#this an excerpt from
nateconnolly · 3 months
She woke in the darkness of the early morning and — without consciously making a choice — she knelt to pray. 
“I don’t know if You’re out there, but I have two requests. 
“First, I need someone to pray to. So God, please let there be a God.
“And I need to touch Him. So God, please give God a neck that I can strangle.” 
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bloodbending · 1 year
someone please help me find that quote about how someone was overwhelmed with the weight of the world and their problems when they were physically alone, but that weight felt like nothing in the presence of a friend and good conversation
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fairydrowning · 1 year
Posting this here for everyone!!
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luthienne · 6 months
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from South Africa's genocide case against Israel before the International Court of Justice [ID'd]
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niikaido · 6 months
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laios: "she probably wanted to eat them with you"
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darlingdeathx · 2 months
I am yours, even in this waiting. I am yours.
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jackklinemybeloved · 6 months
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Percy’s warning to fellow half-bloods in the audience, across different mediums.
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (2005) The Lighting Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical (2017) Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series Teaser (2023)
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unbossed · 1 year
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If someone is calling for others to help them murder you how many people do you let them recruit before you try to shut them up?
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derangedrhythms · 5 months
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Charles Bukowksi, Love is a Dog from Hell: Poems 1974-1977; from 'texan'
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lucidloving · 7 months
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All writing by me: @lucidloving
"Prayer for Mercy" // "Letter XVIII" // "For Another Day" // "Letter IV" // "This Could Outlast it All" // "Letter XII" // "Letter in My Drawer" // "Dimples"
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“I believed you even when I knew you were lying.”
- S. C. C.
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fjordfolk · 24 days
Utilization: By his anatomical peculiarities this dog is predestinated to puffin-hunting on the steep rocks around the fjords and along the shore.
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The standard:
Neck: Clean-cut, of medium length, quite strong with a relatively well furnished collar.
Compendium comment:
The head is carried relatively low. The two last vertebrae (atlas/apsis) are shaped so that the dog can bend backwards so that the head touches the back. To do so is vital when turning in the narrow burrows. NB! This should NEVER be demonstrated the ring!
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The standard:
Ears: Triangular ears of medium size, broad at the base, carried erect and very mobile. The cartilage of the ear lobe has the faculty of being able to retract itself so that the ear folds itself and flops in a specific manner, either backwards or in right angle upwards, so as to close the auditory passage.
Compendium addition:
The ears of the Lundehund have a unique muscle that enables them to fold and close the ears when entering the burrows, thus protecting them against dirt and moisture. The turning and folding of the ears probably also is help in locating the birds.
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The standard:
Forelimbs: Moderately angulated. Forearm: Straight.
Forefeet: Oval shaped, turning slightly outwards, with at least six toes of which five must rest on the ground. Eight pads on each foot. The two inner toes, formed respectively by 3 and 2 phalanges and endowed with a ligamentary and muscular system, make the foot look solid.
Compendium addition:
Very flexible and elastic shoulder muscles. The Lundehund has joints that allow the forelimbs to extend at nearly 90 degrees from the body, but this must NEVER be demonstrated in the ring! The forefeet turn slightly outwards to give room for the extra toes.
The Norwegian Lundehund is a polydactyl. Instead of the normal 4 digits, the Lundehund normally has 6 digits, all fully formed, jointed and muscled, with tendons going up the inside of the leg, partly responsible for its wide front gait. Some specimen may have more, others less than 6 digits per foot, but less than 6 on front feet should lead to downgrading. The extra toes help the dog climbing up and down crevices in screes and cliffs.
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The standard:
Hindfeet : Oval shaped, turned slightly outwards, with at least six toes - four of which must rest on the ground. Seven pads on each foot, the one in the middle, the most important one by its size, being attached to the inner pads corresponding to the two inner toes. When the dog is standing up on a flat surface, the weight of the body must be evenly distributed on the pads.
Compendium comment:
More than 6 digits is not a fault. 5 digits are acceptable on the hind feet. The extra toes on the hind feet are normally less developed than those on the forelegs and variations from the ideal, both regarding number and placement, should not be penalized.
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The standard:
Gait/Movement: Light and elastic. An external rotary action of the forelegs and somewhat close action behind is characteristic of the breed.
Compendium comment:
In judging the movements of the Lundehund, one must consider that this dog is built to climb efficiently up and down steep cliffs and screes. The extra pads on both fore- and hind paws must then touch the surface to aid the dog in climbing. The extra toes help getting a grip, both in ascent and descent. The wide front with extra flexibility enables climbing safely up and down crevices, as the forelegs can grip at a 90 degrees angle to the body. On flat surfaces, the Lundehund will show typical rotating front movements, due to tendons and muscles from the extra digits on the inside of the legs. Hind movements are narrow.
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bogcreacher · 22 days
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coulda warned em
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luthienne · 6 months
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Mary Oliver, Swan: Poems and Prose Poems
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swampjawn · 29 days
Dungeon Meshi episode 21, being heavily dialogue-driven, was pretty straightforward animation-wise and let Ryoko Kui's stunning art speak for itself for the most part, but that doesn't mean that there aren't still some GENERALLY-INSIGNIFICANT-DETAILS-TO-SCRUTINIZE-AT-ARGUABLY-UNNECESSARY-LENGTH.
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There was a strong emphasis on hands in this episode, particularly the second half, starting with this cut of Laios resting his on the Minotaur's snout.
The animators have taken this simple little panel (on the right) from the manga (btw, people who know more about this than I do, is there a name for this type of panel, which in film would be called an "insert shot"?)
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and turned it into this highly detailed tracking shot that heightens the emotional impact of this moment for Laios. It feels very similar to the shot of Kabru bringing a piece of fish to his mouth that introduced him to the series!
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The theme comes up again when Laios does a little bit of blair-witching in the corner after being rejected by house-kitty-pilled Izutsumi,
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and once again a few seconds later with this added close-up of Marcille's hand when she tries to read the magical aura of the area.
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This one clearly makes heavy use of reference footage, to the point that it almost looks rotoscoped until you notice little details like this line that warps unrealistically at the heel of her palm.
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But with smooth, realistic motion like this, little details like that are much less important than the overall feeling of authentic shape and movement. This can be seen in a lot of Masaaki Yuasa's work, which often favors consistent motion and more frames over super polished individual drawings. Here's a thematically appropriate cut from Ping Pong for example:
(This one might actually be rotoscoped, I'm not sure)
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If you pause on any individual frame, the lines look wobbly and inconsistent, but it comes together as a whole to create something that feels authentic - real.
The heavy detail in the hand anatomy and the way the skin wrinkles around the knuckles in these cuts feels like a hard departure from Studio TRIGGER's signature heavy stylization, but these realistic cuts have popped up here and there since the start of this show, and I think they fit Dungeon Meshi really well! It can be jarring go straight from wacky bombastic cartoonsmanship to realism, but while it is a show about the hungriest hungriest himbo and his family of weirdos, it's also simultaneously a show about anatomy, ecology, and the horrors of the human mindbrain.
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This was expanded from an excerpt from this video where I break down the whole episode, so if you want to continue wallowing in the sludge with me, consider checking out the video!
Thanks for reading.
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kurooscopy · 2 months
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low res kuroo: a collection ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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