#thinking something is gross doesn't equal harassment
artisticonyx · 2 months
What is it with dumbasses using people committing actual heinous crimes to fuel their dumbass shipping discourse. Fucking stop that.
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tocomplainfriend · 7 months
saw your thread on valentino and am curious how you would have written him instead (sorry if you have already answered this). Make his abusive actions more subtle? Take more time in establishing his relationship to the other v's so we see that he wears different masks? I wont get into it, but ive been through stuff in the past and i personally am conflicted on how I would (re)write the val character. The problems outside of the show are a different animal entirely (with twitter/the storyboard person), I'm just talking like in the show itself.
He does seem completely different from Episode 4 to Episode 6 (in the cases he is talking with Angel) so there must be something off with his consistency.
I guess for me Im trying to identify what the major mistakes are (of his charcter) and how the show could have handled them better. I doubt there's a consensus since we all experience it differently, but it's a very interesting topic.
Sorry for taking so long!
God writing him! Could go so many ways (sorry for bad English btw)
A really basic idea! :
I personally would've taken the manipulative asshole at once. I think it is important to tell audiences going through something in the past, present, or future, how manipulation happens. Instead of taking, he is too stupid to do so. Many people that are or had being manipulated question themselves about this treatment so much. People don't need to be mastermind to be like this
I think of having the opportunity of having Angel's perspective vs Charlie! I hated they wrote Charlie as knowing what happen but never did anything? I think of having Angel by that point in the relationship where he is coming back to Val even if he constantly realizes how awful he is. Many people constantly judge the position (usually woman) coming back to an awful ex. Even r-pe victims can go thought this and face so much judgment cause people don't understand your actual state of mind nor your situation. Coming back to an abusive person never deletes their abuse. But when Charlie comes in, she meets someone who acts so nice and charming, specially to her being a princess. Which others in hell don't seem to do- thinking Angel is in good hands, making Angel feel more trapped.
Also, coming to Angel, I deal with Hypersexuality due to being a victim as well-. I believe is a really gross way of showing it. Hypersexuality doesn't equal saying cum all the time and sexually harassing others, it's a lot of unwanted thought, guilt, and feeling gross at your self. It is not something to double down on, it's something you shouldn't feel like it's your fault- indulging, without help, makes it worse for you.
Obcioulsy more than just that. Like Val making Angel feel like is worth comes from being under him, feeling like there is nowhere else to go. But again some small stuff, there are many others who their main thing is writing, many better people to ask!
Really basic, really. I'm not going to spend the little writing skills I have on this, sorry! But it was a nice ask anon!
Just a really basic idea.
There are many better writers than me out there! Search for their stuff! I mainly just like complaining than rewriting! I also recommend real stories like biographys of victims of abuse themselves if you want to read some real stuff.
Ty, for being so respectful!
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 months
Since you seem to be asking in good faith-
Proship originated a while back on the internet as a label for selfshippers and cross-over shippers to say, "i dont care what you ship because it doesn't equal your morality as a person." this was due to them getting harassed for "weird" ships.
The label ended up encompassing anyone who shipped or handled fiction in "weird" ways.
Proship does NOT mean someone who depicts things that are abusive or non consensual, positive or negative, litteraly just that you won't harass, callout, or harm others for writing those things (or anything you don't like). (People against the label proship either seem to have no idea what it means or its history, or just want an excuse to harass people they don't like because of one justification or another).
It essentially follows a policy of "fiction is not equal to reality" (not "fiction doesn't affect reality") where actions taken in fiction, like murder, are not equal to real acts and should never be treated as equivalents, and that people do not deserve harm or maltreatment over what they create in fiction.
This was heavily misunderstood as "gross people like gross disgusting amoral things," "these people are all pedophiles," "these people think it's fine when children are groomed," etc. etc.
Like, no, it doesn't mean any of that. It means censorship is stupid and shouldn't exist, everyone should be allowed to create, and no, some traumatized 16 year old writing about their toxic yaoi ship is not equivalent to a domestic abuser and doesn't deserve to kill themself over stupid Twitter drama about ship discourse.
(The above situation has happened several times in front of me, and it's driven me insane) (guys please stop valuing fictional characters over real people).
see, that’s the thing i’m saying. everyone uses proship to mean something different. all you’ve done is explain what proship means to you. so i can’t make any sweeping statements about it because its so inconsistently applied.
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beetrootbug · 2 years
White people concern me
I saw i really concerning quora thread (is that what they are called?) and it was essentially about people debating the ethics of a white person wearing box braids. A concerning amount of people said it was "white bigotry" to tell someone off for wearing box braids and that "it's just hair". One white girl was sent home from school for wearing box braids, and someone replied to the mother stating "you should sue the school for discrimination". The amount of privilege dripping from that statement is gross, imagine being able to sue someone over any minor inconvenience. Now i must state: i'm am not black, nor am I white, which puts me a really interesting position as an outsider to this sort of stuff. Personally, i am more than willing to respect black people's culture, i really don't think it's that difficult. So it baffles me that white people get so upset about it. One person said "is it cultural appropriation of the chinese if we use gunpowder? No." Which yes, it is not cultural appropriation to use gunpowder, to MY knowledge, chinese people have never been discriminated against for using it or inventing it, you know what they have been discriminated against for? Their eyes. Everywhere you look you see people making fun of chinese people's eyes (not just the chinese of course, but japanese ect) many children make the whole "chinese, japanese, zombies" joke. And yet you know what was trending a bit back? Fox eyes. SUDDENLY when a white person pulls their eyes back, the monolid is pretty. It always was pretty, but it took a white person doing it for people to like it. And you know what? IT STILL BACKFIRED FOR THE POC COMMUNITY! Chinese and japanese people were being sexualised by white men whilst black people were being harassed about asianfishing, because a lot of black people naturally have monolids. Somehow an issue that wasn't even relevent to black people became another thing to attack them over. Someone else pointed out that a white girl was beat up for wearing box braids by a black person, which isn't right of course. HOWEVER, I have heard a few stories of white girls being bullied by OTHER white kids for having box braids. You know what else i've heard? Countless stories of black kids being harassed for their hair. Countless stories of chinese kids being bullied for their eyes. Countless stories of trans people being attack for their top scars. The list goes on for us minorities, but the minute a white cis person is hurt? tragedy! Hurt by one of us? WHITE BIGOTRY! For those of you who aren't aware: reverse racism doesn't exist. It doesn't. Most of the accounts of "reverse racism" are white people not liking the fact that they have to think before speaking. Not liking the fact that they might be wrong about something. Not liking that they need to be better and learn. and you know what the craziest thing is? I TOO NEED TO MIND MY LANGUAGE! ME, A BROWN PERSON CAN'T SAY OFFENSIVE RANDOM SHIT ABOUT JEWISH OR BLACK PEOPLE OR ANY OTHER RACE THAT I'M NOT APART OF??? SHOCKER!!! WHITE PEOPLE AREN'T THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE TO "be careful" OF WHAT THEY SAY, WE ALL FUCKING DO, AND WE FUCKING DO IT WITHOUT COMPLAINING, SO STFU, YOU AREN'T SPECIAL AND YOU AREN'T DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.
There was one reply in that quota thread that gave me hope, the person stated that "short story, if you want to use box braids, end racism". It's so easy for people to say "i don't see colour" Well you should. Because for centuries, POCs have been discriminated against for our features and skin tone, you don't just get to say that its "not a problem anymore". Acknowledge colour, have discussions about colour, have discussions about culture, preferably from people of said culture (though it isn't their responsibility to educate you, they can do so if they are comfortable)
Another comment i saw somewhere feels relevent here:
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"when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"
Also, equality isn't just "treat everyone the same", it's "give everyone the ability to achieve the same thing and be treated with respect" If that means you need to mind what kind of braids you wear, then you do it, because in order to be equal we need respect.
ALSO also, to the people saying "most black people don't care, only a small amount do" thousands (if not millions) are upset about it, they may be smaller in comparision, but it's still a lot. And about the "poorer black people" who "don't give a shit", of course they dont care, they're too busy trying to deal with all the other shit white people have done to them.
Final statement: anyone using the excuse "vikings did it first" you're wrong. Vikings most likely didn't braid their hair, if they did, it was to quick get hair out of their eyes, not a fashion statement. Some most likely had dreads that they allowed to grow out to make them stand out from the slaves who were bald (oh yeah btw THEY HAD SLAVES), but even then we don't have much evidence for them having dread apart from a throwaway line from a roman saying they had "rope hair". Overall, egyptians were doing braids way longer than the vikings and they certainly didn't invent braids anywhere similar to cornrows. If you want a "viking hairstyle" get dutch braids.
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
hi there! if it's ok i was wondering if i could get some advice from regarding a male coworker. i think what he's doing is pretty much straight up harrassement at this point. i am so uncomfortable whenever he comes in the room. he is a delivery driver and i work as a pizza chef. i'm 24 and this man is in his late 40s at least. he is just such a creep, grabbed me to hug me and kissed my cheek once, showed me some pics someone drew on his phone but then the next one was just a gross sexual drawing, made comments about women and how any woman can be "bought", saw i had tattoos and said i should get some on my boobs next, called me "love of his life". knows i'm vegan so always tried to make me uncomfortable talking about meat and stuff. for the past few days keeps asking me when i'm gonna marry. i finally had enough of him and said "never" and then he started saying that it's "against the law of nature" for me to never marry. what do you think i should do, this is actually harrassement right? i don't think anything will happen to him like him gettin fired because everyone already knows he's a creep but they don't have enough staff. so basically i'm thinking about how i should completely ignore him or just fight back against his comments from now on, just stop being in any way nice to him. do you by any chance any any advice about how i should proceed? ty
this is completely sexual harassment. write down any incidents you remember in as much detail as possible, round about dates possibly, the situation. and hand those notes to either your boss or your hr, if your employment has that. this is so that, no matter how your boss or hr reacts, there is a paper trail where his actions are on record. also, if he is a delivery driver with a separate company, if you feel safe to do so, report his actions to that company anonymously. if he acts like that with you, there may be other women he's doing it to, and if there aren't already complaints towards him, there may be in the future, and multiple complaints from different people are a quick way to get kicked off a service like delivery.
ask your boss if you can switch with another chef when he comes in, or if you can be out of the room when he comes in, or at the very least ask if you can have another staff in the room at the same time he is. so that, even if hr or management does nothing, there is some helpful change. though, they should do something, as he has touched you and made comments about your body, and no company wants to face legal troubles for violating equality laws (if your country has them), as companies who do not rid their environment of sexual hostility violate women's employment rights. you could also see if there is a local citizen's advice bureau, or community law service, where lawyers, usually union, give free basic advice to people.
finally, he has physically laid his hands on you. even if you feel rude for saying so, you can say something like 'please don't hug or kiss me, i am an employee, not a relative or friend, it's not professional and it makes me uncomfortable. if you do so again, i will report you'. i find that men are more likely to listen if you go at it from the 'professional' aspect first, rather than the 'don't touch women', because then they tend to minimise it. it also removes his potential defence of 'she seemed fine with it, she didn't say anything!' if hr or management does confront him.
i'm not sure how much you like that job, but perhaps also just keep an eye on job listings online and see if anything matches your skills. having a backup makes one feel more confident in advocating for themselves. maybe even applying and see if they offer a better deal than your current employment. applying doesn't mean you have to accept if they reach out to you.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
i mean, she kind of has. every recent post of hers i've seen on here has been either about harassment being bad no matter who the victim is, or fiction =/= reality stuff. it's unfortunate that it apparently took being targeted by the puritywank herself for her to realize that it's a real issue but she did realize it
maybe i'm more charitable towards her because her humor reads to me as more 'good natured laughing at oneself' than 'making fun of cringe' (we're around the same age and i talk the same way about my teenage fandoms – all of which i'm fond of and some of which i'm still in) and i don't pay much attention to her takes on queer issues either (especially not after the triangle thing)
The triangle thing was bullying. She went after a smaller account, and when she didn't "win" instantly, she came up with that "baww, holocaust imagery" thing. She never seemed to get why perpetuating ahistorical bullshit about queer solidarity symbols and the level to which things were or weren't reclaimed was a problem.
We are in the middle of a queer culture war over this. "The pink triangle wasn't reclaimed" is on par with "The q slur wasn't reclaimed".
This is not a minor thing.
Sarah may not see how she's feeding the pipeline to TERFville, but that doesn't change how gross and insidious this behavior is.
Here's the tweet in question:
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I don't mind her laughing at herself, but she tends to imply that fandom in general is 15-year-olds instead of her just having been too young to know what was going on.
The vibe she gives off is of someone who spent too much time around the skeptic community (which she has talked about)) but—crucially—who hasn't left its social style as far behind as she thinks.
If she weren't a youtuber bringing this energy to something aimed at the masses, I wouldn't give a shit.
They way she tells everyone else to touch grass is offensive. The tweet above reframes the whole proshipper thing as defining yourself by internet arguments. Not only is this ridiculous from someone who spends her time on internet arguments, but it's offensive that she would take a pin that is about being the victim of queerphobic bullying and try to reduce it to that.
She likes to "both sides" the proshipper-anti divide, and while there are some noxious people using the term 'proshipper' on twitter, it's disingenuous to treat these sides as equal.
On one side, you have anti-science "bad fiction is a gateway drug" crap and approval of bullying.
On the other, you have people defending the human right to a fantasy life and complex art—a thing Sarah has made videos in defense of and clearly thinks matters when she is the one making the arguments.
Here's the kind of conversation Sarah has all the time and ignores:
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No. I don't think she's the devil. I think she's a child and that her ignorance plays into the hands of radfem exclusionists and puritywanking antis.
Sarah can "okay, boomer" about this all she wants, but this dumbassery is the equivalent of telling people not to wear rainbow merch.
I don't read her tumblr, so I don't know what she has posted lately, but she has long had a pattern of tsking over bullying when it's aimed at someone she likes and treating other bullying as silly internet arguments people should just get over.
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rpbetter · 3 years
I say on this blog more often than should be necessary that if a blog isn't actually harassing anyone, leave them alone. That what you should do is remove yourself from the offense you feel by unfollowing and/or blocking. Not engaging with them or their content, directly/to their knowledge or otherwise, out of a desire to take them to task for whatever it is that's offended you.
However, I feel like maybe that's unclear, as the message people seem to be getting is something like "yeah, that's so true, except this because it offended me personally."
Harassment does not mean being offended, having one's feelings hurt, or being told not to interact. No, does not matter how hostile someone's content, rules, DNI, or general attitude on their blog is, it's not harassment because it made you feel some kind of negative way.
As an example:
A blog has on their pinned post a DNI that is definitely offensive, immature, patently ridiculous. They vaguely use terms like "proshipper" paired with descriptors, but they don't actually drop any URLs or have links to callouts present.
Another blog does the above, but also has numerous URLs and namedropping and as well as links to callouts.
The first blog is gross and you should avoid them, you're totally entitled to be offended, angry, or even hurt. They are definitely part of the problem, but they're entitled to be as ignorant and offensive as they wish to be in their own space if they're not harassing anyone. And so far? They're not. So, just block and avoid because doing otherwise isn't going to magically change their mind or anything anyway.
The second blog, however, is harassing people, promoting harassment, and serving as a hub for harassment. While I don't feel like returning the favor does any good here either, you can block, use their posts to further cultivate your block list, not reblog anything from them, and even privately advise friends of what you've seen so they can do the same if they so choose.
Harassment is actually going out of your way to target other people for hate anons, callouts, and the sort of mindless group attacking that happens easily in the RPC. Not just something that you don't like, agree with, approve of, or feel is immoral.
I'm sorry, but it's perturbing that people are against harassment and the things that lead to it while partaking in the same mindset that fuels it. The same logical fallacies are quite glaring.
If you feel like fiction doesn't equal reality and people can write what/who they want...except for xyz
If you feel like everyone has the same rights in their personal space...except for xyz
If you draw the line at even vehemently disliking someone else, being put off by their negativity or aggression, or having polar opposite takes
If everything comes back down to a nugget center of Think Of The Children/protect children at all costs
You are literally dealing in the same "logic" as the purity police, congratulations.
Actual best rule to follow: if you don't like something on a blog to such an extreme that you want to drop into their inbox or comments about it, unfollow them, this isn't the blog for you.
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anti-ao3 · 2 years
I hate how the only reason I got into the proship pipeline was because of that stupid ass webcomic, Boyfriends. Now I hate it, but the only perspective I have seen was apologia and defending of this webcomic. Yes, it may seem like a “cute fluffy wholesome funny story about 4 polyam turians”, but in reality it has many… weird elements, to say the least. The thing being… I made a post on a now suspended Twitter account, and it was just like “oh look, boyfriends antis are willing to align with homophobes over hating this webcomic 🙀🙀🙀” and a screenshot from a Pinterest comment. A comment of many others, a perspective of many other perspectives. And it gathered the attention of many proshitters. I felt uncomfy at first, and that feeling should’ve been telling me something. But I played along and I followed a couple of proship pages on Twitter. I think one of my headmates was just quickly beginning to defend like… gross stuff. 🤮🤮🤮
It took them some convincing that hey, maybe being proship isn’t okay at all, but eventually I managed to convince said headmate. It may not have lasted that long, but I’ll never forget how I almost got to be a proshitter. And I DESPISE the fact they frame it entirely around harassment and not around the real question, which is whether you support problematic/gross tropes or not.
Sorry for not replying sooner, I didn't have my pc with me for a while. Anyway, I'm glad you're out of the pro-shit circle because it can certainly be unhealthy. Also good that your headmate isn't defending it anymore.
I haven't heard much about that Boyfriends thing but it definitely doesn't sound good. It sucks that some people really think that having criticisms of LGBT media equals to "homophobia"
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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"A red haired bitch that glows"
2nd person pov
You weren't sure how things could even possibly move so quick, but as fire burned and terrifying creatures tormented citizens, all You could do was stand. Nomus, is what endeavour called them. Some gross being that seemed to have multiple quirks, you'd never seen anything like them. 
Even with all of the times you'd been beaten and interrogated and harassed by villains, nothing like this ever happened. It could have been the fact that you spent most of your young life hiding away in a castel in the middle of nowhere, but seeing all this destruction froze you in place. 
"Kid, help get the citizens out of here! Do not engage in combat, understand? Hey! L/n!"
You broke the terrified stare that was burning into the ruined city streets to meet eyes with your boss. He seemed so calm, even though everything was going wrong. The world was quite literally burning. Those monsters were hurting people. There were screams of horror, and still his calm demeanor was all you could focus on. How was he so calm? 
His yell broke You from your trance and you scrambled around, eyes searching for someone, anyone to get the hell out of here. However there wasn't just one, there were hundreds. Some under building scraps, trapped behind fire burning the streets. Too many people, too much noise, it was never this loud back home. Why could you just focus?! 
One of those boys from earlier today let our scream. You only recognized it because it was the same as how he'd screamed at bakugou earlier. You whipped your head around looking for his sound, body, anything. Spinning in circles until you caught that little red shirt cowering beneath one of those things. 
"Hold on, i'm coming!" You didn't know if he could hear you, the statement was more a confirmation to yourself. You wouldn't stand there cowering. You didnt wanna be the helpless princess waiting to be saved. You were going to save others, it was like an instinct, like you had to. 
Being unsure of your abilities with vines and plants, you opted to use a power long ago mastered. Twirling your pointer finger in a circle to slowly collect wind into a tiny ciclone and build it up bigger and bigger. This action disrupted the wind in the area, some of the bystanders' hair began flowing with the force of it, getting shivers from the chill. 
Then with all the focus you could muster you let your eyes bored right into the head of that nomu aiming with your mind and following the action with your finger. Then, with a snap, the ciclone flew off towards it, lifting it into the air and growing larger the more he struggled. 
You felt the pressure of all that wind, and its body on your back. Hundreds of pounds of pressure on your spine, but adrenaline forced you forward. Sprinting to the boy in the red shirt, crouching down under all that weight to wipe away his tears. You completely ignored how underdressed you were and brought his small form into a tight embrace, whispering sweet nothings to which you didn't know you could say. 
It all felt so wrong, so opposite to what you wanted, but you couldn't help it. Grazing the lasso on your thigh an idea sprouted in your mind as to how you could get this crushing weight off of your back. You let the boy down telling him to stay behind you. 
Don't engage in combat. 
Do not engage. 
Get them out of here. 
Ignoring your mentors words, you snatched the lasso off of your thigh, doing as you were taught and lighting it ablaze, if your mother was thinking straight, she'd have it made of mineral wool- fire retardant and easily manipulated. The flames would not be actually catching on anything but the air, therefore saving her from an uncontrollably fire. 
As it lit up your hair not only changed, but shined a bright red. It was so brilliant that it lit up the area around you, the boy behind you shocked and the people in the vicinity scared. 
However, you had a hero suit on. That meant to them, that you were trustworthy. 
You swing the lasso all but twice above your head before releasing the ciclone, and the pressure on your back, and whipping it towards the monster. 
It had activated some sort of electricity quirk once free from the wind and as the lasso made contact, rather than burning and bringing the nomu to the ground, it sent a high-powered electrical current through your already spent body. 
You should have stopped there, tossed the kid out of the way and called for help. Yet, for some reason you couldn't. Being shocked only numbed the pain on your spine more, and upped your adrenaline. Bad news for mr.nomu, huh? 
"Whew, that's one way to boost your energy huh, kid?"
 You smirked back at the worried boy behind you, hoping a joke would lighting the mood now. Similar to how you would joke in class yo avoid any real emotions or connections. 
Only, now, it held the benefit of an adorable smirk appearing on his face and a little giggle exciting his mouth. 
"Watch this!" 
Despite being electrocuted your lasso was still intact, so you took to attacking it around the monster's leg and pulling back towards you. Once it was too close for your liking, you shot a roundhouse kick into the empty space in front of you. It seemed like a fruitless action, until the surrounding citizens noticed how the wind around them mirrored your actions with equal force. 
The nomu went flying out of the city, likely landing somewhere around hosu (😏Yes, hosu) and you released the pressure on your leg. 
As soon as you took the time to inhale, your back gave out, and you fell to the ground. 
However you hadn't given up, using the little burst you could make with your fingers, you shot several people away from the mess with winds. Then, after what you counted to be person number 34, you gave out and the world went black. 
The heroes in the area who were not distracted by nomus had been paying close attention to your actions, surprised they haven't seen you in the sports festival, or anywhere for that matter. 
Mr. Woods was disappointed at the initiative you took, knowing how injured you must be from being out of practice with most parts of your quirk. However when endeavour informed the other pros of some sort of incident in hosu, he was forced to leave you there. Limp body cold against the concrete. 
When doctors and healers arrived, you were one of the first in an ambulance and on the road to the hospital, and the news reports of your body being wheeled off were matched with that of your battle with the nomu. Streaming across all platforms and displaying on one particular tv screen, in the hotel room of one fire quirked boy. 
A boy who truly was noticing he had no idea what you were capable of. A boy who was angry you'd been holding it back in class. One who had been thinking of the way you spoke of fire to that little boy all day, and above all a boy who was entranced by the glow of your hair when it turned red. 
Bakugou wasn't sure how to process these overwhelming feelings towards you, the stalker girl who said dumb shit about his eyes. Still, after seeing that video, the feeling your own eyes held, staring up at that devilish creature. He could no longer say he didn't know what you meant by being obsessed with the look in his eyes. He was now too. 
A six year old girl struggled against her restraints tirelessly. She has a power that she doesn't know how to use, and yet these men want to take it from her. There is one door exit, it's blocked by tall men in black suits. The whole room echoes with screams from children. It crashes against the walls and her little ears, and she cant get it to stop. 
Why was this happening to her? Why couldn't she do anything to stop it? 
"Please, just let my brother go! Please I'll do anything. Im sorry. Im sorry. Plea-"
Her words are stopped by a suffocating hand, larger than her whole face, it reeks of bleach. Her little eyes can only release so many tears before they are running over the hands knuckles, wetting his skin with her despair. The man doesn't care, though. The men never seem to care. 
Her brother, only two years old, cries in a stranger's arms. The stranger showed her how he could completely disassemble any object, or put it back together. What a horrible powerful quirk. With something like that, she really couldn't tell why he needed hers too. Still, he did. 
So the tiny boy whined in his firm hold, terrified, but not sure why. They both just wanted their Mommy. Mommy always comes to save them, she and her friends will take them home. To the castle, with the comfy beds, the pillowy blankets that their small bodies float on like clouds. 
Not this rough metal wall, with arms chained, and bruises forming from their so-called interrogation. Why didn't they understand? 
She doesn't know how to give her quirk away. She is only six, after all. 
Mommy told her that men are greedy. Men like these have all they want and still need more. They take things, without asking. They took her and her brother without asking, so where was Mommy? To tell these men that you aren't supposed to take things, or hit people. 
Where are their mommies? Did no one tell them hitting people is bad? Especially smaller people. Is that why the men are bad? Because they didn't have a Mommy or daddy to tell them how to be good? The little girl is lost in a pit of sympathy. Sympathy that she does not owe these horrible men, yet she can't help it. 
"I don't give a shit princess, your brother can go home when you give us the quirk."
"Mommy never told me how! I'm sorry míster that you don't have a mo-mommy!" She sobre through the rough palm over her mouth. At the response he removed his grip, though. Opting to allow the girl her voice. 
"P-please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry no one told you not to be mean. It's okay though! My Mommy will come, she'll tell you, okay! Please j-just-" though her words held great meaning to those men in suits-bad men- she couldn't finish. Her sobs were too loud and violent. Her little arms shook, because though she was such a sweet little girl,she was terrified. 
Her cheeks hurt from screaming and tensing to release tears.  Her arms hurt from being suspended at her sides. Her little legs had lost all feeling, gone numb under the pressure of standing for so long. She just wanted to go home, to keep her brother safe. 
Even being only six, she felt so stupid for being so helpless. It was her job to protect their family quirk, but she wanted to give it up. More so, even though she wanted to give it away, she didn't even know how. 
A small, weak girl, helpless really. She never wanted to be helpless like that again. 
"Now!" His hand collided with her cheek. Hard, swinging, jaw snapping pressure. It rang through her ears, like her baby brothers sobs, til she shot up from her bed. 
Sweat covered by/ns face as she jolted awake in her bed. Around her were some unrecognizable faces, or that's what she thought at first. Except, in truth, they were simply blurred in her eyes. 
As she was taught when she was little, she began recounting things to herself that might make her come back to reality. Might help ease the fear of her dream. 
- I am not 6 years old 
-my brother is at home in the castle 
-im not in a warehouse 
-those men are in prison 
-i am alive 
As she was repeating each of those truths in her head, her eyesight began to come back so that she could recognize the faces of those around her. Three boys: todoroki, midoriya, and iida. 
Midoriya was furthest from her, as she now noticed she was on a bed. Then iida, and closest was todoroki. The familiarity of his stone face gave y/n great comfort. However, he looked troubled.
The three boys in the hospital room with her were truthfully at a loss. This girl who had been at their school for one week, had proved more honest and heroic than them. After being scolded by the chief of police, they were each confronting their own feelings about the events.
However, each came to the conclusion that y/n was the only participating hero-in-training that followed the rules and fought earnestly. Little did they know, she had been breaking rules too, except her wouldn't be hid so easily. 
What were the police meant to do, a teenage girl-princess no less- save countless lives, that heroes were neglecting, and its broadcast all over japan. Unlike in the boys' case, where the media didn't even have to know, everyone had already seen her heroism, but they had no idea where she came from. 
Some viewers pointed out her position as a princess, but no one expected to see her in a hero outfit anytime soon. They knew what happened was illegal, but what backlash would they face for arresting her. Could they even arrest her? 
Still, all y/n knew was that she was scared, and she needed to hide it as deep within her as it could reach. No one likes a cry baby, anyway. 
"Oh..uh, hey guys?"
The first to look up was the green haired, face widening in surprise and worry. 
"Y/n! Y-you're up!? Wait, don't sit up yet..um they said your bac-"
"You left damage on all your thoracic vertebrae. You could have killed yourself with that amount of pressure!" 
Todoroki interrupted. Face still void of emotion, but his voice held anger. 
Making sure to agnowledged how touched she was that he cared at all, y/n then quickly brushed it off. In the mood for jokes, not fights. She just finished fighting, why would she wanna argue some more about it? 
"Aww~todoroki, were you worried about me?"
"Yes. It was stupid of you to use your quirk like that, out of practice and such." 
"There's no um. he is right y/n, i didn't know your quirk could do that, but you obviously haven't been keeping it in practice during class, that was really risky..." midoriya added on in a ramble. 
Feeling a bit cornered she settled for sighing and staring up at the ceiling. 
"Can I walk?"
"Why not?"
"Did you not here the whole vertebrae thing, i-"
"No, I did, but I don't feel any pain...is it not healed?"
"I'm not really sure, we can ask.."
So slowly but surely, the boys helped her sit up, and yes, she did feel an immense pain shoot through her. Additionally, she was compensated with shoto conspiracizing about his negativo afecta on peoples hands, getting to know these classmates better. They even let her in on why they were in the hospital to begin with. 
She would have to admit, though these boys being around made her happy, she was still thinking about bakugou. Was he in the area during the fight? Is he okay? Why do I give a shit about that mean old fact face anyway? Oh, right. His eyes. 
The rest of her time was spent ignoring the extreme trauma these events reminded her of, and fantasizing about those angry eyes. 
Bakugou pov 😡
There the bitch was, right on my hotel tv screen, fighting the same fight on replay. Those media bastards hasn't stopped talking about her all day. How even when she was barely alive on the ground, she kept saving people. 
I know it wasn't about me, hell, I wasn't even there, but it feels like a taunt. Some karma cause I called her an entitled princess, or her purposefully saying "Look what I can do." 
Well I fucking am. Looked like some sort of wind quirk, but I saw her use fire with those kids, and in class she makes that plant shit. So what the hell is she? She thinks having multiple quirks makes her better than me? Good enough she doesn't have to use them all just to beat me? Thats bullshit. 
I'm just so fucking angry at her for it, but I have to be. Or else, the next time they show her shitty face on that shitty screen, looking
...shitty, i'll start to worry. 
That maybe she has only been here for a week, but she is already gone. That the whole time at school she spent avoiding me, to make me happy. Worrying I'll never hear her say what she looks at in my eyes. 
In her eyes, that night, I saw pure rage. It almost looked as if she couldn't control it. An impending anger that loomed over her, and controlled her; made her strong. Not stronger than me, but strong. 
Still, I can't go "falling for'' every girl that I see with strength. If a dunce 's face hadn't told me that feeling I had at the festival was a crush, I could have spared myself a week worth of it, I don't even know what. 
Stupid dunce face. 
Now, though, that shitty princess, even if she is shitty. Well, she has at least my respect. 
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hi! I'm anti-beetlebabes in the sense that I don't support it for my own moral reasons, but I'm not trying to police anyone else in what they like when it doesn't hurt anyone. I'm so fucking sorry that people who share my feeling towards that ship are so awful to you. I understand the appeal of the ship after talking to a few shippers myself with an open mind, and I just feel so bad for all of you. you guys are just putting content on the internet and getting HARASSED for it (1/2)
[the one anon (I'm p sure you know which one I'm referring to) was WAY out of line, and if they're an anti for the reasoning being "it's pedophilic and gross" they're one of the most hypocritical people on the earth since they told someone they wish they got raped. do the community of anti's have no sense of empathy any more? I think they forgot they're saying that to a whole ass human. I'm so sorry on behalf of my community. no one should be wished death for something as menial as a ship. 2/2]   Okay so first of all, you are not an anti. An anti is someone who believes that you can ascertain a person’s moral fortitude and therefore their value as a human being based solely on what they ship. Shipping is intrinsically tied with morality to these people. The lines between fiction and reality are so skewed that the rights of fictional characters become equal to, and in many cases, more important than the rights of real live people. There’s no such thing as a “good” anti with morals and empathy and basic human decency.  There are good people who get swept into the hysteria of the ideology, but in that moment while they’re writing that death threat and pressing “send”, they are no longer a good person. They’re an anti.  It’s possible to just not ship it without being actively against it. Ships aren’t inherently bad, and we really shouldn’t be giving predators the ability to shift blame by saying “well I saw it in a fic so I thought it was okay” with the guarantee that they will be believed.  So yeah, you’re not an anti. You’re just a non-shipper.  Secondly, thank you for taking the time to send me this. I apologize for the lecture, but you have to understand that I’ve been here for over a goddamn decade. These brats have been here for like. A year and a half. Before the musical, there was only beetlebabes content. Self-shippers were rare and kind. Goldenrat was nonexistent. This is our kingdom. We built it. The musical wouldn’t even exist without us. It’s a hodgepodge of plagiarized beetlebabes fanfic. I know because I’ve read it all.  I couldn’t give any less of a damn what someone else ships. I promote creative freedom always. Always. I just want the same courtesy. 
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sl-walker · 5 years
Why can't people just like characters anymore? I like several that I understand have done really bad things, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do bad things like they did! I've been harassed so much for writing one of them that I just gave up. I honestly don't know if it's even worth it to post fanworks anymore...
You got me.  I like plenty of ‘problematic’ characters.  I do believe that narratively, people ought to be aware of their own biases -- misogyny, racism, ableism, etc. -- when they write, but I don’t think that problematic things ought to be verboten in fiction.  And I think any good story with heavy themes and heavy characters should be written well, that the audience is smart enough to draw their own conclusions if the narrator is aware of their biases and society’s as they write.
That Ahsoka novel that I really can’t stand because ableism is still bullshit is an example of an author who obviously was looking to score wit points and not actually aware of the biases.  The character in question -- Ahsoka -- never has to account for her ableism and examine herself because the author never pauses to think, “Uh-- this is actually kind of gross.” Add in the fact that everyone, even people who otherwise seem to notice those bad things, cheers her on for it and you can see how fucking messy it all is.
It’s not that bad characters can’t do bad things, or good characters can’t do bad things, or even that bad things shouldn’t exist in fiction.  It’s the lack of self-awareness of these things that leads to people reading being turned off, angry or otherwise.  Some of them, of course, are puritanical lunatics who firmly believe that writing about fictional people in fictional situations is pedophilia, instead of actually addressing real pedophilia.  But some of it’s people who see something fucked up and get bothered by it, then defensive authors start howling about censorship.
It’s not as simple as all that.
You have the ‘don’t like, don’t read’ types, which is absolutely valid as a statement.  But you also have a lot of authors who aren’t aware of their internal biases, too; who write casually racist, ableist or sexist things and since they aren’t aware of it, they don’t warn for it.  Thus, your reader, going on warnings and tags, reads a story and is shocked or horrified or upset by something that is legitimately upsetting.  Wisely, they backclick out.  But how they feel is every bit as real and it’s not even remotely unreasonable.
Should they then spam the shit out of an author’s inbox?  No.  Harassment is harassment. Problematic things exist and it’s impossible to know an author’s intentions behind it, anyway.  Should they speak up about their feelings about said racism, sexism, ableism?  Yes, I do think they can and should, but only in a measured manner. Ninety-nine times out of one-hundred, the author is not actually aware of their own biases when they wrote.
Look, people are messy.  They’re confused and every single one of us has biases.  If we’re white?  Yes, we are fucking racists, because we live in a racist ass society.  When one of my best friends has two white women stare at him and visibly lock their cars, this society is fucked up.  In a public park!  In daylight!  Surrounded by other white people!  Like-- wow, that’s so fucking horrible.
The problem is -- on both sides, both those who hate problematic things in fiction and those who dismiss all discussion about it with dl;dr -- is that everyone is inherently ignoring their own biases, either because they’re not self-aware or because they just don’t want to think they have them.  If we were aware of them, and dismantling them, and working on them, when we write we would know to tag something for racism, sexism, etc. because then those things would be included intentionally and leaving it up for the audience to decide how to feel about them.  To grapple with them.  But since we’re not, you have a ton of people out there who feel like they are the only morally pure answer to the questions raised.
To make a long story short: Like who you like.  Write what you write.  Problematic character does not equal problematic author.  Authors like villains.  Authors like heroes who do ableist shit, too.
But be aware of your own biases, too.  When you write for the world, the world will see, and in a perfect world, everyone would be aware of their biases and act accordingly.  Including you.  Including them.
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i dont like mchateful either but you literally have mocked his physical private parts. hes under age TRANS PERSON. calling him transphobic trash?? really?? youre being transphobic right now & have been before. its gross. stop making chris fans & karamels look bad with your sh^t pls. your adult but your obsession with a trans teen is weird af. follow nicole’s cue & just block him ffs
He is what he claims. On a random social media account. While most of what he says there are bigass gross lies about other people. So believe what you want.
If you believe that saying he has a small dick complex (or something like that), was about his real "private parts", not metaphorical, then what I can say, if you will ever have literature theory exam, I recommend reading some professional books before and trying to understand them.
Plus it's funny, how he can "joke" about other's people sexuality, look, say they are cheaters and abusers, that they are unemployed, spread lies about them among their co-stars, harass their every tweet etc and the moment he tastes the same pill, he's the victim. No lesson learnt, I guess?
Also, I was informed by SC how karamels who are LGBT+ are phobic and their queerness doesn't stop them from being phobic and called my aro/ace ass staright and that it "lusts after white bread man" more than once etc. so as you can see, following scs amazing logic, being a LGBT+ doesn't stops you from be phobic, what goes for McCreep too *sad violin noises*
Sad fact is Mr McCreep who claims he is a teen constantly starts interactions with adults on social media and uses his so called age to cry how adult people are "harassing him", soooooooooooooooo ya know. Plus most of the people he calls adults have no age on their profiles. Do you kow how he and his drones figure out people's age? By stalking their accounts. Think about it.
Lastly, I don't give a fuck if someone is a teen, I don't give a fuck about the sexuality, gender, race, age, social status, nationality of people who are online abusers on social media. If you are brave enough to claim total bullshit, then you should be brave enough to meet the consequences of your actions, without hiding behind your age, sexuality, gender etc. Because the only thing that matters, is that your an online abuser. This is that simple.
Also, your message suggests that adults should not call out teens SM media becasue of age. Ageism?
Sweetheart, I blocked him long time ago. I just get pics of his shit from people who are equally done with him. Also, I'm doing this shit for past years, so i don't understand what are you still doing on this blog. Like, block my ass maybe and move with your life to better blogs, run by amazing people, not assholes like me.
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kingfisherfae · 3 years
Trauma anxiety
It bothers me when people equate my anxiety to a fear of judgement, saying things like you shouldn't care what other people think. My anxiety isn't a fear of what they think, its a fear of what their subsequent actions will be. It's the actions that scare me.
It's fine if someone doesn't like me, I can't appeal to everyone and I definitely can't control what people think, but it's not fine when that dislike creates external repercussions for me. I know people can have an opinion of me that will lead them to intentionally hurt me, either through what they say or do. I know this because it has happened. I fear the violence I have faced before because I never want to go through that again. It has almost killed me on multiple occasions.
While most of my anxiety occurs in social situations, it is not social anxiety. It's trauma anxiety. It's someone I loved and trusted physically abused me for several years and I was taught that was just how people are, it's I was harassed and assaulted and threatened by strangers, its that I am visibly an easy target and have been explicitly told that many times.
Social anxiety is a valid struggle, but it's not one I face, it's not one I can address and it's not at all helpful for me when people's advice is rooted there.
'Is your concern logical?' Yes, it has happened multiple times before.
'What are the chances something like that would actually happen?' I'd assume about equally as high as last time it happened.
'It's just a misfiring warning signal, there's no actual danger.' It's not misfiring, it's picking up on all the exact same signals I wish I had noticed previously.
It feels a lot like telling someone who's playing roulette that their anxiety before a blank shot was misguided because there wasn't a live bullet this time. Their chances of dying are 1/6. They survived but that doesn't change that risk they went through. It also doesn't mean the next time they try it will end the same way.
That guy who threatened to rape me didn't follow through. Those men who followed me late one night gave up after a while. That car that slowed down next to me only said some gross things. Those are only a fraction of my experiences, just a few of the ones where I did beat the odds.
I walked away without physical harm but there's still a kind of trauma in the almosts, in knowing how close I got to things ending badly, that there was nothing I could have done. Those moments were outside of my control. It wasn't my actions that decided the outcomes and many people have found themselves in the same situations with very different outcomes and I see them. I hear them. I empathise with them and I am so grateful I'm not one of them.
Except I am.
There's plenty of situations where the bad outcome did happen. The guy who threatened to rape me didn't do so, but the ex who coerced and manipulated me did. Very different situations, very different traumas, but they both contributed to the anxiety I have.
My brother didn't kill me. Every time I saw him he didn't kill me. But I believed there was a metaphorical bullet in that chamber and I don't know that the next time I will be as lucky. That abuse doesn't go away because I survived.
I have to live with the consequences of everything I've been through and the current cost of that is fear. It's dysfunction, dysregulation, and many other things. It's avoiding public transport and going out at night, keeping everyone at a distance, constant vigilance. It's exhausting.
I know healing is needed and I am working on these things, to learn a healthier way of seeing the world, but trying to convince me my anxiety is misguided is not going to work. It usually sounds like those kinds of phrases stem from positive intentions but it just hurts. It feels dismissive and invalidating.
I don't think my anxiety is misguided, I think often it's quite logical and I think it's trying to keep me alive and I think I need to honour that.
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