#this has been living in my head rent free
Okay, I'm going to make a wild prediction about Adar and Galadriel in Episode 8, so strap in.
An overarching the/major motif of the Rings of Power from the very first episode has been, obviously, the interplay between darkness/light.
"To find the light, we must first touch the darkness." / "Before light, darkness must flee, etc."
Adar and Galadriel together are a manifestation of that duality between light and dark and accordingly, I think there's a compelling case for them to team up against Sauron at the end of Season 2.
Here's my attempt at this argument:
The show has established a few strong visual parallels between the two of them.
Mourning ritual. Galadriel mourning for Finrod in S1Ep1 is echoed by Adar's mourning of the Uruks in S2Ep7. They even mirror the single tear.
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What's more, Galadriel bears WITNESS to Adar's funeral ritual, enforcing the connection of this moment.
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Seed planting. Frankly, my jaw hit the floor when S2Ep2 had Galadriel planting seeds in the memorial garden in Lindon, because the shots/framing were almost IDENTICAL to the seed planting Adar does at the beginning of S1Ep6. The sentiments of both instances are the same "life over death," though the words do differ.
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Flip sides of the same coin/mirror to one another. The show has also presented us with many instances where they function as mirrors to one another. If not signficant, why do?
Barn scene. The barn scene in S1Ep6 is a PRIME example, when Adar literally calls Galadriel out for the hypocrisy of her hatred of the orcs.
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The dinner scene. Adar once again holds up a mirror to Galadriel, pushing back against her notion that "you yielded to him. I resisted." Then they have the shared acknowledgement that without Sauron, the world seems a "dull grey" (GREY, interestingly, a halfway point between dark and light). Adar's face in response to her admission will live rent-free in my mind forever-- it's like he's been SEEN for the first time in his life.
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So while Galadriel sees herself as a warrior of light, and views Adar as a creature of darkness, the show does a pretty superb job of showing that both of these characters have light and dark within them in equal measure.
They were both tempted by Sauron and succumbed.
So there is a clear, thematic link between these two from that standpoint.
Next, I think it is clear Adar on a path toward light/redemption as an elf, and it tracks in a VERY LITERAL SENSE.
First time we see Adar, he is bathed in an angelic light. As he performs the funeral ritual for Magrot, light streams into the Uruk tent.
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The shot at the end of S2 Ep1, when the camera lingers on Adar as Gil-Galad's call to the Eldalie commences. Adar feels the undeniable call to his elven past. That camera shot was NOT A COINCIDENCE, and I'm FOREVER FERAL ABOUT IT.
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Cavalry charge at the siege of Eregion. Adar is OBVIOUSLY backlit:
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There is a dividing line between light and shadow an Adar is RIGHT on the border of it.
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When he steps up to take possession of Nenya, the sky behind him is split between a darker side and a lighter side. (You can argue that it's a CREEPY light, but it's still light. There is almost no all-black coloring on him in that second frame when he actually has the ring. For a character that's been head to toe in black the entire series, this is Significant.)
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So where does that leave us for the big Sauron smackdown?
My first wild prediction: In an INSANE reversal, Galadriel will be the one to bring Morgoth's dark crown to the confrontation, while Adar will wield Nenya, a symbol of light.
It's not inconceivable that Gal could have smuggled it out of Adar's camp somehow under her oversized Uruk cloak. And Adar, OBVIOUSLY now possesses Nenya at the end of S2Ep7.
I think the fight between Galadriel and Sauron is ACTUALLY a three-person fight; we just haven't seen Adar in the promos because
1. Obvious plot spoilers and
My second wild prediction: This three-person fight is telegraphed in The Last Temptation. There's a new motif (not musical, so unclear if this is the correct term??) that starts around 1:07. It sounds like an aggressive children's choir. Interspersed, we get some of Gal's themes and Sauron-flavored music. I think this new bit could be either a combined theme for Gal/Adar fighting side by side, OR a new motif for a changed/elven Adar. It's aggressive, which to me tracks with Adar's fighting style that we saw through S2Ep7, and it builds and gets more voices added to it as the song progresses. At one point, it blends perfectly with Gal's theme.
Third wild prediction that I hope I'm wrong about: Adar will likely get fatally stabbed during this fight. I could see him giving Galadriel the ring at a crucial moment, in as a redemptive act, which would forfeit any protection it might have offered him, and I think he'll receive a fatal blow from Sauron, but not before we get a much clearer picture of EXACTLY who Adar is. IF they do it this way, it will be a deeply satisying end to Adar's story arc, IMHO.
Last thoroughly unhinged thing I will leave you with:
Nolwa Mahtar translation (from S1), according to Bear's blog:
Finish the war, the darkness, end this suffering
Impossible to pursue, deep in shadow, follow light
Finish the war, the darkness, end this suffering
Bright warrior against darkness.
Obviously this theme plays a HUGE role in S2. I believe the lyrics are different; we don't know what they say yet.
But I have contended all along that this piece has always applied in some way to BOTH Adar and Galadriel.
Galadriel is the bright warrior standing against Sauron's darkness, yes, that image is obvious.
But Adar, a figure who lived deep in shadow, follows light, ultimately finishing his own war and ending his own suffering.
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stormyoceans · 15 hours
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not to always be like this but. maybe i do need a queer korean remake of pride and prejudice directed by yang kyung hee and starring won taemin as mr darcy and han dowoo as elizabeth
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peasantlifeofficial · 8 hours
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🐝But why does it have to bee me?🐝
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deathvalleyqueen · 2 days
listen no matter how convinced in my bones it was Illario that betrayed our beautiful mullet man, it could be someone else. Maybe but really logically think about this. Who within the Crows would gain the most with Lucanis gone? Not emotionally - I am talking about position and power. Illario. Viago and/or Teia potentially but from what we have seen them already through the expanded media - they are so much lower on my suspect list. Honestly, Viago ain't even on it - if he really wants to bruh could become King of Antiva but that's whole different theory I have. Teia could, but she has never given me vibes of someone with a level of ambition for power that you would need to betray someone close to you like this and she calls Catarina 'Nona' so I am guessing she was close with the whole Dellamorte family. Illario though - from the wigmakers job to the scenes we have seen with him - he reeks of ambition. For all we know a rivalry could have been ingrained him by his parents when he was small - maybe Illario's parent and Lucanis's parent who were siblings were bitter rivals both grasping at the positon of their mother's heir - maybe there is more for us to find out why Catarina ended up raising both boys... I even think I remember one of the Devs mention we will learn more about Lucanis's parents in later parts of the game.
This isn't a new thought of mine. Honestly since the Wigmakers Job -I didn't trust Illario. The whole heir talk never sat right with me. Lucanis is either named heir or would be named Catarina's very shortly. While Lucanis doesn't want the position (and my guess the neon target on his back that comes with it) of First Talon, he would take it if that's what his grandmother wants (Wigmakers Job) even though Lucanis thinks Illario maybe is better suited for the position. But like the good Antivan Boy Lucanis is - if his Nona asks him - he will. Illario on the other hand seems to want this more than anything else. To me the whole 'who is heir' thing reads sooooo a Game of Thrones in my mind - it just gives me such strong Targaryen infighting energy.
Also Illario while he has a very handsome face - it just gives me "don't fucking trust him" energy. Also from the recruitment mission video (maybe mild spoilers here) but that man is putting on act - he sounds way more upset than I think would be called for given the fact Lucanis is very likely alive now, there is this anger in his voice that feels out of place. Would you not be excited to find out your beloved cousin who was more brother to you - is in fact - not fucking dead? I also think the fact he doesn't go with Rook on the rescue - is so telling. The excuse made - super lame and I don't think it's bad writing. I think it's breadcrumbs and foreshadowing. And what has honestly been said about the Crow related questline - we are going to see the politics of it all...
Lastly - Why Spite? Wynn was a Spirit of Faith and she in fact had been a woman who believed in what the Circle was doing - Faith makes sense. Justice with Anders - makes so much sense because of who he is and what he experienced. Compassion for Cole also makes sense if you read Asunder. So why was Spite of all things able to be bound to Lucanis? They had tried others but Spite is what took. I think it's connected to the person who betrayed him, put him in the position that he was in for year... that whatever Love he may have had for that person turned into Spite... get what I am throwing down.
IDK this is living in my head in a nice 4 bedroom condo rent free right now.
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misasimagines · 2 days
this isn't well written or anything I'm just. I'm Desperate to get Ren out of my head he's been living here rent free and I NEED to switch into Taiga mode to write that request so. Please enjoy structureless Ren rambles. He doesn't come off as character with Much Nuance (like some others, Rui!! Jin, Subaru, Haku, etc) but like. When he's been sitting in your head for the past 14 business days....things unravel.
I'm not like citing sources here. This is pure vibes. Please don't crucify me if I got smth wrong 🙏
So he has a Thing about the ocean. He watches horrors movies related to it, he seems especially grossed out by it, but he doesn't seem like he's never had experience with it. Which is why I just can't not think he came from a small, coastal town (like from Aquamarine lmao). The kind that has a Barrage of tourists in the summer and over holidays and he Hated it because now he can't just go anywhere without risking being in the background of someone's vacation pictures. And I also can't help but feel like he probably had a parent/parents who parentified him, probably not maliciously, but they still did it. Like two immature parents or one immature parent and one completely absent one, so when it came to actually being responsible about things, he had no choice but to step in. Which is why he's so annoyed by and against hard work- he's done enough of it and he doesn't want to keep getting involved when he now doesn't feel the responsibility to. He probably feels a lot of resentment towards them for what he had to take on. Whether he feels bad about that resentment or not, I can't say.
He doesn't like messes or the animals in Jabberwock. He doesn't want to have to care for anything besides himself. Haru might remind him of his family which is why he's so hostile towards him. Because like Notably, Ren isn't BAD at hard work. He does go to classes, does missions, has a job at the diner, and still has to help around Jabberwock no matter how much he tries to avoid it. He's even dedicated to his mobile games, which seems silly, but those require a lot of routine daily to keep up and it seems like he has a few he keeps up with! And if we consider the Jabberwock chapter, even though he was against Calamari and resented taking care of it, he still did and he still felt guilty when he didn't do a good job at it, so much so that he ran off to the beach to try to revive the poor thing. Not the actions of someone who truly is selfish and doesn't care. Him carrying Haru to safety too- yes, leaving him to die would have been really. Kind of reprehensible but he carried the guy and rejected any kind of thanks and appreciation for it. He could have used that as guilt-leverage to try to get out of things later but...did he? Not as far as I know.
Like he does all of that no matter how much he complains. Also, who ELSE has a campus job? I'll wait. 🥱. Sho doesn't count, the food truck is a passion project. Even BROKE ASS Kaito doesn't have a campus job. Why is Ren working? Does he NEED the money or does he feel some kind of compulsion to make it for some reason? Because he's responsible? Because he sends it back home? Because he wants to have money for post Darkwick life? Who knows!!!!! He got that job like INSTANTLY bro enrolled and got that work study like the first damn week.
And this is way less in the realm of Theory Crafting and conspiracy and more just a pure hc but I just feel like maybe his hostility towards other people, the MC included, is because he might be dealing with the aftermath of a damaged or lost relationship. Not exclusively romantic but like possibly? Like if he grew up in a small town, he probably knew the people around him from childhood to adulthood. And it's not unlikely that he had a childhood friend that stuck through all the years with him. And it's not unlikely that, if they were friends that long, that people would start making jokes and suggestions about them ending up together long term. And! It's not unlikely that! He felt some kind of pressure to at least pretend to reciprocate feelings towards them. So maybe a close friendship became a relationship and maybe he did have feelings for them and maybe he didn't or just wasn't ready for them. Either way, now he's in Darkwick and given how unhappy he is, it doesn't seem like it was his first choice to be there. Is he running away? Does he not have a home to go back to (either self imposed or true exile)? I just. I have questions.
Please someone ramble with me I'm going crazy here. I'm like God I'd kill this guy [thinking about making out with him sloppy style]. Hate him truly he's so annoying I'd argue with him every day. What if this were us
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neocrash1101 · 17 hours
For the pizza cadres au (if you don't mind me asking): what caused the attitude change for Shadow Peppino? He started out as an "ugly ego," but seems to have become more friendly? Was that gradual or due to a certain event?
(Your silly little shadow guy has been living in my head rent-free [affectionate], and I wish to know more of his character :D)
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Shadow Peppino:"I wanted to go back all the way!
I missed him so much that I went off the rails!
and...Pep recognized me, and here I am!"
Peppino:"Well... my shadow... it's oddly juvenile, but it doesn't change the essence of my ugly ego. I'm mischievous, selfish, cunning...
The shadow that was originally supposed to blame me and take over has been separated from me for more than a decade because of Faceless, and it has decided to grow an ego on its own....
I guess I panicked and went berserk.
Still...I guess he acknowledged that the shadow was part of my mind, and that I recognized him as an individual... and he gained a solid ego and reason."
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spicymc · 4 months
OM! Demons vs MHB Demons
*the OM! Brothers begin dancing*
So, just imagine, there is like a flyer or something akin to battle-of-the-bands or something of the like with a call to action for the two groups to fight. (In each of their respective lands, of course)
OM! Barbatos: We have arrived my Lord.
OM! Diavolo: Splendid! I cannot wait to see the show! Everyone: Three, two, one!
WHB Satan and Mammon: What are they doing?
WHB Sitri: *lowers Satan's weapon for him and shakes his head* Do not waste your energy on them.
*the OM! Brothers begin singing*
WHB Demons: 🤨
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witheringdream · 11 months
i think someone needs to write an au where ava still ends up as the warrior nun but beatrice never joined cat’s cradle and they somehow meet anyways and beatrice ends up being ava’s little secret comfort getaway that she just shows up to unannounced almost. like a superhero/spiderman situation but she’s almost never banged up cause super healing!!
beatrice could be having a normal job with a pretty good career but she’d just be still probably super repressed cause she’s spent her life trying to please her parents and ava would be forever in debt of cat’s cradle cause they gave her her literal life back so she’s never able to fully let go of them plus the halo in her back and all that.
and i think the angst potential is too monumental for someone to not come and write this shit up
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I’ve been thinking about this gif all morning:
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Is this or is this not actual footage of Harry in UDLTTOM Slytherin House dealing with Tom Riddle? 😂 😂
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caitlynmeow · 6 months
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since some of y'all are simping over wife's height here's a comparison between her and Cassandra because why not, right?
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random1d10t · 4 months
I swear this lives in my head rent free from the moment I heard it up until now:
Wind: think he's (Rae) cute?
Caspian: I didn't say he wasn't
Rent free
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luoisalunitic · 6 months
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@raddest-laddest uhhh hi???? :’)
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ohmypawsandwhiskers · 6 months
Incorrect quote for Attack on Titan:
Jean, Sasha, and Connie: McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!
Levi: *pulls into the drive through*
Jean, Sasha, and Connie: *starts celebrating*
Levi: *orders one black coffee tea for himself and pulls away*
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karllost-mymind · 1 year
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drpeppertears · 1 year
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Hannibal 3x07 - Digestivo. // Dante Alighieri, La Vita Nuova, First Sonnet. // Good Omens 2x02 - Chapter 2: The Clue featuring the minisode A Companion to Owls.
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maryqueenofmurder · 1 year
Sasuke and Kakashi: The Use of Chidori
I'm not talking about who/what they use Chidori on, or even how Sasuke invented many differently-shaped Chidori jutsus.
No, I'm talking about hand placement.
The first time we see Chidori is when Kakashi uses it on the later named Naruto Bridge during the wave arc.
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(It looks like this in the anime as well.) And what I'd like to point out is the way the Chidori seems to center around the palm of his hand. His fingers are clearly set apart and bent inwards. This is probably because Kakashi derived the Chidori jutsu from the Rasengan, so they share a position and even the beginnings of a shape.
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Though this image displays the Chidori with more of a lightning circle. It seems that mostly Kakashi uses the move to shove his hands and the Chidori into his opponent's chest.
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Next, we see Sasuke using the Chidori. This is before and during the Chunnin Exam arc. He uses the same style as Kakashi: open palm, bent fingers.
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However, in the Valley of the End fight 1, we see Sasuke using the Chidori a bit... differently, for the first time. (Please excuse the terrible manga scans lol, I had to screenshot them off someone else's post I found on google images bc I didn't have the manga handy.)
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You can clearly see here how his hand is outstretched and his fingers are closed together. His hand positioning does resemble Kakashi's typical Chidori pose in the second scene, but I'm pretty sure he's blunting the Chidori. This allows him to use it somewhat like a blade, or at least with more flexibility than Kakashi, who kind of relies on being able to 'hole' his opponents. Sasuke does continue to summon, hold, and even move with his Chidori the same way that Kakashi does, but uses his sleeker blading technique when actually trying to hit someone/something.
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I suppose in summary I guess I'd say that Sasuke improved upon Kakashi's base Chidori technique and also it's pretty cool to see a tangible, visual difference between the two.
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