#this has a lot of hc and speculation btw
one-strugling-bean · 2 months
Thinking abt Hater n Peeps...
thinking about how they probably started out as friends with similar interests. Two losers with a damaged heart and a need to feel respected (and loved) meet and decide to conquer the world that wronged them before together
Thinking how at first they probably saw each other as more of a means to an end: ill make him do all the boring paperwork stuff while I actually conquer everything vs ill let him believe he's the number one and show his face while I pull the strings from behind type of shit. but eventually grew to appreciate each other's company, found interests in common, and went through shit that forced them to grow closer
(especially since they were probably each other's first friend. imagine the giddiness over finding someone you just click with after a whole life of being lonely)
thinking bout how much hater must have soaked in peepers praise from the start. Peepers being the 1st person to have ever called him cool. to support his dreams. even if hater hides it under a "sure you can tag along, if you do everything I say" kind of facade, he actually becomes super addicted to (and dependent on) peeps right from the get-go
Thinking bout how peepers must have been the opposite. He sees the potential hater has from the start, but for all the praise and admiration to become more than a way of manipulation it takes a bit. Still, it's only a small matter of time before peeps drowns in all the charisma and power being with hater brings. besides, he's found in Hater companionship the likes of he'd never felt before with anyone.
When he decides to make Hater the nº1 villain in all the galaxy, he knows he's sealing his fate - but he doesn't regret it one bit.
They essentially become best friends (also each other's 1st and only friend), though they never properly talk about it because ew feelings, and "they're supposed to be villains, and villains aren't friends". but they still see each other as friends and act accordingly
but then their pipe dream actually starts looking like it could work, and what before sounded like a make-believe game the two played with each other while they travelled the galaxy together, starts looking like a reality
They are ecstatic. they buy a customized ship. peepers convinces his people to fight for their cause and suddenly they have an army as well! hater steadily learns how to behave like a terrifying overlord instead of an edgy teen, and suddenly their fame is spreading everywhere!
they're unstoppable! hater is on his way to becoming the biggest threat to the galaxy and peepers is the 2nd in command that made it all happen! everything is perfect!
then, hater hurts peepers with his powers for the first time and things are... different.
They're both shocked that 1st time. hater has hurt many people by that point, but he never lost control on someone close to him. even if he was upset... peepers is also shocked because by that point he trusted hater with his life. he saw himself as a valuable part of their team, - their partnership! it felt like a betrayal. to both of them, actually
and slowly, these excuses become the reality. hater hurting peepers physically and verbally becomes the norm, and perhaps in an unconscious bout of retaliation, peepers becomes hater's biggest critic, just as he is his biggest fan. He's the first to point out hater's mistakes (under whats acceptable of him) knowing exactly where to press on his insecurities to make it hurt more
but they don't talk about it, just like they never talked about whether they were friends before, so separately, they start making excuses. Hater is the leader - the greatest Villain in the Galaxy - of course he shouldn't spare anyone! and Peepers is working for him right? If he makes a mistake, of course he should be punished! they were always using each other for their own goals
...there can't exist a betrayal of something that never existed, right?
they stop hanging out informally as much because "they're not friends it's just a mutual partnership". they still do hang out sometimes, because they're still lonely and have no other friends but its less... carefree
time passes and the empire grows. the more it does, the more they fall into their make-believe roles - the evil villain and his assistant. hater becomes crueler, peepers becomes more obsessed with his work (and crueler) and slowly they lose that spark that started them out in the 1st place
Then wander and sylvia come around and the make-belief starts to crack.
things start getting out of control. Hater's cruelty doesn't kill the enemies. peepers work isn't efficient enough. the two are once more thrown into unlikely situations together that force them to be closer, and the occasional chaos breaks the carefully crafted characters they'd built over themselves for so long.
they start being seen as jokes again. the empire is losing its edge and so are they. all the while, they start losing that shadow of subordination that had been controlling their relationship for so long
but wounds and misunderstandings have been piling up for years, and there's only so much "casually hanging out with my friend-turned-toxic workplace relationship-turned-sorta friend again" they can do before something gives
and by the end of season 2, hater's fate seems inevitable - he'll let go of villainy sooner or later. but what about peepers? the other half of the same pipe dream, the other half of the same messy relationship.
Was he gonna be able to let go of it too? What was going to weigh heavier in the end? The fractured friendship? or the pipe dream?
were they meant to be able to solve their issues and regain that initial connection that drove them to conquer the stars together in the first place? Or just... break apart, for good.
...god i rly want a season 3
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stvnszlr · 8 months
HI! Here to beg u for Steven adhd headcanons
Pls i promise i'll be good this year.
oh my goodness … so um this is something i am like way too passionate about !! im going to seem like the craziest crazy person EVER by sharing this cuz i wrote .… a lot but u guys gotta stick with me okay you’ll see the vision
THANK YOU for asking this btw ! this is one of the things that makes me relate to steven the most ,,>_<,, and i will literally talk abt it anytime
☆ steven adhd hc’s / reasons why i think it’s possible he has adhd ! ☆ ( coming from someone who has a severe combined type adhd diagnosis )
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please note this is all just speculation !! i’ve noticed some connections between his behavior / things he’s spoken about and adhd symptoms , but i am certainly no doctor and the only one who can truly determine any of this is steven himself . these observations are mostly just for my comfort as a neurodivergent person :)
ohhh stevie is a BIG stimmer :) he taps on everything in sight , he also hums a lot and likes to move his body ! bouncing , jumping , flapping , shaking , jiggling , playing with his hair ( i have video evidence sue me >:( )
people often describe him as “twitchy” , randomly making odd movements or sounds that can surprise and confuse those around him
vocal stims , dude . like my man is a parrot he’ll repeat random phrases over and over without thinking about it , just going about his day mumbling the most obscure sentences without even realizing
i’ve also noticed from watching videos he has a big BIG tendency to repeat things other people say !! i think that’s a combo of vocal stimming and also struggling to fit in when making conversation
he has literally confessed to having sensory issues related to taste and texture ??!?!? so i imagine he has them with other things too it’s mostly touch or sound related things that really get to him and can cause overwhelm but honestly anything that catches him at the right time will have him retreating inside himself and blocking everything out , unable to respond cuz he can’t think or listen
also seems to struggle with clothes touching his body ! he is always in loose tank tops and wears a lot of cropped pants / shorts , and has never really worn a lot of accessories unlike his bandmates . this could definitely be attributed to sensory issues , especially hating the feeling of wearing jewelry ( rings especially ) and also makeup on his face
drums !!! poppy loves drumming , it is SUCH a good stimulant for his brain cuz it works muscle memory , gives a dopamine rush , and combines both creative thought with an athletic activity
hyperfixations oh my god he is so bad . so so bad . he’ll pick up something for like a few weeks and dedicate EVERYTHING to it just to never pick it up again
very typical hyperactive type adhd , trouble focusing and sitting still OH MY GOD this man cannot sit normally for the life of him
um hyperfocus also !! drums is prolly his biggest one but if it’s something he’s super tuned into he can just . sit there and mindlessly work on it for HOURS before someone notices and is like hello take a break ??
didn’t like school cuz he always felt like he wasn’t smart , he was actually really interested by some subjects but just couldn’t keep up as a student :/ he also started getting into skating and music which were much better dopamine activities than school so he kinda just . quit ?
part of why his mom kicked him out so young , he was impulsive and reckless and very VERY high energy , easily irritated and his emotions had no filter / couldn’t control them or his actions based on them
this poor kid is so forgetful . he really cannot remember shit and it gets him in trouble a lot ! he’s gotta be reminded by the guys about EVERYTHING and it annoys them to no end , and steven always feels bad cause he wishes he could remember , but for some reason he forgets every time !
it’s where his irritability comes from too , he sometimes flips like a switch and can get really defensive and aggressive . he’ll lash out and turn really angry — not in a super serious way , but it’s the reason he gets in so many little fights with all the other guys , especially axl .
this is also tied in with the rlly strong sense of justice that neurodivergent people feel !! the reason he’d stand up and talk back when everyone else could just let it go
easier to fall into addiction and harder to get out of it . places a vice on his brain , trapping him in dependency on the drugs and making it so much more difficult to quit — why it took him so much longer to get sober than any of the others , even after all his health scares
drugs are also a coping mechanism for sensory issues and that awful , isolating feeling of being built just slightly different than everyone else
UM ???? LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT STEVEN POST GNR + LEAVING THE BAND IS JUST SCREAMING RSD ??? like the abandonment issues built up from his childhood ON TOP of being insanely sensitive to disappointing others / feeling unwanted ?? yeah i fucking understand why he couldn’t let go of it for almost twenty years of his life that’s like the worst possible thing to go through as someone hypersensitive to feelings of rejection bro . oh my god .
rsd also attributes to him being really eager to please especially with friends , and trying to talk himself up and seem cool and on their level and worth keeping around :(
i do also think it is likely that he learned to mask a LOT of his symptoms , of course not all of them ( as we can pretty obviously see in like . any video ever taken of him ) but a lot of the less socially acceptable ones he naturally forced himself to hide :( 
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
Just read chapter 17! It was sooo worth the wait!
It totally flew over my head that nico and will got a apartment (had to go back and reread, lol) but I feel like someone needs make a pintrest board on what there house looks like, what do you imagine?
As soon as I read that will was going to a party I KNEW he was going to trigger nico with alcohol. It was really sweet though how he just kept confessing his love to nico, I couldn't keep giggling at that part
Oh poor will, the dating accusations with ncio are only going to get worse lol. In all honesty I guess he's not going to care that much about people knowing he's bi, but I don't think nico will like the speculation
Nico making the luckey one the seventh track omg we love the cabin 7 refrence!
I am so ready for this new album (my spotify playlists consist of nicos music from this au, not even egsagurating) I'm so happy with the addition of all falls down (I hc that the saxophone was Austin's playing!)
Also will Hazel and or Frank ever make a appearance in this au? If not why? (Genuinely curious)
This was a great chapter! I hope you have so much fun at the eras tour, and I hope you get a good suprose song!
so sorry it took so long for me to respond to this!!! at first i wanted to wait till i was able to make a pinterest board, but then i couldn't really find exactly what i wanted (but still made a board - here's the link!) so i decided i'd just describe it:
it’s a penthouse, and right now it’s veryyyy empty. they moved into it just before will’s next semester started so not much time to decorate!! they kept all like the basic furniture, so i do think they have a sort of living room connected to the kitchen - hold up, now i’m realizing i sorta based that layout off my uncles house. don’t know why i did that but!! we’re going with it. so they have two couches in the “living room” and a tv, leading to a kitchen with the generic appliances + a kitchen island - then i think that there’s a hallway with doors to one of the bathrooms, the guest room, and the studio, and then the master bedroom is also like. right across from the kitchen. if im even making any sense. i actually don’t know what a penthouse looks like so im just going off of pinterest vibes💯💯 anyway i think that eventually, they’ll also def have a lot of (fake) plants (bc lord knows they don’t actually have time to water and take care of plants), and LOTSS OF BLANKETS. i think that like almost every time they go to a target or smth to get smth they actually need, they walk out of the store with at least one blanket. they’re all over the couches, the beds, the chairs, idk why but i just want their apartment to be very very cozy :) aside from that, will 100% has his record collection moved to their room, with a few hanging from the living room- there’s definitely shelves of a bunch of awards or posters and things like that - A PHOTO WALL TOO!! definitely a photo wall. i also think that both nico and will are very messy, at least when they’re busy with something (and they always are) so every countertop and table and desk is filledddd with clutter. like so much. papers and textbooks and headphones and laptops they’re everywhere.
i realize it’s actually really hard to explain my vision for their apartment, which is funny bc i have a very specific layout in my head - and also one for nico’s apartment in so american btw!! so maybe sometime ill figure out how to draw a floor plan just so i can show yall what im thinking, but in the end, that’s the general vibe of it!!
now on to the rest of the ask‼️
will is ADORABLE he’s just such a simp and i love him for that. drunk words r truly sober thoughts in his case
youre 100% right with will not really caring abt people knowing!! i know some people assumed that will was the one being outed, and this was going to lead to some sort of angsty plot line, but seriously- will doesn’t care for that stuff. in his eyes, he’s already out, because he’s come out to all of his friends and the people he knows. the people on twitter are trying to search for something that just isn’t really that important
YES YES YES FOR THE ALL FALLS DOWN HC!!! i forgot to mention the songs and the artists in the end notes but seriously, all falls down by lizzy mcalpine is SOOOO fucking nico. i almost considered it being apollo (which i think it could also be) except the production style just wasn’t rlly very him if u get what i mean?? he’s much more like mainstream pop, and nico is too but he’s less worried abt sticking to a genre and i think it matches him perfectly
hazel and frank WILL be making their appearances soon!! i’ve had their backstories planned for sooo long and i can’t WAIT to finally include them. it’s been a long time coming but i swear it’ll be worth the wait!!
thank you SOO MUCH and i’m sorry again for taking so long to respond to this!! i had an incredible time at the eras tour and got some AMAZING surprise songs so thank you for that!!
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fantomette22 · 11 months
Hey, what do you think is up with that giant tree in the cathedral ward? The one that you can see from the church workshop. It's on the opposite side of the map from the forbidden woods as well as the abandoned hunter's workshop so it can't be from them. If I remember correctly, it looks like it's inside the city itself, with an area built around it. Looking at a map places it in either Yahar'gul or Old Yharnam. Any ideas if it has any significance?
Hi Bobby! Thank you for giving me the occasion to talk about it! :D Luckily the other day i took a few screenshots of it! It's indeed the famous "great tree/grand arbre" that the Doll talked about after you defeat Mergo's Wet Nurse. Just next to the abandonned old hunter workshop.
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Btw you can see lil hunter workshop is here in the mist too! :3
Well, sadly besides the Doll, nobody ever referred or acknowledge the tree. And we can't even go in the area where it is so I can only speculate and have headcanons out of it.
Well first the hunter's dream is an amalgame of 3 main few places (plus at differents time) :
Old hunter workshop (only place we can visit in real world)
Probably the great tree base
the "backward garden" where Gehrman sleep / where you can change messengers lil hats.
Only one of this places is possible to be visited in Yharnam but I think the others existed too.
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Ok so idk what kind of tree it is but it's very old and tall. So my guess is that it was planted when Yharnam/Pthumeru was founded! Probably hundreds or thousands of years old! Probably become a great symbol. Maybe they practice rites here before the tombs of the gods or churches were built. Maybe link with the Moon Presence too. (remind me of the tree in my hometown planted in 1792, after the the French Revolution, it's a tilleul/linden and it's huge).
After all in chalice dungeons there's lot of roots on the ceilings too. I wouldn't be surprised is some are from this tree!
Now in modern time I hc that the hunters could have gather here or even trained here! Besides running around the workshop, it doesn't feel like a great training place to fight and practice. The area at the foot of the tree would be way better for sparring!
that's why I think Gehrman really like this place! it's important to him. And if his physical body is dead and buried somewhere I think it would be next to the great tree (so yeah the tombstone behind would him is his own...).
Maybe other hunter's are buried here. There is so many graves everywhere around and in Yharnam where there's places. I wouldn't be surprise if some are here. Maybe hunters who show signed of blood drunkness were killed there too... (yeah angsty and dark hc ;-;)
So yeah that's my thoughts on it. maybe everyone could go there, maybe only clerics or hunters who know. Not the most important place because it's not a building but I feel it is important on another plan. Deep inside people heart and soul.
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yuyu-emy · 3 months
The Butch Review: "Fade" Hazal Eyletmez
So, I have to discuss Fade. I might do more butch reviews if i feel there is a character deserving of one, regardless let's start. Fade is a butch lesbian. To me at least, and i think any non lesbian hcs work, but they have to be gay. This is because Fade simply is some sort of gay. If i had to get specific, I see her as a transfem butch lesbian, Just because i think shes goated like that. She has too much swag to not be all types of lgbt.
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I'll start with her aura because it is, wholly divine. Fade's hairstyle, agent name, fighting style, and physical appearance is jus everything to me. She gives goth, but comfortable. Nothing about her seems to be particularly there in order to be eye catching right. Her mannerisms are so beautiful too. The way she moves in the agent selection screen and her abilities just tells me that she's powerful and calculated. Fade has a method for everything she does, a routine almost in the way she hunts her targets.
It's almost like shes very confident yet still very protective of herself at the same time, I love it. I personally feel like she's butch just because, well her vibe, I feel like she'd be protective of others, and her style is so androgynous. My main point by the way is to argue that I think the online lesbian communities should appreciate Fade more as one of our own. Begging riot on my hands and knees to say that she's lesbian please. anyway, theres so many awesome lesbian ship potential for Fade (I personally dont see her as the type to date).
I wanna talk about 2 lore tidbits as well that, in my head sort of spiral into my Fade delusions but... Just hear me out. First, her panther identity. I wouldn't call it obsession or affiliation because it clearly goes deeper than that. Fade's connection with panthers/big cats dips into so many parts of her character. Most obviously, all her abilities are panther related, things like "prowler", abilities based on seeking out "prey". Especially her ultimate, I believe, is very big cat vibes: She takes away her opponents abilities to hear, and can get a trail that leads her right to them. This is so similar to how big cats will hunt in the while, being lead by scents, having the advantage of being unheard by prey, and ambushing them. Fade's whole kit mimics that of a panther/tiger. Fade also has a paw print tattoo and, wait for it..... Paw print shoes!(this is one of my favourite parts about her, i bring it up way too much). Her paw print shoes not only reinforce the concept of her creeping, stalking, and being silent, but also they anatomically make sense. There is a big paw pad at the toes with smaller paw shapes at the heel, which is similar to the hind leg of a big cat.
(to speak on her tattoo more btw, i think its more to represent her hand as a panther's, with the human palm but catlike claw fingers)
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The other thing i wanted to mention is the fact that she plays DnD. Im not sure if it's an AU by Riot or something, but its a thing nonetheless. DnD is like the ultra mcgayifier and transiblator so that alone makes her gay trans. Thanks. Also to speculate her character, i feel like she'd either play a big beefy butch cat fighter or lean butch cat rogue.
Anyway, for Fade's overall style, i just love her. Jacket and pants, unique and accessorized but... Very simple. I can see that she loves simplicity and concise concepts. She also expresses herself with makeup, piercings, and henna... I'm so attached to her snakebites i don't think anyone understands. The shirt under her jacket and her gloves are all ripped up which makes me think. A lot. I think its a mix of personal style, not caring about how she looks, and also maybe a little bit of attachment to things. She just gives me those vibes. I also think its very interesting that in Turkish culture, cats and wolves are very highly regarded animals, so her having a big cat identity i think also ties in with that. Her eyes are even supposed to be similar to Turkish Angora cats. I also love how she has the classic black and red colour scheme to go with her dark personality, theres so many interesting aspects to Fade, truly.
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Now, to my dismay, Fade's goal is to find a man who was important to her, we do not know why tho. He could be sibling, friend, father, family, colleague, or anything really. So maybe I'm a little in denial yeah but shes lesbo to me, i think bi fade or ftm gay fade is also a very good idea though. Thank you to any potential listeners! had to relieve myself of that infodump.
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dreamii-krybaby · 2 years
your nori headcanons, hand them over
Wait. People are actually interested in my Nori HCs? Holy shit *screams in happiness*
Ironically I been working on a post dedicated to my Nori HCs! but am going to throw a “few” in here.
Nori Doorman! HCs 🗝️
(watch all of this get absolutely wrecked when we fully get to see her character alongside others.)
(Btw some of my HC are connected to my personal speculations)
• I honestly can’t see this woman being straight. So fuck it. She is pansexual now.
• I was thinking of HC her as neurodivergent! But not sure rn.
• Nori was named that way by herself because after she found out about sushi’s existence,and after finding out the algae used in sushi is called “Nori”, she later named herself after that bc she thought the word sounded cute.
• If robots could eat human food,she would definitely try all kinds of sushi or just the algae for curiosity.
• We canonically don’t know if Nori was a WD that had parents or was a WD who gained sentience. But personally I like to think she was one of the many WDs who gained sentience.
• She actually gained sentience when she was slightly younger and moments after the extinction of humanity.
• She was around her early 30s when she passed away.
• She met Khan before the WDF existed or when Khan wasn’t even considered a leader.
• They met while both found themselves in a pickle after trying to scavenge scraps for personal projects.
• I do think if they were WDs who attended high-school,they would have met after being paired for a school project.
• If Nori ever went to high school she definitely strikes me as a “shy nerdy geeky girl but gets super exited when talking about her passions”.
•Nori and Khan were roughly the same age when they started dating but Khan started to age physically more faster bc of overwork and stress after becoming the colony’s leader.
• Honestly Khan and Nori’s relationship strikes me as:
“Big menacing dog who is actually a goofball” and “Tiny black kitten who looks adorable but will commit war crimes if provoked”
• Honestly I can only see Nori’s and Khan’s relationship being so fucking wholesome,they were lovebirds your honor. Ofc before shit hit the fan.
• She used to spend time with the WDF and join in their card games!
• Nori was incredibly good at card/board games. She always somehow won when playing card games with the WDF. The WDF still let her join bc it was fun. (And bc she was their leader’s wife)
•The way of how imagine Nori’s voice is sort of a smooth and soft voice. Slightly monotone and a bit high pitch. Like her voice immediately gives “shy soft woman who also happens to be a mother” vibes.
Her voice does shift a bit when she gets really excited! (Or any strong emotion) Completely loosing her monotony and smoothness a bit.
The best voice claim I can think for rn her is actually Candace from Genshin Impact, just make her voice a bit high pitched.
Also fun fact! Candaces english VA (Shara Kirby) is the same VA of Serial Designation-J!
Another Voice claim i can come up is Andrea Storm Kaden!
She is a singer who performed in a lot of fan songs of video-games. (tattletail,FNAF,BATIM, Overwatch,etc. She did a lot of collabs with JT Music and I think a few with TryHardNinja.)
• She is actually shorter than the average WDs,but just by a few inches. She isn’t an ant like Uzi.
• Her hair is much more longer and a few shades lighter than Uzi’s.
• Her eyes are also much saturated compared to her daughter’s eyes color.
•She also has cute lil chompers! Tho they dont look the same as the DDs. They are smaller and shorter,Uzi inherited that trait from her.
• Uzi’s necklace actually belonged to Nori.
• When Nori got her hands on this necklace and started wearing it,she never took it off.
• She definitely strikes me as someone who is into cottage-gore.
• She is a goth mom,thats it. Like and old-school goth mom. (Like she is more into the “feminine” part of goth,if I can explain myself)
• She constantly wore black dresses. The one she wore the most was a simple off shoulder black dress with short sleeves and frills on it. It was made from a very thin and light material. And it had a purple flower pattern on it.
• She wore this dress while wearing black combat boots (Like most WDs) and her necklace.
• She had a pair of black combat boots but this time her boots lace was a purple color.
• She also had a WDs jacket! And occasionally wore it. It was purple.
• One of her many hobbies was painting. She didn’t do it all the time,just occasionally. Khan still kept some of them hidden away.
• She was definitely one of those girls who would see true crime content.
• She would sometimes put screamo music when cleaning.
•She definitely listened to grunge,goth,metal music
•She isn’t much of a singer but she can hum pretty well!
•She hums when doing chores or when comforting Uzi.
•Uzi’s and Nori’s love language would definitely be touch. I can see her humming as she caresses Uzi’s head,as Uzi lays it on her mother’s lap. She did this whenever her kid had a rough time.
•Nori was the only person who could calm Uzi down whenever she went “feral”.
•Uzi would probably be more close and vulnerable with Nori.
• Nori is probably one of the most softest/chillest person. But make her really pissed and honey you are dead. (May or may not be literal)
• Whenever she is just angry but not necessarily pissed she is more a cold,piercing kind of anger. The kind to stare into your soul and makes you question all your life choices.
Note: Btw I theorized she was related to the AS and actually had it since EP2! So have some of that!
• She was covered in scars,bumps and dents,but she mostly covered them up with her clothes or the AS did the job healing the scars. Or she covered them up by literally painting over herself.
As to why she had these scars? Well lets say she got herself into questionable and dangerous situations.
• She would replace a lot of the broken mirrors that she would break with her AS in her house,in secret.
• She would occasionally use her AS when doing chores.
EP3 spoilers!
Note: We don’t know if Nori consumed Oil whe she was alive,since I theorized she had the AS. But I have some HCs if she did:
• Sometimes she would arrive at her home,alone or when Khan was sleeping. Wearing long forearmed-length black gloves, laced up with purple/white lace.
• She would carry a dark colored bag (that looked like those tote bags but is was bigger and the material was much more thicker) that leaked oil at the bottom.
• Her dress would have dry or fresh stains. She also reeked of oil.
• She started out as frenemies with Yeva,but they later became besties.
• The 2 would hang out a lot alone.
• Nori constantly visited Yeva at her house,but she never invited Yeva to her house. Since Nori was always sort of messy, and she was self conscious about that in the past.
• They both would probably talk all kinds of things.
• She would definitely teach Yeva 1 or 2 things about her AS powers,since Nori has more experience with her AS abilities than Yeva.
• Nori would sometimes speak russian to Yeva. Meanwhile Yeva would speak English to Nori. Just for the funsies.
• Nori actually met Baby Doll at some point! She even held her.
• I always thought of Nori as a more artistic oriented woman but EP3 seems to make me think of her more of the scientific side.
• So she is a bit of both but her artistic side is showed more often than her scientific side.
•Nori personally customized her own necklace and helped Yeva with it when it came to her bracelet.
Side Note: Ok wtf that was more than I expected jesus. Anyways yeah this is just like 5% of my interpretation and HCs if Nori…yeah I am
✨mentally not ok✨
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thecloudstan · 5 months
How many rounds do you think that Rufus and Cloud can do one night? XD On a serious note, and this might breach a little to your tease about Cloud's file in NTYC, but what're your HCs about how Cloud's SOLDIER enhancements affect him when it comes to sex (and other bodily functions)? It's fun to speculate since the games don't go into details about this affect SOLDIERs aside giving them enhanced abilities. Do they have refractory periods? Do they eat more due to increased metabolism and etc.?
This is such a fun question, and I've definitely thought about it a lot over the years! In general, I guess it boils down to the regenerative aspect. LOVE the idea a SOLDIER would need to eat like a damn shounen protagonist due to the crazy extra energy use, btw, headcanon accepted. Although, maybe Shinra would want to engineer that out, since it's more valuable to have them retain energy for long periods in case they're on extended missions/stranded/POWs? Hmm...will ponder this.
Cloud's definitely stronger than a normal person, that everyone can agree on and actually see occurring. The other nuances that the Remake series has begun to open up for us haven't been much more than speculation in the past. That said, I always assumed he would have advanced healing capabilities. Not enough to heal right before your eyes like a werewolf, but he could maybe heal a wound at twice the speed of a normal person, that scars would eventually fade entirely, etc. This can fluctuate, it's not a specific twice as fast headcanon, or anything. But I think it's safe to say that accelerated healing would be something Shinra would find valuable in an elite class of fighter.
Now, if we're to interpret orgasm as 'the little death,' then I suppose you can extend this concept to refractory period. I don't like to take any of his perceived abilities to the extreme in NTYC, partly because it's not as much fun to write (for my purposes) if he's just completely impervious. I still think stresses and strains, wounds, muscle aches, and the like affect him just as much as everyone else, they just fade faster and he's probably got a baked-in tolerance for them. Also, you could headcanon that perhaps Geostigma took a lasting toll on him. But that's another matter, entirely...
To answer your question: I think they could go as many times as they damn well please! 😂 In my opinion, people tend to overestimate the refractory period, even irl you can squeeze a second out of a guy if you're fooling around for 20 minutes or more. Everyone is different, but this has been my personal experience. Assuming Cloud's little death doesn't affect him as long...maybe 5 to 10 minutes in between, at most?
Wow, this is the most fun I've ever had doing math, thanks anon!
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Who do YOU think Adeleine's special someone is??
Surprise! A post not about the new game! XD
Anon...Are you asking me to spill who Adeleine's crush is...?
If you are, well... lucky you! Cause I'm going to do it!
...Adeleine's special someone is clearly Ado!
All this time, arguments have been raging over whether they're the same person or they're sisters or one's from the mirror dimension when the answer was staring us in the face all this time...
Ado is quite simply Adeleine's crush. Ado is tall, pretty, shares Adeleine's interest in art, and is just a little bit older (going by game release.) Heck, I'd have a crush on her if I were in Adeleine's big, bread shaped shoes!
[Note:] one of the people I'm going to talk about is one a lot of people HC as being in a familial relationship with Adeleine. I am NOT speaking under the guise of this popular HC in this context, but if you don't even want to SEE them mentioned here (nor read speculative thoughts about a visibly young girl/teenaged-looking character having un-requited crushes on other older-looking characters) stop reading here! Thanks!
...I can imagine a few more people Adeleine might have a crush on.
One is King Dedede (This is the relationship I talked about above, btw. Obviously, in this situation, they wouldn't have a strong, pre-existing familial bond, but would be two people who talked and/or got to know each other for the first time in Crystal Shards; and probably, Adeleine is not Ado in this timeline either) because they adventured together, and also he's a big, tough, and powerful dude, plus he saved her life at a dramatic moment.
I think, if she ever told him, King Dedede would laugh and boast that of COURSE everyone should love him, that's only natural, he's the king! But I do not think he would ever entertain the idea of seriously requiting her feelings. He would do the responsible thing by letting her down, only he would do so in classic Dedede manner by something to the tune of him being a great king and that he must treat everyone in Dream Land equally!
Another possible crush is Daroach because he's mature, suave, handsome (by Kirby :cough: my :cough: standards) and canonically a lady's man. He oozes confidence but hasn't lost his playfulness, plus they spent enough time together in Star Allies for Adeleine to invite him to a drawing party.
Daroach would probably let her down similarly to Dedede, revealing that, alas, he's simply too good to belong to just one person; that and he's a career man first and foremost. But he is flattered by Adeleine's feelings and wishes her luck in finding her TRUE special person one day. 
(I think Dedede, on the inside, would be flustered enough by Adeleine's confession to want to avoid her for a bit as he wouldn't know what to do if her crush doesn't fade. Daroach, I think, would be more likely to sit her down and help talk Adeleine OUT of the crush and, once her heart has recovered, offer to be someone she can talk to about these things in the future/play a supportive role in helping her find someone better suited for her.)
Another potential crush for Adeleine is Queen Ripple because she's not only the the damsel in distress of Crystal Shards, she's pretty, gentle, feminine, and magical (if you knew someone who was a literal magic-dust-and-glitter-wings fairy, would you not be ALL OVER THEM all the time?!) Plus, Adeleine was seen drawing a picture of her in Star Allies.
I think Ripple would blush and be both flattered and flustered (and probably trip over herself and do other ditzy things like pour salt in her tea) to learn she was someone's crush. She too, probably has responsibilities. I imagine she's not in a position to actually LEAVE Ripple Star to be with another person. I have no idea what Ripple's age is like. If she's a thousand years old or only as young as she looks. But this one is the one most likely to end with some variant on the line "How about we just start as friends?"
Again, these are all listed here as potential crushes a teenage Adeleine could potentially have. In RL, more crushes than not go absolutely nowhere. But those were some characters I could see her taking an interest in.
I do think that in general, Adeleine would lean toward characters whose alignment is overall good (without needing a Kirby-sized reformation arc first) thus, she might admire Susie or the Mage Sisters for being pretty and/or powerful, but I don't see her developing a crush on any of them.
Being human, I can't help but think she'd see the other, odder shaped characters (Waddle Dees, Eflilin, etc) as adorable, walking talking TOYS rather than people she could imagine herself in a relationship with.
The one corollary (aka, "I don't know, because -I- wouldn't feel this way if I were in her shoes, but I'd be remiss not to talk about it") to this is Meta Knight. I only say this because, like, everyone loves Meta Knight. He's everyone's favorite character and everyone acknowledges him as the coolest and most handsome (?!) character in Kirby.
If Adeleine had a crush on Meta Knight, it would explain why she chose to open up to Kirby first, them being so similar, visually. It's still really weird to me, because they consistently avoided each other's games like ships in the night till Star Allies came around, but the Kirby Time books, while their own thing, seem to exist in a post-Star Allies-esque continuum, so I imagine she would still like the same things about him all his RL fans do.
This crush ALSO would not go anywhere, the only difference this one and the above being that Meta Knight would be the only one to explain it to her quickly, plainly, and without any fluff or friendly humor why it could never work out and that he cannot reciprocate her feelings.
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a-tale-of-legends · 10 months
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@weliveinapokemonworld okie dokey! This is related to me asking y'all just to give me asks about a canon character btw! I wanted to ramble so I shall~
Nessa Murray, beloved gym leader, model and girlfriend to Sonia! It's been a long time since I thought about her, so let's get some hcs going.
Bulbapedia speculates that Nessa's love for water types come from her dad being a fisherman and her mom working at the market place, which I find really cute honestly. Especially with her parents, since now I'm imagining them being such a duo when it comes to both in marriage and in work. I think Nessa got a really good example of a healthy relationship growing up.
Unless it gets confirmed in pokemas, I actually don't think Milo was in the gym challenge in his youth. He doesn't exactly seem like the type in all honesty. So how he and Nessa met is probably when they both became gym leaders. Being as competitive as she is, as well as Nessa coming from a fishing market town vs Milo's farming market town, AND the fact that Milo specializes in a type stronger than hers, I think Nessa thought would have been a worthy opponent to be considered her rival. It's completely one sided though, but Nessa is insistent on the two being rivals. I think it bugs Nessa how lax Milo is when it comes to his battling. As in him not having the heart to crush weaker trainers if he wanted to. Cause he could. She knows he could, she got her ass handed to him before, so she knows that Milo is super strong. So she just wishes he would stop worrying and go all in, give trainers a hard pose of reality that'll push them to greater heights. Of course, Milo doesn't see it that way, which bugs her even more but .....she does respect him a lot. Enough to not push her own way of thinking onto him, especially when he's already going pretty well. That being said she gets very defensive when people criticize him in front of her. Rivarly aside, that's her friend and co-worker and she will not have him be disrespected.
I feel like all the gym leaders of Galar have perfected the mask they have to put on for their audience, but I think no one does it like Nessa. The only one that I think matches her in that aspect is Leon himself. Given that she works two jobs, each demanding a certain skill set and way of thinking, she often has to bring to versions of herself to her jobs. I think gym leader Nessa is where Nessa really shows her competitive side that she wouldn't be able to show as a model. And as a model, she gets to show her serenity, so to speak, something she can't really do as a gym leader. Both jobs are still ultimately her, just her prioritizing one part of her over the other. When she's with Sonia or any of her friends, she gets to show both sides to her easily. Also is much less tense lol.
Going back up to the fact that her parents are a fisherman and a market worker respectively. I think this tells me that Nessa, much like Leon, didn't grow up with much. I feel like she was decently well off, but the market place is fickle, so money isn't always the most consistent. And fishing isn't always consistent either. Nessa becoming a gym leader and a model was probably a blessing to her- being able to support her family more. Again, given how Hulburry seems to be a fishing community, they are able to make a good amount of income. I'm just thinking, for Nessa's family specifically, there were some high highs and low lows. Gym work and modeling made things more consistent.
Some smaller things: Legendverse Nessa wears braids. This is important. I also wish I could accurately show her eye color change but alas. Just think of her current eye colors and swap it. That.
At one point, there was a small plan for Nessa and Raihan to fake date for the public ( there's a better sentence for what I'm trying to say here, but it's lost on me. Just know it was all business). It was honestly short lived though. It's something that Raihan likes to joke about now and again and it's something Nessa loves decking him for.
This is probably me trying to read one piece + my Pirate! Nessa agenda, but I think Nessa would be good at making maps, or at least charting the weather. She learned from her dad, knowing when's a good day to fish and why. She also knows how to work around a market and sell a product, thanks to her mom. Carol learns a lot from her. ( Again, blame one piece for this lol)
also I found this in Bulbapedia
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So I guess my hc that Hulbury and turffield has or had some sort of rivarly is probably on the money heh.
That's all I have for now though! Hope you enjoy!
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luphorics · 1 year
maverick rambles <3 pt. 1
his main ref for newcomers!
a lot of this stuff just by speculation btw!! we dont know how Punklorde goes since we only have extremely vague info provided by Silver wolf. so some of my hcs are susceptible to change in the future, heck even his lore might be adjusted to see fit.
Mave is basically like a robin hood-esque figure of Punklorde where he leeches off of huge corrupt corporations and/or networks and gives what he has back to the least fortunate. while he does also use the money for his own uses, most of it is given away.
while he's essentially a criminal through his vigilante-like acts, he's also one for the wrong reasons too. after betraying a certain group of sorts, he also got blackmailed in the process with a bunch of other stuff he wasn't responsible for. hence, during his story he practically can't leave the planet bc there's a huge price on his head
the public has watered down Mave as an extremely dangerous individual, and major precautions should be taken by anyone who somehow encounters. however, his personality is far from that when the Trailblazer meets them. if anything, he's pretty easy-going and friendly. it seems suspicious at first, but after constant hanging around this dude it seems that he's just genuinely having a good time JDFHJKHSDKJAS. his relaxed demeanor can be attributed to how long he's been winning his cat-and-mouse game with the authorities, tho
the dangerous side of Maverick still holds true, as he evidently displays a much more scarier side in high-stakes chases or situations. his exuberant nature almost seems to melt away, and he immediately turns into this scarily competitive hacker who lives for the sheer thrill of being hunted down. his demeanor is uninhibited, almost like he's in a frenzy. much like silver wolf, the world becomes a game to Maverick, but just for that very moment.
his unhinged demeanor is actually a result of him succumbing to the affects of Mara, considering he's a Xianzhou native (and they're all basically doomed to that end of the curse). however, his cybernetics appear to be stunting its influence for the time being.
his real name is Lian Jun. centuries ago, he used to be a cloud knight commander of the Luofu, which explains why he knows certain figures within the Divine Foresight very well--Jing Yuan is no doubt, as they used to be brother-in-arms as younger knights and presently are close friends (although they've spoken on-and-off due to Mave being stuck in Punklorde). however, Mave left his position a long time ago, citing that he grew weary after upholding his duty for centuries. that seems to be half-true, but there may be another underlying reason for his departure. that is smth i have to figure out dshjksdfdjnkdf
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the-knife-consumer · 2 years
Is Hardenshipping canonn?
Honestly wanna say no bc. Like. Obviously it's never been explicitly stated. So. No.
HOWEVER it is very fun and personally rewarding to speculate so. Thats under cut
Hehevwgeh they do have a lot of overlapping themes in their characters that i really love pointing out so whhhgh i'll just list them because surprise surprise (not a surprise this happens every single time) once i talk about something i like my brain turns to mulch and i can't essay like i usually do.
So, interesting things (minus images for most bc i dont feel like finding them)
-there's a mention of how they apparently used to be on the same team at some point in the past (i have a funny hc/au for what this "same team" is but i've yet to even mention or draw for it oops)
-the end of the main story where they reconcile. Just that entire scene (i've only really seen the alpha sapphire ver. Of this scene but whatever. Have seen the omega ruby one but i forgor what they say help)
-not really a. Like hardenshipping thing but OUGHGJJ MY GOOODDDD.... the very prevalent parallels between them and their respective legendaries. The constant feud and anger that kyogre and groudon hold for each other- the only break from their fights being brought on by rayquaza FORCING them to stop (the player being the rayquaza in this situation, hint hint). Rayquaza coming down from the sky to keep two idiots from killing everybody. Small child blasting through an entire evil corporation to keep two idiots from killing everybody. Literally the same.
Theres no way this could be just subtext, i feel like they kind of intended for people to make this connection its just one of those things thats SO obvious but still so fun to point out. I love symbolism and subtext and reading between the lines and *explodes*
-Another thing i find interesting is their outer shell compared to their actual personalities and ideals.
Archie seems very friendly and lighthearted (at least compared to maxie being an uppity dick). He uses more kind language when referring to the player- kind being less professional and less detached. He comes off as much more relaxed, but he holds a concerning amount of apathy towards humankind. Team aqua's goal was to drown everyone, thinking that if they did then the world would be perfect for pokemon to thrive in. Archie wanted to flood the world with the wellbeing of pokemon in mind. (Which. How the fuck does that even work) (also opens up the speculation of what could've possibly made him care so little for people's wellbeing, and what made him care for the lives of pokemon so much more)
Maxie comes off very cold. He tries to be professional. While archie saying scamp comes off as playful, maxie calling you "child" just instantly hits as condescending. (Can you tell i love-hate this fucking toxic slutch monster) (another btw, in his defeat animation he loses his cool for a sec and freaks out before composing himself, when you'd expect something like this from archie. Archie's lose animation is leagues calmer. Although this is a really small detail i feel like it gives great insight into their actual personalities. I love small details hoohoo) and even though he acts like this, he cares a lot for other people and made his team's goal to dry up all the water so humans had more land and could advance quicker. maxie wanted to dry everything up with the wellbeing of people in mind.
-as per previous points, they are both very, very dumb.
-and oh yeah. The model boats. Oh my god. I lose my MIND over this little thing they share in particular because uuoiuuhsaaaaaaaagh. AAAAAGHHH.
Archie having a model ship makes sense, you know? He loves the sea- wants to drown everybody- yeah. It makes sense that he has a model ship.
But maxie. Woagh. Woauagh. Bro. What if we had matching model ships. And we were both boys (i say matching bc the 3ds overworld isn't very detailed so they look the same. Could be different for all we know.)
Why would maxie have a ship? He wants to dry up the sea. It's pretty safe to say he's either indifferent to sea-based travel, or he hates it. Boats, ferrys, ships, those wont be needed in the world he wants to create. But he has a model ship in his bedroom. A model ship that is absolutely spotless, not a single mote of dust.
Why does he take such good care of something that- according to the rest of his character and motivations- he shouldn't care about?
(Could those matching model ships that they have be something significant from their past when they were on good terms? Maybe something to do with that same team they were on?)
-also there's this which is worth mentioning i think because damn.
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Theres more stuff that i could mention but paraphrasing is exhausting and my brain has shriveled up.
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Hi! So, there are probably way more interesting things I could be asking you, but I wanted to go with this. While it’s basically canon that Bart is gay, do you think that’s how he identifies? Like, he comes from an apocalyptic future in which I doubt people had the same terms we do for everything that concerns sexuality ( since most of their knowledge probably came from old sources or aliens ), or maybe they just couldn’t care less. So, how do you think he would react/ identify himself?
Hello :D ! Thank you for your ask, its actually such a good question because I have thought about this a lot, especially in terms of what it means to be LGBT+ within the context of growing up in his alien invaded post-apocalyptic time-line.
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate how absolutely awesome and crash it is that we can say that hes basically canon gay like... sure its frustrating the way the YJ creators need to go about this considering the situation but like when Greg first pretty much confirmed it, it was such a moment for me to have a character that is so loved and important to me and so many others being confirmed for what many HC and speculated him as. Like it was so re-affirming and shows why rep is so important, especially to us as part of the community.
Now as to answer your question, I need to explain (as concisely as I can because im not exaggerating when I said i thought about this a lot due to world building but ill try to be as direct to the point as possible lol) how I interpret the Reach and their effects on the civilisation of the post-apocalyptic earth society.
So what is the Reachs background and ultimate goal? Directly from the DC Database (source: the Blue Beetle vol 7 comics, amazing read btw highly recommend) they're explained as: "an alien race of intergalactic conquerors. Their primary goal is taking over planets to enslave the natives and make an economic profit."
From what we saw of them in the Young Justice series, this description pretty much perfectly suits them. (Off note: I think its an incredibly interesting type of alien invaders because I find its like an allegory on the fatal repercussions of consumerism and capitalism but this really isn't the place for me to write this all out LOL). Uh right, back to the point.
So, what have we actually seen from the show that we can interpret about the Reach´s, "practices"? We def have seen that they're driven by economic gains, to the point that Barts timeline was shown to be incredibly polluted and run down. They see humans as live-stock, refer to them as "meat" and probably use them for all sorts of purposes, e.g: slave labour and experimentation, which we have explicitly seen from Barts timeline as well as their actions in the present.
Now what about the Reachs own practices for their own species? I find they're very similar to the Bugs on New Genesis, they're a hive-like species with no sense of identity beyond their designations which is shown by how they don't have any names, only roles. So we have the "Ambassador" (the annoying male leader guy), "Scientist" (the evil but smart female researcher) and the "Warrior" (Black Beetle). From what we have seen, the Ambassador is a condescending, manipulative, ends justify the means, tunnel-visioned, over-confident person in power who definitely places himself and the warriors above others like the scientist. He leverages his position of power to talk down and overrule suggestions by the scientist, no matter how valid they might've been for the evil cause (lol). Hes also shown to threaten the scientist for trying to speak up.
So with all this in mind, the power dynamics and practices of the Reach I find is very much reminiscent of everything wrong with society lol.
Also, we know that if we were to talk only about how human society develops in times of hardship, lets take the pandemic as an example. Its no secret that the rates of radicalisation and extremism has had an uptick and the people who ultimately suffered the most are minorities or those who are financially disadvantaged. People with privileges, facilitated by their place in society could make use of this power dynamic more whereas those who are systemically disadvantaged r statistically more likely to suffer.
Now to tie this in, my personal understanding and I guess pessimistic view, is that in the event of an apocalypse, a post apocalyptic human society is very much backwards and has regressed. Now combining this with the Reach´s inherent affinity for power abuse as well as what I interpreted as them also having systemic issues like misogyny, things like misogyny, racism, homophobia etc are very much rampant among the surviving human society. Its important to note that hes only from 40 years in the future, so I think whilst things were bad and have regressed, not even 1 full generation of time has passed so im sure there was a good portion of people though that at least managed to retain, practice and pass on good values of their pre-apocalyptic times to newer generations and was most probably prevalent among the surviving hero-communities of his time.
Historically, oppressors have largely passed down some values/practices onto the oppressed because again, power dynamics, so the Reachs influence on human customs can't be denied, for ex linguistically with Bart calling people meat or our fave terms mode and crash lol
Lastly, whilst im sure the Reach could care less about human constructs, considering they treated humans like live-stock I doubt they would have been favourable to same-sex couples.
So to tie this all in to answer your questions. Within only 40 years, I am doubtful that within the remaining human society, things have changed to the extent that social constructs and terminology has changed significantly for things like sexuality to be radically different. I do think that with the context of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, society has generally regressed and things like racism, misogyny, homophobia etc run rampant, amplified by the power abuse and values of the Reach. I think some people might assume "oh everyone is suffering, no one could care less about those kind of issues" but the thing is those are exactly the kind of circumstances where those issues actually get worse and affects people.
So taking all this context into account, I believe Bart has been around both good and bad people, where hes been allowed to be passed on good values (particularly from any surviving hero community members, maybe like his family when they were still around, or just generally good people) but hes also seen a lot of messed up sht too. So regardless of at what point he realised hes gay, either during his original timeline or after he travelled to the past in the new time-line, I believe he might've had at the very least at some point some identity inner-struggle or out of survival instinct would try to keep the fact that hes gay under wraps/on the down-low. I don't think his post-apocalyptic climate was friendly at all to LGBT+ ppl and I think in the present hes most probably struggled and panicked a bit over his own identity considering all this.
I hope I managed to answer your questions with this essay lol and thank you again for your ask <3 also apologies for the length of this post as always lol
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
i 100% believe miles comes out on tumblr like after rise of the ashes or something and everyone rejoices (this headcanon is sheer fucking gold btw)
Oh dear you’ve activated my trap card for this hc get ready for this because i definitely agree that Miles coming out is CELEBRATED on tumblr however it’s a LONG journey before he gets there. Before I get into it though there is a cw for briefly talking about suicide so please be mindful of that! It’s mostly in the context of the note post RFTA and people speculating what happened to Miles in his disappearance from tumblr, but I do talk about it so.
Ok here we go
So Miles is well known as That Guy on Steel Samurai tumblr who is absolutely insufferable to interact with but he writes good meta and writes even BETTER fics, but it’s the kind where something is obviously going on in this guys life and is he ok? Because it seems like he’s working through some shit and that combined with his ask answering sprees of outright denying he’s gay and just talking Like That on the internet people get a kick out of him and he’s JUST tolerable enough that people don’t really DO anything about it. He probably gets a call out post maybe like one time but it’s just by some rando who’s pretty new to the fandom and doesn’t get the sort of unspoken agreement steel samurai collective fandom has made to just put up with him despite him being absolutely dreadful.
But then all of a sudden Miles just... disappears one day out of nowhere. At first it’s just a day, then a day turns into a week, and a week turns into a month and people are like what the fuck? What happened to the iq of 127 guy? And people start writing WILD theories about what happened to him to chase him off the website because it’s like, 2016. But people start to get WORRIED when his longest running fic Updates it’s FINAL(!?) chapter and he just... kills off the Evil Magistrate. That’s when people are like oh my god did he? Did he fucking kick the bucket? Oh my god what the hell and he is just absolute radio silence on tumblr because surprise! He leaves the note in his office and then he also decides to leave tumblr at the same time because he really genuinely thinks that this is it for him.
HOWEVER. Miles also has a best friend in the Steel Samurai fandom. Someone who he met on tumblr years ago and who he enjoyed debating and conversing with who he thinks has very well thought out opinions on the show even if he doesn’t agree with all of them (he does agree with most of their points, which is why he was so open to their friendship in the first place). And they’re the ONLY person who he keeps in contact with while he’s in Europe finding himself after his breakdown.
That person is Maya Fey.
He and Maya became friends years ago and neither of them know who each other are or how old they are or really anything about each other except their screen names and more personal details that they choose to share over kik, which Miles only got because he was curious to know more about her and it was the only platform she offered. She was very hesitant about choosing to become his friend, but Maya’s fixer complex told her wow this is a broken man, maybe IM the one who’s gonna make him a better person and make him less awful. And for the first few years this had minimal success. She got him to say a few more slang terms, but really he didn’t change all that much. But she was consistently kind to him! And once you got to know him he really isn’t that bad, especially in those rare moments of emotional vulnerability he allowed himself (he was too afraid of being “found out” even though he had moved out years ago) and he could actually be a pretty fun guy.
It isn’t until Miles’s year in Europe when things really start to change. He had a very vocal crisis to her over kik that kinda freaked both of them out, and as I mentioned he stopped using tumblr entirely and Maya gets WORRIED about him and he just. Starts telling her stuff because he’s emotional. It’s the most he’s EVER told her and it’s still nothing TOO revealing because he knows how public his image is and he doesn’t want ANYONE, not even who he considers to be his closest friend, to find out who he is online because he doesn’t want to be seen as unprofessional or just general shame about his hobbies. And over the course of that year they just... slowly she keeps beating it into his head that he’s a good person! Or at the very least a FINE one who is trying to be good and that’s all that matters. And like he starts to just... internalize it. And starts listening to her advice about maybe going to therapy. And then HE starts listening to HER problems more and it becomes... a more mutual friendship. And it’s nice because he’s never had anyone like that! But he keeps talking about this guy who saved him and stuff and that’s when Maya is like woah pump the breaks dude we need to talk about how you’re definitely gay and he gets SUPER defensive about it but like over time he just. He starts to come to terms with it, and she helps him a lot but he does a lot of that work himself too.
And so when he comes back in 2-4 he’s starting to feel... better of course but also different? And more confident in himself. He still has a long way to go but he’s learning! And that’s what matters to him! But with learning and trying to be better he realizes something. He has to log back onto tumblr and actually like, apologize for being horrible. And he does just that. But when he logs back on he’s SHOCKED that he has HUNDREDS of asks a lot of them are the usual but a lot of them are also ones of like, GENUINE concern asking if he was ok and if he was still alive and he’s taken aback that people even SENT HIM kind asks when he was so awful to them.
Miles makes a really long apology/announcement post where he’s INCREDIBLY sincere and in it he OPENLY acknowledges that he was dealing with a lot of unresolved trauma and says something about how he came to terms with being gay in his absence and he thinks that that’ll be the end of it but within literal MINUTES of him posting that he’s getting asks telling him how HAPPY THEY ARE that he’s not only ok and doing better but that he came out and people WELCOMING him to the community and then there’s like posts that are like “And people then make posts like wow am I the only one who got emotional about the guy with a iq of 127s thank you post? anyone else? Just me? Ok (12.6k notes)” and “If the 127 iq guy can get better and learn to work towards being positive then you can too (54.9k notes)” within a matter of DAYS and seeing those and just
It’s weirdly SO validating for him that he was being cheered on by literally THOUSANDS of people who are celebrating his growth as a person! That are celebrating his COMING OUT when he was SO scared of that part of himself for SO long. And the fact that people were ROOTING FOR HIM even when he was the actual worst just. It makes him feel so good about himself and it makes him feel loved! So much so that he writes ANOTHER post thanking everyone for being so kind to him and telling them that things DO get better and there ARE people that appreciate them and it just... gets passed around because it’s a really inspiring and reassuring message and people just GENUINELY start to appreciate him. And it’s just a celebration of HIS character growth by THOUSANDS of people he doesn’t even know because man was he famous outside of his perceived sphere of influence due to the amount of meme material he ended up writing.
He still used tumblr and stuff after all this but he’s really calmed down a lot, he even rewrites the ending of his long running fic that caused people to panic about him. And he still answers asks and writes meta and fics and stuff, and he’s still MILES of course so he can be a bit of an ass when you disagree with him but he’s. Nicer. And happier. And that’s what matters.
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spade-snax · 3 years
Alright! Here goes my Bugsnax Grumpus last name headcanon!
(This ended up being way longer than I thought it would've been, oh god-)
I think we all can agree that the headcanon where a Grumpus child has their parent's combined last names as their own last name is a very common headcanon people share. It's a good one! Even I like it a lot. And when applied to OCs or fankids it makes for some hilarious names.
It'd make sense in-canon and I feel like it gives the Grumpus world more depth as their own little tradition. (Honestly give me ANY culture/tradition headcanon for Grumpuses PLEASE THOSE ARE MY FAVORITEEEE I even had one for teeth a while ago that I may share publicly one day!!)
But I've been thinking about this, especially because of Cromdo and my own OCs - Neddy and Rason Honeyfidget. With Rason being Neddy's dad, if we only used this headcanon then Neddy shouldn't have this last name... Well, there's a lore reason why he doesnt and that is that his mother has died while he was still an egg, a while before hatching. Rason made him take on "Honeyfidget" only.
But that's just the backstory that got me thinking at the name traditions as a whole, so I'll try to avoid OC talk any further to make this friendlier for others who do not know about my OCs and are just interested in reading this headcanon.
Another headcanon I want to mention as I apply it to my own is the headcanon that Triffany changed her last name to Bronica's last name as a way to honor her. You can definitely change your name to anything you want in the Grumpus world, but changing your last name to a relative's like your grandparent's last name is possibly quite common!
And now I want to bring up Cromdo and the fact he is divorced. It has been confirmed that Cromdo is divorced and that his name may reflect that. (Though originally it was answered in the AMA that "Cromdo Face" just sounded funny at first and that it is possible that he did loose a half of his last name this way!)
Tumblr media
Also I want to say that he wasn't abusive to the child mentioned! I remember there was a small confusion and drama about that. And I believe one of the devs on the YH discord mentioned that the 1# tie was a reference to Octodad. I do not remember if that confirmed that he is a father or if this answer by Sage was possibly wrong. He cannot see the child because he lost custody of them and lost in court. I do not have screenshot evidence of this. On a side-note I believe this could be one of the reasons he grew to be so money hungry. He didn't have enough money back then to keep his child. Again I want to say it could be ONE of the reasons and not the exact reason why he is this way.
This is more so of an ramble about my headcanon and what I want to say rather than some comprehensive thing, I am so sorry dfwergeg it's just how I write and explain things and I gotta mention it ALL (Great addition to "Guzma, your ADHD is showing")
Anyways, back on track with my HC.
But in this/my headcanon - Cromdo is divorced, he has had a child, and lost a part of his last name because of the divorce. I do not know how human marriage last name and stuff works properly so uh, see this as just speculation about a fictional species' culture rather than a carbon copy of our own. Which it clearly isn't LOL
I personally think that you can do multiple things with your last name when you get married! (And how it can affect the child's last name!)
Let's use Chandlo and Snorpy as examples, because I think they make great last name combinations. (And Snorplo is HELLA !!/pos)
- You can change your last name to your partner's last name, like we do commonly. (At least, with all the cultures I'm aware of and how marriage works for us.) Examples: Snorpy Funkbun, Chandlo Fizzlebean
(This one isn't very common to do!)
- You can change one half of your last name to a half from your partner's last name. Examples: Snorpy/Chandlo Funkbun/Fizzlebun
(Not as common either, but it still happens. It is actually more common than the first example. This was the case for Cromdo. I'll get back to this later. Grumps usually reserve this for their childen, which is the most common way of naming your children!)
- You keep your last name after marriage! Example: Snorpy Fizzlebean. Chandlo Funkbun. Canon examples would be Wambus and Triffany as well!
(Most common one to do as many wear their last names with pride or for other reasons - such as Trifanny when she changed her last name to Bronica's last name in this headcanon.)
Before we get to the kids again, I'm gonna go back to Cromdo and what can happen during divorce.
During divorce you can simply change your name back if you changed it, or keep the last name you took from your partner. Many simply change their last names back to what they were originally. Some, if they went by the half/half method, take away the half from their ex-partner only. This leaves some Grumpuses with one worded last names, such as Cromdo.
I think he changed a half of his last name during marriage. After the divorce, he didn't want to "wear" his partner's name anymore and changed his name to Cromdo Face only as Face was a part of his last name he was given at birth. This is most often the default for Grumpuses who have been divorced and took only half of their partner's last name.
If Cromdo - (or any Grumpus with a one-word last name! There's certainly rare cases of Grumpuses who have one word that didn't go through divorce. Possibly Grumpuses with bad attachment to one of their parents - so they change or remove that half of the last name they got from said parent. If their last name was a combination.) - were to re-marry he could take one half of his new partner's last name, or not change his name at all.
I want to get onto how naming a child would work with this situation, so I will talk about ways of naming children before I get back to this! And by naming I of course mean the last names only, lol.
(One rule is that, unless you change your name later in real life for any reason, it's gonna have to be one of these otherwise! Your Grump parent cannot make you up a new last name. It is just a part of the tradition they have. Though re-naming isn't looked upon in any way by the majority of Grumpuses as there are many reasons to do so!! Unless you're a jerk or you value your last name TOO much.) (Also when I say "you" I don't mean YOU as the reader literally. I mean a hypothetical Grumpus child!! It's just how I like wording things.
(...I've been writing for almost an hour, brain scrampled eg)
- Your last name is the combined name of your parent's last names. Examples: Fizzlebun, Funkbean
(VERY COMMON! Most Grumpuses will do this when first naming their child!)
- Your keep one of your parent's last name! Fizzlebean or Funkbun.
(This all works if you have multiple parents btw! Can make for SUPER crazy long and funny last names. This *all* applies to marriage, too! I hope it is easily applicable. I do not want to go in depth on that. Feel free to hit me an ask about this if you want me to explain it more in depth!! I wouldn't want to exclude polyamorous relationships ^^ )
(Also yes, last names that are just the same word repeated twice/multiple times are possible too. Fizzlefizzle, Funkfunk... How fun are these to say? Gives me Grumpus OC name ideas already.)
But yes! Back to Cromdo! Or any Grumpus in the same situation, but as I've stater earlier, Cromdo is just an example here. If he were to re-marry and NOT change his name, there's two posibilities:
His new partner has a full last name.
In this situation, if they have a child they can keep the full last name from Cromdo's partner. Or they can have one word from his partner + Face. For reasons stated below the child cannot have "Face" as their only last name.
His new partner has a one-worded, short last name like he does.
In this situation, if they have a child they have to name it a combination of their last name's. No exception. Having a short last name is a sign of something happening in your life, and it is traditionally not put onto a child, unless they are adopted with no last name. That still counts as something that happened in their life, as their birth parents possibly just gave them away with no care in the world.
At this point I am almost completely off track, so please do ask me questions as I am not sure where I completely left off - Or rather if there is something I forgot that I wanted to mention.
By the way, for combining last names and such, you can also mis-match! Doesn't even have to be combinations. This applies to everything, even for (Full last name + one-word last names) where it makes sense the most. Examples: Beanfizzle, Bunfunk, Bunbean, Bunfizzle, Beanbun, Beanfunk. I'm personally a big fan of Bunfunk and Beanbun :P)
And this applies to siblings, too! It isn't uncommon for parents naming their children mis-matched last name combinations if they have multiple ones. (This ties into my headcanon for Filbo's many siblings and that he isn't a single child. He's in a big household and has at least 2 siblings. ONE OF WHICH I want to make into an OC! This requires me to make the parents, too, but I am not so bothered about that :P)
I'm out for now, all my brain power has left me a few paragraphs ago and I've got to go eat lunch
But again I encourage people to ask me questions (If anyone was brave enough to read through this!!)
And if I got anything wrong, do let me know! I am not all-knowing and I could've missed some VERY OBVIOUS mistakes.
And sorry if the writing is wonky at times! Sometimes it is done on purpose but sometimes the fact I only pretend I know how to write + the fact English is my second language IS SHOWING
(Also I sometimes just write how I think, without much thought put into the sentence if I don't proof read, so HSDFWERGRGT)
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
YOOO I was hoping someone would send me Miserix for the ask game. He's one of my favorite characters ever since I was a wee lass yet I almost never talk about him for one reason or another. So this is good opportunity to give my Miserix related thoughts.
Content warning for suicide mention in one of the last points btw.
For starters, I find Miserix to be a rather interesting character. This is due to his backstory of being the disgraced former leader of Makuta who was overthrown by Teri and being exiled, desiring. Miserix has this...certain aura of intrigue and mystery due has this...aura of mystery and superiority surrounding him. He isnt a mysterious character by any stretch of imagination, but he def has a vibe of mystery to him.
I love his design so much...Hes a big large dragon with such a kickass design, can you say no to that. I also love how he was designed by a 12 year old girl.
Speaking of...CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE HOW MISERIX CANONICALLY HAS HIS DEFAULT FORM BEING A GIANT RED DRAGON BECAUSE HE FEELS THAT WILL GIVE HIM A SENSE LF SUPERIORITY (+ he likes dragons and feels comfortable in being a dragon form as such). This is why I love this dragon man so much, talk about a chad.
One of the reasons Miserix sticks with me is because of him being one of the few truly neutral characters in the series. Like sure he is a big angry dragon who hates Teridax and wants it all to be destroyed but I don't necessarily think he's evil per say, just someone whose mind was warped by revenge (and even if youd count him as a villain hes different from most other villains). Helps a lot that the object of his revenge was the main villain by say.
Him being an angry dragon who wants revenge is so fucking cathartic and I love it. Since like, sometimes you just want to go apeshit at those who hurt you, ya know. You Miserix, kill Terry like you want to!! Again what a chad!!!
Miserix is one of the most tragic characters in the series when you dissect him. Like, guy was loyal to his duty and mission, was betrayed by his most trusted lietnuant and then almost killed. And that betrayal and isolation degraded his mind to the point he's jusr a mindless beast who wants revenge at this point. And its so sad, especially when you wonder how much he changed due to these experiences.
Speaking of....I think about pre!exile Miserix a lot. Given how the Miserix we see in canon is...heavily affected by Teridax betrayal I wonder what he was before that. What did he value, how did he operate the Brotherhood? Was he deeply focused in his duty or did he have time for other interests and having meaningful relationships? What was his relationship with Teridax like before the latter betrayed him? What about the rest of the Brotherhood? How much did he change, did he have any values or was he just a mindless rage monster? There's so much room for interpretationand speculation and to headcanon and I love that.
The mainthing I can think of is... Pre!Exile Miserix is very driven by duty. Like, in Mutran Chronicles its made clear how he was very invested in his duty and believed in balance and order. It made him having this sense of ...goodness I guess??? Or at the very least that his arrogance was kept in check unlike the rest of the Makuta.
When I was younger I was very "UWU Miserix was good the other Makuta were evil f*cktwits who betrayed him" for a very long time but honestly rereading Mutran Chronicles made me realize that while he certainly had some kind of moral code he was messed up too (see how he convinced Takadox to act as a spy). Like, Miserix was like, lawful neutral at best (chaotic good if you want to stretch it) Def had a moral code to an extent but was not above shady actions.
Speaking of...I kiiinda ship Miserix/Takadox because of those lines that established Miserix hired Takadox to act as Barraki spy in Mutran Chronicles. Like the way Takadox looked at Miserix with concern when the Barraki were leaving the meeting w the BOM just really made me interested in their dynamic despite the fact we know NEXT TO NOTHING ABOUT IT. but the little we know gives so much potential for them to hacing a really interesting dynamic. Its a shame that Takadox yeeted off in FOF before he could interactwith his former emplyoer, it wouldve given interesting insight into the two.
I aggressively headcanon that Miserix was the first Makuta ever created, and possibly one of Mata Nuis first creations [since iirg MN created the Makuta while Great Spirits and Artakha created most of the GSR species ]
As a kid I seriously thought Miserix was a girl for a while because his name + design were kinda feminine for my child mind fsr. Because of this misconception I had of him as a child, I have ended up in headcanoning him as nonbinary (either genderfluid or bigender to be more specific, leaning towards the latter tbh). He would more or less default to he/him pronouns due to being more used to them but wouldn't mind being refered with feminine or genderneutral pronouns. That being said, he would probably be VERY against being refered with it/its pronouns due to seeing it as dehumanizing.
Also on a "baby me saw Miserix design as androgynous" I heavily hc his voice as androgynous too. Angry, low and booming yes, but in a way that doesn't sound too masculine. This is tve main reason I'm mixed on his voice in the Ignition stop motion: its too masculine for my taste (that being said the voice sounds super jnique and I always hcd Miserix having a rather unique sounding voice soo)
Break from headcanons and thoughts to say: MISERIX HAS SOME OF THE MOST BADASS LINES IN THE SERIES. So much of his lines are so badass and he def has a lot of my favorite quotes in series. Just so much confidence and badassness oozing him.
I find the fact Miserix was turned into a painting by Teridax incredibly funny. Also cant believe paintings are canon in Bionicle.
I think about post-canon Miserix a lot. Now that Teridax is dead, what now? Where would he go there? Would he still be rage-filled monster ,now just having no purpose for his rage? Or would he just wander purposlessly,feeling like theres no reason for him to exist? Regardless, there would be this emptiness... At some point Miserix whole existence became fixated on Teridax so like....When Teri died it was kinda..what then. Post canon Miserix is by far one of the more interesting post canon characters given how much it wouldve affected him. Eh, knowing how Greg writes hed either done "Miserix is driven mad/still rage filled" in the laziest way possible, come up some really stupid and convoluted thing that was out of tje blue or have him being killed off by Velika or one of his cronies instead of exploring his character in any meaninful way.
On a related note, can we talk about how its canon that in one universe Miserix loosing his purpose made him so depressed he killed himself? I think about that sometimesand just...man guy really was driven by having a duty and purpose.Again, makes me wonder what happened with prime!timeline Miserix post canon.
All in all ,Miserix is great and criminally underrated. Hes both a character thats incredibly simple(angry dragon who wants to kill Teridax) but has potential for complexity in him thanks to all the potential his story has. His story is a tragic one, being given a duty he was willing to commit to his fullest, only to be betrayed by his kind and casted away, this slowly turning him into a rage-obsessed monster we see today.Miserix is such a great and interesting character, and I wish more of the fandom paid attention to him.
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pissoff-youbitch · 4 years
wait.... do we have official canon confirmation that... wait... I don't remember all the canon He family lore, but what if:
A. He Tian has the same mother as He Cheng but a different father. He Cheng loved HT so much he begged his father to adopt HT.. cause maybe HT was born long after their mother split from HC's dad and she died (since we don't hear anything if her ever) and that's how HC's dad "adopted" HT... and maybe HC even lived with his dad since he was young cause he split from the mom early on so.. idk.. or maybe the split/divorce caused the money issues (cause they were poor) and HC's dad joined some sort of mafia and started making a lot and because HT wasn't his kid he didn't want him but HC did because he's his bro and begged the dad so he adopted him (btw could it be - since we see v young HT with HC - that HT's mom passed while giving birth to him or when he was a toddler?)... and maybe that's why HC is closer to the dad than HT. And maybe HT gets all the money from HC and never actually the dad and maybe HC stepped into shady mafia business (let's be real that's what it is, JY's mom and dad are involved and JY's kidnapping was surely a hit of some sort in a mafia type thing) because he wanted to protect his bro no matter what because he never wanted him (who according to HT, HC had it much worse in his childhood) to experience the same level of poverty and (hinting that HC is gay for Qiu Cheng) never wanted him to have to hide his feelings for the person he loved (idk here I am just guessing HC knew HT was a gay boy since he was young cause he did similar things to what HC did that gave him away and maybe he suffered bad consequences because of the extremely homophobic world around him - this is pure speculation) or not feel loved or like he didn't have someone there for him (HC supports HT's friendships & friends, has bought things - the earrings - for him that he knew he'd give to his crush, he comes to HT's rescue immediately, he provides for him everything)... idk...
That's one theory. the biggest, strongest one I have regarding HT & HC's past.
B. This is another theory, but it's kinda crack territory here: HC is actually HT's dad and he has to hide it from everyone including HT because he has him when he was really young (like a 16 and pregnant situation) and his dad is actually just HC's dad and HT's grandfather and he didn't accept his son having a kid at that age thinking it would ruin his life so he kept him at an arm's length because he thinks HT ruined HC's life and lied that he is his son instead of his grandson in order to "protect" his actual son's (HC) future and career.
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