#this culture lives in my bones and i must unearth it so others may love it to.
looseleafteeaves · 1 year
Nem'ir is Blessed
Gather and listen, for we seek the light and the water, and this story will show you the way.
Once, long ago, there was a young boy who loved the Pekolo, and often, when he could slip from his sister's side, would go to it, and dance across the roots in the meager sunlight granted by the crack that made the cavern Pekolo in the first place.
That boy grew, and grew, and as he grew he became mroe beautiful and more noticed- not so much by the other Me'eri, who loved him, but by the spirits and the Kikɔpelim.
And thus, he came to be 17 years old, beautiful and lithe and wierdly tan for a youngling born underground. And the Kikɔpelim came to examine all those he owned.
He caught sight of the boy who loved to dance, who even in the face of the greedy Kikɔpelim was filled with joy, and he coveted the greatly.
The boy, who then was taken and stolen from the heart of himself so that even history does not know of his family, or his first name.
So it came about, that the boy was forced to dance and sing, and entertain the Kikɔpelim every day and night without fail until many of Lotarima and Korevian's famous dances across them sky had occured.
The boy, now a man, was lost deep inside himself, lost in the depthes of a fog that ever dragged him downwards.None of the great spirits could help him, for they are given the Named, and the Forgotten cannot be seen by them. So the boy drowned and drowned and drowned.
Then, for the briefest of moments, he felt lukalani. A figure he did not know but couldn't help but recognized was trying to speak to him, and the others. The figure quickly grew frightened and vanished, but the man's lukalani did not fade. He somehow knew that the figure would return.
So he continued to dance and sing and entertain. When he was wondering around a tiny garden, capped with glass, a bird dressed in tawny gold and dusky purple feathers alighted in front of him. It held something in its beak, and trilled at the man. It seemed to try and entice him to dance with it as well.
The man, for several long minutes, did not move, sure the bird was on of Kikɔpelim's nasty traps. Then the bird sang again, and the man drew up all the courage he had kept stored away, and reached for the string held in the bird's beak.
He held a small stone, whose writing he somehow recognized.
A flash of dancing in small beams of sunlight filled his mind's eye for a moment. Then it was buried for several more days.
Until Nem'ir recalled a song.
And suddenly the stories flooded back.
----Nem'ir, a temporary Storyteller until one of the other Forgotten could gain the number needed, began to give out names to his fellows.
Lukani- a younger girl always giving comfort
Pelani-A person who loved the sun
Alpelyi-Nem'ir beloved daughter who was allowed to remain and learn to dance from him.
Nem'ir named many forgotten, always grateful beyond belief that Oritemi would bring a new name stone.
And while all this rebellion stirred the fear of the Kikɔpelim, nothing had sparked yet.
Until Lotarima, on a day where she bobbed up and around the horizon like the sunsbird, noticed his careful dancing with Oritemi.
Nem'ir, while not a storyteller, was a dancer, and his dances always told the stories. Lotarima began to watch him carefully, as he danced through the history he knew, and then worked hard to share that history to the others.
She slipped from the sky on the day when Kikɔpelim was down inspecting the Me'eri, and approached him.
"Little Flower, how can you dance with such joy while in Kikɔpelim's home?"
"Oh, Lovely Mother, I dance to bring joy to my Forgotten Siblings, that the path may open for them as well."
Lotarima nodded- that matched about what she expected.
"Nem'ir, I seek to grant you a boon. Do you accept it?"
Nem'ir demurred, not sure he deserved it.
"Nem'ir, I seek to grant you a boon. Do you accept it?"
Nem'ir again denied it, stating that Mimer should gain the boon.
"Nem'ir, I will grant YOU a boon. Do you accept it?"
Nem'ir sighed. "Yes I accept your boon."
"Good. Nem'ir, I, Lotarima grant you great strength. there is no chain you cannot break, or people you cannot spark joy with. Any who find joy with you will find healing with you.
Nem'ir thanked her 3 times, and then called upon every scrap of Storyteller in his body, and freed his people in that cathedral.
So Nem'ir found his path, and moved down it happily.
I have shown you the light and the way. Now go.
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Top 10 Off the Beaten Path (but Right on the Money) 'Must-Try' Restaurants in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Our top ten pick of favorite restaurants in Siem Reap Cambodia off the beaten path
There are probably several hundred restaurants woven into back alleys, pouring out from driveways, and lining the main thoroughfares in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Some no more than a rusting push cart; others, proud, smooth buildings bursting with glitz and glamour … All of them vying for your tourists’ dollar.
“Where to Eat?” becomes a dizzying decision in an already potentially overstimulating environment. You could spend years attempting to sample every dining option in Siem Reap, but (truthfully) even locals get lulled into a routine of familiarity and fail to tap into the exciting and ever-changing canvas of food options merely a short scooter ride away. The unsuspecting traveler’s foodie experience is further stymied by the neon canopy of common franchises, tour provided buffets, and endless sea of identical, red, beer-touting restaurant placards.
So, for all of those times you really just have a craving for a particular spice, need a new budget-friendly Khmer go-to spot, would kill for good pasta, or must satisfy your hunger for quiche before you crack, here are our top ten picks to start the new year (based on overall value, quality, and variety).
PRICE POINT REFERENCE (USD$ per person) ($: 1-2;   $$: 3-5;   $$$: 6-8;   $$$$: 9+)
PRICE: $$ – $$$
The moment we walked up to Mo’s I knew we’d hit something special. Friendly strangers graciously shared their table with us for a while (as the restaurant was already filled to the seams with lively chatter). Whether you choose Western tables and chairs over ground mats and cushions you are served a feast fit for a king. I was pleased by the wide variety of Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean dishes, fair prices and sharable dish sizes. We all left full and happy after capping the meal with a variety of spectacularly decadent desserts and herbal tea. At some time during your visit take a moment to chat with the owner, ‘Mo’. He is a colorful gentleman with an easy smile and quick laugh; you will quickly learn why this is already a happening place to be. As I write this, Atmosphere is celebrating its grand re-opening in a larger location. Great job guys!
Belmiro’s Pizza & Subs
PRICE: $$ – $$$
You are just a stone’s throw from famed ‘Pub Street’ when you belly-up to the well-stocked, mirrored ebony bar and burgundy walls of Belmiro’s. The pub’s great location as an exterior corner with patio perimeter is trimmed in hanging flags from the world over giving it a welcoming glow. But … if you are craving a little bit of a States-style urban pub feel, this is your place. The portions aren’t stingy, and daily drink specials are easy on the pocketbook. Boston-style pizzas are Belmiro’s specialty, although I do find myself craving their cheesy, meatball sub-sandwich regularly. Stuffed crust and deep-dish pizzas (for the carb-craver in the group) aren’t the only indulgent options. Weekly rotating chicken wing flavors on ‘Wing Wednesdays’ is always a family favorite. If you are a true Ranch dressing-loving American, get excited … This is one of a very select group of eateries in the entire city which carry the staple dipping sauce at all!
Chanty Grill Beef
PRICE: $ – $$
The ‘South End’ of Siem Reap is a fabulous business collective of Khmer and foreign trailblazers looking to foster the growth of this budding artisan community, empower the local workforce, and grow art appreciation in this already culturally rich hive. Needless to say, we are smitten with the vibe of the South End and are eager to unearth all of the lovely foodie gems within. Fortunately, we happened upon Chanty early in our search (and quite by mistake). We went looking for Khmer fusion and found the best value for chicken and beef kebob BBQ we know of in town. Shoulder to shoulder with its neighbor, this bare bones shop isn’t fussy and gets right down to the job of making outstanding food at a price even backpackers can afford. Chanty offers more than generous serving sizes (we ate so much we had to take home half of our order) and the staff is super friendly. Grab a plastic chair and belly up to the folding table, Chanty’s got the grill fired up and aims to please.
Curry Walla (both locations)
PRICE: $$$ – $$$$
Curry Walla owns two comparable restaurants on opposite ends of Sivutha Blvd. Being that Sivutha is like the spine of the most heavily traveled network of roads in the entire Siem Reap downtown area it could be easy to pass right by either storefront without a second glance. These no-frills dining halls aren’t heavy on ambiance, but don’t let their uninspired facade lead you astray. What Namaskar and Khmer Chef lack in tactile luster they make up for several times over in a savory curry flavor palate, the rich aroma of stewed Indian meats, and beautiful vegetarian dishes that restore my faith in humanity. We never choose individual dishes at this feast; If ‘sharing is caring’, then this is the meal of my family’s love language. A treat of a meal ,well-worth the incremental increase in cost per person.
Ivy Guest House & Bar
PRICE: $$ – $$$
We happened upon this tucked away gem on a quest for the camaraderie and mental stimulation of a good pub quiz. What we ended up with, was a fabulous all-ages evening out and a new favorite haunt. The ice-cream drenched, chocolate banana bread made everyone sit up and take notice right off. Upon further exploration of Ivy’s culinary vision we discovered many engaging flavor pairings not often seen in a town full of repetitive menus: a delightful Italian chicken cheesesteak sandwich, rich, spinach and feta ravioli in a complimentary al fresco sauce, and an extraordinary homemade chocolate mousse … to name a few. Imagine an Italian inspired kitchen hidden in the heart of a palm-thatched, traditional wooden Khmer village home, and dress the whole thing up as a Western-minded ‘chill pad’ (complete with free billiards and Cambodian memorabilia wall). If you get comfortable enough you can always get a room in the attached guesthouse and enjoy the Ivy’s cooking all day long.
Jungle Burger Sports Bar & Bistro
PRICE: $$ – $$$
Clayton and his happy little crew work hard to make sure you enjoy your experience at JB. From the pool table to the funky bike yard art, the vibe here is laid-back and playful. Cool beats play while the bar does it’s job putting on a sports-pub fare feast. Spot-on, gooey homemade mac & cheese are a strong stand-alone meal or a great side to share. Jungle Burger is unrivaled in my opinion for their burger and sandwich menu; no bad options here. The crown jewel of which is the ‘Burg Khalif burger’, easily a full meal for two people. You will find a surprisingly well-rounded salad selection, and all-around ample portion sizes for sharing. If you want to add a little (or a lot, if you ask nice) spice to your meal, order up a signature chili & mango margarita … it burns so good!
Mom New River (I & II)
PRICE: $ – $$
We have been eating at the Mom New River location in the alley at one end of Pub Street for five years now. We come back week after week, year after year, because the value and consistent quality this family-owned business offers just cannot be denied. This is another very modest and traditional Khmer restaurant on our list, and why not? After all, it represents a remarkable culture offering a myriad of signature dishes and almost as many family-specific tweaks to each one. Like the generational patterns woven into the precious, golden Khmer silk, recipes like: amok, lok-lak, prahok, and num ngov soup all have been honed to unique perfection by their Cambodian chefs. Laughably, Mom New River’s weighty menu resembles a homemade telephone directory riddled with inconsistent pagination and rife with fun English spelling errors, but the up-side is that you are bound to find something for everyone’s taste at a really great price. Again, you may be tempted to pass by in search of a more striking or familiar setting, but don’t. Pull out a seat, order any kind of lovely fresh fruit shake you can imagine, and just know that whatever you order will be made with pride, taste great, and give you a glimpse into the wonderful flavors Khmer food brings to the table.
Paris Bakery
PRICE: $$ – $$$
All the refined sweetness and splendid pomp of a fine Parisian bakery … a continent away from France. Plump breads and crunchy baguettes baked daily lure you into the boulangerie via a seductive olfactory trance. Delicate pastries and tarts crowned in sugary filagree dazzle the eyes like proudly displayed fine jewels. The unexpectedly keen selection of European deli meats compliments the bread offerings nicely, and a pleasant coffee/tea offering rounds out this quality experience. Don’t forget the quiche, glorious quiche! Admittedly, my unprecedented favorite guilty pleasures are their almond paste filled croissants. Ah, bliss! Not an everyday budge-friendly option, but a magnificent treat without breaking the bank. The bustling ‘street corner bistro’ vibe in a pedestrian-friendly metro area also lends itself nicely to a quick stop-in for take-away dining.
Peace Cafe
PRICE: $$ – $$$
A surprising number of vegan and vegetarian restaurants are popping up all over town, but this one effortlessly spans the gap from crepes to paninis. In between, it hits the mark on a wide array of lovely, body-nourishing, taste bud-tickling fresh juice concoctions. You are drawn into the spacious garden and the easy rattan lounge dining room for a respite from the surrounding city activity. Thankfully, these grounds are spared the worst of the periodically excessive Siem Reap heat. Sit a spell, catch up with yourself (or a friend) over a large pot of herbal tea; take a yoga class; peruse the artsy/craftsy trinkets made by local artisans for sale in Peace Cafe’s gift shop … it’s all good! Focused on civic and spiritual enrichment, Peace Cafe partners with several NGO’s to empower local Khmer people through education, vocational training, and employment. The fare doesn’t lend itself to over-indulgence by nature, but you will leave satisfied and feeling nourished.
Safari Sushi Bar
PRICE: $$$ – $$$$
Seen as how Siem Reap is nowhere near an ocean, I had been remiss to try sushi in my adopted town. However, on the occasion we get to put on our fancy Chacos and dine in style celebrating of a good friend, I must face my doubts about the quality of sushi available this far inland. I am here to say, happily, that Safari Sushi hit on all the marks: value, presentation, ambiance, quality, and service. The lush entrance draws you into a private garden oasis. Guests are greeted by the koi pond’s tranquil gurgling and encouraged to lounge on the patio before dining. Once inside the restaurant, the finishes are tasteful and guests are not crowded together. The space allows you to linger comfortably in conversation and the staff is helpful without hovering. We ordered an assortment of nigiri, sashimi, and even an impressive sampler roll to share around the table … no one left hungry. The fish was firm and fresh and the selection fair. Our little party enjoyed a decadent meal of sushi and sake (topped of with hot jasmine tea) at a fraction of the cost of the more flashy sushi restaurants in Siem Reap. Um, yes please! I know I will be voting for sushi on my next ‘date night’.
FYI, the restaurants listed here are in alphabetical order for the sake of satisfying my left-brain tendencies, by no means is the order in which they appear a ranking. Each place is uniquely wonderful, and there are, inevitably, countless similarly worthy eateries in Siem Reap … we just haven’t found them yet. If you have a favorite spot to grab a bite in Angkor-town, let us know! We are always up for a new foodie adventure and welcome your comments.
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bestnewsmag-blog · 7 years
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The life and times of Collingwood legend Lou Richards
Critical Analysis of the Legend of the Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
  Washington Irving weaves heaps and lots of spider webs earlier than he involves the primary plot of the story. I would love to analyze the story from the factor of view of Romance, Gothic Fiction, Marxism, Psychoanalysis and Feminism.
As a romance, the story revolves around the protagonist Ichabod Crane’s efforts to woo Katrina. Ichabod Crane involves the village to be a college grasp. Katrina a buxom lass has many admirers and the tale sets the conflict between Brom Bones, the country lad, and Ichabod who’s additionally her admirer. The romance follows a regular medieval sample of courtly love. The men strive their first-rate to make amorous advances to Katrina.
Katrina unearths it attractive to be wooed by using many guys. This kind of romantic paradigm is identified through the Truthseeker Kristeva as belonging to melancholia that could be a longing for something that cannot be obtained. In this sport of romance, women are silenced and romance acts as a pursuing ritualistic recreation for the guys. Are ladies gadgets to be courtroom worshiped and obtained by subservient gestures? Is the proper of romance converting to women taking a more energetic role? Are ladies, poetic hearts to be adornments? Are gender roles moving and becoming extra feminine in trendy romance? The questions are clean to frame however the solutions are tough to conjecture.
The tale is modeled along the strains of Gothic fiction and the village is haunted by many ghostly stories. The most outstanding of them is the legend of the headless horseman who visits the village nocturnally and returns to his grave earlier than sunrise. The legend of the headless horseman turns into the crux of the plot of the tale as we in a while apprehend in the long run that when a celebration at Katrina’s residence, while Ichabod Crane is using on the pony, he’s accosted by a headless horseman and loses manage of his horse and whilst the head is thrown at him, he turns into an entire disarray.
We can handiest consider that the author has woven the plot as a ploy made by using Ichabod’s rival Brom Bones who is Katrina’s admirer to oust him from the village. the author has created a plot that is weak but leaving lots of room for fictional imagination. Submit modern-day style of fiction has sounded the dying knell for the Gothic. New age readers can examine via the plot as a fictional construct and Gothic plots within the postmodern generation are dull. The truth isn’t the amazing however the aesthetic in contemporary fictional phrases. Ridicule, irony and self-mirrored image are the devices thru which Publish current writer explores his or her work.
From a Marxian attitude, the story portrays the existence of the elite bourgeoisie, who’re rich but rustic and not very knowledgeable. It’s an underestimation that they do not pay a whole lot of an importance to the schooling of their children. That is found out within the shoddy construction of the school that is clearly a shack. Negritude is also portrayed within the tale with the magnificence of attention of disdain.
The story indicates the evolution of rural The united states and fits the paradigm of class consciousness that is snobbish, elite and but muddled in waters of being unsophisticated. The cultural ideals and values of Rural America are primitive and deeply tainted with excellent-naturalism and myths. The protagonist of the play, Ichabod is the most effective individual who resembles the proletariat. however, alternatively, the author clouds him with superstitious ideas. girls are limited to the role of congenial housewives or as items for guys to set their charms on.
Psychoanalytically talking, the story revolves around haunting specters, Christianity and the paganism of witchcraft. The humans of the village are riddled with the panoply of a harassed jargon of having staunch Christian ideals and yet being ardent admirers of witchcraft. This salmagundi is an amalgamated cauldron of irrationality. One finds it difficult to digest these myths inside the postmodern era. It also exhibits the writer’s confusion of an emotional dialectic between tough held Christian beliefs and paganism. At an archetypal degree, the dualism of the cosmos with properly and evil grow to be silhouettes that waddle the thoughts in perforations of substantiation. Devil and God grow to be allegorical attributes of a thought this is bewildered with arcane riddles. the writer’s unconscious is manifested with a consciousness that mingles fantasy and superstition with Reality.
Looking for the story from a feminist factor of view We will say that guys are phallic fathers attempting to find the Oedipal female. ladies are either submissive, doting housewives or coquettish damsels prepared to be enticed by using men. Yes, Katrina is an authoritarian feminist in relation to romance. She enjoys fascinating all of the men out to entice her. however, Katrina’s role is limited to a gender stereotype and missing in autonomy and democracy. The phallic language of the textual content by means of making stereotypes of the masculine and the feminine desires to be strongly questioned via the lens of feminist deconstruction. Gender and language vibrate with a magnet that is a Utopian Phallic Father.
Developing Courage in Difficult Times
  We do not broaden braveness by way of being satisfied each day. We develop it via surviving hard instances and challenging adversity. Our tough instances often deliver out the first-rate in ourselves.
In my experience, human beings who’ve been via painful, tough instances are full of compassion. In spite of adversity, folks that are happiest seem to have a way of mastering from hard instances, turning into more potent, wiser and happier as an end result. The man isn’t always made for defeat. It’s far real that Mango through one of a kind phases in life. It’s a part of residing and current. On occasion we’re devastated because of the loneliness and emptiness we feel inside but we want no longer lose hope.
Extremely good guys do not enjoy small challenges. They face Fantastic project but that is what makes them Brilliant. that’s what give them the First-rate story. They live and leave one of a kind footprints of existence on minds
braveness is a choice that requires action. deliver yourself credit. Use the identical electricity to make courageous choices these days. On occasion, making the wrong preference is better than making no desire. You have the courage to move forward; that is uncommon. I am not a courageous individual by way of nature. but at a positive factor in my life, I discover the courage to go away my husband.
Finding the braveness to stand wherein I fall allowed me to have perseverance in existence. Or perhaps at times, It is a mixture of spirit and choice, love and wishes to recognize in which to the appearance without flinching. The only actual measure of braveness is perseverance under pressure.
Real braveness is doing the right component while nobody’s searching. The key to lifestyles is accepting challenges. Be thankful to the ones painful memories of your lifestyles, due to the fact the ones what shaped you to come to be who you’re now. Each mistake teaches you something new about yourself. There is no failure, take into account, except in no longer attempting. It’s far the courage to keep that counts. It could absolutely transform your lifestyles. Do the right issue because It’s miles proper. Those are the magic keys to staying your life with integrity even in hard instances.
You expand it by means of surviving hard times and hard adversity. You’ll never do whatever in this international without courage. It’s far the finest first-class of the mind, next to honor. The task will not wait. life does no longer look lower back. Preserve on to your energy and in no way supply it away.
That is what braveness is. Starting again. Damning the previous day and going through day after today together with your head held excessively.
Finding the True Love of Your Life – Be Yourself
  Finding the true love of your life is a cry of each regular human being in the world. A few are nonetheless scouting for that true love. Others are inside the technique already and they doubt if the only they have got is the genuine one. All people desires to be truly loved. A few attempted and they got disenchanted alongside the way and they determined to stop searching. You may nonetheless find your genuine love, it isn’t too past due. I admit that Locating the true love of your life is not that smooth. Why? People are complex. In order that complicates the technique. Finding the real love of your existence is a great factor. Let us read collectively the subsequent scriptures:
Seasoned 18:22 Whoever unearths a spouse reveals what is right, and receives favor from the LORD.
1Co 7:2 Due to the fact sexual immorality is so rampant, every guy have to have his own spouse, and every woman must have her personal husband.
It is straightforward for one while he sees someone he fancies to get tempted to come to be a one of a kind character. He tries to grow to be what the capacity existence companion is looking for. However one of these reinventions of self is short-lived. Eventually, you’ll be discovered out if you pretend to be something you aren’t. You cannot fake all the time. while the capacity love of your existence finds out you might lose badly. Just consider the golden rule. in case you had been to date a person and later find out that the character becomes faking himself or herself, how would you without a doubt feel? The opportunity is that folks that are proper to themselves would Simply terminate the dating system. Or if they had pre-dedicated, they could resentfully terminate the connection.
One can also ask, “What if I am in a relationship now and I am now not absolutely myself?” You can pop out to the open now earlier than it’s far too overdue. “What if the relationship comes to a cease?” you ask. it’s miles higher for it to come to a quit now than later. That could keep A few very deep hurts. The foundation of real love has to be honesty Due to the fact if not, it’s going to stop badly. In the end, you could discover that your genuine individual is what your ability love of your lifestyles is searching out. In no way faux yourself Because you might discover someone who isn’t always suitable for you. By using so doing you can appeal to the wrong accomplice and that isn’t always what you want.
I consider that out there, there may be a person who is searching exactly for the sort of man or woman you’re. That person is looking for an original which you are. This is someone who will not have a problem dwelling together with your failings and flaws. So be true to yourself and be who you certainly are. Be happy with yourself. Nobody is such as you on this planet. you are specific. So allow yourself to be distinctive.
Why perform little Human beings fake themselves?
Those are a number of the reasons amongst many legend Life times.
1) They may be insecure. someone who is insecure lacks self- confidence. He feels inadequate.
2) They experience that the capability love of their lifestyles is seeking out something better than they could offer.
Be yourself. Recognize what you stand for. You have to Understand what you are seeking out yourself. Have your own necessities to be met for a lifestyles companion. Do not be moved. As you continue to be true to yourself, be patient. Do no longer bow to stress. Right matters come to individuals who are capable of the wait. That is why I offer a dating coaching software to put together you for the love of your life.
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looseleafteeaves · 1 year
Icons of the Me’eri Culture, Religion, Folklore, and Magic
1: “Little bird”- Already seen in the chant-song, Little Bird is used as a name/epithet for the people who are caged in darkness.
2. There is little music for the mining slaves(caged birds refuse to sing after all), so instead most use the rhythms of tools in use and the cadence of words to connect.
3. Wind, and any references to it- Wind is escape, it is rebellion. Many Me’eri spend a chunk of their lives never leaving the mines they are chained in. Wind is the freedom. It is safety. It is “taking freedom for themself”. Me’eri see the wind as a product of salvation. If a breeze blows, deep in the mines past a slave, a common greeting is "run quickly, Oritemi. Show us the way.” This is a good omen for the Me’eri who are running to freedom alone, while it is also good fortune for rebellion.
4. Sinking vs Rising- to sink is to be pulled down, made worse, wrapped in more chains. Rising means escape, finding strength, sparking rebellion.
5. Most people don’t know parents- childbirth is hard in normal situations, and even more so as a people trapped beneath the planet’s surface. Most have siblings, however, and thus family is more community than blood.
(The only mother is the fabled sunlight, for out of darkness, we will rise into the light, as we rose from our past, and found the light again)
6. In the Me’eri spirituality, the Storytellers and Chanters function as the spiritual heart. They guide new slaves, and for old ones, remind them to continue to Live not Survive.
7. The Three Parents- part of Me’eri culture is the honor of the three parents, who embody and inhabit the suns of the system. Mother Lotarima, Mapa Pelsi, and Father Korevian. Lotarima is tough love. She is all about burning out the sickness, infection, and dead thoughts. To care for someone, you must fight for them. Korevian is the silent parent. He watches over you from afar, but leaves clues on escaping. He also marks the path with bootprints(called kovmasɔ, a kind of flower). Finally, Pelsi is the Childrearer. They walk beside you, guide you, and help you to grow. They will not abandon you.
8. The wind- Oritemi. Named in the folk tale, Oritemi is the wind that first showed Pelsi where their people had been taken. As much as the 3 are revered, it is Oritemi who had a place in every home. They run through the tunnels, searching out cracks. They teach the birds to sing so that the Me'eri know they are safe. They carry seeds and light down into the darkness so that all the Me'eri can remember who they are. The most common seed they carry is one shaped like the sun. They grow best in the care of the firekeepers.
9. Biologically, the caves are surprising rich in life. Many types of plants or fungi grow. However, animals are quite rare- mainly due to the mining. Some plants: Bootprints/Kovmasɔ- these are bioluminescent marigolds/calendula type plants. Medicinal and bright, they are said to grow in the footprints of Korevian and the freedom runners. Bifek-a kind of jelly like mushroom. When harvested it has a sweet, nutty, and carmel-like flavor(think maple syrup). Pelmakɔ-a grain type plant, used for breakfast foods, it also is the base of a milk substitute that is used in tea(oats in real life). Lorimas- the only tree that truly grows underground, the Lorimas has a spicy-sweet flavor to the inner bark, its roots are more spicy and the leaves are more nutty(Cinnamon, ginger, and rooibos respectively). Rimak Pods- mushroom that grows specifically near warmth, this is a mushroom that finds its home in the tiniest cracks of the caves where Me'eri live. Rimak Pods are a spice(I personally picture a cross between cumin and spicy pepper) when properly dried. Almirɔ-sunflowers that produce a gentle UV light. They grow deep underground near water, or in water. The seed is considered akin to gold, as the seeds are food, and used to make cooking oil. Nifek- a meaty type mushroom that is plentiful, and used as the main source of protein. Think of giant puffball mushrooms. Other, currently unnamed plants- an elderflower-esque plant that glows when in the presence of germs or bacteria, a star anise/cardamon cross type seed-carried by the wind into the caves, silver birch type plant, white willow type plant, aloe type plant, and pepper type plant. Salt comes from a mushroom here, not the earth, and there is a large amount of other herbs, spices, and vegetables that grow.
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looseleafteeaves · 1 year
Oritemi Saves the Forgotten
(Note, Kikɔpelim is a servant of the evil spirit of the masters/slave owners "patron". The Me'eri believe him to be the source of greed and evil.)
Gather and listen, young ones. For we seek the light and the water, and this story will show you the way.
Oritemi, remembering the task assigned to them by Pelsi, raced across the surface of Mivena. As they did this, they came across a mountain steeped in the greed of the Kikɔpelim who resided at the peak.
This Kikɔpelim was strange- not only was there the Me'eri trapped underneath, but there were a handful of Me'eri forced to dance and follow him about at all times. So, Oritemi disguised themself as one of these dancers and followed unnoticed by the Kikɔpelim.
"Young Me'eri, why do you dance for him?" The strange Me'eri did not seem to notice Oritemi speaking. This troubled them, and they came closer. The dancers seemed to be lost in a fog of confusion, unable to respond or speak to one another.
Oritemi's concern grew greater, and they fled from that place. Oritemi flew, running feet passing over the compound and darting through any crack they could find, untill they found the Dive that always led to the Me'eri. Oritemi didn't even pause as they dove into the deep dark hole that had gobbled so many of Mivena's people.
They whistled, a tune like note as they fell, darting into one of the branching tunnels that led to the Me'eri's home.
"Oh tunnel-bound Me'eri! I have brought to you seeds and stories as Pelsi bids!"
Immediately, the Me'eri began to step outwards, gathering in the rough stone hall. Oritemi passed around seeds and laughed as they mentioned that Lotarima and Korevian had danced together in the sky once again.
As Oritemi finished dispersing what they had brought, they grew quiet. They pondered what they had seen and finally, as the Storyteller approached, asked the burning question.
"Storyteller, who are the Me'eri trapped with the Kikɔpelim on the surface? Why do they not flee towards the light? Why do they not hear me speak?"
Storyteller, wise beyond her few years, sighed gently. "Oh, Oritemi. I am so sorry you must learn the hardest lesson from me. Those Me'eri are the Forgotten. The most beautiful of us- when the Kikɔpelim come and examine everyone, are taken. They are stolen from us, and we are powerless to stop them. We watch, as before our very eyes, they are forced to forget everything. Who they are. Who we are. Our language. Our beliefs. They are drowned by the Kikɔpelim inside their souls, and so far, we have been unable to save a single one."
Oritemi is shocked, and horrified by this. "Storyteller, how can I help the forgotten? They do not seem to know me when I walk amongst their midst, or to understand me when I speak. I was so bold, trying to speak with them, that I danced before Kikɔpelim!"
Storyteller, tawny eyes sad, looked at them. "Temi, They are kept from any memories. The Kikɔpelim erase them often until the Forgotten is no longer beautiful. Then they send them to a new mine, never the one they came from, because if they remember the secrets of the Kikɔpelim, the Me'eri could destroy them. We help the Forgotten who are given to us. It is all we may do."
Oritemi accepted this, heart hurting. They danced back up the tunnels and located the Pekolo. They took the form of a mine bird and flitted into the branches to think.
"How can I help the Forgotten? For surely, even if Mama, Mapa, and Papa have forgotten them, I can do something." And so Oritemi looked around. Suddenly, they save a small chip of stone, with a hole perfect for string to hang around.
Oritemi blinked and grinned, alighting on the ground in human form.
"They have forgotten themselves," they thought. "They need something that will give them at least that. " And so, Oritemi began to carve.
Four lines capped with swirls traced the diamond stone. It surrounded a place perfectly spaced to carve a name.
"I cannot do much. But I can show them the way." Oritemi said to themself. "I can show them how to find themself."
And in a flash, Oritemi flew to Storyteller.
"Sister, I need to know a name I can share to one of the Forgotten! I am small, and tricky and all I can offer is a path forwards to find themselves."
Storyteller, face aging backwards with her grin, leaned forwards. "Oritemi, I name you the Namekeeper. Find one whom to you looks like they are named for the night flowers, Nem'ir. Give them the Name Stone, and watch them discover the path."
Namekeeper, Oritemi, grasped the carved stone and leaped for the light. They flew through the fortress, until they came upon the most beautiful of the Forgotten who resided there.
"Nem'ir, Ne'mir, I name thee Nem'ir! Dance in the suns and run by the moons, Nem'ir I shall always follow you!"
The beautiful Forgotten still did not seem to hear them. Oritemi alighted in front of him, holding the Name Stone dangling from their beak. They hopped forwards, as the Forgotten stared at them.
Oritemi repeated the hopping twice more before the Forgotten curiously reached a hand out.
Oritemi dropped the name stone in his hand, chirped "Nem'ir, Nem'ir, I name thee Nem'ir! Dance in the suns and run by the moons, Nem'ir I shall always follow you!" Before flying off.
The newly named Nem'ir held the stone before he seemed to blink into awareness.
"Nem'ir... I am... Nem'ir?"
With a sigh, Oritemi should have know the path didn't appear instantly, they watched him put the necklace on.
So this remained for several days. Oritemi began to lose hope when Nem'ir suddenly sang a little song to themself.
"Oritemi temi, Oritemi temi Sunrise and Moonfall, dance the paths and wander the ways, I will follow you."
And Oritemi laughed and ran past Kikɔpelim, who cursed and called for gaurds for Kikɔpelim would never drown Nem'ir again.
They named the nameless, and remembered the Forgotten.
The Namekeeper remembers them all.
I have shown you the light and the way, now go.
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looseleafteeaves · 1 year
Pelsi Meets Oritemi
Gather and listen- we seek the light, and the water, and this story, dear ones, will open the way.
Pelsi, who is also called Dusklamp and Nightlight was trapped, as was Lotarima, and Korevian. They were stuck, watching as even the powerful magic Lotarima threw was unable to pierce Kikɔpel's forces.
Korevian, unable to attack, was attempting to create something that would allow him to break free and help the trio's beloved Me'eri.
For almost sixty days, the trio was stuck, separated from their people, when Pelsi noticed something.
Kikɔpel had left a hole in the walls that trapped them. Lovely Lotarima, and Kind Korevian would never be able to fit, not with how much magic they contained. But Pelsi- small, dim, Pelsi whose magic had only ever helped them to hide or slip away from danger- Pelsi could fit. Pelsi could escape.
So, Pelsi went to Lotarima when she had to take a break from her raging fury, and to Korevian, when he was unable to think of some new thing to create and try. And Pelsi spoke. "I have found a hole in the walls that keep us from our people."
Lotarima immediately began to rise, Korevian a split second behind.
"You will not fit. You are too powerful, and Kikɔpel would notice."
"Then why, little shadow, would you bring it up." Korevian asks.
"I am not powerful." Pelsi replies. "I, Life Giver, Burning One, am dim and small, and not at all someone who anyone will think is a threat. Even if I escape, Kikɔpel will think that I am insignificant."
"And your escape? What will become of us?"
"Al sun lukani."
"Lukalani lukalani. Then go, Temi. Escape to our people. Harass Kikɔpel. Grant us freedom. We will find a way to bind you and Mivena so that Mivena and the Me'eri are never without light as they are now. Go, temi."
Pelsi, young, dark, and full of hope, did as they were bid.
Pelsi slipped through shadows, passing through the hole without fear in their heart.
Kikɔpel watched the pair in the cage, and never noticed that the small one that never cast much light, had slipped from the cage.
Pelsi made it to the surface of Mivena, and was shocked and confused when the Me'eri were not there. They looked and looked, and found no trace of any by Kikɔpel's servants.
Finally, more concerned than ever, Pelsi caught the faintest trace of laughter, of joy. They chased the little wind that carried it to their ears, trying to catch them. When Pelsi caught them, the wind twined and twisted, trying to rush away.
"Oritemi, why do you rush from me? I have always played and walked beside you."
"Oh, Dusklamp, you must let me go! The Me'eri need me to bring fresh air and seeds, they are trapped with no way up! The earth has swallowed all of them thanks to Kikɔpel's nasty magic and Kikɔpel's servants!"
Pelsi is startled and angry to hear this. The Me'eri had always worshiped the light and the air and the life that grew. How cruel Kikɔpel was to take that from them!
"Show me, Oritemi. We must find them."
So, oritemi ran across the earth to one of the places where Kikɔpel had built a fortress. There, in the center of the ugly castle that pierced the sky, was a deep crevaisse that Pelsi caught the faintest sound of joyful laughter.
There was a problem though.
As small as they were, Pelsi was still a god. They were large and could only fold their shape up so much, and in the case of this crack, even the oritemi would struggle to fit through.
So Pelsi called into the crack, for surely their people would know another way in.
"Me'eri, Me'eri, the light falls in!"
"Pelsi, Pelsi! You cry to the wind!" Faintly rang back upwards, a multitude of voices calling out to the god that had been lost.
"Me'eri, Me'eri, I find no way in!"
For a while there is no answer.
Then, a young voice calls up. "The tree whose roots pierce our sky, travel through them, a pathway inside!"
Pelsi sent the oritemi into the crack, for air was needed more than Pelsi wanted company.
Then, Pelsi looked at the great tree, one that use to hold lanterns and blessings, dressed in tatters. It had stood as the first gift from Korevian to the Me'eri, Lotarima herself was caught by those branches when she fell to meet them. Pelsi had never done anything but talk with the tree, and so today, he approaches to do so again.
"Little gift, oh you have grown! I regret that I must disturb you, but the ones you were gifted to are trapped deep beneath the earth. I must reach them. Could I travel your roots to find them?"
The tree, who knew Pelsi quite well, did not hesitate. "Of course, Gentle Light. Pass through my root system. I have only recently reached where your people lie."
Pelsi placed their hand on the tree and all that remained was a handprint as he passed through the tree. The purple light Pelsi carried withing themself spilled out and mingled with the tree, following the path they travelled deep beneath the ground, until finally, Pelsi found their people.
"Oh, Me'eri, Kikɔpel has taken too much from you."
"Mapa, no. Kikɔpel thinks that taking the suns and the food and the wind from us will make Kikɔpel happy. But that is not true. Kikɔpel will never be happy, and we will outlast Kikɔpel and all of Kikɔpel's servants. For we have learned to live well, love hard, and continue on. We must only take back the suns and food and wind into ourselves to defeat them. Freedom is for the taking if we can just find the light." stated the oritemi.
Pelsi, so moved by the oritemi's words, turned to them. "You, little beloved wind, I grant this. You will find a way to all of my people. You will bring them seeds that will grow, and air they can breathe. You will be the one to guide them to light, and to freedom. You will find them water. And for this, you will never be forgotten."
Pelsi then turns to their people. "Me'eri, beloved ones, I teach you this. Follow the wind, the oritemi. They will show the way. Gather to the roots of the Korisi tree, and you will find your freedom there."
When Pelsi finished speaking, the trails of light that traced the korisi tree lit up, and the new light showed a tunnel that smelled of dust and stone and baking soil.
"Follow the wind to the roots, and the roots to my light and my light, will show the path to freedom. Go, beloved ones. Kikɔpel sleeps. Now is the time to leave before he can find you.
And so, they all did.
They left to find the planet had changed, and, of course, two were still trapped. But the Me'eri had found freedom. Now they needed to find their suns.
I have show you the light and the way. Now go.
Glossary: Kikɔpel-Hated one, also translates to master, or slaver Pelsi-god of the brown dwarf star tha sit closest to Mivena Lotarima- goddess the blue giant star Korevian orbits Korevian- god of the yellow dwarf star that Mivena orbits. Temi- little one Oritemi-little wind Lukalani lukalani- sunlight gives hope Al sun lukalani- I give hope. (a ritual phrase meaning finding the bright side, bringing joy.)
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