#thieves of funk
deklo · 2 years
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adam? (don’t repost)
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theaskywalker · 7 months
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Imagine being a Silvertongue and reading Farid out of One Thousand & One Nights
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pu-butt · 1 year
The Cornelia Funke's The Thief Lord to Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows pipeline
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cinemedios · 1 month
'Live Baby Live': Cuando INXS conquistó el mundo
Con el reciente anuncio de que se proyectará el concierto de INXS en Wembley Stadium decidimos volver a escucharlo y sigue siendo igual de genial que las miles de veces anteriores que lo escuchamos, ¡conoce su historia aquí!
Con el reciente anuncio de que se proyectará el concierto de INXS en Wembley Stadium decidimos volver a escucharlo y sigue siendo igual de genial que las miles de veces anteriores que lo escuchamos, ¡conoce su historia aquí! Reseña Musical | ‘Live Baby Live’ A finales de los años 80, la banda integrada por Michael Hutchence, Kirk Pengilly, Garry Gary Beers y los hermanos Andrew, Tim y Jon…
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random-tail · 25 days
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My Kie Kies r lil thieves, so they stole @crabsnpersimmons crab sun
(Also bc iv been in a funk & the idea was cute)
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asumofwords · 1 year
The Sublet - Roommate!AU
Warnings: She/her pronouns, slow burn, angst. Tags will be added as the fic goes along. Angst (come on its me), feelings of sadness and betrayal, discussion of domestic abuse.
Pairings: Modern!Aemond x Reader
Summary: Living with Helaena Targaryen was one of the best decisions you had ever made. Meeting at university, the two of you became thick as thieves and quickly best friends, moving into a flat together. But what will happen when Helaena has to leave, and her quiet, brooding, brother moves in?
Notes: I was stuck in a bit of a writers funk there for a moment, but I think I'm out of it which hopefully means I can start slanging dick from my requests. Also as a side note, abusive relationships are really hard to escape, and often very confusing for the victims and people around them. Anywaaaaay, enjoy! <3
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Chapter 11: Scars Of The Past
Work had been something you wished would go faster, eyes cast up to the clock on your wall, watching the seconds tick by painfully slow.
You glanced intermittently at the time on your computer, or the one on the screen of your phone. The day seemed to crawl at a snails pace as you eagerly wished to get home to see him. 
Aemond had changed, for the better, and the dynamic that had grown between the two of you had, in your opinion, perhaps gone past a casual escapade.
Cregan had never spent days on end with you in your bed, nor had he cooked every single night for you. Nor had he read to you, or indulged you in your every want and wish.
This was much different to the casual dynamic that you had with Northerner, and the more you thought about it, the more you wondered what you were to Aemond. Did he feel the same way? Was he too having these thoughts today? Watching to clock slowly roll by as he waited at home for you?
Was he jogging to fill the time until you would return?
Did he feel the same pull? The same shift? The same longing for more?
It was something that you clearly needed to talk about, and something that you planned to tonight. You weren’t one to beat around the bush, and you felt that Aemond was the same. 
When the clock finally struck 5, and the work day ended, you all but raced from the office and to the train, stopping by the grocery store to buy ingredients to cook him your favourite meal, grabbing your shared favourite ice cream tub to share afterwards as a treat.
You had to force yourself to not skip home, a sweet giddiness spreading into your chest warmly as you sped walked with grocery bags in tow, work bag slung over your shoulder. Your heart raced in your chest as you thought of if he would like your meal. 
It raced even faster when you began to roll words around your mind on how to ask him what this was. It was too heated to be casual. Too chemical to be a one time thing. Too high strung for just a month of fun. And you had hopes that it would continue after Helaena came back.
That was another hurdle that you would eventually have to take. 
After your talk with Aemond, of course.
When you got to the door of your apartment, you had to juggle your bags to reach for your keys, placing the groceries on the floor awkwardly as you fished around in your work bag on your shoulder. 
When the tips of your fingers sought them out, pulling them from an inside pocket, a sound inside the apartment caused your ears to prick up. It was a sound that should not have been there, all things considered. 
Your heart began to race in your chest. 
But the sound persisted, low and steady.
Behind the door of your apartment, came the hum of a feminine voice.
Your brows pulled together. 
Was Helaena back early? She hadn’t told you that she was coming back yet. 
Something uncomfortable settled in your gut. 
You pushed your keys in the door and opened it slowly, careful to not make noise, picking up your groceries as quietly as you could to enter, shutting the door behind you. You placed your keys in the bowl, heart sinking into your gut.
You could hear it now, a singsongy purr from a woman and the quieter, softer timbre of Aemond.
You got to the end of the corridor and your eyes fell to the couch.
Aemond’s head flicked up to you, hair tied back away from his face in a low bun, wearing all black with his shoes on. 
It looked like he had been out for a run.
His body was tensed, shoulders rolled back and hands in fists at his sides.
Beside him, a woman you recognised.
Alys Rivers sat prim and pretty on your couch. 
In your apartment. 
Next to your-
Next to Aemond. 
She wore a green top that hugged all of her curves, breasts pushed high and forward on her chest, cleavage on show by the low cut of the top. Her waist was tiny, pulled in by high black pants, and on her feet were a pair of shiny, black stilettos. Her dark hair was brushed over her shoulder, long and straight, and her red lips pursed as she looked at you. 
Bright green eyes became narrowed, and all of a sudden you felt unwelcome in your own home. 
You watched as her lips parted and her tongue pressed into the tip of her canine before she shut her mouth, saccharine smile pulling on her painted red lips as she turned to Aemond, hand rested on his knee.
“Aemy, you didn’t tell me you had a friend coming over.” Her voice was melodic, and if you didn’t know about her character, you would say that she sounded almost sweet. 
But you knew it was a sirens song.
Your hands tightened around the bags handles, “I live here.” You grit out.
Alys turned her head back to you, and your eyes stayed on her as her thumb stroked against his knee, his fists tightening at his side, pale knuckles looking paler. But Aemond did not tell her to stop, and only looked at you with an expression you couldn’t decipher.
“Oh.” Alys responded, eyes roaming across the apartment at your furnishings slowly, far too slowly to be admiration, subtle judgement in her eyes, “It’s a lovely home. Quaint.”
Heat rose in your cheeks and you had to force yourself to move, unsticking your feet from the floor. You moved towards the kitchen, sparing Aemond a concerned look as you began putting away all your groceries.
“Thanks.” You told her stiffly, back turned, eyes narrowed at the splash back tiles of the sink.
“How do you and Aemond know each other?” She enquired from behind, and before you could turn to face her and tell her, Aemond answered for you.
“She’s Helaena’s roommate.”
Your heart sank.
Helaena’s roommate.
Not friend.
Not lover.
Not undecided whatever the hell you were. 
Helaena’s roommate.
Anger began to rise inside, followed with jealousy and hurt. A most dangerous trio.
You wrenched the freezer open, carelessly tossing the ice cream inside. 
Why was she here?
Why did he let her inside?
Why was she touching him?
You turned back to the couch standing in front of Aemond and Alys.
She stood, tall on her long legs and reached a hand out to you, red painted nails like sharp claws pointed at you, “Alys.”
“I know.” You looked at her hand, not dignifying her with your name nor pleasantries. 
She was an abuser, and with the way her face fell, the smile dropping completely, you knew the act was all fake.
Alys dropped her hand and stepped back to sit back down on the couch again, using it as an excuse to sit closer to him, thigh against his and hand back on his knee. You watched as Aemond’s eye flicked down to the hand, lips parting as he breathed shallowly.
The tip of her nail scratched against his thigh.
A false laugh fell from her lips, “Bad day at work, I’m guessing?” She smirked at you.
Your teeth ground against each other, “Work was fine. Just wasn’t expecting…” Your eyes flicked to Aemond, wishing he’d look at you, give you any indication that he needed help, but he didn’t, and when his eye met yours, there was resignation in it, “Company.” You spat.
Her pale hand lifted, tucking a strand of stray silver hair that had fallen in front of his face, behind Aemond’s ear.
He didn’t flinch.
He didn’t shy away.
He sat stiffly and allowed it.
“It was a spur of the moment visit.��� A small giggle fell from her lips, “It’s been so long since we have seen each other, and I thought a reunion was in order. We have had a lot to catch up on.”
“Have you?” You asked, but your tone was directed to him.
Please give me a sign you need help.
Give me a sign you want her gone. 
Aemond hummed, nodding in agreement.
Your heart sank again.
“I was thinking of cooking-“
“-Oh, we’ve already eaten. Haven’t we?” Alys interrupted you, looking at Aemond with a wide smile.
Your lips parted, and it felt like she had dug her perfectly manicured claws into your chest, gut turning.
Aemond didn’t meet your gaze, eye looking anywhere but you.
“I hope he hasn’t been causing you trouble.” The woman lightly joked, hand rubbing up and down his thigh.
The urge to cry reared its ugly head inside of you.
“He’s been the perfect gentleman.” You responded quietly, feeling all hope be sucked out of you.
You didn’t know what to do.
Another laugh, the sound grating in your ears, “That doesn’t sound like you.” She purred, double meaning not lost on you. 
A blush creeped across your cheeks, and Alys narrowed her bright eyes at you once more.
Silence settled over the three of you, and you wished he would say something, or show you a sign that he wanted or needed your help, but no matter how long you stared at him, he refused to meet your gaze.
Alys cleared her throat primly, eyes sweeping across the room in mock discomfort, “I’m sorry, we haven’t spoken in some time.”
She was trying to dismiss you. 
In your own home. 
The anger was back.
Your arms crossed over your chest.
“And?” You held your ground.
This was his chance. 
His last chance of an out if he wanted it.
If he needed it.
Alys sucked her tongue, jaw shifting in annoyance as she looked at you. 
She thought this would be easy. 
“I had hopes that me and Aemond could catch up…” She looked at you pointedly, “Alone.”
“You’re in my house.” You all but sneered.
“Y/n.” Aemond’s voice finally rose from the couch, but it did nothing but serve as a warning to you.
Stand down.
One last chance.
You looked at Aemond, pleading him with your eyes, asking him if he needed an out wordlessly one last time, but he didn’t take it, nor did it look like he needed it.
Aemond nodded at you with a slow blink. 
And there it was.
Your dismissal.
Any hope that you had crashed back down to earth, shattering into a thousand different pieces as Alys smirked at you triumphantly. You set your jaw in a hard line, and turned on your foot, heading straight to your room and closing the door behind you.
Tears immediately overflowed from your eyes, sliding down your cheeks wetly. Sharp pain twisted in your chest and stomach, and a sense of shame and embarrassment curled around you. 
How stupid had you been?
Why did you feel this way?
Did he invite her here?
Did he want to get back with her?
Were you nothing to him?
The way he had dismissed you hurt. The way he had stopped you from coming to his defence had hurt. And the way she had looked at you in triumph, the way she had touched him, and the way he didn’t stop her, hurt. 
You laid in your bed, not bothering to get changed and cried into your pillow until the room grew dark, and the realm was bathed in night. You laid numbly in bed, stomach grumbling with hunger. 
You checked your phone.
You didn’t want to go to the kitchen, to eat and see her again. You knew that your eyes would be red, that you would be teary and emotional, and you didn’t want to give her the satisfaction.
Not too long after, you heard footsteps behind your door, the steady click of heels disappearing down the hall before you heard the front door open and shut softly. Your heart raced in your chest as you sat in the dark, listening and waiting to hear his footsteps disappear into his room so that you could leave yours.
You listened to the soft footfall as it came up the hall, pausing at your door.
Holding your breath, you sat up in your bed, looking under the door, the shadow of two feet blocking the light from the lounge room.
Time seemed to stretch forever and then finally-
Knock Knock.
You let out the breath you had been holding, looking at the crack beneath in the dark, mind turning a million miles an hour. 
Do you go to him? See if he was okay?
Do you respect your own need for space?
Did he need comfort?
Was he angry?
A new thought turned in your mind. More bitter than the last.
Why would he be angry? 
He’s the one who dismissed you in front of her, and all you could see was her smug smirk at you when he had done it. It had made you feel so small, so foolish, so unwanted and like a child again, sent to bed with no supper.
Knock Knock Knock.
You stared at the door. 
You didn’t know what to do. 
You didn’t know what you could do.
“Y/n. Please.” His quiet voice came from behind the door.
You blinked in the dark, feeling tears begin to gather in your eyes again. Time stretched, and you watched his feet shift his weight and shuffle.
Aemond sighed from behind the door and you watched as his feet disappeared from view of the light underneath. Your stomach clenched, and an ache spread further into your chest.
You waited until you were sure that he was gone before you crawled out of bed, stomach pulling painfully in hunger.
You pressed an ear to the door, listening for any sounds of him outside, and when you heard no sign of his footsteps or the tv, you decided to leave your room. 
You were halfway to the kitchen when you saw him, head in his hands on the couch.
He looked halfway to defeated, shoulders hunched forward as he breathed slowly. But he had heard your approach and you watched as all vulnerability bled out of him and he straightened, lifting his eye to look at you.
You locked in a stare, unsure of what to do as you looked at him, hoping he would speak first, hoping he would make the first move, because you didn’t know how to in that moment. 
Didn’t know how to move forward or talk about what had just happened. 
It didn’t help that you felt used. 
And hurt.
And cast aside.
And you knew it was more complicated than that, but there was just something about the way he had dismissed you in front of a woman who had done so much damage to him. Dismissed you as though you were nothing. Called you his sisters roommate and not even his friend. Acquaintance. Someone he had spent over a month getting to know. Someone he had spent over a week sleeping in their bed, cock or tongue between thighs. Gentle whispers in the morning, soft smiles in the evening. 
It made you feel like nothing.
It was clear that Aemond wasn’t going to say anything as you waited another pregnant pause, so you tore your eyes away from him and continued into the kitchen to make yourself some two minute noodles, meal that had been planned for the both of your forgotten.
You could feel his gaze on the back of your head, heated. It made your skin ripple in discomfort. 
Filling a pot with water, you set it on the stove to boil, moving as quickly as you could to pull down a bowl and grab the noodle packet from the cupboard, tearing the sachet open and dumping the flavouring into the bowl.
You felt his presence behind you before you heard him speak.
“Are you okay?” He questioned you, and you fought to not scoff. 
Why was he asking you that? 
“Are you?” You replied back, turning to face him against the bench, waiting for the water to boil.
“I’m fine.” He said flatly, and you raised a singular brow at him in question.
Aemond’s face remained stoic.
“Why was she here, Aemond? If I had known-“
“-Why does it matter?”
You blanched.
Why did it matter?
Why did it matter?
“What do you mean why does it matter? She abused you, Aemond! I was worried about you.”
His brows pulled into a frown, “She didn’t abuse me. We just fought a lot.”
“Aemond,” You said, voice softer this time, “It was abuse.”
Anger rippled across his face, “I wish you would just drop it. I shouldn’t have even told you.”
You stepped back in shock, hip bumping into a drawer handle sharply.
“I won’t just drop it. I’m worried about you.”
Aemond sighed through his nose, “I don’t need you to look after me.”
The water began to boil, and so did your patience, “I’m not saying you need me to. I care about you, Aemond. And so naturally it was a shock to come home and find her in the apartment after what you had told me- what- not even two weeks past?”
“She’s my ex, what did you want me to do?” He asked you incredulously, and you turned to dump the noodles in the water, watching them be swallowed down into the bubbles.
“I just don’t understand why you would bring her here in the first place without even telling me.” You looked up into his eye, and you could tell he was noting the way your own were red and puffy from crying. 
His lips pursed and then flattened, “I’ll make sure to tell you before next time.”
“Next time?” You had to force yourself to not yell, feeling anger and sadness swirl around in your gut like a whirlpool, dragging you under.
“I didn’t- She just rocked up.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, but how did she know where you were, Aemond?”
The man stayed quiet, and there was something about it that made you step back away from him.
“Are you getting back with her?” You asked, voice quiet and weak, praying that you didn’t sound as pathetic as you thought you did to your own ears.
Silence again. 
You blinked, feeling the sting of tears in your eyes again.
“After everything we- After- I thought-”
“-You thought what?” His voice was cool and even, void of any emotion, as though he had put himself behind a very thick door, lock and key.
“Are you getting back with her?” You asked again, voice uneven, cracking at the end heavily with emotion, thick lump stuck in your throat that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard you swallowed.
Again, silence, though something flickered behind Aemond’s eye, and you watched as his brow pulled froward.
Your heart raced in your chest, “Okay. So what was this then? Was this nothing?”
Aemond’s lips opened and then shut, once, twice, three times before a large sigh came from his lips, “I don’t know.”
Pain ravaged you sharply, tugging at your chest as you looked up at the man. You moved to the pot, straining the water out, turning your face away from him as you blinked away tears. 
“You don’t know?”
His gaze was hot on the side of your face as you plopped the noodles into your bowl, turning to face him again, biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from crying. The only thing keeping you together, the process and mechanical way you made your dinner.
“I don’t know anything right now.” Aemond’s voice was low, “My heads a mess. Seeing Alys-”
A terrible realisation dawned on you.
He still loves her.
A lone tear fell down your cheek, and you watched as Aemond’s hand twitched at his side, arm beginning to lift towards you. 
You shook your head angrily, stepping away, swiping up the bowl of hot noodles, “I need to think.”
“Y/n, wait.”
You didn’t wait, and stormed away to your room, kicking the door shut behind you as you sat down, noodles forgotten beside the bed, sobs wracking your body as you cried. 
He still loved her. 
He still loved her, and you had been a fool to think that what you shared was anything else than casual to him.
At times you could have sworn his gazes lingered moments too long to be anything casual, but you guess you were wrong. 
Wrong about it all.
An idiot.
But some of the grief that you felt was for him. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t see how bad she was for him. Couldn’t see how he didn’t deserve it. He was trapped, and there was nothing you could do to make him see. 
People will only accept help if they allow it. And you could not force help on him. It was something he had to come to terms with on his own.
What was more, the guilt inside of you had been steadily eating at your resolve, gnawing away at you as you betrayed your best friend by sleeping with her brother. 
But not only that, you think you were falling for him.
You reached for your phone, calling the only person you knew who would listen to you.
“Hey scuttle bug!” Helaena’s voice chirped sleepily from the other end, “Don’t tell me you’re drunk.” She joked, and a sad sob passed through your lips at the sound of it. 
She was going to hate you.
She was never going to talk to you again.
And you deserved it.
“Hey,” She cooed into the phone, voice suddenly alert and filled with concern, “What’s wrong?”
You sucked in another sob, chest aching and stomach feeling wrought with anxiety, “You're going to hate me.” You cried, hiccup stuttering your uneven breath, “You’re going to hate me so much, Hel. I’ve ruined everything.”
You heard shuffling in the background, as though Helaena had sat herself up in bed, “What?” She listened to another broken sob come from your chest, “Y/n take some deep breaths, okay?” 
You did as she said. 
“What’s happened?”
This was it. 
It was now or never.
No going back now.
And once the words would leave your lips, you would be banished from her life forever. 
You were about to lose two people you held dearly to you.
You swiped tears away from your face in agitation, angry with yourself for what you had done, “I slept with Aemond.”
Silence on the other end.
Your heart broke.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Hel. I’m a terrible friend. I know I fucked up, I just don’t know what to do. I'm sorry. I know you hate me, I-“
“-Hey, hey, hey, slow down, bug. I don’t hate you.”
Your nails dug into your palm as you apologised again and again, the words tumbling from your lips before you could stop them. 
Helaena tried to calm you on the other end, asking what happened, and so you told her everything, from start to finish, all the way up until your encounter not too long ago, bar the personal things about Alys that Aemond told you. That was his story to tell.
“I know what I’ve done is wrong, and you’ll never forgive me-“
“Y/n,” Helaena cooed on the other end of the phone, “I don’t hate you at all. Disappointed you didn’t tell me sooner, yeah,” You winced, another tear falling from your cheek, “But I had a feeling it would happen.”
You sniffled, “What?”
Helaena laughed on the other end softly, not at you, but in a knowing way that she always had, “I mean, I always assumed it would. You’re both so similar. You’d be perfect if he wasn’t such an asshole.”
“He’s not an asshole.” You immediately defended him, cringing at your own voice.
Helaena hummed in a way that Aemond usually did, and it made your heart clench. 
You heard shuffling on the other end of the phone, followed by some muffled whispering.
“Where are you right now?” Helaena asked softly, mumbling to someone again.
Confused you responded, “In my room?” 
You thought it would be obvious where you were.
“Daeron’s just organised a ride and a plane for you to come to the Keep.”
You blanched, surprised, “Hel, I can’t. I have work.”
“Fuck work.” She exclaimed on the other side, “My best friend needs me, and I need her. Besides, can’t cancel it now, the drivers on his way.”
“What?” You were breathless, panic rising inside of you.
You heard Helaena yawn on the other end, “Better pack your bag quickly, should be there in like twenty if we’re lucky. I’ll tell mum to tell Larys you need time off. He won’t and can’t say no to her.”
“No ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’. You’re coming.”
You smiled sadly, grateful that she was such a good friend but feeling like a burden. She was going to fly you to her, whilst her dad was sick, and because what? You had fucked her brother, developed feelings for him, and he had all but rejected you?
But Helaena knew you too well.
“You’re not a burden, and you need some space right now. Aemond does too, and he won’t come here. He needs some time alone to think of what he wants and process seeing Alys.”
You bit your lip and chewed on it softly, “Okay.” You paused not sure what to do, “Thank you, I know I don’t-“
“-Shush. You already had an invitation to come here anyway, so no time like the present. You can atone for your sins by giving me a hug when you get here and telling me the longer story of what has happened. Not to mention get Aegon out of my hair. He’s been such a pest.”
You chuckled softly. You didn’t know what you would do without her, you felt relieved that she wasn’t going to cast you out of her life, though the guilt still lingered, multiplying tenfold by her generosity.
Helaena stayed on the phone with you the entire time as you packed, telling you what to bring and what not to bring. By the time your bag was full and you were ready to go, the driver was downstairs. 
You opened your bedroom door, darkness shrouding the apartment.
Your eyes immediately flicked to Aemond’s. 
It was closed.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
@mrstargayen09 @iamavailablesstuff @malfoytargaryen @hogwarts1207 @diannnnsss @seni039 @qyburnsghost @anehkael @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @watercolorskyy @skikikikiikhhjuuh @toodlesxcuddles @kaelatargaryen @aemonds-fire @anitazut @melsunshine @persephonerinyes @wintrr13@arcielee @coffedraven @happinessinthebeing @zairishmya @hanula18 @lovejustlovelythings-blog @harryssunflxwer @spinachtz @bellaisasleep @aemshaircare @heavenly1927 @yentroucnagol @snh96 @thedamewithabook @hanula18 @sweethoneyblossom1 @siriusblackrunmeover17 @yentroucnagol @urmomsgirlfriend1 @carriellie @ipostwhtifeel@queenofshinigamis @toodlesxcuddles @the-common-cowgirl@ladymarg0t @deadgirlwalkingtaylorsversion @diiickbrainn @rawrxbexjealous @virtualsweetsqueen @adeliciouslysaltybitch @tsujifreya @boofy1998 @docmartinis @rabbit-reveries @bel-bottoms @padfooteyes @cryingforlife
Bold is who I cannot tag
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Round Six of The Hottest 80s Band Tournament
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Defeated opponents: Green Day, Earth, Wind & Fire, The Psychedelic Furs, R.E.M., Duran Duran
Formed in: 1970
Genres: rock, glam-rock, hard rock, pop-rock, pop, disco
Lineup: Freddie Mercury- vocals 
Brian May- guitar 
John Deacon- bass 
Roger Taylor- drums 
Albums from the 80s: 
The Game (1980)
Hot Space (1982)
Flash Gordon (1982)
The Works (1984)
A Kind Of Magic (1986)
The Miracle (1989)
Propaganda: “HAVE YOU SEEEEN THEMMMM???? these men never lost their looks as they aged. smoking hot 20 somethings to smoking hot 40 somethings. in their own words, "we was glam" and "we were all stunning". all four had impeccable style choices 99% of the time, from leather jackets and wraps to monochrome to undone blazers and ties to brightly coloured /everything/. Deacon changed his hair style every few years and even in just tshirts and booty shorts, never missed. Roger had a sleazy mullet and sunglasses for what felt like forever, hot Persian dad, did not miss. Brian forgot how to fully button shirts. bell bottoms. same hair for 50 years. no misses. even after Freddie got sick and started wearing makeup and had to grow a beard to cover up, MAN NEVER FUCKIN MISSED. he was beautiful to the day he died. and thats not even touching on the leather daddy look from the early 80s.king shit. we love wrinkles and laugh lines in this gd house. if they don't sweep I’m blowing this whole website up we was glam”
“a few years back i was obsessed with these guys and i would find it hard to not have a crush on all of them. in the 80s especially Brian was GORGEOUS.. BEAUTIFUL”
Defeated opponents: .38 Special, The Beastie Boys, Poison, Van Halen, Talking Heads
Formed in: 1977
Genres: New wave, pub rock, dance-rock, funk rock, alternative rock
Lineup: Michael Hutchence– lead vocals, backing vocals
Andrew Farriss– keyboards, guitars
Tim Farriss– guitars
Kirk Pengilly– guitars, saxophone, backing vocals
Garry Gary Beers– bass, backing vocals
Jon Farriss– drums, percussion, backing vocals
Albums from the 80s:
INXS (1980)
Underneath the Colours (1981)
Shabooh Shoobah (1982)
Dekadance EP (1983 & 1984) (two completely different releases by the same name)
The Swing (1984)
Listen Like Thieves (1985)
Kick (1987)
Propaganda: Just got two words: Devil Inside.
Visual propaganda for Queen:
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Visual propaganda for INXS:
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tswaney17 · 10 months
Like Dad
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Happy @azrielappreciationweek, Day 7: Free
I was very excited to bring back my Oh Baby AU for this week. I'm slowly coming out of my creative funk, and I hope to be back to posting on the regular here soon! 💕
Catch up here: Little One, My Son
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Trigger warnings: none
Word Count: 2,224
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read here.
Azriel slid Rosalie’s plate back in front of her after cutting her roasted chicken up into more manageable bites.
“Thanks, Daddy!” she announced, spearing a piece of meat and popping it into her mouth.
He leaned down, kissing the top of her head.
“How is training going?” Elain asked her elder sister.
They were having their weekly family dinner at Rhys and Feyre’s manor. Since they all started having children, the sisters pushed to keep up these traditions so the cousins could grow up together. Or at least they tried to as much as possible. Occasionally, one group wouldn’t be able to make it, like when Amren and Varian were in Summer, or Cassian took his lot to the Illyrian Steppes. But, for the most part, they all showed up for this set-aside, few hours to reconnect as a family.
And it worked. Kaden and Nyx were as thick as thieves, and Rosalie and her younger cousin Sutton were already the best of friends. He loved seeing their children together. It reminded him much of his childhood with his brothers. The bond formed through centuries that could never be broken.
Tested, yes.
Broken, no.
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gracez426 · 8 months
What I Think The Phantom Thieves’ Best Dance Style Would Be
If any of y’all want elaboration on this, ask me in my comments. Honestly, a lot of these are just from vibes though. - somebody who has taken dance classes for 11 years and now has a dance minor at college
Joker/Ren/Akira - Jazz (but like vernacular jazz)
Ryuji - Hip Hop (specifically breaking)
Ann - Musical Theatre
Yusuke - Modern
Makoto - Jazz Funk
Futaba - Tutting
Haru - Ballet (cause duh)
Akechi - Tap (y’all HEAR ME OUT: he likes jazz music and talks about the improv part of it a little in his confidant. you know what else has a big emphasis on improv? TAP DANCE! also akechi being a tap dancer would just be cool idk)
Sumi - Acro (again duh)
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moontrinemars · 2 years
a Few Notes on Writers and Storytelling in Vedic Astrology - and how to use that in your own chart!
Researched for my use, published for your reference. Disclaimer in bio. I use Sidereal placements but suggest checking both.
✒️ Ardra has massive connections to Gothic fiction. Mary Shelley (Frankenstein) and Lord Byron (romantic poetry) both had Ardra Ascendants, with Shelley also having Ardra Saturn and Indu Lagna. Charlotte Bronte (Jane Eyre) had an Ardra Mars and Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights) had an Ardra moon.
📖 This makes sense! Ardra is the Star of Sorrow. It is also called the Star of Oppression. The Vimshottari Dasha says Ardra can be connected to condemnation and sacrifice. It is ruled by the Howling God, Rudra, born crying for he had no name. He was the god of Destructive Storms and Thunder, and also the Lord of Wild Animals and Medicines. This aligns with many common Gothic motifs!
📖 As a result, Gothic fiction can be an amazing introspective dive for Ardra natives... if they aren't too afraid to see their own wounds reflected back at them. Like Frankenstein's monster, Ardra natives often end up rejecting or being rejected by their "creators" - whether that's their families or their gods. Catherine and Heathcliff and their tragedy will speak to the wild Ardra native's inclination to lash out or run away out of fear of being trapped or abandoned. Etc!
✒️ You can look at an author's D5 for common threads in their popular works. For example, D5 Mars in its own sign or house is common for suspense and noir authors, as is prominent Scorpio. Both of these things are true for Agatha Christie (Hercule Poirot books and other mystery novels), Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes series), and Truman Capote (In Cold Blood)!
📖 If you are a creator, you can look to it for inspiration, or use it to analyze your works for patterns you never even noticed! For example, I also write original fiction in my own time. My D5 Ascendant is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, and faith, fate, and the divine are common themes. My D5 sun is 6th house Taurus and my works usually explore one on one relationships with lots of dialogue. Venus, my D5 sun's sign ruler, is in the 12th and Scorpio and the plots typically involve secrets, mysteries, and the link between life and death. Etc. etc. etc.
📖 Even if you don't consider yourself a creator, you can use your D5 to look at the creators that helped shape you! For example, my D5 has a Mula Ascendant and a triple conjunction in Bharani under 1º, and my favorite author as a child, Cornelia Funke, has Bharani Mars and a Venus/Saturn conjunction in Mula under 2º in her D1. I also loved Peter and Wendy, and on top of us sharing D1 Ardra Risings, J. M. Barrie has his D1 sun in Krittika, same as my D5 Jupiter.
✒️ Fairy tales are usually associated with Punarvasu, Hasta, and Revati. Hans Christian Anderson (The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc.) had Punarvasu Rahu, Hasta Saturn, and Revati Sun and Mercury. J. M. Barrie (Peter and Wendy, later iterations known as Peter Pan) had Punarvasu Jupiter, its ruling planet, in the 1st and D10 Hasta Ascendant and Pluto. Hans Grimm (Grimm's Fairy Tales) had Hasta Moon, which is its ruling planet, and Revati Rahu.
📖 Punarvasu is the Star of Renewal. It prospers the greatest only after experiencing failure - a common theme in fairy tales. There is a Rags to Riches element to this nakshatra, or the reverse. It's not a romantic nakshatra but it is well suited to travel. I personally associate it with The Emperor's New Clothes, The Lost Princess, and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
📖 Hasta is the Hand, which has more than one meaning. This nakshatra puts what you want in your hands, but there is also a connection to palmistry, fate, and magic. These natives have the quick wit and mystical audacity that gives characters in fairy tales the happiest endings. They're also willing to 'take with both hands'. I associate this nakshatra with Jack and the Beanstalk, Rumpelstilskin, and The Seven Ravens.
📖 Revati is the Star of Wealth, because they find what has been lost or overlooked and appreciate it appropriately. They are at their best when they act as guides, or as guardians, to those who need them. I associate them with The Blue Bird, The Frog Prince, and Thumbelina.
Hope this was useful, thanks for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to message, ask, or reply ♡
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Bracket is up! Matchups are in text form under the cut. Reminder that all of these matchups were chosen randomly, and that this bracket will be run in a double elimination style, so a character failing out in round one does NOT prevent them from proceeding into the tournament.
Ursula Boulton (Merge Mansion) vs. Betty Grof (Adventure Time)
Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs. The Coin / Boss (Blaseball)
Morgan Le Fay (Fate) vs. Edelgard Von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
IMOGEN (Stellar Firma) vs. Amalexia (Elder Scrolls)
Maeby Funke (Arrested Development) vs. Manon Blackbeak (Throne of Glass)
Taylor Hebert / Skitter (Worm) vs. GLaDOS / Caroline (Portal)
Cleo DeNile (Monster High) vs. Nico Robin (One Piece)
Helen Richardson / The Distortion (The Magnus Archives) vs. Calanthe (The Witcher)
Irving Braxiatel (Thieves & Tardises) vs. Nefera DeNile (Monster High)
Alina Starkov (Shadow & Bone) vs. Lady Barbrey Dustin (A Song Of Ice & Fire)
Eclipsa Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) vs. Jennifer Check (Jennifer’s Body)
Moira O’Deorain (Overwatch) vs. Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribbean)
Iron Maiden Jeanne (Shaman King) vs. Artemis (Greek Myth)
Tomie Kawakami (Tomie) vs. Dame Obsidian (Murdle)
Rachel (Animorphs) vs. Juri Han (Street Fighter)
Shego (Kim Possible) vs. Asajj Ventress (Star Wars)
Tabitha Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow) vs. Morte Asherah (Sands of Destruction)
Theresa (Fable) vs. Morgana Pendragon/Le Fey (BBC Merlin)
Nailgun Sue (IRL) vs. The Witch (Into the Woods)
Chara / The Fallen Human (Undertale) vs. Nimona (Nimona)
Klaasje Amandou (Disco Elysium) vs. Margot “gottiewrites” Garcia (An Unauthorized Fan Treatise)
Prince Ianthe Naberius the First, the Lyctor Prince, the Saint of Awe, previously known as Ianthe Tridentarius, the Princess of Ida, heir to the House of the Third, Mouth of the Emperor, the Procession, House of the Shining Dead (The Locked Tomb) vs. Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade Series)
Anna Croft (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) vs. Sailor Galaxia (Sailor Moon)
Ms. Pauling (Team Fortress 2) vs. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Charlie Magne/Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel) vs. Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Willie Jack (Reservation Dogs) vs. Gretchen Klein (The Wilds)
Rachel (Tower of God) vs. Galadriel (Lord of the Rings)
Charlie (Don’t Starve) vs. Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run)
Rose Quartz / Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) vs. Filo (Shield Hero)
Tokiko Shigure (Ai: The Somnium Files) vs. Sandy (TokiDoki Cactus Friends)
Shion Sonozaki (Higurashi When They Cry) vs. Banica Conchita (Evillious Chronicles)
Mima (Touhou) vs. Yūko Ichihara (xxxHolic)
Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) vs. Laerynn Coramar-Seelie (Critical Role)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Granny Weatherwax (Discworld)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights) vs. Susie Haltmann (Kirby: Planet Robobot)
Lae’Zel (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show) vs. Angela (Library of Ruina)
Miranda Vanderbilt (Monster Prom) vs. Jinx (Arcane / League of Legends)
Rose Thorburn Jr. (Pact) vs. Eva (Umineko When They Cry)
Empress Phillipa Georgiou (Star Trek) vs. Shiv Roy (Succession)
Paige Duplass (The Silt Verses) vs. Akua Sahelian (A Practical Guide to Evil)
Poison Ivy (DCEU) vs. Nickel (IDW Transformers)
Joyce Messier (Disco Elysium) vs. Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
Kalina (Fantasy High) vs. MegaGirl (Starship)
Sloane Parker (Eidolon Playtest) vs. Power (Chainsaw Man)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Raiden Ei / Beelzebul (Genshin)
Patty Bladell (Insatiable) vs. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley (House MD)
Tanya von Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil) vs. Fang Runin (The Poppy War)
Nomi Malone (Showgirls) vs. Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Wu Zetian (The Iron Widow) vs. Lariska (Bionicle)
Teresa Agnes (Maze Runner) vs. Emma Perkins (Hatchetfield Series)
Lucrecia Mux / Maligula (Psychonauts) vs. Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do In The Shadows)
Akako Koizumi (Magic Kaito) vs. Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Blackberry (Chicory: A Colorful Tale) vs. Malva (Pokemon)
Vermouth (Detective Conan) vs. Kumoko / Shiraori (So I’m a Spider So What)
Eleanor (Do Revenge) vs. Bryony Halbech (Red Valley)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Leliana (Dragon Age) vs. Archbishop Rhea/Seiros (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Grimora (Inscryption) vs. Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Audrey Redheart (Wandersong) vs. Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magic)
Fujiko Mine (Lupin III) vs. O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
Anne (WOE.BEGONE) vs. Gwendolyn Poole (Marvel Comics)
Lappland Saluzzo (Arknights) vs. Avrana Kern (Children of Time)
Harley Quinn (DCEU) vs. Cassandra Jones (Rise of the TMNT)
Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalte / La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Revan (Star Wars) vs Rue Kuroha / Princess Kraehe (Princess Tutu)
Eve (The Bible) vs. Prospera Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury)
May Angelica Jones Goodwin (It Takes Two) vs. Elle Williams (The Last of Us)
Marina (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas) vs. Naksu / Mudeok (Alchemy of Souls)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) vs. Sucre (OFF)
SHODAN (System Shock) vs. Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail)
Alana Bloom (NBC Hannibal) vs. Halea Haumea (Phantomarine)
Delirium of the Endless (The Sandman) vs. Arcee (IDW Transformers)
Morganthe (Wizard 101) vs. Wu Zetian (History)
Jude Duarte (Folk of the Air) vs. Miranda Pryce (Wolf 359)
Perihelion/ART (The Murderbot Diaries) vs. Kanamori Sayaka (Keep your Hands off Eizouken!)
Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum (Adventure Time) vs. Anais Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Croix Meridies (Little Witch Academia) vs. Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
Harrowhark Nonagesmius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Big Mama (Rise of the TMNT)
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) vs. White Gladys the Orca (IRL)
Doctor Carmilla (Doctor Carmilla & the Mechanisms) vs. The Handler (Umbrella Academy)
Catra (She-Ra & The Princesses of Power) vs. Liliana Vess (Magic: The Gathering)
Jasnah Kholin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Liraz (Daughter of Smoke & Bone)
Lilith Clawthorne (TOH) vs. Medea (Greek Myth)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident) vs. Enma Ai (Jigoku Shoujo)
Mordred (Fate) vs. Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight)
Beatrice (Umineko When They Cry) vs. Hester Shaw (Mortal Engines)
Balalaika (Black Lagoon) vs. Any Female Praying Mantis (IRL)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) vs. W (Arknights)
Angelica Pickles (Rugrats/All Grown Up) vs. Eleanor Guthry (Black Sails)
Asha Rahiro (Kubera One Last God) vs. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Administrator (Team Fortress 2) vs. Shadowheart (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Noi (Dorohedro) vs. Leopardstar (Warrior Cats)
Sue Miley (Your Turn to Die) vs. Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
Juliette Cai (These Violent Delights) vs. Rat God (Mad Rat Dead)
Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin) vs. Kycilia Zabi (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Anne Boleyn (History) vs. Cinder Fall (RWBY)
Kokomi Teruhashi (Disastrous life of Saiki K) vs. Major Margaret Houlihan (M*A*S*H)
Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd) vs. Enyo (Granblue Fantasy)
Claudia (Interview with the Vampire) vs. Essun/Syenite/Damaya (Broken Earth Trilogy)
Lady Eboshi (Princess Mononoke) vs. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Bloodborne)
Entrapta (She-Ra & The Princesses of Power) vs. Ilsa Faust (Mission: Impossible)
Princess Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)
Samantha Groves / Root (Person of Interest) vs. Charlotte “Lottie” Matthews (Yellowjackets)
Shanoa (Castlevania) vs. Sally Reed (Barry)
Evil Lynn (He-Man) vs. Makima (Chainsaw Man)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Raphaella La Coginzi (Doctor Carmilla & The Mechanisms)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs. Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher)
Toriel Dreemurr (Undertale) vs. Monaco (Hetalia: Axis Powers)
Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Carribbean) vs. Vala Mal Doran (Stargate)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU) vs. Adelina Amouteru (Young Elites)
Mapleshade (Warrior Cats) vs. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) vs. Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs. PearlescentMoon (Double Life SMP)
Lady Bone Demon (Lego Monkie Kid) vs. Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson Series)
Jung Sun Ah (Devil Judge) vs. Muu Kusonoski (Milgram)
Romanadvoratrelundar (Doctor Who) vs. Electra (Starlight Express)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
Wen Qing (The Untamed) vs. Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Ponyo (Ponyo) vs. Renata Glasc (League of Legends)
Aubrey (OMORI) vs. Menou (The Executioner and Her Way of Life)
Olivia Octavius (Into the Spiderverse) vs. Anna Limon (Mabel)
HG Wells (Warehouse 13) vs. The Shapeshifter (Odd Squad)
Miles “Tails” Prowler (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Isabella (Promised Neverland)
Riley Grace Davis / Bonesaw (Worm) vs. The Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Misty Quigley (Yellowjackets) vs. Nami (One Piece)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Lucretia (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
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Hi, Kristine!! ✨ for the music ask : Nothing But Thieves, Depeche Mode, Cocteau Twins and Portishead please. Thank you!!
ooh lots of good ones, these will be difficult choices, and not necessarily in order just the 5 at the top generally
Nothing but Thieves:
I genuinely love every single song they've ever done including covers, all four albums take up the top 4 sports of my most played albums and I listen to them 5 times more than the artist listen to 2nd most (the ONLY song I don't like is this weird feature called @ tddybear). If you asked me again tomorrow I'd answer totally different but..
Top 5: Members Only, I Was Just a Kid, Phobia, Tempt You (Evocatio), Forever & Ever More
Depeche Mode:
This is my second most played artist, so still really tough choices. Im not as much of a completionist here, so I really only listen to the albums from Some Great Reward to Ultra plus the song Dream on so...this is a Just Cant Get Enough hate zone I'm sorry
Top 5: Dream On, Blasphemous Rumors, New Dress, Behind the Wheel, World in My Eyes
Cocteau Twins:
I admit I need to listen to them more and do a proper deep dive! But from my liked list we have...
Top 5: Wax and Wane, Cherry-coloured Funk, Heaven or Las Vegas, Serpentskirt, Pandora
I don't listen nearly as much as I should but my favorites are...
Top 5: Roads, Nylon Smile, Seven Months, Cowboys, Machine Gun
Thanks for the ask!!
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thequeerlibrarian · 10 months
Read in 2023
1. Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian - 5/5 ⭐
2. The Silmarillion by Tolkien - 4/5⭐
3. Seide und Schwert by Kai Meyer - 5/5⭐
4. Lanze und Licht by Kai Meyer - 5/5⭐
5. Drache und Diamant by Kai Meyer - 5/5⭐
6. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
7. The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller - 5/5⭐
8. The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis - 4/5⭐
9. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
10. Chain of Thorns by Cassandra Clare - 5/5⭐
11. The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis - 2.75/5⭐
12. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
13. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
14. One last stop by Casey McQuiston - 3.5/5⭐
15. You Deserve Better by Anne-Marie - 3.75/5⭐
16. Lady Smoke by Laura Sebastian - 5/5⭐
17. Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
18. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
19. The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis - 5/5⭐
20. The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis - 4.75/5⭐
21. King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
22. Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5⭐
23. Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Book by Suzanne Collins - 5/5⭐
24. Summer poems by Hermann Hesse - 5/5⭐
25. Star Wars: Brotherhood by Mike Chen - 4/5⭐
26. Harry Potter 1 reread for work
27. Harry Potter 2 reread for work
28. Harry Potter 3 reread for work
29. Babel by R.F. Kuang - 4.5/5⭐
30. Poems ll by Hermann Hesse - 4/5⭐
31. Poems by Shakespeare - 4/5⭐
32. If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio - 5/5⭐
33. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - 4/5⭐
34. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams - 4.75/5⭐
35. Coraline by Neil Gaiman - 4/5⭐
36. Watership Down by Richard Adams - 4.5/5⭐
37. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum - 4.5/5⭐
38. Star Wars: Stealth by Karen Miller - 5/5⭐
39. Star Wars: Wild Space by Karen Miller - 5/5⭐
40. Crush by Richard Siken - 5/5⭐
41. Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno - 4/5⭐
42. Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers - 4/5⭐
43. I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki by Baek Se-hee - 5/5⭐
44. Was fehlt, wenn ich verschwunden bin by Lilly Lindner - 5/5⭐
45. Dracula by Bram Stoker - 4/5⭐
46. Hamlet by William Shakespeare - 4/5⭐
47. Die Farbe der Rache by Cornelia Funke - 4.5/5⭐
48. Star Wars: Siege by Karen Miller - 5/5⭐
49. The girl who decided to go for it by Alice Bromell - 5/5⭐
50. Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen - 4/5⭐
51. Star Wars: Jedi Quest - Path To Truth by Jude Watson - 4.5/5 ⭐
52. Macbeth by William Shakespeare - 3.5/5 ⭐
53. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - 5/5⭐
54. Murtagh by Christopher Paolini 4.5/5⭐
55. Star Wars: Jedi Quest - The Way of the Apprentice by Jude Watson 4/5⭐
56. Star Wars: Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray 4.5/5⭐
57. Just eat it by Laura Thomas 5/5⭐
58. The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 5/5⭐
59. Star Wars: Padawan by Kiersten White - 5/5 ⭐
60. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
61. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
62. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
63. Star Wars: A New Hope Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
64. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
65. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Graphic Novel - 4/5⭐
66. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - 5/5⭐
67. Star Wars: The Trail of the Jedi by Jude Watson - 4/5⭐
68. Star Wars: The Dangerous Games by Jude Watson - 4/5⭐
69. Über mir die Wolke by Clara Louise - 4/5⭐
70. The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater - 5/5⭐
71. Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater - 5/5⭐
✖️ Star Wars Episode I
✖️ A Court of Thrones and Roses by Sarah J Maas
✖️ A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair
✖️ Luft nach unten by Aron Boks
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theygotlost · 9 months
ok here is my list. here's some albums released this year that I liked (arranged loosely in order of favorite to least favorite):
Unreal Unearth / Hozier (indie pop, folk, blues) (I know you guys have all already heard this one. why am i even sharing it)
Past // Present // Future / Meet Me @ The Altar (pop punk)
RUSH! (ARE U COMING?) / Måneskin (pop rock)
Where the Angels Fall / The Cat Empire (latin...ska... funk pop???)
Sonic Tonic / SWMRS (indie rock)
Hold the Girl / Rina Sawayama (pop)
A New Breed / The Pale White (alt rock)
Fanfare / Dorian Electra (hyperpop)
Bury The Lede / Dessa (pop, r&b, rap)
Dead Club City / Nothing But Thieves (synth, pop, rock)
The Age of Pleasure / Janelle Monáe (neo-soul, r&b) (I know you guys have heard this one already too)
Halloween Mixtape II / Magnolia Park (emo pop, hardcore)
ULTRA PARADISE / Angel Electronics (electronic hardcore)
The Jaws of Life / Pierce the Veil (emo pop)
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thegoldenshi-shi · 8 months
Art Block is killing me
A rant about my art-block under the cut so you don't have to read it.
I know this is a familiar feeling for a lot of people, but I swear it's hitting me harder than ever atm
I just want to draw SOMETHING
A tiny animatic?
A tiny comic?
A small illustration???
Anything at all would be awesome...
Even portrait shots are hard to do right now (and I love portraits) -_-
I know part of it is because I've been getting a lot of information about AI art thieves and that makes me sad. I can't use the glaze program because my setup is the bare minimum and I don't have the space to run it without it almost freezing my computer. Which makes me sad.
The good news is I'm not depressed about it this time so hooray~!
I'm so sorry to anyone who is waiting for me to come out with anything new. I promise I WILL get through this funk but I just don't know when that'll be.
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pewcat2 · 2 months
9, 15 and 41 for the book ask meme! 📚📚📚
thank you for the ask!!
9. do you have a favorite author?
I currently have three which is probably cheating but I'm not picking between them so deal with it lol:
Cornelia Funke (Dragon Rider, Inkheart). One of my favourite authors since I was a child and I love that she's writing more in the Dragon Rider series.
V.E. Schwab (Vicious, A Darker Shade of Magic). Heavily responsible for getting me back into reading as an adult.
Cherie Dimaline (The Marrow Thieves, Funeral Songs for Dying Girls). Canadian Metis author that absolutely has my heart.
There are definitely more that are auto-reads for me, but these three are particularly important to me.
15. have you been/are you in a book club?
I am kind of in two! The first is an "any book book club" where you meet once a month and just talk about whatever it is you're reading. I have not been great at attending this one so it's the kind of out of the two. The second is a discord book club that doesn't have much of a theme but it is a traditional "everyone reads one book in a month and talks about it", just in discord so that everyone can consume the book at their own pace. Both are run by my local library.
41. do you prefer paperback or hardback?
Paperback, 100%. Not only are hardcovers wildly more expensive (my most recent hardcover purchase was $38CAD vs $28CAD) but they're also less comfortable to read. Hardcovers are heavier and usually require two hands to hold, while most paperbacks are one hand deals. I also hate dustjackets.
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