#thg yap
ellohallohiya · 2 months
the hunger games fanfic idea
y'all I had this idea to write a thg fanfic. so the story starts like way before the reaping, months before it. and we're introduced to several kids from the same district and we go through just their average lives, y'know. fleshing them out as people. being around people. going to work, school, doing hobbies if they can or just enjoying or getting pissed off at little things. like there would be 6-10 of these characters and they're just living life and any of them could be reaped when the time comes, and you don't know who. and you would be scared because you like all of them maybe, even if you don't like all of them, you see they have a life to live, maybe you would even choose favorites you wouldn't wanna be reaped, or ones that you wish were reaped in (probably not)
and then I get attached to them but I make two of them get reaped for the games and they go through ups and downs. and you don't know whether they'll live or not because I didn't give them plot armor. and then you'd be really sad if they both did actually die because you read over their average daily life. you read them interacting with their friends and family and going to work and school, and just being a kid. before they were shot with the terror of just being reaped for the games, before even entering the arena
and if one of them lives they'll come out with trauma and their life changed forever. and you remember reading them being happy, hanging out with their friends, messing around at school, having a rare meal with their family, just happy they had the time and food, and then all that goes away and you don't get to read a moment where they have that again. and even if you do they're completely changed. and this is if they win
in the arena you saw a previously normal kid, fight, hide, struggle for their life. you at least read one of them with their life flashing before their eyes. or them regretting everything they did in that arena. or their mind so numb to even think properly because of the pain they're enduring. maybe they beg to be spared or beg to be killed. you saw what that kid was like just a couple months before, a couple weeks before, a couple days before, just minutes before, unaware they were going to die like this
you remember meeting their family and friends and laughing or relating or just getting so interested at their dialogue, or their personality, their character, who they were in the tributes life. or not really, but you still can't help but feel sympathy. how they interacted with the now tribute, the kid who got reaped. how do you think they would react a to them dying slowly in pain, or so quick they couldn't think in that moment? they were just with them, just a few weeks ago
imagine them killing a kid. another kid. you might've been rooting for them too. you were rooting for the character to kill another kid to survive. you realize that kid had their own life and family and you're just rooting for somebody you know better. maybe I might even give all the tributes POVs and backstories
anyways it would be cool to read a thg fic where the author continuously humanizes the tributes. gives them all friends and families and memories and homes and lives to get back to. we can't help but wish all of them went back home, without all the horrors. but we know only one lives. you could theorize or root for one. but it's like... you're a Capitolite. and you read how the Capitol dehumanizes, forgets, or idolizes these kids. but you know how they were back home. and you see how different they're acting already. you can see how they all die
and with what I said at the start. starting with several kids who could all be reaped as the female or male tribute of their district. they didn't get reaped that year. they could've been reaped. some of them could still get reaped. you could've read all these other kids try and die, or give up... and die
but yeah this would be a lot of planning with POVs and consistencies and stories to make sense, and making every character (who fits the criteria, 14 or over in age) seem like they have a chance at winning. they could win, any of them
just an idea for me to maybe get to. and for other thg fanfic writers to get interested in, and maybe write their own take on this (sorry this is such a confusing read this is mostly unedited and this is just a blurb)
if anybody already used this concept and wrote a fic, or is continuously updating it still, can y'all send it to me?
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literallymikewheeler · 6 months
i fully believe that after the war, peeta loved katniss even more then he did before.
like, this man was trained to KILL katniss, yet he still fell back in love.
his original love towards katniss was first, and unconditional love. he saw her as beautiful no matter what and failed to see a lot of her flaws. however, when he gets hijacked, her flaws are ALL he notices about her. the line "you're not very big, are you? or particularly pretty?" makes it clear that the old peeta is gone (or is he??🤨) and he is noticing for the first time that katniss is completely average looking. but while the book progresses, so does peetas feelings for katniss (obviously.) this is most apparent when he blocks her from killing herself. why did he do that?? he didnt have to. he owed her nothing.
but he couldn't. and whether he knew it or not, he couldn't live without her. he was still trying to protect her.
the very end of the book is when we see the most love come from peeta (and again, obviously.) whether it is the fact that he came back to 12, or that he planted primroses for prim, he loves her. platonically and romantically. and i think that after all they have been through, it is just beautiful. and eventually seeing that he feels comfortable enough to sleep with her again, after he was hijacked to try to kill her every chance he got, it shows that he trusts himself a lot more around her.
finally the ending "you love me? real or not real?" "real." confirms that not only did he love katniss, but she loved him too.
anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk!
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msmk11 · 2 months
lowkey makes me sad sometimes because I feel like all the female fictional characters I love get wayyyy less love, recognition, fics/fanart than their male counterparts and it sucks!!
I’m victim of it too sometimes but like where is more love for the marauders girlies? Lucy Gray Baird? Johanna Mason? They’re all so iconic and all these fandoms don’t talk about it enough!!
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synmmin · 2 months
manifesting peeta mellark boyfriend (secretly. this is embarrassing. don’t mention it.)
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Romance and love are not a distraction. They are not lesser they are not frivolous they are not a silly childish expectation added to stories for a happier ever after. You are not better for not caring about romance, you're not smarter for being more interested in the main plot of a piece of media than the main couple. Romantic love is one of the strongest bonds we have, it can bring people together in a wonderful way and a well written relationship between people who love each other, can say more about philosophy and character and growth then most grand sweeping adventure. Finding love and keeping it, having trust in someone else and showing the venerability a relationship takes, fighting for another person, it's compelling. It pushes people to improve it brings out the best and sometimes the worst in them, it is humanity in the backdrop of war and tragedy and injustices that is the centre point, that's the hope of stories. Romantic love or a persons love interest is not a weak or pathetic motivation either, it's realistic. People will go through hell for the people they care about, for the people they love, and sometimes it's stronger than the noble plot focused reason you've decided should be their motivation. Some people- most people, don't want to save the word or repay a debt or discover some power in themselves, they want to keep the people they love safe, they want to stay with the person they love.
Obviously romantic love is not the only kind that can motivate someone, nor the only kind that can be fulfilling, nor dose it have to be the main kind of love in someones life. I agrees actually that platonic and familial love should be focused on more and respected more as it can be just as important as romantic. Just as, not more. If you're fine with the love someone feels for their sister or child bringing their motivation then anything they do that is motivated by love they feel for someone romantically should be just as valid. Romance dose not make something less deserving of respect, it dose not diminish it or make it simpler and it dose not take away from the message. A focus on the love of friends and family dose not take away from romantic love, people can love multiple people in different ways in equal amounts.
You're not better or smarter or understand the text's deeper meaning more because you want a traumatised young girl to end up alone and not with the person she loves because you don't care about the romance. Good for you you don't have too. No one has to care about shipping or relationships or romantic love, but it doesn't make you better than anyone that dose. The idea that romance has no value other than silly fan service and a distraction from the big important main plot is outdated, boring, over done, and quite frankly misogynistic in its conception and undertones. You don't like romance? Good for you!! You don't have to. You don't care about the relationships in a pieces of media?? Amazing!!!! No one is telling you to. You think platonic and familial should be focused on more and held to equal importance as romantic??? Oh my fucking god I agree with you what about that. But there is this weird superiority complex around SOME okay SOME people who find no interest in romance and it's fucking stupid.
Love holds value, it's a perfectly good and compelling and realistic motivation, romance can play an important role in plot and story and character, it can be an amazing way to explore philosophy and relationships and basic human feelings and experiences. There is so so much romantic love can add to a story, it's not a necessity no, just like romantic love is not a necessary part of some peoples lives, some stories don't need it. But some do. Romance can and dose hold value, and recognising, caring about, and analysing that has never and will never take away from any other part of a story.
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marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
»»-----------► I made an aesthetic blog where I’ll be making mood boards and stuff !! It’s called @aesthetic-crows ♡
»»-----------► MY #1 WIFE RIYANA I LOVE HER GUYS @im-on-crack-send-help
»»-----------► Hiii! I hope you guys are prepared for like 4 fandom related posts a day and random rambles + shitposts ♡
»»-----------► My name is Fatimah, I am a minor (so plz don't be creepy) make any nicknames for me that you want ♡ She/they, arab, muslim, pansexual, infp, im just a girl ♡
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»»-----------► MY AO3 <33 Go check it out I write marauders fics
➥ Lily and the Princesses of Power (ongoing). She-ra au, marylily fic, background ships as well. Lily escapes from the Death Eaters leaving Mary behind. 5/? Chapters ♡
➥ Back at that Party (finished). Canon AU, marylily fic, background dorlene. Mary & Lily have a disagreement at a party and forced to sort it out together. 1/1 Chapter ♡
➥ Good Luck Babe! (finished). Canon AU, Lily x Narcissa wedding fic, end game narcissa x lucuis. Lily gets invited to Narcissa's wedding, and warns her about what could happen to her, and then dies a couple of years later. Main Character Death, 1/1 Chapter (based on Good Luck Babe! by Chappell Roan) ♡ (tumblr link)
➥ Burning Stars (finished). Canon AU, Bellatrix x Alice fic talking about their relationship in Hogwarts and how it ended. very angsty, hurt no comfort. 1/1 chapter ♡ (tumblr link)
➥ Strawberry Mentos (finished). Modern AU, marylily fic based on 'strawberry mentos'. Short and pretty cute and sweet. Getting Together fic. 1/1 chapter ♡ (tumblr link)
➥ Letters to A Happier Life (finished). after war AU, marylily. Lily is already dead, and Mary discovers their old letters after she obvliated herself. 1/1 chapter ♡ (tumblr link)
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Black Sisters Dialouge
Mary Macdonald Deep Dive
Dorcas Meadowes Deep Dive
Black Sisters Deep Dive (sorta)
Peter Pettigrew Deep Dive
Blue by Billie Eilish = Andromeda & Bellatrix
Skinny by Billie Eilish = Lily Evans
Chihiro by Billie Eilish = Dorcas Meadowes
Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo = Dorlily (Dorcas x Lily)
Apple by Charli XCX = Evans Sisters (Lily & Petunia)
24/7 by The Neighbourhood = Jily modern AU
Bellatrix & Sirius Comparison
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»»-----------► I am obessed with Chappell Roan and women so much its not even funny anymore
»»-----------► I love writing fanfics, reading anything (plz give me book & fanfic recs), baking, listening to music & playing basketball ♡
»»-----------► I love hearts, pearls, rings, aesthetic stuff, pink and purple, uquizzes, cats, my moots & lipgloss ♡
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»»-----------► DNI IF
Rasict Transphobic and/or homphobic Islamaphobic Zionist / supports israel Sexist Discriminate against people for any stupid reason
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»»-----------► Fandoms: ♡
・❥・ Harry Potter/Marauders fandom. Gryffindor. Lily, Mary & Remus kinnie. In love with James Potter & Pandora Lovegood ♡ (fuck jk rowling I do not support her) (jkr should go die)
・❥・She-ra (2018 reboot). Harcdore catradora and scorfuma shipper. Entrapta kinnie and I am in love with her ♡
・❥・ PJO (Percy Jackson). Percabeth and Valgrace <333 Cabin #8. Pretty sure I kin Annabeth. My favourite charcater is Bianca ♡
・❥・Hunger Games. Have not finished the series yet but working on it <3. In love with Johanna ♡. Need to read half of Mockingjay & TBOSAS ♡
・❥・Heartstopper. So excited for season 3, read all of the books on webtoon. Tori & Tara lover ♡. Darcy, Elle & Charlie kinnie. Harcore Tara x Darcy shippers ♡
・❥・ Young Royals. Harcore Sara x Felice shipper & Stedrika (stella x fredrika) & of coure Wilmon and Henry x Walter. Wilhelm and Felice kinnie. In love with Maddie ♡
・❥・ ATLA & LOK. I love them so much, I love Korra and Katara & Asami. Toph + Zuko kinnie ♡ Harcore kataang and toph x suki. getting into zutara but kataang will always be the otp. I have almost all the comics for ATLA ♡
・❥・TDP / The Dragon Prince. love love love love, I got sooo back into it after season 6. protect my boy terry!!! ♡ rayllum my loves. sorvus my heart. fuck viren. probably a soren kinnie... ♡
・❥・Probably more but I can't remember rn ♡
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»»-----------► My tags and other random stuff <333:
➥ Pride Month headcanons: #fatimahs pride headcanons 🤍 ➥ Daily Headcanons: #dailyyapfromfatimah🎀 ➥ Random stuff: fatimah yaps 🎀 ➥ Headcanons (doesn't matter which fandom): #Fatimahs headcanons 🩷 ➥ Deep Dives & Random long rambles: #Fatimahs deep dives ➥ My Writing (either here or a link to ao3): #Fatimah's writing 🌸 ➥ Asks: #Fatimah gets an ask woah ➥ My irl life: Fatimah’s life!! »»-----------► Quotes ➥ marauders: Fatimahs marauders quotes 🩵 ➥She ra: Fatimahs she ra quotes 🩷 forgot the rest lol ♡
»»-----------► Music: Conan Gray, Sabrina Carpenter, The Weeknd, Olivia Rodrigo, Chase Atlantic, Suicidal Tendencies, Hozier, Ariana Grande, Beadadoobee, Chappell Roan, Billie Eilish, Ethel Cain, EMELINE, Lana Del Ray, The Neighbourhood, Arctic Monkeys, CAS, David Bowie, Queen, Mitski, Cavetown & girl in red ♡
»»-----------► I usually yap only about the marauders and/or she-ra but will occasionally yap about anything and everything else <3 please send me asks for anything you want I love asks and your like personal comments on my stuff ♡
the dividers are by @cafekitsune & the images are from Pinterest ♡
random ass stuff bc i love that !!
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atelierlili · 5 months
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This is the second time, this annoying asshole has come to crying/complaining about the skintone of MY Katniss. When it happened the first time, I gave the user the benefit of doubt as Katniss skin tone is only mentioned in the book and in the movies she's portrayed by the pale Jennifer Lawerence. But since this topic crop it's ugly head around again, it's coming off as very racist and woefully unwelcomed, @bethaniagia.
I want to preface this incase someone wants to twist my words, I have nothing against black people and I don't wish to offend anyone when I say my Katniss isn't black. I don't portray her the way I do with the intent to characterize her a person of black descent. Aside from being part Seam and Merchant, Katniss is racially ambiguous. The only canon thing we know from the books is that she has darker skin than those of the merchant class and sliver eyes. Therefore it's within my right to portray her however the fuck I want to portray her. And I portray her as someone as Seam descent.
Now i'm going to gush over MY Katniss because I love her exactly the way she is and no one will convince me otherwise to change her. I love her dark skin, the rich warm hue that's reminiscent of the woods and the forests she loves so dearly. I love how it makes her silver eyes pop and how it makes her favourite colour, green, shimmer off her skin. I love giving her a reddish, warm undertone, indicative of her inner fire. She's our girl on fire, after all.
I love how her darker skin tone is visual indicator off the very real class divide that exists within District 12 and how her relationship with Peeta and her mother and father, display that class CAN be crossed and genuine love can be find despite it all. Katniss holds her identity of Seam close to her. The movies cut it out, like it does many things, but that doesn't mean its no less important, no less meaningful. So if I wish to portray this class divide through her skin tone, I can and I will.
Anyway, @bethaniagia, I just want to say your behaviour is very not cool and its, quite plainly, shitty community/fandom etiquette and behaviour. I take time out of my day to share and create my silly drawings of Miss Katniss Everdeen kissing her boyfriend. If you don't like it, block and turn the other cheek. This kind of attitude KILLS engagement and fun in any community. It can cripple the the motivation to share work with the fandom. I don't give a shit. I do what I want. But I KNOW there are writers and artists that keep thier work to themselves because they're worried about blacklash from people like you.
Now, I don't expect you to give it nor do I expect you to read to the end of this post, but I'd like an apology, otherwise, I'll be blocking you at the end of the week. I'd like to keep this up long enough for you to read it. :)
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talkshowboyluvr · 6 months
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who's gonna tell him he too is doomed by the narrative
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ellohallohiya · 2 months
Kald-dal’s QQ1 OCs Name Yap >:) P.1 / A gift for my fav writer/artist because I can't make fanart
I picked out names for the characters you said didn’t have last names since you allowed random entries (if that’s ok). Also if some of the name definitions weren’t on purpose, maybe this will make you happy to read for extra meanings :D
(Sorry this sucks butt this is my first time researching name/word names pretty deeply, well relatively for me)
Beau - Handsome in French, fine and beautiful, and in Latin it means pretty. It also is an old fashioned way of saying boyfriend, partner, or lover
Dent - A blow of impact from a weapon or implement in combat. Also means mark or a form of damage
So this just means Beau is a beautiful man, and he makes a significant mark, and this leads into the fact that he is career material and well enough trained. And he might be in a relationship/is a player
Shimmer - A soft slightly wavering light
Aleela- Meaning, she cries
This just means light, of course, I think this is just a name given to the character instead of having meaning, but once I find out her last name I can add more meaning. Also the word ‘wavering’ being in the first definition I see of Shimmer is a bit funny. And I choose the name Aleela, because ‘she cries’ is a really vague statement over what she cries about. So I think it fits my first interpretation of her character
Garde - Guardianship, safeguarding, covering, authority. Defending aggressions and attacks. Responsibility and protection
Riggs - Meaning, of the ridge or one of the ridge. There isn’t many other definitions of it. But it can also be correlated with the fact that he is ‘rigging’ the game against Claudia (like the ass he is)
He’s definitely not protecting Claudia loyally. Anyways I assume this just means he has great defense and can cover attacks easy, because he’s a vicious little backstabbing viper he doesn’t get the title of a guard though
Claudia - In both Latin and Spanish it means lame, but also in Latin it means enclosure. And in Hebrew it means limp- to be shut in or be shut in. Never truly in and never truly out. Not too popular yet not too unusual. Though in a baby name website, girls named Claudia have compassionate and empathic nature, and good leadership skills
Benetiz - This name has several different cultures around it. In Spanish it means ‘Son of Benito’. In Latin it means blessed
So Claudia has never felt truly belonging in any group. Even in the career pack she’s not as good as Garde, Sheelin, and Polina. But she isn’t at the level of Beau and Taurus. And in her childhood she often felt outcasted due to her family history
Alex - To ward off, keep away. The defender of men. A protector. And for a person explaining why they thought ‘Alex’ would be a great name for a thg oc from district 3 is because it goes after ‘Alexa’
Bentley - Coarse grass meadow. Cleverness, luxury, and is apparently in kudos (affiliation) with the number eleven. Also ‘get bent’ is a phrase that can derive from this
Yeah no, the name definition doesn’t fit his character, but it is a catchy name for a d3 character. Wished he got more scenes though
Peg - A small cylindrical object that is tampered at one end, it is usually to help hold things together. It is also a point of limit of a scale. And to fix something
Debois - In French the word means, wooden table. But it also means a topographic name for someone who works with wood
Again name definition doesn’t match much, but hey, it doesn’t matter as long as nobody searches it up as deeply as me :)
Polina - In Latin/Greek origins, the name means small and humble, a bundle of joy. In Russian it means, little stone/pebble
Carrol - This means champion or victor in the baby website section. It also means free man in German. And dancing and singing in a circle in old english
So her last name matches her more because I don’t think she’s humble at all. And for the baby website section, it was the American meaning. But this just means she’s victor/champion material
Sheelin - Ancient Irish translation to, Fairy Pool *insert sparkles*. It is also a lake in central Ireland
Montgomery - Meaning mountain belonging to the ruler. In both old French and British it means belonging to nobility/royalty. This also means manpower in some viking language
So I assume that Sheelin is definitely carefree to a degree due to ‘Fairy Pool’ being his name’s only meaning and definition I could find. And him belonging to a ruler makes sense with his and Polina’s dynamic. And manpower makes sense as well
Muriel - The star of the sea. Sparkling or shinning sea. And also the fragrance of God. And in a definition of the name I saw it said exactly ‘an educated, willing worker who sees what is really happening during the Russian revolution but is afraid to speak out against it’
Callahan - Bright headed, strife, and contention. Bright headed usually means of light or of knowledge. Strife means negative disagreement over fundamental issues. Contention means heated disagreement, or assertion of any sort
I think it’s funny her name is correlated a lot to the sea. But let’s see if her name has anything to do with stars. Also I can see her as an educated worker, and since she’s rich she probably knows more than the average districts citizen, but does not speak up about it. And with her last name, it has a lot to do with arguments and knowledge. (Honestly the person who picked the name out gave her a badass last name though)
Isak - Means laughter from Icelandic/Hebrew origins. Also from the bible, Isaac was the baby of two people who laughed when God told him they would have a baby. Issac is also the gift from God. And with the spelling Isaaq, the name means honest and trustworthy
Truitt - Honest little one, dry old wood, small and quick, extremely loyal, river bend, and is associated with the number five. All of these definitions are from several cultures/languages
So Isak is trustworthy, by that I think it means he sucks at lying. And it’s funny his last name has so many definitions, especially the fact that a few languages agreed the meaning would be ‘little man’ and ‘trustworthy one’. And with his first name, I think about how Isaac’s parents laughed at God’s face and got punished (without being hurt), then proven wrong with their child being Isaac
Lexie - Lexie is actually a greek girl name, meaning the defender of men. It also means luxury and elegance. It also means to finish whatever you start in another culture. And it’s a more feminine version of ‘Luxus’ which is a car brand, which also means luxury and excess in Latin
Cohen - Means ‘priest’ in several languages. But it means wild goose in Irish, and it is a ‘royal’ name in Jewish
So Lexie’s name could mean to finish what you started, which is kinda badass. And her last name is a wild goose (chase) plus it means royalty in Jewish, which adds on to her family status. It would be funny to see her give an alliance a wild goose chase though
Asshole - Jerk or idiot. Not only just stupid or annoying, but also very mean
Greason - Was apparently a war cry or slogan originally. And it also means a quest for higher truth and spiritual victory. When you are also doing reasonably well in an industry. And it also means a yeti-like creature- a tundra dweller. There are several more definitions (surprisingly)
Sawney - Naively or sentimentally foolish. And another defender of mankind. It is also a derogatory word for Scotsman. It's usually associated with the word ‘jock’ and is informal in most of its definitions
So Greason is a yelling loud person, he has many faces/personalities. He is a truth seeker (I can maybe see that in his character). And he can be associated with a yeti. Also he is a foolish jock
There will be a part 2 sorry for being so lazy- anyways ye, hope this makes @kald-dal-write happy to read :)
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caesarflickermans · 2 months
Re: SOTR point of view and marketing.
Scholastic might have learned something from the net negative reaction following TBOSAS' reveal. Later on, we got an extract from TBOSAS before its release.
Maybe the reason they haven't given us a POV yet—if this is Plutarch's POV—is to announce that POV alongside a similar such extract.
Only this time, and to mitigate the disappointment they'd have received for an undesired Plutarch POV regardless, it will feature Plutarch watching and taking note of Haymitch. So people know that while this book will not be told by Haymitch, it will still feature him front and centre.
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under-a-lilac-moon · 21 days
martin blackwood and peeta mellark....👀👀👀 soft, sweet, caring, always there for you, sure...but underneath they're both kinda manipulative lil bitches
both love deeply and desperately want their partners to be safe and happy, but are products of both their upbringings and their present circumstances, trying to make the best of a high-stress, dangerous situation with the future of the world hinging on them (plus a heap of trauma), their relationships inevitably veering dangerously into codependency
both are incredibly manipulative - whether they're helping or hurting, it doesn't really matter tbh, at the end of the day they manoeuvre their loved ones into situations without their consent (i'm thinking in particular of the fake pregnancy in thg, and martin trying to guilt jon into smiting avatars - not the best examples but i'm tired lol)
both lean on their significant other to help them through the apocalypse hellscape or dystopia hellscape respectively but can't really entirely understand the position their loved one is in, can't entirely get rid of the barriers and trust issues and anger built up over years, constantly looking for the answers and validation that the other can't necessarily give
both become a united front with their partners against those that wish to harm them, constantly defending the other physically and emotionally (and eldritchly) from their enemies - and their friends - but within that almost lose out on the space to be their own person, to develop self-worth, to figure out what's real or not real (sorry i had to)
both have a lot of trauma and have been through awful, awful stuff, and of course that impacts on how they relate to others, even if it's so easy to pretend it doesn't.
both are tragic, tragic figures.
and perhaps the main difference to their arcs is that katniss and peeta got the chance to heal and have a (hopefully) healthy relationship by the end and jon and martin....didn't
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little-de-vil · 25 days
hello again! do you mind going more in depth about the cutters and keepers (and the ideological divide between them)? you’ve already mentioned that propaganda has affected the keepers more- is that a purposeful thing done by the captiol? or something perpetuated by the keeper community themselves? a mix of both?
Hello, dear! I'm going to write this with as much neutrality as possible because the lore I have created is long and extensive and I don't want that clouding this response.
I want to stick to as close to the canon as possible and my interpretation of the canon without having what I created leech through [especially since it tends to get jumbled in my head].
Get ready for another long one, Backpacks!
I have always believed that post-Dark Days there has to be that separation between trade and industry, especially in a district that then has two principle industries. Prior to the Dark Days, there was much more community between the trades-folk of 2, everything was very unified and friendly to an extent, which is why Katniss mentioning the first rebellion and the Victor tributes holding has as a sign of unity between the districts mirrors that community and solidarity (CF, 258).
But war changes things in unbelievable ways. There were those who remained loyal to the Capitol of course, by way of taking their names that have Greco-Roman origins (Strabo, Sejanus, Cato, Brutus, Enobaria), and then there were those who remained loyal to their people and their trade, who saw the military industry as a disruption to their work and community and traditions. They were more aware of their slavery once the military entered their lands and held a stronger Capitol favor.
Gale had a point when he said: "It's to the Capitol's advantage to have us divided amongst ourselves." (THG, 14)
District 2 is one know for its strength in not just its manufactured, propagandized kind, but prior to that when it was full of stonecutters, mountain-miners, blacksmiths, etc. and that strength is just as strong if not stronger after the Dark Days among the trades-folk. Where before there was a healthy delineation between the natural trades of the district, after the first rebellion that bond grew stronger and closer among the working-class because of the military invasion. There was less care put towards whether people mingled between a hewer or layer mason (historically hewer masons [those who cut the stone] was a far more contentious and lucrative job than a layer mason [those who set the stone]) and more of an effort to maintain their community as trades-folk in the face of an oppressive military who wanted nothing to do with them.
So the clear divide between the two industries was done by the Cutters in an effort to steer clear of both becoming a part of the propaganda (in both industry and Games-realted) and siding with the new invaders. There was a high likelihood of ostracization among the Cutter community to those who became Peacekeepers once it was exclusive to 2—prior to the first rebellion, I think it was seen more like how Plutarch had explained it "[as] a way for their people to escape poverty and a life in the quarries. They're raised with a warrior mind-set." (MJ, 83). I do see that last sentence as being more appropriate post-Dark Days, but that's neither here nor there.
As for the Keepers, they are an oppressive, invading force that were not welcomed by the natives of 2 at large, but they are also amazing at brushing that off if it meant more of a chance of wealth and success within the district (and within the Games too, of course). They knew that they were in better favor with the Capitol compared to the Cutters after the Dark Days and more so because they saw themselves as better than the Cutters, still District and not Capitol, but at least they weren't Cutters. And those who came from the Capitol to be stationed in 2? Well, they were all kinds of high and mighty! But as I said in a tik tok breaking down District 2 and my love for it: "the loyalty of District 2 has always been in something that has been Capitol made." (1:42-149).
In regards to the propaganda having more of an affect with the Keepers, I believe it is a mix of both and it has to be. The superiority complex of the Keepers (as in: those born and bred for it, not Cutters who join) comes from sustaining the Capitols favor but it is because of that propaganda that is so deeply imbedded into the district. Once they came into the picture as the new Capitol favorite, they didn't flaunt it so much as usurp it once various military installations came about, like The Nut, that did away with various Cutter work. Maintaining that "warrior mind-set" works with children who saw that as a thing of pride and not a thing to do out of poverty and upper class mobility. I still am having difficulty distinguishing both a timeline and an explanation for how the propaganda becomes successful within the Cutter community because I simply can't see it as A Thing™ without an intense feeling of betrayal to both your heritage and your people*, but again, that's a question for another day.
By Panem, I hope I answered this well! I feel like I kinda dropped the ball on the Keeper bit, but then again, I'm in the minority & don't give them much thought compared to everyone else.
*Please ask me if you want me to talk about Lyme in regards to that sentence because OH BOY IS THIS ALL ABOUT HER!
Also I almost started this with an excerpt from my silly OC fanfic but a ficlet of a scene, only to realize that my open statement completely contradicts that! Anyway, here it is at the end so you can't say I didn't do it in the actual answering of this ask!
Because if the years of watching District 2 pairs reach victory has taught her anything, it’s that those from 2 are loyal to their community. Of masonry or military. And that it’s the worst part of watching The Games in District 2, how much the animosity grows amongst the crowd at even the slightest difference in trade or birthplace is put to question the chance of triumph as one tribute falls.  But is the answer so simple? A mere difference in industry? In home? The Cutters: hewer and layer masons, quarry-folk, stone and crystal miners, blacksmiths. The Keepers: soldiers—the common grunt and almost unheard of 2 born general—, cadets in schools, Peacekeepers stationed throughout the country never to return for 20 years, the hundreds working in The Peak*. The southern desert folk and their blunt nature, intrenched in tradition that mirrors what it was before. The northern mountain people and their river sweet ways, creating new rituals after living so close to their invaded neighbors.  No, nothing as simple as that. Their mutual destruction is not an echo of past rivalries, but of present vows.
*What I think the natives of 2 call The Nut since that name came about by the 13 rebels, not the natives
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one interesting thing I haven't seen people talk about is the way lucy gray baird's personality is very reminiscent of the manic pixie dream girl trope - and that's not to say that she's poorly written or one-dimensional in any way, but the dress, the spontaneous singing, all her "quirky" behaviours, the way she's seen through the eyes of a guy who's "stuck in a societal system" and sees her as this completely different, rebellious, being that "breaks him out" of the mold he's in - sound familiar? but this is a dystopian novel and not a romcom - her character was very specifically crafted this way because of the role she serves in the greater narrative in the end: a legend, a myth, a mystery - and that's why her mpdg-type personality works so perfectly. to snow and the reader, lucy gray is always going to have that air of intrigue around her, because she ultimately lives on in our memories not as a person, but as an idea and an icon.
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ongreenergrasses · 13 days
see the difficulty with writing about cannibalism is that it’s a perfect example of the grotesque and is almost entirely used for shock factor. but when writing it in the context of Panem, where people are starving and it’s an unfortunate reality of survival sometimes, that changes things dramatically, and switching to that worldview in the characters’ heads has been really tricky. the typical horrors of cannibalism are no longer there. there’s new ones instead.
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poppinspops · 6 months
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Dating Coral headcannons!
Divider made by: @/cafekitsune on tumblr
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Before the hunger games set back in D4
Coral would SO be an overprotective girlfriend
Corals' love language is definitely touch. One could describe her need to have something touching you as an addiction
She adores holding your hand, having some part of her just touching you in some way, small kisses and things like that
She's not much of a sweet talker, though she will flirt with you from time to time
She's definitely taken you out to watch her fish showing off her raw strength
She LOVES to run her fingers through your hair no matter the lengths as long as she's touching you
Coral would SO flirt with you whilst you two are in the middle of an argument smirking and all when it catches you off guard
She is definitely the jealous type. She thought she's not insecure about your relationship, no, not at all. She just perfers if you stuck near her
Coral would adore your siblings if you had any, especially if they were your younger siblings since she's (I believe) an older sister herself
You definitely had at least once gotten her to walk with you on the beach. Like in those romance books that she so despises, she would have complained the whole time but secretly loved it as it was just her, you snd the ocean
Coral would have given you her jacket if she noticed you didn't have one and eventually you'd have a pile of just her jackets in your room since she refuses to take them back using an excuse like "keep em' they look better on you anyways"
Yes, you two have definitely gotten into arguments over her being protective of you, mainly just her scaring away your friends, your two personalitys clashing at times
Your friends have told you to leave coral at times when your arguments are no longer small petty ones, but you'd always tell them to buzz off they just didn't understand coral the way you did
I dont see coral as one of those people who are fans of pet names, but I could see her liking to call you 'darling or gorgeous' nothing special
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During the hunger games
If you two just so happened to be in the hunger games, I feel she wouldn't be as gentle as before putting up a tough exterior, not that she would be cruel to you she would definitely be kinder to you than anyone else
Coral is not the nicest person during the game's, so when you're looking all checking out, the arena coral would have demanded you came over to her, forcing you to join her little group
She needed to have you in her view or at least near her most of the time in the arena, she didn't quite trust any of her members in the pack but if she really needed you to go looking with the other two she would send you off with treech not trusting tanner enough to not try something when she wasn't there
Coral would share her food with you even if you had gotten food from doing stunts in the cage she still would split her food with you making sure you ate enough
Coral would isolate you from the other tributes
Whether she was just being possessive or her just being cautious, she would be mad if you just started talking to other tributes, especially lucy Gray baird. Oh, that one would make her blood boil, seeing you two getting along in front of her.
She would have yelled at you to get back to her side, giving you the cold shoulder for a bit, glaring daggers into lucy grays head
If you just so happend to not get selected with coral, you would boost her need to survive and win the game, making her a little bit more 'bloodthirsty' and ruthless
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Well, that's it for now. I'm still writing Tanner, Lamina, and treechs. I just haven't had much free time recently, sorry! I did enjoy writing this. Please do tell if there are spelling mistakes!
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thefloatingwriter · 1 month
the grand master post of all things D3
made by a person who definitely thinks about a district that was never actually canonically described a little too much
so. let’s get into the fun stuff!
District Three consists of two main “areas” or zones: the Stills and the city of Stepanov, which is the main city in Three, named after the first mayor of Three, who’s full name was Hewlett Stepanov. It is still a popular name in Three, especially with the wealthy, and the Stepanov family are respected highly by citizens.
if you’ve read my other posts about d3 and everything related to it, some of this is just restating but some of it is new so make sure to find that stuff! here are all of the posts: Beetee + Wiress headcanons | District Three Lore + List of Victors + even more Beetee + Wiress headcanons | Wiress did not grow up poor - opinion | Wiress with Cats | The Latier Family Tree | even MORE Beetee + Wiress headcanons | Beetee headcanons pertaining to his childhood | Wiress headcanons pertaining to music + music that is most prevalent in Three | really random hcs about beetee’s great grandparents
tags: dayne’s beetee tag | dayne’s wiress thoughts (TM)
fics: even here as we are standing now (i can see the fear in your eyes) [aka The Beetee Fic]
this will be separated into sections because i have a lot of thoughts lol
General Info:
District Three consists of the majority of Idaho/the Idaho Panhandle, some of west Washington, and east Montana. There also a tiny, tiny little bit of modern Oregon. D3 borders One to the south and east and Seven to the north and west.
The area that is considered “District Three” is not all used for living and the majority of it is forested land. Due to this, lumberyard workers from Seven travel the short distance from the two districts to harvest many of these trees. This is also true for miners from One in terms of gems.
Three makes and produces the vast majority of all technology used in Panem, cars, glass, and various drugs.
Child labor is a major issue, as children from the Stills begin working at factories as early as age four/five. Much of the time, there is an encompassing building attached to the factory that your parents work at for children who work.
Saint Stepanov (typically shortened simply to Stepanov during the ADD¹/DHG²/BSR³ era) is the main city of Three where wealthier citizens live, or there version of Twelve’s “merchant class”. Adults who live here work as software developers and engineers, factory owners or managers, analysts, programmers, etc. These citizens typically live good lives with fulfilling jobs and nine times out of ten, no one will ever have to worry about where the food on the table comes from.
Only one year in Hunger Games existence were both children reaped were from the wealthier families of Three. The 48th Annual Hunger Games came as a shock to everyone, when both Wiress Lisiecki and Fortran Stepanov were reaped.
The square in Stepanov is where the Reapings take place. All children of reaping age can fit, but families usually have to stand in accompanying streets or are pushed to the back.
¹—After Dark Days | ²—During Hunger Games | ³—Before Second Rebellion |
The Stills:
The majority of Three’s population lives in poverty or on the cusp (about 120k out of 190k), in the area called the Stills, which consists of five separate neighborhoods/towns joined together by a square in the middle called The Interface. The Interface is where the main marketplace for the Stills is, including a popular bar called Harlow’s.
The majority of the Stills inhabitants work as factory workers/laborers. Almost always, these workers work in these jobs for their entire lives. They are not given the same opportunities as the citizens from Stepanov are. Due to this, a lot of animosity from both sides of the divide is very prevalent in everyday life.
Citizens from the Stills are taught from a young age about doing whatever it takes to survive. Because of this, tributes from the Stills typically do better in the Hunger Game than their wealthier counterparts.
Victors Village:
As of the Third Quarter Quell, there were five residents of Three’s Victors Village.
Address — Game — Name — Age at Victory
316 — 16th — Attican (“Atlas”) Hoffman — 16
340 — 40th — Beetee Latier — 19
348 — 48th — Wiress Lisiecki — 18
355 — 55th — Marie Teller — 17
368 — 68th — Haskell Nishimaru — 16
— The Victors:
Name: Attican Hoffman
Kill Count: Six
Type of Reaping: Regular reaping
Birthplace: Hewlett Memorial Hospital, Stepanov, District Three
Name: Beetee Latier
Kill Count: Nine
Type of Reaping: Rigged reaping
Birthplace: Apartment Building 9, Floor 6, No. 612, Three Falls, District Three
Name: Wiress Lisiecki
Kill Count: Five
Type of Reaping: Regular reaping
Birthplace: Hewlett Memorial Hospital, Stepanov, District Three
Name: Marie Teller
Kill Count: One (technicality; she caused six deaths, but only actually killed one)
Type of Reaping: Rigged reaping
Birthplace: Apartment Building 6, Floor 3, No. 321, Three Falls, District Three
Name: Haskell Nishimaru
Kill Count: Two
Type of Reaping: Regular reaping
Birthplace: Apartment Building 3, Floor 3, No. 387, Dreier Springs, District Three
Important Characters:
— Parents of Victors:
The Stills —
Ada Latier (née Brownstone) — mother of Beetee Latier. Lost her older sister, Cora Brownstone, to the sixteenth Games.
Linus Latier — father of Beetee Latier. Lost his younger brother, Hermes Latier, to the fourteenth Games. Linus and Ada found each other as the only person who understood the pain of losing a sibling to the Games.
Annabeth Teller (née White) — mother of Marie Teller. Family friend of the Latiers. Grew up in the Stills.
Fox Teller — father of Marie Teller. Grew up alongside Linus Latier and were childhood friends. Fox and Anna were the reason Ada and Linus met.
Stepanov —
Aurora Lisiecki — mother of Wiress Lisiecki. She runs a circus/theater group to entertain Threes and visiting Capitol citizens.
— Siblings of Victors:
Adeline Latier — younger sister of Beetee Latier. She’s younger than him by six years. She was thirteen when he was reaped.
Roent Latier — younger brother of Beetee Latier. He’s eight years younger than Beetee. He was eleven when he was reaped.
Tera Latier — younger sister of Beetee Latier. She’s ten years younger than Beetee. She was nine when he was reaped.
Ruther Latier — younger brother of Beetee Latier. He’s ten years younger than Beetee. He was nine when he was reaped. Tera and him are twins.
Dayta Latier — younger sister of Beetee Latier. She’s thirteen years younger than Beetee. She was six years old when he was reaped.
Barbara Lisiecki — older sister of Wiress Lisiecki. She’s four years older than Wiress and was twenty-two when she was reaped. Grew up in Stepanov but moved out to live in the Stills after she was expected to join the family business (the circus/theater group).
Various —
Stefan Stepanov — older brother of Fortran Stepanov, Wiress’ district partner for the 48th Hunger Games. He was also in the same kindergarten class as Beetee.
Additional Information:
Three is not an “Anyone But A Career” district. They have never been one.
Every single time a Three wins the Hunger Games, a victor from One precedes them. Every. Single. Time. Atlas was preceded by Harrison Sanford, Beetee by Paris Sanford, Wiress by Zircon (“Connor”) Lewis, Marie by Emerald Reeves, and Haskell by Augustus Braun.
Three’s victors are sometimes seen as a buffer between the careers and the outlying districts. Most of the citizens of Three don’t have a problem with the Careers, except for some people from Stepanov.
In Stepanov, residents celebrate what children refer to as “Tree Time” during December—families use left over trees from the workers from Seven and display them in their homes with generational ornaments. Every year, at least one new ornament is added to the tree. Some families use breakable plastic to put new year’s resolutions inside of the ornaments and then break them on New Year’s to read them with family and friends at midnight.
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