#this is SO fucking sick i’m obsessed
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pez dispenser debris for the fic ask thing? 👀
As much as this is my “kill no darlings you will get EVERY flashback” fic, there’s overarching sociopolitical backstory explaining why Izuku and the rest of class 3A exploded in the public eye that I don’t think I’ll ever fully fit in.
It’s a combination of it being more of a meta analysis than anything and also requiring information from a perspective that I know will never appear in the fic. Like, the fic still gets the different moments that make up this analysis, but there’s no explicit connecting thread to show how they all locked together to create this sort of global cult following of class 3-A. I almost put in a little fake news article opinion piece that was meant to sort of walk the reader through why society is Like This, but I decided it was too heavy handed and deleted it.
Everything that I’m going to reference has already appeared in pez dispenser debris to some degree, and none of it will ever actually materially impact the plot. They may receive a little more detail down the line if they’re mentioned in passing in the fic, so out of an abundance of caution, I’ll stick it below the cut so people can avoid this, but I don’t personally consider any of this spoilers.
Izuku and the rest of the class are famous in pez dispenser debris in a way that’s pretty much unprecedented for students. Canonically, not even all might had a name for himself until after his graduation. Pretty much everyone from class 3A are public figures, with Izuku specifically being considered a major global figure.
In my mind, there was this perfect storm right during their second year that catapulted them into fame. The class personally has varying levels of awareness of why they got so popular, but there was this perfect cross winds of societal unrest and fear that made them household names.
There was an approximately one month span in their second year where they were just hit one after another with a major firestorms of events: The UA Sports Festival, the Sidekick Strike, and the Tartarus Prison Break/Desertion of Yokohama.
The UA Sports Festival is the one that the kids attribute this most to, because so many of the news articles that followed referenced their performance in it. But it probably gave them less mileage than what the other two events did.
What the UA Sports Festival did was showcase their skills to the world in a venue designed to show them off. The public was already on edge. All Might had retired, crime rates kept going up, and people were rapidly losing confidence in existing heroes. Class 2A made such an insane showing of skill in the second Sports Festival that it made the public rave about them for weeks after. It was extremely reassuring to Japan that they had such powerful heroes in the barrel and would soon be on the streets. But that attention probably would have died down had it not been for the Sidekick Strike and Yokohama.
The Sidekick Strike actually had nothing to do with them. But it undermined the public’s faith in heroes at just the right time.
The Sidekick Strike is just one of those things that I have no POV that would even tangentially be involved in it so we’ll get a few passing references in media clips and it’ll never be discussed in depth. Which is a shame because it’s such an interesting conflict to me.
The Sidekick Strike was heavily inspired by the 1919 Boston Police Strike. Effectively, it was the height of the labor rights movement, and police officers got together and went on strike to get the police union recognized. They had tried to negotiate and negotiations failed, and so they all walked off the job. The city descended into lawlessness, the national guard was deployed, it was a whole thing. Famously, Calvin Coolidge fired the entire police force over it on the grounds that there was no striking from public safety.
I thought it would be really interesting if there was something similar that happened with the sidekicks. The thing is that the heroics structure as it stands really incentivizes abuse towards sidekicks. We have a society where there’s a decent amount of heroes who are only in it for the fame. A not insignificant amount of money must come from marketing deals. And it’s a ranked system, so they’re all in competition with each other.
Heroes wouldn’t be incentivized to showcase their sidekicks—they’d be incentivized to take advantage of them and take credit for their work.
Like, think about the work-study experiences. Momo didn’t even officially work for the hero she studied with. She wasn’t getting paid. An adult woman used her for a shampoo ad. Who wants to bet whether Momo saw a dime from it? It’s probably very predatory because the nature of the system incentivizes predation.
I thought the underlying legal issues would be interesting and complex. Who owns a sidekick’s image—the agency or the individual? Who gets the proceeds of their brand deals? This all would be governed by their employment contracts, and sidekicks just starting out have very little leverage compared to big name heroes. And those heroes would want to keep their sidekicks names small and theirs big. The rankings are competitive, after all.
It’s a situation where I do think that like. The sidekicks would have a point in unionizing. The use of their image, appropriate compensation, and proper credit for their busts would all be like, very legitimate concerns in a normal employment context.
I see agencies like Idaten settling immediately with the union and having their sidekicks back on the street before the day is out. In my mind, idaten is considered the gold standard for sidekick jobs already, and their employees mostly did it out of solidarity with the people they worked alongside of. Like, Idaten was already doing most of the union’s demands and signed off very quickly on the remaining ones. If it was just about the Idaten sidekicks, none of them would have gone on strike, but they had a lot of colleagues who they depended on in the field who were in terrible situations. What were they gonna say, sorry, sucks to be you, I got a great gig though so condolences? These were the people keeping them alive. They went on strike because they knew Idaten would publicly settle before the day was out and set an example for the rest of the agencies. Hopefully it would help other agencies follow their lead.
But that didn’t happen. Some agencies, like Endeavor’s, fired everyone immediately. And I think a lot of agencies spent a long time picking over every line item in prolonged negotiations. It dragged out.
And that went over fucking terribly.
All Might just retired. Crime is up. And their sworn defenders are bickering over who gets what cut of the action figure line. Like I think the public would have fucking hated this in a post-All Might world. It would have seemed like the only real hero just medically and irreversibly retired and the rest of them are squabbling about whose turn it is in the spotlight.
I also think that the villains would have taken advantage of it.
The Tartarus Prison Break in pez isn’t the one that happened in canon. Here, the League of Villains attacked Tartarus and set everyone loose. In the process, they made a very clear stance: they are going to leave with All for One, and they are not going to attack any civilians. They won’t fight at all unless attacked first.
All of the horrible and sadistic villains they just let go have not made the same promise.
They chose to do this now because of the Sidekick Strike. All their heroes don’t give a fuck about protecting them, so they’re strapped for staffing. So they’re taking back their leader and going back to ground, and the heroes are free to immediately go after and contain all those bad bad villains who just escaped. And those guys are headed to the heavily populated mainland, so better be quick.
The whole world knew that was their explicit reasoning and promise. Because Himiko fucking lived tweeted the escape.
The Sidekick Strike took the hit for a lot of the blame, but I do see all the sidekicks breaking strike lines to go respond to the crisis. But response times were severely handicapped by the fact that most if not all of them were cut off from their agencies. It was just a complete systemic breakdown.
And then there became the question of what crisis do you respond to: All for One’s escape, or everyone else’s?
I mentioned in one of the little fake tumblr posts that the Tartarus Prison Break was seen as Endeavor’s greatest failure. And part of that is because he chose to sacrifice the nearby area, Yokohama, to contain All for One.
I am one of the biggest haters of Endeavor’s later arc, specifically because it required going back on the nature of the abuse he had subjected his family to that was already established in canon, but that’s a different rant. This is not canon endeavor. I hate what they did with canon endeavor.
That being said, I do think that the self doubt weighed on him once he became number one. And this was the moment of his career where it really crushed him.
All for One had escaped. So had every other villain from Tartarus. He should go after the most immediate threats. He knew this. It was basic triage.
But they would never have a better chance to stop All for One.
Prisoners in Tartarus aren’t exactly hitting all their macros and micros or training daily. They are not adherents to the Bakugou Katsuki Fitness Lifestyle. All for One was coming off spending the last few months drugged up to his eyeballs and strapped to a chair in a straitjacket with at least fifty guns pointed at him at all times. The man has not scratched his own nose in weeks. He’s weaker now than he’ll ever be again.
It was their best chance.
If he escaped, and he went back to ground, he’d have the time and space to get as strong as he wanted, and then he’d come back for real. And he’d be coming back for everything.
Stopping him the first time had cost them All Might.
And Endeavor simply was not All Might. And he still wouldn’t be All Might when the next fight came.
It really was the hardest decision of Endeavor’s life. He had to admit to himself that his own inadequacy was going to cost them countless lives. But he thought it was a hard decision he had to make. He was losing the battle for the barest chance at winning the war.
So he made the call that all heroes were to respond to All for One. They had to hit the league of villains now with their full force if they were to stand a chance. They could not afford to divide their already sparse forces. They’d respond to Yokohama when AfO was contained.
He was also the one who made the call to broadcast the warning message that we hear in the Twitter post. He thought it would give civilians their best chance. He didn’t want them to act with the expectation of the heroes being en route.
Of course, that meant that the entire city got fucking sirens going off and a message telling them that the heroes were not going to save them. Which, as you can expect, did not do a lot for public morale.
In my head, Tartarus is like, the equivalent to Gotham’s Arkham. It’s borderline an institute for the criminally insane. You don’t end up there unless you did something super fucked, are super dangerous, and have extreme violent tendencies. It’s exclusively for the most dangerous and indiscriminately violent criminals in the country.
The entire world was watching in real time while the tragedy unfolded. A lot of people were livestreaming after the emergency broadcast dropped, because they didn’t want the government to be able to handwave away how terrible their death was, or because they didn’t know what else to do, or because they just didn’t want to be alone. The full expectation was that it’d be a massacre.
But it wasn’t. Because Class 2-A responded instead.
The Class 2-A defensive efforts were discussed in one of the silly little fake tumblr posts and in the fake twitter post. In those, we find out that 1) Class 2-A, along with Lemillion, Suneater, and Nejire responded to the scene; 2) the entire class rolled out of Mirio’s fucking mom van and tamaki and nejire’s cars like they were fucking clown cars; 3) the HPSC claimed it was a legitimate operation blessed and coordinated by them; and 4) a lot of people think this was a lie, in part because videos leaked of Aizawa bitching them all out in the street afterwards. We also see Izuku’s green lightning at the end of the twitter video, showing him responding to the scene just as the first villains hit the mainland.
This fight has a lot of names in the backstory that lives in my head. It’s called the Tartarus Prison Break for obvious reasons. It’s also been called in some circles the Desertion of Yokohama, because of the call Endeavor made.
But it’s also called the Battle of Yokohoma. And it’s ranked alongside the Battle of Kamino as one of the finest acts of modern day heroics. And that’s because of Class 2-A. If it hadn’t been for them showing up, it would have gone down in history as the Massacre of Yokohama.
Like. It kills me that I can’t include the full details of what happened, but there’s just too much to make in a flashback. It’s a fic in and of itself. But it really was the fight that made Class 2-A.
It was the first fight where they were really the only heroes that could be counted on. Granted, they’d had to fight for their lives alone, but this wasn’t just their lives. These were thousands of terrified civilians who all thought they were going to die.
It was the first true test of them as heroes in the world. And they actually rose to the occasion. They didn’t just fight the villains—they realized that they needed to get emergency services working throughout the city if everyone was going to make it. Momo and Tsuyu conducted a mildly hostile take over of the emergency call center so they could coordinate relief. They had fucking Tokoyami and Dark Shadow single-handedly holding the line on the hospital while Kaminari, Shoji, Jiro, and Sato all learned to drive for the Very First Time while commandeering the city’s fucking ambulances. They were fighting and containing villains, performing emergency aid, putting out literal fires, everything. It was the hardest fight of their lives.
There was a hot second where Class 2-A was The Moment. Like. The entire world was watching them during this fight, and they had no fucking idea until it was over. People lost their minds when the first footage made it out of Yokohama of a bunch of teenagers showing up and immediately throwing hands with S-Class villains.
It was global news. Think of the kind of media attention that was received by the search for the Titan, the Tham Luang Cave Rescue, the Suez Canal getting blocked by the Ever Given (rip queen you will always be famous to me), that kind of thing. Class 2-A was fighting for their fucking lives and then found out three days later while they were all still in the hospital that there was a prayer vigil going on in Portugal for them during the battle and CNN had 24 hours live coverage of the fight that had so many viewers it outnumbered the population of Finland. Like what do you even do with that information.
The world expected a massacre. They didn’t expect a bunch of footage of high schoolers kicking the shit out of superpowered murders and personally ferrying the injured to the hospitals they were also defending.
The other part about this fight that really made them permanently part of the public consciousness is that it was not lost on everyone that every single person who responded to that fight did so at the risk of their license.
All of them had provisional licenses, save Lemillion, Suneater, and Nejire, all of whom went AWOL from the explicit directives ordering them to respond to the fight against All for One. The operation could not have been less authorized. They had to steal their gear and jimmy the UA fence to even get out. The explicit plan was to steal one of the UA buses and have Bakugou fucking drive them to the fight (he also did not know how to drive but he seemed the most likely of them to break literally every single motor vehicle code to get them there but still be naturally talented at it enough to not kill them) but Izuku told Mirio what bullshit they were up to and Mirio, who was with Tamaki and Nejire when the news broke, immediately decided he would be on that bullshit too and pulled up in his mom van.
In my mind, there were strict rules around provisional licenses and how they could be used, and they broke pretty much all of them to respond to Yokohama. It would have been grounds to revoke their provisionals and permanently bar them from heroics. Lemillion, Suneater, and Nejire could have all lost their licenses for helping them and for going AWOL.
The HPSC fucking fell over themselves to legitimatize the entire operation. They knew they were utterly fucked if they didn’t. These kids already had murals being painted of their faces in other fucking countries. There was a little old lady in Kyoto livestreaming herself working overtime to embroider Iida’s face onto a cushion because that lovely young man saved her darling granddaughter from *checks notes* horrible and painful death directly caused by the failings of the current HPSC administration. There were multiple trending posts online agreeing to fucking riot if those kids got in trouble for this.
Every single actual hero in the immediate vicinity of this disaster had responded to fight a villain who wasn’t actually attacking anyone. And then they fucking lost. They publicly broadcast a message saying Good Luck Champs Because We’re Not Going To Save You. It was an actual PR nightmare that they had a bare chance of salvaging if they just latched onto these kids like an aggressive parasite and that is exactly what they did.
They totally knew. Actually, it was a joint operation coordinated by and between UA and and the HPSC. Why would the kids be in trouble?? They had responded because the HPSC told them to.
UA gave it a week of dead silence and then issued a short statement praising the bravery of their students in a recent HPSC approved mission, and then they never said another word about it. They didn’t have any choice but to go along with the HPSC’s story. If they contradicted them, all of class 2-a would find their licenses pulled by the end of the day, and lord knows they wouldn’t wait for the court of public opinion to work its magic and would just all go out and become fucking vigilantes, because why not. Aizawa has aged 100 years since he got this class. Every single day he thinks of how it was a 50/50 shot between him and Vlad.
No one in the class is fully aware of just how famous they were in the immediate aftermath, because the school bent over backwards to try and shield them from it as much as possible. Like, they have an idea, but none of them saw the full explosion firsthand because of just how hard the school worked to keep it from them. Aizawa confiscated the internet router and told them it was punishment for whatever the fuck they did to the buses (thank god Mirio was just as crazy as them because they were NOT GOOD at hotwiring cars) but really it was to try and insulate them from it a little bit. Like. Japan’s Imperial Family wanted to do an official visit. The White House offered to host them. They received interview requests from every major talk show on the planet. Buzzfeed wanted to do a puppy interview with them.
Right now, Aizawa’s terrified for Midoriya’s graduation, but in the aftermath of that, he was breathing into a paper bag about all of them. Society had sort of latched onto them like they were the last life raft on the titanic. All for One was back, and All Might wasn’t, and the heroes had publicly broadcast a message saying they were useless, but don’t fucking worry, fifteen year old Iida Tenya is on the case. Society will be upheld by Kaminari Denki, currently viral for driving a real life city ambulance one hundred miles per hour down the street while screaming “WEE WOO BITCH.” And don’t forget the pillar that will be Mina Ashido, who rushed over to him earlier that day to show him her extra sparkly pink nails. And if you have a major fight that needs to be won? Don’t fucking worry, just send out bone-breaking boy wonder Midoriya Izuku and his equally reckless brother Toogata Mirio, because their dumbasses managed to take down an S-Class villain team that only All Might could defeat the first time around. Don’t worry about the multi week hospitalization they needed after, because that’s an acceptable burden to put on children.
When Aizawa started this job, he promised himself he would never send a student out to die. Some of them would die. But it would be tragedy, not damnation. He’d have given them their best chance. Part of the reason why he made that promise was because he sort of felt like his teacher sent him out set up to die, and it’s only luck that he made it through his first couple of years.
He has gone to the funeral of every single student he has ever had who did not make it. He goes back to their graves every year.
He was fucking petrified after Yokohama that society would push these kids too far too soon. Every single one of his classes before them had gotten the benefit of being practically unknown their first few years. They didn’t have the world talking about them like they were already the top heroes. He was terrified they wouldn’t have the space to learn and grow when they started.
A lot of teachers would have tried to mine the notoriety of Yokohama to hard launch their students’ careers. Aizawa told Nedzu point blank that he would quit tomorrow if he did not help him quash this thing as much as possible, and nedzu agreed.
This world killed its real heroes. It sucked them dry and left them like All Might, and he just needed fucking time. He needed fucking time to let them be kids and maybe they’d survive.
Izuku ended up being the one who escaped the aftermath of everything the least. His Quirk was too much like All Might’s for the world to let go of him easily.
And then Stain got fucking dogpiled by idaten in the aftermath of the Tartarus prison break and implied he considered Izuku the only true hero in the absence of all might and everyone started asking super inconvenient questions like “how does stain even know you exist” and “no really he called you by your actual legal name how does he even know that” and it just. It didn’t help things. Izuku’s suffering.
So yeah. There was just this absolute collision of a total lack of faith in current heroes combined with a huge swell of public trust in class 2-a that led us to being in the landscape we are now. All of the currently licensed heroes said that they wouldn’t be there to save the public, and then Class 2-A immediately hit back that they would be there. Actually, they’ll risk everything to be there. They’ll die to protect the public and they’ll risk the entire future they had been trying to build and they will fucking be there to save them.
There’s a lot of people that never forgave the heroes for deserting Yokohama. And there’s even more people who have absolute faith in Izuku and his classmates because they didn’t. That’s why the world is watching them so aggressively. These kids are the most trusted heroes in Japan right now.
I wish I could fit in more about what happened, because I love this backstory so much, but 1) some of it absolutely requires POVs like Endeavors, which we won’t get in pez dispenser debris, 2) there’s no one POV that could tell the full story via flashback and 3) it’d just be too long of a divergence. Like. It really is a whole fic of its own. I’d love to write it one day but I probably won’t have the time
#pez dispenser debris#bnha#the sheer drama of the battle of Yokohama#you know the fanfiction battle that lives in my head lol#it’s SO dramatic to me and I’m obsessed with it#when the footage first leaked of class 2A responding people fucking rioted#people all over the world stayed up all night to watch them fight#like They Were The Moment#it was one of those really unique moments of humanity where the entire world held its breath at the same time#and it was just them all really coming into themselves as heroes#there’s so many fucking dramatic moments of it#Izuku had the exact same analysis of all for one’s escape as endeavor#he knew he’d never get a better chance to stop him than right this second. and he also knew that all for one would be coming for him.#no one knew it would one day be his fight. endeavor didn’t know. but Izuku saw afo’s escape and realized that if he went and tried to end#him now it would be his best chance at surviving to adulthood. he picked Yokohama. he doesn’t regret that.#there’s this dramatic moment where all might finds him when they’re breaking out of the school and tells him he’s proud and then lets him go#there’s this huge dramatic fight between Izuku and Mirio and a villain team that wrecked havoc over Japan for nine months until they were#stopped by all might and sir nighteye. there’s TikTok edits of the end of the fight between them and All Might/Nighteye and the end of the#fight between them and Izuku/Mirio. there’s TikTok edits. I’m sick in the head over this fanfic battle I’m sick over it someone sedate me#the entire world is kind of obsessed over this fight but class 3A doesn’t like to talk about it. they were all sort of scared out of their#minds. like no one was coming. it was just them and some of the worst villains alive. everyone close enough to respond was responding to afo#and everyone else was too far away to make it. and like. the UNSPEAKABLE relief the heroes felt when dawn came and Yokohama was still#standing. Aizawa was one of the first to respond to Tartarus before endeavor made the call otherwise he would have been awol too. he got#news mid-battle that UAs class 2A had responded to Yokohama and he spent the entire night terrified that one of them would be dead by the#time he got there. and then he made it and his kids were bloody and exhausted and in shock but they were fucking alive.#he nearly kills yagi in the aftermath what do you MEAN you KNEW THEY WERE DOING THIS and HUGGED THEM GOODBYE#there was also this entire HPSC document leak that happened that I’ve referenced a few times but that was months later so it wasn’t part of#the perfect storm during the twoish weeks surrounding their second sports festival. like what a time. Aizawa has never been more stressed ou#in his life. except for maybe right now when there’s two Izukus and both are in crisis.
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this is my formal plea to reclaim the following emojis 🦋⏳🦎🌸🎀💪 from proshippers
I refuse to let these cute emojis symbolize that disgusting shit! look how cute the lil butterfly is!! mirabel should be associated with that for all the right reasons. anyways I vote we all mass block proshippers and take back these cute emojis 💘
#encanto#encanto disney#disneys encanto#mirabel madrigal#mirabel encanto#isabela madrigal#disney’s encanto#bruno madrigal#luisa madrigal#dolores madrigal#usually it’s mirabel cant have shit but im making it proshippers cant have shit#I will start using these out of spite (I already do)#fuck u and ur weird obsessions let me take back the emojis#like I’m actually so sick of them
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i know i talk a lot of shit about sub!dazai but sometimes i really do just wanna be his stupid little 24/7 slut :(
#i want him to wake me up every day with sweet kisses on my neck and face and fuck me til we have to get ready for work#want him to tease me all day and text me about how he can’t wait to ruin me later#want him to take me out and get me so drunk and take care of me or stay in with me and get me so high and take care of me#want him to take care of me when im sick#want him to tell me im so cute im so sexy i’m his baby im so handsome while he refuses to keep his hands off me#want him to fuck me while we watch movies and i want him to fuck me in public restrooms and i want him to fuck me in empty stairwells#want him to fuck me to sleeeeeeeep#and then let me hard dom him for the entire following week LOLLL#need a man who switches as violently as i do#i’m obsessed with him#i’m fine. anyway#reid speaks.ᐟ#nnnsfw.ᐟ#osareid
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I felt slightly better at work today and then had a meltdown as soon as I got home :)))))
#crying did make me feel a little better but i’m so fucking sick of this#I wanna go back to not thinking obsessively about death#love the fucking….awful contradiction of fearing death so much that I feel miserable all the time and can’t enjoy being alive#I can REMEMBER how it felt not to feel like this (most of my life so far!) but right now it feels completely out of reach#I feel like this should have some kind of tag for blocking but idk what. let me know if you need anything#personal
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This is the spiritual successor to Four Seasons Landscaping. To me.
#the political career of rishi sunak over the past two years is something that is absolutely fascinating to me#mans kicks off the mass resignation of virtually everyone of relevance in the johnson government just for a shot at power#manages to climb over everybody else in the leadership campaign; loses at the last hurdle to liz truss#(the human embodiment of a soggy ball of iceberg lettuce you left in your fridge and forgot about)#when truss’s premiership imploded he was right there to… further cock things up?#his highlights include hiring back a cabinet minister who had literally been fired the previous day#after 18 months; his party finally got sick enough of him violently hydroplaning down the highway to hell that they threatened him#with a vote of no-confidence#so he went out in the rain and went straight to charles iii of all people to ask him to dissolve parliament. as you do#and called a general election WHILE STILL IN THE RAIN and while the most unserious music imaginable played in the background#because i guess he thought ‘if i’m going down i’m bringing all of you with me’ ?????#knowing that unless something absolutely bananas happens; he is essentially handing over the country to keir starmer mind you#and then today someone placed him in front of a morrisons sign in such a way that his big head makes the sign look like it says ‘moron’#and photographed him as such. i’m obsessed. no notes#i will not miss this idiot but i can’t say i haven’t been entertained. because i have#i’m like genuinely impressed with how much the tories have managed to fuck up in so many different ways#to be honest ever since david cameron resigned and walked off humming; nothing has been normal here#i mean things were bad before that but good god#personal
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yk what just kinda frustrates me a bit? it’s that whenever someone hates on taylor swift, i need to defend her, not bc i think she can do no wrong ever, but because they always choose the wrong things to criticize.
like if someone tries to say shit abt the i hate it here 1830s lyric to me? i’m obligated to point out that uh no it’s not racist, literally look at the next fucking line, you idiot. she’s saying the exact opposite of what you’re implying. nostalgia is a mind’s trap.
and if someone tries to call her a climate terrorist, then i’m going to have to point out that yes, she uses a private plane a lot, but she’s not even in the top 30 of celebs with highest carbon emissions. if you really want to criticize a celebrity and not the huge factories/companies that are polluting the air, then focus on travis scott
but like?? you could literally choose any argument that doesn’t have to do with literal false information. or better yet, you don’t even need a reason! say you don’t vibe with her music and that is literally none of my business. good for you. enjoy whatever music you like. but don’t try and put yourself on this moral pedestal for hating on this musician who doesn’t even know you exist and let me listen to the grand theft auto lyric in peace.
#wrongcaitlyn#both of these have been told to me at school bc i’m like the resident swiftie#and it’s just?? so fucking frustrating???#like honestly even if they criticized the charlie puth or golden retriever line like i would have no defense#those are silly lyrics and i can vibe with them but if you don’t it’s fine#but when they go for such stupid arguments?? like really?? can you not think of anything better??#oh right. you can’t. bc there’s literally not a reason i know of to hate this woman SO vehemently that you have to include it in every#conversation#i never bring up taylor swift at school#just bc i’m worried of coming off as annoying and obsessed (which tbf i am but i keep it to myself and online)#and yet i still end up talking abt her like 3 times a day because PEOPLE bring her up to ME#so am i (the swiftie) really the one so obsessed with taylor swift here?#honestly this may be incoherent i’m half asleep rn#but like i’m just sick of having to repeat the same arguments and coming off as some crazed fan just bc i wanna wear a taylor sweatshirt
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I’m so normal and not overthinking things rn :) I’m the normalest human ever
#I WAS FUCKING LATE TO WORK TODAY BY 2 FUCKING MINUTESSSSS AGHHH#That means any bonus this weekend I don’t fucking get it#bullshit#because my car battery died#and I literally ran to work since I live a couple blocks away#THE WORST PART IS I COULD HAVE JUST TAKEN MY MOMS BIME#*BIKE#IM A FUCKING IDIOT#I’m so pissed it’s not funny#I’m getting irrationally angry#I feel myself getting worked up#I need to calm down#what happened already happened#I can’t change it#this was my first time in three years ever being late#this will ruin my life#I’m feeling sick thinking about it#i have this really irrational fear and obsession about being early and on time for things#where if I’m late I have to stop myself from full on crying mental breakdown#Im having such a hard time not loosing my mind#it’s ok#I have to make it ok#and my managers and everything weren’t mad or anything either#they said they get it#but they aren’t the ones who controls the bonus it’s my boss#and idk if she’ll let it slide
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Just want to thank you for all of this glorious meta! It's kinda crazy to read your pics and go, well this is an EXPERIENCE, and then come to your tumblr and see all those tiny little things that haven't really been addressed yet or you've wondered about? Well, no, actually the author has an extremely detailed world building for why it's like this, they simply have the restraint to not put it in their fic! Absolutely wild.
Like, I was kind of wondering reading pez WHY izuku and 1-a was so famous. And why aizawa is so tired. Like, surely it can't just be Main Character Gravitational Pull in action?? But no, I unknowingly triggered the authors trap card—actually having fully detailed world building that hasn't been inserted into your fic yet, because it hasn't been relevant or necessary. I feel like I tripped on a rock and discovered a gold vein.
(this applies to nhthcth too. I thought Jon claimed desks, badgered people to quit, and got a virus email address out of pettiness, and also the faint hope of saving a person maybe. And probably yes to all of that, but also he's been actively attempting to figure out that dumb contract.)
All this to say, thanks for all this meaty meta! Your readers are eating good.
I’m this close to just saying “fuck it”’and writing the Battle of Yokohama because I love the backstory that much. It’s just filled with so many good moments. I’m trying to resist because if I write that backstory I’m gonna feel compelled to write the rest of them. I have one for Mirio getting his license (that I actually am the most likely to write out of all of them) and one explaining why Dabi left the League that I simply do not have time to write. But maybe the Yokohama and Mirio ones. I’m just eternally succumbing to the desire to make my fics series and I need to pump the breaks on it. Pez was supposed to be the story that I could freely cram in backstory like an overstuffed turkey but even I can’t bring myself to do it if it’s 1) too big of a divergence/not relevant to what’s going on or 2) not the right POV to bring out the information through.
There are some moments from the Battle of Yokohama that have already come out (Shinsou talking about how he watched Izuku bite a man’s ear off once? Battle of Yokohama. And obviously the times where it was explicitly referenced in a post are about that fight) or will come out in pez, so I haven’t talked about them on tumblr, but there’s so many fantastic moments that just wouldn’t be right to present in the fic. I’m so tempted. It’s such a fun story.
But yeah. I wanted the overwhelming attention on Izuku & Co. because I wanted Tiny Izuku to just be. Crushed by the sheer size of him when he found out what happened. Izuku is one of the most famous and beloved people out there, and he’s just a deku. How could he expect anyone to give a shit about this guy killing him? Everyone already wants him dead so he’ll stop being a burden—this guy made his death matter.
But I needed a reason for them to be as stupidly famous as they are. So I decided class 2a just had like. The most ridiculous two weeks of their life in their second year. Part of the reason why they’re not super aware of what made them famous was that so much goddamn stuff happened in that two week span. There’s a lot to pick from. The Sports Festival. Bakugou getting his first meme and also a medically induced coma. Suddenly everyone wants to fight Izuku about Mirio even more now and he is always down to fight for his boy. Oh fuck oh fuck time to have like ninety near death experiences and an extended hospitalization. Huh why is Mr. Aizawa unplugging the WiFi router and confiscating the tv. It’s probably nothing.
And Jon. Oh I love him. He’s just a rat in an electrified maze trying to figure out why all the doors are zapping him. He’s so tragic to me.
Thank you for your kind words!! I really appreciate you!
#pez dispenser debris#nhthcth#I’m sitting on why Mirio and Izuku have that saying because I really want the one shot around him getting his license#like the thing they keep saying about going into the future together all the way#I really want to do it in the one shot about Mirio training because it’s just so ridiculously fun and it’s the best place to present#the info. I just absolutely love them from that era and I feel like the background sort of helps show why he and Izuku are so close#you get to see when they first started planning their hero agency and just how much they became each other’s everything. like Mirio’s stance#on Izuku is that he started with Izuku and he’ll end with him. he had to be reborn like a phoenix and there’s no other life he wants now.#they love each other so fucking much I cannot emphasize that enough. they haven’t known each other nearly as long as the rest of the class#but they just became each other’s world so quickly and willingly and they burned any route back.#and Yokohama really just emphasizes that because Izuku gets BAD there. like he legitimately thinks he’s not making it.#and Mirio’s just in the hospital after like. broken. because he drove Izuku there. he took him to the fight.#it’s so dramatic guys I’m obsessed I’m ill I’m sick in the head
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TW/CW: Stalking, obsession, implied predatory behaviour
Ahhh I love vampire!wilbur x priest!quackity… absolute monster x just some guy
Wilbur’s some old Victorian 700 vampire with really no grand story of how he got to this old town in Texas or some shit. Honestly considered skipping the town after a few years just from how run of the mill it was.
Corrupt mayor already had a heir lined up— Schlatt. Probably will drive the town into extinction with his drinking habits. Fundy’s a meek kid. Niki’s a kind aspiring herbalist. Dream’s a boy too cocky for his age. George sleeps all day. Sapnap’s reckless. Eret cares more about his treasures than anything else.
He’s seen all this before.
That was until one day the old priest took in this scrappy Mexican 4 year old from some distant relative— more out of a twisted sense of savior complex rather than actual care but hey, semantics. And by god Wilbur has never seen someone so fascinating.
He becomes obsessed with this kid. Watching him from shadows. Lurking. Muses about him to his unfortunate audience— Phil, the old graveyard keeper. They met decades ago when Wilbur had haphazardly left a carcass out after feeding. A moment of arrogance. Phil is far too old and tired of the world to even do anything about Wilbur. He’s become one of the few humans he holds somewhat of a friendship with. And then there’s Technoblade, a local hunter slash butcher revered by the town. Honestly the only reason he hasn’t killed Wilbur is that he has respect for the natural order. Wilbur didn’t kill more than necessary, Techno understands how the world works. As long as he isn’t out of line, he won’t do anything (even if the obsession with the priest’s kid was tethering on the edge of whatever moral code he had).
That was until the vampire scares. Quackity’s old man had passed when he was 17 and he’s taken over the church ever since. Hardly what you’d call an ideal priest but he’s stubborn. The townsfolk comes begging to him to get rid of it (he’s not an exorcist he’s a priest for god’s sake—). He’s always thought vampires were just an old wives’ tale. Really it’s probably just the farmers being dramatic. But even Schlatt the corrupt mayor had sobered up to ask him to get rid of whatever the creature was so he reluctantly agreed. He got some herbs rom Niki, memorized the Latin incantations, and went out to the forest.
He got to a clearance, set up the candles, muttered some Latin and—
Except a hot 6’6 vampire.
Cue a game of cat and mouse where Wilbur taunted him at ever turn and Quackity fought back with words, rosemaries, and holy water— stubborn defiance slowly crumbling with something else. Something like desire
#I’m so sorry I need to get my sick thoughts out there#I’m writing this#on my way fr#c not cc#I love them#I love sick twisted obsessive Wilbur#he loves like a dog#tntduo#cquackity#cwilbur#c!quackity#c!wilbur#fanfic ideas#I have no moral compass#if you couldn’t tell already#obsession#vampire#vampire Wilbur#fuck help me#vampire x priest#dreamsmp#dsmp
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Aight I can’t decide what I’m in the mood to write, so
#all three are started but ya know#i’m indecisive#south park#my shit#polls#the twitr is called Trapdoor and uhhh Kyle is obsessively looking at Wikipedia pages about spiders bc he’s freaked#and Stan had a breakdown bc he took Sansa to the vet (hi Tolkien) and fell asleep in the waiting room and Kyle wasn’t there when he woke up#the OJVBMIS includes a very sick Kyle nearly fucking dying mid sex bc he’s been ignoring the fact that he’s sick#and Craig has to drive them to the emergency room bc Stanathan is crying too hard to drive rip#*to the tune of the State Farm jingle* like a good neighbor Craig Tucker is there#and the k2 is just fluffy and silly and Kenny is a flirty loser#idk man y’all lmk if so inclined
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#me when I am SO FUCKING SCARED OF THROWING UP holy SHIT#WHY COULDNT I HAVE A COOLER PHOBIA#like it may not be obvious because I’m able to joke about throwing up in fiction#but my NUMBER ONE LIFE RUINING CRIPPLING FEAR is getting sick it is RIDICULOUS#like you would think I just saw a dead body with the way I act sometimes#shaking crying hitting myself in pure fear ‘did someone die’ No my brother frew up :(#I genuinely don’t know where this fear came from#the incident I blame it on wasn’t it because I was terrified Before that#shoutout to the time a long time ago I had an obsessive urge to Constantly pray that I wouldn’t get sick#I am talking 24/7 the same seven words repeated in my mind EVERY SECOND#‘please God don’t let me throw up’ it didn’t fucking Work obviously and I still did once which was Traumatic#anyway enough yapping goodnight my lovely people#tw emetophobia#tw emeto ment
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they make me so fucking sick. GOD
#he gets soooo close. i wonder what makes him bold enough to get that close#because he hasn’t before but this time he goes for it#he lets her touch him. lets his eyes linger on her lips. gets close enough to feel her breath on his face.#but he Doesn’t Do It. he knows she would let him. knows she Wants him to at this point#but he doesn’t let it happen!#king of repression. honestly.#king of torturing himself to the brink of insanity#of course in my beautiful world with magpie i think part of why he stops himself#is neve. and that whole situation. but a bigger part is#[gestures vaguely] you know#god i’m obsessed with him. he’s so sick in the head.#he just. he knows he can’t have it. he believes to his core it’s a death sentence for her. because he can’t control himself#he doesn’t know who he is now. and that’s dangerous#he doesn’t think she knows what she would be getting into and he can’t put her through something he can’t see ending well#he couldn’t kill ghilan’nain#he couldn’t control spite when illario killed zara#there’s no way this ends well.#and so!#whyyyy does he let himself get that close this time!!!#he allows himself to acknowledge magpie wants this but doesn’t let himself give it to her#she needs to fuck his brains out immediately. the strap will fix him.#it must.#god the way he looks at her lips when she touches his chest. the way he must replay that moment over and over again in his head.#it’s all he has.#i have to kill him. god.#漫言#oc. magpie#r. birds of a feather#z plays da#datv spoilers
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*staring at the unfinished jegulily fic with baby harry* I can’t keep doing this to myself. I can’t! If you read another one you’ll cry again, and then where would we be? *clicks through with shaking hands* I can’t stop myself.
#jegulily#I’m obsessed#reg with baby Harry is???#the one I just read had him raising Harry and I’m literally SICK#they’re so sweet fuck#god help me
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I added up the hours I’ve played games on switch since I got it a month and a half ago… and remember they count by 5s so these hours are the minimum and likely to be much higher and also I started playing Stardew Valley a few days ago (I bought it a few days before the first tooth had to be pulled but didn’t start till a few days ago cause not enough brain power for new things lmao) and I have played over 10 hours so far but the device doesn’t count them till 10 days after the game is first opened, so like. It’s been a lot more than this. I have had this device about… a month and a half? And played over 275hrs between a bunch of different games. Almost all of which I buy on sale for less than 10$ lol I’m a bargain girl. But like. Is that a lot for a month and a half? I feel like whenever I’m not playing it’s cause I’m writing, crocheting, or too braindead or in pain to function. So it seems like a lot.
#I also have moonlighter that was on sale for 4.50$ I think but it was highly recced to me a while back#I wonder if I’ll end up obsessed with that one too lol#I logged over 50 hours on Wylde Flowers on iPad and that’s with it constantly crashing lol#I think I had around 30hrs of Cozy Grove on iPad too lol#I used to log like 100s of hours of those island farm games tho lmao I’m so glad I have switch now#if I never buy another 3$ gem pack that spirals into 40$ of in game currency it’ll be too late#god I’m glad those one time usable purchases are a scam#they used to get the fuck outta me when I was sick which is always
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i really just sat through and played all of the sylus content in one morning.
#[𐐪— rheya talks. 𐑂]#i swear i’ve been so excited for him#been waiting for months for this update#he’s feeding my enemies to lovers obsession#also why is everything he does so fucking seductive???#even the way he was holding mc’s hand?????#i’m sick.#anyways i need him.
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this song ain’t got no right to be scratchin’ my brain as much as it does
#and i mean that as a compliment#Seven.txt#music stuff#Warren Zeiders#Spotify#gonna start making more use of Tumblr’s features and putting the actual songs i’m obsessed with in the body of posts#instead of just talking abt them in tags. i like music and y’all r gonna Hear about it no matter how bad my taste may be#anyways i’m at an internal war over this song#half of me is like ‘it’s just one of a million Mainstream Country Songs where some white guy sings abt heartbreak. what’s so great abt it?’#but the other half of me is like ‘yeah but. ur weak to that shit. that’s ur kryptonite bitch. it’s in ur blood. we Know this.’#‘also. nice voice + country accent + he’s blaming Himself and not just the girl + 2:40-3:00 makes u go apeshit every time.’#‘Also the cover image is hot as hell and it makes u think of that shot of Boothill standing at that pool table.’#‘oh yeah And the whole damn thing is giving off Seth YuuriVoice vibes. so like. yeah’#and i nod my head in reluctant agreement like yeah ok i guess ur right. damn#anyways if anyone needs me i’ll be in the corner listening to this on loop until i make myself sick of it#hsr boothill#Seth YV#yea fuck it i’ll tag them too why not#if anyone disagrees with me pls keep it to yourself it’s just my opinion pls let me have it in peace
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