#this blog brings me lots of joy and i'm happy knowing it does the same for so many others
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samephotoofskswlink · 12 days ago
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Follow to see the same photo of Skyward Sword Link every day.
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orangepeelshortbreadcookies · 7 months ago
Hello!!! sorry i jum in here but i saw many post of your as a polin pen hater. You can hate what you want of course but its necessary to lie just to hate a character because of her body??? it wasnt that bad, she was not mean.
yes, what she did telling the ton marinas secret was not the best choise but it was what she thought it was the only way. Do you all wish for colin a marriage with not love?? and in a more practical way this is fiction and we all now he was going t end with pen , they are end game and thi is romance, its suppouse to be romantic that theu found each other, and for me it is. She didnt told marina secret because she wants colin for herself , she never thought she cold have him. maybe yo dont understand this but we, fat girls who are foung unattractive NEVER expect love or having a man, even less somone like colin. I think you, as many sadly, jugdge Pen actions too strong and deep down its all becuase of how she looks. Depp down i know you judge her action strongly becuase you can't accept that a woman who looks like that get something. I know you will keep hating, just want to say my opinion
(2) I saw you ask once why we ( pen fans) are mad when people hate her like you do if we got everything, saying like she happy and get married and LW. i will answer that from my perspective. Im fat, people is mean and that herats and yes, maybe it not a good things but it nice to have a revenge for all that suffering , but beside that i feel represented FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME in a romance show, ALL THE ROMANCE FEMALE LEADS AND THIN WOMAN and for the first times she looks like me but everyone is hating her becuase of how she looks and the worst is anyone accept its becuase of that, you all write long essays jugdging her actions but as i said, Were her actions that bad???? think about it fr......
Others please also refer to this post for more context.
I did not intend to answer this ask, because honestly, I'm really very lazy. Since there are only so many ways I can make my argument against the same accusation over and over again, especially to someone who clearly doesn't want to listen, I figured ignoring was the right decision. I'd rather spend my creative energy and efforts on my own writings, instead of figuring out another elaborate wording on how being critical of a character's actions does not equate fatphobia, and that personal adversity does not equal a 'get out of jail' free card for repeatedly inflicting pain on other people on a mass scale. I've talked about it in depth in my own blog, as well as reblogging other eloquent, well thought-out posts from others, Polin fans and anti-Polin fans alike. You can just scroll through my blog to see that. But I don't think you have come after me, time and again, to be convinced.
Even now, I still think ignoring you would have been the smarter, or at least, easier course of action for me. But I digress. Maybe it's one of those days where I feel more confrontational, maybe my ADHD is acting up and my meds are not hitting as well today, maybe after weeks of stress-filled personal achievements I'm feeling talkative seeing someone trying to disturb my peace. Nontheless, since you've made diligent efforts in seeking out my response, today's your lucky day, once and for all.
Something my mutuals and followers might have learned about me, is that I, being pretty fucking lazy, don't post/write a lot. To remedy this, when I do post, oftentimes I try to be as thorough as I possibly can. So, in the spirit of being thorough, here's a little log of the things I have received in the past weeks, on this site as well as on AO3, some of which, @cherryblossom970sblog, I have reasons to believe came from you
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So you feel represented by character. Awesome. Good for you. You should celebrate it with like-minded people. You think nobody likes Penelope the way you do? Find the ones who do. I can assure you, they exist. I saw them daily on my dash. Read fics that bring you joy. Don't read the ones that don't. I have seen way too many Penelope/Anthony, Penelope/Benedict or even Penelope/Gregory fics, or fics where Penelope just straight up abused Colin that are celebrated in the comments. I don't like those and you know what I do? Scroll past those fics or click out of those and not read them. You know what I don't do? Go after the writers, try to police their writing, and accuse them of bigotry for not catering to my preferences.
Accept the fact that it's not going to be a 100% percent approval rating. And that's fine. That's part of life. I'm a primary Benophie fan, I've seen people wanting Benedict to end up with different people. It's their prerogative, I leave them alone. I have mutuals who have different takes on actions of Kate, Edwina, and Anthony, with varying degrees of feelings regarding how season 2 ends, and I have my own opinions. Personally, I find all three parties were wrong in that triangle, especially Anthony, and the sisterhood between Kate and Edwina in that season ought to have been handled with more respect and care. And my mutuals and I have civil, nuanced discussions about such things and ending those with still different opinions. That's okay. They're fictional characters and their actions are up to character analysis. It's fine.
What ISN'T fine is obssessively stalking inboxes of strangers, REAL people, unleashing insane level of hate and prejudices in defence of a FICTIONAL character, and accusing them of crimes they OBJECTIVELY did not commit, all because they don't share your opinions. I know you don't think this kind of behaviour is okay, you said so yourself that it's not a good thing. You've experienced fatphobia, you have my sympathies for that, but it doesn't give you the right to be shitty to other people. Your own bad experiences do not entitle you to disrespect, dismiss, invalidate and insult the people you harassed, including me, many of which are WoCs who have valid concerns regarding how their own experiences are represented and treated on the show. My struggles of being a bisexual, Asian, immigrant woman does not excuse me from being toxic to people who have done me no harm. I will not be vindicated in demeaning someone who have criticisms against the actions of fictional character who share my traits, criticisms that I just happen to disagree with.
And frankly, I find reducing the nuances of a character or person to only their bodies, to contribute (as either condemn or excuse) their actions to be only the result of their bodies, fucking insulting. It's infantalising and dehumanising.
Have a nice day and happy shipping. Leave us alone.
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cactiired · 9 months ago
I can't find any of your old Grahamscott art pieces, did you delete 'em by any chance? I see works by you on the internet but I can't seem to find them anywhere on your blog
Hi! I get this question quite a lot still which I understand because of the reposts and I should probably issue a disclaimer in a pinned post or something.
Yes I've deleted and archived most of my old grahamscott works because:
A) I'm tired of being seen as the (insert a fandom here) artist. Quite a long time ago I did fanart for things I was passionate about. Since I was like 14 fanart was my creative outlet and source of joy at the time and I just felt like posting them online. People liked the stuff I drew which was amazing! And obviously I still am happy to hear that people liked the way I drew well known characters.
But by now I have been drawing my own characters for years. It's not that I don't still have a soft spot for the video games and books I was into but that they're no longer the thing I spend hours thinking about and drawing.
B) I would like people to follow me not because of an expectation for new fanart about a thing they like but because my original art and stories would be enough on their own. If they're not interested that's fine and I'd rather have people not follow me if life is strange or other fanart is the main thing they wish to see because that's not what I do anymore.
It's also just personally frustrating to have my old work being brought up again and again. While I understand that it's easier to connect with fictional characters that are well known and fanart is an awesome medium in that sense that it brings people together. But I've worked hard to improve in art technically and am proud of where I am today. My old art is okay but my goals in style were much different back then so I don't even see myself in any of it anymore. It's kind of like seeing old pictures of myself at 15 still finding myself. Same happens artistically.
I know I can't really control others finding my stuff since a lot of my works have been reposted to the point I have no authority on who sees it and who does not. And that's the internet I suppose 🤷 whatever you post stays there forever. But maybe some can find me through my old art and stay for the stuff I create now. Because I found my artistic voice. I love what I do. I love my silly little characters and their stories. I love sharing them with the world and seeing people still finding something valuable in the pieces even when they're not of already known characters.
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missoneminute · 1 year ago
Forgot to celebrate it but it was my eight year anniversary of starting this blog last week. I know this place is pretty quiet these days but it will always mean a lot to me. It was the place I came looking for a community to be part of when I needed it most, and over the years the names and faces come and go, change and grow, but every day since I've found that little village where I feel most at home. It still brings me joy, as does running the Instagram page alongside my dear friend @suchasinistergame, an experience that's built on the same sense of community and has made possible adventures we never dreamed we'd have. I always wanted to be part of something celebratory and joyful and I'm so happy to have found like minds to share that with in this fandom. Now on a VERY a petty note: the small but sniveling contingent who spent literal years trying to chase me offline with hate blogs and fake anons, where are you now? Sitting in your ghost towns still doom-scrolling my content. Great work you guys, hope it's all you dreamed.
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
Hello~! I am a new fan of Ace Attorney and I found your blog and absolutely fell in love with ur fankids and au, aaaa!!!! It's all so cute!!! I was wondering if I could ask a few questions about it, if you don't mind?
My first question is regarding Maya and Phoenix! So is Phoenix like a sperm donor for their kids together and it's like an agreed upon thing they talked about alot beforehand and felt okay doing because they're dear friends and close or is it more like a comfortable romantic-leaning relationship they've got going on where they have sex sometimes but they're more like cozy partners?
My 2nd question is about Miles!! I wanted to know how he interacts with the girls! For them, he's more like an uncle right? (Or is he like another father figure for them too?) Does he find it more awkward/harder to interact with them or does he soften up and treat them the same as Gregory??
Anyway, thank you for enlightening me to this au!!! I just got through the 1st game and could definitely see the Phoenix×Miles ship but I hadn't considered how well all 3 of them could click together! I love that you're exploring that happiness for them and now it's one of my favorite au/headcanon's for AA!!! (^^)💕
Hello friend (and Happy Pride Month everyone 𔓘⭒๋࣭ )!! Thank you so much and I'm so glad you enjoy the au, it means a lot! The three of them deserve a happy and loving life together and it brings me joy to see that other people think so, too!
I always love answering questions about the au so I'll be happy to answer!
There's a lot here so I have it all under the cut. :)
(And here's another teaser from my illustration series I'm still working on. I haven't had much time to make new artwork for the au lately ahh ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ )
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Anyway, with your first question, it's funny because neither is exactly right. In the beginning, being a donor was something that both Edgeworth and Maya mentioned explicitly (Phoenix feels that there's maybe a "nicer way to put it") but that's essentially what they believed that they were getting themselves into.
They discussed it for nearly half a year while Maya still explored her options and met with other people in the mean time, and this was already after Maya was actively looking for a husband for more than a year and a half. Luckily, Phoenix already knew a bit about the matriarchy and history of Kurain Village, so Maya didn't need to explain much more about that to him. Regardless, the arrangements had to be discussed at length.
Maya didn't expect nor want Phoenix to drop his whole life to be her house-husband in Kurain, so they knew early on that they would spend their parenthood together on a visiting-basis. They visited each other often anyway, so it wouldn't disrupt their lives too much all things considering.
This obviously wasn't ideal on paper, and there was some lament that it was unreasonable for them to be full time parents together. However, with Maya finding herself feeling overwhelmed "in a bad way", as she puts it, whenever she met with potential spouses combined with Phoenix's anxiety with the history of unhappy marriages in Kurain Village and wanting nothing more than for Maya to be happy, they decided the "less than ideal" situation was the best option for them.
Then there was the matter of conceiving the kids, which I detailed in a previous ask.
Their journey to parenthood did push the boundaries of their friendship, and after exploring what those boundaries were, they often had to stop and ask themselves what they even were to each other anymore. They weren't attracted to each other, weren't super comfortable with being married for a long time (with Maya opting to label themselves as "hus-friend" and "wi-friend" in private). However, they still deeply loved each other, found some forms of intimacy pleasant with each other (eg, they enjoy cuddling and sleeping in the same bed but not making out nor having sex), and, obviously, had children together.
It wasn't until shortly before Mia (the eldest daughter) was born--nearly 4 years after Phoenix and Maya decided to have kids together--that they accepted that their relationship could not be defined and stopped caring. They knew what they were to each other and that's all that mattered. (Although, their relationship can be defined: it is queerplatonic, but they don't call themselves this because they are ignorant to the label.)
As for Edgeworth and the Fey girls, it's also a hard relationship to define. He doesn't see them as often as Phoenix does, because when Phoenix and Gregory visit Maya in Kurain, he opts to go to his house to rest and enjoy some time alone. He sees Pearl's daughters even less, since when Maya visits LA, Pearl rarely joins her since she takes over Maya's duties in Kurain.
While all four of the Fey girls call Edgeworth "Uncle Miles" or just "Miles", he’s considerably closer to Maya's daughters than Pearl's. Even before adopting Gregory, he found himself involved by counseling Phoenix and Maya throughout their journey to parenthood, was present when all three kids were born, and even named the youngest daughter (Melusina).
When the girls got a little older, Edgeworth isn't hesitant to discipline them (well, Mia--Melusina doesn't usually cause issues) if he needs to. He tries to give them equal attention but he can't help but be somewhat distant to them compared to his son. Sometimes he overcompensates and Mia takes full advantage of this--and Edgeworth knows it. All in all, he's somewhere in between a father to them and an uncle. Regardless of labels, he is very much part of their family.
Thank you so much for the question!
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yeyinde · 1 year ago
I just wanted to thank you for your most recent post about the MW3 campaign, and the way Samara’s death was handled. The most I knew about Call of Duty before finding your blog was the few times I had played with my little cousin.
I immediately took to the characters through your writing, and have been ever since! As of late I have felt myself growing distanced from these certain stories. While I’m sure some of it has to do with the natural progression of disinterest, a lot of my feelings are due to what is going on as of late.
I was never under the impression that Call of Duty wasn’t blatant military propaganda-you’d have to be completely oblivious to believe otherwise- but I guess it was easier to immerse myself in the story while ignoring any underlying reservations. Which is a privilege in and of itself.
All that unnecessarily being said, (apologies for the rambling) I just wanted to express my appreciation for your acknowledgement of the the current situation. It’s no exaggeration when I say you are one of the most talented writers I know, and more than likely my favorite! So as someone who is directly affected by everything going on, it means a lot to me that you are providing nuance in light of it all.
I do hope this isn’t taken as a call for the discontinuity of your writing for Call of Duty characters either, as it has brought me immense joy in the past year! I just wanted to share my own thoughts and feelings on the candid statement you posted.
You've given me a lot to think about, and none of what you said was unnecessary in any way—I think you touched on a lot of important aspects, particularly the privilege of “consumption without consequences."
It’s easy to get swept up into something when you have no tangible ties to the effects of what’s being portrayed, which can lead to making dismissive or hurtful statements out of pure ignorance. My biggest gripe was the excuses being laundered out and (either unintentionally or intentionally) giving the creators a pass for what they created and the harm they caused other people to experience. Just because they did not experience the same trauma, it does not diminish its impact on others. This is a very important distinction, which I think was being missed.
(I also think it's a bit of an attachment issue, and I could probably write an essay on why criticism of media you enjoy is not a lambasting of your personal character (and why you should be able to separate the two), but this was already getting quite lengthy so 😅)
Also, I don't think I added much to the discussion outside of airing out something that was annoying me, though. All the credit goes to @halfmoth-halfman for bringing attention to an important issue which was being glossed over. And for continuing to bring up these valid issues and criticisms when the norm seems to be "well, we'll just erase it from canon. No biggie."
But thank you for this! It really means a lot to me, and I'm so happy that the stories I wrote about brought some form of comfort. It's genuinely the biggest compliment ever.
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jamenvs3000f24 · 5 months ago
Blog 5!
Since there is no blog prompt for this week, I thought to write about post-grad plans and what lies ahead for the future. This is mainly what I am thinking about as my undergraduate journey is coming to an end.  I have found many interests in a variety of subjects over my years here in Guelph. I have such love for animals and have wanted to be a vet for a long time. Growing up I always had animals surrounding me, whether it be dogs, cats, cows, horses etc, there was always something there. Their beauty, joy and peacefulness opened a lot for me and how I want to help them in so many ways. I know vet school is highly competitive, so I have my back-up plans just encase.
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Here is a picture of my dog Dexter! He is the best thing in this entire world and I couldn't ask for a better friend.
My interest in how our immune system fights off bacterial infections, has prompted me to investigate cellular mechanisms. Working in a hospital to try and help people understand what might be wrong with them would be amazing. If being around animals and helping them does not work out then doing the same for humans is just as good.
There are always thoughts in the back of mind, the “what ifs”. “What if my grades aren’t high enough to get into whatever program”, “What if I don’t find a job right after graduating my program?”.  For me this must deal with my past, present, and future self. If I am being to focused on past things or what I want my future to be cause me to miss out on some things happening in the present. Being an overthinker and wanting things to go how I’ve planned (even though it might not) may cause me to be dissociated from present events. Dwelling on past grades that I cannot change, are not going to help me improve in my future courses. I need to focus on my present with my current courses so I can do even better in them and enjoying what is left of undergrad with my friends. 
I am very dedicated into keeping my relationship with nature in addition to concentrating on my grades, keeping in touch with friends and family, and handling everything else that comes with finishing undergrad. For me, our natural world has always provided peace and clarity during stressful times. Even when I place a high value on personal relationships and academics, I also understand that spending sometime outside is very good to my wellbeing. I want to make time for walks or even taking the time to study outside for a bit. These moments not only help me clear my mind but they let me be away from a screen just for a bit and ground myself before going back to studying. 
I'm learning to strike a balance between setting objectives and living in the present as I consider what the future may bring. I'm determined to make the most of my remaining college days and to remain rooted in the things that make me happy and fulfilled, no matter where this journey takes me.
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mcalhenwrites · 8 months ago
I don't know if I can express how much it means to me that people like my writing. How much that is actively healing me and bringing me the confidence in my writing that I lacked for so long. Which I know doesn't make it sound genuine, but when you've heard negative criticisms for so long, it's hard to believe the ones who counter that. I was told for years to have confidence in my writing, and I just couldn't find it. Some of those same people told me to have confidence, but then they'd also make fun of my writing/characters (or characterization for fanfics), they'd defend their friends for insulting me, they never cared about boosting my works when I posted them but cornered me if I hadn't immediately seen what they posted of their own writing, just plain ignoring me unless I could benefit them with crochet patterns/reading their stories/etc. (Some of these things overlapped.) I would spend most of my day working on my writing or reading books, and people would say, "You're not even trying hard enough to get better." (How many of them immediately ditched me when I said I wasn't going to crochet anymore so I could focus on writing? Heh. The number isn't zero, that's for sure. Note to anyone who does crafts: don't become that person known for gifts and be cautious about how often and who you gift pieces to...) I'm moving away from that level of damage. I feel a lot better about my writing. I don't feel as much shame about what I write, how I write, and why I write. There are people out here supporting me. They're buying my published books! I'm finding so much joy now. I will go on r/AO3 and just start upvoting all the celebration posts bc they make me happy. (Highly recommend doing this btw) Anyhow, this is a big thank you to all the people who have supported me, whether it's on Ko-Fi, Patreon, buying my book, leaving comments on AO3, sending asks, etc. (Links can be found easily by looking at my blog, but I wanna get back on topic.) I write dark, heavy content, and my intention is to break hearts or make people think. I'm getting feedback now that I do exactly that, and I'm finally feeling prouder and prouder of myself. People say that you can't find real confidence if you base it on what others think, but honestly, like many things? If people are tearing you down, it helps to have people lifting you up. We're losing the spirit of community in all ways, and that includes supporting artists and writers. My stories matter. They matter to me, they matter to other people. They are so worth telling. I'm glad I didn't give up. And honestly, maybe it's a bit petty but let me be petty: I'm still going, people who didn't want me to, and I'm not only doing fine, but I think it'll only get better with time for me! <3
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townofcadence · 9 months ago
25. your character
Munday Topics
GOSH I could say a lot about Artair!! He was the first character I ever rped, and he's changed a lot over the years as he became my own more and more. But every way he has has changed has made him more intimate to me, more mine and more unabashedly my own creation. I love all my characters, but there's just something so special about him, the way he thinks is a mindset I can slip into so easily. I know so much about his life and so many major events and how they shaped him, and I've forgotten so many moments on the blogs he's been on. Near as many as I'm sure I remember lol.
I don't even really know how to talk more about him. There's so much I could say that feels like a stack of layers. He's reckless and impulsive and self-sacrificing and sees himself as this corrupted horrific thing undeserving of love, but he pours every drop of himself into others and loving them so deeply. He doesn't want to save himself but he wants his pain to mean something because he can hold more if it means someone else holds less. He's believes himself incapable of being anything other than broken and monstrous, but in the same breath he can see the good in even the darkest of muses and he will reach out his hand for them. For someone who has fallen into so much darkness, he has so much hope and love to share, and he is so freaking kind and silly and tries to make you laugh.
He knows what it's like to be hurt, and chooses every day to be the person he needed. Every day chooses to make someone else's better. the pain and the horrors and the damage too deep to ever undo keeps coming for him, true to at least several of his abilities embodying misfortune, pain, and The End of All Things. He's been taken apart, he's died more times than you can count on both hands in terrible ways, and keeps his own tally of failings or people he's harmed or feels responsible for the death of.
But he always chooses to persevere despite what comes. He fights to keep going, even in the worst situations. If someone else is there, he might do sacrificial, foolish things to save them, but it's because he LOVES them. He loves people, he loves them being happy, finding what makes them feel good and like a person. He loves seeing them grow and smile and flourish. He loves them. He loves them he loves them to pieces and he loves seeing them find love and joy in the world, and he will put himself on a pyre as a willing lamb of sacrifice to protect that.
I don't know, there's something so fascinating by how deep and how gentle and how kind someone who has suffered beyond words can be. So many fall apart, but he desperately crushes his pieces together just so he can give you the hug you need and be there for you with every fiber of his being. It doesn't matter to him if he's okay-- what does is if you are. He still is flawed, imperfect, but he's still doing his best. He's NOT okay, he's twisted up in so many ways, taking what is usually a positive trait and it sometimes being the fatal flaw for him. But he hasn't lost what makes him human.
He's deeply tragic, written though horror after horror in past rps and blog events and M!As and such, but he is still so full of compassion and affection and still fights to be there for everyone, and to bring everyone home to those they love. And I love him so so so much.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year ago
Any Kusakabe and u Xmas HC?
Holy, you spoil me so frigging much, Martha! I love you and this ask and thank you for the chance of getting to be delightfully self-indulgent!
Oh boy, you bet your ass I have lots of Christmas headcanons for me and Kusakabe. I love the man and he is definitely a fictional character where, even when I'm not using him as a fictional other, I'm using him as one of my fictional best friends.
So, as anyone who knows me or has read this blog in previous years has learned about me is that I absolutely frigging adore Christmas. It stresses me out to insane degrees, but it is tied with Halloween as my favourite day of the year. Everything about Christmas, the magic and wonder and peace on earth and peace to all mankind build-up around it, just makes me happy and strangely nostalgic for things I've never experienced and only seen in movies and Norman Rockwell paintings.
I start my Christmas decorating ridiculously early, something Kusakabe likes to tease me about and kind of grumps about. He points out that…it's legit November fucking first, we really don't need to be digging up the many boxes of Christmas decorations yet. We really, really don't. Like, can't you at least wait until after Remembrance Day to which I always reply with 'Halloween is over; it's fucking Christmas bitch!' with the exact same confidence and sass as Britney Spears when she said 'it's Britney, bitch!'
He does grump but Kusakabe is great at getting all the boxes down from the higher shelves before I even have the time to think of getting a chair. He picks up all the heavy boxes and brings them out for me too, telling me it would really help him out if I'd grab the awkwardly shaped but really light boxes.
Because this man is stupidly strong, and he seems the type who would lift weights just to make sure he can pick my fat ass up, he lifts me up to put the Santa hat on the top of my tree instead of risking me falling off the chair or taking the joy away from me of putting the tree topper on.
Kusakabe has not a shred of aesthetic value or appreciation though and leaves the overall decorating scheme of the year up to me.
I do see Kusakabe as someone who has learned to be a really good cook and a decent baker. Hibari is such a finicky, fussy eater that sometimes the only way he gets fed is if Kusakabe makes his meals just so, so Kusakabe learned kitchen skills. Skills that come in useful not just for helping me do all the Christmas baking, but the jam and pickle making, for the care packages full of goodies that we go and deliver to friends and family the week leading up to Christmas proper.
And because he knows just how hard the big family supper will be for me, he makes sure that we have a Christmas supper all our own done on Boxing Day or Christmas Eve, whichever one I'm feeling more like that year. We spend hours together putting it together and making a fun time out of it, singing along to Christmas carols and sometimes dancing in the kitchen.
And that big family supper? Food was highly weaponized by my mother first and then by my step-father and his family growing up. My portions were heavily restricted growing up, always less than my sister's, and there were chairs I was plain out told I was too fat to sit in growing up, that I would break them. I still have a lot of anxiety around eating at big family suppers, though therapy has made things better when it comes to my family.
Kusakabe plates for me, keeping the portions small enough that my mother won't kick up too much fuss, and abruptly changing the subject if she or my sisters bring up my weight or the food or anything like that, shutting them down without causing drama to erupt. He drove me to and from the meal so that we don't have to stay overly long, and he tucked a Tupperware container in the back seat before we left without me realizing it, with slices of freshly made bread in it and little containers full of butter and jam, as a special treat for surviving the supper to eat on the way home.
He gives me head pats and lets me lay my head in his lap and fall asleep on Christmas night as we watch It's a Wonderful Life and I am just perfectly happy and content and I feel spoiled and full of goodwill and joy towards all of mankind.
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swanimagines · 3 days ago
im half asleep right now (staying up late scrolling when i rlly should be sleeping 😅) but i just was overcome with appreciation for your blog and i really want to let you know that your posts always bring a smile to my face. it makes me so happy to see you feeling comfortable enough to return to tumblr!!! (and i also wanna say please dont be too hard on yourself, youre doing amazing things and seriously appreciate your presence on this website so much ((but would also be on your side in a heartbeat if you ever decided to change platforms again, because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is that youre enjoying yourself and are in a space you feel safe in!!)))
i have my own fanfic blog, that i notably made like the day of a new film releasing, so i think within like that first month i got like ~200 requests that i still havent answered all of- my point being that seeinf you persevere through all your requests makes me feel like i have the strength in me too to complete my own. it just makes me feel like im not alone/its okay to be human and go at my own pace
anyway im so sorry if this is rambly or clunky or makes no sense. im typing this with clumsy fingers on mobile tumblr so everythings really janky 😭 so ill just wrap this up before i fall asleep with my phone fallen ontop of my face and just say, thank you. thank you for doing what you do & making me feel less alone
(and, ofcourse, a huge thank you for all the amazing fics youve posted over the years, im still making mt way through your masterlists and every new fic i read brings me so much joy)
sending so many positive vibes your way. i hope life (and people on tumblr) treats you super well, you deserve it!!! 💞💞💞
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PHOTO TEXT: "same rambly overtired anon from a second ago- i also just wanted to say your commitment to always returning to writing even when you burn out or take long breaks also really resonates with me. it reminds me that im not some sort of failure just because i cant write all the time, and its like a light at the end of the tunnel reminding me i can always come back no matter how long its been
okay, thats all for real this time!!! im holding myself accountable and saying ill got to sleep as soon as i send this ask 😅😅 (i need energy so i can have a blast writing tomorrow after all!! 😄)"
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ANONNNNNN YOU MADE ME SMILE SO WIIIIDE!! It cheered me up a lot, even though I'm very cheery anyway right now because of next week (!!!!), but you made my day even better!
Honestly I still do have fleeting moments when I wonder why did I come back because there are some rude/weird people who pop into my inbox/messages once in a while, but people like you are exactly one reason why I decided to come back to post!!
Just a while ago, someone splatted multiple very long and detailed smut scenarios with extreme kinks to me through IM's and was like "I'm not asking you to write these but what do you think of these ideas?" and when I told them that it makes me really uncomfortable and I can't even finish reading that first message, they were like "oh, ok. But what do you think of them?" and yeah I was pretty creeped out, in the end I had to block that person because it felt like they pressured me to finish reading those.
But overall, the feeling of being here has been healthier than when I left? I'm kinda scared of The Sandman season 2 though 😅 (Last time S1 was one of the culprits that made me leave, people just wouldn't understand why I don't write smut for it when everyone else does, there was a huge beef about it and yeah, browsing through Morpheus tag is still very much smut sooo mmh, S2 scares me + I'm also scared of whether there's going to be the same kind of drama that was with Harry Potter/me writing for Harry Potter when JKR started clowning around, which drove me away and ultimately completely made me lose interest to write for it/return to write for it. I just hope people won't attack us who will continue writing for The Sandman despite what Neil Gaiman has been doing)
But on the other hand, seeing that a lot of people in the community have left because of pressuring/guilt-tripping/toxic people, it may have contributed in how people are more polite, or at least attempting to be more polite? Most people who I've asked to send in their "machine request" again with a hello/please/thank you have done so and usually with an apology too. In 2022, such people either told me to fuck off or alternatively told me to fuck off + blocked me, so this is an improvement and it makes me have hope for the future of this community!
And yeah haha, glad to know there are people who understand the way my to-do list is packed. There have been a few people who requested and pulled their request off when they learned that it won't be coming out next because they've been used to writers who write their request within a week max from after they send it in, and I understand why people find my way confusing, why I just don't close requests. But like SOMEHOW those people who don't see any of the "requests are closed" signs always seem to send me the most amazing requests that hurt to turn down because my requests were closed 😅 So that + because the DRAMA was unbelieveable every time my requests closed, I made a decision to open my request box for good. People request and virtually sign an agreement to wait patiently, but they also have the right to pull their request out if they get tired of waiting and want to send their idea to someone else.
Also I'm proud of myself for having succeeded in keeping up a steady pace of posting for these first few months (currently my active queue is running until April 11, and hopefully beyond that) after being extremely slow for so long and I want to give some credit to supportive people like you for that!
(Also 200 requests during the first month?? 😳 You must be a brilliant writer if so many people found you in such a short time, even if that film is a massive success (which I assume it was)!)
Have a good day, week, year, decade writing sweet nonny and thank you so much for sending this message 💕
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eepwtf · 2 months ago
Same anon as previously here,
I'm really glad my words could make you happy today:) I forgot to include this in my previous message but I really take inspiration from you when I write. English isn't my first language but I've actually learned quite a few new words and grammar when reading your things, and it's actually genuinely really helped me write. Like I said, reading the things you wrote actually made me feel motivated to work on my own things (which, admittedly, is rare). I'm just really happy I stumbled upon your account, and it's actually become a bit of a comfort thing for me, because knowing that there's people out there with the same interests and things like that just makes me feel joy.
Anyhow, hope you have a great rest of your day!<3
hello again anon!! thank you so much, your words are very much appreciated, it truly means so much to me that my writing has had such a positive impact on you, especially with english not being your first language. knowing i could inspire you and help in some small way is honestly so fulfilling.
it makes me so happy to hear my work has become a bit of a comfort thing for you. finding people with similar interests really does bring a sense of joy and connection, and i’m so glad my little blog could be that for you.
wishing you all the best with your own writing—you’ve totally got this! thank you again for this message; it really brightened my day. sending lots of love your way! (๑•﹏•)
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multifandomgirl08 · 6 months ago
Welcoming Another Verstappen [Mini Verstappen Series]
Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Photo Credit: Pinterest/Tumblr
Format: Social Media
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
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Liked by maxverstappen1, sophiekumpen, and 428,916 others
ynverstappen Our secret got spilled a little early but I can't wait to meet you in July.
landonorris Championships = Number of children????
ynverstappen I can't confirm or deny that.
fan94 When Mama Verstappen is pregnant again!
fan23 How does she look so fucking radiant? Like, you just had a child less than 2 years ago.
fan37 Wait, didn’t Max just let this slip on the Team Redline stream this afternoon?
fan86 So, lukecraneoffical just unintentionally spilled the beans of Y/N's pregnancy without any knowledge.
fan69 Yeah fan86. Wish I heard what Y/N said when Max had his mic turned off.
May 25, 2027
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Liked by sophiekumpen, martingarrix, and 698,563 others
maxverstappen1 Welcome to the world Nikolaas Martijn Verstappen. You surprised us by crossing the finish line early, clocking in a time of 38 weeks.
landonorris I called dibs on the next kid being names after me. What happened?
maxverstappen1 Talk to my wife. She makes the rules.
martingarrix I'm honored that this little boy is named after me. maxverstappen1 liked this
christianhorner Congratulations Max and Y/N on the birth of another healthy baby boy. Wishing you all the best from myself and Geri.
fan39 Love that Y/N is in charge of naming all of the kids.
fan76 Just did a little math, 38 weeks... looks like we have ourselves a WDC baby!
July 9, 2027
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Liked by oscarpiastri and 452,234 others
ynverstappen Happy Birthday to my oldest child. My first little boy. The kid who woke me up one day just to sit in Max's car and ask me, Mama when can I go get my super license like Papa? You bring joy to my life every day, I never knew what unconditional love was until the day that I met you.
landonorris If he wants his super license, he needs to learn from a real professional.
dannyric3fan Umm... Max is a real professional mate. Those WDCs weren't accidents. mstappenfan dannyric3fan Pretty sure that Lando is joking, no reason to turn this serious man.
charles_leclerc Super license? He's only 7!
mstappenfan85 Max started driving in Formula 1 when he was 17, so it's not that far away. Just another 11 years by FIA rules.
View all 745 comments
fan68 I know most people are over the whole Y/N isn't Nico's birth mom discussion. But it really tells you a lot about her that after she's had two kids with Max, she doesn't treat Nico differently than Nikita or Nikolaas. She loves all of them the same.
October 17, 2027
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Liked by victoriaverstappen, sophiekumpen and 284,679 others
ynverstappen Happy Holidays from Belgium!
victoriaverstappen The boys look so cute in their matching pajamas.
ynverstappen Niki says thank you auntie for his Christmas gifts! victoriaverstappen 😂😂
View all 536 comments
fan87 How is it that all of Max's kids look exactly like him?
fan45 Verstappen clones! One wasn't enough when Nico came into Max's life, Y/N birthed two more!
fan98 Love the little peek into the Verstappen clan! Especially since Y/N hasn’t been coming to races recently.
December 28, 2027
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Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun, @smnthnclj, @brekkers-whore, @lpab, @thedecalcomania-blog, @xoscar03, @em-gvf01, @haikyuen, @shelbyteller , @geniusalpaca, @princessria127 , @mysticalnightenthusiast , @green-thots , @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp , @ellelabelle , @lilypat , @dreamercrowd
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thepitycryingparty · 8 months ago
1. Your dad has good taste in ice cream, just bc it’s a classic doesn’t mean it’s boring >:0 /lhj (I may or may not have picked the same two, the world will never know)
2. FNAF SELFSHIPPER AND SCEMO SPOTTED HIIIIIII (I keep my fnaf ship on the dl bc I unfortunately still experience shame and I think it’s sick as fuck that you’re open w it)
Sounds like something a boring ice cream lover would say! You could have chosen a fun ice cream that would have turned your tongue green, but NOO- >:U /lh (Honestly, I'd definitely take a bite outta those ones too if my dad was not looking to teach him a lesson for never getting me a cat like I always begged him, that'll teach him-)
AAA, you're so sweet, thank you so much for the kind words!! ;A; They mean so much to hear, honestly I'm just vibing and enjoying life to the best of my ability! Others can suck an egg for making me feel that shame feeling a lot too during my life and yours, don't worry I get how you feel. If you ever want to talk about it in the future, I'm always here! Even if you send it on anon or anything, I'm more than happy and eager to listen to your self ship!! I'm already shipping it, YOU CANNOT STOP ME.
You deserve to experience the things that bring you joy and comfort as does everyone! Even if you don't indulge in it right away, that's all perfectly good! Everyone enjoys their selfships in their own unique and awesome ways, there is never a 'wrong' or 'correct' way to do it. It's just you and your joy in smooching them, lol! I'm always thrilled to listen also about anything else you wanna talk about, even if it's just about how your day is going! Seeing your blog on my dash always makes me smile, I always enjoy reading your tags on reblogs! :D
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devourblood · 1 year ago
i'm really not sure how to talk about all of this. i really hope this blog doesn't end up showing up on one of my follower's pages on main lol. if it does just pretend like you don't see this, okay?
i've just been slowly losing my mind like it always feels like nobody cares about me no matter how much they tell me that they do, and it makes me feel so fucking ungrateful. and then i feel bad for even complaining about this feeling instead of just rotting in it (which i am also doing, so ???)
like i'm just so angry all the time, at myself and at everyone who knows me because i keep victimising myself even though i KNOW that it's all my own fault. i'm self aware enough to recognise that im being stupid and accusing people of shit they haven't even done (in my head at least) but i'm not self aware enough to stop these thoughts or just generally fucking get better.
i constantly feel like everyone is better off without me but at the same time if someone doesn't care about me soon i will blame them personally for ruining my life even though i've never once actively asked for help.
i don't know what's wrong with me i can't talk to other people without assuming the absolute worst like i'm going insane here i keep wanting to beat myself to a pulp i can't deal with any of this i really can't
i've been actively hurting myself for so long and some of it is definitely for attention because i want SOMEONE just ANYONE to be like "oh. you're not just exaggerating. things really Are that bad for you." because it constantly feels like everyone thinks i'm making everything up. even if they aren't saying it.
i just can't deal with with the world either like i'm sorry this is such a stupid thing to say given the way the world currently is but i can't work i'm sorry you can chalk it up to laziness i don't care but i can't do it i'm not interested in it i don't have the energy for it i can't do it. i'm sorry but i'm too fucking busy trying not to kill myself or other people if you want to put me to work on top of that then nobody's coming out of it happy let me fucking tell you
i'm in college even though i've dropped out previously and i fucking hate it nothing makes me happy nothing brings me joy i want to die so bad i hate it i feel so guilty because i know that as much as i hate my mother she cares about me and has no one else left on this planet who she can rely on (not that she can rely on me, but at least superficially she thinks she can) and i just can't. this entire month i've been in so much pain wanting to die but i keep thinking that my moms going to find me dead and probably go insane because i've seen her when my grandma was dying i've seen the desperation on her face i've never seen anything like that before and as much as i fucking despise her i cannot bring myself to do that to her. and that makes everything so much worse because i do not fucking want to be here i don't want to be here i don't want to live i don't like any of this why can't something just run me over i wish someone would come to my house and kill me or something i don't know
i've been drinking a lot whenever i drink (not that i generally drink often, just whenever i Do drink yk) and i keep taking random pills with it because i've been avoiding taking my medicines because it doesn't do SHIT and makes everything worse and it's been making me go insane i wish someone cared enough to either fix my life for me or just let me die i don't fucking know
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daughters-of-liberty · 2 years ago
Sooo, I've been thinking...
Lately, I've been contemplating leaving this blog and starting over, for multiple reasons. First off, this isn't my primary blog, it was a secondary, which means I can't reply to any post, merely reblog it. This is incredibly annoying for me, especially because my "main" doesn't represent me as I've grown anymore.
Secondly, I want to focus on aesthetic posts as well as domestic/housewife stuff. Less politics, more things that bring me joy: pretty pictures, quiet music, my home, my family, and of course, God.
Thirdly, the God part is a big one. Remember, when I started this blog (and my main), I was still a pagan. A pondering, tentative pagan, who was being called to God with every passing day...but a pagan nonetheless. I have since grown in my faith journey, and changed this blog to suit to the best of my ability. I feel, though, that who I was a year ago has tainted some people's view of me, my blog, and all its contents. I am not that person anymore.
Fourthly, the domestic part is also a big reason. When I first started this blog, I just wanted aesthetics and to talk with fellow housewives about domesticity, cleaning, cooking, some mild fashion topics, and on point political takes. I feel the last one has outshined everything else...and not for the better. I need to go back to basics, back to what I know and what makes me happy and mentally healthy. Focusing on politics really makes me angry. And to quote Andrew Klavan: anger is the devil's cocaine. And I just don't want to feed into that anymore, for me or anyone else.
Fifth, in trying to cut back on swearing, and I have done so with success, relative to where I started when I began this blog. But those earlier days...oof. Like a sailor on shore leave, I swear. I want to start over and have a second chance at not appearing uncouth or ladylike.
Sixth, and this one is the hardest one to articulate, especially because I don't want to call out anyone...but I'm beginning to notice some feminism and mainstream feminist ideas trickle into my little corner of the world. And some of that is okay, like sex work isn't actually empowering, and abuse of women isn't okay even if it's "culturally accepted", as examples. I still hold a lot of the same beliefs as a lot of my mutuals and followers.
That being said, I am trying to turn more to the Bible in my personal life, and follow a male-led, Biblical marriage, because that's when I'm happiest and healthiest in my own relationship. And recently, I've noticed more people, even some Christians who are pro-Biblical submission, echo some feminist sentiments like...fairness in a marriage, saying things like "what does HE do for you" for example. And I've even begun echoing these ideas in my personal life and in my relationship...to much internal disharmony on my part. And I need to get back to being grateful for everything my husband gives me, and giving him what I can in return.
This is something I have struggled with in the past month or so, and it has not brought me happiness. I need to return to that which made me happy.
So, with all that being said, I don't know when I'm going to make this new blog. I don't want to start over from scratch on followers and mutuals, especially because I do so enjoy interacting with so many of you...but at the same time, I want it smaller and more intimate. I may even post videos about cooking or cleaning tips or even some theological thoughts...we'll see how comfy I am with that idea. But I won't delete this blog; I have too much on it that I believe is of value to my personal journey, and to some broader discussions on conservatism, feminism, etc. I also have a long queue left to go through on this blog, so instead of deleting all of it, I'm just gonna let it post and run dry. Way easier.
I guess, ultimately, if you've read this and want to follow me on my new blog, knowing it's gonna be more Biblically feminine, less political, more aesthetic, and more geared toward domestic arts and family, then send me a message or an ask saying "count me in" or whatever, and I'll let you know when it's up and running? I think that'll work? Lmk
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