#thinking about that time he was a crocodile. he should have stayed one. he was so happy. if that one bitch can have dinosaurs why can’t
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carpetbug · 11 months ago
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innerfare · 6 months ago
I Love You - Part 2 
Summary: Who says I love you first? How do you say it?
Characters: Shanks, Beckman, Crocodile, Mihawk, Corazon, Marco
Genre: Fluff
CW: None // SFW
Shanks: The two of you have known each other for years before the words ever leave his lips. You’ve been through so much, and you never felt the need to put a label on it. But one night, you’re both swinging in a hammock on a beach, you in his arms and him sipping a bottle of booze, and he says out of nowhere, “you know that I love you, right?” You think he must be drunk but he insists he’s not, telling you it struck him recently that he’d never told you before and he really should in case something happens. He wants you to know how he really feels and how much you mean to him. 
Beckman: He’s always visiting you on your home island, either finding excuses to plot a course straight to you or sneaking away for a few days. It’s only as he’s leaving one evening that it strikes him: he loves you. It takes him a very long time to decide to tell you. Given his lifestyle, a relationship isn’t exactly easy, and he would be putting you in danger should anyone learn your association to him. Plus, he enjoys his freedom. He works it over in his head for months, to the point Shanks even asks him about what’s bothering him, though Beckman doesn’t fess up. But he just can’t get you out of his head. He can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he can’t even focus in a fight. One late night, he returns to his cabin to find Shanks waiting. His captain has puzzled out what has the first mate in such a state, and Shanks tells him to go take care of his business. Beckman agrees and turns up at your doorstep at three in the morning with some flowers he picked on the side of the road because he felt awkward showing up empty handed. You lead him into your kitchen and make him something to drink, thinking something horrible has happened, only for him to confess his love for you. He’s not shy about saying it after that, always making sure to tell you when he greets you and says goodbye, as well as several times in between. 
Crocodile: He despises the word love, would never even utter it except to mock people who use it. He thinks it’s weak, thinks men who profess love are sniveling and pathetic, thus the reason he despises himself for feeling it. The emotion creeps up on him slowly but surely, and he beats it back and bottles it up for as long as he can, staying up late at night with a bottle of whiskey because laying in bed makes him think of you and your mischievous smile. Only when he is locked up in Impel Down does he finally, begrudgingly admit to himself that he feels deep affection for you, which he painfully admits to you one night after he breaks out, bracing himself for you to reject him, laugh at him, or spurn him in any way. When you tell him you feel the same way, he decides that is that and sees no reason to ever repeat it, your mutual and abiding affection one of his most closely-guarded secrets. 
Mihawk: He doesn’t tell you when he feels it, however overwhelming the feeling may be, so you’ll definitely be the one to say it first. This man is the king of unspoken affection. He’d sooner die than draw his sword and cut through all the tension that seems to follow him. That being said, he does say it in other, more subtle ways, primarily referring to you as, “my love,” and leaving it at that. When you finally tell him you love him, he doesn’t even say it back, simply burying his face in your hair and saying, “I’m glad to hear it, my love.” He shocks you by saying it back a few months later, though you don’t say it back, instead pulling him in for a kiss. And it continues like that, only one of you ever saying it, the other responding with affection. 
Corazon: A victim of near insta-love, he knows better than to tell you how he’s feeling when he first meets you. He tells himself to wait a month, and then at the one month mark, it seems premature, so he pushes it to two. Then, he pushes it to three, and then to four, and then to five. He thinks he’s good at hiding it, and normally, he is good at hiding his emotions, but with you, it’s all out in the open. You catch on pretty quickly to how he feels, have even seen him start to form the words only for his face to fall and him to turn away. Eventually, one night, you ask him, “why haven’t you told me you love me yet?” He’s shocked to discover you know the truth, and when you laugh and tell him it was pretty obvious, he laughs, too, his heart soaring when you tell him you feel the same way. He’s overwhelmed by the feeling that he has a family, something he’s been desperately wanting since he was just a little kid. 
Marco: He says it first. He’s loved and lost so many people, formed the family he never had as a kid and lost so many members along the way. And he’s done a measure of living, enough to know that love should never be hidden. So when he realizes he’s in love with you, he swallows all of his fear like a seasoned professional and tells you exactly what’s on his mind the next time you two have a quiet moment alone. He’s soft and gentle in that moment, too, just as he is in all the moments you two share, just the two of you. He says it often, always either turning away or burying his face in your hair when you say it back, overwhelmed with giddiness he’s certain a man of his age and standing should not be feeling.
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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777heavengirl · 2 months ago
Bless the Telephone ; ##04
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James Potter x f!muggle!reader
word count: 1,163
warnings: none?
a/n: HELLO IM ALIVE- ummm did break up with my boyfriend, after spiraling for a week i am feeling much better! I did what was right for me and i am happier for it!! JAMES OR SIRIUS WOULD HAVE NEVER TREAT ME LIKE THAT! so yea I'm back :D thank you for putting up with my disappearances i should be uploading SEMI regularly just bc classes r in full throttle now
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It hadn't been as difficult as you thought. Getting rid of Josh was a pending item on your to-do list for months. But for some reason or another, you never could, not completely. More often than not, he’d find some weak spot in your resolve, and crawl back in like a cockroach. 
But not this time, at least not yet. After that day, when James’s call saved you from a bit of an uncomfortable situation, you managed to easily avoid his calls, if he knocked at the door Charlotte and you stayed unbearably still until he went away. He left voicemail after voicemail, called Charlotte’s phone with a bit more anger, and called your phone with crocodile tears. 
But you weren't sweating it. You had fallen into an easy pattern with James, he’d fill the time that you would've been itching to fill and end up calling Josh out of boredom. 
James was a good friend! At least that's what you’d tell Charlotte. She’d look at you with a glint in her eye and a smirk on her lips that you ignored. If only she was so keen and observant with women that she liked, she tended to lack awareness often. 
You didn’t dare tell her about the playful jabs, the comments you didn't dare label fully as flirty, or god forbid the butterflies that fluttered at the pit of your stomach every time he called, laughed, or gave you some stupid cloying nickname. 
“Come on pretty- just tell me” You could hear the pout in his voice
You groaned in defeat, “Okay okay- if I had to be any creature…” You thought about it for a second more “Potter this is stupid”
“Indulge me”
You sighed “Fine, I think I would be… a witch”
“That's not a creature love”
“Well they are to me”
“I know a few that would be greatly offended by that comment” he retorted
“Oh yeah? You’re friends with witches?” you mirrored the smirk you heard in his voice
“Quite a few actually, nasty women the lot of them…” James smiled, thinking of his friends. How Marlene would probably flick the side of his head, and Lily would wholeheartedly just roll her eyes. Dorcas would definitely send a book flying straight to his head if she heard, not that she hadn't done that often enough during their time at school. It was always deserved. “love them nevertheless though- Pick something else, witches are human”
You hmph in disagreement and thought about it momentarily
“I don't think it would be very pleasant to be a werewolf you know? A bit inconvenient-” you thought out loud
“You don’t know the half of it,” he said under his breath
“Vampires sound kind of cool… wouldn't be able to go out into the sun though so that's quite a shame” James hummed in agreement “Maybe a mermaid, they’re pretty right?”
“Allegedly, they’re more scary than anything else- foul foul creatures” The ones in the Black Lake had messed with him more than once. 
“Oh, what do you know Potter?”
“Quite a lot thank you- more than you anyway”
“And why do you think that? Mermaids aren't scary dummy”
“You say that because you haven't seen one pretty” James’s mouth was faster than his thoughts, he prayed you’d just laugh it off.
“Oh, and I suppose you have?” He slapped himself on the forehead as he thought of some excuse. The witches' comment he was able to get away with, maybe his tone had been too matter-o-fact.
“Well, yes I have!” he said, confidently, ironically. You started laughing, his worry melted away. Would you even believe him if he told you?
“Is that so? Well okay, what creature would you be Potter?”
“A hippogriff I think”
“What the hell is that?” James burst out in laughter
You could feel Charlotte’s eyes on you as you scooped ice cream into your lips. You focused on the cold chocolatey flavor and whatever movie she had found. You didn’t know what you were watching, you thought of James.
James and his stupid laugh, and the way he always called you pretty or doll or some other completely repulsive nickname you wanted to hate. But you couldn't. He was sweet, and he always asked how you were, after he found out about your roommate’s existence, he asked about her too. 
“yes charlotte?”
“What does he look like? is he cute? Is he tall? I reckon that’s an important one with men is it not” you groaned as she launched question after question
“Char, I already told you I don't know anything about him”
“But you talk all day, every day” She scoffed
“It’s not every day- nor is it all day I have things to do you know”
“It is though, every bloody day, you come in and launch yourself at the telephone like clockwork” You stared at your pint of ice cream, suppressing the small laugh that threatened to leave your lips. 
You felt a tad silly.
“It’s just-” You started to say, Charlotte leaned in with an excited smile on her lips as if egging you on. “It feels stupid, I could be getting totally scammed right now- sure he sounds young, and sure he said he’s twenty- but he could be anyone, anywhere” 
“Let’s think about it though- you guys talk a lot he has to be in England no? Calls out are so expensive” She grabbed the pint of ice cream from your hands, shoving a spoonful into her mouth. 
“That doesn’t change anything Char, I don't know him” She waved the spoon around dismissively. For someone who was so cynical about her own love life, Charlotte was always ready to be invested in yours. You never minded though, you were happy to bond over the raging disaster that it seemed to be.
“You guys have never thought about meeting up? You haven’t even talked about it?” You shifted uncomfortably as she wiggled her eyebrows “Have you even asked him what he looks like?” You took the ice cream tub back, shoving ice cream into your mouth
“We’re missing the movie y’know?” She scoffed at your weak attempt to change the subject
“As if I care about that- come on, you’re rolling in laughter every time you’re on that damn phone so there is clearly some chemistry there”
“So what I also have chemistry with circus clowns?” You said, turning to give her a deadpan stare. 
“You know what I mean” She took the ice cream back
“What if I meet up with him and he kidnaps me…” she offered you the last few scrapes left in the tub. When you shook your head she ate it gingerly, a small smile on her face. “Suddenly I’m in the arctic tundra being trafficked”
“As long as it's not with Josh,” she shrugged her shoulders “I reckon anything is better,” she said, snorting 
“You’re terrible” You both fell into laughter
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tags ; @ilovejamespottersomuch @ravisinghs-wife @hidontmindtheintrovert @stella-thestars @caspiankingofnarnia @lovelyteenagebeard @starkluvrr @hisparentsgallerryy @leilani13gc @katsusayhi @auroresce @lovemiss-vale @alessiaparigim @unconventional-lawnchair @moonydoodlez @eissaaaa @ailoda @nahhhwhatthefrick @notapoetjustscar @hiireadstuff @the-rat-king1902 @n1ght-vngel @littlewhitel1es @rreporterbby
permanent tag ; @laufeysvalentine @heyyyloverr
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everlastingauthor · 1 month ago
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Husband Shanks Headcanons
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➣ Tags: Shanks, GN Reader, Marriage, Fluff, Traveling, One Piece, & Comfort
➣ Media: One Piece
➣ Request Open: Yes
➣ Author's Note: Since Shahks won the poll between him and Sir Crocodile, that means Shanks gets the next headcanons I'll do Sir Crocodile right after. If you enjoy my silly writing and want to stick around for more then leave a comment, like, reshare, and hit the follow button.
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✦ Shanks has been married to you for some years now you were originally Luffy's teacher, teaching the young boy who dreamed of being a pirate about money, reading, counting, and history. Whenever Shanks came to pick up Luffy or you would bring Luffy to Shanks, the two of you would talk. Shanks would share a drink with you and tell you tales about his adventures. The more you two hung out the more the two of you slowly would fall in love with each other and you eventually dated, it did break your heart a bit when you had to leave Luffy and your other students behind because you agreed to travel with Shanks, but you were the one begged him to let you go with him. You knew that Luffy and your students would be good in hands with the new teacher, so you set sail with Shanks.
✦ The two of you had a small ceremony of course that celebration dealt with a lot of drinking, so you were glad to stay in bed with your husband Shanks while you rubbed his back and ran your fingers through his hair; Shanks would always tell you that he enjoyed your touch that you were like an angel everything you touch you gave a relaxing feeling to. Shanks would roll on top of you and pepper you in kisses until you are laughing and begging him to stop.
✦ He bought the rings, you raise an eyebrow when Shanks talks about how he bought the ring. But you believe your red headed husband about how he didn't steal the rings but instead bought them by doing tasks for berries and then getting the ring, he was originally going to propose to you before setting sail, but plans change when you begged to travel with him.
✦ He adores watching the moon and stars with you, he thinks you have a beautiful moonlight glow and will hold you close while you two count the stars until you grow tired or bored. Shanks is impressed by your knowledge on different moon phases and the constellations. But he'll always tell you that you ate the brightest star his life and you brighten up his life more than the moon itself.
✦ Gifting, Shanks will always gift you something from every place you and his crew visit. Whether it's an outfit, jewelry, flowers, or rock. Shanks always has a gift behind his back before it's time to set sail for a new adventure, Shanks loves to always see your surprised or curious expression but soon he has to come with new ways to approach you with a gift - Since you started to catch onto his gifting system along with any new tactics he has tried.
✦ He'll let anyone who tries to flirt with him that he married. " Sorry, I can't dance with you because I'M MARRIED. " or " " You should be careful talking to me like that because I'M MARRIED! " Shanks will never let anyone try to flirt with or get into his pants, even in a drunken state he's well aware that's he married and that no one can take his pants off but you.
✦ When Shanks in the mood he'll let you know and you'll already know, what starts off as a normal cuddling becomes Shanks rubbing your stomach and soon your thigh. While telling you how beautiful you are and how you smell much nicer than anyone one the ship. He'll shower you in compliments while rubbing your thighs, you'll roll your eyes playfully and tell him if he wants to fool around. He'll act clueless while agreeing. " You're in the mood? I had no idea but hey if your up for it then we have time. "
✦ If you get sick during traveling Shanks is right there taking care of you, he'll go get the ship doctor or anything else you need. He'll put his first mate in charge while he takes care of you. He can't make the ship stop rocking which makes you throw up from time to time. But he'll bring you soup, tea, and medicine. He'll throw any vomit from the bucket overboard and get you fresh sheets, he'll rub your stomach and back while telling you how strong and beautiful you are.
✦ Once in awhile you and Shanks will take a stay on an island if the two of you really love it, you'll have a drink with your husband while relaxing under a tree. Sometimes Shanks will go explore with you or watch you play in the water, when Mihawk visited to show Shanks the wanted poster of Luffy. This called for a celebration to which Mihawk stayed, the sword's man still couldn't understand how Shanks was married.
✦ You know Shanks' body so whenever he's injuring you'll patch him up, but you'll also scold him in the process. Shanks knows he'll always get an earful from you, you'll always tell him that he has already lost an arm and doesn't need to loose anything else. Shanks will sit there with a goofy smile while listening to you rant about how he needs to take care of his body. He especially enjoys that you make sure his bandages are snug and you always know when to change them.
✦ Renewing your vows on your anniversary, Shanks will prepare your favorite meal and set up a beautiful area for you two to sit down and eat. He always plans beforehand your anniversary gift, during dinner he'll always talk about how the two of you first met. What he thought about you and how you changed his world. He'll tell you that you mean more to him then any amount of berries, that your lips taste better than any drink he has brought to his lips, and that he's glad he didn't leave you behind that you came with him. That all the memories you two made will forever be stashed in his heart.
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goingmerryfics · 4 months ago
Reader fails at flirting - Mihawk, & Crocodile
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Content: SFW content, clumsiness, ranting, & bad pick up lines
Notes* Thank you for your patience while I struggled through my writer’s block! This was a request from a looong time ago but I no longer have that ask to reply to it seems. I believe Smoker was also supposed to be here, but I’m just going to upload this and take it easy while I get back into the writing spirit :) 
Not the type for talking, attempts at flirting with Mihawk usually end up with long, awkward silences that you feel the need to fill, which makes you sound even more awkward as you bounce from topic to topic
He was always the first to show up at the Warlord meetings, and since you worked in the building, it gave you an opportunity to chat him up as you pour the champagne for each guest
He only barely glances at you every now and then as you try to get his attention, ranting on about whatever comes to mind in the moment and asking him questions that he doesn’t respond to
You always end up feeling defeated at the end of the day. Always left with the heavy feeling that he just doesn’t like you, no matter what you say
Eventually you decide that you can’t keep pestering him. Next time there’s a meeting, you decide not to shoot into chatter with him when he arrives
You keep your head down, silence in the room. You can feel his eyes on your back as you walk around, watering the plants and doing whatever you can do to stay in his presence without having to talk to him
And then,
“Is something wrong?”
You’re embarrassed by how fast you look back at him. It’s the first time he’s addressed you. You, stuttering like mad, tell him that nothing is wrong
“You didn’t greet me today.”
He sounds… Disappointed. You ask him why he never responded, adding that you thought you had been annoying him, and that you weren’t even sure he knew who you were
Then he says your name- your full one. He starts to repeat information you’ve told him about yourself, a mix of information that you had thrown at him over all the different times you’ve met him. It touches your heart that he remembers it all
“I know who you are very well, actually. If you gave me a moment to think of my answers, I would have been able to share. You speak too quickly.”
He explains it so bluntly, but now that you think about it- you didn’t really give him much time to think before you moved on to the next subject. So the awkward silences were just Mihawk trying to put his words together
He urges you to take a seat beside him, that way he can finally give you the responses you were looking for
“You should try to let the other person respond if you’re going to flirt with them.” 
He says it almost scoldingly, but he’s smirking at you
As a citizen of Alabasta, Crocodile was someone that many people looked up to. But only you were in semi-regular contact with him
Every now and then, he would come dine at your workplace and every single time, you were his server. Your co-workers were always too intimidated to potentially get something wrong- the man was intimidating, after all -so that meant that anytime he was in, you were the one to face him
He always ordered the same thing when he came, which made it easier after a while. You’d already be walking up to his table with the wine he liked while his food was in the oven before he’d even made his order
The problem was that your ridiculous crush on him made you clumsy as hell
The first few times you were safe- the tripping over your feet and dropping plates had only happened out of his view, where it was your co-workers that would laugh or chastise you for not being careful enough
But then it had caught up to you in the worst way
You were taking the wine to his table and, as always, you engaged him in some casual conversation. Something about the weather or asking how his casino was doing
He would always answer shortly. Something of a grunt that either sounded positive or negative, or a short answer of ‘good’ or ‘eh’
You were too busy staring at him and waiting for an answer to notice that you were completely missing the glass as you poured his wine
And in turn, he was too surprised at your new, sudden carelessness to answer
Eventually you’d noticed as the wine started to spill onto the floor. Crocodile got up from his chair as you scrambled to get the spill contained to just the tablecloth, but also trying to be careful of all the glass on the table
The white tablecloth would be stained for sure
Crocodile just watched the whole time, holding his cigar between his fingers
The next few times went similarly. You’d bring the wine, serve his food, and give the bill- and every time, you would do something wrong. 
Forgetting his silverware, serving him the wrong plate, etc.
At least he always tipped you nicely. That never changed
You’d been so determined to make sure everything went right that the next time he walked in, you tried to be extra careful. You brought him his wine and paused, noticing his hand covering his glass.
“Just water today.”
Three simple words that threw you off. Why? What was wrong with the wine? Was it you?
Your on your way back from getting his ice water when a co-worker steps back, bumping into you from behind and sending you off balance, tipping the serving tray and sending Crocodile’s ice-cold water all over him
Your co-worker all but bails out of the dining hall, leaving you slack jawed, staring at Crocodile’s ruined suit. You can’t even muster up the bravery to apologize to the man as the ice cubes slip off of him and onto the floor
Then he laughs. It’s a loud, booming laugh that seems even louder while the room is dead silent. You’re sure you’re going to die there either from embarrassment or his wrath
“I’ve never seen someone trip over themselves so much just to get my attention. It’s flattering.” He says, smirking down at you while you’re still frozen in place. Then he asks you what time your shift is over, and you answer that you’re done in an hour
He tells you to make sure you’re here in 3 hours, that way he can dry off and have a proper conversation with you
You’re left there, confused, wondering if it’s going to be a date or a murder when he returns
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kaivenom · 6 months ago
Hi! I love the way you write characters sm! I wanted to ask if you could do some sfw and nsfw headcanons for mihawk ❤️ (thusis my first request ever so i have NO idea how to make one 😩)
Dating Dracule Mihawk HCS
A/N: Well, thanks for the compliment and for letting me be your first request. Here are your headcannonns (i think it got long, i really like this man)
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I think the reason you both met is becuase an argument: with you and other people or with him and you, physical or ethical it doesn't matter.
The thing is that your spirit makes him seem you worthy for a chat.
That chat transformed in ocasional meet ups and then in exchanging den den mushis.
If you confess first, he will just nod and kiss you slowly and gently.
If he confesses first, he will try to do it like the old way: setting up a date, buying flowers and/or chocolate and ask you formaly.
But that would take sometime cause he knows he is a wanted men, even if he is powerfull he knows that life isn't for everyone.
It doesn't matter if you are a pirate, a marine or just a simple villager, at first your relationship will be long distance.
He will ask you to move in with him eventually, because he travels a lot and plus he lives in a castle (i have a whole post about him asking you to move on, check it out) so, after staying multiple times at your places, he decides that you should be in his.
He is a very loyal and capable lover, he knows you like the palm of his hand, somehow.
He may not be the biggest on comunication but he is an excelent listener, even if you didn't think of it at first. Something you said months ago, check, a gift you wanted and you even forgot, check.
He is a big yes on gifts and little details, he lefts them all over the castle for you to find.
He loves your noise, i mean, he is a very silent and calm person but you bring a whole new world to him and that makes him love you, even if he didn't join you in your noise he likes to watch it.
He won't be a lot into iniciating PDA but he won't complain if you do it. In fact, you were nervous at first about him not iniciating it but when you learned that, you just sit on his lap and hug him while he lays his hand on your back.
His kisses aren't savage or animalistic, they are more studied and deep. If he kisses you one time in a heated moment, he will leave you breathless, like he has kissed your soul.
Things with Mihawk take time and comunication, even if it's non-verbal comunication, but it's completely worth it.
His favourite nicknames for you while probably be just to formal or traditional: my love, my partner, my pair, my husband/wife. He is a man of manners, but a little possesive too.
Speaking of jealousy, he says he isn't, he says that you are a grown adult and you can do what you want. But in reality, he can get a little frustated, speacially if it's Buggy or Crocodile.
Crocodile is as cold as him but it's a little more sarcastic and Buggy it's "noisy" so you laugh a lot with him, and that makes him a little mad because you don't laugh like that with him.
You say to him "it doesn't matter, i prefer the silence with you" and he just wants to marry you right there.
Marriage it's just something that doesn't cross his mind a lot. You are his partner and you are happy with him, you both live in a castle, etc but,
If you value marriage he will propose to you. The ring, the ceremony and all the honey moon stuff, but when you came back everything will be the same.
Except that you are now officially his partner and if you are happy with that then he is.
From time to time you try to make him laugh with bad jokes, you even started to research about every kind of humour and started doing experiments... at the end he laughed about some stupid thing his discipule Zoro did with his crew.
You just love his laugh so you are always present when he is reading the news from that moment.
He isn't very comunicative thru words and getting to know his likes with his body language it's really difficult.
So, you are very nervous about getting intimate with him, you don't know if he is even interested in that.
One day he just sees you getting lost on your thoughts and asks you about it, you tell him about your concerns about it and he just say "hum".
You couldn't believe how he was so bold about it, and you got even a little mad.
Then, a couple of hours later you were doing some dishes and he approached you from behind. His hands roaming your body and his mouth leaving wet kisses on your neck. You were really flustered and he just pressed himself against you, with his hard on.
Since that moment, you started to get more and more the little details which demostrate his need for you.
His eyes darkening in a strange way, like when he goes into battle, it makes your skin get goosebumps; his touches staying a little longer or a little tougher on you; his abruptly necesity to have you next to him all afternoon; how he spreads his legs instead of keeping his perfect pose.
He doesn't do any sound in bed at first. One day you had to aproach him about it and then he started to make some noise... mostly grunts, groans and gasps.
Like i mentioned on the top, his kisses are deep, all his afection his deep.
Make up sessions with him makes you breathless, he couldn't kiss you as much as past lovers but the sensation it's the triple.
You swear you can just come with his touches and kisses. Picture yourself with your face pressed against a wall while he kisses your neck with intensity and dry humps you with his fingers pressing into your erogenous areas with precision.
Definitely an ass men, he will make you walk in front of him sometimes just to check you ass. *with respect*
In fact, your ass is the only thing that makes him a pervert. He will come home from a long journey and just lay on the bed placing his head on your ass... which can later lead to other things.
I think he is a grower and that means you were surprised the first time you both do the deed, but being so good with his fingers and mouth makes him good with his dick too.
In reality he prefers to pleasure you with his tongue and hands than his dick. I picture him seeing sex as a form for people to use each other. He knows he can be a men a little difficult so he wants to pleasure you as much as he can with making you feel validated.
Sir or Mister kink, Dom/sub dinamics, a little sword and blood kink (never hurting you in reality) and even a little roleplay but never degradation or humilliating kink.
He likes to see your face and expresion so missionary, cowgirl or any other position with your eyes meeting is good for him.
He says he likes the bedroom but he is the owner of a whole island sooo he may sometimes just have a slip and take things out of the chambers (until Perona came)
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suzukiblu · 1 month ago
Day one of February’s second weekly WIP behind the cut; “mistaken identities and interdimensional refugees”. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Kon sighs, then dusts his hands off and eyes Croc’s unconscious body, debating how the fuck he’s supposed to handle this situation. Fuck knows where the cops are, and there’s already a bunch of civilians taking pics and shit of him, so he really doesn’t wanna wait for ‘em. Also, like, explaining why he committed aggravated assault on a giant crocodile dude to the cops does not sound like his favorite time anyway, especially Gotham cops. He technically does have an emergency comm on him, but it’s obviously not tuned into any of the local Bat-channels and he doesn’t really know if he’d be able to sync it up to ‘em. 
Admittedly, Alfred is like, half a block down the street with a cell phone and probably already told his boss literally everything that just happened, but still. 
Actually, speaking of Alfred . . .
Kon refocuses his hearing back towards the limo, and hears–
“Wowwwww,” Jon says from the backseat, sounding awed about . . . something–who knows what, given he’s like ten and Kon doesn’t even know the grown-ass version of him well enough to know what kind of shit the dude thinks is impressive–and Alfred makes a little “hm” sound. 
“Mr. Kent, I do hope you’ve got an ear out,” he says, which even if Kon didn’t would’ve caught his attention pretty quick. “The police have an estimated time of arrival at two and a half minutes, and they were informed to come equipped for Killer Croc. Please do retreat out of the public eye for now, though I’m sure Master Bruce would appreciate the consideration if you wouldn’t mind keeping a bit of an eye on the situation until they have Mr. Jones secured. We’ll rendezvous with you on Pearl Street in seven minutes.” 
There is literally no version of Bruce Wayne that has ever “appreciated” a single thing Kon has ever considered in his life, except maybe for that one weirdo in Hypertime who’d definitely just wanted a Robin that was bombproof this time, but whatever. Kon nods once, short and sharp, and then takes off with superspeed in the opposite direction from Croc and the fucked-up street, if not Super-speed. That he saves ‘til he ducks into a conveniently out-of-sight alley, shoves the security camera over the emergency exit in the back of it askew with his TTK, and then takes off straight up into the air too fast for human eyes to follow. 
He should’ve avoided tearing up the street like that, probably, even if Croc and his boys had already fucked it up pretty bad. Didn’t mean he needed to go making shit worse. He’s maybe a little stressed, but he fucking knows better. 
Kon hangs out above the heavy gray smog and cloud cover, wishing there were some sun up here instead of just moonless night, and keeps one ear focused on Croc and the other half-paying attention to the limo, just in case. The cops do in fact show up in two and a half minutes, and by then Alfred’s already taken Jon and the limo most of the way to Pearl Street. Kon can hear Jon chattering excitedly about something and Alfred at least making some more little “hm” sounds in response, though he doesn’t focus in enough to eavesdrop. Rude, for one thing, and also a distraction he should be avoiding anyway. 
He waits around to make sure they get Croc locked up nice and secure in the heavy-duty restraints and armored truck they brought without him waking up and taking anyone’s head off or anything like that, and it goes surprisingly smoothly for Gotham, though the cops have a fuckin’ time of it getting Croc’s K.O.’ed ass into the back of the truck. Kon would be more concerned about the possibility of a head injury with the guy staying out for so long, but a quick X-ray glance already cleared him for at least the first-aid level basics, so like, it’s probably that weird “toxic mobility” thing Tim was talking about that time he was explaining Croc’s whole thing to him. Or–no, “tonic”, and “immobility”. Whatever, he just knows Croc usually stays out longer than a baseline human would and it’s not a concern. Just some weird side effect of his whole . . . everything, basically. 
This is not in any way his circus or even his monkeys, but hey, why not be the interdimensional version of neighborly? Like, just while he’s in the reality and all. Lend the local Bats a cup of sugar, metaphorically-speaking. Batman’s gonna bitch about him doing it and how he handled it the first second he sees him, obviously–even after Alfred asked him to do it, he’ll definitely bitch–but whatever. He wasn’t gonna let anybody get hurt just because Batman gets pissy when vigilantes without any Bat-branding exist in his territory. 
So yeah, he waits around.
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crocodilenjoyer · 7 months ago
op fic recs...2!
feed your plants a little sunlight by swordsmans | ambiguous setting, post-timeskip | zolu | 4.2k | complete
Instead of napping, Zoro helps. It is his job, after all.
Trochilus by stealth-black-leg | ambiguous setting, post-wano | gen, robin & crocodile-centric | 2.5k | complete
The trochilus, sometimes called the crocodile bird, is a legendary bird which was supposed to have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the Nile crocodile.
how to talk without speaking by swordsmans | post-shells town through pre-baratie | gen straw hats, luffy-centric | 6.9k | complete
In the beginning, Luffy does not know how to read. In the grand scheme of things, this does not matter.
Little Monsters by blue_wonderer | post-wano | gen, straw hats-centric | 7.7k | complete
Vinsmoke breathes out, a smirk on his swollen, bloody face.
“Our captain is here.”
Post-Wano, some lucky (or not-so-lucky) Marines capture the still-injured Sanji and Usopp. Naturally, the rest of the crew casually rips the world apart to get them back. One lone warship never stood a chance.
The Many Marriages of the Straw Hat Pirates by LadyCrimsonAndBlack | across canon, pre- and post-timeskip | gen, straw hats-centric | 2.9k | complete
There are a lot of strange traditions to be found on the Grand Line. Sometimes, the Straw Hats get caught up in them.
(Or: The Straw Hats get married to each other. Repeatedly.)
so much like stars by blue_wonderer | post-dressrosa, pre-zou | zolu, pre-zolawlu | 12.1k | complete
“Why are you the way you are?” Law asks, gesturing to Zoro and Luffy in their entirety. “You look pathetic.”
“Luffy fell in,” Zoro shrugs. Law thinks he may be the only person in the world who can convey both “Luffy fell in, he’s such a fucking idiot” and “Luffy fell in, what else was I supposed to do but follow?” in one line.
“I’m very sorry.” Luffy reaches up and pats Zoro on the chest.
“You’re a terrible liar.”
Luffy wheezes a short laugh. “I like swimming with Zoro.”
“Shut up, you little shit.”
“How about you both shut up and let me work,” Law grouses.
Stargazing and snow, festivals and dreams, and the quiet change in the dynamic between Law, Luffy, and Zoro during a few cold nights on the way to Zou.
Seabound by AnkhPosts | au; canon timeline n/a | deuceace | 8k | complete
Ace is a selkie, making one of his periodic stops on land to catch a breather and get some ridiculously tasty human food, maybe see some sights if there are any. His pelt is safely hidden, he'll stay a day or two at most and be on his way.
Deuce is a mer, alone on the sea and traveling as he pleases for the first time in his life, and while he might not be terribly interested in actually interacting with humans it's hard not to see them as fascinating.
Ace meets Deuce. Deuce meets Ace. Neither knows the other isn't human.
The Jester whose nickname is Fate by stealth-black-leg | pre-canon | dragodile | 2.5k | complete
Crocodile believes in luck, gambling, coincidence, but not fate. He believes in free will, and that every person can choose any future they’d like for themselves, if they’re strong enough to build it.
He didn’t choose this for himself though, and if there indeed is a fate, then Fate, pardon his French, is a fucking little bitch.
By Any Other Name by ginger_snappin | au with information from wci | sanlu | 10k | complete
Sanji should stop doing this.
He recalls Lucy’s earnest smiles, the insatiable physicality of him. The tugging Sanji can feel in his gut toward his friend, an urge to follow him blindly that Sanji cannot resist.
He thinks of Lucy’s full fat stomach after a meal, sated, the murmured, “thanks for the food,” and the mismatched HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY that Lucy’s soul exclaims whenever those warm brown eyes meet his own blue ones.
Sanji cannot stop.
A young king comes to power, and his hungry suitors follow… even the reluctant ones.
You've Got A Friend In Me by Hazel_Athena | post-timeskip, pre-egghead | zosan, perona & zoro | 19.1k | complete
Zoro grunts, likely because she hits him with more force than either of them are expecting, and then returns her surprise with one of his own by wrapping his arms around her and hugging her back.
“They hurt you?” He murmurs, and she shakes her head.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” She insists, although which of them she’s trying to reassure, she isn’t certain.
Interim Arrangements by Hazel_Athena | au, post-wano | zosan | 43k | complete
It’s so quiet in the war room that you could hear a pin drop. Not a single person dares to say a word - not even the favored princes - and all eyes remain fixed on the head of the table, where a large figure sits hunched over in its chair, clutching the latest newsreel between two massive fists.
Having been forewarned of some of the contents of said newsreel, Sanji does his best to keep anything from showing on his face, to maintain his expression in an implacable facade. He thinks he largely succeeds in controlling himself outwardly, but inwardly his gut is churning with emotion.
The newsreel twitches, and the five people not holding the paper sit up a little straighter in their seats, each of them bracing for impact without actually meaning to as slowly, oh so slowly, the paper is lowered down until it’s resting flat on the table.
“Well,” Judge says, his mouth working like he wants to spit. “This is certainly an … unexpected development.”
Stakes by CaptainJojo | post-wano | gen, luffy & zoro | 4.2k | complete
Zoro has a good grasp of what fights are- and are not- worth his time.
Or: Zoro gets lost and gets in one (1) fight about it.
(The real fight begins in chapter 2 but I'm leaving 1 in because I wrote it so it gets posted and that's the rule)
lion-skinned by kurgaya | ambiguous setting, post-timeskip | zolu | 10.6k | complete
If there was ever a reason to eat a Devil Fruit, Zoro supposes it would be in the process of saving his idiotic buffoon of a captain from a certain and most horrible death.
Familiar by NothingSoDivine | pre-canon | smoker/benn beckman | 1k | complete
"You look familiar."
The stranger chuckles. The sound warms Smoker down to his boots. "I get that a lot."
Years before being stationed in Roguetown, Smoker runs into a familiar face in a bar on the Grand Line. Unfortunately, Smoker can't quite place where he's seen the guy before...
A Little Assurance by nocturneequuis | ambiguous setting, post-timeskip | frobin | 1.1k | complete
Robin wonders how much further Franky will take himself. When does the man end and the machine begin?
Arctic Birds by LibbyLune | pre-canon with information from water 7 | mihawk/iceburg | 15k | complete
“Oh yeah, you want Water 7,” Shanks declares, kicking the hull of Mihawk’s small sailboat with a careless boot. “Sailing around in this piece of crap doesn’t suit the World’s Greatest Swordsman, Hawksy.”
Mihawk is a man of high standards, but the expert shipbuilding is not the only feature of Water 7 that he ends up impressed by.
The Onigiri Story by leghair | post-alabasta through the end of wano | zosan | 40.1k | complete
It had been bad enough trapped on a boat with Zoro, body and face and voice sending Sanji's imagination racing, bitter-knowing he was straight as his swords and half as sharp. So Sanji had ignored the attraction - maybe allowed himself a greedy little peek now and then, but he’d never let it become a problem. He’d never let it become anything. He'd known that's how things were going to stay and he was fine with it, he had been dealing with it, this wasn't his fault. It's not like he'd ever wanted Zoro to know.
A canonverse getting-together fic with lots of porn, some plot, and plenty of feelings, following the progression of their relationship and the canon events that impact it. A couple of common zosan tropes get flipped, there's a smidge of angst for good measure, but with a very happy ending.
Finally updated post-Wano and WCI!
Chasing Flowers by taizi | probably g or t | ambiguous setting, post-timeskip | gen straw hats | 4.7k | complete
"It's an old tradition in our town; on the second week of the second month of the year, you leave flowers for the one you love, for them to follow back to you. By their house, where they work, nooks and corners that are special secrets between just the two of you."
(Luffy's crew leaves him flowers, and an old innkeeper gets drawn into the chase.)
Clinical Practice by taizi | probably t | ambiguous setting, post time-skip | chopper-centric | 2.4k | complete
"I'm his doctor!" Chopper all but shrieked, closer to hysterical than he'd ever been- because in four days time those people could really have hurt Luffy, and he was so tired of being treated like a kid. "I'm his doctor, and I'm going to find him right now!"
Inanition by taizi | probably g | ambiguous setting, post-timeskip | gen straw hats | 1.9k | complete
in·a·ni·tion, noun; lack of mental or spiritual vigor and enthusiasm; exhaustion caused by lack of nourishment.
(In which Luffy's metabolism is faster than his doctor understands.)
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pokespe-rainbow · 2 months ago
Any Tmnt Iteration x Spider-Man!Reader: First meeting
Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
You hold the proud title of New York one and only superhero. It's probably been months since that weird spider bite you, and that incident with your uncle's demise probably let you scarred for life, but that's not what we're gonna talk today! Can we please let your dead uncle out of this? Yeah? Thank you!
You've done a lot of things for this city, seriously, from a crazy guy with robotic wings to an electricist that controls electricity. Pretty ironic doesn't? Of course, no version of Spider-Man could be Spiderman if the media didn't drag your reputation through the mud. You can thank that to your boss, Burne Thompson. You almost regret coming to him when selling pictures of yourself, but you were desperate. If it helps your aunt to get to the end of the month, you could take a little of public humiliation. At least one of your coworkers, April O'Neil, is nice enough and always talks good from your alter ego when she's on the scene. In fact, the number of times you've rescued her is enough to tag her of your Lois Lane or your Vicky Vale. She's pretty, but you're not interested!
It was just another normal night, doing your spider things and taking yourself selfies, until your Spidey Sense started buzzing and telling you danger approaches. You keep your camera in their place with one of your webs before waiting for action.
You didn't expect to find an oversized turtle in a skateboard just goofing around. Okay, it's New York, weird shit happens all the time. The Turtle had an orange bandana and a pair of nunchakus on their belt. Oh! And they're naked! Well, turtles didn't have the same genitalia mammals had. In none of your Animal Planet you never saw a crocodile's junk— No Spidey! Bad Spidey! Your Spidey Sense never gets wrong! And if your Spider sense says this Turtle is dangerous, then some truth must be!
"That's some pair of good tricks over there" - you say casually as the Turtle frozes and start looking around - "Up here buddy, on the side of the building."
The Turtle's eyes are surprisingly... Human. Of a pretty baby blue color. Squared head and two holes instead of a nose. You think you could actually freak out if there was an actual human nose there.
"Holy sh—!" - comes out a very human and childish voice. He sounds pretty much like someone your age should sound - "[S/n]! I'm sorry! I promise I didn't do anything illegal! Just don't take me to jail!" - he frenetically screams
"Woah woah, easy buddy " - you put your hands in the air as a sign peace - "I'm not going to do anything as long you didn't do anything, okay? You just don't see a giant turtle every night! A giant lizard? Maybe. I was just curious. You don't plan to do anything in this neighborhood?" - you do you best to out your vest Batman voice
"No Sir/Ma'am No!" - The Turtle stand up straight
"No taking over the city plans I should worry about?" - you ask again
"I promise! I'm a good guy!"
"Very well" - you stayed silent for a couple of seconds before changing the mood - "I believe you!"
The Turtle stays still before looking at you - "You do?"
"You're not gonna run screaming or anything?" - ask the Turtle
"My dude, or dudette or non binary buddy, is that's your wave. This is New York. If you can't stand a pair of wierd shit like giant animals then you're a pussy and you should move out because you're not a yanqui if you're not used to"
"Oooohhh" - the Turtle seems to realize - "Thanks... That's... That was nice, you're the first person that doesn't run away screaming"
"And you're the first person, excuse me, reptile that doesn't try to kill me on the spot. I should be thanking you" - you said as you decide this little fella over there is going to become your favorite person in New York at this point as you jump and land next to him... Her.. They? - "Do you have any name I can call you?"
"Sure! Name's Michelangelo! But my brother's call me Mikey!" - answers the Turtle
"As the artist? You know? The one with the naked statues?"
"Exactly!" - Mikey says before laughing - "Oh, I'm so gonna use that with my brothers!"
Curiosity spikes you. He already mentioned his brothers twice. As much as you like to ask if they're turtles as well you decide to keep your questions for yourself. You don't know how he ended up as a giant turtle, but the world weren't as gentle with the ones that were different.
"Really, wait to you hear this one—" - you were about to drop some lame joke before you could heard police sirens on the distance - "Shoot. Duty calls" - You turn to look at Michelangelo - "Sorry, but I gotta go"
"Sure! Go kick some bad guys ass!" - cheered Michelangelo - "I can't wait to rub I meet [S/n] on Donnie's face!"
"Oh really?" - you rise an eyebrow behind your mask - "Can you tell me tomorrow how it go?"
"Really dude/dudette?" - asked Michelangelo, you could see the starry look in his eyes
"Yeah! Same hour, same place!" - you say as you prepare to swing away - "And don't talk to stangers in alleys!"
"I Won't!" - you heard him answer as you swing away
New York. The city a Turtle and a Spider could get along...
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c4ttheart · 11 months ago
zuko x fem!reader, angst, 1.6k wc (whoopsi)
supposed to be a gn reader but i put that they went to the royal fire academy for girls ; also timeline makes no sense LMFAO sorry ab that
summary : he says he loves you. that’s not fair, that’s not something best friends should say to each other. but his favourite colour is blue, and so is yours.
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"zuko" you breathe out, "you’re back."
he furrows his brows when he hears you approach. he notices the hint of surprise in your voice, and somehow, he doesn’t know if it’s a good thing.
a mumbled "yeah" in response leaves his lips, and you smile. you quirk your lips upward as if he had never left. as if the last time he saw you wasn’t three years ago.
you want to ask him more, hold his hand and drag him through the gardens or sneak out into the city buying things you would never even need. but he turns away, leaving you to stand there in the middle of a palace that isn’t yours. zuko did not return with the avatar. zuko returned with blood on his hands, the price to pay for the victory of your kingdom. but that doesn’t feel right. that is not the zuko you know. then again, they really aren’t that different, three year gap or not, as they soak in the glory of what they have done.
why does he think it’s an honourable thing to have caused the demise of a city ? all that for what, the privilege of bathing in warm water and gold again ?
he ignores you throughout the month that he is here. you thought you were best friends, but apparently his stay at sea made him forget. one could say you’re not on the same footing anymore, since he is promised to the throne.
and it’s fine, you are fine, you can deal with whatever temper tantrum he is having, or the fact that he doesn’t have time for you. you don’t know what he went through, so you try to be fair. but then mai comes into the picture, and all of a sudden you’re fourteen crying on the floor of your dorm at the royal fire academy for girls because word is out that prince zuko has lost his agni kai. and you didn’t even have the time to say goodbye.
it’s not like you were dating. but he can’t just do whatever he’s doing. you waited for him to come back. every day. you still referred to him as your best friend and fed the turtle ducks in his absence. and he just waltzs back into your life and breaks your heart again.
mai is a sweet girl. she’s only a year younger than you. you know she’s a good student. but she doesn’t deserve to replace you. she doesn’t know his favourite colour and why it’s his favourite. she doesn’t know half of the things about him that complete your personality.
maybe that’s how you find yourself thumping on zuko’s door. it’s probably three in the morning, and you’re tired with red rims under yours eyes. he opens the door after some time, with messy hair and his room lit with candlelight. when was the last time you saw him ? he looks so real, so close and you are so, so grateful that he is here and that he is him, that you break down. what was once fury is replaced with desolation as he looks at you funny in front of the door that leads to his quarters.
"i uhm, thought you were at the academy." he mumbles awkwardly. the opening is only wide enough for you to see his face. why is he hiding ? what is this conversation topic ? when have you become such a stranger ? his favourite colour is blue. so is yours.
you sniffle. "it’s the middle of summer."
he nods and moves to shut you off again. your tears run thicker against your cheeks.
"you can’t close the door zuko. you told me you loved me. you can’t keep on turning your back on the problems that require something else than military attention."
you don’t even know how you manage to speak the words correctly, considering the hiccups and the sniffles and the ugly crocodile tears. you don’t know how you manage to speak so correctly considering the state of your heart.
he scoffs. "you’re the one that left me."
"i did not leave you, zuko. i chose to stay." you laugh and croak out.
"that’s the same fucking thing." he whispers under his breath, his eyes rolling every time you blink water from your eyes.
it’s okay. you know he still loves you, somewhere inside. deep deep down, you know he does. it’s not wishful thinking, because his favourite colour is blue, and so is yours. blue like the waves back in ember island, blue like the water the turtle ducks swim in, blue like the sky in which he wishes he could soar. blue like the flames he never got.
"you can leave now, y’know ? " he speaks again, every single drop of formality run dry on his lips when he sees you. is that a good thing ?
and yellow used to be your favourite colour. not his, yours. yellow like the sun, yellow like the small buttercups, yellow like the jewellery your mother would wear. yellow like his eyes. and then all of a sudden, zuko came along, and yellow morphed into blue. what he liked, you liked. what he did, you did. what he said, you said. somewhere along the way you forgot yourself in the name of love. and all that for what ?
"i-i don’t understand, zuko." you hiccup. you try to remember the warmth of the yellow sun but all you can focus on is the harsh yellow in his eyes. it looks much less appealing than blue.
"god, what more is there to understand ? people move on, (name). maybe it’s time you do the same. grow up a bit, and maybe you’ll get a real personality."
you gasp.
"oh and, it’s prince zuko to you."
this horrible feeling settles in your stomach. like needles, piercing over and over again. or a dam being broken by a tidal wave. you do not feel good. and he is dressed in red, like his curtains, like his door, like the walls and floors and windows and carpets and when you finally reach the gardens you have never felt so nauseous watching the fountain blue.
when you glance up, you realise the sky is red too.
your tears are all dried up now. you should go home, probably. but the sun is rising and the last thing you want to do is let your parents know you snuck out, that you’re not at all at the friend’s house you were supposed to be at. you’re seventeen, yet you are still so reliant on your parents. you should take control of your life, you think, but you still have a favourite colour and you still like the same guy than when you were a child. maybe zuko is right, you should grow up.
best friends should never be able to love each other. it ruins lives, love. you think it would have been best if zuko had never loved you at all. but his favourite colour is blue, and so is yours, because your personality is completely attached to his. maybe you loved him too before you even knew it.
you watch people get up and about from the tower you’re in. you don’t know which one it is, just that it is high off ground. when a bird squeaks, you bang your head against the wall. messenger hawks scare you.
something falls besides you, and it sounds light. a key, sitting still and yellow on the middle of the paved floor. it’s an ordinary key, yet it looks too unused to be one leading to the bird cages. you nervously look around, with puffy eyes and dried cheeks, because you should not be doing this but god, do you need something to get your mind off zuko.
fuck him and his little girlfriend. fuck him and his petty ways, fuck him and his fancy baths, fuck him and his golden eyes. he should have told you if he hated you. if he didn’t wish to be best friends anymore. you would have taken it easier than now. but he just vanished, and when he came back, he wasn’t himself anymore. maybe he lost himself like the people of ba sing se lost their lives because of him.
you spot some sort of square locker imbedded in the wall. it looks quite private but the key fits when you insert it, and when you turn it the door silently opens. then something falls on your face. it’s small and not very heavy. looks like a messy envelope when you pick it up. you open it subconsciously, like it was meant to find you somehow. maybe it was, because your heart drops when you read who it is addressed to. you skip the contents only for what you thought were your dry eyes pour again.
inside the box, is a year worth of letters. they’re all from zuko. and they’re all sealed with blue wax.
you don’t speak with zuko the following week, but rumours spread fast and all of a sudden the whole country knows he’s gone. it’s alright. you didn’t get to say goodbye the first time, so why would you now ? when you go back to your dorm at the academy the next day, pretty petunia flowers sit on your bed, sealed with a blue ribbon. you clench your jaw.
it is quite a feeble gift, but it is better than nothing at all. you keep them in a vase on the windowsill, even when you learn they mean resentment, because his favourite colour is blue, and so is yours.
it always will be.
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i like read iver this once to make sure some sentences made sense that is it
this was supposed to b fluff but uh,,,,,
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moonbaby26 · 8 months ago
Title: New Day
(Chapter 15 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader
Chapter Warnings: language, non con, dubious consent, fingering, vaginal sex, anal sex, angst, references to past chapters’ physical abuse, toxic relationship
Chapter Synopsis: The day after your near fatal incident instigated by Sir Crocodile, the rumor mill is churning both within and outside the palace walls as everyone now tries to understand what you really are to Doflamingo. Everyone including the demon at the center of it all himself.
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12, 13, 14, 15, 16
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It was a brand new morning. A beautiful day with the sun shining as the dark haired woman strode through the outdoor market. Even this early, music was already drifting from nearby, guitar strings were strumming as vendors finished setting up for their day.
Despite the rising tempo of that musician’s fingers over those strings, no one Viola saw was yet in a hurry. No one seemed nervous. She could hear laughter as people greeted one another, passing in the street. She could see their smiles.
This was her island and her people, briefly feeling to her as they always should have. 
The Donquixote soldiers that were meant to be acting as her guards, she’d ordered to stay as far back from her as possible.
They would not be ruining this rare taste of freedom for her as she did come upon an older man seated on a stool with a guitar. The origin of the sound she’d been hearing for several minutes on her morning walk as she nodded down to him.
“Good morning, Señor. That song you were playing, it’s a favorite of mine. I was hoping to meet you.” She complimented him.
“Ah, you’re too young to know it.” He paused, a little surprised at her attention. But smiling gently at her all the same. “My wife taught it to me years ago. She sang and I played back then.”
And the way he said this, with that brief look in his eyes as he did, she knew what he really meant. 
A wife that was no longer here. Someone that had been taken from him. But Viola still smiled softly. Because that sadness wasn’t an emotion she would want to truly lose. It was the shadow that love left behind. It was all they had left.
“My sister and I would attempt to sing that song.” She shared with him in return. “But she was the far better singer than me. She passed two years ago.”
This was the polite way people in Dressrosa referenced that tumultuous time, when hell had first opened its gates within their country.
And that devil’s sycophants were now the ones lingering, growing further impatient a few food stalls away.
But Doflamingo’s guards could wait. They could wait forever for all she cared.
“I suppose I haven’t tried much since then…to sing I mean. So would you play that song one more time please, Señor? It’s been so long. But today seems a bit special I think. I’d like to try to sing it again.” She told him.
And he laughed. “You young people and your romantic hearts! I’m sure you’ll be at the colosseum with all of the others today then? It seems quite fast doesn’t it? But I suppose no man wants to be alone forever. Even a king!” Yet he didn’t leave her time to agree or disagree, amused at her as he began strumming those opening chords once more.
A surprise announcement had come from the palace last night. Spreading quickly across the island all before midnight curfew.
This afternoon all were invited, or rather expected at the Corrida Colosseum. And the king himself would be in attendance. Unusual as of late, as he’d been devoting so much time to his growing underworld alone.
Those secret dealings seemingly his only focus all until that trip he’d taken to Mariejois, to the kingdom some called heaven. Something about a war on a distant island that he didn’t want the marines interceding in. Long enough ago now that Viola had gotten to bear witness to the accumulating changes in him every day since.
“In the heavens I would have power…” Viola’s voice began carefully, not fully out of tune. But certainly out of practice as she began the first verse in time with the man’s guitar.
And you, the marine woman that the officers’ whispers and minds had said Doflamingo had actually coveted for years, the one he’d first consummated with there at the home of the gods, would also be his official guest at the colosseum this evening.
Speculation was running wild through the citizens now of what this could all mean.
In the beginning Viola had not cared, except to pity you. She knew that all Doflamingo was was the thin skin of a man pulled tightly over the bones of a demon.
Yet an incident had occurred at the palace yesterday, enough to shake even her cynical heart.
“This night like the darkness within a well. With a knife made of moonlight I would cut the bars of your jail...” Her words kept on.
Doflamingo had kept her hidden away ever since your arrival. Yet more evidence that something may really be different here.
He didn’t want her to know his real plans for you. He didn’t want the two of you to meet.
Not yet.
“If I were the queen of the daylight, of the wind, and the sea, I would tie my own slave ropes in exchange for your freedom…”
The man who had never once hesitated to punish her by showing her the most grotesque and violent thoughts of what he’d like to do to new prey had suddenly been keeping everything to himself.
Why should it matter for her to know exactly how he wanted to break you? Rape you and defile you. Grind your will to dust, and then discard you once bored as he had to so many other men and women that had briefly caught his eye.
“Ay sorrow, little sorrow, sorrow of my heart…”
Doflamingo was a passionate man, even a romantic one in truth. But just at that most carnal level she had thought.
“I don’t wan’t flowers, money, or adulation.”
Violence, seduction, and jealousy were the only notes he excelled at within that complicated dance.
But yesterday there had been a culmination of tensions. Viola had been astonished to hear that panic going through the castle, to see it in so many anxious minds.
You had fought Trebol. You had fought Doflamingo himself.
And suicide is what that choice was, no matter the circumstances. Because it had never mattered to Doflamingo before whether or not someone was innocent. To go against the executives in any way, even in self defense, was absolute suicide. It was an attack on Doflamingo himself.
But maybe you weren’t the coward that she felt she was to hide amongst them. Maybe you had already refused her fate and chosen your own exit instead.
She would not have blamed you. 
Yet all evening she had stressed. Wondering how Doflamingo would cover up your death. But every moment that she still even remembered who you were had been equally confusing. 
Why hadn’t he at least brought you to Sugar?
But finally, late that night, something in her had insisted she show a bit of her own remnants of a spine. She had dared to use her sight to scan the palace for the king or yourself and learn the truth. She’d expected the worst. Your body torn apart, and new horrific tortures she’d never be able to unsee.
Yet that was not what she had found.
“I want you to let me cry for your sorrows, and to be at your side my dear, drinking the tears of your loneliness…”
Doflamingo was with you, yes. But not in one of the dungeons. Not with you screaming or begging for him to stop and to release you with death at last.
The Heavenly Demon had been curled around you in his own bed, clinging to you with a seeming level of anxiety she’d never witnessed in that creature before.
He had been watching you as you slept, a stricken look on his face.
“My eyes hurt because I look without seeing you…”
And this was the real reason Viola now spun, unable to stop from finally dancing a bit as well in the continued rhythm of that man’s guitar.
“Sorrow of my heart that flows within my veins, with the strength of a hurricane…”
Doflamingo was afraid.
“Sorrow, the same as a cloud of darkness and flint. A runaway colt that knows not where it goes…” 
Doflamingo had a weakness at last.
“It’s a desert of sand, sorrow, it’s my glory in a jail. Ay, jail! Ay sorrow! Little sorrow…”
And it was a woman.
Viola had decided that she would do everything in her power to further your influence now.
She would force herself to live long enough to see if this little crack in him could spread.
A new opening in his blackened heart that may one day be big enough to force her dagger through.
Last night Doflamingo had remained strange. Mostly silent as his focus stayed split between his real body and what you assumed was the string clone still working for him somewhere else in the castle.
After making you eat, there had been that brief feel of tenderness though as you’d both undressed and he’d brought you into his shower.
The same powder of glass that’d still been in your hair from the fight, he’d then helped you to wash clean. 
That and Trebol’s remaining mucus too. The warlord had kept you from losing your balance on your still weak legs, standing in the water’s spray with you as you’d scrubbed off the last of that residue.
You’d felt his cock against you too, half hard again without either of you even speaking to one another. But he hadn’t fucked you. 
After drying back off, drinking, and eating more of the food his servants brought, you’d then fallen asleep nude in his bed even before the sun had set.
At times last night you’d felt his movements beside you. But he still didn’t talk. He didn’t make you open your eyes and interact with him.
And you were fine with that.
He’d already hurt you enough for one day. You’d had nothing else you wanted to give him as you’d kept up the imitation of sleep while he’d held you tightly.
The same as he still was now as you finally did look to the ceiling again. Just the faintest bit of new sunlight was escaping the edges of his closed curtains.
It remained dim here within his bedroom, cave like really as you felt his steady breathing against your skin. His face buried against your neck, his arms wrapped around your torso, and his legs curled up to trap your own.
But your body still ached. Now with those newest additions of a severely bruised sternum and ribs to match from you taking his hits nearly full on yesterday without armament.
He’d never given any further apology either. And the more you’d thought of even that briefest one, you’d realized it was only a-
Sorry I misread that situation.
Sorry their mistakes made me do that. 
Not actual self-accountability. Not even a hint that he wouldn’t do it all again if fed bad information once more.
And you were stuck still reliving it. Hearing the door rip apart, and the glass break as he came for you, The pain when he threw you down and the pressure when you couldn’t breathe.
But that would fade as the bruises did. You knew in time you’d move on from that. Just like anytime you’d been hurt in the field, anytime you’d been knocked down before.
The thing you couldn’t shake as cleanly was how much it hurt inside as well this time. Because it wasn’t just physical pain any longer.
It’d hurt to look up at the man you still wanted as they’d started to crush your chest in.
That was a torture that should never happen to anyone.
But something touched your face and you startled from your spiraling thoughts.
Your head turned and you saw a crimson eye narrowed at you. The milky white one beside it still mostly closed against your shoulder as the pad of his finger wiped your newly wet cheek.
“Are you ever going to stop crying?” Doflamingo’s voice asked so abruptly then. Deep, but quiet in its continued proximity to you.
“I didn’t know that I was.” You answered honestly, caught off guard and letting the heel of your hand wipe the rest of that dampness away as you looked back to the ceiling.
He made a noise in response. Dismissive, but you could still feel his gaze on you.
“What’s done is done. It’s over.” He said next, making the easy assumption of what still had you rattled. And that bit of irritation was resuming in him already because of it.
But he didn’t know the real extent. You were sure that he didn’t.
“Sorry.” You were the one to say that useless word then. But you were just trying to end the subject. Trying to make him stop.
“You’re not.” He contended. 
And your eyes did look back to him then. Fresh concern in your expression no doubt.
But you felt him just stretching his legs back out. His cock was soft, but it grazed you as he adjusted his hips. He was laying on his side with his body pressed to you so firmly still.
“What more do you want from me?” He spoke against your ear now. As if you were the one still being unreasonable. “I didn’t even maim you. What do you think I would have done to any other person on this island that took matters into their own hands as you did? Regardless of why.” He said next. His hand was sliding across your stomach now.
But his fingers just kept moving lower before you could answer. The longest finger, his middle one, parted your slit in one smooth movement to begin rubbing your clit.
And just like that it was all about what your body could give him again. 
Whether you were ready for this or not.
And apparently you were not. Not as you heard your own voice so suddenly, firing back at him. “Well…did you fuck me yesterday morning too? Because that didn’t help! I woke up with strangers in the room, and then had that running down my leg. It could have been anyone!” 
You’d taken that disgust out on Trebol too you were sure. Everything was connected in this continued trauma. 
The movement of Doflamingo’s finger paused at your outburst. 
That red eye stared at you, sharp and narrowed as he lifted his head again.
“Watch your tone with me, woman.”
Two of his fingers pushed right into your entrance then with that warning. He hooked those fingers actually, the pressure making your expression change.
“Doffy,” You grunted because it hurt.
It was meant to hurt.
“Of course I fucked you. And I don’t care if you could feel it or not. If you could remember it or not. I need you, you stupid bitch.” He answered though, with that tone of hatefulness reemerging all over again. 
But you were watching his face. 
You saw when he swallowed. When the contempt began to change to a more general upset the more aroused he became. “I can’t stop. Not when you’re the only thing that feels right.”
And there was the additional cruelty of his own inconsistent feelings. 
He’d berate you. He’d hurt you, and in the very next breath he’d practically infer that he couldn’t exist without you.
His lips were on your jaw then too. You felt his tongue ghost against your skin.
His teeth nipped that same skin. “So quit acting like you don’t understand. Like you don’t want me too…you need this. You need me.”
The two fingers inside of you were now beginning to slide in and out. They pumped into you as his tongue stretched out further this time, leaving a long wet streak across the side of your face.
“But if you really are so offended…then do something about it. Punish me. Make me feel it. Fuck me back.” He taunted next.
“What?” You breathed, at a frustrating loss for his exact meaning while his fingers continued mercilessly. The way he’d said this gave away that it was now something different he was asking for.
“I’ll let you. I’d do that for you.” He grunted, his hips shifting suddenly as you now felt the tip of that awakened cock rubbing against you.
“I don’t…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And the words were already getting harder to say. 
Harder to think of as you felt yourself getting wetter for him regardless. His fingers moving in and out so much easier now.
“Your cunt wants a break doesn’t it?” His crudeness continued. “Your ass too after what I did to you, right? I fucked you so hard when I was in there the other night, didn’t I?”
And you were feeling more heat inside of you with every insulting word. 
But he was starting to smile again. He looked so hungry actually. “Then do it to me. I’ll show you how.”
His thumb was back over your clit, working it in tandem to his fingers now quickening their already rough pace inside.
“Cum for me, and then I’ll let you fuck me. We’re both going to feel good today after the shit we got put through. We deserve this.”
Oh, so now you were a team all of the sudden? As if the power imbalance here wasn’t still so extreme.
But it didn’t matter.
Not when Doflamingo’s tongue was now forcing its way past your teeth.
You heard and felt him moan into your mouth. It was so dirty. So unrestrained really as your thighs opened up even more for him.
You were both disgustingly pathetic. 
And the wet sound of his fingers in and out of you only made everything that much worse as you started clenching around his fingers.
That tension was building in your belly.
“Cum for me…let go. You’re so close already aren’t you, love?” He broke the kiss enough to say this against your mouth. Right before he nipped your bottom lip.
The sharp little pain was almost simultaneous to that whip like feel. Like a tightening rope finally snapping inside as you felt your body tremble and hot fluid wash over his fingers.
Doflamingo inhaled sharply, looking down at the unexpected mess that had made.
The humiliation you felt was instant, but the remnants of the full body orgasm he’d just given you weren’t easily dismissed either.
You were panting.
And you heard him laugh. He laughed before his face was then nuzzling back into yours.
“I guess I should have let you take a piss before we started, huh?”
It wasn’t excessive. But it was well enough for you both to know that couldn’t all be female ejaculate. Enough to make a wet spot you could now feel beneath you on the bed.
“Asshole.” You muttered, even with his face still warmly against yours.
“It means I fucking rocked that sweet spot, didn’t I, marine?” He sounded all too smug in response. And even more flirty too as he kissed the side of your face. “Don’t be embarrassed, lover…even though you’re goddamn cute when you are. We’re not done yet anyway. Now it’s my turn.”
His grin widened too then as his fingers finally slid back out of you. He just wiped that hand on the dryer portion of the bedsheets before he flung the blankets fully away to better expose himself to you.
Doflamingo let go of you to move onto his back, propping himself into the pillows and looking so comfortable then before he motioned to the nightstand.
“Be a good, wet girl for me then, and crawl over there to get the biggest one so we can play some more. It’s all or nothing for me.” And he sounded like he was goddamn bragging. Bragging and commanding you all at once as your mind had yet to fully accept what was now happening here.
You were still trying to process the orgasm that had made your legs feel like jelly all over again.
What in the fuck was your actual life in this moment as you did crawl across the mattress eventually, then on your knees at its edge before you could reach the drawer of his nightstand and pull it open.
Which was a sight that really should not have been meant for your naive eyes. There were toys in there that you didn’t even know the use of. Intimidating things you were afraid to even goddamn touch as you peered down into that private stash. 
Packs of condoms were there too, different kinds of lubes, and more…pills? They weren’t the same shape or color as the ones you’d taken before. They were in a clear bag, beside another bag with some kind of white powder inside of it.
The fuck was that?
You did not want to reach your hand in.
“Just grab a dildo, woman. This doesn’t have to be complicated.” Doflamingo chided. A little louder then, getting more impatient.
And you did have to force yourself. Pushing the unknown things out of the way to sort through some of the more familiar looking style of toys.
You pulled one out that seemed to be the largest like he’d requested, and it looked entirely painful by your personal standards. Bigger than any of those he’d used on you the other night. But honestly, very close to his own physical size once you glanced back at him with the toy in your hand.
“That’ll do.” He smirked. “I couldn’t remember how many I still had in there.” 
And he settled back even further into the pillows, putting his arms briefly behind his head as he began spreading his legs.
“Don’t worry about lube, beautiful…let me see you use that mouth of yours instead.”
“What?” You stared. 
His always impressive cock was flushed with blood by this point, hard for this long already without any relief. Rising up from that fine blond pubic hair and pointing firmly towards the ceiling as he held his thighs open shamelessly to show you it all. 
One of his hands did move back down, lifting his own sack off of the mattress as he began to palm it.
“Suck the toy, marine. Deep throat that if you can. I want it good and wet before I show you how to really take it.”
But you didn’t want to. Your hesitation clearly said as much.
And his reactions were becoming that much sharper in response.
“Oh goddamn it, don’t be so high maintenance. Anything in that drawer was already washed. It’s clean.”
Your eyebrows still lowered. Yes, even you knew how arbitrary it seemed on the things you would finally resist him on. 
But the way he was leering at you, the way his legs were spread eagle and waiting like you owed him this. This wasn’t even an experience you had had before.
And something about it made you feel more like a whore than ever.
“What is wrong with you?” Came his exasperated tone next when you still hadn’t put that dildo in your mouth.
And your shoulders sank. He was on that edge of getting angry all over again. 
“If you fucking cry one more time…” He still fussed as your posture had changed however. That blood vessel starting to show in his forehead. “I already said I was sorry, (Y/N)!”
That damn word again. But it sounded so petulant this time.
So desperate.
“Just give me that, you idiot.” And a string had jerked the dildo from your hand. Pulling it away from you and into his grip instead as his tongue angrily ran out to run the length of it.
He put the whole thing in his own mouth soon after even as he glared at you.
Spit edged from his lips as he began to suck it. 
You were of course stunned once more. Discomfort still there for you too as you watched this inexplicable scene while Doflamingo’s cheeks hollowed out with that purposeful sucking. And he didn’t choke at all, nearly the full length of the toy then within his mouth as he pumped it in and out briefly while watching you spitefully.
When he did pull it all the way out again, spit was fully down his chin and soaked across that toy.
He did not care.
“That’s how it’s fucking done.” He growled, but still not looking away from your face. “Get over here. Now.”
And you did comply again then. But with that unwillingness still in your expression as you crawled back to him on the bed.
As soon as you were close enough though, his hand that was not holding the toy shot up to catch you by your throat.
You made a defensive sound and he smirked as he felt the resistance of your armament already beneath his squeezing hand.
“Why does everything have to be this difficult lately? I thought we were having fun.” He lamented, actually unable to make you choke that easily in how strongly your armament was then shielding you. You weren’t as weak as you’d been yesterday.
And he sighed when you still wouldn’t submit to this even rougher play. But he smiled again as he let you go just as abruptly. He finally used the back of his hand to wipe his chin then.
“I just want you to fuck me, lover…I don’t take rejection well you know. You’re hesitating too much. You’re hurting my feelings.”
The last words were said mockingly. But he was still goddamn insane, as usual. Just jumping from one emotion to the next. Had either of you even been awake long enough yet to already be going through all of this?
You took a deep breath. “I’m not rejecting you, Doffy. I’m just-“ Overwhelmed? Depressed? Traumatized?
“I just want things not to hurt. I don’t want anything else to hurt right now.” You managed, but still feeling at a complete loss of how to make someone like him understand any of this if even for a moment. 
And the responding coldness in his eyes was far from comforting as he grabbed your wrist this time, bringing you onto his lap to straddle him.
“But life is pain. So why ask me for the impossible?” His tone was still short, but his volume did quiet as he held you there. 
With you there between his legs, he brought that still wet dildo down between you both. He inhaled, letting your wrist go as he reached to grab himself again. He was then holding his own balls up and out of the way as he moved that toy beneath them.
He still spoke to you as he did, his eyes on yours as he angled it against his own opening that you could not see. “The important thing is that we can now hurt together. You have me. And I’m showing you my pain too, aren’t I? I’m letting you in.”
And he groaned a little, you getting to see that true discomfort move across his face as the tip first entered him.
You were silent as Doflamingo breathed deeper, him pausing as if to adjust to even that much of it inside of him.
“Damn. It really has been a while...” He said, like he was a bit taken aback himself at the new feeling.
But with it now started, his large hand moved back over your wrist.
His grip was warm, and far more gentle this time as he guided your hand to the base of that toy.
“I want it to be you.” He breathed again. There was no mask of a smile any longer. Just this man looking up at you needfully, anxiously even as he made your hand close around the toy. “Push it in, love. Fast or slow…whatever feels right to you. I trust your judgement…please.”
And even if you were sure that every new word of his was fully intended to make you have the exact reaction that you now were, this still wasn’t something you could control.
You felt the new heat in your chest as his tone had changed. You were embarrassed again. It felt like you’d never even had sex before all of the sudden.
And of course you hadn’t like this. Not with the roles reversed this way.
You knew what it felt like for you though, to have that pressure just edging your entrance. The longer you made him wait, the less kind that would be, wouldn’t it?
Oh, you were so in over your head though. Yourself flustered and him still never looking away from you as you finally did start to push it in him.
Doflamingo gasped quietly, his lips parting in a way that immediately had you feeling some kind of way between your own legs again.
Your body was fully confused in this moment actually. 
But his wasn’t. You saw his abdominal muscles tense and even his cock twitch as you still slid that thick toy gradually deeper inside of this man.
The resistance was weird, but you could tell he was relaxing as much as he could. You were being so mindful of his expressions too. Even pausing to let him adjust again whenever you’d see that brief flit of pain reenter his eyes.
And something about that level of care from you did bring a rare softer look across his attractive face. “I knew it…” He chuckled despite himself. “If you had a dick, you’d be so gentle with it at first. Wouldn’t you, my love? So responsible with your weapons.”
He was smiling again then, a fully pleasured one before he let out a small moan when you did continue pressing in again.
“Almost flush…come on.” He said next. His eyes were going half lidded too. A near look of adoration in them now for you. “It feels so good, woman…don’t stop.”
It was hard to look away from those rare emotions either, you not wanting to miss out on any of what he was now offering you in return.
But you also found yourself uneasy to finally realize that all of that toy but the bit you were still holding onto had now disappeared.
It was all the way in. He’d really taken it so well.
And he was still laying on his back beneath you, thighs spread wantonly with his head and shoulders just barely propped up in the pillows as a new urge overcame you.
You left the toy fully in him as you moved back up that long torso of his just enough to kiss him again.
And this surprised him. Likely so much of his focus already just on that sensation of being filled, waiting for you to start thrusting before your mouth was abruptly over his.
But he certainly didn’t stop you. Far from it as his mouth opened in return, wanting to taste you again immediately as you felt his hips roll. His hand grabbed into your hair to hold you to him long enough to deepen that kiss as well.
“Oh, fuck,” Doflamingo breathed against your lips in between kisses, nipping them briefly again when he didn’t want to let go of you. “You don’t know what you do to me…no one…they didn’t do it like this.”
And he wasn’t even making sense now. 
But he was trying to.
So you did pull back a little, your hand then stroking down his chest as you listened to him.
And even that additional soft touch set him off too. His hips rolled hard again as he looked at you desperately. “Why…why are you like this? Why are you so good to me?” He managed, finally articulating what he really meant with the last words. “Why are you so kind to me?”
Of course that question stunned you all over again. But not just for hearing it from his mouth. Because you weren’t sure how he’d even come to that conclusion, and right now of all times.
“I…what did I do?” You asked genuinely, letting him begin kissing your jawline again when you hadn’t yet moved back fully away yet.
“This. Goddamnit all of this.” His frustration was palpable. But he didn’t want to stop. “You…you don’t just fuck me. You kiss me…you hold me. You pet me…it drives me fucking crazy.”
Really? Just because of those simple things?
Your own surprise was surely evident. In all the bodies he must have partaken of through the years, you were somehow a standout?
And for what?
Just for being intimate with him? For giving instead of just taking or cowering?
“Doffy…don’t you get it?” You asked him suddenly then. Your hand was still warm over his chest. You had paused your palm there as you could feel his heartbeat beneath his muscles. That beat was growing faster. “I give you what I would want. I mean…why wouldn’t I do that?”
And his hand moved over yours against his chest. He squeezed your hand, very tightly but not quite painful.
He smirked darkly. “You…are either the best or the worst thing that has ever happened to me in this hellhole.” But his hips moved again as that laugh of his emanated out. “So fuck me like you love me. Finish me properly.“
Almost gently he pushed you back then, back down to sit near his open legs again as he put your hand back on the end of that toy.
It was clear what he wanted most now, rolling his hips again as he watched you needfully. 
And so you did it. No more stalling as you gave your monster what he wanted. Thrusting that toy at whatever speed he would take.
First slow, and then faster as you got to watch the king of Dressrosa begin to fully unravel for you. 
But you felt no guilt. Nor did he want you to. Doflamingo’s approval was clear in the way he threw his head back and even arched against the mattress the more you pressed.
“Fuck…yes, it’s been too long…yes, just like that…” He moaned as those claws of his began fisting into the bedsheet. 
And before long it was your own name repeatedly leaving his panting chest.
You would have been lying to say it wasn’t making new slick between your own legs to hear his normally prideful voice start to break for you that way too.
But you were still more focused on what you were doing to him. Not what it was causing in you as his eyes met yours again.
“Harder…I know you can. Please, (Y/N).” He was already speaking in gasps now. But you still obliged, feeling like you were holding a damn dagger by this point.
Being told to stab it into him over and over, working your wrist and your arm to do so.
His poor cock looked to be painful by now as well as it bobbed in the air with the continued movement of his hips, nothing to thrust into as it leaked precum all over the head.
And in all of his panting and the increasing volume of your name across his lips like some kind of prayer, the thought did finally cross your mind to do something with that neglected cock.
He didn’t deserve it of course. Not after all he’d already done to you. You’d just told him how messed up it’d been that he’d still fucked you when you were blacked out too. You’d told him you wanted a break from hurting. 
But his moans kept on. This shameless motherfucker who could abuse you so thoroughly, and then turn around the very next day and gladly put on a vulnerable display like this.
Your own renewed slick was now thick enough to actually begin edging out. Gravity bringing a hint of it onto your thigh in the way you were currently positioned as your hand still moved to keep fucking Doflamingo.
You didn’t want to get pounded by him yet. You really didn’t as your body was still very unhappy in all the damage it had accumulated recently.
But just being filled yourself for a moment? You could tolerate that couldn’t you? He wasn’t going to be lasting much longer anyway. The changing rhythm of his panting always gave him away when he was already this near climax.
What would his face be if you did this though? Would that expression be worth any additional price you were about to pay?
His eyes were closed now, he was living for those sensations you were rocking through his body as his hips moved in time with your non stop thrusting of that toy. 
Which made it trickier. Keeping your hand and arm movement going, thankfully with some marine stamina to help you out there as you raised up onto your spread knees.
Just open enough to fit him between your thighs of course.
And the mattress movement as you shifted wasn’t enough to warn him. Even if it was, he likely thought you were only trying to find a more comfortable way to sit.
He couldn’t know anything was actually different until he’d felt the first touch of something against the tip of his weeping cock.
But by the time his eyes had opened, your slick had made that initial push all too easy. Just that brief spike of pressure to clear the head, and that small gasp of pain from you before you had slid down onto as much of his length as you could take.
Your channel squeezed around him immediately as his girth stretched you painfully as always, tight to the point of almost being too much to withstand.
And the absolutely awestruck look on Doflamingo’s face as he fully realized what you’d just done, without even being asked to, was an expression you doubted you’d ever see from him again. He nearly came right then and there with that surprise you were sure.
Only you stopping your thrusting of the toy briefly then as you’d tried to adjust to him inside of you had allowed him that extra time to process this.
You were still having to hold yourself up a little as well, not wanting to put too much pressure against your cervix as you watched the man beneath you try to remember his own voice. 
You had rendered the Heavenly Demon speechless. Though his hands wasted no time finding your hips, helping you steady yourself on his length.
Reflexively you tightened on him again and you felt his cock twitch inside of you in response.
He took another shaky breath, still staring at you like you weren’t even human any longer. Like you had materialized straight from the heavens to anoint him with this dual pleasure.
“Let go of the toy,” his voice was practically a rasp when it finally did reemerge. “I’ll move it. You just sit there and stay tight on me…god, gods I can’t…I…fuck I love you. I love you so fucking much.”
And he sounded like he was pleading, or dying. Like you were actually killing part of this man.
But you saw his fingers move. You were getting better at seeing his strings too. The tiny glimmers they made even here in the shadows of those still closed curtains.
His strings were now hooked to the toy. He was going to fuck himself while you took care of his cock in the way only you could.
And once that did restart, with the toy moving in and out with his strings and you rocking your hips and squeezing around his attention starved shaft simultaneously, Doflamingo let out a euphoric moan louder than any before it. One they had to have heard all the way downstairs.
And it was your name he was calling out to the world. 
Like a curse and a salvation for him all at once. It was a fucking scream as he finally came.
He was shuddering, thrusting up into you as you felt his cock pulse again and again. Each pump a shot full of his seed, hot and purposeful.
“Yes…goddamn yes,” he was still panting, still trembling as he pulled you down onto his body. His cock continuing to empty itself inside of you as he held you to him.
And you let him do it. You breathed with him, the heat of that fire between you both so apparent again.
It had become make up sex with a king. Reconciliation with your warlord as one of his hands moved back into your hair and the other went protectively across your back.
He was caging you to him as his chest rose and fell. And you closed your eyes in that warmth, silent again just to hear him breathing. 
You did love this part of it. You really did.
If only it was enough to ever outweigh every other fault in you both.
He’d let the servants open the curtains at last while they’d delivered breakfast at his command. This new sunlight filling the dining area not being something he’d normally ask for. He usually liked it cooler, darker in here within his chambers. A less stimulating environment when he needed that to withdraw to.
But he wanted to see you better this morning. He wanted to appreciate what was still fully novel to him as you sat near him. Just the two of you sharing a quiet breakfast at the long table in his suite.
He’d only pulled on a pair of pants. Shirtless and barefoot, blond hair not even combed yet as he ate while watching you.
Sex always made him hungry. And he knew you were still working from a caloric deficit anyway. He’d figured out already that you ate less and less the more stressed you were.
Like bringing home an exotic pet, he had to learn your environmental quirks. He had to force you to stay healthy enough to survive after all of his personal investment already in you.
And he’d known there’d be an adjustment period. Some violence surely if you were pushed too far, too fast.
But Crocodile had thrown fuel on that fire. And it’d nearly worked. Just like everything that reptile did. The plan was almost good enough, but fell short in the final leg. A stumble right at the finish line.
He hadn’t even called Crocodile yet either. Though Doflamingo’s mind had churned with so many thoughts of revenge and how close he’d really come to losing you. Painfully angry even long into last night as he’d lain awake holding you while thinking of how to fix this.
That sandy fucker had no right to toy with him now. And just like in Scylla, when Doflamingo had had to abruptly pivot, deciding to bring you home then and there after Crocodile’s attack, he’d felt his hand being forced yet again now.
He had to let his enemies know there was no indecisiveness in him. You weren’t just a new distraction they may be able to harm and thereby simply annoy him or force him to negotiate for. 
This wasn’t him just taking a new mistress for fun. This was him setting up the future that he wanted. You were his family now.
And he was going to let the world know. Then if anyone still dared to come for you, they’d have to do so in full knowledge of the scorched earth that would bring them.
No one harmed his family.
“After we eat, I do have some more things to take care of this morning. But I need you dressed in your best marine garb for this afternoon. I’m taking you to the colosseum then. And I’m expecting practically every seat to be filled there. Diamante is quite the promoter for special events like this.”
The piece of potato omelette still on your fork held there for a moment as you glanced over to him. You so casual yourself in some faded marine training shirt, the material thinned enough that he had been enjoying you clearly being braless beneath it.
“To fight?” You asked surprisingly serious.
Enough so that he scoffed, rolling his uncovered eyes at you. You were still an idiot at times. Still a human after all. “To spectate, darling.” Not that the idea of you fully healed, running around the arena breaking jaws with your kicks and slitting throats with that rope dart of yours wasn’t a very strong turn on in its own right.
There weren’t many female gladiators. The public would eat that shit up if you could be flashy enough about it. You were a bit serious when you fought right now.
Maybe after the child came. You’d probably be itching by then for some postpartum violence and a return to form.
You were a warrior after all.
“We’ve fallen off of the front page again in the papers if you hadn’t noticed. I think it’s time for another public appearance.”
“Why would I want to be in the newspaper? Fuck that.” And you did start eating your omelette again then.
It was obvious the drugs were back out of your system at least. Those pills had dulled you so much yesterday. Your attitude was back in full force today.
But he was in a good mood now. Getting to penetrate you while you penetrated him was an itch he had not expected to be so thoroughly scratched this morning. That had been fucking paradise actually. “Because you want to help our dear mother, don’t you?” Doflamingo taunted, smirking in full knowledge of how much this was going to push your buttons.
And you stilled again, giving him a colder look immediately there. “Tsuru?” You still had to ask.
“Obviously.” He confirmed. “I mean, you’re not fully stupid I know.” He was just being a dick for the sake of it now. He was enjoying every additional interaction with you actually. “Haven’t you wondered why she’s been stationed on the same pitiful island chain for weeks upon weeks now? A strategist like her should have had that rebellion extinguished in days.”
“Have you had your hand in it?” You accused abruptly then.
And he was honestly a little surprised at that. But you were still learning him too. He could forgive it for now. He had obviously benefited by her being away there for so long too. Those circumstances alone had practically dropped you into his lap.
“I don’t interfere with Tsuru-san. Not as Joker, not as me. No, I cut all ties with Lyra as soon as she got assigned there. I’m not the one delaying her.” He said honestly, even through the remaining skepticism in your eyes.
“It’s the world government that decided to bury that place, long and slow with blockades she’s been ordered to maintain. And Big News Morgans has started snooping around about it. So many have died. He’ll drag Tsuru’s name through the mud too if he doesn’t have a better story to sell papers with soon. So you and I can be that story and save her the defamation.”
“How many have died?” You were starting to look more bothered. You were realizing you may actually believe him.
As you should, because he was telling the goddamn truth for once. “Probably a good thirty percent of the total population. But nearer fifty, even sixty percent in certain towns. Because the government is also using that rebellion as the perfect testing ground for some new lab grown diseases of theirs. With Tsuru maintaining their blockade, there’s no medical assistance in or out either. No one to tell on them of how unnatural that contagion really is.”
“Then how would you know?” You were still trying to hope he could be wrong.
And there he did grin again, smugly as his legs spread a little once more beneath the table.
“Lover, have you already forgotten what exactly it is I do for a living? I’m not just your personal cock toy…though I am enjoying the benefits of that new role.”
“Then is Tsuru okay…is my crew okay?”
Oh how sad. Like a puppy missing its littermates. “Of course she’s fine. The government didn’t allow the marines to enter any of the diseased towns either. They’ve got Cipher Pol quarantining those. Your little troop has been spending all their time stopping blockade runners and sniping the surviving rebels in the mountains.”
But he saw the way you still didn’t look satisfied. “Why didn’t she tell me…she never said it was that bad.”
“You know how she is. She probably thought you had enough on your plate. Namely…me.” He smiled again.
“I should be with them.” And it was like you were talking to yourself then. The new guilt in your expression was obvious.
But finally here, he did feel that bit of irritation trying to start in him again. Yes, he knew how attached you must still be to your crew. Tsuru had saved you. No different than him pulling Baby 5, Monet, and Sugar from poverty and what would have only been a life of sexual abuse mixed with the constant threat of starvation for those girls otherwise.
And had never touched them. He would never dream of it in that context. They were family.
He could do these things to you though, because he’d seen you as a potential mate even from first sight.
They were like little sisters to him. But you were not. Even if he may tease you as such, with Tsuru as the common maternal thread between you.
“They’re fine without you.” He said carefully. Actually trying not to let his jealousy fully burst out. He didn’t want this good mood ended already. “I need you here.”
And it was intentional, the way he moved with his long arm easily reaching out for his hand to close over yours on top of the table.
“Like I said, we can help Tsuru-san here by being a good distraction. So she doesn’t have to deal with public accusations of mass murder that she has zero control over. I know she’s still been letting some medicine and food get through in secret anyway. She’s doing the best she can while still playing by the government’s rules on the surface. That woman is incorruptible. As always.”
And you still looked sad. Annoying to him really when he was right here in front of you, giving you his full attention this way. He wanted your mind on this feeling between the two of you instead, thinking of him alone. 
“(Y/N).” He said, relaxing his eyes as best he could. Emoting as best he could to regain your focus. “I need you.” He reiterated, even more intentional this time. Even more heartfelt he supposed it would be called. A skill that could be practiced and honed like any other tool in his manipulations of course. “This is your home now. With me.”
Your hands were in the pockets of your marine coat, intentionally so he could not hold either of them as your boot heels clicked on the stone streets.
What were you supposed to do? Doflamingo would have pulled you out here on his strings anyway if you hadn’t come willingly.
He wouldn’t have allowed their group to be humiliated by a no show when Diamante had already promised the public an appearance from you both this afternoon.
But you still didn’t buy any of his shit about this being a performance for Tsuru’s sake. Though you were now worrying for her and your crew still as you did your best to keep a neutral expression.
The Donquixote foot soldiers were keeping the curious onlookers at bay as you walked with Doflamingo towards the Corrida Colosseum.
Reporters had remained on the island, hoping for this very thing as cameras now flashed again and questions were yelled out to you both here and there.
For now the warlord was ignoring them though. Those red sunglasses rarely looked away from you.
“You know it’s a bit insulting for you to still be wearing that weapon when we’re out together.” Doflamingo said then, but that amusement so clear in his tone. “I’m all the weapon you need you know…”
Unless the civilians were excellent lip readers, they wouldn’t know what kind of small talk was really occurring here in the other noise of the crowd. And you were still so cognizant of everything you did with your own body language as you kept your eyes on the street ahead and where you were walking.
“If I’d had my weapon on in Scylla I wouldn’t have to still be dealing with this failed amputation.” You replied dryly. That swordsman never would have been so lucky if you just could have disarmed him with a haki infused rope and strangled him until he confessed who he was really working for.
“You left my side that night, darling. That was your own fault.” Doflamingo still chided though. Followed with a taunting, “But you’re barely limping today. Perhaps they won’t even notice with your legs covered this way. Does it still ache?”
You had chosen to wear leggings beneath your skirt this time. Covering the wound and all those bruises. “It hurts like fuck, you ass.” You said lowly.
And he almost cackled at the abruptness of that. 
So much so that you finally did look up at him in mild surprise.
“Didn’t Tsuru ever try to wash out that filthy mouth?” He practically cooed afterward.
Only then as you saw some young women giggling and blushing in your peripheral vision did you realize that to everyone else’s eyes this must look like real flirting, like familiarity already.
His attention was so clearly on you, the tall man walking fully at your side to better interact. Not even in front of you this time to lead. And him then laughing and smiling as if you’d said something endearing. 
Prince charming is who they somehow still thought he was, a fairytale come to life right before their eyes. They had no understanding of what lay behind it at all.
But you couldn’t judge their ignorance. Not when you knew so much more and were still right here beside him.
This very same man that had shown you the edge of death yesterday. And the same man you’d willingly climbed on top of this morning to briefly ride the cock of as he screamed out your name.
What a cursed pair the two of you were.
And he actually looked happy about it, proud even.
This bastard was out here living his best life while you were trying not to have another breakdown. 
Yes, what a complete shitshow this really was.
There had been lines all the way down the street just for admittance today. And it was even more of a madhouse once they’d gotten inside. This former gladiator knew the corridors well here however, holding the young girl’s hand firmly as he hopped at her side.
“Please stay close. Keep your face covered.” He reminded her yet again as he saw her getting distracted in all the spectacle.
“It’s hot, and I don’t like this on my face.” She still complained though, looking back down at him with her small voice almost lost in all the boisterous conversations around them.
“We’re only staying long enough to see what all this fuss is about. Then we’ll be going home.” Home being only the latest abandoned hovel that no one would search for her in. He hadn’t been able to convince Rebecca to stay there today while he made this rarer trip to the city.
But, it also hadn’t taken much of her arguing with him either really. The little tin soldier was still afraid to leave his young daughter alone out there in the countryside for long.
The girl who didn’t even know she had a father any longer while he kept tightly with her on their way to the public seating.
The sheer number of people here made her being recognized rather unlikely. But it was always a risk. So he’d made her tie a scarf around her face. Just below her wide and anxious eyes as inconsiderate adults bumped her this way and that in the crowd.
Kyros had to restrain himself not to say anything on her behalf. Knowing a normal toy would never make such a spectacle against humans.
He needed to remain focused as well. All the top members of the Donquixote family were now in attendance. 
His contact from the Tontattas had confirmed this. Even as the dwarves had been equally excitable with the fact that they had indeed still seen you alive this morning.
Details of yesterday had been rather spotty with the dwarves intense fear of Doflamingo making them rather unwilling to visit the palace for long. And certainly never letting themselves become trapped in the same room with him.
But Kyros understood there had been some sort of fight yesterday. That you had stood up to Trebol to break his nose even. A wound that executive still had bandaged today in fact.
It was truly unheard of.
So of course the dwarves and their optimistic hearts were already whispering of miracles.
They said Doflamingo had spared you out of affection.
Everything was always face value to them until brutally proven otherwise.
But Kyros had been in the throne room that first night of the invasion. He’d seen the truly pleasured smile on that animal’s face as King Riku had kneeled broken before him. While the former king had begged before that monster for mercy that Dressrosa would never see.
The little tin soldier could not fathom any love ever existing within such a wicked man.
Doflamingo was but a conqueror thirsting for more every moment, every second. More power, more control, more blood, and more suffering.
He was a beast that must be slayed for any of them to ever know freedom again.
So Kyros had come to witness this new lie with his own metal eyes. Because the Tontattas were surely misconstruing it somehow.
They thought you must have some special power over even Doflamingo’s missing heart. They wanted to believe in you so badly.
They hoped that a kind queen may soon rise to free them.
But Kyros had begged them to wait, to not make contact with you yet. 
Even if you had wished to help them, it didn’t mean that you could. It could be only another elaborate trap, you but another puppet on that demon’s strings. 
And the Tontattas weren’t alone in their immediate emotional investment in you either. That was clear in the excitement of the crowd as the tin soldier and Rebecca finally found an empty space they could cram into between other spectators. 
Like every other toy now in this stadium though, the war for this country had never ended for Kyros. His anguish and hatred were still the only real feelings he could muster as the humans beside him cheered when their king did finally appear. A blond devil grinning wide within the royal viewing box.
The very root of all that was wrong with their home. Their captor and tormentor, now with you at his side.
Diamante had truly outdone himself today. It was perfect really. Only even furthering Doflamingo’s excellent mood as he heard the crowd now cheering his name.
He reached out, his fingers catching briefly over your hip as he guided you to sit beside him in the open air box.
You tensed at even that small of a touch though. You were still wishing to remain so proper in public. 
That time was about to be ending though. And he already was broadcasting that to anyone paying attention. Which was everyone of course as he extended his long arm over the stone seat back just behind you once you had sat at his side.
Gatz’s voice was already loud over the stadium’s speakers, welcoming the crowd to this afternoon of special exhibition matches put on by request of his majesty who was now gracing them with his rare presence.
Because it really had been a while since he’d been to the colosseum in person. He’d been too busy with his responsibilities as Joker, too busy with chasing you.
But now you were here and so was he. And you’d just noticed the large projection screen. Normally meant to showcase the highlights of the battles below to the crowd. But those visual transponder snails were focused on the royal booth in this moment to the people’s further delight as you quickly looked away.
“Don’t be so cold.” Doflamingo spoke to you with that continued amusement. “You’re still representing your precious marines here too you know. Don’t you care about this island’s citizens? They’re dying to get a chance to catch your eye…”
Quite literally perhaps.
On Doflamingo’s orders, Diamante had already let his prisoner gladiators know of today’s special rules. 
With you as his official guest, whichever fighter was judged as performing the best in the matches to come would earn the unheard of right of a full pardon. Not that unattainable thousand match bullshit that Diamante normally tortured them with.
But that pardon would come from none other than you. Just for today, Doflamingo would be granting you that authority, though you didn’t know it yet.
He wanted them to love you. He couldn’t show much mercy, even when used as a tactic with ulterior motives. Because he had to maintain full control here. But you could. You could be the facade of the softer hand when he needed one.
Doflamingo could have you secure the trust of even the ones that already knew enough to fear him. And you could help him weed out more of the traitors then when they’d inevitably come to you for help.
He was smiling, you making his life better in every way in this moment as he got comfortable. Legs spread again, his knee against yours as one of the servants brought the first tray of drinks by.
And he knew there was a diamond ring in his pocket as well. The one he’d picked out from the jeweler’s tray Monet and Sugar had presented him with earlier today when he’d told you he had a few things to take care of before getting ready to come here.
By this time tomorrow every piece of trash that had ever tried to cross him would be seeing a picture of that ring on your hand in the newspaper.
It was a fucking beautiful day to be king. A beautiful day to have everything back under his control, including you.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
Author’s note: The song that Viola sings in the beginning is just my own English bastardization/loose translation for story purposes of the Spanish song “¡Ay Pena, Penita, Pena!”. Please go listen to the real thing.
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penkura · 10 months ago
last forever [6/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: This got away from me, it's over 6k words, I'm so sorry. But, here's Robin and a bit of development between our lovely couple, I suppose. I do love Zoro, I promise.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5]
“Looks like we've shaken them.”
A round of whines from your crewmates is heard, making you smile slightly.
“You guys should be happy.”
Another whine, this time making you giggle while Zoro stares at everyone else.
“Stop that. What's wrong with you all?”
“I miss her!!”
Leaving Alabasta the way you did, barely able to say goodbye to Vivi and Karoo, with her decision to stay in the kingdom rather than join you all at sea, it was rough. You missed her greatly too, but understood her choice and accepted it. You still had Nami, at the very least it wasn't just you and a bunch of boys.
“If you wanted her to stay, you should've taken her by force!”
Hearing the insults everyone throws towards Zoro makes you laugh, even as he looks up at you on the upper deck in annoyance. You wave with a smile still on your face before he looks away. Strangely, things haven't changed much between you since he told you nothing romantic would be happening. Sometimes you feel an ache in your chest when you look at him, thinking about it, but you've come to accept Zoro probably would never take back what he said or try to court you. Once you had some kind of response from your parents, you two would sign your annulment papers and move on, living as crewmates instead of faking being husband and wife for your safety.
“I do agree with Zoro, you guys,” your smile softens as everyone looks up at you in surprise, “I love Vivi too, but if we wanted her to come along, we should've just kidnapped her.”
“Of course, that would've made us worse criminals,” jumping down from the upper deck, you stand beside Zoro with your arms crossed, “so it's better we let Vivi stay like she decided to. We'll see her again.”
While the rest of the crew agrees with you, Zoro is surprised you're being so agreeable with him after your discussion the other night.
Well ‘discussion’ is putting it lightly and in more positive terms. Sanji confronted him the next morning and mentioned how you'd ended up in tears over what Zoro said to you, making your temporary husband feel bad for a bit. He hadn't meant to make you cry, he was just telling you the truth. Romance was the farthest thing from his mind, it shouldn't even be in yours right now. There are too many other things to worry about, your goals and helping Luffy become King of the Pirates were the main ones. Helping everyone else with theirs was secondary, romance or anything like that was so far out of his mind, he never thought of it being a thing he'd have to worry about.
When he looks at you, all you do is smile, before Zoro shakes his head to move on and get those thoughts that you're still upset out of his head. You probably are, but it's not something to worry about right now.
“Looks like we finally escaped the firing squad.”
“Yeah, finally.”
“Excellent work, swordsman.”
The newest voice makes you all freeze in shock before everyone starts to freak out. Your hand is on your sword but Zoro is in front of you before anything happens, the rest of your crew moving into position against the dark haired woman on board. You barely recognize her as Crocodile's partner Ms. All Sunday, and you're curious about her reasons for being on your ship.
While Sanji swoons over her, Nami and Chopper start to hide behind you behind Zoro, Usopp is shouting warnings, and Luffy is shouting questions, Nico Robin does little more than smile, before saying she wants to join the crew, giving her reason being that Luffy saved her life back in Alabasta.
“I was determined to die, and you saved my life. That's your crime. So I decided I would join you.”
“Well,” Luffy nods and crosses his arms, “Guess it can't be helped. Welcome aboard!”
The next little while is spent with everyone quickly changing their minds about Robin, for the most part. Usopp interrogates her but still believes her to be dangerous, until she pulls a trick with her Devil Fruit powers making him, Luffy, and Chopper burst out laughing. Sanji is smitten simply due to her being a woman, and Robin handing over a bag of jewels to Nami has them in each other's good graces.
Zoro intends to hold out, he's not going to trust her so easily when she was out to get you all until just a few minutes ago. He halfway expects you to do the same, though he doesn't expect the next exchange between you and Luffy a few moments later, once everyone has settled and you're able to pull your captain aside.
“Luffy,” you stay quiet, only he and Zoro can really hear you while Sanji continues to fawn over Robin as Usopp and Chopper ask her to show more of her powers, “Do you really trust her? I mean…she did work with Crocodile.”
Luffy gives you a bright grin and nod, which you return slightly. “Yeah, it's fine! She's not a bad person! You can tell too, can't you?”
“Mm.” You nod, deciding to trust in Luffy and his decision. You climb up on the railing beside him, taking the extra fishing rod to help him get something for dinner. “I'll trust you then, Luffy.”
“Great! Now let's get something good for Sanji to cook for dinner!”
“Haha, right.”
No, you don't miss how Zoro doesn't say anything, instead turning away from you and Luffy, avoiding Robin as she attempts to speak to him before looking at Luffy and asking if he'd gotten any bites yet. She was trying to fit in with you all, Luffy trusted her and she seemed to trust him. You're willing to give her a chance, even if Zoro isn't.
You're sure there's going to be a discussion about this later, and you definitely aren't looking forward to it.
“You can't be serious that you trust her.”
“Zoro,” you sigh and shake your head, rubbing your forehead a bit. Your head is starting to ache at the thought of a possible argument, “I didn't say I trust her.”
“Oh, and what's your reasoning for not being skeptical? She was our enemy not even three days ago!”
“I get that…but it sounds like she trusts Luffy.”
Zoro sighs heavily and shakes his head at you this time. He's not sure what to do with you, he doesn't want to fight with you about this, but it seems to be the way it's going to go.
He just doesn't trust Robin and doesn't get why you, who seemed to have worse trust issues than he did, ever would.
“And when she betrays us?”
“She won't, Zoro.”
“You don't know that! She could be using Luffy saving her as an excuse to get information and take it to the government or another pirate crew!”
“Oh good lord,” You're nearly glaring at Zoro while he almost snarls at you over the situation, “you are the most untrusting, stubborn man I've ever met! I don't trust her yet, who I trust is Luffy!”
“Luffy doesn't know what he's doing with her! She said something she knew he'd like to hear, she's not safe!”
“Luffy is our captain!” You didn't know your voice could get this loud, nor did you think Zoro's ever would. The rest of the crew must be getting one hell of a show if they could hear you from the storeroom right now. Though, if they could, you're certain Sanji would have run in to defend you and Robin by now.
“What does that have to do with this?!”
“He makes the decisions! If he thinks Robin is safe, I'll trust Luffy!”
“You're being as much of an idiot as our captain is!”
No, he doesn't really mean it, but Zoro wants to get his point across. You should be cautious, wary of this new person who, yes, was your enemy just a few days ago. You get that, you really do, but if Luffy thinks she's a good person, then…
“Yeah, sure! I'm an idiot because I trust our captain's choice!”
“Yes you are!”
“And you're a stubborn, untrusting dumbass!”
Well you've never called him such a name before, and that's more surprising to Zoro than anything that's happened today. You've both said too many things, probably things you don't mean, but it's enough now that he's done with it all. Done with yelling or trying to talk to you about it. He knows you won't listen, you'll both just end up trading insults and he doesn't want that anymore than you do.
So instead, Zoro pushes past you to leave, stopping briefly for one more thing.
“I want those papers later. We don't need to wait on your parents anymore.”
Zoro doesn't let you respond before he's heading back up the stairs, Luffy calling him for something that he's more than willing to do if it means being away from you for now.
You, however, do feel bad for the names you called him, and wish you had stopped him quickly enough to apologize. Had you been able to properly get your words out, maybe Zoro would have listened instead of fighting with you about Robin's recruitment. Instead you both let your emotions take over, said things you didn't mean, and now he was wanting the annulment papers.
Way to go, [Y/N]. You're getting an annulment and probably losing your closest friend.
Robin finds you with the logbook a couple days later, while everyone else is off the ship checking out the latest island you've docked at. She's not that surprised that you're the one who's keeping track of your adventure, you just seemed like the right person to write out everything that happened. If it wasn't you, she would've expected Nami to be keeping track.
“Anything interesting to record, Miss Logkeep?”
Humming a bit, you nod and finish the sentence you were writing, leaning back as Robin sits across from you. You're still recording all the events of Alabasta, trying to find the words to put everyone's perspective into the log appropriately. Making sure you had all the information meant having to speak with everyone, and with you and Zoro at odds for the moment, it felt like somethings were missing, and you likely weren't going to get anything from him until you two made up somehow.
You haven't taken your annulment papers to him, he hasn't asked again since your argument. Honestly you hope he's forgotten and will let things be until you hear from your parents or he changes his mind entirely. Maybe it's useless to hope for that, but until he asked for them again, you're going to hold onto that hope.
“Yeah, trying to finish Alabasta but…”
“Need someone else's side?”
“Mm…” You nod again, and Robin gives you a smile.
She had heard the argument you and Zoro had, so she knew very well that you two weren't really speaking. Even though it was due to her presence, she didn't say anything to let on that she knew, instead deciding to keep that to herself to see where things went with the two of you. It sounded like you were extremely close, and she'd like to see what your relationship with Zoro really was like.
“Forgive me if I'm prying, but are you and the swordsman close?”
You bite your lip a bit, wondering if you really should trust her with such information. It's not like you have to reveal your temporary marriage to Robin, Zoro would likely demand the papers again and actually sign them this time if you did so. After a moment of back and forth with yourself, you sigh and nod, closing the log with your bookmark in place.
“Yeah, we traveled together before we met Luffy. About eighteen months, I think.”
While you start to relay your story of how you met Zoro, met Luffy, and came to suddenly be a pirate, Robin just smiles and listens to you. Though you and Zoro aren't speaking much right now, you seem happy to be talking about him, like there's something there that even Robin is missing. She's not sure yet, if you have feelings for him, but the smile on your face and the slight blush you seem to have tells her she's on the right track.
“He's saved me from drowning, you know.”
“Has he now?”
You nod again, still smiling. “Not since before we joined Luffy, but a few times. My parents didn't teach me how to swim, Zoro's tried a few times,” you laugh and look at Robin, “I'm not very good!”
Robin laughs with you and gives you a smile. “Sounds like you really like him.”
She has you figured out, Robin thinks, while you blush a little and smile slightly before nodding. You simply have a crush on Zoro, and it seems he doesn't reciprocate it right now. That might change, because she has seen how protective of you Zoro is, having witnessed it first hand when she showed herself on Merry and he was in front of you almost instantly. Although she doesn't yet know all the details of your relationship, she's keen to see what happens.
When Sanji calls you all for dinner, Robin watches you and Zoro. You may not be talking to each other, but you still stay close, seated by each other without much thought, though you don't say anything to Zoro nor does he to you.
Robin knows you two will make up somehow, eventually. It seems as though you've been through far too much together to let one fight come between you.
And if you all do make it to the sky island, there might be a decent chance of seeing how well you two work together in battle.
“Come on, it's not water.”
You stare at Zoro from the Merry's deck, unsure if you believe him enough to jump down and join your crew. Finally arriving at Skypiea was a weight off and on your shoulders, with how thin the air was you felt like you couldn't breathe at first. Once you were used to that, you thought you were away from the water enough that you didn't need to worry about drowning, until watching Usopp nearly drown to death in the endless cloud sea.
Even with seeing Luffy, Chopper, and Robin freely walk through the clouds without any effects, you still weren't sure about it. Of course, you had no real fear of the water, you'd be a terrible pirate if you did.
However, knowing your inability to swim, you try to be careful on the ship, and not knowing how the Sky Island was, you were more worried than anything, even with Zoro trying to coax you off the ship and say you'd be safe.
You two have barely spoken since your argument about Robin joining the crew, so seeing him try to help you is a surprise. You're both stubborn but Zoro more so than you, which is what led to you spending more time with Robin and getting to know her, trusting her and knowing that she's no longer a threat.
Zoro's not at all impressed with you and how you've avoided speaking to him lately, but leaving you on the ship was not happening in his mind, not when everyone else had left and others were even calling for you. Luffy shouting for you to hurry up, Nami promising it was safe and you wouldn't drown, and even Sanji calling for you and saying he'd found something for you (likely the same flower you'd seen him give Nami and Robin, but it was a sweet gesture).
After another moment watching you debate, Zoro sighs and sticks a hand out to you, making you tilt your head.
“I won't let you fall. You know that.”
He's right, so you finally decide to go with your friends. Stepping onto and jumping off the railing with your shoes in one hand, the other grabbing Zoro's so he pulls you to him and keeps you from hitting the ground immediately, his other arm around your waist to help with that.
“Told ya.” Zoro sets you down and lets go of you once he sees you're stable, turning to follow after the rest of the crew before you grab his arm and stop him. “What?”
“I’m…sorry, thank you.”
“The hell you sorry about?”
“Not talking to you, calling you a dumbass, and fighting with you about Robin. I…we can…sign the papers later…”
Oh, that's what it was. Zoro wondered for a few days why you hadn't said anything to him about your marriage or your fight, he thought you'd just bring the papers to him later and say you wanted the annulment, not worrying about whatever your parents may think. He would've signed them if you did, but hearing the way you spoke just now, the slightest bit of concern and maybe sadness in your voice, it makes him shake his head in response.
“No, just…just leave it alone for now,” Zoro sighs but places his hand on your shoulder, moving you to walk in front of him, “Let's just join the others.”
Nodding, you don't miss how Zoro slightly squeezes your shoulder, before moving to keep his hand on your back and guide you, likely so you knew he wasn't letting you go so you wouldn't fall. It's a strange but kind gesture, even after he'd told you that he didn't have feelings for you and you two weren't going to be a couple.
Part of you wonders if he's lying, whether to you or himself, you're not sure yet though.
With all the trouble that Skypiea has brought you all, a night of rest and drinking was greatly needed, in your opinion. You'd all split off the next day to search for the city of gold and make your way to the end of sky island, but for now, you'll indulge in some drinks and laughs with your friends.
While he's still busy making food and handing it out, Sanji does, at one point, notice you grab a couple drinks and almost run back over to Zoro to give him one, before you go back to Nami and Robin nearby. How strange you two still are, in his eyes. You fight to the point of silent treatment, then start speaking again just earlier that day, and you're back to your usual self, bringing the mosshead things whether he asks or not. You're far too kind to Zoro, he doesn't deserve you, even though Sanji knows and understands the two of you aren't together. You do too much for him with nothing in return.
Although, rarely, Sanji has noticed that sometimes, it's Zoro who brings things to you in return. You've asked for a book once, something to drink a few times, and more recently had voiced your want for a snack, and were surprised by it a bit later when Sanji brought it to you.
“I…didn't even come ask you yet.”
Sanji shakes his head, scowling slightly before saying “Mosshead came and told me you wanted something to eat. Said I should just bring it right to you.”
You're surprised, mostly because you and Zoro haven't been speaking since your argument the other day.
The blond knows of your fight, you'd gone to him shortly after and maybe you cried a little while telling him everything, but Sanji's of the belief you two must've made up if Zoro came and asked him to bring you something.
“Guess you guys made up then.”
“No…” this time you shake your head, accepting the small plate of food from Sanji with a slight smile, “We haven't…but this was sweet of him.”
Sanji was surprised at that, but now, he's more annoyed than anything. While you talk and laugh with Nami and Robin, Zoro stays where you left him, every now and then, Sanji catches him watching you. He's probably drunk, that's the only reason Sanji can think of to explain the look Zoro has on his face. It's something soft and almost faraway, like he's thinking too much about something. It only stops when you look over and smile at him, like you had back in Cocoyashi Village, making Zoro look away quickly and down the last of his drink.
There's something there, Sanji knows there is.
He's just not sure what it is yet.
Robin fully believes she knows what it is between you and Zoro, after watching you two the next day. You'd gone with her to search for the city of gold, Zoro not thinking that was a smart idea but you convinced him you'd be fine and he relented. He didn't want to have another argument leading into a silent treatment event happen. Seeing you without Zoro around, you seemed extremely interested in whatever history Robin told you. You chose to tell Robin about your situation with your family, explaining up to your meeting Zoro and leaving off your current marriage to him. You'd tell her one day, maybe once you'd come to know her more and trust her fully. Robin, though, knows there's something missing from your story. She can see it in your eyes, but she can't see exactly what it is.
What she does see happens when Eneru is nearly about to electrocute the five of you standing before him, Nami hiding behind a bit of debris. Once again Zoro has placed you behind him, and Robin can hear him quietly telling you to go to Nami, which you deny.
“I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to help you.”
Zoro's trying so hard to get you to safety that he nearly misses Eneru targeting Robin, only really noticing when you'd pushed away from him and ran to her, only to be hit with Eneru's attack after you'd shoved her out of the way.
Robin's by your side and making sure you're still breathing, relief washing over her when she sees you've just been knocked out. She's more surprised at your actions and how Zoro's sending the worst glare she's ever seen towards Eneru, placing himself between the three of you.
“Don't you dare touch her again.”
“She's likely dead now so that won't be a problem.”
Eneru’s comment nearly pushes Zoro over the edge before Robin calls him.
“Swordsman, calm down! She's still breathing!”
“Doesn't matter! He shouldn't…she shouldn't have…”
Watching Zoro fight for his words and grip his swords tighter, it makes Robin realize she just might be right.
She believes it more so when you all have defeated Eneru, and are recuperating afterwards during a celebration with the Skypieans and Shandorians. Zoro had stayed by your side most of the time, constantly checking to make sure you were alright despite his injuries being worse. You barely seemed to notice, but Robin definitely did. Eventually she sees the same thing Sanji had the night before. You'd gone off with Nami once again, but also Luffy, Chopper, and Aisa this time, the five of you playing some game the little Shandorian girl had come up with, and Robin sees Zoro watching you all, but mostly you. She sees his eyes soften just a bit, the slightest smile on his face while he watches you laugh, especially when Luffy tosses Aisa to you and you catch her, making her squeal in laughter as well. This was the most peaceful she'd seen Zoro yet, and it was all because of you it seems.
How sweet.
You two are the last to wake the next morning, before your abrupt departure, and Robin is sure her hunch is right seeing you snuggled up close to Zoro with one of his arms around you before Sanji kicks Zoro to wake him up. Of course this causes an argument as soon as Zoro is up and in Sanji's face, you barely awake and rubbing your eyes to figure out what's happening.
“What the hell, I was sleeping.”
“You and the swordsman were,” Robin starts to smile while your eyes widen and you feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks, “but we need to get going soon.”
“R-Right… did um… anyone–”
“Yeah you were really cozy with Zoro all night.” Nami grins and you have to hide your face in your hands, Zoro and Sanji still shouting at each other while Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper are gathering their things like it's a game.
Once you all do take off, as you're running to leave, you nearly trip over the ground to the point Zoro grabs you like the sack of gold everyone has and throws you over his shoulder.
“Wait, Zoro!! Put me down!!” You pound on his back a bit before he adjusts you over his shoulder better.
“Not if you're gonna trip like that!”
You don't even bother to fight him and just hang there the rest of the way to Merry, Zoro finally putting you down once you all get there, Robin hears the quietest apology from him while you shake your head and move to help get everything ready to go.
They're very interesting, those two…maybe he does actually like her.
Landing back in the sea did not go as planned for you. Your air filled octopus balloon friend let you down easily for the most part, until he suddenly ran out of air and the Merry was being quickly dropped into the water. You grabbed as tightly to the railing as you could while everyone else did the same, or grabbed each other in the case of Luffy, Usopp and Chopper, and Sanji not at all complaining as Nami latched onto him. The splash down flooded the deck with water, but once it drained enough, Merry settled and you were back as close to solid ground as possible.
“Everyone good?!” Luffy shouts a bit, Usopp and Chopper still holding onto him while most everyone states they're fine. He furrows his brow when he doesn't hear your voice or see you. “Where's [Y/N]?”
“Did she get swept out when the water drained?!” Nami feels panic seep into her bones while she looks for you in the water.
The second Nami's question reaches him, Zoro is in the water on the side of the ship you'd been on, making what felt like the millionth rescue from water he'd done in his life, most of them being for you due to your inability to swim. The first time it happened you'd been pushed in by one of your bounty targets before Zoro struck them down, quick enough that he was able to reach in and pull you out by your shirt collar like a cat by the scruff of its neck while you flailed about. You didn't eat a Devil Fruit, your parents simply never taught you to swim. Your brother attempted to, but only for so long before your parents heard and barred you from doing so. A lady didn't need to know how to swim, your mother tried to reason with you.
Zoro's able to reach you in time before you get too far down in the sea, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you upwards, surfacing not even a minute after he'd jumped in, making you gasp for air and cling tightly to him, almost suffocating your constant savior while you spit up water from your lungs.
“Zoro's got [Y/N]!! Let the ladder down!”
You hated this, hated needing to be saved anytime you ended up in the water. It's become so much that you aren't sure if you really are crying while you grip onto Zoro, or if it's just water dripping down your face, despite how hard you're biting your lip and tightening your hold on him. It's not like you had a good excuse, not like those who had eaten Devil Fruits.
Zoro puts an arm around your shoulders and stops for just a second once he gets the both of you to the ladder before starting to climb up.
“Hey,” you almost miss him speaking to you, even once he starts trying to soothe you by rubbing your back, “I've got you. You're all right.”
He's quiet while he speaks to you, whispering reassurances that all is well, you're okay, he's not going to let you go until you're on the deck again. You're alive, he's saved you again, kept you from drowning like he has Chopper and Luffy in the past. Like he always has.
Sometimes it feels like all you do is take and take and take from Zoro, from all of them. You wonder sometimes if your parents were right, when they said you were nothing more than a greedy child still, always taking but never giving back. Despite the fact you do your fair share on the ship, in battles, it feels like you shouldn't be here.
Once you're back on the deck, you still don't let go of Zoro, even when he tells you to at least loosen your grip before you choke him to death. You do, at the very least, release your grip on his shoulders and instead hide your face in his shirt, trying to keep your worried crewmates from realizing you are crying after all. Zoro simply holds your head in place, even with Luffy and Usopp trying to check you over while Chopper runs to get his bag and help you. Sanji is quickly throwing his suit jacket around you and trying to get Luffy and Usopp away so they don't cause you more distress, while Robin suggests bringing you to your bed, and Nami's run off to your room to get dry, warm clothes for you. Despite the slight distrust he still feels for Robin, Zoro nods at her suggestion, bringing Sanji's jacket around you a bit more before lifting you up in his arms, knowing you weren't letting him go anytime soon. You don't let go, not even for a second, until you're in your room and Zoro has laid you on your bed, telling you to wait for Chopper to get there while he tries to leave and change into dry clothes himself. He's stopped only by you grabbing his wrist, wanting him to stay, before Zoro promises he'll come right back. You only let go after that, giving a slight nod when he turns to leave you to change clothes yourself.
He's almost out of the room before you stop him, making him look over his shoulder to you.
“Thank you…again.”
He shakes his head, telling you not to mention it.
“I'll always save you if you need it, wife.”
You're struck with a nasty fever and congested cough the next day, blaming it on the unexpected swim you'd taken and the slightly colder area you were in. Chopper's given you all the medicine you can take for now, to try and bring your fever down, the rest was up to your own body to fight it off. Your crewmates were kind enough to take turns watching you, as you all had done when Nami was ill before you brought Chopper on board. She and Zoro are the ones to spend the most time watching you; Luffy tries to cheer you up with jokes, Usopp tells you more of his tall tales, Robin has taken to reading to you from a book she'd let you borrow, Sanji is mostly quiet so you can sleep, and Chopper is in and out checking on you and seeing if your fever has reduced any. Nami is almost as quiet as Sanji, working on a map while you rest.
Then Zoro.
He continues to reassure you that everything is OK, not constantly while he's there but he can tell, when you trail off in your sentences and look away from him, that you feel bad about something. He's not sure what, but he tells you everything is alright, you're alive and you made it out of a fight against a false god and a near drowning.
“‘M sorry you have to watch me…instead of doing your training.”
If he'd been any closer to sleep, Zoro would've missed what you said entirely. Luckily for you, he's awake enough to raise an eyebrow and shake his head.
“Don't worry about it. It's what crewmates do.”
It's what a husband does too…
“I feel like all I do is take from you…”
You don't look at him, finding your ceiling more interesting as you look over the wood pattern to avoid his eyes. You know he'll try to reassure you again, Zoro was good at that, despite his indifference to your pretend marriage. He'd never made you feel like you were a burden or less than, even if you really did mostly take and rarely give in return.
Zoro's not even sure why he always tries to make you realize things are okay, that you haven't done anything wrong. He knows about your parents acting like you should be seen and not heard, such a crappy thing to do to your own child in his opinion. Your parents were well off, they’d give to you and your brother constantly, then make you feel like you were selfish for not returning the “favor” by marrying who they chose for you. They really seemed to embody the “not every parent deserves a child” belief.
Thank God you had someone who cared for you though.
Before even saying a word in response, Zoro quietly takes hold of your free hand, letting you lace your fingers with his and making you look him in the eye again.
“Take all you want, I'll give you what I can. You can return it another time, all right?”
You want to cry, as Zoro strokes your hand with his thumb, and you nod a bit, swallowing down the tears before they can start. The things he does to you, even after telling you he isn’t here for romance. The way he acts, the way he treats you, it really makes you want to believe he’s lying to himself, lying to you to keep up his image. It gives you the slightest bit of hope that things could change one day.
We're not a couple…I don't know why you put up with me…
Once your fever is past, you're back to your normal routine of helping out wherever possible on the ship, spending your free time in the kitchen with Sanji, helping Nami with a map, or staying near Zoro while he goes back to training. He doesn't mind if you quietly sit near him, whatever book you've borrowed from Robin in your lap. It feels almost domestic to him, and Zoro has to brush that thought away quickly, lest he start fantasizing about keeping you as his wife. He stops any random thoughts of you two sharing a bed permanently, of taking you out somewhere on the next island for a date, or convincing you to stay up with him during his night watch, just to talk about your relationship and future. No, those thoughts can't be entertained, not now at least, he can't be distracted by such frivolous feelings like wanting to hold your hand all of sudden, or expecting a good morning hug or whatever. Romance isn't in his plans, it's not on his radar. You being his wife isn't supposed to be permanent.
Still though, a thought lingers despite his pushing the others out, when Zoro catches you dozing off in the corner, still fatigued from your body fighting off that fever.
Would it really be so bad to stay married to her?
He's not sure, even as he sets his weight back in place, wiping away any sweat he can and putting on a shirt before settling himself next to you, gently leaning you against him as you sleep. You stir a bit but he quickly quiets you.
“Just me. Go back to sleep.”
Despite the scent of steel and sweat, you snuggle closer to Zoro, him wrapping an arm around your shoulders to keep you still. He lays his head on top of yours, closing his eyes and letting those thoughts come back, not stopping a single one this time.
Thoughts of a possible future where you two stay married and act like it, where you treat each other as husband and wife, where you've both reached your goals, where you're settled down somewhere safe enough to have a child or two perhaps.
Thoughts Zoro never once imagined entertaining, but now they take over his dreams to the point he's started changing his mind.
Maybe not so bad.
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diminuel · 7 months ago
In Stinky Child Au , how Crocodile lost his hand ?
He lost it to Whitebeard.
I know that for sure but I'm still not sure what his backstory with the guy is, that is, if they already knew each other by the time the clash happened.
I don't know if you want to hear my ideas already or if these would be spoilerish for comics or fic to come, so I'm just putting it under a read more. (Also, maybe I should invest in a Stinky Child AU tag X'D I also have a feeling I said some of the things I'm talking about here before but my blog is a mess.)
I think that while Crocodile still did Warlord duties not too long after Luffy was born, he hasn't really been on the Grand Line. Since Dragon involved Garp pretty early on, he kind of "claimed" Crocodile as "his" Warlord, to do missions on his bidding, which gives Crocodile a bit of a cover and a reason to be in the East Blue. (Sengoku allowed it, because it's easier than trying to fight with Garp, though I don't think he suspects there is a reason behind it.)
The first journey back out into the New World, maybe when Luffy's 2 and Ace is 5 (before Dragon picks up Sabo), was not supposed to be anything dangerous. Maybe a bit annoying to do it with "training wheels on" but he's not an idiot. He's got kids at home, he is not taking unnecessary risks. His aim is to gather intel for the RA and take out pirates along the way, usual stuff, a little bit of adventure, a little bit of danger, but not exceeding the levels that are just the New World's base line.
What I'm playing around with at the moment is that he happens to sail into one of Whitebeard's new territories - so new that the information has not reached him yet - and one of the pirate ships attacking him sail under WB's flag. So when he sinks that ship, WB is quick to retaliate. And even though Crocodile realizes his mistakes, gets on the phone to confirm, maybe even tries to fix it, one of his flaws is that he doesn't want to be a coward. He has already given up his plan to become pirate king to protect Luffy, but he's still a pirate, he's still powerful. So he fights but of course is defeated. Maybe not killed because WB miiiiiiight recognize him (as the scrawny kid he left behind?)
He has to beg for his life, admits that he has children that depend on him. And of course WB spares him, would have most likely also spared him if he didn't confess, but he does not spare him the patronizing remarks that people who are this weak and have people depending on them, should not be pirates. And whether he cuts off his hand during battle or as a "stay home" warning I don't know. During battle would be kind of less shitty, depends on how we are all feeling about WB ;3
So yes, he gets away, badly hurt and when he finally makes it home (ashamed, angry, doubting himself, in pain), there is a third child waiting for him?
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shuggymaniac · 3 months ago
Someone pointed out to this picture saying that Shanks and Buggy already know where the “One Piece” is since they were there when the route was figured out…
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Which made me wonder why did they already go after if they were there… and of course with this song stuck in my head lately…
I thought of a new story idea!!!
In the day of Roger’s execution, after Buggy ran away from Shanks instead of standing still Shanks ran after Buggy and did his best to convince him why they shouldn’t go after the “One Piece” just yet, which eventually Buggy agrees because deep down he doesn’t want to be alone without Shanks.
So they have this discussion on what they should do next, during that time they find out that the marines released the wanted posters for what’s left of the Roger’s pirates and Buggy was not of one of them but Shanks was.
With a heavy heart they come to the conclusion that Buggy needs to stay hidden because if Shanks sailed into the sea his bounty would be higher than those new pirates, and also because Buggy is way better navigator than Shanks. He could redraw the map for the “One Piece” with his eyes closed if he wanted to.
After securing ways to keep in contact without fear of the marines, they go on their separate ways. They talk every few months, giving each other updates of how found new friends and crewmate for their future crew.
Shanks’s crew already knew about Buggy and Shanks still being in contact and all, and they swore to secrecy. Buggy on the other hand took a different approach. The bluenette had trust issues so he already told a hand full of his crew about him and Shanks, adding to it his plan on staying low key so the marines won’t notice them, that they have to commit pity crimes so that they would be seen as just regular small pirates.
Cabaji, Mohji and Richie know and agreed to play along, pretending that they were just some cowardice pirates who follow their captain blindly. When Alvida and Mr.3 join they don’t know anything because Buggy didn’t trust them yet and with how Mr.3 reacted when Buggy got beat up by Mihawk and Crocodile assured him that he made the right choice on not telling them.
And they continue making this acts of Buggy hating him whenever they are seen in Public so that don’t discover them.
In their private lives, Shanks and Buggy already courted one another and confessed their feelings. At some point they meet up in an unknown island just so they can hold a small wedding for them, with their most trust crew mates as witnesses.
When Shanks lost his hand Buggy rushed to him alone so he can nurse him back to health, which the red hair would never say because it would upset Buggy but it was his best days since his it was the longest time his husband stayed with him.
When Buggy met Luffy in orange island he fought Shanks and yelled at him about how his “Special boy” caused him to be stranded at sea without most of his body parts.
When Buggy told Shanks that he will borrow money from crocodile, Shanks tried to talk him out of it, because Buggy already has enough money from selling weapons in the black market in an anonymous name, and that Shanks can give him if he wants more. But Buggy disagrees convincing him that it was a good plan to make not only marines but other pirates to think that he was just a small fry pirate.
At some point Buggy and Shanks needed some high secret documents from the marines, so Buggy orchestrated an act to get captured and sent there so he can steal those documents, because getting out of “impel down” was easier than getting in.
I think I can milk this idea if I rewatch one piece again, I just need to remember Buggy and Shanks’s episodes.
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vanillavengeance · 1 month ago
ROTTMNT Bad!Leatherhead Outline
I’ve had this outline for a while but I don’t think I’ll ever get around to fully writing it, so I’ll share it here to get rid of the brain worms
Warnings for psychological/emotional manipulation, hypnosis, and past cannibalism (stay with me here—)
Timeline - Post season 2, pre-movie
Genre - psychological thriller
ROTTMNT Leatherhead AKA ‘Edd’
Mutant crocodile, between 25-30 years old
From Louisiana, still has accent, migrated to the New York Hidden City after ~events~
Hermit, chronically alone, bitter towards Yokai and the world at large
Despite this he’s not outright AGGRESSIVE if approached with no intent to harm
Generally pretty grumpy
Hasn’t had any sort of relationship with ANYONE since the ~events~
First Meetings
The switch of Raph to Leo for leader at the end of S2 creates immense amounts of friction, specifically in fights and tense verbal spars between Raph and Leo, with Mikey and Donnie caught inbetween
Mikey takes the brunt of the attempts to de-escalate to very limited success, and Splinter tells them they need to work it out themselves
Donnie eventually completely checks out from all of it and figuratively throws Mikey to the wolves, holing up in his lab to get away from the constant noise and tension
The fights aren’t physical, but it causes all of them to avoid the common areas of the lair and on top of Mikey getting frustrated with the fights in general he’s really lonely and mentally exhausted with everything (Leo and Raph both try to drag him to their sides and blow off all his attempts to create a compromise)
Nothing’s fun or calm in the lair anymore and April is busy with finals so Mikey has very little options to feed his need for a social life
Draxum kicks him out and/or hangs up whenever Mikey tries to call and vent about things, too
Eventually Mikey’s spending more time out of the lair than in it, only returning each night with the hope of having a family dinner again (and being disappointed each time, eating at the table by himself and a rare visit from Splinter)
On one of his outings he’s in the Hidden City and accidentally draws the attention of the Hidden City Police with his tagging, he tries to talk his way out of it but gets rebuffed immediately by the officers once they hear that he’s a ‘teenage MUTANT ninja turtle’, they’re very xenophobic towards mutants
Mikey tries to escape but gets clipped by a mystic taser which completely nullifies his ninpo (not permanently, just for like 15 mins)
Ran towards the very outskirts of the city towards a swampy area, where the officers finally catch up and pin him
They’re about to drag Mikey off (he’s cursing in his head about it) when Leatherhead ‘Edd’ comes out of the treeline and scares off the officers, who leave Mikey to be possibly eaten
Edds very tense and standoffish but still asks if Mikey’s alright, and happy to find a somewhat friendly face Mikey brightens and profusely thanks him, Edd gives him a weird look and tells him to beat it, going back the way he came
Mikey follows and asks a million questions to Edd and is met with silence all the way to his run down shack where he finally snaps and makes it VERY clear that he’s a MUTANT and not a Yokai like he thinks Mikey is, Mikey gleefully corrects him and Edd’s a little taken aback meeting another mutant but loses any kind of aggression, leaving him awkward
Insinuates Mikey should be getting home and after Mikey morosely agrees Edd awkwardly asks if Mikey wants to stay for dinner and Mikey eagerly agrees (no stranger danger here) as long as he can know his name, Edd says it’s ’Leatherhead’ and Mikey nicknames him Edd immediately and there’s no complaints about it
Edd’s already getting charmed by Mikey and is even more shocked when Mikey asks for his number (Edd doesn’t have a phone) but Mikey says he’ll just be back in a few days and Edd has no chance to disagree in the face of the whirlwind that is Mikey excited about a new possible friend
…New Friends (?)
Things still aren’t going great in the lair, so Mikey spends more and more of his time at Edd’s to chase away the loneliness, and justifies it as him being there for Edd who is also very alone, he even stays the night once or twice, and when none of his family asks where he went it sends him into a bit of a spiral
He has no clue how obsessed Edd is getting with his company, thinks the fun nickname he gave Mikey (‘mon frère‘, AKA ‘my brother’) means friend in Cajun French cause that’s what Edd told him it meant
On one of those overnight stays Mikey finally pries Edd’s backstory out of him
His mother was mutated right before they hatched (Edd was the oldest) and she threw them into the water, contaminated with runoffs of residual Empyrean, to be mutated too. Edd felt responsible for looking after his little brothers (about 34 of them) when his mother left
After four years their mother stopped coming back, everything went bad and his hungry little brothers started trying to kill each other, Edd got caught up in the carnage and rage, ended up as the last one standing, since he was too scared to leave his home he ate most of their bodies to survive
He relives this everytime he closes his eyes and desperately wishes he could have another chance to be a good big brother *wink wink*
When he finally left and stumbled into the New Orleans Hidden City he was outed as a mutant and persecuted with death threats, similarly happened at Philadelphia and Pittsburg Hidden Cities until he managed to make it to New York which is also not great towards mutants but he wasn’t forcibly chased out, he just deals with the prejudice and harsh words and keeps to himself
Throughout all this time Edd has been slowly sprinkling in doubts about Mikey’s relationship with his brothers/family, how if they’d really cared they’d know he’s gone and check up on him, they show no appreciation on how Mikey keeps them together
It’s not enough to create obvious red flags but enough to have Mikey think about it more than he should, and in response now HE’S getting snappy and irritated with his brothers for not noticing that he’s NEVER home anymore except to sleep
When a fight finally turns physical Mikey snaps (not explosively, but he left during it which he would have NEVER done before), Donnie gives him a weird look for it but doesn’t comment and is back in his lab to avoid everything once again
Mikey packs a bag and leaves for Edd’s (his safe place now), Edd of course welcomes him warmly but gets concerned with how withdrawn Mikey is
He finally breaks down sobbing about how broken Mikey’s family has become and they’re not acting like brothers anymore, Edd comforts him through it all, saying he can stay for however long he wants and that he’ll always be there even if his family won’t
Mikey stays for 3 straight days (with no one reaching out wondering where he is) before he thinks he should probably head back
Edd seems panicked and fidgety when he hears it and practically begs him to at least stay for dinner, and Mikey wasn’t going to but Edd bribed him with his favorite southern dish and he’s convinced to stay
Edd is staring at him all throughout the meal, barely picking at his own, Mikey notes that’s there’s something sweet about it that’s not normally there but brushes it off since it still tastes REALLY good, starts trying to leave and gets hit with a wave of dizziness
Edd acts concerned and insists that Mikey can stay if he’s not feeling well when he still tries to leave, everything starts getting fuzzy for Mikey and he can’t think straight
Mikey’s picked up before he can fall on his face and placed in his hammock above Edds bed (he feels like he should be concerned but he can’t feel anything except calm and pliable), Edd comforts him, tucking him in, and then brings out a hanging lamp right in front of the hammock
The lamp had light that flows gracefully between greens/blues/yellows, Mikey passes out watching it completely calm and mind suspiciously quiet
Under the mystic hypnotism Edd whispers things like ‘it’s aight, you’re already home’ ‘I’ll take care of you’ ‘You’ll get everything you deserve’ ‘nothing will hurt you again’ and ‘You’re big brother will make sure you stay safe and sound’ ‘I won’t mess up it this time’
Where’s Mikey?
April finally visits the lair after finals, she’s prepared to party but finds the lair suspiciously empty, expects Mikey to be in the kitchen and doesn’t think much when he’s not
She goes to the lab and Donnie’s very happy to see her but reluctant to admit everything about the fights and being cagey about it, Aprils already frustrated and calls a family meeting after dragging Donnie out of the lab
Mikey’s the only one not present and no one knows where he could be (he’d NEVER miss a family meeting), cue hunt through the lair that no one except April takes seriously at first until Leo gets to his room and freezes next to the calendar hanging by the hammock
Mikey was always on top of crossing out the days, but the X’s are missing from the last 2 weeks
They start panicking a little bit more and try tot rack his phone, the signal is at the bottom of the harbor, the subdermal tracker thankfully works and shows him at the CERY VERY outskirts of the Hidden City, and they set off to bring him home (Leo and Raph bicker the entire time)
Meanwhile, Edd and a hypnotized Mikey have been having tons of fun as Edd tries to teach him everything he knows and how to survive
Since it’s things to do with crocodiles and not turtles Mikey’s pretty terrible at it but that just endears him to his amazing ‘big brother’ even more than before, cementing in Edds mind that Mikey will always need him and won’t ever leave
Hypnotized Mikey believes that Edd gracefully took him after his real brothers were neglecting him, and looks up to him as if he’s the best thing ever, never going against Edd and when there is some pushback Edd gives him a little bit more of the mystic hypnotic to make it go away and has no desire to return to the lair, irises ringed in a very faint glittery green
The family finally finds Mikey and try to drag him home but Mikey resists, Edd gets VERY AGGRESSIVE when he stumbles out to what’s happening, Donnie (very uncharacteristically, hold on though) convinced everyone to avoid a fight and retreat as Edd forcibly drags Mikey back inside the shack where it’s ’safe’
When Donnie gets flack for the retreat he reveals the mystic aura that he could see covering Mikey from head to toe from his glasses, he couldn’t tell exactly what it was and didn’t want to accidentally hurt Mikey because of it, they get Draxums help figuring out the hypnosis thing and go on their mini adventures to get the ingredients for the sure fire antidote
Edd’s getting progressively more agitated and aggressive the more Mikey questions why his previous brothers were here, why they would want him back after all that happened, why they’d look like they cared about him when Edd said they didn’t, etc.
It gets to the point where Edd nearly turns Mikey into a mindless doll with how much mystic hypnotic he gives him to try and erase the encounter and stop talking about it so he can keep his ‘little brother’ for himself and protect him like Edd couldnt with his other little brothers
The others obvious come back with the antidote and Draxum which leads to a big fight against the wards Edd put up in his paranoia about Mikey being taken and then Edd himself
Leo manages to sneak into the shack and finds Mikey listlessly watching the lamp in his hammock, he takes Mikey out of the hammock and gives him the antidote, starts snapping out of it immediately and Leo fills him in on what was happening because of the explosions outside
Mikey, pretty weak, gets out and tries to reason with Edd where he’s facing off against Raph, the fighting momentarily stops and they’re all glad to see Mikey okay
Mikey very much doesn’t appreciate what Edd did but since he’s Mikey he says that he can forgive Edd for it given enough time (the others VERY vocally disagree on that, and April says they’re going to have a talk about his tendency to forgive abuse)
Edd seems to deflate and understand, backing down and walking remorseful towards Mikey and Mikey’s hopeful that he can still have Edd as his friend after they get some time apart
In the next moment Edd snaps and tries to kill Mikey, claiming that if he can’t have his little brother than no one can (he’d rather know that Mikey’s dead than living somewhere without him being happy), Draxum takes him out with his vines before he can get far and has to take him to the police where he’s imprisoned immediately for being a ‘volatile mutant who’s a danger to the general public’
Mikey finally speaks to April about the stress he was under with all the fights and trying to keep the family together before he finally had enough, April makes it VERY clear that none of it was his fault and he didn’t deserve any of it
She also gives the others a talk and they all reluctantly agree that they’ve definitely been drifting too far apart and vow to have family time where they don’t dissolve into real fights (Leo makes this hard but there was no rule against being a nuisance on patrol so he’ll live with it
Mikey hopes that Edd can get the help he needs and live an actually happy life
(He doesn’t, every time Edd escapes the prison he goes after Mikey, only gets stopped when he gets Kraangified and goes ‘missing’, AKA the officers of the Hidden City finally have a justification for executing him)
The ending’s sad for Leatherhead, I know, but some people don’t change or get better even if they DO get help, which Edd doesn’t. On top of that, sometimes trauma makes people do bad things and they don’t have any remorse for it. Seeing as this was meant to be a psychological thriller kind of fic I think the unhappy ending for him was fitting.
If you read all that, I hope you found some enjoyment from it! It’s also a little showcase of how I outline the stories I write lol
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tinyowlthoughts · 3 months ago
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Been rewatching The Amazing Digital Circus and began to wonder, who helps Caine with all the assets and metadata? Well, wonder no longer! It's Biblia!
Small, loud, and possibly narcoleptic, this tiny owl is charge of the TADC Asset Library. It's her job to keep track of all the files Caine uses in his adventures, and to find them when needed. Of course, she and Caine have very different ideas of how the files should be organized...
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No matter! She's the librarian, she'll just put it all back together after Caine messes it up again. No worries. It's not like she has a million other things to do, like upgrading and updating the files while they're dormant to make sure they're not degrading in storage. Speaking of, she pulled this one crocodile - alligator? - NPC for the fast food adventure, and something is a bit off with his code...
No need to worry. It's not like he can abstract, or spontaneously gain sentience and sapience, being an NPC, right? She'll just tuck him back in the card catalog and hopefully nothing will ever come of this little quirk! Besides, she has to make sure Jax hasn't made off with all the centipedes again...
Despite being a resident of the circus, Biblia wouldn't consider herself a 'friend' of the players. She's happy to assist them and speak with them when they come to her library (barring Jax, who has a permanent ban he ignores), but is far happier in her own company, or at her weekly tea with Bubble. As a program, she doesn't feel the same need for socializing the players do. (She's terribly fond of them, but refuses to admit getting attached. It just makes the abstractions harder...)
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After first being created, she did question Caine about his choice of form - she is neither a toy nor a circus act. He waxed poetic about the long history in Western culture of owls being associate with wisdom, libraries and learning institutions. That made sense (in an odd-ball, Caine-like way). When asked about the size, Caine shrugged and called her travel-sized.
She didn't speak to him for a week.
Despite having access to her own metadata, thus the ability to change her form, Biblia has learned to be happy with her size, as it lets her be quick, quiet, and sneaky - all necessary things for the TADC Asset Librarian. Besides, Caine would be sad if she changed. And there are much more...educational things she can do with the metadata. Things that remind Jax why he needs to stay out of her library.
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Maybe one day they'll get along, but I'm not holding my breath.
(My first time drawing the TADC cast - so much fun, and such a challenge! Loved figuring out Zooble for her picture.)
For my Master's in Library Science, in one class we had to create a classification for a specific collection (I did horror novels), as well as figure out parts of the metadata that would be used in an ILS (Integrated Library System). It was my favorite project, along with my metadata classes, so when I was thinking of what a TDAC OC would look like, the asset librarian came to mind! I hope you like her - or at least think her and Jax torturing each other is a little funny.
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