#this has been waiting since jan 2nd
I know we won't be seeing it for a year or two, but when the SM legends roll in you should have a bonus poll asking if people nicknamed theirs "Nebby"
An excellent idea! @jude90245
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urrockstar-xe · 9 months
winter formal - p.parker x fem!reader
aka a starstruck christmas
posted jan 2nd, 2024 8:55pm
this is specifically for @heywardsarchive who said i should make a part 2 so thank u pals :D
this is also fairly late, happy new year, thanks for being here.
summary; although reader misses hanging around her special spider friend, her crush on a certain peter parker boy has her distracted use of Y/n
starstruck does not need to be read first to enjoy this!
wordcount: 2.1
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It had been a few weeks since you had seen that familiar spider up close, nothing more than him swinging from afar, not that you should’ve been complaining. All of your time was being taken up by studying and then getting tutored by that Midtown High kid, Peter Parker. He was a lot cooler than you had expected but the fact all you did when hanging out was math really tainted the image of him in your head.
no matter how pretty he was.
Although with the holidays, more crime typically followed Santa around the globe so you weren’t exactly surprised how Spidey was extra busy this time of year.
Yet you still sighed in disappointment when you got home and once again met a note on your windowsill. 
”Hey, pretty lady, stopped by but you weren’t in :( can’t wait til you’re done with your tutoring sessions” 
The note was short but still, it brought a stupid little smile to your face, pulling out the notebook from your backpack, you wrote a note of your own.
”miss you spidey”
you set it on the outside of your window, setting a small rock from your desk on top so that it wouldn’t run away in the wind before quickly shutting your bedroom window and shivering from the cold.
“Maybe I should get a onesie”
“Y/n? You still with me?” Peter asked, grabbing your attention away from the window of the coffee shop you sat in. “Yeah, sorry, Peter” You give a quiet laugh, looking back at the window for a second, just checking to see if he’s out there before turning back to Peter, who was looking at you with a soft smirk. 
“What, why are you looking at me like that?” You asked, earning a laugh from the boy as he set his pen down.
“When did I lose you?” He asked, ignoring your question. “I don’t know,” You shrugged, honestly.
Peter shook his head, his smile unmoving as he closed the book in front of him. He leaned back into the leather of the booth, turning his gaze to your face. “Can’t get you focused at all lately” He joked, but not really. “I’m sorry” You gave him a half smile, hoping it would help your apology come off as genuine, just earning another laugh from the boy as he took his glasses off. 
God, he’s so hot. dude don’t think like that he’s right there
oh god what if he’s a mind read-
“Y/n? Again? C’mon, sweetheart” He chuckled, snapping you out of your thoughts. You laughed with him this time. “I’ve just got like no sleep lately,” You explained, ignoring the way your heart sped up at the pet name and earning a sympathetic smile and nod from Peter. “Is there a reason why?” He asked, leaning forward just slightly as if you were sharing secrets. 
“It feels like waiting for a phone call every night” You shrugged, not missing how Peter’s face fell at your words.
“Oh, boy trouble?” He asked, quieter this time. “something like that” he just hummed in response, not wanting to press any further. 
“Well, if you need a distraction, there’s this school thing-“ “Oh you mean at Nerdtown High?” You cut him off with a tease, laughing at how Peter scoffed and couldn’t help his smile. “Yeah, it’s like a winter formal dance thing, I’m in charge of takin’ pictures and stuff, could use some company” He shrugged, not wanting to just outwardly ask you. 
“And I have a special invite from the photographer himself?” You feigned a flattered face, dramatically putting your hand over your heart.
“Yes,” he laughed, “if you want to come, that is.” He shrugs, smiling at you. You mimicked his actions from earlier, leaning forward into the end of the table, still far enough to not feel his breath but close enough to make Peter slightly tilt his head as if unsure of what you were doing. 
Okay, so maybe how pretty he was did make a difference
“So, what are we wearing?” You asked, smiling.
The last-minute invite limited your options but luckily you managed to dig up something from your closet and accessorize enough to feel good about how you looked. While you were putting your earrings in, a knock hit your window, interrupting your giddy feelings about going to a school dance with Peter. 
Your head whipped around when there was a second knock, knowing now who it was as you got up and quickly opened the window, laughing at how Spidey dramatically fell into your room, completely on purpose. 
“hi” You smiled, putting on your jacket to shield yourself from the cold. “hey, pretty lady” Spider-man’s voice was distorted, muffled almost but also sounded like he was purposely making his voice quieter and deeper. “Why do you sound like that?” You laughed as you asked the question.
“Got a cold” he shrugged, before looking you up and down. “You look nice” Spiderman nodded, as if in approval but also as if he had to shut up before saying more.
“Thanks, don’t stare too much though, I’ve got a date!” You teased, smiling excitedly as you sat back down and focused on the red color lining your lips before blending it with your fingertip.
“A date huh?” He asked, not even trying to hide his shock at this point. You sigh, dramatically looking back at Spiderman, earning a chuckle at your theatrics. “Well, I think it’s a date, but if you ask questions, it sucks the fun out of it.” He nodded as if he understood your explanation.
He didn’t.
“You remember that tutor I mentioned?” 
Spidey hummed in response, making himself comfortable on your old bean bag chair, watching you finish getting ready.
“It’s with him” You spoke with a giddy light to your voice as you applied lip oil over the red on your lips. 
The silence from the usually obnoxious talkative spider caught your attention.
And while you didn’t know why, it was because he was internally panicking. 
“Thought he was like a total nerd” He laughed awkwardly, worried he’d blow his cover.
“Oh, he totally is,” You chose to ignore the scoff from Spidey as you continued speaking. “But, he’s also like charming and funny, and he’s so fuckin cute, he calls me sweetheart and like how he rambles apologies whenever he’s late and he always insists on walking me home even though I'm way out of his way for his own walk. Oh my gosh and the other day he hugged me which reminded me so much of that scene at the end of Tangled, like he just hugged all of me, does that make sense? Like he needed to be as close as possible, Ugh”
As you rambled on about your almost embarrassing crush on Peter, all he could hear was his heart pounding in his chest, he had spent weeks as Spiderman, coming to your rescue for mundane tasks, going as far as leaving notes when he wanted to see you but couldn’t. 
Here he was thinking Peter Parker was ruining his plans as your math tutor, meanwhile, He was the one you couldn’t stop rambling about.
Not Spiderman
But Peter.
He was freaking the fuck out.
“Oh my god, what time is it?” You asked, cutting off Peter’s Spiderman’s thoughts as you urgently looked for your phone. “Spidey, you know I love you, babe, but he’s gonna be here like any second.” You offered an apologetic smile as Spiderman waved it off, a way to say It’s all good, 
“Hey, have fun tonight, pretty lady!” He said, clearing his throat as if he was trying not to cough, and before you had a chance to respond, Spiderman was gone. 
“Did I mention how pretty you look?” Peter asked as he snapped another picture of you, complimenting you for the 5th, no 6th time tonight.
not that you’d been counting
You smiled, shaking your head. “No, I don’t think you have” You teased, earning that laugh that felt so painfully familiar in return.
“Hey, I have a question for you,” Peter started, still unsure about your previous conversation with Spiderman, even if you laid out all he’d need to know. 
The christmas lights and hanging snowflakes around the room suddenly became incredibly interesting to you as you nodded, avoiding all hints of eye contact possible, and silently thanking anyone who was listening in prayer as instead of looking at you, he started photographing other students and teachers dancing around the room to the Christmas music playing. 
Peter bit the inside of his cheek as he thought out his next few words, trying to not talk himself out of it. Distracting himself by taking photos of his classmates, he finally spoke.
“Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke?” 
You laughed at the question, so it must’ve counted for something, right?
Or that’s at least what he had hoped as he smiled and listened to your unnecessary rant of an answer.
You shoved your hands into the pockets of Peter’s jacket that you were currently wearing at his insistence, of course, not being able to help yourself as you did a quick scan of the sky as Peter walked you home. 
He didn’t need instructions on how to get there anymore.
“Lookin' for something?” He asked, nudging you lightly.
Why did he always notice you looking for Spiderman?
“Someone, actually” You smiled at him, turning your gaze to your shoes, counting the cracks under your feet. 
“Oh,” play it cool, Peter. “Spiderman?” Was that too obvious?
You shrugged, looking at Peter with your head tilted.
“Didn’t know you were a fan” He continued, his turn now to count the cracks. 
“Yeah, something like that” you chuckled to yourself, shaking your head before looking at Peter, watching as he smiled softly at the concrete beneath his feet. 
“I had a really great time tonight, Peter” You sighed, nudging him slightly once your apartment complex came into view, even if you still had 3 more minutes of walking.
You really enjoyed your walks home with Peter. Of course, you counted how long the walks were.
“Me too” he nudged back, stopping for a moment and getting your attention by the feeling of his scarf getting tossed around your shoulders, you stopped walking now, allowing him to properly adjust the soft fabric around your neck making it two items of his you were now wearing.
“Can’t have you catching a cold for the holidays” Peter whispered, soft eyes moving to look into yours upon realizing how close you were. “Course not” you agreed in the same tone.
The moment lasted for however much time wasn’t enough, ending with the sound of police sirens, you both turned at the sound, watching as 2, 3, 4 cop cars rushed past you both. 
“Think I know where Spidey’s been” You mumble to yourself, though not missing the quiet laugh from Peter as he threw his arm around your shoulder, urging you to keep walking, seeming to be sort of rushing now. 
You didn’t question it, it was getting late and you knew he didn’t like leaving May alone too late into the night, it makes her worry would be all he told you anyway, so why pry?
You also had quickly decided to try and forget about the ruined moment, content in feeling as he wrapped his arms around your waist, forcing your arms around his neck in the hug you had loved so much and a quiet “I’ll see you in two weeks” mumbled into the shoulder of his your jacket.
Shit, winter break, you almost forgot about that
“Merry Christmas, Peter” You mumbled back, holding your breath as he pulled away and not letting it go til after you opened the door to the lobby. 
“Hey,” his voice made you turn around, tilting your head like a silent question mark.
“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart” 
The words replay in your head even still as you lie in your bed, waiting for your dreams to overtake you. How he looked at you and how he spoke the words so softly, despite having heard him call you Sweetheart a dozen times by now, you couldn’t get over it.
That seemed to mix with the anxiety you were feeling about whatever was going on with those policemen tonight, why was he not following? Was he already there? Is it about what’s had him so occupied the last few weeks?
The unanswered questions of worry and giddy feelings of adoration put you in a seemingly never-ending loop of anxiety that you were completely unable to come out no matter how hard-
Thump thump thump 
You sat up, almost giving yourself whiplash with how you turned to look at your window. 
Thump thump
They were weaker that time, uh oh.
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usaigi · 2 years
Matt Murdock's Age (because it bothers me)
it just doesn't make sense and I refuse to believe that Moon Knight is canonically younger. The marvel wiki says Matt was born in 1985 which grrrr does not make sense if Daredevil S1 takes place in 2014. What was he doing for so long that he didn't pass the bar until he was 29? You're telling overachieving nerd Matthew Murdock who has wanted to be lawyer since he was 9 was fucking around with his degree?
If Matt graduated high school at 18, finished undergrad at 22, and law school at 25(and interned over the summer between 2nd and 3rd year or the summer after 3rd year), he should be 25. Obviously Charlie is older so I think it makes more sense to say that Matt either took a year off between high school and undergrad (unlikely), did a whole extra year in undergrad (makes sense, if he wanted to do a double major. Although, it's more expensive, I honestly just think he'd do 18 credits), or took a year off between undergrad and law school (year to study for the LSAT or work or something). Plus a year at L&Z as an intern and to study for the bar. Putting him at 27 at the start of DDS1 in 2014.
I want to kiss this person on the mouth, they made a whole spreadsheet with dates mwah. So based on this:
DDS1 2014 Matt is 27 DDS2 July to December 2015 Matt is 28 Defenders November 2016 Matt is 29 DDS3 Matt wakes up around Jan 2017, season takes place Oct 2017 Matt is 30
There are some inconsistencies (Matt saying Stick has been gone for 20 years), I'm choosing to believe Matt is bad at Matth and is rounding up to be hyperbolic.
The snap happens in 2018, Matt is 31 If you think he was snapped, he's 31 in 2023 when he's snapped back If you think he wasn't snapped, he's 36 in 2023. She Hulk takes place in 2025, making Matt either 33 or 38.
Marvel (usually) likes to make the characters younger than the actor and while we'll have to wait to see if Matt was blipped, I'm inclined to believe he's in his early thirties rather than late thirties. Especially if Disney wants to soft reboot him.
No, I won't take criticism 😊
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Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen at Axios:
Former President Trump, if re-elected, plans to immediately test the boundaries of presidential and governing power, knowing the restraints of Congress and the courts are dramatically looser than during his first term, his advisers tell us.
Why it matters: It's not just the��Supreme Court ruling on Monday that presidents enjoy substantial legal immunity for actions in office. Trump would come to office with a Cabinet and staff pre-vetted for loyalty, and a fully compliant Republican coalition in Congress — devoid of critics in positions of real power.
The big picture: Trump promises an unabashedly imperial presidency — one that would turn the Justice Department against critics, deport millions of people in the U.S. illegally, slap 10% tariffs on thousands of products, and fire perhaps tens of thousands of government staff deemed insufficiently loyal.
He'd stretch the powers of the presidency in ways not seen in our lifetime. He says this consistently and clearly — so it's not conjecture.
What to watch: To hear Trump and his allies tell it, this is how early 2025 would unfold if he wins:
1. A re-elected Trump would quickly set up vast camps and deport millions of people in the U.S. illegally. He could invoke the Insurrection Act and use troops to lock down the southern border.
2. In Washington, Trump would move to fire potentially tens of thousands of civil servants using a controversial interpretation of law and procedure. He'd replace many of them with pre-vetted loyalists.
3. He'd centralize power over the Justice Department, historically an independent check on presidential power. He plans to nominate a trusted loyalist for attorney general, and has threatened to target and even imprison critics. He could demand the federal cases against him cease immediately.
4. Many of the Jan. 6 convicts could be pardoned — a promise Trump has made at campaign rallies, where he hails them as patriots, not criminals. Investigations of the Bidens would begin.
5. Trump says he'd slap 10% tariffs on most imported goods, igniting a possible trade war and risking short-term inflation. He argues this would give him leverage to create better trade terms to benefit consumers.
6. Conversation would intensify about when Justices Clarence Thomas, 76, and Sam Alito, 74, would retire.
Lists of potential successors are already drawn up.
President Biden said last month that "the next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees."
If Trump were to win and the two oldest justices retired, five of the nine justices would have been handpicked by Trump.
Top Democrats privately predict Republican majorities in the House and Senate if Biden loses.
Most of Trump's most prominent critics — Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, et al. — will be gone. Even the few who remain, including Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), will be substantially less powerful.
Trump would be backed by an overwhelmingly Trump-friendly Senate and House — loaded with loyalists, top to bottom. Many were elected since his 2016 win, and many thanks to his endorsement.
Axios reports that a 2nd Donald Trump term in the wake of the Trump immunity decision by SCOTUS will be not only imperialistic, but also fascistic.
Trump must be defeated at all costs!
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
okay, so based off of the lineup we saw from part 1 I think I see gmmtv's logic process (to clarify, not saying i'm happy about it, just that i think i see what they're doing 😂)
it seems like they saved a lot of their more experimental and/or riskier pitches for this part 1 - basically the ones that are more likely to slip under the radar if they'd been presented alongside the big fan fave pairings, directors and/or show concepts. but to make it a little more even they did pad it somewhat with a few easy fan faves like offgun and geminifourth to keep it a little more even.
my guess for why they saved firstkhao for part 2 is because they're saving part 2 for the big hard hitting pairs and show concepts. this way, the shows that would be more likely to go under the radar in part 1 get some time to shine on their own and garner interest before the big name shows/directors come in and occupy the fan discussion circles.
this way it also keeps fans coming back to watch pt 2 for the pairs that they're waiting to see. i also think it gives the producers some time to take a temp check and see what fans are/aren't interested in before committing to their 2nd half.
on one hand, it does suck that we have to wait a while longer before we see our boys again, but on the other, at least we'll have something to look forward to in dec/jan! also, even though they definitely deserve better than to be used as fan bait, i'm also kind of weirdly proud of our fk boys being saved for the pt 2 because that means they've officially made it in the big ranks if they are being used to boost ratings, haha 😂 :')
So, I’m going to put this under a read more because y’all’ve had to listen to me gripe enough for one day. Fair warning: Apparently, I’m still heated so open at your own risk.
This is a very nice thought, Anon, but honestly, I don't think these people have any idea what they're doing 😂 If their idea was to use Part 1 to make people more excited for Part 2, then they failed miserably considering they didn't even tell us when Part 2 was. Next week? Next month? Next year? No one knows. Much less us, the viewers.
Right now, I just feel used. If they had announced all of the shows today and FirstKhaotung didn't get anything, I would have been disappointed, but I at least wouldn't feel like the possibility of them was being dangled in front of me like a carrot. I feel like P'Tha is in his evil lair, stroking his chin, saying, "Let's see how well they sell out their next couple fan meets then we'll make a final decision on whether to give them a new series." Dishonor on all their cows!
Splitting this into 2 parts was just a bad idea all around. Like are they really going to have another big to-do in a couple months (unlikely) or is Part 2 just going to be held on the GMMTV Live House set? Neo and Mark can host since they apparently don't have anything better to do either.
As to why they split the show into two parts, I’ve seen some people hypothesize that the Only Friends cast wasn’t included because they wouldn’t have had time to film the trailers, but they’ve been done filming OF for a while. If the cast didn’t have time to film trailers, it’s because GMMTV has them flying all over the world to fan meets every weekend. And that’s on GMMTV. Those fan meets should not get in the way of actual acting. 
A better guess, in my opinion, is that whatever director they’re scheduled to work with is the one who didn’t have time to film a trailer. P’Jojo for instance is apparently editing Only Friends episodes on a week-to-week basis so it makes sense that he wouldn’t have time to film anything. I hope this means that FK might be working with a very solid director, but they’ve also just recently started following New Siwaj on Twitter so that specter will continue haunting us for the next couple months (or more) as well. 
I just personally feel that GMMTV has really backed themselves into a corner here because now if FK don’t get something legitimately good, I’m going to be even more pissed than I already am. You kept me waiting for this?? And the cherry on top of this already horrendous situation is the fucking School Rangers announcement.
I cannot tell you how mad I am about the School Rangers thing. School Rangers is where they send actors to die. White’s been holding his own there for years because no one wants to cast him in anything else. So, to bolster ratings, they throw the entire cast of Only Friends in there. It pisses me off! They’re using our built-in fanbase for views on a show they don’t even have the decency to translate. Can you tell I'm angry?
Bottom line: these are actors. Let them fucking act. Because if you keep making them do ridiculous game show shit, they’re going to fucking leave—and I would not blame them at all. FK could probably make more money with a YouTube channel at this point.
I’m sorry I’m being so negative about this. To clarify: I do think FK are getting a series together (since they’re clearly not in anything else 🙃). And I don’t even need them to be in a series together to be happy. I just need them to be in fucking something. 
I mean, if there’s one bright side to all of this, it’s that I can’t imagine they’ll do this shit again because they’ve managed to piss off so many fandoms. I remember watching the show last year and being so fucking excited but now, I can’t even get excited about the few shows I'm interested in because there's this huge “what if?” hanging over our heads. The long, drawn-out wait for news just seems cruel and I think they should all go fuck themselves, honestly.
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venacoeurva · 9 months
Since I won't be working on comms again until Jan 2nd after today finishes, if any inactive slots become active again I'll reply to the messages when I can but I won't actually start/finish them until the 2nd.
Also, my internet has been slow lately so I might end up having to wait on sending sketches or doodles this weekend or around there if it won't let me upload them
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lgchyejoo · 6 months
₊˚✧    ››    BIRTHDAY LIVESTREAM  // jan 2nd
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by now, hyejoo doesn't feel as awkward addressing the fans, maybe because the fact that she even has any at all isn't a foreign concept to her anymore. for a while after debut, she almost felt undeserving of fans, and didn't know what they saw in her. but now the just feels grateful that people like her, and that they support her promotions and the things she does, and she tries to convey her gratitude but nothing seems quite enough.
so even though the livestream is another thing to do on top of her already busy schedule, hyejoo is happy to be able to spend some time with the fans just talking about things.
"for my birthday, the members and the managers surprised me in the practice room!" she says, recounting the events of the night before. "i was really surprised because we had a lot to do, since we had to rehearse for the award shows, so i wasn't expecting anything when i went into the practice room." she had been waiting to suggest to their groupmates that maybe they could have dinner together when they got back to the dorms, because she knew how exhausted everyone was. "but i'm so happy! and i'm pretty sure i cried."
hyejoo laughs, then continues reading the comments. "what am i wishing for for my birthday?" she thinks about it for a second before answering. "i want to be able to see you guys a lot this year, and put out a lot of music that everyone will like. i hope i can show you guys an even better side of me this year and give back all the love i've gotten from you!"
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elaichoi · 1 year
gasp 🔴 live viewing of soulmates au unfolding irl
yes in fact i am (confirmed)
to be fair i haven't been on tumblr that long i joined somewhere btwn jan-mar of this year and so i don't think ive experienced many of your themes (blog profile wise), but i remember stalking the tags and it was easy to spot what works were yours based on the header edit, it stands out and is v eyecatching among other stuffs in the tags ^_^
mhm i think your style is very deviantart fs hehe,,, NAUR FR they r the ogs i used to want to be them so bad. for reference i started getting into kpop around 2/2.5 gen,, i was an admin on a facebook snsd fanpage and posted like png shadow/swirl edits 😭😭😭 simple times
hell i'd love to! i don't think i'm mentally there i fr lack the creative capacity, its in very rare circumstances do i see something that i kind of envision and edit in my head and ill usually screenshot it to keep the idea there but i even more rarely ever jump into starting the edit.
yes it is! i still have and use it, it was the 'it' app for photo editors back then me thinks, kind of like the ae of photo editing... at least from my viewpoint on the ig fanpage editing scene. it was the hotter sister to picsart lmaoo
see soulmates au!! we couldve crossed paths but we didn't!! until now!! 😾
omg wait stop it cus i used to love reading imagines n shit on ig but im pretty sure i stopped because i felt like it wasn't a popular content type esp since its a photography platform. i browsed the tags for imagines n stuff but it was meh,, i only followed ONE imagines account 🥲
wait so to clarify, u also edited on ig alongside writing?? imagine if we crossed paths on the algorithm dats crazy 😭 you're the cool one i wish i could be skilled in both literature and art ?? i simply do not have enough brain cells for that ^_^
canva on phone is my enemy‼️ at least the last time i used the mobile app,, bc i now use it only on desktop, sometimes on ipad... cus u alr cannot see the layers i cannot be doing anything complex bc i will def tap on the wrong layer and thats annoying -_- the patience u have ㅠㅠ well assuming the app is still like that idk maybe it changed
HAHAH i used to draw before like pencil paper shit so i thought i could do it digitally....and after years of not drawing on pencil paper too 💀💀
u are so much more articulate than me goodbye thats embarrassing 4 me T_T
soulmate does exist <3 look at us being prime example!!
actually i think ive active with my account within the time frame as well, probably feb-march i think, but before that i didn't care about the account that much but like slowly started make headers im a tryhard ( only after i stopped obsessing tumblr themes bc i couldn't figure it out) ARE you fr?? like u could tell my works in the tags of my header?! dude that's so,,, that's like such a huge compliment that I've got something that makes someone go ah yes it's that same. author like it feels so fulfilling, YOURE REALLY BUTTERING ME UP ILYSM!!! thousand consentual kisses!!!!
YOURE SO COOL WTH YOU'VE BEEN HERE SINCE 2/2.5 GEN PLS THATS SO awesome ive been into kpop since mid 2017 so most of my groups like og ones were third gen but I listened to 2nd gens too and SNSD my beloved!!! genie was my introduction of kpop tbh and replay by shinee is what made me stay so i can say im a child of 2nd gens too lmao but holy shit I want YOUR PLAYLIST!!!!!!!! GIVE ME SONG RECS!
tbh i get you i only edit for my headers or blog too tbh like usually if there is no purpose you don't really feel like editing bc it's like what are you even gonna do with it? and you've said that you've always posted them so maybe the fact you don't have anywhere to showcase your art has you feeling like that too?
"hotter sister of picsart" this is so real bc all the hot editorson Instagram ( the western artists collage style specially) all used superimpose and thr fact they used to pay for it too.
bro like imagine if we did cross paths i think i was more active on ig during 2019-2021? imagine if we had ever crossed paths since we both worked on kpop lmao, okay but if you like posted your work under #kpopgfx im pretty sure i have came across at least once!
did kpop have imagine accounts? i knew a lot of dating door accounts tho lmao but then again i was stuck in wattpad, and that's all the delulu you need lmao.
lmao yeah i always wrote with my works, most of my edits were based on stuff i wrote basically like love stories based on songs, certain ideas (was BIG on mythologies and all the other things.) but really fr tho i wonder if I actually ever saw your work tho because i never had the guts to interact with other editors.
lmao im the same with canva but on laptop i for the life of me cant do that plus i just use it get pngs and other stuff also when i want to do masking lmao. i usually collect shit on there and then manipulate those on my own app.
bro that is insane that you used to actually drawing like as someone who can't draw a single straight line this is so cool to me i really wish i could draw tbh
articulate and me? lmao im literally all over the place but it's so sooo fun to talk to you!!
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six-costume-refs · 3 years
do you have any info/pics about the band’s costumes through the years? or a post about their costumes already? i would love to see what you have collected.
Yes I do!! I'm going to write up a more in-depth post about all of them in the near future, but for now here is a general overview of major design changes.
Also want to note that any LiW post would be remiss without mentioning paigeleigh59916 on Instagram, who has put a ton of time and effort into making sure the LiW (principals and deputies) are also featured in their photography and tracking down their names and info. I would not have been able to find many of these deputies without their effort, so please drop them a follow if you're interested in LiW content. 
If you want more info on the individual Ladies in Waiting and their deputies, I also try to keep their Wikis as updated as I can. Here's the LiW category link or you can find them by production here. There aren't a ton of photos in their galleries for now, but most of them do have a few at least.
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Original Costumes (L-R: Terri De Marco, Alice Angliss, Amy Shaw, Katy Richardson; photo from @/aliceangliss) During the 2018 (1st) UK Tour, the band members wore all black. They eventually had studded shoes (pictured under the boots section) and silver accents. The current LiW costumes were introduced when they moved to the Arts for their West End run in Jan 2019.
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Tops (Meelie Traill, dep Bessie, West End, @/meelietraillbass; Sara Kleppe, dep Bessie, West End, @/saraplaysbass; Aretha Tillotson, 2019 North American Tour, @/arethaonbass)
The band shirts are one of the costume pieces that have stayed most consistent. They’re built as leotards and the ruffs are not attached - you can see the neckline in the photo of Aretha. They have inverted stripes with rows of silver studs. Some construction changes have been made in different productions for individual LiW to accommodate different body types or shapes, but the biggest change is the length of the sleeves - sometimes they’re tank tops while sometimes they have long sleeves. Every non-UK production has used long sleeves exclusively; both the West End and older UK Tours have previously had some LiW use tank style and some use long sleeve simultaneously, but it’s now long since been standardized to exclusively short sleeve. (Note that some emergency covers who wore the band costume had tank even after it had been phased out for LiW. That’s another upcoming post)
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Pants (L-R, 1st: the LiW of Bliss 1.0*; the LiW of Broadway**. 2nd: Katy Richardson, West End, katyrrichardson; Janette Williams, West End, janette.williams6701; Lee Moretti, Broadway, @/leethefury. 3rd row: Sarah Wussow, Breakaway 2.0, sarah_wussow; Meelie Traill, 2021-22 UKT, meelietraillbass; Kat Bax, 2021-22 UKT)
The style of the bottoms have changed a lot: pants in different styles, shorts, skirts. The pants and shorts mostly been a leather or faux leather with lacing, but the placement of studding and lacing depends a lot on the production.
West End: The lace-up pants worn by Katy Richardson (center row, left) are the original West End pants style. In late 2019 some of them briefly started wearing shorts, but they switched back to pants pretty quickly. In the last few months, the West End has switched to solid black pants, which are the ones worn by Janette Williams in the center middle row. 2019-present UK Tours: Shorts with side lacing. A few E/C or unexpected deputies have worn plain black pants or leggings. Australia: Everyone wears the lace-up pants style pictured on Katy Richardson. 2019 North American regional tour: Everyone wore the lace-up pants style pictured Katy Richardson. Broadway: Most of the principals wear lace-up pants but with such a small gap that it usually isn’t visible. They also have studded waistbands. Lee Moretti is shown with slightly different pants - they have the same waistband but a lacing style that shows a much wider nude panel more like the other productions with lace up pants. No idea why hers are different as I only have photos of her pants and the principals (other deps exist, but I haven’t been able to find full body photos). Julia Schade (principal Joan) also wears a skirt like Sarah Wussow’s. NCS productions: The top left photo of Bliss 1.0 shows the standardized LiW pants for the NCL productions. The one exception to this is Sarah Wussow of the Breakaway 2.0 cast, who is pictured below in a skirt (worn over her pants)
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Boots (L-R: the 2021-22 UKT cast***; the Bliss 1.0 cast*; Annalicia Senger, dep, West End, annasenger_muze; Alice Angliss, 2018 UK Tour, @/aliceangliss; Lauren Hopkinson, 2021-22 UK Tour, @/laurenhopkinsonmusic)
The boots are where there’s some of the most variation and inconsistency, even within the same productions. Here’s what I know: - There are three main styles: boots with 2-3 straps and buckles with studs just on the straps, lace up boots with studs scattered all over, and lace up boots with studs all over in a consistent, grid-like pattern (more like the cast’s boots). - The straps with studs may be custom-made or at least always bought from the same location, but I haven’t been able to confirm this for sure. - The boots are most well-recorded in the UK, where they have a mix. UKT seems to have started with the straps, but as other cast members have joined (either permanently or temporarily) it’s gotten more inconsistent. I talk about that a little bit more with the deputies below. - NCS always has the several straps with studs.  - Broadway has the lace up with scattered crystals (couldn’t fit in this photoset, but you can see it above in the bottoms photoset). - I’ve never been able to get my hands on any photos that show the Australian LiW boots, so no idea on those. - The boots for deputies in the UK policy seems to just be whatever is on hand and works. Deputies sometimes join without studded boots, in which case they’ll just wear plain black boots or shoes (sometimes until they later get a pair). They also commonly seem to get studs added to more mainstream store-bought shoes (not the potentially custom three straps with studs). Some of the deputies have also had boots with crystals or sequins instead of the usual studs - again, probably due to working with materials on hand. Some of them also may be wearing boots from former band members, but I haven’t been able to identify this for sure. I do know that the current, active UK deputies have their own pair of boots, though.
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Masks (L-R: left is Katy Richardson, West End, @/katyrrichardson; top right is Meelie Traill, West End, meelietraillbass; bottom right is Broadway cast**) The productions all have black studded masks from what I can find. Broadway are N-95 while UK are cloth masks. I don’t think NCS productions use them. I don’t know about Australia. The studding pattern differs; some are around the edges with others all over.
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(top from Sophie Wilson, 21-22 UKT’s Head of Wardrobe, @/sophiemw04; bottom is Amy Shaw, West End, @/amyshawmusic; right is Kellie Nitz, Breakaway 2.0, kellienitzbass) Ruffs: The productions have black ruffs with studding. The West End production briefly didn’t wear them at some point in 2019, but as far as I know that’s the only production that didn’t at any point. Headbands: Most of the LiW wear a headband - it’s just 2-4 rows of separated studs. Number of rows depends on the production. A few productions, rather than having gaps between, have black pleather or vinyl (Australia and early WE). Hair: They don’t seem to have strong policies on hair, but ponytails or a style with part of the hair pulled back are common. However, braids, hair down, etc. have also happened quite a bit. Makeup: Again, there doesn’t seem to be have strong standardization. Eyeshadows usually are a shade of black/white/silver or a natural tone (skin tone type palettes; I can’t say the proper word as it’s blocked). Lipsticks range from natural to a more toned down red (like the one Kellie Nitz is wearing here).
------- *Chanel Miller, Kellie Nitz, Rebecca Caldera, Alexandra Crosby **Pants photo: Elena Bonomo, Michelle Marie, not sure (doesn’t look like Kimi Hayes so I think it’s a dep but I haven’t been able to confirm that or who it is if so); Mask photo is Mariana Ramirez, Michelle Marie, Elizabeth Doran, Elena Bonomo, Kimi Hayes ***Frankie South, Vanessa Domonique, Lauren Hopkinson, Kat Bax
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cognacdelights · 2 years
I totally agree with s3 release. The theme of it revolves around summer and we either are gonna have to wait till next year or bring it out just after summer ends. It was not their fault in a way because they had to be approved which took months but then again i think it’s been over a year since s2 came out
i don't think they're going to make us wait two years for a release! i think they know that the show doesn't have that much of a hype to survive it going that long without a drop. i personally think we'll either get a christmas release (like boxing day) or it'll be a new year release like 31st/1st/2nd of jan kind fo thing
yeah, i think it came out july 24th last year? and they pushed it with that in releasing it at the end of summer. people didn't get to indulge in the content the way that they did with s1 bc they were going back to school, etc. timing is crucial with stuff like this
i also don't understand why it took so long to be approved and then to get filming, etc underway? never have i ever (which has lower ratings) got approved, filmed and edited a third season and managed to do so all in under a year. it's set to release in a few weeks... obx took months longer to renew, months longer to prep and film for and is probably going to release after a year and a half since the last season.
i still lowkey think something went down... (madelyn wanted to leave bc she's got her big break plus she broke up with chase)
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travoltacustom · 3 years
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Thank you for your participation! These are the final results for the 4th Hypnosis Microphone International Poll. After months of work on this, we have estimates for general fandom opinions. Do you agree or disagree with the general opinions? Please let us know!
The results were held back from original posting as we were waiting to post for a month before the 2nd DRB finals (which is on Doppo’s Birthday this year.) My deepest apologies for how long this took to get out. We will be releasing these results with a section per day, with the end of these results showing the Japanese side.
Click the READ MORE to view the results.
The data collection for this poll received 902 votes to give us an indication of the demographic of those who consume Hypnosis Mic. This poll was open to English speakers, and thus, results may be considerably Euro/American-centric. The word ‘international’ has been used to refer to how fans are from many places around the world, but the poll may also refer to this group as ‘English-speaking’ etc. The Japanese poll had a smaller respondent pool with 400.
This poll received the most activity through Twitter, given that the series is most active on that platform. The poll was also posted on Tumblr, Facebook and the HypMic wiki. Commentary has been given on sections of the poll. These results will be available in full on from this account. The Japanese poll results shall follow about a week with comparison to this poll.
The poll was conducted from December 2020 to January 2021. This poll is UNOFFICIAL and none of the composers of this poll have any relation to King Records whatsoever. 
This will be split into MULTIPLE posts due to the amount of data and limitations of tumblr.
This section examines what percentage of HypMic's English fanbase consumes certain media.
How long have you been into Hypnosis Mic?
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Before the project began -  Sep 2017: 3.7%
Since Pre-Battle Season 1 - Oct 2017 - Feb 2018: 7%
Since Battle Season 1 - Mar 2018 - Dec 2018: 19.4%
Since Post-Battle Season 1 - Jan 2019 - Nov 2019: 29.6%
Since Pre-Battle Season 2 - Dec 2019 - Dec 2020: 40.3%
Release of Enter the Hypnosis Microphone: April 2019
Announcement of Dotsuitare Honpo & Bad Ass Temple: September 2019
Announcement of the start of the 2nd DRB: December 2020
From this group of people, only 293 people, or 32.5% of respondents were around during the 1st Battle Season.
Looking at those who were around during the battle season 88.4% did not vote at all, while 11.6% did vote.
At the time of the 1st DRB, voting was only possible by buying CDs and certain merchandise, unlike the additions of the 2nd DRB where you could purchase a ticket to the lives.
How many of the HypMic drama tracks have you listened to?
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Buster Bros!!! Generation Dramas: 69.7%
BAYSIDE M.T.C Dramas: 70.3%
Fling Posse -F.P.S.M- Dramas: 74.2%
Matenro -Aural Medicine- Dramas: 70.3%
B.B vs M.T.C Dramas: 63.7%
F.P vs M Dramas: 71.8%
The Champion Dramas: 63.1%
Enter the Hypnosis Microphone Dramas: 61%
Aikata Back Again: 64.7%
The Heart’s Conviction Can’t Be Broken: 62.6%
Helter Skelter: 61%
All in the same boat: 60.9%
The Loneliness, Tears, and Hope of a Puppet: 67.5%
Chaser from the Past: 60.9%
Guidebook Dramas: 31.7%
Manga Bonus Dramas: 27.6%
Have not listened to the dramas: 2.1%
How much of the HypMic manga have you read?
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SOME of B.B vs M.T.C: 34.7%
ALL of B.B vs M.T.C: 45.8%
SOME of F.P vs M: 31.3%
ALL of F.P vs M: 52.4%
SOME of TDD: 32.6%
ALL of TDD: 53.3%
SOME of D.H & B.A.T: 64.2%
Have not read the manga: 10.5%
Thus, all together:
SOME/ALL of B.B vs M.T.C: 80.5%
SOME/ALL of F.P vs M: 83.7%
SOME/ALL of TDD: 85.9%
At the time of the poll, BB vs MTC, FP vs M and the TDD manga had completed, while DH vs BAT was incomplete. BB vs MTC +, FP vs M+ and Dawn of Divisions were announced during the poll’s conduction.
How much of other HypMic of other HypMic content have you explored?
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Track 1: 69.7%
Track 2: 70.3%
Track 3: 74.2%
Niconama: 70.3%
HPNM Youtube: 63.7%
HypMic concerts: 71.8%
1st Spotify Radio (1-6 episodes): 63.1%
1st Spotify Radio (7-18 episodes): 61%
1st Spotify Radio (19+ episodes): 64.7%
This question also asked about those who have watched the anime, but as respondents ticked multiple options of how much they had seen, these results were unable to be posted.
Track 2 & Track 3 were playing during COVID which may account for the lower numbers of viewers. Niconama streams have also been discontinued and have now been replaced by the HPNM Youtube streams.
What HypMic official merchandise have you bought? This does not include magazines that contain manga chapters or interviews.
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Trading/blind goods: 29.3%
Paper goods: 11.3%
Plush goods:  35.1%
Apparel: 10.4%
Accessories or cosmetics: 4.3%
Stageplay specific goods: 2.7%
(Collab) Food:  2%
Magazine with HypMic content: 8.5%
Manga (any edition): 13.7%
HypMic Guidebook: 16.7%
Non-battle CD: 13.6
Battle Season CD: 7.4%
Subscribed to HYPSTER: 9.8%
48.3% of respondents have not bought a piece of HypMic official merchandise.
Most bought goods: Plush goods (35.1%), trading/blind goods (26.4%), the official guidebook (16.7%)
Least bought goods: Items from food collabs (2%), stageplay specific goods (2.7%), and accessories and cosmetics (4.3%)
These last are understandable as most food can’t be shipped internationally, as well as cosmetics like the perfume that contain alcohol.
Only 9.8% of respondents have a HYPSTER subscription.
Do you play Alternative Rap Battle (ARB)? It is fine if translations are used?
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PLAY / DO NOT PLAY: 72.3% / 27.7%
Since HypMic is not translated into other languages, how does this affect your consumption of the material?
Don’t understand Japanese & don’t use translations: 2.9%
Don’t understand Japanese so I use translations: 52.7%
Understand some Japanese but I use translations: 36.5%
Understand some Japanese & don’t use translations: 8%
With these numbers, we can see that:
55.6% of respondents know some degree of Japanese. This poll did not ask to quantify how much Japanese was known by fans. 44.4% do not know Japanese.
89.2% of respondents use translations. 
To the 2.9% of people who don’t use translations and don’t understand a thing that’s happening, please respond. Are you okay?
How familiar are you with Japanese hip-hop, the genre of HypMic?
Regularly listens to J hip-hop: 22.8%
Regularly listens to Western hip-hop but not J hip-hop: 12%
Regularly listens to Japanese music but not J hip-hop: 54.5%
Do not listen to Japanese music or hip-hop: 10.7%
With numbers, we can see that:
34.8% of respondents listen to either Japanese or Western hip-hop. 65.2% of respondents do not listen to hip-hop.
These numbers seem to match up with the later results that show that 79% of respondents do not listen to J hip-hop artists outside of HypMic and 69% of respondents do not listen to/could list Western hip-hop artists at all.
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To see the next part showing the demographics of the International fandom, please follow us to the next post.
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Trump & the Military
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(This was shamelessly copy/pasted from OP on Reddit (u/myusernameiscool1234, thanks dude!) because it needs to be spread and I wanted to update a tad, add links and reformat it so it's easier to follow. I'm sure I'm missing stuff, so feel free to add to it and I'll try to update accordingly. Please Share!)
On Military Service
• Trump dodged the draft 5 times, 4 for college and 1 by having a doctor diagnose him with bone spurs.
• Trump said having unprotected sex was his own personal Vietnam (1998)
• Trump said “I felt that I was in the military in the true sense because I dealt with those people” because he went to a military-style academy and that he has “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military”. (2015 biography)
• Trump accepted a Purple Heart from a fan at one of his rallies and said: “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.” (Aug 2, 2016)
• ⁠No Trump in America has ever served in the military; this spans 5 generations, and every branch of the family tree. In fact, the reason his grandfather immigrated to America was to avoid military service
• Trump made his 2nd wife, Marla Maples, sign a prenup that would have cut off all child support if Tiffany joined the military (reported on June 4th, 2019)
Use & Treatment of Military
• He sent commandos into an ambush due to a lack of intel, and sends contractors to pick them up, resulting in a commando being left behind, tortured, and executed. (Trump approved the mission because Bannon told him Obama didn’t have the guts to do it) (Oct 4, 2017)
• He forgot the aforementioned fallen soldier’s name during a call to his pregnant widow, then attacked her the next day (Oct 23-24, 2017)
• He urged Florida to not count deployed military votes (Nov 12, 2018)
• He used troops as a political prop by sending them on a phantom mission to the border and made them miss Thanksgiving with their families (Oct-Dec, 2018).
• He stopped using troops as a political prop immediately after the election. However, the troops remained in muddy camps on the border (Nov 7, 2018).
• He called troops on Thanksgiving and told them he’s most thankful for himself (Thanksgiving, 2018)
• He fired service members living with HIV just before the 2018 holidays (Dec 19, 2018-present)
• He finally visited troops 2 years after taking office, but only after 154 vacation days at his properties (Dec 26, 2018)
• Trump lied to deployed troops that he gave them a 10% raise. He didn’t give them a 10% raise (Dec 26, 2018). He initially tried to give the military a raise that was lower than the standard living adjustment. This was before Congress told him that idea wasn’t going to work. Then after giving them the raise that Congress made him, he lied about it pretending that it was larger than Obama’s. It wasn’t.
• He revealed a covert Seal Team 5 deployment , including names and faces, on Twitter during his visit to Iraq. Endangering both the operatives and their families. (Dec 26, 2018)
• He refused to sign his party’s funding bill, which shut down the government, and forced a branch of the military (see below) to go without pay. This branch of military was forced to work without pay, otherwise they would be AWOL. However, his appointees got a $ 10,000 pay raise (Dec 22, 2018 – Jan 25, 2019)
• He didn’t pay the Coast Guard, forcing service members to rely on food pantries (Jan 23, 2019)
• He denied female troops access to birth control to limit sexual activity (on-going. Published Jan 18, 2019)
• He banned service members from serving based on gender identity (Jan 22, 2019)
• He diverted military housing funds to pay for border wall (Feb 15, 2019). A judge subsequently denied this. In July 2019, SCOTUS ruled that Trump could in fact divert military housing funds to pay for his wall.
• Trump pardoned war criminals (May, 2019)
• In May 2019, Trump turned away US military from his Memorial Day speech because they were from the destroyer USS John S. McCain. Trump initially ordered the USS John McCain out of sight during his visit to Japan (May 15, 2019) which led to the ship’s name subsequently being covered. (May 27, 2019)
• In June 2019, Trump sent troops to the border to paint the fence for a better “aesthetic appearance” (June 7, 2019)
• Trump demanded US military chiefs stand next to him at 4th of July parade (reported July 2, 2019)
• Trump made the U.S. Navy Blue Angels violate ethics rules by having them fly at his July 4th political campaign (July 4, 2019)
• On July 31, 2019, Trump ordered the Navy rescind medals to prosecutors who were prosecuting war criminals.
• On ⁠October 8th, 2019, Trump plans to withdraw from Open Skies treaty giving Russia the ability to target our military aircraft.
Attacks on Service Members
• Trump said he doesn’t consider POWs heroes because they were caught. Says he "prefers people who were not caught" (July 18, 2015)
• He said he knows more about ISIS than American generals (Oct 2016)
• Trump attacks Gold Star families including: Myeshia Johnson — a gold star widow and the Khan family—gold star parents (2016-present)
• He called a retired general a ‘dog’ with a ‘big, dumb mouth’ (Jan 1, 2019)
• Well documented dislike of Sen. John McCain, going back to his statement on POWs (see above) and leading up to McCain’s passing. On March 20, 2019, Trump complained that deceased war hero, Sen. John McCain, didn’t thank him for his funeral.
• Trump started his D-Day commemoration speech by attacking a private citizen (Bette Midler, of all people) (reported on June 4th, 2019)
• Trump used his D-Day interview at a cemetery commemorating fallen US soldiers to attack Robert Muller, former FBI special counsel and a Vietnam veteran (June 6, 2019)
• Children of deployed US troops will no longer get automatic American citizenship if born overseas during deployment. This includes US troops posted abroad for years at a time (August 28, 2019)
• After he pleading with superiors in a letter asking to offload most of the sailors on the ship in order to allow for social distancing and sanitizing the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Trump attacks Capt. Crozier calling his letter “terrible” and "not appropriate” leading the Secretary of the Navy to remove Capt. Crozier from his post. 114 of 4,000 sailors on the ship had already tested po sitive for COVID-19. (April 3, 2020)
• On June 24, 2020, the White House ends the National Guard's deployments to assist the American people during the COVID-19 pandemic, the day before thousands of National Guard members would qualify for early retirement and education benefits under the Post-9/11 GI bill.
Immigrants in the military
• He deported veterans (2017-present)
• He ordered the discharge of active-duty immigrant troops with good records (2017-present)
• Trump doubled the rejection rate for veterans requesting family deportation protections (July 5, 2018)
• Trump deported active-duty spouses (11,800 military families face this problem as of April 2018).
• Trump deported a spouse of fallen Army soldier killed in Afghanistan, leaving their daughter parentless. The US has since overturned this as of April 16, 2019.
• In July 2019, Trump denied a United States Marine of 6 years entry into the United States for his scheduled citizenship interview (Reported July 17, 2019)
Treatment of Veterans
• For a decade, Trump sought to kick veterans off of Fifth Avenue because he found them unsightly nuisances outside of Trump Tower. Being quoted as saying, “While disabled veterans should be given every opportunity to earn a living, is it fair to do so to the detriment of the city as a whole or its tax paying citizens and businesses?” in 1991.
• Trump sent funds raised from a January 2016 veterans’ benefit to the Donald J Trump Foundation instead of veteran’s charities (Jan, 2016). The foundation has since been ordered shut because of fraud and Trump to pay $2 million in damages as of November 2019.
• The controversy surrounding wether or not he said vets get PTSD because they "aren’t strong" (Oct 3, 2016)
• He blocked a veteran group on Twitter (June 2017)
• Trump changed the GI Bill through his Forever GI Act.
• Trump changing the GI Bill caused the VA to miss veteran benefits, including housing allowances and forced many veterans to run out of food and rent. “You can count on us to serve, but we can’t count on the VA to make a deadline,” one veteran said. (reported October 7, 2018)
• While in Europe commemorating the end of WWI, he didn’t attend the ceremony at a US cemetery due to the rain – but other world leaders went anyway (Nov 10, 2018)
• He got three Mar-a-Lago guests to run the VA (unknown start – present, made well-known in 2018)
• He increased privatization of the VA, leading to longer waits and higher taxpayer cost (2018)
• He tried to slash disability and unemployment benefits for Veterans to $0, and eliminate the unemployability extrascheduler rating (Dec 17, 2018)
• He canceled an Arlington Cemetery visit on Veterans Day due to light rain (Nov 12, 2018)
• He tried to deport a marine vet who is a U.S.-born citizen (Jan 16, 2019). He deported countless other veterans (2017-present)
• When a man was caught swindling veterans’ pensions for high-interest “cash advances,” Trump’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined him $1. As a reminder, the Trump administration’s goal was to dismantle the CFPB, installing Mick Mulvaney as the director, who publicly stated the bureau should be disbanded. (Jan 26, 2019)
• Trump purged 200,000 veterans’ healthcare applications (due to known administrative errors within VA’s enrollment process and enrollment system) (reported on May 13, 2019)
• On August 2, 2019, Trump requisitioned military retirement funds towards the border wall.
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tryslora · 4 years
If I'm lucky, all errors have been caught before posting this year, and I have properly accounted for all variations needed for removing a leap year. Man, leap years are killer to deal with in terms of tracking down tiny changes to formulas! BUT. I think I actually did better this year than last year. Can we not discuss the things I screwed up? Anyway. I really did doublecheck pretty much everything that goes back to the Wordcount sheet.
For those who have been waiting for this spreadsheet, here it is! Sorry to be so late. For those who haven't seen this before, please take a look, use if you'd like, and share if you want to. All I ask is that if you make changes and spread the changed sheet around, please credit me as the original inspiration and link back to the original as well.
2021 Word Tracking Spreadsheet
Instructions and explanation are behind a cut/read more to save your feed/dash. This spreadsheet was developed because I found that it helped me keep myself moving forward from year to year, and I've been using it since 2012. I've been sharing it after folks asked what I was using to track my words, and it has evolved over the years into the version below. The instructions include screenshots from the 2021 spreadsheet and have finally been updated because a few things have changed. So. I guess I should update the instructions!
This spreadsheet was designed to allow you to set monthly goals for your writing, and easily track your words on different projects each day. It totals up your words for the day, your words for the month, and your words for the year. As you carry it along year to year, you can even track trends in your writing habits (for example, I’ve learned that I really suck at writing in May/June/July).
I’m going to go through this tab by tab to show you what’s what, and how to set yourself up and work daily.
We are actually going to begin with the second tab: Monthly Totals. This is where your totals are tracked, and where you set your goals. You can either set all your goals ahead of time, or month by month.
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On this tab, you can fill in your pledges per month, and your goal for the year in the cells marked in grey. The monthly pledges (see column D) will transfer to other tabs as needed, and will be used to calculate a daily expected word count for each month. If you set an annual goal (you don’t have to!), you’ll be able to see how close you are to making that goal, and whether your pledges add up to the annual goal.
New: You can see your words to goal, and average needed per day to get to the goal.
You can see my usual pledges here. I've lowered my goals recently because I've found that around 500 words expected per day actually encourages me to make more, and doesn't make me feel bad if I make fewer.
The Actual column (B) is calculated automatically for you based on what you fill in on the Wordcount sheet, so let the spreadsheet do the work for you!
The next tab we need to take a look at is the first one. This is where you’ll be doing your work, on the tab titled Wordcount.
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It may look complicated, but I swear it’s not! It calculates pretty much everything you need, as long as you just keep copying information from row to row.
It’s set up so it’ll work whether you start a brand new project of 0 words, or carry forward a WIP that had words before the new year started. All you have to do is put in the title, the purpose (fest, community, this is all just for your notes), and the due date, then put in your starting word count. When you add a new project, make sure to fill that starting word count (0 or otherwise) down through ALL the prior days so that your totals stay consistent. The way I do this in Excel is to select from the starting total down to the current date, then choose Fill Down. All rows MUST be filled in or else your words will go negative (see above, where the cell G6 has a value, even though the word count did not change that day).
When a day begins, it’s easy. Just copy down the prior day (except January 1st, just start with the one in place) by selecting from column F through the last column after your current WIP and then copy it down to the next row.
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For example, if I were ready to start Jan 3rd, I select from F6 through I6 (one after my last project) and copy those cells down (I do it by using the little square in the bottom right to drag it down, but you do what's best for you.
When you finish working on a project, enter its current word count.
Now, let's take a closer look at what's above.
I started two projects on Jan 1st: Title and Title2
Title started with 0 words
Title2 came in from last year with 20 words already written
On January 1st, I recorded 100 words for Title and 1200 for Title2, and the sheet calculated that I wrote 1280 words that day
On January 2nd I didn't do anything on Title, but Title2 inreased to 1300 TOTAL words (NOT new words), so I added 100 words that day.
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On January 3rd, I added Title3 with 0 words to start, and I made sure that every row in my new column showed those 0 words.
The sheet color codes for days where you are below target or above target in the Actual Words/Day column. It’ll be white on zero days. You can see at a glance your trends for writing.
It also marks projects that have been added to as green on that day in their column, which is nice if you do a weekly or monthly round up. Again, you can see at a glance which projects you've worked on, versus the ones still waiting.
When you finish a fic, simply hide the column (do not delete it). That’s why copying the entire row from F to after last down is important, so you copy the hidden columns too.
Some information about the other columns.
Target Total is where you hoped to be that year by that date. If you’re not there, don’t worry!! Zero days are OKAY and give yourself a chance to catch up another time. If you need to adjust your pledges, go do that on the Monthly Totals tab and everything will update.
The Daily Target is the total you are hoping to reach to stay on target toward the Monthly Pledge for that month–it’ll be different each month depending on what you pledge.
Now let’s move on to some of the fun tracking pieces. Next up are Daily Graph and Monthly Graph, which are exactly what they sound like. I’ll show examples from my 2017 spreadsheet (note, the daily graph will look very up and down–that’s OKAY! Again, let yourself have zero days…).
Daily Graph
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Monthly Graph
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Please note that the monthly graph has changed slightly. The pledged words are a line, but the actual words are now an area graph so you'll be able to see that fill in, and see your pledge as a line over it. That will give something good to look back on at the end of the year, but I don't have a new example yet!
There is a weird little blank tab for tracking AO3 stats, if you want to do so like I do. Feel free to modify as you need, based on your own person fandoms. I just carry data through from year to year so I can see how things change.
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The last two tabs are my favorite! The Annual Comparison tab becomes useful after you’ve been using the spreadsheet more than a year, because by keeping track of totals year to year, you can start to see what your writing tendencies are. This tab has changed this year!
In the main data, I have added a Range (difference between the current month and the average) and a Median. In both cases, it won't calculate (just like the average) until you're actually in that month. Prior calculations are against the prior year's data.
Just copy in your data from prior spreadsheets, then let the new column for this year calculate on its own. No work needed once you've put in the old data!
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Sample data included solely to be able to make it make sense. It won't be in the sheet you download.
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The chart has changed! The area chart is your average across all your data. The colored lines are all the years. The current year is in black, with markers, to make it really stand out. So you can see both how you are doing against your prior years and your typical average per month.
And the last tab helps you track your progress toward your pledges. This tab is why I created the spreadsheet in the first place. I did NaNo back in 2011 and realized that being able to see my progress helped keep me writing. I like visuals! It lets me see at a glance how I’m progressing toward my goal each month.
You don't need to fill in a thing on this sheet! It pulls in the pledge from where you set it on the Monthly Totals tab, and calculates your wordcount based on that sheet, and does everything for you. Just sit back and enjoy the charts. Red columns are the expected totals, and blue will be your actual progress. You can see whether you're ahead or behind (and DON'T WORRY if you're behind, it is OKAY).
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Yes, that’s my actual horrible progress December 2018. It was a rough month.
Anyway, that’s it! Hope you like it, and if you’ve used it before, thank you for coming back. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!
2021 Word Tracking Spreadsheet
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trashlord-007 · 3 years
Sorry, why do you support seungri? He's been accused of sex trafficking and rape. You're a girl too. I'm assuming. Just curious as to why you still support him.
Could you please provide sources for the sex trafficking and rape allegations? I'm not finding any mention of sex trafficking (unless you mean prostitution?).
Right now, the charges against Seungri (which he is pleading not guilty for 8 of ths 9 charges) are mainly for gambling and prostitution as well as embezzling and fraud/business related things (I added the indictment list to the bottom of this ask!).
If he is found guilty of gambling or having used prostitutes, I will continue to support him as I believe that both crimes should be legal BUT he deserves prison time! It is illegal in Korea and therefore deserves punishment. But to me, they aren't morally unethical and so on a personal level, people who commit those crimes are not unworthy of my continued support.
Here's a brief breakdown of the crimes:
According to Korea Herald, "'The accused arranged sex services for investors and gambled with them to maintain business relationships with them,' the prosecutors said, adding that he also ran an unlicensed adult entertainment establishment for two years, embezzled company funds and habitually gambled."
This article was released on July 2nd, 2021.
To me, these are the sorts of crimes that one can bounce back from after serving their time.
However... none of these charges have landed yet! This is an ongoing case. As I said earlier, Seungri is denying most of these charges. Assuming presumption of innocence...
The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Under the presumption of innocence, the legal burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which must present compelling evidence to the trier of fact.
Right now it is on the prosecution to PROVE him guilty. They are building their case right now so we have to wait and see what they present :)
There's also talk of confirmation bias! And that people were coerced into giving false testimonies. Many witnesses are even saying that Seungri was not apart of their original statements. This makes me worry about the integrity of the investigation as a whole.
According to Naver (KOR) and Business Mirror (ENG), "The substantial inconsistency with the Prosecution’s witness testimonies raises severe concerns about the nature of the investigation and the process that led to the indictment of retired K-pop star Seungri of BigBang. The trial has made it apparent that the Prosecution indicted Seungri solely based on false witness statements and no material evidence."
These articles were released on March 26th, 2021 and April 16th, 2021 respectively.
There's also the fact that the other participants of the rape and molka chatroom were arrested very quickly. If there's evidence of Seungri doing the same, why has this case been going on since 2019? This case is very much in the public eye and is a source of outrage (rightfully so given the close connection with the JJY chatrooms / Burning Sun scandal) so the police should be trying to wrap it up quickly... and yet they have no evidence of Seungri's involvement in the chatrooms. If they did, I believe they would have arrested him already just as they did JJY and Choi Jonghoon, both of whom were arrested in 2019.
There's not enough evidence and many of the detention warrants the police have issued have been thrown out by the courts due to insubstantial proof AND the fact that Seungri himself is being very cooperative. For example...
According to the Korea Times, "The court said it didn’t deem detention of Seungri to be necessary or justified after looking into his role and involvement in wrongdoings, and also considered his attitude toward the prosecution’s investigation. It is the second time the court has turned down law enforcement authorities’ bid to detain the 29-year-old. A similar attempt by police in May fell through, with the court citing “room for dispute" and little concern that Seungri could destroy evidence."
This article was released on January 13th, 2020.
Also, here are the nine charges that the prosecution is going ahead with:
Prostitution (for self); Prostitution Mediation (for others between Dec 2015-Jan 2016); Embezzlement (hiring legal representative fee); Embezzlement (528 million won involving Burning Sun revenues); Violation of Food Sanitation Act (involving Monkey Museum wrongfully registering business); Habitual Gambling (Las Vegas gambling); Distributing Obscene Material/Shooting using camera (single photo of pornographic nature); Violation of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act (illegal monetary exchange), and Instigating Violence (eliciting assumed gang violence)
- from Business Mirror again.
If you have sources that contradict what I've posted above (especially about the rape allegation you mentioned), please send them to me!!
I most definitely DO NOT support rapists or sex traffickers, and my heart goes out to all the victims and those that have suffered from such horrendous acts.
If Seungri is proven guilty for such things, I will drop him in a heartbeat!
Thanks for the chill ask, anon! I hope this clarifies my opinion on the matter. I'm very open to discussing this further as I try to keep an open-mind and see every side. I have nothing against people who do not wish to support him, either.
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salmankhanholics · 3 years
★ Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathan delays Salman Khan’s Tiger 3 release date – Here’s how!
Jan 5, 2022 In November 2020, Shah Rukh Khan returned on the sets with Sidharth Anand directed Pathan co-starring Deepika Padukone. The film has been shot majorly at Yash Raj Studios in Mumbai and the team is planning to use modern day technology to merge the footage at real locations. It has been almost 14 months since it went on floors and one hears, around 25 days of shoot is still pending.
Pathan has been a taxing film for everyone as despite all the planning, the shoot kept getting delayed for some reason or the other - ranging from Covid scare to issues in personal life to the injuries," a source informed Bollywood Hungama, and added that the team is now looking to wrap up the film by March 2022.
"If Pathan is wrapped up by March, Yash Raj Films will take around four to five months to complete the post production process and release the film only by the end of 2022. And this in turn is resulting in the delay of Salman Khan's Tiger 3 release too co-starring Katrina Kaif. The Maneesh Sharma directorial can't release until the arrival of Pathan, as the two stories are interlinked," the source explained and added,
 "So while Tiger 3 shoot started in March 2021, it was planned as a film that will arrive 3 months after Pathan.
The shoot of Tiger 3 was more or less uninterrupted with minor delays caused by 2nd wave. The film will now be wrapped up by January 2022 and since it's shot at real locations too, not much needs to be done on the VFX front. The makers can have the final edit of Tiger out by Summer 2022, but the catch lies in Pathan."
As things stand today, Aditya Chopra is planning to bring Pathan on October 2 and Tiger 3 on Christmas, but only time shall say what happens next.
Another delay in the release calendar of already announced films might change everything as both the biggies could even be pushed to 2023. "Adi is ethical and believes that films long in waiting deserve a shot at release before the ones that went on floors in the middle of pandemic. So he will wait and watch."
Meanwhile, the delay in Pathan has already impacted the shoot plans of Sidharth Anand's next directorial, Fighter with Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone.
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belongtothewcrld · 4 years
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Just wanted to say a few words about those who made my year ~ (SORRY THIS IS LONG) 
@idiot-juice-enthusiast​ - My sweet baby, where do I begin? I treasure you so much, I know I tease you a lot. BUT I am soo happy you decided to leave me an ask, despite you know, my stupidity. You are so funny and just, idk, BRIGHT. Maybe it’s because you’re still young or maybe it’s because you’re just a ball of light, idk. EITHER WAY. I am so thankful to have you in my life. When my friends slowly started leaving me in RL you were the first one who started to fill that void so like.... tHANKS. Happy New Year, my child! Love you!! 
@haikyuufairy - My shooting star, oh gosh. You not only have made my year by being my friend but by blessing me with stories that really shake up my whole existence LMAO. You are incredibly talented, and I just wish the best for you. You deserve so much happiness and success. You’re a beautiful soul inside and out, and the whole world should know it! I want you to know that I really do mean everything I’m saying, because you deserve to be showered in love and compliments. and as long as you keep me around, I will remind you of your worth. >:) I love you, and happy new year! 
@toikiwi​ - you peanut head, what should I even say to you. >:) You are very forgetful, funny and sweet. For some weird reason though you chose to care about me so deeply and for what??? I AM HORRIBLE. do I deserve your affection? probably not. BUT DO I APPRECIATE IT? yes. I never had a friend like you, and I’m really glad we met. ;-; you’re one of a kind. Love you and happy new year! 
@alluringeternity​ - my bestiee. we went from you sending me asks, to watching movies on zoom like I think that’s a whole ass victory. despite our time differences, we make this friendship work and I think that’s sexy ;) I really love talking with you, I know you once thought I’d get bored of you BUT HAHA BITCH IT NEVER HAPPENED. you’re stuck with me forever. I can’t wait until we meet up so then I can cling to you for all eternity. :D MWAHAH love you and it’s not the new year anymore for you so like happy Jan 2nd or something idk LOVE YOU 
@suna-r1n​ - lilyyy, my little duckie, my crybaby friend. I adore you, truly. I’ve never gotten so attached to someone so quickly until you LMAO. I mean I always loved when you would send me random messages but then we ended up talking much more frequently and honestly it was everything. You are so sweet and just... squishy. I’m really glad we became friends and started talking more, because you really are someone I cherish and want to protect >:) so be safe this new years eve, little shit! I love you.  
@4fterh0urs​ - Pheebz you crazy ass ho. JK. You’re just crazy ;) But I respect it. You have made me laugh so many times from the shit you post idk you’re just cool, I GUESS!? You’re also v moral I FEEL? sometimes when everyone else is silent about shit that’s fucked you’re not and I really respect you for it. I feel like we’re similar in weird ways and I really love talking with you. I hope you have a great new years eve, bbs!! love youu. 
@chaichai-the-weeb​ - my fellow Canadian!! I’m still pressed we haven’t met in RL yet but IT WILL HAPPEN!! I’m really glad I ended up messaging you when you left tumblr awhile ago, because now I feel like we’ve become such good friends. ;-; You and I don’t have the best track record with friends but HEY at least now we have each other? It’s amazing though how quickly we went from strangers to good friends LMAO our personalities really work. <3 I know you’re spending today watching anime lol so ENJOY IT. I love you and happy new years! 
@haikyuusimp91​ - my law school buddy ;-; You not only support the fuck out of my stories but you are an amazing friend. anytime I have law school worries you’re always there for me and I love it so much. I appreciate all you do, even if I don’t say it enough! you put up with me and my psycho ass and honestly idk how you do it BUT I’M GLAD YOU DO. I really hope this year treats you better because you fucking deserve it all. I love you a lot, missy ;-; Sometimes I feel like you’re the older sister I never had - BUT LIKE DON’T BE WEIRDED OUT OK DFGHJKL love YOU BYE (AND HAPPY NEW YEAR) 
@aquariarose​ - my little bodyguard. I have never met anyone with a heart like yours. gold. you are fucking GOLD. at first when we didn’t talk much, I would love whenever you talked about my stories with me. because you always seemed so happy about them and it would make my whole day!! I love talking with you daily and hearing about your life, because honestly girl you living in a shoujo manga LMAO. GO GET YOUR MAN OKAYYYYY hahah I love you sm!! I hope you have a great new years! 
@bloody-bella - BELLA OH BELLAAAA, MY SWEET BELLAAAA. hi. :D can I start off by saying you have a cute af voice? like excuse? okay back to the point, YOU. your support is why I was able to finish my stories TRUST ME. your little cute comments and asks, it gave me the courage to * write * LOL. I’m so glad that you joined my among us game and started talking with me more ;-; because I really do wanna get to know you more!! I feel like we may lowkey be twinsies in odd ways ;) BUT I hope you have a lovely new years eve my love!! <3 
@yourstarvic - vic the hoe ho. somehow you went from this funny girl with a CRINGE ass UN to one of my good friends?? Your support for my stories has always meant so much to me. I’m always looking forward to hearing your thoughts and listening to you scream about shit LOL. I’m glad we started talking more, because I love your company. Even when you’re telling me something weird af or being horny for NO ASS REASON. You’re a weird one but I love ya. Have a happy new year! 
@nerdyphantomlady​​ - my angel of music! you are sucha joy. I adore you so much. I’m really glad that I started talking with you more because you’re sO DAMN CUTE. talking with you melts my heart because you’re just this small ADORABLE BEAN WHO I LOVE. I know you don’t understand iT BUT I AM RIGHT. I know you’re worried about your test coming up but I know 2021 is gonna be your year! MWAH. I love you and happy new year! 
@pha2nt0m​​ - gOSH I just need to tell you that you were the reason I was able to finish “let’s do it again” your support means the world to me!! you’re so damn sweet and supportive like idk what I would have done without you??? so thank you so much. I really hope this new year brings you happiness, success and good health!! <33
@newfriendjen​​​ - Jen, I love you WHAT THE HECK. You were one of my first followers, in the early days ;-; and you supported me with your whole heart and I CAN NEVER SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH. The thing that I love about you is that you’re not one of those cocky asshole writers who think they’re god’s DFGHJ like you are kind, supportive of others and talented? like SHIT??? you deserve everything because you are the whole package!! you are honestly the ideal - AAAH. I love this new year brings you love and happiness!! <3 
@sugawarabby​​​​ - my lovely, we’ve spoken only a handful of times but each time meant a lot to me! you’re a true delight and I really wish you the best for the next year. I know 2020 wasn’t the best for you but you deserve a happy, love-filled 2021. MWAH. <3
@vicassa​​​ - my love, you and your support to my stories is unmatched. I know you think that spamming me would bother me but it never did! I loved talking with you and hearing about your days. when you’re less busy, come talk with me again, hm? Because I loved talking with you. You’re a sweet sweet little bean and I adore you so very much. ;-; But happy new year!! 
@hyskoa1998​​ - hi my love. our schedules rarely match up but I always loved reading your reactions and talking with you ;-; I hope we can talk more this year because I really do wanna be your friend IF YOU WILL HAVE ME. But happy new year! I hope it’s an amazing one. 
@tsukkismamagucci​​​ - your comments on every single smau - GOLD. everything you post is just so funny or accurate!! everytime your name popped up in my notifications I would be so excited!! or whenever you sent me asks my heart would make some weird ass noises. ;-; so thank you for being so wonderful. I love you and happy new year!! 
@kara-grayson04​​ - one of my first friends on here, and a whole ass little fighter! Thank you for supporting me in my early days on my writing account and for spamming me with funny stuff! you’re someone with a bright future ahead of you and I really wish you the best for 2021! 
@chibishae34​​​ - MY OIKAWA PROTECTION SQUAD BUDDY. I have told you this before but again, you are too good for this world and me. I can’t believe you’ve been here since my first smau and it took me so long to start talking with ya. :( that’s my regret for the year. I wish we started talking sooner because you’re sucha joy. thank you for being the amazing person you are though, your support and friendship mean so much to me. I hope you have an amazing 2021. MWAH. 
@chocolaterumble​​ - you’re not even on tumblr anymore eh? BUT when you see this, know that I appreciated everything you did for me and our conversations. you’re a kind idiot who really needs to develop a backbone. :)) I say that in the nicest way possible :* Just know 2021 is YOUR year, so make it your bitch. you can have the whole world if you try putting your effort into things that matter. just learn to believe in yourself, aLRIGHT? because you’re fucking awesome. 
@dope-squish​​​​ - one, wHERE THE HECK ARE YOU? I hope you’re okay and safe. ;-; I miss you. it’s not the same without youuu. who else will make my day with funny reactions and memes? but for when you do read this, thank you for being...you. You are so unique, funny and just talented. idk. you’re spectacular like spiderman. thank you for being my friend and supporting me. I hope the new year treats you well. <3 love ya! 
@swoonhui​​​ - my silly love! thank you for supporting me through it all and trusting me with your troubles. I always love seeing messages from you or asks, because you really are wonderful and likeee I WANT TO PROTECT. haha. I hope you’re having a safe and happy new years eve, missy!! Stay happy. I love you. 
@astronomyturtle​​ - shout out for being one of my first supporters and for being a full on badass!! hahaha. no but really. you are amazing, and I really want to thank you for everything. you supported my shit stories and my good ones, and that really means so much. I hope you have a great new years!! 
@dreamstormings​​ - hellooo, I just wanted to thank you for your support. it means sosososo much to me. and regarding the stuff we talked about recently, everything you said just demonstrates what a wonderful person you are. thank you for ... existing >:) and happy new year! <3 
@rajablast​​ - hii, I just wanted to thank you for always sending me kind and sweet asks ;-; it really means a lot to me. I hope you have an amazing new years eve or new years day!! <3 
@elianetsantana​ - hii. ;-; I know we only started talking recently but it made me really happy so pls don’t be weirded out by me adding you here. <3 I hope in the new year we can talk moree! because you seem super lovely. ;-; 
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