#think like white guy who has strange specific interests
miserye · 8 months
there's a professor at my school who has been mispronouncing my last name (not his fault) for like almost a year at this point and i'm like dreading the day i have to say it or like someone who knows says it because i feel so bad that i've let this happen for so long but also i never have the chance to correct him and it's far too gone at this point
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ivysoul · 1 year
♱ PROTECTOR. — simon "ghost" riley
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when a random guy tries to hit on you at the bar, you’re thankful simon was there to help you.
warnings. — drunk creepo at the bar, harassment, price and gaz are oblivious but don’t get mad at them!, reader is a medic at the company but it wasn’t really mentioned.
notes. — based off of this request! thank you, lovely :) i’m not too confident in this one but whatever.
photo creds. — yumethefrostypanda.
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This wasn’t usually your crowd; bar’s weren’t somewhere you spent your time at. You only really went when there was a successful mission. And it just so happened that the boys had done just that, once again. So of course, when they invited you to a bar that a few of them were well acquainted with, you couldn’t possibly say no.
That’s how you found yourself here—playing pool with Gaz and Price as the others chatted away somewhere nearby.
“Ha! I told you, Price: never fuck with me and pool. I’ll smoke you every time,” you boasted, making a dramatic bowing motion in Price’s direction.
Price rolled his eyes, the corner of his mouth tugging up into an amused smirk as he brought his cue stick up on the pool table. “Okay, okay. Don’t get cocky, now.”
You stayed quiet as you watched Price line up the cue stick, silently praying on his downfall. Gaz walked up beside Price, sticking his head in his line of sight, smirking. “I dunno, Captain. Think that’s a miss, right there.”
You giggled as you watched Price straighten his back a bit before shoving Gaz to the side. “Sick of people doubting my skills,” he groaned playfully. “See who’s gonna be laughing after this.”
Just before Price takes the shot, a man walks up beside you. He stood awfully close to you, brushing his shoulder flush against yours and then putting a hand on your lower back. You look up at him, noticing the hazy look in his eyes as his gaze bore down on you. He was obviously drunk, and that added with the strange proximity made you want to move away from him, fast. Though you found yourself unable to look away from him, much less move. It was like your body was stuck. And not willingly.
As soon as the white ball collided with one of the other pool balls, you snapped out of whatever moment you were stuck in. You looked at Gaz and Price, who were too busy having a squabble about Price not making the shot to notice this man who walked up to you like he knew you.
Moving your hand to reach behind your back, you pried the man’s hand off of you, stepping back a significant amount to create distance between you two.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you spat, immediately getting a feeling of fear when his disturbing smile stayed plastered on his face. He took a step towards you and you took one more back. But when your back hit a chair, you stopped moving. “Fuck off, dude.”
He fake pouted at you. “Oh, come on… I’m much more interesting than some game of pool.”
You looked around the room to hopefully find someone who would help you. Your brain wasn’t really all there in the moment to just yell at him, instead, you were searching for someone. Someone who you didn’t even realize you were looking for specifically, until your eyes landed on him walking out of the bathrooms hallway.
“Ghost!” Within a second, Ghost’s eyes were on yours. And then on the man. You let out a relieved breath when he started making his way over to you, walking so fast you felt out of breath just watching him.
He pushed his way between you and the man and shoved him back roughly. “You okay?” he asked you. All you could do was nod.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, man? We were havin’ a conversation!”
All you saw was Ghost’s fist collide with the man’s face before he was on the ground. The sharp sound of bone cracking and a loud thud as he hit the ground alerted everyone nearby, including Price, Gaz, and the others. Their eyes widened as they took in the scene, the surrounding area going far too quiet, save for the music still playing over the speakers.
It seemed like Ghost took notice of the staring eyes just as you did, as he turned and grabbed your arm to move you in front of him. He placed his hand on the small of your back, but this time you didn’t move it. He guided you two out of the bar and into the cool, night air.
“—The hell was that?” Soap asked, rushing out of the bar after you two barely a few seconds later. The others came out after him, the same look of confusion written on their faces.
Ghost looked at you, noticing the look you were giving him that pleaded for him not to say anything. He sighed, but complied. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” he said, turning to the others.
“Didn’t look like nothing,” Alejandro poked.
“It was nothing.”
He furrowed his brows, obviously knowing something was wrong. They all knew something was wrong, but they didn’t push any further when Ghost thankfully shut them down.
“I’m gonna take her home,” you nodded along to what Ghost said. You weren’t sure why, honestly. But you trusted him. “I was gonna call it a night for myself anyway.”
With quick goodbyes and worried glances, you and Ghost left the bar. You made it a point to let them know that bar was now completely off limits for mission celebrations when you were in a cleaner headspace.
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☆ — © saintlulls, 2023 - don’t repost, translate, or copy.
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respectthepetty · 1 month
Give me merch, BoC!
Before I freak out about colors in episode three of 4 Minutes, just know that if this was a time-traveling show on GMMTV, the cats in the claw machine would've been merch yesterday!
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BoC, why don't you want our money?!
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But even without making them merch, these cats made my day!
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And it's all because Great gave Tyme the white one.
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Tyme is color-coded black and Great is color-coded white.
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So each cat represents them in this time-shifting story, and Great gave himself to Tyme by giving him the white cat.
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And strangely enough, these color-coded boys won several cats which is a successful date, but also something something about several versions of themselves existing within the story . . .
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But what really makes me happy is each cat has a heart in the other color on its side, so when held together, those heart patches form a dual-colored heart!
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And although I think Tyme approached Great because he wanted information on Great's family, the boys got hit with a tiny blinding light of love right before they were supposed to kiss.
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And Tyme did expose himself to Great instead of fighting him even though he could have easily overpowered Great, which is something we saw when Tyme fought Title.
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Because this story is really about the gray area everyone is existing in.
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When Win showed up the first time, Tonkla was guarded with a boundary firmly planted between them and Win was light.
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But this episode, Tonkla removed his barrier, and let Win in, but Win, in his dark colors, definitely crossed a line he shouldn't have.
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Win is a good guy.
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And so is Korn.
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But circumstances and choices change people.
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And even the best people are capable of doing bad.
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So it's interesting that Tyme has been positioned in black from the beginning even though he is a doctor.
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And Great is positioned as white even though we have seen him run away from doing what's right several times.
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Yet when Tyme went to ask Great out and Great confessed to seeing the future, Tyme was in gray as he shifts between the two colors.
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Great's interactions with Tyme advance the clock a minute closer to 11:04 from 11:00, but the number four is special, as many people have pointed out because it represents death.
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And Great keeps getting closer and closer.
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So him throwing down his phone causing the number four ball to roll into the pocket was perhaps telling that it's not all Tyme moving the clock, but just like Win and Korn and their colors, Great's choices are moving the clock and impacting his life.
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Doctors save lives, but we have been shown through the woman who tried to die by suicide and the patient this episode in Bed #4, that doctors also need to know when to listen and end a patient's suffering.
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(Spare Me Your Mercy, I'm so ready for you and your color-coded boys in love to give us a story about these specific ethics! I'm going to watch you so hard!)
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Tyme continues to say he isn't a doctor but a surgeon. Tyme doesn't listen to his patients, which is why Den is upset at him. And Tyme isn't listening to Great because if he was he'd hear exactly what is being said - "these symptoms happened when [the] heart stopped"
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Tyme needs Great to remind him, that regardless of the past, it's important to listen and care, and Great needs Tyme to listen to his sad rich boy stories. They need each other to save each other. Triage, is that you homie in a trench coat and mustache glasses?!
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But more importantly, they need each other to save each other's hearts! Great needs Tyme to literally save his life by saving his heart, but Tyme was hardening his heart. He had stated several times that he is in his career for the money, but Great reminded Tyme that money was irrelevant if the love was missing with his story of a 1,000 baht toy. They have both good and bad in them, but they need the other color-coded person to be complete. They need the other person to live.
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Since I still believe Tyme is the one having cardiac arrest in the first episode, if one of them actually gives up his heart to save the other, I'm gonna be unwell about it.
Random Thoughts:
The friend calling Tyme a "pale guy, very handsome, and kinda brooding" hit me personally because I call characters who are black color-coded Black Brooders and Tyme is the Black Brooder in this story.
Great seeing the message on the tea cup change from "Don't forget to get your wound checked at the hospital" to "Can you forgive me, Great?" has me thinking this won't just be about Tyme trying to get dirt on Great's family and Great being upset about. That question feels heavier. That question feels like both their lives are changed by Tyme.
The female patient who experiences the same symptoms as Great was wearing white and black when she was being interviewed, but when Great envisioned a woman on the bed, red lights were flashing, like they were meeting while coding.
The way the red reflects on Great's shirt in the car makes it look like a heart on his sleeve when he looks at Tyme.
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melbatron5000 · 4 months
Crowley's interesting kink
A couple days ago, I posted some more of my work on the chiastic structure of Good Omens 2. I stumbled across a funny parallel while looking for important plot Clues.
I kind of want to delve into it a little more, because while it is funny, I also think it's interesting and reveals a little bit of character.
The structure parallels I found were these:
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Line 120: (Highlighted in pink) Muriel arrives in an all-white constable uniform.
Hand-written note: (Line 121) Mrs. Sandwich notes someone has a sense of humor, or an interesting kink -- Crowley asks that Muriel arrest him.
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Line 122: (reversed, highlighted in pink) "This is very difficult, but I'm not actually Inspector Constable."
Line 121 (reversed, not highlighted yet): "I'm a demon with knowledge of a crime against Heaven. Slap the cuffs on me."
So Crowley has a sense of humor or an interesting kink? Well, yes to both.
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Crowley enjoys playing the bad guy, being the demon to Aziraphale's angel. He likes the contrast they create, he likes the strangeness of them being a couple, he likes playing the heavy. He is the bad cop to Aziraphale's good cop. He thinks it's funny, but it also revs his engine.
And Aziraphale knows it. Look at Aziraphale tempting Crowley into the wall slam -- he calls Crowley nice, knowing that Crowley likes being the demon, specifically he likes being Aziraphale's demon. It's a turn-on for him. It's a turn-on for both of them.
There's that moment where Crowley stares at Aziraphale with sort of a blank expression before he grabs him; he's reading Aziraphale's cues and knows Aziraphale wants the bad boy right now -- and he enjoys giving that to him.
Good lord, I was pretty sure they probably aren't actually doing the deed -- but now I'm not so sure. They sure don't look like a couple who don't know what sex is, or aren't interested.
Or maybe this is a form of intimacy for them, this role-playing they do, where Aziraphale eats cake while Crowley watches and Crowley acts all mean and rough while Aziraphale watches. This might be their way of getting off, how they indulge one another in a way that's just as intimate as sex, but different.
Either way, it puts a smile on your face.
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security-chief-odo · 9 months
To Love and Be Loved in Return - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 & 2 & 3
Roy Kent x Reader
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Description: Between you, Roy, and Keeley, who will spill the beans first?
Note: Hope you’re ready for fluff because oh boy is that all I felt like writing tonight.
Word Count: 2.3k
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Chapter 4 - Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts
Roy’s knuckles go white as he grips the wheel, trying to find his composure along the journey. He knew he would obviously see you again and have to reckon with his feelings now that he couldn’t just throw a pity party for himself over a rejection he hadn’t even gotten. One that he may not even get.
That little spark of hope that has only just crept into his heart might be the thing that breaks him. It’s that hope that has him imagining what it would be like if you were his actual date to the gala. It’s that hope that has him picturing you in his arms after a hard day at work. It’s that hope that has him imagining your lips on his after the team wins a game. It’s that goddamned hope that has his palms sweaty and heart racing faster than he knew it could as he pulls up to the club.
He pulls up outside the bar and sees the three of you standing together. Keeley is the first to notice his car and corrals you all in his direction. The excited smile that crosses your face as you notice his arrival is enough to make his heart melt. He can’t let himself read into that though, you’d probably be just as excited for an Uber driver considering how fucking late it is.
Of course, he’s lying to himself though, because he does read into it just a little. He does get his hopes up that even a fraction of that excitement was specific to him.
Keeley and Rebecca guide you to the car, perhaps using your drunkenness to expedite their matchmaking as they guide you to the passenger seat. It’s only when you get buckled and they’ve already settled into the backseat that you realize what they’ve done. You couldn’t complain too much at getting to be close to the man you had so clearly fallen for, but Keeley was about to give you reason to complain.
She is sitting behind Roy, so you can see the smile on her face as she begins what could best be described as a transparent attempt to make Roy jealous. “So, y/n, who was that tall guy you gave your number to earlier?”
Bummed at hearing this and completely oblivious to the mischievous smirk adorning Keeley’s face, Roy feigns casual interest, “Oh?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
You whip your head around to reply to Keeley, not wanting Roy to think you’re unavailable, “It’s not like that and you know it.”
This piques Roy’s interest and he begins to steer the conversation, “Then do you give your number out to just any strange man?”
“No, not my number,” you clarify, “Beard’s.”
“What?” he asks, now more confused than he was jealous.
“So one time I was at the Crown and Anchor with Beard and some creep just wouldn’t back off. Eventually I relented and gave him my number just to make him go away. Beard told me to start giving out his number instead of my own to creeps. He gets to enjoy scaring shitty men and I get to enjoy a peaceful night with my friends with no creepy texts in the morning. It’s a win-win situation”
“That’s fucking brilliant” Rebecca chimes in, “I’ve got to start doing that shit.”
“So you didn’t find a date tonight?” Roy asks, trying too hard to be nonchalant about it.
“Wasn’t looking.” you reply more to the window than to him as a faint blush crosses your features.
He pulls up to Rebecca’s house first, and when she gets out Keeley adjusts to the middle, using the opportunity to finally see Roy’s face, and try to figure out if he feels the same for you. It doesn’t take long for her to see the softness that he looks at you with, but it will certainly take longer for her to get him to admit it.
“Since I’m taking her shopping tomorrow, you should probably tell me what color you’re wearing.”
Knowing your friend too well, you brace yourself for this conversation. Her lack of subtlety only worsened when alcohol was in the mix. “Don’t worry about it Keeley. He’s not bringing me as an actual date anyways. We don’t have to match.”
Roy is kicking himself for being so obvious with his feelings. Keeley could read him like a book and this was her idea of either teasing or being helpful. He hasn’t quite figured out which. “I don’t know yet. I try not to think much about that stupid event. If it wasn’t for a good cause I wouldn’t even go to the fucking thing.”
“But Cheryl would miss you if you stopped going.” She has definitely settled on teasing then.
“Fuck Cheryl.” he rolls his eyes. He is not looking forward to another year with her as the highest bidder. She may not be as bad as he made Jamie think, but the idea of going on a date with anyone other than you makes him feel sick.
“You would if she got her way.” you chime in.
At your teasing Roy can feel that heat in his face, “She won’t. I’m not interested in her.”
“But you are interested in someone?” she adds barely letting him finish his own sentence.
He growls, “I didn’t say that.”
“But you still aren’t denying it.” Keeley says with a smirk evident in her sing-songy voice. Though she is clearly taking this as confirmation he likes you, you sink into your seat hoping it swallows you whole. Him liking somebody doesn’t mean he likes you. Then she asks the question you’ve both been dreading, “So who is she?”
“She’s none of your business.” Roy lets out a huff. If he wasn’t certain Keeley knew he liked you before, he definitely knows now.
“Come on!” Keeley whines, knowing she won’t get her way but enjoying watching him squirm all the same. “Tell me who’s captured the attention of the Roy Kent.”
He has taken to ignoring her prodding in hopes that she’ll get bored or at least give it up for the minute or two left in the drive to her flat.
His hopes are quickly shattered by her adding “Is it someone we know?”
Now that’s a question he can’t answer. If he does, he’ll give everything away, and if he can’t have you, he’d at least like to not lose you.
Lucky for Roy though, you seem to have gotten tired of this subject too. “Knock it off Keeley.” you roll your eyes at her, trying your best to play at being casual.
The car ride continues in relative silence until you arrive at Keeley’s. She gets out and cheerfully yells bye at both of you. Winking at you both, though each of you assume it is directed at only yourselves.
Once the car is finally moving again, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. Even in your inebriated state, you can still feel the full force of the embarrassment Keeley brought on in her attempt to play wingman. You sigh, “Sorry about her. All of that really. It was pretty invasive.”
He smiles ever so slightly and glances at you before looking back at the road and replying, “No worries. Not your fault. I know she’s just drunk. She’s always a little nosy, but never more so than when she’s drunk.”
You both chuckle at how true that was. You can’t help recalling all of the strangers Keeley has practically interrogated on past nights out. “Yeah, she gets that way, but it is kind of my fault. She was just trying to help me out and she overstepped.”
You don’t quite register how revealing your words are until he parks just outside your flat. “What do you mean?” Roy has turned entirely to face you.
In this moment, you have half a mind to run out of the car and straight into your flat and bury yourself in pillows hoping sleep will make you forget this night ever happened. Though it must be true what they say about alcohol being liquid courage because you don’t move towards the door, but instead you turn to face Roy.
“Fuck it.” you let out a sharp breath and begin. “It’s stupid and kinda embarrassing, but I have feelings for you. She found out today and has been pestering me about it all night. I’m sorry, I didn’t think she’d bother you with it or –”
He cuts you off with a groan of “Fuck” but you continue, reading his reaction as confirmation of your every fear.
“That I’d be telling you for that matter. I didn’t really want you to find out, certainly not like this. Don’t worry about it though, I’ll text Rebecca and have her move me to work under a different department if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“Wait” he cuts in again.
“I can even look for a new job. I like it at Richmond but I know this probably ruins our friendship and I don’t want to make things weird for you at work too. It’s really no big deal.”
Finally frustrated with your flat refusal to listen to him he yells your name. This gets your attention and for the first time since you started rambling, you make eye contact with him. “Stop talking for a second, y/n”
“Ok” you reply. You immediately failing at the request makes him roll his eyes at you.
“Please don’t quit. I have been freaking out all week because I’ve been head over heels for you for months now and I was finally trying to ask you out.”
“What?” you look at him in sheer confusion. Just minutes ago the man groaned in frustration at your confession. You never would have guessed it was because he returned your feelings.
“I asked you to be my date to the gala.”
“But then you told me it wasn’t a date”
Stumbling over himself he continues “Well – I – You’re the one who replied to me asking you on a date by telling me I’m the best boss. That one’s kind of your fault too.” He drops the defensiveness and continues on. “Then I asked you to lunch today, but you had plans already. Fuck. You don’t make it easy to ask you out.”
“I can tell because you still haven’t actually done it.” you tease.
He grumbles in response. “You’re right. Y/n, I am madly in love with you. Would you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
“Hm. Let me think about it.”
“Don’t you fucking dare start that shit,” he scowls and points at you accusatorily. Although he won’t say it right now because the last thing he needs is more smugness from you, that playful smile has his stomach doing flips. It is probably his favorite expression of yours. You look so unburdened when you’re having fun like this, even if it is at his expense.
“Absolutely. I’d love nothing more than to be your girlfriend Roy.”
Over the moon at your response, he finally realizes the late hour. “Let me walk you up to your flat. Wait there.”
He turns off the car and walks around to your side. He opens the door for you and steadies you as you step down. When you get up to your flat you’re barely not stumbling. Between the exhaustion, the heels, and the alcohol in your system, it feels like a miracle when you reach your door. You hand Roy the keys and he gets the door for you, his left hand still on your back to guide you. He walks you to your bedroom, finds you pajamas to change into, and closes the door as he leaves the room to give you privacy.
You call out from the other side, “Scared you’ll like what you see too much?”
“Shut up and get dressed,” he responds, his tone clearly light. He moves to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water and some ibuprofen, both of which you will definitely need come morning. He knocks gently on the bedroom door, “You decent?”
“Sadly, yes.” you reply. He opens the door and seeing your sleepy eyes light up leaves him in awe of you.
He swiftly crosses the room to place the pills on your bedside and the water on a coaster next to it. He pulls back the blanket on your bed and gestures to the space below it. “Come on, y/n. You need some rest.”
You settle into your bed and look up at him. “Can I get a goodnight kiss from my boyfriend?”
“Not tonight.” he replies as he tucks you in.
You pout at this response and ask, “Please?”
“Why not?” you whine.
“You’re drunk”
“And? It’s just a kiss. Why should that matter?”
He leans in and you think he’s going to give you your way, but he stops just shy of your lips and whispers gruffly, “When I kiss you for the first time, I want to be sure it’s fucking memorable.”
With that he pulls away and you're a little more turned on than you’d like to admit. The anticipation for something as simple as a kiss, has turned you into a sleepy pile of mush. Okay, maybe it was the alcohol that did most of that, but It sure didn’t help.
He turns to leave and you call out, “Roy?”
He turns to you and cocks his head slightly in confusion.
“Can you stay the night?”
“Of course. I’ll be on the couch. If you need me, don’t hesitate to wake me up. Goodnight y/n”
“Goodnight.” you doze off into a far more pleasant sleep than you expected.
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten @taytaylala12 @siriuslyreads @ashy-kit @isla-finke-blog @laukora1030 @tamberjo @queen-of-the-downtown-scene @harry-bowie-mercury
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drmobiusvanch · 4 months
so yi sang isn't my blorbo but this is driving me crazy SO
Deep dive into this picture!!!!
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Okay, first off. We can see that this is an edit of the picture of the League from Chapter 4.
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The word 'edit' is chosen specifically. At first, it looks like the picture was just defaced, but Ring Yi Sang is an abstract painter and there's a lot of changes outside of what you might think. A lot of silhouettes are distorted wildly, especially including the two mysteries in the back left, and strangely Aseah.
Of the three faceless characters, I have no idea which one might be Rim. I'm GUESSING he's probably not the femme-y tall one, but who knows.
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Also, Dongbaek has these swatches of white on her face, which no one else does.
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They look vaguely similar to the 'feathers' on Yi Sang's painting of his wings.
But since we're talking about faces, let's inventory it, shall we?
Of the three unknowns, two are frowning while the one in the foreground next to Dongbaek is smiling. The frowning faces are heavily distorted as well. The face of the one on the right looks to be 'melting', heavily lopsided compared to the other faces, while the one on the left has their eyes de-emphasized, drawn smaller and darker than the others unless one of them is missing?
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Very abstract, so it's hard to tell, but if you consider Dongbaek and front guy basic faces, you can see that these two are distorted in a way Dongbaek isn't.
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Yi Sang's face here is very interesting. First off, he appears to have given himself a hat, but more importantly his face is drawn dramatically differently from every other face in the picture. Even the relatively un-distorted ones are childish smiley faces, while Yi Sang has a 'normal' face in silhouette. He's effectively saying that he is important, human, but the rest of the League are just shadows of the past.
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As you can see, just about everyone in the back row has their heads distorted somehow. I have no idea what this means.
Gubo and Dongrang's faces, meanwhile, are really strange, even compared to the face of the person next to Dongbaek. They're both drawn with smiles, but the smiles are distorted even more than the lopsided frown in the background. Gubo's smile reaches entirely across his face, while Dongrang's is almost a 'V', with the corners of his mouth drawn up to be level with his eyes.
Young-ji is completely free of any graffiti, as well as any distortion.
(Aseah will be explained later.)
But what do the faces MEAN? Simply going off the ones we know, Gubo, Dongbaek, and Dongrang-even more when we consider the vague information we have on the fate of the others and compare that with the faceless ones, we have a pattern.
Yi Sang is smiling, fitting with his joining the Ring later.
Dongrang and Gubo, both of whom sold out to Wings, are smiling. Dongbaek, who was injured and had a breakdown after the fall of the League, is frowning.
For the faceless ones, Rim is one of them, another sold out to work with T Corp, and I can't remember who/what the third one was. Two frowning faces, one smiling. From the rest of this, it seems reasonable to extrapolate that the T Corp defector is the smiling man in front, and since Rim isn't notably tall, it seems very likely Rim is the shorter man in the back with his face 'melting', or in the regular picture, this guy:
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But then there's Aseah. Aseah is one of the most interesting parts of this picture. We can't see his mouth, but it's not a choice on Yi Sang's part to obscure Aseah's face-it's a choice on nai_ga's. His face is blocked by the handle of Yi Sang's weapon. Why?
Aseah first appears in Leviathan as a captive of the Ring. When we see him in Limbus, he's an associate of N Corp and in charge of the Ring. Regardless of which, the fact that Yi Sang is a member of the Ring as well as a friend of Aseah's would make him an authority on Aseah's emotional state, as well as what happened to him. We don't know much about Aseah, who is something of a cipher. Whether he drew him with a frown or a smile could have meant a lot about what the circumstances around him are.
Also, interestingly, his face seems to be less distorted, like Yi Sang's. If his face was as distorted as Dongrang or Gubo's, it would be immediately apparent where his mouth was-even a more simply drawn mouth would probably reach up or down into the cheeks outside of the paintbrush handle.
Finally, as a side note, comparing the expressions with the original picture:
In the original picture, far-left, tall one, and Possibly Rim are all smiling. Yi Sang and Dongbaek have small smiles-Yi Sang appears much happier in his drawing than in the original picture, as Ring Yi Sang probably considers himself to be now. Aseah seems expressionless. Gubo is frowning slightly. Dongrang looks visibly uncomfortable, which is particularly interesting considering how he's drawn in Yi Sang's version. Considering our Yi Sang might have harbored a grudge against Dongrang, this one might too.
Regardless-it's very interesting that someone so focused on denying the past and putting it behind him would not simply deface the picture, but put effort into that defacement by giving them different expressions.
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eazy-peazy54 · 3 months
ugh THANK YOU for making that will wood fandom post. okay this ask is gonna be super long and i’m really sorry to vent in your inbox but anyway. i heard about will on tumblr several years ago right after the normal album dropped but before he “blew up” (using that term loosely lol) and i’ve steadily watched his fanbase become more and more unbearable. for context i’m in my mid 20s, so unfortunately quite a bit older than a large portion of his current fans.
it’s really disappointing to me to see how strangely and unhealthily young people interact with media they like. i won’t waste time reiterating what you already said very well, but i will add something about the opposite end of the weird fan spectrum. so you basically called out some of the very public manic obsession that his younger fans display, but then there’s the other fans who do literally the opposite (to an obnoxious degree) where they say he’s literally just some guy etc. and like. i’m totally on board with the just some guy movement like yes let’s please acknowledge that artists are just people who happen to create something that you enjoy (especially small artists like will who aren’t even “famous” like he’s a niche indie artist that gained some recognition for a viral song but there are some kids out here treating him like a c-list celebrity like??) HOWEVER i do not understand why they have to act like any sort of emotional attachment to him or his work is toxic fan behavior. there’s absolutely no balance and it’s exhausting.
i personally feel like i and some of his older fans (older in age and duration i.e. mid 20s and/or been a fan since before early-mid 2021? i feel like that’s when he went viral) naturally engage in a more sane way. i personally am incredibly attached to his music, it means a lot to me, i listen to it a ton, and i also enjoy will as a person; i very much admire the brain, the mind, the person behind the art. i think he’s funny, intelligent, interesting, not to mention one of the most talented musicians / artists in general that i’ve ever come across. i like listening to him in interviews and on his podcast. and i think i manage all of that in a healthy and respectful way. i don’t think it’s difficult. but for some reason there are some fans who probably wouldn’t like the second part of that. they take “separate the art from the artist” way too far. “Do Not Have An Opinion About This Human You Perv”. it’s annoying. calling him pretty or attractive or whatever also gets met with some very weird reactions. “HE’S JUST A GUY” yes most of us are, in fact, just a guy™️ (gender neutral). saying he’s cute is not sexual harassment.
another thing that actually pisses me off so much is these fans describing and categorizing him based on their and their mutuals very specific demographic. “white teenage transmasc audhd neurodivergent mentally ill queer etc. etc. etc.” music. that is such a limited and myopic generalization. first of all, he had fans way before you, your age group is not his target demographic, nor is it his core demographic, on top of that he’s explicitly stated he doesn’t want people your age listening to him. he’s not for you. second, it absolutely makes sense that mentally ill people gravitate towards him given that he himself is severely mentally ill, so this part of the description pisses me off the least, but still, he’s also a recovering/recovered alcoholic, but i don’t see people saying he makes music for addicts? idk.
next is the queer bit. yeah gay people like him. i get it. he’s a queer safe space and that’s cool and i appreciate it but i feel like it’s still narrowing the categorization. he also has a lot of neurodivergent fans and i understand why. i think my main issue is just a combination of all of these very specific descriptors you know? like yeah he has fans that fit all of this but when you lump all of it together to describe his music and the entirety of his fandom then it becomes too much. whatever. anyway. the one that makes me the most mad is the white thing. i hate it when music that isn’t inherently racial is divided by race. it’s alienating and divisive and exclusionary and unnecessary. there are plenty of fans of color and there would probably be even more if some of y’all didn’t insist on generalizing his music based on your own limited experience. i think that’s sort of a microcosm of what a lot of poc talk about on here, about being shoved out of fandom spaces? like imagine you’re an adult queer black guy and you keep hearing about this will wood person who makes really cool music so you go to give it a try and find a bunch of 14yos calling him white preteen transmasc music. super off putting. even as someone who actually does fall into a couple (not all) of the demographics they talk about i know i would absolutely not be a fan now if i’d discovered him later than i did. which makes me sad. anyway. sorry this is definitely getting very long and rambly so i’m sorry about that i just have a lot of opinions about this fanbase.
oh my god this put everything i missed into words THANK YOU 😭
I completely agree with everything you just said!!! Honestly the whole big point with my essay was to just say "hey guys, don't be weird about this, and be respectful because there is a real person behind the screen!"
everyone who goes too far with the "HES JUST A GUY" thing isn't helping. its like. yeah, hes just a guy, but that doesn't mean i cant have any sort of attachment to his music whatsoever??? some people's idea of treating people like real people is really just treating them worse than how they were being treated before 😭
The people who are policing the fandom too much aren't helping either, its getting really exhausting to keep seeing posts saying "oh he looks really good in this photo!" and seeing like 200 replies being like "STOP SEXUALIZING YOU CREEP!!!!" (although there are people who actually do sexualize him, (which is really gross and weird) but i digress,)
music based fandoms are usually very,,, eh.. but honestly most of the fandom isn't bad, its just the people who take things to the extremes (in both directions) who are kind of making it a bit more awkward.
i think the fandom, and his music as a whole shouldn't just be narrowed down to "gay neurodivergent weirdo music," but it should just be like. "music for cool people" or hell, just fuckin "music"
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andbrokenmemories · 1 year
So it's weird how like. The Kennet girls are good at everything, aren't they? [pale spoilers ahead]
Like that's obvious, it's textual -- it's very textual, other characters being in something like awe over it over and over and over across the story. The girls are very good at this, and they have a deep well of power. This comes up continuously.
what's weird is thaaat a lot of the fanbase seem to like, enjoy that. Enjoy having protagonists who can play around with magic in a way Blake never ever could have. I kind of get that, I won't like shit-talk it too hard. (I do like Verona, y'know?)
But it's an interesting fact. Because Wildbow's the underdog protagonist guy! At least in action scenes, that's his whole thing! Taylor and Blake have to eat shit and die to claw their way to victory, and often those scenes work for me. And it's one of the things I think WB gets the most praise for? Like, from his established base. It's a conscious choice to not do that for Pale. He like, introduced the idea that this kind of wild practitioner would be especially powerful. He made that up for this book.
I wonder what that decision looks like -- after Ward, and Ward's issues, especially, since that seemed to be the first break from this. Underdog protagonists seem to be the default, for him; the thing he has most experience with. I've seen posts from him describing his process -- put characters against the wall without having a pre-planned out for them, so WB himself has to puzzle out exactly what they can use to make it out alive -- and he seemed to derive like... An actual enjoyment, out of it?
Yeah, there are fights in Pale where they're up against the wall... even one where, with Dire Consequences for us all, Wildbow had them lose because he couldn't see a way for them to win!
But it's not the same. I'd honestly say they usually lose because of their like, lack of full maturity -- their child soldier-y emotional rawness and uncertainty -- their lack of cohesion, as the book usually plays it. Lucy cannot stop John from joining the Contest because she can't hold her nerve against him. The girls cannot stop the murder plot from coming to fruition because they lack unity, aren't working together as a team. Emotional stuff. The girls have more tools in their box than any Wildbow protagonist before them, by far, but they can't always use them properly to get the W, for emotional reasons, for character reasons.
In theory, that's an interesting direction (maybe, possibly), and I should be relieved that Wildbow is trying something fresh. In practice... I've said I don't like Pale's fight scenes. I think Wildbow is plainly worse at this than the content of his previous works.
Part of this is seen in the Contest. Or, at least, how Wildbow Posts about it. If you can't tell, a specific WoG lives in my brain: Wildbow said once that he kept the story going past Break because he genuinely did not believe the trio could beat Maricica. I can imagine him doing his typical calculus for this, and what led him to that conclusion, maybe. For example, we've heard a lot about the ability of the Fae to manipulate stuff, aaaand to have the girls come along and undo all of that with minimal information to begin with wouuld sort of. Damage our belief in Faerie significance. Still, though -- cards on the table, here -- I think this was a Dumb and Bad choice. (It's a sidenote to this post, but I think it's very strange that, in-story the straw that breaks the camel's back is shown to be the Alabaster allowing shit to go on rather than throwing in with John, effectively a betrayer revealed moment -- a thing that, even if sorta his intention from the start, he could simply say 'aw beans i never really planned this out far enough' and just drop. for the sake of wrapping up a better story. and naturally i believe this would have been better also because it means we never would have fucking gotten White Woman Animus!! i digress. i digress.)
Maricica had weaknesses the story gave us to nibble on, and those weaknesses... are just kind of dangling threads, now? As of where I hopped off? like, guess she can't be that inexperienced with people if she became a goddess and started a cult and helped with all that red heron shit lol
So it's that thing I said, about fight scenes being more character driven. But then also, he's clearly thinking about this the same way as ever! As shown by his weird logic with framing the story going past Break as a thing he Had To Do, for Logical Reasons, or at least that weighing on the decision. a thing that is silly and i disagree with on it's face. right?
And then this shows in the sheer quantity of fight scenes -- if the girl's main limiter is internal emotional context and stuff........... uh... why are there so many fights? Why wouldnt the story naturally curve towards. having fewer fight scenes when theres no other way to square things away. that progress character arcs. whyyy do i care about fight scene 129 when i know how strong these girls are. whyyy are we fighting so many random others, and dedicating genuinely long segments of story to them, rather than montaging that shit? Getting it over with? If it has to be there at all? (for reference -- I just tried to think of a Random Pale Fight i fully don't think mattered. i selected the random like. angel summoner guy? with the fortnite constructor angel. that's a part of the musser invasion or whatever. this is a character with literally no substance, just a musser-side goon. From him entering the ongoing! fight to Lucy getting out of dodge is 4.6k words. Plague 12.7, the Mannequin fight, up to Mannequin leaving -- that's almost the entire chapter -- is 6.9k words. on the worm wiki, i saw there's a brief 'major events' summary of that chapter. i couldnt tell you the major events of the Pale chapter, of which that section of fight is like a third, maybe. lucy gets a bit more upset. lucy gets in a few quips against musser-side characters that actually matter but actually dont matter much to how that broader conflict is resolved. i guess.)
Wildbow writes any random fight the girls get into as being worth as many words as his fights in the past! the scrappy, pay-offy ones. bleh. My point in all this: you cannot simply set your protags up in the way I'm positing, here, and then continue to use the same vocabulary of every other serial anyway. it straight up doesn't work. it's exhausting. The Future is An Eternal Slaughterhouse 9000 Arc. Look, thats a criticism that boils down to 'web serials are too long'. And I'm not sure I care too much about web serials being too long! I have read longer web serials with longer fight scenes! I have written fiction with a longer average word count per chapter than Wildbow, at least during Worm! its a real criticism, but its not one im amazingly interested in personally. But the Kennet three could've had weaknesses to play around -- or at least, more weaknesses. We are in a Post-Pact world, and in this Post-Pact world, the magic in Pale really barely feels like it, uh, relies on discourse and presentation. like at all. And that seems like an option to give these characters obstacles! An option Wildbow gestures at during the Musser meta-arc!
but what struck me getting that word count comparison earlier, skimming that fight? The girls just aren't operating in that world. There's never a thought for presentation -- maybe sometimes, for a slight edge. But it never really matters, certainly not after the blue heron. They're using glamour as a workhorse tool, covering goblins in it for brief misdirects to get an edge in a fight; they're calling on the same shrine spirits over and over. They don't build up tools over a portion of story then cash them out for a satisfying win, they're just... strong. They have more items in their bags than Wildbow probably knows what to do with. Strong enough for just Lucy to dunk on any random set of practitioners, but not strong enough for the story to just skip that part, and not strong enough to just solve the plot until it's time to go fuck up Charles and end the story.
I know you could argue that I'm making this up, or that it's what some people prefer to what Pact was doing. But I just think it's not even what wildbow is good at! (and i always theorize that when wildbow is writing kind of bad, it's probably because he's not actually engaged or happy with what he's putting himself through. did he read a specific thing that made him personally excited to make the girls so versatile? I don't really know, but I don't get that vibe.)
And I have a couple of specific things I want to point out to try and prove this is like. a thing at all, to wrap up on: First, Glamour is used as this very, uh, soft magic thing, this very basic narrative tool. A pure mechanic of, like, mental states. If you're shaken, if you're uncertain, your glamour gives out on you -- if you shake your opponents, make them skittish, your glamour is better at misdirecting them. This is fiiine? But too vague for what Glamour is. Wildbow simply failed to properly present tradeoffs to one of his character's main action verbs, one that literally had those tradeoffs in Pact. And one last example to try and prove this: they dont even wear the hats and cloaks anymore duuude. Like, in my eyes: there was a very simple to read gambit being made, with the hats and masks and cloaks? You are awakening early, you will always have awoken early: You accepted an early shield against what that meant. A constructed image in place of the image of a fully-fledged adult, masking that youth; Whimsical and inherently magical, inherently wild. It's a very basic tradeoff, and one the story promises you it knows: even if they really would rather not have to go through the whole song and dance of suiting up, if it's tactically suboptimal or else they mature out of it and realise it's not for them, they will never be able to escape it -- not without giving up power. A mark accepted that cannot be given up. A mechanical restriction on their powersets to make up for some of their advantages, that also has some character relevancy. The Good Stuff.
except yeah it can. be taken off. it doesn't super matter. not really. they do plenty of magic without all the stuff on or even any of the stuff on -- it's rarely presented as an obstacle. it doesnt really matter. Because then, you see, they couldnt mature out of it and do cool stuff! it'd be. annoying. frustrating. they'd have to like. deal with changing past the natures they made for themselves. they'd have to. be characters. with character issues. that present themselves in fight scenes. you know?? what are we doing.
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
Okay could. I order a fic with The Spot who met the Reader via LITERALLY FALLING INTO THEIR HOUSE. Entered their universe and fell directly into the livingroom. Thing that sets this universe apart? It's a universe where people have wings! Reader is based on a cockatiel, grey wings with a white patch! Either first time meeting or maybe reader asks him to help preen their wings? Gender neutral!! Tysm I love being specific grgrgrgrrggr <333
the spot falls into winged readers home !
RAGAHAGSGAHAGGRRAGR GRGGRRAGAGRG i’m foaming at the mouth *leans on expensive car* heyyyy 🤭 I FUCKING LOVE WINGS GRGAGRGAHRA ok rq, im an artist and also just obsessed with wings and i curse god everyday that we didn’t evolve with them, i instil the fear of god into people when i explain accurate anatomy if people had wings and actually could fly cause there are characteristics you need like hollow bones and all the muscles that go into functioning arms- you’ve unleashed something powerful, okami
please . talk to me about this . if you would like to . *poses in front of expensive house*
warnings: none, i may rant throughout about wings im sorry
pairing: the spot x gn!reader
requests: refer to the masterlist
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
imagine ur surprise when a black hole suddenly opened up in your house and a guy fell through it ! how strange !
your wings fiercely tense up in an intimidating way while you watch the strange figure fumble to stand up, despite being on solid ground it looks like he has sea legs
“Oh- oh god, I am *so* sorry,” he’s baffled himself, as he puts it: “i’m still getting used to my holes”
aren’t we all 😪
it’s takes him a little while to notice all the subtle differences in your home to the typical house in his dimension; the way that doors are taller and there’s a lot more accommodation to winged individuals, which he then noticed you are
you see that weird hole in his face narrow as he studies you from a distance, like a true scientist
i think he’d be really interested in your wings at first, from a scientific view
asking you all sorts of questions while slowly backing out of the room “I like your wings, by the way! they’re very.. anatomically correct”
he’s clearly intrigued, but also trespassing and he truly didn’t mean to
depending on your own response depends on his urgency
“Wow! that’s great- is everyone here like that or is it some kind of mutation? It doesn’t matter, let me get out of your wings- hair!” the whole time he’s doing all of these wild gestures with his hands while his long ass legs carry him towards the exit, his joints stiff while he attempts to evade a confrontation
“They’re very beautiful,” is the last off handed thing he says before pulling your door open to leave your house
now, if society is accommodated to a civilisation of people with wings, there may very well be a very large drop from you home that most people can easily pass over with wings
but spot doesn’t have those
cue him almost plummeting to his death ? but a hole opens up and it open right back into your home, resulting in spot falling into your living space once again
“Oh, would you look at that! trespassing, again!” he curls in on himself in a very pathetic way before getting up again (ily spot)
you’ve just kinda tolerated his presence while all this goes down
but i don’t think you guys are new to the whole stranger danger thing, so you don’t befriend spot immediately
but imagine this becomes a stupidly common occurrence throughout the weeks
every once in a while, he drops by and each time you get a little more tolerant of him, he’s a little funny and also silly
you eventually get on name basis, and you can see he’s getting better at controlling his holes
sometimes he literally just drops through one hole and falls straight through the other, it’s a very short exchange
“hi y/n” and he’s gone
but say it’s ever gotten to the stage where you guys are actually equated, he may one day fall into your home while you’re struggling to preen your own wings
an honest struggle, not a chance i could stretch far enough w my bones popping at minor movement
he’s even started to land on his feet sometimes, and he’s very proud of himself
“ta-da!” he lands, arms outstretched while he still stumbled a little
“oh, are you preening?” most genuinely interested and curious tone ever
he approaches like a fucking rat, a little hunched over with his arms mimicking a t-rex
you can decide how significant your wings are, if they’re a big part of ur culture and ur a bit reluctant to let spot touch them
which i honestly think he’ll respect
“oh, nono! it’s okay,” will keep his distance but now is stood a little awkwardly
but if you’re chill with him touching your wings, man’s thrilled
might whisper something silly like “oo, science!” as he approaches with an outstretched hand
and hey, if you go the extra step further and let him preen you, go ahead
does he know what he’s doing ? no, and he’s confident he’ll fuck it up somehow
please show him and/or give him instruction that include when to breath and blink please
admittedly is staring more at how your wings connect to your back more than anything else, he’s very intrigued in your anatomy
would never say that out loud, dear god
but once you’ve given him instructions, he’s on that shit pretty attentively
he’s a scientist, he’ll figure it out
it’s a sight and a half though, it looks like monkeys grooming each other lmao
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i genuinely think of a reality all of the time where society had wings and relied on that for travel instead of cars n shit- would we need a licence to fly out in public like dbz ? would the type of wings you have be native to the birds from the place you were born, are the genes recessive from your parents n shit- how disability would be handled and how things would be accessible to people who can’t fly im going insane
i shit you not my spidersona has a few concepts, he’s a character i’ve had for a little while from an mnm campaign- he’s a mutant that has accurate bird mutations so tail feathers and wings and i thought it might have been too cliche for me to like say “he’s spiderman in a dimension where society evolved to have wings!” and it felt mary sue and i was afraid so i took his beautiful wings away hem hem whimper
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bathroomtrapped · 1 year
saw ask. so let's say hypothetically (not really) all the apprentices are autistic (they are) headcanon them
saw ask ‼️‼️ i completely agree unironically and i keep that in mind when i consume/write/draw saw content. jigsaw apprentices? more like PDA autistics anonymous jfc
i (shamefully) am not an amanda-guy and dont have pretty much any headcanons about her overall so sorry about that but ill do some bullet points for the apprentices bc ive thought TOO MUCH abt this
1. the most obvious PDA manifestation, though i think its strong in mark and lawrence for sure, adam just doesnt mask his. he pretty much built his life around maximizing free will and full control over his schedule
2. constantly reducing sensory input with music and being baked. his apartment is dead silent and dark 24/7 tho
3. honestly i think adam has shocking high levels of empathy. most people in his life wouldnt peg him as someone who would struggle with that but i think its what sets him apart from nearly every saw character. hes so isolated but desperate to understand and connect with other people, even if hes in the shadows
4. studies high class targets and their mannerisms. it helped him function during a few job interviews
5. hates eating, hates effort so pretty much eats like shit. very few specific, cheap, prepackaged meals that he can handle. anything that isnt a time commitment to prepare and eat
6. talks too much to overcompensate (not sure if people are able to understand what hes getting at and ends up rambling)
1. i hc him as a narc as well which (as you can imagine) combined with PDA makes instruction/criticism/responsibility stressful so hes constantly overloaded
2. same as above, combined with asd i think its the biggest reason he has that canonical low empathy (similar to mark)
3. can only eat incredibly plain and simple foods. rice, bread, vegetables without butters/oils etc. very picky
4. very little auditory sensory issues after so many years in a hospital and needs noise in order to function (including sleep)
5. started wearing pajamas under his suits after a few years in residency because hes already tired 24/7, the terrible fabric on top of that just makes him insane
6. struggled through med school because lectures are hard to interpret and hes more of a visual learner
7. so much eye contact
8. remember that dog picture in his wallet we see for like 5 seconds? i cant imagine someone like him enjoying the texture or sporadic energy of a dog and makes it sleep in dianas room at night. its not allowed in the office and he meticulously cleans all of the dog hair the second he sees any
9. absolutely allergic to change in every way
1. low empathy as i mentioned before
2. he wears a lot loose fitting suits in canon which i think are for sensory reasons. he clearly prioritizes comfort with those (interesting) track pants?
3. i have joked with my mutuals about his off-putting, autistic ass stare countless times
4. terrible liar because he has less control over his facial expressions and mannerisms. he ends up making too much eye contact and thinks that brutal honesty is a good idea. he has an almost nonexistent filter
5. he reminds me of that brand of autism that a lot of patriarchs have, the kind that goes unnoticed bc theyre the head of the household. meat and potatoes his entire life, strange rituals and routines everyone has to get used to
6. extremely black and white sense of justice and a poor understanding of hierarchal authority. he doesnt get why people are above or below other people and struggles with those concepts
7. everyone in the precinct knows not to joke with mark because it will always fall flat and have to be explained. mark has rly funny but dry and blunt humor himself
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Warden Ingo proposal? Help. Any direction. Get carried away! I love you. Bless you.
Oooh this is interesting because he’s probably got a mix of Unova and Hisui traditions in his head
Ingo needs a rock, so he goes to the rock expert of the lands.
Lian is suspicious, as all little boys are of adults being suddenly interested in their interests. But Lian also knows that Ingo is a good guy, who has taught him quite a bit about battling with Goomy. So Lian shows him his favorite stones.
“Tumblestones, as you know, are used for making Poké Balls.” Lian says, holding up the various types to Ingo.
“Yes.” Ingo, politely, studies them, but Lian can see the disinterest in the more common stones.
“I have quartz.” Lian offers. He walks across his home, to the shelves of stones he has. Several of each type decorate the surfaces, but he points specifically to the colorless rocks, and some of the white ones too. “It’s very common. If you want, I can show you where it’s found, and you can mine some yourself!”
Ingo is silent for a moment. His eyes linger on the finest cut of quartz Lian has, a bright white with small veins of red through it. Lian shifts his weight around, not wanting to tell his fellow warden that he doesn’t want to give that one away.
“It’s lovely.” Ingo eventually says, his eyes distant. Not disinterested like before, but lost. They come back into focus only as they drift higher. “Er, what is this?”
Lian has to take a few steps back to see where Ingo is pointing. “Oh! Obsidian?” He only has two kinds, and he doesn’t want to part with them either. “Er, I got it from the Coastland. Palina helped me get it from the volcano.”
Ingo straightens, gripping his hat. His brows furrow, frown tight as he gazes towards the window, out into the snow. “Then I have a journey to make! Thank you dearly, Warden Lian! You have been most helpful!”
Lian chases the man towards the door. “You’re getting obsidian?” Ingo merely nods. “Why? It’s pretty dangerous to go near volcanos! What could you need it for?”
Ingo pauses, and turns to Lian, his coat whipping around him in a powerful manner.
“Something very important, I assure you.” He faces the snowy path out of the Pearl settlement, and points. Lian slaps his hands to his ears. “ALL ABOARD! NEXT STOP, THE COBALT COASTLANDS!”
What a strange warden.
Ingo needs obsidian, so he consults someone acquainted with lava and heat.
Palina cocks a brow at Ingo’s request, silent as Iscan does a little nervous stammering about the dangers of the volcano, even with the new noble Pokémon guarding it. Still, when Palina rests a hand on his wrist, smiling, Iscan stammers out that they can take Basculegion if they want.
The waters are rough, and the heat oppressive, but Palina walks without pause. Ingo shuffles after, coat wrapped around his waist and hat fanning his face as they tread the solidified magma, searching.
Obsidian is not as common as tumblestones, sadly. So heatstroke is a threat on the horizon for Ingo, until Paline suddenly shunts in her tracks.
Between the wrinkled hills of black lava, Palina points near the slow river of molten earth. Ingo spots it then, gleaming in the sun. Obsidian.
“And what do you need this for?” Palina asks, a glint to her eyes and a curve to her smile that makes Ingo think she already knows, she just wants him to say it.
Gliscor breaks the large chunk of rock free, so Ingo distracts himself with carefully putting the obsidian into his bag. It's warm, smooth yet sharp. He thumbs a dull edge, the texture appealing against his calloused skin.
“Do you know anyone who works well with metal?” Ingo asks instead.
Palina smiles wider, clearly satisfied despite his lack of answer, and rests a hand on her collar, where her necklace sits. “Iscan went to the Craftworks in Jubilife, to help make mine.”
Ingo nods, then faces the sea, pointing. Palina places her hands over her ears in time for, “ALL ABOARD!”
Gliscor shrieks in delight.
Ingo needs metal, so he asks Anvin of the craftworks.
The man’s skills lie more in woodwork, but he agrees to work on Ingo’s request as he did with Iscan's. The issue is that Ingo wants something far smaller, and that makes it a difficult pour. Even more so to sand down the stone into a shape that will fit the silver band.
It takes several tries, several burns, several miss-pours and shattered tries, but it’s the reason Ingo gathered so much obsidian. They try and try, and eventually, success comes.
In the simple band of silver, smoothed obsidian sits, rippled and shaped similar to a sphere (the best the two men could do).
It’s not perfect, but Ingo finds that the imperfections make it better, in a way. He can only hope his sentiments are shared.
“What’s it for again?” Anvin asks, wiping sweat off his brow.
“It’s an important gift.” Is all Ingo says, wishing Anvin a good day before spinning on his heel. “ALL ABOARD!”
Anvin knocks over the tray of rejects in his jerk of shock. A sheepish Ingo doesn’t leave until he helps pick them all up.
Ingo needs. . . help, so he goes to someone he can trust.
“Lady Irida,” Ingo murmurs, once he’s sat before his Clan Leader, “I have. . . a strange request.”
Irida’s head cocks as he slides the hand carved box across the table between them. The ring inside glitters in the soft candlelight.
“A ring?” Irida asks.
“For. . .” Ingo stammers a moment, and Irida’s brows rise. She’s never seen him so unsure of his words. “For a proposal.”
“To the hero??” Irida asks immediately. Her face lights up at Ingo’s embarrassed nod, and she claps happily. “Oh, wonderful! If you want my blessing, you have it!”
Ingo’s shoulders slump a little. “That is good to hear.” He pauses, only to clear his throat after a moment. “I wished to ask about how a Pearl Clan proposal usually proceeds.”
Irida hums, cradling the little box in her hands as she half listens to Ingo. “Usually we use a betrothal necklace, not a ring.”
“A ring is what we used, back where I am from.” Ingo says it absently, eyes on the ring. “I can’t remember much besides that, however. I know it was important, the ring, but that’s all.”
“Well,” Irida sets the box down, ignoring how quick Ingo is to snatch it back, “there are many ways to propose, but what we of the Pearl Clan prefer is taking the person to somewhere beautiful, somewhere teeming with the blessings of Sinnoh. And then we ask the person if they’ll enter our space, and allow us to enter theirs. To live together, be together, for eternity more.”
Space. . . Ingo ponders space. Space, to the Pearl Clan, means home, more or less. Important space is home to them, and to share space is to share home, to share safe spaces and safety too. Ingo thinks of you, thinks of how you both don’t truly belong in this space, but how you’ve carved out your own places anyway.
Ingo thinks of you and thinks of home. You make him feel less alone, less like an outcast. You, with your own scattered memories that seem to compliment his. What you remember, he doesn’t, and vice versa. You fit together so well, and Ingo. . . Ingo feels at home with you.
And he wants that forever. To be your home, to be your safe space, to share everything with you until you both return to the space around you as intertwined dust. He knows he wants this, so very badly.
“Thank you.” He whispers.
Irida smiles. “I’ll let the people know your home needs expanding.”
"All aboard." Ingo croaks, already blushing from domestic fantasies.
Ingo needs you.
He needs you like he needs air, water, food, sunshine. He stands before you at the fabled springs, shoes tossed aside to splash in the cool waters. He's half soaked, panting from the exertion of your play, and you're no better. Your hair sticks to your cheeks as you laugh, clutching your stomach in your carefree mirth.
And Ingo drops to his knees without hesitation.
You jump, panicked by his sudden collapse, but Ingo is already holding out his hands to you. The box in his hands is small, and you inch closer to peer at it, curious.
Why does this seem familiar?
"Sinnoh gave us space," Ingo starts slowly, eyes pleading to you to allow him this one speech, "or perhaps it gave us time. Whichever is true, be it one, both, neither, I know that Sinnoh gave me you."
"Ingo?" You ask in a soft whisper.
"I was alone," Ingo says, voice wobbling some, "f-for quite some time, it was only me. I was the only Faller, and I was seen as strange, different, and thus avoided. Then you fell. You came, and you saw me, and you befriended me without hesitation. And you l-loved me," Ingo swallows heavily, "you loved this tired old man, so much. And I loved you so, so much in return."
You carefully kneel too. Ingo lowers his hands with you, and carefully peels the lid of the box back. Your eyes widen.
"I love you." Ingo says, faster now. There's no time, it feels like. The world is folding in on him. "I love you, and I will love you, forever. I have a space in this world, same as you, but I don't want it to be just my space. I want it to be ours, I want what's mine to be yours, and I want to receive all of you."
He gasps a breath as your eyes flick up to his.
Sinnoh, does he love your eyes.
"I want you to marry me." He says in one rushed breath. The silence is heavy and loud, so he squeaks out an addendum. "Please?"
For a moment, Ingo fears the worst. Fears he's finally delivered the final straw to break you, to push you away.
But that is washed away by the spring water, when you tackle him onto his back, your kiss bruising and painful and everything Ingo ever wanted.
He kisses you back, just as hard, his hand on the back of your head as he finally releases all of his anxiety and fear for delirious happiness to take its place.
He's home.
"All aboard." Ingo murmurs against your lips.
You laugh. "Next station, marriage!"
Ingo cries.
Sinnoh above, does he love you.
sorry this ran away from me hehe
hope you like it xeers!! <3<3<3
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darklinaforever · 1 year
Every time I see someone say that Tyler never liked Wednesday and that it was all manipulation whose every move was calculated by Gates... I want to scream.
The actor himself confirmed that Tyler had no idea who Wednesday was when he met him at the coffee shop. Which means his offer to take her back to the out-of-town train station, the small smile he gave when she left to sit down, and his attempt to defend her against the trio of boys was sincere. There is no other reason. And I also don't think that during the phone call he was insincere. He literally tells her that he agrees to drive her for free because at least "one of them will be able to leave this town" The point of saying such a sentence ?!
There's also that fucking date, where Tyler paid too much attention to detail for it to be just comedy. Someone who doesn't have feelings isn't going to be so thorough about a person. No way. Damn, the tablecloth and the popcorn containers were black and white ! Maybe it was Laurel who thought of the decoration too ? (Lol) Besides, there was no need to even try to have a romantic relationship with Wednesday to keep an eye on her. A strange choice for a boy supposed to hate outcasts so much, and who apparently never had feelings for Wednesday... I doubt it was Laurel who asked him to specifically develop a romantic relationship with Wednesday.
Also, last detail, when your big supposed bad guy who doesn't care about the heroine cries while revealing to her that he is bad, there is a big problem. And don't tell me he was just putting the "innocent boy" face back on. I've watched this scene long enough to see that Tyler's tears start during his "bad guy speech" and come to a head when he whispers in Wednesday's ear (So it's not even a manipulative tactic on her specifically, because when her tears are very visible he did not even look at her at that moment and yet looked just as sorry. You will tell me that he is aware of the spectators behind their screens and that he plays comedy for maybe us ?!), let's not even talk about when he looked in the face... It was literally heartbreaking. Then when he leaves, just look at his face to see that this expression of sadness has disappeared, and that limit, he has a small smile. He only had that heartbreaking expression for Wednesday. Not for others. The interest ? When he has just revealed that he is a big bad guy ? What's the point of playing comedy on her now ?! Especially when she thinks her mistress is dead ?! "You have no idea what's is coming" ?! It was literally like a warning to her ?! The point of doing all that ?!
It's as if the guy had two different personalities ! Which makes sense, since the dude is literally A HYDE ! Like in the fucking novel !? The series itself confirms this aspect with the statements of the psy on Tyler...
All this to say that if Tyler had no feelings for Wednesday, these 3 scenes, namely the first meeting at the cafe, the date (especially) and the tearful revelation, would not make sense !
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evilmagician430 · 10 months
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boyfriends but awesome (and instead of a webtoon its an independent webcomic)
design notes and 3ds flipnote concept art below the cut
general notes abt their designs and what the comic would be like in my head:
>they dont have names in this version cause i think that was one of the good things they did originally. i imagine they refer to eachother as "that one" "the other guy" etc like the dhmis guys when talking about eachother.
>they are not in a defined romantic relationship with eachother because i think thats more interesting, the polyamory aspect would be kept (im not polyamorous btw so im not gonna try to write an established polycule) but its more vague in that they all kind of have a thing for eachother but also hate eachother and want to rip eachothers guts out. and theyre all roommates and bffs. if you asked them what they were the answer you would get would be "friends who are boys". they are the height of male friendship, hate, love, etc.
>instead of focusing on sexualizing them in strange ways and doing boring moe shit it would lean into the comedy aspect BUT NO MEMES OR LATE 2010S SLANG !! this was something i could not fucking stand when reading the original (if you couldnt tell by now i did used to read boyfriends. it was a regrettable time and in redesigning and overhauling them i hope to make something good out of this wasted period of my life) like even when it was current boyfriends always made memes feel.. out of place. like as soon as they said it it wasnt cool anymore. it was the unfunniest shit ever
>i wanted the characters to look less WHITE and also more distinct from eachother and also less young cause in the original its like the same twink 3 times in different haircolors and their Chad. said chad is the best character only by way of not being annoying. so yeah i'll be more specific later but none of them are white and i gave them all different eye and nose shapes and distinct physical traits and bodies etc.
>mostly i just did this cause the "nerd" and "goth" ones piss me off so bad like thats not real. thats not a nerd thats just a nondescript waify femboy with glasses. thats not a goth, thats a tiktok eboy. and i felt bad for jock being trapped in this comic. and the prep one i feel nothing towards hes the most accurate to gay preps irl because they really are that annoying. but i tried to make him a little interesting atleast. anyways
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nerd - black, brony, always aggressively corrects the others when they state an incorrect fact, really into playstation eyetoy and obscure playstation games. insanely autistic. usually pissed off if hes not indulging himself in something he likes (yaoi, games, ponies, figures, etc). i just wanted to overhaul him completely to make him almost nothing like refrainbow's nerd because nerd type characters are always the ones i tend to see myself in and are my favorites but reading the webtoon that guy just pissed me off fr.
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jock - 2nd gen chinese american, one of the things i liked in the original actually was when they sexualized the jock (probably cause hes the only one who doesnt look 14 in that comic) and his big tits. hes a very genuinely kind guy, not the brightest, has a voracious appetite, he also still bakes cause thats cute i think.
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prep - he looks different here because i was originally going to make him white but i decided to make him a light/medium skintone black guy (he just wears a blonde wig and contacts). when companies make their pride month merchandise and advertisements this is the exact person they imagine in their head who is going to buy these products. hes a million percent one of those swifties who thinks taylor swift is secretly a lesbian. trust fund kid btw obviously. his only redeeming quality is that hes good at makeup. jokes in the comic are usually made at his expense.
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goth - 1st gen latino american, specifically peruvian because i am a self serving motherfucker. hes a really big numetal fan and listens to like 2000s evil wolf amv music in addition to legitimate gothic. his face changed a little too between this and the final design. his outfit completely changed but its only because i realized everyone else was dressed for relatively warm weather so it wouldnt make sense for him to be wearing multiple layers of black. if i do cold weather outfits for them id def reuse this look for him. hes still trans but i think all of them are in my version. also they dont use labels for their sexual/rom orientation. except prep hes homosexual gay.
congratulations for reaching the end of this incomprehensible bullshit 👍 hope someone enjoys this but idrc if its just for me either
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katyspersonal · 5 months
What is your opinion on our silly tree pope ?
Oh, that FUCKING bitch motherfucker fuck, god I hate him so much, I'd strangle him if his stupid wooden neck was not so thick,
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Sorry, I meant to say YAYYYY what a cool compelling character, truly one of the most iconic and interesting ones in Dark Souls trilogy!! Really great battle especially!
Okay in all seriousness now, it isn't even a shitpost and my feelings towards him are a bit unstable. He is a rare case of a villain who is not even morally grey. The guy was born in the place for those neglected, unwanted, discarded or just not feeling like they belonged to the "actual" world and made his liberation from it everyone else's problem!
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I do think that in general Dark Souls trilogy benefits from a change that is having a character who is just bad and corrupt power-hungry tyrant, as every other character at least had interests of humanity and/or the world in general in mind! Nuanced characters go harder when there are contrasting ones! But also this is what makes my opinion shift from wanting to bully the bastard to finding him fun or even attractive, depending on the mood.
There are some things I want to address though regarding how I interpret the character! I had another post where I've discussed my interpretation of what kind of creature he is exactly ( x )! In short; I believe he is 25% tree and 75% human, but is Just Like That rather than having been human(ish) before becoming corrupted into a more tree-like form. As for his motivations.. I don't think that he wanted to end the Age of Fire specifically, but rather that he is an opportunistic asshole and will roll with whatever helps him! Helps with what? Well, it ranges from having total control to simply surviving, which I think is what happened between him and Aldrich!
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Japanese original makes it a bit more clear that Sulyvahn "eventually" fed Gwyndolin to Aldrich, that gives me feeling as though it was not his original intention, but... Seeing that he did imprison Yorshka and is hiding her from Aldrich, and at first imprisoned Gwyndolin too, I think his motivation was to usurp the power. He is opportunistic asshole that wants control! And what could give more of that than being THE pope of Way of White?
At first, that was accomplished through Gwyndolin, and I have a strong impression that he fed the guy to Aldrich as means of self-defence. I'd say it is even more likely how Sulyvahn looks like quite a mess with his clothes being thorn, so maybe he was fighting against Aldrich before managing to buy himself time, or mercy altogether, by offering him Gwyndolin instead. If he was a huge simp of Aldrich that just wanted the Age of Fire to be done with, I think he should have offered him Yorshka as well for a good measure! The fact that he keeps her a secret from him gives me an impression that he saves her just in case if 1) Age of Deep thing fails and he'll need another person to puppet that Yorshka would work as or 2) Aldrich attempts coming for him another time and he'll need another offering, so he has to 'space out' people he's offering to keep his own ass safe!
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+ I also want to add that another possible argument in favour of Sulyvahn presumably wanting to end the Age of Fire is unclear identity of Lothric's secret teacher who was said to be sceptical about the Fire. Likely, that teacher was the one who convinced Lothric to refuse to burn to begin with, too.
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Yeah yeah @heraldofcrow shuddup about the misspelling lol
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I do think that the secret teacher in question was actually Aldia! And I am gonna cheat this time and share the video that explains it better than I could, but in my defence my arguments would be the same:
(In summary: it would be strange for the pope to come in a "secret" + who else is known as the first scholar AND knew that Fire couldn't do shit? + spells Soul Geyser and Soul Stream are actually the same spell and different names are localisation liberty, whereas this spell is creation of Aldia and in DS3 is found in the Grand Archives!)
Sulyvahn was also a smart and curious sorcerer, but I am not convinced so far that he got some transcendental ideas on how the Age of Fire is a doomed ordeal and Aldrich's vision was more efficient. I get an impression that he just IS one of the corrupt miserable idiots that will hold onto the power even if it is falling apart at the seams and harming everyone for as long as they can, and if he is to "help" Aldrich then either in the interest of self-preservation or in an attempt to control everything through Aldrich. My current headcanon is also that Sulyvahn was the one to burn Aldrich the first time since Aldrich himself would not have interest in being Lord of Cinder with his own idea in mind, so all problems are caused by.... well, Aldrich crawling back up with vengeance..
I think I covered the basics about this character! Yeahhhh I know I state that he is 'just bad' as a matter of fact, when it lingers on my reading and interpretation like every goddamn thing in Soulsborne..
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I guess my point is that he IS a fun character and good for his role, just not good enough for ME to obsess over or anything like that!
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hikennosabo · 11 months
trigun multiple bullets random thoughts
if you thought you saw the last of me in the tag... think again!!!
let's fucking goooooo... it's been a little while, so i feel like i'm rusty LMAO...
showdown with the dodongo brothers at honeycomb village (parts 1 & 2):
wow that's a mouthful of a chapter title. anyway.
seeing manga vash with fully blonde hair is... a little strange, now.
OH, SAME WITH SEEING WOLFWOOD... y'know... alive... i fucking MISSED HIMMMMMMM (<- i literally just saw him, i've been rewatching 98 again)
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this is so fun i love it so much
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oh there are SO many good expressions but if i post them all i'm sure i'll hit the image limit
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vash's pout is so cute and funny but i NEED to draw attention to meryl in the corner... i love her sm
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vash is twiddling his thumbs... he's so cute...
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well these sure are names
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even in the black-and-white manga... even though her hair was brown on the color page... we STILL get a blonde milly jumpscare?!?! really?!?!?
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AAHHHH... HIS SMILE.... TOO BRIGHT......!!!!!!
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they're so silly :( i missed this... waaaah...
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oh my goodness, i am in LOVE with this page.
i love wolfwood scolding vash too, lol. it's a conversation they've had many times before, but it feels... idk, lighter than usual?
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i love this page soooo much... their expressions are cute. i'm getting "he's an idiot, but he's MY idiot" vibes from wolfwood, lol :') they're in love your honor
and the cliffhanger reveal... i don't have that much to say about the plot tbh... hmmmm, i'm not separating these chapters in this post anyway.
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they :)
it wouldn't be a nightow action scene if it was easy to follow, but i'm glad i examined this page in detail instead of letting my eyes just pass over it because
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i LOVE this panel... the one in the middle of the spread is great too but i LOVE the angle of this... vash reaching over wolfwood to shoot, while wolfwood shields him... ugh... thank GOD for vashwood
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oh my god...... he's so cute.......
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OH YEAH, VASHWOOD, BABEY!!!!!!!!!! vash holding on to the punisher... :D
is vash shooting the rockets so they change trajectory... that's so fucking insane. i love it
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man this was a fun one. i loved seeing vashwood being a battle couple again and just having a relatively low-stakes/light-hearted romp was a really nice thing to read after the horrors. which i am now a few weeks removed from, but they still haunt me...
trigun: the lost plant:
as someone who had (has!! i still love it!) an enduring dr stone obsession in 2021-2022, i am IMMUNE to boichi's art!!! this is significantly hornier than dcst though, not that i'm surprised in the slightest, dcst does have its own horny designs/moments unfortunately... this is the difference between shonen and seinen i suppose--hold on, that's not what this post is about!! *deletes entire other paragraph talking about dr stone*
60 years post-canon... vash's lifespan has been significantly shortened, but i do wonder how much he has left in him. he lived 150 years without any visible black appearing in his hair, so even if he has just a few strands of blonde left, they might last him a long time... well i don't think any of these stories are canon anyway so it doesn't matter LOL
as far as the plot goes...
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the explanation for how plants produce matter is interesting but why did it manifest as a child and why is it a black hole and why this specific plant and how did vash even--oh, WHATEVER!! i suppose there is a reason boichi was the artist for dr stone and not the writer.
very cool to see vash drawn in boichi's style though! it's pretty similar to the early dr stone manga, even though dcst came 5+ years later... and the art style of dcst changed over time, although--wait, no, that's NOT what this post is about!!!
the denizens of the sand planet:
okay, this one is by... *googles* wait, this is the guy who did lucifer and the biscuit hammer?? and planet with??? HUHHH... i've only watched planet with, but i've heard VERY good things about biscuit hammer (manga)... anyway
this is a cute story. the found family is cute.
okay sorry this doesn't matter but it is bugging me (ha) a bit. these post-canon stories don't like... actually show us how the world changed after the battle. because it's something i've been wondering about... like, they show a guy cleaning a plant bulb, but would there even be any plants left in bulbs at this point?
and like, this...
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wouldn't the exploitation end. like i suppose plants would still get "worn out" eventually, but i would expect more of a symbiotic relationship at this point. so what's with this imagery?
les enfants:
i. am. in. LOVE!!!! WITH THIS ART STYLE!!!!!!
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legato?!?!?! :D :D :D :D :D
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ohhh i love this redraw!!!!!! oghhhhhh!!!!!! oooooooogh!!!!!
i love this art!!!!! i love this art!!!!!!
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EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP HE'S SLEEPING!!!!!! ohhh i love this. i like the wording too. "decided to slumber"... he's fucking eepy. he's cozy.
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RAZLO (i'm assuming)!!! HE'S SO FUCKING. SHAPED. his GRIN!!! IS SO FUNNY. i'm in tears... i love him...
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the art outside the storybook is also lovely, it's very detailed and delicate...
i would like to believe merylmilly got married and grew old together... yeah...
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DUDE, I'M GONNA CRY...... vashwood image... this is a really lovely story. definitely my favorite of all of them.
milly/meryl satellite tv:
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so they chase him around for 24 hours straight once a week... poor vash LOL
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hey hey hey hey hey this is supposed to be a silly goofy fun time why are you showing me this. i'm so sad. i'm glad the family is being fed at least.
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i always assumed that "eriks" was a name vash chose for himself but this is way funnier
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there is so much going on here
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yeah that was very silly
raijin: rising:
incredibly jarring tone shift from the previous story lol... i really enjoy the rai-dei focus though. he's cool but he didn't get a backstory in the manga so i appreciate this a lot. i wouldn't mind more stories like this focusing exclusively on side characters tbh.
it gets pretty brutal... i don't know what to say about this story besides that. it's an interesting look at what could've made rai-dei the way he is.
cutting is fighting:
we're ending this not with a bang but with a whimper... swapping meryl in for the haircut scene is... blegh. whatever. and they exaggerate her crush on vash too much. like yeah she's kind of tsundere in canon (moreso in the anime imo) but she's not a teenager yknow? the satellite tv story did that too but that one was supposed to be goofy and exaggerated so it was whatever.
the most interesting thing here is the lack of dialogue. that's a fun creative choice. and i like the gag with vash's hair being too nasty to comb LOL... and the haircut options. that's all...
overall i'd give this a... 6.5/10? 'les enfants' was definitely my favorite by far and nightow's story was a lot of fun too. the others ranged from "meh at best" to "sure, it was good" lol. i liked seeing the different art styles... i don't have much else to say.
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
hey if you can i was wondering if you had some bl/gl/general manga recs for a particular kind of tonal vibe, given your like. expertise. ok so there's this manga by nemui asada i reread every so often called my little inferno and i really like it but the problem is the beginning is p much unreadable because she throws sa in there for no reason? esp since the sa is so disjointed from the rest of it which is fun and fairly normal beyond that. i wanna read something like it with the same tone but without the sa and longer if i can help it. i liked that it was a situation that was like Off and arguably fucked up but weirdly functional/mutually fulfilling without veering too far into the domestic but finding something like it has been harder than expected
yea lmao I really like asada nemui’s writing but sometimes it’s a little much. for kinda fucky vibes that don’t lean into assault, what immediately springs to mind is Tokyo Hikari Auction which is in progress, kind of similar dynamic with one person being more reluctant and wanting to drive the other person away and the other person Just Parking Here. the setting is… well I don’t get the logistics but it’s a black market auction that the main character runs and the love interest tries to sell himself on.
this isn’t the same tone but it’s the same kind of… weirdly functional relationship with dysfunctional characters, ‘Kiraware Joushi to Perfect Buka’ is a one volume manga about a rancid boss and his younger subordinate that’s infatuated with him. the state of the scans are kind of strange but they’re floating around
this one’s a oneshot, ‘Just when I thought I came here to die’ is really fun horror romcom vibes where it’s kind of off in that the love interest does in fact kill some random people that show up, and the main character starts out terrified of the love interest
actually, I think limo has really similar writing to asada nemui, in that it can get really intense and fucked up and sometimes probably too far for a lot of people. but check out chapter 2 of ‘Soine Lovers’ for something more lighthearted, it’s about a guy with a lot of debt being hassled by his rich classmate who he hasn’t seen in like 10 years. and don’t check out anything else unless you want to spin a roulette wheel of content warnings.
‘Kobamanai Otoko’… well it’s more on the manipulation side of fucky relationships but I’d say give it a go
‘A Declaration of Revenge’. lol. lmao. I hope they break up for real. extremely good weird rancid vibes. I am ignoring all of the police politics tho.
‘Never Good Enough’. has a college student/teacher relationship so depends how much that’ll put you off but I actually thought it was interesting how the writer kind of deconstructs the… framework of the love interest being obsessive and presented as unstable by others?
there’s your starter lemme know if any of em stick. oh wait I just realized you didn’t specifically ask for only bl hang on I got a couple of GL
‘Black and White: Tough Love at the Office’ has office ladies that just beat the shit out of each other and start making out lol
‘"The Villainess" and the Woman Who Would Do Anything for the Sake of Love’ it’s time prison deathloop and the main character gets kind of nuts about it. Might skew too far into the fucky relationship side of things, it does have confinement…?
Hm. Hmmm. ‘Qualia the purple’. not necessarily off and rancid, but I think the intensity somewhat matches. Look up content warnings tho. Okay now I’m done that was more than I thought I’d dig up and I’m off to do something else
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