, but she was feeling tired, grumpy, and slightly queasy at that point.  Wine and exercise were not a good combination.
Much like wine and science.
Darcy, who at this point wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and sleep off what was sure to be an awful hangover, was a being made of regret.
Then she glanced over at the blond, who had introduced himself as ‘Legolas’ in the most adorable ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane,’ moment to ever make Darcy wish she had a functional camera, and her regret subsided.  Legolas and Jane kept sneaking glances at each other, and every time they locked eyes it was as if the world melted away.  And then either Tauriel, the redheaded elf, or Darcy would have to poke and prod them to get them moving again.
Darcy and Tauriel were well on their way to becoming friends in spite of the language barrier.  There was an entire code of raised eyebrows and exasperated half-smiles shared between them as they helped shepherd their friends onwards.
The tree-fortress had a very large tree-door that Darcy decided not to think about too hard because the door appeared to be made of living wood and that was some next-level horticulture right there.  Beyond the gates was a city, but a tree city.  It was everything Darcy had imagined as a child when people described ‘tree houses’ to her, like Swiss Family Robinson meets fairytale, and she was instantly enchanted and enraptured.
The rest of the elves from the original encounter had melted back out of the woodwork and formed up at their backs as an escort.  Darcy had a moment to feel wary before they were ushered into a very large tree-house-thing and into something that was obviously a receiving room.  The tip-off was the very large and intimidating chair at one end of the room.
There was another elf-man sitting in the throne (because what else could it be?), long-limbed and graceful even stationary.  He also had blond hair, and Darcy had a moment of worry as to whether or not there would be a blond-off for the favor of fair Jane.  Clearly the wine had yet to leave her system.
The new, somehow even blonder elf was staring at Legolas and Jane with a faint frown, then his eyes swept over to her and - oh.
Well.  Shit.
His eyes were silvery, or maybe blue, it was difficult to tell with the distance between them but - oh.  He had risen and was rapidly closing that distance.  He stopped in front of her and reached out and, just like Jane, she reached back immediately.  His hand in hers felt like that swooping feeling when a roller coaster first starts its descent down a big hill, like fireworks and killer harmonies and she was soothed and exhilarated all at once.
“What the fuck, Jane,” Darcy breathed.
“With you, 100%,” she replied.
Legolas and her elf - shit, that was too possessive, that wasn’t, but it was?  Too confusing - started speaking in the flowing language.  After a moment, her elf nodded sharply, then lifted his free hand to press his palm to his chest.
“Thranduil,” he said.
“Darcy,” she replied, smiling helplessly.
She was feeling sightly better about the wine/science combo.
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thetriggeredhappy · 2 years
Trans headcanons for the mercs?
gonna get in detail about this but also understand that i consistently orbit around all of the concepts i propose here because i’m at a level of gender you need a master’s degree to understand
scout: if he lived in 2022 he would identify as gnc gay trans man but instead he has so much gender in 1972 that we’re still reeling. not even transitioning medically but the most Some Guy that anyone has ever been
soldier: so fucking transgender he makes jane seem like a male name. so fucking transgender that he had a deadname and jane is his new name and that’s pretty masc of him
pyro: literally give up now. more gender than anyone on the planet
demo: trans man obvi but actually hes the equivalent of the joke a friend of mine makes of “transitioning into a cisgender man”. like 5% gnc but it’s a very nice 5%
heavy: result of the first recorded use of testosterone for gender transition (because medic offered)
engineer: world champion ‘literally didnt even take T or get surgeries he just looks like that because he’s over the age of 35’. short kings never die. also this might sound odd but i feel like he’d be a trans dude and would also in a scenario where it’s possible i think he would really enjoy being a drag king too. idk
medic: invented all trans medicine and has been using the others as guinea pigs for the new methods he’s invented. t4t gay man. tacks on the ‘he did his own top surgery’ joke for OSHA compliance purposes.
sniper: this is such a personal take but he’s a trans dude who would still use the term ‘butch’ to describe himself because that’s an important part of his gender identity still after this long.
spy: genderfluid because just this fucking once i’m giving him nice things in the form of The Actual Ideal Scenario. pyro invented Good Gender and spy is performing heist movies to recover that Good Gender
my credentials include being objectively right. as for amount of transition and duration of it medically or surgically etc etc i can’t stress enough that i’m not gonna specify because,, in my personal opinion, assigning things like ‘scout got top surgery but not bottom surgery and hasnt started t!’ is the sort of thing that pretty heavily preys on stereotypes and this assumption that performing masculinity includes like, checklists? honestly the way their gender intersects with their characters vis a vis their relationship with gender and masculinity doesn’t necessarily have to change at all based on whether they’re trans or cis. in my personal opinion, inclusion of the fact that they’re trans—and where they’re at in any potential transition they go through as a result—is something that can add interesting details and textures to their personality and the way they present themselves to others and why, but i maintain that being trans alone isn’t even necessarily the most significant qualifier to the way they present themselves.
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pastafossa · 3 years
I don’t know if it was mentioned in the story or if I forgot, but is Jane on birth control? I think they’re both smart enough to be aware of the potential consequences if Jane were to get pregnant now. With the man in the coat still after her, a baby that could potentially have her powers (and who knows what Matt’s enhanced senses would add to that) would make him come after Jane more. And with the way the two of them are going, if they’re not using a condom and she’s not on a pill, it would happen sooner rather than later. Tbh I would really like to see Matt and Jane as parents, married, and just having a nice, happy life. They both deserve it so much. But I think it’s too early right now… maybe a baby scare? Even if she’s on the pill, it’s not always 100% effective. It would be interesting to see Matt’s reaction, but would he be able to tell? Sorry this is so long, but I’m curious :)
Alright, SO, outside of one line ("already taken care of"), I haven't really brought it up because I'm aware of just how delicate stuff like this, and I'm still not sure how much it's going to come up in the fic so I don't see a huge issue with talking a little bit about why she's so confidently having sex with Matt sans condom. Especially since this isn't the first question I've had about her and matt, re: bc/chance of pregnancy. Because you're right - they're both smart enough to be aware of the potential consequences if she gets pregnant. Especially her. You're also right on the nose with just valuable a kid with two enhanced parents would be to the Man in the White Coat.
First: I'm going to put this behind a See More tag just in case someone doesn't want eventual spoilers, or in case anything to do with fertility/birth control/mentions of a terrible scientist's 'breeding' program is triggering to someone.
Second: this is one of those things that ya'll free to disregard since I'm not even sure if I'm going to touch on it in the fic, and you're free to come up with your own answer for Jane's BC if you don't like mine! I'm fond of one reader's headcanon that Ciro talked to S.H.I.E.L.D. and got some super nifty implant for Jane. But if you're looking for what's in my head, re: TRT and birth control methods, well, here we go.
So you are correct. In my head, she is practicing a form of birth control, and it's something she had done a while back in Los Angeles, with Ciro's assistance. She was forced to run the same calculations as you, and much like you, she came up with the answer: pregnancy is a risk I cannot take. Even back then, before she'd ever met Matt, a kid with her genes would be valuable. I've made one or two vague references about the Man in the White Coat's plans for her genetic line ("‘I should have harvested that stupid animal.’ - chapter 35) but I'm gonna be a little more explicit: the Man in the White Coat has used breeding programs in the past in an attempt to fuck around with genetics, and he sees no reason not to do so with Jane, considering she's one of his greatest successes.
She knew that couldn't happen, even at 16. She knew what it was like to grow up as an experiment. The pill wasn't effective enough for her, considering it had to be taken the same time every day and consistently (not really something that can be done on the run), and as for condoms? Yeah, they break. And having an abortion would have potentially drawn attention as a medical procedure (and depending on where Jane was at the time, might not be accessible if she ever had to run again). The answer, to her, was obvious.
Ciro agreed, even as a Catholic.
So, she had a quick surgical snip, done quietly at a private facility that Ciro paid a lot of hush money to. If she ever wanted it reversed, the odds of a successful reversal were somewhere around 70% if she was still under 35. Lower if she was older. But that was a chance she was willing to take. No part of her - not her, nor any potential children - will ever be taken by the Man in the White Coat if she has anything to say about it. She controls that part of her life.
Matt isn't entirely sure what she's had done (and she's not sure how he'd take it, considering how Catholic he is) but he trusts her, and the smooth steadiness of her heartbeat, when she says that pregnancy isn't a concern. His thinking is some sort of implant, though he hasn't sensed one.
Now - could she become pregnant? Yes, even without a reversal. There's a low chance, but it's low enough that she's not really all that bothered by it, and Matt wouldn't be either, if he knew. And Matt would likely be the first person to know if that changed! I was going to leave whether they eventually have kids open ended because too much description of actual pregnancy makes my brain panic I wanted to let people decide for themselves what that part of their life might look like, since everyone's a little different. <3 I will say I'm definitely planning, even after the official conclusion of TRT, to have some snapshot fics of their mostly happy life together except for the snap fic, and there's also gonna be a wedding at some point because hello the potential for wedding hilarity is huge when one side is ethical vigilante heroes and the other side is full of mobsters.
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zayamoone-old · 4 years
TF2 Mage AU
A Team Fortress 2 AU where magic exists and I change the storyline.
Hi! I don’t post here often, so I thought I’d change that by posting something that’s been occupying my thoughts for a while: a TF2 mage AU! When I discovered that a mage AU didn’t exist (at least, not any that I could find), I just had to take it upon myself to make one of my own. So, here are all of the ideas I currently have for the AU! Note that (eventually) this will become a written story. How long that will take, I have no clue. I still need a plot (if you have any plot ideas please please let me know; I’m desperate).
Basic Premise/World Info
The premise of the AU is, obviously, that mages exist. When people reach a certain age, they are allowed to start learning a single type of magic. There are many different magic types, ranging from elemental magic to dark magic. When a mage reaches a certain skill level, they are given a Familiar. They do not get to pick their Familiar- their Familiar picks them. They then keep their Familiar as a pet. The Familiar’s state of health, life span, and mood are synced with their owners (so for example, when their owner is sick the Familiar is sick, when the owner is sad the Familiar is sad, when the owner dies the Familiar dies, etc.). There are some people who choose not to take up a type of magic. These people are creatively referred to as Nomages, and in some cultures are looked down upon (though the same could be said about Mages).
Some things to clear up about the altered side of the AU are 1) The BLU team does not exist; I never saw a need for the two teams, and having them both just leads to basic and generally overused plot lines, 2) Australium doesn’t exist!! No immortality crap, 3) Gray Mann is the younger brother of Redmond and Blutarch (Red and Blu are still twins) and does not have a ridiculous story of him being able to talk since birth and being raised by eagles and whatnot, and 4) Saxton Hale is not very important to the plot. In fact, he’s actually dead in this AU. I wasn’t going to include him at all because I don’t like him and I couldn’t figure out how to fit him in, but a friend of mine actually had a cool idea for him being dead that I’ll elaborate on later.
Anyways, with all that out of the way, it’s time to introduce the characters!
Characters (headcanons and other details will be saved for asks)
Offense Classes (Elemental Mages)
Name: Jeremy Andrews
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Age: 27
Magic Type: Wind
Uses his magic to move faster, jump higher, and knock back enemies. I’d imagine he’d also use it to propel himself past or over enemies to land in front of or on top of them.
Decided to learn wind magic for basically the canon reason: he wanted to get the upper hand in fights, and also wanted to manage to beat his brothers to fights. So, instead of Speed magic, he decided to take up Wind magic since not only did it make him faster, but it is a great tool for fighting.
Name: Jane Doe
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, he really has no preference
POB: Minneapolis, Missouri, USA
Age: 50
Magic Type: Earth
Uses his magic to reach high places and throw literal boulders at people; basically a replacement for his RPG.
Took up earth magic to thereotically assist him in WWII (because if he’s a mage, they’d have to accept him, right?). He also found being able to throw destructive boulders to be incredibly helpful in any fight.
Name: ???
Gender: Nobody knows, everybody just refers to them as a they or an it.
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual
POB: ???
Age: ???
Magic Type: Fire
Idk what to tell you man they just really like fire.
Doesn’t have the optical mask; they see everything as it really is, but their behavior towards fire and death and destruction remains the same. They still like unicorns and rainbows.
Defense Classes (Trait Mages)
Name: Dell Conagher
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Mostly straight, but he leans both ways. Ultimately, he doesn’t care much about relationships.
POB: Bee Cave, Texas, USA
Age: 43
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
Doesn’t see a need to learn magic, he already has enough skill in the engineering field.
Was mainly hired because his family worked for the Admin’s family for decades. And also because, y’know, he’s one of the smartest people on the planet.
Name: Mikhail 'Misha' Morozov
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
POB: Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Khabarovsk Krai, USSR
Age: 57
Magic Type: Strength
Uses his magic to make himself inhumanly strong whenever he so chooses. This means he can switch from oh so gentle to strong enough to crush bone in seconds.
Took up Strength magic after he escaped the gulag to better protect his family, should the need arise.
Name: Tavish DeGroot
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Ullapool, Scotland
Age: 49
Magic Type: Leaping
His magic basically just lets him jump really high (higher than Scout can go with his magic). This lets him shoot/throw grenades/bombs from more effective and destructive distances.
Mostly took up Leaping magic just to get his mom off his back about him learning magic. His father was a Leaping Mage, so Demo simply followed in his footsteps.
Support Classes (Arcane Mages)
Name: Dr. Ludwig Humboldt
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
POB: Stuttgart, Germany
Age: 45
Magic Type: Necromancy
Familiar: Archimedes - Dove
Uses his magic to revive people, heal people, and communicate with the dead.
Took up the controversial art of necromancy to aid in his job. This eventually cost him his medical license.
Ngl I'm super excited to write Necromancer Medic I'm really happy with this concept help
Name: Mick Mundy
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Whyalla, Australia
Age: 28
Magic Type: Shadow
Familiar: Hunter - Australian Shepard
Uses his magic to teleport into and transform into shadows. This is helpful for sneaking in between watchtowers and passing people unseen.
Began learning Shadow magic before he was even a sniper. He has always been an introvert and wanted to be able to get through crowds unseen and hide from people without being found.
Despite his young age, he already has a Familiar. He's just that much of a professional.
Is actually from Australia and the Mundys are his birth parents.
Name: Eugène Baudelaire
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Bordeaux, France
Age: 46
Magic Type: Mind
Familiar: Jacques - Birman
Uses his magic to read minds, bend wills, and use telepathy. These abilities all have some limits, but they are incredibly useful nonetheless.
Always enjoyed being sneaky and deceitful as a child, and as he got older he started learning Mind magic. This combined with his cunning nature and Dell's cloaking technology makes him one of the most stealthy and dangerous men in existence.
Although he denies it, he loves Jacques more than anything or anybody else. He'll often let the cat curl up on his lap while he's reading a magazine in his smoking room.
Other Characters
The Administrator
Name: Helen Callaway
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual. People are horrid.
POB: Bristol, UK
Age: 56
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
Runs Team Fortress and uses them for her own needs.
A family friend of the Manns who took over TF after all the Mann brothers were m y s t e r i o u s l y murdered.
Miss Pauling
Name: Allison Pauling
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Closeted lesbian
POB: Like. America or something. (Madison, Wisconsin for now idk)
Age: 31
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
A close friend and long-time assitant to the Admin. Eagerly helps her run TF.
Redmond Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: England or somewhere, idfk. The Manns are British or something right?
Age: 89
Magic Type: Fire
Before his and Blutarch's death, he ran the RED team. After his death, the remains of his team consisted of only Pyro, Engie, Demo, and Spy.
Never used his magic. They only reason he learned Fire magic was to try to get the upper hand on his twin.
Blutarch Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Ditto
Age: 89
Magic Type: Ice
Ran the BLU team before he died and the two teams were merged. After his death, his team consisted of only Scout, Soldier, Heavy, Medic, and Sniper. Since he had more people on his team at the end, he counts this as a win for him.
Also never used his magic. Learned Ice magic also to try to get the upper hand as his brother. Their magic types basically cancelled each other out, so this was not helpful in the slightest.
Gray Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight, but couldn't care less
POB: Ditto
Age: 84
Magic Type: Shadow
Familiar: Delta - Bald Eagle
After he murdered his older brothers, he took over TF Industries and merged RED and BLU to create Team Fortress.
Took up Shadow magic in preparation for the day he would get what he wanted. It also comes in handy for literally anything illegal.
Saxton Hale
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: A U S T R A L I A .
Age: 37
Magic Type: Strength
Ran TF Industries in its early days alongside the Mann twins before he died.
Learned Strength magic to better wrestle animals. That's it.
Idolized by literally only Soldier. Everybody else is like "Yeah no that guy was an idiot."
Wow. That was a lot to write, and I did it all in one sitting. It is late. I am losing the ability to comprehend any thoughts.
So anyways, I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on this!! It's a heavy WIP, so I'd appreciate feedback and suggestions ;) Also, please feel free to submit asks about the AU!! It'd help a lot with its development! Also, plot ideas would be MUCH appreciated. Literally the only thing that ever prevents me from writing is my inability to come up with a plot. So if you have literally ANY ideas, please do submit them via an ask! I'd love to hear them, no matter how stupid you think they may be!
That's all for now! I'll post writing and art for the AU whenever I get around to that. Stay tuned, and please do send me your thoughts! I'll see you all later ✨
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i-love-jade-harley · 7 years
alright heres some of my homestuck/warcraft headcanon shit
basically just like
what race they’d be/play, what class, what spec, how theyd play, how often they play, etc, etc...
idk how many characters im doing so more below the read more bullshit
mostly a ramble tbh lmao
(beta + alpha kids, beta trolls, calliope + caliborn. sorta a everyone lives/nobody dies au)
if u need to know what smth means just hmu
OKAY so lets start off with the kids
ok personally i think john would play either a monk or a paladin?? like i think he’d prefer the playstyle of a paladin but his monk would be for heals in case a raid group or smth needs it. he’d honestly probably do LFR and just casually play in general, but sometimes he’d play for like 11 days straight then not get back on for 2 months. but when he’s playing casually he just does LFR and world questing, maybe sometimes doing dungeon groups with dave or something. he’d probably be a DPS paladin because tanking is bullshit and so is healing. (believe me i know) he’d also use the heckin goofiest mounts there are. like you know the chicken? he’d spend the money to get it. like actual cash. he wants the chicken. let him have the chicken. but back on the topic of race he’d probably play a dwarf or a gnome. he’d probably have a level 2 gnome hunter. he also runs a prank guild that all the kids are in! a few trolls are in it, too. vriska, kanaya, terezi, and karkat are in it. 
rose??? would probably play a shadow priest. probably nothing else, really. she may go heals every once in a while but dont expect her to want to. she plays a human. she only plays human and worgen. belf if she has to go horde. i dont really know if she’d just play casually because dave roped her in, or if she got really into it so now she has 12 max level characters. even if she doesnt like the game itself, she’d probably really like the lore!!! she’d probably also love the idea of xmog and what you can make your characters look like, bc some of the xmog is really badass. she’d probably use the emo purple bird thing as a mount (i forgot the name) or maybe she’d use the wotlk undead dragons. maybe the bc netherwing dragons?? im not sure!!! for pets she’d def have the feline familiar with her at all times (roxy would too) because who doesnt want a little witch kitty flying on a broom with you???
dave would honestly play a survival hunter. except he’d just punch shit to death. just autoattack. though when he’s ACTUALLY playing like a normal person he’d probably play a dps warrior. i could also see him tanking sometimes if he needs to. he probably only has one or two max level characters, but they have decent gear. he probably sometimes actually plays his hunter in a decent way but he probably just goes to low level neutral areas. he probably plays on a pvp server for that exact reason. he has one level 10 belf. he uses it to dance on mailboxes and get gold. he really just trolls people on it. he also roleplays, but makes sure to do it in the shittiest way possible. he only uses walk. no running. he uses the biggest mounts he has and walks on roleplayers when hes playing on an rp server. he probably raids on his warrior and is probably in a raiding guild. he purposefully mic spams the raid so he just gets muted, though. for mounts he’d obviously use the love rocket that he worked oh so hard for. for pets i dont really know what hed use?? probably brightpaw or whatever the purple cat thing is. he makes rose disappointed because he pays for mounts and pets with real money. tsk tsk. he has no professions except fishing, which he has maxed out. he may also have a DK that he has just to piss people off. hes the second highest tier in the prank guild. whenever they do raids (they occasionally do) he rp walks across the map to get to the raid. kanaya screams at him to accept the summon but he insists that he’s almost there. 
jade would def have herbalism as her main profession!! she may also have mining to sell on the auction house. she would DEFINITELY play a bm hunter!! its a worgen all the way. she prefers to have it in worgen form too. since she doesnt really like horde and cant use many wolf mounts, shed def go with the mechanostriders! for flying i think she’d use the serpents!! i could also see her using the pandaren turtle moutns. her fave xpac is def either mop or wod. she actually liked garrisons. she’s really slow w leveling so she isn’t max level for legion, but her friends still play with her!! (me too buddy) she likes doing mount/pet/reagent farming and regularly gives her friends herbs and other mats to level their professions! she also sometimes roleplays with dave in goldshire to mess with people. she loves using emotes like /lol and /joke! she also uses toys VERY often. her hunter pet is a white wolf named bec, and she has a team of battle pets consisting of fel pup, frostwolf ghostpup, and cinder pup! sometimes she’ll use lil bad wolf, though. she’s actually super good at pet battling, but she only battles friends. she doesnt play to be the “best”, she just plays because its a fun game! she also loves playing hearthstone.
jane doesnt play much, and has a level 60 dwarf resto shaman. the only reason she has looms is because roxy gave her the gold to get them. she only has level 20 riding, and only has a single horse. she still plays with friends, but the game just really isnt her cup of tea. she has a few cool pets she found while playing in low level areas, and she likes playing the auction house when she does play! she’s in a prank guild that john owns (all the kids are in it, they prank the trolls and roleplayers) and that’s honestly the thing she enjoys the most. 
roxy loves doing pvp with dirk. some of her friends call them the sneakies. she plays a rogue, and switches around her spec depending on what kind of pvp she’s doing. (as in she switches specs for open world, battlegrounds or arenas) she’s decked out in full pvp gear and always gets the newest tiers when theyre released. though she loves pvp she really does love raiding but she prefers playing with her friends! she helps everyone exploit game bugs for the prank guild, and will help cover peoples tracks when gold buying and such. she has all of her fun mounts set as favorites and just randomizes which one she rides. she uses the feline familiar pet EVERYWHERE. she wont use any other pet. at all. roxy also datamines ptr and spoils new lore for rose occasionally.
hoo boy. dirk is a top tier pvper. he mostly mains a ww monk and a rogue for pvp. he has 12 max level characters and 12 horde ones that are also max. he chooses class/race combos based on which one is the most reasonable for lore. he has an orc hunter named getshrekt. hes gold capped on all of his alliance characters. hes basically sleeve (if you play on bonechewer i hope you know who im talking about) he multiboxes 25 accounts to shit on leveling players. roxy helped him set this all up. all of his bots and multiboxes are hal. hal plays with him. he buys gold from a third party source and overthrows the wow economy. he causes the great depression in wow. he buys out every mat and then puts them back on the auction house for a few silver. since hes gold capped this has 0 affect. his character for the prank guild is maxed out and in pretty decent pvp gear. its also gold capped. he buys level boosts and uses actual money to buy tokens to increase his gold numbers. hes everyones worst nightmare. hes the reason no one plays horde on dirks server. dirk plays with roxy a LOT. they do arenas and basically just crush anyone who dares standing up to him. he exploits game bugs and has items people didnt know exist. he uses his special snowflake mounts that people thought were unattainable. he has bots farming spawn points for herbs and mining nodes. he plans on ruling the economy of his server. he ganks people that are his own level. he camps their corpses until they force quit the game. hes absolutely hated. he’ll be flying, and itll look like someone with a glitched name. then he’ll land in front of someone, and 20 multiboxes will spread out behind him. he ganks his victim. there is no escape. no mercy. 
jake plays a worgen mm hunter! he refuses to use bows and crossbows. it ALWAYS has to be xmogged to a gun. he mostly does world quests and only has horse mounts to keep it simple and traditional. he likes to collect pets and plays with jade a lot! he’s also in the prank guild and absolutely LOVES it. he loves the open world aspect of the game. he also collects random items in-game, like the scarabs from ahnqiraj (i personally collect those oops) he’s also a bit of an altoholic, and loves leveling, but never really finishes anything. he has all of the exploration achievements. ALL OF THEM. he love love LOVES exploring the maps in the game. he also actually LIKED the cata revamp because it gave him more to explore. he has a goblin thats also a hunter thats level capped just so he could explore horde areas without worrying about being ganked or attacked. he knows his way in all of the major cities. you know huntards? well jake is the complete opposite of that. hes an amazing hunter. it surprises his friends. 
bonus: hal helps dirk with being an asshole to everyone on the servers he plays on. he multiboxes with dirk and set up bots to watch the auction house for him. hes just as much as an asshole as dirk is.
aradia plays a belf destruction warlock. she’s a casual player and plays with sollux a lot. she doesnt play very often, but when she does she gets really into the game, especially when playing with friends! she doesnt have many mounts, but she has the headless horseman mount and thats what she uses most of the time. she has maxed out archaeology and has all the items for it. though she has the pets from it, the only pets she uses are frogs.
tavros plays a gnome bm hunter unironically. hes not a very good hunter but not huntard level. he mostly plays with the other lowbloods, sometimes vriska. he only really got roped into wow because of its ties to hearthstone. he wanted to know more about the characters, but stayed because of the animals. it really isnt too much of his cup of tea, but still plays because his friends do. he doesnt have professions nor a maxed out character. he has the mechanostrider mounts and the default pets. he also has the heartstone mount.
sollux heckin loves wow. he plays a troll mage. he switches between fire and frost, but never arcane. he hates arcane. he mostly plays with aradia, but he likes the occasional raid. he has good dps with decent gear. hes mostly a casual, but he loves messing with the games files and datamining. 
karkat is a....special player. he has a blood dk that hes maxed out but hes in all green quest gear. he keeps trying to defeat dave in a dual but it doesnt work. dave got rose and john to help convince karkat that gnome is masterrace. he believed them. now hes a shitty little gnome aggroing everything and getting caught in the fire. he’s very upset because he cant beat dave. help this poor boy. his only pets are crabs. he has all of them. every single one. they’re all the poorest quality, but he loves them anyways. the only mounts he’ll use is mammoths to be an asshole to everyone. he plays a lot because he wants to crush dave’s pride. help this boy.
nepeta plays either a bm hunter or a feral druid! she roped equius in, and they tried to level together, but equius went too fast, so nepeta doesnt have a maxed out character. she enjoys playing with him nonetheless, even if its just running around stormwind! she plays on a roleplay server (NOT moodguard) and loves roleplaying and meeting new people. she rides the tiger/saber mounts and has all of the cat pets! she almost refuses to go out of cat form when on her druid. both of her toons are nelfs.
kanaya mains a human affli warlock and a nelf demon hunter. she likes the aesthetic of both locks and dhs, but prefers the play style of a warlock. she plays with rose most of the time, and they do world quests when they play. she has tailoring and enchanting as her professions, and both are maxed out. she prefers this because she can just make her own gear to sell and get gold. she has the jade panther that rose made her, and uses that mount most of the time. she doesnt really like collecting pets, but rose gave her a moth that she adores. 
terezi plays a resto druid on nepetas server, and mostly roleplays with vriska. she roleplays as a dragon most of the time. she has all of the dragon pets and mounts, and shes VERY proud of her collection and wont hesitate to rub it in vriskas face. she almost got banned multiple times trying to complete her collection. she prefers doing old world raids and farming to get xmog to improve her roleplay outfit, and so she can have different sets for different characters. she sometimes roleplays with nepeta, but most of the time she roleplays with vriska.
vriska plays a nelf demon hunter, and roleplays with terezi on her server. sadly theres no spider mounts but she has the recruit a friend rocket because she did raf with tavros. she does pvp when shes not roleplaying, and she’s trying to get on the highest level. she has all of the spider pets. every single one of them. she tries to overthrow the auction house, but cant. (shes not on dirks server, so hes not messing her up. its just that she doesnt have much gold because of xmog.) she likes to ruin some peoples rolaplays, but loves roleplaying with terezi and sometimes nepeta. 
equius only got into the game because of nepeta. he didnt think hed like it at first, but he really does. he prefers to tank. he has a maxed out dk, warrior, monk, and paladin. he and nepeta tried to level characters together, but he went too fast for her. he has all of the horse mounts and will only ride those. hes not very interested in pets except the engineering ones, and engineering is maxed out on his main toon. he enjoys raiding in his free time, but will also pvp for mounts. hes mostly casual.
oh man, gamzee should be interesting. he plays a troll shaman. no one really knows what he does, really. they just see that hes online and in a major city. is he playing the auction house? is he talking to people? no one knows. when the darkmoon faire comes around, he plays for all 7 days straight. he doesnt really ride mounts or have pets, but he collects them. no one knows why he plays or HOW hes maxed out in raiding gear. he just is.
eridan is a whiny bitch when it comes to wow. he wants to get on dirks level but doesnt know how to. even though hes sometimes a bitch about it, he does enjoy roleplaying and playing with karkat. he plays an arcane mage or a mm hunter. the only mount he rides is the sea turtle mount. you know the one? the one that makes you slow on land but fast in water? yea. he rides that. he HAS other mounts, but he wants the turtle.
feferi does NOT like wow. i mean, yea, she’ll heal for raids, but she doesnt like killing things. she plays a resto shaman and doesnt use a specific mount because she doesnt play that often.
calliope also doesnt like wow, but will play with roxy. she likes doing pet battles, and thats really all she does. she has a level 10 druid that doesnt have a spec. she has no mounts but has cool pets that roxy gave her. she camps in stormwind and refuses to go ANYWHERE else. 
caliborn LOVES world of warcraft. he roleplays with dirk on moonguard, but dirk says nothing. just to piss off caliborn. he tried to multibox to kill dirk, but he ended up freezing his game. he constantly pesters the alpha kids, and really doesnt talk to anyone else except to make fun of new players. he has 1 mount and its the goblin mount. he mains a goblin rogue thats level 40. 
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ask-a-w · 7 years
Someone left a review in my Ada fan fic claiming that my choice to keep Ada’s real name a secret was “stupid” and that he/she is providing “constructive criticism”.
Oh boy. Whoever wants to read my exchange with the reviewer is left under the cut.
The reviewer was somehow very unhappy with my author’s note for my first chapter.
For context, this is my author’s note:
A little trivia that Asian names have the surname (Eg. Z) listed first followed by the given name (Eg. XY) so the full name is written as ZXY instead of the Western way of XYZ.
I am well aware that there are Chinese given names which consists of just one character and surnames that have two characters in them. Most of the time, emphasis on the word 'most', a given Chinese name has a single character surname and a given them that are two characters.
I've always had this idea in my head that Ada is half-Chinese so I wrote her having a blonde Caucasian mother that got adopted by a Chinese family and was therefore, given a Chinese name. Ada's father is a Chinese man who was Wen Ting's next door neighbour so they're essentially childhood sweethearts.
Also, I was educated with British spelling so I spell neighbourhood with a "u" in it. Nothing to be all worked up about, in my opinion.
If you have noticed, I left out any mentions of Ada's name at all in this chapter. It is confirmed in the Resident Evil 6 artbook that the name "Ada Wong" is just a pseudonym, which means that it's not her real name. Don't worry, I will eventually write how she gets her spy name.
I am sorry to say that I will never list down Ada's real name in this story at all. For some reason, I'm really protective of it and I don't want people stealing that name to put onto their own version of Ada. The only thing I'll say is that "Wang" is her real surname and that is it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter where young Ada has a happy life with her parents.
This was the review:
...Why would anyone steal Ada's last name? Your reasoning sounds really stupid, to be honest. I don't see why you feel the need to protect a name. Her last name was noted as Wong in the RE storyline. Not a bad first chapter so far, but the dialogue could be cleaner. I had trouble determining who was talking in this chapter alone.
My response:
Hi, thanks for the review but I feel you need to re-read my author's note of my first chapter very carefully. I never mentioned that people will steal her last name, I said I am very protective of her GIVEN name which is different from her LAST name. And at the time I wrote the story, stealing ideas and headcanons for stories were very rampant on the internet so I chose to keep her given name a secret. The games have confirmed that the name "Ada Wong" has always been her pseudonym, so it is not her real name at all. Her real name can be Jane Lee or Mary Chan or something else altogether. In my story, I only confirmed that her last name is Wang. Her given name will be a mystery for the rest of the chapters. I have re-read my chapter and I don't see how you have trouble determining who was talking. Guo Xiang is Asian and is Ada's father. Wen Ting is a blonde Caucasian and is Ada's mother. Ada is referred to as a little girl or a child.
The reply:
That's fine with the name. I just thought the note was annoying. I also know that Ada Wong is an aliass. What I meant by the dialogue is that its set up in a way where it's not seperated. I know who was in the conversation but it just felt confusing to me. It could just be the way it's presented.
The amount of back-pedaling is astounding.
Trying to still be nice, I replied back:
A lot of writers use author's notes and explanations too, how does that make mine any different? Since this story will be mainly read by Western audiences that will be unfamiliar with Asian naming conventions, I chose to put the note there to explain it so readers won't be confused.
I have a feeling there will be more back-pedaling.
Yep, more back-pedaling.
You don't understand what I'm talking about. I'm part of the Western audience,  lol. Your dialogue,  in my opinion is riddled with too many adverbs. You don't really get the feel for the characters in the beginning. I'm giving constrictive criticism based on what I read. I do plan to read more so don't think I'm insulting you or something. 
I call out on his nonsense.
Look, you said my author's note explanation is stupid which isn't constructive criticism. You mis-read it and upon explaining it to you, you back-pedaled and gave another excuse that my "author's note was annoying". Now that I'm pointing out to you that other people use author's notes too, you claim I am "not understanding what you're talking about" and start talking about my flaws about writing dialogue which was not the main point of this conversation. I understood what you said and that's why I reached out to you to explain the situation about the last name, first name issue which was the main point of the past few messages. If you're serious about giving constructive criticism, please choose your words carefully next time.
The reply:
1. I mentioned your author's note about the name because I felt it was snobbish. That was my opinion. I don't see why anyone would go through the trouble of stealing a name. From the time I've been writing here,   I've never heard of anyone stealing names. That was my take on it. You don't have to agree with me. Pethaps stupid was the wrong word to use but personally,  I wouldn't write that. 2. I then mentioned that your work wasn't bad but the first chapter could have been better because of the dialogue. There were places where it was hard to see who was talking to whom. Not the names. I know who was in the chapter. I just felt it could have been written better. I did not insult you. I gave you *MY* personal outtake of your story. A flame would be insulting the author or the work. I also never backpedaled.
I’m pretty much over this fella at this point.
He STILL sends me a message.
And I never implied there was something wrong with author notes. I use them.
I’m very much done with this person. Ignoring.
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