#this book has a special place in my heart because it reminds me of our first dog
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1975 edition of How to Train Your Puppy by Kurt Unkelbach. 
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lani-heart · 6 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> yeowoosan x reader warning(s) -> mentions of abuse words -> 1.1K
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I’ve never considered owning hybrids. 
I've always thought that they deserved to be free, and treated like people. Unfortunately in this state of politics it won't happen anytime soon.
Even then, the three hybrids who now live with me, almost seem like they wouldn’t operate on their own.
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San… my pretty panther.
He's always been bad at leaving the apartment. When he does, he wears headphones. One's specialized for hybrids to cancel out noise. He can’t handle crowded places, sounds of screams happiness, or fear, or simple everyday noises like bells. You never notice how common it is until you have a hybrid flinch and grip you so hard it causes skin and clothes to rip. 
He’s exotic… and pretty but so so damaged. 
He’s never wanted to sit down and talk to me about what it was like nor do I ever expect him to. He wants to forget… he’s cried out how he wishes he could forget.
If only I could grant that wish to him. On his month anniversary, – when it was only me and Wooyoung by his side – he asked if we could go to the park. 
He loves watching TV. He also finds the sappy movies where you go to scenic places and just… soak it in. San couldn’t do that. That day a kid approached us and asked to touch San, but he wasn’t good with touch either. He flinches… so Wooyoung distracted the kid after they pull San’s tail. Innocent curiosity… kids don’t understand what no means when they are so young. 
After that day he locked himself in his room. 
He hates the outside world. Filled with cruel people and reminders of his past. 
It's a miracle he trusts me as much as he does. I once wanted to take him to a restaurant… but the door had a bell chime. It made him freeze until I commanded him and we went home. 
He will wait for a command and it's necessary to snap him out of it. 
Kun wanted him to continue therapy but he’s still not used to it. Shortly maybe? Whether that's in a year or two or maybe never. 
Despite how damaged he is, he’s truly an amazing person. He’s sensitive and caring… he’s beautiful. 
He cares so much about me, about Wooyoung, even the newest addition of Yeosang.
He always makes sure I'm not overworking with my book when I lose track of the hours. Whilst he makes sure to reassure Wooyoung with praises and sweet nothings everyday. Even Yeosang, he helps him with his traumas… assures him that he has them and that he isn't alone. 
Sannie, my first hybrid and I'd do everything to have him in my life – to be in his heart all over again.
“May this be the first life of many I live with you, you’re my reason to continue living”
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Wooyoung… a sweet hyperactive fox.
He could go on for hours and hours doing any activity as long as he was having fun or with any three of us who joined him. 
He isn’t good at leaving the apartment either.
As much as he denies it he's still scared of me abandoning him one day. So when he does go out with me he's always glued to my side. Holding my hand or simply looping our arms.
He also feels the need to “make himself useful” since his previous owners had him do chores and cook for them since they were expecting a baby and were busy. 
His stress also gets him which is obvious because of how clingy he becomes and even picks at his own fur. His mind was constantly working and overthinking and I had to get used to praising him and reassuring him how much I loved him. 
It wasn’t hard but it hurt to know he needed constant reassurance to understand he’s loved by not only me but also to make sure he isn't a burden to San or Yeosang. 
He has a very bad mental health… one which will make him experience very long or even very short depressive episodes. 
In those days I spend most of my time in his room trying to offer him comfort. Sometimes we stay in silence or we’ll talk about nothing important for hours until we sleep in each other's arms. 
I owed Wooyoung a lot… he was there for me when I was in school and when my parents weren’t necessarily present in my life. He was there… he was always there and it's the least I could do for him. 
I’d be by his side for as long as he wants me. 
“I’ve loved you like it was love at first sight! My dream became a reality and I'm not ready to ever wake up”
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Yeosang… my protective doberman.
I always found it interesting how my friends thought that San was the most protective and even though he is, San was a sweetheart. While Yeosang was intimidating. He hates the socialite life… in return doesn’t trust my friends. He also hates leaving the apartment, claiming it's his safe haven and always with his silly little nickname… angel. 
Claiming that's what I was… someone who saved him from his life in hell. Brought him back up, made him smile, and forgave him for his sins. He hates being reminded of his past… it's known that I had him and people will sometimes send me emails and texts to ask him for photoshoots. 
He, however, wanted to live a life of peace away from the media and the sins that others committed. 
He hates the attention, the photos, the videos, the whispers, and the gossip when he does come out with me. He’s a dog hybrid… he has good sight, good hearing… and good smell. He could tell when they gossiped about his prostitution background and even said horrid things. Not like he’d ever tell me what they said since… he didn’t want to make me sad or angry. He endured a lot… but he didn’t have to do it alone anymore. She was gone… and she’s never had a chance to get close to him again. 
If he saw me as his guardian angel, I’d act like it. I’d protect him with my life. 
“Why would I ever leave when I’m in paradise? Out there is hell, in here I have an angel looking over me” 
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@wonuangel @danirael @angelsaway @krissroo @minkysmilk @mayonnaise-on-toast @robertsbbygirl @superbbananananana @hyukssunflower @kitty4hwa @justconniez @senpai-of-doom @kibs-and-bits @caityelise99 @ilovekinny @ateezennie23 @wooahaelemons @purplelady85 @watamotee33@chidess97 @littlelostdemonofthelight @maliamaiden @burntarm1n @spooo00oky @eastleighsblog @momo-peachy @kitstar1117 @quartzpirate @sunnyhokyu @iwishiwasrichasfuck @theginger543210 @pandolinka @ddaeing @kpopnightingale @slid3er @kekdo-520 @puppyminnnie @sparklinghwa222 @calicanbeevil @itsvxlentine @atinism @loumin908 @smally97 @rxnexxi @acetruepunk @majesticbeluga @namjooncrabs @tashizxy @itstheghostofmypast @smilefordongil @teeziny @totallynotlyntv @kyeos4ng @prodsh00ky @acescavern
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nymph-yoongi · 3 months
affection w/namjoon
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Word count: 767
Namjoon is not the most affectionate person, often preferring to just exist in each other’s company
That being said, he does like it when you cling to him; you bring out his soft side
If you’re shorter than him, he’ll rest his chin on the top of your head
Although he’s not very into PDA, he does like to be able to either see you or touch you, happy to even just observe you while you do something 
The way he shows his love for you most often is by making time for you and showing you that you’re a priority to him 
Spare time is very rare and precious, so he makes sure to make time for you, even if it’s not easy
He enjoys taking care of you and feeling like you can depend on him to provide, but it also warms his heart when you do anything to provide for him as well (cooking for him, buying him gifts, etc.)
When he’s working, he tends to fixate on what he’s doing and forget to eat; when you bring him food or water or send him reminders to take care of himself, he feels grateful to have you in his life
He’s not afraid to admit his flaws, but it does bring him a special kind of peace when the two of you just lay in bed and talk about your own flaws with each other; to know he can be imperfect and still be loved is a healing thing to know 
Likes having intellectual discussions with you about philosophy, cosmology, and just anything that lets him see more into the inner workings of your mind 
He loves when you match his energy, whether he’s being goofy and dancing around like a maniac, or if he’s in a more spiritual and thoughtful mood; it makes him feel like you understand him in a way few others do
Likes coming up with places to go with you and events/activities you can experience together
Prefers shared experiences to buying you physical gifts
Has a hard time being very cutesy, he almost always gets shy and covers his face, especially if he does aegyo 
Despite his shyness, he enjoys it when you compliment him; especially if you call him handsome and/or smart
He used to be insecure about his nose, so he still gets a little shy if you kiss him on the nose
Has a tendency to wrap himself around you when you’re sleeping together 
Can’t and won’t stop taking pictures of you
Even though he can’t post them, his gallery on his phone is mostly photos of you, whether you’re at a museum, in nature somewhere, or just looking cute while asleep
He loves doing little photoshoots of you and showing you off to the people that know about you
Since he takes so many photos of you, it makes him happy when you take nice pictures of him too
It makes him happy knowing that you feel the same urge to show him off, that he feels about you
It’s pretty common for you to either be on an adventure together or just staying inside with good books
He leaves you little notations in the books he’s already read because you once said it makes you feel like he’s reading it with you
Takes pictures of the scenery around him whenever you’re apart; plants, pretty rocks, crab, you name it, he’s sent you a picture of it 
“I didn’t want to bother the bugs under this rock but look how pretty it is!”
If he ever has to travel without you, he sends you the prettiest postcards he can find with the cheesiest messages on them 
“It’s raining here today; even the sky is sad you’re not with me”
Draws little Koyas on his letters and postcards to you
If he knows he’ll be gone from you for a long time, he’ll leave letters for you to read when you miss him 
Writes short poems for you when he’s feeling sentimental and will leave them on sticky notes and index cards for you to find
Writes snippets of songs about different mythos of soulmates when he thinks about you 
Tells you about the myth of humans being created; how we were all made with four arms, four legs, and two heads, then cursed to spend our lives wandering in search of our other half 
“Despite the distance, I feel at peace knowing that I’ve found my other half; I don’t feel the need to search for anything anymore. I found what I need”
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orikiys · 7 months
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ᘛ 𓏧     ࣪    𖠵 희승 ☓ fem!reader. ꔪ ﹏ ᘒ angst implied exes warning loneliness can’t-move-on-ex not proofread & 798 words
remember the first time when we asked each other our favourite colours? i feel like yours has changed drastically. from blue to orange then back to blue and now? what is your favourite colour now? i forgot i can’t ask you that anymore. i don’t have the authority to ask. who am i to you now? just the past that you’re trying to forget so hard? i remembered another thing, i remembered the way you would convert time differences just so you could remind me to eat on time, to take my multivitamins on time, to give me a good luck message an hour before i left home, just so i didn’t feel alone.
now all i feel is dread. i’m surrounded by it. engulfed within the cores that no matter how hard i try to escape, an image of you never fails to pop up in my head. when i go to work, i see myself glancing at my phone out of habit as i used to when you texted me ‘have a good day!’. i still remember the first time you called me, i even remember the place where i picked up your call. it’s silly, it’s childish even, but i find myself walking down to that place sometimes and wondering what would have happened if i never picked that call? would we still be dating? would we still be in the phase where we asked each other our favourites?
you might not know this, but i added your city to my weather app a month after we broke up. it marked exactly a month since i’ve stopped receiving your phone calls, since i’ve stopped receiving any text messages from you. exactly a month since i’ve stopped knowing you. but i knew that no matter if it's been a month or five months, hating you might be the hardest journey. i still check the temperature of your city every day. but i have to stop myself from reminding you to carry an umbrella with you, because i don’t know where to find you anymore. you’ve gone. you’ve gone somewhere far away that even if i try to trace those steps they’ll just lead me to nowhere.
i still remember when i made snow angels and sent it to you. you called me a real life angel. upto this day, i can still see the shy smile on your when that ‘angel’ converted into a nickname. but now? even hearing that word anywhere makes me go into a deep hypnosis of what it felt like dating you. it felt complicated. each day i felt different emotions. one day i would be re-reading your texts a hundred times till they’re embedded into my brain and on other days i would be cursing you out for reasons i don’t wish to remember.
dating you had that spark in it, until it didn’t. until it just felt like carrying a burden all to myself. it felt suffocating to even open your texts just for me to see a simple ‘ok’ or just for me to see you’ve left me on read, again. just the way you left me all alone by myself. i thought we were special? i thought we were meant to be? but guess it was just me.
i tried to scab the areas you hurt, healed and then hurt again. but how could i scab my heart? it’s too precious. too fragile. but clearly it didn’t even take you a single regret when you broke that heart of mine. you were like the song that was always stuck in my head and like the words i never had a filter on. you just kept flowing all around me, making me lose myself into a tangled mess. i ended up embracing that mess in hopes you would call me your lover again.
i still wonder how it all happened. how the invisible cracks began to spiral the way more quickly until we could no longer bridge with words or actions. we started doing the bare minimum for each other and felt that it was enough. it wasn’t some sort of god’s plan but maybe it was all written in that book of fate because the more i think about it, the more i feel that this breaking apart couldn’t be fixed no matter how much the two sides tried to. except, none of the sides tried. we just stopped caring. there was no realisation until i felt you slip away from my grasp. until i had realised that i’d been wrapping my arms around something that was gone. a sense of nostalgia. perhaps the faded away moments. but i knew that i would answer if you reached out again. no matter the years it took. but i won’t ever forgive you for the way you threw that relationship out your head like an empty piece of cardboard lying at home. i won’t forgive unless i forget.
your angel
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Love Playlist #1: HOME (Han)
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"For a really smart person, Jisung can be so dumb sometimes."
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Pairing: Han x Fem!reader Genre: college au, friends to lovers, roommates to lovers, fluff, mutual pining Warnings: mild swearing Word Count: 7k
P.S. ♡ If you like my work, please consider giving me feedback in the form of reblogs, comments, and asks! ♡
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You have three strict rules that you must follow. One, no going out after eleven. Two, never leave the house without your cell phone. And three, never, ever, fall in love with Han Jisung.
Unfortunately, you’ve broken that third rule already. In fact, you’re still breaking it, charring it to a crisp, and throwing it out like the trash you both begrudgingly take turns with. But how can you not? Because when it comes to your doe-eyed best friend who is serenely sitting in front of you, the whole rulebook is torn up. 
Jisung quietly flips through his growing stack of manga, blissfully unaware of the way your heart accelerates whenever he reads a particularly entertaining segment and his eyes light up in amusement.You should remind him to stay on track, but you can’t bear to stop him because of how cute he looks, his legs unconsciously swinging under the table and his fifth banana lollipop of the day shoved into his mouth. 
You’re both sitting together in the library at your special table beside the big window, the place that is always secluded no matter what, as if some higher power knows to keep it aside for you and Jisung for whenever you desire. Both of you are supposed to be studying for your finals, the objectively worst part of the entire year. You’re both seniors, so the slew of exams coming up should be a piece of cake for you, except both of you have grad school next year— you’ll be starting on your PhD, while Jisung, a computer engineering major, will be working towards a master’s degree— so you still have to worry about all of your final grades.
“I hate this.” Jisung looks up from the book in his hands, closing it shut. “I wish I didn’t have to do this.”
“It’s almost over. Then we’ll finally graduate and get to enjoy our summer,” you reply. “And then our lives begin.”
And the elation building in your chest is real, because although you have a tough couple of days ahead of you, the end of this year will be a testament to everything you have accomplished. You have your summer mapped out already; you’re going to be completing groundbreaking cancer research at an esteemed biologist’s lab, days filled with productivity along with exciting nights exploring adulthood and freedom with your friends. Even though you’ll still have school, you’ll only have to be doing what you’re passionate about, leaving behind the mandatory literature and calculus courses that brought you so many tears over the duration of college. 
“Not for me.” Jisung sighs, leaning back in his chair and staring aimlessly at the ceiling. “It’ll never end.”
Lately, Jisung has become increasingly stressed about graduation. He doesn’t come from a wealthy background, with his mother being a grocery store cashier and his father out of the picture. You’re aware he’s under immense pressure to do well in school and then get a good job that will take care of both him and his mother, when she’s unable to provide for herself. Worst of all, Jisung had to ditch his dream of becoming a musician and instead focus on something more practical, which ended up being a profession in computers. Of course, like anything else he puts his effort into, Jisung excels in computer engineering, and he’s come to terms with giving up his passion, but you know it doesn’t hurt any less.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask softly, reaching for his hand. He accepts it, but he turns his head to gaze at the street beyond the window.
“It’s okay.”
You don’t press any further, because you know that it will just break him down, and neither of you can afford that right now at such a crucial time. Instead, you resolve to brighten his mood, like he does with you anytime you’re down. “Let’s just hope we don’t get food poisoning tomorrow.”
Your attempt works, because Jisung meets your eyes, a smile permeating his solemn expression and before widening into a full grin, at the memory of the time you both first met. Remembrance comes like the summer breeze you look so forward to, washing over you both like a tidal wave. And just like that, it’s freshman year and you’re standing at the bus stop near your old dormitory building. 
You anxiously devoured the notebook pages in your hands, alternating between cramming the tiny text and scanning the road for the bus that was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Your stomach ached from the food poisoning you contracted earlier that morning, an unwelcome byproduct of the dubious cauliflower and tuna tacos served at the dining hall the night before.
This was horrible timing too, especially because you had your first test of the academic year that day. When you should have been bent over your statistics notes, you were cooped up in the bathroom for the previous few hours, clutching the toilet bowl as you watched the clock above you tick menacingly. 
You bounced on your toes anxiously, before a strange, squeaking sound met your ears. You whirled around to see a boy approaching you while struggling to pull a large, bulging suitcase along with him. He finally succeeded, collapsing onto the bus stop bench while coughing and wheezing up a storm that rivaled the ominous clouds in the sky. You reached into the side pocket of your backpack, pulling out your unopened plastic water bottle and handing it over to him.
He looked at your offering hand in surprise, before gratefully accepting. He tipped his head back and closed his eyes while he gulped down the cool water. You watched him finish the entire bottle with a dizzying speed and then recycle it in the bin next to the bus stop. The boy was lanky, sporting an oversized Pokémon t-shirt and battered sneakers, and overdue for a haircut, the locks flopping over his sweaty forehead.
“Thank you so much.” He said.
“Of course. What’s in the suitcase?” 
The boy fondly ran a hand over the worn-out seams of the object of your curiosity. “I promised my roommate that I would give him all of my old books for his class project. I have no idea why he wants them, but then again, art students are weird.”
He looked up at you not even a second later, alarm in his eyes. “Unless you’re an art student! In that case, I didn’t mean what I said.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “No, I’m a biology major. And yes, I agree.”
He beamed. “I’m Han Jisung. First year, computer engineering. Anime and cheesecake lover. Spicy food hater.”
“Y/N. I’m a freshman, too, and I also love anime and cheesecake. Chocolate cheesecake, to be specific. And I can’t stand spicy food.”
“Chocolate supremacy!” Jisung gasped, clamping a palm over his mouth. “This is meant to be.”
You let out a hearty laugh at his theatrics. “Exactly.”
At that moment, the bus finally arrived, rolling to a stop next to you both. You helped Jisung push his suitcase full of storybooks up the steps of the bus and into the aisle. You sat on one of the seats in the back, and Jisung followed suit, plopping down right next to you. As he did, you noticed him wince, clutching his stomach. Concern bloomed in you for this precious stranger that you just met. 
“Are you okay?”
He clutches his stomach once more, smiling embarrassedly. “I got food poisoning. I should have known better than to trust the dining hall food.”
You pause, as the ironic delight of the situation sets in, allowing the pain to fade away and leaving you to wonder about the odds of meeting Jisung. “No way! Me too!”
Jisung’s eyes widen in surprise. “That’s destiny. Mutual food poisoning. Now we definitely have to be friends.”
Later, after you had exchanged numbers and plenty of laughs, parting ways at your respective bus stops, you would meet again at the university hospital. Both of you had contracted a salmonella infection.
Unbeknownst to you and Jisung, that delayed bus and salmonella would determine the trajectory of the rest of your lives. Over time, you both emerged from the shackles of a hesitant acquaintance to the kind of bond that never breaks, even with time, distance, or the grievances of being young. You witnessed each other grow up, fall in love and out of love, and get drunk on piña coladas at the bar next to the college gym you both pretended to go to regularly. 
Somewhere along the way, after Loser Boyfriend Number Three, as Jisung tried to cheer you up with his horrible jokes and the burned brownies that he nuked in the residence hall kitchen microwave, you realized that you were wasting your time on people who weren’t worth it. Because the only person who was worth it was the one who had been by your side all the time. Jisung. 
Betrayed by your treacherous heart, you began to see Jisung— your person, your study buddy, your fake fiancé when you both were trying to score free dessert with a restaurant proposal— as more than just a friend. In fear of your feelings potentially ruining your friendship, something more dear to you than any form of romance, as you so believed they would, you swore to never speak to Jisung of it. But you couldn’t lie to yourself anymore about the worst. You fell in love with your best friend. 
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“What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor?”
“I have no idea, Jisung.”
“‘Hey, where’s my tractor?’ Get it?” Jisung bursts out laughing, slapping his thigh. He doubles over, his whole body shaking with laughter at the unimpressed look on your face, which makes everything funnier for him.
“That doesn’t even make sense!” You exclaim, trying to push him. Jisung just keeps giggling, dodging you masterfully.
You both have given up on your library study session, resolving to take a break at your favorite coffee shop and meet up with the rest of your friends in your circle. The setting sun has streaked the blue sky with its golden rays and puffy pink clouds, enveloping the entire campus in a hazy glow. It’s a pleasant May evening, with the scent of your college’s famed peonies along with the excitement of Spring lingering in the air. The street lights that line the sidewalk are already turned on, but not many people are outside enjoying the weather, except for a few students playing a game of Frisbee on the athletic field. Everyone else is locked away in their rooms or the library, grinding for their upcoming exams.
“Well, I have a better one anyway.” Jisung states, clearing his throat dramatically. 
You roll your eyes as you near your destination, an unassuming red-brick building tucked away in a larger complex of stores. Purple morningstar blossoms border the door of the small shop in clumps of dainty vines, no doubt the namesake of Morningstar Coffee House. Fairy lights are strung around the glass block windows, which offer a glimpse of the inviting warmth inside. 
“Let’s hear it.”
Jisung jogs ahead of you and opens the door for you, gallantly gesturing for you to go first. “What did Y/N say to Jisung when they went to the coffee shop together?”
The comforting smell of pastries and dark roast coffee engulfs you as you step into Morningstar. The strung lanterns and groovy jazz music playing in the background welcome you like a hug from a long-distance friend. You can’t believe it’s been so long since you’ve gone anywhere other than the library, the lecture halls, or the tiny apartment you and Jisung share. 
“I don’t know.” You humor Jisung, still playing along and waiting for his ridiculous punchline.
He smirks at you. “I love you a latte!”
You feign disgust, but secretly, you are elated because of how genuinely touching his words are to you. Jisung hugs you like a baby panda, trying to get you to applaud him for his clever joke, as Jisung is naturally a very physically affectionate person, always wanting to snuggle up to the people around him. But your heart can’t help but jump a little every time you feel his arms snug around you. 
“Well, I love you a latte more, Hannie,” you respond nonchalantly, but you mean it. You do love Jisung for everything that he is, even the cringeworthy SoundCloud rapper phase that dominated his sophomore year. 
“You guys are weird,” your friend Seungmin says from behind the counter, where he’s busy working as the barista, while his co-worker, Soobin, a timid Psychology student, clumsily handles orders at the cash register. Seungmin’s parents own Morningstar, and he plans to take over it next year. 
Jisung sticks his tongue out at Seungmin in defiance, before linking arms with you and dragging you to the back, where the rest of your friends are seated. There is Chan, or more famously known as Chris among his many admirers across his campus, clad in his signature black jacket. Besides him, the turquoise-haired baby of your group, Jeongin, and then Hyunjin, who as usual, is lost in his sketchbook. 
“Hey guys. What are you up to?” You slide in next to Hyunjin, trying to peek at what he’s drawing. You catch a glimpse of a very pretty girl you vaguely recognize from around campus, before he protectively snaps his journal closed, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Eyes on your coffee, Y/N,” Hyunjin says, handing you the mug that they ordered for you ahead of time. Magically, it’s still hot.
You accept the coffee and drink it, letting the rich liquid warm your insides as you swallow it gratefully. “Alright, alright.”
Jisung tries to steal a bite of Jeongin’s apple danish, earning him a swat on his wandering palms. Chan looks over at you with a grin. “We’re just listening to Jeongin rant about his crush.”
Jeongin groans before continuing. “And I keep asking her out, but every time, she rejects me, bro! What am I supposed to do? Give up?"
“Yes,” Hyunjin says in his signature straightforward manner, prompting everyone but Jeongin to snicker.
“Whatever. I'll figure out a way.” Jeongin sits back in his seat, resorting to aggressively typing on his keyboard to deal with his frustration.
You look around your little corner in the shop, which is filled with textbooks and miscellaneous notebook sheets. “Where are the others?”
“Minho is studying with his girlfriend, and Changbin and Felix are apparently also working, but they’re probably gaming instead.”
Hyunjin bites down on the edge of his straw, glancing between you and Jisung thoughtfully. “Speaking of girlfriend, when are you both going to get together?”
You freeze up in your seat, tensing like you always do whenever someone jokes about your relationship with Jisung, but he’s unfazed, shooting Hyunjin a mischievous smile. “When you tell us about that girl you’re obsessed with.”
Hyunjin immediately forgets about teasing you, glaring at Jisung contempfully. “Shut up, Han. You don’t know anything.”
“Guys, let’s calm down,” you say while patting Hyunjin’s back, happy for the distraction but still cautious about him and Jisung. While those two love each other very much now, they used to fight like crazy when they roomed together in freshman year, and no one needs a repeat of bad history right now.
Jisung catches your eye, and although he doesn’t smile at you, you can see the appreciation in his eyes. You nod slightly at him, before getting out your own computer. Words do not have to be exchanged between you two for you to understand each other.
You all settle into a comfortable silence as you finish your coffee and resume studying, only looking up occasionally to ask each other questions about the material or an assignment. Soon, the evening begins to fade away, and you start packing up your belongings before closing time.
“Hey, Y/N! Can you come over here for a second?” Seungmin calls out, capturing your attention.
You put down your backpack and walk over to the counter, where he’s washing his blender. “Yes?”
“So what’s going on with you and Jisung?” Before you can interrupt him and deny anything, Seungmin wipes his hands and gives you a meaningful look. “I know you have feelings for him.”
You feel your face heat up, and you avoid his piercing eyes. “How would you know?”
“Look, it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. From the way you look at him, it’s a marvel how he hasn’t figured it out yet. For a really smart person, Jisung can be so dumb sometimes.”
You exhale, seeing no point in lying anymore. Besides, it feels good to get it off of your chest. “Well, why are you bringing this up anyway?”
Seungmin sets down his utensil caddy and rests his elbows on the edge of the sink. “Soobin likes you and asked me if you’re single. But, you know, I wasn’t sure if you are available. Emotionally, I mean.”
You glance over at Soobin, observing him counting all of the day’s revenue. The blonde cashier catches your eye, flashing you a shy smile before quickly looking away, turning a shade of tomato red. He’s handsome, good-hearted, and not to mention, very tall. Just your type. But he’s no Jisung.
“It’s been a while since I’ve dated anyone.” And this is true— over a year, to be precise. “I guess, I’m still hung up over Jisung.”
“Do you plan on making a move?”
“No way. I’m just going to wait for the feelings to dissipate. I would never risk our friendship like that,” you mumble.
“You could get to know Soobin, maybe he’ll help you move on,” Seungmin suggests, crossing his arms.
You consider your options before piping up. Jisung had gotten pretty serious with his last girlfriend by the end of your junior year, but he broke up with her a month later, telling you that she just wasn’t the one for him. He hasn’t dated anyone since, claiming that it’s not the right time. But for you, it is, and you realize that you can’t keep waiting for him.
“Maybe I will,” you say, toying with your jacket zipper.
Seungmin tips his head towards Soobin, but before you move, he leans in closer to you. “But personally, I think you should just tell Jisung. If he’s really your best friend, your friendship will stay the same no matter what.”
You nod. “Yeah, okay.”
You know Seungmin is right, but the truth is, it’s not just about losing your friendship with Jisung. Regardless of whether he reciprocates your feelings or not, you know that he would never walk away from you. It’s truly you who you are concerned about. You’re uncertain if you could bear to go back being your normal self around Jisung if you confess and get rejected. You don’t know if your heart could handle it.
You touch Seungmin’s hand in a quiet gratitude and approach Soobin, who immediately notices your presence and accidentally slams the cash register drawer closed, nearly shutting it on his finger. “H-hi Y/N.”
Watching Soobin get endearingly flustered, you can’t help but smile. “Hey Soobin. How are you?”
“I’m good, thank you.” Soobin bites down on his lip, wrapping his arms around himself. He looks so cute in his brown bib apron and converse shoes. “You look really pretty in that dress.”
Your cheeks warm, but you look him directly in his eyes. “That’s so kind of you to say. Actually, I was hoping you'd want to go out on a date sometime? Maybe after finals?”
Although you’re very reserved about your feelings for Jisung, in every other case, you can be quite forward with romance. Soobin’s eyes widen. “Wait, really?”
You laugh, getting out your phone. “Yes, really. What do you say?”
“Yes! I would love to. Could I please get your number?” Soobin stretches out his phone, which is covered in teddy bear stickers. 
You think of Jisung’s phone, which has a clear case and a polaroid of you two at the beach inside. You shake the thought of him away. You type your number into Soobin’s phone, before wishing him good luck on his finals and then rejoining your friend group in the darkening outdoors, which has moved outside the shop while you were talking to Seungmin. As soon as he spies you walking out of the door, Hyunjin forgets his conversation with Jeongin and immediately launches into interrogating you. 
“What were you talking to Soobin about?”
You shrug, trying to play it off, but can’t help the rosy blush that creeps up your neck. “Nothing, really.”
Now the others look interested as well, and Jeongin smirks knowingly at you. “You asked him out, didn’t you?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see Jisung’s smile falter, but you chalk it up to your own imagination and affirm Jeongin’s prediction. “Yes, but it’s pretty casual. So not a big deal.”
Chan and Jeongin both high-five you like seventh grade boys, while Hyunjin just cackles at your sudden agitation. Jisung, however, looks annoyed, a very new color on him. 
“I didn’t know you were interested in Soobin,” he says, shutting Hyunjin up. “Why didn’t you tell me? You always tell me when you like someone.”
You know the answer to his question. But you can’t tell Jisung that the only reason why you asked Soobin on a date out of the blue is because you are in love with him and trying to move on. “Seungmin just told me that he had a crush on me. So I went for it.”
“Yeah, everyone knows Soobin likes you. But you could have told me first before making a move.” Jisung’s tone is slightly harsh, suspicious. You recoil in surprise, because he has never spoken to you like this, unlike the boy you know and love.
“Why are you getting so mad?” You ask him, hurt.
“It’s just that we tell each other everything, and this is pretty big.” Jisung crosses his arms stubbornly. “Unless you didn’t want me to know.”
Your skin prickles with a strange feeling, because while you two have bickered over stupid things in the past, it wasn’t anything serious like the look on Jisung’s face now. “What’s your problem, Jisung? What did I do to you?”
Your voice is raised, and boys instantly sense the tension in the air, stepping in to mediate. Chan, the eldest in the group, places a hand on Jisung’s shoulder, mutely imploring him to stay calm. Hyunjin, however, gets defensive on your behalf. 
“Why should she have to tell you? Calm down,” Hyunjin says, frowning at Jisung.
“It’s okay, Hyunjin. We should get going.” Without waiting for an answer from the others, you grasp Jisung’s hand and pull him with you, while he comes along without saying anything at all.
The walk back to your apartment, which is seven minutes long from campus, is filled with an uneasy silence, a dreadful change from the playfulness earlier in the day. The air is charged, full of everything you both want to say to each other, but nevertheless, you keep your mouth closed. More than anything, you’re confused. 
It’s been a long time since either of you were with anyone romantically, so maybe it is surprising to Jisung that you randomly asked Soobin out. However, you don’t understand his anger, especially because Jisung has always supported you in your dating life, even setting you up sometimes with people he knew. But you don’t think the problem is the fact that it is Soobin either, because Soobin is one of the most beloved people on campus due to his sweet personality. You don’t know what’s wrong, and that’s what bothers you the most.
Neither of you speak even when you reach your neighborhood, a suburban oasis in a big city. When there’s good weather, you and Jisung love to come outside and either take long walks around the block or pack picnics to share on the perpetually green lawn in front of your apartment building. Today, you head straight up to your flat, an indifferent pair of strangers standing in the elevator.
After unlocking the door to your apartment, you finally decide to break the silence, turning to look at Jisung, who trails a few feet behind you. “I’ll be in my room, studying.”
You want him to say something, anything, but he just nods, keeping his eyes trained on the grey hardwood flooring. Sighing, you pad across the apartment and enter your room, shutting the door you always keep open. 
You and Jisung had signed a lease on your place last year, partially because you couldn’t afford off-campus housing on your own, but also because you couldn’t imagine a better roommate than him. People made plenty of comments about how you both— two people of the opposite gender— renting an apartment together would be a recipe for disaster.
While Jisung had assured you that everything would be alright, the weeks leading up to move-in day were filled with apprehension for you. But unlike what he believed, it wasn’t because of what others said. The thought of you and Jisung living together made you worry if proximity could potentially make it easier for him to realize your feelings for him. 
However, when the big day rolled in, you couldn’t remember any of your fears as you and Jisung sat in your new apartment, leaned against a pile of half-opened luggage. Exhausted from dealing with delayed furniture shipments and sorting through the endless boxes of belongings, both of you had given up. Resolving to lay on the barren floor and play Go-Fish, you both laughed for hours about the annoyed look on the grumpy mover’s face when Jisung kept asking him questions. Before Jisung subsequently fell asleep on your lap, he promised you that you both would make a lot of good memories here. And you did.
Last Christmas, you both spent it together, huddled on the couch while gossiping and drinking hot chocolate, because both of your flights got canceled due to snow. Then there was the time Jisung forced you to stay awake with him all night because he was scared after watching some bad slasher film, but you told him Disney bedtime stories that eventually made his fear go away.
You can’t help but feel a small pang thinking of whenever he brings you strawberry shortcake from the bakery you like, or all of the times he spam calls you when you’re out late and haven’t informed him. You’ve never fought with Jisung like this, not without him immediately coming after you and begging you to forgive him, even if he wasn’t in the wrong. Being distant with Jisung is a new feeling, and you don’t get how you could ever accomplish that with your best friend in the whole world. 
Shaking off your incessant thoughts about Jisung, you turn on your computer, hunching over on your desk in the artificial glow of the screen. You still have a few chapters of reading to get through, and then you have to solve ten long practice problem sets for Chemistry. For now, you’ll have to put off the deliberations that pull at you.
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You feel someone shaking you awake, gentle hands coaxing you out of an uneasy nap. You lift your head from where it rests on your arms, blearily looking up from where you are slumped over your desk. Your laptop has fallen asleep, the dim glow of your lamp lighting up the room instead. And the blaring, unwelcome red of your digital clock signals an unfortunate time well past twelve. Rubbing your eyes, you finally notice Jisung hovering beside you hesitantly.
“I thought you’d want me to wake you up,” Jisung says, his hands shoved into the pockets of his pajama pants. “I’m sorry.”
He’s wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood pulled up snugly over his head, a few soft pieces of hair messily sticking out from underneath. He looks so cute you want to hug him, but then you remember the events that transpired before you accidentally fell asleep. 
“It’s okay. I need to finish working, thanks,” you say dully, both tired from studying and being stuck in this bad day with Jisung.
He shakes his head. “No, I mean, I’m sorry for earlier. At the coffee shop.”
You bite your lip, melting at the regret and sadness in his eyes. Your best friend misses you too. “Can we talk?”
Jisung stays quiet before speaking, and you swear he can probably hear your anticipating heartbeat filling the room. “Are you hungry? We didn’t have dinner.” 
He doesn’t answer your question, but you still fold at the thought of how he didn’t eat without you. “Yeah, I am hungry.”
“I’ll make us something.” He turns and heads into the kitchen, and after a second thought, you hurry after him. 
Jisung takes off his hood and brings out a metal pot out of one of the cupboards. You watch as he rummages hastily through the fridge, before he shuts it with empty hands. He turns to you with a sheepish look on his face. “So we don’t actually have any food.”
Realization passes between the both of you: in the past few weeks, you both were so immersed in your preparation for your exams that you had completely neglected buying groceries, opting instead for easy pre-cooked meals or food deliveries. Your stomach rumbles loudly, and you rub it, embarrassed, but at least it breaks the tension, as Jisung snorts, an amused look on his face.
“We could go to the store and get something,” he suggests, from where he stands behind the kitchen island. 
He fidgets nervously, a reminder of how any other time, you would have jumped at the opportunity to ditch your books and buy cheap junk food with Jisung. But now? You don’t want to go out. You want to stay here, you want to talk to your best friend, you want things to go back to how they were before your fight with Jisung. And yet, you nod your head in agreement, grabbing your apartment keys and wallet from the counter before following Jisung out of the apartment. 
The hallways of the building are tainted a vivid yellow from the incandescent lighting, a sharp contrast to the gloomy night outside. The moon is high up in the sky, shrouding the sleepy apartment complex in a silvery glow. There’s no one outside except for a homeless man dozing on one of the benches lining the walkways. But the distant city lights tell you that not everyone slumbers, that outside of your bubble, people have their own lives and stories. The only story that matters to you, however, is the one with the beautiful boy who walks beside you, his step heavy and eyes downcast. 
In a matter of wordless minutes, you and Jisung have arrived at your go-to place for midnight runs, a sketchy little convenience store peeking out from behind a cluster of drab office buildings. The neon lighting of the store glows in the dark and reflects in the pools of water left by a mild rain that had graced the land while you were sleeping. 
Jisung quickly walks ahead of you and opens the door for you, a blast of air conditioning granting you solace from the humidity. The familiar sight of the plentiful arrays of colorful aisles and the broken fan hopelessly creaking by the entrance pulls you in. You scour the shelves of mouthwatering foodstuffs, before settling in front of one of the sections.
“I don’t know if it’s a noodles or sandwich kind of night,” you wonder out loud, picking up a pack of ramen. You don’t notice Jisung standing behind you, as you assume he’s already zeroed in on the ice cream freezer like he always does.
“Definitely ramen.”
You jump, hugging the packet to your chest as if it would protect you from the perpetrator. Jisung innocently watches you, a small smile playing upon his lips. He holds two wrapped popsicles in his hands, one melon-flavored and one mango-flavored, and stretches the latter out to you. You accept it, returning his smile, and it feels like things are normal again. You know you should bring up what lies unspoken between you two, but you want to preserve this moment for now.
Jisung selects ramen for himself as well, and you both go to the front counter to check-out, failing to exchange any more words as you both just continue to enjoy the calm. After, you both quickly exit the shop and start jogging in synchronization, remembering that a pile of work still awaits you. When you board the bridge that connects the rest of the city to the way back to your apartment, Jisung doubles over, panting. 
You decide to take a break, walking over to the edge and drinking in the view. The blurred lights of the magnificent skyscrapers illuminate the midnight sky like lightning, and the river in front of you is littered with cargo ships peacefully gliding along on their separate journeys. You lean against the railing, closing your eyes and letting the wind ruffle your hair. Jisung comes up behind you once more, but when he speaks this time, it’s less of a surprise and more of a comfort. 
“Everything is changing,” he says, resting his hands on the railing as well. “I’m scared.”
You open your eyes, turning to face Jisung. His eyes are filled with tears, and your heart reaches out for him. You tightly grasp his hand, trying to convey everything you can’t say to him. 
“Talk to me. Please.”
“I’m not ready for all of this. Graduation’s getting closer, and I know you’re excited but… I don’t know, I still feel kind of stuck.” Jisung’s gaze fixates on one of the boats below. “Every time I type out a line of code, I want to smash my keyboard into bits. Every goddamn time.”
His words are strong, but his voice is rough with emotion. 
“Jisung, don’t do this if it’s not what you want.”
“We’re literally graduating in a month, Y/N.” Jisung lets out a disbelieving sound. “But that’s not even a concern, because my grad school actually offers a joint program on computers and audio design for engineering students who want to go into music production. But I couldn’t do that, because you barely get paid unless you make it big.”
You frown, setting down the plastic cover of your food. “Well, why not? If anyone could break out, it’s you.”
Jisung shrugs, shaking his head. “I can’t take that risk. Just plain old computer science is the way to go.”
You stay quiet for a second, keenly observing his despairing expression. “Your mom would want you to be happy, Hannie.”
“I could be happy, maybe, one day. But not right now.” Jisung runs a hand through his hair, not meeting your eyes. “You’re moving away next year for your PhD, and I’ll still be stuck here, in a place where you aren’t there.”
“I’m only two hours away. You can get away from campus and visit all the time. We’ll be like the Kardashians taking on a new city!” You crack a watery smile.
Jisung sniffles sadly, and your heart sinks, because you failed to make him happy. Again. But then he looks up at you, a glimmer of humor in his eyes. “Only if I get to be Kourtney.”
You laugh, shoving him in the arm. “Fine.”
And then you both say nothing again, just gazing out at the world beyond this bridge and instant.
“What happened today?” You break the silence— questioning, not accusing.
Jisung groans. “It’s… look, I know we’ve both dated before, but none of them were it. And maybe you never felt that way, but I know for a fact that none of the guys you dated were right for you.”
“Jisung—” you start, but he interrupts you.
“And we’re graduating soon. So I thought you’d realize it by now.” Jisung taps his foot like he always does when he’s nervous, and your pulse quickens at his halting words. 
“Realize what?” You ask him softly, trying not to come to any conclusions but betrayed by the treacherous beat of your heart.
The tips of Jisung’s ears turn red. “I- I need you to not say anything. Because I need to say something. And if you don’t like what I say, then I’ll walk away and we can forget everything that transpired here. Okay?”
You maintain your serious expression, although you want to swoon at his adorably flustered state. “Okay.”
Jisung is about to finally reveal what has gotten him so worked up, but then he sighs in frustration, shaking his head. “No. I can’t do this with you looking at me. Can you please turn around? Please?”
Hiding a smile, you oblige him and face the other way. “Okay. I can’t see you now.”
You hear Jisung take a deep breath. 
“I’m never going to get this right. Y/N, I like you. And I mean like-like you. Like, romantically. Everything about you, I like. Even your disgusting food combinations, I like. Your smile? Oh god. Don’t go on a date with Soobin. Go with me. I like you.” 
Even though the past few minutes manifested Jisung’s declaration, you still whirl around, shocked. “Say what?”
Jisung rolls his eyes. “Seriously? I pour myself out to you and you need me to repeat it? You’re really something, Y/N.”
You smirk, stepping closer and looping your arms around Jisung’s neck. You take in how Jisung’s eyes have widened and how his lips are parted at such an intimate gesture from you, wondering if this is how it feels in the movies, when the heroine finally gets the boy she’s been loving from a distance for so long. 
You look up at Jisung, and your heart has never felt so happy. “I guess this is my time to be vulnerable too. I don’t just like-like you, Jisung. I love you.”
It’s Jisung’s turn to be surprised. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah. For a very long time.”
He smiles bashfully, his elation at your own confession evident. “I love you too.”
Jisung tilts his head to his right, as you do the same, almost about to close the miniscule space between you both. And then he pulls away.
You watch Jisung, confused, as he covers his face with his palms, shyly giggling. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I dreamed of this for so long. Can you give me a second?” 
Never able to get enough of his antics, you watch as he pulls a stick of chapstick out of his pocket and swipes it on. He dabs his lips carefully before turning back to you. 
“Now where were we?”
Before you can even say anything, he’s closed that gap. His lips are soft and sweet, the taste of cherry and vanilla chapstick lingering. You close your eyes and melt into the kiss as Jisung brings up his hands to cradle your face. The sweet scent of him clouds your senses and washes away your inhibitions, and there’s nothing besides you both in this moment. He kisses you like there’s no tomorrow, no exams, no school or anyone else. He kisses you not like a friend, but a lover that he’s yearned for, which certainly wouldn’t be a lie.
You can’t believe that you’ve been pining after Jisung for the mere duration of your college years. It feels like you’ve waited your whole life for this. The murky puddles of water around you and the pungent stench of a nearby dumpster are nowhere near romantic, but with the way you’re kissing Jisung, you might as well be in heaven. 
If you dare to predict the future, you’ll have the rest of your life to look forward to moments like this, miss him even when he’s laying in your arms, love him when you both slow dance in the refrigerator light at midnight. And because you’re two broke peas in a pod, you both will definitely conduct more fake proposals with each other when you go out to eat. Hopefully before the real deal. You’ll just have to see who pops the question first. 
“Wow,” Jisung breathes against your lips. “My dreams have not done this moment any justice.”
You chuckle, leaning in for another kiss. “Mine too.” 
But Jisung dodges your lips, making you scoff as he raises his eyebrows at you. “And what are you going to be doing about Soobin?”
“You should be nicer. Poor Soobin. I wouldn’t have to let him down now if you’d just told me all of this earlier,” you scold Jisung lightly, cupping his chin. 
He pouts, swatting at your arms with the oversize sleeves of his hoodie. “Never mind. Let’s stop talking about him.”
You roll your eyes playfully and wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. You’re sure that the lovesick look on Jisung’s face mirrors your own. He may not be perfect, but he’s perfect for you. Your best friend in the whole world. And whatever the future holds, that will never change.
“I love you, Hannie. Love you so much,” you whisper, pressing another soft kiss to his lips. You’ll never, ever get tired of kissing him.
Jisung smiles down at you lovingly, slipping off his hoodie to put it on you, noticing the way you shiver. But you’re not really that cold; it's the way he’s looking at you right now. Not that you’d tell him that. “Let’s go.”
“Where?” You ask, still in a dreamy daze. This day has turned out to be better than any other you’ve ever had. Everything was worth it.
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©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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soursvgar · 2 years
Their favorite pet names ♡
demon brothers x gender neutral reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Lucifer ━ Darling, Dear
Make no mistakes, Lucifer always prefers hearing his own name, specifically when it's being spilled out of your mouth as a lingering whine, demanding him to avert his attention to you. However, if he already has to settle for a pet name of some sort, he would prefer a good old fashioned term you would use to title the first line of a letter with, if the two of you were star crossed lovers mailing each other through different worlds. (Because he's just dramatic like that, but the truth is, it makes him blush.)
"When you intimated you need my assistance, I didn't reckon a bake sale is what you had in mind. May I remind you of the outright failure we experienced when we attempted to bake hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies?" Lucifer shakes his head, sensing defeat from merely facing the ingredients laid across the table. "Well, I haven't invited you here to cook, don't worry. Your role is to supply entertainment and mental support, and also to stand guard in case Beel tries to infiltrate our mission." You reassure him with a grin, carefully tying an apron around his waist. "Now, be a dear and fetch me the recipe?"
Lucifer is quite stunned at your confidence to speak to him at this level, regardless, he cannot deny your dauntless attitude tugging at the strings of his heart.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Mammon ━ Babe
No explanation needed, it just makes sense. Use a confident, possessive tone when you say it and watch him quack and become as red as the roulette in the casino. In return, he will probably use a bunch of embarrassingly cringy pet names on you.
"Whaddaya mean you don't want me callin' ya my sweet snuggly crow princess in public?" Mammon frowns, huffing at the rejection of his advantages. "I think crows are cute, and so are you. Cute! My sweet snuggly c-" His sentence is cut short by your lips crushing against his own, leaving him with a loss of words and rosy cheeks. "Come on babe, stop being silly."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Leviathan ━ Weapon of (m)ass destruction
He doesn't have a preference, simply because anything you'd choose to call him feels like someone tore a rift in time and space and crowned him king of the three worlds. With that said, he particularly likes silly ones, or just anything normies wouldn't regularly use. It makes him feel special because you definitely haven't used that on anyone else.
"Hey, let me use your phone for a second. I'm gonna call myself since I can't find my cell." You mindlessly announce, grabbing his mobile device after a couple long minutes of patting the bed in hopes of finding your own. "Huh? w-w-wait, let me do that!" Leviathan hurries to try and eject the device out of your grip, but to no avail. Your fingers had already clicked their way through the different screens, leading you to his contact list. "Hm? You saved me as 'Only second to Ruri-chan in beauty'? Aww, Levi!" You coo, messing his hair. "Now I feel bad I only saved your contact as 'noob'."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Satan ━ Kitten
It is most likely a given (or a chewed up headcanon), but Satan is the embodiment of a cat and likes to be recognized for it; privately, of course. Rumor has it that if you call Satan by the following pet names of kitten, kitty or anything that resembles, it will awaken his inner feline and bring him to rub his cheeks against you, asking to be petted.
"Come here, kitty kitty." Satan looks up from his book at the melody of your voice, at first searching around to scope if a real cat is nearby. But with his sharp mind, he reads the situation almost immediately, cocking an eyebrow at your hopeful expression. "Huh? Are you referring to me?" You nod, holding out an arm as you gesture him to come closer. "Pspspspsps" Satan heaves a sigh, placing a bookmark inside one of the pages before he closes his novel shut and paces towards you. "Such a good kitty!" You praise, holding in your chuckle.
"Say one word to anyone about this, and you're dead meat, human. Understood?" Defeated, he tilts his head towards you and nuzzles against your extended palm. "Now... scratch behind my ear please?"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Asmodeus ━ Prince/ss
No surprises with this one, Asmo is royalty and believes he should be addressed accordingly. He doesn't mind which version of the word is being used, as long as it comes with the acknowledgment that he's the most ethereal, majestic creature your eyes ever had the sanctified right to witness.
"No, no and no! None of these are on theme. I usually find good keeps in majolish, but this season their clothes are all off." Asmodeus falls into the velvet chair allocated at the store's fitting booths. You had accompanied him on a shopping trip prior to an event at RAD as he was in need of a new wardrobe for the occasion. "I kind of liked this outfit. I think it suits you!" You sheepishly smile, praying to be leaving the store before sundown. "Suits me is not enough! It has to be dazzling, breath taking, absolutely stunning!" He huffs, displeased at the selection of items at hand.
"I mean, it's the person who makes the clothes, not the opposite. It doesn't matter what you wear because everything looks so good on you, princess." The corners of Asmodeus' mouth stretches into a smile, but it differs from his usual smug, conceited one. It was a humble display of contentment at your compliment. "That's correct!"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Beelzebub ━ Babycakes, Pudding, anything food related
Think about it, what is one of Beel's biggest pleasures in life? What does he yearn for so much, that he can't clear his mind from it to the point it is brought up in every conversation he's having? Food. So it's only natural that using food related nicknames will make him feel as important to you as food is to him.
Beel licks his lips as his eyes skim through the grocery list. You had brought him along with you to a human world supermarket, assuming you'll be able to keep him at bay, except... you forgot to take one variable into consideration.
"Cheese, cheese! Come try our cheese!" You were doing a good job holding him back from finishing a whole tub of blueberries, but the announcement called from afar by a samples vendor made his ears perk up. It took all of your magical energy to stop him from storming that poor salesperson like a hungry wolf, but you've managed. "I'm so sorry, y/n... you know it's hard for me to resist human world food, and for free too..." Beel was pouting at you, genuinely feeling guilty for scaring the unfortunate human. "I know you're trying your best... you were doing so well today, my little cinnamon roll."
"Mm, cinnamon rolls... can we go get some now? Please?"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Belphegor ━ Baby, baby boy
With every cell in his body, Belphegor loves being babied. As the youngest brother, he's often spoiled by his siblings and gets away with a lot. He's allowed to slack off, be rude or partake in the usual pranks and leave nearly unscathed because he's just so cute. Naturally, his pick to be called by his lover will be along those same terms of endearment and he will absolutely melt whenever you use them to address him.
"Five more minutes, I promise we'll make it in time..." Belphegor mutters sleepily, sheltering you between his arms as he snuggles closer to you. You take a peek at the clock, five minutes had turned to fifteen, but your weary demon refuses to let go of the bed, or of you. Sighing, you accept your upcoming fate of being scolded by Lucifer for your tardiness and reach to caress Belphegor's warm cheek, earning a soft hum in return. "You're gonna get us both in trouble, baby boy."
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thehotelpod · 11 months
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5.1 Merp and Burble
Our first Big Named Event arc! "BEHIND THE CURTAIN" which I'm almost certain I picked because we could do this cool ass curtain frame device. Izzy continues to bring the pain here with photo bashed curtains, a modified Madam Hotel horrifyingly cartooning about like bugs bunny to reveal our almost Trevor Henderson-like trail cam timelapse photo of Merp. He also gave me a number of color options on this one, maybe we'll have a section in The Guestbook Vol. II of bts sketches? I'll ask Izzy. This one holds a special place in my heart because Merp is, as devotees will recall, just Scary Slar.
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rest of the season under the cut! (it's long, you've been warned)
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5.2 It Watches and It Smiles
look! The curtain connects at the top! It's gonna be one long picture!
This monster was actually based on a 3 foot tall hard foam statue we had in our house growing up. It is actually scarier looking than you are imagining, made every one of my cousins cry, and is not only something I had nightmares about but also one of the main reasons so much of my horror is "something weird is Over There but looking at you". Full disclosure, one of the reasons I put this monster in this episode was so that Izzy would have to draw a postcard of it and maybe someone would recognize it and tell me what the hell it is because I have not so much as a single photograph of it. BUT then Izzy showed me this drawing, which almost completely hides the monster but it's just so so good I couldn't pass it up. The implied shape and DYNAMITE bloody palm fronds make this look so much like a 90s book cover I fell in love right away. We always try to keep those season and episode numbers in the postcards now too, but I think we forget sometimes?
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5.2 Nothing Can Kill That Which Glowers
LOOK AT THIS ONE. Madam Hotel rotting in the reflection of the bubble (she was supposed to show up more in those episodes and sort of be in the process of rotting but she ended up being a single light instead.), I'm crazy about the Owner here, Izzy loves to always keep a little monster in the mix when he draws the Staff. And miss Manager POPS like an 80s music video. Lot's of subtle layers and textures here that can get overlooked, but just like the lake the Owner sinks into, it deepens the longer you linger (did you find the episode number?)
I also like to remind everyone that 'That Which Glowers' is the Grimace and this episode title is a reference to the Clerks cartoon.
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5.4 We Are...Watching You...
But are you really LOOKING at it? Do you SEE Izzy's MIND? Lined up you get back to back Managers mirroring each other as well as Madam Hotel in the wings of the now completed curtains--these doubles ALSO frame what is hopefully implied to be the Lobby Boy's hand reaching for his Manager. All of this duality and connection not only reinforces what we know about the characters and show already but set up beautifully the new mirrors about to arrive...
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5.5 The Bellhop
THERE SHE IS! There's my goblin girl. You get the bloody vision of the Hotel as Hop sees it as well as the framing for a triptych of the New Crew, each on their own floor. The New Crew stands apart from the Staff in that they have canonical designs immediately, so there tends to be less variation on their fan designs. However there was like ONE WEEK or so before this episode dropped where people were drawing Hop ALL KINDS OF ways. She's one of my favorite designs Izzy's done for the show and I think it's partially because she looks a little like ET.
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5.6 The Concierge
Shut up. Shut UP. Look at those colors. Look at that face. Look at those shoulders. Look at those colors! THE COLORS DUKE! THE COLORS!!!! and those printing spots breaking up the lines, all layered over starlight?! It should be, at this point, very hard for Izzy to outdo himself but...he just keeps on outdoing it. We jump down a floor here and the Concierge has slightly more brick surrounding him than the Bellhop did so my pattern recognizers in the crowd can probably guess what's coming next--
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5.6 The Auditor
It's been pointed out that Aud has gotten the most detailed description of the main characters on the show. I try to always keep it vague so everyone can imagine whatever they like , but the Auditor is so weird I just wanted to play a little. I saw this scary looking, lonely monster begging to be seen in all white surrounded by nothing. Even the brick and mortar of the Hotel doesn't seem to want to be around her much. One thing I love about Izzy's work is how well he combines whimsy and fun with actual scary imagery. She looks really scary. That is a scary looking monster he drew.
I also think she kind of looks like this alien from Star Trek IV (hey look Star Trek showed up)
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5.9 Tenaj Druh - 004 Moor
Oh how I wish I could have a full set of New Crew postcards from Izzy seeing season 1 from a different perspective (for that matter I'd love a full set of season 1 from Izzy, but one thing at a time). Getting to not only see Janet Hurd, but see the NEW CREW checking her in is so so exciting. And the Manager's TV's re-imagined as giant bloody eyeballs is expressed to it's grossest perfection here. Even the Goosebumps frame is tinted sickly green. (the rest of the season also has Goosebumps frames but I'm trying to show off Izzy's art I want you all to have a good look)
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5.10 Tnurb Yrrah - 002 Moor
this one's bonkers. The Hubble's ultra deep field on the left, brains on the right but both halves of one face with the broken illusion between them that is just the building of the Hotel herself?? It's got poster folds and teeth for doors! This is a really stunning one that I feel like deserves a little more attention than it gets. Also maybe I spoke too soon on the Goosebumps frame, I don't...this one doesn't have one but maybe I just saved that file somewhere weird.
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This is i think the first one we did that had a Goosebumps frame baked in. You can see the 5 and 11 on the clock give us our season and episode number, but that gets a little lost on the printed version so here it is in all it's glory. Love to get to see Judy here her FACE is so EXPRESSIVE and sharp. Notice how Izzy does NOT draw her with a gap tooth. Is that gap battle damage, or some aesthetic flourish the Hotel likes for her bodies? You'd have to ask Izzy. Also love getting to see him draw the things in her furnace room, which are like huge and imply a much larger elevator inside the box. Always reinforcing that boundaries and rules do not apply at the Hotel
they are also based on the family from Mac and Me
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what the fuuuck?? why are they so scary??? why are they like that?? why did they make this movie this way?? I was a child!
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5.12 The Reaper's Envy
Finishing up the season is this gorgeous party poster that would be right at home in the 90s. Other than the colors (THE COLOR!) I want to point out the confetti that breaks out of the border that also quietly includes some vermin (all up top, letting your eye drift down to the New Crew being reflected in what hopefully everyone assumed was Judy Blashy's eye. Of course we know now who's eye that is and what it's connected to (nothing its nothing it got cut out)
And that's season 5. Now we have entered the @filthyguts desert and must wait once again for the rains to return. I've got new ideas for season 6 that are gonna completely change how we do the art for the show and maybe we can even squeeze some button designs out of him when we launch the next wave of stuff we're launching.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and 100 more times, but Izzy's art is a hugely important part of the show, a source of inspiration not only to the fans who listen but to me myself (especially in my lower moments) and I am so so happy that his art and his style has come to define the show.
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Summary: In which Jude is in an interview and asked about the reader
Time period: A few years after the world cup
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"Welcome back to another episode of one on one, today we are joined by one of the world's greatest midfielders Jude Bellingham, Jude how are you" the interviewer asks
"I'm great man, how are you"
"Good thanks, now you have been to the world cup a few years ago and played against Kylian Mbappe can you please tell us what that was like"
"Uhm well I'll tell you one thing the man's got speed,a really amazing player, great talent but playing against him was something I kinda found hard to fathom and get it into my head, I mean we tried our best to hold on as long as possible and all that matters is that we tried our best"
"Ok I wanna ask a bit about your personal life if that's fine" the interviewer says
"No sure go ahead"
"Your Wife Y/N can you tell us a bit about her"
"Well y/n is my wife, she's the mother of my three lovely kids ,she is my best friend, the love of my life and I don't think I would still be here if it wasn't for her and my mom"
"That's sweet, can you tell us how you met your wife"
" uhm well we met at a red carpet event where she was her brother's plus one and we were placed next to one another so we just started having conversations and at the end of the night we exchanged numbers and after first becoming best friends, about a year later I confessed my feelings for her and she told me she felt the same and we dated for a few years then tied the knote"
"What's something that just makes you fall in love with her again"
"She has this weird laugh that freaks some people out but cause it sounds weird so when I hear her laugh it just reminds or takes me back to the times I would make her laugh before we were dating and I'd get the same reaction"
"What's one thing that just sometimes annoys you about her"
"Nothing she's perfect and I love her so much"
" I've never heard someone answer a question like that, I usually get 'the way she controls the household or how she wants everything presise'
"Well my wife's not like other wife's I mean yes she has her tendency of being a bit controlling, but once she realizes she doing it she immediately stops and asks us on our opinions of what we want to do"
"Who does the cooking and looking after the kids in the house"
" well it's the both of us ,sometimes we'll rotate like I'll do the cooking while she looks after the kids and vice versa, because I can't expect her to do all that by herself, it'll strain her physically and emotionally and I can't let that happen"
"Would you say that if your wife wasn't in your life that you'd have still made it"
"No, absolutely not, my wife has seen me at my lowest and my highest, she's always been there to help and pick me up when I was at my lowest and support me at my highest and same goes for her I saw her at her lowest and her highest and I'm really proud of the things she's achieved .
"And how's fatherhood treating you"
" Fatherhood has it moments when it tough and times when it's enjoyable, my kids they are growing up so fast you know, it feels like just yesterday I was holding them for the first time"
"Can you please share a moment that you shared with your children"
"There was this one time when I had gotten home late from practice and Leilani my 5year old daughter was still up playing with her toys, when I asked her why she was up she told me she was waiting for me to come back home cause she had something important to tell me or rather ask me"
"What did she wanna say"
"She said to me, Daddy I love you so much and I always will, because you will always have a special place in my heart, but I have a boyfriend and he's gonna be my husband cause we're getting married, I looked at her in shock because I wasn't expecting that, then I told her she had to break up with him and she started crying, so I told her she can have her boyfriend and she stopped crying, right before asking me to read her a story book and tuck her in, when I refused she started crying until I agreed"
"Well thank you so much Jude for joining us today I really enjoyed it"
"No problem mate and thank you too"
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paperbag-prncss-writes · 10 months
Warming Cold Hearts
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Ghost, who had a challenging childhood, has never experienced the joys of winter activities. On Christmas Eve, Soap surprises him with a snowman-building adventure. Despite initial reluctance, Ghost discovers the magic of the season.
Read on AO3
The winter wind howled through the Scottish highlands, biting into every exposed inch of skin. Snowflakes, delicate and intricate, pirouetted in the air, casting a mesmerizing dance across the landscape. A soft, powdery blanket coated the earth in pristine white, transforming the world into a serene winter wonderland. In the heart of this frozen wilderness stood a quaint cottage - the MacTavish holiday home, nestled among ancient pines, adorned with a wreath and twinkling Christmas lights. The air was crisp, carrying with it the scent of pine and the distant promise of a crackling fireplace.
Inside the cottage, a fire filled the room with its warmth, inviting everyone to remain and find some comfort between those wooden walls. The fire crackled a comforting symphony that battled the chill of the winter day. A Christmas tree, adorned with ornaments collected over the years by late Grandmother MacTavish, stood proudly in the corner, its lights shimmering like stars.
John "Soap" MacTavish gazed out the window, captivated by the ethereal beauty of the snowfall. His breath formed tiny clouds in the air as he turned to his partner, Simon "Ghost" Riley, who was wrapped in a thick blanket on the couch, reading a crime novel and occasionally making an annoyed comment about how some of the story strands are just not being realistic.
"Ye ken, Si, it's Christmas Eve. How about we dae somethin' special this year?" Johnny suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Simon arched an eyebrow, peering over the book. "Special? This weather is freezing my ass off, and I don't see anything special about it?"
Johnny chuckled, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on Simon's forehead. "Exactly. I was thinkin' we could go outside and build a snowman. Embrace the holiday spirit, ya ken?"
Simon rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "A snowman? Seriously? Johnny, I've never understood the appeal of playing in the snow."
Soap chuckled, reaching for Simon’s hand. "Ah, ye'll warm up to it, Si. How about we make some good memories in the snow for a change? Trust me, you're going to love this. "
Despite Simon's initial reluctance, Johnny's enthusiasm was infectious. Bundled up in layers, they stepped outside into the winter wonderland. The cold air bit at Simon's exposed skin, and he shivered involuntarily.
"Remind me why we're doing this again?" Simon grumbled, wrapping his scarf tighter around his face.
Johnny grinned, undeterred by Simon’s lack of enthusiasm, scooping up a handful of snow. "Because, my dear Si, ye've never built a snowman, have ye? And every person should experience the joy of that at least once in their life."
Simon shook his head, his breath visible in the chilly air. "No, and I don't see the appeal…"
Soap laughed, bending down to gather snow. "Well, that's about to change."
As they worked together, rolling balls of snow, shaping the snow into a lopsided figure, Simon couldn't help but feel a strange warmth inside. Johnny’s laughter echoed through the quit highlands. Maybe it was the effort they put into crafting something so simple yet filled with holiday charm. Simon couldn’t help but crack a smile.
"There we go," Johnny declared, placing a makeshift hat on top of the snowman and stepped back to admire their creation. "Not bad for our first attempt, eh?"
Simon smirked, a genuine spark in his eyes, with a hint of pride. "I guess it's not the worst thing I've ever done."
Johnny chuckled, pulling Simon closer. "Ye're doing great, Simon. And we're not done yet."
The couple returned to the cottage, rosy-cheeked and covered in snow. Johnny's parents greeted them with smiles, ushering them toward the fireplace. The crackling flames bathed the room in a comforting glow, thawing their frozen limbs. The scent of cocoa filled the air as they settled by the fire.
Johnny's dad emerged from the kitchen, carrying two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. He handed them to the couple, his eyes twinkling with warmth.
"Nothin' like a cup of hot cocoa to chase away the cold," he said, patting Simon on the shoulder.
Simon accepted the mug, his fingers tingling as they wrapped around the warmth. He took a tentative sip, the rich chocolate flavor spreading comfort throughout his body.
Johnny thanked his father as he took his mug and immediately began to rave. It’s just like when he used to be a child, coming home frozen after spending the day in the snow and his parents would wrap him in a blanket in front of the fireplace and warm him up with a cup of hot chocolate.
Simon’s gaze wandered around the cozy room, taking in the warmth and the love that filled the space. He stopped and gazed into the flickering flames, as a wave of nostalgia washed over him. He remembered his own childhood—a time when warmth, hot chocolate, and family were distant dreams. A lump formed in his throat as he realized what he had missed out on till now, and he felt a few tears escape his eyes. He quickly wiped it away, hoping Johnny wouldn’t notice.
But Johnny noticed the change in Simon's demeanor and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Simon shook his head, his voice a whisper. "Nothing. Just…I never had this, Johnny. I never had a cozy fireplace, hot chocolate, or someone to build a snowman with. I missed out on so much. I suppose snow isn’t that bad if you have a warm home to come back after."
Johnny he pulled Simon into a warm embrace. His expression was filled with understanding. "Well, ye've got it now. Ye've got me, and ye've got my family. We'll make up for lost time, aye?"
Simon nodded, a mix of emotions playing across his face. SImon felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the flames. It was the warmth of love, acceptance, and the promise of a future filled with joy.
The room fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the crackling of the fire. Outside, the snow continued to fall, wrapping the world in a serene blanket. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of love and the chill of winter, Simon realized that Christmas wasn't just about snowmen and hot chocolate—it was about creating new memories and finding joy in unexpected places.
As the day wore on, Johnny and Simon shared stories with Johnny's family, partaking in a festive feast that warmed both their hearts and bellies. The holiday cheer permeated the cottage, and Simon found himself laughing more than he had in years.
As night descended, Johnny suggested something that made Simon raise an eyebrow. "How about a nice, warm bath to end the day? We can relax and unwind together."
Simon smirked, a playful glint in his eye. "You just want an excuse to get me out of these layers."
Johnny chuckled, "Maybe a bit. But seriously, it'll be nice. We can enjoy the warmth and each other's company."
The couple filled the antique bathtub with steaming water, the room filling with the soothing scent of lavender bubbles. Candles adorned the edges, casting a soft, flickering light that danced on the walls. The warmth of the water embraced them as they settled into the tub, Simon hesitated for a moment before stepping in, the warm water a welcome contrast to the winter chill, letting out a contented sigh.
"This is actually not bad," Simon admitted. Johnny joined him, and they relaxed in the soothing embrace of the water, The tension from the day melted away, replaced by a quit contentment.
Johnny grinned, reaching for a loofah. "Now, how about I wash yer back? It's the least I can do for the man who built his first snowman today."
Simon chuckled, enjoying the gentle massage of Johnny’s hands against his shoulders. "You’re spoiling me, Johnny."
Johnny leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Simon’s neck. "Ye deserve it, Si."
The warm water, the gentle touch, and the intimacy of the moment washed away the cold of the day. Simon closed his eyes, letting the stress of the past fade into the background. Johnny reached for a bottle of shampoo. His fingers worked through his hair, massaging his scalp, and Simon couldn't help but let out a satisfied groan. As Johnny rinsed Simon’s hair, their eyes met in the flickering candlelight. It was a simple moment, yet it held a depth of intimacy that words couldn’t capture. In that quit bathroom, surrounded by warmth and the person he loved, Simon felt a sense of completeness.
After the bath, wrapped in fluffy towels, they returned to the bedroom. Johnny lit a few candles, casting a soft glow across the room. The crackling fireplace added to the ambiance, creating a haven of warmth and comfort.
As they slipped into bed, Simon couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude. He had found a new family, a new home, and a love that melted even the coldest memories of his past.
Johnny wrapped his arms around Simon, their bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. “Merry Christmas, Si.”
Simon snuggled closer, feeling the steady rhythm of Johnny’s heartbeat. “Merry Christmas, Johnny.”
And in the quiet embrace of the night, with the snow falling gently outside, they drifted into dreams filled with love, and warmth.
Christmas morning dawned with a serene beauty, the Scottish highlands draped in a sparkling quilt of snow. The cottage stood nestled among the pines, a picturesque scene bathed in the soft hues of dawn. Inside, the aroma of a hearty breakfast filled the air as Johnny and Simon prepared for a day of festive celebration.
The anticipation heightened as Johnny's three sisters, his aunts, uncles and cousins arrived, their laughter echoing through the cottage. Morag, the eldest sister and a skilled hairdresser, embraced Simon with warmth. Her eyes lit up when she caught sight of Simon’s blond curls, tousled just right from the winter breeze.
"Och, Simon, look at these curls! Ye're takin' good care of them," Morag admired, her hands itching to touch.
Simon chuckled, running a hand through his hair self-consciously. "Well, they usually just do their own thing."
Morag grinned, her excitement contagious. "Aye, they've got a life of their own. But let me tell ye, they're magnificent. Yer doin’ good!"
Simon exchanged a glance with Johnny, who smirked and nodded in agreement. "Morag's right. Ye're perfect as ye are."
After a delightful lunch filled with festive cheer, the family gathered around the Christmas tree, exchanging gifts and sharing laughter. The crackling fireplace cast a warm glow, creating a cozy atmosphere that enveloped the room.
Collin, Johnny’s cousin with a penchant for mischief, suggested reliving the old days with a snowball fight. "Remember the fun we had when we were bairns?" he exclaimed with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
The idea was met with unanimous enthusiasm, and soon the family was bundling up in layers, heading outside into the winter wonderland. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow on the pristine snow.
Johnny and Simon, fueled by strategic experiences on the battlefield, decided to build a small fort near the cottage. The snow beneath their gloves was cold and powdery, perfect for molding into protective walls. As they worked, the MacTavishes prepared for the friendly skirmish.
Once the battlefield was set, the snowball fight erupted in a cascade of laughter and gleeful shouts. Johnnyand Simon strategically defended their fort against the onslaught of snowballs, their playful laughters peppering the air with banter and joy.
As the laughter subsided and the sun began to dip below the horizon, the family retreated to the warmth of the cottage, cheeks rosy and hearts full. The scent of hot cocoa and freshly baked cookies greeted them, and a cozy fire crackled in the hearth. In that cozy moment, surrounded by the warmth of love and the echoes of shared laughter, Simon felt a deep sense of belonging.
As the day turned into night, the family gathered around a grand feast, sharing stories and raising toasts to love and laughter. Johnny’s parents regaled everyone with tales of Christmas traditions, and Morag, ever the storyteller, kept the room alive with her infectious energy.
Later in the evening, as the festivities began to wind down, Johnny and Simon found themselves drawn to the quiet comfort of the living room. The glow of the Christmas tree bathed the room in soft light as they settled on the couch, wrapped in each other's warmth.
Johnny traced patterns on Simon’s hand, their fingers entwined. "Ye know, this has been the best Christmas I've had in a long time."
Simon smiled, his eyes reflecting the fire's flickering light. "Yes, mine too. I never thought Christmas could be so... magical."
Johnny leaned in, capturing Simon’s lips in a tender kiss. The room fell into a quiet, intimate hush as they savored the moment, the love between them deepening with each passing second.
And as the Scottish highlands embraced the tranquil beauty of a snowy Christmas night, Johnny and Simon found solace in the simple, profound magic of love, their hearts warmed by the embrace of family and the promise of many more shared moments in the years to come.
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starghost-fics · 2 months
my dear ones, we have finally made it. i am splitting no more chapters, adding no more unexpected scenes. this is the capper of caps, this is the epilogue of epilogues. i hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 24—epilogue: two or three years later: Trent finds himself back at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art with Ted and the kids.
please note: we have double content behind the cut. both my rambling comments on this chapter, and a very special assortment of facts about their lives
at the very last minute, as I was debating whether to actually keep writing and show the proposal, I realized I had the opportunity to end, visually, like S3, but in a much more unambiguously positive way.
I like Ted's expression in that last shot of S3, the longing and uncertainty and also satisfaction written all over his face, and the way this imperfect little comedy never gave in to being simplistically happy and instead poked at the fact that life is difficult and full of compromises while also being wonderful if you work at it, but also:
let the man just be extremely happy and not sacrifice an entire life he built for the idea of a nuclear family, maybe? maybe?
anyway, closing shot on Ted's face, but this time right before he makes a very good decision as opposed to sometime after he made a difficult to negative one.
My original note to myself for an epilogue was a very simple sketch:
"Unspecified future. Ted and Trent sit on a bench under a tree. Trent has a tea in his hand; Ted has a cocoa. Ted's puffer is zipped to his chin, and Trent has a messily hand-knit scarf around his neck. Ted's arm stretches along the back of the bench; the way Trent's legs are crossed, his foot hovers in front of Ted's shin. They talk about nothing. They talk about art. They talk about work (Trent is teaching at a university in addition to continuing to write). They talk about whatever. "Vi will be coming soon with Charlotte," Ted says, looking at his phone. They go home. They have a home."
but then one day i was very tired at work and then i thought of Trent nervous on a trip back to KC and Henry seeing right through him and imagined how Trent would feel at Henry asking to call him Dad and being so forcefully reminded of his own happiness and the family he's made
and i couldn't say no to THAT
i mean i almost had a heart attack at my desk
I would also like to admit that I'm pretty sure I was thinking of Alexis de Tocqueville's tour of America, not Marquis de Lafayette, when I made the reference in the very first paragraph of this fic, though Lafayette did famously return to America post-Revolution and stayed over a year. Maybe Trent and Ted had the same brainfart, and that's why they're meant to be together.
some facts about the rest of their lives
Trent gets through the little proposal he'd written for himself (he was not going to fuck up the whole speaking words thing again by attempting to improvise this of all things) but then gets flustered because Ted is openly sobbing as he says yes.
Ted keeps the picture of them on their first date (the one by the river) in a place of honor at home, and uses it as his phone's background. (his lock screen is always Henry, and then Henry and Charlotte.) Trent pretends to be aggrieved by this (he didn't know it was a date, and then he blocked Ted, how could you keep reminding me) but truly he loves it, loves remembering that date, loves the way they look together in the sunset.
Ted and Trent have an eternally-running argument about the greatest book of all time, which is meaningless to both of them, but which they get very heated about; in this way, they end up less heated when they have actual arguments.
Trent steals Ted's bland sweaters ("do you just walk into j crew* and take the whole mannequin to the register" "what's wrong with that, they worked hard putting that outfit together") but only wears them for two reasons: he's at home and it's cold, or he knows he's going out and he styles it with all his old beat up band and rock shit from his youth with Vi
* please note that I don't know the UK equivalent to j crew and am not about to do research for bonus notes on a fanfic
When Charlotte is ten, they get a dog. She negotiated with the whole family to decide that they would certainly find the corgi of their dreams at the fostering center, but once they arrive, she (quickly followed by Ted) falls in love with Lucy, a mix of unspecified origins, but almost certainly with some Great Dane in her heritage. Lucy is nearly as large as Charlotte when they curl up on the floor, and Trent secretly lets her join him on the couch when he's reading.
Ted has a million nicknames for Charlotte, yes, but almost exclusively uses 'sweetheart' for Trent. (Well, and 'sport,' for the memories.) Why sweetheart, Trent never asks, but Ted tells him one day anyway: it's because Ted always knew that behind that fearsome journalist was a heart as sweet as sugar, and boy, was he ever right.
After that, he starts calling Trent 'sugar' once in a while.
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
former drivers
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🌹   = personal favourite 🎄= christmas collection
🍑   = spicy / smutty 🍂 = cozy collection
 🌩  = emotional / angsty 💍 = wedding saga
🐥 = domestic bliss
nyck de vries
monza is for believers 🌩🌹
summary: nyck gets his f1 debut, and y/n is there to watch his dreams come true. after the race is over, he makes a decision that will alter the course of their friendship forever.
does your mother know (headcanons) 🍑🌹
summary: nyck’s wanted this for years, and now his dream is finally coming true. his girlfriend thinks it’s time to celebrate. or, celebratory sex with nyck to celebrate his alphatauri contract
dasher (the christmas collection 2022) 🎄
summary: its christmas in the netherlands, and nyck thought it would be a wonderful idea to bring y/n home to meet his family and feel what a small town winter is like. too bad she never told nyck that she didn’t know how to ice skate.
mick schumacher
graduation day ( headcanons ) 🌹
summary: mick’s girlfriend just graduated college, and he has never been more proud in his life
acne scars ( headcanons )
summary: mick discovers that his girlfriend has residual acne scars. just some more soft and supportive boyfriend mick <3
pumpkin patch ( cozy collection 2022 ) 🍂💍
summary: as y/ns favourite season draws near, mick realizes how desperately he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, and what better place to propose than in the prettiest pumpkin patch he has ever seen (mini fic)
country girl (shake it for me) (cota 2022 special !) 🍑🌹
summary: amidst the chaos of the 2022 season, mick retreats to texas for a break from reality and some quality family time on the ranch. of course, when he wears that cowboy hat and those tight jeans, rest and relaxation is the last thing on y/ns mind.
lucky people(headcanons) 🌹
summary: the adventures of bookworm-youtuber y/n and her adorable f1 driver boyfriend mick
fairytale of new york (the christmas collection 2022) 🎄🌩 🌹
summary: it's her first christmas alone, and he's wandering around new york in the middle of an existential crisis about his future. it was simply meant to be
tenderness (headcanons)
summary: soft aftercare with sweet lover boy mick <3
a thousand miles ( race of champions 2023 special edition fic ! ) 🌹
summary: searching for life after f1, the race of champions may just have the answer mick needs, in the form of a shy former w series driver who is just as lost as he is
the heart wants what it wants, baby🌹
summary: in this unofficial sequel to lucky people, our favourite booktuber and her golden retriever boyfriend do the the viral 'can you stand in the doorframe like boys in books do' trend.
his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room 🍑
summary: she’s a woman with very specific taste. all she wants is to be worshipped, reminded of her worth, and mick is all to happy to use her as his altar.
kiss me down by the broken treehouse (the cozy collection 2023) 🍂🌹
honeymoons in the midwest, heart shaped jacuzzis and scented bubble bath. this is how mick wants the rest of his life to be
I can’t get no satisfaction 🌹🍑
camping out in the library after hours, and too stressed to retain information, the student librarian has an idea about how take all of that stress away. and it doesn’t involve reference books.
time after some time
mick is gone a lot because of his job, which makes the moments they share all the more special. especially the moments shared in the half light before he has to go and catch his next flight.
sticky, sweaty days are no fun, aren’t they?
dancing in the dark (the cosy collection 2024) 🍑
after her team gets totally ripped apart in court, yn returns home and changes into some comfy clothes, content to lounge on the couch for the rest of the evening. however, that flannel shirt drives mick crazy, and he has other plans
daniil kvyat
repercussions 🌹🐥
tired of flying under the radar after moving to monaco with her athlete sister, the last thing y/n expected was to fall in love with the russian she met at the bookstore.
daniel ricciardo
maybe, baby ( headcanons ) 🍑🌹🐥
summary: daniel and his fiancee decide it's time for a baby, at a time when his future looks more and more uncertain
the songs that remind us of the good times (headcanons)
summary: singapore brings the best result of daniel's season. let the celebrations and declarations ensue
jack and sally ( the cozy collection 2022 ) 🍂💍🌹
summary: scotty and chloe are throwing a halloween party, and danny and y/n think they've got the best couples costume in the entire party.
cuts like a knife ( headcanons ) 🌹🐥
summary: he's a local legend in perth, and she's just the girl that works at the dive bar. ( for all intents and purposes, every song that he sings is by bryan adams. )
baby, it's cold outside (the christmas collection 2022) 🎄🌹🐥
summary: daniel and his wife celebrate his first christmas without f1 with their daughter while they reminisce on how they got there.
the right temperature to be keeping you warm (kinktober 2023) 🍑
she’s not used to october being as warm as it is when she joins daniel in perth for thanksgiving. the heat is unbearable, and daniel has a fun way to cool her down.
vermont (the christmas collection 2023) 🎄
the ski trip sounded all well and good in theory. except for the fact that she would rather be in the chalet than on the slopes. so when she gets stuck on a ski lift and starts to hyperventilate, danny is the one to calm her down.
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Comics this week? (Specially The Ultimates #4)
Anonymous asked: Comics this week ?
My Adventures With Superman #4 - I know the DCAU JLU Christmas episode is popular, but I've always been put off by it. I can't help seeing an air of condescension in how it treats Superman being a grown man who still believes in Santa, I get a "yes he's dumb and gullible, but isn't that wholesome?" takeaway from it all. Meanwhile I loved how Josie Campbell explored celebrating Christmas here as an expression of love and family. Ma and Pa adopted Clark as their son even though he wasn't blood, then the comic expands that to touch on how Lois and Jimmy have become "family" too. Even extends it right up to Amazo getting treated by Clark as a brother in a touching moment where Superman willingly shares his powers with Amazo so they both can kick Bloodsport and Deathstroke's asses, and Amazo tells Clark he thinks of Clark as family also. It's all very sweet right up until Deathstroke blows a hole in Amazo at the end. Bloodsport is the coolest he has ever been here, when he brings out the big guns I was hooting and hollering. I think this might be my favorite take on Amazo now too. I dug his DCAU incarnation but this is the first time I'm really invested in him as a character, and there's tension because he might not make it out alive.
Absolute Power #3 - Waid is trying to weave together the disparate threads of the past year into a cohesive whole, while simultaneously trying to shuffle the detritus of the past year off the board. End result is a mess of stitched together moments that don't work imo. Example of that is Nightwing "stepping up" as a leader, yet his push feeling hollow when his team failed to take the League's place. A number of other characters like Barda and Mid-Nite get written out of character so that Dick as the avatar of the Silver Age ethos can prove them wrong. Oh and if I have to read another issue of Waid going HEART is our REAL superpower, I think my eyes might be permanently stuck in a cycle of rolling.
Ultimates #4 - Ultimates #4 reminded me of reading Ruins. Exceptionally bleak from beginning to end, poor 6160 Reed. It avoids being nihilistic at least because there is a malicious bad actor in Maker who is making sure that everything turns out as bad as it possibly can, rather than it simply being the nature of the world. Sets up an Ultimate F4 book for sure, but given how Doom is outright skirting the edge of villainy with how he ominously says he’s adhering to Tony’s moral rules for now, I’m wondering if he won’t actually be a part of the team. Maybe he’s the one who gets captured and Tony creates an Ultimate F4 of entirely new people to go save him? Otherwise I see their failure to beat Hulk being the point at which Doom bails on the Ultimates team. I’d prefer Doom be part of the Ultimate F4 though, he’s simply too interesting as a Reed who is massively messed up but is trying to be a hero. If they do end up making him a villain that would be an utter waste of potential. Maker is already the broken Reed, Doom needs to be the Reed who is bent but not broken. Seeing him walk the tightrope is more interesting than seeing him fall off.
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alisterix · 2 years
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@zitronenmilchmaedchen great tag! What have you done. Now I'll never shut up. This is for you and for everybody else who cares a lot about Cacofonix/Assurancetourix.
Justforkix/Goudurix (from Asterix and the Vikings) did! Though not in the movie (because it didn't have as much focus on Cacofonix) but in the comic book that the movie was based on, Asterix and the Normans. This volume has a special place in my heart for how much spotlight and appreciation Cacofonix received in it, so let's talk about it!
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After Cacofonix attempted to sing and received the usual response from his fellows, Justforkix proceeded to compliment him, he even went as far as to tell him that he's wasting his talent in the village and that he'd make a great career in Lutetia!
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The thought excited Cacofonix so much he kept bringing it up multiple times to Justforkix, who at that point was too scared by the Normans coming to Gaul to really pay any attention to the bard and his career. Eventually Cacofonix decided to take matters into his own hands and leave...
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...at the worst possible time! He left unaware of the fact that the Normans had kidnapped Justforkix and refused to let him go unless there was another way to teach them the meaning of fear. The best way to strike fear into the Normans' souls was, of course, Cacofonix, though fetching the bard turned out to be more difficult than expected since he had to be chased down and persuaded to abandon his plans of prestige and fame.
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He didn't hesitate one bit though once he learned that Justforkix was the one who needed his help. How could he not rush to his aid, the teen has been so kind to him and appreciative of him after all, unlike all those barbarians he's constantly surrounded with, with no appreciation for music! He happily returned, put one hell of a performance and reveled in well deserved praise for it. The goal was accomplished: the Normans learned to feel fear, Justforkix was safe, Cacofonix got to give his first real concert in front of a willing audience. He gets to be the hero that saves the day!
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The satisfaction from it appeared to be enough for Cacofonix to not give any more thought to his previous career plans. He stayed and even got to participate in the banquet, instead of being tied up like usual, which I honestly love so much. His singing, though almost universally frowned upon, has proven helpful and worthy of respect. What a sweet and validating moment for my boy <3
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The way Justforkix appreciated Cacofonix's singing is really endearing to me! Also gets me thinking. Is Cacofonix's music really, objectively terrible or has he just not found the right audience for himself? The way his fellow folks dismiss his singing as "not actual music, just horrible noise" vs Justforkix saying "whoa this is actually really good omg you're so underrated" reminds me of how you'd have fans of, let's say, death metal, music with lots of screaming ect, and then there are people who can't stand it and it's awful to them. Lmao I am delighted by the idea of Lutetian teenagers vibing really well with Cacofonix and his "edgy" music... and then their parents being like, ugh, kids these days, what even is this nonsense they are listening to. This awful bard has a terrible influence on our children xD
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lmskitty · 8 months
Hi again......If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
1. Jujutsu Kaisen
2. Gorillaz
3. Sailor Moon
4. Outlast
5. The Last Binding Series by Freya Marske
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion
7. FMA Brotherhood
8. The Magnus Archives
9. Fake (manga series)
10. Digimon
1. It brought me joy and fandom and friendship again and made me feel like myself after a very long time. I know the narrative can be traumatic but it also has these incredible moments that just feel you with awe (like Todo turning up to help Yuji fight or seeing Gojo do hollow purple for the first time) it just reminded me of everything I love about anime.
2. My first real fandom, the first thing I wrote proper fanfiction for. The lore and the music and the animation just amazed me when I saw it when I was 11 and I've not been happy with decisions they've made recently (overpriced merch in a cost of living crisis, NFTs to celebrate Plastic Beach?!?) I'll still always love them and be excited for new content.
3. First anime love, first time seeing a relationship with two women helping me to identify as bi (now I'd say pan) I grew up believing that to be a strong woman you had to disregard femininity and seeing Usagi be the strongest with her bunny drawings and her focus on friendship and love just rewired my brain.
4. I love horror, I was brought up with it but for a very long time nothing has scared me and I found horror media repetitive. Outlast genuinely scared me and I was SO happy and I love reading the character notes and comics.
5. I've talked about this series a bunch but A Marvellous Light was the first book I'd read in years that made me cry and just stayed in my head for ages. Everything I'd loved about harry potter but done properly.
6. I was at a sleepover at a friend's and someone stuck this on and everyone was talking and I was just glued to the screen because what the FUCK WAS THIS?!?!? I've watched it since with my husband and it still hits me so hard every time. It's such a powerful portrayal of depression and nihilism and how relationships can fuck you up. It's beautiful and I think it's one of the best anime's of all time.
7. The opposite of neon Genesis lol. Love and family and forgiveness and what it means to sacrifice for the people you care about. Devoured brotherhood with my husband and we were both in tears by the end of it. I'd also been told I couldn't have kids and we had struggled with a miscarriage and Izumi and Sig just hit me so hard. (I have a bub now tho it came out ok in the end) but the characters still feel so real and there's so many amazing moments.
8. I listened to all of this and played Minecraft with my husband till like 6 am on weekends. We would discuss at length our theories and it just holds a special place in my heart. It's perfect horror and John and Martin's relationship just means a lot to me. I related a LOT to Martin and loved the series and I've super been enjoying the Magnus Protocol too! Also that first fucking recording of Nikola Orsinov?!?!? We both sat still staring at each other genuinely freaked the fuck out and we still quote it at each other! "I mean, you can if you really want to, but you’re not going to like it." CHILLS EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!
9. I read a lot of BL manga with my friends (*old lady voice* back in my day we called it Yaoi!!!) And so many of them had terrible tropes and big hands. This was the first one I ever read that I still adore that had an amazing love story and plot. It was revolutionary to see an LGBTQ story not just about them being gay or coming out but it had real detective cases and murders etc and I still wish we could get a tv show of it.
10. When Gojo talked about Digimon I fell even further in love. It's the fucking best. I wanted to be Mimi so BAD as a kid my mum made me a Halloween costume of her and I thought I was so cool. My next tattoo is gonna be Lilymon. I grew up with it in the dub and it established my sense of humour for better or worse. The Digimon film is still my comfort film of choice. Matt was such a big crush I had when I was little and I wrote little stories about being one of the digidestined.
Those are my top 10!!!!
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selene-tempest · 2 years
I'm alone in the flat tonight, but I don't feel lonely. It's a rainy, windy, cold night in Camden, but I don't feel cold. I'm warm and safe inside and I love it. It's something I often find myself missing when I'm on the island, we never get a truly cold, rotten night like this.
I quite like the cold months, they're not my favourite, but there's always something positive to love about them. Winter for me has always been a time of reflection, of semi-hibernation where I take some time out to focus on self care. It's a time of indulgent activities that I rarely have time for back home.
It's funny how I've come to count the island as home more than this place. But I guess it's true, home is where the heart is, and my heart is with them.
But that doesn't stop me enjoying my time away and making the most of it. This little flat has always been my sanctuary since the moment I moved in. At first it was my refuge from the nastiness of my past and a place where I could truly be myself without anyone judging or telling me I was wrong. Then it became the place where I fell in love, where I spent quiet nights talking to the love of my life, drinking in everything he wished to share with me, getting to know the amazing man that he is away from International Rescue and his duties. Just him, just John, with no siblings to compete with for attention, and just me, with no fear because this was my place and I was safe here. Then it turned from my refuge to ours. Our place to snatch some quiet time without brothers popping up at random times, where we could be ourselves by ourselves.
Yes, right now I'm alone but I'm not lonely.
Tonight I'm curled up on the couch, under a blanket my nan made years ago, wearing a hoodie I stole from Jeff a few days ago. It's well worn, but that just makes it softer and more special. It's warm and cozy and it smells like Jeff and the inhumanly strong aftershave he wears and it still feels like a dad hug. I'm wearing one of John's T-shirts and a pair of Gordon's sweats and I'm comforted by the knowledge that I'm surrounded by my family even when I'm not there.
I'm alone but I'm not lonely.
When I moved in one of the first things that caught my eye was the antique wood burning stove set back in the old fireplace. It hadn't been used in years but my dad paid to have it serviced and the chimney swept so I could use it. It's lit now, crackling merrily, the colours of the flames dancing on the walls just as the flames of my candles are. I've got no other lights on, I don't need them.
I've got a flask of hot chocolate so I don't have to move, I've got a book on my lap, soft music on the stereo and a big bar of chocolate. This is my spot for the rest of the night. I've nowhere to be and nothing to do but please myself and that's a good thing. Once upon a time I might have felt useless, like I should be doing something for someone but now I'm content to know that I do enough, I am enough.
I'm alone but I'm not lonely because I know I could go home if I wanted to.
But I like it here. The rain is battering the windows, the wind is howling around the building, the trees are swaying outside and I think I just heard one of my neighbours bins take off down the road. Yet, being Camden, there are still people outside, shrieking as the rain soaks them to the skin, running as they try to get away, yelling for taxis that haven't turned up yet and calling goodbye to their friends.
I'm alone, but I'm not lonely.
There's a quiet peace in the noise of the British weather outside. The rain is comforting, its pitter patter on the glass reminds me of nights I spent at my grandparents house where I'd lay in bed with Nan and she would read to me until I fell asleep. John does that sometimes, he'll start reading something that he found interesting in his book because he wants to share it with me and, even though I understand maybe ten percent of it, I'll listen and I'll relax just as I did then.
I'm alone but I'm not lonely. I'm lucky. I've had bad times in my life but they are outweighed by the good. There were times when I was so terribly lonely when I wasn't alone because I wasn't with the right people. It was only the thought that those right people had been there and still were there that got me through.
I don't have to worry about that now. I know that I could reach for my phone and talk to someone that wants to talk to me, someone that wants to be there for me.
Others might think this is a rotten night and wish they were on a tropical island somewhere where the sun is shining and the palm trees are swaying. And I can understand that, I used to be like that, but tonight I don't.
There is a peacefulness in solitude if you care to find it. I'm physically alone through choice and I'm not lonely because I know that I'll never truly be alone again.
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Hi! You seem so nice and super sweet. I have some questions to know you! You remind me of a big sister, oh my god something about you is so comforting. :) Anyways, I live in California but I've only lived here for around 7 months. You mentioned before you love coming here, but can I have some places that would be nice to go on vacation? I feel super cooped up in my apartment and want to have a fun time outdoors or something. Thank you! <3
That's seriously so sweet and made me tear up a little bit! Thank you ❤️
We've spent a lot of time in a few different spots in CA, so hopefully, I mention one location near you! The obvious to all of this is beach and book. We are two beach bums when we can be, but I'll hit a few of the cities we've stayed at!
Oceanside is our go to. We like the location, due to military relations so its kind of the perfect spot for us because ✨️family✨️ If you are near that area, the beach at night is so quiet and perfect if you love seashell hunting. Oceanside also has street food/fair events, several cute metaphysical shops, and a few really good restaurants. One of them is a rooftop/desktop outdoor situation, it overlooks the docking area there, and at sunset is stunning.
In the San Diego area, I love going to Balboa Park. There's several gardens that are cheap or free to go to. During November to December, one of them is filled with gorgeous variations of poinsettias. There's also a ton of museums there, cultural houses to peep at, and gorgeous architecture. There's also a shopping area that's cute for giggles to just walk around. It's called Seaport Village. They used to have a shop just FILLED with coffee mugs. I loved it 😅
Heading north a little bit to LA where my partner is from. He grew up near skid row and has pretty vivid nightmares still about his kidhood there, so we tend to avoid the downtown area. When we do go, he always takes me to The Last Bookstore (some of you may recognize the name, it is the one you're thinking), it is just an experience. They sell antique books, collector's editions, and rare first editions along with new books. They have MAGICAL displays made from books. Griffith Park is also very beautiful with lots of things to go to. I'm a fan of anywhere with a botanic and butterfly garden 😅 and that brings me to our favorite spot in LA (minus the beach and hiking in Griffith Park) The Huntington Library. It's a library, botanic garden, and art museum all in one. It is 100% for me and not for him. He loves me dearly, and I am spoiled. There's obviously a lot of other things to do in LA (Disney, Orlando studios, ect), but we've been waiting to explore and experience those things until we had Littles to enjoy them with.
Popping between LA and San Fran is Sequoia National Park. If you are going to go and have never been, plan for a few days. It's... almost like breathtaking how small you realize you really are there.
San Francisco is kind of just... I wish I could describe it as something other than home feeling, considering I'm a midwest farm girl, but it has this magical home calling. We have a main thing we really like to do, and it's a little pricy (but not as pricy as the next location ive been treated to). He loves to see Alcatraz. 😅 he's obsessed. Otherwise it is a LOT of hiking and just trying new food places there. I just really love the vibes there for some reason.
Napa Valley I consider its own place, and it holds the most special place in my heart. He took me there for my 25th birthday. It is pricy, but wine country is so just relaxing. We stayed at this hotel, and we literally just walked out of our rooms patio door and into the vineyard. Im not 100% sure how much our week there was, but he told me not to expect anything for Christmas or valentines that year 😅
If you want really hot and in land Cali, my brothers and baby daddy went to Death Valley for a few days. They started the trip there, then went to Vegas (youngest brother's 21st birthday). My older brother said it was unbelievably hot (literally duh my sweet summer child), but he said the 4 days the 3 of them were there was a lot of fun. They did a lot of trail hiking and drank a lot of water. They all do not regret the choice to check it out. I was not invited on the boys' trip, so I didn't get to go 😑 I'm not salty AT ALL I didn't plan the trip for them or anything 🤣
If you're looking to get out of California, Colorado. Find your soul in Colorado. I highly recommend Georgetown. Not too far from Denver, not so high up in the mountains you have to anxious about snowfall and getting trapped, and I'll just attach the view from the hike into the mountains we went on.
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I will push Colorado to anyone needing to get away and get into nature if it is in their budget ❤️ I've never found a town in Colorado I didn't think was stunning.
If you want to stay on the West Coast, Oregon. We went to Crater Lake National Park. One word, Ethereal. A little busy, but so so worth it.
No matter where you go, if you're getting into nature and needing to re-center your soul, find a creek with running water and just put your hands or feet in it, or get into the ocean (to where you're comfortable) and just let yourself have a moment of silence. Water is purifying and healing. It's one of the most powerful elements in our world, and it is where I find the strongest connection to Mother Nature ❤️
Let me know if you want more travel spots!
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