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romanceddawn · 6 months ago
kleptoshipping with yami bakura being so enchanted with yugi, and he's mad about it but he's also not one to deny himself what he wants, but yugi and the nerd herd dont trust him, though, so he usually pretends to be his host just to get time close to yugi
poor ryou is so confused every time his friends come up to him privately and ask if he has a crush because he looks at yugi sooo love struck and he should just go for it already (while the spirit is in the back of his head annoyed and jealous but its also his own fault)
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antaresr · 1 year ago
Can we take a moment to appreciate the compatibility of unconventional Yamis and Hikaris?
As Atem and Marik were not masters of their destinies, they were the heirs of a great responsibility that they did not want, they were so small when the whole world fell on their shoulders and they did what they could with their lack of maturity to move forward.
They are both afraid of the dark (because of the initiation and being locked in the puzzle for 3000 years) and there were only two people around them to take care of them properly (Isis and Rishid and Mahad and Mana) they were children who had to become adults of blow, Marik was freed from his responsibility, Atem had to follow the rules.
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Art by: https://twitter.com/gaiya1287/status/1490025407898218500?t=naUkx01--BFoYz6EP3hBRQ&s=19
Bakura and Yūgi were alone and isolated from the others due to their particular characteristics (white hair and obsession with games) and they only had one consolation (Diabound and Grandpa). Of course, as they grew up, there was someone else who gave them what they needed to keep them company ( Zorc and Anzu).
They are both afraid of fire (the Kul Elna massacre and the fire in Black Clown), they were children who just wanted to be understood, Yūgi got it, Bakura didn't.
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Yami Marik and Ryou were isolated in their own body, sharing space with someone who didn't appreciate them, can you imagine the traumas those two had with impersonalization? Of not knowing how to be themselves because they didn't have time for that because they were locked behind someone else? Carrying the deaths of his family on his conscience and with the guilt, but Ryou was able to start living after Bakura was defeated, Yami Marik was vanished.
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Art by: https://shadow-chan93.tumblr.com/post/189852802032/merry-christmas-secret-santa-from-the-ygo-server
I mean, everyone loves Puzzleshipping, Thiefshipping, tendershipping (and I do too, they're amazing, I really love them) but the level of understanding they have for these couples is just amazing, imagining Atem and Marik comforting each other in the middle of the darkness because they know that the other feels, Bakura and Yūgi talking about how lonely their life was and how painful the fire is, Yami Marik and Ryou have a cathartic moment when they discover that they are their own people with a body of their own and can think about their future.
I don't know, I want to cry, they are perfect for each other and they don't get enough appreciation.
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saijspellhart · 9 months ago
Kleptoshipping thought
Bakura and Yugi have this inappropriate game. In which Bakura frequently tries to sneak up on Yugi in various places, grab him from behind and press a knife against his throat.
It’s never actually a threat, Bakura just wants attention and this is how he asks for it.
Yugi thinks it’s hot, and whenever Bakura catches him it turns him on. He still tries his best to be vigilant however, and catch Bakura before it can happen, because that’s half the game.
It started as an attempt for Bakura to scare and toy with Yugi. A show of how dangerous Bakura is, and how easily he could kill Yugi. But overtime Yugi realized Bakura wasn’t going to actually hurt him. It was all posturing. Eventually Yugi realized Bakura was just doing it for attention, about the same time he realized it turned him on.
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liberationwasboundtohappen · 10 months ago
Related to my "Yuugi with the Millennium Ring" AU...
I like to think Bahkure kinda just. Sits in weird spots as a spirit, partially to make Yuugi laugh.
Sometimes he uses Yuugi as a chinrest when he's doing his homework. Other times he's sitting on top of a teacher and making stupid faces while taking the piss.
One time he held his hands out and pretended to choke Kaiba during one of his long monologues and Yuugi had to do everything in his power to stop from laughing his ass off right there.
It doesn't help that he looks like YB as a spirit, so he looks a lot like Ryou, which makes it even funnier.
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callingallyugiohfans · 4 days ago
I'm back!!!!!
Hello my beautiful You-Gi-Oh fans!!!!! Sorry for the short reprieve of not posting....but i have news!!!!!! I am currently working on a new fanfic. But not Puzzle, Blind or Rival but Kleptoshipping!!!!!!!!!! Yugi and Bakura. Set in Ancient Egypt, in the beginning but modern era for the rest. A rewrite of the events that took place in the anime but in a different context. I got the idea from another blogger @liberationwasboundtohappen find their post for context. All credit goes to them and is their idea but i am expanding it to make a story. I hope i do you proud @liberationwasboundtohappen!!!! I'll keep you updated on the progress and you can add/ expand on the progress if you wish!!!!!!! Hope to be posting it once finished but i will do my best to capture the love and heartache these two endure just to "fit in" and be their own people with different views of life. Hope y'all will read once finished and give @liberationwasboundtohappenthe love and kudos they deserve!!!!! love you guys!!!!!!!!!
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diaboundkernelz · 2 years ago
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in the gay ppl trenches
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hereforthefunnyguys · 1 month ago
Boundshipping. Bainworms back.
Thinking about scenario in which yami bakura comes back to life and tries to go back to Ryous house but gets locked out because no way in hell is Ryou repeating his previous experiences. Only one place to go now and I guess it’s sneaking into yugis house and living in his attic. Hes fed with the power of feral pigeons and actual food that keeps on getting left by the door while yugi patiently waits for him to get out here and act like a mature humanish being
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semi-jpg · 9 months ago
kleptoshipping au where yugi and ryou are best friends and yugi starts dating ryous hot older brother
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bakawitch · 1 year ago
I see that you ship Casteshipping, then you also ship Klepto, Heart or Fragile? What are your opinion of them?
Yep, Caste/Kingshipping is in my top 3!
To be completely honest, Klepto is a bit weird for me... like I don't hate it, but I'm not crazy about it either. I don't really have any real issues with it, it's just not for me, I think. I know many people who consider this their bread and butter and good for them! (All amazing people, btw.) I can see why people would be really into this ship. It definitely has potential, and I've read a couple of fics about it, and there are some amazing fanart of them circling around. I really love most ships under the Trapship umbrella, but for some reason, Klepto/Bound in a monogamous relationship just doesn't really work for me? And I literally dont know why! I guess I just I prefer these two together in polycules, lol.
Heartshipping, on the other hand, is really cute! King of Games Yugi and his "I'm what's known as a gamer" boyfriend Ryou is just a really sweet and wholesome couple. Just imagine the hijinks they can get up to together! ninjam117 has a really cool mermaid heartship fic with amazing illustrations, and I'm just obsessed with it XD. It's not exactly my favourite ship, but I definitely ship them!
Fragile, I can go feral about any day, though. It's not my top ship, but I just really like it somehow? I don't even have a real reason for it. I just think they're neat. They have both angst and fluff potential, and that's more than enough for me. <3
But yeah, I also like trapshipping. It's really fun to put these 4 in a box and see what happens.
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luesmainblog · 2 years ago
Rambling about some yugioh ships
Because I Can. note that i am an enormous multishipper and i firmly believe in everyone holding yugi's hand collectively at the same time, so me not mentioning a ship does not mean i don't support it. Kleptoshipping(Yugi/Bakura) listen. listen. Listen. it's about the belief in anyone's ability to change, it's about the reflection outside of your mirror, it's about extending a hand to someone who so clearly needs it even when they repeatedly reject you. to ignore the hatred they spew because you know it's never been you they're seeing in your face, and knowing that you could help someone you care about so much but helping this person who probably doesn't deserve it. It's about being a creature born of vengeance and hatred and being so obsessed with the destruction of everything around you, and constantly treating this person as nothing more than a vessel for the one you NEED to ruin, and losing to them. it's about constantly being the worst person in the universe and knowing you neither want nor deserve kindness, and recieving it anyways, aggressively recieving it. it's about the inescapable pity, how the ties between you can become so tangled and yet STILL be shoutted through. it's about reaching anyone. it's about always seeing past someone to view their alter, and assuming that they've always done the same with you, and coming to realize that they're speaking to you, caring for you. it's about recognizing that the people you love can still have things they need to attone for. it's about coming to an agreement with your enemy that this one person deserves some kind of protection. there is NO kleptoshipping without recognizing their respective relations to yami and ryou, and that is so much of the point. Darkshipping(Yami/Bakura) for me it's the potential, the different timelines we never see, the fact that there are so many different paths they could go down to NOT end in the way they did. it's about trying to push past flaming hatred to reach someone, to recognize the pain they're experiencing, to see that they aren't just evil, but they're hurting. it's about the overwhelming responsibility of being such a young pharoah and having so little memory. it's about the power you hold over someone when you remember what they don't, how if you can stomach convincing them you're a trustworthy friend you can completely destroy them. It's about how things could have gone so, so differently if the bakuras had been there in the Waking The Dragons arc. it's about having your worst fears confirmed to you, about listening to the shadows whispers that you're the evil one. It's about refusing to just leave someone to drown even if it means they tug you down with them. It's screaming to the sky to go ahead, kill me, and then tell the stars that you won. it's about loving someone you have no choice but to destroy, knowing in your heart that you can only fight one fate at a time. it's about "No Children" by the mountain goats. it's about grieving, about how soul-destroying it is to move on when your entire identity is built around your rage, about the stomach-dropping oh as you realize revenge will only make you hurt more. more to come in reblogs tumblr is being mean to me
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changeling-droneco · 1 year ago
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romanceddawn · 11 months ago
yugi and atem in a post canon scenario always going to hang out with bakura and ryou at their apartment and stay the night, and it happens so much that ryou is eventually like "why dont we all just buy a bigger place together?" and everyone tries to play off how bad they want that but they all agree to
when they're actually looking for places, its starts out as just a big apartment like 'oh haha just a starter place until all of us figure our lives out and go our separate ways' but somewhere along the line they've all decided they may as well get a house instead because why not if they're all putting money towards it, and then they settle in and make it so much their home that they all agree it'd be silly to leave, they may as well just spend the rest of their lives together there haha its no big deal (it is such a big deal that they're all separately trying to figure out if they can do a 4 way marriage)
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antaresr · 8 months ago
I was thinking of a Klepto, death and gold fic but, there are only three bodies, so everyone needs to make schedules to go out with their respective partner using the body.
Marik: I want wednesday and friday
Bakura: Tell him to go fuck himself, I want Fridays.
Ryou: Uh, Bakura doesn't agree.
Marik: Then tell that asshole to fight me
Yugi: He's totally going to fight you, Bakura we can have Saturdays, a whole day to be together
Bakura: *mumbles intelligibly*
Ryou: I didn't understand that, can you speak more clearly?
Yamima: I want Saturdays!
Marik: Fuck no, keep Sundays, shit!
Ryou and Yugi: What?
Marik: Not you, the other me!
Meanwhile Atem is just sitting next to Yūgi listening to how they all fight because he doesn't exactly care because Marik will get his way anyway.
Although eventually it could turn into Yuumeishipping if you push too hard, I mean at some point someone is going to wake up with the wrong half and think it wouldn't be so bad if they could date him too
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liberationwasboundtohappen · 11 months ago
Headcanons -- Proposals
Boundshipping -- Bakura does a close recreation of how his father asked his mother to marry him (at least, based on the stories that he remembers): he saves up to buy a house, and tells Yuugi that he'd like to share his home with him for the rest of his life. Needless to say, Yuugi cries, says yes, and insists that they have multiple game rooms to fit their respective collections. In that order. Kleptoshipping -- Bakura kind of just stuck an engagement ring on Yuugi's finger when he was sleeping one night, and when Yuugi questioned the ring, he sneered at him: "What, am I not allowed to stake my claim on what's mine?" Yuugi responds by doing the same thing with Bakura a week or so later. Bakura acts like he doesn't notice or care, but he preens and smiles at it when he thinks nobody's looking. Fragileshipping -- Atem, openly nervous and far more awkward than one would expect, asks Ryou to go to KaibaLand with him to test out the new dueling arena. He gives Ryou a deck that he "wants him to try", though the poor guy nearly fumbles handing it to him at least twice. Ryou thinks something's up, but doesn't say anything...until he realizes the deck Atem gave him was a custom variant on the Destiny board/occult deck that Bakura used at battle city. A wedding-themed variant, specifically. The win condition involved the player to spell out the words: "I WILL". The moment Ryou realized what was going on, he hopped off the platform, ran to Atem, and pulled him into a kiss so long and passionate that they both had to break for air. ...Before accepting with a cheeky "I will," of course. Liberashipping -- Marik had a really elaborate proposal planned. He was going to take Yuugi on a moonlight picnic, wait until the moon was brightest and then propose with all of the debonair charm of a romance novel hero. But then...right when Marik was about to propose... Yuugi went down on one knee. "Marik Ishtar," he said, "Would you do me the honor of letting me be your wings, and take your family name?" Marik wasn't sure whether to laugh at how cheesy that was or cry because Yuugi wanted to become an Ishtar. He did both. Riftshipping -- Polygamy isn't exactly legal, but a little thing like that wouldn't stop TKB from asking his partners to be with him forever. ...At least, that's what he thought, but Ryou and Yuugi beat him to the punch. They set up a private 'wedding' in their shared house for the three of them, complete with dancing, vows, and a "Honeymoon suite" that Ryou spent at least a month making the props for. Then they went on their actual honeymoon: A several-month long trip around the world (paid for by Kaiba as his 'wedding' present to three of his most useful employees AND NOTHING ELSE) where they played games, tasted new foods, and enjoyed their time spent with each other.
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callingallyugiohfans · 3 days ago
This will be a server where anyone can talk and post anything Duel Monsters or Yu-Gi-Oh! Series!!!!!!!!!!
Please NO: hate, spam, rude comments or comment bashing
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diaboundkernelz · 2 years ago
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men cannot live by death alone
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