#this became a spiel but yes you’re right
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vesemirsexual · 1 year ago
love ur post about geralt and his hook ups. I hate most of them. Idk how people can hate yen for being “toxic” and be okay with people like Triss/Fringilla…..
God. Out of every woman that Geralt has sex with, Triss and Fringilla might actually be my most hated.
I think for both of them, I side eye anyone who is about it, because well…they’re both really using him, even if they are “in love” with him to some degree. They both have no problem fucking over Yennefer (who, together with or not, Geralt clearly cares deeply about and co-parents Ciri with) and Ciri.
Triss is the more obvious one here. She has no problem fucking Geralt under extremely dubious circumstances, despite being friends with both Geralt and Yen. She betrays Yennefer with Philippa and the Lodge, and is willing to hurt both Ciri and Geralt by letting them think Yen died a traitor. She is willing to let the Lodge use Ciri.
Fringilla I think is easier to miss. Firstly, while it is warfare, she blinds Yennefer for a year at Sodden, and even recovered, Yen is said to have some fairly serious mental scarring from it. I have seen Fringilla characterised as a “nice” or “more friendly” sorceress, and that’s why she helped Yennefer teleport past the blockade on Montecalvo.
Personally, I think it can also be read another way: Fringilla fought on the opposite side of a battle to Yennefer, doesn’t like her, and doesn’t particularly want to work alongside her. Yennefer wants to escape Montecalvo, and Fringilla wants her gone. I don’t think Fringilla was necessarily giving Yen a helping friendly hand as much as she was getting rid of her - as far as she was concerned, Yennefer was leaving a safe place and the Lodge where she had significant influence (even if she wasn’t particularly popular/trusted). Nilfgaard would capture her as an enemy, or the Northern Realms would consider her a traitor/ally to Vilgefortz. Frankly, it was impossible for Fringilla to predict where Yennefer would end up, and how it helped her further research Ciris bloodline.
And then we have fucking Geralt all winter so he didn’t continue to search for Ciri and Yennefer, while knowing Yennefer was captured/likely being tortured, and that Ciri was in danger (rather that be from Vilegfortz or the Lodge itself). She wanted and directly asked Geralt to stay in Toussaint with her because she didn’t give a fuck about Yennefer, or his daughter.
The Triss horse has been beaten to death in terms of her actions (unfortunately I still do have a soft spot for Miss Triss, and think she should be allowed to be an actual disaster away from everyone else). Anyone who has ever talked to me though knows it’s fuck Fringilla forever.
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lu-sn · 2 years ago
Pete watches on in amusement as Macau totally fails to shimmy himself into the skintight layer of his pilot suit.
“Hey, it’s because I’m swole now, okay, I lift,” Macau says petulantly as he finally manages to roll the suit past his hips. 
Pete finishes zipping up his own suit. “Mhmm.”
“This is a super old suit,” Macau complains, “they took my new suit for repairs, and let’s be honest, I was basically a stick back then–”
“Until you became hot,” Pete says, having heard this spiel only about twenty times before. He moves to help Macau squeeze his arms through the suit.
“Until I became hot!” Macau grins at Pete. “See, you get it. Hey, I bet my biceps look real good in this–”
“The kaiju will definitely be blown away by your biceps.”
“They sure fucking will.” Macau looks inordinately pleased with himself. “The final, secret weapon that will save humanity.”
Pete rolls his eyes. “Okay,” he says, “hold your breath – good,” as he yanks Macau’s zipper all the way up. He pats Macau on the back. “Let’s go.”
Once they’ve made their way to the jaeger cockpit, the technicians start encasing Pete and Macau in their protective armor, along with all of the hook-ups that give them control over the various limbs and weapon attachments on the jaeger. 
“Helmets,” one technician says, and Pete swiftly pulls on his head sock, making sure his bangs are securely tucked under the cloth before slipping on his helmet as well. He hears the familiar hiss of the hydraulics as the technician locks in a large attachment to the back of his helmet – the critical cabling that enables the pilots’ neural link.
“Step back,” the technician says, and Pete does. The exoskeleton clicks into place around him. “Preparations complete.”
“Testing comms,” a voice says, directly into Pete’s ear.
“Menace-L, copy,” Pete responds.
“Menace-R, copy,” Macau follows. “‘Sup, Hia.”
“Brat,” Vegas says placidly. “Operations confirmed that the kaiju is a Cat-3, and it’s headed for the Philippines. You’ll be in-flight for a little over 2 hours before the drop.”
“Yeah, right,” Macau mutters.
Pete snorts. After that one time they were stuck waiting to drop for over 12 hours, Pete doesn’t blame him for his skepticism.
“Tell yourself 4 hours, and then maybe you won’t be so cranky when the estimate isn’t spot on.” Vegas says. “The shelf on that side of the island falls off pretty quickly. Luckily, we don’t think you’ll have to wait until the kaiju makes it to the shallows. He doesn’t look like a swimmer.”
“A runner?” Macau says, a hint of glee in his tone.
“Yep. Four-legged. You should be able to fight him along the sea bed.”
“Phi,” Macau says. “Phi. Can we wrestle him, please–”
“Absolutely not,” Vegas starts.
“Sure,” Pete says.
Macau whoops. “Fuck yeah! Underwater wrestling, baby, let’s fucking go–”
Vegas sighs. “If HQ asks for Menace’s damages bill again, I’ll make sure you’re the one taking that call. You can be the one to explain exactly how critical it is to account for underwater wrestling in the budget–”
“We’ve, like, improved,” Macau says. “We’re good at it now. Tell you what – I’ll make you a bet. External damage only. No dents in the framework this time.”
“Deal,” Vegas says immediately. 
“Here we go again,” Pete says under his breath.
“We’re ready for the neural link, sir,” another voice interrupts. “Are we cleared?”
“One moment,” Vegas says. “Yes, you’re cleared.”
“Neural link for Apocalyptic Menace going live in sixty,” the voice says.
Pete exhales, leans back into the exoskeleton. The jolt of the neural link is always nauseating, but thankfully it’s short-lived. Pete is very used to it, though. And the drift itself is wonderful.
He hears a faint click, and an indicator pops up on his helmet’s interface that he’s been switched over to a private line.
There is a long silence.
“Wish I could come with you,” Vegas says quietly.
Pete smiles, fond. “You’ll just have to wish harder for a Cat-4. For next time.”
Vegas’s injury means that he’s not allowed to be on a standard pilot rotation, not like the rest of them. But he’s so damn good that HQ can’t bring themselves to bench him, either. So he gets sent out with Pete on the really tough drops, the category 4 and 5 kaijus, and Macau subs in on all the rest.
They’re lucky that all three of them are drift compatible with each other. Otherwise, HQ would force Vegas into the cockpit far more frequently. And then Vegas would re-injure himself, probably, and Pete would have to go kill someone over it.
“Next time,” Vegas says. Then, firm, “You’ll come back.”
“I always do,” Pete says, voice soft.
Vegas hums. “And bring my idiot brother back intact, please. Keep the wrestling to a minimum.”
“Can’t believe you’d throw a bet like that,” Pete says, amused.
Vegas scoffs. “It’s a win-win for me. Less repairs, and HQ doesn’t come for my head... or, Macau does laundry for a month.”
Pete shudders. “Maybe not laundry this time? He’s not very, um. Good at it.”
“How else is he going to learn, Pete,” Vegas says pleasantly, “if we don’t give him the opportunity to improve himself.”
“Uh-huh. And it’s a total coincidence that you hate laundry.”
“Like I said,” Vegas says, “win-win. Oh, wait. Macau is speaking.” And Pete hears another click.
“Phi,” Macau says, very seriously.
“Friendly reminder,” Macau says, “to not think about Hia.”
Pete laughs.
“No thoughts!” Macau screeches. “None! Not a single one, or I swear to god, I’ll break the neural link and jump into the ocean.”
“That was one time,” Pete says. Plus, it wasn’t like it had been Pete’s fault. Vegas shouldn’t have given him horny thoughts from 2000 kilometers away.
“Once,” Macau says, “was plenty.”
“Link in three,” the technician’s voice counts down, “two, one–”
And as the neural link kicks in, Pete’s vision whites out, and the pain is sharp and bright right behind his eyes – until, suddenly, it settles.
Hey, bro, he hears. Ready to rumble?
Pete grins. Macau’s emotions are infectious, all excitement and anticipation and dogged determination. And in the far corner of his mind, a tiny hint of nervousness. 
It’s good for Macau to have that. Keeps him from being reckless.
Let’s do this, Pete thinks. And then, just for a brief moment, he pulls up a memory from this morning – Vegas standing in the bathroom doorway while brushing his teeth, shirtless, ratty sweatpants riding low on his hips–
Oh my fucking god. Why would you do this to me. Why would you make me suffer like this.
Pete laughs, harder this time.
“Drift is stable,” the technician says. “Cleared for lift-off.”
“Copy,” Vegas says. There’s some murmuring from his end of the line. “Operations says you’re good to go. Good luck. Remember to cut down on the snarking this time. Maybe it’ll improve your kill time average.”
“Maybe I’ll stop snarking,” Macau says pointedly, “once Phi is done inflicting mind crimes on me–”
Describe to me, Pete thinks, in great detail, exactly how you picture this wrestling going. Just so we’re on the same page.
The distraction works. Pete feels a huge wave of glee hit him. Phi. I have so many ideas.
(thank you to @suzteel and @kissporsche for all of the ideas ❤️ and especially to suz for saying that every combination of mvp would be drift-compatible, because i swear i wasn't going to write anything until she baited me with that)
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danco110 · 4 months ago
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"You don't tame a horncrest, Malcolm. You convince it that it's easier to destroy something else."
“Ooh. Now that doesn’t sound like the usual Sun Empire spiel, Amautl.”
Though he was tied by his own rope and hanging upside down, Malcolm still managed to smirk at Amautl’s words. He then made his taunt with both the Sun Empire soldier and her bonded dinosaur glaring up at him.
“That’s right,” laughed the siren, “I can tell you’re exactly not on the same ‘peace and harmony’ bandwagon. But don’t worry, I’m not judging.”
Amautl turned up her nose at Malcolm. “We would never be so cruel as to force our companions to do anything. We work together.”
“Until dinner time, you mean.”
“Actually,” Amautl grinned, “that’s when we get along the best.”
“You’re…gonna eat me?”
“Wh- No! I mean, I direct them to eat you. I don’t do any of the actual- Enough stalling!”
“Worth a try,” Malcolm muttered.
Amautl pointed up, and her horncrest opened its mouth. Before the dinosaur could feast, however, a cacophonous screeching interrupted it.
A goblin with a beautiful hat swung into view. He promptly became tangled in Malcolm’s bindings and ended up similarly restrained.
“Ah, Breeches!” Malcolm chimed. “So nice of you to join me!”
The goblin’s head bobbed up and down in a frantic nod. “YES! PARTNER MALCOLM!”
“All right, that’s…heartwarming,,” Amautl groaned. “Now, back to-”
“…I beg your pardon?”
“That is ab…surd…”
Amautl felt a shiver down her spine. She looked behind to see her horncrest eyeing her, now.
Amautl turned tail and sprinted away, the dinosaur chasing close behind. Malcolm breathed a sigh of relief.
“Good thinking, Breeches.”
“Thank goodness…” Malcolm blinked. “Did you bring anything to cut us down?”
Malcolm hung his head, angling upwards due to him being upside down.
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[Scene: Player 1 casts Mutiny, forcing Player 2’s Horncrest to kill their only other creature and leaving it unable to attack or block.]
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ahfrickenfrick · 2 years ago
buzzfeed unsolved: The disappearance of Jason Todd
This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we will be discussing the disappearance of Jason Todd-Wayne, which has had updates as recently as last week.
Wait last week? Ryan, if we disappear because of this episode imagine how cool it would be. Maybe we hang with our good pal Jason.
I don’t have time for you being stupid. I have to get this right, because let me be honest. I have a man crush on Bruce Wayne, and if he ends up watching this and you’re being stupid I’ll never forgive you.
Okay, sure. Cause Bruce Wayne is searching the internet for every little thing posted about his dead son.
We don’t know if he’s dead! And that’s what I’m here to talk about today.
Jason Peter Todd was born August 16th, 2000 in Gotham City, New Jersey, to his mother Dr. Sheila Haywood and his father Willis Todd. However only a few months later did Willis Todd marry Catherine Johnson, forcing Dr. Haywood to have to relinquish custody.
If I ever have a kid-
-they would all have your big head and I’d feel sorry for them.
Ryan. I listen to you ramble about murderers and ghosts. Let me tell my spiel.
Right, sorry.
If I ever have a kid with someone, I think I’d be really upset if they just kinda made me give my kid to a stranger.
Here’s the thing to that! No one has heard or seen from Dr. Sheila Haywood since, like after her son was born. The only thing that might link back to her is an illegal botched surgery, but most of it was sealed off, and I don’t feel like having the Gotham City Police Department call me up
(ring ring)
Hi yes, are you that idiot from that show? You will be arrested immediately! Batman and his group of… misfits?? I don’t know, but they are on their way!
Moving on from your weird role play, like all the families that live in Park Row, what is deemed “Crime Alley”, the Todd family did not have money.
You could not pay me to go to a place called Crime Alley.
We were actually going to Gotham, scope around, maybe get a selfie with Robin-
-Which one?
I need to do an episode trying to figure out how many Robin’s there actually are… I think there have been five?? Six?? I don’t know… stop distracting me with Batman! We ended up scraping the visitation part because apparently this time of year Arkham breakouts are common, and I don’t want to get fear gassed.
Jason did decent at school, until he stopped showing up, school records are really spotty after third grade. Apparently he was reading and understanding college level stuff, but that’s really all we got on it.
Not a lot on this guys younger life it looks like.
No there isn’t, not any social media posts, or news articles, or anything if that sort about Jason until a few years later in 2012, when Jason became the ward to the one and only, Bruce Wayne.
Ah, Bruce Wayne, you love him, I love him, uhm- I actually don’t know much about Bruce Wayne other than the fact he’s one of the few rich people who give away a shit ton of money.
Bruce Wayne is a billionaire CEO, with a heart of gold, and some say he sleeps around, but as long as he’s not hurting anyone. Also! He’s a dad! Bruce Wayne is a trusted person within the Foster Care over in Gotham. He takes in the extreme cases that would probably leave the kid with a bunch of trauma.
Well, with what I’ve heard about Gotham, he must have like a billion kids with just a bunch of trauma
Let’s see what I remember from research, cause I did not write anything down for this. His first ward was Richard Grayson, who goes by Dick, was taken in after he watched his whole family fall and die on the trapeze.
As I said before, Jason was brought into Mr. Wayne’s custody after the death of both his father and his step mother. His father’s death was unknown, and his step mother died from a drug overdose… in front of Jason.
Uhm- Tim Drake? His was more interesting to watch unfold because there’s a whole other multimillion almost billion dollar company that Tim’s parents owned, and there was a lot covered up by lawyers and stuff, but Tim ended up with the Waynes
Then there’s the only female in the place, Cassandra Wayne, she is selectively mute, and overly protected by her adoptive family, nothing was shared with the media about where she came from.
Damian Wayne is the only blood son to Bruce Wayne, he didn’t even know about the kid until… like last year? Two years ago? Again, not a lot that I remember.
And then there’s been rumors of him taking in another kid, but nothing for sure yet.
Jesus, Ryan take a breath, and go back to Jason, because now I’m hoping I believe your theories about him being alive cause what this family didn’t need is another death.
Look, Shane. I’m going to be straight with you here. There are three possible theories I think could be plausible. So let’s jump right into them.
Theory one, is that Jason Todd is alive and in hiding from The Joker. This is the second most popular idea, and one I hope is true. There really isn’t anything else to this theory, besides a picture of someone that looks a little like Jason in the middle of Asia.
Doppelgänger, probably. Lemme see. I don’t know… this kinda looks like someone edited it.
Yeah, like it looks really distorted. I don’t know if I think it’s real, but it’s what people online were talking about.
Crazy, that people online would doctor fake photos of a kid who had died.
Exactly, which is why people think he’s alive, cause who would do that?
Theory two is that Jason Todd died as his family said he did, looking for his birth mother. Apparently he was in the Middle East, found his mother, but then both were found dead in an explosion caused by the Joker.
So the Joker, who is Gotham’s Prince of Crime, was somehow in the Middle East? I don’t buy it
I didn’t either, until I looked just a little deeper, and found that the next week Superman and Batman stopped the Joker from murdering the United Nations. So he was in the area.
Oh my god. If.. I know on this show I try to goof off, but it’s hard when it’s a kid. How old was Jason?
Only 15. He just got back into the swing of things at school, getting all A’s, he was in the Drama program and the Poetry club. If you scroll down a on Dick Grayson’s Instagram you can find a selfie of Dick and Jason, Jason being in his school uniform only a week before he died. The two seemed to be really close, with how much Grayson posted of the two of them, and then it was radio silence from the man until a year after Jason’s death, where he made a memorial post, along with Bruce Wayne, who made the Jason Peter Todd Memorial Foundation, which helps families in Crime Alley.
Look, not okay with the kid dying, but it makes me kinda smile to see that his family got together to do something like this in his name.
I don’t think you understand the length of what this fund does. It provides special housing for single mothers, has opened up two clinics that help with drug abuse and addiction, and keeps kids in warm clothes and in school.
That’s- wow. Okay, you are making this “he’s dead” thing seem like it’s the only thing that happened.
Well, theory 3, is that he died-
Wait what?
He died, and came back to life.
This, I think, is worse than you saying ghosts are real.
We live in a world where someone can run at the speed of light! Yet you draw the line at ghosts and maybe hopefully someone who isn’t dead.
Yeah, but that’s science. Okay whatever where’s the proof of him being alive.
Okay, looking at the timeline. Jason Todd died at 15, in 2015. And the Wayne’s kinda were quiet for a year and a half, besides the foundation they set up, even with Tim, nothing really new was happening.
And then things seemed to go back to normal, they all frequented gala’s again, and all the other social stuff they did-
Yeah, nice choice of wording there
Shut up, anyways, in 2018 a picture appears, not even the front page, of Dick Grayson walking and laughing with someone who looks a lot like if Jason Todd grew up for a few years, and then decided to dye his hair.
Listen, Ryan. People have doppelgängers. We just saw the other picture and it’s clearly fake- Jesus Christ that looks exactly like Jason.
Exactly! And I started looking around more, finding pictures of the Wayne family around Gotham from news sites, and every once in a while, that guy pops up. Never in the picture, but always somewhere in the background like he wasn’t wanting to be seen. Like i mentioned in the beginning, there was a picture from a week ago that looks exactly like him.
Wait, is this a theory from the internet or something you came up with?
Both, kind of? I saw someone make a bad joke about it, and then it kinda stuck in my head as I looked for more information. Apparently there is a mythical pit that could bring someone from the dead.
Okay, yeah. Mythical revival pit. As if any living person wouldn’t be all over that.
Look man, that’s just the information I found. But I really really hope that Jason is alive somewhere safe, or resting peacefully.
The most believable for me is that he did pass away. But I’d love to be wrong.
That being said, I got really sad looking through all of Jason’s life, I felt like I was being more invasive than usual. So I talked with the crew and Buzzfeed, and we are donating all revenue from this video to the Jason Memorial fund in Gotham.
But the mystery of Jason Todd, still remains….
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linkrockeater · 3 years ago
champions x lynel reader hcs
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requested by: anonymous
“Hello there!
Would you ever do (any Zelda character you right for) x a fem lynel champion reader? I’m not picky so it could be about anything and be platonic or romantic. Sorry if this isn’t what you do! :)”
i hope this is what you were hoping for! i couldn’t pick any specific character so i wrote headcanons for each champion + link and zelda. 
anon also requested for a fem!reader, though i don’t specify any pronouns or gender (i think) so feel free to imagine whatever you want! this was completely on accident though so i didn’t mean to purposely ignore your request lmao. i did, however, find this female lynel reference on reddit and thought it was the coolest thing ever so i thought i’d share.
warnings: none! please let me know if i need to add any.
gn!reader, platonic, 1.7k words, not proofread
link thinks you’re the coolest thing ever
i mean lynels aren’t exactly friendly. you literally assisting the champions as one yourself is pretty telling of your character
you and link share a pretty strong friendship once you get yourself settled among the other champions.  you two just clicked instantly
one way you two bond is by just sparring with each other. at the end of a training session or even full day you can sometimes see link lingering around wherever you’re at without any obvious reason and only you know it’s because he wants to fight
you two don’t go the full extent, obviously not trying to kill one another, but you definitely don’t go easy.
the size comparison between you two is drastic, so sometimes you end up leaving a few bruises on the tiny man without trying to, leaving you feeling guilty
he doesn’t care tho. having done his job as long as he has he’s pretty pain-tolerant
neither of you have spoken a word to each other. you’re a lynel and don’t speak, and link is just stoic and doesn’t either. 
regardless, the bond you two share is impressively strong
the most you’ve ever heard link “say” weren’t words at all, they were just his airy laughs as you two battled
that one time he takes down like 3 lynels at once during an attack though he doesn’t tell you
he doesn’t wanna traumatize you lmao
zelda had uttered that word for probably the 4th time in a 30-second span since approaching you, previously just resting somewhere in hyrule field
her knight trailed behind her, looking ready to attack in case you did anything, which you didn’t plan to
zelda had opened her mouth several times since the encounter as if to ask you questions, but opted not to upon realizing you wouldn’t be able to answer them
when you seemed to react to her words, however, she felt more encouraged, deciding on asking yes or no questions instead
she learned that you were indeed a lynel, but you were generally non-hostile for the most part, the reason being you raised yourself so close to that castle that you observed them to be non-threatening to you and therefore came to respect them as the land’s leaders
you could still hunt for food if you wished, a majority of the land still left to the wild for you to explore, so as long as you weren’t being attacked by any knights (which didn’t usually happen because they were scared of you if they ever found you) you didn’t care to attack anyone who got too close.
that being said, you could almost see the lightbulb above zelda’s head light up after a while, soon going on a grand spiel about the champions
with some convincing, you agreed to become one
while you and zelda aren’t super close friends, you two do respect each other a whole lot
you sometimes insist on going on her travels with her, not sure if link’s protection will be enough in case of an attack or emergency
also because of other lynels. most other lynels are unaware of the lack of hostility hylians bear, so in case they came across one during their travels, you could at least keep it back or fight it if needed
zelda became very worried at one point that you were feeling left out as a champion, not having a divine beast to control, until link suggested that maybe you could just rally up a bunch of lynels in a time of crisis if possible
you agreed, thinking it might be possible if you made routine trips around hyrule to recruit lynels as you found them
she was still worried though. you can tell she really cared about your inclusion by making sure she had tasks to give to you, which you came to appreciate
overall, although you two weren’t super close, there was still evident respect and care between the two of you and you’ve come to appreciate the new change in your life
mipha was quite unsure about a lynel becoming a champion, questioning your loyalty and motives, but kept it all mostly to herself
the first time zelda insisted you were safe, she didn’t question it again out loud, though was still unsure internally
once you proved you really could be trusted, you two ended up forming quite an unlikely friendship!
she becomes quite comfortable around you, so much so that she’ll open up about her feelings for link 
you’re a really good listener and she loves that you don’t seem to judge her for what she talks to you about
you two don’t hang out often, but when you do, it’s very calming
she would love to show you around zora’s domain as she is quite proud of where she comes from, but unfortunately, you’re much too large to navigate the narrow halls (albeit not as large as her father, but for the most part, he just sits in the throne room)
but also you might just frighten the other zoras who are unaware of your loyalty to the kingdom of hyrule, and by extension, their people as well
overall, mipha just thinks you’re neat and a great friend
this man does NOT like you
he is constantly questioning whether or not you’re going to turn on them at any given moment, which frustrates you, but ultimately you don’t react in order to remain professional
he would never admit it to ANYONE, and i mean NEVER, but his opposition to you is probably because he’s a little scared of you lmao
of course he thinks that if you two ever got into a fight that he would have an advantage because of his ability to fly, but to be honest, he is intimidated by the fact that your skills in archery rival his
there’s a good chance you’re just plain better than him and he does not want to admit it, and if not, he’s going to take every opportunity possible to talk about it
he mostly does this to reassure himself that he’s still good enough to be a champion
seeing you get along with link so well frustrates him. once again, he’d never admit it, but he’s horribly insecure about his skills and sometimes his relationship with the others
that being said, the way he treats you hardly changes LMAOOO
there is a begrudging increase in respect, but it’s hardly noticeable, and you wrote him off a while ago
your relationship is strictly professional, though perhaps in some alternate universe you and he could get along better
had he been a little kinder to you, you would’ve loved to challenge him to a friendly archery battle
and if he were a little better with managing his emotions and actions, he would’ve loved to accept such a challenge
(side note: i would love it if someone requested for revali sometime omg i love this stupid bird)
this man is your #1 SUPPORTER
like link, he thinks you are the coolest thing he’s ever laid eyes on
he is CONSTANTLY asking you to train with him or share a classic goron meal with him
you’re not much for eating rocks, but you do accompany him on his training sessions at least
he is super verbal about how he feels about you, constantly spewing words of encouragement or plain awe whenever you do anything
you find it endearing and it’s a nice change of attitude 
the atmosphere can be quite serious and the tension quite high regarding your work and the rising threat of the calamity, so having someone as positive as he is is quite refreshing
being quite strong yourself, you’re able to carry daruk on your back and charge short distances before he jumps off and slams himself/his weapon into the ground
(it’s his favorite move; it stuns everything within a 30-40 ft radius [9-12 meters])
unfortunately, you’re not as cool as link for not being able to stomach his goron prime rock roast. you’re very carnivorous and the rocks don’t digest well anyway
how link did it? you have absolutely no clue, that man is wild
when daruk first met you he had no questions or complaints. just greeted you, gave you a big ol’ pat on the side, and welcomed you to the “family”
daruk is a lot smarter than most people think he is and offers you a lot of valuable combat advice
although you don’t necessarily need it, being one hell of a fighter yourself, you always make sure to remember his advice since he only means the best
all in all daruk is one of your best buds and you appreciate each other a whole lot
urbosa was a little skeptical of you at first, but she kept it to herself from the very beginning.
she welcomed you when zelda first introduced you to everyone but kept a close eye on you whenever you were all together
as for when she was back at home learning the divine beast controls, there wasn’t much she could do
with her fury, however, she was confident that in case something DID happen, she could take care of you immediately
that time, however, never came, and she was relieved to find soon enough that you were indeed as trustworthy as zelda said you were
urbosa is nothing but a kind and wise figure to you. out of everyone else, you probably come to respect her the most
she carries herself with such grace and dignity that she seems almost too eloquent to be a champion, yet any doubt is washed away as soon as she starts fighting
urbosa fights with such a controlled yet furious badass-ery that it leaves you in awe
and she notices. lol
she doesn’t say it, but she’s proud that the ferocious lynel seems to look up to her, and she’s aways open to sharing her wisdom with you
urbosa is more like a mentor to you than she is a friend, although to say you two weren’t friends would be false
you two compliment each other very well, though not as well as you and link or you and daruk
your friendship is less personal than that, but not as strictly professional like yours and revali’s
overall you two make quite the scary combo
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earliebirb · 4 years ago
i’ll save you a seat
steve/tony, established relationship, canon divergence, 1673 words
(inspired by this deleted scene from the avengers [2012])
“Waiting on the big guy?”
“Ma’am?” Steve looks up from his sketchbook, eyes squinting against the sunlight. 
He meets the gaze of one of the waitresses working at the café. Her long blond hair flows down to her chest and she is dressed in the café’s signature uniform: pastel orange blouse, black skirt, and a white half apron tied around her waist. 
“Iron Man,” the waitress clarifies, lips quirked up in a knowing smile. “A lot of people eat here just to see him fly by.”
“Right,” Steve says, lips twitching at their inside joke. He opens his mouth to say something else, but a familiar silhouette in the distance catches his eye and breaks his train of thought. “Uh, actually…”
He nods at the sky. The waitress follows his gaze.
The object grows larger, approaching at a high speed. It morphs into a blur of red and gold that streaks across the blue sky right above them, sending a gust of wind that ruffles the waitress’ blond locks. The figure lands a short distance away from the café with a distinct metallic thunk — the sound of gold-titanium alloy hitting concrete. 
All around him, people begin to whisper among themselves with excitement, some even taking out their phones to document the spectacle. Although Steve can’t really say he enjoys the attention, warmth still blooms in his chest as he observes the approaching figure. He finds himself hiding an involuntary grin behind his hand.
“Always a dramatic entrance, huh?” The waitress chuckles.
“You know it.” Steve sighs with fond exasperation. All eyes are on Tony as he walks toward the outdoor area of the café, the nanotech suit peeling away from his body. The excited murmurs and whispers increase in volume.
When Tony finally arrives at the table, he bends down to plant a kiss on Steve’s cheek. “Good morning, beloved.”
“Mr. Stark-Rogers,” the kind waitress greets with a smile. “The usual?”
“Please, Beth. I told you to call me Tony.” Tony reaches up to slide his sunglasses a few inches down the bridge of his nose, giving her a disapproving look that makes her chuckle. “And yes, please. Thank you.”
“Table’s yours as long as you like,” she says before disappearing into the indoor part of the café to relay the order. Steve knows she means it, too. She’ll make sure of it, just like she always has for the past few years.
The café had been Steve’s favorite café, at first. He visited the place often, especially during his first few weeks in the twenty-first century. He developed a fondness for their sesame seed bagels and the lovely view of Stark Tower from his favorite outdoor table, although the latter is a fact Steve would never admit to Tony even on pain of death. 
However, the café quickly became Steve and Tony’s favorite café when their reluctant camaraderie bloomed into friendship all those years ago. Even before they started dating, Steve and Tony already established a weekly ritual of having brunch at the café whenever their schedules aligned. 
Tony did eventually admit to Steve that he found the café’s coffee to be subpar. He did, however, insist that the café was his favorite, albeit for reasons different from Steve’s. Not for the bagels, not for the exceptional view of Stark Tower, and definitely not for the coffee, but because the café was a place full of memories. His memories of the two of them, his memories of Steve:
“That café was where I first made you laugh. Like, really laugh. I’d seen you smile or chuckle before, but that kind of full-body laughter? That was a first. And I remember thinking that… I really, really liked the way you laughed.”
It has been seven years since Steve first sat at this very table and sketched the figure of Stark Tower looming before him. Beth is still working at the café, having made her way through the ranks. Now a co-owner of the café, she has developed a friendship of sorts with Steve and Tony — both of whom she claims to be her favorite regulars. Tony likes to joke about how she probably says that to all of her regulars, something Beth always denies vehemently. 
Steve turns his attention back to Tony, who has taken off and folded his sunglasses, letting them hang from the collar of his shirt. 
“Would it kill you to take the elevator and walk?”
“It’s not like I do this every single time. Besides, why take the elevator when you have a flying suit? That’s just ineffective.” Tony makes a face as he pulls his chair out.
“‘S good exercise.”
“I exercise plenty.” Tony sits down on the chair across from him, scooting closer to the table. Under the table, his ankle brushes Steve’s. “Besides, we just engaged in a vigorous workout session this morning.” Tony bites his lower lip, giving Steve a lascivious wink.
“Tony,” Steve reprimands, but finds himself unable to say anything further, not when the back of his neck is heating up at the memory of what they were up to just a few hours ago. While Steve immediately showered afterward and headed straight to the café, Tony decided he wanted to sleep for a few more hours, promising to join Steve later. 
Tony grins before leaning forward on his elbows to peer at Steve’s sketch.
“Which lucky building are you sketching today, honeybunch?”
He squints and frowns when instead of a building he finds a rough and nondescript sketch of a person’s face. 
It could be anyone to the untrained eye, but Steve’s pen strokes are sure and confident, having rendered the same jawline countless of times. 
Every single time, Tony’s figure never fails to fascinate him. Always so beautiful from every angle, in every light. Steve knows it well enough by now to be able to sketch him simply from an image in his mind’s eye. 
Still, nothing beats the real thing. Steve takes in the sweep of Tony’s dark lashes and his coffee brown eyes as he appraises the drawing.
“It’s not a building,” Steve says instead. 
Tony hums noncommittally, tilting his head at the sketch and giving it one last look before leaning back in his seat. “How was your morning run?”
“Really?” Tony says distractedly, his attention on Beth who is once again approaching their table with his cup of coffee, black as midnight.
Tony engages in more small talk with Beth as she sets the cup and saucer on the table, asking after her husband and kids. There is an easy and carefree smile on his face, crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes.
All the while, his fingers are fiddling with two sugar packets Steve knows he will only use one of. He is always buzzing with energy, parts of him always in a state of perpetual motion, finding it near impossible to stay still. 
Steve also knows that he won’t finish the coffee because it wasn’t made by Steve or himself.
These little idiosyncrasies are details that make up Tony, the little quirks that only Steve knows.
The little things that make you mine, Steve thinks privately. He feels something inside him softening at the thought.
“Sorry, honey,” Tony says when Beth eventually leaves to take another table’s orders, his smile soft and affectionate. “You were saying? Running was uneventful?”
“Yeah,” Steve says quietly, “nothing really interesting.” He admires the way sunlight turns the tips of Tony’s dark hair into a lighter shade of brown. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. You’re still the highlight of my morning.”
Tony huffs, rolling his eyes, but his lips curve up into a pleased smile and his brown eyes are warm with affection as he meets Steve’s gaze. He reaches for Steve’s hand on the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. The band of vibranium around his husband’s ring finger gleams in the late morning sunlight.
“I better be, after waking you up with one hell of a—”
“Tony!” Steve exclaims, knocking his ankle against Tony’s in warning. “Stop it.”
“What? It’s the truth! You really did enjoy it when I—”
“There are children around,” Steve hisses, casting a furtive glance at a nearby table occupied by a family of four. 
Tony laughs softly, his shoulders shaking with it. Still holding his gaze, he brings Steve’s hand to his lips, pressing two feather-light kisses to the back of his hand. He continues holding Steve’s hand against his mouth, and when he speaks Steve feels his lips and the bristles of his goatee brushing his skin.
“Sorry, baby, I can’t help it.” Tony hides a smile against Steve’s knuckles. “You’re just so pretty when you blush.”
Steve looks down, avoiding Tony’s eyes in favor of staring at the cookie crumbs next to his half-full cup of coffee that has long since gone cold. His cheeks are still burning, and Tony’s words are not helping.
“See?” Tony says, before planting a kiss to his knuckles. “So pretty.”
Steve shuts his eyes with a defeated sigh. “Please just drink your coffee.”
Tony chuckles again but Steve hears the clink of ceramic, a cup being lifted from its saucer. “Aye-aye, Captain.”
He only allows himself to open his eyes when Tony gets distracted by some pigeons, immediately launching into a spiel about the one time he was attacked by a pigeon who was apparently really determined to steal his sandwich.
Steve nods along dutifully, reacting at appropriate times throughout the story, but all he can think of is that sitting there, at a café’s outdoor table on Park Avenue on a bright Sunday morning, his husband sat in front of him talking a mile a minute, is that there is nowhere else he’d rather be.
His gaze falls down to where Tony’s hand is still holding his, even when his other hand is gesturing animatedly as he tells his story.
Yes. Steve thinks, smiling helplessly at the twinkle in Tony’s eyes — the one that appears whenever he gets excited. I’m home. 
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icerosecrystal · 4 years ago
The Love We Give To You
Mominette Month 2021
Day 02: Signs of Affection
Author's Note: Hey everyone! Day 2 was a lot of fun to write! I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, to make sure that no one is confused, I wanted to let you all know that this is not a continuation of Day 1.
It has been three months since Marinette married Bruce and became a part of the Wayne family. Bruce's and Marinette's had a great relationship. Bruce showed affection through cuddles and kisses. Not that he would ever admit to doing it. Alfred and Marinette had bonded over their love of baking, cooking, and mother-henning the children. They showed their affection when they offered to help each other. Whether it be with work in the kitchen or little hobbies. All of the children loved Marinette and showed their affection for her in various ways.
Dick loved hugs. The moment he spotted Mari in the room, he would bound over to her, a smile on his face, and squeeze the life out of her. She would always let out one of her tinkling laughs in response before returning the enthusiastic hug.
Tim liked to give her hugs and kiss her cheek in greeting. But for him, it was more his actions than anything. He would get her a cup of coffee and then babble to her about really anything. In turn, Marinette would patiently listen, adding her input when necessary.
For Jason, he didn't appreciate physical affection as much as his other siblings, but he still would allow some of it, but only ever from Mari. Jason would show his appreciation for Mari every time he helped her out with whatever she was doing. He would sometimes talk about he was feeling also. But his favorite part would be when Mari would indulge in his thrill-seeking activities with him. He loved that she didn't try to change anything about him, and he always did the same for her. He even tried to make a leather jacket with her help.
Cass liked connecting with people on a soulful level. So she would usually sit by Mari when she was designing something and meditate or even only watch her work. They would also meditate together at times. Due to Cass being born into the League of Shadows, she found a lot of physical affection to be strange. But she sometimes did hug Mari.
Stephanie was as enthusiastic with her affection as Dick was. She would bounce over and hug Mari every time she entered the room. She would also constantly cling to Mari and would urge her to make waffles with her.
All of Mari's new children showed her different signs of affection except for Damian. She didn't think that Damian should be as blatant with his love for her, but she wanted even the slightest bit of confirmation that he loved her.
A Week Later
Damian flopped down onto his bed in misery. He had just witnessed another hug session between Dick and Mari. Damian wanted that same love, but he was confused about what to do. He felt like he was betraying his birth mother by trying to show Mari love, even if Talia wasn't the best mother ever. Besides, why would Mari even want a former assassin child as her kid? She's probably happy with the rest of them. At least they were somewhat ordinary. Even Cass, the only other one that had only ever been an assassin, was a lot more passive than him.
He continued to mope about his problems before he suddenly had an epiphany! What if he tested her? He needed to make sure that she was worth loving. And so, the next day, when everyone but Marinette, Alfred, and himself was out of the house, he went to the Batcave. He then started sparring against some dummies. He was hoping that Mari would attempt to bond with him and offer to spar with him. And sure enough, after a few minutes of sparring on his own, a melodic voice behind him called, "Damian? Why are you sparring on your own?"
Damian, in turn, replied, "I had nothing better to do. Would you like to join me? I could teach you."
He watched as her face lit up with unspoken happiness before she stepped onto the mat. They both positioned themselves into a starting position for the spar. He then counted them down, "Three, two, one, go!"
He had barely uttered the words before Mari ducked down low, whipped her leg out, and swung it towards him, hooking the back of his ankle with her foot. The action resulted in him falling to the floor. He quickly jumped up and kicked her leg from behind, causing her to hit the ground. Before he could tackle her, she rolled on the ground and jumped up, punching him as she went. He quickly recovered from the hit and followed with his own, which she caught and flipped him over, putting him back on the floor once more. Before he even got the chance to try and get up, she clambered over him, putting him into an armbar hold. And with that, Mari had officially won the spar.
Damian stared at her in awe as she climbed off him, beaming in excitement. Mistaking his silence and awe for embarrassment and hostility, Marinette frantically tried to make him feel better, "I am so sorry, Damian! I didn't mean to be so aggressive! I know that you wanted to teach me, but I already knew how to fight! But I thought that I would pretend that I didn't! But you were giving me a challenge, and I accidentally started treating it as a real fight! You are an amazing fighter! I am so, so sorry–"
Before she could continue with her spiel, Damian interrupted her with a whisper, "You're awesome." Realizing what he said, he ducked his head, attempting to hide the blush that had made its way onto his cheeks. He quickly gave Mari a tight-lipped smile before running to his room, ignoring Alfred's questioning gaze. He had to think. Right now!
He quickly slammed the door and leaned his head against it. Okay. Things that he had learned today. Number one, Mari knew how to fight. Number two, She knew how to fight very well. Number three, Marinette was awesome. Number four, she was much better than his mother could ever hope to be. And number five, he wanted Mari to be his mom! And he knew how to do it.
Two Weeks Later
It had been two weeks since the spar between Mari and Damian, and much had changed since then. And everyone in the family knew it. But no one, except for Marinette and Damian, knew why.
The first thing that changed was Damian's attitude towards Marinette. Before, he would try his best to never be in the presence of his stepmother. But now, he didn't mind. Everyone could tell that he would try to delay his time spent with her. Not many people would realize it, but the Wayne family wasn't just everybody.
What changed next was how he responded to her words. Before, he would roll his eyes, ignore her, or huff. But now, he would still grumble, but it was always half-heartedly. And one time, they caught him smiling at Mari. The dramatic gasp that Dick let out didn't help anyone in figuring out what was going on.
Then he started doing little things, like pecking her cheek before he left for school. He would smile at her, give her a tiny compliment, paint while she designed. They were such small actions, but every time Damian did them, Marinette's heart swelled with happiness. She was in disbelief that Damian was showing his love for her! Yes, he wasn't as blatant about it as his siblings, but he still did it, and that made her all the happier.
But the day that things finally changed completely was when Damian Al-Ghul Wayne walked up to Marinette Dupain-Cheng and cuddled her. It was an ordinary Saturday. Everyone was up early except for Damian. But then Damian came in yawning and looked around. He saw Mari sitting on the couch stitching something. Damian trudged over to her and sat down next to her. He put his legs up on the couch and buried his face into her chest. Marinette smiled gently at his actions and put down her sewing things before putting her arms around him. She then started stroking his hair, and as if he was part cat, he preened at the attention and pressed his head to her hand in want of more strokes. Damian then mumbled, almost incoherently, "I love you, Ummi. You're amazing."
Marinette stopped stroking his hair in shock, and Damian looked to her worriedly, thinking that she was mad with his declaration. But instead, her face broke into a huge smile, and she hugged him tightly, breathing out, "I love you too, Dami."
All while this was happening, the rest of the Wayne family looked at the pair in awe. Finally, Jason spoke, breaking everyone out of their stares, "When did this happen?! And what did happen?!"
Damian looked over at Jason with a scowl and said, "I found out two weeks ago that Ummi is amazing. She beat me in a spar. Now, she's my Ummi, and none of you imbeciles can take her away from me!"
Everyone except the pair continued to be bewildered over the situation. That was when Dick spoke up, "Ummi?"
Damian looked ready to murderer them for not allowing him to cuddle with his Ummi, but all the same, he replied, "I heard a lot of children call their mothers 'Ummi' in the league, or at least in private. But Mother never permitted me to do the same, alone or in public. She said that I was the heir of the league and should, therefore, be as nonsensical as possible. But now that I have Mari, I finally have someone to call Ummi."
By the end of his speech, Marinette looked to be close to tears, and everyone else was looking at him in surprise. Marinette started clinging onto him, whispering, "I love you so much, mon cheri. I'll always be there for you."
Damian blinked back tears and clung back, saying, "I know you will. I am your favorite anyways." When Damian saw his siblings realize what he said, he jumped off his Ummi's lap and ran out of the room. Behind him, a herd of footsteps was heard, along with shouting from each of the children (except Cass). Each of them trying to convince him as to why he was wrong and why they were the favorite.
Back in the living room, Alfred had left to give Marinette and Bruce some alone time. Marinette beckoned Bruce over to sit beside her. She pecked his mouth before seeing the adoring stare. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "And what is it that you are staring at?"
Bruce pulled her closer, inhaling her jasmine scent, and mumbled, "Oh, nothing. Just looking at my beautiful wife that I can't believe I managed to marry."
Marinette flushed a deep red before punching his arm, "Sap."
"Your sap," he retorted back.
"Yes, my sap," she whispered before giving him a deep kiss.
As Bruce pulled away from her, he mumbled against her lips, "Besides, we all know I'm your favorite."
Marinette smirked before saying, "Oh, I don't know. Your son seems to be just as charismatic as you."
"Exactly–," Bruce started saying before he realized what she said. "Hey! Come back here you!" Marinette giggled as he chased after her trying to tickle her.
The rest of the family came into the room, trying to find the cause of the noise. But they stopped at the scene of their parents laughing together on the ground. Dick then yelled, "Cuddle time," and jumped onto his parents, the rest of the kids, even Alfred joining.
As they all laughed together, Marinette looked at every member of her new family. They were all so different, and that was what made them unique. Even their signs of affection were unique to themselves. But at the end of the day, she knew that they loved her and that she loved them. And that was all that mattered.
2011 words
Day 2 is done! And on time! I wonder how long that'll last!
~ ❄ Crystal ❄
Permanent Taglist:
@heinrode, @astoriaandromeda, @galla02006
no one yet
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years ago
library hours
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!Reader Warnings: maybe a swear word or two, really just FLUFF ft. baby spence Word Count: 1.3k Summary: A late night at a university library leads to reader meeting a tall brunette genius. [fyi i wrote a reimagined version with professor reid x reader. you can read it here]
A/N: dedicated to the amazing @ellesgreenaway​ for inspiring this little fic & giving it a title!!  ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
There was something you always enjoyed about the going to the library.
Perhaps it was the way every single person that walked through the threshold had a purpose. A mission to complete. Perhaps it was the quiet. The solace you felt sitting alone in a corner researching various topics, for class and for recreational purposes.
The university library had quickly become your second home. A location you frequented more than your own dorm room. It wasn’t always to study, no. You people watched. Doodled. Even napped there from time to time. The place brought you peace, and by the time you senior year rolled around, you saw the librarians more than your college friends.
The university library was also the place where you first met a certain young brunette genius - which in time became the main reason why you liked it so much.
Lights were slowly being turned off section by section. A vacuum came to life in one of the aisles. People started to scramble from their seats - shoving their things into their backpacks, throwing out empty coffee cups into the overflowing bins, checking out books they might still use that evening.
All signs indicating it was time to go.
Dolly, one of the librarians, ushered towards you. Her jacket draped over her shoulders, her bag in hand. She gave you the usual spiel of how you can stay until the janitor is finished cleaning, to which you politely nodded along. She wished you a pleasant night, and with a “see you tomorrow” she hurried out the door.
Once she was out of sight, you groaned under your breath and ran your fingers through your hair. You had an assignment due tomorrow, one you started hours ago and only managed to formulate three total sentences. Your gut was telling you there was no way you were going to finish now, especially since you had about thirty minutes until you would have to leave.
Leaning back in your chair, you fluttered your eyes closed in an attempt to collect your thoughts. The tranquil feeling didn't last long as you were abruptly brought back to reality by a loud bang. You quickly sat back up and scanned the space for the source of the noise.
A tall brunette man, not much older than you, stood a few tables away, a heavy looking book at his feet and a shameful look spread across his features.
“The library is closed for the night.” You stated. The brunette scrunched his nose briefly. “B-but you’re here.” He remarked before leaning down to pick up the book he dropped.
“I have permission to be here.”
“What if I do too?” He challenged, taking a step towards you although still keeping a safe distance.
You folded your arms across your chest and arched a brow. “Well, do you?”
The brunette didn't respond. Instead, you noticed how his cheeks flushed a shade of red, how he clutched the book to his chest, and how his fingers tightened around the strap of his bag.
You couldn't help but smirk as you let your arms fall back down to your side.
“I’m just kidding. Come on, join me.” You said, pointing to to the chair across the table from you. “We have about twenty-five minutes before we get kicked out, might as well make the most of it.”
He hesitated for a split second, hovering in his spot. It wasn't until you turned your attention completely away from him, and back to the book in front of you, that he made his move.
“You’re not some sort of killer, are you? You’re not here to murder me?” You asked, looking up as he sat down. His eyes widened and he quickly shook his head in response. “Ehm... N-no.”
“That wasn't a very reassuring no, but I guess I’ll take it.” You nudged in response, and proceeded to work away on your assignment. As you worked, you could feel his eyes burning into you.
In any other situation, with any other stranger, the feeling would have made you uncomfortable. But there was something about the timid stranger that was quite welcoming.
“I-I actually, uhm, I profile serial killers. I help catch them.” He said after a moment of silence. Once again, you glanced up from your notes to look at him. Intrigue greeting your facial features. “I just started with the FBI.” He stated.
It wasn't a brag. No. It was a statement to make you feel more safe, and you couldn't help but smile at him. “So, mister FBI, what are you doing in a university library on a Thursday night?”
“Doctor.” He corrected.
“Doctor FBI.” He said, corners of his lips twitching upwards. “I have PhDs in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering.” Now, that was a brag.
You chuckled softly. “You don't happen to have a PhD in History under your belt, do you? Because that would be very helpful right about now.”
“No, but I do have an eidetic memory and can read twenty-thousand words per minute.” He declared. You stared at him in disbelief, your mouth parting ever so slightly in shock.
“Did they make you in a lab or something?” You teased, although you could tell he didn't find it amusing. He furrowed his brows, lips pursed into thin line. You chewed down on your bottom lip, feeling slightly ashamed for poking fun at the guy who was nothing but be nice to you. “I’m sorry.” You mumbled faintly. “That was rude.”
“It’s okay.” He quickly reassured, and shot you a timid smile. The two of you stared silently at one another. There was something amicable about the seconds that passed as you looked into his hazel eyes. Something harmonious. Friendly. Strong.
You cleared your throat. “There uhm, there’s this dinner not far from here. It’s twenty-four hours so they won't kick us out. Would you like to come with me? We can share a pie. I mean, if you’re into that. Or, or we can just have coffee-”
“Y-yes, I would love to.” The young doctor answered all too quickly causing you to grin at him.
Soon enough you were both packed up and up on your feet, heading towards the library exit.
There wasn’t a cloud in the sky making the million stars shine all that brighter. They looked like perfect sugar granules spilled on a dark surface, accompanied by the glowing moonlight. Breathtaking.
Street lamps glittered ahead, illuminating the streets. The two of you walked side by side, almost in sync.
“Does that big brain of yours possess information on Roman gods?” You asked while nonchalantly hopping up on the curb. You spread out your arms like a tightrope walker, and with one foot carefully placed in front of the other you continued your journey.
The wind blew lightly through your hair, your brunette companion observing quietly. A smile creeping up on his lips. “Because if you do, I might ask for your help with an assignment.” You glanced at him briefly.
“I-I do actually, ehm. The... The Ancient Romans were extremely religious, and believed their success was due to their strong beliefs. They believed that if you maintained a good relationship with the gods, they would be kind to you.” He briskly cleared his throat. “There were twelve Olympian Gods in total. Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Minerva, Ceres, Vulcan, and Vesta...”
You let out a soft kindhearted laugh. “Okay doctor FBI, slow down. Wait until we get to the diner so I can really appreciate your genius.”
He blushed, feeling thankful that the darkness around prevented you from seeing. “It’s Spencer. My name, uhm, my name is Spencer.”
You stopped in your tracks and elegantly hopped off the curb. Spencer turned in his spot so that he was now facing you completely, only an arms reach away.
“Spencer...” You tested the name on your tongue, a smile embellishing your features. “It suits you.” You retorted before proceeding to introduce yourself, “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Spencer.”
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​, @averyhotchner, @wowitsel, @elldell1204, @hey-there-angels, @reidabookforonce, @ellesgreenaway
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7-wonders · 3 years ago
And My Kingdom as Great
Summary: You learn more about Mallory as she helps you to get closer to the castle in the center of the Underworld's Labyrinth, but outside forces seem to have other plans in store for you.
Word Count: 2495
A/N: For once, I've delivered on my promise of a new chapter of "It's Always Forever!" You know the spiel: like, comment, reblog if you enjoyed. If you hated it, try me bitch.
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It's Only Forever: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
“So who, or what, did you wish away in order to end up here?” Mallory asks after you’ve been walking for a few minutes.
You sigh. “That’s a long story.”
“We have time.” Looking around, you realize she’s right. The forest stretches on before you with no end in sight, and the hoots and hollers of unseen creatures that lurk behind the trees are sending shivers down your spine and causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. A little conversation, you decide, would be nice.
“I should start by saying that this was a complete accident and I never meant to wish her away.”
“That’s usually what everybody says,” Mallory remarks.
“Yes, but I’m serious! I work at a bookstore and I also nanny for a family to make some extra money for school. Sometimes, the Walkers like to go on date nights, and so I’ll stay with their daughter Julia and get her into bed on those nights. She loves stories, and I can usually tide her over with ones I’ve picked up from the store if it’s a normal week.”
“But this wasn’t a normal week?”
“Kit and Alma asked me to babysit while they went on a date. It was pretty sudden, so I was unprepared when Julia wanted me to tell her a story. Instead of trying to find a story on my phone, I started coming up with one on my own.”
Mallory can see that you’re trying to carefully choose your words. Even you’re unsure of what's happened, and what’s been happening since you arrived here. This is really the first time that you’ve been able to think of the chain of events that have led you to this moment since, well, before you knew what was going to happen when you said those words.
“For months now, I’ve been having the strangest, most vivid dreams of my whole life. The specifics are fuzzy when I try to remember them the next morning, but there’s always a few things that remain constant from dream to dream. I’m always walking through a maze that never ends, faced with increasingly-difficult challenges while being taunted by something that is definitely not human. There’s demons and goblins that try to make sure that I’ll never reach what I’m trying to get to. No matter what, though, even if it’s the rare dream that doesn’t revolve around the Labyrinth, I see him.”
You look at Mallory in surprise. “I thought everyone here was too scared to say his actual name.”
“Most everyone is. I, however, am not most everyone.” You get the feeling that maybe Mallory was once a Labyrinth runner that lost, but that couldn’t be true, considering how much she knows about this place. “So you see him in your dreams every night?”
“Yes, but before he took Julia, I had never seen his full face, only his eyes. They haunt me, but in the best of ways. While everything in those dreams was frightening and challenging, his eyes and being in his presence were the only times I ever felt safe. ‘The ruler of the Underworld’, the demons in my dreams would call him. Either that or the Labyrinth King. Every night, he would appear, and every night, he would lure me down to his domain.
“Eventually, the story became so fleshed-out and real that I assumed I had read it in a book at work. I told Julia the story tonight and said the words that the girl in the story said to her baby brother. Next thing I knew, she was gone and Michael was standing in front of the window.”
“I’m so sorry,” Mallory finally says after a moment.
“Don’t feel sorry for me, feel sorry for Julia. I’m the one that got her into this mess, and now she’s going to be trapped if I don’t make it to the castle soon.” You continue to march ahead, refusing to think about the fact that Julia might be stuck here forever if you can’t save her. “How did you end up trapped here? Did you fail at running the Labyrinth?”
“Not exactly.” She’s hesitant, and you’re not sure why. “The leader of my coven attempted to bargain with the King of the Underworld. If she won, she would receive the souls of former students that had died and were trapped here. If he won, her future successor would be trapped here, too. The Supreme was very confident that she would come out on top.”
“You were the successor?”
She nods, a bitter smile on her face. “He won, obviously, and now I’m here.”
“Mallory, that’s…so terrible.”
“I made peace with it, eventually. I’ve managed to hone my powers even more down here by learning from darker forces, so I suppose it hasn’t been all bad.”
Her skill of knowing everything about the Labyrinth makes sense now; she hasn’t had anything to do but learn more magic and travel the Labyrinth. You want to ask her more about what she knows and if you can help her get out of here and return home, but something runs behind you before you can form a sentence.
“What was that?” You spin around, only to see nothing but the empty path you had just walked on. Mallory creates a ball of light in her hands, which you hardly blink at considering this is one of the least surprising things you’ve seen while you’ve been here.
“They’re not supposed to be over here,” Mallory mutters to herself, “this is way out of their domain.”
“Who? Who’s not supposed to be over here?”
You feel more whooshing all around you, this time accompanied by yells of joy and voices chanting. A horrific half-bird demon jumps down from the tree, its entire body on fire. You scream in fear, your scream only increasing when it pops its eyes out and begins to juggle them.
Mallory grabs your hand and begins to run. “Fireys!”
“Fireys?” More appear behind you, and you stumble over your feet as you watch them begin to interact with each other.
They’re extremely clumsy, bumping into each other and being knocked down as they try to run after you. Various shouts ask where you’re going and why you aren’t going to hang around for a while, their laughter only increasing as more join their ranks. Worst of all is the body parts that go flying. They seem to trade them among each other: hands, eyes, feet, noses, even heads are switched around and placed onto different bodies. The whole time they’re on fire, yet nothing around them burns.
“Fire demons,” Mallory clarifies, and you let out a sharp laugh.
“Okay, self-explanatory name, then. Why are they so wild?”
Being called wild only seems to egg them on, and they begin to screech about how wild they are as they get closer to you.
“Don’t know, and really don’t care.” Mallory’s other hand, the one that’s not holding onto yours, points. “There!”
Up ahead lies stone ruins that look like a Medieval fortress. It’s not the castle, but it’s high enough that it looks like Fireys couldn’t get to you. Unfortunately, there’s no ladder to get up to the top of the fortress, leaving you very much out of luck. Mallory comes to this conclusion too, but continues to run towards the structure.
“I’m gonna try and transmute us to the top, but I don’t know if it will work. I’ve only ever transmuted with myself!” There’s no time to ask what transmuting is, but you assume it’s like some sort of teleportation.
However, it looks like you won’t have to be rolling the dice when a bleached head appears on top of the stones and tosses a rope over the edge. “Gallant!” you call out in relief, waving your hand.
“Hurry!” he yells, as if you haven’t been sprinting this whole time.
“There’s not going to be enough time for us to both climb up the rope safely,” you tell Mallory. “You transmute up, and I’ll climb the rope.”
“Are you sure?” she asks.
“We don’t really have another choice, do we?”
One moment she’s next to you, holding your hand tightly, and the next she’s gone and you can see her standing next to Gallant. You grab onto the rope, starting to shimmy your way up while Mallory and Gallant start working to pull the rope up faster. The Fireys clamber below you, reaching up to no avail. You think you’re in the clear until one with a particularly high vertical jumps up and grabs the bottom of your shoe. Kicking your foot in front of you to shake it off, you scream in pain when a hand latches around your ankle. You use your other foot now, placing an insane amount of trust in the two pulling you up as you start to kick and push it off. Finally its grip loosens before it completely falls off, landing in a pile on top of the other Fireys. You haul yourself up over the top of the stones, Mallory and Gallant each grabbing an arm and yanking you fully onto the ground.
“Y/N, are you–”
You cut off Mallory’s question as you let out a cry of pain, looking at your ankle that’s already blistering from the Firey’s touch. “Fuck, this hurts!”
“I can heal you,” Mallory says, “but it’s going to hurt more as it heals faster.”
You look up at her with what you hope is a serious expression, unable to really see her face due to the tears of pain blurring your eyesight. “Just do it, we’re running out of time!”
Her hands hover over your ankle for a moment before she gingerly touches it. For a moment, the heated pain goes away. Then it returns with a cold, blistering agony that makes you scream. You don’t realize that Gallant grabs your hand in comfort, keeping you anchored as your skin heals far faster than flesh is meant to heal. After a minute that feels like hours, the pain disappears and leaves behind nothing but a dull ache and a shiny scar where there were once large open wounds.
“Oh, that was gross,” Gallant mumbles, and you laugh.
“Imagine how I felt.”
“Does it still hurt?” Mallory asks.
“Only a little; thank you for healing me.” You look at Gallant, grinning. “I knew you would come back.”
“No you didn’t!” he argues. “I’m only here because I was saving myself.”
“Okay,” you concede, knowing that he had gone the opposite direction of the forest and the Fireys.
Gallant peeks over the edge of the stones, looking down below. “We’ll have to wait here until they all leave.”
You want to argue that you don’t have time for this, but you also would rather not relive the experience you just went through, so you remain silent instead and sit next to Mallory. Your back rests against the cool stone, and the exhaustion settling in your bones really begins to hit you. No, you can’t fall asleep now! You move away from the wall, forcing yourself to sit with no support.
“Mallory, Gallant. Gallant, Mallory,” you introduce after a moment, the niceties that have been ingrained in you since you could talk, requiring that you introduce two strangers whose only connection is knowing you.
“We’ve met,” Mallory notes, not looking too pleased to recall such a memory. You nod awkwardly.
“I should have figured. This place can’t be that big.”
“We all try to keep to ourselves, anyways. Well,” Gallant gives you a sideways glance as he sits next to you, “before you came along and forced me to follow you.”
“Come here, grumpy, I need to thank you.”
He looks at you in confusion. “Thank me?” His eyes widen when you wrap him in a hug, and you hold on tight when he furiously tries to wiggle out of your grasp.
“Thank you for saving me, Gallant.”
“I didn’t save you!” Gallant tries to protest, hearing Michael’s words about what he would do if he found out Gallant was helping you echo clearly in his head.
“Yes you did! You didn’t have to come back and help me,”
“--but you did. Hate to break it to you, but that’s friendship.”
But Gallant’s protests are in vain. When you say those cursed words and affirm that he’s a friend, the ground below you rumbles. The stones open like massive trap doors, leaving you, Mallory, and Gallant to freefall. As you and Mallory scream, Gallant just puts his head in his hands.
“I warned you not to call me your friend!”
It’s almost like you’re traveling down a chute that you can’t see, your bodies following the direction that this invisible slide wants you to go. If you weren’t alternating between screaming and trying to remember to keep breathing, you would make a comment to Mallory about how this feels a bit like a scene from Alice in Wonderland. Luckily, your fall is not nearly as long as Alice’s. Just like when the hands dropped you down through the grate, the final drop is sudden and harsh.
Mallory tumbles out first, landing on a small embankment next to a body of water. Gallant falls on top of her, but you manage to maneuver yourself enough to roll next to them. Behind you, the stone wall closes, looking as solid as ever. Before you can ask if everybody’s okay and attempt to get your bearings, you’re forced to clap your hands over your ears. Nothing, however, could drown this out.
A cacophony of screams and moans rise from the water, morphing together into the most tortured choir you’ve ever heard. Mallory and Gallant are in the same position as you, trying to at least make the cries bearable. Rising up proves a difficult task to do with your hands covering your ears, but you all manage to get to your feet.
“What is this place?” you yell out over the screams, hoping that your friends will hear you.
“What?” Mallory shouts.
“What is this place?”
“It’s the Bog of One Thousand Deaths!” Gallant responds, finally realizing what you’re asking.
In addition to the screaming and yelling, the bog emits feelings of immense sadness that feel like your chest is being crushed. Tears roll down your cheeks, the suffering of those trapped here palpable enough that it’s affecting your emotions as well as Mallory and Gallant’s.
“How did we get here?” Mallory asks.
“Because Y/N called me her friend,” Gallant says dryly.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what Gallant means, and there’s only one person in the Underworld with the power to manipulate the very environment itself upon hearing a certain trigger word. Like everything tonight, the Labyrinth King himself has to make the journey just that much more difficult right as you’re getting close enough to believe that you might beat the labyrinth.
Tag List: @sojournmichael @dark-mei-rose @blakescoven @xavierplympton @michaellangdon @trelaney @ajokeformur-ray @bloodcoatedeclipse @threeminutesoflife @wth-trippy @thatonehumanbeing05 @dumybitch @etherealsxnder @love-on-the-murder-scene
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years ago
A Good Sidekick
Manipulative Hawks x Reader
Warnings; sexual content 18+, thigh riding, oral sex (receiving and giving), possessive hawks, manipulative behavior, slightly yandere if you squint, and strong language. 
Word count: 9.3K
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It was finally happening, you were finally becoming a sidekick, and to your favorite hero Hawks no less! It was the happiest moment of your life when you heard his receptionist happily congratulate you on your new position. You were practically bouncing off the walls at the news. You were quick to text all your friends, especially Rumi knowing that she sorta knew the winged-hero. She warned you briefly about how manipulative the pro was, and how lazy he could be. She even told stories of how she had to team up with him and he never did any of the paperwork. Poor Rumi went on an hour spiel about it, still irritated at the higher ranked hero’s negligence for his important paperwork. Besides that, you were still over the moon about meeting him!
If only you knew how dangerous that was.
Your first day rolled around and you walked into his agency, vastly spacious and lively with other pros and staff. Everyone greeted you kindly, introducing themselves and giving you a pathetic good luck once you made your way to the front desk. The receptionist looked up at you, her eyes trailing up and down your body with a slight furrow in her brows. “Oh, you must be Ms. (L/N).” Her snobby attitude rubbed you the wrong way, but you decided to keep your mouth shut about it and pretend you didn’t just hear anything. You nodded, telling her you were there to see Hawks. Her lips twitched in annoyance, showing you that she was indeed one of his thirsty fans. “Let me ring him, make sure he’s-“
“Ah! There’s my new sidekick!” As if on cue, the number two pro hero sauntered over with his hands in his pockets, large wings tucked behind him to make him more approachable, less intimidating. Your eyes cast upwards hearing his friendly voice, a smile creeping it’s way to your lips. “Good morning, Hawks.” You greeted politely, standing in front of him while the receptionist quickly stood and blushed, greeting Hawks with her hands in front of her. He grinned and gave her a wink and wave, giving her a morning greet as well. “So, are you ready to go, birdie?” He asked with smirk, wings twitching and slowly unfurling to show you a sneak peek of just how large they were.
“Yes, I hope we work well together!”
After about a month being Hawks’ sidekick you were absolutely exhausted. They weren’t kidding when they said he was too fast for his own good. The man could make it all the way across Japan in seconds without breaking a sweat. You also learned fairly quickly that a lot of his time was spent lazily patrolling, giving fan service and autographs, and stuffing his face full of junk food and chicken. This wasn’t at all how you expected to spend your first month as Hawks’ sidekick to be like. You were hoping you’d take down some villains, have Hawks praise you and have that feeling of knowing you helped people. But all you got was being the background character for Hawks’ show, his one man show. You began to wonder why he even wanted a sidekick.
“It’d look good on my reputation. Takin’ in a fresh new hero and bein’ a mentor. It bodes well with the approval ratings don’tcha think?” Well, that made you feel like absolute shit. Of course you were expecting that kind of answer knowing the winged-hero and how he loved to push peoples buttons occasionally. You just weren’t quite ready for it yet. “Awe, don’t look so sad, birdie. You’re my favorite side kick.” You were his only sidekick, his first one to be exact. So, you cut him a little slack judging by this was his first sidekick as the 22 year-old continued to rise in popularity and recognition. “Oh I’m not upset, Hawks. Just tired of doing this lame paperwork you should be doing yourself.”
“But I really appreciate you doin’ it for me!” He gave you a cheeky lob-sided smile and kicked his feet up on his desk. A heavy sigh left your lips, reluctantly going back to breaking your wrist over doing his paperwork for hours. After a couple minutes you heard the shifting of clothes and movement from Hawks’ desk. You peered up to see him walking over to you with a smile. “C’mon birdie, we’re goin’ out.” You quickly stood and followed him out of his office, an excited expression smearing over your face. He shoved his hands in his pockets and flared his wings out behind you. “S-So what’re we doing? Are we going to kick some villain ass? Are we going to meet up and help some heroes out? Oh! Or are we going to help the police!”
“You’ll see, birdie.”
“Man! I sure was starved! Thanks for treatin’ me out to lunch, my amazing sidekick!”
Oh, so you were treating him out to lunch now? You’re paying? Even though he’s the one who brought you here? You were starting to lose respect for him every moment you spent with him. A small tick mark appeared on your forehead, and you sent the winged-man a harsh glare snatching the menu off the table before looking over the food. Might as well go with it, he is the number two hero, you couldn’t afford to go to a new agency when you’re this far along. Your eyes almost bulged out of your head at the expensive prices. “Hawks! I-I don’t have this kind of money! I-i can’t afford anything on this menu except water!” Your heart was sinking to the pits of your stomach, already envisioning your wallet producing cobwebs in a matter of seconds once he drained you of every penny you owned. You were broke out of your panicked nightmare when his laughter pierced your eardrums. “I’m just playin’ birdie. I thought I’d treat you out to some food since I haven’t been the best boss to you lately. Get whatever your little heart desires!”
You looked up at him surprised, not really knowing how to take in his offer of buying you lunch. It was definitely true you were working hard, so having Hawks treat you to lunch wasn’t too bad... right? No way, then you’d owe the bastard a favor. “Thank you, Hawks. But really, I can’t. I’ll just have a water and pick up something on my way-“ He silenced you with his index finger, smushing your lips against your teeth. A suggestive smirk spread across his lovely pale pink lips, thumb slowly caressing your bottom lip before he gripped your chin. He brought his face closer, eyes staring directly into yours. Furious flurries of golden clashing with the sea of (E/C) that was fading as your pupils dilated in surprise. “I said I was treating you didn’t I? So just order whatever you want, or I’m gonna order the most expensive thing on the menu for you whether you eat it or not. I’d choose if I were you, birdie. Wouldn’t want an empty stomach before patrol would we?”
Damn, how manipulative he could be. Hawks knew how to push people’s buttons to get what he wanted in the end, and that’s exactly what he was doing to you. Forcing you into a situation to guilt you. After you reluctantly agreed and ordered something small, he began to talk your ear off. His hands flew here and there, his smile widening with every word that spewed out of his mouth. You had no idea Hawks could talk so much, and about nothing at that. Most of his one-sided conversation was about how much he loved chicken and food in general, then brief mentions of his modeling career on the side. One thing that interested you during his spiel was how much he admired Endeavor. Why had Hawks became a pro instead of becoming a sidekick?
“Why didn’t you go to Endeavor’s agency and be his sidekick instead of starting your own agency? Seems like you’ve admired him even before you started it.” His eyes widened in surprise, a bit taken aback by the question. The feathers in his strong wings rippled slowly, twitching as they tightened against his back. You’d made him uncomfortable. “Endeavor wouldn’tve accepted me no way! Our quirks are totally incompatible. Plus, it’s more fun being in my own agency where I can do as I please!” His smile faltered for a moment, before he brightened it forcefully, laughing it off and taking a sip of his drink. You frowned. You were no idiot. You knew he was lying. “If you didn’t want to tell me the truth you could’ve just said so instead of lie.”
“Ah, so you saw through my lie?” A teasing smirk plastered his lips, cementing itself there like that just to tease you. You couldn’t force down the light blush that dusted across your cheeks at his smirk, but you shook it off quickly, remembering your professional relationship with the pro. “It wasn’t that difficult. Judging by the look of surprise on your face I figured you’d tell me a lie.” He laughed and shrugged his shoulders back throwing his hands up in defeat. His eyes closed and he showed off a charming grin. “Didn’t think you’d notice that! You’re pretty smart birdie I’ll give ya that.” Was that an insult or a compliment...? Who cares, foods here! Time to dig in.
“Thanks! Looks delicious as always, my compliments to the chef.” He winked at the waiter charmingly and she bowed respectfully leaving the two of you alone. He immediately began digging in, stuffing his face until his cheeks looked like a chipmunks. “Geez Hawks... you act like you haven’t eaten in weeks. You’re making a huge mess.” Leaning across the table with a napkin in your hand, you wipe his cheek and dab his lips, frowning at the mess he’s making. He mumbled something with his mouth full, making your frown deepen more in disgust. He swallowed and laughed. “Ya know, you should just be my wife instead of my sidekick. You already take care of me so well!”
“Haha, very funny Hawks.” An eye roll is given as a response along with your words, digging into your own small meal you got for half of what Hawks got his. He stayed silent while he ate, letting you enjoy the small serene moments of silence with him before he was back to teasing you and asking you to do his work for him. “Come on, Hawks. I think I’ve been good, can’t you do your paperwork just this week? Please? And then I’ll do it next week?” Oh how he was spiraling into a dangerous field of temptation. Yeah, you have been a good girl, so good he wants to bend you over his desk and fuck you. He knew it wasn’t the right time though, you were still getting adjusted to him. Maybe a few more weeks... if he could hold out that long.
“Alright, alright, fine. You’ve twisted my wings, birdie. You tricky little minx you are.” He smuggly smirked and looked over at your food, eyes staring a little too intently. He was staring at your breasts, playing it off as staring at your food. “You gonna eat the rest of that? ‘Cause I’ll totally eat the rest.” You smiled shaking your head and slid the remaining bits of your small meal over to him, letting him plumpen his belly. Afterwards, he was a gentlemen, and took you back to your house, not wanting a pretty, fertile girl like you to walk by herself. “Thank you, Hawks... I really needed that. I was beginning to feel down.” He cocked his head to the side in confusion, his poor birdbrain becoming jumbled.
“Why would you feel down? You’re doin’ a good job! I’ve never met anyone who could keep up with me as good as you can!” His usual heart stopping smile spread onto his soft lips, pearly white teeth showing. Your heart soared at the praise from your favorite hero, doubts slowly washing away like the tides. “Oh... w-well all I did was do paperwork and just walk with you... I’ve never been a sidekick, so I wasn’t sure if I was doing something wrong or not.” Hawks let out a held in sigh, his shoulders slumping with his lip sticking out in thought. His hands went behind his head as his walked down the street to your home with you. “To be honest, I don’t know either. I’m just doin’ my thing with someone else! Nothin’ too different.”
“And I’m really glad to spend time with you, Hawks. I was just hoping my time as a sidekick would be more... exciting ya know?” Hawks didn’t respond as you both neared the entrance to your low budget apartment. You stopped in front of your door, fishing for your keys before he spoke. “Tell ya what, tomorrow I’ll see if I can trade patrol routes with someone, and we’ll go patrol somewhere with a lotta crime. Sound fun, birdie?” He didn’t miss when your eyes sparkled brightly at his proposal, smiling genuinely at your pure excitement. Taking hold of your keys tightly, you grinned ear to ear, nodding enthusiastically. “Yeah! That sounds great! I’ll see you tomorrow Hawks, thank you so much for buying me dinner and talking to me... it really meant a lot.”
“No problem, baby girl. Get in, get some rest, we’ve got a busy day ahead of us!” He smirked and gave you a wink, waving as he lifted his wings and took to the skies outside your apartment complex. You stood still briefly, thinking about what he’d said. ‘Baby girl’? What did that even mean? He usually called you ‘Birdie’ but baby girl? He sure was getting more cocky and flirtatious with you. Yet again, Hawks was a huge flirt with everyone, mainly to keep up his reputation as a friendly supportive hero. His fan service is what made girls swoon for him. However, you weren’t really affected by it, you wanted to remain professional with Hawks, nothing more, nothing less.
He had other plans.
Two more months past easily. You were starting to get more and more used to Hawks’ antics and behavior. He hired two more sidekicks, primarily to clean up after his messes so he could drag you along to the next distress call, all to see that smile on your face. Other than finally being able to work a lot more, you grew closer to Hawks personally. You discovered his favorite coffee, favorite food, restaurant, places to go, and what he enjoyed doing in his free time. The wall that divided friendship and a friendly co-worker relationship remained established by you, becoming uncomfortable when he would start to casually touch you inappropriately. In a way co-workers shouldn’t be doing.
The relationship between you both was complicated in the eyes of others, especially when Hawks was so persistent. He would come behind you and swing his arm around your shoulders, fingers occasionally brushing gently over your breasts. Then you had the slight PDA. If you were on patrol and some guy walked a bit too close to you, Hawks would place his hand on the small of your back, his thumb stroking slowly, dangerously close to touching your ass. It didn’t help when his wing would cover your body and shield you away from everyone. His flirting became sexual fairly quick, and you were beginning to become more and more uncomfortable by the day. Just like now.
Hawks ordered you to lay down on the couch in his office while he cut your nails. Why? Who fucking knew. He explained it was a bird thing. His hands were bare of gloves, jacket discarded to rest over you to keep you warm in his slightly cool office. His rough fingers glided across yours gently, trimming your nails like an expert. “Do you trim your nails a lot, Hawks? I feel like I’m about to get a professional manicure.” He laughed and rose his hand further up your hand to your wrist, golden eyes admiring your fingers closely. His warm hand carefully began to glide up your forearm, then back down, caressing your skin. A chill ran down your spine at his lack of response. “H-Hawks?”
“Ya know birds preen themselves and their mates? The males...” He began to lean in closer towards your face, pupils dilating while he focused solely on you. You attempted to pull your hand back away from him but he continued. “They’ll preen their feathers to look their best to court fertile females.” That word made your stomach twist in fear. The word ‘fertile’ was such an animalistic and carnal way of viewing a significant other. You could now smell the heavy musk of his cologne, the minty scent of his breath, and the hot gaze he had fixated on you. He was intoxicating. “And the males will preen the females, and feed them, and take care of them while the females raise the chicks.”
“W-What’re you s-saying all of a sudden...?” He only stared into your eyes with a smirk, wings stretching out behind him while his other hand finally came to rest on your thigh. His wings began to close in around you both, before his phone rang. Tearing himself away from you, he plucked his phone from his pocket and gave off a cheesy smile. “Hawks here, whatcha need?” You were struggling to regain your composure from what had just happened, but the shock would settle into your brain somehow. You should’ve expected this from Hawks, he was a flirt sure, but to the extent of explaining avian courtship with you? What was he even getting at? “We’re on our way.” He hung up the phone abruptly and slung his coat off you and onto himself. His gloves slid on easily, looking at you in confusion.
“What’re you doin’? Let’s go! We’ve got work to do, birdie.”
“Man that was boring. At least I got to stretch my wings out a bit, right birdie?” Hawks grinned and looked back at your dizzy form struggling to stand due to the speed and harsh jerks while Hawks was flying you to the distress call. You propped a hand against the wall and covered your mouth briefly before swallowing thickly and coughing. “Y-Yeah... right... not like I almost died flying with you or anything...” He let out an obnoxious heart fluttering laugh and walked on over to you, smiling smugly as he handed you his stack of paperwork from the distress call. You stared at it for a moment, then looked back up at him, tempted to wipe that smug look right off his pretty face. “Well... to repay you, I’ll just go on ahead and give you my paperwork, then you can have the day off tomorrow. Sound like a plan?”
A grumble came from your lips in response, sitting on the couch and looking through what was needed to be done. There was no way Hawks was actually going to let you have a day off. The last one you did have he came to your home and told you to get dressed, that you both were going on a mission. Sadly that mission ending in chicken nuggets, a lowly robber trying to rob a gas station, and more paperwork for you. “Like you’re gonna give me a peaceful day off tomorrow, Hawks. Might I remind you that my last day off you dragged me out of my house the entire day? The time before that you wouldn’t stop texting me about how bored you were, and spammed me every time I didn’t answer.” A small huff is directed towards him, and he only laughs in response, shrugging his shoulders dismissively.
“What can I say, I miss you baby girl. I always like havin’ my favorite side kick by my side, fightin’ crime... and helping me get one step closer to my dream for this world.” Your eyes softened at Hawks’ kind words, a smile spreading over your lips. Maybe Hawks genuinely did think you were a good sidekick. Maybe you were a bit too hard on him, a friendship could actually work between the two of you. “You’re the best fucking side kick ever, birdie. Ya know that?” He questioned, wings slowly expanding while he came around beside you and plopped down. His wings came behind you, his legs spread wide apart and nudging your knee. “But there’s still more room to improve, birdie. You wanna know how to be an even better side kick?”
“How?” You tilted your head in curiosity, momentarily stopping your assault on the pile of papers you had in front of you to look him in the eye. Hawks turned his body towards you, wing covered your bodies from the door so no one would see. His eyes had once again filled with carnal desire, his tongue sliding across his lips. “By kissin’ me. Right now. Right here on the lips.” He pat his soft pale pink lips, a devilish smirk spreading over his lovely pretty face. Your eyes widened in shock, freezing in your tracks as those words processed in your brain. “Wh-What?” You thought you heard him wrong, did he actually just ask you to kiss him? You must be hearing things or he must have flew into a window, cause there was no way in hell, the Hawks just demanded you kiss him. “I think you heard me baby girl, you’re just playin’ with me aren’tcha?”
“H-Hawks that’s very inappropriate... I’m your sidekick... we shouldn’t-“ He cut you off by grabbing your chin, his deep golden eyes burning holes through your skull as he stared at you with a predatory gaze. You swallowed thickly, feeling utterly trapped by his hypotonic gaze. “There’s nothin’ inappropriate about it. You’re just a good lil’ sidekick, who wants to show her hero how much she appreciates him, right? That’s what we’re doin’ love bird, unless... you’re not a good girl? And you don’t appreciate everything I’ve done for you.” This was definitely peer pressure and sexual harassment. One kiss couldn’t hurt right? Then he would leave you alone, let you finish your work, and you could be on your merry way back to the comfort of your bed. “Just... one kiss okay?”
“That’ll depend on how good ya kiss me.” He smirked smugly and brought your faces closer together, his head slowly moving to the side. Your noses brushed together, the contact making your whole body shudder under his touch. His eyes scanned yours, a smirk still tugging at his lips as he waited for you to lean in the rest of the way. Swallowing thickly and trying to calm your racing heart, you rested your hands on his chest, slowly leaning in and molding your lips together with his. You were going to pull away, but he harshly grabbed the back of your head and jerked your head back by your hair, deepening the kiss. Your eyes jerked open in shock, hands clenching together against his chest, weakly trying to push him off.
His wings spread wide around you both, feathers rippling and shivering under the pleasure of your lips finally against his. He had only dreamed of having you like this. Hawks knew he needed to keep himself contained for the moment, he wasn’t done playing with you just yet. His tongue slid over your lips, digging his slimy muscle between your plush lips, grazing your teeth with his tongue. You slowly opened your mouth, deciding it would be better to give him what he wanted than to have him whine and manipulate you for more. His tongue was hot, spit exchanging between your mouths as hot breathes were exhaled into each other when you parted for air. There was something that was keeping you glued to him —much to your disliking. His touch felt too good to let go of.
“Fuck, baby.” Hearing him curse like that made your legs twitch in your seat, a sudden rush of heat making your love parts tingle in excitement. Spit ran down your chin as he continued his assault on your mouth, thick gloved hands roughly grabbing your shoulders and moving down your chest, giving your breasts a firm squeeze. This was when you pushed him off, his tongue lulling out of his mouth, both your saliva coating his dripping muscle. “J-Just that one kiss! That’s it! N-Now can I... c-can I go home?” His only response was the dispersing of his wings to shrug his jacket off, dark vermillion feathers coming back to bring his intimidating wings back to life. He wiped his mouth on his now bare hands, smirking with a knowing grin. “Nah, I ain’t satisfied yet. I think I need s’more kisses from my good sidekick.”
The blush burning your cheeks only grew more prominent when he pulled you over to the couch in his office, plopping you on his lap before running his hands over your waist. His eyes roamed over your body lovingly, biting his lip in anticipation once he looked back up into your waiting eyes. “Kiss me everywhere, baby. Show me just how much you appreciate me, yeah? How much you love your brave handsome hero.” You shifted uncomfortably on his lap, clothed sex slowly brushing against his thigh while you leaned in close to his lips. Your fingers glided over his cheek, kissing him once again before trailing slow tender kisses across his cheek and down to his stubble. That small patch of hair that made him look more like a man than a pretty boy. “Yeah, love bird. Your lips feel amazing on me, keep goin’.”
Spurred on by his praise, you continued to kiss down his neck, biting gently near his Adam’s Apple and give it a nice lick. Your kisses fell to his clothed collar bones, kissing over his shoulders and down his sternum. Your body was growing hotter by the second as Hawks piercing gaze remained on you while you moved to the floor between his legs. A low groan rumbled in his throat when you began to kiss his abdomen while running your fingers down his slim waist and over his lovely abs. “Fuck, birdie. This ain’t your first time is it? I bet you’ve done this plenty of times. I can smell your arousal all the way from up here, damn.” His husky words sent more warmth between your legs, feeling a noticeable wetness start to build up in your panties. It made you ashamed at how wet your boss was making you.
“N-No, sir... I’ve only done this... once or twice...” Hawks’ sadistically cruel smirk widened upon hearing you voice your vague inexperience. He ran his fingers through your hair, slowly running over your cheek before he pushed your head away from his lower abdomen with his palm. “Well... you’re acting like a total slut. A slut for me, yeah? You’d spread your legs for your hero wouldn’t you? It’d make you the best sidekick in the world.” His deep manipulatively sultry voice echoed in your ears, turning your brain into mush. Hawks slowly brought his hands away from your face and moved his tight shirt up his abdomen, hands immediately going back to fumble with his belt. Two large H’s hung loosely to the sides while his fingers slowly pulled the zipper down, bright crimson wings fluttering in excitement. “Hawk got your tongue, love bird?”
You swallowed and answered quickly. “Y-Yes sir... wait, I-I mean no. I don’t... I don’t want this Hawks.” Your arms lowered to covered your chest defensively, a blush rising against your cheeks. Still, you couldn’t ignore the wetness that gathered between your legs. Now Hawks was getting forceful. “Why not? I can smell how aroused you are down there. You want it too, you can’t deny that, birdie. What’s holdin’ you back from letting me fuck you so fuckin’ hard against my couch, huh?” His question was poisonous, daring you to say one word of rejection before he would pounce on you and infect your body with his lust. You shifted under his harsh pressure, squeezing your arms tighter against you. “I... I don’t know...“
“Then stop resisting, and be a good girl. Wouldn’t want me to punish you, right?” His thumb lightly ran over your bottom lip, ever so slightly pushing your top lip up to hook his thumb in your cheek. You swallowed and obediently parted your teeth and lips to suck on his thumb, succumbing to your arousal and his persistent advances. “Awah, there’s my good girl.” Hawks lightly smacked your cheek with his other hand, growling lowly as the tent in his pants grew. He pulled his thumb from your mouth, smearing your saliva back onto your lips before palming his erection. “Mmff... C’mere baby girl, come gimme a kiss real quick, huh?”
You shakily stood, legs almost giving out from the amount of heat swimming around your head. You leaned down, obediently kissing your boss’s lips sweetly before he pulled away to snap out your next order with authority. “Strip. Now.” His deep gravely growl sparked an unknown fire inside your heart to please. You’d always been somewhat of a people pleaser, and right now, you wanted to please the fuck out of Hawks. You stood from the floor, staring straight into his eyes while you unzipped your hero costume, the sound exciting the pro more. His lip caught between his teeth, eyelids hooding over his gorgeously animalistic golden eyes. He groped and grabbed at himself, groaning lowly when you started to slip the material off your shoulders and down your waist, revealing your lovely clothed breasts to him. “Fuck, birdie. You’re so fucking gorgeous, damn.”
Once you had unzipped it all the way, you peeled it off your body, showing him inch by inch of your smooth plush skin. He watched carefully as your feet slipped from the last parts of the costume, excitedly watching you reach behind yourself to unclip your bra. “There ya go, birdie. Gimme more.” The fabric slid off your shoulders, nipples hardening at the cool air hitting them. It didn’t help that Hawks wings beat aggressively at the mere sight of your breasts in front of his avian eyes. His jaw clenched harshly, his palm crushing harder onto his hard cock, aching for some sort of relief from the tightness. “Oh fuck, C’mere love bird.”
He roughly grabbed you and yanked your panties off with one harsh jerk, shamefully making you wetter at his roughness. His hands shakily shuffled to push his pants down to his knees, instantly attaching up to your hips and pulling you onto his thigh. Hawks attacked your lips once again, rubbing his hands up and down your sides before harshly pulling you back and forth against his muscular thigh. Your nimble fingers tangled into his messy golden hair, your head tilting back in ecstasy at the amazing friction of his thigh on your sopping cunt. “Mmm... so wet for me, you like ridin’ my thigh? Yeah? You like me shovin’ you back and forth, grindin’ my thigh against your cute little pussy, achin’ to be filled by my fat cock. Ain’t that right?”
“Yes, ahhh... mhm! F-Feels good, sir...” His hands smushed your cheeks together, forcefully bringing your face towards him and sloppily kissing you. A deep groan went into your mouth while his tongue worked wonders to your own mouth. Your hands slowly slid up his other thigh, resting your thumb on the underside of his clothed cock. It was so warm, and hard, you couldn’t help but let your eyes roll back into your skull as you imaged how good it’d feel inside. “You want it? Tell me...” He leaned close to your ear, groaning deeply at how good your sweet pussy felt against his thigh, slick with your arousal all for him. He breathed huskily in your ear, nudging his cheek against yours. “Tell me how fucking bad you want it.”
“I... I want it, Hawks... I want it... s-so badly, sir...” He chuckled against your ear, the vibrations of his deep voice sending goosebumps down your spine. His semi-large warm hands pressed you harder down on his muscular thighs, his thumb coming down to rub harshly on your clit. “What is it you want, baby girl? What d’you want? I won’t know unless you tell your hero properly.” The egotistical smirk returned, his teeth peeking from between his soft pink lips, teasing you. He pulled you close to him, slamming your lips together against for another passionate sloppy kiss before he yanked you away with your hair. “Say it, right fuckin’ now.”
“I-I want your... f-fat cock Hawks...” He pondered for a moment if he even wanted to accept. He snaps his fingers unexpectedly and points to the floor. Immediately understanding what he wanted, you got on your knees between his legs, staring lewdly at the bulge in his boxers, mouth already salivating at the thought of pleasing him and hearing praise. “You’ll take it in your mouth first, right? Make it all nice ‘n wet for that slippery pussy.” His dirty words had a sinful effect on you, urging you and plaguing your mind to try harder. Your hands moved up his thighs, his warm skin making your body all the more hot. “Y-Yes sir, anything for you...” Once your finger tips met fabric you slid your pads over his raging hard on, slowly hooking over the hem of his boxers, pulling them down slowly.
Your face lit up in embarrassment once he was displayed all for you. His cock sprang free from its confines, lightly hitting his abdomen as small pearls of his sweet pre cum oozed from the tip. His wings fluffed up at the chilling air sweeping over his steamy cock. “Well? What’re you waitin’ for baby girl? Go on and suck your hero’s cock.” You could practically hear his grin, his cockiness shining through his lack of embarrassment to hide himself. He knew he looked good, Hawks was very attractive, but he was also well equipped down under all his baggy clothes. You carefully leaned forward, anxiety shooting through your veins as you gave his ruby red tip a kitten lick. “C’mon birdie, you can do better than that can’tcha? I thought you wanted to be a better sidekick. Guess I was wro- Oh fuck!”
You didn’t let him finish before you grabbed the base a little firmly and took him into your mouth, teeth slightly grazing his cock. “N-No teeth baby! Ahah fuck! Your mouth is so fuckin’ warm baby girl... you damn slut.” Your eyes instinctively squeezed shut hearing his degrading comments. It made you ashamed how much he turned you on. You were dripping and aching to be filled by his hard cock, but you also loved the passionate fore play. “Yeah, suck my cock harder, yeah birdie oh fuck yeah!” His hands shifted through your hair, messing it up in the process. You obeyed him, turning your head to the side and taking him in deeper. Inch, by inch, his steamy cock disappeared into your hot mouth. His head threw back momentarily at your harsh sucks, mouth gaping and panting loudly. “Ahgh! Yeah! Just like that, just like that, oohhoo fuck...”
Drops of pearly pre cum smeared over your tongue and the back of your throat, the sweet taste making everything hazy. His tip grazed your uvula, making you slightly gag, but you forced it down, taking his cock all the way down till your nose bumped against his pubic bone. His musky smell only became more clear, your nose buried in his curly blonde pubes, chin brushing briefly against his plumply perfect balls, full of potent cum to knock up fertile little birds like you. His hands suddenly fisted your hair into a tight grip, pulling you back and then back down, a gagging sound resonating in your throat. “I’m almost there...! Shit!” He jerked your head back and forth, tears prickling at the sides of your eyes. He threw his head back, growling through grit teeth as his dick twitched inside. “Cumming! Fuck!”
He shoved your face flush against his crotch, salty spurts of white shooting to the back of your throat. His head hung low quickly, panting and rasping out a few curses. Your eyes fluttered open, a few stray tears falling when you go to look up at him. His sexy golden eyes are squeezed shut, his lip caught between his pearly white teeth, cheeks flushed a soft pink with some sweat trickling down the side of his head. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Ahh... good girl... so good baby... mmngh.” He slowly opened his eyes, pupils blown up with lust and need. His feathery blonde hair a mess in front of your face stuffed with his cock. He wiped your tears away and pushed your forehead back slowly, groaning as he watched his cum drip down the side of your chin. “Yeah, birdie. Swallow it, swallow all of my sweet nectar. It’s all for you, ya know?”
You sucked on his tip once he got that far pulling it out of your mouth, milking the last bits of cum from his slippery cock. Your tongue moved around the thick liquid, squishing it and mixing it with your own saliva before you shakily swallowed, shivering at the thought of swallowing the number two pro hero’s cum. A low cough burned your throat the moment it struggled to go down your throat, amusing the man above you. “Such a good girl... you deserve a reward don’tcha think? Well, it just so happens I know just the thing to give ya. On the couch, birdie.” You nodded. He pat the couch, smirking smugly when you obediently got on the couch and laid on your back. He quickly stepped out of his underwear, leaving him now completely naked just like you. “Feet on my shoulders, now love bird.”
“H-Hawks what’re you gonna do? I-I’m not ready for that...” You were under the sole impression he was going to stick his cock in you right now, raw, without any preparation or anything. You were happily mistaken. He chuckled, animal-like eyes staring straight into yours while his lips moved from the inside of your knee caps down to your inner thighs. “Oho no, baby girl. I told you I’d reward you didn’ I? And ‘m gonna do just that... by eating out this sloppy pussy of yours.” Without another word, he pushed your legs apart and gave your most private parts a lick with the flat of his tongue. Your back arched, hands flying to the couch to grip onto the expensive leather. “Ahh! Hawks! Wait-!”
“No time for waitin’ birdie, now that I’ve got a taste I want more.” He growled out the last word with a snarl of his lips, sharp canines showing themselves to you as he dove right back in. He gave your wet lips a few kisses, licking small circles with the tip of his tongue, tasting your sweet love juice. “Mmm! Hawks! Stop teasing me you a-assho- Oh! Mm, yes!” Your head unexpectedly lulled backwards, toes curling once he pushed his tongue inside your sopping cunt. Wet and lewd noises came from below you, slurping sounds coming occasionally as Hawks ate you out so good. His teeth mashed against your folds as his tongue pushed deeper inside, sucking your tasty arousal into his mouth. His stubble slightly grazed your pussy, making you squirm.
“Ahh, Hawks, Hawks ngh! It feels so good...!” Your sweet moans spurred him on, his nose bumping against your clit as he ate you out so damn good. His tongue was like magic, your thighs were becoming all the more hot with his large hands pushing them apart. “Mmff~ yeah birdie, keep lettin’ out all those sexy noises. Moan out my name, better yet, scream it. Let everyone know who’s gonna fuck you real nice, and that you’re my birdie. Fuck you taste so damn good.” He growled against your pussy, becoming more ferocious and desperate to taste your cum. Your hands shook harshly against the leather couch, breathing heavy and ragged as the knot in your stomach came close to snapping. “Hawks I’m cumming! Oh god I’m going to cum...! S-So hard, Ahh!”
“Yeah baby, cum on my face! Fuck I want it! Cum for me, oh fuck cum for your hero!” He seemed just as desperate as you are for you to cum. He wanted to taste all your sweet arousal for him, to pride himself in making you cum from his tongue. His thumb harshly pressed and rubbed against your clit, the bundle of nerves making your body twitch in ecstasy. The coil finally snapped, throwing your head back and cumming on his face. “Hawks! Mmm! Hah!” His hot hands grabbed your hips, smushing his face further between your legs, tongue fucking you through your blissful orgasm. Your eyes caught sight of his massive red wings beating weakly and twitching ever so slightly. “Mm, fuck, baby girl, you taste amazing. I can see myself becoming addicted to you... good thing you’re about to be mine~”
He pulled his face away with his lips dripping with your sweet juices, some smeared on his pink cheeks. He clambered on top of you, kissing you passionately, his hands coming to rest against your face in comfort. His tongue weaved it’s way through your swollen lips, letting you have a taste of yourself. He pulled away briefly to pant and stare down at your dripping sensitive pussy while he pushed his fingers in. “Gotta stretch you out the right way, yeah? Gotta make sure your cute little pussy is ready for my fat cock.” He panted softly against the top of your breasts, his hair in your face as he intently watched his fingers disappear. He could feel the ridges of your fluttering walls, the sloppy mess of his saliva and your cum inside making his wings shiver.
“Hawks, wait! It’s s-sensitive! Mm!” His fingers thrust into your core faster, making wet squelching noises while his other hand rubbed against your clit again. He spread his two fingers, stretching out your walls to prepare you for his big cock. “Stop! I’m gonna cum again! I’m-!” He pulled his fingers out quickly and brought his fingers up to his mouth, sucking away your juices before grabbing your hips and yanking you towards his lower half. He growled lowly, his lips now grazing against your ear, his hips rutting against yours, rubbing his already hard cock against your folds. “I want you to cum on my cock... crying out my name, grabbin’ at me and beggin’ me to let you cum... so fucking hard.”
“Y-Yes, Hawks...” You whispered obediently.
“Keigo.” He corrected softly.
“Huh...?” You asked in confusion. His smile turned sad and he pecked your lips, wings coming to cover the both of you. It was his way of telling you and reassuring himself that you were both safe with each other. “It’s... my real name. Keigo Takami. And you can’t tell anyone, okay? Only you can know. I trust you, (Y/N).” There was no ‘baby girl’ ‘birdie’ or any other nickname he’d given you, just your first name, displaying his seriousness. You parted your lips to test his name on your tongue. “Keigo...” You smiled a little, heart warming at the amount of trust Hawks—Keigo had in you. His cheeks darkened with a flustered smile. It was clear that it’s been a while since anyone had ever said his real name. “Yeah baby, feels good hearin’ you say it. Say it s’more.”
“Keigo Takami.”
“Keigo Takami.”
“Fuck, I love you.” He attacked your lips again, not giving you any time to process or respond to his confession of love to you. It had to be a spur of the moment thing. There wasn’t any way in hell he loved you. Your brain barely registered what he had even said when you felt something hot, wet, and hard brush against your entrance. Your fingers ran up his arms, grasping onto his shoulders before he pushed himself in slowly. He parted his lips away to moan in unison with you, panting lightly against your face as he struggled to contain himself. “So damn t-tight... feels so good, fuck.” The hero’s blunt nails dig harshly into the leather couch, his teeth coming to rest in his lower lip, trying his hardest to resist fucking you as hard as he could right now. He need to make this moment memorable. The first time you had sex with him.
“Keigo it’s... it’s so hot... ahh, I-it’s still going!” You hook your arms under his and pull him closer, his own arms collapsing beside you to have his elbows near your head. His golden eyes focused on your lewd expression, drinking in every detail with his sharp avian eyes. “Almost there, love bird, almost there. Fuck, you look so damn sexy gettin’ stuffed with my cock, hah~ Do you like it? You like my cock slowly goin’ inside you baby?” Your head nods eagerly, blunt nails digging crescents into the hero’s back. Finally he stopped his hips, panting against your face as his golden eyes searched for any signs of wanting to back out. When he saw none, he let out a breathy chuckle. “Damn, you really are a slut... I wonder, if you were Endeavors sidekick, would you let him do this to you?”
“H-Huh? N-no- mmm! Keigo!” He pulled out and slammed it back in unexpectedly, the sound of leather being scrunched in his palms echoing beside your ear. Your passionate hero slammed his hips against yours, harsh pants beside your ear with a sliver of a groan. “L-Liar... hah, you’d let... anyone do this to you wouldn’t you? You just want a big... fat cock buried inside you! Ain’t that r-right, love bird?” Your hands were clawing at his back, desperate for something to hold onto so you wouldn’t be forced away from him. It definitely helped him slam his cock deeper inside. Your head frantically shook, hands shifting to run through his hair and to touch his face, trying to stare into his golden eyes. “N-No Keigo! Mmm! I only want you! Please! Ahh!”
“Yeah, yeah that’s right baby, you’re fucking mine! All mine to... tease and p-please all I want! Yeah? Yeah?! Ohhh yes baby, yes.” The air around you was becoming thick, a steamy tension that you could probably cut with a knife. Your eyes were already rolling back into your skull at all of the blissfully sinful stuff Keigo was doing to you. He was hitting all the right places, the rigid movements of his cock making you go wild. Keigo was soaking in all of your lewd moans and cries of his real name, loving the way your body ached to keep him close. “Such a good girl. What a good, ahhh... sidekick you are, hmm? Lettin’ your favorite hero... shove his cock inside you like this. Ahh, hah, yeah... so good.”
He slowed the rolling of his hips to a steady, deep pace. He would pull out only to push harshly back inside until his balls painfully pressed against your curvy ass. Keigo watched your body shudder harshly under him, smirking as his teeth grit together attempting to push his cock deeper inside. His slicked up cock head met the opening of your cervix, a moan slipping past him once he felt the entrance to your fertile womb. “Ooohhh fuck. Baby you’re driving me fuckin’ wild!” He leaned over your head, his breath gently hitting your face before he sucked in a breath and smashed his lips against yours in a fiery passion. He moved his hips up and down, the friction of his skin on yours burning your sore thighs more than they already were. “Mmm, K-Kei-... go~”
The call of his name between sloppy kisses urged him to pull out only to thrust back inside a bit more shallower. His lips parted from yours and he began to kiss your neck while he picked up his pace. Hickeys soon blossomed over your neck, indicating you were his. The large red wings on his back were twitching and flapping in tension. Smaller feathers fell to the floor as they shook loose from his avian limbs. Your breasts bounced with every thrust he made inside, slowly jerking your body up and down the leather. The couch weakly moaned at the weight and rapid movement of the hero’s hips. “Mmm, do you hear that? Hah... the wet sloshing of your p-pussy... gettin’ fucked by my cock so deep...”
“Yes... yes I hear it! Oh, Keigo!” He continued, slamming inside of you aggressively and possessively, making it his soul goal to make you cum all over his hard cock. His wings were twitching and spreading wider, flapping harder as he neared his climax. Papers went flying as his wings knocked them off the coffee table, a couple nick nacks tumbling to the floor. “Tell me, mmm! How good of a sidekick you are... how good It feels being pumped full of cock... ngh, fuck! And how much you need me! C’mon birdie say it!” His hips were beginning to falter and become clumsy and organized, his moans getting louder. You were beginning to feel a tight knot forming in the pit of your stomach, walls clenching around his cock.
“Keigo! I’m a good sidekick! It-! It feels so-! Ahhh! Feels so good inside! I need you so bad! Oh fuck! ’m gonna cum!” He moaned deeply into your face, biceps shuttering beside you as his muscles began to tighten with tension. He fucked through your tightness, moaning uncontrollably and babbling about how close he was. “I’m close, oh fuck I’m close. I’m so close. You’re m-milking my cock so fucking good! Yeah, mmm! Milk my cock! Squeeze every... bit of my cum out! Y-Yeah? C’mon baby! Cum for me!” It didn’t take much more before you were clawing at his back with your thighs trembling, toes curling wildly. Your head threw back, back arching with a very loud shout of ecstasy as you came all over his warm cock. “OH GOD! KEIGO!”
“Yes, yes, fuck, yeah, yeah, yeah, FUCK! Oh shit! I’m cum- NGH!” Keigo’s wings shot towards the ceiling, sharp feathers scattered and flying away as he lost control of his body, mind hazy and incapable of controlling his quirk fully. He sheathed his hips inside, gooey head smushing against your cervix to give you his potent seed. His mouth hung open with stuttering raspy gasps and pants. “I love you, I love you so much, love bird.” He weakly rolled his hips back into yours, cum soaked balls pattering against your ass softly. With his cum pathetically fucked back into your pussy, he pulled out and sat up on his haunches, staring down at the mess you both made. “F-Fuuuuck... that was... amazing, birdie. You’re the best sidekick in the world... you know that? Spoilin’ me like this.”
“Sh-Shut... up you winged... bastard.” You panted between your uneven breaths, trying to calm your racing heart and staggered breathing. The air was still thick around you both, the smell of sex still evident. There was worry swirling around your head at what had just happened. Your first thought was to go home, clean up, and buy some plan B since the bird brain had mindlessly came inside you. But that wasn’t the biggest concern. What was Keigo going to do now that he had gotten what he wanted? He’d manipulated you into having sex with him, praising you like a lover would. You couldn’t help but wonder if all of this was just some game to get into your pants. What you didn’t know was that he was waiting for a response to his confession. Now, he needed to confront you. “What’s with the look, love bird? You seem stressed. Regretting sleepin’ with me? You don’t have to be afraid of tellin’ me how you feel! I know it’s intimidating but no need to be afraid.”
“Keig- I-I mean Hawks...” He felt a pang in his heart at the way you corrected yourself from his real name, something he trusted you with. He didn’t regret what he’d done, but this was not the outcome he was expecting. In his slightly delusional thoughts, he figured you would’ve fallen in love with him the moment you kissed. His poor ego would be his downfall. “I don’t know what you were trying to gain from this... well, this wasn’t entirely your fault, I gave in, and I shouldn’t have done that. You’re my boss. And-“ Now he was getting frustrated and impatient. Of course that’s what you thought. He did use his authority and manipulative nature to weave his way into your pants and sprout insecurities and worries within you. “Enough with that already. Who cares if I’m your boss, I thought I’d made it pretty clear I have feelings for you.”
“But- But-“
“And you wouldn’t have slept with me if you actually hated me that much. There’s still a lot you don’t know about me, but I’d be glad to enlighten you.” His golden eyes were becoming more intense and steely, dangerously glinting in a threatening way. If you wouldn’t willingly love him, he would manipulate his way to your heart, exploit you and make sure you believed you love him. Cause if you believed you did, he knew you would eventually love him for real. “Don’t you want to know the secrets of your favorite hero? You wanted to be special? Wanted to rise in the world of being a hero? Let’s face the reality here, you fear of not being successful.”
He was right, and he was slowly breaking you down.
“I’ve done so much for you, (Y/N). So damn much. I think I’ve sacrificed a lot of my time and efforts to try and make you better.” His hands ran over your cheek, slowly trailing his hand down and over your breasts causing your breath to hitch. You were frozen into place as his perfected behavior settled in your heart, churning your stomach. “You’re nice, ya know? A little too nice sometimes. But I think I deserve a little more of a reward for bein’ such a good hero and mentor.” Tears welled in your eyes, a stray salty streak coming down and slipping down your neck. He smirked and leaned down, licking up your neck and your cheek until he kissed your eye softly. “And what I want... is for you to be mine, and love me just as much as I love you.”
So you had heard it right, he loved you.
“I know you want to be successful love bird, and I know all you wanted was to fight beside me. But... I want more than that.” He gave you a lob sided pure smile of his. It wasn’t one of his fake public smiles, a real genuine one. You slowly looked away from him, biting your lip as he continued to shower you with how much he wanted you. “C’mon, just admit it. Tell me you’ll be mine, love bird. You’ll be mine, and we’ll be unstoppable together. We’ll make my dream come true. That way... we can experience a world of peace together.” He was talking from his heart. You didn’t know it, but after being trapped by the commission, he desperately wanted to be free so he could fly without a care in the world. He wasn’t done yet though, he still needed to complete his ultimate mission. And he wanted you beside him the whole way. “Say it.” He pressured passively.
“I... I’ll be yours Keigo...” He chuckled in response.
“Such a Good Sidekick.”
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andromedasstarship · 4 years ago
in the stars - chapter 3
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photo credit - unknown 
pairing - aaron hotchner x reader
warnings - canon-typical criminal minds violence, stalking, depictions of murder/violence, angst, verbal fighting, drinking, unhealthy coping mechanisms, smoking (cigarettes) 
summary -  “If you’re upset over how I ended our relationship, that is completely separate from the dealings of the case and I expect you to be able to conduct yourself appropriately.” Aaron said and you thought this was what ‘seeing red’ meant
a/n - hi besties! im so sorry this update took so long! i really wanted to make it perfect and was struggling with putting this together. to make it up this chapter is a whopping 5.9k words so uh enjoy lol!
masterlist // series masterlist // read it on ao3
chapter 2 // chapter 4
You had to physically stop yourself- gripping the desk chair beside you so hard your knuckles turned white- from following Aaron out the office door and demanding he make sense of the whole good cop- ha!- bad cop show he’d been putting on since the two of you had been horribly reunited outside of the police station. 
This had been the second instance of him implying or accusing you of somehow worsening the case. And he hadn’t even been in LA for over 24hrs. It wasn’t fair, you thought, angrily grumbling to yourself about all the different ways you’d love to give him a piece of your mind. If he’d been a regular man, that you’d never met before, you probably wouldn’t consider his current behavior to be so- out of pocket? disgraceful? insulting?- offensive. You knew he had a reputation for being...,a hardass on the job, but that didn’t mean he had to go overboard in his treatment towards you. Maybe he wasn’t going overboard, maybe this was just how he treated every- you weren’t sure exactly how to define yourself in the case- witness? Maybe this is just what his team expected in terms of his behavior towards people he didn’t know.
But he did know you, he knew you quite well. He knew you well enough to know you’d never purposely attempt to slow the case down. Even without his fancy profiler skills, you were certain Aaron Hotchner knew every little thing about you. Or at least he used to. 
And while Aaron may know everything there was to know about you, you were beginning to doubt if you actually knew anything about him. As expected, over the past two months the case had been taking an extreme toll on you; constantly looking over your shoulder and worrying that someone was lurking behind every corner. What made it worse, was that it was yet another situation that required you to keep a secret. You ‘had’ the officers at the station and your agent, but besides them you were dealing with this completely on your own. Making the situation about yourself felt wrong, but you couldn’t even begin to explain how hurt you felt at Aaron's accusations that you were somehow more part of the problem than you were a victim. Yes, you hadn’t gone up to him and explicitly told him how badly you were hurting, but it’s not like it took a genius- or a profiler- to reach that conclusion themselves. 
It hurt, to have someone whose validation you had once- still did- crave so much, suddenly act as if you were a ‘bad guy’. Maybe you were being dramatic, you thought. Maybe you were overreacting and reading far too deep into such short interactions. On the other hand, you reasoned that it was perfectly acceptable to have feelings. Before you could delve deeper into that mental tirade, a sharp knock on the doorframe grabbed your attention. Looking up, you saw JJ leaning halfway into the room. 
“Sorry,” you said, awkwardly letting go of the chair, “I uh, got caught up with uh, just you know, thoughts about the case!” Smooth. You tried to put a cheery tone in your voice. You tried to subtly study her reaction as you walked over to her and it was clear she wasn’t exactly buying into your sudden happy attitude. She didn’t press you though, something you were grateful for. Instead she just moved out of the doorframe, letting you join her in the hallway. 
“The rest of the team has split up already, would you like to start in the basement?” JJ asked. You had only spoken to her a couple times, briefly at that, but you already found great comfort in her presence; you could see why she held the position, her ability to comfort and connect with others was unbeatable. Definitely need to send JJ a case of wine as a gift. 
You nodded dumbly, joining her in the hallway and taking her down towards your basement. Internally, you guessed the little ‘tour’ would only take an hour tops, considering all the little spiels you’d have to give about each room. 
You felt a bit like when you went through airport security or when a police car was on a road you were driving on. That sinking feeling that somehow you were going to get in trouble even though you knew you didn’t have anything to hide. Damn Aaron. His apparent lowly opinion of you was definitely messing with your head. Oh well. 
As you lead JJ towards the basement, you could vaguely hear the other agents throughout the house. A door opening here or the sound of papers rustling over there. You hadn’t exactly asked how they would be able to tell if something was missing or out of place. But honestly? You didn’t really care what the team did in your house, as long as they figured out how the unsub had gotten in there. 
You’d already come to terms with the fact that the unsub had managed to steal your clothes and jewelry, but you just couldn’t shake the fact that he had gotten into your house. Part of you secretly wished he had pick-pocketed you on a busy street or was stealing stuff off a film set instead. It would’ve been equally as bad and creepy and horrifying, but it would’ve been worth still feeling safe in your own house. 
Smacking the lightswitch on the wall behind you, the entire basement became illuminated. “So,” you started, really drawing out the word, “this is the basement. It’s technically one big open floor, but well,” you gestured lazily with your hand, “you can see it’s kinda still split up. There’s a movie room behind those doors right there.” 
JJ stepped ahead of you, walking towards the high windows in the basement. You watched as she ran her fingers along the window edges, carefully going over each one. “Do these open?” She asked, turning back to look at you. 
You quickly shook your head. “They’re mostly just for, like, decoration purposes.” You responded, giving a slight shrug. “I um, I’m not down here much unless I’m having people over. And those stairs we came down are the only way to get in here.” You added, thinking that’d probably be helpful. 
JJ gave you that nice smile again and started towards the movie room. “I’m just gonna look in here real quick and then we can go back upstairs, okay?” 
You stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs, rolling back and forth from your heels to your tippy toes, awkwardly playing with your hands in front of yourself. You knew her movie room scan wouldn’t take wrong, there were zero windows in there and no other point of entry besides the door she had walked through. 
Just as you expected, JJ came back out no longer than five minutes later. Once she got closer to you, you turned slowly on your heel and started back up the stairs. “We can start upstairs and then meet the rest of your team on the main level?” You offered.
“Lead the way.” 
“There’s um, two ways to get upstairs. There’s that main staircase you saw in the foyer and also there’s a ‘servants stair’ in the back,” you said, making air quotes with your fingers at the ‘servants stair’ part, “I have people that work in the house sometimes, but it’s not an actual designated staircase for anyone.” You explained, unsure of why you were feeling so anxious. 
“Why don’t we go up using the second set of stairs? Since I’ve already seen the main set.” JJ said. 
You nodded dumbly again, and walked in the direction of the back stairs. Once upstairs, you gave the same room spiel to JJ about six times. This is ‘x’ room, yep those windows can open, nope no one regularly comes into this room, yes the balcony doors do lock from the inside. 
Just as you thought earlier, the little tour took just a couple minutes under an hour. You and JJ were standing in your kitchen, both of you leaning against opposite countertops. According to JJ the whole team had agreed to meet up in your kitchen once they were done with their scans, so it seemed that you two were the first to finish. Also expected. 
You were lucky you hadn’t run into Aaron the entire time. At times you could vaguely hear his voice coming from another room and all that did was pull on your heartstrings and remind you of when the two of you were together. Aside from the sadness factor, you still weren’t sure you could trust yourself to not yell at him as soon as you saw him again. 
“That’s funny.” JJ said amusedly-more to herself than to you-, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“What is?” You asked. She had moved from her spot by the countertops, to standing in front of your liquor wall, staring up at a bottle you couldn’t quite recognize from your position. 
“Oh, just Agent Hotchner? Out there,” she said, gesturing broadly out to where the rest of the team might be, “he loves this brand of scotch. We joke sometimes that he’d pick it over us if he was given the choice. But apparently it’s super difficult to get. He started getting lucky a few years ago and found a way to buy it, but recently I guess that luck ran out and he hasn’t been able to find it anymore.” 
Your eyes went wide at that. Yes. That scotch was super difficult to get and it was ridiculously expensive. And yes, Aaron loved the stuff. The two of you used to constantly argue over money. He hated that you were always the one paying for everything and had created a ‘rule’ that you weren’t allowed to buy him any gifts. Of course, you managed to find a way around that rule and found that this specific scotch was his gift achilles heel. So, you used to send him a steady supply while also keeping a bottle at your place for the rare occasions he was over. 
“Oh?” You squeaked. 
“Yeah, it’s super rare or something. They only make so many batches a year don’t they?” JJ asked, turning back to look at you. 
You quickly pulled your emotions in when she turned towards you, just giving her your third dumb nod of the day. “Yep, super hard to get. Super super hard. I uh, got as a gift once, I don’t even like the stuff.” 
“You should tell Hotch. I bet he’d pay pretty well for it.” She said with a laugh, shaking her head. Definitely will not be doing that. 
Upstairs, Rossi and Hotch were looking through your upstairs office. While your downstairs office was more work based- you stored scripts and had meetings down there, etc.-, your upstairs office was used for your more ‘personal’ work tasks. 
“If the unsub is taking her clothes, we might have better success scoping out her closet. See the potential entry and exit points from her room that the unsub must be taking.” Rossi proposed. 
Hotch nodded at that, putting down the stack of fan mail he’d been flipping through, trying to find any repeats or ‘creepy’ letters. He made a mental note to have Reid come and read through the piles of other mail you had neatly stacked around the room.
Your attention to fanmail had been one of the things that had quickened the process of him falling in love with you. He had had his doubts in the beginning of you relationship- he had stereotyped you for sure-, your age and status giving him somewhat valid concerns that you’d be insanely disconnected from the normal world. You’d proved him wrong in many ways since the beginning, but one of those ways had been the many days you’d call him from this room, reading through every single letter you were sent and always making sure to send a small note back. 
“Good idea, let’s go.” Hotch said. He walked out of office and didn’t think twice, his body automatically walking towards the room a few doors down from your bedroom. You didn’t keep your closet in your bedroom, you had actually put a little couch and sitting room in your bedroom closet space. Instead you’d taken an entire guest room and converted it into a full dressing room/closet that was a better fit for your needs. 
As Hotch went straight into the room, he missed the narrow look Rossi was giving him from the doorframe. It only took a couple minutes, but eventually Hotch looked up, cocking an eyebrow at Rossi. “Are you going to come in?” He questioned. 
“You knew her closet wasn’t in her room.” Rossi noted, amusement clear in his voice. 
Hotch’s face paled, before he steeled his emotions back over. “I saw the clothes while walking past earlier and made the deduction.” 
“She’s pretty, isn’t she Aaron?” Rossi teased, clearly finding a lot of enjoyment in this conversation. 
“Dave,” Hotch groaned, running a hand over his face, “just, not now okay?” He asked, the desperation clear in his voice. 
Rossi certainly didn’t have the entire story figured out, but he wasn’t dumb either, he could piece things together. As much as he’d love to keep busting Hotch over this, there was something about how gentle he had been with you in the conference room and his current clear discomfort that persuaded Rossi otherwise. Rossi grinned at Hotch and raised his hands in mock surrender. 
“So, we know the unsub doesn’t have to necessarily be quiet, her room is at least what, 3-”
“Four and across the hall.” Hotch huffed out, not looking up to meet Rossi’s eyes.
“Four and across the hall away. So he doesn’t need to sneak past her if he’s coming in at night...” 
Back in the kitchen, you turned your head at the sound of the back patio doors opening, showing Morgan and Spencer. Guess they’d be the second pair done with their house tour. 
Just as you were about to open your mouth and offer the two of them something to drink, you noticed the rather grim expressions on both their faces. Upon better inspection, you saw Spencer was tightly gripping on to a dirty journal. 
“What’s that?” You asked curiously, trying to get a better look at it. 
“I found this uh, journal out by the edge of your property line. I think it may belong to the unsub.” Reid responded, giving you a tight lipped look. 
It was terribly cliche, but you couldn’t help but gasp at that. Your eyes going wide and your mouth hanging open. 
“I flipped through it, there’s nothing that clearly identifies him, but it seems like he was keeping track of your comings and goings. As well as keeping a list of the things he took from your house, we can cross check that list with-” 
“Can I look at it?” You interjected, a morbid curiosity consuming your mind. 
Reid gave an unsure glance at the two other agents in the room. “I think it’d be better for the rest of the team and I to look through the journal first, and make sure there’s nothing uh...upsetting in it.” 
With the new revelations that the unsub had managed to break into your home multiple times, the team decided it would be best for at least one of them to be with you at the house at all times; during the day they would assign a plainclothes officer to discreetly sit watch. It was comical, the way they decided on the watch and then promptly assigned Aaron the first shift of the night. 
You wondered why he agreed to it, knowing he could’ve easily pulled a seniority boss card and taken himself out of any and all future watch shifts as well. He probably didn’t want you to get closer with any of his agents, should you accidentally say something a bit too personal. He also probably assumed that with the late hour of the night, you’d immediately be going to bed or at least locking yourself away in your room for the rest of the night. 
The team had stayed hours after their first walkthroughs of the house, the new list and notes from the unsub giving you all a better idea of what to look for. You had gone through the list of clothes and jewelry in front of the team, giving them a base description of what you assumed the unsub had meant, whether or not you had considered it missing and where you thought you’d last seen it in the house.
Unfortunately, whatever Aaron had been banking on wouldn’t be happening. You hadn’t been able to shake the sinking feeling that your house was no longer a home anymore. It was painfully cheesy, but you knew that trying to sleep would be futile. Nor did you really feel like being ‘alone’ in your room. That didn’t mean you were going to strike up a conversation with Aaron or ask him to play a board game or something, but you wouldn’t be shutting away from the rest of the night. 
After the team left, you had gone upstairs and changed into a more comfortable outfit for the evening; just your trusty sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt. You were now walking back down the stairs and towards your kitchen; you grasped a lighter and your emergency cigarette pack in one hand. As you made your way into the kitchen, you could feel Aarons eyes on you from wherever he was seated in the living room. You pointedly ignored him, instead setting the pack and lighter down, freeing your hands so you could mix yourself your favorite drink. 
Once your drink was prepped, you balanced all your things in your hands and made your way back through the living room and out the grand French doors that lead to your backyard. You walked over to one of your lounge chairs that overlooked the pool and had a beautiful view of the sky and bright lights of the city. You turned on one of your favorite playlists and made yourself comfy in the chair, lighting up one of the cigarettes. 
With the first inhale, you felt your body relax. It was a horrible habit- you knew that-, but if there was ever a time to stress smoke, you reasoned it was probably now. Over the sound of your music, you faintly heard one of the doors open again, but you didn’t bother turning around. 
“I thought you quit.” Aaron said, quite literally coming out of the shadows. Even though you didn’t turn to look at him, you could perfectly imagine him in your mind; probably leaning up against one of the legs of the cabana, arms tightly crossed and a deep scowl on his face. 
“I did.” You replied plainly, blowing a steady stream of smoke out of your mouth. Using your free hand you picked your glass back off the chair side table, twirling it slowly. As you took a long sip, you could hear Aaron walk closer, not quite coming into view yet. 
“Drinking and abusing substances in response to a traumatic situation is widely frowned upon. 
“Thank you Surgeon General,” you said, rolling your eyes before adding, “no offense Agent, but right now, I don’t really think it matters.” You didn’t even bother attempting to argue that you were on your first drink and first smoke. 
“It matters, when my team will be counting on you tomorrow. The expectation is that you’ll be a useful and legitimate resource.” Aaron said, voice tight. 
“Do you really think I’m dumb enough to actually believe, that you believe that a single drink is going to render me useless?” You asked, finally turning your head so you could give him a pointed look. When he didn’t answer you rolled your eyes again, turning back away from him. “It doesn’t matter, Agent, I’m unavailable to be a resource tomorrow.” 
“What do you mean, unavailable?” Aaron asked. He finally walked into view, sitting down on the chair next to you. He positioned his legs over the edge facing you, resting his elbows off his knees. 
“What do you mean unavailable?” You said mockingly- the alcohol in your system and stress of the day emboldening your behavior. You paused for a moment to take another drag from your cigarette; Aaron didn’t miss the way you turned your head further from him during your exhale. “You have your job Agent, I have mine.” 
“There is a dangerous free man out there with a special interest in you. He’s not only managed to break into your house but is also murdering surrogate women in place of you,” he said, voice growing louder as he went, “and you think you should go to a film set? How immature and irresponsible are-” 
“Stop doing that!” You cut him off, snapping your head to face him. For a brief moment, you were taken aback by how close he’d been sitting. “Stop painting me to be some dumb self centered girl. This is the fourth time today.” You said, staring him hard in the face, neither of your breaking eye contact. He always looked so good with a beard- stop that. 
“I’m trying to do my job and protect you,” he paused, eyes scanning your face, “I couldn’t handle anything happening to you.” In that moment, his voice was so painfully honest and it almost made you want to agree to do whatever dumb rules he had for you. 
Instead, you swung your legs to the side of the chair opposite to him, standing up in a quick blur of motion. “Stop doing that too!” You exclaimed, running your free hand over your face. You took a long drag from your cigarette, placing one hand on your hip. Aaron was giving you a genuinely confused look and you just wanted to wipe it off in one big swipe. “Stop doing some weird little bait and switch between acting like I’m a diva and then trying to end it with some vaguely little sweet comment.” 
“You actually think I don’t care about your safety?” Aaron asked, the faintest bit of hurt in his voice. He stood up as well before continuing. “You think this isn’t a difficult case for me?” 
“You do not get to do that!” You said angrily, pointing a free finger out at him. “You are not allowed to try and make yourself a victim in this story while you simultaneously make me part of the problem. How the hell can you see yourself as even remotely ‘good’ when you left the way you did?” There it was. Maybe it was immature, dragging the breakup into the argument, but the days’ tension- not to mention the months of bottled up emotions- was finally snapping inside of you. 
“If you’re upset over how I ended our relationship, that is completely separate from the dealings of the case and I expect you to be able to conduct yourself appropriately.” Aaron said and you thought that this must be what ‘seeing red’ meant. 
“Do you treat all your witnesses like this?” You were full on yelling now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. “Is this your version of appropriate conduct, Agent Hotchner? You’ve proven to be nothing but incompetent! You can’t even see two inches past your own fucking face to consider this from my perspective!” 
Your words had their intended effect. Aaron’s face fell for the briefs of moments before years of bottling his own emotions took back over. You had to give him some credit for keeping it, outwardly, more together than you were. “I won't fight with you over something as trivial as this. You’ll report to the station in the morning with the rest of the team.” He ordered, voice dangerously low. 
“I have to work!” You exclaimed, putting heavy emphasis on each word. 
“Going to work isn’t safe. Do you understand that? Your stalker is well acquainted with your schedule, you need to step away from what’s expected of you. It’s dangerous-”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, shaking your head, “are you even listening to yourself? Your job is dangerous every single day, hell you didn’t even step away when the job was dangerous specifically to you! How am I supposed to take advice you can’t even follow?” At the end of your sentence, you angrily stubbed out your cigarette in the ashtray, leaving the butt in the tray. 
“This isn’t about me.” Aaron snapped, voice loudest it’d been all night. “I’m trying to keep you safe. What part of that don’t you understand?” He asked, giving you a tough look. You found yourself at a loss for words and he took your silence as an opening to continue. “I can’t stand to see you get hurt.”
“Are you finally understanding how exhausting it was to love you!” You blurted out, the words catching even you by surprise. You forcibly blinked back the tears forming your eyes. “That this, is how I felt each time you were called away on a case?” 
Aaron was equally as shocked, his mouth opening in vain a few times as he searched for the proper response. “I made sure you were properly aware of the risks and demands of my job before we started our relationship.” Bad answer.
“And I never complained,” you replied, a defeated tone creeping into your voice, “not once, did I?”
“If you’re going to accuse me of hypocrisy, you should recognize it in yourself. You were equally if not more in demand than I was.” 
“I thought you liked that I was so ‘in demand’!” You said, the frustration growing again. “What was it you always said? You liked not having to worry about me alone at home, waiting up for you.” 
“You’re coming to the station tomorrow Y/N. Final order.” Aaron repeated, completely ignoring your last statement. 
“You know what,” you said, the fight in your voice gone, “I don’t have to put up with this and your lame attempts at trying to be a good guy. I’m not having this conversation anymore.” You quickly leaned over to swipe your cigarette pack and glass of the little table. 
“Are you actually going to run away from this?” He asked, almost as if he was trying to bait you back into the argument.
You scoffed loudly, staring him dead in the eyes. “You did.” 
You angrily walked around him, nearly stomping the entire way to the door. As you were halfway into the house you paused for a moment, not even slightly turning your head back towards him. “Blankets are still in the same spot in the living room.” You said, slamming the door behind you as soon the sentence left your lips. 
The next morning, promptly at 8am, an email from your agent was sent to Aaron. It was incredibly petty and inherently personal, but to an outsider it was nothing out of the ordinary for someone of your status. Aaron was near furious, as expected, but even in his stubbornness he could see you had the high ground. Long story short, the email plainly stated vaguely threatened that if your work schedule were to become an issue for the team, you could easily send a ‘spokesperson’ from your team to deal with any and all future communications. Y/N 2, Aaron Hotchner 0.
Back at your house, you were having a lovely morning. The victory tasted sweet in your mouth as you got yourself ready for the long day. Sometime around 4:00AM Reid had switched out with Aaron and the two of you were currently in your kitchen; Reid sitting at one of your countertop stools while you stood over the stove. After being angrily informed by Aaron that you wouldn’t be required to come into the station with Reid, you decided to make a simple breakfast for the two of you. Reid had wanted to leave sooner, but he was also under orders to not leave you alone until you were safely in your own car and on your way.
You weren’t sure how he felt, but you thought you and Reid got along quite well. He was the closest in age to you and even though he didn’t really seem to understand any of the little jokes or references you made, there was still some level of mutual understanding there. It didn’t hurt that he was quite easy on the eyes as well, of course he wasn’t Aaron by any means- stop that! 
Over breakfast, you spent the entire time answering Reid’s many questions about various actors and actresses he was a fan of. Lucky boy, you thought; as all the people he mentioned were quite nice even when the camera was off. What was it that people said about never meeting your hero? 
He graciously offered to do all the clean up, as you had cooked, which gave you a bit of extra time to make sure you were ready to go. When you both were ready and Reid had confirmed the plainclothes officer was positioned on your street, he helped you to your car. 
With one hand on the top of your car, just as you were about to sit down, you stopped and turned to Reid. “I enjoyed breakfast, would you please tell Agent Hotchner how sorry I am that my schedule’s gotten in the way?” You asked, giving him your sweetest smile. It was another petty move and Aaron was sure to see right through it; the team had amazing skills at reading people, you knew that, but you were an equally talented actress. “I’ll make sure to let you guys know when I’ll be back at home tonight.” You added, before sliding into your car. Reid closed the door gently behind you, waving from the outside of your garage as you pulled out and drove off. 
Case wise, the next two days were quiet. You had won the ‘going to work battle’ by a longshot and happily went about your scheduled days. Aaron hadn’t taken another watch shift since the argument, something you were grateful for. It wasn’t until the fourth day, that the case started to pick up again.
“Agent Hotchner?” A young officer stepped into the conference room, holding out a thick manila envelope. “This was just dropped off at the front desk, addressed to you.” That certainly captured the entire team’s attention; every head turning, as if off on a swivel, to face the officer. 
“Who dropped it off?” Hotch demanded. ‘Who dropped it off?” He repeated, an added aggression in his voice. 
“Some kid! Some kid dropped it at the front and left before anyone could get a word out!” The officer said hurriedly, raising one of his hands up in a meek surrender. 
Hotch stepped up to the officer, easily snatching the envelope out of his hands. “Assure that my technical analyst has access to your entire security feed. Now.” He ordered, not giving the officer as a second glance. “Morgan, call Garcia and make sure she accesses those tapes and identifies the kid immediately.” 
Hotch went back to standing in front of the long table in the middle of the room, setting the envelope down in front of him. “Gloves, I need-” A pair were placed in his outstretched hand by Reid before he could finish. “I don’t want anyone touching anything that comes out of here without gloves, understood?” He said, not looking at anyone in particular. His focus, completely drawn to the angry penmanship that spelled out his name. After quickly pulling his gloves all the way on, Hotch grabbed the envelope again, internally shoving down his emotions before ripping off the top edge in one clean pull. Nothing could have prepared him for the way the envelope was overflowing with hundreds of photos of you. He tilted the envelope and they all came falling out, covering the table in front of him. Reid mentally estimated there were over five hundred photos of you- some seemed to be cut, some looked to have writing and designs on them- and there were even a few slips of paper thrown in the mix. 
“Hotch, Garcia managed to grab the plate from what the kid drove off in. She's running it-” Morgan said, his sentence running off as he took in the table full of photos. “Holy shit.” He said quietly, making his way closer to the table as well. 
Hotch reached down, picking up the closest photo to him. There you were, standing on a boardwalk with your hand blocking the sun from your eyes. You looked beautiful- stop that. As Hotch further studied the photo, he picked up a second one, taking another good look. It struck Hotch and the team then, the majority of the photos were grossly intimate; as if the unsub had taken them by himself. Hotch’s stomach twisted when his eyes fell on a photo that looked like you were posing for it, throwing a big smile and peace sign up at the camera. 
“Did Garcia get any hits on any scorned lovers?” Emily asked, holding up a photo of you and a man. The face and body of the man had been aggressively scratched over and cut up, but Aaron had a sinking feeling it was of him. 
“Yea, I got another potential ex photo right here.” Reid said, holding up another picture. In this one you had clearly been looking up at someone, but the photo had been crudely cut up to exclude whoever it was. 
Morgan held up one of the slips of papers, giving it a confused look. “You lost Aaron?” He said, reading off the paper. “What’s the reasoning for singling out Hotch rather than someone closer to her age like Reid” He questioned, not expecting anyone to answer. 
“I got one of Hotch’s face scribbled over. He must’ve gotten the photo online.” Emily added, holding up a professional headshot of Hotch. “Is anyone seeing photos of the rest of us? The unsub could see all of us as interfering with his connection to Y/N.” 
Hotch’s stomach was twisted in all different directions. He knew the moment of truth was coming and was internally cursing himself for not coming clean sooner. But that paled in comparison to the sickness he felt over the unsub clearly being someone who had such personal access to you. He was certain that some of these photos dates back years. The idea that whoever was doing this had been so close to you, for so long, could’ve brought him to his knees. 
“Hotch…” JJ said, her voice accusatory. She looked up at him, face a mix of confusion and a hint of betrayal. She held up another photo and the entire team went quiet. This photo was clearly taken at a distance, but there you were looking lovingly up at a man who was certainly Hotch. 
Hotch had one hand clenched tightly on the edge of the table, taking a deep breath before he looked up at his agents staring expectantly at him.  
“I haven’t been completely honest with you all,” Hotch started, running his free hand over his face, “I met Y/N five years ago and we were together for three, until I ended things.” He was sure someone had audibly gasped at that. “I know you all may have various concerns over my proximity to the case and are valid in any anger you may feel towards me. But right now, I need to go call Y/N and make sure she’s safe.” 
Hotch didn’t give anyone a chance to reply, instead whipping out his phone and near running out the door. Leaving a team of confused and shocked agents in his wake.
a/n - of course, thank you all for reading. it means the world to me! also just the quickest of shoutouts to @kylorendrip and @ssahoodrathotchner who both constantly put up with my writing complaints and all the random ideas i bounce around their dms on the daily. 
taglist - @mac99martin @iwaizumiee @kylorendrip @hqtchner @lieswithoutfairytales @ssahoodrathotchner @midsummernightdream @weasleylovers @evans-dejong @itsmytimetoodream @yoshigguk @28cnn @cuddlyklaus @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @yallgotkik @sunflowersandotherthings @alexrodriguez1269
no permission is given to copy or republish my writing on any other platform or account. if you see this story outside of my blog or my ao3 it is stolen work. i do not own nor claim to own criminal minds or any of the character involved in it.
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sour--disposition · 4 years ago
this is part two to “End of The Road” 
part one
callum airey x fem!reader
please check my masterlist to see if my requests are open
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(gif from the lovely @behzynga​)
The first few months were tough. Your mental health spiralled initially and it took the girls rallying around you to keep you afloat. Waking up became a chore, tasks as simple as brushing your teeth were hard, but not as hard as getting up to take a shower.
They let you stew in your sadness for a short while, knowing that nothing they could do would make things better in the short-term. They settled for keeping you company, eating in your room so you felt included, inviting you even though everyone knew you would turn them down.
Until you didn’t.
Slowly but surely, you started to come back out of your shell. You deep cleaned the spare room that Freya and Josh were still letting you bunker down in, brushed your hair out properly and showered for what could’ve been an hour. When Freya came in to ask if you wanted a coffee, she found you cross legged on the bed, scrolling through a job-searching site. “Hey”, she smiled, sitting next to you, “this is nice to see”. Freya looked over your shoulder at what you were doing. “I’m proud of you”, she said quietly.
Freya helped you sort through the job openings, ending up with you sending your CV off to at least 15 different companies that had positions that you were qualified for. “It’s not much, but it’s a start”, you shrugged.
“Y/N, two weeks ago you cried because the pizza man had the same colour hair as him, now you’re applying for jobs and looking at flats and thinking about your future. It’s massive”, Freya told you with a massive smile painted across her face.
“Do you think we could do something to celebrate?”, you asked. “Drinks or something. I’ve not seen any of you properly for so long and I want to be the one to offer the invitation for once”, you said lightly. Freya grinned, telling you that it was an amazing idea.
You grabbed your phone, creating a group chat to add the girls and the troops (minus Harry).
me: a night out soon? miss you guys x
Freya’s phone buzzed against the duvet cover and you heard Josh’s chime from somewhere in the flat. Replies started coming in almost straight away.
big josher: 100%
talia 🐠: yes yes yES!
nelly welly: will said can the eboys come
nelly welly: also yes ofc
Plans were soon being made, with everybody agreeing almost instantly. A weight that had settled in your chest was alleviated almost instantly. An irrational fear that everyone would want you gone had clouded your judgement after what had happened with Harry.
Within the next week, you’d heard back form over half of the jobs you’d applied to, all of them wanting to see you as soon as possible for an interview. You’d also been given a few dates to view flats nearby, one was in the same building as Josh and Freya, another in the same building as Gee and Will and another in the same building as Ethan.
The girls, and a few of the guys, had offered to come with you to some of the viewings, offers which you took up without hesitation. After all, they had all gone flat hunting in London before, you hadn’t.
“Y/N”, Freya yelled from down the hall. You poked your head around the door, seeing Cal stood awkwardly by the door.
“You could’ve just texted me, I’d have come down. You didn’t have to come all the way up”, you told him, already making your way over to pull some shoes on.
“If I texted you, it’d have taken you at least 10 minutes to get down. Hurry up, we’re gonna be late”, Cal told you, poking at your side. You could hear Freya laughing from the kitchen at what Cal had told you.
As soon as you got back from viewing the flat, both Freya and Josh were hounding you about Cal. Okay, it was mainly Freya. You just sat in front of them, eating your pasta and trying to ignore what Freya was teasing you about.
“It’s okay, y’know”, Freya said, all of a sudden taking a serious tone. You raised your eyebrow at her in confusion. “It’s okay to like Cal, even after what happened”. You almost spat your food at her as you choked over her words.
“I don’t know what you mean”, you spluttered. You could already feel your cheeks turning a traitorous red.
“Even I can see it”, Josh chucked from beside Freya. “You deserve to be happy, though. Just make sure you do it on your own terms and in your own time”, he told you seriously.
That night, as you laid in bed, you opened your phone and pulled up the text thread between you and Cal.
me: i’ve put the deposit down on the flat from the today
cal: happy for u, have you told josh and freya
me: ofc probably gonna start moving my stuff as soon as i get the keys
me: shouldn’t take long lol i dont have much
cal: do you want help?
me: from you?
cal: no from harry
cal: ofc from me you spanner
cal: sorry, probably the wrong thing to say
Before you had chance to reply, a goofy picture of Cal was filling your screen and the shrill of your ringtone was filling the room. “Sorry”, Cal said instantly, regret written all over his face.
From the low light in his room, you could tell that he was in shirtless in bed, probably with only the bedside light on. He looked cozy, pillowed on a mountain of cushions and cocooned in a plush looking duvet.
“It’s fine”, you told him, rolling over to flick the lamp next to you bed on. “It- It still hurts, obviously, but it’s getting better, I guess?”, you admitted.
“I’m glad”, Cal murmured. “Glad you’re moving, too, and that you’re getting job interviews. You deserve to be happy”. You couldn’t help but smirk at the similarity to what Josh had said earlier on. “What?”, Cal asked you.
“Just something Josh said earlier, about deserving to be happy”, you said softly. Cal raised an eyebrow, indicating that you continue. “About moving on from what happened, finding someone else if I want to but only when I’m ready. That sorta spiel”, you told him as you rolled your eyes jokingly, hoping Cal wouldn’t look to close into what you were saying.
“And? Do you want to?”, Cal asked. You could tell that although his words were saying one thing, his tone was saying something completely different. Suggesting something completely different.
“I mean, I still need to make sure I’m somewhere good. It’s not fair to anyone that I start something I’m not ready for”, you said, trailing off slightly at the end.
“I sense a ‘but’“.
“Harry did some serious damage, Cal”, you whispered brokenly. “He was the first person I’ve ever truly loved. I don’t know if that will ever go away, the hurt. It’s like it’s burned into me. I can still see how angry he was when he blamed me and how angry he was when he saw you”, you muttered. Your eyes had glossed over slightly and your throat had tightened under the grip of your emotions.
“I know, angel. But the right person will help you with that, yeah? You just need to find someone who’s in it for the right reasons, with you for the long run”, Cal assured you.
“Thanks, Cal. Love you”, you whispered into the low light of your room.
“Love you, too, Y/N”.
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years ago
Begin Again (N.L.)
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Requested: Yes
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Summary: Reader goes through a breakup and Neville helps them through it.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k
Title From: Begin Again by Taylor Swift
You sat on the floor of the greenhouse clutching your knees, silent tears running down your cheeks. Dirt was staining your jeans but at that moment you were too upset to care. You sniffled, letting the earthy scent of the greenhouse consume you. 
You sat up with a start when the door banged open. You hastily wiped your cheeks, accidentally brushing dirt across your face in the process. A mop of messy hair came into view and quickly you were face to face with Neville Longbottom. His eyes widened at the sight of you and you felt your cheeks flush at the realization that he was seeing you in such a disheveled state. With an old raggedy sweatshirt, messy hair, and a tear-stained face, you were sure that you were quite the sight to see. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll get out of your way,” you mumbled, ducking your head. You hastily made a move to the door.
“Wait!” Neville cried. You stopped and turned to him.
“Hm?” was all you could muster. 
“Are you alright?” he asked with concern evident in his brow. You sighed deeply. You weren’t exactly close with the boy, being from different houses and all, but something about his demeanor made you feel as if you could tell him anything. The way his nose was scrunched in confusion and he ran one hand through his hair while the other clutched a potted plant was inviting, practically begging you to tell him all of your secrets. 
“I’m not great,” you finally replied. Neville frowned and placed his plant down onto a work table. 
“What’s wrong then,” he asked, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to!” he rushed to add, his cheeks flushed dark red. You giggled at him despite your mood. 
“I just broke up with my boyfriend,” you revealed quietly, playing with the sleeve of your sweater. Neville nodded solemnly. 
“I’m sorry,” he answered. The two of you stood in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say. You began to gesture back towards the castle. 
“I’m sorry for bothering you. I can leave now,” you attempted to say. Neville shook his head. 
“You’re not bothering me I promise. Would you like to help me with this?” he asked, gesturing towards his plant. You looked down to see a plant with large, purple colored leaves that seemed to be withering in the air. You usually were not a fan of herbology and you were quite terrible with plants, but the thought of going back to your dorm alone to cry made the plant seem like a godsend. You nodded before sidling up beside him.
The work was difficult but it helped you forget about your sadness for a while. And Neville was sweet and tried his best to make you laugh. His presence lightened your mood considerably.
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
The next time you saw Neville was in the library. You were sat at one of the most secluded tables, a pile of your things in front of you. A few hairbands and pictures, the photographs mocking you with once happy memories, and a small stack of books. You stared at the items with a deep-set frown and misty eyes. Someone cleared their throat from your right.
“Are you okay, (Y/n)?” Neville asked quietly. You shook your head slightly. He slid into the chair across from you. 
“What happened,” he inquired softly. You folded your arms across your chest and nodded to the pile in front of you.
“We gave each other our stuff back today,” you explained. Neville hummed sympathetically. He reached for a photo before looking up at you for permission. You nodded. The one he chose was from a trip to Hogsmeade. You were on your ex’s shoulders and were smiling widely at him. Neither of you spared a glance at the camera, only looking at each other. It had been a good day. 
After studying it for a minute, Neville laid the picture down. 
“I’m sorry that you guys broke up,” he said comfortingly. You shook your head and scoffed. 
“I don’t know why I’m even sad, I’m the one who broke up with him,” you said, “I don’t get to be the one who’s sad.” Neville frowned at you.
“That’s not true, you’re allowed to feel whatever you want,” he said. You smiled softly at him. “Why’d you guys break up anyway? If you don’t mind me asking,” he said, pushing the photo away from him. You ran a quick hand through your hair. 
“We first started going out in third year so we had been together for a really long time. I’m just not the same person I was then. We didn’t mesh well anymore and it just wasn’t working,” you explained sadly. 
Neville reached for your hand across the table and gave it a light squeeze. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. 
“And it sucks, you know? Because I still care about him and I feel so guilty but I just couldn’t do it anymore,” you said, fighting tears. “Hey,” Neville said quietly, “If it was right for you that’s all that matters.” You nodded softly, wiping your cheek. You squeezed his hand back.
“Thank you, Nev,” you said softly. His cheeks turned pink at the nickname and he stuttered out an awkward response, causing you to giggle. Something about him always managed to make you feel better.
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
You saw Neville more often after that; you waved to him when you saw him in the hallways and at meals, and you even partnered up during herbology. He was quickly becoming one of your closest friends and confidants. His sweet and shy demeanor calmed you and made you feel elated. 
You were seated next to Neville in the courtyard, facing each other on a bench. You were trying to teach him how to play a muggle card game and he was sorely losing. 
“What do you mean I have to pick up four cards?” he whined, throwing his head back. You laughed at him, reaching over to push his shoulder. 
“Come on Nev, just follow the rules,” you giggled. Neville glared at you. 
“How do I know you’re not just making up the rules to purposely make me lose?” he asked with a pout that made your insides melt. Lately, you had found Neville absolutely adorable and you weren’t sure why. 
“Why would I ever do that?” you asked sweetly, dramatically batting your eyelashes for effect. Neville just shook his head, though a smile appeared on his face due to your antics.
“You’re impossible,” he muttered. You just grinned at him. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw someone watching you. You turned only to make eye contact with your ex-boyfriend. You stopped laughing, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of you. He stared back at you with his mouth pressed into a thin line. Your insides churned at the sight of him. But it wasn’t due to any residual feelings for him, it was due to the look of sadness etched into his face. There was no part of you that liked him in a romantic sense anymore, but you still cared for him and you didn’t like seeing him hurt. 
“Are you alright (Y/n)?” Neville asked, making you tear your eyes away from the boy across the courtyard. He was looking at you with an expression of unease, scared that you were feeling sad again. Neville hated seeing you sad. There was nothing he liked more than your sweet smile. 
You shot him a quick, genuine smile. “I’m okay,” you replied, before turning to give your ex-boyfriend a tightlipped smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. You turned back to Neville and placed another card down.
“What does that mean?” he asked? You looked at him with a devilish smirk.
“Draw three.”
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
You laid with your head on Neville’s shoulder as you sat in the hallway outside of the Gryffindor common room. A post quidditch match party raged on inside. Neville had invited you, but the second you saw the crowd, the two of you opted to sit outside. Neville was explaining something to you, something about the healing properties of a plant you’d never heard of, while you snuggled into his side. You had gotten much more comfortable with him in the past weeks, it becoming second nature to squeeze his hand or find some way to touch him. His chest rumbled as he continued to ramble on. You didn’t care much for the topic but you liked hearing him speak.
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment, “you probably don’t care about this.” He messed with the hem of his sweater. You nudged your forehead against his shoulder. 
“Don’t stop,” you said, “I care. I promise.” You looked up at his face and he was flushed a deep red with a large grin stretching across his face. He rubbed the back of his head with his hand.
“Uh, alight then… So as I was saying,” he said, resuming his spiel. You smiled softly, watching the way his hands moved rapidly as he spoke, something he always did when he was passionate. His eyes shone and every so often he’d send you a small smile as if he was checking that you were still paying attention. Something bubbled in your chest, something you hadn’t felt for anyone in a long time. And it felt nice. 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
With every passing moment, you became more and more entranced by Neville. The way that he could read you like a book and the way that he softly talked to first years. He was unbelievably kind and every smile he sent you made your heart go haywire. You were absolutely enamored. 
Time flew by quickly with Neville by your side and it was almost spring. Flowers were blooming across the grounds and they made the air smell sweet. You strolled the grounds with Neville, watching the sky turn from blue to pink. Your hand kept bumping against his and you mentally begged him to take your hand. He kept pointing to the various wildflowers and telling you what he could about them. You had a small bundle of flowers in your hand, stopping every once in a while to pick some. Neville and you stopped in front of the black lake, watching the setting sun sparkle across the water. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t it,” you asked with a soft smile. 
“Yeah,” Neville replied, but when you turned he was already looking at you. Your face heated as you looked at the ground shyly. You giggled to yourself as an idea popped into your head and Neville looked at you curiously. You picked a purple flower from your small bouquet and placed it behind Neville’s ear. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, fiddling with the flower but not removing it. 
“I’m making you beautiful,” you said, waggling your eyebrows. Neville grinned.
“What? You don’t think I’m already beautiful?” he teased. You laughed. 
“Of course you’re already beautiful Neville,” you replied. Neville froze at your words, his eyes gazing at you intensely. 
“Do you really mean that?” he questioned. You shrugged awkwardly, looking away from him. 
“Uh, yeah…” you admitted softly. Neville grinned widely and reached out to touch your cheek.
“That’s good,” he whispered, “Because I think you’re quite beautiful as well.” And with that Neville leaned in, pressing his soft lips against yours. The kiss was sweet and slow, and when you pulled away you both were smiling widely. It felt as if fireworks had exploded in your chest and roses had bloomed across your cheeks. You grabbed his hand and squeezed, glad that he had given you the chance to find something new, and given you the chance to begin again.
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jengis-morrangis · 4 years ago
Keeping Warm
I got the idea to this story from artwork by the talented @3three-question-marks. I’d also like to thank @pacific-ship for her amazing help beta reading this story for me. Enjoy!
A cold breeze came flowing into the attic of the Mystery Shack as Dipper cracked the door slightly and quickly slid his way through. “Close the door, hurry!” Mabel commanded from her bed.
“Okay, okay!” Dipper said as he fidgeted with the door. The handle wasn’t working correctly, so after a few failed attempts to close the door by turning the knob and pushing it, he decided to forcefully barge his shoulder into it, causing it to jam shut. 
He turned around to see Mabel sitting at the head of her bed. She was sitting up, legs crossed as she cupped the lantern between their bed with gloved hands. “My fingers are cold.” She whimpered dramatically. 
Dipper brought his hands up to his face, balling them into fists and twisting them next to his eyes with a sad face in a non verbal ‘boo hoo.’ Mabel gasped in response, and Dipper just barely had enough time to duck as a pillow came flying over his head. 
“Hey!” He shouted. Mabel smirked back at him.
“Could you toss that back to me?” She asked in her overly gentle voice she used when she asked for something. 
“What? You really think I’m gonna give it back?” 
Mabel flickered her eyelashes and smiled innocently. “Please?” 
Dipper groaned. He paused for a moment as he thought. “What if I don’t?” He asked boldly. 
“You will.” Mabel said with a smirk. Dipper raised his eyebrows as a challenge, and Mabel raised hers right back. Their impromptu staring contest stretched on for a moment before Dipper groaned again.
“Ugh. Fine.” He picked up the pillow and tossed it back to her. She caught it and hugged it snuggly to her chest.
“Thanks, Dip.”
“Don’t mention it.” He sat down on his bed and took off his outer coat. Mabel went back to cupping the lantern for warmth. 
Winter in Gravity Falls was a whole different ball game than Piedmont. The twins knew this when they prepared for winter break in Gravity Falls by packing lots of cold weather clothes, but this was ridiculous. Soos had installed insulation during renovations to the shack, but it was still freezing cold. 
To make matters worse, the heating to the shack had broken just before the twins arrived, so they had spent the entire first week of their trip doing whatever they could just to keep warm. They usually didn’t hang around the shack unless they were working. Instead, they’d go somewhere warmer, like the Gravity Falls public library or Greasy’s Diner. Anywhere to get out of the cold.
Unfortunately for them they couldn’t do that today. A massive blizzard had blown through town, and they had been snowed in, hardly able to even leave the shack. They had to find a way to stay warm. They were pleased to find a decent source of heat from the old, beat up wood furnace in the kitchen. The twins sat next to it and occasionally fed it wood during their game of cards.
At first it wasn’t very strong, so they had to sit next to it in winter clothing to keep warm, but by the end of the day they managed to warm the entire kitchen. They even had to take off their outer layers to keep from sweating. But of course, it couldn’t last, and soon the time came to sleep. 
At first they thought about sleeping in the kitchen. They tried to lay out their sleeping bags, but it just wasn’t comfortable. Eventually they gave up and resigned to the freezing attic. Now here they were, desperately trying to keep warm.
”Jeez. It’s so cold up here. I’ve got no idea how we’re going to get any sleep.” Dipper grumbled. Mabel looked around the room at their beds and covers. 
“Well Dip, I’ve got a fantabulous idea!” She grabbed her pillow and blanket before standing up and skipping excitedly across the room until she stood next to his bed. “Cuddle time!” 
“O-okay.” He unfolded his arms from around his chest and scooted back on the bed to make room for her before extending his arms as if to greet her with a hug. 
“Wait, what?” Mabel was thrown for a loop. 
“What about what?”
“Just like that?” 
“Just like what?”
“Usually you do that whole, ‘ugh Mabel I don’t wanna cuddle with you cause we’re way too old for that’ act, but I totally know you actually do wanna cuddle and you’re just faking it cause you wanna seem ‘grown up’ and all, then I gotta sweet talk you into it, then we cuddle and you pretend to not like it but I know you totally like it. So what gives? What’s the deal? You luring me into a trap or something? Gonna prank me?” She jokingly raised her fists in a defensive posture. Mostly jokingly.
Dipper sat in silence for a moment. His arms had lowered and his hands had fallen into his lap during Mabel’s rapid fire spiel. Mabel was ready for some sort of witty response. Instead, Dipper extended his arms out to Mabel again. “Please, Mabel. I’m so cold.”
Mabel was overwhelmed with sympathy and lowered her fists. She felt slightly guilty that she would think he would try to trick her. “Aw jeez, Dip. You’re such a cutie. I can’t say no to you.” She sat down on the bed next to him and they embraced each other. 
It was nice to lay down next to Dipper, but it didn’t feel like they were actually cuddling with all these layers on. She wanted to actually feel his warmth. “Hey Dip, take your coat off.” 
“What? Why?” 
“Cause this isn’t real cuddling. I need skin contact!” She whined.
“But isn’t the whole point of this to stay warm?”
“Skin contact!”
“Okay, fine! Crybaby.” He grumbled.
“Fine then! With that attitude I’ll just go back to my own bed.” She started to get up, but was quickly stopped when Dipper wrapped her in a hug.
“No! Please, Mabel, I was joking! I’m sorry!” She chuckled as she sat back down. 
“Alright, enough messing around. It’s cuddle time!” 
“Yes ma’am.” Dipper replied as he took off his coat.
They laid their coats on top of themselves to provide an extra layer from the cold. They cuddled close and wrapped their arms around each other, pressing their bodies together and snaking their arms around each other. Mabel breathed a comfortable sigh of relief. Much better. 
She had to admit that they were getting a bit too old for this. Or rather, too big. They were in their sophomore year of highschool, but thankfully were still able to fit on a single twin bed together. 
Several minutes passed in blissful silence. Their breathing became steady and slow, and soon Mabel began dozing off into sleep. Unfortunately, her dozing was interrupted by Dipper shifting away from her. The gap between them left room for the cold air, which to Mabel, felt comparable to a cold bucket of water being dumped on her legs. 
She quickly shifted closer to Dipper to close the gap between them and was satisfied by the warmth she found. She barely breathed a sigh of relief before Dipper shifted further away again. Mabel was especially annoyed once she realized he was keeping his distance intentionally.
“Diiiip, where are you going? Get back here bro!” Mabel whined. She tugged on him to draw him back to her, but he continued to resist her.
“N-no I don’t think we should get that cl-” Mabel linked her hands behind his back and pulled so that they collided together. He let out a high pitched squeak, squirmed out of her grasp and scurried away. But it was too late. In the short time that they were together, Mabel felt something brush against her thigh. Something warm, swollen and hard. She didn’t understand at first, but after a moment of eye contact with Dipper's flushed and embarrassed face, it dawned on her what was happening.
“Ah jeez!” Dipper backed up so far he banged his head against the wall. He held his head where it hit and clenched his eyes shut. “I’m sorry, Mabel, I shouldn’t ha-” 
“Dip!” She interrupted. He went silent and peeked up at her. She didn’t know how she was feeling about this exactly, but she did know she didn’t want to hear Dipper apologizing right now. She wasn’t offended, that was for sure, and she wasn’t angry. At the most she was a bit shocked, but she was more curious than anything else.
“Why… why is it… I mean… why?”
Mabel took a moment to collect herself before trying to form an actual question. “I mean… I know why it’s like that but… what’s causing it?”
Dippers face was continuing to get redder by the second. He opened and closed his mouth a few times with no words coming out before he finally spoke. “Are we really talking about this?”
“Dip! You don’t need to-” She took a breath to dial herself back and remember the kind of state he was in. “You don’t need to be ashamed. I’m not angry or anything. I swear. Just be honest.”
”Well… you really… I mean… sorry, it’s freezing out and I guess cuddling with a pretty girl really made my body… react.”
“Oh…” Was all Mabel said before they fell back into silence. Mabel tapped her fingers together while Dipper rubbed his face in shame. ”You think I’m pretty?” she asked after a long pause.
Dipper gave an embarrassed laugh at that. The question caught him so off guard that he thought she was joking at first. It wasn’t until he looked up and saw the hurt and confusion on her face that he realized she was serious.
The smile disappeared from his face. She was trying to keep her face inscrutable, but Dipper saw the fear hiding behind her eyes. She looked so vulnerable, and he had laughed at her. She wouldn’t say it out loud, but he could tell she was hurt by him laughing. “Of course. You’re the one who’s always bragging about how cute you are.” 
“Yeah I know that but… do you think I’m pretty?” Dipper looked down at the sheets at that, and even through the darkness Mabel could see a red tinge on his cheeks. He stayed like that for probably half a minute, silently considering what to say, hoping the darkness was concealing his embarrassment. 
“Y-yeah.” He said it like a guilty man confessing to a crime. 
She could tell she was blushing from that. She didn’t realize she had such an effect on Dipper. Mabel thought he was cute when he was embarrassed. But boner or not, she wanted to cuddle again.
“Well can we maybe… get back to cuddling?” Mabel asked. 
“Y-you still wanna cuddle? Even after… even with my…” He gestured down to his crotch area, blushing even more than he already was.
“Yes Dip, I’m sure of it. Like you said; your body and mind are all out of whack, which is fine. So stop being weird.” She gave him a bright smile and poked him in the shoulder in an attempt to dispel the awkwardness.
He shrugged awkwardly. “O-okay, I guess.” He laid down on his side and lifted the blanket so that Mabel could join him, which she did with an enthusiastic smile and a light giggle. She wrapped him in a hug and nuzzled into his side. After several minutes they got back into a gentle rhythm of breathing.
Mabel felt safe and secure in his arms, just like she had before the whole awkward cuddling boner situation unfolded. Speaking of which, she could still feel tension in his pajamas, a clear hint that it hasn’t gone away yet. Not that she minded, it’s not like he could control it. 
She thought again about what he had said, ‘cuddling with a pretty girl…’ She felt butterflies flutter in her stomach at the memory of those words. His words were so simple, yet so genuine. She could tell that he meant it. 
She turned her head up to look at him, and found him looking down at her. His eyes were different. There was an intense energy behind them that she couldn’t name, but it made her butterflies flap even harder. The feeling of comfort mixed with nervousness inside Mabel.
He was handsome, she thought. She reached up and placed a hand on his cheek as he did the same for her, rubbing a thumb across her jaw and making her skin tingle.
They were staring each other in the eyes, briefly flickering their gazes down to each other's lips. 
”Hey dudes! I got the heat fixed!” They suddenly heard Soos call up the stairs and his footsteps coming closer.
They briefly shared a look of terror before Mabel lunged to her bed, almost tripping on the blankets. She was sitting on her bed when the door creaked open and Soos peeked in.
”Hey dudes, I fixed the heat- woah! What happened?”
It was at this moment that Mabel realized how they looked. They were both red in the face and breathing heavily. Dipper was on his bed with both their blankets and Mabel was sitting on her bed awkwardly. 
”You okay dude?” He asked Mabel. “You look red as a tomato.” 
”Yeah, I’m fine. Just… hot.” She said as she glanced toward Dipper.
”Really?” Soos sounded puzzled. “Well if that’s the case then I guess I’ll just leave the heat off-”
“No! No!” The twins interrupted, causing Soos to jump. 
“Sorry… please keep it on.” Dipper said more calmly.
Soos looked between the two of them with a mixture of suspicion and confusion. “........You got it dudes!” He said before closing the door. His footsteps soon disappeared down the stairs.
The twins looked at one another. A million thoughts ran through their heads about what just happened, and what could have happened if they were caught doing what they were just doing. Soos probably wouldn’t think anything of it. They hugged, held hands and sat side by side on the couch all the time. But this was different, there was something more to what they just shared. Mabel thought. Or hoped. 
It started off as a giggle between them, but soon they were both laughing heartily, the noise bouncing around the attic and neither of them could contain themselves. Soon it died down and everything was silent again. They stared at each other for a moment before averting their gaze. Mabel felt the cold grip of embarrassment as she wrung her hands. She had no idea what to say. 
“Hey.” She looked up to see him toss her blanket over to her and she caught it just in time. She spread the blanket around her bed and laid back, then looked up to see Dipper laying on his back and smoothing out his sheets and pillow. He stopped and looked over at her. 
He had a gentle smile on his face that perfectly communicated how he felt, and she knew they felt the exact same way: There was something more behind what they just shared. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was something deeply personal and intimate. And they were both totally cool with it. That made Mable’s insides goey for some reason.
“Goodnight, Mabel.” 
“Goodnight, Dipper. I love you.” Every muscle in Mabel’s body tensed as she realized what she had just said. She sat motionlessly in terrified silence, wondering why she said that. Then she wondered why something she had said thousands of times suddenly felt so different. It felt as though an eternity had passed before Dipper's response came.
“I love you too, Mabel.” Her horror evaporated in a second. The icy grip of embarrassment was suddenly replaced with a gooey warmth that made her face hot and built pressure in her stomach. She wondered why something she’d heard constantly from him was suddenly turning her into such a nervous, sweaty mess. She had no clue why anything this evening had happened the way it did. All she knew was that she was in way over her head.
Uh oh.
The attic was warm. Well, warmer.
Mabel lies alone in her bed. She had shed her winter clothes and changed into her pajamas. There was no need now that the heating was fixed.
She was so glad to finally have a sanctuary from the frigid cold. Now they didn’t have to loiter somewhere just to stay warm. But she couldn’t feel totally at ease. She was warm enough to sleep, but she didn’t feel comfortable enough to sleep. Tonight felt incomplete, like she had unfinished business.
She laid on her side, looking at her brother. Her eyes were barely open, just a sliver as she stared at him through the darkness. He was still in his pajamas, his orange nightshirt. He was laying with his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling, seeming to be in deep thought. 
She wanted so badly to be in his arms again and feel his warmth.
Mabel always thought it was cute when he made his thinking face when he didn’t think anyone was looking. The way his eyebrows would furrow and he would have a focused look in his eyes and his nose would scrunch slightly. This could be caused by any range of emotions, this time he seemed anxious.
He looked over at her, and she quickly shut her eyes. “Mabel. Mabel, are you awake?” He asked. She stayed silent. She didn’t want to talk. She was still shaken by what happened earlier, and they haven’t spoken since. She knew that any conversation they had would inevitably lead to it, and she had no idea what to say. She felt so awkward, something she rarely felt, and she hated every time she felt it. 
She heard him shift slightly and could tell that he went back to staring at the ceiling. She slowly cracked her eyes open again, and saw that he had. Suddenly she felt a tickle in her nose. It was growing fast, and she couldn’t stop it before she inhaled and let out a quick sneeze.
There was a moment of silence and Mabel shut her eyes again. No doubt Dipper was looking at her. She was waiting for him to go back to looking at the ceiling so she could—
“You know it’s physically impossible to sneeze while sleeping, right?” Mabel could hear the grin on Dipper's face. Mabel cursed herself internally. Was that true? Is he just trying to trick her? Dangit Dipper!
Mabel groaned as she propped herself up on her pillow to make eye contact with him. “Ugh, jeez. You’re such a dork. Why do you know so much useless garbage.” 
“It’s not useless if it came in handy, is it?” Dipper said, still smiling. 
“Ugh, mega dork!”
They stared at each other for a little. Not breaking eye contact other than to blink. Dipper’s cocky grin had faded, and now his eyes seemed to be full of questions he was too afraid to ask. Mabel was sure she probably looked the same. But it wasn’t just that. There was something else in his eyes. Something powerful. Something she had only ever seen earlier when they were cuddling during their brief eye contact. It scared her.
“Can’t sleep?” Dipper broke the silence.
“Still cold? I could give you my jacke—”
“No it’s not that.” Mabel felt her insides tingle at his concern. Gosh he’s such a sweetheart. “Just… lonely…” She said vaguely.
Dipper scoffed lightly. “Lonely? I’m right here!” 
“Yeah, aaaaall the way over there.” Dippers eyebrows raised slightly. He seemed to understand, but didn’t say anything. He was silent for a moment, clearly thinking. He seemed nervous about whatever he was mulling about in his mind. 
“Want to… come over? We could have a sleepover?” 
Her smile spread into a grin and her heart began beating faster again. “Y-yes… I’d love that!” Her face erupted with a huge smile and Dipper’s face mirrored her in turn.
Wrapping herself in her blanket, she journeyed across the creaking wooden floor to Dipper’s bed. He scooted away closer to the wall to make space for her before she laid down next to him. She curled right into his chest and they intertwined their legs so just about every part of them was touching.
Whatever questions or worries they had could wait for another time. But for now, they could enjoy each other's warmth.
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stella-monstrum · 4 years ago
1996′s “Scream” // Stu Macher survives - [Fan Theory]
As a horror movie fan, 
My brain is always sort of reimagining and rethinking ways to flip their ideas as a whole, whether it’s fantasy recasting or even changing the ending altogether. Specifically to this piece, I want to focus on 1996’s Scream, written by the legendary Wes Craven. Now, Scream’s essence was to parody and poke fun at what fans know to be ever-so-classic slasher/thriller films.
In honor of what this film was, and all in good fun, I’ve decided to put my own fictional events into a loosely based timeline. 
I’m going to be tying in two separate film timelines (very very loosely)—and yes, they both have one actor in common: Matthew Lilard. Matthew was a huge part of my childhood, and I’m sure he was a big part in others’. For this piece I’m focusing on both Scream and 2002’s live-action Scooby Doo films that featured Lillard.
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Stu Macher // Scream (1996) screencap / source: google images
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Theatrical poster for Scream (1996). (Source: Amazon)
(I’m not going to incorporate the Mystery Gang or even Scooby, focusing more so on a fictional similarity basis.
Disclaimer: This is obviously just a satirical piece because well, I wanted to write it. I don’t own the characters, rights, yadda yadda. Also, potential spoilers for various movies ahead.)
(written by Stella, edited by Jacob J.)
Stu Macher
As an 18-year-old high-schooler, Stu Macher appeared as the seemingly peculiar boyfriend of Casey Becker (Drew Barrymore), but became entangled in revenge by his best friend Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich). 
Their 1st victim was Maureen Prescott, who had an affair with Billy’s father, causing Billy’s mother to leave. (They got away with it by framing Cotton Weary, Maureen’s rapist from years prior.)
One year later, to celebrate, Billy and Stu terrorize fellow students, particularly Casey, who’d left Stu for another man (Steve).
Stu ultimately meets his “fatal” demise after being hit over the head with a vase, then a television, by Sidney—which seemed to electrocute Stu and end his reign of terror.
If you’re a fan of the franchise, you know the deal. If you don’t, then you can catch up here.
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Stu Macher’s death-by-TV  scene. (Source: Tumblr. Watch the scene on Youtube)
Now just for fun, imagine that Stu somehow survived this attack. You’re probably wondering, “How the everloving hell could he survive?” Just work with me here.
Stu’s (fictional) survival story:
What if...
After seemingly killing Stu, 
Sidney calls the police. She’s absolutely still mortified, but she wants to explain what she’s done and also obviously tell them all about the mass killings that Stu and Billy committed.
Stu is barely hanging on to life. The police call an ambulance and escort him to the local hospital for treatment under close police watch. Stu winds up suffering from traumatic brain injury. 
When he’s functioning enough, after questioning and court decision that placing him into a jail wouldn’t be fit, Stu is admitted into a high security psychiatric hospital. During questioning, Stu cannot recall what had happened and shows signs of dissociative episodes.
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Matthew Lillard as Shaggy in the live-action Scooby-Doo (2002). (Source: Google Images.)
Whilst in this psychiatric hospital, 
Stu takes on this very laid back, hippy state, growing his hair out and taking a lax, almost spiritual mindset. (Mind you, this is all a scheme.) With this change in his behaviour, the hospital allows Stu to help run some recreational crafting and board game-like activities. 
During this time he connects with a fellow patient, Mary. 
They begin to bond, and he eventually convinces her to help him escape from there. Stu gives Mary the “I can’t be in here anymore, you see? I have a higher purpose, to help others on the other side of these walls” blah blah metaphysical spiel. Stu, with Mary’s help, escapes the ward by knocking out a guard with a vase (like Sidney did to him).
Fast forward a bit...
Stu winds up creating and taking on the new identity of “Shaggy Rogers,” deciding to move back to California—but not in a home. He...well, “borrows” a beaten down van and lives as sort of a vagabond. He still keeps track of the goings-on in his old stomping grounds as copycat ghostfaces continue where he and Billy left off. 
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Scream newspaper prop. (Source: This Etsy listing)
Stu, now Shaggy, begins to feel guilty and vows to dedicate his life to following cases and crimes by himself.
Years later...
Whilst headed on vacation, Shaggy is reunited by fate with Mary on the same plane. They reconcile and catch up the entire flight.
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Shaggy and Mary Jane from 2002’s live-action Scooby-Doo  film. (Source: Google Images.)
The island, disguised as an amusement park, has been accused of performing ritualistic killings and is home to a brainwashed cult.
 Little does Shaggy know that Mary Jane knows exactly who he truly was— or that, someday, she would take out a planned revenge on the unsuspecting Stu. 
Mary begs and ultimately convinces Shaggy to allow her to be by his side and help him.
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Shaggy and Mary Jane from 2002’s live-action Scooby-Doo  film. (Source: Google Images.)
When it’s all said and done, Mary is one of the island’s cult members, stringing Stu along, luring him to his true death and demise.
I know this piece was incredibly out of left field, but I had such a damn blast creating this hypothetical situation. Maybe one day, Lillard will give this a read and know how much of a part he had in a lot of people’s childhoods.
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Lillard responding to a fan’s tweet. (Source: junkee)
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emptysatellite · 4 years ago
fool for love
James never thought he’d be rendered speechless. He’d always been able to talk back to his professors, jest with his friends in between classes, and confide to his parents about his greatest hopes and dreams without any problems.
But Lily Evans―that beautiful, intelligent, kind-hearted, loyal witch―could do it to him every time she opened her pretty lips.
Before sixth year, she’d usually say something like, “did you shit your nappy, Potter?” or, “get your head out of your arse, Potter,” or, “Potter, bugger off,” and James would let his jaw drop for a split second before responding with something like, “nah, did you shit yours, Evans?” or, “not until you get your head out of your arse, Evans,” or, “Evans, you know you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
It was always a competition, those first five years, of who could annoy each other more (although, James always thought it was the peak of flirtation, while Lily, well, she was just retaliating from his immature behavior).
James would also attempt to ask out the girl with flaming red curls, but she always shook her head and faked gag, or went on a spiel about why he was such an idiot, or simply rolled her eyes and stalked away.
Everything changed in sixth year, when Lily became less hostile and more friendly towards James. He assumed it was because of the Snape shit that had occurred the year previously, but James didn’t care because he got to see Lily smile more often and that alone made butterflies flutter in his stomach.
He would still pause momentarily after she spoke to him, saying stuff like, “nice match today, Potter,” or, “do you want a sugar quill, Potter,” or, “Potter, truth or dare?” and be able to formulate an adequate response like, “cheers, Evans,” or, “I think you already know the answer to that question, Evans, yes,” or, “Evans, I’m not a coward so obviously dare.”
They had become friends. They sat close to each other in class, traded desserts at dinner, did a handshake before Quidditch matches, amongst other platonic pleasantries.
Due to this newfound relationship, James stopped asking Lily out on dates, not wanting to make her uncomfortable or ruin the friendship that was growing stronger every day.
Sixth year came and went much faster than James would have wished and, before he knew it, he was parting from Lily. He gave her a long hug, promising to write to her; she promised the same and Lily never broke a promise, ever.
Lily was the first person James told when he was appointed Head Boy and James was the first person Lily told that she received a letter from Dumbledore stating she was Head Girl. Lily was the first person James told that Sirius had officially broken away from his horrible family and James was the first person Lily told that her older sister was getting married to Vermin Dursley. Lily taught him about the Muggle traditions he’d never learn in Muggle Studies and James taught her all about the Ministry she’d never learn in Professor Binns’ History of Magic class.
“I miss you, Potter,” she had declared in one letter. “Your jokes could always brighten my day.”
They were writing non-stop and, by the time school finally rolled around, James had a feeling everything would be different.
Why did he get that feeling? Well… James didn’t really know why he got that feeling, he just knew that he felt it and it was true.
He explained the whole situation to Sirius at breakfast, the morning they left for Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.
“Uh-huh, that sounds nice, mate,” Sirius barely looked up from his Vogue magazine, popping a chilled grape into his mouth.
“Did you even listen to me?” demanded James, raising an eyebrow.
“Eh, a little,” he shrugged. “All I really heard was the beginning… about how you had a dream about the future. I stopped listening there, because, in all honesty, you were never really good at Divination.”
“It’s not Divination, because I wasn’t foreseeing the future.”
“You said that everything would be ‘different’ this year,” Sirius finally looked up. “First, it sounds so spooky and ominous, for no reason at all. And second, that’s basically seeing the future.”
“I didn’t say that everything would be different, I said that I feel like everything will be different this year.”
“That’s the same thing, is it not?”
“No, it’s not,” James shook his head, “one is confirmed, one is up in the air.”
“Okay…” Sirius’ voice trailed off as he glanced back down at his magazine.
James just stared at his best friend for a few seconds and, once he realized Sirius was too enamored with the horoscope section to pay attention to him, finished eating his syrup soaked pancakes.
At Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, James and Sirius bid adieu to Mia and Monty, who both had tears in their eyes for their grown up boys, and stepped onto the train with unmatched confidence.
“Want to sit in our normal compartment?” Sirius asked.
“Of course,” James nodded, following his friend to the fateful compartment where they’d met for the first time in seven years previous. They’d entered through the sliding glass doors to see Remus and Peter already settled in, an arrangement of sweets spread along the table.
The gaggle of boys greeted each other and had already fallen into a quick conversation regarding their annual back-to-school prank when the compartment door slid open and four girls walked in.
“Hey, boys,” Lily said at once, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary following closely behind.
“Ah, there’s our stunning Head Girl,” Sirius motioned to the pin on her jumper, which read in red ‘Head Girl’.
She grinned and looked at James, “and there’s the Head Boy!”
James smirked, doing a dramatic ballerina twirl. “Do I look like a brand-new person? More mature? More dashing?”
“No,” Mary replied, bluntly.
“Sorry to say, but you look like the same prat you’ve always been,” Remus slapped a hand on James’ shoulder.
“My friends have wounded me,” he fanned the back of his hand over his forehead, dramatically, as though he were in a Muggle theater production. “I don’t think I’ll ever recover.”
“Oh, come off it, James,” laughed Lily.
That simple sentence caused James to drop his hands to his side, hazel eyes locked on her green ones. “Huh?” he questioned, thinking that he must have misheard the girl he had loved since he was eleven.
“I only said to come off it,” she repeated, tilting her head in confusion.
“No, that wasn’t it,” he whispered, voice soft around his loud friends who had moved to another conversation, “you called me James.”
“That’s your name.”
“You’ve never called me James before, though.”
“I just thought it was time to change that. We’ve been friends for a while now and friends call each other by their given names, right?” replied Lily.
James broke eye contact and turned his head away. “Yeah,” he said at last. “You’re right.”
Lily’s eyes scanned his face, searching for something James didn’t know. She eventually tore her gaze away, drawing her attention to Remus, who had offered her a Bertie Bott’s jelly bean.
He didn’t talk to her the rest of the train ride, remaining unusually silent. Even when he and Lily had to leave their friends’ compartment to inform the Prefects of their duties that year, James was still quiet, allowing Lily to do all the speaking.
After Lily’s brief introduction speech, she tried to talk to James, but he ignored her. His mind was flooding with thoughts.
Was she mad at him or something? Was she trying to taunt him by calling him James instead of the usual ‘Potter’? He was sure that she still knew of his feelings for her, so was she attempting to play with his emotions?
The Hogwarts Express finally arrived at the infamous school of witchcraft and wizardry and, before they knew it, the group of Gryffindors were entering the Great Hall.
James sat down next to Sirius, as per tradition. Lily sat down next to him.
“Are you alright?” she asked, voice lowered to a whisper .
“Yes, Evans, I’m fine,” he snapped a response, turning towards the front of the Great Hall, where all the professors were congregating.
“James,” Lily said simply, taking his hands into hers.
Her hands were soft and flawless, unlike his own, that were rough and calloused, and it took everything in him to not give into her hardened glare that was directed at him.
“What, Evans?” demanded James.
“Come with me.”
“Professor Dumbledore will be up soon to speak. We should stay and listen; it may be important this year.”
“We won’t be long,” she insisted. “I’m sure we’ll even be back in enough time to hear him talk. Just please come with me, I’ve been wanting to talk to you alone all day.”
That got to James and he let himself be pulled out of the Great Hall by her. She led him out of the room and down the wide corridor, avoiding underclassmen, who were practically buzzing in anticipation for the new school year and the grand feast that awaited them in mere minutes.
“Here,” Lily stopped suddenly, twisting open a bronze doorknob to reveal an empty classroom that looked as if it hadn’t been used in years, desks and chairs covered with linen. She closed the wooden door behind them, letting go of James’ hands. “What’s wrong with you?” Lily crossed her arms.
James raked a hand through his hair. “That’s awfully rude of you, Evans, to assume that something’s wrong with me.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m your friend, James, I know when something’s not okay with you.”
He froze. “Can you stop saying that, please?” he asked.
“What am I saying wrong?” asked Lily.
“My name,” said James.
“Are we not friends or something and I just didn’t get that memo?”
“No, we are friends.”
“Then why, James, why am I not allowed to say your name like the rest of your friends?”
“Because you’re different.”
“How so?”
“I don’t love my other friends like I love you,” he said at last. “You’re… special.”
Lily blinked, her expression unreadable. She just stared at James before taking a deep breath, stepping towards him.
Her lips grazed his and sparks flew. James immediately responded to their brief touch and he grabbed her waist, tugging her forward, pressing her chest to his own. They interlocked their lips like they’d been snogging for ages, like their passion had been rooted for ions and not mere school terms. They kissed like it’d be their last time seeing one another, like they were to go off to battle the next day.
Lily pulled away first, leaving them both gasping for air. “James,” she said, “I don’t love my other friends like I love you, either. My feelings are so beyond just loving you as a friend. I love you, James Potter. You’ve captured my heart and I don’t want you to let go.”
“Lily, you’ve had my heart since first year,” he replied. “Merlin, I love you like no one else in this world.”
She looked downwards. “I thought your feelings for me were gone. That they’d been gone since fifth year and I was loving you in vain.”
“No, that could never be true. My feelings for you will never fade,” James placed a hand under her chin, lifting it high enough for their lips to touch again.
This time the kiss was soft, less desperate. It was still emotional, yes, but not as hungry; they knew this wouldn’t be their last kiss, that they weren’t losing time.
They broke away from one another. Neither spoke, instead just smiling.
James was speechless again and realized that if he never spoke again at least he’d have Lily by side.
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