#this applies to asks in general i LOVE THE INBOX!!!!!!
johnnyreincarnated · 1 year
2 5 6 8 10 & 11 for johnic 🔥🔥🔥
finally off anon sorry hedgehog emoji
🦔 <- he can still be here he's silly
2. Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
closest one i believe is the enemies to lovers trope, idk i dont. really have much to say when it comes to tropes. :pensive:
5. Who does what chores?
id say sonic does most of them tbh. yknow hes literally the fastest thing alive, hed definitely get them done as quick as possible. johnny is a disorganised WRECK and executive dysfunction is a pain in the ass (me fr.) hes trying though. id like to think sonic does try to help get him in routine with instruction and encouragement, johnny just needs a bit of metaphorical hand holding 😔😔 (ME FR 🗣🗣)
6. Do they go out often or stay indoors?
ooo. tough one. regarding johnny that is. its so obvious that sonic loves and will go out anywhere and everywhere. but johnny??? i think its a more "if he feels like it" scenario. i do think he likes going out. but if hes not in the mood, then hes not in the mood.
8. Do they have any favourite activites together?
RUBS HANDS TOGETHER ermmm.....most obviously would be riding out at sea on the fuckin...waterbikes or jetski or whatever its called. with a little persuading first. cause of the whole fear of water sonics got goin for him. sometimes the two ride on one, sometimes they ride on an individual vehicle. johnny typically takes the lead if theyre on the same one, as he has more expertise in that field. another would probably just be zipping about wherever at high ass speeds. cause johnnys original intention was to rival sonic, hes obviously gonna be mad fast. although id like to think its only when he has like. those jet?? boosters????? whatever the fuck hes got. (cause i also headcanon them to be removable) so when theyre not on hes nowhere near as fast. hes a good runner, but the speed is not nearly as quick. uhhhh also maybe also like. flying about. similar to tails flying sonic about, johnny can do that too, idk i dont have much to say about that either. also theyre probably avid multiplayer gamers tbh, either playing with or against eachother. johnny is extremely skilled at rhythm games, he kicks sonics ass into next week every single time. sonic aint bothered about it, cause quality time with the bf ❤️❤️❤️
10. Who drives and who picks out music?
its not very common for personal car rides. but id say sonic would definitely drive, hes got more car experience. johnny would just absolutely do something impulsively stupid, bro cant be trusted. which does mean johnny gets the aux cord. its all earbleeding music. you will probably go deaf if exposed for too long.
11. What's a song that describes their relationship? Or, what's the song they've deemed "their" song?
now this is difficult. i dont often think about character themes as a whole, much less relationships. so unfortunately, ill have to skip this one. 😭😭😭
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elitadream · 6 days
Hi guys~! ⛅👋
Long time no see! Much longer than I ever intended, in fact. Truth be told, I wanted to make a public post sooner, but I've had a lot to catch up on in terms of notifications and messages since logging back in a few days ago. I've also made some changes that I will address shortly, but first of all I wanted to thank those of you who have reached out with so much care and understanding during my absence. Adjusting has been a slow and fragile process for me -still is-, and I sadly haven't responded directly to everyone yet because of it, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate your patience and support nonetheless. 🥹 🙏
Long story short, I was gone for five months due to a huge burnout, then progressively found my spark again somewhere along the way and have since mostly recovered. It was my wonderful friend @drones-of-innocence who reached out to me outside of Tumblr, and her sense of initiative is largely the reason why I managed to make this post in a somewhat reasonable delay. 😅💖 With that said however, I must also mention that I've deleted a lot of stuff from my page and have removed most of my work from the public eye as well. This may seem quite drastic and frankly a little unsettling, but I assure you that it was a thoroughly considered and reasoned decision! The thing is that I was still getting lots of notes on these drawings everyday and… To put it simply, I didn't want that anymore. 🙇‍♀️ Experiencing popularity was very detrimental to me in the long run and I needed to put an end to it for the sake of my own wellbeing; at least for now.
Which brings me to my next point.
After mulling it over for a while, I've decided that I would not be returning as an active creator in the Mario community this time around. 👐 Making fanart for this franchise (with such a high and continuously maintained degree of involvement) had a lot to do with my health's decline and I've come to realize that I wanted to direct my focus elsewhere going forward. For that reason, there are things which I know will never be repeated again in the future, both in regards to my art and online presence in general, but that's alright. Things change, as they do and should. I'm looking forward to reuniting with folks and would be very happy to stay in touch with those of you who wish to message me privately. Like my lovely pal @istadris said, what matters most about any fandom are the friends you make in it. ☺️
And speaking of which-
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@ody-and-fanatu That's so sweet of you, thank you! 💗 I'm glad you've enjoyed my contribution to the fandom. It was fun while it lasted! 💫 My visual ideas may be gone from my page, but most of my written posts and replies are still there for anyone who wants to revisit those at least, so there's that! And I'd also like to answer some of the asks I still have in my inbox at some point. Knowing that you hold my art in such high regard makes really happy! 🥰 Unfortunately, the other account that I have is reserved for my professional work and I prefer to keep them separate from one other, but the good thing is that I intend to go back to this blog occasionally. Hoping to see you around! Cheers! 🥂
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@heiressofdoodles Thanks, I appreciate that! ✨ I'm honestly doing much better than I was earlier this Spring. Back then, I was running on empty and on the verge of crashing without even knowing it. Being in constant physical pain was one thing, but feeling mentally and emotionally drained on a daily basis was another entirely, and something had to be done. It took me a moment to really figure out what was wrong, but thankfully I realized very quickly what was causing it and applied the breaks with all my might. One of my main priorities now is to be more alert and respect my own boundaries to make sure that this never happens again. 🥲
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@keakruiser Thank you. 🙏💐 I'm just glad to have found my footing again. Feels good to be able to create freely.^^ Hope you're doing well too!
Special thanks also to @pianokantzart, @jelly-fish-wishes, @katlyntheartist, @triniji and @wahooitsamee for their kind words. 🫂 Your graciousness and consideration means a lot to me. 💝
As for all the nice people who sent me anon comments and well wishes, I tried to summarize my thoughts as best I could in this update, but if there's anything else you'd like to say or know, don't hesitate to ask me anytime! Now that I feel like myself again, I think I'm gonna hang out on Tumblr for a little bit. I'll be excited to see what you guys have been up to in the meantime! 🤗 Wishing you all a very good day and pleasant Fall. 🍂
-elita 🌸
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Hello! I always see in writing how "and his eyes turned to cresents" and similar expressions. What does it mean and how would I go about using the term correctly?
Facial Expressions: The Eyes
I'm assuming "his eyes turned to crescents" probably comes from writing anime fan-fiction, as eyes turning to a crescent shape is a common means of illustrating emotion in anime. Outside of anime fan-fiction however, it has no meaning, because real human eyes don't turn to crescents. They can partially close, narrow, pinch, or squint, but "his eyes turned to crescents" has confusing connotations when applied to an actual human rather than an anime character.
Options for showing emotion in non-anime human eyes:
-- Eyes narrowed: suspicion, anger, deep thought -- Eyes twinkled: adoration, happiness, excitement -- Eyes darted away: guilt, anxiety, disagreement -- Eyes widened: shock, surprise, amazement -- Eyes shut: frustration, disappointment, sadness -- Eyes hardened: anger, distrust, emotional cutoff -- Eyes pinched: annoyance, consideration, deep thought -- Eyes rolled: exasperation, disbelief, annoyance -- Eyes bulged: shock, fear, strong dismay -- Eyes blinked rapidly: distress, discomfort -- Eyes dilated: interest, extreme happiness, arousal As far as similar expressions go, what you're generally looking for is called "facial expressions" which are a type of body language that convey emotion. See the following posts for more:
Showing a Character’s Feelings Illustrating Emotion with Eyes/Eye Movements
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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ms-taurusvenus · 6 months
Sagittarius Placement Observations
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To all of my Sagittarius placements, ensure you have people that are open-minded and optimistic. Or else that shit is gonna bring you down and feel like shit. Be wild and free. Dream big and that will manifest.
What is covered: Mercury, Moon, Venus, Mars, & general/random observations (at the end).
Usually have humour that people find offensive. They're also very sarcastic. Ie, The UK has humour that many find offensive and don't understand when whatever they're saying (to them) isn't meant to be taken as offensive or to heart and that is just their way of bantering/joking around. Curse like sailors when they're upset/mad about and sometimes even when it's about something that they're passionate about. As much as they love to be playful and all, they are very optimistic and open-minded which makes them great for deep conversations They love to exaggerate things and be drama queens even when things weren't deep or serious (and they know it .. usually). It sometimes like a mix of Leo and Gemini energy if you ask me. But due to this they may have a tendency of jumping into conclusions. May struggle with paying attention to detail and the nitty-gritty of things. Bold.
Usually very adventure, craving challenges and new experiences. May also be spontaneous due to this. Often they're smarter than you think they are and they tend to be sly about their intelligence. Carefree and optimistic in nature. Might've grown up with optimistic mother, hence their optimism. Ride or die type of friends. Applies for all Sag placements but I see this especially with Sag Moons.
May enjoy traveling with their partners and trying new things. Enjoys a balance of independence in their relationships. Might feel restrained to love because they have a lot of love for those that they love and may not want to seem clingy or overwhelm their partners. Tend to be go with the flow with their relationships.
If you ask me ... Sagittarius Mars are the scariest. Jupiter (Sags home) is the planet of expansion. You put that together and boom, you got a ruthless ass Mars placement.
May get annoyed with people with narrow mindsets, double standards, liars, being controlled/those who try to control others, arrogance, complaining, lack of action to things. Laughs shit off even in awkward situations. Tend to be very energetic. Playful and may act like a kid.
Really well educated and may have thought about getting multiple degrees, a PhD, etc. Really intuitive. Loves to travel and may/often have either been to a lot of places or plan to go to a lot of places. Also tends to travel often. Enjoys learning and trying different cultures, languages, and cusine/food. Might have deep voices. Tend to be detached and have detachment issues. Might also have a avoidant attachment style. Are able and may tend to be the ones making/willing to make the first moves. Due to your 10H Virgo, you may prioritize and care for your career and profession a lot. Often taking your time and however much is needed/necessary to prefect your craft and profession. Really wide range of music they like and listen to. Might be open to drugs or at least trying them. Usually are wild when they're younger but chill down as they grow older. Easy going and don't like to be tied down. Due to Sags 2H/3H being ruled by Saturn you may be sensitive or struggle to singing and making different sounds from your voice. Tend have deep, philopshial questions about life, universe, and even themselves. Wants to find out the truth of things. Tend to have a lot of skills and hobbies.
Thank you for making it this far! I hope you can relate/resonate with anything in this post. My inbox is open for questions, discussions, etc! Reblog's are appreciated :).
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actual-changeling · 8 months
Welcome back to a meta post that was not supposed to exist, but I fucking love answering questions, so here we are.
i got an ask (the answer contains a tl;dr) about why I think Crowley has unstable relationship patterns, and the following will be a detailed look at why this is the case, how Aziraphale plays into it, and what it ultimately means for the two of them.
This won't be as unhinged as my usual analyses, so consider this a special edition of Alex's unhinged meta corner - now hinged.
As always, please remember that this is my personal interpretation—not a generalization—and that genuine questions are welcome, either here on the post or in my inbox!
Everything I will say is based on research I have done, books & studies, and many, many conversations with my therapist (and at points my psychiatrist too); just so you know I'm not making shit up as I go.
Now, in the context of trauma-related/based disorders, what exactly does it mean to have unstable relationship patterns, and how does it apply to Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship?
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Canonically, heaven does not care about what Aziraphale is doing and they are not keeping an eye on him. We know this both from references in the script and their dialogue and what we see throughout the show as a whole. That "fear" of being found out should he openly commit to Crowley is, for the most part, self-fabricated.
Yes, hell would potentially punish him (that potentially is another long post), but that is not something Aziraphale gets to take and use against Crowley, and the fact that does it anyway to 'prove' that he is not behaving incorrectly is a big issue.
What that leaves them with is a very common and well-known relationship pattern that requires a lot of self-awareness, control, and work to break it.
Aziraphale and Crowley get closer, spend more time together, their relationship grows and the intimacy increases, resulting in their behaviour changing to reflect that. They go on more romantic-coded dates (e.g. 1827, whatever the fuck 1941 was), eat together more frequently, drink together and feel comfortable enough to get drunk drunk while in each other's company—which always carries the inherent risk of doing something 'forbidden' while their impulse control is lowered.
I think the second episode of season one is actually a great example for all of this. When they drive to Tadfield, there's a mutually respectful conversation, they tease each other, they bicker like an old married couple, and don't fall into blaming the other for the situation they're in. At the manor, they are openly flirting from the start, laughing about the paintball guns and blowing kisses to miracle away stains, and the wall slam scene honestly speaks for itself.
I wrote a detailed analysis of it right here, which contains the conclusion that the entire interaction was intentional and orchestrated by the two of them.
They are doing great, they're comfortable, intimate—both physically and emotionally—and their sides are already on their asses about the apocalypse, so why not commit to the relationship?
Because Aziraphale gets scared, scared of intimacy, scared of what it would mean for his life, scared of what it would force him to confront (his faith, mostly, which is another gigantic topic), scared of the changes it would bring to their relationship, scared of breaking out of the pattern they have been moving in since the very beginning.
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So he pushes, hard. He insults and denies and hurts Crowley to get as far away from all of that as possible. Push & pull, no matter when, no matter why, it's always the same.
At this point you might be thinking Alex, this is all on Aziraphale, how is this also Crowley's unstable relationship pattern? The answer to that question can be roughly summarized in one sentence:
He does not punish or discourage Aziraphale's behaviour.
There are NEVER lasting—if any—negative consequences for Aziraphale when he forces them into the push/pull dynamic, when he insults him, denies their relationship, calls him evil, you name it. No matter what Aziraphale does, Crowley always forgives and forgets and comes back to him, essentially resetting their loop. That way there cannot be any progress because they're not moving a single inch in either direction that isn't carefully organized and controlled by Aziraphale.
Why does Crowley not confront him? Because he is scared too.
Now, THIS is the part where I explain why I said Crowley has unstable relationship patterns. It is important to understand that Aziraphale's kind of instability is only one possible manifestation, and that they are—broadly speaking—on opposite ends of the spectrum, which not only makes them incredibly compatible, but also makes them worse.
Crowley is terrified of losing Aziraphale permanently and being on his own. God rejected him, heaven rejected him, hell rejected him—his life as been one traumatic incident after the other with a strong focus on abandonment and neglect, especially from people he cared about.
He says himself that Aziraphale is his only friend, he doesn't have anyone or anything else. The bookshop is Aziraphale's anchor, but Crowley has nothing except the Bentley and whatever Aziraphale allows him to partake in. Hell can take his job, his flat, punish and torture him as they please, and make his life, well, hell.
With the Bentley only appearing in the early 20th century, for 99% of his life he had nothing except for Aziraphale, his best friend, the person he loves.
So what does he do? He clings, he circles him and tries to push his orbit just a tiny bit closer whenever there's a gap he can use, trying to solidify their relationship. Terrified of being abandoned again, he swallows and ignores everything and anything negative.
The final fifteen are the FIRST TIME that Aziraphale asked him for something and he said no without changing his mind later—and it was literally the worst case scenario, the one boundary he has that he is not willing to cross for him, literally the barest minimum.
Every other time he relented, gave in, apologized for something that wasn't his fault, have Aziraphale everything he wanted from Hamlet over shooting a gun at his face to giving him the Bentley. Crowley's primary objective is to do whatever it takes to avoid being abandoned, so whenever Aziraphale DOES push back and abandons him/says that he will, he panics. He panics even more when there is an outside source threatening Aziraphale's presence in his life.
Look at how frantic he is when he finds Aziraphale after the bandstand, trying to say whatever it takes to get him to come with him. He does the apology dance, gives in when it comes to Gabriel, and never reacts to Aziraphale in a way that would prompt him to re-think the choices he is making, let alone stop doing the push/pull.
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His identity revolves around Aziraphale, his only relationship is with Aziraphale, he allows him to shape him to his liking as far as he can take and then some, he needs him to be happy, to enjoy himself, to live a life worth living—and Aziraphale needs him to be and do all of those things so he can keep up his behaviour.
They are dangerously co-dependent and just spiral deeper and deeper until they hit rock bottom and are forced to separate.
Look, I have BPD on top of everything else, I have been in a relationship with this exact pattern in Crowley's role, and it is fucking horrible. Absolutely unbearable. My ex-partner was like Aziraphale, pulling and pushing and pulling and pushing but on a daily basis, every few hours. No amount of talking or begging could get them to not behave in a way that would hurt me, and I was so emotionally tied to them and terrified of being alone that just like Crowley, I relented every. single. time. A year and a half and they never, not ONCE, apologized for anything. Ever. Not for hurting me, not for being an asshole, nothing.
The only way I got out was with a lot of therapy, support, and so much emotional work I was having several panic attacks a day because I was so fucking exhausted. Crowley and Aziraphale separating was the best thing that ever happened to their relationship.
Now, Aziraphale is facing negative consequences for his behaviour and is forced to examine himself and deal with all those fears causing him to behave the way he does. Crowley on the other hand is now forced to learn how to exist without Aziraphale to orbit around—he needs to develop an identity that exists outside of Aziraphale, so he can have boundaries and stick to them.
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mraeelli · 9 months
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Hi guys, I’m opening up my commissions! 💌 I will be doing it slot based for every month and will update my status on my tumblr page itself (on the left box). I would love to draw/paint your characters! Email me if you’re interested 😊 (more info below the cut) 🤗🎀
What I can do: +Original Characters +Fanart +Mild Nudity/Artistic Nudity +I accept text descriptions and supporting references, though the payment will differ slightly due to me having to design from scratch. +If there’s anything you want me to draw that isn’t listed here, don’t hesitate to ask! I’ll see what I can do :)
What I can’t do: -Very explicit NSFW -Anthro/furry characters -Heavy Gore/Sci-Fi (If it’s not too complicated then I might be able to do it :) -Mecha -Overly complicated armor (this one is negotiable, you can contact me for more info!) -If I find any subjects uncomfortable for me to draw, I reserve the right to turn the request down (sorry!)
Additional Info Personal usage only, and I reserve the right to post it on my blog or use it for promotional purposes unless you have stated beforehand that you don’t want me to. +Commissions will likely take around 3-4 weeks to complete, or sooner depending on how complex it is. If there are any delays I will inform you accordingly +Payment will be made once initial sketch has been confirmed and will finish through by email :) +All payments are to be made upfront through Paypal invoice
How do I send an inquiry for a commission?
Thank you so much for taking your time to inquire/commission!
To inquire about anything general regarding the commission, i.e: a simple question about if I accept drawing this/etc. can be asked through my email (stated above), Instagram-DM, Tumblr-DM, or Tumblr-Inbox.
Any inquiries will be replied within 3-4 working days. To inquire about applying for a commission, sending it through email is the best way for me. Thank you!
What do I send in for my commission?
please send an email to [email protected]
Some things to include:
Your paypal email that you’d like the invoice to be sent to
A description of what you want me to draw (eg. your OC, a canon character) and the type of commission you want
References of your OC/Character you'd like (or alternatively, text descriptions with maybe a face claim if it’s alright)
Info (some personality traits, mood/vibe of the drawing,lighting, etc. anything you think is important for me to know when I am drawing)
More Info
Character Info 
General Information : Name, Age, Race, Personality and anything you’d like me to know :)
Some reference pictures (if you only have text as reference - it would be great if you could provide some images such as face claims of the character, and/or clothes that you’d like the character to be wearing.)
If you are going for the painting option, it would be great if you could tell/provide some references on the mood and lighting that you would like to go for. (For example, a dark somber scene with only the moon as the light source) - to evoke a certain feeling/story
Don’t hesitate to ask me any more questions through DM or email!
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
❥ i love you. i want us both to eat well
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✶ pairing: idol!taehyun x non idol! chubby reader
✶ summary: taehyun's coming to stay with you for the week and you feel it's time for a big change. but you don't realize it's an unneeded change until it's too late
✶ genres: angst, hurt/comfort with lots of smut at the end (as a treat!)
✶ warnings: reader has a bad relationship with food, intrusive thoughts, bulimia, negative self talk, brief mention of vomiting, mentions of weight, eating disorders, negative body image, praise kink, squirting, edging, face sitting, unprotected sex
✶ word count: 4.7k words
✶ a/n: i've noticed a general lack of chubby reader fics so i thought i'd do my part and write a hurt/comfort fic involving tyun ^_^ this was very comforting for me to write personally, but if any of the aforementioned warnings are triggering to you in any way, i don't recommend reading. i don't want any of you to get hurt or apply the very harmful things the reader does in this fic to your lives.
this fic is NOT endorsing disordered eating. i do not endorse nor support thinspo, body shaming, eating disorders, or hating your body, no matter your size. as a plus size person myself, i think it's important to love your body as it is and i hope this fic provides solace and comfort to those who have a bad relationship with food or their bodies. you're beautiful the way you are and i hope you're able to love your body the way taehyun loves your body in this fic <3
love you lots 🫶🏾 if you need anyone to talk to about this subject matter, my inbox and messages are always open x
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It's a slow work day; slow, boring, and tedious.
And you're starving.
You forgot to bring your lunch with you so your measly meal of a granola bar and black coffee was nothing to write home about. You can't wait to get home and eat some real food while facetiming your lovely boyfriend.
On the way to your apartment complex, you see a gift shop with a TV playing compilations of idol dance challenges from Tiktok from the display window. You decided to stop and watch for a bit once you recognized one of the Taehyun's fellow group members. Sure enough, the next video that plays is one with Taehyun in it.
Oh, he looks so good. He's doing some kind of girl group dance with a couple of the group's members. The girls are dressed so cutely with perfectly manicured hair and nails and makeup. There's a voice in the back of your head that's saying things you don't want to hear, so you ignore it.
But with every step closer to your apartment, the voice grows louder and louder.
They look so much better with him than you ever could.
They're prettier and skinnier than you. You don't think you actually deserve him, do you?
He's probably cheating on you with one of those girls. Who could blame him? He's too good for you, you both know that.
There's a bad taste in your mouth by the time you get to your front door. Despite your brain doing everything it can to ruin your day, you decide to rummage through the fridge for some food anyway.
You're pretty good at keeping the fridge stocked when Taehyun isn't around, but as soon as you start assessing your options, your appetite starts to wane. You think back to those gorgeous female idols you saw on television, with their glamorous bodies.
Slender waists, rounded hips, lithe arms and legs, dainty hands, and long, silky hair.
You don’t look like that, you know you don’t.
But maybe you could if you tried a little harder.
Your phone ringing snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts. Seeing Taehyun on your phone screen immediately eases your pain.
"I saw you on TV today," you say.
"Oh yeah? Was I cool?"
"You were the coolest," you say with a smile.
"Did you eat?" he asks and your throat goes dry.
"Yeah, I went out to get something before I got home. Did you?"
"Mhm, I just got done eating dinner."
Taehyun looks a little antsy, like he wants to say something so you call him out on it.
"Everything okay?" you ask.
"Yeah, it's- Okay, I wanted to surprise you, but I can't keep it in. I finally have a break in my schedule so I'll be home all week starting next Sunday,"
"What? Baby, that's great news! I can't wait to finally see you. It's been too long! I mean, I know it's only been a week since we saw each other, but still!"
By the time you hang up, your heart is soaring. You get to stay with your boyfriend for a whole week! What sounds basic to some sounds like paradise to others, truly. The life of dating an idol is a very different world, to say the least.
You looked down at your stomach and frowned as you squeezed its flesh. You've put on some stress weight, no doubt about it. What would Taehyun think? Yes, you were chubby when he first met you and you're chubby now, but there's no doubt he would notice the weight you've put on recently.
He's going to be home in less than a week. What if he realizes he deserves better and he's been settling for you this whole time? Taehyun is a celebrity, he could have anyone he wants. So why you, of all people? You both know he could never go public with his relationship with you for privacy reasons, but maybe it wasn't just that.
Maybe he was ashamed to be seen with you.
As you go to bed later that night with an empty stomach, you recognize that something has to change.
So when the next morning comes, you decide to start with eating less and walking to work instead of taking public transit. You learned to appreciate the four mile walk there and back every day to appreciate the morning dew and the passing scenery as you listened to your favorite songs.
But it wasn’t enough. You weren’t losing weight quickly enough and the ideal version of yourself who lived in your head wasn’t matching your reflection in the mirror.
So you start going running every day after work. You run a couple of laps on the track at the community center near your workplace. You feel energized after working out so much, but damn, you're hungry. No matter how much your stomach growls, you wave off the voice telling you to eat and drink some cold water to satiate your hunger instead.
The next thing you know, it's D-Day. Taehyun is coming home tonight and you can't wait. You don't work weekends, but you keep up with your routine regardless. You walk to your workplace and then run your several laps around the track until you've sufficiently tired yourself out.
By the time you get home, you're able to shower, clean the apartment, and relax for a few hours.
You're watching a program about weight loss on your laptop when you get a call from Taehyun and immediately pick up.
“Me and the guys were thinking about getting dinner tonight. Wanna come?”
You're glad he can't see the discomfort on your face.
“No thanks, I’m swamped with work tonight.”
“Are you sure? We’re going to your favorite chicken place.”
“I’m sure, love. Thanks.”
“Okay, let me know if you want anything.”
It hurt a part of your soul to decline going to your favorite restaurant. You swear the savory, sweet and spicy crunch of that hot honey fried chicken had healing properties. But you have bigger things to worry about. You need to stay focused.
You fall asleep on the couch and startle awake when you hear the front door of your apartment clicking open.
“I’m home,” Taehyun calls from the entryway. His voice is followed by the sound of rustling plastic bags. You slide your laptop off your lap and give your boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips.
“Welcome home,” you say, then take a look at the plastic bags Taehyun is carrying in each hand. “What’s all this?”
“Some extras from dinner. I brought some stuff back for you, too.”
Your stomach twists. “Oh, honey you didn’t need to do that.”
“I never believe you when you don’t ask for anything,” he says with a laugh. “Anything you don’t finish you can take to work tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” you smile but you feel like you’re dying inside. Why does he have to be so considerate? As nice as the gesture is, you’re not eating a single bit. You swear to yourself that you won’t.
As delicious as that food looks and smells, successfully resisting temptation feels better than that food could ever taste.
You brush off the gurgling of your stomach as you go through your nighttime ablutions.
It’s 4:00 AM when your cravings become too strong to ignore. The growling of your stomach grows louder, unbearably so.
You turn your head to check on Taehyun, he’s still fast sleep. Maybe this was the perfect time to do what you wanted to do.
You sneak off to the kitchen, grab the cold paper boxes of food and arrange them on your small dining table. Smelling and looking at the food isn’t the same as eating it, you tell yourself. There’s nothing wrong with smelling or observing the food, as long as you don’t eat it.
This should be easy…
Shouldn't it?
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You black out hours later and the first thing you’re faced with is a multitude of empty takeout boxes. Two boxes of fried chicken, a box of garlic fries, steamed rice, and two apple mango hand pies. Foods that are usually your favorites yet all you could do was panic.
You start hyperventilating and your vision blurs as you stumble to the bathroom and kneel in front of the toilet, shoving your index finger down your throat and trying your hardest to remove any of the food you ate. After reaching deep enough, you gag around your finger and vomit, bile stinging your throat and tears filling your eyes. You empty your stomach and vomit until nothing but stomach acid comes up, the metallic taste coating your mouth.
"Y/N?" Taehyun asks from behind the door. "Are you okay?"
A string of drool hangs from your bottom lip and you've never felt more repulsed by yourself until now.
"I'm fine, just a little sick."
"I'm coming in—"
"—No! No, I'm okay. Don't worry about me."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm fine, honey, really. I'll see you later tonight, okay?"
"Okay, see you tonight." You can hear the doubt in his voice. It pains you to lie to him like this, but you know this would upset him. You gather enough strength to drag yourself up from the bathroom floor and start getting ready for work.
That was a close call. There's no way you can let that happen again. The binging, the vomiting, having Taehyun worry about you, any of it. If you were planning on continuing this, you had to be discrete about it, even if it meant lying to your boyfriend's face.
So you decide to stop eating altogether.
And at first, you feel fine.
You're able to get through the work day by chewing gum or drinking cold water to keep yourself awake. When Taehyun comes home with food or cooks for the both of you, you lie and say you already ate at work or you're not hungry.
And you know Taehyun senses that something is wrong, but you can't tell him. You could never tell him.
This wasn't going the way you expected it to.
You wanted to enjoy coming home from work and have Taehyun play your househusband for the week, but by the time you get home every night, you're so exhausted. You fall asleep on the couch, sometimes even mid conversation, and you wake up hours later with a pounding headache and a blanket thrown over you, courtesy of your sweet boyfriend.
And by the end of the week, you hardly have the energy to even stand up in the shower.
"Have a good day at work today," Taehyun says and gives you a kiss on the forehead at the door. That on its own gives you enough energy to make it through today.
You cross the crowded street, feeling normal, albeit a bit tired.
And then, out of nowhere, you feel like someone pulled the plug on you.
The next thing you see is the blurry ceiling of a hospital room, nothing but beige and speckles. You gasp like you’ve just come up for air and look around. You're connected to an IV and a heart rate monitor and, out of the corner of your eyes, you see...
Taehyun rushes to your side, taking your hand in his. Your heart is pounding when you see him. He looks so worried. He must've been so afraid for you.
"Y/N, why? Why didn't you tell me something was wrong? Why'd you do this to yourself?" he asks, standing tears in his eyes. Your heart sinks. There's no way he doesn't know how you got here.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He wasn't supposed to find out.
You were supposed to silently starve yourself until you became beautiful. Not worry him like this.
You failed. Your throat goes dry, rendering you unable to speak.
You just sit there silently and sob.
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You’re discharged the following afternoon. Taehyun doesn’t speak to you the entire ride home and you feel like utter shit for it.
As you step into your shared apartment and kick off your shoes in the entryway, you decide to finally break the silence.
“Taehyun, I’m so sorry. You weren’t supposed to find out about this—“
“—Why? Why wouldn’t you want me to find out? They told me you passed out in the middle of the street! You could’ve gotten hurt! What if something serious happened to you and I never found out?”
You stand there in silence, tears filling your eyes. He’s never sounded this upset with you in the nearly two years you’ve been together. You could feel your heart shattering.
“Why’d you stop eating?”
The gravity in Taehyun’s voice makes your stomach drop. You need to sit down for this one.
You walk to the couch in the living room and Taehyun follows, sitting next to you.
“I starved myself because I wanted to be beautiful,” you say.
“You are beautiful.”
“But that’s not all. I wanted to be good enough, good enough for you.”
Taehyun looks at you, brows knit in concern. He takes your hand in his.
“What made you think that? Did someone say something to you?”
“No, no one said anything. It was all me. I kept seeing all those beautiful, successful female celebrities on TV and I-I wondered if you even felt good being seen with me, so I thought that… maybe if I stopped eating, I would be better for you.”
You feel so ashamed by even admitting this and, when you’re able to finally look at Taehyun, he looks devastated, like you admitted the greatest of sins to him.
“I never want you to say that again,” he says, sounding deeply hurt. “There’s no way you could be any more better for me. You’re perfect, Y/N. I can’t imagine being with anyone else except you. I've never been ashamed to be seen with you. You know that, don't you?"
Taehyun cups your cheek with his hand and it takes everything for you to not burst into tears.
“Don’t you?” he repeats softly and that drives you over the edge. “You know there’s nothing you could do to make me ashamed of you, right?”
You cry and he wipes your tears away with the pads of his thumbs.
“Not even now?” you ask between sniffles.
“No, honey, not even now,” he leans in and kisses your cheeks. “I don’t want to lose a single ounce of you.”
He kisses your face all over and when he kisses you on the lips, you smile into it. This is the happiest you've been all week and the most relief you've felt in a while. You feel so embarrassed for the tears that continue to slide down your cheeks, but Taehyun just wipes them away and kisses you.
It's when he kisses your ear that you feel a sudden shift in the mood. He nibbles your earlobe and his lips drag down to kiss down your jaw. Your breath hitches and you hold back a moan.
"Don't hold back," he whispers into your ear. "Let me know how good I make you feel."
You sigh as you feel his lips move to your neck and he bites and licks the flesh, leaving a few hickies in his wake. You hold onto him tighter, the fabric of his shirt balled up in your fist.
Taehyun's hands move to your hips and before you know it, you're sitting on his lap, straddling him. You're a little hesitant, not putting all of your weight on him.
Taehyun grabs your hand and places it on the center of his chest. His heart is pounding against your palm and it causes your own heartbeat to quicken.
“Feel that? Only you can do that,” he says. He takes your hand and drags his down his body, down his toned chest, past his chiseled abs, all the way down to his cock, already halfway hard in his sweatpants.
“This is all you, too,” he whispers and your breath catches in your throat when you feel his cock twitch under your fingers.
“Oh my god…” you say, shuddered and breathless.
Taehyun grips your hips hard and pulls you down so your full weight is on him and you grind on his clothed bulge. He's never been this rough with you before, and it's giving you butterflies. You roll your hips and you revel in his hands roaming your thighs, your ass, and your waist.
You return to each other's lips like a magnet to metal. You drag your tongue across Taehyun's bottom lip and he parts his lips so you can slot your tongue into his mouth.
You pull away panting, your lips shimmering with spit. You squirm, wanting to say exactly how you feel but the words are stuck in your throat as you look upon your boyfriend, his hair tousled, lips glossy, and eyes dark.
"What is it, honey? Use your words," he says, looking deep into your eyes.
"I-I need you so badly, I can’t take it."
"Then let's tend to that need right now," he says with a smirk. You head to the bedroom and you're surprised when Taehyun pushes you onto the bed and hovers over you, drinking in every inch of your body.
"God, you're so beautiful," Taehyun says. "No one else gets to see this except me."
He peels off his clothes, down to his boxers and he slowly undresses you, peppering kisses all over your body. He presses a thumb to your now dampened panties and watches with sparkling eyes as he rolls your panties off of you.
"Wait, my turn," you grab at the waistband of his boxers and the corner of his lips turn up into a smirk.
"Be my guest," he says confidently. Your hands tremble a little bit as look down at his clothed cock. You notice a damp spot and that only serves to make you wetter. You slowly pull the boxers down past his thighs and his hardened cock springs free. He kicks his boxers off and immediately comes back down to the bed to kiss you, his cock resting against your soft stomach.
He slides his thick cock against your aching pussy and you shudder when you feel a vein rub against your clit.
“You’re so wet,” he whispers sweetly. “Can’t wait to be inside of you, honey... But before that, I need you to promise me something."
"Promise me that you'll eat when you're hungry and take care of yourself."
You blink, confused at the sudden 180.
"What?" you ask. Suddenly, you're jolted by Taehyun slapping his cock against your clit with a wet thwack. Your back arches off the bed and your eyes widen.
“Promise me or I won’t fuck you.”
You gulp and you can feel yourself blushing all the way to the tips of your ears.
“I-I promise,” you say before Taehyun slaps his cock against your clit repeatedly, causing you to squirm and moan.
“Promise what?”
“I-I promise I’ll eat.”
“I promise I’ll take care of myself,” you whimper. "I promise I'll treat myself better."
Taehyun gives you a cute, boyish smile.
"Good," he leans down to rest his forehead against yours and kiss you. You feel the head of his cock poke and rub against your entrance and you whine. He pushes into you and you gasp, grabbing onto his arms to steady yourself as he slowly enters you, inch by inch. You clench around him tightly and he sighs.
"You feel amazing," he groans. "You okay?"
"Mhm, feels so **good," you moan and Taehyun leans down to kiss you again. He buries himself deeper into you until he bottoms out and you wrap your legs around his torso, shuddering at the sensation of him buried so deep inside of you. He pulls out all the way then sinks all the way back in to fuck you at a fast, even pace. Your eyes roll back in pleasure, relishing just how full he makes you feel.
"Mmm, I-I'm close, 'm so close," you mewl, clenching hard around Taehyun's cock.
“Cum for me,” he breathily demands as he reaches down to play with your clit, pleasure shooting through your body like lightning.
Your orgasm rips through you like nothing you'd ever felt before. Taehyun is relentless, continuing to fuck you as you ride the waves of your orgasm.
"That's it, that's it," he coos. "So good, baby." He swipes his thumb against your clit quickly as he thrusts into you, urging you to cum again. You feel a different kind of pressure building in your lower stomach, one that you can't stop from releasing until it's already happened. The sheets underneath you are soaked and your entire body heats up as you realized what you've done.
"Wow," Taehyun says, astonished. "I've never seen you do that before. Fuck, you're so wet."
He mercilessly pistons in and out of you, sweet moans spilling from his mouth as he cums inside of you. He buries his face in your shoulder and you can feel his lips curl into a smile.
“Hear that?” he asks.
Through the haze of your post-orgasm, you can hear the sound of wet skin slapping against skin as Taehyun lazily ruts into you, rolling his hips against yours.
“So messy… you made such a big mess all over my cock,” he babbles, breathless and impressed. You’re shocked to feel his cock twitch inside of you when he says that.
Taehyun slowly pulls out of you and you whine, already missing the presence of his cock inside of you. He rolls over next to you so that you’re laying shoulder to shoulder on the bed.
You both take a moment to catch your breath, your breathing still ragged from just moments ago.
“Come here,” he says. “I want you to do that on my face next.”
“Taehyun!” you gasp. You don’t remember him being so filthy like this before. He’s had his flirty and handsy moments in the past, but those were nothing compared to this side of him.
He motions for you to come straddle him and you’re immediately seized with nervousness.
“Don’t be shy, love,” he says. “Or do I need to get you over here myself?”
“Okay, okay,” you prop yourself up on your elbows and slowly inch yourself closer toward Taehyun until you’re straddling his waist.
“Good girl, now put your thighs on either side of my chest.”
This is the first time he’s ever called you a good girl and honestly? You want him to say it a million more times. A tingle goes down your spine as you follow his instructions, maybe he should boss you around like this more often.
You feel more exposed than ever as you just barely hover over his face. You’ve never done anything in this position before, your heart is racing out of excitement and worry.
“Are you sure you’re okay with doing this?”
“Mhm,” Taehyun says. “I’ve been dreaming of doing this for a while now, actually.”
“But what if I hurt you? I don’t wanna put too much weight on you and—“
“—Y/N, you’re thinking too hard about this.”
“I know,” you say. You squeak when you feel Taehyun press a kiss to your pussy.
“Trust me,” he says softly and your heart melts. He reaches a hand up to play with your pussy, fingers gliding around your folds. “I wish you could see this. Everything about you is so pretty, Y/N.”
You could say the same thing about him. There’s something about seeing Taehyun lie there on his back, dark brown hair sticking to his forehead and his big, brown eyes made darker by his dilated pupils that made him look angelic.
“Lower yourself down on my face, good girl.”
Again with the good girl. Does he know he can make you do anything just by calling you that?
You take a deep breath and lower yourself down onto his face and your breathing becomes ragged the moment you feel the flat of his tongue against your pussy.
His hands come up to grip your thighs and hips. You bite your bottom lip to contain your moans as Taehyun goes to work on your pussy, tongue sliding in and around your folds and the ridge of his nose bumping against your clit. It feels so good, better than you ever could have imagined.
You feel his tongue slide into your pussy and your hands fly to the headboard, gripping tightly as you gasp and moan.
“Fuck, Taehyun…!” you exclaim. He moans against your pussy and the vibrations push you closer to the edge. As he makes out with your pussy from this position, it’s so impossible to hold back. You carefully grind yourself against his tongue and before you know it, you’re seeing stars as your back arches and you cum hard, thighs trembling and hips rocking back and forth at a steady rhythm as you ride out your orgasm.
“S-Sorry!” you stammer as you lift your hips to allow Taehyun to come up for air, but you’re shocked when he pulls your hips back down and gives your core a few long licks and swirls his tongue around your clit. Your thighs clench and you whimper from the overstimulation. When he finally taps your thighs to indicate that he’s done, you pull off of him, straddling his waist.
“You taste so fucking good, my love,” he mumbles, chest heaving as he looks at you with half lidded eyes and the bottom half of his face wet and shimmering from your juices. He looks so fucked out, like he was the one who was just eaten out like a man starved. “You put every fruit on this planet to shame.”
"Stop, you're making me blush," you say with a shy chuckle.
"Don't get shy now, you were just riding my face a few second ago." You both laugh and Taehyun sits up and rests his hands on your soft waist. He gives you the softest smile and looking up at you with those beautiful brown eyes and that's when it hits you.
You love this man, much more than words could ever describe.
You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook of his neck.
"I love you," Taehyun whispers into your skin and holds you tighter. You melt into his embrace, never wanting to leave from his arms or this moment. You wish you could live in his arms.
It's not until both you and Taehyun's stomachs start growling that the moment is ruined. You pull away from the embrace and look at each other with wide eyes and erupt into laughter.
"Guess we should get something to eat, huh?" Taehyun asks.
"Yeah, I guess so," you say, still giggling.
"Why don't I go run us a bath and you order our meal for tonight?"
"Sounds good to me."
You part with a kiss and, even though he's just in the next room over, you're so overcome with love for him. You get teary eyed as you browse your go-to delivery app.
In that moment, you're so thankful for his love, thankful you have each other.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
i have a handful of anonymous asks in my inbox right now asking about harm reduction as applied to eating disorders that their loved ones are experiencing. i'm not answering these individually, both because it would get repetitive and because i don't know your loved ones and can't give them personal advice, but i did want to say a few general things on this topic.
the basic principles of harm reduction are the same in regards to EDs as anything else. the point here is not to force a person to stop doing something dangerous (this is impossible) or even to pressure them to stop (this also doesn't work, and will often have the effect of making you into a person they don't feel safe around and can't turn to for help, thus actually decreasing their access to support and resources). instead, the goal of harm reduction generally is to give people the knowledge and resources they need to engage in risky behaviours as safely as possible. the reasons people do things that are physically or socially harmful to them vary, obviously, but in general these behaviours are serving some purpose in the person's life, like providing emotional 'blunting' they need to deal with otherwise intolerable circumstances, or meeting a physical need for specific substances. harm reduction meets people where they are, beginning with the premise that they deserve basic respect, dignity, and self-determination, whether or not they continue to engage in behaviours that may be endangering them.
some baseline harm reduction strategies for EDs could include:
take necessary safety precautions if (over)exercise is a feature of the disorder, or if you are at risk for fainting; ideally, have someone around (or reachable by phone) who can help in case of injury
do your best to compensate for any micronutrient deficiencies resulting from food restriction; dietary supplementation may be necessary
know if any substances/pharmaceuticals you may use (recreationally or not) can affect you more strongly, faster, or more dangerously on an empty stomach; here, harm reduction for EDs will overlap with harm reduction for drug use
know the signs of electrolyte imbalance and resultant cardiac events, particularly in EDs involving purging by laxative use or self-induced vomiting; keep a stockpile of items like sports drinks/gels that can rapidly replenish electrolytes; know where to seek emergency medical treatment and how to recognise when it may be vitally necessary
monitor long-term health risks, like bone density loss, tooth enamel damage, hyperglycaemia (in cases of diabulimia), &c. note that both this step and the above require finding medical practitioners who will treat patients non-judgmentally and without threat of institutionalisation
....and so forth.
harm reduction plans are highly individualised: they depend on the person's own goals and desires. a harm reduction plan might include strategies for engaging in ED behaviours less frequently or intensely, and may even include a long-term goal of recovery. however, harm reduction has not 'failed' if the person doesn't want to, or can't, reduce frequency or severity of behaviours right now or ever. ED harm reduction that does include goals for reducing behaviours, without necessarily trying to eliminate them entirely, might include strategies like:
purge less frequently; avoid or reduce flushing and chew/spit
reduce food restriction by raising calorie limits, not counting calories at all, eating certain 'fear foods', &c
identify triggers for restriction, binging/purging, &c; try to avoid those triggers (& possibly enlist assistance doing this)
ask someone trusted to eat with you if this would help you, for example, become more comfortable with eating non-restrictively, and turn eating into a social connection rather than a stressful event
consume a sufficient amount of food regularly and consistently <- this is the bedrock of all recovery work
again, though, the particular strategies in a person's harm reduction plan will depend on what they want to implement and are capable of doing right now. a person who's not ready for any step that asks them to engage in fewer behaviours, or to engage in behaviours less frequently, can still benefit from a harm reduction approach if they're interested. this is a conversation that should always be approached non-judgmentally and with the understanding that any harm reduction plan depends on the person's own capacities and goals. harm reduction is not about telling someone else what would be 'best' for them in an 'ideal' world. it's about meeting them where they are right now.
something important to note about EDs is that efforts to restrict food and food groups and to shrink body size are considered extremely common and 'normal' in much of the contemporary popular culture, and are frequently encouraged and prescribed by medical practitioners. this means that even when you are worried about someone with a self-endangering ED, there is often a considerable risk that, in trying to help them, you might still be promoting or acceding to the same fatphobic logic that can fuel the ED. if you, for instance, think that pursuing intentional weight loss is generally benign or healthy; if you have ideas about what size a person's body 'should' be based on things like actuarial charts; if you think that some foods are universally 'bad' and need to be restricted or eliminated; if you think that food should be 'earned' or compensated for by physical activity—stop, do not pass go, and do not try to dispense any kind of advice, harm reduction or otherwise, to someone struggling with an ED. you are not capable of being a resource here unless and until you are committed to a politics of fat liberation, disability rights, mad liberation, and anti-racism. you are not reducing harm if you are contributing to further entrenching the cultural beliefs and economic mechanisms of fatphobia and body fascism that the ED itself thrives on.
(**i am not saying that all EDs start or end with the desire to be thin as articulated through white supremacist body ideals, but it is a very common feature at this moment in history, and having these ideas reinforced, including through the lens of medical fatphobia, can certainly contribute to or worsen already-present behaviours and thought patterns where EDs are concerned.)
harm reduction also means giving a person the knowledge they need to evaluate their own goals and needs. in regards to EDs specifically, lots of public health communication is confounded by industry-funded diet and 'obesity' research that prescribes food restriction, compensatory exercise, and other recognisably 'eating disordered' behaviours, especially to fat people. many people with EDs, and their loved ones, may not even realise how many misconceptions they have learned about body size, nutrition, and the health risks of EDs. some basic places to start learning about these things from a weight-neutral / fat-liberationist angle that i would suggest include: christy harrison's podcast 'food psych' (her book is also decent but treads a lot of the same ground); gwyneth olwyn's work; lindo bacon and lucy aphramor's papers on 'health at every size'; jennifer gaudiani's book 'sick enough', which is a good starter resource on the medical effects of EDs. note that none of these resources are working within an explicitly harm reductionist framework, and imo make some missteps in this arena! but they still contain insights and information that can be useful to those who are interested in harm reduction, and to those with EDs generally.
harm reduction can be a tool to recovery, or a step on that road; it can also be an alternative for people who are not ready to seek recovery, and who may never be ready. the reality is that you cannot force someone to stop engaging in behaviours they rely on to live, whether drug use, EDs, or anything else. harm reduction proceeds from this place and from a fundamental commitment to respect for people who are generally already suffering. when approaching a loved one, you may or may not be able to initiate a conversation in which you express, eg, that you are worried about them hurting themselves, and would like to offer whatever emotional or material resources you can to help. but you have to go into any such interaction understanding that they may very well already know all of the risks of what they're doing, and may have other reasons they can't or don't want to stop. if you're trying to impose your will on them---by force, pressure, or coercion---you're not doing harm reduction, and you're most likely alienating them and turning yourself into a person they don't feel safe around where these behaviours are concerned.
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schizoid-culture-is · 5 months
Hello! I hope it's okay I ask here, what tend to be some needs for pwSzPD? I love someone who has it very dearly and I want to do my best to support them. I will take everything you say in mind and discuss it with him too, I want to do my best to understand not only him, but pwSzPD in general.
uh oh this has been sitting in my inbox for a bit
Here's what you can do:
Tell the truth as much as possible.
Don't overwhelm them with attention and love
Always take No as an answer
Don't force them to go places that require human interaction
Talk about what you want or need, and don't assume they know because its "obvious"
Be patient with them! Personally, I go through waves of isolation and interaction, and we sometimes just want to be left alone
Encourage them to say what they're really thinking, but don't force it out of them. The first point can encourage this naturally, honesty can save a lot of stress.
i think that's it? if any schizoids have any other recommendations feel free to add on! And yeah make sure to check with them, some of these may not apply.
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ffc1cb · 2 years
Do you have any tips for drawing men/masculine looking faces? I love your style and that's specifically something I struggle with ;;;
hi anon! this ask has been sitting in my inbox long enough that you’ve probably forgotten you sent it (yikes!) but i swear that the entire time i’ve been trying to think of a way to answer it. 
first of all, i wasn’t entirely sure i could give you any helpful advice at all, considering that i personally do not think about faces in terms of masculine/feminine when drawing them (and this is not a gotcha or anything, i just genuinely don’t think about it on purpose; as in, i rarely go into drawing a face with explicit intent of making it appear masc/femme).
i also as of late have (mostly by accident) defaulted to drawing just these two face shapes, applying them to any characters as i see fit with slight adjustments:
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so i figured that since i can’t give you any specific advice, i’ll just walk you through my overall thought process when constructing a face (of any gender).
first thing you should think about is the general shape of it all:
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if you imagine these three feature groups as a diagram, you could play around with them & get a wide variety of facial shapes to pick from.
another thing you could modify is bone structure:
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generally speaking, sharp features are often associated with masculinity, so i suggest you try experimenting with jaw & cheekbone shape. a face with more fat will hide the cheekbone and make the cheek appear lower and rounder; it will also make the jaw appear softer.
this next thing that i personally omit while drawing (purely as a stylistic choice) but could be of use to you is the brow bone and eye size:
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i like drawing the brow & cheek as a straight line (just makes it look more fun and easier to draw), and the eye size varies greatly depending on what vibe im trying to go for. 
you could also play around with forehead size, sometimes it makes a big difference.
hope this helps! sorry it took me five million years to answer ^^;
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so I want to start writing but I don’t know where and how to start writing. Any tips??
Where (and How) to Start Writing
1 - Start by filling your "creative well."
Writers are storytellers, but you can't tell stories if you have no stories to tell. That's why it's so important to fill your "creative well" by becoming an observer of life and consuming the stories unfolding around you. My guide to Filling Your Creative Well will help you with that.
2 - Learn about the different types of writing.
"Writing" doesn't just mean being a novelist. You could write fan-fiction, short stories, plays, poetry, screenplays, songs... you can journal, write a memoir, write non-fiction, write children's books, blog, become a journalist, or write op-eds. You can be a copy writer, technical writer, ghost writer, biographer, critic, essayist... Where and how you start depends on what type of writer you want to be. You can research the type of writing that interests you to learn the best way to start.
3 - Journal or do some writing prompts.
Regardless of the type of writer you want to be, a great way to start is by doing some daily journaling and/or doing writing prompts. Both options will help you practice things like sentence structure, description, grammar, and punctuation. You can find all sorts of free writing prompt resources right here on tumblr, as well as all over the internet, and there are also some great writing prompt books out there. Or, you may choose instead to journal about your day, your thoughts and feelings, or random subjects that pop into your head.
4 - Learn how stories generally work.
If you want to write fiction--whether that's fan-fiction, short stories, or long fiction like novellas and novels, it's important to learn how stories generally work. I say "generally" because there are many different kinds of stories and exactly how stories work can vary across time and place. However, there are a lot of general basics that tend to apply to modern popular stories. You can learn about those here: Beginning a New Story Guide: Starting a New (Long Fiction) Story How to Move a Story Forward
You might also find the following posts to be helpful: Want to Write but Can’t Come Up with a Plot It’s Never Too Late to Become a Writer Where to Go from Initial Book Idea
And finally, you can take a look through my master list of posts for additional help. :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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blackspace-capra · 5 months
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We aren’t taken so kindly in a place like this.
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“ The privileged will find that the exit comes to them first. Yet such ‘freedom’ withdraws its grace from us. ”
“ However I wouldn’t reach to it, either. For then a much crueler fate will befall this world and the DREAMER. ”
* STRANGER is open for asks!
Additionally, you may also mention/ask other blackspace residents.
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please do not send hatemail, spam, or overtly personal asks into the inbox. be respectful.
lgbtphobia, racism, sexism, etc. will not be tolerated. get off my blog
no nsfw. at all. VERY light jokes can slide but they will Not be impressed
mun is 16+
canon, ocs, au and crossover blogs are welcome to interact !
refrain from godmodding (for roleplays/asks)
HIIII!!! this blog is run by mod joe!!! I will try my best to update this blog once in a while. i have other askblogs that have been sitting in the dust that i need to revive. lol
that being said im mostly here to have fun. I really love stranger so much he’s my precious son my everything i love them and all their different variants as well. so why not make a blog dedicated to him (and . blackspace in general). I may also post some random events from time to time… who knows… maybe we can have characters outside of blackspace share the spotlight at some point.
tbh I kind of made this on a whim. so until I get a bigger picture of what to do story wise, i think we’ll just be messing around for the time being
disclaimer: this blog will not be following the canonical omori universe. so dont expect every detail to be the same! i will be applying headcanons to certain characters.
with all that said i hope to carry on with my son and that we can all get along n’ have fun 💜
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other blogs ;
personal - @picnicbask3t
embrace idv - @ask-embraceidv
idv oc - @ask-lyristidv
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gaasaku-fanfests · 2 months
Sorry this is so late. I originally planned to get the bingo started at the beginning of July. I've been sick and things just haven't been great. But I'm finally feeling better and we need to get this show on the road.
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The rules of a bingo are not simple. There are so many different ways to "win" bingo. Diagonally. Horizontally. Vertically. Weird combos where they're not even next to each other. 🧐 But, I'm not interested in policing this event to the letter, nor coming at you guys with a stick for not doing it "right". So the rules for THIS bingo event are just: HAVE FUN WITH IT.
Yes, we're having fun. However you want to interpret that.😎
Inbox GaaSaku-Fanfests with a bingo request. Like...
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If you want a theme, then add it to your ask. This is if you want the prompts to be about something specific. For example:
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(Prompts from this could be: holiday, magical, etc. Anything, but they'll all be things that could be connected or interconnected with 'winter'. If this is too confusing, don't worry about it.😘)
That's it. Easy-peasy. The basic idea of a bingo event. Then I'll post a bingo card reply to your ask, full of juicy prompts to work with. Like this:
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Fanart. Fanfiction. Lots of fun. It'll be filled with real prompts, I promise.😎
And finally:
Choose the prompts from the bingo you want to write &/or draw about - and feel free to mix and match that if you're both a writer and artist. Fill out however many squares you want to. Incorporate them into one piece, or draw/write all FIVE separately. Link some up in themes and do how ever many pieces of writing or art you wish. General rules for participation still apply though - see my rules page for more specific details.
(Always defer to the blog pages for information.)
Go diagonally, vertically, horizontally, whatever. You want some prompts?
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Of course the event posting will be in September. You'll have the rest of July and all of August to finish. And feel free to request a second bingo card once you're done with the first.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me. And be sure to check the rules, tags, etc., on my blog. I'll check in with y'all a few weeks before September with a reminder.💕
Like, reblog and share this post. Have fun creating, and spread the GaaSaku love!😋😎😍😘💕💓💗💖
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safety-pin-punk · 10 months
A joint statement from @polyamorouspunk and @safety-pin-punk- this is NOT a divorce kids, it’s just setting some bOuNdArIeS
Dear Punks,
We are gathered here today to talk about a shared view of the punk culture specifically in the tumblr bubble that we share between ourselves and also with so many of you.
To be frank, we get a lot of asks, which is a joy for both of us, and we love answering your questions with our opinions, other’s opinions, bouncing things off each other and our other mutuals, and directing you to anything that you might find helpful in your inquires. However, we get a LOT of asks specifically asking for permission or “Is it okay if I…”, and we really want to stress a point here:
Asking what you can and cannot do to be considered “punk” goes against being punk.
We get so many questions asking “will I be considered a poser if” and the best answer we can give you is: whatever your question is, the answer is PROBABLY going to be ”no, you wont be considered a poser”, BUT, asking if you’re going to be a poser if you do ‘xyz’ thing is gonna be what makes you look like a poser. Part of being a punk is deciding what’s right for YOU. It’s going AGAINST the grain. If you are ASKING what is acceptable, you are not ACTING in a punk manner. Punk isn’t about doing what someone says is okay, its about doing what you think is right.
Not only that, but it is very draining on both of us to receive numerous asks like this. As much as we want to answer every ask that comes our way because we genuinely WANT to help, for people to ask us questions, and to come to us for advice, when there’s a buildup in our inbox of questions asking for permission, one after another, they can be really draining. (And honestly, with how often we get asks about being a poser, the term feels very overused and watered down to the both of us). (We are taking the term poser away and putting it on the tall shelf kids).
Key loves getting asks about punk history and culture, and Punk loves getting asks about DIY tips, what’s worked for them, and both of us love talking music. In fact, we both listen to non-punk genres quite a lot as well, such as metalcore and pop rock. So, yes, we’re both team “You don’t need to listen to punk music to be punk”. But like with everything else, there’s a level of subtext in that statement. There are so many different genres of punk music. There are also so many different genres of alternative music in general. When the two of us say “You don’t need to listen to punk music”, we are not talking about the people who listen to music that explicitly goes against punk values. And we would hope that if you are existing in punk spaces online, that you can reason your way to understanding that without us having to explain it every time it gets brought up. 
And that goes for more than just that specific idea, there’s a lot of things we say that should be taken with nuance and your own critical thinking skills should be applied to. And on top of that, its also important to remember that we ALL come from different backgrounds and have different life experiences that have shaped our views and opinions. Because of this, we would also like to point out that you should not be asking us questions that involve us being your moral compass. Asking for opinions is one thing, but asking for what right and wrong is another.
There are punks out there who we’re both mutuals with who have differentiating opinions on topics, like whether or not punk is a music-based or political subculture at heart. Us having differing opinions than some of our mutuals doesn’t mean that us or them are less punk than each other. Since part of being punk is about thinking for yourself and going against what the mainstream and the masses think, then it makes sense that we don’t all agree on the smaller details. When it comes down to the real big problems, on topics like fascism, or bodily autonomy, or queer rights, etc., that’s what really matters.
We’re not the perfect role models for punk culture. We’re messy, flawed, human beings like everyone else. We like problematic things. We say shit that doesn’t always come across the right way. We can get irked easily from things on tumblr, either by asks we get or posts we see. We’re more than just our blogs. We have whole other lives outside of our punk worlds. We have different styles of fashion, different music tastes, etc. We do not live and breathe being 100% the perfect punk 24/7, but we try our best to make a difference where we can.
We genuinely enjoy being part of this community, but we also reserve the right to not answer asks that make us uncomfortable in any way, even if they come from a place of genuine desire to do what’s right. And again, we both do genuinely enjoy questions that ask for our opinions on topics, but asking for our opinions is a LOT different than asking for permission, which is something that we’ve both said a few times, but we feel like might not be reaching everyone who is thinking about sending in an ask like that. We thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope that our friends and followers understand where we are coming from and respect our wishes and boundaries on these matters, and hope you choose to continue along with us on both our individual and joint content.
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getsusekaii · 9 months
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Aloha everyone~ Your favorite ENBY Gremlin Rubii here.
As a Multi-muse I would love to see who likes interacting with me and with what characters you're interested in. Giving this post a like will let me know you wanna interact, but I kinda struggle with knowing who wants to interact with what character ( I get decision paralysis trying not to overthink but also over thinking what character you follow me for/wanna interact with) so replying with what characters you would like to start off with or enjoy interacting would help me a lot as well.
Note: This also applies for my sideblogs @ofstygiaan (Megumi Single muse) and @kakovoulos (Sukuna Single muse) Note 2: I get inbox anxiety, but I'm making it a point to reassure myself for every person who likes this post would like to get asks from me whenever they rb memes.
I look forward to rping with you guys in the future!
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topguncortez · 2 years
Dragon & Rooster: wedding day blurb
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warnings: a bit suggestive:) based on a tiktok Rooster & Dragon Masterlist | Opposites Attract Masterlist
note: I had this idea pop into my head and this is what we got. if you guys want more blurbs about these two or just in general, my inbox is open!
“hey man, there’s a gift from Dragon in the hallway,” Jake said bringing in the white gift box.
Bradley looked confused, the two of them decided not to do gifts for each other. He suddenly felt like an asshole as he took the box from Jake and set it on the counter in front of him. Bradley took the top off and noticed a card with pristine cursive handwriting on it which could’ve only belonged to his future bride.
I know we said no gifts, but i had this done prior to making that decision. So don’t count this as a gift but a sneak peak at what is to come
- love, G”
Bradley put the card deck next to the box and tore through the tissue paper and found a plain white book with no writing on it.
“She got you a scrap book?” Javy asked looked over Bradley's shoulder as he picked up the book from the box. However, the second Bradley opened the first page, Javy's jaw dropped, “Holy shit, not a scrap book.” Bradley quickly shut the cover and clutched the book to his chest.
“I’m gonna need like… ten minutes,” Bradley said and then briskly walked to the bathroom, still holding the book in his hands.
"What did she give him?" Bob asked softly, as they heard the bathroom door lock.
Javy chuckled and shook his head, "Looks like his own personal playboy mag."
Bradley set the book down on the bathroom counter and slowly opened the first page again, as if something were to jump out at him. The very cover of the page was a black and white photo of Dragon, her body clad in black lace lingerie with thigh high stockings on. He could see the large red dragon tattoo that went down her back, and every single curve and spot that Bradley loved so much.
And every page of the book was almost as dirty as the front of it. What really got him going were the 40s pin-up style photos of her. She must've stolen his dog tags and white hat as she posed in a white bustier and matching panties, her lips bright red, the hat sitting on her head and his dog tags dangling from her neck.
It took every inch of willpower to shut the book and keep himself from busting a nut in his pants. He couldn't wait to see her walk down the aisle and take her out of that dress.
In the girls' room, Dragon was sitting in the makeup chair as she was getting her hair finished. Val, Phoenix and Y/N were sitting on the couches drinking mimosas and waiting for Dragon to get done so they could get dressed. Val was in the middle of telling a story when her phone dinged.
"It's from Javy," Val announced, "It says 'tell Dragon that Bradshaw loved the gift. He's been locked in the bathroom for the past fifteen minutes'."
Dragon smirked to herself as the makeup artist applied her eyeliner.
"What did you give him?" Phoenix asked her sister.
Dragon just shrugged, "Something that's going to be very useful."
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