#she is literally the butch catgirl of all time
yuyu-emy · 3 months
The Butch Review: "Fade" Hazal Eyletmez
So, I have to discuss Fade. I might do more butch reviews if i feel there is a character deserving of one, regardless let's start. Fade is a butch lesbian. To me at least, and i think any non lesbian hcs work, but they have to be gay. This is because Fade simply is some sort of gay. If i had to get specific, I see her as a transfem butch lesbian, Just because i think shes goated like that. She has too much swag to not be all types of lgbt.
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I'll start with her aura because it is, wholly divine. Fade's hairstyle, agent name, fighting style, and physical appearance is jus everything to me. She gives goth, but comfortable. Nothing about her seems to be particularly there in order to be eye catching right. Her mannerisms are so beautiful too. The way she moves in the agent selection screen and her abilities just tells me that she's powerful and calculated. Fade has a method for everything she does, a routine almost in the way she hunts her targets.
It's almost like shes very confident yet still very protective of herself at the same time, I love it. I personally feel like she's butch just because, well her vibe, I feel like she'd be protective of others, and her style is so androgynous. My main point by the way is to argue that I think the online lesbian communities should appreciate Fade more as one of our own. Begging riot on my hands and knees to say that she's lesbian please. anyway, theres so many awesome lesbian ship potential for Fade (I personally dont see her as the type to date).
I wanna talk about 2 lore tidbits as well that, in my head sort of spiral into my Fade delusions but... Just hear me out. First, her panther identity. I wouldn't call it obsession or affiliation because it clearly goes deeper than that. Fade's connection with panthers/big cats dips into so many parts of her character. Most obviously, all her abilities are panther related, things like "prowler", abilities based on seeking out "prey". Especially her ultimate, I believe, is very big cat vibes: She takes away her opponents abilities to hear, and can get a trail that leads her right to them. This is so similar to how big cats will hunt in the while, being lead by scents, having the advantage of being unheard by prey, and ambushing them. Fade's whole kit mimics that of a panther/tiger. Fade also has a paw print tattoo and, wait for it..... Paw print shoes!(this is one of my favourite parts about her, i bring it up way too much). Her paw print shoes not only reinforce the concept of her creeping, stalking, and being silent, but also they anatomically make sense. There is a big paw pad at the toes with smaller paw shapes at the heel, which is similar to the hind leg of a big cat.
(to speak on her tattoo more btw, i think its more to represent her hand as a panther's, with the human palm but catlike claw fingers)
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The other thing i wanted to mention is the fact that she plays DnD. Im not sure if it's an AU by Riot or something, but its a thing nonetheless. DnD is like the ultra mcgayifier and transiblator so that alone makes her gay trans. Thanks. Also to speculate her character, i feel like she'd either play a big beefy butch cat fighter or lean butch cat rogue.
Anyway, for Fade's overall style, i just love her. Jacket and pants, unique and accessorized but... Very simple. I can see that she loves simplicity and concise concepts. She also expresses herself with makeup, piercings, and henna... I'm so attached to her snakebites i don't think anyone understands. The shirt under her jacket and her gloves are all ripped up which makes me think. A lot. I think its a mix of personal style, not caring about how she looks, and also maybe a little bit of attachment to things. She just gives me those vibes. I also think its very interesting that in Turkish culture, cats and wolves are very highly regarded animals, so her having a big cat identity i think also ties in with that. Her eyes are even supposed to be similar to Turkish Angora cats. I also love how she has the classic black and red colour scheme to go with her dark personality, theres so many interesting aspects to Fade, truly.
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Now, to my dismay, Fade's goal is to find a man who was important to her, we do not know why tho. He could be sibling, friend, father, family, colleague, or anything really. So maybe I'm a little in denial yeah but shes lesbo to me, i think bi fade or ftm gay fade is also a very good idea though. Thank you to any potential listeners! had to relieve myself of that infodump.
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fictofaggot · 2 years
i want to see you make a gender ( /maybe sexuality's ) post about the homestucks' sprites like that cool deathbycatgirl did. do it do it do it
i actually made a list for myself right after i saw @deathbycatgirl's original post (haii!) but o didnr make it an image because im soso tireds here you go^_^:
john is a trans girl but wont figure it out until shes like 40 despite being surrounded by transsexuals all the time. also extremely aroacespec to me
rose is cis but like in a really really butch boy way so like cis but not cis she's a trans girl but still a cis girl but literally not cis at all tbh she's like cistrans. also lesboy
jade is a trans girl who can never feel attached to any prns so she just goes with she/it/paw. shes very genderful but even more gender fuckery ensues after grimbark. aroacespec aplatonicspec fuck you
dave is cisgender. trans girl dave has a special place in my heart though. ace
roxy is a trans catgirl + lovess neoprns + dyke as fuck
jake is 100% aroace and i don't care enough about him to think about his gender sorry
jane my wonderful gal mwaaah mwah mwah she's got that trans girl swagalicious swag i hate cis jane sorry not sorry. mspec lesbian realness
karkat is . . . karkat is certainly something? he's an utter mystery to me i won't lie he's like if emo was a cisgender
aradia is beyond my comprehension in terms of gender. unfortunate type gal. transhet + straightbian + dykefag
tavros TRANS GIRL FUCK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EXPLOSION SOUND EFFECTS AND KILLING also i definitely think she wants to use neos but is so so afraids
sollux is transfem bigender. but like infinin because he's every boy gender but also every girl gender so hes infinite genders but not like every gender. ljterally just the definition of infinin. bisexual het lesbo fag KABLOOM
nepeta is a crazy transfem cat girl thing fucking beast fucking ravenous animal of a gal. not an ounce of boyness in her except when its funny and/or convenient. uses it/its and every neopronoun paw can get mews claws on and like she/her for a bit of girly fun on the side but not Primarily she/her? he/him too when it's funny. ummm. unlabeled for sexuality only cause i think it'd change so often that labeling would be entirely impossible
kanaya is my wonderful romantic goth vampire trans girl (but like only in terms of gender not actually presentation wise do you understand. her normal outfits are just Too). i think she'd use like 1 set of neos vamp/vamps maybe? and she's a pan lesbian because fuck every thang
terezi is a freak of a girl. every girlfreak girlbeast type gender in existence she can be infinin too for funsies. ummm any prns + a futch dyke who loves boys also
vriska is the most trans girl in the whole entire world. i hate transmasc vriska. also shes too busy being kind of miserable to think about he4 gender but i think if she really sat down and considered she'd be not as binary as she thinks. bi lesbo.
equius trans girl SHUR HTE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!DIE DIE DIE KILLING YOU WITH MY FISTS.shes femme too because i said so. girlfag also. aroacespec as fuck. aplatonic
gamzee non binery any pronounse ok? ok. unlabeled because specifics are too much but mspec queer for sures. aro
eridan trans girl with a bit of nonbinary freakism thrown in for spice and silliness. like vriska in the sense that she thinks she's more binary than she actually is but eridan would figure it out sooner. also a girlfag but likw a boydyke too ok. aroacespec
i understand feferi in a way no one else can anr the only wau i can describe it is genderqueer cis girl but its so much more than that. i could write an essay on it. i think she'd be unlabeled or like heteroflex but im not sure in which direction the hetero occurs
kankri is cis but his fminine and twinkish demeanor confuses the masses constantly much to his chagrin and rage. also he's mistaken for being trans constantly because of his vast knowledge on every discourse ever. canonically aroacespec
damara TRANS GIRL FUCK YOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK OFF FUCK EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also ummm lesbo or bi or both i think but like in a loveless aroace caused by trauma way
rufioh is cis but also girlish to me i really don't know what to tells you . aroace. also no Pronouns this is the one thing im sure of with any of the dancestors
mituna is entirely unlabeled i couldn't explain it to you if i tried
meulin is an aroacespec trans gay man but in a distinctly and extremely girlfag type of way. . . do u understand . . . do you get me . . .
porrim is so transsexual and such an aroacespec bi dyke i wish j could elaborate on the dancestors more but they're So
latula is a trans girl but like in a way that is so latula core. do you get it. yeah
aranea is really interesting to me in the way that she's cis but also definitely a trans girl but also i don't care at all and it's a mystery to me. she's just so beforus
horuss TRANS TRANS GIRL GO CRAZY GO RAGGGAGHHAHHHHH GAHHHHHHHHHHHsysfluid and horsegender and aroace aplatonic fag with 5000000 neopronouns that no one ever uses including her
i honestly do not care about kurloz at all ummm. bigender boygirl girlboy in a type of way
meenah sucks and i don't like her. ummm cis
also for some other guys i like:
midnight crew and felt are mostly unlabeled and/or cis by nature of their societu and also they just don't feel particularly gender special to me
die is really special to me tho he's my malewife girlhusband but like you wouldnt get it hes only gender in very very specific situations
the exiles are ALL nonbinary fuck you
all the sprites are bigender (i don't care about davepeta at all sorry) (arquius and fefeta are like if bigender was two of the same gender so like gender²)
hal is nothing. like out of sillyness they just refuse
cherubs are both trans in opposite directions but i won't clarify who's which way or why. they're both homo in opposite directions also
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cure-icy-writes · 3 years
for the fanfic ask game: F, G, K, and R maybe?
ooooooo, all right!~
F: well it said a snippet of one of my favorite dialogue scenes but. i'm just going to use this as an excuse to share a deleted scene that didn't make it into the final fic, but i'm reaalllllly proud of.
“Don’t. Fucking. Touch me,” Elle growled, stance shifting defensively. “My apologies. I won’t.” Elle watched her then a little longer, like a cornered pokemon. Cyllene stepped back, folding her arms behind her back and staring impassively. “I get to choose whether I forgive you. Not you,” the girl snarled, voice shaking. “You don’t get to force me to hug it out and make it all better. You don’t get to touch me without my consent. You don’t get to control me. This is your first, and only warning.” “I understand,” Cyllene said. Then, quieter, “I truly am sorry, but words are cheap from the mouth of one you do not trust. So I will prove myself by action.” “Okay. Thank you.” Just a flicker of an expression crossed her face, then the sky-faller was gone.
This scene is like. GAH. So much righteous anger, and it hammers home one of the major points of Elle's character-- that all her life, touch has been used as a tool to manipulate her, and even if the touch isn't sexual in nature, her consent still matters and she's not going to take shit from anyone anymore.
G: Ah, yeah... Well! I write very much out of order. Skipping around and moving with the motivation, then filling in later, works best for me. I also have an odd little habit where I'll churn out dialogue, then go back and add tags for it. I guess dialogue is easiest for me? I imagine the back and forth, and then I turn it into prose later.
K: Ohhhhh boy..... the angstiest idea I've ever had. Listen I was an edgy child when I started out. I was going through it and consider it kind of an edgelord thing, because yeah while I wrote some deathfics they were more shocking than interesting. In more recent times....hm. Unsure what you would consider angst? I have a Fucked Up AU with some friends where a character gets uh. well they get cursed, then arrested, then restrained and gaslit a whole bunch while their blood is being stolen, then kidnapped and used as a blood bank while their medication is being witheld to keep them compliant, then their parents show up and they might get concussed and then they're almost buried alive. By said parents.
R: Any writers I consider an influence.... hm. Well, say what you will about jk rowling's abyssmal worldbuilding, use of sketchy tropes, and transphobic rhetoric, and you'd be absolutely right, but I do like her flow and pacing. There's also @highabovethecloudssomewhere, who hasn't been active in a while as far as I know, but her works hold very fond memories for me, as does the community formed around them. And then, of course, Leslie Feinberg and Stone Butch Blues. I aspire to that level of poetry, because dear fucking god that shit was raw and Jess was a very heavy inspiration for Hilda from Reshiram's Perdition. Kafka Asagiri's Bungou Stray Dogs, for the literary references and deeply fascinating takes on the cycle of abuse, as well as. Well. Atsushi my beloved catboy, may he please get some fucking therapy he literally has C-PTSD. Oh! And @collabwithmyself has influenced my writing and worldviews lately-- namely, i've picked up a few tropes from him. Weight gain as a form of healing and catboys/catgirls as a metaphor for neurodivergency my beloved! Oh, and I absolutely picked up my enjoyment of horror from the magnus archives, so i suppose jonny sims? seems like he grew disaffected with the work near the end, but i really hope he's doing okay and grows to love it again, flaws and all.
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dappercritter · 5 years
Random She-Ra Season 4 Thoughts:
After much thinking and suffering, here are some random thoughts I had about season 4 inbetween feel episodes.
Going into S4 be like.
Coming out of S4 be like.
Grief and failure to communicate. This season is off to a great start!
You know, I still like Swift Wind but I’m starting to see why most people, uh… don’t.
If you told me before I started the show that I would hate a sexy catgirl and feel sorry for a creepy-looking cyborg conqueror, I would have called you a liar, paused, then said, “No, wait. Yeah, that sounds like me.”
Queen Glimmer looks nice, but I’m definitely going miss her old Cutie Honey-esque hairstyle.
Shame that Huntara didn’t join the Rebellion full-time but it’s for the best. Not just so she can liberate the Crimson Wastes, but let’s face it, nobody in the Rebellion would be able to think straight with a butch Amazonian warrior goddess hanging around.
I really can’t give Double Trouble enough praise: they have so much personality, a fantastic design combining reptilian and theatre-kid traits (two of my favourite kind of characters!), are morally ambiguous but likeable, and help alleviate all the dramatic stress that this season is packed with.
Flutterina and her village has thoroughly convinced me we need more moth people in fantasy.
I have some minor issues with the Flutterina controversy: yes, Adora and the Rebellion recruited a young girl to fight in a war and took her from her home and all that, which is a valid concern to have and indeed just a little hypocritical given that was how she was forced to grow up, but I feel like the fact that Flutterina is actually Double Trouble, a young adult spy with what I assume is a fair amount of combat and espionage training, makes it ring hollow for me.
Also, do we know if there’s a real Flutterine that Double Trouble impersonated or is she just a persona they made up?
Either way, it’s funny to imagine the Elberon locals trying to make sense of this little girl that just showed up out of nowhere, went off to war, and then the real one shows up right after and everyone just has to go along with it otherwise people will think they can’t keep track of their own kids.
Okay, so I’m not happy about Shadow Weaver slowly being treated as just another member of the cast, but I’m also sort of glad that it’s being implied that we’re still not supposed to trust her either.
That said, leave it to Shadow Weaver to go and potentially destroy Glimmadora on us.
Rogelio confirmed for best boyfriend.
Watching Kyle’s near sacrifice gave me some Chaos Vortex PTSD. (Pit-Truama Stress Disorder)
(If you understood that reference, you have earned my respect for life.)
Light Hope, you’re scaring the adults now, too.
Emily has a holographic projector and was at one point wanted by a ruthless conqueror of worlds. So I guess she qualifies as an astromech droid now?
Speaking of holograms, seeing Catra, Scorpia, and Entrapta when they were all friends was the worst kind of bittersweet.
(After watching Scorpia leave her toxic friendship to embark with Emily on an adventure to save Entrapta) *on the verse of tears* Fricking superb you funky little lesbian! *sniff* Fricking superb…
That’s right, Catra. You reflect on the consequences of your actions like a good kitty-cat.
Sea Hawk surprisingly looks the part for a good noir protagonist.
In his own head, of course.
Is it just me, or is Frosta acting mature again? Hyperactive Little Sister Frosta is fun, but The Only Sane Person in the Room is a Literal Child Frosta would be a missed opportunity.
Oh no, Adora and Glimmer are fighting!
Yay, they were just pretending to catch Double Trouble!
Oh no…
“Boy’s Night Out” or, “How to Delight and Emotionally Destroy Your Audience At The Same Time”
Believe it or not, Sea Hawk possesses special abilities like the Princesses. Those being:
Great singing
Superhuman positivity
I’m not sure if Madame Razz is a time-traveller, a Doctor, or just has some sort of Alzheimer’s, but regardless, I’m proud of how the crew handled it.
Swift Wind might be annoying at times but if showing concern for the elderly doesn’t make him a likeable character, I don’t what does.
Looks like I can add “Hero” to the list of She-Ra episodes that deserve an Emmy or Annie.
Words cannot describe how happy I was to see Scorpia pop-up in Bright Moon amid all the drama.
Glimmer is tip-toing the line between “pure-hearted character forced into morally grey responsibilities” and “grey-area wet wipe” and I am not loving it.
So between She-Ra, Huntara, and Scorpia, we all agree Perfuma has a type now, right?
I know it’s just Double Trouble making fun of her (and my love of Elvis Presley, Johnny Bravo, and Kishidan showing) but I think Adora looks pretty dang cool with a pompadour.
Beast Island: It’s Annihilation for Kids!
Yay, King Micha really is alive!
However, he still doesn’t have a wife to come back to and his daughter is making some poor life choices. Bummer.
Nice to see Bow’s still on the Hates Shadow Weaver bandwagon.
Entrapta’s got a Kamen Rider mask now and no one call me otherwise.
And she’s got a mecha that used Godzilla’s roar.
Well, even if my She-Ra-fan-heart is dying, my tokusatsu-geek-brain is happy.
How Entrapta adjusted to life on Beast Island is both nothing and everything I expected from her at the same time.
Well what do you know, Glimmadora saves lives!
BREAKING NEWS: Non-binary reptilian theatre-kid makes breakthrough with angry lesbian cat!
Light Hope, you’re breaking our hearts…
I’m glad that the show is hopping on the anti-power-up bandwagon as well. As someone who grew up with shows like Power Rangers where everything was immediately solved by new merchandise or powers, I get a sort of twisted satisfaction seeing that the shiny merchandisable new toy is more trouble than its worth.
Oh, and of course, it makes a for a good lesson on the danger of absolute power.
Before I started S4, I hated Horde Prime because he wasn’t a giant eldritch cyborg monster anymore, but I’ve actually gotten quite accustomed to his new design. Now I hate him for being a callous perfectionist world conqueror with no sense of personal space that may or may not be into selfcest.
(*praying intensely*) Please let Adora turn into She-ra through sheer-will power next season, please let Adora turn into She-ra through sheer-will power next season, please let
Yup, I was right! This season didn’t fix damn thing the last one broke!
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