http://closedspeciesrevolt.deviantart.com/ Ftw great people there
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k im out. Post more later.
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Dont get your underwear in a twist if I talk about you. Im talking about your /actions/ not you as a person. Im not saying to attack them. Just cringe at their action and move on.
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I hope you all are enjoying your cold chill fall while I crisp in 95 degree weather.
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I just say what I think. I dont personally hate these people. Their actions tho. Im not the only one who sees them. Iv gotten personal complaints by others of some who I posted about. I dont witch people. I just see and react.
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Also just a thing the shit I say is that. shit. You dont like it sorry. Im not threatening anyone here. Im just a fuckface with too much time and an internet connection.
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I feel like the cholesterol of these posts is getting higher with each day. I think ill head out soon. If I dont come out iv died in the desert heat. Rip
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Are all adoptable people like this wtf. I have not seen a single mate that does not pull this shit. If they were in Texas like myself they would not take this shit.
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She even knew before. The girl guy w/e said something and she just went on to ask for the higher amount from the guy. Like wtf this is exactly why im so done with this.
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Well she like cheated someone off points. Or the monopoly bucks -tm
They only had 50 points and they bid over someone else that had 250 in. They did not even /have/ the points to bid so they should not count. And yet she asks the guy to /pay/ the higher amount, cause money.
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Basically just drawings you have to pay for the creator didnt want.
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You all remember that one person I mention before? She made more of the /adoptables/
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I dont why its difficult to make a species though. Its mostly just objects or animals with other animals. Whatever a Fumi is or Basclark
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Its close to when my account would be two years now. Glad I left before they said anything. HA
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I am just spending my time talking here. Feels great to rant about w/e
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Rebel species
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I dont even get species you should be free to draw whatever the hell you want. It is just saying you cant draw that cow with fins unless I get half your week paycheck
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