#this ain’t about trauma!
helloyellow17 · 1 year
Idk man I might get torn to shreds for saying this, but I simply cannot understand the new trend, particularly among younger internet users, where people write a laundry list of their triggers in their bio and then expect everyone to read and cater to said list on a PUBLIC PLATFORM.
This is the same mentality that drives people to attack appropriately tagged fics on AO3 for having x y or z content because “How dare you post this when I have trauma about this???” Obviously if someone is going to write a super heavy and highly sensitive fic and NOT tag it properly, they ought to be called out on it. But this isn’t about that, it’s about the people who don’t curate their own content, it’s about the people who enter public spaces and demand that the general public cater to THEM specifically.
Additionally: Listing out your triggers for everyone to see is just ASKING for trolls to come into your inbox and flood you with triggering content. (Unfortunately, as much as we would like to believe otherwise, the internet is full of selfish jerks who don’t give a crap about anybody’s trauma.) Not only this, but the algorithm does not read your bio. The algorithm does not care about your triggers unless YOU make sure to block specific tags and content.
YOU are responsible for curating your own content, and nobody else.
Obviously this is not to say people shouldn’t try to tag their posts for common triggers, because that’s the common courtesy thing to do. But if Becky has a phobia of bees, it is on her to block that tag and curate her feed around it, and she does not get the exclusive right to suddenly demand that nobody talk about bees within a ten mile radius of her. If Alec has a phobia of dogs, then it is well within his right to avoid contact with them, but he doesn’t get to go to a public park and yell at anybody who brings their dog there. It is his responsibility to know his own limits and seek out parks that are dog-free. (If someone brings a dog to a dog-free area, that’s a whole different issue that I won’t be getting into rn but yes, the person who does that is in the wrong there.)
The internet is widely a public space. If you want to create a safe space completely and utterly free of your specific triggers, you have to put the work in to make that space for yourself. You don’t get to ask other internet strangers to do it for you.
I’m saying this out of genuine concern (and admittedly, frustration) because there are so many young teens in fandom nowadays who don’t understand this, and they end up putting themselves in extremely vulnerable and even downright dangerous situations because they don’t understand that putting your well-being in the hands of a stranger is a terrible idea.
Please be safe, and for the love of all that is holy, be reasonable. Curating your content yourself is just as much a protection for you as it is a vital key that allows public communities to function.
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wickjump · 3 months
Hey hey hey hey hey
In a dussic situation where Dust moved in with Classic, what if Dust called Papyrus "bro" (kinda as a reflex/habit) early into the relationship with Classic, and Papyrus thought he just got comfortable easily and didn't know the truth.
Or like.
What habits would dust have to try not to do/would do by reflex
DIES i love dussic. ANYWAY‼️‼️ i feel papyrus would be aware of the whole different timeline thing, after all there’s not many other fat lazy blue-hooded skeletons out there who drink ketchup like their life depends on it. so he’d know the reasons behind dust calling him ‘bro’, just not the exact details (dust probably didn’t want to tell him, he’d hate to see the disappointment, but i imagine when he first saw paps again he just apologized over and over while shaking so papyrus got a sort of hint).
however i feel papyrus got overeager and excited about it, calling dust ‘brother’ in turn, meanwhile dust was regretting it a lot. phantom!papyrus definitely berated the hell out of him for it while dust tried to make up excuses to placate his ‘brother’. “it was a reflex, i swear!” “i didn’t mean to, promise.” “i thought it was you speaking, i didn’t realize.”
he feels he doesn’t deserve the right to have another papyrus care about him after what he’s done, and ‘initiating’ that sort of bond makes him feel worse. classic tried to make him feel better and say it didn’t matter what he called papyrus, papyrus really likes him and he’d be happy, sure, but you don’t gotta. and dust just. doesn’t know what to do. he doesn’t know if his discomfort and hesitance with papyrus is phantom’s doing or his own feelings, and it’s a whole bundle of tangled yarn they have to sort out together, and it won’t get fully untied for a while.
i love dussic. i love them so much. i could talk about them for ages. god
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soullessjack · 5 months
me incoherently yapping about how the revival should be a prodigal son type of thing between jack and dean to pick up from how season 14 frames them as Abraham and Isaac and have actual reconciliation between them since we never fully got it by the end of s15
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localemofreak · 6 months
Don’t forget people!!!
‼️Michael is NOT meant to be a good person‼️
so it’s prob best we don’t simp over the character…
Joseph Quinn in Hoard?? Yes 100%- but Michael?? Idk..
Not judging, not trying to put down anybody- but just thought it might be a nice little reminder :) 👏
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
Did you know you can block people. It's free!
Me: makes a post about how a Broad And General Topic/Idea in the DCA community makes me uncomfortable
This person, for some god damn reason: Just Block People! :) Block 60% of the fandom! Block some of your otherwise favorite artists! Just block a bunch of your mutuals/people you like the art of instead of hoping maybe one day they can maybe properly tag their art with a small warning or other notifying tag when a character is being a creep/acting like a sexual predator :))
Do you regularly entirely miss the entire point of a post venting a frustration about their trauma based dislike of a topic being so common in a community they otherwise enjoy or is this just for me specifically
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zeichannnnn · 5 months
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Had to draw this because I kept thinking about this scene very much. Lyney, after the Traveller, Paimon, and Sigewine left the infirmary, would’ve deffo just grabbed both of his siblings into a hug and not let go for a long while because of how fucking scared to shit by Wriothesly
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ndplatypus · 6 months
Look, I don’t hate Miguel. I can understand his motivations.
But I also think Miles would either not forgive him, or not be comfortable being around him. I think in the end he shouldn’t join the spider society. He’s gonna do his own thing (with Hobie, Gwen, Pav, Margo etc)
Like I can’t think of how they could have Miles and Miguel reconcile in a way where Miles ever feels familial or friendly with Miguel
Miles has been traumatized by this man I can’t imagine any scenario where they get close enough for Miles to call him fucking tio
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angelmichelangelo · 1 month
finished chap 1 and i adore it i stg i'll kudos it twice when i get my ao3 account!
do you have any angsty mikey headcanons you could share with the class? ('spoilers' are fine because i've read leodoriya's fics too) your mikey brings me so much comfort because i relate to him so bad 😭
ah tysm for reading :D it means a lot :) and hoo boy i have like, an entire part of my brain dedicated to just pure Lore from that fic that im super looking forward to delving into in time!
i have a bunch of little like, spin off fics? i guess? that im planning on writing and posting once the main fic is complete so i’ll save the more spoilery stuff for then! and yes, @lesbians4leonardo’s fics of my fic are just. UGH THE BEST i think ive read them enough times to burn them into my brain at this point :’)
and im super glad he’s able to give you some comfort. in the middle of writing this fic, i was kinda going through my own Issues that my brain randomly decided to make me remember about, that of which relates to mikey’s issues in this story and it’s kinda helped in a really huge way i wasn’t expecting. it’s not like, always 100% great fun and i always feel a little silly saying a fic helped me through a particular trauma BUT! its free and a hell load of good so!! yay for that i guess :’) im really glad you could read this fic and feel like it was some kind of help for you — and i hope you’re doing well in yourself <3 much love to you, friend !! thanks again for reading :)
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umemiyan · 10 months
thinking about previous conversations on ‘guys who are weird about your teeth’… ok so… what if i kinda wanna be weird about teeth too? what if i wanna inspect my boy’s mouth, grip his chin, press on his tongue, thumb over his canines to feel the points?? run my fingers all up in there like he’s a fuckin animal??? and he has to just sit there and let me but it’s okay because he knows i won’t hurt him
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hannahhbic · 10 months
The most isolating, fucked up part about loving hymns but not being religious anymore is that people don’t understand it’s not about the lyrics.
It’s about switching parts seamlessly with my bestie without prior discussion on repeat.
It’s about tripping over accidentals but treasuring them like candy in my mouth, craving more but never asking.
It’s about watching my younger self express herself the only way she could: silent, resentful tears through verses she didn’t believe.
It’s about climbing between the music staves and languishing; agonizing over the horrific content in the sermons; studying the notes on repeat as the only way to get OUT when I couldn’t physically LEAVE.
It’s about budding into life as a bard for a genuine cult, becoming fearless behind an instrument, alone, in front of crowds of people, knowing that they will never comprehend the notes the way I do.
It’s about tripping and sinking into the quicksand of misplaced devotion, clinging to the salvation of the chords for dear life.
It’s about fearlessness taking the reins and bursting through the hymnal cover, full fledged beast with poisonous claws and teeth bared, manifesting any possible escape.
And getting out.
It’s about the echoing, cavernous silence that comes after; the haunting, bucolic aftertaste clinging to the trace of every note.
The hymns will always mean bittersweet freedom to me, even if they might resemble shackles to other people. 𝄇
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
did Bonnie hate vampires or does she have trauma due to vampires and reacted normally. If she hated vampires then she…wouldn’t have been friends with all her friend group. mind you she was the only one fighting the bigger villains
the woman literally considered Damon her best friend & then dated a vampire but yeah she hated them all ig
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notetapper · 4 months
tbh i’m uncomfy with aventio master/slave content more because imo it would be ooc for dr ratio to want to enslave aventurine considering his whole shtick about not wanting people to depend on anyone (but especially “geniuses”) to improve society and stuff
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The serotonin hangover after dnd night is unreal
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custom-whats · 2 years
Shoutout to my fellow visionaries who love making ldb come back from apocrypha “wrong”. Like not in an obvious way at first but just subtle changes in priorities … a more noticeable interest in knowledge and the hoarding of books in their house when their bookshelves had previously been scarce.. maybe slight discolouration/dots within the eyes (I believe neloth mentioned that as a symptom??) … the subtle fear within the hearts of the ldb gang wondering if their friend has succumbed to something impossible to fix or push back
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no1ryomafan · 11 months
I have 4 eps of big o left but I’m only not finishing this immediately because my one friend wants to watch this in VC for me and I already watched 5 eps today… Absolutely insane I got through this show so fucking fast and I’m gonna have soooo many more thoughts once I’m done but I plan to keep my review to a Twitter thread. However, there is two things I will say upfront about this show:
Despite some aspects I think this is EASILY a strong contender of a mecha show you should recommend to people who want to get more into the genre but only knows mainstream shows. The Big 3-gundam/getter/mazinger for those who don’t know-are still good choices but the benefit this show has over them is it’s only one iteration-not counting the manga-a good length of not to short or long and some people may know of it thanks to toomani airing it. (Even if gundam is known now getter/mazinger are sadly niche still)
While I’m not one to wanna dunk on Eva especially bc the whole discourse around it is stupid, if I ever watched it I don’t think it can top the absolute mind fuck big o has. Yes I type this knowing spoilers for eva and not knowing wtf happens in the last few eps of big o, but ep14 in itself is something I don’t think I’ll ever see get more “what the fuck”
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flhoarder · 1 year
Therapy might help…? Either way, hope you feel better soon. *hugs*
Hey thanks for actually reading that word salad!??!
It probably would if stars align, I’ve heard really good things from people. I have tried myself but never turned out too effective. I think my issue is I couldn’t will myself to tell a real person about these things. It’s stupid, but that’s a whole issue on its own.
It was a damned miracle that I got diagnosed for my other thing but psychiatrists are different. Nowadays I just walk in and go “hi doc, the usual” and out of the door in 30 seconds. With therapy, well, you gotta actually talk. That’s a hell of a mental block to get through.
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