#this drama isn’t over here but it just reminds me of how much of a problem hockey fandom culture
postseasons · 1 year
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me when i react in a completely normal and not at all misogynistic way to a woman setting boundaries about her and her family’s personal life
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melon-fodder · 2 months
What Friends Are For • T. Hiragi
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Summary: Hiragi was annoyed when you bailed on the plans you had with him, but when finds you curled up with your heating pad, alone in your apartment he understands what happened, and now he wants to help.
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: period sex, female-bodied reader, best friends to lovers, blood (obviously), cramps and other period symptoms, fingering, p in v, mentions of oral but it doesn’t happen (maybe next time)
Notes: this has been in my head for months now. It’s time to get it out. Special shout out to my nexplanon! Thanks for making me bleed for a solid month 😔✌🏻
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Hiragi is annoyed.
Which isn’t uncommon for him, honestly, but it’s pretty rare that he’s annoyed with you.
You’d had these plans for a couple weeks now, a local band you both enjoy playing at a small venue downtown. You were excited. You had sent Hiragi all your different outfit options, and he’d given his honest opinions until you’d settled on the crop top, shorts, fishnets, and docs. He’d had to talk you out of the skirt you’d recently gotten— “I don’t wanna have to worry about creeps thinkin’ they can just slip their hands up there.”
“You don’t have to worry about me like that, Ragi,” you’d told him over the phone, “it’s not like I’m your girlfriend. You don’t have to defend my honor.”
A reminder that stings a little every time. You’re not his girlfriend, and he’s not your boyfriend, despite what everyone thinks and says. Despite everything that he feels.
None of that matters currently, though, because he’s pissed at you. Which is why he’s knocking on your apartment door to see what the fuck is wrong with you. Surely, there has to be something. It’s not like you to flake.
There’s some brief shuffling from inside before the door opens a crack, revealing a sliver of your face that looks… different.
“Ragi?” He just taps his foot until you open the door and let him in. “What’re you doing? I told you I can’t go out.”
The first thing he notices is that your eyes are a little puffy. Then, when he glances around your small living room, Hiragi sees that the TV is on, playing one of your favorite medical dramas—the one that’s just sex, surgery, and crying. You’re in a ratty old t-shirt (one of his, he’s pretty sure) and a pair of boy shorts that hug your hips and thighs too well.
“So what, you’re gonna skip out on this show so you can just sit here and watch TV?” His irritation has spiked again, familiar acid rising in his throat.
“What?” You peer at him like you’re confused then look back to the show and the little nest you’ve made yourself on your couch.
“It’s not… I wanna go. I just don’t think I’d have a good time.” Your face twists, both hands moving to your hips as you bend as if to stretch your back.
You’re acting weird.
“How do you know you’re not gonna have a good time?”
“Hiragi…” you say his name like a warning, and something new clicks into place.
You don’t feel well. The puffy eyes, the comfy clothes— “are ya sick or somethin’?”
You grimace, still bending and stretching while digging your thumbs into your lower back.
“No, I just— fuck, I need to lay back down.”
He watches as you walk to the couch and pull something out from under the mass of blankets, click a remote a couple times, then settle it against your back.
“I wanna go to the show, Ragi. And I’m not sick.” He can see the muscles of your jaw flex when you clench your teeth. “My fucking period is just kicking my ass tonight, okay?”
Oh. Oh. Okay.
“That… makes more sense, I guess,” Hiragi mutters, feeling much less irritated and much more foolish. “Can I get you anything?”
“A hysterectomy?” you joke, though it sounds more like begging.
“If I was qualified, you know I would.”
He can’t find it in himself to look at you. It’s not like Hiragi isn't familiar with periods. He’s had girlfriends and friends who are girls and, ya know, a mother.
He’s just—it’s just—you never bring it up around him. You’ve never mentioned cramping or bleeding or cravings related to it. He doesn’t even think he’s ever seen a tampon in your purse or your bathroom (not that he’s looked, it’s just something he’s noticed).
You must be able to see the confusion written all over his face. Or maybe you just know him too fucking well because with a heavy sigh, you explain, “I switched birth controls a couple months back. I didn’t have periods at all on my old one, but this one… anyway, I’m not used to the pain and everything else.”
This is a problem. You have a problem, Hiragi thinks, one that he can fix or, at the very least, help you with. Hiragi is good at fixing things. He’s good at finding solutions. So if he can just shove all of his awkwardness and discomfort to the side, he can focus on what’s important: making you feel better.
“You have pain killers?”
You shake your head.
“Menstrual products?”
You snort. “What?”
“Pads, tampons—”
“I know what they are, dummy,” you laugh, “just sounds weird when you say it like that. Menstrual products,” you imitate, and Hiragi rolls his eyes.
“Do you have any?”
You shrug, “not enough, but I use a disk anyway.”
Now is not the time for questions.
“Alright. I’ll be right back then,” he tells you before turning around to walk out.
“Wait! Where are you… nevermind,” he hears you mumble before the door shuts. If you know him as well as he thinks you do, you should have a pretty good idea of where he’s headed.
The little drug store at the corner doesn’t exactly offer luxury, but it’s stocked with what Hiragi needs. The girl behind the counter gives him a knowing look as she rings everything up and asks if he’d like to buy one of the mini flower bouquets that are displayed next to the register.
But it’s not like that.
“Nah, just this,” he says as he pulls out his wallet, the one you tease him about so much (“what is this, 2000? Get rid of the chain, old man!”).
It isn’t long before he’s walking back into your apartment like he lives there. Sometimes it feels like he does. Hiragi drops the bags on your coffee table and starts taking things out.
Medicine, the kind with added caffeine to help with headaches and energy. A box of tampons, regular and super. A box of pads just in case. Your favorite chocolates. A pint of ice cream he needs to put in the freezer ASAP, and…
“Is that a—”
“It’s not some dumb little plushie,” Hiragi immediately grabs what definitely looks like a dumb little plushie. “It’s got a rice pack in it, see? So you can heat it up and—”
“Cuddle with it?” You grin. “Is there a reason it’s an alligator? I feel like that’s not very period friendly.”
“It was an alligator or a crab,” he calls out, walking to the kitchen. “You want crabs?”
“No, I do not want crabs,” you shout. “But, I’m just sayin’. It’s a little suspicious you coming back with a plushie—”
“Not a plushie!”
“—that sort of resembles you that you want me to cuddle with.”
Hiragi leans to the side so that you can see him. “You associating me with every animal that has sharp teeth is your problem, not mine.”
The microwave timer goes off, prompting him to take out the rice pack and stick it back in the soft alligator. There’s a nice little weight to it, and it’s pleasantly warm by the time he hands it to you, still pouting about your teasing.
He moves your legs so that he can sit on the couch then resituates them on top of his own thighs, getting comfortable and trying not to smile when you press the plushie (yeah, that’s what it is) to your stomach and sigh.
“That’s nice.”
“Just lemme know when it needs to be reheated.”
“So, you’re just gonna sit here all night watching shitty medical dramas and reheating my hiragator?”
“Yeah, I—wait, what?”
“You heard exactly what I said,” you glare in that playful way you do, squeezing the heated toy tighter to you.
“You cannot name it Hiragator.”
“That sounds like a fuckin’ cancer.”
“So, Hiragator it is. Now that that’s settled, you can go to the show.”
Hiragi leans back on the couch and rubs his hands down his face before dropping them back to your calves.
“S’not gonna be fun without you,” he grumbles.
“Bullshit. You’ll be able to get into the pit without worrying about me.”
“I’m not eighteen anymore,” he chuckles. “There ain’t a single bone in my body that wants to get into a mosh pit.”
Your pretty smile disappears as your fingers dig into plush green fur, and Hiragi watches in concern as you curl further in on yourself. Trying not to disturb you too much, he reaches for the bottle of medicine and pours 2 out, glad that your water bottle is next to you on the floor.
“Here,” he urges, holding the pills out to you. You prop yourself up on your elbow to take them before collapsing back on the cushions.
“Seriously, you don’t have to stay with me. I’ll be fine.”
“Not like I have anything better to do,” he shrugs and changes the subject, “what episode are we on?”
“I started over so it’s the one where she’s dating Derek and the vet at the same time, and she’s getting stressed out about it.”
“Oh, when she has to get her appendix taken out?”
“Look at you remembering the details,” you giggle.
“I’ve probably seen it five damn times now, how could I forget?”
For the next hour, Hiragi sits with you, occasionally unwrapping a chocolate and handing it to you, sometimes rubbing your legs when you get that pained expression, trying not to think about how soft you feel and how he could get used to having you curled up next to him.
When he realizes the medicine either hasn’t kicked in or isn’t doing it’s fucking job, Hiragi finally braves the question, “did anything help before? I’m guessin’ you had periods before your old birth control, so what’d you do back then?”
“I don’t remember them being this bad, honestly, but sometimes when I’d have bad cramps…” you shake your head. “Never mind. Too much information.”
“Nothing. You’d probably think it’s gross.”
Well, now his interest is definitely piqued.
“Just tell me.”
He gives your calf a tiny pinch that makes you squeal, “fine,” while kicking his thigh. “When I was, like, sixteen, one of my friends told me that orgasms helped her when she was in a lot of pain, so I tried it.”
Hiragi’s mouth is suddenly very, very dry, but he still manages to ask, “and did it help?”
“Yeah, quite a bit, actually.”
He feels warm, like he’s touching your heating pad. Is he sweating? His face is probably beet red. Thinking about you like that, trying to relieve the tension in your body, fingers between your legs—
Stop. Stop thinking about it. He can already feel his dick stirring to life, and that is the last thing you should have to put up with right now.
“I told you you’d think it was gross.”
Hiragi sets his jaw and shakes his head.
“You’ve got a natural painkiller. Why not use it?” It’s a miracle his voice is coming out as smoothly as it is.
“Cause it’s… it’s weird doing it when you’re not in the mood, I guess. And, like, it can get a little messy.”
Fucking Christ.
“It’s hard to masturbate when you don’t feel sexy, and it’s hard to feel sexy when you’re cramping and bloated and weepy.”
“Makes sense,” Hiragi nods to himself, tracing little patterns on your leg, brain completely empty aside from the thought, I could do it for you.
Ah, shit. He’s usually so good at thinking through things before saying them out loud, but apparently the pathway from Hiragi’s brain to his mouth chose this one fucking time to malfunction.
No taking that one back.
“I said I could do it for you,” he repeats.
“I’m sorry, just so we’re on the same page, you’re talking about…”
“Giving you an orgasm. Making you cum. However you wanna put it.”
He shifts your legs a little further away from the growing bulge in his pants.
Your eyes are wide, mouth hanging open, and he feels the need to defend, “just cause you said it helped before! If you don’t want to, that’s fine. I just figured I’d offer.”
“I… honestly, I don’t know what to say. It’s been a while since anyone… and, I mean, it’d be weird, right? You and me? Plus, the blood, like… it’d be weird.”
“Whatever you say,” Hiragi hums. “I’m not scared of a little blood, though, just so we’re clear.”
“I never said you were. I know you’re very familiar with it, tough guy.”
“Pretty familiar with the female orgasm too, so you know.”
You make an undignified sound, something between a squawk and a shout that makes him laugh. “Telling me about your conquests isn’t gonna encourage me to let you stick your fingers up there!”
“I’m not gonna just stick ‘em up there, fuck, who have you been with that did that?”
“No one! I’m just saying!”
“Okay, Jesus, just watch your show.”
Hiragi makes a show of taking his hands off your legs and folds them behind his head. You somehow nestle deeper into the couch, hugging the alligator closer as you clench your teeth again.
How obvious would it be if he ran to the bathroom to rub one out? Would you be able to tell? He shouldn’t even need to. You barely talked about it.
But, the seed has been planted. The image of you on your bed with your knees open, your hand or maybe a toy rubbing over your sex.
Hiragi grabs a pillow and shoves it under your legs and therefore over his lap with the excuse that, “your heels are diggin’ into me.” That should take care of that for now.
About half an episode passes without the two of you saying anything, and when you do finally speak, it’s to quietly ask if he’ll reheat Hiragator for you.
“Only if you stop calling it that,” he says as he takes it from you.
He tosses it back into the microwave, of course, arms braced on the kitchen counter as he waits for the timer to go off. When he gets back, you have your eyes squeezed shut so tightly, it looks painful. There are tears right at the corners, and you’re taking slow, shaky breaths.
“Hey, hey, here,” he puts the plushie against your stomach and smooths a hand down your back, all the while wondering how the fuck you and every other uterus-having human puts up with this bullshit every month. It looks like hell.
“Ragi?” your voice cracks around his name.
He tilts his head, noticing your falling tears, and reaches over to wipe them away. “Hm?”
“You’re serious about helping me?”
He blinks at you. “You ever know me to be anything but serious?”
“I have seen very unserious sides of you. Sides that no one else sees.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don’t go thinkin’ you’re special or somethin’.”
“Special enough for you to make a very bold offer,” you shoot back with watery eyes and a raised brow.
“You ready to take me up on that?” He hopes he doesn’t sound too excited.
You nod emphatically, biting your lip while clutching that damn alligator like it’s your only lifeline.
“Alright, go get comfortable in bed. I’ll grab a towel.”
He helps you up, laughing through his nose when he hears you mutter something along the lines of, “can’t believe we’re doing this.”
You disappear into your bedroom, leaving Hiragi to wash his hands and grab the towel. He sheds his jacket in your room, hanging it on the doorknob, and even though he’s still fully clothed, he feels naked without the extra layer, not to mention his boots that are next to your front door.
You’re sitting up by your pillows, knees to your chest, voice too fucking meek for Hiragi’s liking when you ask, “do you want me to go put a disc in real quick? I don’t… these are just special underwear to, like, absorb. I don’t—I don’t have anything in right now, so…”
Hiragi stares at you while unfolding the towel, laying it out before motioning to it.
“Like I said before, ain’t gonna bother me. Now get comfortable and take those off.”
“So demanding, geez.”
You sound light-hearted, like you’re joking, but Hiragi sees the way your hands are shaking. You’re nervous. He doesn’t like that.
“Hey,” he stops you once you’ve pulled your underwear down to your thighs, “look at me.”
“If you tell me to call you sir or master or some shit, I’m kicking you out.”
“Shut up for just a second, please, I’m bein’ serious.”
“So am I! Don’t try to get all kinky—”
He grabs your face, pushing your cheeks together so that you’ll stop fucking talking.
“Listen to me.”
“I lish’nen,” you try, and it actually makes him smile.
“If you don’t wanna do this. If you’re not comfortable or if you’re scared or whatever, we don’t have to. I really am just tryin’ to help.” You nod under his hand, and he lets go. “I’m not gonna get grossed out. I’m not gonna judge you for anything, understand?”
“Yes, sir,” you answer with a smirk, and god dammit, it actually makes his cock twitch a little.
“You’re fuckin’ impossible to deal with, ya know that?”
“And yet, here you are doing just that.”
You shimmy out of your underwear and drop them over the side of the bed. It leaves you in nothing but that old T-shirt—Hiragi’s old T-shirt—so thin he can see the peaks of your nipples when you lie back.
He sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to relax, to let your knees fall open, to bare yourself to him. That's not something he’s ever rushed a woman on, and he’s definitely not gonna rush you. You close your eyes, bite your lip, then slowly spread your legs.
Hiragi has to focus on breathing, in and out, in and out, as his gaze land on your pussy. Puffy lips decorated with sticky blood and slick. He’s glad your eyes are closed because he licks his lips at the view. Hiragi could stare all day, but that’s not what he’s here for.
“You ready?” he asks, voice lower than usual.
“Yeah, you can… you can touch me.”
He feels his dick throb at those words, growing even harder when he grazes his fingers over your mound. You gasp, body tensing before relaxing again, like you had to remind yourself that you’re safe here with him.
He slides a finger up your slit, through the wetness, glancing down to note the mixture of blood and arousal before he spreads your folds.
There are so many things he could say at the sight of your twitching hole, so many ways he could praise the pretty pink leaking dark red like some kind of sordid Valentine’s candy that Hiragi wants to devour.
His eyes fall on the little bud at the crest of your lips, cute and begging for attention, and when he circles it with a wet finger, you stifle a moan with your fist.
“You can be loud, it’s your place,” Hiragi tells you, watching your face as he gently rubs over your clit, “plus, I’ll know it feels good if ya keep makin’ noises like that.”
He gives it a little flick that makes your hips buck, and you swear at him.
It doesn’t take long for Hiragi to learn what you like and what you don’t. You like the circles he rubs on your clit. You like when he just barely dips a finger between your folds.
And, you really like it when he slowly slides his middle finger deep into your pussy.
Using the thumb on his other hand, Hiragi starts teasing your clit again, pride swelling inside him at the way your eyes roll into the back of your head. Looking down, he watches his finger as it glides in and out of your body, fresh blood coating the digits. A thick string of it stretches from your hole to the towel beneath you, viscous as it mixes with your slick, and Hiragi can’t help but watch until it snaps.
“Fuck, that feels… that feels good.”
“Yeah?” He crooks his finger a bit, searching for that extra-swollen bundle, and when you cry out, he knows he’s found it.
The way you’re moaning and shifting your hips has him worked up, his cock straining against the zipper of his pants, and he wants to relieve some of the pressure so fucking bad, but he definitely doesn’t wannna give you the wrong idea.
“Can you—can you add another finger? I just need—more p-pressure… wanna be full.”
Hiragi groans. He can’t keep it in. And he knows he sounds wounded because it feels like you just shot him. You wanna be full.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he forces out, lining up his index with his middle finger and pushing them both inside you.
You suck them in greedily, needy as you start to chase your climax. Hiragi wets his thumb again, massaging your clit, eyes flicking from your cunt to your face, all your pretty expressions while he stuffs your pussy.
You’re making a mess of yourself and the towel. He can smell iron, which is strange because usually when he smells it, he can feel it in a busted lip or bitten tongue. Usually, when he smells it, he can taste it.
He's gonna cum in his pants if he keeps thinking about that, about shoving his face between your legs and feasting. He’s fantasized about eating you out countless times before, but never like this. Never so desperately. He’s never felt this fucking deranged over it.
“Fuck, please, please, please,” you cry, meeting his fingers on every thrust, trying to take more than he can give with them.
“What? What can I do?”
Hiragi raises to his knees, keeping pace with his fingers and planting his other hand by your head so he can lean over you.
So gorgeous like this—face splotchy, eyelashes wet with unshed tears, lips dark and swollen from the way you’ve been biting them. He has to fight not to kiss you, especially when you’re gazing up at him like this. Wanton. Hungry.
“What do you want?” he breathes. He’s too close to you, face just barely hovering over yours, and he’s sure you can see the lusty fog in his eyes, but you’ve got it too.
You whisper something, and he can feel the ghost of his own name against his lips, but not as clearly as he feels the words “fuck me” that fall from your mouth before you kiss him.
It’s harsh and desperate, teeth and tongues and heavy breathing before he breaks away to unbuckle his belt and free his aching cock.
“Don’t have a condom,” he says before reattaching himself to you, sucking on your bottom lip as he rubs himself over your messy pussy.
“Birth control, remember?” you pant. “S’why we’re here to begin wi—”
Hiragi pushes inside of you with a deep groan, one smooth thrust until he’s bottomed out and you’re clawing at his shirt. Your eyes are rolled back again, mouth barely moving against his like you’re in a daze.
“Feel full now, baby?”
You nod, and Hiragi gives you one more gentle kiss before he starts an even rhythm, his thick cock gliding in and out of you with ease. When his thumb finds your clit again, you moan his name like a plea, over and over again as your body starts to tighten up.
“Ragi, fuck, oh my god…”
Looking down, Hiragi watches your cunt swallow him, coating him in shiny red as a ring of thick white forms at the base of his cock. You’re a fucking mess, creaming all over him as he pushes blood and squirt out of your pussy.
“You gonna cum for me?” he grunts, feeling his balls tighten as his own orgasm builds. “Come on, baby, lemme see how good you feel.”
“So good,” you gasp, “s-so—oh, fuck…”
Your back arches off the bed just before you clamp down around Hiragi. Even if he didn’t want to cum, he wouldn’t be able to stop it, not with the way you milk it out of him—walls so soft and wet as they squeeze him, suck him even deeper as he empties his balls and paints your insides with hot cum.
All he wants to do is collapse on top of you, but he has enough sense to pull out first, causing both of you to hiss, then lets himself fall to the side.
It’s silent for a while, heavy breathing and voices from the TV filtering into your bedroom. Hiragi has the horrifying thought that nothing will ever be the same between the two of you after that.
That was as raw as it fucking gets. That was blood and guts and cum. So much cum.
Then, he feels you grab his hand and squeeze.
“Feel any better?” he asks, voice nothing but gravel.
“I feel a lotta things,” you hum. “Better is one of them.”
“That’s good, yeah?”
“Yeah… but I’m also sad,” you admit with a pout, and Hiragi rolls onto his side to look at you.
“There’s nothin’ to be sad about. You know we’re still good, right? We’re still—”
“It’s not that,” you sigh.
“Then what is it?”
You roll to face him, eyes still a little hazy from your orgasm but all big and shimmering when you look at him.
“Hiragator’s gonna get so lonely now that I have you to fuck the cramps outta me.”
“Oh my fucking god!”
You dissolve into a fit of giggles, hiding your face in your hands as Hiragi throws a leg over you and pulls you into his chest.
You are the worst—the absolute worst, and he loves everything about you, from the mess between your legs to the curve of your smile against his collarbone. Hiragi loves it all.
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amourlyns · 8 months
hey. I already made a request, but if you have a limit you can scrap that one.
My cat has been gone for 3 days (shes never been gone this long, shes an in door cat). We just got a ton of snow and I just overheard my parents saying they think the neighbor did something to her. I've had her since I was 11 and she means so much to me. I've been having a hard time having any sort of fun with my family for the holiday season and if you could I could really use any windbreaker characters of your choice comforting reader about that scenario?
❛ HEY VENGEANCE. ❜ ➜ ⁽ masterlist ⁾
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✧ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕: a jealous owen, reminding you that you’re his forever and always. after hearing a fan compliment you after one of his races.
✧ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: none
✧ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔: owen uses a lot of praise, but he’s also getting his ego fed bc he’s a brat. insane by summer walker was on repeat ngl + imagine that one video of asap hearing riri’s laugh. 😭i’m sorry to hear about your cat!! i hope yall found her in the end. hopefully this fic helps.
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⟡ ⠀ | Owen Knight is not insane, you know that and he knows that. So, why is he hearing your voice ? And why does it ring out so clearly in the stadium ? You’re supposed to be in the UK.
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Korea wasn’t going to work with you schedule, he knew that and begrudgingly accepted it. So who the fuck is making you laugh and giggle like that? Yeah, he won the race but at what cost ? Where is his baby at—
There you are.
Now you don’t see him, but you could definitely feel his gaze on you, he knows you can. So why aren’t you looking at him? The race was over— and you came to Korea just for him.
So why was another man hogging your attention ? You didn’t even seem remotely interested. Your eyes eventually meet with Owen’s, a smile graces your lips. You’re already making hasty strides in his direction.
Even though all of your attention is on Owen now, his stare still lingers on the man you were talking to moments ago. Owen was always transparent about his feelings, you could read him like a book. He was vocal, and if he was thrown off by something? He would make it known.
He starts it off slow, discussing your appearance in Korea and what a lovely surprise it is, it really was of course. So there was no lie there, but he does mention the man you were talking to before.
❛ Why did you sit closer, baby? ❜ Owen pouts, jutting out his lower lip. You place a quick peck on his lips, cupping his cheeks and chuckling at his own behavior. He’s such a drama king, you’re not quite sure how you manage, especially with him.
❛ Owen, sweetheart I’m only here for you. And you only, so why are you worried? Hm? ❜ He flushes at this, maintaining eye contact. A hand reached out towards your wrist, sending soft kisses around your finger tips. ❛ I deserve all your attention, you know it. ❜
Your practically beats out of your chest, it takes you a moment to remember you two are in a very public space. And he didn’t mind the PDA at all? ❛ Owen, slow down. ❜ It comes out much more softer than intended, he stops. Looking at you with wide expecting eyes. What’s next?
❛ Did he say anything? ❜ Owen huffs, pushing further into your personal space. A smiles graced your lips at his intensity, he is so in love. Isn’t he? ❛ The guy complimented my shirt, he knew I was supporting you. ❜ You’ve obviously struck a nerve.
Owen scowls, pursing his lips at the thought of some stranger complimenting you. Despite the shirt and all. ❛ And that was seriously it? But he was staring at you for so long— ❜ Lips find purchase on his. Quickly silencing Owen in the most effective way.
He’s already asking for another by the time you’re backing up. Trailing you like a lost puppy dog. You let him, of course. Telling him to pack up so you can cuddle at home and enjoy each others company. He’s already agreeing—
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332 notes · View notes
andrea-lyn · 3 months
Roswell New Mexico - Master Fic Rec Post
See under the cut for thirty-four total recs, predominantly Malex. There's also 10 additional in the "Recs Less Travelled" project here.
a few drinks and some conversation by @christchex
Michael Guerin makes a friend who isn’t his sibling, an ex, or a sibling’s ex.
Astriferous Sea by hrhbrittany, Sismyn
Alex has always been the baby among the sirens in the Dead Sea. Michael is performing beard services for his sister. Communication is a little wishy-washy.
This AU came out of nowhere and smacked me right with the ‘I’ve always wanted this and I just never knew’. It has sirens and rescues and bad guys and false relationships and real marriages and rings and drama and romance. It honestly reminds me (in the best way) of an exciting romance novel and I’m so jazzed there’s still one part left to it.
The Bachelor by Sweetgirl2019
After the events of high school, Michael, Isobel & Max moved to California while Liz, Maria & Kyle stayed in Roswell and Alex went to war overseas. Once his enlistment period ends, Alex gets thrown into something that brings him and Michael back together again.
So I think this might be my favourite to see updated right now. It should be a run-of-the-mill fluffy AU, yet the author threw this incredible curveball by using the alien background in a canon divergence to turn The Bachelor into both a romantic dramedy for the boys, but also keeping the looming threat of people finding out about aliens in the background. Also, I think this is top tier pining that you will actively feel in your own chest, that’s how good it is. 
blink back to let me know by haloud - Roswell New Mexico
Alex doesn’t have important conversations over the phone when he can avoid them. It feels too much like going in blind. But in some ways, the phone makes it easier–it’s easier to break when no one’s looking.
It’s Mylex and the 5th in a series, and every part is worth reading, but I definitely re-read parts 4 and 5 a lot. It’s so well written and the dynamic is mwah and I love how Kyle fits into this. One of my favourite pieces in this is how Kyle reacts to his father in relation to Michael & Caulfield and it’s an amazing read.
built this house on memories by @villanellve
He wakes up eight years in the future, and everything is strange, but Alex is there.
YOU GUYS. If you were to write a list of tropes I adore, this would be way up there at the top because of how much I love it. I am a sucker for a character having to be removed from their situation to learn (whether it’s an alternate universe or the future or the past), but this one is so achingly painful and perfect and hopeful. I love the callout that the situation is almost too hard for Alex, I love the resolution at the end on Michael’s part, and you could just soak in the happiness and comfort of their future lives if you let yourself.
Can’t Get No by one_flying_ace
“They’re on round two already,” he says, tilting his head towards the truck again, “or maybe three.” Guerin grimaces, and that’s fair; it’s his brother, after all. “You know how they’re feeling. Could I handle it, if you stopped-” being in control, he doesn’t say, but Guerin shudders. “I’m good, Alex. Just keep the hell away.” (Or: alien sex rocks don’t make them do it, but they sure do help.)
Sex pollen/sex-or-die fics are pretty much a requirement, but this is my absolute favourite and I have re-read it more times than I can tell you (let’s put it at six or seven?) The restraint that Michael has in this is amazing, but the mental images of it are incredible as well. I loved Max and Liz’s secondary presence as well and how each character was tonally perfect down to the little things (like Max not noticing Michael’s sex marks). What a good. What a hot. What amazing.
Constant as the Northern Star by celzmccelz
Michael stares at Kyle. “But I’m a guy! How can I be pregnant?” Kyle looks embarrassed. “Well, you appear to have a fully functioning set of female reproductive organs—or, I mean, like, the kind of reproductive organs that are associated with a double X-chromosome in humans, so I’d assume that you probably became pregnant when semen was introduced into your reproductive tract—” “Jesus Christ, Kyle!” says Michael. He could have happily lived the rest of his life without ever hearing Kyle Valenti say the words “semen” and “reproductive tract.” Kyle’s eyes widen. “Have you been having unprotected sex?” “Oh my God, I am not having this conversation with you!”
Yes, going in, there are some warnings to be cognizant of. It’s mpreg, there’s a lot of medical stuff to go through, but I think this is my absolute favourite of the mpregs I’ve read and it actually comes down to Michael’s support system outside of Alex, namely in Kyle. There’s no sudden BFF bracelets being given, but that morality that makes Kyle Valenti who he is, that’s right there. Also, given that this is an mpreg fic, it delves into family and plot in a way that I haven’t often seen. Plus, you get the ‘getting back together’ Malex that I so deeply crave.
Contigo me encontré by beautifulcheat (Katalyst), ladynox
The Lockhart House was once a home, although it was never a happy one. Steeped in tragedy, it still stands today, in the heart of Old Town Roswell, attracting ghost hunters and those seeking to catch a peak of something from beyond the veil.
Contrary to popular myth, it wasn’t currently haunted (except by one paranormally talented docent). It was Michael’s favorite job and the best part of his summer home from UNM. Or at least was until Alex Manes was hired to man the gift shop, complicating an otherwise fun and easy job.
everywhere on earth you go - @evepolastried
Across the room, he can still see how Michael Guerin is looking at him. And that’s something different, something new, something so very familiar. The thrill of nerves, of guilt, of want. Alex smiles, and he starts to sing. (OR: Alex Manes grabs his guitar and gets the hell out of Roswell in 2008, and he leaves behind a letter. Here’s what happens ten years later)
I love this. This one has something incredible, and it’s something I called out, but it has this amazing work with pace. There’s a frantic moment at the bar and it’s chaos, and you feel it. It’s rushed and wild and crazy, but then everything slows down and it gets perfect. There’s Michael, there’s Alex, there’s music, and it’s such a great ride.
Family Matters by @bestillmyslashyheart
Isobel is telepathic. Most of the time she ignores it. She used to pick up on other’s people’s emotions but she’s long since learned to tune that out. Until one night she can’t. Someone, somewhere is in such a state that it’s spilling over and she’s left to deal with the brunt of it. Or, Michael keeps things close to the vest until he can’t. The night after Alex leaves him at the drive-in, everything he’s feeling bubbles up inside until it spills over onto Isobel. Suddenly he’s left with no other choice but to open up.
This is an early fandom piece, but I still think it’s held up to an immensely amazing rate. Not only that, but I love how it delves into powers, Michael and Isobel’s relationship, and the incredible idea of spillover, which I still actively wish would become canon because of this fic. I think it’s so IC, especially with Michael’s active wish not to talk about it that he screws himself over in his sleep and seriously, it’s such a good read for both Isobel & Michael stuff, but also Michael & Alex.
the first who ever did - nostaljinks
Five times Michael saves Alex + 1 time Alex saves Michael back.
I feel like there aren’t enough words that I can heap onto this of praise. This fic is well-written, well-plotted, well-thought out, well-everything. It’s a beautiful emotional roller coaster and will make you ACHE, but in a great way. It also is the right amount of long that you want more, but you also get it, and it’s just as quality as the rest. ABSOLUTE must read.
fish bowl by @sabrinachill
Alex makes a series of phone calls and bad choices that lead him directly here — an Airstream on the edge of a junkyard with a distractingly attractive mechanic showing him how the dining table converts into a bed that he can sleep on for just $75 a week. It is, of course, completely absurd. But there’s something cozy about the fuzzy yellow blanket on the bed/table and the sparkling sunlight streaming through the mostly-clean windows, in the smell of leather and motor oil and aftershave and summer storms, in the hopeful half-smile on Michael’s face. That’s his name — Michael. Alex’s potential new roommate and landlord. (AKA An AU About Quarantined Roommates Who Fall in Love)
I highly recommend anything by @sabrinachill, but this fic is a really clear argument about why. It’s an AU that involves quarantine, and you might think ‘oh, I’ve read that before’, but then it will take you down the unexpected road that you didn’t expect to go down, but as soon as you take that twist, you instantly realize how much better it is that way. Hats off to the clever plotting not just in Fish Bowl, but other fics! 
Funny How Things Never Change - @waroftheposes​
“What can I do for you?” Michael asks, turning to face Alex. Alex can tell the moment that Michael’s mind registers who he’s addressing, because the polite smile drops from his face and the hat falls from his hand. He stands there, eyes wide and unbelieving, looking at Alex. Alex takes a deep breath, willing his racing heart to settle. “Well,” he begins and is his voice shaking? “For starters you can get your stubborn ass over here and give me a divorce.” – (A Sweet Home Alabama AU)
Yooooo, guess who was bereft when she thought she lost this link. It was absolutely me. This AU makes me happy in so many ways, especially the storms in the desert motif that keeps coming back around, and also that it’s messy. I like that it’s not cut and dry, that it goes right up until the wedding, and that it takes some real talk for them to get back together. I love fics where they all get to be human and this one is just so good. 
I Know Nothing Stays The Same by aewriting
“Alex doesn’t believe in miracles until one happens to him. His father has a hammer in one hand and Alex’s throat in the other. As Alex’s consciousness fades, he’s dimly aware of movement. His father’s about to swing the hammer, and this is how Alex will die.” When an unexplainable force puts a stop to Jesse’s attack in the shed, Alex and Michael are forced to go on the run. Leaving Roswell is an easy decision, but navigating the consequences of that choice months and even years later proves to be much more complicated.
I think this one became a must read very early on, but then it’s continued to deliver. There’s been a few stories that delve into the characters getting therapy, but there’s a whole chapter here where it genuinely feels cathartic as we go through the process with Alex. This fic also is an excellent and long version of an AU I think that we’ve all wondered, about what would happen if they ran away, and it’s so well written and so real that I know I will be re-reading this a ton. Like many of the others, why I love it is because it’s not perfection, but it’s the kind of real where I want to wrap myself up in it. 
i won’t go, i can’t do it on my own by @queersirius
alex tries to let go by giving back the pieces of michael he’s kept
Millie has a bunch of AMAZING AUs (guys, the 10 Things I Hate About You is something I never thought I’d get, especially from a favourite author), but i think this one is actually my favourite, especially when it comes to the ship piece that Alex has. Again, when I talk about ‘fics that make me want to be better’, this one was one. The writing is engaging, the characterization is fabulous, and the emotions are so honest and real. Then there’s this line, like a gut punch:  “Because it’s the last thing I have of you,” he admits. “The last piece of you I have to let go of.” which I love because it’s still Alex’s journey, an honest attempt to offer closure (if closure is wanted). 
in some other life - @spaceskam​
michael tries to build a time machine, but ends up in a different reality all together
There are a lot of these that have been written and they are all quality, but I love this one especially because of how we get into Alex in the other universe, get the glimpse of this unknown Michael, but also the scene that strikes this one out for me is that Alex doesn’t want to let him go. I love that Alex gets to be selfish, that he begs for him to stay, and that we don’t get the automatic happy ending in that, but there’s still the hope for it. Also, Alex the Angel, unf. 
intimate encounters of the third kind by @alexmanes
Three years after Antar and its people take Earth under their wings, Roswell becomes the epicenter for human-alien relations between both planets. It doesn’t take very long for Alex Manes to find himself embroiled in a scandal that threatens this intergalactic partnership, all thanks to a beautiful man named Michael Guerin who is not nearly as human as he claims to be.
Okay, so, if you like No Love Like Your Love, the truth is that you have this fic to thank. This was my first introduction in RNM fandom as to what a really amazing fic could be that incorporated the royalty elements into the pairing. Once 1x12 aired and we met Michael’s mother, it was pretty much a done deal that I wanted to do something that played with that, but this is the actual inspiration. It’s well plotted, it has a great ensemble cast, and plays with the kind of care that it takes to know your plot inside and out, but also to leave breadcrumbs that guide the reader along. It’s very methodical in the sense that nothing is by accident and it has you on the edge of your seat.
It’s a long road back to you by @magsthemagical
Michael finds out that Alex is dating Forrest and he’s okay with it, until he’s not. Maria suggests a double date to show they can all hang out as friends. But they can’t… not really. [OR the one where Michael & Alex realize that they belong together and so they say goodbye to their respective relationships and start anew]
Honest truth time - in terms of ‘ships, while I always love people to ship and let ship, my personal preference for both Michael and Alex is one another, so both Maria/Michael and Forrest/Alex aren’t things that I usually seek out when trawling Ao3. This fic is so good to all parties involved. No one is a villain and I appreciate that they get to talk about things like Alex’s reticence to do certain things in public, but also being aware that Alex deserves to have something new as much as Michael.
Last Stop: This Town by @ubiestcaelum
Someone asked what it would have been like if Michael had gone home with the Evan’s and I couldn’t let it go.
Am I cheating because I requested this? idk, maybe, because another one I requested will end up here too. I am addicted to the idea of Michael getting the support system he needs, but THIS FIC takes it to the most impossibly amazing level and fleshes out the Evans parents in such an incredible way. I love that it’s not super sunshine and rainbows, but it’s an honest telling of raising kids (and maybe too many kids versus what you expected). I know this is only in progress (several today will be), but even as it is, it’s worth reading multiple times, because I know I have.
let me count the ways by @queersirius
liz ortecho isn’t allowed to date until her snarky, determined-not-to-date brother, alex ortecho, does. luckily, one of her suitors has a plan. well, max goes to isobel for a plan, which involves getting their brother, michael, to woo alex. or, the 10 things i hate about you AU
Obviously this needs to be here as I desperately pleaded for it to exist, but it’s so beyond what it might be as a mini tumblr ficlet and has become a whole world. It’s not just a great Malex story, it’s an amazing story for all the characters and really fleshes out a world, but weaves in the RNM characters perfectly, but also gives me a dynamic I want more of, in Alex being an Ortecho. It’s not quite finished yet, but Millie has never steered us wrong and I can’t wait for more.
Loathly by @aewriting
When King Manes and his sons are caught illegally hunting on Antarian lands, King Noah gives King Manes a choice - correctly answer a riddle or accept death. A year-long search for the correct answer ensues, leading the youngest son of the king, Alex, to strike a bargain with a mysterious woman who claims to know the answer. This is an AU of the Arthurian legend “Sir Gawain and the Dame Ragnell.”
Love at First Sass - @daffietjuh
Taking a class of 30 high school kids on a school trip to an Air Force base was about as exhausting as it sounds, luckily, the Captain giving them the tour is perfectly capable of handling a group of rowdy teenagers. Michael may be slightly in love Okay, so first of all, if you haven’t read any of the author’s other work, you should. The AUs are fantastic and the hockey one is still one of my favourites ever, but this one also just was exactly what I needed. It was sexy and flirty and fun, but also fit their personalities perfectly!
Everything in the Michael Sanders AU, by prouvaireafterdark which is a fantastic series that gives us what we all wanted, which is Walt Sanders giving Michael the home he deserved (and getting one right back).
My love is a life taker by @jocarthage
By the time he turned 15, Captain Alex Manes had been to every war zone and unofficial conflict the United States of America was involved in. It wasn’t regular practice, or even heard of, for a Colonel to bring his son along on combat missions; the exception was if the child had been identified as Time Aware, able to travel in time along their own timeline using stolen alien technology. So here Alex Manes was, 28, and ducking bombs, killing who he’s told to. On his way back from a mission, Alex slips into another timestream. It should be impossible. But he can hear a child crying and he heads towards the sound. This is the story of how Alex saved Michael and Michael saved Alex, with lots of time travel shenanigans and angst.
This story is incredible for so many reasons and one of them I continue to praise is the balance. It’s an Alex driven story, but you can break his life down into friends, mission, family, and Michael, and often those elements combine, but there’s never any update that doesn’t give you enough (imo). It’s excellent writing with engaging OCs and wonderful plot, and the most incredible love story.
not in this world (or the next) by @hannah-writes
It isn’t until he realises he can’t find the keys for his fucking truck anywhere and that there’s mail on the table addressed to Mr M Evans that Noah called him ‘Evans’, too. He fumbles inside the wallet that he’d managed to locate and pulls out a New Mexico licence with his picture on it; he doesn’t have a black eye and a split lip in this one, his hair’s tamed and he doesn’t look like he’s gone three days without showering. His date of birth is stamped, clear and correct, but then where his name should read ‘Michael Guerin’, it reads “Michael Evans’ and the address registered on the license is that of Max and Isobel’s childhood home. Noah had also said ‘your mom’s’. Not ‘Mrs Evans’. It feels like a bucket of ice water’s dumped over his head as he finally accepts that something is very, very wrong. (aka, the fic spawned from a tumblr prompt about Michael waking up in a parallel reality.)
This one, guys. This is an absolute beast of angst and love and a really well plotted story, but also is really amazing for how it creates Mikey, but also creates motive behind what drives both Michael and Mikey in ways that are the same, but also different. Genuinely, this fic is a great read because you get so much attention to the characters while also driving along the relationships, and who they are. 
nursery sharks by christchex
Six firsts in the Sanders household and a second.
Otherwise Engaged by JustAsSweet
Alex Manes was perfectly happy with his job at Colden Records but when his visa is rejected and deportation looms, marrying his assistant Michael Evans is his only option. And when they make a trip to Alaska to see Michael’s family, everything becomes a lot more complicated.
AKA: The Proposal AU that no one asked for but I wrote anyway.
Shadow Work - @myrmidryad
After his discharge from the Air Force, Alex Manes is working as a shade - a professional ghost hunter - when Michael Guerin tracks him down. Alex left Roswell thirteen years ago and never went back, but overnight Michael’s family has vanished and the supernatural activity in Roswell has exploded, and he wants Alex’s help. Featuring: ghosts, more ghosts, metaphorical ghosts, and a lot of sex without talking about feelings. Also missing family members, government conspiracies, and gratuitous worldbuilding.
No, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. I can’t rec this enough. Literally, this is a novel-type rec. If this were a book on a shelf, I would be shouting that you need to go read it, because it is literally good enough to be a published work on a best-selling list. It’s so fucking good. Every time you think it can’t get better, it does. It has nuance and plot and world-building and it is So. Fucking. Good. I could sit here and sing praises all day and it still wouldn’t be enough. Please give yourself a holiday treat and read it.
The World Forgetting, By The World Forgot by Anonymous
Michael and Alex erase each other from their memories. It does not go according to plan. [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Roswell style]
I mean, I could rec anything by Anonymous and it would be worth your read. They’re so good and so in character,  but this one is my favourite. It’s angsty as fuck, don’t get me wrong, but it plays with the movie plot in such a Roswell-specific way that makes sense that I honestly never even compared or contrasted it to the movie past the first few beats. The pain is visceral, and the memory loss segment is incredible, but also delivers on a positive ending. 
To Trust Love by @laughsalot3412 
The prisoner’s voice sounded like home. He could have been raised in Roswell, the way his accent stretched his vowels. He definitely hadn’t been. Alex would have remembered eyes like those. (AU where Alex Manes goes on an undercover rescue mission in Caulfield Prison and forms a bond with one of the prisoners in the process.)
I don’t have enough words in the English language to praise this one. Honestly, I don’t. For one, the pace and the length is perfect. That we got the parts as quickly as we did was honestly such a treat, but then every part was just as high quality as the last. There are chapters in this one that made me go, “holy shit, this would’ve been a novel I read”, and then there are little emotional impacts where the tone shifts, but it works so well. It’s SO HOT, and the AU is so perfect, and also helped inspire the one that I wrote last night with the “genie”. 
Unwind Me - delgay
“Think you can manage that? Sitting next to me, without picking a fight?” Michael challenged. “Can you?” Alex returned. “No idea,” Michael admitted with a sideways grin that never failed to make Alex’s stomach turn over, “But I’m eager to find out.” Alex is avoiding everyone, but he can’t seem to escape Michael.
This whole fic is intensely amazing, but it got on my rec list for the absolutely electric scene with the dancing that was absolutely beyond incredible. You also get Michael courting Alex, which is something he utterly deserves and I love the way Michael goes about it. 
we feel so american by thepredatorywasp
“Papa’s on the spaceship again?” River asks, his bright green eyes welling with tears and his face growing red. “Comin’ back?” “Of course he is,” Alex says, smoothing down the son’s hair and adjusting the Mickey ears atop his head. “Always.” There is no easy way to explain to your three year-old that not only is he an alien, but his Papa is an alien and that apparently, Michael loves leaning hard into irony because he has gone on Space Mountain approximately ten times over the course of four days.
LOOK. I LOVE A SWEET KID FIC. The next rec will prove this, but this one will melt your fucking heart. I love it because it’s not perfect and easy. There’s difficulties, there are issues, but it’s Michael and Alex and their baby boy in Disney and if you do not come away feeling warmer from this, then I just don’t know. 
We’re Waking Up Slow by myrmyriad
“I think need a little time to process all of this. Um. Storm’s getting closer and I don’t really wanna get snowed in here, so…let’s just talk later, okay?” What if the storm that blew in during S01E10 came in a lot faster and heavier, and Alex was snowed in at the junkyard?
Again, fic that makes me wish that I could write as well as this. This one makes you feel it all. You’ll feel the cold, the wet, the storm, the pain, the hope, the healing. You feel the connection between Michael and Alex, and you’ll be left wishing at the end that this had been how canon went, but also that it’s justifiably not that far off from how it could have, had they taken a different tack, because of how well it’s written. 
What’s Up, Pregnant? by Marie_L
Michael Guerin is broke, practically homeless, and a knocked up secret alien. What now?
Speaking of kid fics, this mpreg is one that I really like, because if nothing else, it introduced the concept of mpreg using pods to me in the fandom, and I kind of went, “YES, of course”. I love that it’s got everyone rallying, but I mostly love the psychic connection between Michael and his baby, and the softness of loving sugar and Alex. 
With Love Overflowing by Nestra
"We both agree that this is not the place we belong, right? Please say yes."
Michael tossed his hat on the coffee table and dropped onto the couch. "If you mean that your dad's been dead since CrashCon and some kind of crazy shit is going on, then yeah, I agree."
(This one was for me for Secret Santa, it is just THAT GOOD that I want everyone in the world to read it)
x marks the spot (where we fell apart) by catching_paper_moons, preciousthings
“Don’t write it off,” Alex says, and Liz is so relieved someone is coming to her defense, even if it’s someone who already knew beforehand. “Liz and Kyle have ideas, and there are people in this room with literal superpowers. It’s pretty much our only option.” “Our only option?” Isobel scoffs. “What are we, Ocean’s Eleven?”
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flower-boi16 · 3 months
I think what's actually alarming about Helluva Boss and Vivziepop is that the shower suffers from heavy creator-fan enmeshment, and the writers/Vivziepop don't see themselves as the problem for it. It's like they see themselves as the victims, too, while encouraging their fandom's toxic mindset and behaviors.
The writers/Vivziepop are not only too entangled with their fans, but they're THINKING like fan artists/fanfic writers instead of actually making a show. There's a difference between writers of a show and fanfic writing. When you take up the mantel to create a show you have to carry yourself in a way and write your show with a point otherwise you end up with shows like Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, Miraculous Lady Bug, SVFOE, SPOP, and other shows that fall into that category. Some of them focus more on the shipping than the point of their show to begin with.
What makes a good show is having that distinction or maintaining that professionalism. Creators of shows should NEVER let themselves sink into the cesspool of their Fandoms because they should be focused on their story/message instead of all this shipping/woobing bullshit.
TLDR: Helluva Boss never had potential with VivziePop holding the reigns to begin with. It's too disorganized and unfocused, and with the Fan Enmeshment, it was never going to grow or expand from its fanfic-y feeling. If the creator of the show never grew up, we should never expect the show to grow, too.
Though it is a shame since it could have been charming, had someone more professional taken the show.
Viv definitely was never cut out to handle a big project like this. I’ve said this many times before, but ya, Viv writes like a fanfic writer; everything with how messy the structuring of how her shows is and how poorly they are planned makes me think this.
It reminds me of when I tried to make my first fanfic and just went in without a plan with how to structure it which led to me just abandoning it early on. Viv writes like that.
She didn't listen to criticism of her Zoophobia comic and she still isn’t listing here. She shifted the focus of HB away from the premise to shipping nonsense and now we have this weird mess of a show that doesn’t even know what it wants to be anymore.
Season 2 seems to prioritize relationship drama over the actual premise which caused the show’s downfall. Hazbin feels a bit less fan-ficy but it’s still very messy.
Viv just crams too much shit into too little time which results in the pacing being awful. She paces her shows like a fan fic writer. It feels like she only came In with a small understanding of how show running works and jumped right into the industry because she was excited to show off her gizzalion OCs she had since high school.
Everything about HH/HB feels amateur. I really think that before you get into storytelling you need to actually study how to create good stories, like there are YouTube videos out there you could watch for free that give a run down of what is good or bad writing.
You don’t need to spend 20+ in school to be a good writer but you need to have a basic understanding of how to even write your ideas before you start making stories…which Viv clearly does not.
HB Season 2 in general doesn’t feel like a natural continuation of the first season. It feels like a fan-fic written by a fan after season 1 ended posted on wattpad that the show runners decided to animate and voice into a full season.
Viv should have learned how to run a show before jumping into something as ambitious as this, but she didn’t, and look at what we got.
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umuulandito · 1 year
burnout (teaser) | jeon wonwoo
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SYPNOSIS. 11 years. you’ve been loving wonwoo for 11 years. you’ve loved and supported him since you were 16. and you’re starting to wonder if you can keep living like this. PAIRING. idol!jeon wonwoo x writer!reader GENRE. angst, it’s mostly just angst. NOTES. english isn’t my first language !! para sa mga filipino, inspired by "i'm drunk, i love you" and sugarfree's "burnout". reader has done like 3 different jobs + went to college. multilingual!reader, writer!reader. WORD COUNT. (estimated) 13k DAY OF RELEASE. (estimated) august / september
“In two days, your new drama comes out. This is the… what is it?”
“12th drama you’ve written that’s somehow about Wonwoo.”
“So, when will you finally confess to him?”
It’s not the first time someone’s asked you that– or specifically, not the first time Jihoon has asked you that. He’s been asking you that for years now. You can only look into your glass, staring into the abyss of soju and beer because you don’t have an answer. 
You’ve never had an answer to it.
“I don’t know. Never? I’ll get over it eventually, probably,” you say. His eyebrows raise and he can only scoff and snaps his fingers in front of you, drawing attention to his face. “Eleven years,” Jihoon remarks. “You’ve never gotten tired of whatever–” his hands point vaguely at you, “this is.”
He gives you a once over and, you don’t have it in you to be offended when he says, “And you look like you don’t plan to stop. You have had every–”
“Not every.”
���Yes, every, chance to confess but it just seems like you keep delaying it.”
Jihoon gives you that look, the look that says ‘Well?’ and you can’t say anything (again). When he lifts his cup up to drink, he looks at you expectantly, eyebrows raised and ready for your response. But it’s just silent.
“Am I wrong?” He asks.
“You’re crazy,” you say rolling your eyes and taking a sip of your own glass. 
“See! That’s not a no,” Jihoon laughs. “Well… it just seems kind of a waste,” you laugh tracing the rim of the glass. “We’re good friends… Ha! We’re good friends.”
“But…” You sigh, “But he doesn’t love me back.”
When you look at Jihoon, he’s smug. His face says smug but his eyes say pity, they always have. Every time you have this conversation, he always reminds you of this, and well, who doesn’t like to be right? But you can always tell he pities you. 
“Timecheck!” Jihoon shouts, you flinch at the sound, what the fuck was that?
“It’s been 11 years, somehow your hopes are still up and nonexistent at the same time,” he says and you roll your eyes, snarky… as always. 
You tap your wrist with a scoff, “I know it’s been 11 years. I can read the time, Jihoon.”
He sighs again, “But that’s why it’s so… I don’t think you realize really how long you’ve been hoping.”
That kind of stops you because fuck, he has a point. 11 years… That’s a decade, probably 1/7th of your life– you spent your youth loving Wonwoo, your college years still loving him, and your adulthood continuing to love him. When you think about it, so much of a person can change in 11 years, no one is the same person they were 11 years ago. He’s changed so much over 11 years, you’ve changed so much.
And yet here you were, still loving him. Loving every version, every iteration.
It’s kind of crazy.
Confronted with the reality in your hands. What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
You’re confronted with this insane reality and all you can say is…
“Give me time.”
When you meet eyes with Jihoon, he’s looking at you like you just said you plan on quitting writing forever. His eyebrows are raised, eyes wide as saucers, staring at you in absolute shock at your audacity.
There we go. You close your eyes letting yourself sit and just absorb the lecture he’s about to give you.
“What type of nonsense is ‘give me time’?!” Jihoon asks. “You believe in the cosmic powers or whatever of the universe–”
You mumble, “It’s called fate–”
“Fine! Fate. God, I feel like I say this every time. You believe in the cosmic supernatural possibilities of whatever fate and the universe have given you E L E V E N years! The universe gave you all the time you could need and yet, here you are!”
You let out a small huff, fiddling with the handle of your glass. Yet here you are. 
“I don't know why,” you take a small sip again of your drink, “like, I even made like… 12 dramas about him!” Then you take a larger gulp, “Why are they all about him?!”
Jihoon can only shrug, “Maybe you’re a masochist.”
He was expecting you to deny that actually, you can get so defensive about this sometimes but you’re actually thinking about it. Your eyebrows are scrunched up in concentration as you revisit every drama you’ve made in the past 5 years. 
When you look back at him, your brows are still furrowed and you say “You know, I might be. Like, what sane normal person writes Twenty-Five Twenty-One?”
“Or Hotel del Luna. Even worse, that was your debut. So from the start, it’s really all been him.”
It’s always been him. “Everything’s always about him, like, my youth revolved around him and whatever he revolved around.”
“Because he was Seventeen, your youth was Seventeen.”
“My youth was Seventeen… Do you think he knows that like for four years straight he was singing songs about himself?”
That one brings a laugh out of Jihoon, your former partner in crime in writing. One of the only people to witness every step of your writing, which involved staring a lot at Wonwoo. “I don’t think he knows, you’re surprisingly not obvious.”
“Everything’s about him… God, maybe I AM a masochist.”
“Okay, let’s just put it this way, let’s do this differently. Let’s enumerate what your and him’s relationship was for those 11 years, each of those 11 years.”
You can only sigh, as if you haven’t done that several times this night, again when he raises his glass triumphantly. “When did you and Wonwoo first meet?”
“You ask this question but I’m sure you know the answer.”
“Should that stop me from asking? It’s about consistency.”
“Fine. Let’s start from the beginning.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Some Light Voyeurism
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you’re mean and Peter likes that, so he stalks you while you’re on a date
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“Did you guys check online and see who your lab partner is yet for Professor Lind’s class?”
“Not yet. Did you?” Peter asked Ned as he opened his laptop.
“Yeah. I’m with some dude named Michael Morbius. He sounds like a total doof wad.”
“Hey. That’s not nice.” Peter chuckled. “It’s says I’m with some girl named Y/n L/n.”
“Oh no. You got Y/n as a lab partner?” Neds eyes widened.
“Is that bad?” Peter worried.
“Dude, she’s like the most popular girl in school.“ MJ told him.
“Really? I didn’t realize popularity was still a thing in college.” Peter said, mostly to himself.
“It is. And she’s the face of it. Good luck man. That girl is gonna eat you alive.” Ned sighed and shook his head.
“What do you mean?”
“I heard that she’s a total bitch. She’s mean to everyone.” Ned whispered as he looked over his shoulder to where you and your group of friends were sitting.
“She’s never been mean to me.” MJ shrugged.
“That’s because you’re a girl. But I’ve seen her make men cry. Even professors.” Ned replied.
“Well I like her. She calls it like she sees it and doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit. I think it’s pretty cool actually.” MJ said in your defense.
“You’ll think it’s less cool when she bullies Peter into doing the whole project. You know how fragile Peter is. She’s gonna destroy him.” Ned whispered loudly.
“Oh no. The first project isn’t due for another two months. That means there’s a lot to do for it. How am I gonna survive two months with this girl?” Peter groaned.
“You’re not.” MJ snorted.
“It’s been nice knowing you, man.” Ned said and patted Peters back. Peter frowned and looked over his shoulder to get a better look at you. He leaned in a little so that he could hear what you and your friends were talking about. One of your friends was talking and he could see you rolling your eyes at her.
“I hate when girls say this but it’s so true for me. I’ve just always gotten along better with boys. You can even ask my mom. Like when I was little, all my friends were boys. It’s the same way now. I’ve always gotten along with them better than girls. Girls are so much drama, you know? And all they talk about is makeup and their clothes and their hair. Like, I would honestly much rather talk about the economic state of the world. But girls never want to talk about that. That’s why I honestly prefer boys.” Your friend, Gretchen, told your friend group. Peter could hear you let out a little groan before throwing on a fake smile.
“Hey Gretchen?” You asked.
“Yeah?” Gretchen answered.
“Can you shut the fuck the up?”
“What?” Gretchen laughed in shock.
“It’s just that nobody cares and you’re lying.” You shrugged. The girls at the table exchanged a look as Gretchen sputtered a few times.
“I’m not lying. You can literally ask my mom.”
“Why the fuck would I ask your mom?” You asked. “I don’t know her like that.”
“I’m not lying.” Gretchen laughed again as her face turned bright red.
“If you hate girls so much, then how come you’re sitting at a table full of girls right now? And how come I’ve never seen you talk to a guy? Name one guy friend you have.”
“Psh. Noah.” Gretchen said like it was obvious.
“Noah? Who’s Noah?” You laughed in surprise.
“He doesn’t go here. He’s my boy best friend. We like grew up together.” Gretchen answered as her eyes darted around.
“Well can I see a picture of this Noah?”
“I don’t have any.” Gretchen said quietly.
“Then pull up his Instagram.” You shrugged.
“He doesn’t have one. And honestly, I want to delete mine. Social media drains me.” Gretchen said and out a hand over her heart.
“How does social media drain you?” You laughed again. “I’ve seen you get kicked out of class three different times because you posted your BeReal during a lecture.”
“I’m different now. That was in the past.” Gretchen stated.
“That was this morning.” You reminded her.
“Whatever. This is why I don’t hang out with girls. Too much drama.” Gretchen scoffed and got up. She brushed past Peter, bumping his shoulder as she went. You made eye contact with Peter when she did this and gave him an apologetic smile. He turned bright red and smiled back, falling for you right then and there.
After school that day, Peter waited by the bus stop with his earbuds in. He noticed someone out of the corner of his eye and looked up just as a man approached him.
“Excuse me, young man. Do you speak Spanish?” The man asked Peter. Peter tensed up, always feeling anxious when he had to talk to strangers.
“Um, no.” Peter gulped.
“Me either.” The man replied. “Would you like to meet the mother of my children?”
“No thank you.” Peter smiled nervously.
“You seem really strong. Can I feel your bicep?” The man asked and reached out to touch Peter. Before the man could touch him, you approached by Peters side.
“Hey. Are you ready to go?” You asked and linked your arm through Peters.
“Yeah. Excuse me, sir. I have to go.” Peter immediately went along with whatever you were doing and walked away with you. You kept your arm linked through his until you made your way to the next bus stop a block away.
“Thanks for that. I never know what to say to strangers.” Peter thanked you once you were at the next stop.
“No problem. Girls have to stick with girls, right?” You said with a kind smile.
“I’m not a girl.” Peter told you, making your smile drop.
“Oh my god. I thought you were a lesbian. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I honestly get that a lot.” Peter admitted, making you laugh.
“I think it’s the jacket. And the haircut.” You told him through a laugh.
“Oh.” Peter laughed in embarrassment and looked down at his jacket.
“Dude, it’s not a bad thing. Lesbians literally rule the world.” You told him with the upmost sincerity.
“Thats true.” He said with a soft smile. You looked at each other for a moment until your eyes drifted behind him.
“Hold that thought. What the fuck are you looking at?” You asked angrily. Peter turned around and saw a guy staring at you like you were something to eat.
“You. Have I see you before?” The man asked as he walked towards you. You wrapped your arm around Peters again and took a step back.
“How would I know who you’ve seen before?”
“I think I would’ve remembered a face like.” The man flirted, making you gag a little.
“So then your original question was pointless and you wasted our time.” You stated, making Peter hold back a laugh.
“You have a little attitude, don’t you? I like that.” The man smiled and took a step closer to you.
“Excuse me for a second. Some men were born without the ability to take a hint.” You said to Peter before turning back to the man.
“Look dude, no one ever fell in love with the balding loser who hit on them at the bus stop. I was standing here, having conversation with someone when you interrupted. Nothing about my body language made it seem like I was open to you coming over here to speaking to me. I’m not interested in or your wispy little mustache. In fact, I could probably grow a better one myself.”
“Uh, what?” The man laughed in confusion.
“Honestly, I’m not sure why you haven’t walked away yet. Because what do you have to offer me other than the juice stain around your mouth and a low credit score?” You asked with a shrug.
“Damn. You could’ve just said you weren’t interested.” The man grumbled.
“And you could’ve minded your business and never come up to me in the first place. Have you ever noticed that most women stand behind the pillars at the train station or against the wall at bus stops? It’s because they don’t want to be seen by men like you for their own safety. So you staring at me like I’m the next girl you’re gonna skin and eat is not appreciated.”
“I should’ve known you and your lesbian friend were a bunch of crazy feminists.” The man scoffed and looked between you and Peter.
“The craziest. Now fuck off.” Peter stated. The man rolled his eyes at you and finally left you alone.
“Peter Parker. That was unexpectedly awesome.” You turned to him with a smile once the man was gone.
“You know my name?” Peter smiled in surprise.
“Of course I do, lab partner.” You said with a wink. Before Peter could respond, the bus pulled up. Peter sighed a little in disappointment as the doors to the bus opened.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Peter.” You called as Peter went up the steps of the bus.
“See you tomorrow.” Peter smiled as the doors shut.
When tomorrow came, Peter spent his lunch period staring at you with a dreamy smile on his face.
“You were wrong about Y/n. She’s really cool.” Peter sighed happily and rested his chin on his hand. Ned turned around to see what Peter was looking at, which was you on the phone with your manager.
“I need you to come in tonight to cover Brian’s shift.” You manger said over the phone.
“Can’t. I have plans.” You told him.
“You have to. We have no one else working. Jenny was gonna do it but she pulled out.”
“Your dad should’ve pulled out.” You said before hanging up.
“Is she?” Ned asked sarcastically.
“Yes. Shut up. I love her.” Peter stated.
“Love her? You spoke to her for the first time yesterday.” Ned reminded him.
“Yes, and that was all it took.” Peter said simply.
“I don’t know dude. She’s mean.” Ned pointed out.
“Yeah, but in a hot way.” Peter insisted and went back to staring at you. He didn’t mean to, but he could hear your conversation and with his enhanced hearing.
“You’re meeting Danny’s parents tonight, right?” One of your friends asked you, making Peter frown.
“Yep. It’s my first time meeting them. I’m kinda nervous.” You told your friends.
“Who’s Danny?” Peter asked Ned.
“You mean Danny Fenton? Her boyfriend?” Ned asked.
“What? She has a boyfriend?” Peters face crumpled as he looked at you again.
“I don’t think they’ve been together long. Just a few weeks maybe. But he’s super popular.”
“He’s popular too? Since when are people popular in college?” Peter grumbled. He got an idea suddenly and his expression went from upset to intrigued.
“Oh no. What are you thinking about?” Ned asked him.
“I was just thinking that I don’t know much about this Danny guy. Maybe Spiderman should visit her on her date to make sure he’s safe.” Peter shrugged.
“Peter. No. No more stalking. We’re still not allowed back on the street Taylor Swift lives on.” Ned reminded him.
“This won’t be like that time. And we were barely stalking Taylor.” Peter insisted.
“Peter, no.” Ned whined. Peter looked at you again and felt his heart ache with how much he wanted you.
“Peter yes.” Peter decided.
That night, Peter found himself perched in a tree outside of Daniel Fenton’s house. He was dressed in his suit and watching you through Danny’s window. You were sitting down at the dinning room table with Danny’s parents and Peter could hear your heart beating with anxiety. Peter pulled his mask off so that he could get a better look but already didn’t like was he was seeing.
“Who the hell is this guy?” Peter grumbled as he got comfortable in the tree.
“Well.” Danny’s mother smiled sweetly as you and gestured to the casserole sitting in a dish in the center of the table.
“Well?” You repeated in confusion.
“Sweetheart, Danny is waiting.” She said and looked at the casserole again.
“For what?”
“For you to make him a plate.” She said like it was obvious. Peter saw your face go from a polite smile to having murder behind your eyes.
“The food is on the table in front is us. I think he can make himself a plate.” You laughed awkwardly and looked around for support. To your surprise, everyone was looking at like you were the crazy one.
“Yes. But you’re his girlfriend. It’s what girlfriends do.” The mother repeated as her smile shifted to a stern look.
“It’s not what I do.” You smiled sweetly in return as your eyes shot daggers at her.
“It is now.” She said sternly. “Make Danny a plate of food. Now, please. He’s hungry.”
“Yeah, babe. Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Can you just get me some food? It’s not that hard. Damn.” Danny mumbled. Your head slowly turned to look at him as you sickly sweet smile never dropped. Peter let out an excited laugh and watched closer to see what your reaction would be.
“If it’s not that hard, do it yourself.” You’re said, batting your eyelashes at him while maintaining your poise.
“I just sat down. Come on. I’m starving.” Danny whined and held his plate out to you. You looked at the mom again, who was looking at you with disproval.
“He’s starving.” His mom repeated and handed you the spoon for the casserole. Your smile dropped as you took the spoon from her.
“So why don’t you get off your ass and go get some food?” You said loudly and looked at Danny.
“Do not raise your voice at my son.” The mother snapped at you.
“Don’t raise your voice at me. Or we’re gonna have a problem Debby.” You snapped back and pointed the spoon at her. Debby looked down at the spoon before slowly looking up at you.
“Sweetheart, please. Don’t be difficult. Can you just go make my baby a plate?” Debby asked with a falsely calm voice.
“Your “baby” is a grown ass man. If he’s hungry, he can get food himself.”
“You are his girlfriend. It is your job now.”
“He’s not a helpless little baby. He can is perfectly capable and picking up the spoon and serving himself some food.”
“Make him a plate or get out of this house.” Debby said in a low voice. You stared at her for a long time as every else at the table sat in silence. Peter was on the edge of his branch, eager to see how this would play out. Finally, you held out the spoon in front of you and dropped it as if it were a microphone. Debby and the rest of his family gasped as a smile tugged at your lips.
“All right, bye.” You smiled at them all before turning to leave.
“I’ll call you!” Danny called after you.
“Don’t!” You called back in a cheery tone. Peter couldn’t see you as you walked through the house but suddenly saw the front door open.
“Oh shit. She’s coming.” Peter whispered in fear. He went to scoot back, forgetting he was in a tree. He fell out of the tree with a loud thud, landing directly in front of you. You stopped walking and gasped as Peter rolled over with a loud groan.
“Oh my God. Are you okay?” You asked and helped Peter get off the ground. He had landed face down, so you had only seen the Spiderman suit and the back of his head so far.
“What? Me? Yeah. I’m fine.” Peter shrugged it off like he wasn’t aching in pain all over his body. Your expression when from concerned to shocked when you looked into his eyes.
“Peter?” You whispered in disbelief. Peters eyes widened as he reached up and touched his bare face.
“No. Not Peter. I’m his cousin. Pe…nis.” Peter stammered weakly.
“Oh, okay.” You cracked a smile. “Hey Penis. What’s up?”
Peter shut his eyes in embarrassment and shook his head, knowing he just messed up big time. Meanwhile, you bent down and picked up his mask before handing it to him.
“Thanks.” He smiled weakly.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled back. “Come on. Walk me to my car.”
Peter slipped his mask back on and walked beside you as the two of you made your way towards your car. You were being oddly normal about finding out his identity and it made Peter even more anxious. You reached your car and your gestured for him to get in the passenger seat, which Peter complied.
“This is a really nice Prius.” Peter said once you were inside.
“I know.” You deadpanned, making Peter gulp in fear.
“You can take your mask off. No one can see you in here.” You said in a soft tone. Peter nodded his head before tugging his mask off again. You looked him up and down for a second before smiling.
“Were you up in that tree?” You asked him and pointed to the tree outside Danny’s house.
“No.” Peter lied quickly.
“There’s a branch in your hair.” You pointed out.
“It’s to keep my bangs off my forehead.”
“Oh. I usually use a headband for that.”
“I lost mine so.” Peter shrugged and looked away, making you laugh. He relaxed a little when he heard you laughing and settled into your passenger seat.
“So you used a branch from the tree outside my boyfriends house? Makes sense.” You nodded.
“Yeah. He has really good branches for that type of thing.” Peter said, knowing you didn’t believe him.
“I’m sure he does. But I also saw you fall out of said tree, so I’m thinking maybe you’re not telling me the whole truth.” You smiled teasingly, making Peter shrink down in his seat and covered his face.
“Right. Forgot about that.” Peter mumbled in embarrassment.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Were you stalking me?” You asked in a casual tone. Peter knew he was already caught and had no use lying.
“A little.” He admitted.
“Just a little? So not fully stalking?” You asked sarcastically, making him groan.
“No. Not fully stalking. Just some light voyeurism.”
“Aw. Peter.” You chuckled. “You don’t know what that word means, do you?”
“Yes I do. It means to watch somebody through their window.” Peter insisted.
“No, honey. It doesn’t.” You smiled sympathetically and shook your head.
“Yes it does.” Peter frowned and pulled out his phone. He googled the word quickly and felt his stomach drop when he read what it actually meant.
“So it turns out I didn’t know what that word meant.” Peter said simply, making you laugh again.
“I figured.” You shrugged. Peter looked at you for a minute, wondering why you weren’t more freaking out about what was happening. You just caught him stalking your date in his Spiderman suit and yet you seemed completely unfazed.
“So, you probably have a lot of questions.” Peter said and looked down at his suit.
“Eh. Not really.” You shrugged. “I’m assuming you developed a crush on me after our encounter at the bus stop and wanted to see what I was doing.”
“Well, yeah. But the suit and the tree? That doesn’t concern you?”
“I’m not really shocked by that either. I’ve seen you scale fences without touching them. And the only times Spiderman has been spotted outside New York was Washington DC during the decathlon tournament, a team which you or a part of. And in Europe while we were on a school trip there. A school trip you were always mysteriously missing from.”
“Damn. You peeled the onion all the way to the middle didn’t you?” Peter mumbled when he realized you had him completely figured out.
“It’s okay. Don’t feel bad. It was only a hunch that you were Spiderman until I watched you fall out of a tree in front of my boyfriends house dressed in the literal Spiderman suit.”
“That’s pretty much a dead giveaway, huh?” Peter laughed a little.
“Pretty much.” You scrunched your nose and nodded. You gave one last look at Danny’s house before starting your car and driving away.
“So did you hear any of that back there?” You asked Peter.
“Yes. All of it. I was up there for a while.” Peter admitted.
“I’m worried about what you constitute as full stalking.” You laughed when you remembered Peter had told you he was only doing some “light voyeurism”.
“Okay, maybe I was fully stalking you. Maybe. But you’ve been on my mind ever since the bus stop and I wanted to see what your stupid boyfriend looked like.” Peter shrugged, making you laugh again. You liked the chemistry between you and Peter and took the long way home just to spend more time with him.
“And what did you think now that you’ve seen him?”
“I think that your stupid boyfriend is also your stupid ugly boyfriend.” Peter mumbled.
“Well after tonight, I can assure you that he’s not my boyfriend anymore.” You looked over your shoulder at him with a smile.
“Well that’s good news.” Peter returned the smile. You looked back at the road again but kept your smile on. You stopped at a red light and Peter looked over at you just to admire the way you looked under the street lights.
“Just so you know, my mom is super dead. So she would never ask you to make me a plate of food.” Peter told you. You burst out laughing and playfully hit him in the chest.
“Good. Because I would never make you one. And I would fight your dead mom if she tried to make me.” You deadpanned, making Peter smile at your shared sense of humor.
“I bet she’d really enjoy that fight. In fact, I know she’d really like you. She was a bitch too.” Peter told you, smile instantly dropping when he realized what he had said.
“You think I’m a bitch?” You gasped playfully but looked honored.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” Peter said quickly. “I mean, I did. But I didn’t mean for it to sound mean. I just mean you speak your mind and stand up for yourself and I really like that. My mom was the same way. She didn’t take shit from anybody. You reminded me of her back there at Danny’s house. At the bus stop too. I think….I think she would’ve loved you.”
You pulled in front of your apartment building just then and unbuckled your seatbelt so that you could turn to look at Peter. He was worried he had just said way too much, after all he did just compare a girl he barely knew to his dead mother, but you were once again unfazed. You gave him a soft smile before reaching over to take his hand.
“Thanks for saying all of that. Sounds like it’s an honor to be compared to her.” You said and gave his hand a squeeze.
“Yeah. She was a pretty cool lady.” Peter smiled sadly and looked down at your intertwined hands.
“So you like that I’m mean to people and I remind you of your mom? Sounds like you’ve got some kinks just begging to be discovered.” You said and clicked your tongue.
“Don’t forget the light voyeurism.” Peter sighed.
“Who could forget that?” You chuckled. You looked at each other for moment until Peter frowned.
“If you have a car, why were you at the bus stop?” He wondered.
“I wasn’t at the bus stop. I was walking past the bus stop when I saw you needed help. Did you see me get on the bus, dumbass?” You asked him angrily before cracking a smile. Peter smiled too when he realized you were just joking.
“Do you think I could take you on a date? To make up for the one you just walked out of?” Peter used all his courage to ask.
“I mean, I never actually ate tonight. And unless you had snacks up in that tree, I’m guessing you didn’t either. We could go somewhere now.” You suggested, surprisingly looking just as vulnerable as Peter did.
“Want to go get pizza or something? There’s a place a few blocks from here that makes really good pineapple pizza.”
“Pineapple pizza is an abhorrent crime against humanity.” You said calmly.
“That’s just not true.”
“You can’t put a sweet fruit on something savory like a hot pizza.”
“Yes you can. People do it all the time.”
“They should stop.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“You need to open your heart to the wonderful world of pineapple on pizza. Have you ever even tried it?”
“I don’t need to try it to know that it’s disgusting.”
“Yes you do!” Peter laughed. “You can’t say it’s gross if you’ve never even tried it.”
“Okay. Well sorry for having great tits and a right opinion.” You mumbled and went to start your car again. You pulled the keys out of the ignition suddenly and looked over at Peter.
“I don’t want to drive to the pizza place.” You told him.
“Oh, okay. We could get something else.”
“No, I mean I want to walk there.”
“Oh. Why?” Peter wondered.
“Because you can’t hold my hand if we drive there.” You said through a shy smile.
“I mean, I technically could. You could just hold my hand with the hand that isn’t on the steering wheel.” Peter explained, causing you to stare at him for a long time.
“Hey Peter?” You asked after a minute.
“Do you want to shut the fuck up and hold my hand?” You asked sweetly.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “I really do.”
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sinfulseashell · 1 year
Question for Y!Bonten how could they react if their darling escaped from them and started a new life with someone else?
Y!Mikey: Of course the male would absolutely go berserk if his darling was ever to think that anyone else would treat them better than he could, but fear nearly consumed him as he thought for a moment looking over at the host with an icy glare. “Escaping is one thing, but having the audacity to find someone else? Well…let’s just say there would be two less bastards on this god forsaken earth.”
Y!Sanzu: “Oh wow, well I guess one idiot plus another can make a deathly combination!” He cackled. “How fucking dumb could they be to find someone else, but let’s give the benefit of the doubt that my darling had the gall to have another person even touch them the way I do.” His snarl twisted into a demonic grin, “I will show my darling why they would regret stepping foot out of their haven…let’s just say the show would be more gruesome than any horror movie could ever show legally.”
Y!Bonten: Each male expressed a disgusted feature as they shook their heads in unison.
Y!Koko: “So we all agree that Sanzu is never allowed to come these interviews when it comes to murder.”
Host: “Wait…none of you said anything…also…all of you commit murder?”
Y!Rin: “Ok one, we don’t need words to communicate, I know you noticed the silence after his comment. Two, we commit murder because it’s necessary yet this sociopath commits murder as a fucking hobby.”
Y!Sanzu: He emits a boisterous laugh while wiping tears from his eyes, “Ah…it’s true. I have a scrapbook as well.” He smiles happily.
Y!Rin: “Do I need to say anything more?”
Host: “Oooookay…noted.”
Y!Takeomi: “Well that was unsettling…anyways. I wouldn’t say that I would be happy my darling started their life over.” He gritted his teeth at the thought that his darling could find someone else so damn easily…replacing him. The thought made his stomach churn, “As if replacing me would be the best option for them…I would murder anyone who would try to take them away from me.” He growled.
Y!Ran: “Well the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Looks like you and Sanzu have so much in common, makes sense why the two of you are related.”
Y!Sanzu: “How dare you say something so fucking disgusting in my presence! No fucking brother of mine, as far as I know I don’t have family.” He hissed.
Y!Takeomi & Host: 😐
Y!Koko: “We’re not here to discuss their family drama, wait…hatred? Disgust? Whatever. We are not here to speak on that. Now as for me, the fact my darling would even think that someone could afford the lifestyle I provide well,” He chuckles while shaking his head, small chuckling turns to laughter. “Ah…ah ok, ok,” Koko clears his throat to continue. “Besides my awesome joke, I doubt that my darling would even survive without me.”
Y!Rin: “Look Im tired. So I’ll make this quick…whoever the dumbass would be I’ll make sure that have a slow painful death while I take my darling back to have the punishment they deserve.” Bringing himself to stand the male makes his way to the door and leaves.
Y!Ran: “Dont mind him, Rin is just tired from taking care of his darling all night. They were sick.” Ran pouts. “Isn’t that so cute though!”
Y!Rin: “SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!” He screams from the other side of the door.
Y!Ran: The male smiles as he turns his attention back to the host, “What would I do if my darling escaped and found someone else? Hmmm, well murder would be first on my list and once I get rid of them then I would make sure my darling was well.” He hums happily, “-but once I know they are fine then I’ll remind them of why they belong to me.” He smirked menacingly.
Y!Mochi: “I dont believe my darling would have a reason to leave. No to toot my own horn or anything, but these guys are monsters compared to me.” He huffed.
Y!Sanzu: “Quit bitching and answer the goddamn question.”
Y!Mochi: “Fine. If my darling were to ever find someone else…even though I know they wouldn’t. I wouldn’t murder the person, but I would purposely break each and every bone in their body enough to keep them conscious throughout the entire time that way their screams of agony could echo off the walls having their cries be the last thing they hear.”
Y!Koko: “Dear god. We all need therapy.” He spoke while pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.
Y!Kakucho: His gaze stays focused on the floor before him as if lost in thought when he hears the host call his name it brings him back to reality as he sighs, “I wouldn’t kill them. Or hurt the person that they are with. I want my darling to be happy then I would want them to stay happy, but…a part of me would take them back with me…I can’t…I just can’t be without them…they mean everything to me…” he sighs in frustration. “If I take my darling back and the other person tries to stop me…well then I would have no choice but to kill them.”
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Song prompt for Manny Perez
But honey if I had to choose
Oh I'd rather ride around with you
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Tagging: @burningpeachpuppy @acesgunner95 @caffeinatedwoman @unknown6669991
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You disappear into the background when Manny’s ex-wife Bobbi comes to town. You think he doesn’t notice but he does, he’s just too busy putting out the fires she’s lighting up in Gabriella’s life to be able to deal with it.
It’s almost a week later that he realises he hasn’t heard from you. No calls, no texts, no sleep overs. Bobbi has a way of doing that, taking over his life, drowning out everything else with her chaos. He’s barely had more than a couple of minutes to himself between his shifts with Three Rock and running interference between her and Gabby.
It’s five in the morning when he forces himself out of bed and drags himself down to the beach. It’s the only place he can guarantee you’ll be and the truth is he wants a little one on one time.
You’re already in water by the time he gets there, bobbing by a little way from the shore, your gaze fixed on the horizon as the sun rises. He considers joining you but this is where you get your peace, where you come to take a breath and he doesn’t want to interrupt that moment.
When you step out the water he can’t help but smile. You’ve never been shy about your body and that’s one of the things he loves about you, your confidence, your unflinching ability to know who you are, to never doubt it.
He hands you the towel before you wrap it around yourself and drop down into the sand alongside of him. You nudge his shoulder lightly and he nudges you back.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around.” He finds himself telling you. “My ex-wife… She’s a lot.”
“Oh I know.” You tell him, taking a sip from your water bottle. “I thought I’d give you a little breathing room with everything that was going on between her and Gabby.”  
“I don’t want you to think that I don’t care about you.” Manny tells you as his hand comes to rest upon yours on the sand. “That she comes back into my life and I forget about you.”
“I don’t think that.” You tell him as your fingers entwine with his. “I think that dealing with Roberta takes a lot of time and a lot of energy and that requires mental space so you don’t lose your shit and murder her.”
You’re not wrong, handling Bobbi was a full time occupation when they were married. She thrived on drama, on wreaking havoc on his life. Being with you is a breath of fresh air because he can relax, he’s never waiting for the next bomb to drop.
“You know anyone else would be pissed off but you…” He trails off because he just can’t find the words.
“Did you think I’d be spoiling for a fight?” You ask, tilting your head towards him.“This isn’t about me, it’s about you and Gabby trying to survive Hurricane Roberta, I’m just trying to stay out of the way so you don’t feel like you have to deal with another casualty.”
“She’s already tried to scare you away hasn’t she?” He says studying the expression on your features.
“She’s a bitter woman.” You remark, your fingertips tracing over the stubble of his jaw. “But then again, I would be too if I had run you out of my life.”
“That’s something you could never do.” He tells you, his lips brushing over your pulse point. “Whatever happens between the two of us, I’ll always be in your life. As your friend, your lover…”
“I definitely prefer lover.” You assure him and a blush creeps across his cheeks because the way you’re looking at him reminds him you aren’t wearing a single scrap of clothing underneath that towel.
“Good because I can’t imagine how hard it would be trying to be your friend knowing what’s under here.” He murmurs, his fingertips trailing along the hem of the towel.
“I can’t imagine how hard you might be under those jeans.” You tease as the towel loosens and slips from your body.
“Did I mention how much I’ve missed you over the past week?” Manny murmurs as his body covers yours, guiding you back onto the sand.
“No.” You smile, reaching down between the two of you to unzip his fly. “But maybe you can show me.”
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
long for you (act three) | h. hyunjin <3
a/n: and just like that, i present to you the last installment of long for you ! i hope you enjoy the ending (i promise it's a happy one) <3 thank you so much for reading this fic :,-) pics not mine <3
♡ find all parts here ♡
content: fluff, romance, fake dating, angst, a happy ending | wc: 4.2k | warnings: none really! | pairing: nonbinary!painter!hyunjin x gn!writer!reader | requests: open
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synopsis: y/n is a writer with a long-awaited, well-deserved career opportunity. despite the excitement, there’s one major problem: the publisher expects a modern love story, equally romcom-like and authentic, but y/n lacks the inspiration to write something worth reading. through a chance meeting with mutual friends, y/n and hyunjin bond over upcoming deadlines and creative blocks. before the conversation ends, they discover that the ridiculous plot of fake dating might just work to solve their inspirational dry spell.
act three: here, with you
jeongin, running back and forth from one corner of the exhibition to another, barely registers the door opening. it isn’t until he hears seungmin’s classic, hey! yang jeongin! that he breaks away from the artwork surrounding him.
“care to tell me why you’re interrupting my very important work?”
seungmin shrugs, “you have five days until opening night. there’s plenty of time. besides,” seungmin flashes his friend a golden retriever grin, “you can always make time for your favorite person in the world!”
“i…i don’t even know where to begin with unpacking that.”
“then don’t,” seungmin sets his bag down on a table near the entrance, pulls out a large stack of papers, and strides towards jeongin, “i wanted to lend you this.”
jeongin’s brow furrows, trying to make sense of whatever seungmin dropped on the worktable in front of him, “what’s here, with you and what does it have to do with me?”
“it has nothing to do with you,” seungmin laughs, “but when i was reading through it, it reminded me of your friend hyunjin and their relationship drama, which, given how much you’ve told me, i’m quite invested in.”
the gears turn in jeongin’s head as he thumbs through the manuscript in front of him. seungmin waits somewhat patiently, reminding himself that jeongin’s brain is probably too preoccupied with the art show logistics to make the connection in a timely manner.
“how would this even…oh wait, is y/n your new writer?!” 
though jeongin’s jaw has dropped from shock, seungmin calmly nods, “yeah, and this is probably illegal, so only share it with hyunjin. i don’t care too much about them reading it because i think they could…benefit from the novel’s perspective. plus, i want to know the resultant ‘tea,’ as it were.”
“how is it that none of my friends can use slang without sounding like the elderly?” jeongin sighs, putting his hand on the title page, “but understood. i’ll guard it with my life and tell hyunjin that their access must remain top-secret. do you want us to shred it after he’s finished reading it?”
seungmin shoots jeongin a why is that the first thing you thought of? look and replies, “just text me and i’ll come pick it up.”
“oh, yeah, that makes sense. well, thanks!”
“yeah, yeah,” seungmin goes to collect his bag at the front, “be sure to let me know what happens after. i’ll see you later!”
jeongin waves to his friend and pulls out his phone to text hyunjin. typically he doesn’t like to meddle in his friends’ business, but he can’t deny the excitement bubbling inside him at the thought of this book changing the course of hyunjin’s relationship with you. not to mention the bragging rights he’d have if he played a part in you two getting back together.
jeongin returns his focus to the gallery setup, keeping an ear out for the door this time, so as not to miss hyunjin’s fateful arrival.
every time hyunjin comes back to their apartment, his eyes land on the manuscript, which sits unassumingly on the coffee table. given that meticulously selected art books are displayed on the coffee table, if one wasn’t looking for the manuscript specifically, it would remain unnoticed, merely an afterthought. 
hyunjin is always looking for the manuscript, though. try as they might to ignore it, they unconsciously glance at it every time it’s near, ensuring that it hasn’t been lost. ensuring that it’s still there, waiting for him. 
jeongin wouldn’t have passed it along if it were going to hurt him, right? hyunjin can’t think of any real reason not to read it. they don’t care about any publishing rules, and they’re not worried about jeongin telling anyone else about it. and yet, hyunjin can’t get past the title page. they long to know what truths are hidden in that stack of pages, but they fear that they’ll be hanging on to every word, unable to return to a world that isn’t filled with you. then, thoughts of his mistake swarm his mind, leaving hyunjin spiraling into regret, self-criticism, and anxiety. who knew it would be so difficult to read a book written by someone you admire?
hyunjin counts down the days to the exhibition’s opening night. they haven’t asked whether you’ll be there. jeongin could know from the rsvp list, or changbin could know through felix. he wonders if you’ll show up. he understands why you wouldn’t; hyunjin of all people could understand why you wouldn’t want to be there at all, especially on opening night. sure, they would be heartbroken–even more than they already are–if they didn’t see your face in the crowd. again, though, they can’t blame you for your absence, if that’s what you choose. plain and simple, hyunjin just misses you. they’re not sure if they have the right to reach back out to you, but he plays out scenarios in his head of what could happen at the gallery, if only you walked through the door.
“hyunjin!” changbin chirps on the phone as soon as hyunjin accepts the call, “are you excited for tomorrow?”
hyunjin smiles, “yeah, it’ll be great.”
“great doesn’t even begin to describe it! it’s only an exhibition featuring work by the most talented, most gorgeous artist in the city!”
they laugh at changbin’s enthusiasm, a slight pang in their chest emerging when they think of how you’d roll your eyes at his friend’s endless flirting, “as always, thank you for your undying support.”
“of course! now, i actually wasn’t just calling because i missed your voice. we–me, jeongin, and minho–were thinking it’d be fun to go out for a late dinner after the grand opening. you in?”
“i don’t know…” hyunjin sighs, “i’m not sure if i’ll feel up to it afterward.”
“no worries!” changbin’s smile is audible, “you can let us know tomorrow night what you feel up to. we can always celebrate you on a different day!”
“sounds great, thank you,” hyunjin replies with as much excitement as they can muster.
“well my dear, sweet, beautiful, charming, brilliant artist friend, i should let you go. i’m sure you’ve got a whole lot of prep left, and you need to get your beauty sleep! i’ll see you tomorrow night?”
“you can count on it. thanks changbin.”
“any time. i love you!”
hyunjin laughs at changbin’s extra sweet tone for i love you and his subsequent giggles, “love you too.”
changbin squeals, which prompts hyunjin to hang up before their eardrums are irrevocably damaged. 
after the phone call, hyunjin wanders around their apartment, jumping from task to task in order to take their mind off the next night’s possibilities. soon, but not soon enough, it is a reasonable time for them to go to bed. he finishes his nighttime routine, hoping slumber will come as soon as he is under the covers. unfortunately, as luck would have it, the hours pass while hyunjin lies awake, thinking of you.
they groan and climb out of bed, walking to the kitchen to make some tea. once again, even in the dark, their eyes find the manuscript. this time, however, they think if i can’t get them out of my head, i might as well read it, regardless of how much more i’ll miss them after.
with a sigh, hyunjin sinks into their couch and pulls the manuscript into their lap. they stare at the title page, saddened by the fact your name isn’t beneath the title. when they get the courage to read the first line, they smile. your voice comes through with each word, and it’s as though you’re having a conversation in his living room. hyunjin finds comfort in this, even if you’re not here with him.
after a couple of chapters, it’s apparent why jeongin gave hyunjin the manuscript. while the characters don’t follow the exact same plot as you two, their dynamic is all too familiar. the story grips hyunjin, and he craves everything it has to offer, soaking up every detail as though their life depends on it. 
much to hyunjin’s surprise, dawn is breaking when they start the last chapter. perhaps it’d be more responsible to sleep, but hyunjin can’t fathom putting your book down. if he gets the chance to look you in the eyes again, he thinks it’s only fair to do so when he can confidently express how beautiful your story is. so they charge on, desperate to know what the end is for these lovers.
as soon as hyunjin flips the last page over, they sit back into the couch cushions and take a deep breath. hyunjin smiles, proudly thinking i can’t believe they managed to make something so perfect out of something so…human. a yawn cuts the early morning stillness, so hyunjin returns his empty mug to the kitchen and shuffles into bed. spending the night with your voice, your written presence, relieves his body of all the stress it was carrying. the second his eyelids flutter shut, he slips into a peaceful slumber.
the peace is broken hours later when his alarm chimes, more aggressively than they would prefer. hyunjin checks the time, bolting out of bed when they realize they have slept through at least 30 minutes of snoozed alarms. 
frantically, they text jeongin about their potential delayed arrival, stumbling their way to the closet. hyunjin has never been more relieved by the fact that he picked out his outfit the day before.
by some miracle, hyunjin is dressed and made up with two minutes to spare. they rush to the front door, struggling to put their boots on while they simultaneously gather everything into their bag.
“oh, wait!” they exclaim to the empty apartment, kicking off their shoes.
hyunjin runs to the coffee table, flips to a page in the manuscript, snaps a picture, and hurries back toward the apartment’s entryway. in a flash, they are out the door, confident they now have everything they need to get through whatever tonight has in store.
felix grins as he hands you a drink, “here you go!”
“thank you!” you grin back, unable to resist his cheeriness and the joy of free refreshments.
“can you believe how many people there are here?”
you follow felix’s gaze as it rakes over the crowd. you know jeongin’s gallery isn’t small by any means, but you’re still surprised this many people can fit here without breaking any fire codes. 
“i guess i can. hyunjin’s pretty well-known.”
he nods, not unaware of the way your smile falters when you say their name. 
felix lets a few beats pass, so as not to make his conversational distraction too obvious, “so, you were telling me about how you ran into chan the other day?”
“yeah,” your smile returns, “he was in town interviewing for a new job. i called him afterward, and it looks like he’s getting the offer. if it comes through, he’ll be moving here.”
“wow! that’s a bit of a plot twist,” felix chuckles, “how do you feel about him moving back here?”
“good. it’d be nice to reconnect with him after being apart for so long. while we had our obvious reasons for keeping a distance, both of us admitted that we missed being in each other’s lives. chan even said,” you bite your lip, preparing yourself for felix’s reaction, “he wants to give us another chance if he moves here.”
your friend’s jaw drops, and you can’t help the giggle that falls from your lips when you see how wide his eyes have gotten. 
“whoa! now that’s a plot twist!”
you laugh again, and felix continues, “do you want to get back together with him?”
you take a sip of your drink, pausing to find the right words, “i’ve been thinking about it a lot since he brought it up. nothing’s certain yet because he doesn’t know whether he’ll be moving here anyway. but i can’t deny that the prospect of being with chan again is appealing. i’ll always love him, and we’ve grown up now, so things could be different. of course, i realize that it’s not enough to build a relationship solely on good memories and lost potential. i guess what i’m trying to say is that–”
“hi everyone!” jeongin lightly shouts to get the attention of the crowd, “thank you all so much for coming here tonight. i always appreciate people taking the time, though i’m sure you’re here for the free food as much as you’re here for the art.”
the crowd laughs, and felix leans over to you, “tell me the rest of the chan stuff later?”
“you know it,” you whisper back, quick to turn your attention back to where jeongin stands.
“it is no secret that tonight’s artist is a friend of mine. i’ve been championing their work for years, but i have to say this collection is one of their best. while the paintings speak for themselves, please welcome hwang hyunjin for a few words on their newest series, long for you!”
you clap with the rest of the gallery visitors, trying to ignore the shaking in your hands. the nerves aren’t surprising, but they still overwhelm you. your heart pounds, unsure where he’ll appear from. it must’ve only been five seconds, but it feels as though an eternity has passed between jeongin saying his name and hyunjin stepping in front of the crowd, beautiful as ever.
you shuffle slightly behind felix, hoping this will decrease the possibility of you and hyunjin making eye contact. thankfully, it works, as hyunjin begins their speech without any sign he has noticed your presence. the second their voice spreads throughout the silent gallery, you are mesmerized, praying your face won’t give you and your lingering feelings away.
“thank you, jeongin, for the introduction and the opportunity to showcase my work,” hyunjin nods toward their friend, “this series is very special to me for a couple of reasons. when jeongin asked me to create work inspired by ‘yearning,’ i was completely at a loss. i don’t think i’ve ever experienced such a lack of inspiration before. it felt impossible, like i was staring down the first failure in my artistic career. i actually was about to back out of the agreement, but, by a stroke of luck, maybe even fate, i met someone that changed everything.”
breath hitching in your throat, you grasp onto your drink with both of your trembling hands. felix glances at you, and you nod, signaling that you’re okay. for now, at least.
“they taught me so much about art and about love,” hyunjin pauses, searching the crowd until, much to their surprise and relief, their eyes land on you, “and, after making a foolish and immature mistake, their absence taught me hard lessons about yearning. these pieces are as much about the desire you feel towards someone special as they are about the ache you feel when that person is gone. i cherish each painting because i cherish the subject, the person portrayed here, the most. in making this series, i realized that yearning is quite a selfish thing when you’re the one that created the distance in the first place. believe me when i say that i have never yearned more, nor felt more sorry, in my life.”
hyunjin’s words hang in the air, and, try as you might to keep your composure, you cannot tear your eyes from theirs. though they are across the room, the way his eyes are locked with yours yields the kind of intimacy you feel only when you are inches away from your lover. heart pounding, throat closing, eyes glistening, you hold hyunjin’s gaze because you don’t know what else to do. then, just as you feel you are being completely unraveled, they look away from you and toward the rest of the crowd.
“thank you all for bearing witness to this part of my heart. before i send you on your way to examine my latest creations, i would like to leave you with a quote from my favorite writer,” hyunjin inhales slowly, deliberately forming each word with the utmost care, “in an upcoming work, they write, ‘after all that had happened to us, and in spite of whatever would come, the center of everything was this: i have longed for you since the moment i met you; therefore, i will always love you,’” hyunjin pauses again to ensure the crowd absorbs every precious word, “i hope you all find the one you long for most, and i hope you never let them go. thank you.”
with a small bow, hyunjin ends their speech and steps away from the center of the room to the sound of applause. 
“whoa, that last part sounded like something you would write. that’s crazy!” felix faces you, shocked smile faltering when he sees your frozen state.
“yeah…” you attempt to smile when you nod in agreement, “actually, i wrote that.”
felix’s jaw drops, “oh, wow. wow. that was beautiful! you really are a force to be reckoned with. those words cut straight to the heart, y/n.”
“thank you,” your voice comes out barely as a whisper, “i’m going to get some fresh air.”
understanding your body language, felix asks, “do you want some company?”
“no, it’s okay. i’ll be right back. you stay and enjoy the art!”
felix smiles at you reassuringly, promising to be right where you left him whenever you return. much to your chagrin, in your efforts to sneak out of the gallery, you pass by hyunjin talking with a group of people. you desperately hope that he did not see you as you push through the gallery doors and step out into the fresh night.
before you can take enough deep breaths to untangle your twisted stomach, you hear footsteps behind you.
“are you okay?”
hyunjin’s voice floats through the air and envelops you. despite the anxiety and exhilaration coursing through your body at their proximity, the sound of hyunjin’s voice still manages to relax you. 
“yeah, i’m fine,” you lie, “don’t worry about me. it looked like you were in the middle of an important conversation, so you should go back before they miss you.”
hyunjin shrugs, stepping closer to you, “they’re not the ones i care about.”
“oh, i see.”
you wish you could kick yourself for such a lackluster reply, but you settle for looking away from hyunjin. there are few cars on the street, making it difficult for you to pretend you’re paying attention to anything other than the person beside you.
“i’m really sorry if it was inappropriate for me to quote you at the end of my speech without giving you credit. i was able to read your manuscript–i swear i got it through official channels–and it was so captivating and touching that i thought i could pay homage to you by mentioning it. i wasn’t thinking about the implications though, so i’m sorry.”
against your better judgment, you glance at them and smile softly, reassuringly, “no, it’s fine. i mean, it probably is a violation of confidentiality, but that’s not…i’m not upset because of that.”
“oh, so it’s the other selfish thing i did then? i do owe you an apology for that. a real one, not just one i say in a room full of other people.”
you chuckle at their delivery, unable to resist their charm. thankfully, they don’t leave you with the responsibility of responding.
“from the bottom of my heart and with everything i have, i am so sorry. i was an idiot. i…i got scared because i wanted our fake dating to turn into real dating. i didn’t know what i was doing, so i ran away. i ended our relationship because i couldn’t, wouldn’t find the courage to ask you for what i truly wanted. i hurt you, and that’s the worst thing i could have done. i’m sorry,” they pause, hoping their rambling doesn’t dilute their message, “and i don’t expect you to forgive me. i just…i owe it to you to be honest. you deserved better than what i did.”
hyunjin stares at you, kind smile coupled with a serious, tender look in their eyes. you’re stunned at how genuine their apology is, how generous they are with their true feelings. for the first time in weeks, your heart doesn’t feel so heavy.
“you ended things because you wanted…more?”
though your voice is soft, hyunjin hears you with complete clarity, “yes. in truth, i fell for you, y/n,” hyunjin chuckles, “i guess i took the fake dating trope and turned it into a fake dating to lovers storyline.”
you grin, “i can’t say i’m surprised that you’d commit that much to the bit. you’ve certainly got the romantic tendencies of an artist.”
you join their laughter this time, waves of relief washing over you. even after everything, the cold night transforms into something much more comforting when hyunjin is here with you.
“though i don’t deserve it, i would like to be with you. i want to be your partner again, but a real one, if you’d let me.”
“hyunjin…” you face them fully, absorbing the tenderness of the moment, feeling your stomach fill with butterflies and your heart fill with longing.
all the questions, uncertainties, and anxieties that have filled your days since hyunjin walked out of that restaurant come back to you. at the same time, all the hopes you had when you were getting to know hyunjin hit you full force. though you were working to be okay with a future that didn’t include hyunjin, you can’t deny that there remains a part of you that wants everything you had with them. those two months filled with hyunjin felt so right. it wasn’t just the fact that they inspired you and played an instrumental role in the completion of your first novel. no, it was just as jisung had pointed out: hyunjin changed your outlook on love, for the better, by being the kind of person you could love and be loved by. 
“it’s okay if you don’t feel the same,” hyunjin smiles, “you deserve to know that someone out there feels this way about you. you deserve to know that you touched me profoundly, and i’m forever changed for the better because i met you.”
tears prick the corners of your eyes, feeling pure happiness for the first time in weeks, “i feel the same. i…” 
you sigh, at a loss for the right words that could capture everything you’re thinking. they don’t pressure you into responding quickly, but, not wanting to leave them in suspense, you settle for the simplest expression of your heart.
“i want to be with you too, hyunjin. if you’d let me, of course.”
you swear you’ve never seen someone smile so brightly before. instinctively, you reflect their joy, savoring the moment that rewrote your story from one of heartbreak to one of hope. this, you think, is the kind of thing you wouldn’t have thought was realistic before you met hyunjin.
“you know, i was almost late for the show tonight,” hyunjin chuckles, a little sheepishly, “i overslept and had to rush out of my apartment to get here in time. normally i would never dream of getting ready so quickly, but i managed to make it here with a few minutes to spare. even jeongin was surprised.”
hyunjin laughs, and you tease, “i’m surprised too. it’s pretty out of character for you to rush to do anything,” you giggle at hyunjin’s pout, “what was so different this time?”
though your tone was playful, hyunjin looks at you sweetly and replies in a voice full of sincerity.
“i guess,” they reach out and intertwine your hands, “deep down i knew i was rushing my way back to you.”
you smile down at your hands, flushing pink from the warmth of hyunjin’s touch. you feel their eyes on you, but you take your time before meeting their gaze again, wanting to convince yourself that this moment is, in fact, real.
“i guess i need to call chan and tell him that i just want to be friends.”
“wait!” hyunjin frowns, “who’s chan?”
you laugh at their childish expression, endeared as always by his flair for the dramatic, “don’t worry. changbin flirts with you waaaaaay more than chan ever would with me.”
hyunjin cackles at this, jealousy subsiding into pure joy at the fact that you’re choosing him over someone, anyone else. they too have to convince themself that this dream has really come true.
hyunjin points their head toward the door, “shall we go back inside?”
you nod, “i’m sure people are wondering where the guest of honor is hiding.”
hyunjin laughs, leading you back towards the gallery full of art enthusiasts and paintings apparently inspired by you, “i think it’s time i introduce everybody to my muse.”
you smile, falling into step beside hyunjin without a second thought. as you two leave the cold night and weeks of longing for one another behind you, you think that maybe, just maybe, it’s not only fictional lovers that get the happy endings they deserve. 
tag list: @velvetmoonlght @tirena1 (<333 tysm)
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theriu · 3 months
What advice do you have for someone who wishes to (eventually, as soon as she has both the space and the money) have a cat, but who has never had a pet before?
Oh goodness, I don’t feel like an expert but I will do my best! Here’s a few tips I can think of from my own experiences:
1) Decide how okay you are with shedding. Of my two cats, the long-haired one obviously sheds a lot more noticeably, and it can be a bit aggravating to find clumps of fur all over the carpet. Hard floors can make this less of a nuisance since you can sweep it up easily, but if you have a lot of carpet, I’d suggest a short-hair cat unless you just SUPER LOVE long-hairs. Of course, my cats were both strays so those kinds of considerations didn’t really factor in. 😅
2. Determine if you want a cat that is indoor/outdoor or indoor only. Now, there is a lot of argument against letting cats run free outdoors, but I used to live out on a farm right next to a trailer park full of stray cats, so a few more (all fixed) weren’t going to make much difference to the local wildlife. Once I moved into town, though, I rehomed my one cat I knew would be miserable being indoor-only, and the other two have adapted pretty well to being indoor cats. (They do try and sneak out the door sometimes, though.) I did this mainly because risks like being hit by cars or being mistaken for a stray and adopted by some well-meaning person are much higher in town. They are still risks elsewhere, though, so keep a collar on your cat, and consider getting it microchipped. Also, know that you will probably need to get the cat some extra shots, for diseases they can only get outside. Also also, make sure you spay/neuter! (The kitten issue aside, female cats are so WEIRD when they are in heat!)
For indoor cats, my house has stairs the cats can run up and down and they seem to stay in good shape, but just make sure they have some kind of ability to exercise if they can’t run much. Stimulating things like feeder dishes that make the cat work for its food can help mentally and with keeping them from overeating. (I got this neat feeding bowl that is actually a holder of five cups of varying sizes that get filled with food, and the cats have to paw it out of the cups. It’s really helped with how fast they were eating.)
3. Cats have very different personalities, so I think it’s good to try and figure out what a cat is like before adopting it. I kept all my cats because they were really friendly compared to other cats I had known. Of course, there is the issue where my two current cats don’t always get along, but they at least don’t get into full-on brawls. But if you don’t have any other pets when you get the cat, this should be easier - you only have to get it used to you! Cats don’t always show friendlieness by cuddling; a lot of times, they just want to be in the room with you. But if you’re looking for a cuddler, see if you can find one that isn’t too afraid of people and will come right up for petting. When introducing it to your home, give it plenty of space and time to get used to its new surroundings and roommate.
4. Remembering to feed and water and change the cat litter can be hard, especially if you have ADHD. >.> My solution on the water front has been to fill a large decorative bowl in the living room and the cats just drink off that. XD For the food, Stormy will always remind me when she thinks the food is low (this is generally a false alarm the first couple times, the drama queen). Make sure you clean the litter box frequently, or the cats may find other, less agreeable locations to go. 8/ (Such as, oh I don’t know, INSIDE THE DRYER ON MY CLEAN LAUNDRY) If your cat does pee somewhere, you want to get those pet cleaner sprays because they break down the stinky enzymes that make cat pee smell so bad for so LONG.
5. As mentioned, some cats are cuddlier than others, but here’s a few general tips on cat behavior: a slow blink is how they show they trust you. A cat rolling onto its back is also showing trust that you WON’T touch its vulnerable belly (but some cats do actually learn to love tummy rubs; you kinda have to figure that one out on a cat-by-cat basis). They often like being petted on the area over the hindquarters near the base of the tail, but they also have a lot of nerves there and can get overstimulated, so if a cat goes from letting you pet it to trying to bite your hand, it is probably telling you that petting needs to stop NOW because its nerves are going CRAZY. This can also involve some trial and error; my former cat Clyde still sometimes knee-jerk reacts to being petted, but my sister says he has never done it to her, so we think she just pets less firmly than I do. Meanwhile, Shuri has NEVER reacted poorly to petting, and in fact would love nothing more than for me to spend an hour petting her so hard that she squishes into the mattress.
6. Don’t waste money on fancy cat toys unless you have some indication your cat likes that kind of toy. (This may be different if you raise them with the fancy toys from kittenhood; mine were both strays and are Very Suspicous of anything fancy I get them.) Laser pointers are an INSTANT FAVORITE and only cost a few dollars! And a dangly thing on a string can usually get them excited. Cats will often prefer a plain cardboard box over a fancy catbed, but they like pillows and piles of clothes and chairs and couches and people beds. And sometimes the round puzzle you put together on top of your hope chest, because Borders Are Safe Zones.
7. GET SCRATCHING POSTS OR THEY WILL MAKE THEIR OWN. (They will probably make their own anyway; my couch is regretably covered in claw marks. But the scratching posts at least help slow the deterioration.) Fun Fact: Cats don’t use scratching posts to “sharpen” their claws, but rather to rub off the outer layers on their claws. If you trim your cat’s claws yourself, you may notice how the claws kind of flake off when clipped. Be very careful not to cut into the quick (the blood vessel) when trimming! If your cat strongly opposes this process, the vet can do it for you for a small fee, but I generally just wrap mine up in a towel and make them suffer the indignity. It’s cheaper for me and less stressful for them than a long car trip and a visit to the strange vet’s office would be. (And they always forgive me pretty immediately after I release them. I cannot speak for cats that may hold grudges.)
I’m sure I haven’t covered even a tenth of the useful info, but I hope these are helpful and that you find just the right cat buddy in the future! 😄
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c-e-d-dreamer · 4 months
Punish You With Pleasure (Pleasure You With Pain): Part Four
A/N: Happy Tuesday! Who's ready for more Rhysta? Well, there's not really a lot of Rhysta happening here but... Also sorry, besties. No smut in this update either. But! We are really getting into it now. I hope you're ready for ✨drama✨ And with a new update comes the evergreen reminder that Rhys is not a good person in this fic. The fun of it is that it's the worst version of him. So if you don't like, don't read. Scrolling past is free
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Rhys feels entirely too keyed-up.
His power writhes in his chest, darkness slithering between his ribs and tightening like coils around his lungs. He swears he can feel that power scrape down his limbs like claws, feel it pulse and pound in time with every beat of his heart. The beast within him prowls restlessly, hackles raised and hairs standing on end. Caged and hungry to get out.
It leaves him feeling untethered, on edge. He’s had to expel more magic than normal out of pure need to shake the building energy. Had to fly deep into the Illyrian mountains and simply unleash himself. He’d caused a bit of an avalanche, but the relief had been worth it. The release had been worth it.
And he was beyond desperate for release.
Three days. It had been three days since he paid a visit to Nesta’s apartment, more than ready for another taste of her, another chance to watch the way her cunt took his cock and dripped with his seed, another opportunity to keep her stuffed full of him, only to find the place completely empty. He’d tried to be inconspicuous, asking around the apartment building, even daring to take a trip to Nesta’s favorite watering hole, the Wolf’s Den, but no one had seen the eldest Archeron.
He’d even tried to reach out to her mind, casting his talons as far and wide as he could, but there was not a single trace. Her mind was nowhere to be found. Nesta was nowhere to be found. At least, not in Velaris. Wherever she went, Rhys can’t reach her.
He sighs softly, rolling his shoulders and neck. His fingers curl against his desk, claws breaking free without his control and scraping against the wood. The splintering sound is jarring in the otherwise quiet study, and Rhys winces as he looks down at the gouges left behind. Another huff, and he shoves the papers in front of him aside, covering the marks and hiding them from sight.
Rhys nearly jumps out of his skin at the feel of hands on his shoulders, palms sliding down his chest. He turns his head to meet a pair of bright blue gray eyes, a freckle smattered nose, and a smear of green paint across a cheek bone.
“You’ve been working so hard you didn’t even hear me come in,” Feyre teases lightly.
She pulls back and walks around Rhys’s chair, slipping up and onto his desk. She tilts her head as she peers at him, reaching a hand forward and pushing the hair off his forehead, fingers slipping through the strands and sliding along his scalp with the movement. Her lips pinch in the barest hint of a frown, eyebrows beginning to pinch together.
“You look terrible.”
Rhys chuckles, raising an eyebrow at the comment. “Just what every male wants to hear, darling.”
“I mean it,” Feyre insists, her gaze roving over his face like she can find the answers she’s searching for there. “Have you not been sleeping?”
Rhys looks away from her burning gaze, his jaw clenching with that still barely concealed frustration writhing beneath his skin. “I’m simply trying to ensure this Court’s success. I’ve always been trying to ensure this Court’s success.”
Feyre sighs softly, her hand sliding from his hair down to his shoulder, fingers squeezing lightly. “And you have, Rhys. Everyone is at peace now.”
But just peace isn’t enough. It’s what no one else seems to understand. No one else seems to see exactly what Rhys is trying to build here. See how the Night Court could be so much more.
It’s what his father always told him when he was younger, stories of their ancestors. Legends and myths of grand creatures, powerful creatures. How they used to rule all the lands with iron claws. How they could drink the magic of the land like wine. And those beasts at their feet that prowled Prythian. The same beasts carved into the onyx of the Hewn City.
The same beast that prowls within Rhys.
Unleashing that beast within them was how his ancestors were able to defeat their god-like dictators in the end. How they were able to rise from the ashes and rule all of Prythian. How they were able to turn their attention to worlds beyond. And, according to Rhys’s father, with that kernel of power that still endures in their family line, with their own magic and beasts, they could be great like that again.
That was what his father would say while he trained his magic, during his lessons. Whispered promises of what could be. What Rhys could be. What the Night Court could be. How powerful they could be. How feared they could be.
A beast on his true, deserving throne, all under his rule and a legacy of power to follow him and keep that mantle.
Rhys lets out a quiet gasp of surprise as warmth floods through his shoulder. Soft, golden light sparks in the corner of his vision, weaving between Feyre’s fingers and burrowing beneath his skin. It twines around his muscles, relaxing and unwinding them in a way only magic can. Healing magic from Dawn in this particular instance.
Rhys focuses his attention back on Feyre. On his mate with the power of seven High Lords flowing through her veins. He swears he can see all that power that lives just beneath her skin, see it fluttering in time with the pulse in her neck. The beast purrs in delight at the reminder.
Feyre lets out a squeal of surprise when Rhys’s hands grasp her waist, hauling her off the desk and onto his lap. He situates her until her back is pressed against his chest, her head tipped back against his shoulder.
“Feeling better, then?” Feyre asks, shifting her hips under the guise of getting more comfortable.
Rhys’s body responds to the movement in an instance, cock twitching in interest and blood simmering with heat. He tightens his grip on Feyre’s hips, tight enough to still her, tight enough to pull a soft groan from her throat, tight enough that he wonders if she’ll be marked with pretty bruises that perfectly match his fingers.
“What’s gotten into you?”
Rhys chuckles darkly, slipping one of his hands up and beneath the oversized sweater Feyre is wearing. He moves his hand up over her stomach slowly, relishing in the shiver that takes over her body. He continues his path up and up until he finds her breast, delighted to find no fabric or barrier between her skin and his palm.
“I’m much more concerned about what could get into you. Ideally, my cock.” Rhys presses his lips right to Feyre’s ear. “And my seed.”
~ * * * ~
Cassian swings the ax over his head, feeling the wood split beneath the force. He huffs as he pulls the ax free again, tossing the wood onto the ever growing pile to his right. The muscles in his arms start to ache with the repeated exertion, but it’s a welcome reprieve, the perfect distraction from the emotions still raging like a storm within him.
Another swing of the ax and Cassian tips his head toward the sky. He can just see the sun beginning to rise above the line of trees surrounding him, above the mountains. The pale blue sky and the early morning breeze doesn’t provide the relief he’s hoping for, though. It doesn’t help that this place still scrapes along his spine like claws.
It’s been decades since he last stepped foot here. It’s been centuries since he returned only to learn that his mother had passed while he was gone, since he razed this entire village and all those males that were complicit until nothing but ash and smoldering ground remained. An echo of the pain that blazed through and scarred his chest. An embodiment of the grief that left his heart torn to ribbons.
It took around a century for the regret to creep in. This place was his mother’s home. It was meant to be his home before he was plucked away and tossed into Windhaven. So he started flying back when he could, started building this cabin in hopes of it blooming into something more, helping this village to fully heal. But some ghosts can’t be chased away. They cling to the soil beneath his boots, twine around the branches of the trees, haunt every shadow and corner.
What would his mother think now? Seeing her home reduced to nothing more than a long forgotten graveyard. What would she think of Nesta? The female the Mother saw fit to bless him as his equal, pregnant by another. For a moment, Cassian swore that he saw his mother in Nesta, saw a whisper of her in her expression, in her eyes.
It broke his heart all over again.
Cassian’s grip tightens around the handle of the ax, swinging hard enough that the blade embeds itself in the stump of the tree at his feet. He decides to leave it there, gathering up as much wood as he can carry in his arms and trudging back inside the cabin. He spies Nesta up in the loft, still fast asleep.
It feels almost strange to have her scent all over this place now, the sweet smell of vanilla and lilies made only sweeter by the budding one just beneath. If Cassian closes his eyes, he can still feel the weight of her fingers in the spaces between his own as she let him guide her out of the bakery. Can still feel her body pressed against his chest as he flew them both to Illyria.
Keeping his steps quiet, Cassian makes his way over to the fireplace, stoking the low burning flames higher and adding fresh logs. Heat begins to prickle his skin and the air around him, and he knows soon the whole cabin will be pleasantly warm, chasing away the morning chill. He glances toward the kitchen, wondering what sort of food he may be able to dredge up for breakfast when the sound of a quiet whimper reaches his ears, his entire body freezing.
He’s been on edge since he returned to Velaris, since he discovered Nesta and what happened. His instincts have been writhing in his chest, sinking their claws in and roaring for attention. And just that sound has those instincts rearing their head yet again. His heart seizes, siphons on his hand pulsing until only red floods the corners of his vision.
He’s up the stairs to the loft in seconds, but his panic turns to confusion when he finds Nesta still tucked beneath the blankets of the bed. She shifts in her sleep, and Cassian watches as her brows pinch together, her lips twisting. When another whimper escapes, he closes the remaining space between them, carefully approaching the bed.
“Nesta,” Cassian starts, reaching out for Nesta’s shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Nes, you need to wake up.”
Nesta’s entire body jerks, and she gasps on a hard intake of air as she wakes. She scrambles up and away from Cassian, frantic eyes dancing around the loft. Cassian doesn’t miss the way her hands seem to shake, even as they twist and grasp at the blankets, her chest heaving with each breath.
“It’s okay,” Cassian continues, keeping his voice quiet. “You’re okay, sweetheart. It was just a dream. It wasn’t real.”
Nesta’s attention snaps to him, the fear finally melting away from her face, but it’s not relief that takes over her expression. Instead, there’s a hollowness, a dejected sort of acceptance as she curls her knees up to her chest.
“It’s always real,” Nesta whispers, looking away from him again. “That’s the worst part. It’s always just reliving what’s real.”
“Tell me how I can help. What do you need?”
“A drink,” Nesta snorts dryly. “But I can’t have one of those to help chase away the nightmares anymore.”
Cassian winces, at least glad that she doesn’t see his reaction. “How about a cup of tea? And some breakfast?”
“Is tea your answer for everything?”
Cassian chuckles. “Only if it helps.”
Nesta sighs softly, but she shoves the blankets off her legs, slipping off the bed. Cassian leads the way down out of the loft and into the kitchen, busying himself with getting the tea going first. Only when the warm porcelain is pressed between Nesta’s palms does he worry about preparing food for them both.
“You know…” Cassian starts, giving the oatmeal in the pot a good stir. “Leading up to the Blood Rite, I would have terrible nightmares about it. Dreamt of Az getting run through with a sword. Of… of Rhys falling from Ramiel.”
It takes everything within Cassian to swallow down his shiver at the reminder of those dreams. They were always so vivid, inescapable in the worst way. He digs two bowls out of the cabinet, scooping oatmeal into each and sliding one over to Nesta.
“After the first War, the nightmares shifted. We were all stationed apart during it. I was out west, as were most of the Illyrians. I suppose, looking back on it now, it was because we were more expendable. Because the battles were awful there, brutal, the whole field just red and bodies. That’s what I would dream, but every face would be my family’s. It haunted me for years.”
“Is this meant to make me feel better? That you have nightmares too?”
“Is it not?” Cassian teases lightly, taking a bite of his own breakfast before he turns serious again. “After this most recent war, the nightmares shifted again.”
Nesta rolls her eyes, merely poking at her oatmeal aimlessly. “Let me guess. Your brothers taken out by the Cauldron?”
“Not quite. Sometimes, I do dream of that Illyrian legion. Gone in the blink of an eye. But usually, my dreams are of you, of that moment we faced down the King of Hybern. But in my nightmares, he doesn't just disarm you, he runs you through with that sword, and I can’t save you.”
Nesta doesn’t say anything for a moment, those blue eyes of hers still so guarded as she stares at him. But then that all too familiar scowl is twisting across her face, fire sparking to life behind her irises. She roughly shoves her breakfast away, raising her chin in nothing short of defiance.
“I don’t need your saving.”
“I know. I didn’t… that’s not what I was trying to say. That’s not why I’m doing this.”
“Oh, I know why you’re doing this,” Nesta laughs derisively. “It’s your obligation.”
The response takes Cassian by surprise, and he frowns slightly. “Obligation?”
“I’m not stupid. I may have been human before, but I can still feel it. I know what this is between us.”
Cassian goes stock still. It’s a word he hasn’t said aloud, a word he’s scarcely allowed himself to even think until recently.
He’d sworn he’d felt it, that first moment he’d stepped foot inside the Archeron manor, the first time his eyes met a human pair of stormy blue ones. Sworn that in that moment even the Mother herself held her breath, sworn that something golden and warm slithered around his ribs. That golden thread had only solidified during the War, when they faced down the King.
Cassian doesn’t think he’ll ever forget reaching for what remained of his magic reserve to throw a shield around her, driving forward with a sword if only to give her time to get away. He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget begging her to run, the instincts writhing and raging in his chest worse than any other pain the King may have inflicted on him.
If only he hadn’t been so afraid to name what it was in those days immediately, to go to her. If only he hadn’t been such a coward.
“Well, I am freeing you of your obligation,” Nesta continues, her own voice sounding strained. “Just tell me the words to say, and I’ll–”
“Don’t.” Cassian clutches desperately at his side as if he can hold the golden thread in place by sheer force alone. “If you don’t want me, that’s one thing, but don’t you dare break it because you think you’re doing me some service. I care about you, Nesta. I’ve always cared about you. And I’m doing this because I care about you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but you actually don’t have a say in my feelings.”
Nesta sighs, looking away from him. “It’s just the bond making you think you care.”
Cassian dares to step around the counter and closer to Nesta, to step nearer into her space. “I know it’s all still new to you, but that’s not how mating bonds work. They can’t create feelings. Trust me. There have been plenty of mated pairs that hated each other throughout history.”
Even as he speaks, Nesta shakes her head. “You deserve better than me.”
“You are good, Cassian,” Nesta snaps, looking back up at him. The tears lining her eyes send cracks shattering through Cassian’s chest. “You’re brave and brilliant and kind, and you deserve more than a female that only knows how to hurt those around her. Who failed her sisters again and again. Who couldn’t save her own father in time. Who fucked your brother!”
The words ring in Cassian’s ears, but all he can focus on is the single tear that slips free and slides down Nesta’s cheek. On the way her fingers have started to shake again. On the way her chest has started to heave with short, gasping breaths. It’s signs he recognizes all too well, ones he’s seen too often in the faces of his soldiers.
He gives in to his own instincts, his own desires. His hands reach out, gently curling around Nesta’s shoulders and tugging her closer. He shifts so that his arms are wrapped tight, holding her against his chest, holding her together. He’s not sure what he expects, but the gesture seems to be the final nail in the coffin, the last straw that sends the dam breaking. Nesta lets out a whimper, the sound slicing straight down to Cassian’s soul, and then she starts to sob. Each one wracks her whole body, her hand curling into a fist in the fabric of Cassian’s shirt.
“It’s alright, sweetheart” Cassian whispers against her hair, sliding a hand down her spine in what he hopes is a soothing gesture. “I’ve got you.”
He keeps holding Nesta close, keeps whispering soft, soothing words, until her cries slowly subside to quiet sniffles. Even then, he doesn’t want to let her go, keeping his lips pressed to the crown of her head. Movement out of the corner of his eye has him drawing back in the end, the sound of parchment against the wood of the table drawing even Nesta’s attention.
“I thought you said they wouldn’t be able to find us here?”
“The magic is attached to me, not the place,” Cassian explains, reluctantly pulling back so he can grab the note. “You’re still safe here.”
Nesta still looks wary, but she nods. “What does it say?”
With a soft sigh, Cassian unfolds the piece of parchment, recognizing the clumsy script of the High Lady. He knew it was inevitable, knew it would all be inescapable in the end, but the words scrawled across the page still have his heart stuttering to a painful stop in his chest, his stomach dropping into his toes.
Come to the River House. It’s Nesta
~ * * * ~
Cassian lands before the front gate of the River House, taking a moment to peer up at the gray stone of the manor, at the lines of windows, at the winding path and greenery that leads to the front door. He takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly. He takes a moment to check the straps of his leathers, the swords at his back and the daggers at his thighs. He has no idea what he’ll be walking into, but he’s sure that it can’t be good.
Rolling his shoulders, Cassian finally steps through the front gate and up to the front door. He pauses, hesitates, before reaching toward the door handle, reminding himself that he wouldn’t normally knock. Under normal circumstances, he would stroll right in as though this was his own home.
Even if these aren’t normal circumstances. Even if he’s not sure he’d still call it that now.
He’s not surprised to find the entrance hall empty, but voices drift toward him from further down the hall, from Rhysand’s study if Cassian had to guess. He starts to head in that direction but then the very male in question is stepping down the winding staircase, his eyes meeting Cassian’s.
Cassian clocks the exact moment Rhysand notices his scent, his steps faltering for just a moment before he continues the rest of the way down the stairs and into the entrance hall. Cassian hadn’t bothered trying to scrub himself down before flying here. He knew there would be no erasing the whisper of Nesta along his skin anyways. And maybe there’s a bit of selfish satisfaction in it too, watching the way Rhysand’s jaw feathers.
Just seeing him has Cassian’s rage flaring again. It licks down his limbs like flames, his magic swelling in response and sending his siphons pulsing. It doesn’t help that despite what’s happened, what he did, Rhysand still carries himself with a casual coolness. He merely tilts his head as he peers at Cassian, his hands shoved into his pockets.
“I suppose I should have known you'd have something to do with the disappearance.”
Cassian scoffs, clenching his hands into fists at his sides. “Really? That's what you want to fucking say to me?”
There’s not even a flicker of a change on Rhysand’s expression. “Where is she?”
“As if I'd tell you,” Cassian growls out, daring to take a step closer into Rhysand’s space. “You're lucky I don't punch you in the face right now.”
“I’m your High Lord.”
“Yeah… and to think I once thought you were my brother.” Cassian shakes his head, not even sure he really knows the male still standing in front of him. “How could you?”
Rhysand’s violet eyes flash at that, a crack in his expression giving way to a cold, mocking smirk. “Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, Cass. Did she tell you how she screamed my name?”
The snarl is loosing from Cassian’s throat before he can even attempt to stop it. Red bleeds into the corners of his vision, and not just from his siphons as his arm raises. His instincts demand retribution at such a slight, and he can’t wait to hear the crunch of bone beneath his fist, to feel Rhysand’s flesh as it gives way to the force.
“Cassian. You made it.”
Cassian pulls back at the new voice, turning to find Feyre has stepped out of the study, find her walking down the hall toward them. Her blue eyes flit between both males before landing back on Cassian, nothing short of sympathy burning in her gaze, in her frown and pinched brows.
“Rhys told you, then,” Feyre sighs softly, coming to stand beside her mate. “Don’t worry. We will find her.”
“Actually, darling,” Rhysand begins, lips twitching slightly as he turns toward his mate. “Cassian already knows where Nesta is.”
Cassian laughs humorlessly. “Are you sure you want to go there, Rhysand?”
“You know where my sister is?”
Rhysand meets Cassian’s gaze head-on, even as he answers Feyre’s question, “I tried to get him to tell me where she is, but he refused.”
Cassian shakes his head, huffing quietly. He suppose that answers his question as much as Feyre’s. The challenge clear in Rhysand’s eyes. He chances a glance at the High Lady, Feyre already watching him. Her face is scrunched up in confusion, blue eyes practically imploring him to answer. Cassian swallows hard at that expression. As much as he wants to hurt Rhysand, he’s not sure he can stomach doing the same to Feyre.
“I took her somewhere safe. That’s all that matters.”
“Safe?” Feyre repeats, crossing her arms across her chest. “She was safe in Velaris.”
“Was she?” Cassian can’t help but drawl.
“What does that mean?”
“Maybe you should ask your mate.”
The words are enough to give Feyre pause, her attention flitting to Rhysand for a moment before turning back to Cassian with new resolve. “I’m asking you. I am your High Lady, and I am demanding you tell me where you took my sister. That is an order.”
“I told you. I took her somewhere safe, somewhere away from him,” Cassian tells her, jerking his chin toward Rhysand.
“Away from Rhys? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What? Didn’t he tell you?” Cassian asks, his tone all mocking innocence. He’s had enough of this back and forth, this game. Enough of the lies. “Tell you how he’s been fucking your sister, how Nesta is pregnant with his child.”
Rhysand’s mask fully slips away, the beast Cassian knows prowls just beneath pushing to the surface as Rhysand's lips pull back in a sneer. Just that look has Cassian resetting his stance, readying for a fight. But Feyre lets out a quiet gasp, drawing both male’s attention back to her. Her blue eyes are wide, pinned to her mate like she can't believe it, like she's waiting for him to deny it.
But Cassian doesn't miss the way her hand drops to her stomach, fingers curling against the fabric of her sweater there. He doesn't know why he didn't notice it before, the way he decidedly can't pick up her scent. As though there's a shield around her blocking it. The realization has him wanting to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
“Really, Rhysand? Who’s next? Elain?”
“Get out of my sight,” Rhysand growls, violet eyes blazing.
“Gladly,” Cassian bites back.
He turns on his heel, heading back toward the front door. He reaches for the handle when he feels it, the prickle of magic across his skin. It has his every hair standing on end, has his siphons pulsing in warning, responding to a threat. He's felt that lick of magic in the air before, during the War. Before Rhysand turned a whole chunk of Hybern’s armies into nothing more than night-kissed mist.
Cassian dares to turn over his shoulder at the sound of Feyre's broken whisper. Rhysand has his own head turned toward Feyre now, but Cassian doesn't wait for the High Lord’s attention to return to him. Nor does he turn back again. He’ll never turn back again.
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luck be a (leading) lady | part 14.
[Posted 2023.08.12]
Summary: Y/N has always been a background character. That’s just life for some folks isn’t it? But what if she’s determined to not just be another member in the ensemble? What if someone helps her step into the spotlight in her own special way?
Warnings for the Series: a teeny bit of angst but mainly fluff
Pairing: ricky bowen x black!reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist) 
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Despite the documentary trailer coming out, the general public didn’t believe you and Ricky were together. According to everyone, the whole show was an act. A very entertaining act but an act nonetheless. Not that you or Ricky minded. With the increase in auditions and booking small roles, you wanted your personal life to stay personal for just a little longer. You told Gina that much as you helped her finish packing.
Her mom was back into so your roommate turned sister was officially leaving your house. Gina dragged her entire closet into your room so you two could pack up and watch a movie on the projector screen in your room.
“I can’t believe your moving. Seriously,” you said as you shoved her jackets into a box.
“You act like I’m leaving the state, I’m literally across the street.”
“Yeah, I can’t believe that old couple finally chose to live in a nursing home.”
You and Gina paused before you bursted out in laughter. It was really nice to have her stay near by. While you were friends with the rest of the drama club, Gina and Ricky were still your only close friends at East High.
“You know what I can’t believe,” Gina started. “That two of my best friends are leaving me next year.”
“Senior year. I still haven’t processed it yet,” you admitted.
A knock on the door caught your attention. Your dad was standing in the doorway with a plate of fruit. “My lovely senior and junior…”
You and Gina rolled your eyes.
“Gina, your mother wants me to remind you that she’d like you home by ten thirty and that you two can talk tomorrow at school.”
“Got it.”
“Thank you, here you guys go. Let’s try to finish packing before the night is over.”
“If you really want us to finish. Dad, you could he—”
The sound of your window opening made you all turn. You laughed as Ricky practically fell into your room. He jumped up with a quickness.
“Hi, Mr. L/N. Y/N, Gina.”
“Hello, Richard. You do know we have a front door, right?” you father pointed to downstairs.
“Yeah but since you guys said I’m allowed over any time, it’s not as much fun unless I’m going through the window.”
Your dad looked up at the ceiling. “I have clearly overstayed my welcome talking to a bunch of teenagers. Okay, Gina, home by ten thirty. Richard no sleeping in Y/N’s room but you are welcome to take any other room upstairs. Bed time is eleven, no negotiations. School’s tomorrow… I can’t believe my baby is a senior.”
“Dad, Dad, there’s plenty of time before I graduate. We don’t need to start crying now.”
“Oh, whatever.”
You chuckled as your dad left the room before focusing on Ricky again. He had no problem showing affection towards you with Gina in the room because she was the only person that knew you and Ricky were a real couple. She wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about being sworn to secrecy no matter the reason but she was still just happy to be let in.
Your boyfriend sat on the bed, actually helping you pack up Gina’s closet. “I wanted to give you something but I couldn’t really wait until tomorrow. Well, both of you, kind of.”
“What is it?”
“So, I’ve had this melody stuck in my head all day and it reminded me of Y/N.”
“Sap,” Gina muttered.
“I think it’s sweet.” You leaned over to give him a peck.
“Anyway, I know you don’t really write songs but you have an ear for music Y/N and Gina does write lyrics so I thought maybe we could work on this together?”
“Of course.”
“Okay.” Ricky stood up to leave. “I actually do have to get home. One of Dad’s only rules is bed by ten on the first day of school.”
He nodded. “Yep, it’s been a tradition since I started… and it is nine thirty so I do need to go.”
You gave him another kiss. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow… Oh! Did Lucille send you the filming schedule?”
“Yeah, I’m just glad the filming is here. Senior year away from East High would’ve been such a bummer.”
“I know right. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You leaned against Ashylnn’s locker, chuckling as you watched Kourtney and Carlos take pictures with fans. It was weird to say you guys had fans.
“So what do you think, Y/N?”
“Hmm?” You focused back on Gina and Ashlynn.
“About Ash and Maddie giving each other relationship advice.”
You and Gina shared a look before you stood up straight. “I think that’s for Ashlynn to figure out but we need to figure out how to get to the drama club before we’re late for Ms. Jenn’s big announcement.”
Ashlynn’s eyebrows furrowed. “For me to figure out what?”
“Nothing,” you said with a laugh before grabbing her and Gina’s hands and leading them to the drama club.
You guys weren’t sure why Ms. Jenn called everyone in for a “surprise.” It was pretty obvious that the next play was going to be High School Musical 3. Without stupid Zacky Roy around to throw the Drama Club off their game, you guys were going right back to doing Disney TV shows for musicals. You just hoped that next semester you guys did Teen Beach Movie before you graduated.
You felt Ricky squeeze your hand once before you guys broke apart and left the drama room with everyone else to go to the Pep Rally. Staying lowkey was going to be so hard. You let Ashlynn and Gina walk in between the two of you on your way to the field.
“Can you believe auditions are this Friday? I need to pick a song,” Ashlynn said as she started searching through a list written down on her phone.
“What part are you going for Ash?”
“I’m thinking Kelsey or Sharpay. You?”
You shrugged. “Whatever doesn’t interfere with filming and my calculus homework. You know I’ve been demoted at Saltwater.”
You chuckled at your friends’ expressions. “Not like that. Bennet agreed that Principal dancer is too much to handle with school and filming so I’m only principal for the fall ballet since we’ve been rehearsing it before filming next month and then I’m just a first soloist for the rest of the time. It’s better this way anyway. This is the exact arrangement I’m going to having at Berklee. I’m thankful to get but my academic advisor sends me an email like every other day with updates. My inbox is dying.”
You guys sat down in your seats, finally moving to be next to Ricky.
“That still means we get to come watch you perform at Saltwater, right?”
“Yeah, you are looking at Coraline Jones in our fall production.”
Before your friends could celebrate you, the pep rally started much to your relief. You were still getting used to being the center of attention without losing the ability to breathe. Part of the reason you weren’t so prepared to be the lead in a feature film. A small film but still… The first Twilight movie was an indie film.
At least you didn’t have time to overanalyze that because the dude who played Coach Bolton was at the pep rally? You and Ricky rolled your eyes and sighed at the same time with the announcement of High School Musical 4 being filmed at your school. Just why?
Of course all the students were cheering no matter what, hoping that filming would mess with classes a little. You had a little fangirl moment when they announced one of the new stars of High School Musical 4. Mack and Dani.
Kourtney played Dani’s TikToks over and over again when you guys were at camp. Hopefully she could act because her TikToks seemed so nice. And Mack? Well you couldn’t help but squeal a little when they announced him.
Your friends looked at you causing you to laugh. “You don’t understand, I had one of the biggest crushes on him when I was little.”
“Me too!” Gina said with excitement. “Mark and Spark was my comfort show.”
“You know, he was supposed to be the first male lead in the movie I’m filming and my heart stopped until he cancelled of course.”
“Well now we know why,” Ashlynn said before focusing back on the stage.
You leaned your head on Ricky’s shoulder, having felt him tense up behind you. He relaxed when you grabbed his hand for a brief moment.
“You know I don’t mean anything by it. It was just a stupid celebrity crush,” you whispered.
“Celebrity crushes are still crushes.”
“Well then it was a stupid little crush. Is that better?”
“Yeah,” Ricky said with a squeeze of your hand.
You made a note to stay at Ricky's for a late dinner later after ballet rehearsal just to make sure he wasn’t still jealous. This relationship really was new territory for the both of you. But that would have to wait because now it was time for a second surprise in the drama room. You were getting real sick of surprises. And super sick of the security guard trying to block access to the drama room because of “filming”.
You all turned at Kourtney’s scream.
“Corbin Bleu?”
“Oh great,” Ricky muttered.
“Okay, okay. I deserve that a bit. But I am here to make amends. I know that documentary wasn’t what any of us expected.”
“Seb isn’t talking to me.” Carlos pointed out.
Ashlynn nodded along with him. “Yeah and Big Red is in Cairo for six months.”
“I hear you but we’ve found a way to make it up to you.”
“Uh, who’s we?” you asked with a raised hand.
You heard footsteps before you saw the people attached to the noise. You couldn’t believe it. Standing right in front of you was the original cast of High School Musical. Honestly, Corbin might have actually gotten you guys the best apology gift ever.
Featured extras in High School Musical 4? That was sick! So was everyone character development. You had to admit that you didn’t see Troy and Gabriella being in couples’ therapy… because you thought they would’ve broken up freshman year of college since they were such an on and off again relationship. The entire class was giggling uncontrollably at the prospects of being together on set.
Kourtney raised her hand. “Well, if the movie is going for authenticity casting a drama class to play Ms. Darbus’ drama class then Mack and Dani should consult us. The real life kids of East High.”
“This is why she’s the smart one,” someone said as you all high-fived.
Apparently, the OG cast thought she was brilliant as well because it didn’t take them any convincing. She was immediately assigned to Dani. You playfully shook her shoulders to let her know you were proud of her.
“Do we have any volunteers for Mack?” Lucas asked.
“Right like someone who grew up loving his tv show. Or two someones?”
You tried to back out of being Mack’s guide but it was too late. You were stuck co-guiding with Gina. All you wanted to do was focus on movie rehearsals, ballet rehearsals, your relationship, school, and drama club. That was a lot of things. Guiding Mack was not on your list of things.
You acted like that wasn’t the case when you went to go see the superstar, putting on your best smile. Your eyes went wide at an almost naked man getting his calf measured.
“Oh my,” you and Gina said at the same time.
Mack looked over. “Can I help you?”
You let Gina take over as you tried to look everywhere but at Mack, feeling embarrassed and more awkward than usual.
“We are so sorry. We are real students here, only one credit on IMDb so far but anyway, we were assigned to give you a hand.”
“Yeah, I’d love to know who assigned you to interrupt my costume fitting.”
“No. That was our bad.”
“Yeah,” you offered up. “If we had known you weren’t dressed we would’ve come way sooner before school ended… Soo-sooner because you’d have clothes on. Not whatever you l-look like you, like you’re thinking of. Oh my goodness.”
“Would you mind turning around?”
You and Gina looked at each other before doing just that. “That was probably the first thing we should have done.”
“Okay. So, I do have to ask,” Gina started. “Do you still keep in touch with the dog from the show?”
“There were seven of them and they all retired to a farm upstate.”
“Oh that’s so swee—”
“Uh, G,” you cut her off. “That means they aren’t, um, currently pr—”
“It means they’re dead.” Mack had put on a shirt so you guys could turn around. “The farm is heaven.”
“Well that ruined everything,” your friend muttered. “Okay, we’re going to leave now and we can all pretend we never met.”
“Oh, I’m way ahead of you.”
“Good luck on the movie, Mack. Hope you break a leg, literally.”
“Good luck with your lives, superfans.”
You felt your face get hot as you marched up to him. “Her name is Gina Porter and can I just say, I’m so glad High School Musical 4 took you in. Acting alongside you in Sweet Pea Americano would have literally killed me… G-Gina, why did I just say that?”
“I’m proud of you.” She swung her arm over your shoulder so you guys could leave. “Even with anxiety, you always stick up for your friends.”
“I think I’m going to pass out.”
“Come on, let’s go see if Ricky got a smoothie for us at the food truck.”
While you were mortified at your actions, Gina proudly recanted the entire story to Ricky who echoed her sentiments. You guys went you separate ways. There was no carpool with Gina today. Carlos called her over for an emergency meeting of the Finer Things Club at Kourtney’s house, leaving Ricky to drop you off at Saltwater. You guys stopped at a salad bar first so you could get some real food into your system.
“Oh, Gina finished the lyrics to the song.”
“You know her. Once she gets started on a mission, she can’t stop until it’s complete. Do you want to hear it?”
“Of course, do you have the lyrics on you?”
You handed Ricky your phone to look at the screenshots of Gina’s song journal. Your harmonies were rough and sometimes the melody fell off but the two of you had fun singing all the way back to the car.
“Are you sure you don’t mind picking me up?” you asked him as you leaned into the driver’s side window after getting your bags from the back of the car once you guys reached your destination. “Because we don’t get out till eleven and Mrs. Porter said it was fine for her to pick me up since Saltwater is between Kourtney’s house and ours.”
“It’s fine, baby, I like picking you up.”
“Okay. Oh, don’t forget. Gina’s driving tomorrow morning.”
“I can’t believe she got a car.”
“I can’t believe she got a license.”
You said bye one last time and headed inside for you ballet rehearsals. While you were dancing, Ricky was doing homework, and Gina was laughing as she got into Kourtney’s room. Ashlynn and Carlos were already there and Kourtney… well, she was meditating at the edge of her bed. While, Ashlynn had nearly forty missed texts from Maddox. Gina so had to tell you about that when you and Ricky came over for breakfast tomorrow morning.
Her smile faded at the announcement that Kourtney wasn’t sure about doing the school musical or not. She wasn’t sure if Dani was the best thing for Kourtney. She especially wasn’t sure when her friend suddenly became supper eager and chipper to answer her phone call. Kourtney put Dani on speaker after the others swore to be quiet.
“Hi, so I was studying you. Not in a creepy way but I’m really trying to get into character as a real East High drama student.”
Gina made a face when Dani suddenly stopped the speak pretty harshly to the driver taking her to the airport.
“Anyway, you’ve got that X factor, Kourt, and I want to help you grow your footprint. But I’ve been looking through your post and to be honest I’ve noticed something.”
“It’s the honesty for me,” Kourtney said with a nervous lilt to her voice.
“If I’m going to show you exactly what it’s like to grow an audience and you’re going to do the same for me as an East High student, I want you to tell me everything you know about Ricky Bowen.”
Gina bit her tongue as her other three friends stared at each other with suspicious looks on their faces. She got strange vibes for some reason but didn’t want to act on what could be nothing. Besides, she promised you two that she wouldn’t say anything to anyone. And how could she tell Kourtney not to mention Ricky to Dani if she didn’t ended up revealing something?
You looked down at your phone to see a text from Ricky.
I’m still on my way, baby. Don’t worry, I’m stopped at a red light. I’ll be there in like 10 minutes. I wish your rehearsal didn’t end so late so we could’ve stayed up cuddling.
You smiled at the text before sending a little heart emoji, nothing that would require Ricky to look down at his phone after the light turned green. You ruffled around your bag to get your water bottle, reaching for your phone again when you felt the familiar vibration of a text. Another one from Ricky.
This red light is long. Do you want to get McDonalds after this?
You shook your head, deciding it was better to just answer him in person. A groan left you mouth when you felt the vibration again. That light wasn’t going to be red forever, if he was texting while driving then you were going to scold him because that could seriously inju—
Why was Mack now following your Instagram?
(part 15)
@mishtay​ @ifilwtmfc ​​ @moonysgal
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107 @bubybubsters
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harlowtales · 8 months
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Chapter 4 - Final Revenge
Y/N gains the upper hand on well…everyone ❤️‍🔥 🎨
18+ Adult Themes - romance/drama/language
“Y/N I’m so glad you called I came right over” the bartender said. Last time you saw him he was trying to break you and Jack up, conspiring with Jack’s female friends. If everything was going to go according to plan to get back at them you had to reel him in.
“I missed you. After Jack and I broke up I…” you started to say.
“Yeah about that..” he attempted to say.
“Let’s not talk about all that. How are you? Class isn’t the same since we don’t sit near each other.” You said pretending to seem upset.
“What are saying Y/N? Do I finally have a shot?”
“You always did silly.” You joked sexily “Want to go to the Drake and Cole concert with me?”
“Do I! YES” he said excitedly
“Ok great it’s tonight. Meet me at the South entrance ok?” You said
“Awesome thanks Y/N. What will Jack say?” He asked
“Do I look like I care?” You said rolling your eyes. It worked. He was hooked.
Later that afternoon you met Jack to go for couples counselling.
“Y/N why are we here on the day of my show?” Jack complained “I should be at sound check.”
“You said this was important to you too.” You reminded him. Just then you got called into the office. The session was great for you to get a bunch of issues off your chest but Jack kept bouncing his left leg impatiently wanting it to be over to hit the arena.
“Could you have been anymore disinterested?” You said angrily as you both left the therapist’s office.
“Baby. I swear on a day when I don’t have to perform with my two god tier idols I’ll be fine.” Jack said pecking you on the cheek “Anyways is everything set for tonight?”
“Yup! All is going to plan.” You assured him
“Make sure nothing really happens. I’ll knock him dafuq out.” Jack said furrowing his brow.
“What about on your end?” You asked him and he seemed less sure. “Jack?”
“I think they think what they’re supposed to think.” He said a bit cautiously.
“This was your idea so don’t fuck it up or no happy life with happy wife.” You threatened. “I will not marry you and be terrorized by those little obnoxious cunts.”
“Damn baby tell me how you really feel.” Jack laughed
A line up around the block was starting to form. Jack quickly ran through soundcheck with Drake and you were waiting for your bartender friend at the south entrance.
On his way the bartender texted the girls in the chat.
Operation Get The Bag Chat 💬 🤑🤑🤑
Bartender: “I think I’m in. Y/N and Jack are super done. I’m meeting up with her right now and we’ll be together in Jack’s face!”
Girl #1: Amazing. Of course we’ll be in Jack’s section. I’m all dolled up. If not Jack then Drake or Cole ☺️
Girl#2: Cole is married. Like super married 💍
Girl#3: Yeah we know. Sugar Daddy is the aim 🍭🙌🏽
Girl#1: K I’m here. Let’s enjoy the fruits of our labour ladies! We did it!! Jack and Y/N are done and now it’s may the best woman win…by best I mean me…respectfully.
Bartender: Well I got Y/N that’s all I ever wanted 🥹
Girl#3: You can have Y/N she is too much all up in her little corner studying at parties. Girl is a joke. Jack is a star. He needs to be with someone like me to match his shine ✨She always dressed like a nun.
Bartender: Well you don’t have to show everything all the time. Men like a little mystery.
Girl#1: Remind me to exit you from this chat when our mission is complete cuz you too slow to be in here 🙄 See y’all in 10mins.
Girl#2: I’m already backstage! I just met Drake and Jack invited us to the afterparty of course. It’s at 21C! I hope you know we could snag a billionaire tonight ladies! Jack is fine but he small time 😒
Girl#1: Yeah we been knowing Jack. Time to level up ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
You connected with your bartender friend and headed into the show. You walked by all the girls in Jack’s section who just looked you up and down and laughed at you because you were on the crowd side of the barricade. They thought they were in and you were out. One of them was holding Pups and that really hurt.
As Drake and Cole came out they had to act like they didn’t know you or see you in the crowd. The bartender stood behind you in a boyfriend stance for a lot Drake’s love songs. Jack had to not show he was losing his mind. He went into the green room to let out his negative energy with Urban calming him down.
“Fuck! He’s standing right behind Y/N with his hands on her hips!” Jack fumed.
“Remember it’s all worth it to teach these bitches a lesson.” Urban reasoned. “Besides you’re up soon. You gotta get it together.”
Jack got his head back in the game. He put his earpieces in, grabbed his mic, and walked the hallway to the stage where he would walk out. He saw Y/N in the front and the bartender cozied up to her. He looked past them out in the crowd and everyone was whispering about her being there with another guy and Jack pretending not to notice. This was definitely going to be on Instagram in about 10 more minutes if it wasn’t already. The girls backstage were eyeing the whole situation delighted.
“Poor baby Y/N. Jack hasn’t even looked at her.” One of them said sarcastically.
Y/N decided to have a little fun and piss Jack off. He hadn’t always been faithful so she had some fun and got back at Jack too. She threw her ass back on the bartender and twerked into him as he held his own and stood behind her with a big smile on his face. Jack’s face was red as he seethed with anger as he rapped his part of Churchill Downs. He shot several looks their way and was resisting the urge to jump into the crowd and beat down the bartender. The girl’s in Jack’s section backstage noticed he was getting angry.
“Guess Jack is still jealous.” They scoffed. “She definitely isn’t invited to the afterparty after that behaviour.
After the show, Y/N and bartender slipped out to head to the afterparty. The bartender texted the girls to say they were in fact going that according to Y/N Jack said it was only fair since she did so much work with Drake and Cole’s teams. There was a couple hours before the afterparty would go down.
“That was so fun! Did you see Jack’s face!?” You giggled
“Bro wanted to kill me!” The bartender said laughing
“Let’s grab something to eat.” You suggested“Quidoba or Indis?”
“Imma go Indis” He said “Y/N I…Ummm…I’m having a good time.”
“You know what? Me too.” You said because honestly you were. It was kind of nice to not have the pressure of being Jack’s girl and enjoying a show like a fan. Just then you got a text from Drake.
“Baby girl I better see you later.” He said
Then Cole hit you up. “Thanks for everything. I don’t do after parties. I’m headed back to the fam. We gotta talk about your art tho. You mad talented.
“OMG. Cole wants to talk about my art.” You gasped.
“That’s dope!” The bartender exclaimed “You deserve it Y/N”
You started to feel bad playing this game with him as you could see he really liked you. “Look, I need to let you know. I love Jack. I am in love with Jack.” You said
“You think I don’t know that.” He said “I see it, but I was a winner tonight.”
You took a selfie together and he posted it to IG immediately. This set the internet on fire. The Shade Room reported breaking news that you and Jack were over. Had this little charade for a little clap back gone too far?
Jack texted. “You taking this too far Y/N.”
“Relax it was just dancing.” You replied
“Maybe for you but dude was all up on your ass.” Jack spat back. “Fuck that guy, and now this fucking selfie?”
“Cole wants to talk about my art!” You texted in excitement.
“Dope.” Jack said flatly as he was so mad he could barely control it, but his short answer made your heart sink.
“What’s wrong?” The bartender asked concerned
“Nothing. You ready?” You said. Jack and the girls had to be taught a lesson.
All the girls and Jack’s crew arrived and took their spot in the party. It was in a private suite at the 21C Hotel. Jack was friends with the eccentric owner of the art themed hotel. Jack had a surprise for you. The owner was to unveil a collection of your work at the party. There was a special exhibition under black drapery. When you and the bartender arrived Jack couldn’t wait to talk to you. It was worrying him that this whole situation was getting out of hand.
“Meet me in the bathroom.” He texted you.
“I have to run to the bathroom.” You said to the bartender and excused yourself. Jack was waiting for you and quickly locked the door.
He pressed you into the door and kissed you hard and deep. “Remember who you belong to Y/N” he said breathlessly
“Jack stop.” You said “It’s just a game remember?”
“Is it?” He asked quizzically “You sure it’s just about the girls?”
“Of course.” You lied “Besides it’s kinda nice to have someone crush on you so hard.”
“I am your man. Don’t forget that.” Jack said firmly
“Oh like how you seemed to forget sometimes that I am your girl?” You shot back
“Y/N…that’s not me anymore. You have to believe that.” Jack begged.
“I will when those bitches are put in their place. Especially the one you were with.” The pain in your voice was still at the surface.
“I will do anything for you.” Jack said “Anything…just say yes to me.”
You walked back out into the party. The bartender had a drink waiting for you with a smile and put his arm around you. Jack sure was getting a taste of his own medicine and it hurt like hell looking at you with another guy. You felt his intense gaze on you and leaned into the Bartender sexily flirting and laughing at nothing. He realized now more than ever he would never be the same if you left him. How could he ever criticize you for not wanting to hang out with those girls especially when he had cheated with one of them. Sure you guys were on a break and he was high but it was no excuse. Then there was a couple on the road. He was determined to do right by you.
The girls were working the room trying to see which eligible bachelor they could latch onto. One of them was trying to get Drake into her, but he was interested in catching up with you. “What’s up with you and Jack.” Drake asked you.
“Oh you noticed?” You asked him.
“Yeah of course. I thought this was going to be some fun little game to get back at some chicks, but my man looks devastated.” Drake said motioning over to Jack.
“Jack and I are…figuring things out.” You offered vaguely.
“Y/N he loves you.” Drake said plainly “Don’t ever doubt that.” Drake left you speechless as he went to continue mingling and settle behind the DJ booth.
“Can I get everyone’s attention please.” Jack announced “We got something special for someone special. Raise your glasses for a toast to someone I can’t say enough about. She is my reason for getting up in the morning. My life has never been the same.”
One of the girls that Jack had been with on Y/N was getting ready to receive her praise. She started walking towards him to stand beside him.
“Y/N if you can come to the front please.” Jack said stopping the girl in her tracks in embarrassment. Her friends were all looking around in shock. Everyone thought Jack and Y/N were over.
You made your way to stand beside Jack. “Y/N the 21C wants to unveil this exhibit of your art.” With a cue to drop the drapery a beautifully curated exhibit of your paintings was revealed. The owner of the 21C shook your hand and the room erupted in applause as camera’s flashed.
“Jack I…Ummm. Thank You so much.” You said “How did this happen?”
“We loved your work so much we bought the whole collection.” The owner said “Congrats”
“Jack OMG!!” You exclaimed, hugging and kissing him. The girls drew gasps of horror. What was happening? This was not according to their plans.
“Oh one more thing.” Jack continued “I want to talk about friendship for a sec. There’s some real ones here tonight, and some not so real ones.” The crowd started murmuring and looking around as if trying to identify who Jack was about to put on blast.
“Some people found it in their best interest to break me and Y/N up. Well I’m here to say, Y/N, I’ve asked you now at least 20 times. Will you marry me?”
Urban led the puppy out on a her pink diamond fancy leash for special occasions with the engagement ring around its neck. “Awwww” the crowd said to the cute scene. Jack took the ring from the puppy and went down on one knee as had done almost every other day since you ran out of the barn crying refusing to say yes.
“I’ll get rid of those girls over there and do all the counselling you want, even if there’s a soccer game on.” He said
“Whoah you doing too much now.” Urban said at Jack’s soccer comment.
Jack pointed out the girls who were trying to shrink away and hide their faces. “Actually security can you escort them out so we can enjoy the party?” To his orders they were promptly removed and humiliated as it was live streamed.
“Yes Jack.” You said calmly as now it finally felt right. “Yes. I will marry you.” Jack was ecstatic. He picked you up and twirled you around and planted a long kiss on you.
Your bartender friend smiled at the whole scene. He knew Jack was your whole world. He didn’t tell you but right after graduation he was leaving town for an internship at a gallery in New York. He had wishes you would consider leaving with him, but he could see there was no way you were leaving Jack. He had no plans of playing second fiddle to Jack and was just grateful for the time he had with you. He decided to leave quietly and exit from the group chat with the girls who had taken to IG and Twitter to launch a smear campaign against Jack that he knew would be coming.
TMZ breaking news⁉️: Jack Harlow Proposes to Ex GF in Same Night She Shows Up at Concert With New BF!
“Mom!” Jack said as he called his mom to tell her the good news
“Oh hey hunny! Congratulations!” His mom said
“Thanks Mom.” Jack said
“I’m so happy I’m finally going to be a grandmother.” She said
“What? No, Y/ N said yes.” Jack said confused
“Oh yeah yeah that’s what I meant.” His mom back tracked.
“Mom?” Jack questioned “Is Y/N pregnant?”
“Well maybe… well yeah. We did a home test. Sorry hunny you weren’t supposed to know until we took her to a doctor. She came to us to tell us and let us know seeing as you broke up she didn’t want it. Hunny we had to talk her out of not having it” She said. “We were so hoping and suggesting you get married because your grandmother doesn’t want you having this child out of wedlock. Y/N is the daughter I never had. To see her in such distress…I had to help her and keep her secret.”
“It’s ok mom. I understand. Thanks for being there for my girl.” Jack thanked her.
“Y/N” Jack turned to you. “Why are you drinking ginger ale in a champagne glass?”
“Just tryna stay sober like my man.” You said snuggling up to him.
Jack took a better look at you and noticed a slight curve in your stomach. He was over the moon inside. He hugged you from behind and rubbed your tummy.
“Boy or a girl?” He said in your ear.
“How do you know?” You said shocked
“Should’ve made my mom sign an NDA” he said
“Ah shit” You groaned
“Congrats dog.” Drake came up to Jack and patted him on the back. You ready for all this? Marriage…kids”
“Drake knew?” Jack said incredulously
“Duh we’re besties.” Drake said rolling his eyes
“Don’t roll your eyes like that. I have PTSD from those bitches.” You said laughing.
Drake said “I have PTSD from one of them trying to rap for me.”
@itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow @okaaay-mice
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officialtrashbin · 5 months
Ok ok ok ok ok wrap-up thoughts on the season now that the finale is out:
2) ok the subplot with Rogue and Magneto actually grew on me. Like, she’s rejected him ultimately but they still mattered to each other and they still do, it’s just not romantic from her side anymore. I can’t blame magneto for not getting over her rejection I’d never be able to take the psychic damage of losing Rogue
also yeah the age gap was a little weird but I’m living for the drama and the potential for their platonic friendship. I want to make a comment about how their stint is an example of unidentified trauma becoming trauma bonding but then I have to like…write it.
3) I actually think Roberto and Jubilee were super cute and have elected to give their storylines a pass. Like they’re just kids coming into adulthood and have found comfort in each other, that’s good enough for me for now. (Though I’d like to see more of comic-accurate Sunspot being adapted but I digress. It’s only been 1 season.)
Also I think Sunspot awkwardly hanging around the Xmen slowly coming to terms with his speedran adoption is the funniest basis for an arc and have no further comments. Might write a fic later on his Struggles.
4) KURT JOINING THE MOTHERFUCKIN SQUAD BABYYYY and literally just everything about him. Being so supportive of Rogue and holding her and encouraging Gambit and just 😭😭😭😭
6) cyclops was one of my least favs in the original, this show put so much respect back on his name. I actually adore him now—plus the scenes with him doting on his grown ass man child is hysterical. Need more of it. I need this guy telling people this Hulk Hogan of a unit is his lil boy.
If Nathan isn’t seen later at a baseball game with Scott in a Summer 01 jersey and the cyborg arm badly painted over I’m committing crimes.
7) I think Storm needed way more screen time. I know there were scenes with her written out due to budget issues (and also them skipping her goodbye to Gambit made me annoyed) but like. The fact that her centric arc was put across two episodes shared with other episodes was irritating.
7.5) In this same vein I missed Bishop, I got so attached!!!! but here’s to hoping he’s kicking ass again in s2!
8) the rate in which I fell in love with these characters all over again is insane. Like harder than the original show in a fraction of the time.
9) Rogue did nothing wrong. 😭
10) Magneto definitely wasn’t right, but it’s interesting to witness how they justified his view point with Genosha and Bastion, and the ripple effect it had on people who didn’t even agree with him in the first place.
11) Cherik lmfao they were SO gay. I’m all for affectionate besties and dudes being shown as having close platonic bonds but this was Very Affectionate Besties with Seductive Grin Bedroom Eyes Charles Every Two Sentences.
12) honestly want a version of this show though where Charles stayed gone. I actually like him! I just think not having him around to help guide everyone made things so much spicier. Magneto was StrugglingTM for Real
13) Gambit’s death was so good, but I definitely figured he’d be coming back somehow because there was no way they were offing him thinking Rogue didn’t choose him.
14) speaking of, I was mostly joking in my shitposts about Death Gambit cause I had my money on a possible Sentinel Gambit with Bastion’s introduction, but the moment they went to Egypt I started clawing up all my old shit posts.
15) ROGUE DID NOTHING WRONG (lots of wrong but you know what? I love her. She can commit wrongs again.)
16) Beast was so good but I also low key wish he had a bit more screen time. His bitterness after Genosha was short-lived, I wish it had been explored more, like Charles talking it out of him or something and reminding him about their goals or…something.
17) Bastion was awesome no notes, hope he comes back as a horseman for the flex
18) hot Magneto no notes
19) hot Apocalypse no notes
20) crop top Gambit no notes
21) “His name was Gambit! Remember it!” Rogue was so beast in this season, it was cathartic watching her beat the shit out of Bastion. Her and Sunspot honestly make for a cool combat duo and I want to see them interact more.
23) ey yo hold up does this mean Leech and the Morlochs and the perished Genosha mutants are permanently dead??? 💀
24) Logan and Morph were definitely something this season and I adored it, I adored Morph especially. Like Morph really said I Love You even if it was as Jean, I take what I can get
26) Magneto ripping Wolverine’s skeleton out like homie wouldn’t try to kill him with a wooden chair if given the opportunity. If anything now Logan has 0 weaknesses and a personal vendetta he can act upon. Rest in pieces Erik.
27) A goddess, a gravely injured Canadian, and a metaphor for gender identity walk into a bar and all 3 say “ouch” (bad joke. You’re welcome. Don’t worry guys, Storm is there so their arc will be wrapped up in about 12 minutes. Sorry can you tell I’m still mildly salty about her lack of screen time)
28) Rogue launching Cap’s shield is 11/10. Do it again do it again (woulda been top tier humor if the end credits showed him still looking for it frantically as the asteroid got closer)
Mostly that’s all I got. I have various other thoughts including how fucking HYPE seeing my fav duo Cloak and Dagger made me, but these were the key personal takeaways.
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morosis-haze · 1 year
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐬
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nanami Kento x Gn!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of a knife (used for cooking) cheating and hooking up (not involved with the relationship with Nanami this ain’t a cheating fic)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Nanami can’t help but take notice of the stress his s/o is facing and he only wishes you’d share your burdens with him.
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Work has been stressful for you this week. Nothing unusual everyone had their days, but it was piling up on you from messy coworkers and their need to complain about one another to you or the fact that your boss felt the need to keep giving you work because he “knows you could handle it” 
It left you heading home later than usual with a pounding headache and more papers to finish. It didn’t help to not see your boyfriend home by the time you got back. Shrugging off your coat you head to the kitchen as much as you want to finish the work you brought home, your stomach is in need of food.
Kento came home to hear the sound of a knife hitting a cutting board. Any other time he would’ve been happy to know he could just jump in to assist you with dinner for the night, but with how aggressively the knife hit the board he knew you weren’t having the best day.
“Hello, my love” He voiced, letting you be aware of his presence before he rested his hands on the side of your waist. “How was work?” rubbing smooth circles on you.
“It was fine” You left the answer short not wanting to bother him with all your problems. He dealt with curses and other issues. So, why bother him over office drama and other nonsense? 
“What are you defining ‘fine’ as?” You looked at him through the side throwing him a questioning look “It was fine, what else is there to say?”
Kento sighs turning you around to face him before rephrasing his question “How have you been throughout the day?” He took the knife out of your hand, putting it on the counter. “Don’t lie to me” His eyes look stern, almost challenging you on your reply.
“Annoying a bit not like much happened there isn’t anything to tell you about” He keeps his gaze on you trying to read your expressions. “Then I wanna hear what annoyed you so much” 
He was waiting for you to go into detail about your day. All the work that was given to you, every other random task you dealt with, mentions of coworkers he never met, and having to remind him that, that one worker with the cheating scandal isn’t the new intern trying to hook up with the boss. He wanted to hear every little thing and he would engage in conversation letting you know he listened.
“Your boss better be giving you a raise soon with all of this happening” You could only nod in agreement getting a raise or promotion would do you good and possibly be more motivating for the workload given to you lately.
“If he doesn’t I’ll talk to him” Kento wasn’t one to always be confrontational, especially with things that didn’t exactly concern him, but taking note of your behavior the past week and from what he heard about your workplace someone needs to say something to your boss.
You only let out an airy laugh not fully believing he’d go there “I appreciate it really but that’s not needed-” 
Kento interrupts you knowing what you would say “You could handle it. I know you can, you handle a lot of things well that isn’t new to me. I just want you to know you could accept help, there's nothing wrong with that.” Kento holds your chin up to him making sure you don’t look away from him.
“I know, but I don’t want to bother you” Once again he cuts you off “I’m dating you, I’m meant to be here for these things. You’re not gonna become a burden to me suddenly for speaking out about how you feel or asking something of me. If I deal with Gojo all day then I could deal with all of that alongside you.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead “I want to share your burdens. Now what can I help you with?” 
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @dojathascammer / @pinkfqiry / @simpsunit / @goldenglow149 to join the taglist fill out this form
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