#no one knew it would one day be his fight. endeavor didn’t know. but Izuku saw afo’s escape and realized that if he went and tried to end
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pez dispenser debris for the fic ask thing? 👀
As much as this is my “kill no darlings you will get EVERY flashback” fic, there’s overarching sociopolitical backstory explaining why Izuku and the rest of class 3A exploded in the public eye that I don’t think I’ll ever fully fit in.
It’s a combination of it being more of a meta analysis than anything and also requiring information from a perspective that I know will never appear in the fic. Like, the fic still gets the different moments that make up this analysis, but there’s no explicit connecting thread to show how they all locked together to create this sort of global cult following of class 3-A. I almost put in a little fake news article opinion piece that was meant to sort of walk the reader through why society is Like This, but I decided it was too heavy handed and deleted it.
Everything that I’m going to reference has already appeared in pez dispenser debris to some degree, and none of it will ever actually materially impact the plot. They may receive a little more detail down the line if they’re mentioned in passing in the fic, so out of an abundance of caution, I’ll stick it below the cut so people can avoid this, but I don’t personally consider any of this spoilers.
Izuku and the rest of the class are famous in pez dispenser debris in a way that’s pretty much unprecedented for students. Canonically, not even all might had a name for himself until after his graduation. Pretty much everyone from class 3A are public figures, with Izuku specifically being considered a major global figure.
In my mind, there was this perfect storm right during their second year that catapulted them into fame. The class personally has varying levels of awareness of why they got so popular, but there was this perfect cross winds of societal unrest and fear that made them household names.
There was an approximately one month span in their second year where they were just hit one after another with a major firestorms of events: The UA Sports Festival, the Sidekick Strike, and the Tartarus Prison Break/Desertion of Yokohama.
The UA Sports Festival is the one that the kids attribute this most to, because so many of the news articles that followed referenced their performance in it. But it probably gave them less mileage than what the other two events did.
What the UA Sports Festival did was showcase their skills to the world in a venue designed to show them off. The public was already on edge. All Might had retired, crime rates kept going up, and people were rapidly losing confidence in existing heroes. Class 2A made such an insane showing of skill in the second Sports Festival that it made the public rave about them for weeks after. It was extremely reassuring to Japan that they had such powerful heroes in the barrel and would soon be on the streets. But that attention probably would have died down had it not been for the Sidekick Strike and Yokohama.
The Sidekick Strike actually had nothing to do with them. But it undermined the public’s faith in heroes at just the right time.
The Sidekick Strike is just one of those things that I have no POV that would even tangentially be involved in it so we’ll get a few passing references in media clips and it’ll never be discussed in depth. Which is a shame because it’s such an interesting conflict to me.
The Sidekick Strike was heavily inspired by the 1919 Boston Police Strike. Effectively, it was the height of the labor rights movement, and police officers got together and went on strike to get the police union recognized. They had tried to negotiate and negotiations failed, and so they all walked off the job. The city descended into lawlessness, the national guard was deployed, it was a whole thing. Famously, Calvin Coolidge fired the entire police force over it on the grounds that there was no striking from public safety.
I thought it would be really interesting if there was something similar that happened with the sidekicks. The thing is that the heroics structure as it stands really incentivizes abuse towards sidekicks. We have a society where there’s a decent amount of heroes who are only in it for the fame. A not insignificant amount of money must come from marketing deals. And it’s a ranked system, so they’re all in competition with each other.
Heroes wouldn’t be incentivized to showcase their sidekicks—they’d be incentivized to take advantage of them and take credit for their work.
Like, think about the work-study experiences. Momo didn’t even officially work for the hero she studied with. She wasn’t getting paid. An adult woman used her for a shampoo ad. Who wants to bet whether Momo saw a dime from it? It’s probably very predatory because the nature of the system incentivizes predation.
I thought the underlying legal issues would be interesting and complex. Who owns a sidekick’s image—the agency or the individual? Who gets the proceeds of their brand deals? This all would be governed by their employment contracts, and sidekicks just starting out have very little leverage compared to big name heroes. And those heroes would want to keep their sidekicks names small and theirs big. The rankings are competitive, after all.
It’s a situation where I do think that like. The sidekicks would have a point in unionizing. The use of their image, appropriate compensation, and proper credit for their busts would all be like, very legitimate concerns in a normal employment context.
I see agencies like Idaten settling immediately with the union and having their sidekicks back on the street before the day is out. In my mind, idaten is considered the gold standard for sidekick jobs already, and their employees mostly did it out of solidarity with the people they worked alongside of. Like, Idaten was already doing most of the union’s demands and signed off very quickly on the remaining ones. If it was just about the Idaten sidekicks, none of them would have gone on strike, but they had a lot of colleagues who they depended on in the field who were in terrible situations. What were they gonna say, sorry, sucks to be you, I got a great gig though so condolences? These were the people keeping them alive. They went on strike because they knew Idaten would publicly settle before the day was out and set an example for the rest of the agencies. Hopefully it would help other agencies follow their lead.
But that didn’t happen. Some agencies, like Endeavor’s, fired everyone immediately. And I think a lot of agencies spent a long time picking over every line item in prolonged negotiations. It dragged out.
And that went over fucking terribly.
All Might just retired. Crime is up. And their sworn defenders are bickering over who gets what cut of the action figure line. Like I think the public would have fucking hated this in a post-All Might world. It would have seemed like the only real hero just medically and irreversibly retired and the rest of them are squabbling about whose turn it is in the spotlight.
I also think that the villains would have taken advantage of it.
The Tartarus Prison Break in pez isn’t the one that happened in canon. Here, the League of Villains attacked Tartarus and set everyone loose. In the process, they made a very clear stance: they are going to leave with All for One, and they are not going to attack any civilians. They won’t fight at all unless attacked first.
All of the horrible and sadistic villains they just let go have not made the same promise.
They chose to do this now because of the Sidekick Strike. All their heroes don’t give a fuck about protecting them, so they’re strapped for staffing. So they’re taking back their leader and going back to ground, and the heroes are free to immediately go after and contain all those bad bad villains who just escaped. And those guys are headed to the heavily populated mainland, so better be quick.
The whole world knew that was their explicit reasoning and promise. Because Himiko fucking lived tweeted the escape.
The Sidekick Strike took the hit for a lot of the blame, but I do see all the sidekicks breaking strike lines to go respond to the crisis. But response times were severely handicapped by the fact that most if not all of them were cut off from their agencies. It was just a complete systemic breakdown.
And then there became the question of what crisis do you respond to: All for One’s escape, or everyone else’s?
I mentioned in one of the little fake tumblr posts that the Tartarus Prison Break was seen as Endeavor’s greatest failure. And part of that is because he chose to sacrifice the nearby area, Yokohama, to contain All for One.
I am one of the biggest haters of Endeavor’s later arc, specifically because it required going back on the nature of the abuse he had subjected his family to that was already established in canon, but that’s a different rant. This is not canon endeavor. I hate what they did with canon endeavor.
That being said, I do think that the self doubt weighed on him once he became number one. And this was the moment of his career where it really crushed him.
All for One had escaped. So had every other villain from Tartarus. He should go after the most immediate threats. He knew this. It was basic triage.
But they would never have a better chance to stop All for One.
Prisoners in Tartarus aren’t exactly hitting all their macros and micros or training daily. They are not adherents to the Bakugou Katsuki Fitness Lifestyle. All for One was coming off spending the last few months drugged up to his eyeballs and strapped to a chair in a straitjacket with at least fifty guns pointed at him at all times. The man has not scratched his own nose in weeks. He’s weaker now than he’ll ever be again.
It was their best chance.
If he escaped, and he went back to ground, he’d have the time and space to get as strong as he wanted, and then he’d come back for real. And he’d be coming back for everything.
Stopping him the first time had cost them All Might.
And Endeavor simply was not All Might. And he still wouldn’t be All Might when the next fight came.
It really was the hardest decision of Endeavor’s life. He had to admit to himself that his own inadequacy was going to cost them countless lives. But he thought it was a hard decision he had to make. He was losing the battle for the barest chance at winning the war.
So he made the call that all heroes were to respond to All for One. They had to hit the league of villains now with their full force if they were to stand a chance. They could not afford to divide their already sparse forces. They’d respond to Yokohama when AfO was contained.
He was also the one who made the call to broadcast the warning message that we hear in the Twitter post. He thought it would give civilians their best chance. He didn’t want them to act with the expectation of the heroes being en route.
Of course, that meant that the entire city got fucking sirens going off and a message telling them that the heroes were not going to save them. Which, as you can expect, did not do a lot for public morale.
In my head, Tartarus is like, the equivalent to Gotham’s Arkham. It’s borderline an institute for the criminally insane. You don’t end up there unless you did something super fucked, are super dangerous, and have extreme violent tendencies. It’s exclusively for the most dangerous and indiscriminately violent criminals in the country.
The entire world was watching in real time while the tragedy unfolded. A lot of people were livestreaming after the emergency broadcast dropped, because they didn’t want the government to be able to handwave away how terrible their death was, or because they didn’t know what else to do, or because they just didn’t want to be alone. The full expectation was that it’d be a massacre.
But it wasn’t. Because Class 2-A responded instead.
The Class 2-A defensive efforts were discussed in one of the silly little fake tumblr posts and in the fake twitter post. In those, we find out that 1) Class 2-A, along with Lemillion, Suneater, and Nejire responded to the scene; 2) the entire class rolled out of Mirio’s fucking mom van and tamaki and nejire’s cars like they were fucking clown cars; 3) the HPSC claimed it was a legitimate operation blessed and coordinated by them; and 4) a lot of people think this was a lie, in part because videos leaked of Aizawa bitching them all out in the street afterwards. We also see Izuku’s green lightning at the end of the twitter video, showing him responding to the scene just as the first villains hit the mainland.
This fight has a lot of names in the backstory that lives in my head. It’s called the Tartarus Prison Break for obvious reasons. It’s also been called in some circles the Desertion of Yokohama, because of the call Endeavor made.
But it’s also called the Battle of Yokohoma. And it’s ranked alongside the Battle of Kamino as one of the finest acts of modern day heroics. And that’s because of Class 2-A. If it hadn’t been for them showing up, it would have gone down in history as the Massacre of Yokohama.
Like. It kills me that I can’t include the full details of what happened, but there’s just too much to make in a flashback. It’s a fic in and of itself. But it really was the fight that made Class 2-A.
It was the first fight where they were really the only heroes that could be counted on. Granted, they’d had to fight for their lives alone, but this wasn’t just their lives. These were thousands of terrified civilians who all thought they were going to die.
It was the first true test of them as heroes in the world. And they actually rose to the occasion. They didn’t just fight the villains—they realized that they needed to get emergency services working throughout the city if everyone was going to make it. Momo and Tsuyu conducted a mildly hostile take over of the emergency call center so they could coordinate relief. They had fucking Tokoyami and Dark Shadow single-handedly holding the line on the hospital while Kaminari, Shoji, Jiro, and Sato all learned to drive for the Very First Time while commandeering the city’s fucking ambulances. They were fighting and containing villains, performing emergency aid, putting out literal fires, everything. It was the hardest fight of their lives.
There was a hot second where Class 2-A was The Moment. Like. The entire world was watching them during this fight, and they had no fucking idea until it was over. People lost their minds when the first footage made it out of Yokohama of a bunch of teenagers showing up and immediately throwing hands with S-Class villains.
It was global news. Think of the kind of media attention that was received by the search for the Titan, the Tham Luang Cave Rescue, the Suez Canal getting blocked by the Ever Given (rip queen you will always be famous to me), that kind of thing. Class 2-A was fighting for their fucking lives and then found out three days later while they were all still in the hospital that there was a prayer vigil going on in Portugal for them during the battle and CNN had 24 hours live coverage of the fight that had so many viewers it outnumbered the population of Finland. Like what do you even do with that information.
The world expected a massacre. They didn’t expect a bunch of footage of high schoolers kicking the shit out of superpowered murders and personally ferrying the injured to the hospitals they were also defending.
The other part about this fight that really made them permanently part of the public consciousness is that it was not lost on everyone that every single person who responded to that fight did so at the risk of their license.
All of them had provisional licenses, save Lemillion, Suneater, and Nejire, all of whom went AWOL from the explicit directives ordering them to respond to the fight against All for One. The operation could not have been less authorized. They had to steal their gear and jimmy the UA fence to even get out. The explicit plan was to steal one of the UA buses and have Bakugou fucking drive them to the fight (he also did not know how to drive but he seemed the most likely of them to break literally every single motor vehicle code to get them there but still be naturally talented at it enough to not kill them) but Izuku told Mirio what bullshit they were up to and Mirio, who was with Tamaki and Nejire when the news broke, immediately decided he would be on that bullshit too and pulled up in his mom van.
In my mind, there were strict rules around provisional licenses and how they could be used, and they broke pretty much all of them to respond to Yokohama. It would have been grounds to revoke their provisionals and permanently bar them from heroics. Lemillion, Suneater, and Nejire could have all lost their licenses for helping them and for going AWOL.
The HPSC fucking fell over themselves to legitimatize the entire operation. They knew they were utterly fucked if they didn’t. These kids already had murals being painted of their faces in other fucking countries. There was a little old lady in Kyoto livestreaming herself working overtime to embroider Iida’s face onto a cushion because that lovely young man saved her darling granddaughter from *checks notes* horrible and painful death directly caused by the failings of the current HPSC administration. There were multiple trending posts online agreeing to fucking riot if those kids got in trouble for this.
Every single actual hero in the immediate vicinity of this disaster had responded to fight a villain who wasn’t actually attacking anyone. And then they fucking lost. They publicly broadcast a message saying Good Luck Champs Because We’re Not Going To Save You. It was an actual PR nightmare that they had a bare chance of salvaging if they just latched onto these kids like an aggressive parasite and that is exactly what they did.
They totally knew. Actually, it was a joint operation coordinated by and between UA and and the HPSC. Why would the kids be in trouble?? They had responded because the HPSC told them to.
UA gave it a week of dead silence and then issued a short statement praising the bravery of their students in a recent HPSC approved mission, and then they never said another word about it. They didn’t have any choice but to go along with the HPSC’s story. If they contradicted them, all of class 2-a would find their licenses pulled by the end of the day, and lord knows they wouldn’t wait for the court of public opinion to work its magic and would just all go out and become fucking vigilantes, because why not. Aizawa has aged 100 years since he got this class. Every single day he thinks of how it was a 50/50 shot between him and Vlad.
No one in the class is fully aware of just how famous they were in the immediate aftermath, because the school bent over backwards to try and shield them from it as much as possible. Like, they have an idea, but none of them saw the full explosion firsthand because of just how hard the school worked to keep it from them. Aizawa confiscated the internet router and told them it was punishment for whatever the fuck they did to the buses (thank god Mirio was just as crazy as them because they were NOT GOOD at hotwiring cars) but really it was to try and insulate them from it a little bit. Like. Japan’s Imperial Family wanted to do an official visit. The White House offered to host them. They received interview requests from every major talk show on the planet. Buzzfeed wanted to do a puppy interview with them.
Right now, Aizawa’s terrified for Midoriya’s graduation, but in the aftermath of that, he was breathing into a paper bag about all of them. Society had sort of latched onto them like they were the last life raft on the titanic. All for One was back, and All Might wasn’t, and the heroes had publicly broadcast a message saying they were useless, but don’t fucking worry, fifteen year old Iida Tenya is on the case. Society will be upheld by Kaminari Denki, currently viral for driving a real life city ambulance one hundred miles per hour down the street while screaming “WEE WOO BITCH.” And don’t forget the pillar that will be Mina Ashido, who rushed over to him earlier that day to show him her extra sparkly pink nails. And if you have a major fight that needs to be won? Don’t fucking worry, just send out bone-breaking boy wonder Midoriya Izuku and his equally reckless brother Toogata Mirio, because their dumbasses managed to take down an S-Class villain team that only All Might could defeat the first time around. Don’t worry about the multi week hospitalization they needed after, because that’s an acceptable burden to put on children.
When Aizawa started this job, he promised himself he would never send a student out to die. Some of them would die. But it would be tragedy, not damnation. He’d have given them their best chance. Part of the reason why he made that promise was because he sort of felt like his teacher sent him out set up to die, and it’s only luck that he made it through his first couple of years.
He has gone to the funeral of every single student he has ever had who did not make it. He goes back to their graves every year.
He was fucking petrified after Yokohama that society would push these kids too far too soon. Every single one of his classes before them had gotten the benefit of being practically unknown their first few years. They didn’t have the world talking about them like they were already the top heroes. He was terrified they wouldn’t have the space to learn and grow when they started.
A lot of teachers would have tried to mine the notoriety of Yokohama to hard launch their students’ careers. Aizawa told Nedzu point blank that he would quit tomorrow if he did not help him quash this thing as much as possible, and nedzu agreed.
This world killed its real heroes. It sucked them dry and left them like All Might, and he just needed fucking time. He needed fucking time to let them be kids and maybe they’d survive.
Izuku ended up being the one who escaped the aftermath of everything the least. His Quirk was too much like All Might’s for the world to let go of him easily.
And then Stain got fucking dogpiled by idaten in the aftermath of the Tartarus prison break and implied he considered Izuku the only true hero in the absence of all might and everyone started asking super inconvenient questions like “how does stain even know you exist” and “no really he called you by your actual legal name how does he even know that” and it just. It didn’t help things. Izuku’s suffering.
So yeah. There was just this absolute collision of a total lack of faith in current heroes combined with a huge swell of public trust in class 2-a that led us to being in the landscape we are now. All of the currently licensed heroes said that they wouldn’t be there to save the public, and then Class 2-A immediately hit back that they would be there. Actually, they’ll risk everything to be there. They’ll die to protect the public and they’ll risk the entire future they had been trying to build and they will fucking be there to save them.
There’s a lot of people that never forgave the heroes for deserting Yokohama. And there’s even more people who have absolute faith in Izuku and his classmates because they didn’t. That’s why the world is watching them so aggressively. These kids are the most trusted heroes in Japan right now.
I wish I could fit in more about what happened, because I love this backstory so much, but 1) some of it absolutely requires POVs like Endeavors, which we won’t get in pez dispenser debris, 2) there’s no one POV that could tell the full story via flashback and 3) it’d just be too long of a divergence. Like. It really is a whole fic of its own. I’d love to write it one day but I probably won’t have the time
#pez dispenser debris#bnha#the sheer drama of the battle of Yokohama#you know the fanfiction battle that lives in my head lol#it’s SO dramatic to me and I’m obsessed with it#when the footage first leaked of class 2A responding people fucking rioted#people all over the world stayed up all night to watch them fight#like They Were The Moment#it was one of those really unique moments of humanity where the entire world held its breath at the same time#and it was just them all really coming into themselves as heroes#there’s so many fucking dramatic moments of it#Izuku had the exact same analysis of all for one’s escape as endeavor#he knew he’d never get a better chance to stop him than right this second. and he also knew that all for one would be coming for him.#no one knew it would one day be his fight. endeavor didn’t know. but Izuku saw afo’s escape and realized that if he went and tried to end#him now it would be his best chance at surviving to adulthood. he picked Yokohama. he doesn’t regret that.#there’s this dramatic moment where all might finds him when they’re breaking out of the school and tells him he’s proud and then lets him go#there’s this huge dramatic fight between Izuku and Mirio and a villain team that wrecked havoc over Japan for nine months until they were#stopped by all might and sir nighteye. there’s TikTok edits of the end of the fight between them and All Might/Nighteye and the end of the#fight between them and Izuku/Mirio. there’s TikTok edits. I’m sick in the head over this fanfic battle I’m sick over it someone sedate me#the entire world is kind of obsessed over this fight but class 3A doesn’t like to talk about it. they were all sort of scared out of their#minds. like no one was coming. it was just them and some of the worst villains alive. everyone close enough to respond was responding to afo#and everyone else was too far away to make it. and like. the UNSPEAKABLE relief the heroes felt when dawn came and Yokohama was still#standing. Aizawa was one of the first to respond to Tartarus before endeavor made the call otherwise he would have been awol too. he got#news mid-battle that UAs class 2A had responded to Yokohama and he spent the entire night terrified that one of them would be dead by the#time he got there. and then he made it and his kids were bloody and exhausted and in shock but they were fucking alive.#he nearly kills yagi in the aftermath what do you MEAN you KNEW THEY WERE DOING THIS and HUGGED THEM GOODBYE#there was also this entire HPSC document leak that happened that I’ve referenced a few times but that was months later so it wasn’t part of#the perfect storm during the twoish weeks surrounding their second sports festival. like what a time. Aizawa has never been more stressed ou#in his life. except for maybe right now when there’s two Izukus and both are in crisis.
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sinfulwonders · 5 months ago
The Little Things
BKDK - 1452 words (SFW)
Katsuki downed the rest of his beer, thudding it on the table.
“You sure you’re okay, man?” Kirishima asked.
“Yeah,” Katsuki grunted, running his hair through his hands irritably, “Just had a rough week ‘n need to unwind.”
“Alright buddy, let me know if you want to talk!”
“Will do. I’m gonna grab another beer.” Katsuki stood, making his way to the bar. It had been a rough week. Rough month. Rough forever since he came to one stupid ass conclusion:
He was in love with Izuku Midoriya.
It wasn’t some big grand event (like dying for Izuku during the war) that caused him to realize, either. No, it was infuriatingly normal. He and Izuku had been hero partners for the better part of a year now, and as Katsuki predicted, they worked flawlessly together. They were a perfect duo and had been flying up the ranks ever since they joined forces. It was perfect.
So why did Katsuki have to go and ruin everything with feelings?
It had been an ordinary patrol that day, when Katsuki and Izuku had returned to their agency. After changing Katsuki flopped onto the sofa of their joint office with a groan.
“We didn’t even fight anybody worth remembering today, so why the fuck am I so tired?”
Izuku entered the office with an understanding smile, “That’d be because you’ve been putting in extra shifts in lately, Kacchan.”
Katsuki waved him off, “Endeavor’s agency needed help with that kidnapping case. It was dumb extra work, but I couldn’t let that asshole stay in his number 1 spot.”
“Sure,” Izuku grinned, knowing Katsuki would have helped out regardless of Endeavor’s ranking.
“Shuddup, nerd,” Katsuki threw an arm over his face. Izuku giggled, plopping on the couch next to him. Katsuki slung his legs over the other’s lap like it was normal.
They sat like that for a while until, “Hey Kacchan.”
“What are you doing for dinner tonight?”
Katsuki lifted the arm from his face, eyeing the green haired man, “Same thing I do most nights. Whip up something from whatever crap I have in my fridge. Why?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to come over? I was working on a recipe and wanted to show you,” Izuku scratched his chin, looking almost nervous.
Katsuki raised his eyebrows at that. Izuku wasn’t a bad cook by any means, but he was not a recipe type of person. He was a throw together ingredients and hope they taste good type of guy. “You? A recipe?” Izuku’s wide eyes met his own and he felt his breath catch. This seemed to mean a lot to him. “Sure. It better fucking taste good, though. I don’t want to put out any fires when I’m off the clock.”
Izuku beamed at him and Katsuki knew he made the right choice.
Katsuki was sat on Izuku’s couch watching some dumb soap opera after Izuku kicked him out of the kitchen, saying it was a surprise. Katsuki didn’t go without a fight but was eventually commandeered to the couch. “You almost done?” he asked in a huff. He heard Izuku laugh from the kitchen, and he grumbled.
Finally, Izuku came out of the kitchen with two steaming bowls of curry. He placed them gingerly on the kitchen table, and beckoned Katsuki over.
The blonde sniffed the air. It almost smelled nostalgic.
“I hope you like it,” Izuku smiled.
Katsuki took a small bite, and he gasped at the familiarity of the taste, “Oh my god. No way.” The spice curled around him like home, “My favorite curry house. The one that closed down. Did you get the recipe from them?”
“You were able to tell?” Izuku was practically glowing, “I’ve been working on trying to get it up to par for a while, but honestly, I just got too excited and had to show you!” Izuku continued to ramble on about how he had to call around and get info for different parts of the recipe, while also try several different spice combinations to get the taste just right.
Katsuki just stared, eyes wide.
Izuku had done that for him. He knew that they would do anything for each other, heck Katsuki knew firsthand they would even die for each other. But this, seemingly one of the many things they’ve done for each other, this was different somehow.
This was such a small thing in the long run, learning a new recipe for someone, but Izuku did it because he knew how much it meant to Katsuki. And in that moment Katsuki knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this man.
I love him.
Katsuki choked on his curry.
“Oh! Are you okay? It’s not too spicy, is it?” Izuku ran into the kitchen, grabbing some extra napkins.
“No,” Katsuki forced himself to say when Izuku came back, fussing over him, “It’s perfect.”
So yeah, Katsuki Bakugo was in love with Izuku Midoriya. And it was ruining his life.
He turned away from the bar, umpteenth beer sloshing in his hands.
Katsuki almost groaned, turning towards the source of his misery, “Hey.”
It was just his luck that the love of his life would be at the same stupid bar as he and his friends were.
“Oh, it looks like Tsu and Ochako already found Kirishima and Mina. Do you mind if we hang out with you guys?” Katsuki reached out and flicked Izuku on the forehead, to which the other yelped, “Hey!”
“They’re y’r friends, too. Y’ don have to ask to sit with us.”
Izuku’s eyes widened, a small, surprised smile on his face, “Oh. You’re right. Thanks, Kacchan.”
“Jus c’mon,” The blonde dragged the green haired boy over to their table and into the seat next to him.
As Izuku greeted their friends, Katsuki took a generous sip of his beer. He let the music in the bar roll over him, and allowed himself to just sink for a while. Just watching the love of his life.
“-achan. Kacchan?”
Katsuki picked his head up from where he’d apparently laid it down on the table, “Mm-what?”
Izuku was looking at him worriedly, “Are you okay? Did you have too much to drink?”
“Sh’dup,” he slurred, pushing an accusatory finger into the other’s chest, “It’s y’r fault.”
“My fault?” Izuku eyebrows shot up, “How’s that, Kacchan?”
“It’s y’r stupid face! I can’t stop thikin’ bout it!” Katsuki bemoaned, glaring at the other, “It’s so stupid and I just wanna squeeze it and kiss y’r dum fuckin’ freckles all the time. Lovin’ you is so annoying; I swear to God.”
Izuku gasped, gripping onto Katsuki’s arm, “What did you just say?”
“’Re ya fuckin deaf?” Katsuki growled, leaning next to Izuku’s ear, “Your. Face. Is. Stupid.”
“Not that,” Izuku rolls his eyes. When Katsuki just kind of looks at him, Izuku relents, breathing out, “You said you loved me.”
“Shit.” Katsuki’s ears reddened, “Don’ tell sober me that I told you that. It was s’posed to be a secret.”
“Don’t tell- Kacchan!” Izuku grabbed his shoulders as the blonde tried to escape, pulling him back into his chair, “How long have you known? How long were you planning on keeping this a secret?”
Katsuki sighed, resting his head on Izuku’s shoulder, “Forever, maybe. I don’ know.”
“Didn’t want things to change. Didn’t want you to hate me.”
Izuku exhales, resting a hand in the blonde’s hair. Katsuki leans into the touch. “I could never hate you. Pretty much the opposite, really.”
Katsuki leans back, meeting Izuku’s eyes. He whispers, looking nervous about the answer. “Promise?”
Katsuki smiles, resting his head back on Izuku’s shoulder happily.
“I will be having some words with sober Kacchan, though.”
“Shit. I’d hate to be that guy,” Katsuki mutters. Izuku laughs, running his hands through blonde strands once more.
Katsuki drags himself from unconsciousness with a groan, feeling around blindly for his bedside lamp. God he feels like death. He flicks on the light, and sees his phone plugged in, which is honestly better than he expected. He goes to grab it, then pauses when he sees a full cup of water, some aspirin, and a note.
“Hi Kacchan!
Hope your headache isn’t too bad this morning! I left you some extra strength aspirin, so make sure to take them, okay?”
Katsuki rubs a hand down his face. So Izuku was the one who brought him home.
Izuku was the one that saw him drunk.
Fucking Fantastic.
Memories of the previous night come flooding back as he reads the last couple lines.
“Oh, and don’t forget about our little talk you promised me, alright?
XO Izuku”
Katsuki pales.
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amive2567 · 2 years ago
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Ingredients: Shoto Todoroki x gn!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x gn!Reader, Hitoshi Shinsou x gn!Reader
Contains: violence, mention of murder, mention of Stockholm syndrome, illegal gambling, just illegal stuff; don't take notes kiddos, yandere behavior
Type of order: macarons (headcanons), galaxy milkshake (au/ villain Au)
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
He's a bounty hunter on the run, but also kinda like robin hood
He killed the rich/villains in the way and gave his money to you or donation organizations
He is always on the run, so he can’t spend his time with you
He doesn't want you to know about his doings, but he always keeps you safe from everyone that wanted to hurt you
Tbh he hid in the dark and snatched those “not so good” people away from you
He works together with the Kurogiri
His mind control was pretty helpful
Winning their trust, controlling them, and boom dead
At the end of the day, he made a lot of money and he would gladly spend it on you
With that, you could live a lavish life
He may be always on the run, but he still visits you about 5 times a week, always in another disguise
He came in for cuddles, dinner dates, or gaming nights
You knew that bringing up his work would only cause arguments, so you just rolled with it
He would kill everyone if it meant keeping you safe and sound
You are the most precious thing in his life
You are the only one who sees him vulnerable
As long as he is by your side, nothing will ever happen to you
 Shoto Todoroki:
A corrupted speculator, he started in high school and gambled with the money he stole from his dad. 
Online, of course.
He always wins and people were are by his skills
Never lost a bet and earned an immense sum of money
If he won his conqueror would never be seen again
He spends a lot of his money on you, to get you little gifts or flowers
You knew what he does as an earning and you understand it somehow, even though you were anxious at first
but he will protect you at all costs, even if it meant to freeze someone to death
Even though he loved his job, he loved you more, so he spend as much time with you as he could
even though he is feared by most, he is pretty clingy and sweet when he's with you
His job wasn’t always as fun as it sounds, he had to deal with death wishes and gang fights
Due to these circumstances, you had to move now and then
But you didn’t care, you would go everywhere he goes
Izuku Midoriya:
After all, might told him he can't be a hero, he wanted to full fill Akatsuki's dream and jump off the school, but he thought about it one last time
Rage filled him and as he turned around from the building he ran in one for all
OfA gave him a powerful quirk to help him to tear down the hero-society
He wants to have everything under control
He always got ruled over by everyone, and now he rules over everyone 
Only kills heroes with bad intentions like endeavor and other fame-hungry heroes
Has an All might hate page, because he crushed his dreams
He helps ofa as a double agent, he feels like he needs to pay him back
Izuku is a Yandere you are his obsession and no one can have you except for him
You can't escape 
He will give you everything to satisfy you 
Loves you deeply and adores you to the core 
If someone harms you he will go feral and extremely protective of you 
He creates a sort of Mafia to get the hero-society down 
Will fulfill all your needs 
New car? No problem 
Traveling to Hawaii? He will book the best flight 
If the member of the Mafia take a wrong look at you, they are instantly dead, shot in the head in the center hallway of the Mafia 
He will take revenge if someone does him wrong 
You are the only person to see his caring side 
He loves you and you learned to love him to (thanks stockholm syndrome)

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kirishimas-manly-eyeliner · 4 years ago
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pairings: mezo shoji, tokoyami fumikage, hanta sero, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou
warnings: reverse comfort, may or may not have cried a lil’ while writing this. this one hurt a lot but it’s so sweet and fluffy, enjoy luvs!! also lol you could see my favoritism for kirishima
part two with bakugo, iida, ojiro, tamaki, mirio, hawks, dabi, shigaraki, and aizawa is here!
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he starts panicking as soon as you ask him to take off his mask
at first, he declines right away before turning his face around so you couldn’t touch the fabric
“mezo, i promise. i won’t hurt you, or judge you i just- i want you to trust me, is that alright with you?” you said gently. “but if you don’t want to, don’t worry about it, ‘kay?”
could he really trust you? or would you leave when he found out he wasn’t a normal person with a normal smile, that he was a monster, that was someone who looked different, what would you do?
but if you didn’t love him for who he really was, then... what was the point, right?
shoji let out a trembled sighed in defeat as his dupli-arms took the mask off. he looked down in shame, eyes shut so he couldn’t see your reaction
but your reaction was... completely unexpected
"You're beautiful!!! Why didn't you tell me that you looked so lovely all this time baby??" 
did he just hear you correctly?
did you just-- call him beautiful?
and in that moment, in those small moments, you can see his geniune smile.
his real smile beneath the mask, as his eyes shine for the first time with sincere, and earnest love and thanks
pls keep him 🥺
the moment he hear the words "you're beautiful" come out of your mouth, he couldn't stop thinking about it for days. 
and i mean days as in multiple days, so probably weeks
and he’ll probably think about it for the rest of his life
because when he looked at himself, he thought: what about him was beautiful? 
he didn't have human-like features like everyone else, he didn't have those big muscles and a nice body, because-- well, he had a bird head!
A LITERAL BIRD HEAD, so why on earth did you: you who had human features, you who was so nice to everyone, and you who could have gone for so many other people call him beautiful?
he didn’t have that charisma and extroverted personality like some others did, and he kept to himself 
why did you think he was beautiful? how?
but you were the one who said it. you were the one who reminded him, you were the one who gave him hope
and he knew that you were always straightforward with the truth-- and this was a truth, too
and to him, that was the most beautiful thing.
this amazing bby doesn’t get enough recognition
but for a good part of his life, he’d been surrounded by people with amazing quirks, levels of strength, and amazing appearances.
he was literally friends with bakugo fricking katsuki, and he was in the same class as shoto todoroki
when he first met you, he had to convince himself for days that there was no way that he could ever catch your eye,
until he did.
when you two met after a long day of training and you told him a joke, his eyes sparkled and he laughed, genuinely
before you knew it, you blurted out the words, “you’re beautiful” before realizing what you’d said and flushing
lol sero chokes on his water
“...did you really mean that?” 
“i- yeah, sorry, i didn’t-”
“no, uh, thank you. thank you so much.”
for the next few days, he stays up at night and keeps on training because he thinks of the time you called him, who constantly felt like he wasn’t enough, beautiful
and that was more than enough to make him smile. 🥺💕
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he immediately starts tearing up when you kiss them
most people probably expect him to get flushed with something so intimate, but it’s the opposite
his scars are just something that’s so meaningful to him because it’s evidence of what he’s been through
but at the same time, he’s also insecure about them because he feels like he disappointed his mom by getting hurt so often 🥺
when you kiss his scars and tell them that they’re beautiful, he starts tearing up because-- wow
this is the moment that he’ll remember until the day he dies, because it’s when he feels free to finally open up to you
it’s when he feels free to open up to anyone, for that matter, and a huge weight just gets lifted off his chest
you took his hands and kissed his knuckles before pressing your forehead to his
izuku begins to cry, just a little bit as you gingerly kiss his scars again
“you see? you’re safe. you’re safe with me, okay?”
he nods slowly. “th-thank you.”
you two were walking back to the dorms after training out on the field together
it wasn’t too late a night, just a few minutes before curfew
your hands were buried in your pockets as you two talked about your day and what you could improve on in training
“shoto, can i ask you a question?”
he thought you were mad at him for a moment 😳
you swallowed, as you took a breath, “can i touch your scar?”
he whips his head around, out of shock and confusion
you wanted to touch his scar?
shoto had never planned on anything like that happening to him, and especially not from someone who meant so much to him
“...i suppose so,”
you hid your anxiousness and swallowed, cupping his face in your hands as your hand brushed across his scar
a jolt went through your fingers at that moment, and it was the first time you’d ever felt so connected to someone
shoto todoroki, the prodigy and son of endeavor was letting you touch his scar
to your surprise, shoto melted into it as he closed his eyes, placing his hand gently on top of yours 
you could feel his hands shaking though his expressions were so relaxed
you kissed the side of his scar, running a hand through his hair
“i’m so lucky to have you.”
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eijiro cursed as he slammed his head against the wall for the hundredth time that day
he hated to admit it, but ever since the sports festival, everything had just been falling apart
for starters, he was already insecure enough on his own about his quirk
it seemed like everyone had something flashy and made them look invincible, while he was stuck with something that could only follow around his body and cracked if he used it too much
and that... that made him upset
but when the sports festival came around, not only did he see everyone with amazing quirks and using them to their full potential, tetsutetsu had nearly the same quirk as him
and to make matters worse, they had tied and had to settle it with a fist fight
“why?” he asked to himself, looking down at the floor. “why couldn’t i- why couldn’t i have been born with a flashier quirk?”
great, now he was crying.
at least no one else was around to see him this weak-
oh shit.
he turned around, his bloodshot eyes locking with yours. “h-hey,” eijiro said weakly 
“what are you- what are you doing here-?” you noticed the way his body trembled when he took a breath and blood trickling from his forehead. “hey, are you okay?” you said.
eijiro sincerely had no idea what to say. “my quirk,” he looked down at his hands. 
you cocked your head. “what about it? i think it’s pretty neat!”
kirishima looked up. “really?”
“mhm!” you nodded enthusiastically. “it can be the strongest barrier, or the most powerful weapon! i think it’s cool that your body can just become a shield out of nowhere, it’s like-- it’s like you’re a shield, ya know? sure, todoroki might have his ice, but that makes damage and takes time to clean up, like midoriya’s punches or bakugo’s explosions. but your quirk is its own little thing! and i think that’s pretty neat.”
kirishima beamed. huh, maybe so. 
“good job, bakugo!” 
“haha, nice job on that one, kirishima.”
“your quirk is so cool, todoroki! i love how the ice just went striaght through the roof!”
“nice jumping, deku! your punches are amazing.”
but i...
i was the one who helped the power come back, i was the one who literally fried my brain, i was the one who did all of that, and i-
i’m so weak.
denki inhaled through his nose, exhaled through his mouth, trying to stop the trembling in his breath as he closed his eyes
he had done so much, and what did he get in return?
all he wanted was to be someone, to be someone that made people smile, to be someone that people genuinely wanted to see
did anyone even want to see him?
“i’m a failure, i’m a failure, what am i doing, why am i so weakwhat’swrongwithmewhycan’tidoanythingright-”
“good job, kaminari!”
he turned his head, finding you running up to him and waving your hands up in the air
“hey! pikachu!” you exclaimed, trying to catch your breath once you stopped. “great job up there! you left before anyone else could notice, i can’t believe you managed to do all that. your quirk is so cool!”
denki’s heart swelled with pride, his eyes saying nothing but thanks.
your quirk is so cool!
“thanks, y/n! so, how do you feel about going to the arcade after school?”
hitoshi stared at himself in the mirror, his eyes blood-shot and head fuzzy
“i’m not a villain.” hitoshi said slowly. “i can’t be a villain. i want to be a hero.” 
he splashed the sink water onto his face. “get yourself together, are you really going to let a few words hurt you?”
but hitoshi couldn’t help but feel that way-- what could he even use his quirk for- no, no, he could use it for so much. but...
“ha! a quirk such as yours should be only used for villains, you monster! you might as well get out of here before anyone else tries to kick you out.”
hitoshi screamed in anger, splashing the water across his face and pressing hard into his eyes, before slapping himself across the face
“get yourself together..”
“hey, shinsou!! i was wondering if-”
your eyes locked with his frustrated expression. “shinsou? is... something wrong?”
normally, he’d push you away, but-- but now, he really needed someone
your breath hitched when you saw his eyes land onto yours, but for some reason, there was something so lonely and upsetting behind them, before you remembered what a few students at ua had said.
you didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but you were on a rush to get to school that morning and had to run ahead and pass through that area. 
“if it’s about what some of those idiots said this morning, just... know that i think, for the record, that your quirk is so cool.”
shinsou’s eyes furrowed in confusion. you? you thought his quirk was cool?
“i’m not lying,” you said, as if reading through his thoughts. “i really think its amazing. you can help so many people with it, you can change the entire world with a quirk as special as that, so act like it! because it’s true, your quirk is really amazing, and i’m pretty sure you’re the only one who doesn’t see it, you knucklehead.”
he doesn’t tell you this, but-
ever since that day, he’s never stopped thinking about it. 
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🕭 reblog | comment | follow 🕭
hey bbys! reminder to go drink water if you’re reading this! water nourshies your sexc body and can make you feel a heck ton better ‘bout yourself-- and remember, whatever you did today was more than enough. ily very much, but if it’s past your bedtime, GO TO SLEEP KIDDO, ily!
qotd, what’s your favorite drink 👀
join my family! 
list of family members: @kirishimuhhhhh​​, @xuxisushi-1​​, @kirishima-my-beloved​, @msminsuga​, @farfetchedparanoia​, @satis-mangata​, @moonhere​​, @renegadedeca​​, @viridevi​​ <3
☂ requests are open for mha + hq!! ☂
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allmightluver · 4 years ago
**bnha spoilers** I'm just sat here with renewed realisation of what All Might is going through. 40 years. /40 years/ he held and refined that power and dedicated his every waking (and sleeping if Vigilantes is anything to go by) moment towards the goal of defeating AfO and creating a society in which people could feel happy and safe. And now as it turns out AfO is still alive, society is broken and he has given a literal piece of his soul to this young boy leaving himself with only phantoms
Yes. I don’t think people quite grasp what all he’s going through.
It’s been shown recently to us that some, if not most, heroes have underlying ambitions in becoming a hero. Whether for money, glory, fame, popularity, doesn’t matter. They’re ultimately in it for themselves. Toshinori’s intentions from the beginning have been the most pure- he wanted to be a symbol that people can look to and know things will be ok. A symbol of hope. This boy was only around 14 years old when he decided this. What kind of 14 year old sees the world that clearly? Sees that people have no hope, that a veil of darkness covers them. The only thing I can think of is- Toshinori did not have a good childhood. Something had to have happened to a boy that young to stop seeing the joy in life so early, and see the world’s flaws. Truthfully, I believe he was an outcast- due to his quirklessness. Most likely an orphan, perhaps abandoned by his parents, as we’ve never seen him have any family. I do truly believe Toshinori has been alone all his life. I don’t doubt more could have happened to him as a child before he met Nana. 
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Some may argue that Izuku is the same age, and therefore it shouldn’t be that hard to see why Toshinori wanted to be a hero at such a young age. BUT, Izuku had someone to look up to, ever since he was a child of four years old, to inspire him to be a hero his whole life *cough cough* All Might. Izuku also was quirkless, much like Toshinori, and an outcast because of it (hence where I assume Toshinori was much the same). But ultimately, Izuku wanted to save people because he saw his hero do it. It really wasn’t until Izuku was a bit older, has been in UA, has been on rescue missions, has seen what the heroes see, that I think he’s truly realized how dark the world really is. Toshinori didn’t have that. He didn’t have someone to inspire him as a child, someone to look up to, a hero to inspire him to help others. At that time, heroes hadn’t become as popular as they are in present times. Toshinori saw the world for what it was, on his own, at a tender age. I think that day Nana ran into this blonde hair kid, she eyed him up, noticed his scraggly form, looked into those captivating blue eyes, and saw a man who’s lived through the world’s horrors- experienced the worst it has to offer-, and wants to save everyone he can from the same fate, all in a 14 year old boy. 
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Then after only a few short years with the woman he saw as his mother, she’s killed in front of him because of his own weakness- he wasn’t strong enough yet to protect her. The only other person his life, Gran Torino, literally abused him. He beat him to a pulp, taking his own emotions out on a teenager, and I doubt Toshinori said anything of it. He probably thought he deserved it. He’s still afraid of Gran Torino to this day, remembering the beatings and expecting more for his failures- even if he doesn’t know what they are surely he’s at fault for something, but he’s the only person who’s stood by his side for this long. Even while at a distance, and spouting nothing but criticisms along the way. But Toshinori had to put aside his own emotions to be that hope for everyone. He left everything he knew to go to a new country on his own, to learn how to be a hero, to be that hope for someone.
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Vigilantes showed us just how hard he worked. Toshinori literally stayed awake with no sleep for days on end- 3 in the chapter I’m referencing- because people needed help, people needed saving, and no one else stepped up. He fought villains, rescued civilians, repaired damage, cleared rubble, (even accept and eat food that was against his dietary restrictions after his injury) whatever the public needed, all while draining himself further. He worked himself to the point of exhaustion because he had no help, once literally falling asleep while mid-leap across the city because he simply could go no further. 
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^^These happen in succession of each other^^
No one stepped up to say “Hey, Mr. Number 1, you’ve been working hard lately. Let me help you!” No one tried to take over his position. Even the Number 2 hero, Endeavor, never tried to take some of his burden. His only goal was to try to be better than All Might in terms of power- he was never trying to be the hero that the people relied on All Might for. Everyone relied on him when things looked grim. He was the back up plan. And all of this happened before Toshinori’s injury. 
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The only thing he ever wanted to do- help people- he can’t do (at least the way he’s always known how to). The ability to save people has been taken from him in the most gruesome way. He was finally able to fight the man that killed Nana, and in a rage that I’m sure echoed with all of the emotions of the previous users, he smashed that man’s head like a grape. But not without consequence. Several organs are gone. The pain is excruciating. He wears that man’s mark on his body for the rest of his life, never truly able to rid himself of the filth.
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Then we have Nighteye’s betrayal. The man that helped him as a sidekick, the man that grew to be his only friend. Now some people may ask why Toshinori flipped like he did to Nighteye looking into his future when he was concerned about him making it through his injury. What I believe is Toshinori didn’t want to know when he would die (and really, who does). Now he knows he’s on a time limit, knows the clock is ticking. Time is running out to keep the world at peace, and with him as he is now, how long can this go on? 
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I think the betrayal, doing something that Toshinori specifically asked him not to do, is what hurt the most. How can he trust Nighteye anymore? He already can only count on one hand the people he can trust, let alone befriend.
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He’s wasted away into a skeleton, a shell of the man he used to be. He can’t over exert himself without his only lung bleeding in protest. It’s canon in the side books that he really doesn’t eat much, which isn’t good for his diet without a stomach now (he’s supposed to have several small meals a day). He is quite literally punishing himself by starving. (Granted, he doesn’t feel hunger anymore.) He’s a sick man, beyond medical help at this point. They can only stabilize him and hope for the best. For five years now he’s in constant pain, every day. He loses blood like sweat. Surely his veins are bruised and collapsed with how many times he would have needed to be hospitalized. Whether from losing too much blood, being too dehydrated or starved from “forgetting” to eat, or an organ failing as body continues to fall apart. “...even as my body rots and grows frail...” - Toshinori People are bound to stare at him as he walks down the street. A tall, willowy, skeleton with a grimace on his face and blood stains on his clothes as he coughs up more into his own hands. There would be the ones who outright ignore him when they walk by, the people who offer pitying smiles and sympathetic glances or just outright stare, and then ones who are afraid of his appearance- children screaming at the mere sight of him and running to their parents to hide from the monster. Each one is another knife in Toshinori’s side, an ache in his chest. If only they knew who I really am.
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Losing Nighteye took a toll on his hero work as well. Mirai was a huge help in the past, and took care of all Toshinori’s paperwork, while also reminding him to take care of himself. Without him, Toshinori was even more buried beneath his responsibilities. Plus, now he was on a time limit. He even snapped briefly in his first meeting with Tsukauchi, accidentally revealing himself as All Might because he was under too much pressure, and telling the detective he literally couldn’t handle doing everything by himself (who graciously took over the paperwork side of things for him). 
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He was living a double life now, having to lie to people left and right about who he was while in his small form, about how he became so sickly, why he was here in the first place who the heck is this skinny old guy. Surely he had multiple visits to the doctor while continuing to repair the damage done by AFO (there’s a limit to how much the body can handle at once. And things I’m sure continued to fail as time went on). Then he would be bedridden for as long as the doctors could keep him strapped to a bed, until he couldn’t take the people’s cries for help any longer, and would jump into action. (It’s also revealed he has something of a super hearing- able to hear danger- which may have been a form of danger sense of OFA that was never fully unlocked?. Either way, he surly could sense disasters happening while he could only lay and heal from his latest surgery. Those poor doctors must have had to re-stitch him several times). People blame him for not preparing society for his retirement, that he failed in passing on the torch so to speak, but in reality he did everything possible to keep society from falling for 40 years, doing all within his power just to keep things afloat. He is only one person. One human being, he can’t do everything despite trying to. Society failed All Might.
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People blame him for not being a good teacher. He didn’t exactly have the greatest teacher himself to learn from. He’s never had to teach anyone anything, he just punches! He’s learning. And for his own credit, he’s an incredibly wise man, he has years of experience under his belt, and an intelligence score of 6/6, scoring up there with Nezu! He may not always have the right way to bring something up, but he’s doing his best. Yet even he blames himself for Izuku not being able to control his quirk better. Every time the boy hurts himself, it’s just another tally on the chalkboard of Toshinori’s failures. He himself knows the boy deserves better, better than him. Useless. Pathetic.
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Then his friend from America, Dave, essentially became a villain trying to preserve Toshinori’s legacy after Toshinori told him about his injury. Dave went behind his back, threatened people, injured people (pretty sure people died), all for Toshinori’s sake. Something he didn’t want to begin with. Having to put your only other friend in jail for trying to help you surely couldn’t have been easy.
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Oh, by the way? All For One isn’t dead. All Might will fight him again, publicly, have his weakened form exposed to the world, and have his own emotions toyed with as he finds out about his master’s grandson in the villain’s hands. Would Nana hate him for leaving her son alone like she’d asked, and dooming her grandchild to be raised by the greatest villain? Could he have done anything to save him? But Toshinori isn’t allowed to feel, he has to smile and push his own feelings aside once again, because there’s a villain to be fought, and only he can fight him. Despite coming out on top, he’ll have suffered severe head trauma, broken left arm, destroyed right arm, and several cuts and bruises that are sure to scar. And then, his quirk, the only thing that’s been allowing him to help people, the gift given to him that he carefully held for 40 years and molded into his own until his very consciousness was permanently carved into it, blows out like a match in the wind. And he’s done. Used up. Empty. Broken. Hollow. Alone, again.
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He overhears his student, Bakugo, admit that he blames himself for All Might’s retirement. If he hadn’t been captured, All Might wouldn’t have had to save him, and he wouldn’t have had to fight AFO. Of course Toshinori knows that’s not true, his time was about to run out anyway. It would have happened one way or another. But how can he explain to this child that he wasn’t the cause of his hero, the world’s greatest hero, fighting for his sake, bleeding for his sake, being forced into retirement to keep him safe. Every time Bakugo sees the bandages covering Toshinori’s body is another reminder of the pain and sacrifice Toshinori willingly gave to keep him safe. Toshinori wasn’t held when his mentor died. He wasn’t told it was ok to be sad, that grief and mourning was a natural process, that it takes time to heal. He wasn’t told it was ok to cry. Instead his feelings were beaten out of him as he wondered if Gran Torino blamed him for Nana’s death. He already blamed himself How then, does he comfort a child mourning for him? For what he lost.
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And then he gets the call to come to the hospital. Mirai, Nighteye, his old sidekick friend, has been gravely injured, much like he himself was only a few years ago, and most likely won’t survive the night. And to his horror, Nighteye is happy to see him, smiles at him, says he doesn’t hate him for what happened, only wants Toshinori to be happy. He can’t accept that, at least let him apologize, reconcile his sins before it’s too late! But it is. Another fractured piece of his heart gone.
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Of course, seeing your students beat up and their arms completely destroyed must have hurt. Instead of being able to save these kids, they’re the ones that hurt themselves to save everyone else. And if Bakugo had kept OFA, things could have been very different (especially with what we know now of OFA and people with quirks). Toshinori wasn’t mad at Izuku for transferring it away, he’d never regret choosing Izuku, and I believe he still would have stayed by Izuku and Bakugo’s side should it have stayed in Bakugo, doing whatever he could to help.
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As he tells Aizawa, “I’ve decided to live,” -that statement seems so melancholy, besides obvious reasons. It sounds more like another task he has to accomplish. He didn’t die he was supposed to die with the AFO fight, and now the whole life he lived is over. The world has no use for him anymore. If not for Izuku, he’d have nothing left keeping him here. But because his boy made him promise to live, he’ll do so. Though it almost seems like he says those words with regret. “I’ve decided to live.” Not, “I’m going to live!” “Nothing can kill me!” “I won’t go down without a fight!” No. “I’ll live if I have to, only because you asked me to.” The man is obviously and outwardly depressed. He has so many things against him. No doubt has severe PTSD, anxiety, among others. Not to mention his own physical health. Every day hurts. It’s painful to be alive. Why would he torture himself if he doesn’t have to? For you, my boy. You’re the only thing keeping me here. The only light in my dark world.
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He tries to help Izuku find out the previous holder’s quirks, to help his boy in any way he can now that he’s worthless, and goes days on end without sleep, running his body into the ground. He even forgets Christmas. Only to find that by giving the boy the same gift he had received, he may have just doomed him to an early death, among psychological torture (danger detection). (Granted, he really doesn’t know how everything works, and he’s afraid to talk to anyone about it). His boy could live only half a life.
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It’s only been a few months since he retired, and society has fallen into shambles. People are blaming him. People are dying. He watches helplessly as his colleague fight his fight for him, and end up battered, bruised, crippled, dead. He students, his boy, battle the monster he should have killed. Children are bleeding. This shouldn’t happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Is everything he worked for, everything he fought to protect, to build up, to inspire, is all for naught?! Did he live a foolish dream and doom the world? Was all the the friends he lost, tears he shed, the organs he destroyed, the pain he endures on a daily basis from the hole in his side, and the blood he continues to bleed every day, for nothing? The public, the ones he protected for so long, mourn his absence, but surely there are those among them who also blame him. The statue from his last fight in Kamino one that he never asked for was decimated in a mock of his catch phrase- the one that was supposed to give hope.
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Now he can feel his own vestige speaking with Izuku in the OFA realm, even with out OFA in his own body anymore. His clock as nearly reached it’s limit, Nighteye’s prediction is due any day now. The only thing he wants is to see his boy smile at him, to give him some shred of hope. Yet the child remains unconscious, and Toshinori can’t even hold his hand from the bandages covering his arms. Will he still be able to fight? Is there any coming back from this now? Did I break him?
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With all Toshinori has been through, I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen him just outright break down. Anyone, anyone, else should have crumbled under the pressure of holding up the world for 40 years alone. And instead of being able to pass it on to someone when he can no longer bear its weight, it simply falls to into the abyss. People don’t credit All Might enough for everything he’s done. Most don’t realize the sacrifices he’s made. His character is so unbelievably profound and deep, it’s more than just the “I am here!” people focus on. He’s a deeply troubled, layered, complex character. And I can’t find fault within him.
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gentrychild · 4 years ago
BNHA chapter 290 reactions
Oh boy, just when I was saying that such a long arc was eroding my ability to hype myself...
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Oh boy... I guess we finally got the answer to “Was that message for Rei or for the whole country?” and the answer is both. Dabi sent a direct message to his mom and we don’t know what he told her.
And since we have a big close-up on the flower “Enji” gave Rei without leaving a message, I am now wondering if it wasn’t a gift from Dabi.
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Ah, the Todoroki pose of “I have no idea of what to feel.”
Also, I think we now have the confirmation that Dabi is a theater kid.
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Okay, so first, it’s nice to have the confirmation that Izuku did make some damages.
What’s less nice is knowing that AFO can control Tomura to this extent. By accepting to become a guinea pig, he became AFO’s puppet and I am not sure of how long it will take before AFO erodes his will and takes full control of him.
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Horikoshi, think of the fanfic writers. When you show cool attacks, explain stuff about them, please. Because of you, I will have to spend an hour trying to analyze three panels.
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Oh, that’s a meme waiting to happen.
Endeavor when Nejire and Shouto fight Shigaraki: “RUN! HE’S GOING TO KILL YOU! RUN!”
Endeavor when Midoriya was fighting Shigaraki: “Welp, this might as well happen.”
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I don’t know what’s the more terrifying, Gigantomachia channeling the Rogue Titan or AFO having fun with Forced Quirk Activation. Okay, probably the later.
There should really be a limit to how long those tentacles can get, thank you very much.
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Bakugou is awake and if I was him, I would go straight back to sleep but no, not him.
Does... Does he still have a quirk, though? I would like to see some sparks flying. Just to be sure.
However, he is right in the sense that they need to kill Shigaraki now. If he manages to escape, they will have lost everything. That would mean that another cataclysm can happen at any time and society will collapse. I am not talking about the hero society. I am talking full Dawn of Quirks mess.
I do not want to witness what so many people with uncontrollable powers can do when they are scared.
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I am going to believe that Machia assumes that the second “Master’s scent” also comes from Shigaraki because with all the smoke in the air, he didn’t notice Izuku and his multiple quirks who are right there.
Also, Izuku wasn’t using cough... all for one... cough several quirks when Gigantomachia arrived, don’t think I didn’t notice it.
I was robbed from my Little Lord moment!
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Shigaraki, every bones of his broken and the only reason why he remained standing so long is probably because AFO was manipulating his strings: “Oh, do tell me about your problems. It’s not like I can go anywhere after I was INCINERATED THEN BEATEN HALF TO DEATH BY THE INCARNATION OF FERALNESS. But please, tell me how hard it was for you.”
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The small green child with broken bones isn’t named Shouto, Endeavor.
More seriously, you see Endeavor’s hand on Midoriya’s back? He isn’t checking that he is alright, he is actually holding him back because he is scared he is going to yeet himself again at the villains and try to finish the job.
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That’s why you never make promises on live television. Too many witnesses that will call you out later.
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Shouto is so fucking done at this point. He just survived a decaying wave, he showed up only to see all the heroes and his friends half dead, he almost got slapped by Gigantomachia, this is NOT the day to keep messing with him, and here is this asshole, all happy during the worst time of Shouto’s life.
As for Dabi... This man is hilarious. Look at how happy he is. His audience is here, too weakened to kick his ass, and now is the time.
Also, you see the bottle he is shaking? That was in the pouch he has been wearing since his first appearance. He was ready from Day 1.
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Now, the riddle for the ages, the thing that interests me far more than what happens one panel later: what the hell is this and how did it bleach his hair so fast?
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Whatever you’re thinking about Dabi, you have to admit that he knows how to use a narrative. He has been sitting on this for years, waiting for the right time to do the most damage, and here he is.
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Let’s all appreciate this rare moment where Shouto and Enji have the same face of “What the hell is going on?”
But more importantly, let’s all appreciate Midoriya who was once again dragged into the Todoroki drama. 
This has nothing to do with him, and yet, once again, a Todoroki appeared and felt the need to announce his entire tragic backstory in his vicinity. All those jokes about Todoroki never meeting Izuku because he would have coughed up his secret in the second were true.
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Dabi looks so soft here and some part of me wants to believe that’s because he knew Rei would be watching. 
And by that, I mean Dabi is a Momma boy.
I am bravely trying to keep a straight face as this guy is about to explain us why he killed 30 innocent people instead of his dad or some members of the Hero Commission. 
I mean, Fuyumi managed not to snap despite many reasons, so really, there is no excuse.
More seriously, I hope that he won’t only reveal what Endeavor did. I want to know why he was considered dead. And I want to know if my theory about Touya being in the same HSPC program as Hawks is true, because there has to be a reason why he knows his real name.
Of course, for the last one, I can accept that Young Touya found a drawing of Endeavor and a young kid with red wings sent by a little fan through the Endeavor agency.
But I would much prefer to see more about the HPSC and how horrible it is.
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The real victim of this chapter: Can’t-You-See-kun.
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Look at how happy he is. I am pretty sure this is the best day of his life.
@pocketramblr​ is the one who realized that Horikoshi had to knock Dabi unconscious in Kamino because that man would have jumped on the occasion of screaming to the world who he really is, only to see society freak out.
There is 50% chance that AFO would have killed him for being more dramatic than him but, man, what a way to go.
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*squints* Is that his hair becoming white due to the strain?
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I am... actually not surprised by it. Dabi doesn’t know Shouto. And he isn’t Touya anymore.
The only thing Shouto is to him is Endeavor’s weapon to become number 1 and the child that stole his place and who made all his pain meaningless.
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Endeavor: “Redemption arc?”
Dabi: “Hahaha NO. Step 1 of my plan where you get everything you want right before I make you choke on it.”
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This is nothing short of breathtaking and once again, Horikoshi steals my breath away.
Make no mistake: Touya is dead. He died a long time ago. Only remains a rageful ghost hold together by hatred and staples. He will not hesitate to sacrifice anything to destroy Endeavor, be it himself, others, and even members of his family.
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I have about zero regret for Endeavor but the rest of the Todoroki family? Dabi just took a sledgehammer to that and now, they will all have to live with the consequences.
Kudos to Dabi, though. He did what All for One didn’t manage to do. He wanted to ruin the number 1, to show that he was a liar and how pitiful he was. All for One failed to do so when he revealed All Might’s true form but Dabi executed that plan perfectly.
The other really good point about this is that no one will care about Izuku using multiple quirks. With how Dabi stole the show, Shigaraki will be lucky if people still talk about him. 
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years ago
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 1
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Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
Ep. Warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse and manipulation, slice of life(ish), manga spoilers!!
A/N: Ok so this is just what I daydream about, and since ima tv addict, I’m involving some “Avatar: The Last Airbender” related things, but a little different. This is more of an introduction to our character but I hope you enjoy!
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Summary: It’s Y/N’s first day at UA.....as a “former” villain
“Y/N L/N. She’s a new transfer student. Treat her with your respect and do your best to take care of her.” The tired teacher spoke.
“.......Hey. Please treat me well.” The intimidating girl said as she bowed in respect.
Now if you were to see Y/N on the streets as a stranger, you wouldn’t even think she would have this threatening aura. The class agreed. She’s gorgeous. From a far, you would think she’s a sweetheart, But the girl had a cold, calm stare in her E/C eyes. There was actually no way to describe it. It was just chilling to the bone.
Not only that, but it was clear you were a little rebel. Mainly because of the way you decided to change up your uniform. Your sleeves were torn off to make your button up top some sort of tight fitted turtle neck with a tie that was complimenting your busty figure. Especially since it was tightly tucked into your skirt, pressing against your torso instead of loosely sitting in there like the other girls. You also added a small dark brown belt to cover where your skirt and top meet. Your waist gave the perfect show of how curvaceous you truly were. Your thighs were deliciously thick and your ass must’ve been a perfect peach, considering it caused your skirt to seem a little too small for you. Instead of the typical shoes and knee high socks, you opted for thigh high dark brown leather boots that folded at the top to match your belt. No heel though, of course. Gotta keep it casual. You finished off your rebellious look with a pair of black leather fingerless gloves. Do you look like trouble? Yup. Do you look hot as hell though? You bet.
“You may be seated next to Katsuki Bakugou.” Your new teacher spoke. Before anybody else could give an indication of who this “Bakugou” boy was, an electric blonde spoke up.
“Be careful with that one pretty lady, he’s our resident hot head.” The boy spoke while the entire class giggled.
“Shut it dunce face.” Your eyes shifted from one blonde to another. This time with a spiky head of ash blonde hair and piercing red eyes. As you walk towards your new seat, you made eye contact with the spiky blonde, you saw the look on his face. Just like everyone else, a face of fear and shock, except this time the person didn’t know who you were.
Bakugou could definitely say upon first glance, you were definitely something fierce. It threw him off just how powerful your presence was. He quickly turned away as you took your seat.
As class began, everyone had their eyes on Y/N. Some admiring her beauty, others wary of her aura, and some too nervous to mention their newfound fear of her. In the middle of Mr. Aizawa’s boring lecture, a scratch at the door could be heard.
‘A scratch?’ Everyone thought. But Y/N knew exactly who it was.
When Mr. Aizawa went to open the door, in came what appears to be a wolf-dog. Mr. Aizawa seemed to casually accept it and just expected you to explain. He was too tired to deal with this crazy shit.
“Oh..there you are Rumor. Took you long enough to find this place.” The creature, also somehow intimidating, simply just huffed at the girl and layed down next to her seat in between her and Bakugou.
“L/N, please explain to the class why Rumor is here. They clearly seem to be confused.” Y/N looked around the room to see her new classmates staring at her and her furry friend.
“*sigh* he’s my animal companion.” You simply stated. Apparently it didn’t satisfy your peers because a freckled, green haired boy spoke up.
“Animal companion? Like a service dog?” The timid boy asked. You secretly rolled your eyes at the fact you’ll have to answer this question again. That is until Bakugou spoke.
“You damn nerd, if he was a service dog, she woulda said that now, don’t ‘cha think?” ‘Dunce face and a damn nerd huh? Wonder what new nickname this hedgehog will give me.’ Your little quip made you give the smallest smile with a quiet laugh to yourself
What you didnt realize was that during your little moment, Bakugou was watching you the entire time. He fought the blush that was threatening to rise and successfully won. ‘The hell?’ Bakugou thought. Since when did he blush?
“He’s right. Rumor isn’t my service dog, he’s my animal companion. And no, not my pet. He’s more like a close friend. My best friend if anything. He’s also not a dog either, he’s a changeling.” You explained hoping someone else knew what a changeling was. Thankfully, the “damn nerd” did.
“Changeling? I thought they were just a myth.” He said. “What the heck is a changeling, Deku?” You turned and saw it was a girl with a round face and pink cheeks. ‘Deku? How rude’ you thought to yourself.
“Changelings were rumored to be magical like beasts who could take the form of any animal they chose. Those forms could be as real as eagles and bears or as mythical as dragons and unicorns. They could also change the size of their form too. Am I right, L/N?” Deku asked you.
“You’re completely right, Deku.” The green haired boy blushed at his nickname on your tongue. “Rumor can be any creature I command. His wolf-dog form is his casual form though. It’s the form he took at birth I guess.”
“You guess?” Bakugou asked.
“Yes, I guess. I didn’t have Rumor since he was born. I found him while I was on a walk in the forest. We just clicked, and he followed me home. That’s when I discovered his powers and what he was, and seeing that changelings were only rumored to have existed, I thought it would’ve been a fitting name. We’ve been together ever since, and not only does he work as a friend, he’s a fighter too. He’s like a partner to me which is exactly why principle Nezu allowed him to attend UA with me. I guess you could say he’s part of my...uhm..quirk” You thoroughly explained. You couldn’t help it. You loved talking about Rumor. He was your best friend and definitely one of a kind.
Rumor looked up at you and barked. You turned to pet him on the head and gave him a little smile. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the resident hot head, which once again caused him to fight back a blush. ‘The fuck is going on with me today?’ The blonde thought to himself. Finally satisfied with the answers, the class picked up where they left off and continued to learn about quirks which didn’t seem all that useful to you since....you don’t have one.
“Remember, we will all be meeting at gym gamma tomorrow morning, so don’t bother coming to the classroom. Just meet up there with any comfortable gym wear.” Mr. Aizawa said at the end of the day.
“Yes sir!” The class all said. “L/N stay behind, I need to speak to you and Rumor.” The tired teacher said with a yawn.
“Yes sir.” You calmly replied.
As the class gathered their things to leave, some came up to speak to you. First it was Deku and the round faced girl.
“Welcome to UA L/N. My name is Izuku Midoriya!” Deku said.
“Oh my apologies. I thought I heard that your name was Deku.” You said so nonchalantly with your sweet voice.
“Well it’s just a nickname that started up with Kacchan.” The boy was now blushing in slight embarrassment while rubbing the back of his head.
“Kacchan? I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is.” You said.
“Oh right! My bad, Kacchan is Bakugou. It’s a name I gave him during our childhood.” He stated.
“Seems a little mean.” You chuckled
“Yeah but he’s always been like that.” The boy smiled with a small laugh.
“I think I can tell. He must be really nice to Deku and Dunce face.”
You both shared a laugh at your little sarcastic poke at the explosive blonde that the girl was feeling a little left out.
“Anyways, I’m Ochako Uraraka! I was really hoping I could talk to you more but Deku over here can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.” the girl slightly teased.
“Meh. No worries. We’re gonna be stuck together for the next few years. We have plenty of time to get to know each other.” You so kindly spoke as you gathered your stuff.
“Totally! We can-“ Uraraka was cut off by a very handsome two toned boy with a scar. He definitely reminded you of some you knew. You watched as he came up to speak to Midoriya.
“Hey, Midoriya. Did you want to...” you tuned out his conversation. You simply just stared at him in awe. No doubt about it. He was definitely Dabi’s brother. But he was a whole lot more handsome.
The boy caught onto your staring and introduced himself.
“Hello L/N, my name is Shoto Todoroki. You may know me from my father, Endeavor, but I assure you, I’m nothing like him. In fact it’s safe to say I hate him.” He stated ever so calmly. ‘Wow. So blunt. And I guess hating Endeavor runs in the family’
“Hey it’s fine. I get it, daddy issues.” You nervously laughed but this seemed to strike an interest in Todoroki as he seem to have wanted to continue bashing both of your fathers until he was interrupted by Bakugou.
“You’re in my way Icy-hot.” ‘Jeez, another nickname?’ You thought.
“Then move to another side.” Todoroki quickly came back with.
This caused you to now openly give a quiet laugh, you could already tell what kind of relationship those two have. During your small laugh, Bakugou once again caught himself staring, except this time, he was caught. And it was by you.
You both made eye contact once again. As he stared into your E/C colored eyes, and you stared into his rubied gems, you both grew a slight blush on your cheeks and the 3 standing next to you both took notice.
“Hey..” you sweetly said.
“..........hey.” He replied and quickly looked away embarrassed. That peaceful little moment made your heart stir. Something that hasn’t happened in a long time. If felt calming, loving, happy...and weird and confusing. Thankfully, Dunce face came up to flip the switch.
“Wow Kacchaaannn,” the electric blonde said wiggling his brows. “Never seen you blush like that. You got a little crush on the new gir-“
“SHUT UP SPARK PLUG!” Bakugou exclaimed as he quickly made his way out of the classroom.
“Hey why you gotta be so mean all the time man!” Dunce face cried out.
“I SAID SHUT UP” Bakugou screamed from down the hall. ‘Well he certainly is interesting.....and cute’
“Ah jeez, whatever,” the blonde sighed before you seemed to have caught his attention.
“Well hey there pretty lady,” he started “I’m Denki Kaminari and you are one gorgeous girl. And you definitely got a rockin’ bod-“ he was cut off by our scary teacher.
“That’s enough Kaminari, I need to speak to L/N. Now all of you, out.” He commanded.
They all took their leave thinking about how cool and kind you were. Oh how wrong they were. The little act you put up sure was convincible. Hell, the only thing you genuinely meant was that Todoroki and Bakugou were cute and the blush that came up whenever Bakugou stared at you. You still couldn’t explain it but you brushed it off.
When all were gone, you mentally took notes of their names and possible quirks.
Izuku Midoriya. Alias: Damn Nerd and Deku. Quirk: unknown.
Ochako Uraraka. Alias: unknown. Quirk: unknown.
Shoto Todoroki. Alias: Icy-hot. Quirk: possibly related to cold and heat
Denki Kaminari. Alias: Dunce Face and Spark Plug. Quirk: possibly related to electricity
Katsuki Bakugou. Alias: Kacchan. Quirk: unknown
“L/N.” Your teacher snapped you out of your quick thought and got you focused.
“You seemed to be very comfortable with telling them about Rumor.” Mr. Aizawa said with an eyebrow raised.
“Well he is my best friend. I could go on and on about Rumor for hours if people didn’t stop me. And you can’t lie, he is pretty interesting. Especially his fighting style. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you....Eraser Head?” You said with a sinister smile.
You were well aware that Aizawa knew Rumor’s capabilities very well. You were also aware he knew much about yours too. I mean, you both have fought each other before. And one of you almost didn’t make it out alive. Hint hint, it wasn’t you.
“You are to address me as Aizawa Sensei or Mr. Aizawa, Titania.” He sternly said.
“Ouch, the villain name? I thought the past was the past. There’s a good inside me, dont you remember? You were the one who said it after all. You were even the one who recommended an S-Class villain like me should join UA.” You snidely replied.
As you fought against the skilled pro, you could tell he was getting weaker and weaker by the second. You used your air bending to push him back, crushing him into the wall, and keep him far away. Before you could send Rumor in to finish the job, a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Kurogiri? What are you doing here?” You stopped fighting and quickly turned to your superior in a fearful and shaky manner. Although you were much stronger than him and could easily take him down, you knew better. Your mind had already been so manipulated into thinking you were the weakest villain in the league, when it reality, you were strong enough to take down Shigaraki in a snap...but you didn’t need to know that.
Eraser Head, too tired and beaten to even pick himself up off the ground watched the interaction from the distance.
“You were told to collect intel, not fight a pro.” The black fog stated.
“Well yes, but he tried to stop me an-“ he silenced you with a smack to the face. Kurogiri was a respectful man...in ways...but he was just following orders on how to treat Y/N.
“If he tried to stop you, you run away.” He said, matter of factly.
“But he-“ once again, he cut you off but this time with a louder voice.
“But nothing! You were to gather intel and report back to base. Not fight. If you got into trouble, you are to run away, and use your bending and Rumor as assistance.” He stated.
“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir.” You said with your head bowed down in dishonor.
Aizawa could already tell from afar how controlled you were. In past fights, he’s noticed how you were so quick to succumb to any villain in the league, and you were always so willing to go back to them no matter how many times you could’ve ran away on your own. It was like they had something you needed, or more so it was them that you needed. For survival, perhaps?
“Did you even gather the information we needed?” Kurogiri asked.
Your silence gave him all the answers he needed. With a disappointing glare he reached for you, when you flinched at just the slighted movement, Aizawa knew something was wrong. Yes you were a villain, but it was clear you were also a manipulated child. So he acted quick, and attacked Kurogiri, knocking him out, and grabbed you. Before you both took off, you threw one of your earrings at kurorgiri’s unconscious body, knowing he’ll know what to do once he sees it. As he ran with you, he took notice of the animal behind him that followed you. When he finally landed on a cliff hanging over the city, he placed you down to sit on the grass and looked at you before speaking.
“I can see it. All of it. They’re controlling you aren’t they?” The pro-hero spoke.
“Excuse me? Nobody is controlling anybody! I choose to follow orders!” You yelled as Rumor came up to you.
“What is that thing?” Aizawa asked.
“He’s my friend and you won’t harm him!” You said while grabbing onto Rumor.
The pro took note of that word you used. Friend. Villains don’t have friends, they don’t have anybody but goons and partners in crime. Literally. You were definitely different compared to these other villains.
“I have no intentions on harming you or your friend.” The pro spoke.
“So what do you want with me.”
“....Simple. I want you to go to school, live in the dorm rooms, eat good food, train more to become better as a person and fighter, and make more friends. I see a good in you Titania, you deserve a good life. Not one controlled by villains where you do their bidding for what? Survival?” Aizawa said as he crossed his arms while looking at you.
You were in shock. He was able to figure you out. Well, he figured out why you were with the league. Survival. But it doesn’t matter, you were so brainwashed that you were convinced anyone outside the league wanted to kill you...at least that’s what the LOV told you.
“I don’t want to go to school, I want to go back home to the league.” You said while looking down and holding onto your furry friend.
“Home? UA could give you a better home.”
You looked up in shocked at his words. He wanted you to attend school at UA? You know that place. That’s the one place where the league has been so invested in ever since All Might joined the staff there. Suddenly, an idea came into thought. You knew exactly how you were gonna get into the league’s good graces and out of the cold shadow.
“UA?....That’s where you want me to go? How the hell am I supposed to get in there? I’m a known villain genius.” You sarcastically said.
“A villain hidden behind a full face mask. People don’t know your true identity, and did you ever think that maybe the league wants it that way?” He said
“Are you saying you know who I truly am?” You questioned him.
“No, but that doesn’t matter right now. If you want to go to UA, I can help you. I’m a teacher there and I can put in a good word for you. Sure it will take a lot of convincing but I’m willing to do it. Using UA as a reformatory program for you could be benefitting you in more ways than one. So if going to UA is what you really want, I’m more than happy to help you Titania.”
You couldn’t believe it. Your heart was so excited. You were finally going to get away from this horrible life of crime and killing. Away from the abuse and blood. Away from the league. But your brain was telling you to deny it all. You were safer with the league, everyone is out to get you, and you will die without the villains help. But a bark broke you out of thought.
You turned to your side to see what seems to be a smile on Rumor’s face. He was wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out while giving you puppy dog eyes. It appears he knew what was going on and he seemed excited. For your best friend, the world. So you gave in...happily.
“Y/N.” You said while getting up off the ground.
“Huh?” The pro spoke.
“My name is Y/N L/N, and I’d be happy to join UA.” You said with a smile and tears of joy filling you eyes. Rumor happily barked at the pro as well.
“Well alright then,” the pro said sticking out his hand for you to shake, “Y/N L/N, welcome to UA.”
As you shook his hand your smile held a thousand words. Happiness, excitement, villainy, and sin. Sure you were going to benefit yourself, but you were also going to benefit the league.
*Present Time*
“I was hoping I’d get more respect from you considering I was the one who got you into UA,” Aizawa tiredly said while turning his head towards the ceiling and crossing his arms. “But I guess that mischief and attitude just comes with the deal.”
“Correct.” You simply said.
“So are you willing to tell them what your “quirk” is? You seemed so open about Rumor, I thought your powers would be the same.” Aizawa pressed on.
“Not sure yet. I only just met the students. They seem nice.” You said while looking at your now very interesting shoes.
“They’re a crazy bunch, but they’re incredible friends. They could be great friends to you too Y/N.” You looked back up at him with hope, but quickly remembered why you were there in the first place.
The teacher took noticed of this and continued. “Either way, they’ll have to see what you got tomorrow. In gym gamma we’ll be doing some sparring including our quirks, so you’ll have to show them all that you can do.” He said.
He saw how that made you nervous. Not because you were scared to speak about or show your abilities, but because you knew you would be hit with thousands of questions. Oh how annoyed you must be.
“Understood.” You said to him as if you were a soldier. He won’t get used to that. He’ll have to make sure you know it’s ok to speak to people as..well people, and not like everyone is your superior.
“Good,” he began to walk to his yellow sleeping bag to pick it up, “now head to the front of the school. I left an escort for you to help guide you to your dorm room. That person will also be a guide in all things UA for you so be nice. You’ll be stuck with them for awhile. That is all, you can go now.”
As you and Rumor made your way to the front, you had so many questions going on in your mind. Should you make new friends or keep them at a distance? Should you completely drop the league and join UA? Should you blow your cover and expose why your truly there? What to do, what to do.
When you made it to the front, you finally saw your escort, and you couldn’t help but give a little smirk.
A/N: If y’all wanna see the clothes that inspired Y/N’s uniform, check this out!!!
A/N: Damn guys, I know I’ve only just started writing but this is kinda the story I imagine in my mind at night. So I thought it would be fun to give it to reality. So here’s my first FanFic😅 hopefully it doesn’t turn out too terrible, but I promise to work on my skills and improve. Also, if you need a reference to what Y/N’s uniform looks like, search up “Akame from Akame Ga Kill.” That’s the look that heavily inspired Y/N’s new uniform. And if you’re confused on what the boots look like, search up “Lucy Heartfilia thigh high boots,” bc those are the EXACT boots I imagine on Y/N except in a darker brunette color to match the belt. Once again, NOT spell checked so my apologies for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed pt. 1! And if this goes well, tell me if you’d like a pt. 2! I love to hear feedback! Thx <3
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queenangst · 4 years ago
Afo possesing deku instead of tomura for 30min prompt? Maybe being made to hurt his friends
for my 30 min fic challenge / read more: ‘30 min fics’ tag
drawing voices deep from you [read on AO3]
Deep within One for All, Izuku makes a mistake. All for One has a new body.
“So this is it?” Izuku said quietly.
He looked around at the cracked and strange place; tall, empty chairs sat in a semicircle, but Izuku was surrounded by seven figures.
One for All—Yoichi, Izuku remembered—smiled.
“You already have my Quirk.” He took Izuku’s hands and squeezed.
His heart hurt. Sometimes it was easy to think of the vestiges as just… ghosts, remnants of a different time. More than often though, as he held each of their Quirks, used them, he remembered they had been real people once living in a different time.
And all of them except one killed by All for One.
Izuku’s knees knocked together. “What happens next?”
Nana touched his shoulder. “You keep fighting. You keep going. With all of us behind you.”
If this space was One for All… this broken room, set in a whirling, endless void—why was it so small? Izuku turned, looking to where the walls crumbled and out into the open. What was the rest of it?
He’d thought about the questions before. But Izuku had thought privately to himself that maybe if he unlocked every Quirk, if he faced every truth, this room would disappear, and become something else.
“What’s… what’s out there?”
Yoichi hadn’t let go of his hand, and now gripped it tighter. “Don’t go.”
His curiosity ached.
“So you think there’s something.”
“If it is what I think it is,” Yoichi warned, “you should stay here.”
Izuku looked back. Faves echoed to him, each one silent.
“So you don’t know.”
Yoichi shook his head.
“Can… can I come back?”
Yoichi frowned, but gestured around him. “This is your Quirk.”
But something of it was still out of Izuku’s control. There was something he hadn’t grasped yet, an understanding that eluded him now. Izuku pulled himself free of Yoichi’s grasp, and he was let go this time without a fight.
“I’ll come back, then,” he promised.
Heart pounding in his chest, he walked to the edge where ground met nothing.
“Izuku,” someone called. It could have been one voice. It could have been many.
Izuku stepped out, down, and fell.
The sensation was weird. He was falling, but this wasn’t real, really, and the darkness surrounded him. It almost felt alive, cradling him in a weathered hand. Something pulsed in the heart of the darkness.
A light.
Izuku reached for it, flickering red and encompassing, and—
Toshinori searched the sky for Izuku.
The battle was dying. Izuku sank back to the ground, Blackwhip still dancing around him but faded now. From the edge, Toshinori could taste the power in the air. Like electricity.
He moved first, picking his way through rubble. Izuku landed hard, and suddenly reached up with a hand to grab his head.
“Young Midoriya!”
Izuku looked in Toshinori’s direction.
His eyes…
There was something strange about his eyes.
Toshinori picked up the pace, uncaring, running the short distance between them as Izuku jerked. A tremor ran through his shoulders.
He said, in a small voice, “All… All Might?”
Hawks landed and came over. “Something wrong?” He jerked his head in the other direction. “Endeavor’s got the villain. What’s up with the kid?”
“I—I don’t…” Izuku shook his head. One for All crackled to life around him, green light giving his skin an unnatural glow. “All Might, please—please help. Help. Help.”
Toshinori took Izuku’s face in his hands. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Up close, his eyes were—they were changing colors. Black, from the inside out.
“I-” Izuku lapsed into silence. He shook, then cried out in pain. “I think I made a mistake, wait, please, don’t, I’m sorry —”
Then he went still and limp, like a puppet with all his strings cut. Toshinori caught him, looking towards Hawks.
“We need…”
“Medic!” Hawks called.
Toshinori shook Izuku gently. “Midoriya? Can you hear me?”
His eyes snapped open. Izuku blinked up at Toshinori—with completely black eyes—and suddenly, his mouth curved into a smile.
“All Might.”
Toshinori recoiled. That wasn’t Izuku’s voice. Those weren’t Izuku’s eyes.
“What’s going on?”
Izuku laughed.
“Your face,” he said as he stood. “It’s good to be able to see again. And what a sight.”
He threw out his arms, flexing his fingers and marvelling. Glanced around the battlefield as if the destruction was uninteresting to him. Shadows gathered on his face.
“Ah…” He took a step. “Oh, Izuku,” he said. “Thank you for the opportunity. It’s been so long.”
Toshinori clenched his fists. “What have you done to Izuku?”
“What have I done?” A chuckle. “He’s the one who opened the door and came looking for me. Don’t you recognize me?”
“Let him go.”
All for One flicked his fingers. Blackwhip tore out of his arm violently, in a way that Toshinori hadn’t seen since the first time Izuku used it. There was no other explanation, no other person this could be, who stared with Izuku’s eyes at Toshinori holding so much hate.
“I don’t think I will,” All for One said.
It was Izuku’s voice, sort of. Toshinori still recognized it; but it was a little bit distant now, and warped, as if he was hearing the voice through a radio.
“After all, he’s just given me the key to freedom. He had All for One, too, a piece of it when I gave my brother his Quirk. Izuku just had to find it.”
Toshinori forced his hands to uncurl and held his hands out, mind racing. They couldn’t negotiate. They couldn’t fight. He cast a helpless glance in Hawks’ direction, whose feathers darted out but hovered.
All for One’s voice changed back, to Izuku’s. “You wouldn’t want to hurt your hero, would you?”
“Please,” Toshinori said.
A glance. “Will you beg for it?”
Toshinori knew that he wouldn’t let Izuku go even if he begged, but he dropped to his knees anyway. Concrete hit him. He looked up at Izuku—his successor, his legacy, his boy.
Fast, faster than Toshinori had time to comprehend, a scarred hand wrapped around Toshinori’s throat. Could he feel Toshinori’s heartbeat, pounding, alive?
“Pathetic,” All for One said. “The Symbol of Peace.”
That was Izuku’s hand. That was Izuku’s body, it was still him—Toshinori couldn’t fight, not even if this was his greatest enemy. So he knelt as the hand tightened. His lungs screamed.
All for One had never been satisfied. It was in his name, in his Quirk. What he wanted, he took; what he couldn’t have, he destroyed worlds and families and people to remake for himself.
But not—
Not Izuku. He couldn’t speak anymore. Please.
“He’s not gone, you know,” All for One said, leaning in.
“All Might!” Hawk’s voice, distant and fuzzy. Toshinori reached out a hand, trying to convey his message. Don’t hurt him. “All for One, let them both go.”
All for One leaned in. Izuku. His eyes flickered with green light. Out of the corner of Toshinori’s eye, he could see curls of hair.
He fought for air. The hand around his throat eased, just slightly, as if All for One knew.
“Izuku,” Toshinori rasped. “It’s… okay. It’s not, it’s not your fault. I forgive you.”
All for One drew back. A tear ran down his face, but All for One didn’t seem to be aware it was there.
“Izuku’s begging, too,” he whispered. “He’s calling your name, All Might.”
A sudden release. Toshinori gasped, his chest caving from inside-out, spots dancing in his vision. He fell back, concrete scraping his hands, and struggled to get up.
Hawks grabbed his shoulder, drew him to his feet—good, because Toshinori had no strength to stand.
“Izuku…” Toshinori begged. “Please come back.”
All for One smiled again. Toshinori suddenly had a memory of Izuku kneeling in front of him, Quirkless and sobbing as he held out a hand. They stood in the golden, dying light of day as Toshinori offered Izuku his Quirk.
Would this have happened if Izuku hadn’t taken it, or if Toshinori hadn’t offered it? Would he be safer?
But not happier. There was a smile Toshinori treasured, one that was twisted on his face now. But not better. All Might would have died if that day had passed with nothing, for all that Izuku had given him, and he couldn’t regret that.
“We’ll see,” All for One said. Then, having won the battle, he strode away. From the back, receding into the distance and the dust; and dressed in green with his cape fluttering, a familiar silhouette, Toshinori could hardly tell him apart from Izuku.
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bullyhunter--69 · 4 years ago
You're all I have, Bird Brain
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Pairing: Big Brother Hawks x Little Sister Reader
Summary: You have to sit back and watch your brother fight for his life on TV, hoping everything turns out okay
T/W: descriptions of a fight and crying
A/N: I got this idea while doing my makeup and rushed to write it because I loved it so much-- I hope you guys enjoy! 🖤
A frantic knock on your dorm door took your attention away from the anime you were watching on Netflix, causing you to quickly get up and swing it open. Before you could greet whoever happened to be interrupting your binge watching, something wrapped around you with a worried whimper. Dark Shadow..?
"(Y/N), you need to come quick to the common room, Hawks is in a bad fight-" It was Tokoyami, and his voice matched the whimpers coming from Dark Shadow. They were the only ones out of your whole class who knew the full truth about you, and that's only because Hawks had scouted the both of you to his hero agency for the internships class 1-A had done. You had sworn Tokoyami and Dark to secrecy easily, the trust built between you 3 was something anyone could see.
Everyone could see why the now number 2 hero chose Tokoyami, but many were confused why you were scouted as well. The explanation you gave was, "Maybe he just likes my quirk? That's all I can think of." In all reality, you knew exactly why.
He was your big brother and loved you to death, and you were super ecstatic to work under him.
Your love for him wasn't unknown, your friends just thought he was your favorite hero. You had so much merch of him that Izuku's All Might collection was almost surpassed, and you were always seen in a Hawks hoodie.
The aforementioned Hawks hoodie is exactly what you had on now as you basically threw yourself down the stairs and onto the common room couch, right beside Kirishima and basically on top of Bakugo. The blonde was about to yell at you until he saw the tears already streaming down your face. The scene playing out on the TV in front of you was terrifying.
This absolutely gigantic Nomu was tearing into Endeavor and Hawks, regenerating after every blow the number 1 and 2 pro heros landed on it. It was talking-- strategizing against them. This was unlike any Nomu any hero had fought yet and your brother was one of the only 2 heros on scene.
Hawks had already lost a majority of his feathers from saving citizens and aiding the flaming hero at his side, and it was obvious that Endeavor was reaching the end of his fire power too.
Your entire body shook as your hands clasped themselves tightly around the red feather necklace you wore every day. It was one of Hawk's actual feathers- something Keigo gifted you once you got accepted into UA to show how proud he was of you. He could still control this one, but he never did since he viewed it as yours now.
Everyones eyes shot to you as a struggled gasp left your lips and you moved to sit on your knees in front of the couch. Hawks got hit, hard. He fell onto the top of the nearest building, next to no feathers left on his back. He was barely moving and his glasses were busted in half, his coat ripped up and forehead bleeding.
Your eyes were huge, still streaming tears down your face. The fight your brother was putting up for his life had your attention fully captured, so when a hand was placed on your shoulder you flinched and finally let a sob out. You hadn't heard Aizawa enter the building, coming to check on you and Todoroki.
"(Y/N), it's gonna be okay." Aizawa pulled you into a tight hug as you continued to sob, fingertips numb from grasping at the feather so tightly. Finally, when you turned your blood-shot eyes back to the TV, Endeavor gave a final hit to the Nomu. He blasted it to pieces and was finally coming back down from the sky.
You were tense and silent until you saw both heros were being guided towards separate ambulances, your breath heavy as the cameras cut to just Hawks. He was talking to a paramedic and a police officer, beaten and bloody but alive.
When the officer was done with his questions, Hawks was seen pulling his phone out and calling someone. The news reported commented out of curiosity that it could be a lover, and everyone in the room around you besides Aizawa and Tokoyami assumed it was to contact his agency-- but you knew exactly who it was.
Your phone started to ring as soon as the pro heros phone touched his ear and you jumped for it at lighting speed. At this point, everyone was beyond confused.
Mineta made a joke about you having an affair with the hero, which was quickly cut short by a punch from both Kirishima and Bakugo. After the purple perv was silenced, nobody dared to say a word as all eyes fell on you.
With shakey hands you hit the green accept button and held the phone to your ear, small sniffles still escaping you. "K-Keigo, please tell me you're okay.."
Nobody could hear the voice on the other side of the phone but when you finally took a deep breath and used your sleeve to wipe your tears away, they assumed everything was okay. You continued your conversation for a minute before a loud laugh was heard from the other person on the phone, and this seemed to set you off.
"Keigo Takami, you know what I've ALWAYS said about using up all of your feathers in battle! It's not funny!"
This confirmed for your classmates who was on the other line, but not why you were the person that the number 2 hero had chosen to call.
"Just tell me what hospital they're taking you to, Bird Brain, and if it's the same one they're taking Endeavor to as well so I can let Shoto know. I'd rather beat your ass in person than over the phone for that ridiculous comment you just made-- Hey, shut up, I'm tired of always hearing about how great of a job Endeavor did when you almost got yourself killed!"
You had stood up at this point and were getting your shoes on, moving to the kitchen after your laces were tied.
"Just.." A groan left your mouth as you pinched the bridge of your nose. "Please, be careful next time, Kei. I dont know what I'd do if something really bad happened to you. You're all I have, Bird Brain."
You collected up some snacks and drinks in a bag from the common room fridge, as well as some cookies Sato had made earlier that day for everyone to take to him. You knew Keigo hated hospital food.
"I'll be there in 10 minutes, dont to anything stupid before I get there. You'll have more than just some missing feathers to worry about if you do. I'll see you when I get there. I love you Kei, bye."
At this point, all eyes were glued to you as you now stood in front of Aizawa and the entirety of your class. Your eyes landed on Shoto, though. "Sho, your dad is at the same hospital Hawks is at and I'm heading over now. Would you like to join me?"
Todoroki was stunned, to say the least. His, as well as everyone else's, minds were running a million miles an hour trying to figure out what had just happened on the phone between you and Hawks.
"He's in room 203, and as far as Keigo knows, He's not in horrible condition. Just really worn out with some wounds that wont take very long to heal. It more so took his energy than anything."
Your attention turned back to Aizawa and before you could even ask, he was already nodding and had placed his hand on your shoulder. "You can go see him, just be safe. We dont know if there's more of those Nomu out there and you saw how big of a fight Endeavor and Hawks had to put up. Call us if anything happens."
You gave Aizawa a big hug and a thank you before practically sprinting out the door.
Aizawa turned to his class as they sat in shock, Todoroki being the first to speak up. "Why did-" He was cut off by his teacher, who had his arms crossed as he surveyed everyones faces.
"Put it all together. 1. (Y/N) got in by recommendation. 2. (Y/N)'s last name is Takami. 3. He scouted her without her having bird like powers similar to Tokoyami. 4. (Y/N) is also always talking about him. Its obvious, Hawks is her big brother. I thought you all knew already."
Tokoyami spoke up before anyone else could. "I knew, but she didn't want everyone else to know. She didn't want to be known as just his little sister. She wanted her own name out in the world."
This caused the class to quietly talk to eachother about how it all made sense, and questioning others about if they had known. Aizawa walked up to Todoroki and laid a hand on his shoulder like he had done to you prior. "You're welcome to go see your dad if you'd like. Like (Y/N) said, He's in room 203 in the nearest hospital."
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sarahjtv · 3 years ago
BNHA Chapter 327 Spoiler Analysis: Home Sweet Home
OH MY GOD, GUYS!!!  DEKU GETS A BATH!!!! 🎉🛁 🧼   My broccoli boy finally gets squeaky clean, gets some sleep, and we finally get some R&R time with the Class 1-A kids.  It’s not close to the happy-go-lucky days of old, but it’s some time with the kids nonetheless.  I’m glad Horikoshi put some heart and humor in this chapter because god knows we needed it.  But, let’s be real, this is the calm before the storm:
The chapter starts off with what everyone and Horikoshi has been wanting for Deku since he went on his mission: A motherfuckin’ bath 🛀 🧼🛁!   Kaminiari and Kirishima lead the Class 1-A boys to carry Deku into their side of the UA Alliance bathhouse (looks real nice btw) and give him a good power-wash.  The whole sequence is very comical!  The boys are rushing in and poor Deku has this O_O face on him like “what is happening?” 😂 We also see some of the boys butt naked 😳  It’s clear that Horikoshi had fun drawing this thing and it was fun to read 💚
Bakugo is with them of course and you can actually see his scars from when Shigaraki stabbed him.  He’s not bleeding, but you can see those scar patches on his skin.  I’m curious of how fan artist are going to draw him from now on.  I would like to see that fan art 👀
There’s also some bubble sfx coving Bakugo’s crotch and a translator said it might say dick or penis.  I’m curious what the officials will say.
But, Bakugo being Bakugo is still aggressive towards his classmates.  More playfully than before, but still.  He reminds everyone that he still intends on being the best there is and that everyone is still his rivals (also friends, Bakugo).  HE EVEN MAKES AN ATTEMPT TO CALL DEKU IZUKU!  LIKE HE ALMOST SAID “DEKU” BUT HE CHANGED IT TO IZUKU AT THE LAST MINUTE!  AND DEKU SAYS THAT CALLING HIM DEKU IS JUST FINE LIKE THAT ANGER THAT ORIGINATED FROM THE NICKNAME ISN’T THERE ANYMORE AND IT’S A FREINDLY NICKNAME BKDK FRIENDSHIP GROWTH YOU LOVE TO SEE IT 🧡💚  
After Deku’s bath, he’s sitting in the commons talking to the rest of Class 1-A.  Well, most of them.  Mina tells Deku that Ochako and a few other students went to bed after everything became ok again.  So, I definitely didn’t see Tsuyu, and it looks like Shoji, Aoyama, and Hagakare weren’t in this chapter either.  Ochako I understand; her speech must’ve been emotionally taxing.  Aoyama and Hagakare are the top suspects for being the traitor in the fandom and this isn’t helping their cases.  I don’t know about Tsuyu and Shoji though.  They’re both mutant-types, but characters like Ojiro or mutant-like people like Jiro, Mina or Tokoyami didn’t get outcasted.  Horikoshi did hint that Shoji would be getting something soon.  But, I really am just speculating here.
Now that Deku’s back, everyone has questions for him.  Though I understand why, this has gotta be overwhelming for Deku.  At least they’re not mad at him for hiding OFA.  They seem very understanding actually.
Then my ❄️🔥 boy, Shoto Todoroki, comes in all handsome right out of the baths 💙  He’s drying his right side while you can see a steam cloud on his left.  So, it is canon that Shoto drys himself naturally with his heat. His entrance is so pretty that even Mineta’s questioning it (shut up, Mineta, you’ll never be as beautiful as him).  And yes, I might be a Shoto simp, don’t judge me I see y’all too 👀
Anyway, Shoto asks everyone to let Deku sleep since that was pretty much the whole reason they brought him back.  Problem is, Deku can’t because he really needs to apologize to All Might for abandoning him.  AND AFTER HE SAYS THAT THERE’S A DETAILED PANEL OF SHOTO POINTING TO ALL MIGHT LIKE “UH, MIDORIYA? HE’S RIGHT THERE” AND ALL MIGHT LOOKING FROM THE WINDOW LIKE A HORROR VILLAIN WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE 😭
All Might comes in and apologizes to Deku for not being able to support him when he needed it, but Deku says that All Might support him more than enough.  Mina also scolds All Might for not saying anything when he left.  She wants All Might to apologize to everyone for that.  Though I’m glad Deku and All Might have reconciled (I honestly thought that last convo between them was going to be THE LAST for a hot minute), Mina has a point.  All Might did bail on all of them without any warning.  Kinda messed up in general.
All Might apologizes and he is going to fight with everyone regardless of his physical state so that he can see that flame continue to shine.  However, he warns the kids that they got info on the villains and that the final decisive battle is coming soon.  If the whole “Final Arc” thing hasn’t been hammered into your head, there you go.  I’m also glad that Stain’s speech did end up motivating All Might further.  Who knew?
So, All Might is off to help Endeavor since he’s got unfinished business to take care of.  But, the kids are wondering why Endeavor (and probably Hawks) isn’t entering UA entirely yet.  Shot reminds them that Endeavor is still connected to Dabi and that his presence alone would cause more discourse.  People’s minds can’t change that easily.  Shoto of all people would know.  
As Deku FINALLY SLEEPS 💤 and Shoto puts a blanket over him (possibly warmed by his left side 🔥) 💙💚 Shoto acknowledges how his presence might be making people anxious too even though it’s not his fault at all (thank you, Kirishima for doubling down on this btw ❤️🪨).  But, things are different and Shoto’s going to show that so that everyone can be at ease like he wants as a hero.  There’s even this sweet small smile on his beautiful face as he says this.  He’s grown so much and he’s pretty to boot I love him so much *HANDS IN FACE* 💙❄️🔥 
And now Jiro steps up and says her piece.  That she knows how hard it is to convince everyone to change their minds for the better.  Like with those two critics from the Culture Fest.  Even so, they accomplished this before, so she thinks they can do it again.  She even gathers all the band members to emphasize on this.  I love how Jiro uses her earphone jacks to rally the band and how she literally drags Bakugo by the shirt for a cute group shot.  None of these kids are afraid of Bakugo anymore LOL 😂!  Also, Momo is the tallest out of all of them in this line up shot (except for Bakugo who’s still being dragged on the ground).  I think she’s roughly 5ft 6-7 inches?  She’s the tallest of the girls I know that, but damn.  She towers all of them.  Even me...  She’s also very pretty in this shot and it’s her birthday as I’m posting this, so happy b-day Momo ❤️
And we get a beautiful panel of Jiro leading everyone to make sure that they’ll go beyond with making everything better than it was before.  We get a nice group shot of the rest of the class agreeing with her with a smile including Shoto with a small one (did I mention that I love him?) 💙💙💙 And Deku’s in the center still sleeping away.  I hope he has good dreams *kisses forehead*💚  And go Jiro for stepping up to the plate too 💜!  All these kids have grown so much.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel. 
Finally, the last pages show Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist going somewhere, maybe Tartarus.  They got info out of Dr. Ujiko via polygraph and the Nomu Research Group at Central Hospital.  They predict that they have 2 months until Shigaraki’s ready to go again, so they’ll need 1 month of preparation.  But, the info Stain gave All Might gave them more info.  His letter ended up being a personal letter to All Might (Stain really is that nuts...), but there was a microchip in the blade Stain left containing the security records from Tartarus.  It’s not stated how this info affected the mission at hand, but it sounds like it has to do something with the time frame.  So, I’m curious if they have less time to prepare or more?  Given how this is the Final Arc, Imma say less.
Finally, the teaser asks “How are the villains moving?”  I wonder if that means we’re switching to the villain’s next week.  I would love to hang out with the kids more, but I would also like to know what our villains are up to.  Like, where the hell is Himiko Toga?  Is Spinner still questioning shit?  What happened to Mr. Compress after he mauled himself to help Shigaraki and the others escape?  Also I think we need more info on this dude’s backstory given he’s the grandson of the famous Robin Hood villain who’s name definitely didn’t escape me... 😐  Is Dabi laughing his ass off from the utter chaos he started?  Is AFO still smiling like the evil mastermind he is?  Is Shigaraki as crispy as he was earlier?  I was going to ask about Twice but... 😭
So, yeah!  Love this chapter.  Really good transition chapter into whatever happens next.  I’m kinda sad we didn’t see Deku fight off more past villains during his vigilante days.  We got Muscular and Overhaul and I think that’s it?  Didn’t see any of Overhaul’s minions or that teeth-blade villain (Fish-something?; he broke out, but we haven’t seen him since) or Re-Destro or his goons.  I don’t count as Gentle or LaBrava as villains anymore and they were never truly evil to begin with.  Regardless, it was a really cool arc to see a more dark side of Deku.  I’m really glad Horikoshi made great use of his bunny hood and metal mask finally.  Deku really did look demonic for some time.  Also, seeing Deku badass is always a plus.  And seeing the deconstruction of hero society and the possible reconstruction of it was really good too.  Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, unfortunately, but we can do our best to make it that way.
I’m also glad that we finally got our kids back in top form.  Not just being heroes, but being teenagers too.  They all had great moments especially Iida, Ochako, and now Shoto as they should.  But, Bakugo’s apology was peak for me.  Over 320 chapters of development and build-up lead to that moment and it really is one of the best in the series.  It lives in my head rent free.
So, we got 1-2 months in-manga-time until what is probably the final battle of the series.  God, I can’t believe we’re actually nearing the end of this series.  I started reading it back in 2018 when shit was rough for me. I found this series after listening to the music and reading the hype around it.  I watched the show then I read the manga and it really helped me.  Saved me from a dark place actually.  I will miss this series when it’s done and I will be greatly for the joy Horikoshi has gifted us.  I’ll try to save the farewells for later.  I’d say this series has at least 1-1 1/2 years to go.
Me @ the kids and All Might:
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makeste · 4 years ago
is it too late now to say sorry
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anon I agree with almost all of this for the most part, but if you don’t mind I would like to come to Kacchan’s defense here a little bit. while he absolutely does need to apologize to Izuku, there are reasons why he hasn’t done so yet which boil down to a lot more than simply “he’s still a dick.”
anyway, so for my next trick, I will take the thesis statement of “Kacchan is afraid to apologize to Deku for both selfish and unselfish reasons, and Deku doesn’t realize how much he needs to hear the apology because he pays no attention to his own needs”, and somehow transform that into a 3500 word rant lol.
first of all, I’ve said this before, but on the topic of whether or not Katsuki actually needs to apologize to Deku at all, my answer is an emphatic “yes.” is it necessary in order for him to earn Deku’s forgiveness? no. in fact I’m pretty sure Deku has already forgiven him. because that kid doesn’t have a petty bone in his body (not that wanting an apology from your friend who basically turned on you and made your life miserable for ten years and told you to go kill yourself is in any way petty at all), and because he has staunchly held on to what he could of their relationship throughout that entire time, hoping that one day they could somehow be friends again. Kacchan never stopped being “Kacchan” to him. Deku never stopped caring about him. and that goes beyond him simply being a good person; there’s also just an attachment there, for lack of a better word, that he is simply unwilling to give up. their friendship is that important to him. Kacchan is that important to him.
but just because Katsuki is almost guaranteed forgiveness from Izuku doesn’t mean the apology isn’t still owed. putting aside that it’s really the least he could do, I think an apology is also necessary in order for their friendship to ever move past the level it’s currently stuck at, for one simple reason: Izuku doesn’t actually know that Katsuki cares.
more specifically, he doesn’t know that Katsuki actually cares about him. because Katsuki, for various reasons which I’ll get to momentarily, has done such a spectacular job of hiding this fact that he even fooled a lot of us for a very long time. before chapter 284 came along, there was hardly any evidence at all that Katsuki actually cared about Izuku as a person beyond just the requisite, bare minimum level of “well I don’t actually want you to die or anything, because I’m not a complete shithead.”
because he hides it. and he hides it on purpose, which is a mind-blowing revelation I’m still only just starting to wrap my head around. it’s an act. all of his continued hostility toward Izuku since the Endeavor internship arc -- and possibly going even further back than that; possibly going all the way back to their second Ground Beta fight -- has been an act. here he is, continuing to bitch at him at every turn and basically doing everything he can to remind Izuku that They Are Rivals And Nothing More, and he has played that role so perfectly that hardly anyone suspected what was actually going on.
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he cares about Izuku. not just subconsciously on a level where he’s in denial about it, but to a fully conscious and aware degree. he’s dedicated himself to helping Izuku as his way of trying to make amends. that’s a decision he consciously made, something he’s given a lot of thought to. he worries about Izuku. he worries about his selflessness and his recklessness and that one day he’ll take it too far and it will go terribly wrong. he worries about One For All and All For One, and about the legacy his friend has inherited that’s so much bigger than him, and which he knows Izuku won’t hesitate to sacrifice himself for if it ever comes to that. he worries. he cares.
and Izuku does not know this. and he deserves to know this. and that’s why the apology is so important. not because it’s a magic sentence that will miraculously restore the ten years of friendship and trust that was lost between them, or heal the ten years of pain and misery that Izuku went through alone and friendless, because nothing can ever restore or heal that. as a gesture, an apology is nice, but it’s also fairly useless, at least on its own. it’s meaningless without action to support it, and rather pales in significance when held up against the LITERAL DECADE of misery that it’s trying to make up for.
but the reason it’s still so, so important in spite of all this is because Izuku doesn’t know that Katsuki cares about him. he doesn’t know that their friendship isn’t just one-sided. he does know that Katsuki is a good person, and that he has a good core beneath his prickly exterior. and he’s more adept than most people at seeing past Katsuki’s outer shell of bullshit and understanding what lies beneath. but he has a blind spot, and that blind spot is himself.
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he hasn’t made the connection between “Kacchan is a good person who cares about other people and is trying to do the right thing” to “Kacchan cares about me.” because Kacchan has been diligent in making sure that every time Izuku does start to make that connection, that he shoots it back down and disproves it as vehemently as he can.
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which, just to be clear, is actually a huge load of bull, as we now know. huh.
but anyway. the point is that Katsuki is still hiding this part of himself from Izuku. the fact that he actually cares. the fact that their friendship is reciprocated on a level that goes beyond just rivalry and shared secrets and a mutual admiration for All Might. Izuku doesn’t know yet how much Katsuki cares about him, and he deserves to know.
and that’s why the apology is important. not because the words themselves are important, but because he deserves to know that Katsuki is sorry. he deserves to know that Katsuki cares about him. he deserves to know that he’s valued, that Katsuki sees him as someone who has value. he deserves that. and that, more than anything else, is why the apology is needed, and why it’s important for him to actually hear those words. because Katsuki was spot on when he said that Izuku doesn’t see himself in the way that he should, and I think he needs this to help him understand a little better just how much value he actually has.
so that’s part one of my rant! and now we move on to part two, which can basically be summarized as “okay but then WHY has Katsuki not just FUCKING APOLOGIZED TO HIM ALREADY.” because yeah, though. at the end of the day, this is all on him. and he does care, and he is sorry. so then what is still holding him back??
and that... is complicated. and it basically boils down to four things.
1. it’s insufficient.
ten years. all the way back to when they were four years old and Izuku first learned that he didn’t have a quirk. ten years of Katsuki bullying him and distancing himself from him. ten years of pain and isolation and unhappiness that Izuku absolutely did not deserve.
and yes, it ultimately stemmed from a misunderstanding, but that doesn’t make it right in the least. there’s absolutely no justification for it. Katsuki knew that it was wrong and he acted like that nonetheless. and anyone who says that Izuku in any way brought it on himself, that it’s in any way his fault or that he invited it on himself by not leaving Katsuki alone -- you can miss me with that, tbh. he was a child and he was lonely and confused and didn’t understand why his best friend had suddenly turned his back on him. this was the most vulnerable period in his life, and the person who should have had his back ended up being the person who made it even worse for him instead. and even after Izuku grew out of the so-called stalking and actually did mind his own business, and just admired Katsuki from a distance -- that still wasn’t enough to appease Katsuki either. even just the mere mention of Izuku wanting to go to U.A. was enough to set him off worse than ever before. that was absolutely not Izuku’s fault in any way, and I’m positive that even Katsuki himself would agree. Katsuki was terrible. I can’t emphasize enough just how terrible he was.
so yeah. ten years of that. and now Katsuki finally realizes just how awful it was. and he’s sorry! and he regrets it, a lot, and he wants to atone for it.
but now here’s problem number one: when you put it up in comparison to ALL OF THAT, an apology just feels overwhelmingly inadequate. almost laughably so. and Katsuki may be a bit emotionally dense (although perhaps less so than we always thought), but he’s sharp enough to realize this much, at least. it’s almost pathetic to simply try saying “I’m sorry” after all of that, and expect it to mean anything at all. it’s not enough. it’s so much not enough that I imagine he must almost feel helpless just imagining it. the weight of everything he’s done is so much, and an apology isn’t enough to undo any of it. it’s not even close.
Katsuki isn’t someone who backs down from things easily, but the sheer scale of the mistakes he’s trying to grapple with now is enough to give just about anyone pause. how do you even begin to address something like that? how can you even begin to make up for it? and Katsuki isn’t stupid, and I have to imagine that everything he saw during that first week of interning with Endeavor only cemented this for him. an apology simply isn’t enough. not for something like this.
2. it’s unfamiliar.
reason number two! and this one is a bit selfish on his part, yeah. but Katsuki is still just a kid too. and his falling out with Izuku didn’t only have a negative impact on Izuku; it hurt Katsuki as well. he lost that friendship too. he thought Izuku was looking down on him, and I’m certain that hurt him a lot more than he ever let on. if you trust someone and care about them only to have them turn on you like that (even though he got it wrong and it was ultimately all just in his head) -- that hurts. it’s not a coincidence that he became closed off and mean afterwards, and that even now he’s resistant to letting other people get close to him. for all that it was more or less self-inflicted, it still had a huge impact.
but now he’s learned that Izuku was never looking down on him at all and that he had it wrong this whole time. and as a result, he’s gotten this chance now to try and rebuild the childhood friendship that he almost destroyed. and make no mistake, this is something he wants too. it’s not just Izuku who’s grateful to have this chance to have normal interactions with the other again. this is something both of them value, and Katsuki doesn’t want to ruin it this time.
so he’s picking up where he left off! only the thing is, this involves him reverting to a blueprint that hasn’t been updated since the two of them were four years old, lol. “normal” for them is him being a bossy little snot, and Izuku happily shrugging it off with all of his limitless nerdy enthusiasm as they go about their various misadventures together. it’s a script that hasn’t changed since they were children, and one they’re both still more than content to use, but it is an outdated script nonetheless. Katsuki is playing the role that Izuku expects him to play. and it’s not like he’s being dishonest or anything like that, because that’s still him; he’s still his same old short-tempered, argumentative self, and it’s not like his personality has done a complete 180 or anything like that.
but at the same time, there’s a calmer side to him now which he is deliberately keeping hidden from Izuku because it’s off-script for them. it’s unfamiliar ground. with Izuku, he’s always been this Kacchan:
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and again, it’s not like he isn’t actually that person, especially when it comes to his old rival. but at the same time, there’s another side to him that he rarely if ever lets Izuku in particular see. Izuku never sees the quiet Kacchan who avoids other people’s eyes while he fiddles with his water bottle and calmly asks questions about the OFA successors. Izuku never sees the insightful Kacchan who opens up about his own regrets and weaknesses. there’s a level of emotional intimacy, for lack of a better term, that Katsuki has been unwilling to let them cross into. and if I had to guess why, my guess would be that it’s because Katsuki is afraid that changing up the formula now will lead to unfamiliar territory which may or may not end up completely upending their relationship just as it’s starting to grow into something actually solid again.
which brings me to reason #3!
3. he’s afraid.
Katsuki already experienced what it was like to fall out with Izuku. and again, for all that he was the cause of it, and that Izuku had it much, much worse, that doesn’t change the fact that it was a pretty terrible experience for him as well.
and look, we know Katsuki is afraid of losing Izuku. that’s confirmed canon now. he actually admitted that he was worried about Izuku, and that Izuku’s tendency to recklessly disregard his own wellbeing unsettled him and made him want to keep his distance. and he sacrificed himself to save Izuku’s life!! and did it automatically, unthinkingly, because the decision-making on his part was so fast it didn’t even register. that’s how much he cares. enough that his desire to protect Izuku now ranks higher than his own self-preservation.
and when something is that important to you, you will fight not to lose it. and Katsuki does not want to lose this. Izuku is important to him. by extension that means their friendship is important to him. and he wants to preserve that.
and the thing is, the apology is an obstacle to that. and he knows it. he knows he has to face it at some point, because he can’t atone without it. he has to take responsibility for what he did. he can’t keep running away from it forever.
but he also knows the potential consequences. he knows that apologies don’t always end in reconciliation. he knows falling-outs don’t always have a happy ending. he knows that forgiveness isn’t automatic, and that years of pain don’t just disappear just like that. and he recently got to see firsthand one possible way how it might all turn out.
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he knows Izuku doesn’t have to forgive him. he knows Izuku might not forgive him. and he knows that he probably doesn’t deserve Izuku’s forgiveness, and that ultimately he does not have a say in the matter one way or the other. it’s Izuku’s choice, at the end of the day, and whatever he chooses Katsuki is going to have to accept it.
but you can know all of that, and accept the fact that you’re going to have to take responsibility, and yet still be afraid to face it. and yes, maybe it’s selfish of him to feel that way. but that selfishness is also human. it’s human to fear rejection, and it’s human to go through the various stages of trying to postpone having to face that. Katsuki is a brave kid, but he is just a kid, still. and this is going to be very hard for him to do. that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still have to be done. but I feel for him and I have a lot of empathy for the situation he’s currently in.
and there is also one last reason why I think he’s putting it off as well, and it just so happens that this reason actually isn’t selfish at all.
4. he doesn’t want false forgiveness.
and this one is ironically kind of at odds with reason #3! Katsuki fears the possibility of Izuku not forgiving him... but at the same time, I think that strangely enough, there’s also a part of him that fears being forgiven, just like that. easily and gladly and unconditionally, with the trademark selflessness that defines so many of Izuku’s other decisions.
“he just... deep down, he doesn’t take himself into account, y’know?”
Izuku rarely if ever takes himself into consideration, and Katsuki knows this. he’s selfless to a fault, and Katsuki knows this. and so if Katsuki were to come up to him and apologize, there’s the possibility that yes, Izuku might decide not forgive him. he might in fact be all “nah, you know what, fuck you,” as would certainly be within his rights.
but this is a very remote possibility, and we all know it. and Katsuki knows it too, I think. because that’s not who Izuku is. he puts other people’s welfare above his own, every time. and so if Katsuki were to break down and tell Izuku that he was sorry, and if he were to ask him for forgiveness, nine times out of ten that is something that Izuku grants instantly. this is the same kid who put his own life at risk to try and save Katsuki less than an hour after Katsuki told him to dive off a roof. Izuku’s instinct is to protect and save. and so if he sees that Katsuki is hurting; if he sees that Katsuki feels guilty for what he’s done and that it’s eating away at him in much the same way as when he was blaming himself for Kamino -- he is going to do what he always does. he is going to try and save him.
and he would do that even if it meant shoving down his own pain. he absolutely would. he would prioritize Katsuki’s feelings over his own. and if he did still feel any lingering resentment at how cruelly he was treated, he would still put it aside if need be. and he would forgive him.
in other words, the risk exists that Izuku might grant Katsuki forgiveness that he doesn’t actually feel. if Katsuki is granted Izuku’s forgiveness, he doesn’t have any way to actually tell for sure if it’s real. there would be that element of doubt there, that question of whether or not it’s really sincere. and something like that could ultimately poison their relationship, if things were allowed to play out that way. it would prevent them from being fully able to trust each other. ultimately, it might lead to them drifting apart again, and something like that might ultimately be even more painful than Izuku rejecting Katsuki’s apology outright. and there’s also an argument to be made that Izuku doesn’t deserve to be put on the spot like that, and forced to make that decision one way or the other when he might not be ready to yet. so there’s that to consider as well.
so yeah. four reasons why Katsuki has not apologized to Izuku yet. and they are good reasons, in my book. complicated reasons, too. but none of that changes the fact that at the end of the day this is still something he has to do. his current way of trying to atone through action is great, don’t get me wrong! and it’s necessary too for sure, because like I said, the apology just on its own is never going to be enough. he needs to commit to doing the right thing, and trying his best to make it right between them from here on out. and saving his life is certainly a decent start! but you still gotta say the words too eventually bro.
but there is just a ton of stuff at play here and I find it all fascinating tbh. they are just so, so bad at communicating with each other. and the thing is, they both actually want the same thing! but they want it so badly that ironically it’s almost holding them back right now, because they don’t want to put it at risk. but ultimately this is a leap of faith that Katsuki in particular is going to have to take sooner rather than later in order to finally restore that last bit of trust between the two of them.
so yeah. just two stupid teenage boys who fail at emotions, and who are probably overdue for another of their famous Get It All Out In The Open stupid shounen therapy battles lmao. round 3, featuring Deku’s new robot arms vs Katsuki and his shiny new “like father like son” All Might torso scar. sob.
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babymilkawa · 4 years ago
Hellooo hope your day is going well!! 🥰
Could you do a scenario/headcannon for Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya finding out a female y/n who is their best friend/crush is a traitor with the LOV (scenario idea is they’re on a mission against the LOV and corner y/n, causing her to remove her mask and reveal her identity)? 🤩
yesyesyessss 😋
crush is a traitor headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, midoriya izuku
fem!reader :)
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bakugou katsuki
bakugou quickly put on his gear and got himself mentally prepared
he was jumpy, he could feel his blood flowing
that adrenaline pump he got from being out there and being able to use his quirk was rushing through him
the plan was between him and the Bakusquad, it was completely irrational, unsupervised, and decided at the heat of the moment
he had asked you to join of course, hoping that you’d say no but not wanting to leave you out, but you had declined, saying you were busy on that day
he was glad but didn’t show it
bakugou did not want the one person he truly cared for to get hurt on a mission like this
but his feelings to you were unknown
the two of you were close but you had only saw him as a friend
someone you could study with and rant to, that was it
there was no point in getting tooo close anyways, you were tired of having to keep track of all the lies you’ve told him
in fact, you were starting to distance yourself which didn’t go unnoticed by him
bakugou ignored it though, thinking that you just wanted some space
he did wish that you would confide in him though, he trusted you and he hoped you did too
but he couldn’t think about that now; what’s important is that you’re safe in the dorms
he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible
the 5 of them had been keeping an eye on the LOV for awhile
but there was this member that stood out to them
she was powerful and seemed to be the coordinator of all the LOV missions
the more they tailed after them, the more bakugou grew to hate this member
she was cold and heartless
not only that, but there was this air around her that made him shudder and feel weak, maybe it was her quirk
nevertheless, he wanted to take her down immediately
creeping up to the entrance of they hideout, Bakugou could hear someone talking
they seemed to be the leader but their voice sounded like it had a filter over it
as if they didn’t want to be identified by their voice
giving the signal to the others, bakugou kicked the door down and activated his quirk
his eyes immediately landed on the figure standing at the front
it was her, he was sure of it
even with the mask and distorted voice, bakugou knew that he was looking at his target
throwing the plan completely out the window, he marched towards her and grabbed her collar, pushing her full force to the wall behind her
she had no time to even fight back because the whole break in was completely unexpected
nostrils flaring and teeth grinding, bakugou slammed her head against the wall and tore her mask off
what he saw before him made his throat tighten
still in shock yourself, you weren’t able to respond for bakugou’s face had turned from shock to disbelief to pure anger
at first he thought, what is she doing here? was she forced into this? 
but after seeing your face morph into a glare that matched his, bakugou knew that couldn’t be it
this was who you really were, ur true form
betrayal rushed through him in the form of his fist but you blocked it just in time
activating your own quirk, you changed your stance, feeling your blood rush at the thought of this fight
and with someone as powerful as bakugou too
this would be different than your training sessions, this was a fight to the death
however, after a couple of attacks and injuries, the police showed up at your hideout
you were the first to get cuffed, eyes still pointing daggers at the blonde in front of you
he wanted so bad to throw one more punch but he knew that he was already in deep trouble for acting without a pro hero’s permission
after that, it was clear that bakugou could never trust anyone again
he reflected back on the times you spent together and he cursed himself for not noticing anything
your whole facade was flawless but there were times when you were alone with him did your true personality show
he was angry at himself for trusting you so easily, for letting his guard down for someone who he thought he was catching feelings for
and he was angry at you for deceiving him, for showing up in his life and using him
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todoroki shoto
it was during his internship
the LOV had been spotted and Endeavor immediately dragged his son to battle
he was curious
he knew how dangerous and powerful the LOV was, as he had seen them up close himself
but he had heard about them recruiting a new member and he wanted to know what they were like
even though Todoroki was not allowed to fully engage in the fight, he still had a good view of what was going on
he stayed with the police and the whole time he was thinking about how he’d tell you back in the dorms what had happened during his internship
your face would light up in interest and he’d talk about how he saw the LOV up close again and talk about their new member
“alright, gotcha” the policeman next to Todoroki said. he turned to the boy and explained that they needed backup but that it would take some time for it to come
he was their only option for now
Todoroki nodded and prepared himself
he just had to stall and the pro hero backup would come
he could do that
bursting in, Todoroki scanned the area and saw each hero to a villain
he didn’t know where to go until he saw a figure stealthily making its way towards the back
without hesitation, Todoroki followed them, not wanting them to escape
the figure turned and he saw that it was a woman
or someone younger.. a girl?
he had never before seen someone with this mask and gear so he assumed that it was the newly recruited member
throwing his hand out, Todoroki blocked the exit with a chunk of ice
he was about to speak when he felt a searing pain in his right arm
realizing that his opponent was attacking, Todoroki laid the floor around them with ice and distanced himself
then he sent a gush of hot wind towards her, making her topple and slip on the ice
once the smoke cleared, Todoroki noticed that her mask had been taken off
and what he saw in front of him made his heart freeze up
there, lying on the white ground, was you
“y/n” he whispered
not giving him a moment to comprehend what was going on, you launched your quirk at him and he fell back, startled
you didn’t even have time to land another attack when your arms were held behind you, feeling a cold metal surround your wrists
the whole time, you never broke eye contact with him
his face could only show hurt and betrayal
he wasn’t sure why it had to come to this but he could never imagine himself fighting against you 
the training sessions you had with him didn’t count
those heated glances you gave each other, did they mean nothing to you?
what about all those times he told you about his day? did you even listen?
Todoroki visited you in prison once, only because he wanted to hear your explanation
he wanted to see if what you said could spark something in his heart, if he had room for forgiveness
but what you gave him was exactly what he didn’t want to hear
that you never cared, that you never believed, that you never even saw him as a friend
and just like that, with those few words from you, Todoroki’s unbreakable ice wall built up around him again
he felt like there was no one he could ever trust again
because he truly felt that you had taught him to loosen up, to be free a little
you would never know the lasting effect you had on him
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midoriya izuku
the attack had been during the training camp and as soon as midoriya sensed that danger could be anywhere, he immediately looked for you
the two of you were in separate groups and he knew that whoever you were with would keep you safe and that you were capable yourself, but he couldn’t help but worry
with every group he encountered, midoriya asked if you were in their group
finally, Kirishima’s group said that you were originally with them, but you had gotten separated somehow
this got him really worried
you could be alone and completely unaware of what was going on
he had to find you immediately
after he had separated with Kirishima’s group, he was about to go back to the heart of the forest when he was met with a stranger
they were clearly giving off a bad aura but he had never seen them before
unsure of whether they were part of the LOV or not, he called out “hey! who are you?”
they said nothing
instead, they did a little wave of their hand and Midoriya was thrown to the side, his arm painfully hitting a tree
getting himself up without hesitation, midoriya activated his quirk and dashed around the trees, hoping to confuse them
they were unable to follow his movements, leaving him to land a solid punch on their face
they cried out and midoriya realized that it sounded like a girl
her voice had sounded oddly familiar and his suspicions were confirmed when he managed to land a kick to their shin
he didn’t want to jump to conclusions, however
“y/n? what’s going on?” he asked
wiping blood off your chin, you didn’t bother to answer your “friend”
you were fed up with this act that you had to put on
this position that you were forced to be in by the LOV
they had made you a spy in U.A. and demanded that you learn more about this midoriya Izuku, who used to be quirkless
you had originally wanted nothing to do with the LOV or U.A.
now, he stood in front of you, panting
there were only a few feet between the two of you and you feared what he was going to do next, although it was too late anyways
with one quick motion, midoriya removed your mask, revealing the last face he wanted to see behind it
and even though he knew, he couldn’t help but still be shocked, now that he had actually seen you as proof
“y/n...” his voice could barely be heard
he was trembling, fists clenched and unsure on what to do next
he didn’t want to hurt you, his friend
but then again you had already shredded that title to pieces in his heart
he also knew that you most likely deserved it
hearing voices nearby, you got to your feet and tried to escape when you felt gloved hands clutch your arms
your back faced him, and you felt him shake behind you
“don’t make this harder..please”
it took him some time to understand your situation and why you had come to U.A. in the first place
he visited you in prison often and even though some part of him still resented you for what you did, he couldn’t deny that you were an easy person to talk to
maybe that part of you was always true
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a/n: aaah I hope I didn’t procrastinate on this too much hehe
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starrygalaxy04 · 4 years ago
BNHA Headcannons: What Candy They Buy You
Katsuki Bakugo
You're a huge fan of sour things, and coming from America, he quickly finds out you have an addiction to sour candy he has never heard of in his life
Gets really annoyed when you're talking with the Bakusquad and start whining "Man, I could really go for some *insert sour candy*" because most of the time he can't get it for you
He found out you had an insane liking for sour skittles and sour patch kids, so he goes online and buys a lot of them for your birthdays and anniversaries
Often has to take the candy away from you because you always eat too much of it
"Alright dumbass, thats enough."
"But Katsuki..."
"You need to eat other food than just sour candy. I thought you liked my cooking anyways."
Always bribes you with his cooking or cuddles so you'll quit eating the candy for five minutes
You guys train so much that he knows you'll burn off any of the fat you gain, but still doesn't want you getting sick because a sick you results in an upset Bakugo because he feels helpless knowing he can't fight the sickness for you
Shoto Todoroki
You and him often went to cafes and other places, but you had a major sweet tooth for chocolate candies that were popular in America
Kit kats, hershey bars, you name it
When Shoto found out about that he couldn't help but want to buy you some when on the off chance you start talking about craving it
Will also buy it for you when its that time of month because he doesn't like seeing his significant other in pain or upset
Gets you a bunch for birthdays and always makes sure to get gourmet chocolates for valentines
After all, if its not the best for you its not good enough
(He only buys the strictly on-brand things. If you say a specific brand of chocolate, hes going to buy specifically that. Endeavor has more than enough money to pay for it anyways.)
Shoto always indulges with you, he doesn't want to make you feel self-consious when you're eating copious amounts of sugar by yourself
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku knew you had a very strong liking with gummy candy, like gummy bears and stuff
You would bring your own lunch to school and would always have a bag of gummy bears or some gummy snacks to go along with whatever you brought that day
With Izuku's attention to detail, there's no way he wouldn't know exactly what type of gummies you like and how to get them
Always makes sure you have some, he never wants you to go without them and sees it as a way of spoiling you
If you'll let him, you'll share gummy snacks together while cuddling and watching movies
(Izuku learned a long time ago not to "steal" gummy snacks from you because its not pretty)
He likes gummy bears the most, and often buys a couple bags for himself, but he has to hide them so you don't get into them
But you always find them so he has to keep them on his person at all times
Eijiro Kirishima
The second you want a certain food, its not long before he finds out how to make it or finds a place to get it
He makes you whatever comfort food you may want at the time, mac and cheese? Pizza? Pretty much anything you enjoy eating? He's got it covered.
So when he finds out you like lollipops and suckers a lot, you can bet he's going to see where he can get you some
Definitely finds out your favorite flavors first, he never wants you to eat something you don't like
When he does get them, its always accompanied by a kiss on the cheek before he hands them to you with a big grin on his face
Shark boi is so proud of himself
Its rare at this point for you to not have a sucker in your mouth or are working on a lollipop
You make sure to eat suckers in class and eat the lollipops at home since people can make that super sexual (*cough* Mineta)
You share them with Kiri sometimes, and often give him one of the flavors you're not in the mood for that day
Shinsou Hitoshi
Shinsou was never big on candy, it was just something too sweet for him
But when he found out you were really into butterscotch and caramel he didn't find candy so bad anymore
You were always sucking on butterscotch candy no matter what, even if you were in the middle of sparring with one of your classmates
So naturally, Shinsou wanted to try it
You happily pulled one out of your bag and gave it to him
He became addicted
He only ate them with you because it felt like a special thing to him
And then when you and him started eating caramel together?
Oh boy, it was over
He loved caramel even more than the butterscotch, and eventually you two just began snacking on it all the time
Aizawa would get onto Shinsou's case about it when he caught them eating the candy excessively, but other than that everything else was fine
You always get him caramel for his birthday
He gets you butterscotch
Sometimes you'll share with Kota when the cat gets moody and demands it, as Shinsou puts it, because Shinsou refuses to give Kota any catnip
Its a fun time🙃
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iamdeku · 4 years ago
Peace: Prohero!Bakugou x Reader
This one is basically the same as Positions, except it’s Bakugou x reader. Just another very soft domestic fic. As always, all characters are 18+ unless stated otherwise.
Warnings: Nonsexual nudity. Mentions of kids/pregnancy.
You kicked off your heels the moment you walked in the door, feet aching. A rush of dead air thumped out of you as your back hit the doorframe, the impact ricocheting through your chest. You were too tired to care about that though, too tired to stand properly or do anything but crawl over towards the couch.
You were working as a secretary for Endeavor right now, and you hated it. He was the most unpleasant man to work with, and some days you came home feeling like crying. Today wasn’t one of those days, but it could become one at any moment. You lugged your sore bones over to the couch, throwing yourself over the armrest and coming to rest only halfway onto the couch.
It was there that Katsuki found you 5 minutes later after getting back from patrol.
He had a good night tonight, The streets hadn’t been too busy, and he had crushed every nasty villain that had dared to show their face. All day he had been looking forward to coming home to you, so much so that he had already packed a change of clothes, ready to cuddle in dark gray sweats and a black tank top.
He stopped dead after walking through the door of your apartment though, frowning. He could see your legs dangling over the arm of the couch, and, walking closer, he got a better view of you. It was just as he had expected. They had overworked you again, and now you looked exhausted.
You turned your face up when you heard him open the door, but you couldn’t be bothered to greet him like you normally would. Everything hurt from all the running around you had done today. You weren’t sure how Katsuki worked so hard every day and still kept going, though it might have something to do with the fact that his workout regime was considerably more difficult than yours.
“Hi baby,” you muttered, seeing his face over the edge of the couch.
“Those bastards are still working you too hard, aren’t they?”
Katsuki never beat around the bush. It was part of what you liked about him. You always knew when something was bothering him. You never had to wonder or get self-critical. If he didn’t like something, he would just say it.
“It’s okay. It’s not so bad.”
“I keep telling you, you should just quit. I make more than enough money for the both of us.” He huffed, sitting down beside you on the couch.
His clothes nearly blended into the black material as he tugged you into his lap, settling his chin on your shoulder. You breathed a sigh of relief at his touch, leaning back into him and letting the weight of the day slide off your shoulders. Katsuki’s warm, dependable strength at your back eased your stress.
“Just a little bit longer. I’ll find something better soon, and then I’ll quit.”
You could practically hear Katsuki rolling his eyes.
“Gonna make me start a hero agency just to get you a better job.”
“Pretty sure there are some kind of rules against your girlfriend working for you. Feels like a potential ethical vulnerability, especially for such a high visibility hero. They’d never get off your back about it.” You stretched out against him, toes curling. “I’ll just go work for Izuku when he starts his agency.”
Instantly, Katsuki was up in arms. “Stupid Deku? You’d rather work for him than me?”
You laughed softly, turning to face him better and cup his cheek in your hand. “No baby, of course not. We’ll work something out. It’s a while off anyway, and I can promise you I won’t be working for Endeavor by that time. “
“Better not be. I’m about to show up on his doorstep just to yell at him.”
You smiled indulgently. “You’re so overprotective.”
You felt him soften, even as his arms brought you in tighter, nose pressing into your hair. “Only for you. My best girl.”
You hummed softly as he started pressing kisses into your hair, moving down to your temple and slowly working his way across the expanse of your face. You caught your breath as his lips ghosted over your eyelids, tracing the bridge of your nose. 
“You’re so pretty,” he whispered, eyes unfocused and dazed.
You had nothing to say to that, mouth hanging half open as you stared at him in awe. As much as it was normal for Katsuki to get like this with you, it never failed to surprise you, perhaps because of the contrast of how he was with everybody else. While he so obviously adored you, he could be a little rough around the edges with his friends and family, so when he got sensitive like this it always left you speechless.
“You missed a spot,” you whispered, leaning in and waiting for him to close the gap.
His kiss was slow and languid, taking his time with you as he laced his fingers through your hair. His thumb brushed up your waist, skimming the bare skin under the hem of your shirt and melting you. You turned to putty under his touch, collapsing into him as you breathed him in with a lazy hint of urgency.
He pulled away from you slowly, a string of saliva connecting your lips before you snapped it.
“Have you eaten yet today?” he asked, voice low, the rumble of his chest echoing in yours.
“I had a lunch break, yeah,” you said, ready to go back to kissing him.
“Come on baby, you know you need more than that,” he said, scooping you up.
You wrapped your arms around his neck with a yelp, holding on for dear life.
“Katsuki, what are you doing?” you whined.
“I’m taking you to the kitchen,” he said. “You need to eat dinner.”
“I’m too tired for dinner,” you groaned.
He scoffed. “You weren’t too tired to make out with me, brat.”
It only took him a few long strides to get to your small kitchen, opting to set you down on the counter instead of one of your perfectly good chairs. You didn’t mind though, since it gave you a better vantage point to watch him work. You loved watching Katsuki cook, and you especially loved when he cooked for you, as you knew it was his way of showing affection, amongst...other activities.
“What are you making?” you asked, leaning your head back against the cabinet.
“Your favorite,” he grunted, putting the ingredients together.
“Mmmm, yummy,” you said.
“Of course you think it’s yummy, it’s your favorite.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes and you watched the muscles of his back roll under his tank top as he moved a few pots and pans around in your kitchen. If you were being honest with yourself, you wouldn’t mind just eating him. The man put the term ‘snack’ to shame. You were trying not to drool over him, but there was just something about Katsuki in tank tops, all that muscle on open display like that for you.
You hopped off the counter, standing on unsteady, protesting legs to stand behind him and begin tracing patterns into his back. You rested your forehead just below his neck, your soft, open-mouthed breaths fluttering down the thin black material he wore. You closed your eyes, soaking up his presence greedily.
“You’re making it harder to cook.”
You huffed, pressing your smile into the ridges of his spine.
“You always do this. Pretend to hate me hovering while you work in the kitchen. Pretend not to love me.”
Katsuki stiffened, and you knew immediately you had said something wrong. He set everything down, turning to face you for a minute and cupping your face between his hands. Bright, searing red eyes met yours in a way that told you this was important.
“I never pretend not to love you. I always love you, and I’m not the kind of bastard who would lie about that.”
You reached a gentle hand up to wrap around his wrist.
“I know, Katsuki. I know you love me. Always. I was just teasing you. M’sorry.”
He bumped his forehead against yours, the gesture more lighthearted as he intertwined your hands.
“Still smarter than you,” you snarked, scrunching up your nose.
He just rolled his eyes at you again, letting go of you to turn back to his cooking. He grabbed his apron off its hook, starting to cook in earnest. Before you knew it, your kitchen was full of the smell of your favorite food, and your stomach was rumbling quite loudly.
Katsuki raised an eyebrow at you as he plated the food.
“You want to tell that thing to shut up?”
You folded your arms over your stomach. “It doesn’t work like that, idiot.”
“Sure it doesn’t.” He smirked.
You almost picked a fight, but when you saw the finished food you couldn’t bring yourself to. You ate so fast you practically inhaled the food, hungrier than you had known after your long day. When you finished you were full and happy, a warm exhaustion chasing through your veins.
You let out a long sigh, leaning back against the stiff wood of your kitchen chairs.
“I’ve decided to never move again. I’m just going to die here, with my greasy hair and achy bones and full of amazing food. This is as good as life gets, I think.”
Katsuki turned from where he was busy putting your dishes in the sink. Walking over to you, he picked you up for the second time that night. Pressing you tight to his body, he began to head towards your bedroom.
“This is not as good as life gets, and I’m going to make sure you know that,” he said, voice low and soft.
You were practically falling asleep now, face pressing into his shoulder. 
“Tsuki,” you breathed dreamily, “I love you.”
“I love you too dummy.” He kissed the side of your head to punctuate the comment.
Opening the door to your bedroom, he headed to the attached bathroom, kicking the door open with his foot. He didn’t even set you down on the floor, just positioning you on his lap as he sat on the edge of your bath and started the water. He added your favorite bubble bath, and you smiled, thinking about how good he was with the little details of your life, things like your favorite foods and your favorite bubble bath. You were in so deep, and you never wanted to remember what it was like not to be in love with Katsuki Bakugou.
“You need a bath,” he said. “You stink.”
“Awww, what a sweet way of telling me you listen when I complain about my greasy hair, Tsuki,” you teased.
“I listen to everything you say. I have ears, don’t I?”
You giggled, taking off your uncomfortable work clothes. Katsuki watched as you did, helping out here and there when you got caught on a button or when you nearly tripped trying to get out of your ‘professional businesswoman’ pantyhose. Eventually you dipped into the bath, Katsuki kneeling beside the tub.
With gentle motions, he washed your hair, the hands that could be so violent never softer or more careful than when he was touching you. His fingers skimmed across your skin, tracing the contours of your shoulders with greater dedication than the most devout anatomist. He mapped out the shape of your body with soap and tough hands, up to his elbows in water as he helped every weary inch get cleaned up.
You looked up at him, suds framing the shape of his biceps, doing all of this work for you, and felt a surge of love and affection for this man. You wanted to marry him, wanted to have his children and live a long happy life with him.
“How did I get so lucky?” you wondered.
“It’s not luck. You ended up with me because you have great taste,” Katsuki said.
You laughed. “Maybe so. Even still, it isn’t every day you meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.”
He paused in his motions.
“You would want that? To be with me? Forever?”
You reached a hand out for his, holding it and giving it a brief squeeze.
“Yeah. Is that...” you faltered. “Is that something you want?”
He shifted forward, leaning over the side of the tub.
“Yes, of course. I’ve wanted to put a ring on your finger so long, you have no idea.” He laughed at himself a little. “Want the whole thing. Want to buy you a big pretty house and take care of you and make it so you never have to spend another second at that stupid job. Want to cook you weird food when you’re pregnant and craving something disgusting, want to cover your baby belly in kisses every day. Want to have kids with you, a family, everything. I want everything.”
Katsuki was unexpectedly wide-eyed and breathless, so earnest in his simple desires. You wanted to give it all to him, have it all with him, live out the whole dream.
“I want that so bad, you have no idea,” you told him.
“You’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. Going to give all of it to you.”
You smiled, and your happiness would have been perfect except the soap bubble that slipped from your hair down your face. You laughed, wiping it away.
“Maybe we should finish with this bath first.”
When you were ready to get out, he wrapped you up in your towel, reminding you of when you were a little kid. Your towel no longer reached to your knees, but there was something comforting about it all the same, like being wrapped in a blanket. He laid you out on your bed, wordlessly reaching for one of his own shirts for you to wriggle over your head and down your body.
When you were done, you pulled him down on top of you where you lay, wet hair carelessly soaking into the sheets. Tilting his chin up with one hand, you pressed your lips to his again and again, like a conversation, an exchanging of words. Each kiss had something different to say, something important, and something the same.
You are so good and kind and I love you. Thank you for taking care of me and I love you. I’m so happy I know you and I love you. You are the best man I have ever met and I love you.
He switched your positions, pulling you on top of him so that you lay more on him than the bed. He kissed you back, loving you with chapped lips and intertwined fingers and something deeper that fluttered through you in the deepness of the night and buzzed through your body at his touch. 
He pulled away to, in a moment of redundancy, say what you had already been saying.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. So much,” you whispered.
He rubbed a hand up and down your back, the other cradling the back of your head and easing it down onto his shoulder.
“Rest now.” He kissed your shoulder. “I’ll still love you in the morning.”
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all-might-can-smash-me · 4 years ago
Motherly Instincts, Human Emotions, or Just a Quirk?
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead x Reader
Summary: A feeling is haunting you and it seems to just get even more complicated as the number one hero Endeavor is now out of his hospitalization and the world is at an unease. Is it just your motherly instincts that you feel towards your beloved class 1-A? Is it just a normal occurrence of emotion within any person? Or is it your quirk now picking up something new that you can’t quite see yet?
What I listened to while writing: Detroit:Become Human soundtrack, especially Kara’s Theme.
We are finally here! The fifth season of our beloved My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia has finally arrived! And with that also comes some writings! I’ve been swamped with my new busy schedule that comes along with being in cosmetology school, don't ever under estimate those students because we sure go through a lot each day! Please enjoy this short, on the whim writing for a humble celebration.
Masterlist / request info in master list
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A chill had risen up your arms as your typed away at your computer, the hurried and petrified voice of the news caster raging out even if your tv was brought down to a hushed volume. 
“Number one hero Endeavor is is currently defeating a villain. Much damage has been caused to the area. No fatalities as of right now....” Though whatever they had left to speak out to all of Japan or even the whole world did not matter as your chair had clattered upon the ground as you reached for your house coat. the bright light of the hall blinding your eyes as wisps of hair that had fallen from your hair tie floated amongst the wind you created with your nervous steps down the stairs. Shoto had fallen to the ground and your colleague was already there hovering over the teen, the rest of the class either crowding their fellow classmate or staring in shock to the news blaring from the tv.
That day the world changed and not even the world’s most naïve person could ever deny such a thing.
“Here is your jacket, Shoto...” You spoke out softly as you stood in front of the boy, hands reaching to straighten out the collar, the young man only silently standing before you expressionless as usual. Though you could have sworn you felt a tremor. Whether it was you or him, that could be debatable. “Just remember the time we set, ok? If you feel uncomfortable don’t be afraid to just excuse yourself so Mr.Aizawa and I can bring you straight back to the dorms, they will understand that if you have too.” assuring you hoped your words would sound to the boy, but that forever blank expression only looked back to you. 
“Ok...” he softly spoke out, you nodding your head as you stepped out from his path.
“Ok” felt like the only appropriate response as you watched him step up to the house, disappearing behind the very daunting front door. 
You didn’t want to come off as one of those crazy conspiracist types who always had a foul theory about a hero, villain, and their families, but with your quirk helping you feel the atmosphere or vibe of people, places, or things, you couldn't help but silently be one. Shoto always carried something awful, something that made your heart become heavy despite his neutral expressions. It always perturbed you to no end. It wasn’t like you have never felt this before either. With your previous job being interviewing and helping rehabilitate “troubled” children and mentally stricken heroes and now being the counselor of UA, it was something that always came. What bothered you though was that it was coming from the son of the nation’s number one hero, a family that would seem normal to all of Japan and the entire world because, well, it was a family of a hero. A had on your shoulder made you snap out of your racing thoughts, now looking over your shoulder and to Aizawa.
“Are you ok?” He questioned, almost a bit awkwardly. You didn’t blame him, your reaction to the atmosphere around was probably strange and maybe even frightening. “I know your quirk can...”
“I’m just worried...” You spoke out with a sigh as rested a hand over his before moving away from his touch to lean against the hood of the car, hands now sitting in your lap as you twiddled your thumbs. “And I’ve been picking up something weird, but who knows, maybe its just that this house probably too damn old and spooky” you tried to joke with a meek laugh, though he only stared with a knowingly look, yet did not press any further. You had to be thankful for that, he sure knew when to back off sometimes, maybe not when it came to his own homeroom students, but for you? He did and you didn’t really care to know his reason for why like whether or not he thought you were too weak to handle it or some other seemingly offensive reason. “Shit!” You exclaimed as a fowl hiss came from the side walk in front of you. There a scared cat arched and puffed it’s body out, though Aizawa paid no mind with a lazy look as he calmly approached the cat, slowly reaching out a hand to let the feral beast sniff, quickly gaining his trust. You couldn't help but let out a giggle as the man scooped up the cat in his arms, now leaning against the car next to you where his hands loved up upon the cat’s dirty fur, his black hair falling to hide the sides of his face. Sometimes you would sit there and imagine what he would look like with that mane of his trimmed and tidied during the sleepless nights you shared playing card games, doing paperwork together, or doing a quick patrol around the dorm to check upon the beloved students of class 1-A. 
“Huh, you sure your quirk isn’t taming wild cats?” You teased as you reached a hand to give the old cat a scratch under his chin. The little chuckle that rumbled through rumbled through you before he began to speak.
“I wish, creating a cat sanctuary of street cats seems like the life best suited for me..” He spoke out lowly with the purrs of the cat. You knew he was joking however which brought a small lift to the corners of your lips. 
It didn’t take him much thought to know that something was still bothering you as the cat jumped from him arms to land back to the ground with what seemed to be a small meow of thanks as it ran off into the night only leaving behind the pesky cat hairs on his all black costume, but he didn’t mind at all. 
“Look at you, covered in cat hair...” Your voice came out in a whisper which you weren't aiming to do as you reached a hand to try to dust away the short hairs in vain, though his rough hands wrapped around yours in order to stop you, a knowing look upon his face. That look made you sigh as you retracted your hands from his.
That damn man. He knew when to not press about things like he did to others, but when it got to a certain point in his eyes, he always intervened. You were foolish enough to think you would be able to suppress and hide it enough in order to trick those fatigued eyes of his. Not this time, the feelings that plagued your heart and continued to poke at you were too strong and too bothersome. 
“Shoto always carried things such as sadness, anger, determination, trauma, just a lot more than I could swallow sometimes.” You began to explain, now looking up to the house watching the shadows dance across one of the windows lit up by the soft light within. “And this whole area is filled with so many bad things...but right now it kind of confuses me” You said as your eyebrows scrunched at the new shift. “Change is happening, which is normal to see in a person once they go through the proper treatment or therapy, but judging by how bad it was before, it is going to take a lot...” You said with a sigh, lowering your gaze from the house, trying your best to shut off the swarm of emotions before you and to end your reading, now looking to Aizawa. “It just saddens me, Shoto seems so aloof, but that boy has went through so much, I guess I’m just worried from him, scared for him..” You explained.
“Doesn’t make since why he would come back?” He asked softly, you only staring back up to him to roll that thought within your head before nodding your head. Aizawa only nodded his head back, his arm now reaching to wrap an arm around your dropping shoulders, you now leaning your head against his shoulder. The embrace was comforting and you appreciated his understanding, but you still had such an anxious feeling in your gut. 
“I know this world preaches forgiveness and for us to fix the wrongs we commit in our life, but even for me who helps those people forgive and seek forgiveness, its still hard to do it myself sometimes. It also goes to show that even a family like this can hold all these...foul things” You explained further as you looked p to the moths and bugs that swarmed the streetlight up above and soon past their mindless flight and to the dull stars above. The tears pulled at the brim of your eyes, your chin beginning to strain with the sensation that came with crying. “These kids are like my babies...” you soon shakily spoke out, fighting back the horrendous expression you knew would come too with your tears as you looked to Aizawa “And right now I can’t fight off this feeling in my gut ever since the Endeavor incident..” Your trembled whisper almost seemed fearful. 
A door slamming made Aizawa’s head snap to the source of the sound where the both of you sat in the silence, bodies tense as you waited. Finally with a deep sigh his body relaxed as he looked back to you, a hand reaching to brush away those tears that could move him to tears if he was off guard, though sometimes that wouldn’t even work and that would definitely not go past you. 
Your hands reach to cup the lower, stubbled half of his face upon seeing that familiar wetness gently pool in his eyes, but it was not enough to fall upon his cheeks and betray his wishes of not wanting to cry. You guessed you were not alone with these feelings
“I know...” He spoke out quietly with a sad smile. “We just have to prepare them as best as we can. Shoto, Izuku, Eri, Shinsou, all the others” Aizawa continued on as he was no fully turned to you, hands holding your upper arms, one of them moving away to reach for a piece of hair that was caught onto your sweater to pluck it off and let it float gently down into the darkness of the night. 
“But they are just kids...” 
“I know, but they chose this path, besides, they have already accomplished and achieved so much. Who knows, maybe whatever is coming will be another thing these students will once again defeat and make us adults look stupid again” Aizawa was trying to joke, trying to lift that melancholy looked that wrinkled your face, but it was no use. With a sigh he stood up straight, those warm hands of his sliding away as he opened the passenger door for you, those eyes seeming to look even more exhausted if that were even possible. “Come on, lets get the car started, its almost time to bring Shoto home.”
Motherly instincts, human emotions, a quirks power....was it simply not a good mix or was it simply something big was coming? How those thoughts came in typhoons within your mind as you sat in silence in there car. 
How you will never be able to figure that one out....
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cherriesradio · 4 years ago
How MHA comforts your kid after a nightmare.
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With Bakugo, Deku, and Todorki (Gn!reader)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse
Word Count: 1,863
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Info on kids: (take in I got the names off a random website so tell me if it’s offensive)
Bakugo - Daughter, Named Ena, 6 years old
Deku - Twins, Girl: Fumiko, 10 years old, Boy: Akio, 5 years old
Todoroki - Son, Kento, 7 years old
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He had been staying late for work, a habit he had been trying to stop for a while now. At least this time it was necessary because there was a big villain fight earlier that day, and he graciously offered to help with clean up.
Wanting to get the stress off your daughters shoulders, so decided to have a movie night.
Ena had taken a likening to Disney movies, some how. Though she did seem to most admire the villians more then the hero’s. Or the arrogant hero’s. Like father like daughter, I guess.
You pick Ena from school, on the way home she asks if what they showed on the news really happened, and “is daddy really hurt? I’m worried ‘bout daddy.”
You curse under your breath about why the fuck they would play the normal bloody and grim news infront of first graders. Sure, a lot of the kids parents are hero’s, but their parents should tell them that, not a TV.
You look at her at once at a spot light. Her sad face, her knees to her chest in the backseat. You place your hand on her knee.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna be okay, he’s even helping clean up the mess later. So he’s gonna be home later than normal.”
Your happy when you see her get slightly less worried, knowing her dad is okay.
Once you get home you make her some ramen while she talks about her day at the counter.
You hand her the ramen, and offer taht after she does her homework and you check it, you could have a Disney movies marathon.
“What in the world is a movie marathon? Is it liek when those crazy people runnin’ for a while mile in like two minutes?”
You chuckle and roffles up her hair, kissing the top of her head. “It’s where you watch a bunch of movies in a row. We could do Disney.”
She instantly gains a spark in her eyes as soon as you say Disney, quickly squealing and running off to do her homework as quickly as she could.
Once she finished and you checked, her getting all the problems correct as normal, you get on the couch and start.
You go on for hours, at some points she sits down at the coffee table and plays with toys. Though she always ends up back cuddling into your chest, sitting in your lap, head turned to see the movie.
Around 10, she fell asleep. You thanked the lord that she didn’t have school the next day, also a little thankful she did stay up late, she would nap more the next day.
Quickly after you turned the movies off and fell asleep as well.
Bakugo sighed, annoyed that he had to stay till one in the morning to clean.
He was so ready to quickly eat left overs, kiss his little hothead of a daughters forehead, and then cuddle up to you as you slept. But NOPE, you just use to be all cUtE and cuddle with your daughter on the couch
How dare you be a good parent >:(
Though, Era seemed to be clingy tightly to your skin, surprising Bakugo on how you weren’t awaken by her uncut, sharp nails.
He moved to place his hand on her shoulder, his hot touch quickly waking her up with a loud “Daddy!”
You woke up very much startled by to daughter scream.
“Sweetheart what happened?” You say somehow quickly than Bakugo, turning quickly to her.
Era looked up at Bakugo, the slightest bit of relief going through her stressed mind.
“Daddy’s okay? R-right? He’s right there, he’s he’s gotta be okay?” Her eyes flickered from you and Bakugo.
You finally noticed that Bakugo was there, and was probably the one waking her up from her nightmare.
You stood up, hold Era on your hip. You hugged Bakugo, Era’s arms wrapped around both of you.
“What the hell happened?” He whispered, toward Era just barely couldn’t hear.
“She was worried about you, Love.”
Bakugo picked her out of your arms and put her legs around his waist.
“Listen, Babes. I’m never gonna be hurt to bad in a fight. Daddy’s to strong for that!” He smirked, quickly followed with a big grin when Era giggled.
“Daddy’s too great to get hurt!” She cheered, the past tear marks now seeming meaningless to her.
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You were tired as normal after the large effort of getting the twins to bed. You knew you wanted to see Deku today, and also knew that he would get home late as normal.
At least he had lots of time in the day for you and your kids.
You drank some coffee, it was merely nine o’clock and Izuku wouldn’t be home till at least one in the morning.
You layed on the couch, putting on a queit movie as to not wake the kids.
“I’m home!” Izuku called, earlier than he told you.
“Izuku? I thought you said you would be home at one? It’s only 12.” You said while walking up to him.
“I wanted to surprise you, Lovely. I may have been held back, I thought I would come home before the kids even fell asleep.” He said, putting his arms around your waist and kissing your nose.
“Your an idiot.” You snickered at his plan.
“I’m your idiot.” He laughed, raising his hand from your waist. “And your stuck with me.” He said, pointing to the ring on his finger.
You laugh at your silly husband, who somehow still had that wholesome attitude after all the trama and hurt he insured over the years of being a hero.
You both go to bed, cuddle up to each other, kissing the others warm and welcoming touch.
When I the middle of the night you hear soft but quick knocks coming from the door.
“Izuku, could… could you get it?” You ask, him already on his way to the door.
He gently opened the door, to a tired looking Fumiko and a crying Aiko. Funiko’s hand was lightly on his back, holding his trembling body in place.
“Dad, dad I had I really and nightmare. C-can I sleep with you tonight?” Aiko muttered under his breath.
Izuku looked up towards Fumiko, trying to aka what had happened.
“He woke up a few minutes ago. He had a dream, I think you died or something. I tried to comfort him but he just wanted you and p/n.” (P/n: parental name (mom, dad, etc)
“Thanks, Fumiko. Go back to bed, I’ll let Akio sleep with us tonight.” He whispered, kissing his daughters forehead before she went back to their room across the hall.
He yawned and walked back to the bed, Akio on his hip. He gently shook you back awake.
“Lovely? Akio had a nightmare.” He told you, as you turned to face him. You had a sympathetic look on your face, looking into your child’s terrifyed eyes.
You nodded and reached your arms out to hold Akio in your arms. He plopped onto you, his face just far enough to be heard while talking.
“Dad and you are gonna be safe, right? Right, p/n?” He looked up at you. You nodded and wiped away his tears.
Izuku layed back down and run his hands through Akio’s hair, something that had always comforted you during the UA days, and even now.
Akio feel asleep with in minutes, and you kept him to your chest to make sure he wouldn’t get nightmares. Not with you and Izuku protecting him.
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Todorki (warning; ANGST)
He was glad, he could finally get home early for once. He decided not to tell you, similar to Izuku, wanting to surprise you and Kento.
“Dears! I’m home early!” He smiled as he walked into the classic Chinese (?) home, ready for you and Kento to jump in and hug him.
But, instead of being welcomed home with a loving bear hug, he was welcomed with two terrified glares, and and a unmatching one that was filled with heat.
“Shouto, your home early.” You said, wanting to interrupt the silence.
“Dear, why in the world is this bastard here?” He said with a growl.
“I didn’t know you had a son, Shouto.” Endeavor said. His scar seemed to have healed slightly over the years, though it was clearly visible still.
“What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were gonna stay out of my life from now on.” Shouto said, still having to look up at the tall man.
“I’m just visiting. You don’t have to hold a grudge.” Endeavor shrugged and turned back to you and Kento on the couch.
“Kento, right?” He titled his head, lowering his arms.
He picked Kento up.
The man who you had been told abused his children, beat his wife, killed mercilessly, took away the love of your life’s childhood, picked up your child.
Anger immediately pumped into your veins, you quickly tearing a terrified Kento from the old mans arms.
“Get away from my son!”
“You know, I never did think you were good for Shouto.”
You better believe Shouto took care of the rest.
You crattled Kento in your arms, not wanting to let go even long after he fell asleep. You had to keep yourself from holding onto him to hard, knowing that if you held on as hard as you wanted, you would crush the poor kid.
Shouto sighed and walked back in, walking into the bedroom where you held Kento.
“Dear.” He said in the doorway. His voice was soft and familar.
“Yes, love?” You said, peaking up at him.
He walked and sat down next to you, kissing your shoulder. You almost feel the pain oozing out of him. (God I hate “ooze” so much-)
“I’m sorry, Dear. I’ll…” He sighed and put his head in his hands. “I don’t even know. He refuses to retire and the government is a total suck up for him.”
You exhale and Lena on his shoulder.
“We are never letting that happen again.” You scoff in to his sleeve.
“Yes, of course. He’s never gonna come back here, into our home.” He safely added.
“Not that. Of course I’m still never gonna let him in again. I’m never letting that bitch hold my baby ever again.” You said. He gently smiled down at you, admittedly a little glad you had such a hatred of his father.
You grunted as Kento held on tighter to your waist where he had his arms wrapped around, his face wrinkled liek he just ate something sour.
This being familar, him sharing regular nightmares like his father, you softly woke him up.
“Dear? Dear wake up, the scary man is gone. He’s never coming back.” You said as Shouto softly shook his arm, and you shakes his slightly.
“Mh… p/n, Dad… I’m scared. He came back in my head.” He whimpered, tapping his forehead.
He leaned down and pressed his face on his stomach, peaking up with sad eyes at Kendo’s face.
“I know. We all are. But that’s never gonna happen again. We’ll make sure of it.”
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