#for AGES
spicymc · 4 months
OM! Demons vs MHB Demons
*the OM! Brothers begin dancing*
So, just imagine, there is like a flyer or something akin to battle-of-the-bands or something of the like with a call to action for the two groups to fight. (In each of their respective lands, of course)
OM! Barbatos: We have arrived my Lord.
OM! Diavolo: Splendid! I cannot wait to see the show! Everyone: Three, two, one!
WHB Satan and Mammon: What are they doing?
WHB Sitri: *lowers Satan's weapon for him and shakes his head* Do not waste your energy on them.
*the OM! Brothers begin singing*
WHB Demons: 🤨
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punkstylerecovery · 7 months
Something that a lot of people really don't understand about having OCD or psychosis or just intrusive thoughts is how violent and/or disgusting the inside of your mind can feel and how scary that can be. It can make you want to hide everything about yourself, afraid that somehow some detail could give away what's inside your head or even afraid you might "contaminate" other people because of what your brain does.
That fear can lead to you lying to doctors, which is understandable because doctors can be truly awful to people like us, and that can lead to us not getting mental healthcare for the shame and fear we carry around, not to mention anything else we deal with.
That fear is often reinforced when we try to tell people and they react badly. A lot of the things inside my head aren't things you're "supposed" to think, much less say out loud and people aren't kind about that. People on the internet will even accuse people talking about their intrusive thoughts of being predators or abusers or claim we "should be in jail" just for things we don't even choose to think.
This includes thoughts about attacking people, murder, rape, sex, saying offensive things, ect, ect. Its normal to me, in a way, how violent my thoughts can randomly be but that took a long time and I'm still scared of myself. I'm still scared to tell people. I used to think I was a monster when I was little, somehow evil because I couldn't control my brain.
I wish more people had even basic knowledge about things like this. I think it's something children should be taught about, so that less of us grow up scared of our brains in the way I was, so that less people treat us like shit because they don't understand what we deal with.
We need to kill this ableism/sanism with fire because I am so done with it.
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nofacednerd · 1 year
finished watching the first 3 episodes of Gen V. I was super hesitant at first because honestly I don't watch The Boys for the supes and I was worried that the whole show was just going to be "everyone is a terrible person and they're all doing terrible things to each other as a spectacle" but I am SO glad that it's not that.
I was especially expecting Cate to be a huge asshole to everyone and Marie to be edgy and standoffish to everyone so finding out that they're both genuinely kind people that are struggling with the social dynamics that come with being a superhero was such a welcome suprise. Same thing with Luke tbh, I expected him to be a Homelander clone but he's so much better than I expected.
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
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cuddy ilu but have you maybe considered pranking House by putting clingfilm over his toilet seat or glitter bombing him rather than playing ‘trip the cripple’ and forcing the guy with chronic pain who’s not very steady on his feet to walk up multiple flights of stairs
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myaoza · 2 months
I saw this post about how Jax really treats everyone as NPCs, including the circus gang, as opposed to Pomni who humanizes everyone including the NPCs and how their narrative foils in a way. The “treating everyone as NPCs” thing really stuck with me, cause he definitely does. However, Jax, at least to me, is the most stereotypical DND Murder Hobo I have ever seen. Newer players to ttrpgs, when given the freedom to do fuck all (especially in fantasy settings) have a tendency to, well, murder. Even more so if they’re used to playing fps and combat games in general. They typically don’t care too much about plot progression and “playing along” and sometmes actively try to thwart the other players for gits and shiggles.
Think Susie from Deltarune. When she first enters the dark world all she did was try and pick fights. She refused to follow Kris’s lead, and did whatever the hell she wanted for funsies. Ofc, Susie does end up bonding with the main cast members, including Ralsie and Lancer later on and becomes more engrossed in the Dark World but this post ain't about her.
This is also a trend with newer players. As they move through the game, their roleplaying skills improve and they end up getting attached (Speaking from experience lol). Jax, on the other hand, never really attempted to move past his Murder Hobo ways. In fact, he’s leaning towards them. I think in an effort to not get attached, he’s depersonalized everything and everyone.
It’s honestly surprising now that I think about it how similar everything is to DND, with the cast being the players and Caine being the DM. They’re all just stuck playing one shot after one shot.
Back to the point, I think we can all relate to to fucking with NPCs, trying to push game boundaries, and messing with other players. That’s not to say Jax isn’t an asshole bastard man, he definitely is and I want to put him in a blender. It’s just everything he does feels so detached and apathetic, from the quips to the insults to his nonchalance at everything that’s not fucking with others. I’m pretty sure the only reason Jax is sane despite not forming any strong bonds with the cast when he’s the third longest member is treating everything like a game he’s playing instead of the life he’s living, and honestly? Kinda Valid
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csphire · 1 year
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Astarion Image Credit: https://www.tumblr.com/alcowarlock
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aladaylessecondblog · 9 hours
Severed Destiny brainrot
Dagoth Ur: stay away from Orvas. He's a useful criminal. Loyal to the family. But I don't want you associating with him overmuch. He'll do anything for power.
Dagoth Ur: Don't seek vengeance against town guards that didn't defend those argonians. *insert the talk about vengeance leading to darkness, he's lived it, etc etc*
Orvas: I can have them killed :) :) I can even give you their heads if you'd like
Haj-deek: ...actually the guards are dead...
(The guards were involved with the Camonna Tong, and she knows it, but...vengeance is vengeance, and being seen on Orvas's arm a few times is worth it to her)
((Haj-deek is like: so what if he's using me. I'm using him back!))
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joelletwo · 11 months
absolutely pissed abt being stuck 2 guesses left on metazooa unable to think of what [] are not called []s btw
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inkovert · 10 months
Umm....hey Jax (@blind-the-winds)...you're gonna see me a lot in your notifications over the next several days 😗 ....
I (respectfully do not) apologize in advance...
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scrawlingwithstyle · 6 months
One Good Turn (4/?)
The story of how “you,” an apparently average person, join the Avengers.
A Marvel fanfiction based on my friend’s recurring dream.
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1846
Tags: @arrow-guy @ifitistobeitisuptous (you didn't ask, but I thought I'd make sure you don't miss it)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Training with Natasha goes well for the first few sessions. Once you’re used to being sore, you make the mistake of trying your luck. Natasha has, in fact, been taking it easy on you the entire time. The moment your attitude goes from confident to cocky, she lays you out flat on your ass.
Your face burns red as she helps you up.
“Don’t get comfortable,” she says, “and don’t underestimate your opponent.”
Not long after that, Tony catches you on your way to the gym with the results from your DNA test.
“There’s nothing too unusual,” he says. “You might want to be careful about sweets, but otherwise you’re basically normal.”
You try not to be too disappointed. Having no hidden X-gene doesn’t stop Barton from being a badass. Besides, you’re making progress with Natasha. You could definitely still be useful.
Stark interrupts your thoughts. “Don’t worry; you’re in great shape. I doubt you’ll develop diabetes anytime soon.”
It takes you a second to realize he’s referring to other findings in your DNA test; just as you’re making that connection, he smirks to himself.
“I’m just joking. Actually there was something else we wanted to talk to you about.” He gestures with his chin behind you, toward the gym door. “When you’re done with Nat today, she’ll take you to the penthouse, and we’ll have a chat.”
You nod, not fully trusting your voice not to break. What could they want to discuss? It’s way too early for you to go on any kind of mission. You don’t feel even remotely prepared.
Or are they going to take back their offer? Tony is fairly unreadable, and he never did tell you if you passed his weird interview.
Nat comments on your demeanor toward the end of the latest session. “You can’t let your feelings affect how you fight. That could be the difference between life and death.”
She’s waiting for you when you exit the showers. Your heartbeat seems to climb into your throat, even though she gives you a smile before leading you away.
The elevator ride was quiet. You nervously shove your hands into your pockets as Natasha opens a door into a lounge area. Despite the flat being open, it’s cozy, and everyone appears to already be deep in a conversation around a coffee table.
Steve offers you a warm smile and a seat by him as everyone stops to look at you.
“Everyone, this is our latest recruit,” Tony says from across the table. He gestures around the table. “You’ve already met several of us. This is Thor and Sam.”
Sam smiles and nods, and Thor gives a wide grin. You can’t quite place Sam, but you don’t want to embarrass yourself or him over not recognizing him, so you only wave meekly and introduce yourself.
After spending so much time with Natasha, and kind of flirting with Steve, you didn’t really expect to be quite so starstruck again surrounded by so many of the Avengers.
“You’ll probably meet the others another time,” Tony says, waving a hand dismissively. “Sam just happened to be free tonight.”
You take the seat Steve offered you, and Stark continues.
“So,” he says, clapping his hands together and glancing around, “who wants to share the news?”
You look expectantly around the coffee table, and a hand claps you on the back, startling you. You turn to your other side, where Dr. Banner is sitting.
“Welcome to the Avengers,” he says, smiling.
You have to take a second to process—the words, then your emotions. “I—wow, thanks. I honestly wasn’t expecting that,” you say.
“Wait till you hear the other news,” Bruce says, looking past you.
You follow his gaze back to Tony.
“We have access to very powerful technology for a short period of time," he began. “This technology can be used to do many things, but what we're most interested in using it for is making the mundane... extraordinary.”
Everyone turns to look at you.
“What?” you ask after a moment, looking around the group. “…Is there something on my face?”
Tony sighs. “Were you even listening?”
“Yeah, it can change boring to awesome. What's this have to do with me?” you ask. “I'm just a normal—”
It finally clicks.
“Oh . . . You mean me?”
Bruce nods. “We're not taking this lightly. You acted very well under pressure, despite being ‘normal.’”
“And we're just giving you the option,” Steve added. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
You hesitate. “Is this like a top-secret, government, experimental thing that’s gonna break me, or…?”
Tony rolls his eyes, and Natasha leans forward to answer. “No, it's better. It’s faster, and easier on the body.”
Dr. Banner chimes in. “Fortunately, no government on Earth will ever have access to this particular device.  I can’t imagine the havoc.”
Stark clears his throat, drawing your attention back to the other end of the table. “Do you want to get powers and join the Avengers or not?”
You nod. “Yeah, but… what's the catch?”
“We can literally program two specific powers into your DNA.” His annoyance is palpable. “The ‘catch’ is you'll be an Avenger and we'll need to be able to contact you with little to no notice.”
At the mention of two powers, you already have one in mind.
“I'll need some time to pick my powers,” you reply. “But sure, I'll do it.”
Tony glances at his watch and heads toward the door. “You've got twenty-two hours to decide. I'll be in my lab.”
After he leaves, the rest of the group breaks for the kitchen. Clint, who’s said nothing since you arrived, calls out, “Hey, newbie!” and tosses you a glass, which you deftly catch, to your own surprise. You now realize that training with Natasha is definitely paying off.
It’s not a full dinner, but someone has prepared a huge charcuterie that’s practically a buffet on the dining table. Drinks are set out on the island, but you’re more in the mood for soda.
You catch Bruce’s eye and point to the fridge. “Can I…?”
“Go for it,” he says, gesturing broadly with a grin. “Tony’s casa es su casa.”
You laugh as you place your unused glass on the counter. In the fridge, you find a stash of cola and crack open a can, shutting the door with your elbow.
You’re not really sure how to approach the group, but a question from Sam gives you an opening.
“How did they rope you in?” he asks.
You step toward the group, shrugging. “Dumb luck…” You consider your actions on the train with a half grin. “…Emphasis on the ‘dumb.’”
“They threw a knife,” Natasha butts in, smiling. “They missed, but it still helped.”
Sam shakes his head and chuckles. “Man, they let anyone in these days.”
“What’s that say about you, Feathers?” Clint jokes. “You just joined this year.”
It doesn’t take you long to connect the dots, now. You realize that Sam must be the Falcon.
“I have experience,” he shot back over his drink.
“They helped stop a subway hijacking as a civilian,” Bruce retorts, “with, what, a knife and some string?” He turns to you to verify.
“A few hoodie laces…” you answer meekly from behind your can of soda, “…from the kids.” You don’t let the silence hang too long. “To be fair, I only helped tie up the Hydra agents after Natasha knocked them out.”
“No, no, don’t sell yourself short,” Nat pipes up. “I mean, yes, that’s basically how it went down, but you’re still selling yourself short. Sam,” she turned her attention to him, “try to hit them.”
You gulp down too much soda at once, eyes pricking from the carbonation. “What?” You definitely don’t feel ready after yesterday’s fiasco and having your entire ass handed to you.
Sam chuckles again. “Not up for it? That’s fine.”
You look around the group; Steve seems confident in you, and Natasha gives a subtle nod. Well, if Black Widow thinks I can handle it…
You put your can down and move away from the furniture. “I can give it a shot,” you say, trying to mask your nerves.
Sam raises his eyebrows and puts down his food. “I’ll go easy on you,” he says as he approaches.
He throws a punch, which you dodge. He smirks, then goes for another. You duck out of the way again. “Hmm…” He pauses in thought before switching strategies and going for a kick.
You dodge, grab his leg, and sweep the other one out from under him, landing him flat on his back.
To your surprise, he laughs, and you get a few cheers—the loudest from Thor.
“Not bad,” Sam comments as you help him up.
“Thanks. I’ve only been training for a couple of weeks,” you say. “I’m gonna need a lot more practice.”
You retrieve your drink. You want to ask Thor if he’s really from another planet, but Clint speaks before you get the chance.
“So, do you have any powers in mind?” he asks.
“Just one right now,” you respond. “I’m kind of stumped on the second.”
“Oh?” He leans on the island and takes a sip of his drink. “What’s the first one?”
“Healing. Like, super-fast healing.” It’s been your favorite hypothetical pick almost as long as people have been asking you, “If you could pick a super power…”
Steve chimes in. “Oh, like Wolverine.”
“Well, I actually got the idea from Deadpool,” you shrug, “but same difference, right?”
The room freezes in stunned silence before Clint erupts into loud guffaws. "Oh, my God. Tony has to hear this. F.R.I.D.A.Y., call Tony!”
A holo screen appears over the island. You see Tony working on something, with one arm encased in his Iron Man armor.
“Have they decided on their powers already?” he asks.
Clint, still laughing, gestures to you and says, “Tell him what you told us.”
You can’t quite hold back your smile, and your mouth quirks up on one side. “I want a healing factor, like Deadpool.”
Stark stops what he’s doing and gives you a flat look. “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
Clint laughs louder, and Tony has to speak over him.
“And the other power?” he asks, sounding defeated.
“I haven’t decided yet,” you respond.
He sighs and ends the connection.
You have to ask. “Why is everyone having a weird reaction to my mention of Deadpool?”
Clint wipes a tear from his eye. “He’s been trying to join the Avengers for a while now. He drives Tony batshit whenever he stops in.”
“I’ve only ever seen him on the news,” you say with a grin. “Mostly from a distance. From what I’ve seen, he’s a riot.” A thought. “But if I ever saw him in real life, I’d get the hell out of dodge. His disregard for civilians is astronomical.”
Bruce speaks up. “Yeah, that’s why he’s not allowed to be an Avenger.”
“Fair point,” you say, taking a swig of your drink.
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untilyouremember · 9 months
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Yona of the Dawn
Available digitally
Available in print
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Just woke up but, friendly reminder that writers aren't machines. We're people. Also, reblogs and thank yous (if you request something from a writer) mean a great deal to us and, frankly, are not hard to do.
Truly blows my mind that some people think writers on here establishing boundaries and setting their foot down when it comes to a lack of appreciation and/or interaction are assholes somehow.
This demonisation of writers asserting themselves is very weird behaviour.
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alterniansexfiend · 8 months
GT: Morning Dirk, sleep well?
TT: I be killing myself in there not gonna lie
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yaboijakie · 1 year
howdy, i wrote another tf2 drabble that doesn’t really fit anywhere, this time focusing on scout and spy. y’all have fun with this one, it’s all entirely based around one punchline. 
Ever since his co-workers had come to learn of his relationship with Scout, Father’s Day on Teufort had become an unbearable holiday for Spy. Not only was it mindlessly hot with the day falling in Summer, but the others would relentlessly tease him for the entire day, throwing snide comments at him with Scout absolutely in hearing range, which drove him insane. 
But this year everyone was… quiet. No comments, jokes, or jabs, they had all left Spy relatively alone for the day. 
Which really only made him worry more as to what they may be planning. 
And his fears only worsened when he saw Demoman and Sniper pushing Scout towards him. 
“What’s the big deal?! You guys don’t have to shove that hard- ah, hey Spy,” Scout said sheepishly as he elbowed the other two away from him. At that, they gave Scout and Spy some space but were still in view so Spy could see them snickering. He glared at them before turning his attention to Scout with what he hoped was a calm and indifferent stare. 
“What is it?” Spy said coolly. 
“Look, uh… for some reason the guys wanted me to give you this,” Scout said quickly, bringing out a wrapped box from behind him. Spy stared at it, dumbfounded, as Scout continued. “And for some reason they wanted me, specifically, to give it to ya - I dunno why! - and they also won’t say what it is or why I’m even givin’ it to you, so uh. Have it if you want.” 
Scout held out the box dumbly. Spy continued to stare at it without moving. 
“...Er,” Spy cleared his throat. “Thank you.” He said quietly, and took it from the younger man. Scout seem surprised that he even took it. 
“No prob. I mean, I’m not the one who got it, like I said, I dunno what it is so hopefully it’s- not a bomb. I dunno why someone would get a bomb, unless it was Cyclops, he would’ve done that, but he said it’s not a bomb,” Scout rambled. Spy started unwrapping the box. “And y’know how he is, if it was a bomb, he prolly woulda said! Woulda been proud that it was a bomb, and I wouldn’t have said anything, I can be part of a prank! No offense, Spy,” Spy started opening the box. The snickering from Demoman and Sniper got louder. “But, y’know, you’re a dick, no one really likes you all that much. And you know that, so you wouldn’t have a problem with stuff like that. Since you sorta do it on purpose. Anyway, what’d they get you?” 
Spy held up the mug from the box. 
“Aw, nice! A mug! Looks pretty decent too!” Scout said cheerfully. 
Spy, however, was not so happy. 
Because on the side of the mug he was looking at, the side that was currently not in Scout’s line of sight, he could see what was written on it. 
The tacky, absolutely ridiculous mug that someone thought was a fantastic joke said in big, bold, red letters, 
Spy’s expression went from indifferent to absolutely horrified. Demoman and Sniper were howling with laughter. Scout was only growing more and more confused by the second. 
“Wha- the hell’s goin’ on, what’s so funny?! Lemme look-” Scout snatched the mug away from Spy before he had a second to react. Scout took a moment to read it and a grin slowly spread on his face. 
“That’s- ha- that’s really- haHAH- god that’s really freakin’ funny,” Scout said, trying to cover his laughs in between his words. Then he squinted at the mug. “Wait, Spy, you’re a dad?” 
Spy didn’t have a chance to answer that, as he was already chasing Demoman and Sniper with the intent to kill them.
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Will expand on this when I’m more awake however:
human tmnt au BUT the boys have oligodactyly
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I was trying to draw Marc as john Watson in celebration of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes finally becoming public domain, and.
This is the best full-body drawing I’ve ever done of anyone. Ever.
Oh my god.
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