#things to be expected in ancient japan times
lordrandreaming · 1 year
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I realised I never posted him oops 😂
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First drawing is done by me, second was drawn (first!) by @geto-suguru-my-babygirl !! :D
Oc dork post incoming (probably gonna be a part 2 too for my other son 😘) Long post~ imma talk about complicated family things and some murder, its ancient japan and all prospects I talk about are the things I like thinking about :D
Content Warning: Murder, Suicide, Parent-Child manipulation plans, mpreg, infinticide.. Lovely things that you should avoid if you like the looks of NONE of these words.
To begin, this is Washirou Nobutoshi! Son of Naite Iru 'Okami' Nobutoshi, the man responsible for cursing the whole Nobutoshi bloodline. More on that later!
Washirou was born way long ago, sometime before the Hei-an period really kicked off! His father Naite is a proud nobleman essentially, but in truth he's just a rich as hell samurai. Naite started the whole samurai thing within the Nobutoshi. (Any Nobutoshi has an inborn skill that anything they see, they copy with no idea how they do it, and it's all thanks to Naite!) But he acheived his power through melding with a curse, that was created by his own hatred. Naite will receive his own post later :3
But, Naite took this curse and used it to gain respect, fear, and money all at once. Not to mention a little bloodspill from time to time was refreshing.. But this changed after Washirou was born. Washirou was born with a head of black hair, but as he aged it turned to the streaky white overpowering black it is currently.
All Nobutoshi have three things in common, one being their inborn skill, the second being their prowess with a blade, and last, their height. Typically, Nobutoshi are over 7' tall, both men and women! Gigantism runs in the family.
And so, Naite is over 8' tall, due to his technique that lets him gobble souls. Washirou is 7'6, but only after puberty does he hit such a growth spurt. Nobutoshi slightly shrank over the years, but the youngest adult Nobutoshi currently, Wakase, is 7'2.
Back to Washirou! Shirou here is different from what an actual Nobutoshi acts like. Generally, Nobutoshi are aloof, and maintain a strict schedule with a straight face. Washirou always has something to smile about, and is not what Naite had in mind for his son..
Washirou grew up not knowing anyone else but Naite. Naite was his father, and that's all he had. Washirou grew up loved, and disciplined. He is mannered.. But lazy. One could say he's the 'hippie' of the family. He's laid back, but at the same time loves a good fight. He's charismatic, and loves to brag about how cool he is..
But don't expect him to go running somewhere and being the hero. He's not some knight in shining armor- he's the next Clan head of the Nobutoshi. And he has a thing with running away from responsibility, and conflict..
Nobutoshi are Sorceror's/Curse User's, and are an opposing Clan to all known Jujutsu families. Naite planned on using Washirou as a way to wage war and become the dominant Sorceror family in Jujutsu society, of course.. He doesn't tell Washirou. But Shirou figures it out quickly.
Naite's aim was to have Washirou as honed in skill as himself, for his son should outshine his father. So Washirou became dedicated to the blade, and upon upshowing Naite, earned what should have been the Family Blade.
Forged from meteorite, the sword, Veiled Moon, was incredibly heavy. Naite had to wield it with both hands to effectively use it, but Washirou, can hold it with one hand and swing it as if feather light.
A testament to his natural strength, but as well, he too fell victim to the curse Naite wanted upon the family. Devouring the soul of a Celestial- people who were said to possess immense positive cursed energy, with the ability to see into the future through dreams and visions. Devouring the soul of a Celestial granted Naite his copy-cat nature, and thus had his son do the same.
Naite devoured many Celestials- but Washirou only consumed one. Washirou felt the curse of the Nobutoshi writhe within his very soul- but it never took hold of him fully. He persevered, and lived how he wanted to.
Washirou's hair started turning after training with Naite as a 11 year old. From then on, it only grew whiter as he lived on another year.
Washirou, the rebel non-conformist he is, falls in love with a sorceror. Not just any Sorceror- but Kenjaku himself. A common Sorceror of no real significance, just an unfortunate born man with barely a smidge of meaning to his life. All he had, was knowledge..
But meeting Washirou changed his outlook, that the sky wasn't always dark and stormy. He had a certain beauty about him, that appriciation of life, which drew Kenjaku in. The two first met, Kenjaku was only so old, being 13. He wasn't a right and proper Sorceror yet, he was simply a student beneath his master, running meaningless task errands..
He tripped and fell carrying a whole bunch of delicate scrolls. While others stared on at him, Washirou, being 16 himself, stepped in a helped pick up the scrolls. They became friend's shortly after, and became inseparable.
Washirou never once questioned the mark on Kenjaku's neck, though he was defiantly curious. He waited until Kenjaku wanted to talk about something, anything, and diligently listened to every word he had to say. All Kenjaku knew and more, Washirou wanted to hear over and over again..
It's a slow bloom of the romances, wrong feelings that have never made either Kenjaku or Washirou feel so right.
It's a secret- the two of them. One wouldn't think they were so close, but even still, they always were around eachother. You could see the fondness they had for each other, but masked it by saying they we're brother's in arms.
Secret meet-ups at the lone cherry tree over yonder, far from the village, just so they can sit and enjoy each others presence in the quiet. Kenjaku would unravel around Washirou, the one person who he could say he trusted with his life.
This didn't change- even when Naite figured them out. Washirou skipped training religiously after he beat Naite in a fight fair and square, earning his sword. But.. He's different. Each time he comes back, he seems more and more distant. Yet still, Washirou loves his after.
This however, does change. Naite hates Kenjaku, its a seething, possessive fury. Naite has only Washirou, his own lover dead and gone so soon after Washirou turned a year old. How dare this common street rat, a opposing Sorceror try to take his son! Naite despises Kenjaku, because Kenjaku changed Washirou.
Washirou only changed for the betterment of himself, and everytime conflict tried to arise between Naite and Kenjaku, he would diffuse the situation. Naite harbored no hatred twords his son- but he defiantly was annoyed.
Washirou aimed to try and break the Nobutoshi curse by finding a way he can rebirth the Celestial he devoured the soul of, and with that reborn Celestial, protect Jujutsu Society. But.. How was he going to do this?
Well, it was an accident. Kenjaku and Washirou's relationship was intimate at impoper times, but what happens when its the most opportune time? Just by sheer luck and timing, Kenjaku ended up conceiving a child. One, who was Washirou's answer to the Nobutoshi Curse.
Of course, this news was not taken very happily by Kenjaku, who knew Naite would try to kill him, or the child.. For sure, he would be successful with one of those things. He went to Tengen first to discuss his woes, and she offered him a shoulder to cry on. She couldn't protect him, however. For she is but a young sorceror herself.
Washirou wanted to remain optimistic, but he too, knew the outcome wouldn't be what they wanted. But of course- both he and Kenjaku came to the conclusion that this child, may be a Celestial. They hate to force a child into such a position- but it's the only way now.
Naite, knowing what Washirou has done, arranges a marriage, forcing Washirou to keep up the Nobutoshi family apperance, by conceiving a child with his new wife. (She was more like a friend to him, in the end. She was just happy to have a baby-)
But as Kenjaku's due date neared, tension only grew. Naite's energy began to distort and warp into mass negative cursed energy as he learned he was able to possess other's-
So what does he do? One night, while Kenjaku and Washirou were alone together, Naite possessed his own son, and taking advantage of Kenjaku's weakness and Washirou's strength, attacked him. Using Veiled Moon, Naite stabbed through Kenjaku.
Washirou, who regained some control of himself, drops Kenjaku. He is mortified- He just committed the highest sin anyone can in these times- killing one's own child, and attempting to take the life of one's lover.
And so- to redeem his actions, Washirou uses Veiled Moon and plunges it into himself. Naite, not expecting the results of his actions, in turn, tells Kenjaku that he will hunt him to the ends of japan, wherever he goes, Naite will find him again, one day.. Before Naite entirely leaves Washirou.
Kenjaku is left with a dying Washirou. His final parting words are 'I love you, never forget that...'
This is the day Kenjaku lost everything dear to him.
And so, he continued the rest of his life, unfortunate as it may be, carrying the loss of the perfect life he should have had.
Meanwhile, Washirou's second child, a son, goes on to live, becoming the running legs for the Nobutoshi line.
Thousands of years later, Kenjaku and Washirou reunite, but in different bodies. Washirou possessing his greatest grandson, Wakase Nobutoshi, and Kenjaku possessing Geto Suguru. Two fated lover's, just as they were.. Everything Washirou and Kenjaku were supposed to have, was all Waka and Geto had.
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ranbitteeth · 8 months
hiii i love ur art and ur fics!!🫶🏽
im desperateee for a reader rails mizu w strap fic😭😭 all the smut i see are of reader bottoming and that makes me hella dysphoric sigh
so so like reader stretching mizu out, lots of whimpering, mizu being nervous, mizu feeling full and claimed, just messy subby mizu taking big strap for the first time plssss😭😭😭😭 maybe some pussy eating foreplay idk, whatever u find best and fun to write. i just need mizu to be a subby bottom its plaguing my mind😵‍💫
A/N: Your wish is my command, dearest! Hhmmm I can never really tell if you guys want a modern/cannon compliant setting— but I find my words flowing easier for the latter. If this isn’t to your liking, I can always write another one! More modern and fluffy
Tags: Possessive!Reader, GN!Reader, Reader is besties w Madame Kaji, DomTop! Reader, Jealous! Reader, Straps, Tried to be historically accurate but one can only do so much research on ancient japanese dildos, takes place sometime before Mizu hops in the boat, Goodbye Sex, Misery.
About 3.8k word count, so I’ll highlight the beginning of the actual smut in red and a star! *
Parting Ways— To London You Go
You despised him.
The Blue Eyed Beast of Japan. The onryo. The bastard half-breed that killed the Four Fangs and cut through the Shindo Dojo. Now that was a man that deserved a dog’s death. A humiliating, painful, wretched thing— so much so that pity would spread like disease among even the most hardened of men. A white man had no business in your country. Much less some impure dog, chasing ghosts of white men who had long since fled the island paradise. You believed this yourself, once. The village gossip and fantasies of his approaching death entertained you, excited you. You’d hear of his dishonorable death one evening and you’d think —‘good riddance’.
But no one told you just how much of a darling he was.
You remembered that night to picture clear, the image of his slumped body in the snow so clear in your eyes and memory. His face was twisted into a pained grimace, eyes screwed shut beneath the colored lenses of his glasses— he reeked of blood even in the snowstorm.
Unbeknownst to your family, you brought him inside, ordered your guards to gently place his body in your quarters. The servants made no protest when they saw your insistence on saving this stranger. The wound was seeping a crimson poison onto your floor, red and hot and stinking of blood.
The two of you were alone when his eyelids fluttered open, pained grunts and whimpered muffled by his own teeth against his bottom lip. And you saw it. Blue eyes— unnatural, wrong, and positively lovely. You’ve seen oceans and ponds and skies with less of a dazzling hue. It disgusted you, initially, as the realization of who he was suddenly and violently appeared in your mind.
You hadn’t expected someone so…normal looking.
He did not have a pig’s nose or clammy, sun-abused skin. He was not a beast, giant and ugly— but a man. An injured man, you recalled once his blood stained your palm. Stained your floor, your bed and his clothes. You distantly realized your hands were moving on their own as they undid the binds of his old kimono, and there, beneath the worn, filthy fabric were binds. Not of injury, not of a warrior— but of shame.
Alone in your chambers on a cold winter night amidst the worst storm you’ve ever seen— you knew. The blue-eyed, vicious animal that had earned all of Kyoto’s scorn was in fact a woman.
You adored her.
Your home grew to be a sanctuary to her of sorts. For a being so well despised by the nation, the comforts you provided were scarce luxuries. A bed. A roof. Some semblance of protection. You cared after her like one would a feral pet, a feat which did not go unnoticed. With a blade to your neck and blood painting her hands, she demanded your silence— a vow to never break. As if you’d risk losing such a treasure to the hands of bounty hunters of white men.
The two of you danced with hate for months.
She was a silent spirit, a brewing storm on the distant horizon. At times, you’d catch her eyes on you, other times, she’d notice you doing the same. At times, you’d reach your hand forward and caress the scars on her skin. At times, she’d allow you to– going so far as to present herself.
At times, you’d make love to her. Your depravity was no secret to anyone with ears and working eyes— but your status and wealth made you untouchable. No one but your servants would hear her cries echo from your chambers, and no one but you would see her in the throes of pleasure, head tossed back, expression screwed into one of hesitant bliss and ecstasy.
Or so you thought.
She often returns to you like a dog would weeks after leaving. Loyal, endearing and silent. Whether it was out of some misplaced desire of courtesy or a genuine attachment, you did not know. You’d tell yourself you did not care, but Man would never be born without sin. Madame Kaji, the wonderful hag, would bewitch you in letters with tales of her ladies in the delights her brothel would offer. She mentioned a certain blue-eyed beast in her company in her most previous message. Her letter was pointed, concise, and utterly enraging. By its contents, you would piece together your Mizu’s night with a princess– of all wretched things. After months of silence, alone in your palace with no one but the one and off prostitutes you’d hire and the servants you paid deftly for their loyalty, and the samurai goes off to bed and abandone a lady princess of the Tokunobu clan.
Mizu would not show her face to you until spring. By then, your anger had solidified and festered into an untamable typhoon. As your servants led her to your chambers, Mizu would be standing dead-center in the eye of your storm. Something in her was different. Stronger, yet weaker. Kinder, yet crueler.
“You show your face here again?” You ask cooly, and at least she had the decency to look ashamed, removing her hat. Like this, you could see her properly. (You’d never admit to your anger cooling, but it did.) She does not harden her voice in your presence, but it is quiet, timid, shameful. Before she could open her mouth to speak, one of your servant men approach, head bowed deeply.
“[Title and Name]”, he’d say. Your eyes glance over to him, humming as you granted permission to speak.
“There is a white man inside, bound and immobilized.” He says quickly, bowing his head deeper.
“I only wished for you to be aware.”
Your cold, steely eyes turn to fix Mizu with a chilling stare. She only looks at you head on, taking the challenge. Oh…
“Leave us.” You say, but not before giving an order to boil water over a fire. The door is smoothly slid shut, and the two of you are under the illusion of solitude once more.
“I am to depart for London soon.” Mizu says bluntly, abruptly. You couldn’t have expected anything less. You give no reaction save for a short sigh and two fingers against your temple.
“I am closer to my mission than ever before. I have an informant, I have a boat, I have names.” She talks as if to explain herself, stepping closer in light footsteps, hesitant. “I may not survive through this. I only wished to say goodbye before I leave.”
For a moment, you say nothing. Your mouth is rendered useless as your mind rushes with curses. To the world, to the white men, to Japan, to Mizu, to the hellsite that was London itself. The poisonous concoction of rage and envy that had been brewing for months was bubbling and prickling beneath your skin– only now with the addition of grief.
“This would have been much more convenient in scripture,” you say, voice like hot iron. Mizu’s surprise is tangible, eyes flickering around your features, searching for answers to her questions.
“I adore letters. You know this.” You begin to say, moving from your initial position and circling the room, retrieving several items and placing them on the large expanse of your sleeping bed. You open a box, massive with weight. Inside is parchment, pounds of it. “I collect them.”
You suddenly and harshly shove the box onto the floor, a flurry of parchment and ink spilling at your feet. Mizu seems to shrink, but refuses to cower. Gingerly, you retrieve one excerpt sent just a few months ago from Madame Kaji. You hand it to Mizu, surrounding her. You wait until you are certain she understands what she is reading before you begin to speak.
“Never took you as the brothel-dwelling type.” You say, watching as those demonic, off-putting, oh-so-lovely eyes scan the characters on paper. Your eyes stick to her lips before you remind yourself why you are angry. You imagined those lips entangled with another, and your blood goes cold.
“Nothing happened between me and the princess.” Mizu says, turning to face you. The genuine confusion in her expression is almost insulting. “She meant to kill me that night. Our duel meant nothing. Madame Kaji knows nothing that is true.”
“Not every conflict between you and a stranger is a duel and Madame Kaji is a dear friend of mine.” You reply easily. The hurt in your voice was becoming clearer with each passing syllable.
“You truly believe sailing the seas will come so easy? Do you know how many men I’ve lost in my trades on those voyages? Do you even know what awaits you in London?” You begin to demand these answers, losing the control you pride yourself in as you continue to speak. As a man and a woman, Mizu was nothing but a stupid, lost soul, wandering the earth without an object to attach to. You then gently cup her face in both hands, watching in delight as she melts into your touch.
*“Do you even know how much I’ve wanted you these past months?”
Mizu cannot answer. Her hands raise over yours, fingers brushing against your warmer ones.
“I meant no harm in my absence.” She concedes, round eyes rising to meet with yours. Just like that, the room had shifted. Your eyes darken as they raked along her face and figure, recalling what lay beneath the layers upon layers of fabric she’d use to protect herself.
“You can’t imagine…” You whine, gently undoing the bandages around her neck to expose the delectable skin that lay beneath. Untouched, unseen by all but few. You bury your nose into the crook of her neck before your tongue darts out just to taste flesh and the blood that pumped beneath. Mizu sighs, noticeably relaxing into you. Her arms move to wrap around your neck in a gentle embrace, a position you’ve grown to love and grieve for.
“Gods, how I’ve missed you…” you say, assisting Mizu’s hands and hurriedly undoing her kimono before your hands run hungrily along her skin. Scars, so many more than you remember. A different rage boiled inside of you, protective and not directed to Mizu in the slightest. The two of you move in sync of tangled limbs and warm breaths against open lips. You push her onto your cot, the rage you had felt previously spilling out in the form of hunger. You attack her neck with the teeth in your mouth, suckling and biting down on her white-man skin until cherry-red marks bloom across her neck. She whimpers, coyly craning her neck and exposing herself further– presenting herself. Begging for it. Gods.
“You were away so long I’d almost forgotten what a whore you are…” you coo, undressing her wholly, spreading her legs around either side of your hips. As a surprise to no one, you noticed the particular shininess to the downy hairs on her wet cunt, groaning softly at the sight. Her smell, her taste, her color– you’d spend innumerable nights recalling these things in exquisite detail, going so far as to seek her in other women and finding not one suitable substitution. Your hunger had been building up for months, and now here she was, just as enticing as you remember her. Her teeth nibble down on her finger as she groans into the air.
“[Reader], I haven’t..” she starts, but you shush her before she can continue. Her loyalty only endeared you to her further, and you wanted to remain somewhat angry.
“I know, puppy. You already know who you belong to, don’t you?” You murmured, practically salivating at the sight of her glistening pussy. A whine catches in her throat, allowing you to see in real time her strength and tenacity fail her beneath you. The demon man was nowhere to be found here. You tamed that spirit and contained her in your chambers. You reduced it from a spirit to a man to a moaning, wanton little tart.
“Keep your legs spread and I’ll give you what you came here for.” You order swiftly, to which she nods and complies, spreading her legs further apart. You eagerly adjust your position so that you are resting on your stomach, Mizu’s thighs on either side of your head and your mouth just above her wet cunt. With only an aroused groan as a warning, your tongue descends onto her slick folds, eagerly lapping up the wetness that coated her lovely skin. It was positively obscene, the color and taste of her, the slurping sounds across the room and her whimpering cries as months of stress and anger fell away under your tongue. The poor thing couldn’t even keep her thighs from squeezing around your head, effectively trapping you against her pussy— but it was no matter. Your tongue swirled and massaged what it could reach while the tip of your nose rutted against her clit. Slowly, surely, readily— her raspy, hoarse voice bloomed into something far sweeter, and you could feel the ice around your heart melting. This was the Mizu you knew, without the clothes and glasses and false identity. This Mizu was the one you owned.
You feel her getting close, as it was always obvious with her. You felt her thighs squeezing around your head, felt them shake and tense while her hips bucked against you and her breathing grew more desperate. You feel it, she feels it— she wants it so bad she sobs into her palm. You both know better.
You pull away with a wet, obscene sound, ignoring Mizu’s frustrated groan into her fist. Your lips and chin are wet with her taste and both of your bodies are shining with sweat.
“What? Were you close?” You ask huskily, readjusting yourself so that your body hovers over hers, your fingers pushing in and out of her gushing warmth. You start with two, massaging her insides into relaxation, molding her to your desires. She impatiently pushes her hips against you, holding you in a desperate embrace. You do not hurry, you don’t even respond as you take her lips in yours, letting her taste herself coating your tongue. It was a messy, depraved display— one that made her noticeably wetter around your fingers. Her nails claw into the fabric over your body, tugging it off.
“Take yours off too…” she says in between breaths, eyes half lidded and watery with want.
“You think you can take it already?” You ask slowly, dead serious. Mizu nods, a slow and deliberate thing. Who are you to argue now?
“It’s bigger than the other one. You sure?” You ask again, making slow, hard motions against her wet clit.
“[Reader]…” she gasps, carrying a note of exasperation, her hands now trembling against you. “Please…!”
You laugh, breathless, exhilarated. Your lips gently press against her forehead, a soft ‘wait here’ and a quick trip to the corner of your bedroom later, you retrieve it.
You commissioned this piece long before you knew Mizu would return. Your very own harigata, hard as a tortoise shell, ribbed and heavy in size and weight. You expressed your desire to be able to attach it to yourself to please your lovers and so the artist complied. You held it up with one hand, allowing Mizu to gauge at the weight and size before stuffing it with warm cotton dipped in the previously boiled water at your side. Mizu hasn’t even noticed the servant come in, far too immersed in watching you align the phallus to her soaking cunt. She feels the heat through the tortoise shell and whimpers, hips trembling before she spreads her legs further apart. The head was already pushing against her hole, oh so ready to slip inside. Just as you mean to push yourself in, Mizu makes a strangled little noise and you cease in your tracks.
“Yes?” You ask, already breathless.
“It’s big…” she says, repeating the words you said earlier. You laugh, endeared.
“Yes. You want it smaller?” You ask again, but she shakes her head no.
She licks her dried lips before she swallows. “Don’t hold back.”
Unable to control yourself, you laugh, head falling beneath your shoulders and against her collarbone. Fuck.
“Tell me when you’re ready.”
You feel her nervousness in the tension of her body. As aroused as she was, it had been some time since she’s seen you. You begin with slow, shallow thrusts to get her accustomed to the feel, not going halfway until you hear her get noticeably impatient.
“Hold on, puppy. I don’t want to hurt you…” you say, but you push yourself in deeper to quiet her whimpers. The ribbed surface rutting in and out of her wet heat had its obvious effects. Her knees shake where they are around your hips and her head arches back as she moans, voice breaking. The harigata was doing everything it was designed to do and more. Mizu was falling apart so beautifully and you weren’t even fully inside.
Slower thrusts, still quick but less shallow, and she moves her arms to wrap around your neck in a tender embrace, holding your back to keep herself present. With you.
Some time passes, and you push yourself in further. You feel some natural resistance, Mizu’s breath hitching. You pause and pull away somewhat to check for her expression, finding her eyes wet with tears dripping down flushed cheeks. Her chest is rising and falling in ragged breaths as she struggles to compose herself long enough to get a sentence out.
“No! No, don’t stop. [Reader], please don’t stop,” she whines, cradling your face. You obliged and continued, though far slower than the pace you were going before. Mizu openly whimpers at this loss before she intertwines her legs around your hips by her ankles, keeping you close.
“Could that princess give you what I can?” You say suddenly, still feeling that burst of envy possess you as you rut your hips forward with a precision that only hours of fantasies and failed attempts to recreate Mizu’s body could give you. A shuddering, wanton moan later, Mizu’s hand flies over her mouth. You take that hand by her wrist and pin it to the floor, still thrusting your hips against hers with purpose and vigor. Not all the way in, not yet. “Well?” You ask. You demand.
“N-no…no she can’t…” Mizu damn near sobs, and possession coils in your gut as you push the harigata to reach new depths. Her moans are pitched and broken, you feel and see her falling apart. The poor thing felt so full, unsure what to even make of the delicious stretch your phallus provided or the hot arousal that being beneath you gave her. To some degree, she was yours, and you both knew it.
Feeling pleased with her state as she answered, you finally and gently push yourself in entirely, making her back arch and moans echo across your chambers like they did so long ago. The harigata’s other end pushes against you, makes you groan at the pressure. You look down at her whorish expression, her inky black hair spread like a halo around her head. You see her flushed skin shining with sweat, you see the tremble in her body and think about how much longer you’ll have to go without it.
“You don’t even know what you do to me…” You begin to ramble without thinking, words flowing like water from your tongue while Mizu moans beneath you.
You can’t help the way your hips begin to plow against hers, you can’t help the strength and ferocity that possesses you when you think of the distance that will be between the two of you. When you think of who she could meet and compare you to. When you think of yourself in the future, in bed, alone, aching for a body that will not be there. You cannot control the desire in your body when your hips move in a way that can only be described as primal, and she takes it all. Mizu has always taken what you give her so well, and it wasn’t long before you were both panting each other’s name against your skins, the room now hot and stuffy and reeking of sex. Her voice reaches a certain pitch, her nails claw into the silken fabric of your kimono, and you can tell she’s closer than ever.
A warm flower of pride bloomed in your chest as you realized that one day, if all went well, you could keep her for yourself. You’d no longer spend the lonely nights in your palace inviting women of the night to give you company. You’d no longer need to bear the crushing loneliness in your bed — not when Mizu’s mission would fail and she’d realize her rightful place at your side. Safe and warm. Protected. Yours.
You imagine fucking her day and night when she returns until she’s sore and trembling, unable to stand without your assistance. The mental image and the emotions it ignites inside of you make you openly and shakily moan in sync with her, and the two of you cum in each other's embrace. She’s damn near bitten through the silk of your kimono by now, drool coating the luxurious fabric. By now, she’s hardly the image of dignified, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You pull yourself off of her with nothing but a smooth roll of your hips and a near-violent shudder from the body beneath you. By then, it had all blurred together into a hazy memory of warm candlelight, golden skin, and warm, damp towels running along Mizu’s body and freshly fetched water poured into her waiting mouth. You only remember the rest you won for yourself that night, the two of you wrapped in a tangle of limbs and half torn fabric, warm.
But you wake up cold, and you recall why she came by in the first place.
“Would it be too burdensome to stay?” You implore, voice breaking with sleep and heartache. That worn, raggedy kimono is once again wrapped around her figure, her bandages back on. Her very aura is cold and distanced, and the weight of her decision truly settles into your skin.
“We can be happy, you know.” You say, almost pleading but with far too much pride to let it show. “I am in the mountains, far from the city. No white man could find you here,” You can’t being yourself to stand. You watch as her expression morphs from one of sorrow and pity to one of distrust, distaste, and near-resentment. Whether it is directed to you or her father, you cannot be sure.
With her back to you and her voice in the tone of a man’s, she bids you goodbye.
You find that— more than anyone— you want her quest of revenge to fail.
How you despised her.
And oh, how you missed her.
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Over Mountains and Sea part 2
2003!Leonardo x reader
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Part 1
The reader misses her best friend, and decides to take a trip to Japan to surprise him and talk things out💙
Warnings: None, other than spelling of course.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the serene landscape of the Japanese mountainside. Between the tranquil rocks and cliffs, nestled among cherry blossoms further down the valley, Leonardo practiced his katas under the watchful eye of the wise Ancient One.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, you couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that consumed you in Leonardo's absence. Master Splinter’s decision to send his oldest son to Japan for advanced training and gaining emotional control under the Ancient One had left a void in your heart. You missed your best friend. You knew Leo had had a hard time over the last few months. You haven’t talked about it. The few times you had tried to open up a conversation on the topic, Leo had shut it down, hard and fast. Not even Usagi had been able to make him talk. It was heartbreaking to watch Leo struggle from afar. It only made it more unbearable with the feelings you had developed for your best friend. You watched the man you loved struggle and leave without a word, leaving you back with many questions.
But unable to endure the separation any longer, you made the bold decision to embark on a journey to reunite with him. When you asked Master Splinter for direction, you had expected him to tell you off - that this was Leonardo’s journey and not yours. But instead he smiled and told you where to go.
The journey was arduous, but fueled by determination and love. You meet giants that sensed the meaning of your journey, and sent you in the right direction. As you left the way they had told you, you heard them talk about how; “the little baby won’t stay angry for long”.
You meet traveling ghosts along the roadside, that all left you in peace. As you notice them pass, you couldn’t help but wonder, did Leo meet any of these on his way to the Ancient One?
You finally reached the mountains where Leonardo honed his skills for the past few weeks. The air was thick with the scent of cherry blossoms in the valley as you went up the mountain pass, approaching the place the Ancient One had been training Leo, your heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.
Leonardo and the Ancient One was meditating in the mountains. Both of them balancing with their legs crossed on a bamboo stick that was placed over a deep drop. The wind blew, causing the tails of Leo’s bandana and the braid on the Ancient One to sway in the breeze.
The Ancient One noticed a new presence amongst the mountains, before you ever came into view. He already knew you were the girl Leonardo had told him about, and a small smile spread on his lips. He rose from his seated position on the bamboo, before jumping back onto safe ground, causing Leonardo to look at him in slight confusion.
"Sometimes, destiny brings those we care about back into our lives", he remarked cryptically, stroking his thin beard.
“Sensei, what are you talking about?”
“You have a visitor, Kumquat”.
“What?!” Leo jumped from the bamboo and next to his master. He had a slight suspicion of who this visitor might be, but he didn’t dare to hope. Because that could be exactly just that - a hope.
You turned the corner of the rocks and came into view. Leo eyes widened in disbelief, unable to comprehend that you stood before him in the very place he sought solace and growth. The Ancient One started chuckling low enough for only him to hear. It was like watching history repeat itself. Leonardo and his brothers may not have been related to Hamato Yoshi in any way, but the Ancient One saw much of his adopted son in the mutant turtle.
"(Y/N)?" Leonardo's voice, a mixture of surprise and joy.
A smile tugged at your lips as you met his gaze. "Hey, Leo", you greeted, your voice carrying the weight of the emotions you had bottled up for so long.
Leonardo approached you, his eyes scanning your face as if to confirm that you were real. The Ancient One took this as his sign to leave, and started walking down the path you had just followed, continuing to chuckle to himself. He couldn’t wait to tell Splinter about this.
"What are you doing here?" Leo asked, his tone a blend of curiosity and concern.
"I couldn't stand being so far away from you," you admitted, your gaze unwavering. "I missed you, Leo. I’ve hated not being able to talk to you".
Leo sighed, a mix of guilt and gratitude etched on his features. "I didn't think anyone would follow me all the way here."
"Some journeys are worth taking," you replied, a soft determination in your eyes. "I had to see you, Leo. I couldn't let you go without telling you how much you mean to me. You’re my best friend and I wish to talk to you and help you".
Leonardo's gaze softened. He remembered all those times you had tried to talk about his thoughts and his struggles, and all those times he had shut you out. He still remembered the hurt on your face clearly, and the fear in your eyes after he had hurt Master Splinter. And yet, you still followed him all the way to Japan to talk to him. You never gave up on him, and you never turned your back to him. With that realization, Leonardo couldn’t help but think of the words of wisdom the Ancient One had spoken to him.
Leo gestured for you to follow him, and so you did, down the path until you came to the valley of cherry trees. The two of you sat down underneath them, the petals of cherry blossoms danced around you like whispers of fate.
Leo started picking at the grass under him, unsure on how to explain himself towards you. He decided to start with what he thought to be the most pressing matter. How much he had missed you too.
"I thought about you every day", he confessed, his eyes staying the grass in his hands. "Training here has been intense, and I've grown in ways I never imagined. But there was always something missing".
You reached out, gently placing your hand on his, making him look you in the eyes. "You weren't missing, Leo. You were just in a different part of my world".
Leo swallowed hard, his vulnerability surfacing. "I didn't realize how much I needed you until now. Not even back home. I’ve always cared for you, I really have, but I thought I could bury these feelings and focus on my training, but seeing you here..."
A tender smile played on your lips as you finished his sentence, "Changed everything?"
He nodded, a mixture of relief and uncertainty in his eyes.
"I feel the same way, Leo", you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "Being without you made me realize that my world is brighter with you in it. But, I kind of knew that already. I got really sad when Splinter told me you were leaving, but seeing you again makes me feel so much better".
The ground underneath the trees became a sacred space, where unspoken feelings intertwined with the essence of cherry blossoms. In that moment, Leonardo took a deep breath, the weight of unspoken words lifting from his shoulders.
"I love you, (Y/N)", he confessed, his gaze unwavering. “I always have, and I always will”.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you whispered back, "I love you too, Leo".
The kiss that followed felt natural. It had been long awaited, not just by you and Leo, but all the people around you. It was slow and passionate, just like the two of you had always thought it would be. It was how Leo had always dreamed of it, and in that moment he felt more calm than he ever had.
And so, in the heart of Japan, beneath the blooming cherry blossoms, two souls found each other again - a love rekindled amidst the tranquility of the cherry trees and the whispers of destiny.
Bonus: The next morning, the Ancient One wasn’t surprised when he didn’t find his newest pupil meditating or training in the dojo or in the garden. As Leonardo’s current caregiver, he decided to check up on Master Splinter’s son. He went to his room, and pushed the shoji slightly open. There you and Leo were, sleeping soundly on his futon, holding each other tight, just like the Ancient One had expected.
The Ancient One closed the shoji and left for the kitchen. It was about time Leo and their newest guest got some breakfast.
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ninapi · 2 years
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For Kimetsu go here
For Jujutsu go here
For Tokyo Rev here
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❀。• New to this
Akaashi version (Good ending route): Akaashi Keiji falls in love with a single mother and realizes she's all he wants for his life.
Word count: 27,791
☆ch.1 ☆ch.2 ☆ ch.3 ☆ch.4 ☆ch.5 ☆ch.6
☆Bonus chapter (Valentines special)
Osamu version (Happy ending route): Osamu fights for his very own chance at happiness when he is reunited with his first love, the mother of his brother's son.
Word count: 20,044
☆ ch.1 ☆ch.2 ☆ch.3 ☆ch.4 ☆ch.5 ☆ch.6
Atsumu version (True ending route): Atsumu gets another chance to get back the love of his life, the mother of his son, and build the family he was supposed to have.
Word count: 23,240
☆ch.1 ☆ch.2 ☆ch.3 ☆ch.4 ☆ch.5 ☆ch.6
❀。• Save me
The beginning: ☆ch.0
Semi version (Good ending route): Semi never thought he would find love where his insecurities laid deep, he never thought someone so broken could be so full of love, he never thought he needed to feel loved as much, until he met you.
Word Count: 24,248
☆ch.1 ☆ch.2 ☆ch.3 ☆ch.4 ☆ch.5 ☆ch.6
☆Bonus Chapter: Good ending Oikawa version
Ushijima version (Happy ending route): Ushijima struggles to understand the concept of love and what is expected of him in said equation, but he finds himself in the predicament of wanting nothing more than to be with the woman he loves even if it gets in the way of his established lifestyle.
Word Count: 19,837
☆ch.1 ☆ch.2 ☆ch.3 ☆ch.4 ☆ch.5 ☆ch.6
Kageyama version (True ending route): Friendship is a fragile thing. Keeping you safe was his priority for the longest time, but overcoming hardships along someone you hold dear form irreplaceable, indestructible bonds, and a childhood friend can easily become the love of your life; or so that was for Kageyama Tobio.
Word Count: 19,958
☆ch.1 ☆ch.2 ☆ch.3 ☆ch.4 ☆ch.5 ☆ch.6
❀。• Forbidden Forest
Premise: Ancient Japan gets hit by a rare disease coming from the birds. Succumbing to it and fearing for the safety of your bird companion, as a last resort you reach a mythical forest full of ancient shapeshifting creatures. Will you be able to find a cure? Will you be safe in the middle of a forest full of unknown forces? Love is right around the corner and meeting different clans will help you find it.
☆ Ch.0
☆ Tengu Clan Path (Sugawara Koushi):
Staying by your bird friend's side was the most comforting path to follow. Will this one lead to a happy ending? Was this the right choice? Love can weigh you down sometimes, but it's wonderful, nonetheless.
Word count: 5782
☆ Owl Clan Path (Bokuto Koutarou):
The promise of a cure had never been this close, being the wisest of the forest clans, the answer might be around the corner, but what if you didn’t want to leave the forest any longer?
Word count: 4764
☆Bakeneko Clan Path (Kuroo Tetsurou):
The possibility to save humanity presented itself, but you would have to leave the forest to chase this opportunity, something that could end your life. What you didn’t know was that chasing it would also mean find a love like no other, one that was waiting for you on the other side.
Word count: 5582
❀。• Fox Village
Premise: The last option to overcome the illness that holds you was very much uncertain. A place only known to be a myth became your last chance to survive. Welcome to the fox village, a place full of mystical beings, a place to finally call home, a place where love knocks in more than one door at the same time and choosing which to open might as well change your life forever.
☆ Ch.0
❀。• Kita Version (Good Ending Route): The connection he had with his past made Kita want you more than any of the others. He wanted to be like his grandma and she had a human by her side, always. Looking for the village best interest he ends up finding the real meaning of true love.
Word Count: 6296
☆ Ch.1 ☆ Ch.2
❀。• Atsumu Version (Happy Ending, Ver.1): Atsumu had never been interested in others, to his family and the village he was a good for nothing, a heartless fox possessed by an evil spirit that feeds on his compassion. But to you, he was just like everybody else. Having someone to listen to you and be by your side sometimes can make a big difference in who you become and what you accomplish in life, and so it was for Miya Atsumu.
Word count: 6348
☆ Ch.1 ☆ Ch.2
❀。• Suna Version (Happy Ending, Ver.2): Being the first born of the most prominent house in the village, it was a pressing matter for Suna to deliver as future head of his clan. High expectations were set for him which sent him your way, only for him to realize you were all he really needed.
Word Count: 6111
☆ Ch.1 ☆Ch.2
❀。• Osamu Version (True Ending): Fighting his own blood for what he wanted had always been an everyday thing for Osamu, but this time was different, he wouldn't let anyone have you, not even his twin brother. Before you, mating was just a concept of survival for them, but love can change someone to unimaginable lengths.
Word Count: 6186
☆ Ch.1 ☆ Ch.2
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❀。• Glitched:
Premise: Suna Rintarou unexpectedly meets the girl of his dreams through an online game and he does his best to find this mysterious girl in the real world and keep her for good.
Word count: 12,514
☆ch.1 ☆ch.2 ☆ch.3 ☆ch.4
❀。• A perfect circle
Premise: When you like the guy who likes the guy that likes you, things get a little out of hand, when a triangle becomes a circle not just one gets hurt. [Yamaguchi/Tsukki]
Word count: in progress…
☆ Ch.1 ☆ Ch.2 ☆ Ch.3 ☆Ch.4 ☆Tsukki’s Ending
438 notes · View notes
olympeline · 7 months
Nations having human names is kinda odd when you think about it. You’d expect their people to just call them by their official names or else “motherland” or “fatherland.” So, here’s me coming in with a headcanon about where these human names come from (´∀`)
A nation’s legal name, the one used on treaties and trade deals, can change over time. Or be different depending on who’s speaking. Germany is Deutschland to some his friends, Japan is Nihon at home, exonyms vs. endonyms, kingdoms become republics, yadda, yadda. But a nation’s human name - their gifted name - is forever. I call it “gifted” because it’s given to them not by the politics of the world, but by one of their citizens. One of their best and brightest. A son or daughter any of them could be proud of. Any human can try giving a nation a name, but if it isn’t the right one it won’t stick.
The first nation to get a human name was China when he met Confucius. They encountered each other on the road one evening waaay back around 467BC when the philosopher was on his way home. They talked, shared tea, and Confucius called China “Yao Wang” for the first time. China couldn’t explain it, but he just knew this was his name. Knew deep in his soul
Greece was second. He marched with Alexander the Great and finished the campaign as Heracles Karpusi. When the other ancient nations heard the news they were all very excited. Except Yao, who was put out that he wasn’t unique anymore lol. Then gifted names were officially “a thing” that nation people eagerly waited for. I imagine their naming days are very fondly remembered along with the human who was there for them. A few examples throughout history:
Russia knelt before Catherine the Great and rose up again as Ivan Braginsky.
Spain was invited to read a first draft of Cervantes’s and left as Antonio Carriedo.
Japan walked with Nobunaga the day before Anegawa and went to bed that night as Kiku Honda.
One of the sole exceptions to the usual way is America, who was named “Alfred” by another nation rather than a human. Arthur named Alfred after one of his favourite kings: Alfred the Great. Alfred chose the “F. Jones” part himself when he became independent. Before that he was Alfred Kirkland. This was a weird blip in nation people history, but they chalk it up to Arthur’s magic. As for Arthur himself, he was named by Merlin. Yes, that Merlin
I haven’t thought of specifics for every nation. A few ideas are Otto von Bismarck for Ludwig, Napoleon for Francis, and maybe one of the Popes for the Italy bros. What do you guys think? What historical figure might have named your nation?
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sakumichiblog · 26 days
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Usami Iroha is a girl who constantly pressured by her mother to live up to her high expectations. Despite her mother's aspirations, Iroha doesn't take her studies too seriously and ends up becoming the president of the most unproductive club in her school. As a child, Iroha was friends with Sawada Tsunayoshi, but after her mother's interference, their relationship was cut short, and it was only through Reborn's efforts that they were reunited again. She is a descendant of an ancient clan of professional assassins, who are somehow connected to Vongola Primo when he fled to Japan. Her father is a professional killer who returned to his family after ten years just to train his daughter.
As promised, we're slowly posting profiles and the first one we'll have is Usami Iroha. About her design, this is just the first reference for the very beginning. Iroha wears sneakers instead of her usual school shoes, because her shoes are too tight and uncomfortable for her, and she doesn't like to wear a jacket in her fall/winter uniform. The sleeves of the jacket are too long for her and cover her palms because her arms are too short, and she doesn't want to take it to the atelier and tell her mother about it.
Not all the information is here, it’s mostly for familiarisation and a rough idea of the characters. You can read it below.
Name: Usami Iroha
Kanji: 有佐見彩花
Nickname: Usami, Usamin, Rabbit, Four-Eyes.
Age: 13-14 years old (present); 24 years old (TYL)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 149 cm
Blood type: A
Date of Birth: July 17
Nationality: Japanese
Shorthand: 38
Affiliation: Vongola; Namimori Middle School; Volunteer Club.
Occupation: Namimori Middle School student; President of the Volunteer Club
Like: Rabbits, cute things, mahou shoujo, melon, corn, spring, peace and quiet.
Dislike: Math, insects, bitter food, getting into awkward situations, studying
Hobbies: Collecting manga, going to cafes and visiting Tsuna’s house.
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Iroha is a person who often takes more responsibility than she can in order to escape her mother's constant control. A tendency to overextend herself is a constant theme in her life, born out of a desire for independence and a break from the constant supervision of an overbearing mother. Iroha is often confronted with a sense of the limitations of her power in life. She tends to be withdrawn and does not easily make new friendships. Her aloof demeanor often discourages people from getting close to her. However, those who manage to befriend her find that she is a steadfast and loyal friend. Unless her trust is betrayed, the bond is unlikely to be broken.
Beneath her calm exterior lies a fiery temper. Although you can't tell from her appearance, she is surprisingly quick to anger. Given the right excuse, Iroha is virtually undeterred when it comes to conflict with others. Iroha's tendency to make rash decisions, often due to her stubbornness, often leads to negative consequences. She tends to redouble her efforts when faced with difficulties, and this stubbornness often works against her, getting her into more trouble than necessary.
Iroha's sense of self-doubt and insecurity about her decision-making abilities is explained by the fact that she was raised under her mother's overbearing influence. Deprived of the ability to make choices for herself, Iroha lives in constant anxiety, fearing the uncertainty of the future. Instead of contemplating the future, she prefers to live in the present, seeking peace in the illusion of the eternal "now". However, as long as she has loved ones by her side, she finds comfort in their presence, regardless of the passage of time and the end point of her journey.
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reference by Michi
dividers by @/cafekitsune
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trashybugs · 4 months
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i rarely ramble here, but i want to talk a bit about Abyssal Insect/Abyssal Wrym
the identity and origin of Abyssal Insect have always fascinated me. what is it? is it the same kind of dragon as PHH Vorti's dragon, has it existence preceded Vortigern? is it really the white dragon of Britain when Albion is actually both red and white?
Abyssal Insect was a concept that got introduced in Lostbelt Britain. it is referred to as "the evil dragon Vortigern" in Oberon's profile, it seems to be a primordial creature, a concept of every hole in the world that had lived long ever since or before Britain was at its conception and is said to exist in PHH but being more tamer.
it makes me question the chicken and egg. was this primordial being that had exist since ancient times only got its name as Vortigern from the influence of PHH concepts that slipped into Lostbelt Britain during Morgan's reign, or was its identity had been Vortigern since the very beginning, making him also preceded the existence Vile King Vortigern in PHH.
see, the thing is, i think have been looking way too hard. i always thought the reason why both LB Vorti and PHH Vorti share the same concept and weakness (being a hole in the world, can absorb holy light but is also hurt by it, etc) is because of them sharing the same name and title. as Vortigerns, Britain's will, and device.
and Abyssal Insect was its own separate thing, an embodiment of the world's holes that reside in LB Britain, because its the only land that exist in that timeline, eventually becoming its will and legend, after all it seems to be different from the dragon PHH Vortigern was described in. he looks like a worm insect instead of a traditional western dragon you expect. so maybe it was a separate being than PHH Vortigern.
but i think Abyssal Insect IS Vortigern the dragon. and both LB Vorti and PHH Vorti are its human terminals. it was the white dragon but a far more older being than Merlin's red and white dragon prophecy.
there was a misconception in TM wiki for the longest time that Oberon was born from Albion, making him and Melusine technically siblings, but recently they changed it to Britain. proving while they're both white dragons, they're born from different origins
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Vortigern the dragon (Abyssal Insect) is Britain.
in Melusine's dialogue upon seeing Abyssal Insect is that he is a dragon that shares the same white dragon name as her, not that they're the same.
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it seems even in Lostbelt, it used to have a more traditional dragon look, as can be seen in the mural prophecy
it changing into a more insect-worm appearance might be because of Oberon's identity influence, or its capability to adapt after knowing Morgan's fear of insects.
LB Vortigern's terminal had been proven to be able to change and adapt to different strategies for the sake of destroying Britain, i wouldn't put it past it to change form into its enemy's literal nightmare lol
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which makes the NA localization of Naraku no mushi (Insect of Abyss/hell) into Abyssal Wyrm, makes more sense since its possible that in Japan, no etymology could convey worm-like dragon as well as the word "wyrm" (I think its proven cause I saw a lot of JP fans praising the localization of it, and thinks its a more suitable word than Abyssal Insect). Abyssal Wyrm wasn't necessarily an insect, its a wyrm and the same dragon as PHH Vortigern's
its also the reason why i got stuck so much trying to make both connections, cause I was a fan translation reader so the Abyssal Insect word stuck with me more, and its very hard imagining that PHH Vortigern also have the same insect dragon form when he doesn't have any insect motifs
but how come PHH Vorti be an Abyssal Wyrm terminal too, when Nasu said that Abyssal Wyrm wasn't hostile in PHH and will never manifest
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maybe this is a reach, but i think its because PHH Abyssal Wyrm/PHH Vortigern isn't on the same level of aggressiveness as LB Vortigern. his goal was essentially to preserve the mystics of Britain instead of destroying it similar to Morgan who wants to keep the land alive despite it all.
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Obevort's reasoning in that PHH Vorti wants to destroy humanity but is unable to destroy the world itself. in his eyes it looks like PHH Vorti is a coward who won't go far, not realizing they are both functionally different as Britain's terminal.
so yeah, technically that vicious side of it will never manifest there, he still want to turn Britain into a living hell so humans won't be able to live there. but at its core its not as destructive as LB Vortigern's goal.
its also adds to my reasoning on how PHH Vorti must drunk a dragon's blood and become a dragon himself, because his true body unable to manifest. (a parallel to LB Abyssal Wyrm who's stuck under Cerny) when the way Abyssal Wyrm and LB Vortigern works is that both of them are separate bodies that can't control each other (they able to become one in NP which seems to happen only after he became summonable)
keep in mind it is not clear what dragon blood old man Vorti was drinking tho. is it just a random dragon or a white dragon? but which white dragon cause Albion wasn't killed by him. there's a lot of blank space in here...
but anyway, drinking a random dragon's blood is enough to turn him into a dragon. not necessarily his true Abyssal Wyrm body since it won't manifest. but its close enough to make him have a similar characteristic in being the size of the isle and having the black hole power to absorb Excalibur's light
Albion is said to be the last dragon so either the primordial dragon Abyssal Wyrm dies when his Vile King form is killed because Rhongo was that strong it kill him down to its core, or he doesn't get categorized as a true dragon since well, he's a wyrm
so my conclusion, is that Abyssal Wyrm was Britain's itself or one of the aspect of Britain's will. its original function in PHH was the will to preserve, and it manifested into Vile king Vortigern. but in LB, Britain had died and is essentially just a rotting corpse, its beyond saving, so his function transforms into the will of self destruction, manifesting multiple times as Mors king and then Oberon.
both PHH and LB Vorti were from the same dragon in different timeline with different functions that's why they're able to share similar weaknesses and hole powers
just a game theory tho, and i think its a theory that satisfies my curiosity on which Vortigern came first cause I just thinks its funny that you got this crazy concept of hole worm dragon in LB but in PHH, Vortigern seems to be a name of a person who turns into a dragon also LB6 is special in that the LB gains a lot of PHH influences
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esperata · 10 days
Recommended reads
There's a lot of different Batman media and I've written versions of riddlebird for many of them. I've selected one of my stories from each fandom to hopefully give people a taste of the variety. Expect more to be added as I write for new shows or old ones I haven't got to yet.
Batman (1966) Sixties - G - Words: 4,385 As the years go on the invites turn from weddings to baby showers to funerals. In their line of work though, Penguin and Riddler consider themselves lucky to have made it thus far together. (Old Married Couple) (Wakes & Funerals)
Batman - All Media Types Minesweeper - G - Words: 269 Batman had finally navigated the typical Riddler labyrinth but what he finds isn't exactly what he expects. (Gamer Ed) (Sleepy Penguin) (Fluff)
Batman: Arkham (Video Games) Arkham Games - E - Words: 19,477 Factions are at play backing Penguin into a corner. And if that wasn't enough to be dealing with, he also has to fathom whatever is going on between him and Riddler. (Canon-Typical Violence) (Homophobic Language) (Sexual Tension) (Friends With Benefits) (except not really friends) (Stubborn Denial) (Hand Jobs) (Blow Jobs) (Frottage) (Semi-Public Sex) (Masturbation) (Rough Sex) (Anal Sex)
Batman: Caped Crusader Homme d'affaires - T - Words: 5,697 Edward Nashton just needs to land a big sale. What he finds is a whole other world of possibility. (salesman) (Implied/Referenced Torture) (Choking)
Batman (Comics) The Mind Is A Fragile Thing - G - Words: 2,454 Riddler is undergoing treatment in Arkham and Penguin is not happy about it. (Bruce Wayne) (Arkham Asylum) (Mental Health Issues)
Batman (Movies 1989-1997) Anything Yours Can Do - T - Words: 1,954 Helping Batman out was supposed to be a bit of fun. So how did she end up arguing with Riddler over who had the best lover? (Arguing) (Bragging) (Relationship Comparisons) (BatCat) (Guess which wins)
Batman Ninja (2018) Ridorā Kitsune - G - Words: 2,830 When Penguin is brought with several others to ancient Japan by an experiment gone wrong, he has a wealth of things to concern him. Not least of which is what precisely might have happened to Riddler. (Japan) (Canon time travel) (Friendly Kidnapping)
Batman: The Animated Series Do You Mind? - T - Words: 36,330 The tale of how Penguin and Riddler met, became friends, and then something more. "Words are easy, like the wind; faithful friends are hard to find." (Canon Compliant) (Arkham Asylum) (The Iceberg Lounge) (First Meetings) (Friends to Lovers) (Ed Is Oblivious)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold The Brave And The Bold - G - Words: 2,088 Fortune favours the brave, they say, but Riddler is stacking the odds in his favour as he approaches Penguin for a date. (Courtship) (Crimes & Criminals)
Batman: The Telltale Series (Video Games) Bedye Art - G - Words: 1,550 The failure of Penguin's plans had merely been a stumbling block. Now, however, he had a far more pressing concern. (Blackgate Penitentiary) (Canonical Character Death)
Batwheels (Cartoon) In The Air Tonight - T - Words: 2,150 After a heist gone wrong, Penguin and Riddler find themselves trapped with very little to distract them but each other. (Ferris Wheels) (First Kiss)
Batwoman (TV 2019) Little Bird - T - Words: 4,017 Alice has left the city to undergo rehabilatitation in a private establishment run by someone very familiar with the trials faced by those seeking help in Gotham. (long separation) (Presumed Dead)
Gotham (TV) Everything Old Is New Again - G - Words: 9,722 If you had the power to go back in time, what would you hope to change? And would you do it? Those are the questions Edward is facing now he and Oswald are free for the first time in ten years. (Time Travel) (Post-Season/Series 05 Finale) (Sharing a Bed) (Jealous Edward Nygma) (Love Confessions)
Harley Quinn (Cartoon 2019) Groping For Trout In A Peculiar River - T - Words: 2,350 Riddler's attempted seduction of Penguin is curtailed but things aren't quite what they appear. (Misunderstandings) (Flirting) (Awkwardness)
Teen Titans Go! Easy Escape - T - Words: 4,835 Edward is taking Oswald out on a proper date today, whether Arkham likes it or not. (First Dates) (Museums) (Aquariums) (Theatre) (toy shop) (Pier) (Innuendo)
The Batman (Cartoon 2004) Take These Broken Wings - T - Words: 13,508 Riddler has barely escaped the Batman but his trouble might not be over as he runs into another criminal acquaintance. Its a good thing he doesn't have a crush on him or anything otherwise things might get awkward. (Injury) (Hurt/Comfort) (Developing Relationship) (Bathing/Washing) (Gay Oswald Cobblepot) (Bisexual Edward Nygma)
The Batman (Movie 2022) Boss - E - Words: 5,555 In the wake of Gotham's flooding, Ed once again turns up at the Iceberg Lounge. (Anal Sex) (Riding) (Communication)
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)/LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite (2013) Private Island - T - Words: 8,282 Penguin has got himself a luxury island and his fellow rogues have been invited for a visit. One in particular has an ulterior motive for going though. (Bad Flirting) (Attempted Seduction) (Riddler has a crush) (Jealousy)
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teaspoon-of-salt · 1 year
imo part of contemporary racist attitudes (from any side of the political spectrum tbh) towards east asia are a lineage from older orientalist beliefs that easia (particularly china and japan) is ancient and unchanging. orientalists of the 19th century saw our countries as places that were stuck in time, decaying through inertia and opposition to "progress" (which, of course, would be brought to them by opening themselves to the west).
modern-day east asia... enthusiasts [polite smile] i'd argue cultivate a descendent of that thought. those who don't assume easia is just like their home country instead treat easia like it's insular from history and the rest of the world, as though our countries have not been historically imperialised and are not bombarded (like the rest of the world) with western viewpoints and american mass media. as though we don't go through societal change through our own efforts and of our own accord.
but no - east asia is a holdout against the tide of modernity. culture is not the background and context against which we move, but traits of each individual's character. an unruly child isn't just upset because his parents aren't buying him candy, he is rebelling against confucianism, and his parents disciplining him is bringing him back in line with confucian teachings. we are defined by rules, philosophy, and tradition—the more ancient these things are, the more intriguing for our onlookers.
better yet, to be untouched by modernity is to be untouched by its discourses. you know, "japanese people don't care about political correctness, they just write what they want" and "actual japanese women don't mind being sexually harassed" and "japan is homogenous so you can't possibly expect them to be sensitive towards other races." japan is presented as static and unchanging—people don't care because this is how things always were, and this is how things will be forever. it's their tradition. it's their culture.
meanwhile china's rapid societal modernization post wwii is largely regarded in every aspect to have been brutal and barbaric. whether change yields positive or negative results it's viewed negatively, as though it doesn't matter how many years pass or how many steps are taken, chinese people are still backwards and regressive, always socially lagging behind the west. because that is apparently our culture.
and yes this comes from all sides of the political spectrum. the right-wing fanbase which idealizes the unchanging nature of japan, a "progressive" fanbase that assumes japanese people are so tied to tradition and an imagined culture that everything goes back to rigidity and long-established practices, often justifying harmful things in the name of respecting japanese culture. nothing and no one in china can't be explained by saving face and confucianism, which is at all times oppressive, evil, and a source of mystical guidance for chinese people.
being considerate and acknowledging that you might not immediately understand every cultural nuance is good, acknowledging that not every story needs to be personally relatable is good, acknowledging that people are influenced by cultures different from your own is good. but at some point it becomes ignoring the fact that asians are humans who are influenced by our culture in addition to personal experiences, feelings, traumas, ambitions, politics. like just think about how everyone around you interacts with culture and to what degree that informs their actual personality and deepest desires and assume that asians are the same as you in that respect please.
being an asian among easia "enthusiasts" is like there's always this interminable search for authenticity, for what is "traditional," for the "real" japan untarnished by these modern western ideas of feminism, and meanwhile many societal advancements for china are just... ignored (don't you know regressive china is so homophobic that disney can't even portray gay affection?). everyone wants to pull us back through time and explain us through adherence to culture and tradition, as though the modern day and just... simple human experiences don't matter or contribute to our lives. we just gotta be explained by something else, something that makes us other from the west.
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vvritingmf · 2 months
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RP Partner Search | 21+
Hello.ᐟ.ᐟ I go by V or my pen name, VV. I got recommended tumblr through a friend who also role-plays, so I’m here to see if I can meet some awesome writers. I’m 22 and prefer my partners to be around the same, however, as long as you are 18+, I’ve really got no qualms.
Experience details listed below:
I’m a very flexible person when it comes to writing, however I cannot say I am great at all. My main weaknesses are probably action and superheroes, but these are just some of the few topics I have done otherwise.
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Tropes & Themes that I love or correlate:
Greek Gods, Goddesses, Deities
Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Dystopian, Cyberpunk, Bionic
Opposites attract: Light>Dark, Sun>Moon, Fire>Water, Healer>Destroyer
Merfolk, Sirens, Pirates
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Tropes & Themes that I love or correlate:
Southern small town horrors: (20’s-80’s)
Medieval Evils: witch hunting, wounded>healer
Westward Expansion/Wild West: Bounty Hunter>Outlaw, Loner>Wanderer
Ancient Egypt/Japan/Rome/Greece: Assassin>Victim
WWI-II/Other: star-crossed lovers, enemies to lovers to enemies, woman guised as militia>unknowing comrade/enemy (mulan moment⚔️)
Mafia: 90’s realistic only, bodyguard>daughter/son
London High Society: Arranged marriage, Klutz>Pessimist
(While all of these are great, I am a sucker for new tropes and ideas, so please introduce me to some of your interests!)
More info about me and my preferences!
Dead Dove; Do NOT Eat — As much as I love writing goody-two-shoes characters, sometimes I simply want to write someone morally grey, or perhaps even a bit psychotic… Those who are familiar with dead dove know that it includes mature and sensitive topics, such as non-con, NSFW aside! That being said, I will never abuse this right and all topics are sure to be discussed with my RP partner before hand.ᐟ.ᐟ
Gender Preference: I often find myself writing male leads as opposed to female, but this is solely because I am having to compensate and or carry a plot by myself majority of the time. With male characters, I simply find arrogance easier to strike up interactions with, however I would love to actually be able to play a female character; it depends heavily on the plot. I’m predominately MxF, but with side characters I am open to MxM and FxF, (romance awakening/forbidden love subset mainly.)
NSFW: I am not strict on many of my rules but substituting plot for smut is not tolerated. I am willing to write it but in order for any sort of NSFW, things need to progress naturally. I would prefer a partner who prioritizes world building and plot planning first and foremost.
Requirements: As I am not daily active on discord, I am looking for a lax but serious role-play partner who is literate novella minimum. I frequently exceed the discord message limit, sometimes even four times over. However, this is not a standard for myself; I simply tend to write a lot when I am invested in a story. By no means do you have to match this; I simply ask that you give me something to work with and I will do the same in return. Trust me, I’m not always in the mood to meet a word criteria, I wouldn’t expect you to be either! I need a long-term partner who is willing and understanding of schedules and writers-block. These are two things I struggle with often, but I am writing this ad because I truly want to get on the grind again and meet someone who will bring fresh ideas to the table, as well as still pick up after a week of inactivity… :)
Other: I will not always use face claims, because sometimes celebrities and acclaimed actors just don’t do characters justice. Regardless, I will always give a description in writing or perhaps find some oil art or sketch that best represents my OC. I’m probably not very traditional in the sense that I do not follow all usual discord RP rules; I don’t even know half the jargon. Some more general tropes I love include age gaps, tragedy ending, anti-heroes, redemption, apprentice/mentor to mentee, & unique character impairments.ᐟ.ᐟ
Friend my Discord if you’re interested! (1x1)
(Ive a two role-play maximum so that way I am able to focus. Full currently but if you’d like to be friends I’m so down.) Current: 2/2
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antaresr · 3 months
So, I was rambling when my head remembered the prompt that @liberationwasboundtohappen proposed and my brain decided to do it.
So a post-canon where everyone is friends, with game nights and stuff like that, however Ryou every night has nightmares about the shadow realm, things chasing him, the hunger he went through, the hiding places he had to find.
Until he sees him, Zorc, Hunting him, chasing him, cursing him, he hides and finds some water that he drinks, and his reflection is not his pale face with soft eyes, it is a sharp face with terrified eyes, a scar running down his right cheek, large and calloused hands, Ryou is not dreaming of his memories, Ryou does not have nightmares.
Ryou is watching TKB being hunted by things and by Zorc.
He wakes up with a scream when Zorc finds TKB, and it just so happens that it had been a game night, his friends wake up because of his scream and ask him what the hell is going on.
"The spirit of the ring, the thief, he, oh god, I think he's dead."
"Well old man, it's old news, it's been years since that" Jounouchi tells him patting his shoulder, thinking Ryou is just having a breakdown from a bad dream.
"No, I just saw him, Zorc is there, with him."
"Like the giant thing with a dragon thing?" Honda shudders, remembering the past encounter with the dark god.
"I need to call Marik, I need to save him" Ryou hurriedly gets up from his bed, turns on his computer and calls Marik, when Marik answers Ryou doesn't even let him say hello. "I need to enter the shadow realm."
Everyone yells at Ryou for the stupid thing he just said, Marik who doesn't have all the information asks him if he had a screw loose.
"The spirit is in danger, Bakura is in danger."
Marik considers the information "Give me a few hours, I know what scrolls we need and I can find a quick flight there."
Marik hangs up, Ryou trembles in and drops into his desk chair, everyone looks at him like he's crazy for wanting to save the spirit that made his life miserable.
After almost 24 hours Marik arrives in Japan, he doesn't take a break, he goes straight to Ryou's house, everyone is still there, Marik takes out from his suitcase THE BOOK that started all this mess, he opens it directly to the necessary page and Ryou and Marik study the text.
And they realize that there is a problem.
For the spell they need someone who can speak ancient Egyptian and is a magic user, and only Marik can speak ancient Egyptian and only Ryou is a magic user, neither can enter the portal that will come out of the spell because they will have to stay outside to keep it open and stabilized as there are two people and not one.
They need a third one to enter.
They explain what is going on to the others, they all look at each other because why the hell would they sacrifice their life for the guy who was willing to kill them in the dark RPG? Jou and Honda refuse, Anzu apologizes but says she won't do it.
"You guys couldn't anyway, the shadow realm would kill you quickly, you weren't carriers of the sennen Items."
"I'll do it" Yugi straightens up, more serious than anyone would expect.
"You can't be serious" Jou grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him off.
"Yugi is too dangerous, you heard Ryou about the stuff in there" Anzu tries to talk some sense into him, she won't lose her best friend, she'd rather do it herself than let him go alone.
"It's just me left, I don't speak Egyptian, and I don't know how to do magic, but I used the puzzle, I'll survive."
"I won't ask you to do that, I'll find another way and bring it..."
Yugi doesn't let Ryou finish "No, I'll do it, I owe it to him".
No one understands why the heck Yugi says that, but he doesn't have to explain to them the times that The spirit of the ring, Bakura, kept him safe, Yugi will pay his debt, he will save Bakura, he will bring him back.
And if he can't save him, then at least he won't let him die alone.
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ultfreakme · 9 months
So one of my fav fic author, just wrote a non-power AU of GoYuu (gojo/yuji) & SukuFushi (sukuna/ fushiguro) and...... I don't know what to feel. Like, have you know someone who ship them (it's the first for me) ? The fic's not underage, yuji's and megumi's age had been aged up by the author, but still the age gap, the dynamics, right? Can you think the reasons to ship them? Well, creativity really knows no bound.....😂😶
Oooh I have actually come across both of these ships very often on ao3. The ItaJun tag has a bunch of them on top hehe. I actually used to ship Sukuna and Megumi a little back when the anime was first airing(not anymore though).
For Gojo/Yuuji I think the first episode scene where their faces are super duper close probably kickstarted it
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(Gojo: tf is personal space??? what's thaaaat???) GoYuu has a very popular ship dynamic I've observed in many fandoms; Student x Teacher. There's always a kind of jaded, aloof and distant teacher-figure who's shipped with the cheery, open-minded and sunny student-figure. I've heard that dynamic is really popular in East Asian fandom spaces(it appears a lot in danmei novels I've read). GoYuu was apparently the most popular ship in Japan (it beat out SatoSugu). Gojo argued to keep Yuuji alive and gave him time, so that's probably a point of appeal too. Gojo usually has no serious reactions to anything, he could have easily killed Yuuji and been done with it but he wanted him to live(Megumi did but eh, technicalities). What made this distant and carefree person take interest in the well-being of this stranger? Why would he risk the world for this one boy? That's probably the start of it. And then in the development, it's probably about how Yuuji can break down Gojo's walls and make him be more honest in his emotions.
2. Sukuna/Megumi: I used to ship it because I thought Sukuna was interested in Megumi as a person, assumed he'd be someone who can give him a good fight or wanted him as an ally.
Also this probably, look at that aesthetic appeal:
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(Damn Mappa had a thing for these, ItaJun also had this. Why???? Fuel fujo-bait??? I thank them for the ItaJun version)
Right before this Sukuna's all giggling laughing asking Megumi to give him more(to fight against, but like, SukuFushi enjoyers probably enjoy taking that to mean something different). I think we all assumed he was interested in Megumi's evolution as a sorcerer. He takes joy in fighting and if anyone can catch his interest, it'd be someone who's struggling to get stronger and sees him as a rival.
It seems like he doesn't give a shit about anyone but Megumi. Like that one time he verbatiom said "Aside from him, I truly don't care". Also in Shibuya arc he heals Megumi and fights Mahoraga and everyone though it's because he cares about him(I was a fool).
On Megumi's end, okay idk what the current SukuFushi shippers expect but I personally wanted Megumi to kill Sukuna even when I was shipping them. Enemies to lovers except one of them is permanently in the enemies phase. As far as I've seen, there's always this non-con element to it? Like Megumi is extremely reluctant, Sukuna is unrelenting in pursuing him, and Megumi goes through a bit of a corruption arc and Sukuna.....well he isn't redeemed but he tones down because Megumi asks. A Beauty & The Beast situation.
I was talking about it to my bff and she was (rightfully) roasting me like we were joking around. Me: "Sukuna wants him for his body.....but like literally he wants to be inside him." My friend: "You mean possess him???" Me: "That's the word yes!"
The age-gap thing for SukuFushi feels more okay because I grew up on a bunch of fantasy shojo manga where a high school girl fell for an ancient spirit with a minimum age of 100. This isn't even an animanga thing, it's there in western media too(....Twilight). A lot of people just don't see the point of mulling over age gaps when the differences are centuries, even if the other half is a minor.
As for GoYuu, well I guess it's fiction, they're just lines on a page at the end of the day and it's less about the legalities of the gap and more about the dynamics it brings to the table that people can find interest in. The power difference, the difference in ways they view the world, the younger one is always more innocent, etc.
I personally don't find these to be my interests 99% of the time but I get why others would enjoy it (my few exceptions are Scum Villain and ErHa but if I start trying to explain THOSE messes we'd all lose it).
I guess people would be confused why I'm still hung up on ItaJun too huh? XDXD But as you said, fanon and creativity has no limits and people do as they like and enjoy.
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hotsuqueen · 4 months
Yamato Hotsuin's Recordbreaker Dialogue - Thursday
Poisonous Day dialogue below the cut
Thursday 08:00 Poisonous Day
Minato Shiba Park
You find Daichi staring at something…
Daichi: Oh… Hey, Hibiki.
Hibiki Kuze: - What's wrong? - What're you doing here? - Not doing much?
What's wrong? Daichi: I found something unusual. Check this out…
What're you doing here? Daichi: Well… How should I put it? I found something kinda weird. Take a look…
Not doing much? Daichi: C'mon, gimme some credit. I found something crazy. Come see…
You follow Daichi's gaze to Yamato, who is staring at the sky with other JP's agents…
Hibiki Kuze: - Let's go over there. - Let's go talk to him.
Daichi: Huh? Wait, you're gonna talk to him!? Hey…!
Yamato: Hrm…
Hibiki Kuze: - What's the matter? - Is something up there? - is something bothering you?
What's the matter? Yamato: Ah, Hibiki. There's something on my mind.
Is something up there? Yamato: Ah, Hibiki. The sky, clearly.
Is something bothering you? Yamato: How pedantic. I expected something more interesting from you.
Yamato: Since dawn, neurotoxin deaths have been on the rise in Tokyo. What do you think's behind it?
Hibiki Kuze: - Perhaps Ronaldo and his rioters. - Perhaps the Septentriones.
Perhaps Ronaldo and his rioters. Yamato: Hahaha! You've a long way to go as a commander. That man would never have the nerve. Casualties keep rising but there are no witnesses or other information. It must be Septentriones.
Perhaps the Septentriones. Yamato: Correct. You're quick to assess a situation. Casualties keep rising, but there are no witnesses or other information, it must be them…
Yamato: Extrapolating from the time of the outbreak and the proliferation of cases so far… The enemy must be moving at a constant speed. For optimal distribution of the toxin, it would have to be flying overhead.
Hibiki Kuze: - Amazing. - Stands to reason.
Amazing. Yamato: You're impressed by such simple things. It was the most natural conclusion to draw.
Stands to reason. Yamato: It's a theory still, but I don't see any holes.
Yamato: Its target… is here.
Hibiki Kuze: - The tower. - Shiba park?
The tower. Yamato: I'm sure of it.
Shiba park? Yamato: Tokyo Tower is just past this park. It will definitely go after that.
Yamato: The towers are strategically vital. We must defend them at any cost.
Hibiki Kuze: - Why? - What's with the towers?
Yamato: I suppose it is time to let you know. I told you once that JP's carries the burden of protecting Japan from the supernatural.
Hibiki Kuze: - I remember… - When was this?
I remember… Yamato: Mmm… You did a superb job against Merak at the time. I should thank you again for that.
When was this? Yamato: Before the battle against Merak. Do you recall now?
Yamato: We of the Hotsuin learned of the Dragon Stream long ago. With ancient incantations, we created a spell that twists its power into any shape or form we desire. After the war, it was applied to build these towers. To defend Japan against all foreign invasion.
Hibiki Kuze: - It creates a barrier? - How does it protect us?
It creates a barrier? Yamato: Very keen of you. The tower focuses the Dragon Stream into a barrier.
How does it protect us? Yamato: It creates a barrier. One that cannot be seen or touched. It is the strongest bastion we have.
Yamato: This is why they target the towers. This is why we must defend them at all cost.
Hibiki Kuze: - What if one's destroyed? - What if the barrier breaks?
What if one's destroyed? Yamato: The barrier will disperse. Cities that lose their towers are doomed to destruction.
What if the barrier breaks? Yamato: The city will lose its only defense. It is certain to crumble and perish afterwards.
The JP's agent standing nearby approaches you…
JP's Agent 1: We've been exposed too long, Sir. You must fall back immediately.
A hot pink and purple pod falls from the sky and lands behind Yamato and the agents.
JP's Agent 2: What is that thing!? It came from the sky!
JP's Agent 1: Stand back, Chief Hotsuin! We'll handle this! I'll flank it! You assault the front.
JP's Agent 2: Roger.
The agents flank the pod.
JP's Agent 2: Stay alert! I can't even tell what it is…
JP's Agent 1: No reaction? I guess it's just a coward. Wait… What's it doing!? Ngh!
JP's Agent 2: It exploded! Hey, are you alright!?
JP's Agent 1: I'm good. I've been through worse… What is this stuff? Huh…! Gyargh!
JP's Agent 2: H-Hey! What's happening!? Sit-rep, now!
JP's Agent 1: Stay back…! Don't come any closer! Rgh… unh…
JP's Agent 2: Hold on! I'm coming!
Yamato: Imbecile! Don't risk your life!
She runs into the toxic cloud anyway and dies immediately.
Yamato: The Septentrione is here…
Hibiki Kuze: - We have to save them! - Where is it?
We have to save them! Yamato: Leave them! It's their own fault!
Where is it? Yamato: I don't see it. Perhaps it has some kind of camouflage.
Airi: They're… dead!?
Yamato: Hm… That explains where the toxins are coming from at least. The falling objects explode after a time, releasing the toxins into the air. This is a great opportunity, Hibiki. We shall not let it pass us by. Prepare for battle. Defend me as I obtain the enemy's location. I will now present the details of the operation.
Hibiki Kuze: - Please do. - We don't need that.
Please do. Yamato: I shall use the fallen objects to calculate the coordinates of the main body. To maintain accuracy, I'll need to make multiple calculations. I will be vulnerable. I need the rest of you to destroy the fallen objects before they explode and release their toxins. That is all. Do you understand? Hibiki Kuze: - I do. - Not quite. - Not quite. Yamato: Of course. Let me explain it again. Listen closely this time.
Yamato: Alright. As my subordinates are trash, I must depend on you. Now… It's showtime.
Mid-battle, Yamato's first turn: Yamato: Alright… Let the operation begin. I need you to defend me.
He approaches the first pod and captures the coordinates.
Yamato: I have completed my calculation at the first location. Now advancing.
Mid-battle, Yamato's second turn taking poison damage: Yamato: The toxin is spreading. This will be rather troublesome.
Mid-battle: Yamato: I have completed the calculations! Let's eradicate the demons!
Post-battle: Yamato: Excellent. All the demons have been destroyed.
Yamato: Data input complete. Coordinates calculated. Beginning scan… There!
Daichi: What the! There's something floating up there!
Yamato: "Alioth" designation confirmed. It's already passed above… That's unfortunate.
Daichi: Wh-What do you mean "unfortunate"?
JP's Agent: Yes, Chief Hotsuin?
Yamato: A Septentrione is approaching your location. Don't let your guard down.
JP's Agent: What!? We don't see anything here.
Yamato: It's invisible to the naked eye. I'm sending over a filter module now. Check the skies!
JP's Agent: Understood, Sir!
Alioth appears in the sky.
JP's Agent: Holy hell! What is that thing!? Chief Hotsuin! There's an unidentified flying object up there!
Yamato: I figured as much. Cut the power!
JP's Agent: What!? D-Did you just say to…
Yamato: Was I somehow unclear? Cut the damn power! Temporarily freeze the barrier!
JP's Agent: That's crazy, Sir! If we do that Tokyo will fall!
Yamato: Don't question me! If the tower loses power it will no longer be an active target!
Hibiki Kuze: - Will we make it in time? - But Tokyo will fall!
Yamato: What do you suggest? We sit idly by and watch while it destroys the tower? There will be some casualties but it's better than losing the tower. Cut the damned power!
JP's Agent: Yes, Sir!
Yamato: …… Can you hear me? Respond!
Hibiki Kuze: - Is he dead? - Did the tower fall?
Yamato: I don't know…
JP's Agent: Chief! Chief Hotsuin! Can anyone hear me!?
Yamato: What happened!? Report!
JP's Agent: We're safe, Sir. The power has been cut. Alioth is changing course, Sir. It's headed north!
Hibiki Kuze: - We're saved! - Thank goodness…
Yamato: We're not out of the woods yet. North, huh?
Hibiki Kuze: - What's wrong? - What's up north?
Yamato: The active towers are in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Sapporo. It must be…
Hibiki Kuze: - It's going to Sapporo. - What's up north?
It's going to Sapporo. Yamato: Precisely. It hasn't given up on attacking the towers.
What's up north? Yamato: To the tower in Sapporo. It hasn't given up its attack.
Yamato: Based on its flight speed, it'll take a few hours to reach Hokkaido. We can't leave the barrier in Tokyo off indefinitely. Unless we defeat it, it will eventually return here.
Hibiki Kuze: - We need a plan. - Now's the time.
Yamato: You're right. We must devise a countermeasure before it reaches Sapporo. Do you read me? Alioth is advancing towards Sapporo. Relay that to all JP's personnel and begin work on a countermeasure at once.
JP's Agent: Understood, Chief Hotsuin. We'll post status reports as soon as possible.
Yamato: Do we have your support?
Hibiki Kuze: - Of course. - Do we really have a choice?
Of course. Yamato: Thank you. Alioth's altitude is far higher than our demons' effective range.
Do we really have a choice? Yamato: Ha! No. Alioth is flying far higher than our demons' effective range.
Yamato: If this continues, it could destroy the tower without us ever intercepting it. You must find a way to shoot it out of the sky. We'll be making our own preparations. I have every faith in you.
You say your farewells to Yamato before leaving…
Oh my god this battle took me two hours to transcribe. Partially because I made himself repeat his explanatory dialogue six times to hear his voice line where he sounds like he's talking to a preschooler.
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hackedxy0x · 7 months
My Darling Narcissus
🌸🌸🌸--- Hanahaki fic --- 🌸🌸🌸
Pairing : Oliver Quick / Felix Catton
Rating : Explicit
Word Count : 28k
Summary : Oliver had heard of the flower coughing disease before. Or hanahaki, as it’s best known. The first case was found in Japan, who knows how many years ago, where the person affected had flowers growing in their lungs. Symptoms included extreme coughing fits that wouldn’t go away, watery eyes, tightness in the throat, and many other inconveniences a person with a plant in their respiratory system might have.
Unrequited love. Completely illogical and medically improbable, but there it was.
It didn’t take him long to realize who his unrequited love was. After all, there was only one person who occupied his every thought.
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It started with a tickle in the back of his throat.
He was sitting in the ancient-looking Oxford library, books laid out in front of him, dusty and heavy. The ones no one ever borrowed because no one ever really wanted to read. Why dive a bit deeper into your studies when you can just breeze through a textbook and write whatever you wanted without putting in any effort at all.
Oliver was honestly wondering why was he even doing this himself, but it wasn’t like he had anything better to do with his time. That’s probably why.
Maybe Michael would've borrowed these books if they had anything to do with his major. He'd probably aggressively demand for Oliver to give him a page number, so he could recite a fucking citation for him.
So right now, Oliver was busy studying. Or busy pretending to study, that is.
He was studying at first, for a good hour or so, trying to find out as much as he could about the influence of foreigners on medieval English (he was expecting more from Oxford). Thus, the book thick enough to kill someone or at least give them a good dust-induced asthma attack. Unfortunately, his efforts came to an abrupt halt when one Felix Catton walked in through the door and sat a few tables away from him.
Felix was with a group of his friends, vaguely familiar faces mixing with the constantly rotating ones. Oliver mentally referred to them as Alpha Hotties for obvious reasons. Leaders of the pack, attractive, young and rich. The center of attention, with Felix as their leader - the world was theirs to claim. They all huddled up at the same long table, chattering too loudly for a library, but of course no one came to shush them. Even the librarian was carefully minding her own business. Oliver suspected that they came there to study, but apart from opening a few books (contents seemingly random), nobody seemed willing to study much of anything.
Oliver couldn't help but glance at that table every few seconds, sneakily trying to catch a glance of him, the one and only star of the show.
Felix Catton.
Oliver only recently found out his name. It wasn't all too difficult of a task, really. It seemed to circle around the halls, a fond whisper on everyone's lips, Casper the friendly ghost haunting the Oxford halls. An adornment of Hey Felixs followed by friendly Hey yous from the man himself.
Even if Oliver didn’t hear his name from his peers, it would’ve been hard to miss something like having an entire building named after your family right there on campus. Another thing he learned about Felix, he was apparently stupidly rich.
From what Oliver observed, Felix was a god among mortals and everyone wordlessly seemed to be aware of the fact, his name always spoken with an appropriate amount of worship and awe. Everyone seemed to be drawn to him, people always surrounding him like little ants desperate to get their hands on Felix as if he was the first sugar cube they had ever seen. Even Oliver, always detached from everyone, always the odd man out, felt Felix's pull from the moment they locked eyes through the window.
A shock through the system, a spear through the heart. Before, he wondered if he even had one. Empty like that Tin Man for The Wizard of Oz. And now he couldn’t get it to shut up - his heart constantly singing hymns bearing Felix’s name. And it hadn’t stopped doing so since.
Oliver wished for nothing more than to be one more ant to eat away at Felix's presence, but he was more of a praying mantis than an ant, and it was something everyone could plainly see. Maybe not actively, but something about Oliver made their fight or flight instinct kick in; his presence was an obvious discomfort, and they always chose flight. Oliver had no place among them.
Never had Oliver hated that fact more than since he saw Felix. If he were more like everyone else, he could've easily wiggled his way into the group, stay happily at Felix’s side until he decided that he was sick of Oliver gnawing on him.
Unfortunately, he was an Oliver, and an Oliver didn’t even live on the same planet as a Felix.
A tickle in his throat was almost an afterthought when he looked at Felix who was leaning back in his chair, laughing, completely unaware of Oliver watching him over the rim of his glasses. Oliver dismissively thought about buying some mints to bite on before his mind snapped back to Felix.
God, what a beautiful laugh he had. Oliver longed to hear it play again and again.
Continue on Ao3 : Link
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mirimiramiri · 8 months
We found love...
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“Prince Van Fanel. I hereby name you King of Fanelia and present you with the sacred insignia of power.” 
A sword, Hitomi thought in wonder as she stretched her neck to peer over the soldiers' heads. She had rather expected that the unfriendly boy, or rather, conceited prince, would take off the oversized helmet and someone would try to force a crown onto this bird's nest of black hair. On the other hand, the Tennō was also presented with the ancient sword of Japan. Apparently a coronation didn't always include a crown.  
She discreetly looked around at the warriors among whom she was kneeling. Everything seemed like she was visiting a museum. A museum the size of an entire city. 
The men looked like samurai; the rooms in the palace reminded of her grandparents' traditional-style house in the country. At the same time, no one wore a kimono and no one walked around on geta. The people, this prince (or now king) and the unfoundedly jealous girl with cat ears were more reminiscent of extras from a Central European historical drama flick. 
If only this was all a set-up, an incredibly elaborate prank at her expense like Hidden Camera. She would laugh it off graciously and hide the fact that she had already begun to doubt her sanity. 
Why did I end up here, she asked herself. Why for heaven’s sake? And when can I go home again? 
Her gaze wandered to the cloudless sky. She almost hoped to see that ray of light, like from a flying saucer, again. Which beamed her away, back to the sports field, back to Yukari and Amano. 
Was it that unfriendly Van‘s fault that she was here? After all, the pink stone from the dragon had started to glow just before she was ripped away from Earth's gravity. Had he done that on purpose? Hardly, as coldly as he had treated her after the nice wolfish grandpa had picked them both up. This rude Van guy clearly wasn't keen on her. At least he let her stay in his castle. But beyond that, he barely seemed interested in her. There were obviously a lot more important things right now, like this humble event at the moment and ruling over a kingdom later. 
Van had probably already forgotten about her. On the other hand, he had at least told his fencing master that she had helped him defeat the dragon. That wouldn't have been necessary. Nevertheless she was impressed by his honesty. 
She had finally understood that the fight against the dragon was a ritual, the success of which proved him to be a worthy heir to the throne. Was it against the rules to get help? But she was a little flattered by the way Vargas gave her a look of genuine gratitude while the cat girl cuddled the prince almost to the point of unconsciousness. 
Hitomi sighed softly. This scar-covered mountain of a man had given her his word of honor to find a way to send her home after the coronation. He looked scary, but spoke gentle and respectful. 
She couldn't wait to finally leave all this inexplicable weirdness behind…
Shouts reached her ears, getting louder and louder as the priest reeled off a monotonous speech to the Fanelian royal family tree. People began to turn around and the crowd became restless. 
What was going on, Hitomi wondered. In the distance, a thin column of black smoke seemed to rise into the sky. The priest had fallen silent. The new king, Van, had also turned around and appeared to be facing the city gate. She couldn't see the expression on his face beneath the huge helmet and behind the tangle of black strands. But somehow the atmosphere had changed. The crowd was nervous, small children began to cry and were hugged tightly by their mothers and fathers. The ceremony was interrupted and hardly anyone was paying attention to the important event. 
Then a fast rider appeared, forcing his way through the crowd and shouting, “We are under attack! The women and children go hide in the mountains, the men should take up arms! We must face the enemy!” 
Was this a drill, a show? But no one laughed, rather there were panicked shouts as the men around them jumped up and ran away in different directions. Hitomi stood up but stayed put. What should she do? She often had to make way for a samurai to avoid being run over. Nobody paid any attention to her. 
Nor, she noticed, on the newly crowned king. He stood apart, as ordered and uncollected, with the blue sword in his hands. He seemed lost, overwhelmed, and that left a bitter taste of fear on her tongue. Finally he started moving, running as best he could in the ceremonial armor to Vargas.
Hitomi could see the two briefly exchange a few words. Then, to her amazement, they both turned to stare at her for a second. Vargas then ran away and the boy dove towards her. He looked quite frightening in his white armor and flowing cloak. 
“You there!” he shouted. “Don’t stand around, come with me.” 
“What me?” Hitomi babbled confused as he grabbed her arm rather roughly and dragged her behind him. 
“Who else,” he grumbled. There was a slight metallic echo in his voice under the helmet, like a robot. He ruthlessly made his way through people. He paid them no attention, just as they paid him none. Some, soldiers, men of all ages, ran towards the tumult with their swords and lances drawn. The others in the opposite direction. Many carried small children or old people on their backs. Here and there someone was desperately calling out the names of friends or family members. 
Hitomi had never seen so much haunted fear on other people's faces. She tore herself away from the boy's grasp and followed him. "What's happening?" 
“What does it look like?! My country is being attacked!” As he ran, the boy grabbed the helmet and carelessly threw it away. The useless thing rolled over the cobblestones with a clatter. Then he sprinted to a small pedestal and picked up the stone on display that he had cut from the dragon's carcass. 
“Come now, stay close to me!” 
Attacked? Hitomi thought, but somehow she still didn't understand. She ran alongside him to the middle of the square. She saw the people who had excitedly attended the ceremony fleeing in all directions. Horrible noises could be heard in the distance and dark smoke, increasing in volume, rose ominously. "You there! Hold this!” the boy suddenly shouted and threw both his new sword and the pink stone at her. 
“Hey!” she complained, but caught both deftly. The dragon’s stone, the color of happy bubblegum, pulsed in her hand with a warm energy, as if it were still the heart of this horrible creature. It was scary in a way that's hard to describe, but not the least bit gross. Rather, it felt good in her hand. Just as if it enjoyed the touch of her skin.
The thing and the weapon together were surprisingly heavy and Hitomi panted as she ran, but managed to keep up with the boy. He was already starting to get rid of the annoying armor. To do this, he untied several ribbons. The breastplate and the cloak simply fell to the ground. Underneath he wore the simple red shirt and slim beige trousers again. 
Now he looked much less like a king, if not at all. 
“My name is Hitomi and not you there!” she snapped at him as he simply snatched the sword out of her hand and strapped it to his belt. 
“I have other things to worry about right now!” he hissed back. Nevertheless, he took the time to give her a stressed look. But there was more to it than that…fear coupled with fierce determination. Like yesterday, or was it the day before yesterday, when he killed a real-life mythical creature in front of her eyes. 
Side by side they rushed through the gate of the square building in the center of the courtyard. The boy - King Van - made a short, strange hand sign as they sprinted past the stone carving of a woman in warrior's outfit. Maybe a greeting, a small religious gesture that you had to take time for under all circumstances? 
They continued through a dark corridor. Hitomi followed her instinct rather than poor vision. Or even the quick breaths in front of her. <-- you can probably omit this. it doesn't flow well and just adds unnecessary context that feels out of place. 
Was that a bomb shelter? Then why did only the two of them flee here? Without warning, a vast, semi-subterranean chamber revealed itself before them. It was beautifully decorated, the walls full of colorful, mystical patterns. Partly covered in gold, like a subtle reference to the poor country's long lost wealth. 
Hitomi concluded from the excellent condition of the room that it must be an important, possibly sacred place. Fanelia did not appear to be a well situated country, but here they were not stingy with opulent decorations.
Was it a burial chamber? 
There were three coffin-shaped boxes standing next to each other back there. But the floor was particularly noticeable. Steep stairs led down to an angular pool. Several circles of metal slid into one another, looking like gears, all coordinated with one another. The colorful mosaic of a mechanical watch. A light shaft provided poor but atmospheric illumination. Countless grains of dust glittered in the few rays of sunlight. 
Speechless, as if she were a tourist in the Vatican, Hitomi took it all in. Van, however, was in a hurry. Without thanking her, he grabbed the stone and ran into the middle of the structure. Every step he took, every breath and every heartbeat was clearly audible. It was dead quiet here. The noise from outside was not allowed into this sacred site. 
Van pulled out his new sword. Even in the dim light here, the sharp blade shimmered. Then he intentionally cut his thumb. It had to be a deep wound because he was bleeding profusely and a considerable amount ran directly into the grooves of the stone. It disappeared into it like rain between the petals of a rose. Hitomi watched him spellbound. He didn't say a word, seemed absolutely sure of himself and his actions. 
Van raised his arm and Hitomi's gaze followed. A huge boulder hung from the ceiling. How strange, it seemed to be held by steel chains but at the same time floating independently. How did that work? What was the structure used for and why did they even flee here? 
Then she saw that his actions resulted in something that could only be described in one word: 
Just a moment ago the energist had been pretty, but dormant.
Nourished by the king's blood, it awoke to new life and shone brightly like a star fallen from heaven in his outstretched hand. Something similar had happened before. Just like in front of Sasuke Inari Shrine, when that light burst from the night sky, her running shoes suddenly just lifted off the ground and she was plucked from the Earth. 
Out of nowhere she was startled when the young king began to roar: “I am Van Fanel, King of Fanelia. My blood shall seal the pact with you in the fight against evil, Escaflowne!” 
An incantation, Hitomi was amazed, because there was no one here to whom he could speak. The marble ground vibrated slightly under her feet as if a weak earthquake were occurring. 
“The moment has come to awaken your spirits again, mighty dragon!” 
With that his magic was probably complete, because all of a sudden the colorful circles around him began to rotate. They turned smoothly against each other. As if they had always done it that way and would continue to do so for all eternity. 
Hitomi caught her breath. The spectacle was too strange and beautiful. Streams of air rose from the platform, shining like an upside-down waterfall of shooting stars. They enveloped the king's lanky form in his splendor until he faded into the shadow of a human being. 
Any average person would have fled by now. Not so the boy. Suddenly wild lightning danced around him, as if he was creating a small thunderstorm. Their origin were the wheels turning ever faster. The electrical discharges were aimed at the large rock on the ceiling. It broke like an egg under pressure. A deafening crack filled the air. The spell was broken, the seal lifted, and a power beyond what Hitomi dared imagine was unleashed. 
Freed from its cocoon, an oversized suit of knight's armor emerged into the open. The metal was a brilliant white. It appeared clumsy and light-footed at the same time and landed directly in front of its lord and master. Large blue marbles on the visor looked down at the fragile little humans, like insect eyes. Red and green heraldic symbols made of crystal glittered on the chest and helmet tip. The long purple cloak fluttered as the armor genuflected and bowed. 
The boy remained calm as if it was the most normal thing in the world. This despite the fact that the armor - Escaflowne - could easily trample him to death. He hurried towards it, the energist secure in his hand. His arrival was expected by Escaflowne like a savior in an emergency. 
It was time for blood and triumph. 
The armor had been caged, it’s might restrained for far too long.
Eager to be sent back into battle. To serve the cause. 
"So this is Escaflowne, like in my vision," Hitomi murmured. 
As in my vision of Escaflowne...
What followed next marked the end of a coronation in flames and the beginning of a long, long journey.
Note: Thanks to wonderful @eireanness to help translate this little snapshot from my ongoing fanfiction. I decided to not use the term "energist" here to often because it is Hitomi'POV and she only learns about them during that mine heist. The title might seem strange, but this was only the introduction to a longer chapter. The last thought of Hitomi really works better in English than in German.
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ellas-journey · 1 year
Time in Japan 🕰️
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   Did you realize something different in the clock that the spider Oni showed Zenitsu? I will let you think. Yes, it does not have numbers. I mean it does, in the tiny clock within the clock. And there is a reason for that, the clock that he is holding is a Japanese clock. So, a clock made in Japan? Ah not really. Let me explain.    People in Japan, like in most of Asia, did not count the time like we do today. There is the conception that ancient people lived according to natural cycles, that for them the daytime was for the living and the nighttime for the dead. Taking a step further, that westerns were concerned with schedules, and non-westerners seem to act like they did not care, they did not have a time-consciousness at all. But that was not true. The way they counted time sure was different but was still a way of counting the time, they used the so called “variable hour system”.    As the name suggests, the length of the hours varied with the seasons. The day was divided in daytime and nighttime, and each divided further in 6 equal periods called koku ou toki [ji]. Each of the twelve hours had the name of an animal of the zodiac. They would know the what time it was thanks to a public time-telling bells or drums, that were installed in high towers (to those that like to read danmeis like me, you must be pretty familiarized with this concept) so that the sound would be carried into the distance.    The mechanical clock arrived in Japan trough the hands of the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier in the 16th century. It was gifted to the daimyo of Yamaguchi - Ouchi Yoshitaka - for him to allow Christianity in his territory, as soon more of this ticking machines would be asked to the Jesuits. Even Oda Nobunaga asked Louis Frois to see this intriguing machine, and, even tho this was an “useless thing” more and more clocks were brought to Japan to be used as expensive gifts. Even the Tokugawa family loved clocks even if they hated the westerns.    You should expect that since there was a flood of clocks in Japan that they soon would adopt this way of counting the time. That was not the case. The koku system continued in Japan until 1873, were in the 5th year of the Meiji Era the Emperor decided to adopt the Western calendar and way of dividing the time. But before that, western clocks were adapted into the Japanese way of seasonal time.     They were called “Wadokei - 和時計 - Japanese clock”. Why did this happen?  Well because “the clocks were counting the wrong time of hour!” Edo people were not used at not having the distinguishing between long and short hours, so they quickly decided to adapt the various types of western clocks into their system. “The mechanism of these clocks was practically identical to that of Western devices of the sixteenth century, with the only alteration being made to the locking plate of the alarm, which was modified to allow the clock to strike the number of times according to the Edo-period hour count, which consisted of double nine-to-four countdown series” - Frumer, 2012;    While it started as a novelty, by the 18th century clocks were not a rarity anymore. “Most mechanical clocks were only available to the rich and powerful, but the emergence of the economical and less decorative type indicates that there was some demand for mechanical clocks in the general society, possibly by merchants for their practical use in knowing the precise time.” - Hashimito, 2020; While we see the most expensive and decorative ones at museum, we must not forget that is exactly these characteristics that made their owners not throw them away, because in the case of a simple one you wouldn’t even think twice. “Clocks are not different from other museum exemplars suck as pottery or lacquerware - the existence of the state-of-art object does not imply that there were no simpler versions used by people of humbler status the daimyo” - Frumer, 2012;    Japanese clocks soon started to have both the Japanese hours and western hours, like in the clock that the Oni does have! While sure by the Taisho era the Japanese society would be fully adapted to the western way of telling the time, but imagining that the Oni was a human while this was the standard way of telling the time it is understandable why he does have that clock. Plus said clock had an specific time for the sunrise so can you really blame him for sticking to that? Same with the Ubuyashiki girl clock. Since they had to track the sunrise it would be way more easy to keep an old japanese clock that was the best a doing that job!
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   FRUMER, Yulia. 2012. - Clocks and Time in Edo Japan. PhD. Diss. Faculty of Princeton University;    HASHIMITO, Takehiko, 2008 - Japanese Clocks and the History of punctuality in Modern Japan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 2:1, 123-133. <https://doi.org/10.1215/s12280-008-9031-z>    Linfamy. 2022- How christians intruduced the first mechanical clocks to Japan for GOD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQVNxAVlR44    Linfamy. 2023 - Traditional japanese clocks: 1200 years of history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5eJgqSV6eA&t=321s     
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